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AAL-Amarah Senyum Dan Air                                                                               +kau mulai bersinar (Mulai
Mata                             Nyawa perih tanganku terpisah     bagai lebah menyengat dan            Bersinar , kau mulai berpijar
                                 Paku lamanya sakitku terlintas    terbang pergi                        (Mulai Berpijar)
tangisi saat ku tak ada disini   Campakan semua janji palsuku      ceritakan semua kisah abadi          "tusuk diriku tuk mengingat ,
putus hasratku takkan mati       Omong Ksong mentah itu janjiku    ujung langkah terbuai(wangi raga     takkan berubah sampai kau
puisiku palsu penuh kecewa       Mulai Kuhujam cara yg sama        namun tak pasti)                     mati"2x
pilah pengaman doktrinmu         ampunan langkah sebuah siksa      puing jiwa terindah
kunci mulutku, Cinta hulu                                          dengar jiwa..dengar jiwa..           kembali...berjanji...
ledakku                          AAL-Jiwa                          dengar jiwaku merintih melihat       kalimat indah membuatku tak
sumbui hangat bunyi lidahmu                                        semua                                bernyali
timpah tanganku dan              terasa berat untuk terhubung      ke chorus 2x                         semua teringat
Sisakanlah (Tangisi Hidupku)     semua melampirkan dendam          hampa tanpamu menyiksa               sumpahpun terucap
Kelam (Tangisi Waktuku)          melumatkan cerita                 hilang teman tak bersisa             kutersadar, bangsat! kutersadar
Pekatkanlah (Tangisi Lakumu)     huruf hidup adalah inspirasi      siksa jiwa hening semua              -,+,+
Kaca (Tangisi asaku)             ocehan dan sanjungan semua        lihat apa yang tersisa..melekat di   maafkan semua
Jangan Percaya                   terawasi                          jiwa                                 sakitku cukup menyiksa
Dimana sayang benci tertekan     inikah yang indah ini kah                                              kumuntahkan semua
Ancaman terdengar pelan          sumpah                            AAL-MUAK UNTUK                       kuanggap tak pernah ada...
Sesat tentang masa depanmu       polemik ketika kesadaran          MEMUJA
Sisakanlah (Tangisi Hidupku)     langkah adalah jiwa                                                    kau mulai bersinar , dan mulai
Kelam (Tangisi Waktuku)          hardikan adalah masukan berarti   kau berpindah,yang terindah          berpijar
Pekatkanlah (Tangisi Lakumu)     untuk memilih antara bahagia      perlu membual dari semua             "ANJING!!" sadar kau rubah
Kaca (Tangisi asaku)             atau kecewa                       semua percikan,dan semua pesan       pola hidupku
Jangan pernah terlintas          alihkan tuk semua                 hirup udara untuk memuja             kau mulai bersinar , dan terus
jangan melangkah lepas           kuliti cerita                                                          bersinar
Bila melihat cinta               chorus:                           rentanku mengelak                    "terus bersinar"
Jangan Menahan Marah             lelahkah semua kenali jiwa        lemahku melihat                      tak terasa dan kau bahagia
Jiwa inginkan hampa              upah jeritan memaksa(?)           timbang nafasku saat terlelap
deras alirkan luka               cinta dan luka harapan kita       muak tuk melihat                     hentikan..."kau hentikan semua"
Nyawa perih tanganku terpisah    sempitkan ruang berkata           dan semuanya singkat                 rebahkan semua..."kau rebahkan
Paku lamanya sakitku terlintas   dengar jiwa..dengar jiwaa.        kuteringat...dan kau melihat..       semua"
Campakan semua janji palsuku     dengan terpisah luka terhantam                                         hancurkan semua..."jangan kau
Omong Ksong mentah itu janjiku   lelah                             -kau penyiksa!!! "jilat pantatku     rubah semua"2x
Anjing kalimat yg terlintas      torehkan luka selang waktu        bila kau bisa"
saat fokus hancurnya hidupku     terindah                          simpan semua!!! setan kau
Mulai Kuhujam cara yg sama       apa yang terasa ini yang terasa   hancurkan misi hidupku!!!
Ampunan langkah sebuah siksa     ini yang terasa ini yang kurasa
Alesana-Apology                                                            Without them I would die            Early Morning
                                      I'll lose myself in anguish for      Shackles cut my wrists as I fight
Sweat drips in my eyes                tonight,                             the chains                          Last night I forgot
screams of lust we cry                help me get over you                 None can hold me                    how the sound of your voice
tonight you are everything            one last false apology,                                                  whispered sweet
you're everything...                  help me get over you                 I'd push you away                   Goodbyes, your eyes left to die
you're everything to me               In my mind blood drips from          But you are the only thing I        I'm alone to understand why
no more as I wake                     your eyes                            know
from this perfect dream               a beautiful last goodbye             At your feet I now lay              Why not one more night
I'll escape from Eden's walls                                              You are the only thing I know, I    one last kiss goodbye
can I not stay and live this lie?     Alesana-Not A Single Word            know                                my sweet love tonight
for I must think only of myself       About                                                                    I hope the stars
And to think that you will not be                                          In a room where I once told you     still spell out your name
scared                                I'd push you away                    everything,                         where you are...
