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Draft Layout: Front cover
Typography ideas & house of style
Potential masthead (logo) font styles
Sans Serif (embolden) style / Serif (embolden) style
For my front cover, I have decided to
potentially use an embolden sans serif
styled font for the masthead and for
coverlines (Kaiti, fourth example on left
hand side) in order to create a mature,
formal layout to relate to the brand
Identity I want my magazine to have,
which is to be somewhat similar to
Billboard; sophisticated and modern.
I have also chosen this because, I want
it to appeal to my targeted age and
gender demographic (16-20 year old
females). In addition appeal to their
psychographics of liking sophistication
and formality. I hope to use this on my
front cover, and hopefully continually
throughout my magazine to create
brand identity and a house of style.
For the colour scheme I want to use this colour because
it is a colour that crosses between pink and purple
tones, creating a feminine, energetic, upbeat look
which will appeal to my target audience of young
females, relate to their psychographics of having an
interest of pop music and energetic activities. In
addition it will potentially contribute into creating my
intended brand identity of being fun and energetic.
Draft Layout
Typography ideas & house of style
(Arial Black)
( Franklin Gothic)
For my headline and/ or pull quote I plan to use
Aharoni that is embolden in a large font size
however slightly smaller in comparison to the
masthead, in order to create more attraction
towards it, follow the house of style and relate
to brand Identity I want which is to be
sophisticated and have modernity.
Significant coverlines
Font size: 18 –emboldened
Coverlines (Arial)
Coverlines(Century Gothic)
Coverlines (Franklin Gothic)
Insignificant coverlines
Font size: 16 – not emboldened
Coverlines (Calibri)
Coverlines (Arial Narrow)
Coverlines (Ebrima)
For the significant coverlines that are sans serif to create and follow my house of style on
my front cover I will potentially use century gothic that is embolden to create attention
towards it, connote its importance in order to draw the readers eye to it.
For insignificant coverlines, I will potentially use Arial Narrow that is sans serif styled to
follow and create my house of style . I will minimise the font size, and not embolden the
style to convey its insignificance, and make it less attracting to the reader’s eye because it
is smaller.
Colour scheme
I want to use this colour scheme for the fonts I place on the front
cover, it will vary depending if the text is placed in front of a puff.
However, I mainly want to focus using the black on the coverlines
that are not placed on a puff in order to make it stand out and easy
to read for the reader.
I intend to use a serif styled font (Forte –
first example) on the pull quote to add an
exclusive feel to it, which hopefully appeals
to my target audience as it makes the
feature very signature which they expect
and would be interested in reading because
it meets their expectations.
Draft Layout: Front cover
Potential colour scheme
I want to use a white background because it follows a
conventional feature, and makes the colours that highlight
significant elements e.g.; the masthead and coverstory to stand
out. It will also enable me to use my house of style, without
clashing of other colours.
For advertised product the colour I want to use for the puff to
section this area is yellow, because it connotes happiness and
makes the reader feel content that the magazine includes best
selling products.
For the typography I want to apply a pastel pink
colour to also help contribute into making it stand
out. The bright colour too conveys a sense of
happiness, which will relate to the brand identity I
want; being fun and happy.
I want to use this colour scheme of purple to pink tones. This is because it is
stereotyped to be a very feminine colour, which will make my magazine
appear very girly. This will appeal to my target audience of young females.
The bright shade also again connotes a sense of fashion, and creates a
modern look, in addition connotes happiness overall, it will create my
desired brand identity being happy, upbeat and fashionable, which will also
relate to the psychographics of my target audience.
I want to use this colour on the front
cover, alongside applying it to the
masthead because it is a unique colour
and will create a house of style in terms
of colour scheme, so its easier for the
reader to recognise my magazine because
its colour scheme is repeatedly used.
Draft layout
Brand logo: mood board / inspiration
These logos used by magazines are the
inspiration for the magazine logo I create. The
colour scheme used is very, bright eye-catching,
stereotypically very feminine because within
their media pack it targets, the demographics of
young aged females, around 16 to 25 years old.
These colours will help to appeal to them
because it’s stereotyped for them to. It also
creates a brand identity for them, such they are
presenting their brand as happy, upbeat and
energetic which relates to the genre the
magazine bases, and the colours chosen are very
memorable because some do differentiate from
other magazines.