or surprised I'd severed all these    But you are the only thing I         I am alone, I am alone              Kiss my closing eyes
ties                                  know                                 Once beholden to nothing            Help me sleep
this is the end...                    I can't help believing in you...     And no one how is it that I am      without you I'm so lost
I'll lose myself in anguish for       The idea of beauty leaves me         slave                               Tonight I cry,Tell me why
tonight,                              enslaved                             to these eyes which glisten with    I can't live,without your warm
help me get over you                  Say you'll stay for tonight          untold secrets                      embrace
I feel so numb to see this bitter     And I promise you this will be       that I crave so wildly to
end...                                the last                             understand?                         Why not one more night
(it has come to this...) end of       I'd push you away                    I must steel my heart to your       one last kiss goodbye
beautiful illusions                   But you are the only thing I         warm gaze                           my sweet love tonight
(broken pieces) will not mend         know                                 I'll claw out my eyes and see you   I hope the stars still
( last kiss) to save our past   At your feet I now lay               no more                             spell out your name
now...                                You are the only thing I know, I                                         where you are...
I'll lose myself in anguish for       know                                 It's because of you I sometimes     I close my eyes and you
tonight                                                                    wish that I would die               are everything I see Goodbye
help me get over you                  I stare blindly into my reflection   Sometimes I wish I would die        Goodbye to you my love
one last false apology,               A piece of me lost... I am           Leaving you behind                  I won't forget you
help me get over you                  terrified                            Enraptured by my ignorance,         I'll see you soon
Now we must let go..                  That I cannot breathe without        I now deserve sympathy              Goodbye my love
urgency overwhelms me as I            you                                                                      Goodbye to you my love
must restrain my flood of tears       I am nothing in my eyes if not                                           I won't forget you
I refuse to be slave to your false    lost                                                                     Let me live
beauty again                          I can't see past your eyes,
RR-Ingin Hilang Ingatan          MCR-I'm Not Okay (I Promise)        But you really need to listen to    Ku kan terus melangkah
                                                                     me                                  Ku lancarkan balasan tuk
Menghilanglah dari kehidupanku   Well if you wanted honesty,         Because I'm telling you the truth   menghabiskan...
Enyahlah dari hati yang tlah     that's all you had to say.          I mean this, I'm okay!              Dendam ku telah terbalas hanya
hancur                           I never want to let you down or     (Trust Me)                          dalam sesaat
Kehadiran sosokmu kan            have you go, it's better off this   I'm not okay 2X                     Jadikan diriku yang terkuat
menyiksaku                       way.                                Well, I'm not okay                  Back to +
Biarkan di sini ku menyendiri    For all the dirty looks, the        I'm not o-fucking-kay               Yang tak pernah(3x)ada hbisnya
Pergilah bersamanya di sana      photographs your boyfriend took,    I'm not okay 2X (Okay)              Yang tak pernah(3x)ada hbisnya
Dengan dia yang ada segala       Remember when you broke your                                            Tak pernah(3x) Tak pernaaah..
Bersenang-senanglah sepuasnya    foot from jumping out the second    DISCONNECTED-TERKUAT                Back To +(2x)
Biarkan di sini ku menyendiri    floor?                                                                  Ku kan bertahan habiskan smua
Terlintas keinginan ’tuk dapat   I'm not okay 3X                     Tak bisa ku temukan lawan ku..      tenaga(3x)
Hilang ingatan agar semua        You wear me out                     Di jalan yang hilang
terlupakan                       What will it take to show you       Meraih kesempatan untuk             Finch-what's to burn
Dan ku berlari sekencang-        that it's not the life it seems?    buktikan
kencangnya                       (I'm not okay)                      Ku lebih kuat dari mu               Today's on fire
’Tuk melupakanmu yang telah      I've told you time and time again   Dan tak akan bisa pernah untuk      The sky is beating above me, and
berpaling                        you sing the words but don't        hancurkan                           I am blister,I walk these signs of
                                 know what it means                  Terlihat sosok keras lawan ku       blasphemy, every day
Reff :                           (I'm not okay)                      Yang kini berdiri                   And still:
Di sini kembali kau hadirkan     To be a joke and look, another      Siap untuk hadapi kian              +Like a bad star, I'm falling
Ingatan yang seharusnya          line without a hook                 menantang                           faster down to her
kulupakan                        I held you close as we both         Beranikah diriku 'tuk               She's the only one who knows,
Dan kuhancurkan adanya           shook for the last time take a      menghadapinya                       what it is to burn+
Di sini kembali kau hadirkan     good hard look!                     Dalam sesaat ku terhentang          I feel diseased
Ingatan yang seharusnya          I'm not okay 3X                     +Ku 'kan bertahan dari serangan     Is there no sympathy, for the sun
kulupakan                        You wear me out                     sang lawan                          The sky's still fire
Dan ku hancurkan adanya          Forget about the dirty looks        Kan ku berikan kesempatan 'tuk      But I am safe in here, from the
Letih di sini ku ingin hilang    The photographs your boyfriend      hancurkan                           world outside
ingatan(4X)                      took                                Diriku akan membalas keras sang     So tell me
Back to : Reff                   You said you read me like a         lawan                               What's the price to pay for glory
Pergilah bersamanya di sana      book, but the pages all are torn    Kan ku habiskan s'mua sisa          Back To +
Dengan dia yang ada segala       and frayed                          tenaga..+                           Today is fine, and she burns
                                 I'm okay 2X                         Kau tak pernah bisa menang          Today is fine, and she burns
                                 I'm okay, now(I'm okay, now)        Terhindar dari serangan sang        She burns(6X)
                                                                     lawanku                             Back To +
Soty-Anthem Of Our Dying Day         And I'm here to sing this anthem     You are the means to my end          And my shattered dreams collect
                                     Of our dying day(3X)                 This conversation is over, it's      dust on what used to be a lie
The stars will cry                   Our dying day                        over...                              It haunts me no more and now
The blackest tears tonight           Of our dying!!!                      Your truth is a deception meant      you're gone, you've left me alone
And this is the moment that I live                                        to poison me                         I wasn't wrong to feel this way
for                                  Alesana-This Conversation Is         Back To *                            inside so goodbye, goodnight, for
I can smell the ocean air            Over                                 I can't seem to believe that you     good
And here I am                                                             ever cared for me                    Now I'll fight with my eyes
Pouring my heart onto these          Take everything away from me         ...This conversation is over...      closed (with my eyes closed)
rooftops                             silent angel...                      Your empty words now drift           for the things I've let go
Just a ghost to the world            Apathy cries out from your           away as fragile whispers             Sweet breath escapes...
That's exactly                       lungs, indifference reeks of         I saw the day when the fire left     choke on the lies that were your
Exactly what I need                  fiction                              your eyes, your tongue fell still    last goodbye
+From up here the city lights        Time will tell how far you will      Your treason is silence...           Hear my voice as you sleep...
burn                                 go                                   Back To *                            Sleep tight, goodnight...
Like a thousand miles of fire        I can't see why you'd run and                                             choke on the lies that were your
And I'm here to sing this anthem     hide excluding such complacence      Alesana-Godbye Goodnight             last...
Of our dying day+                    As tears rain from bloodshot eyes                                         I find pleasure in the taste of
For a second I wish the tide         *Take everything away from me        Jealousy rears its ugly head         your decay
Would swallow every inch of          silent angel                         I won't forget the things you said   I anxiously watch you fade away
this city                            Leave me nothing to remind me        before                               I can't explain what's happening
As you gasp for air tonight          of this time now lost                Goodbye, goodnight, for              inside of me
I'd scream this song right in your   The air now reeks with the           good...remember my face when         I refuse to fight you anymore
face                                 presence of your vile voice          you feel the pain                    All I know is I have to make
If you were here                     As your smile masks the advance      Help me to sleep..(2X)               sure...make sure you never wake
I swear I won't miss a beat          you keep                             Now I'll fight with my eyes          up again
Cause I never                        ...I am not your trophy...           closed (with my eyes closed)         Soft flesh gives way to trembling
Never have before                    The air now reeks with the           for the things I've let go           hand...