These logos also take advantage of letters that
form a shape, for instance o, forms the shape of
a circle which is conventionally filled in to make
it more memorable thus creating a brand
Draft Layout
Brand logo typography: FRONT COVER
Potential magazine
Official name, colour scheme and other
The official magazine name I am going to use for my brand logo, is
Harmonise. I have chosen this as it is a musical terminology, which will
help my magazine to be memorable for its name, create a brand
identity of being welcoming and fun (because this is relative to the
meaning to the definition). Harmonise, conveys being compromising
and calmly corresponding .It will also relate to the idea of beats and
music which will appeal my target audience’s psychographics. I will use
the font style sans serif, font style Segoe UI light.
Possible symbols and shape I could
place on my logo to make it more
memorable to any audience
whether they are mine or just
consumers, searching for a
magazine to look at. In addition
because, my targeted audience is
young this will more likely appeal
to them.
Colour scheme
From the mood board I created, the
colours applied for their magazines are
very bold and bright using these
conventional colours that connote energy,
upbeatness and happiness will help appeal
to my audience’s psychographics,
demographics and what they expect in a
Draft Layout: Front cover
Potential layout-Draft 1
Sig C.L
Insig C.L
Sig C.L
Insig C.L
Sig C.L
Insig C.L
Sig C.L
Insig C.L
Cover Story
Poster size
Height: 2.12 cm
Width: 1.5 cm
I have positioned my masthead (logo) on the left
third of the page. This is because, when the issue
is placed on shelves the audience will only see
the masthead, which makes it easier for
identification and makes it stand out from the
rest. The masthead is also overlapped by the
main image to indicate that my brand is popular.
The pull quote will potentially be positioned at
an angle to convey the idea of energy and
happiness which will also relate to my brand
identity that I hope to use, and appeal to them
because it relates to their psychographics. It will
also allow the pull quote and the cover story to
stand out because it differentiates. In addition I
hope to use serif styled fonts for this and the
“Amellie’s advice” to add a signature touch to it,
which may appeal to my audience as it makes
feel like its exclusive, meeting their expectations
and relating to their interests in terms of
content in the magazine.
Bar code Date issue
I hope to include shapes onto
my cover, to appeal to the
younger targeted audience I
have, it will too intend to relate
to my brand identity of being
This draft layout of my front cover follows a
more organised layout, which potentially
appeal to my target audience, as it will be
easier to read because it’s more neat. It
uses a conventional element of positioning
the coverlines and images onto the left
third of the page. Other contents e.g.
‘Amelie ’s advice’, and posters, that are
placed on front cover to give a sneak
preview, is positioned on a puff, which
allows it to differentiate, and should appeal
to them because it relates to their
expectations on content and to their
psychographics. It could also help create my
brand identity of being modern and up to
My draft layout follows the house of style in
terms of colour scheme and fonts. This allows to
be more familiar for my audience, so when
looking through the shelves at the shop, my
magazine would be most recognisable to them. I
will potentially use a mixture of font styles, like I
explained on my draft for fonts, significant
coverlines (sig C.L) I will hop to embolden and
make the font size larger and have a different
style of font to differentiate them, and for my
insignificant coverlines (insig C.L) I will not. I
have used a serif styled font on ‘Amelie’s advice’
as it adds a signature look to it, which will help
to appeal to my targeted audience.
Name of artist/band
Draft Layout: Front cover
Potential Layout- Draft 2
Image of artist/ band
‘Chance to
win tickets!’
Advertisement -
latest fashion
Sig C.L
Insig C.L
Sig C.L
Insig C.L
Cover Story
For this draft the masthead (my logo) alongside a
slogan is positioned at an angle, on the top left third
of page, as it connotes a sense of energy which
relates to the genre of pop, and my brand identity I
choose being; fun, energetic and upbeat. This
positioning of the masthead and the slogan, will
appeal to my target audience because their
demographic age is young.
I will potentially use conventional basic shapes
and stereotypical feminine designs for the puff,
to appeal to the my audiences demographic of
young females. It will also enable to create
attention for the previews of my magazines
content because, it is a prime significance, the
preview of the content e.g. ‘latest fashion’,
‘competition’ will appeal and attract them as it
meets their expected content, and relates to
their psychographics. In addition I have also
drafted this as potential because, it relates to
my brand identity and ideal reader, which is
fashionable and energetic.