Back To +                            presence of your vile voice          Sweet breath escapes...              Beautiful eyes are sewn shut
Of our dying day(2X)                 As your smile masks the advance      choke on the lies that were your     Searing thread suffocates the
Of our dying!!!                      you keep                             last goodbye                         light (the light)
For a second I wish the tide         ...I am not your trophy...           Hear my voice as you sleep...        Beautiful eyes are sewn shut
Would swallow every inch of          Please try to say more carefully     Sleep tight, goodnight...            Searing thread suffocates the
this city                            that you no longer need me           choke on the lies that were your     light (light)
And you gasp for air tonight!!       This back and forth is killing me    last goodbye
From up here the city lights burn    The only eyes you'll look into are   Helps me to sleep without your
Like a thousand miles of fire        those in your reflection             memory
RR-I Miss U                         RR-Hari Untukmu                     RR-Klassix                         TAAR-Sunshine

Your picture is not enough again    Berharap tuk Kisah Ini akan         Disisi jendela kereta yang mulai   It's a new day
in my memory                        lebih baik                          perlahan                           It's a bright day
And I don't wanna lose it in that   Terbaring kudisini menerawang       Melaju meninggalkan panas          Even when you stand in the dark
phone                               ke langit                           kotamu                             It's just that
There is keep a girl who called     *Tunjuk satu bintang, buatkan       Kudiam terpaku saat kereta tlah    You've been broken into fifty
my power                            harapan                             melaju kencang dan menjauh         pieces
The angel that make me sober        Terbang tinggi menuju resah yg      Dan monas pun menghilang dari      Today is gone
                                    ada                                 pandangan, mataa                   I'm the only light that you see
Believe me, for every nerves in     Aku dan dirimu tentukan pilihan     Wangi yang biasa kau pakai         You need someone
my hand                             nanti                               masih melekat                      I know all you needed was me
This lips just wanna scream; i      Reff:                               Seraya menemani langkahku          +Everyday we wake if it takes
care for you                        Walau kau disini                    pulang                             too long
Not give up, even you have a        Tak peduli, tentang perasaan ini    Langitpun mulai menghitam,         Just tell me something new
boyfriend now                       Ketika Kau terjatuh                 sejenak ku terlelap mimpikan       Forget about the sunshine when
But I don't care                    Pastikan Nafasku                    semua                              it's gone
I'll always call you everyday       menyelamatkanmu                     Dan kau hadir hiasi semua mimpi    Another pale moon
Coz you're 700 miles away…          **Hariku,Harimu                     Namun tak seperti yang ku          Shines like high noon
You're the everything, the          Yakinkan kemelud ini usai           harapkan                           Midnight never felt so cold alone
everything I want to fill my soul   Hariku,Untukmu                      Sekejap semua berubah cepat        It's just that you're uneasy
You're the only one, the only one   Takan Berubah ditelan waktu         Menusuk hati terdalam dan kau      When U need me,Today is gone
I need to be my song                Katakan Semua yg ada dibenak        Buyarkan! Buyarkan!                I'm the only light that you see
                                    kita                                Semua yang telah terjadi           You need someone
Morning I wake up…today             Jadikan sederhana tanpa kata cela   Dan tak ada waktu ‘tuk           I know all you needed was me
I feel you in my breath…thank       dan buat bermakna.....              berfikir                           Back To +
you                                 Back to *                           Kembalilah! Kembalilah!            You can say it's right, but it feels
And try to show you how much I      Back To Reff                        Seperti apa adanyaa                so wrong
care but…but its too late           Jangan, jangan prnah hilang         Jangan berakhir seperti ini        Just show me something true
Coz you always come in my           Semua rasa, takan penah berubah     Seperti ini                        Forget about the sunshine(2X)
dream…"A.L"                         Hingga, Langkah ini lelah                                              when it's gone
I thought you are around            Trus mengejar, Terus tak                                               Today is gone
me….but not now                     menyerah.......                     Waktu bergulir tak terasa          I'm the only light that you see
And every minutes in my life        Back to Reff                        Namun kau tetap sama               You need someone
I just really want to say…I miss    Back to **                          Berjalan ditempat dan tak kenal    I know all you needed was me
you                                                                     dunia                              Back To + (2X)
Pee Wee Gaskins - Berdiri           ooooo...but don't take about you'r   All night long I'll sing and dance    you deserve each tear that falls
Terinjak                            care                                 with you, my sweet princess,          scratch out your eyes
                                    because that is my weaknes and i     only if you trust in this             the blood will drown in red and I
ada kala ku terjatuh, menahan       will break over that                 Take my hand and follow me, I         will leave you for dead
perih                               every time i beside you              will sweep you off of your feet       a lovely evening draped in regret
namun luka yang trus kau            make me fell you'r comfort           All night long I will sing and        the shadow of justice now
hempaskan, kini tak berarti         like a shining sky whit sun          dance with you                        engulfs you
ku tetap berdiri, apapun kujalani   warm life every day...               Every time I look at you I can't      as cold hands reap the pain
ku tetap berdiri, apapun kuhadapi   Back To *                            believe how magical you are           they've sewn
berdiri,terinjak                    ooooo...but don't take about you'r   The stars belong to you my angel      you've taken the last of me
hadapi,hidupku                      care                                 Run away with me into a world         blame the end on yourself
berdiri,beranjak                    because that is my weaknes and i     where time seems to not exist         you deserve each tear that falls
kau bukan,lawanku                   will break over that                 The smile on my face will show        scratch out your eyes
camkan apa yang kuucap              over that(4X)                        you                                   the blood will drown in red and I
biarkan ku disini semua matakan     just think never i became one day    Back To *                             will leave you for dead
menatap rendah                      maybe i refuse the wrong             All night long I will sing and        a lovely evening draped in regret
kuakan terus keras bernyanyi        to give one time my confidence       dance with you, my sweet              Forever gone
langitpun kan                       get this to rigth...                 princess, only if you trust in this   the taste of your death replaced
benderang,menyambut hidup           Back To *                            Take my hand and follow me, I         the smell of your breath
terang                                                                   will sweep you off of your feet       a lovely evening draped in regret
                                    Alesana-All Night Dance              This night will only end when we      suffocate your will to live with
Crap At street-My Weakness                                               stop dancing                          my pain
                                    Beautiful, you know you leave        My sweet princess I will sing and     you were so easily seduced by
when i'm holding this stage         me breathless when you fall into     dance with you all night long         greed
i hope get a real story             my eyes                              The stars, they belong to you my      you could never feel my
to make me fine and bring me        My heart belongs to you my           angel                                 calloused hands closing around
rigth                               angel                                Back To #                             your throat
that i wish every time              There is just no reason for you to                                         taste your loss
but now i understand                let life bring you down              Alesana –Red And Dying                wake into the nightmare that has
that line never get better          Please come with me and let me       Evening                               become our love
i try to run without you            show you                                                                   may your screams never cease
why i'm realy weak                  I know that at times it may be       you've taken the last of me           you've taken the last of me
*ooooo... give me all about the     hard to let go of yourself           the god's of your innocence shall
reason                              Babygirl, tonight leave your         not protect you from the hate of
i can't to falling down and make    cares behind because it's time to    my wrath
a some mistake                      celebrate!                           you've taken the last of me...
                                                                         blame the end on yourself
Green Day-Wake Me Up When
September Ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when September
like my father's come to pass
seven years has gone so fast
wake me up when September
here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are
*as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when September
summer has come and passed
the innocent can never last
wake me up when September
ring out the bells again
like we did when spring began
wake me up when September
here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are
Back To *
like my father's come to pass
twenty years has gone so fast
wake me up when September
ends (3X)

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  • 1. AAL-Amarah Senyum Dan Air +kau mulai bersinar (Mulai Mata Nyawa perih tanganku terpisah bagai lebah menyengat dan Bersinar , kau mulai berpijar Paku lamanya sakitku terlintas terbang pergi (Mulai Berpijar) tangisi saat ku tak ada disini Campakan semua janji palsuku ceritakan semua kisah abadi "tusuk diriku tuk mengingat , putus hasratku takkan mati Omong Ksong mentah itu janjiku ujung langkah terbuai(wangi raga takkan berubah sampai kau puisiku palsu penuh kecewa Mulai Kuhujam cara yg sama namun tak pasti) mati"2x pilah pengaman doktrinmu ampunan langkah sebuah siksa puing jiwa terindah kunci mulutku, Cinta hulu dengar jiwa..dengar jiwa.. kembali...berjanji... ledakku AAL-Jiwa dengar jiwaku merintih melihat kalimat indah membuatku tak sumbui hangat bunyi lidahmu semua bernyali timpah tanganku dan terasa berat untuk terhubung ke chorus 2x semua teringat Sisakanlah (Tangisi Hidupku) semua melampirkan dendam hampa tanpamu menyiksa sumpahpun terucap Kelam (Tangisi Waktuku) melumatkan cerita hilang teman tak bersisa kutersadar, bangsat! kutersadar Pekatkanlah (Tangisi Lakumu) huruf hidup adalah inspirasi siksa jiwa hening semua -,+,+ Kaca (Tangisi asaku) ocehan dan sanjungan semua lihat apa yang tersisa..melekat di maafkan semua Jangan Percaya terawasi jiwa sakitku cukup menyiksa Dimana sayang benci tertekan inikah yang indah ini kah kumuntahkan semua Ancaman terdengar pelan sumpah AAL-MUAK UNTUK kuanggap tak pernah ada... Sesat tentang masa depanmu polemik ketika kesadaran MEMUJA Sisakanlah (Tangisi Hidupku) langkah adalah jiwa kau mulai bersinar , dan mulai Kelam (Tangisi Waktuku) hardikan adalah masukan berarti kau berpindah,yang terindah berpijar Pekatkanlah (Tangisi Lakumu) untuk memilih antara bahagia perlu membual dari semua "ANJING!!" sadar kau rubah Kaca (Tangisi asaku) atau kecewa semua percikan,dan semua pesan pola hidupku Jangan pernah terlintas alihkan tuk semua hirup udara untuk memuja kau mulai bersinar , dan terus jangan melangkah lepas kuliti cerita bersinar Bila melihat cinta chorus: rentanku mengelak "terus bersinar" Jangan Menahan Marah lelahkah semua kenali jiwa lemahku melihat tak terasa dan kau bahagia Jiwa inginkan hampa upah jeritan memaksa(?) timbang nafasku saat terlelap deras alirkan luka cinta dan luka harapan kita muak tuk melihat hentikan..."kau hentikan semua" Nyawa perih tanganku terpisah sempitkan ruang berkata dan semuanya singkat rebahkan semua..."kau rebahkan Paku lamanya sakitku terlintas dengar jiwa..dengar jiwaa. kuteringat...dan kau melihat.. semua" Campakan semua janji palsuku dengan terpisah luka terhantam hancurkan semua..."jangan kau Omong Ksong mentah itu janjiku lelah -kau penyiksa!!! "jilat pantatku rubah semua"2x Anjing kalimat yg terlintas torehkan luka selang waktu bila kau bisa" saat fokus hancurnya hidupku terindah simpan semua!!! setan kau Mulai Kuhujam cara yg sama apa yang terasa ini yang terasa hancurkan misi hidupku!!! Ampunan langkah sebuah siksa ini yang terasa ini yang kurasa
  • 2. Alesana-Apology Without them I would die Early Morning I'll lose myself in anguish for Shackles cut my wrists as I fight Sweat drips in my eyes tonight, the chains Last night I forgot screams of lust we cry help me get over you None can hold me how the sound of your voice tonight you are everything one last false apology, whispered sweet you're everything... help me get over you I'd push you away Goodbyes, your eyes left to die you're everything to me In my mind blood drips from But you are the only thing I I'm alone to understand why no more as I wake your eyes know from this perfect dream a beautiful last goodbye At your feet I now lay Why not one more night I'll escape from Eden's walls You are the only thing I know, I one last kiss goodbye can I not stay and live this lie? Alesana-Not A Single Word know my sweet love tonight for I must think only of myself About I hope the stars And to think that you will not be In a room where I once told you still spell out your name scared I'd push you away everything, where you are... or surprised I'd severed all these But you are the only thing I I am alone, I am alone Kiss my closing eyes ties know Once beholden to nothing