This draft follows a more
unorganised layout,
which potentially appeals
to my targeted audience
as their demographic age
is young. It connotes a
sense of energy relating
to the genre of pop
because its upbeat and
fun. This layout could
potentially be the layout I
use when I create my
magazine, because
contributes into creating
what brand identity I
want which is to be fun
and energetic.
Amelie’s Advice!
The colour scheme I’ve used for this draft I hopefully
plan to use throughout my magazine (double page
spread and contents page) which will allow to create
my house of style, for my audience to feel like the can
recognise my brand more. In addition for this plan I
have used a majority of sans serif fonts, and some
sans styled to create a variation, for example I have
applied this style onto the potential slogan to add a
signature feel to, which could possibly manipulate my
audience into purchasing my magazine.
Name of artist
Draft Layout: Contents PagePotential layout of contents page : draft 1
Images of band/ artist featured
More information /
promotions and advertising
Image of
main artist
/ band
featured in
I have decided to potentially position my magazine logo to create brand
identity and it may ensure my audience can see this clearly because the
layout I’ve planned on this draft applies the ‘route of the eye’ rule. My
audience would reader across the top third of the page which includes a
few important elements such as logo and the title contents, the reader
will then read across, reading the music chart, page numbers, images of
featured artist / bands in the issue, and lastly the readers eye will then
look at the additional information or advertisement I plan to include.
For this draft I have decided to locate the main image of the artist / band
that features in the double page spread, in the right third of the page and
plan to large the image in terms of spreading it across that area as much as
possible, and using a long shot to make it appear most dominant to the
reader’s eye. In addition the other artist’s and bands that are featured in
the issue of my magazine are positioned above and are smaller in size, to
connote that they are inferior and convey the sense that they are less of
an important feature to the reader, hopefully it will make guide the
readers eye to look less there and more on the bigger image.
Draft 1 of my contents page is more organised and laid out, which could help with
the brand identity I want to create which is to be modern, this may potentially help
appeal to my target audience as it relates to their psychographics of being up to
date, and in addition with their demographics as at that young age readers will
desire a modern appearance. The typography for the font ‘ CONTENTS’ is embolden
and in a sans serif style to help me create that house of style and again to connote
the sense of modernity to my audience. I plan to use a similar colour scheme of
feminine shades of pink in order to create that house of style.
Caption Caption Caption
Draft Layout: Contents Page
Potential contents page: draft 2
Inside this issue..
And page numbers
Image of artist / band
featured in double-page
Artist / band
feature in
Artist /
in issue
Image Artist /
band feature in
Image artist
/ band
feature in
Caption Caption
For this draft I have overall used a unorganised look to it by titling the positioning of some
elements such as the pull quote, magazine logo and feature images. The purpose of this is
connote a sense of energy which will possibly appeal to my targeted audience who is in
the young age bracket because of the upbeat effect it creates, also relates to the genre of
pop in which they have interest in. This implication may possibly help with the brand
Identity I want which is to be fun and energetic. In comparison to the other draft I created
for my contents page, this one doesn’t apply the rule of thirds. I planned to use the same
colour scheme (again) to create that house of style for my magazine and make it easier
for a reader to recognise whilst looking for my magazine on the shelves. In addition using
mainly sans serif fonts onto my page to follow the house of style I hope to create, varying
font sizes from large to small to not only show variation but to also guide my audience
into making them read the most significant text which will obviously be embolden and
larger in size. I applied serif on the pull quote to add a signature look to make it more
I’ve positioned the most important content ( on the top third ) my audience would like to
read which is the top charts. For this it would appeal to my target audience as within their
psychographics, they would like to be ‘up to date’ with the latest music. The image of the
artist / band featured in the double-page spread is too positioned on the top third of the
page, to indicate significance. It too is where the magazine logo is positioned which will
create brand identity and make it easier for the reader to see because its on the most
significant area of the page.
Draft layout: Double page spread
Potential layout for double page spread – draft 1
Image of featured artist on double
page spread
Question asked
Feature / Body Copy
Question asked
Question asked
Question asked
Question asked
Image details
The colour scheme I hopefully plan to use for the double
page spread follows the pink palette which will contribute
into creating a house of style for my magazine, it connotes a
sense of pop and upbeat and energy which I intended as it
relates to my genre of pop, which appeals to my targeted
audience. I intend to position my main image of the left
third of the page, and other significant elements such has
the headline and bodycopy on the right hand side of the
page to balance the layout and spread it across the page.