Help me sleep this is the end... I can't help believing in you... And no one how is it that I am without you I'm so lost I'll lose myself in anguish for The idea of beauty leaves me slave Tonight I cry,Tell me why tonight, enslaved to these eyes which glisten with I can't live,without your warm help me get over you Say you'll stay for tonight untold secrets embrace I feel so numb to see this bitter And I promise you this will be that I crave so wildly to end... the last understand? Why not one more night (it has come to this...) end of I'd push you away I must steel my heart to your one last kiss goodbye beautiful illusions But you are the only thing I warm gaze my sweet love tonight (broken pieces) will not mend know I'll claw out my eyes and see you I hope the stars still ( last kiss) to save our past At your feet I now lay no more spell out your name now... You are the only thing I know, I where you are... I'll lose myself in anguish for know It's because of you I sometimes I close my eyes and you tonight wish that I would die are everything I see Goodbye help me get over you I stare blindly into my reflection Sometimes I wish I would die Goodbye to you my love one last false apology, A piece of me lost... I am Leaving you behind I won't forget you help me get over you terrified Enraptured by my ignorance, I'll see you soon Now we must let go.. That I cannot breathe without I now deserve sympathy Goodbye my love urgency overwhelms me as I you Goodbye to you my love must restrain my flood of tears I am nothing in my eyes if not I won't forget you I refuse to be slave to your false lost Let me live beauty again I can't see past your eyes,
  • 3. RR-Ingin Hilang Ingatan MCR-I'm Not Okay (I Promise) But you really need to listen to Ku kan terus melangkah me Ku lancarkan balasan tuk Menghilanglah dari kehidupanku Well if you wanted honesty, Because I'm telling you the truth menghabiskan... Enyahlah dari hati yang tlah that's all you had to say. I mean this, I'm okay! Dendam ku telah terbalas hanya hancur I never want to let you down or (Trust Me) dalam sesaat Kehadiran sosokmu kan have you go, it's better off this I'm not okay 2X Jadikan diriku yang terkuat menyiksaku way. Well, I'm not okay Back to + Biarkan di sini ku menyendiri For all the dirty looks, the I'm not o-fucking-kay Yang tak pernah(3x)ada hbisnya Pergilah bersamanya di sana photographs your boyfriend took, I'm not okay 2X (Okay) Yang tak pernah(3x)ada hbisnya Dengan dia yang ada segala Remember when you broke your Tak pernah(3x) Tak pernaaah.. Bersenang-senanglah sepuasnya foot from jumping out the second DISCONNECTED-TERKUAT Back To +(2x) Biarkan di sini ku menyendiri floor? Ku kan bertahan habiskan smua Terlintas keinginan ’tuk dapat I'm not okay 3X Tak bisa ku temukan lawan ku.. tenaga(3x) Hilang ingatan agar semua You wear me out Di jalan yang hilang terlupakan What will it take to show you Meraih kesempatan untuk Finch-what's to burn Dan ku berlari sekencang- that it's not the life it seems? buktikan kencangnya (I'm not okay) Ku lebih kuat dari mu Today's on fire ’Tuk melupakanmu yang telah I've told you time and time again Dan tak akan bisa pernah untuk The sky is beating above me, and berpaling you sing the words but don't hancurkan I am blister,I walk these signs of know what it means Terlihat sosok keras lawan ku blasphemy, every day Reff : (I'm not okay) Yang kini berdiri And still: Di sini kembali kau hadirkan To be a joke and look, another Siap untuk hadapi kian +Like a bad star, I'm falling Ingatan yang seharusnya line without a hook menantang faster down to her kulupakan I held you close as we both Beranikah diriku 'tuk She's the only one who knows, Dan kuhancurkan adanya shook for the last time take a menghadapinya what it is to burn+ Di sini kembali kau hadirkan good hard look! Dalam sesaat ku terhentang I feel diseased Ingatan yang seharusnya I'm not okay 3X +Ku 'kan bertahan dari serangan Is there no sympathy, for the sun kulupakan You wear me out sang lawan The sky's still fire Dan ku hancurkan adanya Forget about the dirty looks Kan ku berikan kesempatan 'tuk But I am safe in here, from the Letih di sini ku ingin hilang The photographs your boyfriend hancurkan world outside ingatan(4X) took Diriku akan membalas keras sang So tell me Back to : Reff You said you read me like a lawan What's the price to pay for glory Pergilah bersamanya di sana book, but the pages all are torn Kan ku habiskan s'mua sisa Back To + Dengan dia yang ada segala and frayed tenaga..+ Today is fine, and she burns I'm okay 2X Kau tak pernah bisa menang Today is fine, and she burns I'm okay, now(I'm okay, now) Terhindar dari serangan sang She burns(6X) lawanku Back To +