Positioning the image on the left hand side will make it more
dominant and create attention to the image of the artist. I
have also intended to layout my body copy in columns, and
other elements such as the standfirst aligning with the
headline to make it more ordered, which will create a
modern chic look appealing to my target audience because
it relates to their psychographics being up to date and
modern. In addition relating to the brand identity I want to
create which is too modern. The typography I plan to use
follows the house of style to create familiarity and hopefully
make it easier for the audience to feel like this is my
magazine they’re reading. For instance the headline font
style is sans serif and is the same as the font style used for
the masthead I used on the front page. The stand first will
be serif styled font as I intended to make connote a sense of
exclusiveness and signature to it, as it appeals to my target
audience because they want to read something personalised
based on results of my questionnaire. The body copy’s font
style will be sans serif, and the questions asked to the artist
will be embolden to distinguish it and give an insight to the
reader about what he/she/ the band talks about.
Logo and page
Draft layout: Double page spread
Draft layout 2
Image of artist / band
Body copy
Body copy
Page number
For this potential layout, it follows more of a young, girly
presentation. I have intended to position some elements
of the double page spread at angle, for example the
images and headline to convey a sense of fun and energy
which will relate to the genre of pop. I have intended to
lay the image on the right hand side and the other
elements to the other side of the page to again make the
image more denominating. I have decided to potentially
lay feminine shapes such as hearts to appeal to the young
targeted audience of females. In addition a thought
bubble puff to the quote positioned above, to not only
create attention but to also add an personalised feel to it,
because it’s thought coming from the artists/band’s mind.
The colour scheme I have again chosen to follow the
house of style of using a pink colour palette in order to
make it more easier for my audience to feel like they’re
reading my magazine. I also different colours font for the
body copy as if I did use black the dark tones will clash,
using a bright colour will make it stand out, easier for a
reader to read and create a content effect relating to my
brand identity I hope to have. Another exemplification is
the image caption and the quote, I used an opposite
colour tone (dark) to the border/thought bubble puff to
make it stand out again easier for the audience to read.

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Draft layouts

  • 1. Draft Layout: Front cover Typography ideas & house of style Potential masthead (logo) font styles Sans Serif (embolden) style / Serif (embolden) style MASTHEAD MASTHEAD MASTHEAD MASTHEAD MASTHEAD MASTHEAD MASTHEAD MASTHEAD For my front cover, I have decided to potentially use an embolden sans serif styled font for the masthead and for coverlines (Kaiti, fourth example on left hand side) in order to create a mature, formal layout to relate to the brand Identity I want my magazine to have, which is to be somewhat similar to Billboard; sophisticated and modern. I have also chosen this because, I want it to appeal to my targeted age and gender demographic (16-20 year old females). In addition appeal to their psychographics of liking sophistication and formality. I hope to use this on my front cover, and hopefully continually throughout my magazine to create brand identity and a house of style. COLOUR SCHEME MASTHEAD MASTHEAD MASTHEAD MASTHEAD For the colour scheme I want to use this colour because it is a colour that crosses between pink and purple tones, creating a feminine, energetic, upbeat look which will appeal to my target audience of young females, relate to their psychographics of having an interest of pop music and energetic activities. In addition it will potentially contribute into creating my intended brand identity of being fun and energetic.
  • 2. Draft Layout Typography ideas & house of style HEADLINE / PULL QUOTE (Aharoni) HEADLINE / PULL QUOTE (Arial Black) HEADLINE / PULL QUOTE ( Franklin Gothic) For my headline and/ or pull quote I plan to use Aharoni that is embolden in a large font size however slightly smaller in comparison to the masthead, in order to create more attraction towards it, follow the house of style and relate to brand Identity I want which is to be sophisticated and have modernity. Significant coverlines Font size: 18 –emboldened Coverlines (Arial) Coverlines(Century Gothic) Coverlines (Franklin Gothic) Insignificant coverlines Font size: 16 – not emboldened Coverlines (Calibri) Coverlines (Arial Narrow) Coverlines (Ebrima) For the significant coverlines that are sans serif to create and follow my house of style on my front cover I will potentially use century gothic that is embolden to create attention towards it, connote its importance in order to draw the readers eye to it. For insignificant coverlines, I will potentially use Arial Narrow that is sans serif styled to follow and create my house of style . I will minimise the font size, and not embolden the style to convey its insignificance, and make it less attracting to the reader’s eye because it is smaller. Colour scheme I want to use this colour scheme for the fonts I place on the front cover, it will vary depending if the text is placed in front of a puff. However, I mainly want to focus using the black on the coverlines that are not placed on a puff in order to make it stand out and easy to read for the reader. “PULL QOUTE” “PULL QOUTE” “PULL QOUTE” I intend to use a serif styled font (Forte – first example) on the pull quote to add an exclusive feel to it, which hopefully appeals to my target audience as it makes the feature very signature which they expect and would be interested in reading because it meets their expectations.