  • 4. Soty-Anthem Of Our Dying Day And I'm here to sing this anthem You are the means to my end And my shattered dreams collect Of our dying day(3X) This conversation is over, it's dust on what used to be a lie The stars will cry Our dying day over... It haunts me no more and now The blackest tears tonight Of our dying!!! Your truth is a deception meant you're gone, you've left me alone And this is the moment that I live to poison me I wasn't wrong to feel this way for Alesana-This Conversation Is Back To * inside so goodbye, goodnight, for I can smell the ocean air Over I can't seem to believe that you good And here I am ever cared for me Now I'll fight with my eyes Pouring my heart onto these Take everything away from me ...This conversation is over... closed (with my eyes closed) rooftops silent angel... Your empty words now drift for the things I've let go Just a ghost to the world Apathy cries out from your away as fragile whispers Sweet breath escapes... That's exactly lungs, indifference reeks of I saw the day when the fire left choke on the lies that were your Exactly what I need fiction your eyes, your tongue fell still last goodbye +From up here the city lights Time will tell how far you will Your treason is silence... Hear my voice as you sleep... burn go Back To * Sleep tight, goodnight... Like a thousand miles of fire I can't see why you'd run and choke on the lies that were your And I'm here to sing this anthem hide excluding such complacence Alesana-Godbye Goodnight last... Of our dying day+ As tears rain from bloodshot eyes I find pleasure in the taste of For a second I wish the tide *Take everything away from me Jealousy rears its ugly head your decay Would swallow every inch of silent angel I won't forget the things you said I anxiously watch you fade away this city Leave me nothing to remind me before I can't explain what's happening As you gasp for air tonight of this time now lost Goodbye, goodnight, for inside of me I'd scream this song right in your The air now reeks with the good...remember my face when I refuse to fight you anymore face presence of your vile voice you feel the pain All I know is I have to make If you were here As your smile masks the advance Help me to sleep..(2X) sure...make sure you never wake I swear I won't miss a beat you keep Now I'll fight with my eyes up again Cause I never ...I am not your trophy... closed (with my eyes closed) Soft flesh gives way to trembling Never have before The air now reeks with the for the things I've let go hand... Back To + presence of your vile voice Sweet breath escapes... Beautiful eyes are sewn shut Of our dying day(2X) As your smile masks the advance choke on the lies that were your Searing thread suffocates the Of our dying!!! you keep last goodbye light (the light) For a second I wish the tide ...I am not your trophy... Hear my voice as you sleep... Beautiful eyes are sewn shut Would swallow every inch of Please try to say more carefully Sleep tight, goodnight... Searing thread suffocates the this city that you no longer need me choke on the lies that were your light (light) And you gasp for air tonight!! This back and forth is killing me last goodbye From up here the city lights burn The only eyes you'll look into are Helps me to sleep without your Like a thousand miles of fire those in your reflection memory
  • 5. RR-I Miss U RR-Hari Untukmu RR-Klassix TAAR-Sunshine Your picture is not enough again Berharap tuk Kisah Ini akan Disisi jendela kereta yang mulai It's a new day in my memory lebih baik perlahan It's a bright day And I don't wanna lose it in that Terbaring kudisini menerawang Melaju meninggalkan panas Even when you stand in the dark phone ke langit kotamu It's just that There is keep a girl who called *Tunjuk satu bintang, buatkan Kudiam terpaku saat kereta tlah You've been broken into fifty my power harapan melaju kencang dan menjauh pieces The angel that make me sober Terbang tinggi menuju resah yg Dan monas pun menghilang dari Today is gone ada pandangan, mataa I'm the only light that you see Believe me, for every nerves in Aku dan dirimu tentukan pilihan Wangi yang biasa kau pakai You need someone my hand nanti masih melekat I know all you needed was me This lips just wanna scream; i Reff: Seraya menemani langkahku +Everyday we wake if it takes care for you Walau kau disini pulang too long Not give up, even you have a Tak peduli, tentang perasaan ini Langitpun mulai menghitam, Just tell me something new boyfriend now Ketika Kau terjatuh sejenak ku terlelap mimpikan Forget about the sunshine when But I don't care Pastikan Nafasku semua it's gone I'll always call you everyday menyelamatkanmu Dan kau hadir hiasi semua mimpi Another pale moon Coz you're 700 miles away… **Hariku,Harimu Namun tak seperti yang ku Shines like high noon You're the everything, the Yakinkan kemelud ini usai harapkan Midnight never felt so cold alone everything I want to fill my soul Hariku,Untukmu Sekejap semua berubah cepat It's just that you're uneasy You're the only one, the only one Takan Berubah ditelan waktu Menusuk hati terdalam dan kau When U need me,Today is gone I need to be my song Katakan Semua yg ada dibenak Buyarkan! Buyarkan! I'm the only light that you see kita Semua yang telah terjadi You need someone Morning I wake up…today Jadikan sederhana tanpa kata cela Dan tak ada waktu ‘tuk I know all you needed was me I feel you in my breath…thank dan buat bermakna..... berfikir Back To + you Back to * Kembalilah! Kembalilah! You can say it's right, but it feels And try to show you how much I Back To Reff Seperti apa adanyaa so wrong care but…but its too late Jangan, jangan prnah hilang Jangan berakhir seperti ini Just show me something true Coz you always come in my Semua rasa, takan penah berubah Seperti ini Forget about the sunshine(2X) dream…"A.L" Hingga, Langkah ini lelah when it's gone I thought you are around Trus mengejar, Terus tak Today is gone me….but not now menyerah....... Waktu bergulir tak terasa I'm the only light that you see And every minutes in my life Back to Reff Namun kau tetap sama You need someone I just really want to say…I miss Back to ** Berjalan ditempat dan tak kenal I know all you needed was me you dunia Back To + (2X)
  • 6. Pee Wee Gaskins - Berdiri ooooo...but don't take about you'r All night long I'll sing and dance you deserve each tear that falls Terinjak care with you, my sweet princess, scratch out your eyes because that is my weaknes and i only if you trust in this the blood will drown in red and I ada kala ku terjatuh, menahan will break over that Take my hand and follow me, I will leave you for dead perih every time i beside you will sweep you off of your feet a lovely evening draped in regret namun luka yang trus kau make me fell you'r comfort All night long I will sing and the shadow of justice now hempaskan, kini tak berarti like a shining sky whit sun dance with you engulfs you ku tetap berdiri, apapun kujalani warm life every day... Every time I look at you I can't as cold hands reap the pain ku tetap berdiri, apapun kuhadapi Back To * believe how magical you are they've sewn berdiri,terinjak ooooo...but don't take about you'r The stars belong to you my angel you've taken the last of me hadapi,hidupku care Run away with me into a world blame the end on yourself berdiri,beranjak because that is my weaknes and i where time seems to not exist you deserve each tear that falls kau bukan,lawanku will break over that The smile on my face will show scratch out your eyes camkan apa yang kuucap over that(4X) you the blood will drown in red and I biarkan ku disini semua matakan just think never i became one day Back To * will leave you for dead menatap rendah maybe i refuse the wrong All night long I will sing and a lovely evening draped in regret kuakan terus keras bernyanyi to give one time my confidence dance with you, my sweet Forever gone langitpun kan get this to rigth... princess, only if you trust in this the taste of your death replaced benderang,menyambut hidup Back To * Take my hand and follow me, I the smell of your breath terang will sweep you off of your feet a lovely evening draped in regret Alesana-All Night Dance This night will only end when we suffocate your will to live with Crap At street-My Weakness stop dancing my pain Beautiful, you know you leave My sweet princess I will sing and you were so easily seduced by when i'm holding this stage me breathless when you fall into dance with you all night long greed i hope get a real story my eyes The stars, they belong to you my you could never feel my to make me fine and bring me My heart belongs to you my angel calloused hands closing around rigth angel Back To # your throat that i wish every time There is just no reason for you to taste your loss but now i understand let life bring you down Alesana –Red And Dying wake into the nightmare that has that line never get better Please come with me and let me Evening become our love i try to run without you show you may your screams never cease why i'm realy weak I know that at times it may be you've taken the last of me you've taken the last of me *ooooo... give me all about the hard to let go of yourself the god's of your innocence shall reason Babygirl, tonight leave your not protect you from the hate of i can't to falling down and make cares behind because it's time to my wrath a some mistake celebrate! you've taken the last of me... blame the end on yourself
  • 7. Green Day-Wake Me Up When September Ends Summer has come and passed The innocent can never last wake me up when September ends like my father's come to pass seven years has gone so fast wake me up when September ends here comes the rain again falling from the stars drenched in my pain again becoming who we are *as my memory rests but never forgets what I lost wake me up when September ends summer has come and passed the innocent can never last wake me up when September ends ring out the bells again like we did when spring began wake me up when September ends here comes the rain again falling from the stars drenched in my pain again becoming who we are Back To * like my father's come to pass twenty years has gone so fast wake me up when September ends (3X)