  • 3. Draft Layout: Front cover Potential colour scheme Background: I want to use a white background because it follows a conventional feature, and makes the colours that highlight significant elements e.g.; the masthead and coverstory to stand out. It will also enable me to use my house of style, without clashing of other colours. For advertised product the colour I want to use for the puff to section this area is yellow, because it connotes happiness and makes the reader feel content that the magazine includes best selling products. For the typography I want to apply a pastel pink colour to also help contribute into making it stand out. The bright colour too conveys a sense of happiness, which will relate to the brand identity I want; being fun and happy. MASTHEAD I want to use this colour scheme of purple to pink tones. This is because it is stereotyped to be a very feminine colour, which will make my magazine appear very girly. This will appeal to my target audience of young females. The bright shade also again connotes a sense of fashion, and creates a modern look, in addition connotes happiness overall, it will create my desired brand identity being happy, upbeat and fashionable, which will also relate to the psychographics of my target audience. I want to use this colour on the front cover, alongside applying it to the masthead because it is a unique colour and will create a house of style in terms of colour scheme, so its easier for the reader to recognise my magazine because its colour scheme is repeatedly used.
  • 4. Draft layout Brand logo: mood board / inspiration These logos used by magazines are the inspiration for the magazine logo I create. The colour scheme used is very, bright eye-catching, stereotypically very feminine because within their media pack it targets, the demographics of young aged females, around 16 to 25 years old. These colours will help to appeal to them because it’s stereotyped for them to. It also creates a brand identity for them, such they are presenting their brand as happy, upbeat and energetic which relates to the genre the magazine bases, and the colours chosen are very memorable because some do differentiate from other magazines. These logos also take advantage of letters that form a shape, for instance o, forms the shape of a circle which is conventionally filled in to make it more memorable thus creating a brand identity.
  • 5. Draft Layout Brand logo typography: FRONT COVER Potential magazine names: Harmonise Melody Symphony Sempre Harmonise Melody Symphony Sempre Harmonise Melody Symphony Sempre Official name, colour scheme and other elements The official magazine name I am going to use for my brand logo, is Harmonise. I have chosen this as it is a musical terminology, which will help my magazine to be memorable for its name, create a brand identity of being welcoming and fun (because this is relative to the meaning to the definition). Harmonise, conveys being compromising and calmly corresponding .It will also relate to the idea of beats and music which will appeal my target audience’s psychographics. I will use the font style sans serif, font style Segoe UI light. Possible symbols and shape I could place on my logo to make it more memorable to any audience whether they are mine or just consumers, searching for a magazine to look at. In addition because, my targeted audience is young this will more likely appeal to them. Colour scheme From the mood board I created, the colours applied for their magazines are very bold and bright using these conventional colours that connote energy, upbeatness and happiness will help appeal to my audience’s psychographics, demographics and what they expect in a magazine. FINAL PLLANNED LOGO
  • 6. Draft Layout: Front cover Potential layout-Draft 1 Advertisement Sig C.L Insig C.L Sig C.L Insig C.L Sig C.L Insig C.L MASTHEAD MAIN IMAGE PUFF Sig C.L Insig C.L Cover Story Poster size Height: 2.12 cm Width: 1.5 cm POSTERS I have positioned my masthead (logo) on the left third of the page. This is because, when the issue is placed on shelves the audience will only see the masthead, which makes it easier for identification and makes it stand out from the rest. The masthead is also overlapped by the main image to indicate that my brand is popular. The pull quote will potentially be positioned at an angle to convey the idea of energy and happiness which will also relate to my brand identity that I hope to use, and appeal to them because it relates to their psychographics. It will also allow the pull quote and the cover story to stand out because it differentiates. In addition I hope to use serif styled fonts for this and the “Amellie’s advice” to add a signature touch to it, which may appeal to my audience as it makes feel like its exclusive, meeting their expectations and relating to their interests in terms of content in the magazine. TOP CHARTS Bar code Date issue Amelie’s advice I hope to include shapes onto my cover, to appeal to the younger targeted audience I have, it will too intend to relate to my brand identity of being content. This draft layout of my front cover follows a more organised layout, which potentially appeal to my target audience, as it will be easier to read because it’s more neat. It uses a conventional element of positioning the coverlines and images onto the left third of the page. Other contents e.g. ‘Amelie ’s advice’, and posters, that are placed on front cover to give a sneak preview, is positioned on a puff, which allows it to differentiate, and should appeal to them because it relates to their expectations on content and to their psychographics. It could also help create my brand identity of being modern and up to date. My draft layout follows the house of style in terms of colour scheme and fonts. This allows to be more familiar for my audience, so when looking through the shelves at the shop, my magazine would be most recognisable to them. I will potentially use a mixture of font styles, like I explained on my draft for fonts, significant coverlines (sig C.L) I will hop to embolden and make the font size larger and have a different style of font to differentiate them, and for my insignificant coverlines (insig C.L) I will not. I have used a serif styled font on ‘Amelie’s advice’ as it adds a signature look to it, which will help to appeal to my targeted audience. Smaller Image Image Image Image Name of artist/band
  • 7. Draft Layout: Front cover Potential Layout- Draft 2 Image of artist/ band Competition ‘Chance to win tickets!’ (PUFF) TOP CHARTS Advertisement - latest fashion trends Sig C.L Insig C.L Sig C.L Insig C.L Cover Story BAR CODE DATE ISSUE For this draft the masthead (my logo) alongside a slogan is positioned at an angle, on the top left third of page, as it connotes a sense of energy which relates to the genre of pop, and my brand identity I choose being; fun, energetic and upbeat. This positioning of the masthead and the slogan, will appeal to my target audience because their demographic age is young. I will potentially use conventional basic shapes and stereotypical feminine designs for the puff, to appeal to the my audiences demographic of young females. It will also enable to create attention for the previews of my magazines content because, it is a prime significance, the preview of the content e.g. ‘latest fashion’, ‘competition’ will appeal and attract them as it meets their expected content, and relates to their psychographics. In addition I have also drafted this as potential because, it relates to my brand identity and ideal reader, which is fashionable and energetic. This draft follows a more unorganised layout, which potentially appeals to my targeted audience as their demographic age is young. It connotes a sense of energy relating to the genre of pop because its upbeat and fun. This layout could potentially be the layout I use when I create my magazine, because contributes into creating what brand identity I want which is to be fun and energetic. Amelie’s Advice! POSTERS “PULL QUOTE” The colour scheme I’ve used for this draft I hopefully plan to use throughout my magazine (double page spread and contents page) which will allow to create my house of style, for my audience to feel like the can recognise my brand more. In addition for this plan I have used a majority of sans serif fonts, and some sans styled to create a variation, for example I have applied this style onto the potential slogan to add a signature feel to, which could possibly manipulate my audience into purchasing my magazine. Image Image Name of artist
  • 8. Draft Layout: Contents PagePotential layout of contents page : draft 1 “TOP TEN MUSIC CHART OF THE WEEK!” Images of band/ artist featured Page numbers and ‘inside this issue…’ More information / promotions and advertising Image of main artist / band featured in double page spread I have decided to potentially position my magazine logo to create brand identity and it may ensure my audience can see this clearly because the layout I’ve planned on this draft applies the ‘route of the eye’ rule. My audience would reader across the top third of the page which includes a few important elements such as logo and the title contents, the reader will then read across, reading the music chart, page numbers, images of featured artist / bands in the issue, and lastly the readers eye will then look at the additional information or advertisement I plan to include. For this draft I have decided to locate the main image of the artist / band that features in the double page spread, in the right third of the page and plan to large the image in terms of spreading it across that area as much as possible, and using a long shot to make it appear most dominant to the reader’s eye. In addition the other artist’s and bands that are featured in the issue of my magazine are positioned above and are smaller in size, to connote that they are inferior and convey the sense that they are less of an important feature to the reader, hopefully it will make guide the readers eye to look less there and more on the bigger image. Draft 1 of my contents page is more organised and laid out, which could help with the brand identity I want to create which is to be modern, this may potentially help appeal to my target audience as it relates to their psychographics of being up to date, and in addition with their demographics as at that young age readers will desire a modern appearance. The typography for the font ‘ CONTENTS’ is embolden and in a sans serif style to help me create that house of style and again to connote the sense of modernity to my audience. I plan to use a similar colour scheme of feminine shades of pink in order to create that house of style. Caption Caption Caption
  • 9. Draft Layout: Contents Page Potential contents page: draft 2 TOP CHARTS CONTENTS Inside this issue.. And page numbers Image of artist / band featured in double-page spread Image Artist / band feature in issue Image Artist / band feature in issue Image Artist / band feature in issue Image artist / band feature in issue Caption Caption Caption Caption Caption For this draft I have overall used a unorganised look to it by titling the positioning of some elements such as the pull quote, magazine logo and feature images. The purpose of this is connote a sense of energy which will possibly appeal to my targeted audience who is in the young age bracket because of the upbeat effect it creates, also relates to the genre of pop in which they have interest in. This implication may possibly help with the brand Identity I want which is to be fun and energetic. In comparison to the other draft I created for my contents page, this one doesn’t apply the rule of thirds. I planned to use the same colour scheme (again) to create that house of style for my magazine and make it easier for a reader to recognise whilst looking for my magazine on the shelves. In addition using mainly sans serif fonts onto my page to follow the house of style I hope to create, varying font sizes from large to small to not only show variation but to also guide my audience into making them read the most significant text which will obviously be embolden and larger in size. I applied serif on the pull quote to add a signature look to make it more exclusive. I’ve positioned the most important content ( on the top third ) my audience would like to read which is the top charts. For this it would appeal to my target audience as within their psychographics, they would like to be ‘up to date’ with the latest music. The image of the artist / band featured in the double-page spread is too positioned on the top third of the page, to indicate significance. It too is where the magazine logo is positioned which will create brand identity and make it easier for the reader to see because its on the most significant area of the page.
  • 10. Draft layout: Double page spread Potential layout for double page spread – draft 1 Image of featured artist on double page spread Question asked Feature / Body Copy Question asked Question asked Question asked Question asked Image details Standfirst HEADLINE... Kicker The colour scheme I hopefully plan to use for the double page spread follows the pink palette which will contribute into creating a house of style for my magazine, it connotes a sense of pop and upbeat and energy which I intended as it relates to my genre of pop, which appeals to my targeted audience. I intend to position my main image of the left third of the page, and other significant elements such has the headline and bodycopy on the right hand side of the page to balance the layout and spread it across the page. Positioning the image on the left hand side will make it more dominant and create attention to the image of the artist. I have also intended to layout my body copy in columns, and other elements such as the standfirst aligning with the headline to make it more ordered, which will create a modern chic look appealing to my target audience because it relates to their psychographics being up to date and modern. In addition relating to the brand identity I want to create which is too modern. The typography I plan to use follows the house of style to create familiarity and hopefully make it easier for the audience to feel like this is my magazine they’re reading. For instance the headline font style is sans serif and is the same as the font style used for the masthead I used on the front page. The stand first will be serif styled font as I intended to make connote a sense of exclusiveness and signature to it, as it appeals to my target audience because they want to read something personalised based on results of my questionnaire. The body copy’s font style will be sans serif, and the questions asked to the artist will be embolden to distinguish it and give an insight to the reader about what he/she/ the band talks about. Logo and page number
  • 11. Draft layout: Double page spread Draft layout 2 Image of artist / band featured Standfirst Kicker Image Body copy Body copy Caption Image Caption Logo Page number For this potential layout, it follows more of a young, girly presentation. I have intended to position some elements of the double page spread at angle, for example the images and headline to convey a sense of fun and energy which will relate to the genre of pop. I have intended to lay the image on the right hand side and the other elements to the other side of the page to again make the image more denominating. I have decided to potentially lay feminine shapes such as hearts to appeal to the young targeted audience of females. In addition a thought bubble puff to the quote positioned above, to not only create attention but to also add an personalised feel to it, because it’s thought coming from the artists/band’s mind. The colour scheme I have again chosen to follow the house of style of using a pink colour palette in order to make it more easier for my audience to feel like they’re reading my magazine. I also different colours font for the body copy as if I did use black the dark tones will clash, using a bright colour will make it stand out, easier for a reader to read and create a content effect relating to my brand identity I hope to have. Another exemplification is the image caption and the quote, I used an opposite colour tone (dark) to the border/thought bubble puff to make it stand out again easier for the audience to read.