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Track Listing
Blinded by the lights
Stay Positive
Dry your eyes
Fit but you know it
Never give in
Came in through the door feat. Kano
Irony of it all
Nite Nite feat. Kano
Slow Songs feat. Giggs
(And i'm thinkin'...

          Lyrics                                                  (Lights are blinding my eyes)
                                                                  No thats not them, thats not them either...
                                                                  And i'm thinkin'...
                                                                  (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night)
     Blinded By The Lights                                        I'm still not feeling anything, this has got to be a dud.
                                                                  It's been ages since i necked it, and smoked six tabs to the nub.
Thats the one, Oi                                                 Belly's not even tingling, i just feel a bit pissed..
How did he not find the baggy, with his hand in my shoe?          No-one looks like minglin', i cant see her or him..
Way too close for me, ah well at least they allowed me through.   And im thinkin'...
Should be a good night in here, Ramo in the main room,            (Lights are blinding my eyes)
People keep pushing me though, no reception on the phone.         I'm gonna do another i think. Yeah, one more, these are shit.
                                                                  And i'm thinkin'...
And i'm thinkin'...
                                                                  (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night)
(Lights are blinding my eyes)                                     These toilets are a piss take, queue's bigger than the door.
They said they'd be here, they said, they said in the corner,     Gotta get rid of this pill taste, what are they chattin so much for?
And im thinkin'...                                                Glad i'm not a girl in this place, they'll be here til dawn.
(People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night)              Sure my belly's tingling a bit, summat's happening im sure.
These look well speckly, bit green and blue,                      And im thinkin'...
Freeze is well cheap though, so i'll take three if i need to.     (Lights are blinding my eyes)
Right im on the plan, i wish the bouncers would go away,          Maybe i shouldnt have done the second one, i feel all fidgety and
Borrow water off this man, here goes nothing OK,                  warm...
And i'm thinkin'...                                               (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night)
                                                                  Whoa, everything in the room is spinning, i think i'm going to fall down,
(Lights are blinding my eyes)
                                                                  My heart's beating too quick, i'm fucking tripping out.
argh Thats proper rank, that tastes like hairspray                I wonder whether they got in, turned away no doubt.
And i'm thinkin'...                                               Who cares, this is a tune coming in, that one where hes just like..
(People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night)              Im thinkin'...
I hate coming to the entrance, just to get bars on my phone,      (Lights are blinding my eyes)
You have no new messages, so why haven't they phoned?             My eyes are rolling back, i'm rubbing my thighs with my hand.
Menu, write message, so where are you and Simone?                 And i'm thinkin'...
Send message, dans number, where've they gone?                    (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night)
And im thinkin'...                                                Yeah yeah theys' here - can they see my hand in the air?
the Lights are blinding my eyes)                                  Need to wave 'em over here. I Swear Simone's kissing Dan.
                                                                  My head's twisted severe, body's rushing everywhere,
Why's the message pending? where the fuck are ya?
                                                                  They could have texted me when they were near, but i'm fucked and i
And i'm thinkin'...                                               don't care.
(People pushin' by, there walkin' off into the night)             (Lights are blinding my eyes)
Hmm, brandy or beer? Waters a good idea,                          What was i thinkin' about? Ah who cares, i'm maaaashed.
Wish that bar lady'd appear; and come serve over here.            (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night)
Where the fuck could they be? still not over in the corner,       Totally fucked, cant hardly fuckin' stand.
This nights a tragedy, i keep thinking i saw her.                 This is fuckin amazing; argh.
Stay positive
Cause this world swallows souls
And when the blues unfold                                                 Just trying to stay positive
It gets cold silence burns holes                                           Just trying to stay positive
You're going mad                                                           Just trying to stay positive
Perhaps you always were                                                    Just trying to stay positive
But when things was good you just didn't care
                                                                          Stop dreaming                                                                    Just trying to stay positive
This is called irony
                                                                           People who say that are blaspheming                                              Just trying to stay positive
When you most need to get up you got no energy
                                                                           They're doing nine to five and moaning                                           Just trying to stay positive
Time and time shit'll happen
                                                                           And they don't want you succeeding when they've blown it                         Just trying to stay positive
The dark shit's unwrapping
But no-one's listening your mates are laughing                             And you idols - who are they?
                                                                           They too dreamt about their day                                                 I hope you understand me
Your brethren's fucking and then you start hating
                                                                           Positive steps will see your goals.                                              Just trying to stay positive
Your stomach starts churning and you mind starts turning.
                                                                           Whether it's dollars or control, feel the gold.                                  I ain't no preaching fucker and I ain't no do-goody-goody
So smoke another draw
                                                                           I ain't helping you climb the ladder                                            either
It won't matter no more but the next day still feels sore
                                                                           I'm busy climbing mine.                                                          This is about when shit goes pear-shaped
Rain taps on your window
                                                                           That's how it's been since the dawn of time                                      And if you aren't or never have been at rock bottom then
Always did though but you didn't hear it when things were so-so
                                                                           If you reach a cul-de-sac                                                       good luck to you in the big wide world
You're on your own now
                                                                           The world turns it's back                                                        But remember that one day shit might just start crumbling
Your little zone you were born alone and believe me you'll die alone
                                                                           This is you zone, it's like blackjack                                            Your bird might fuck off or you might lose your job
Weed becomes a chore
                                                                           He might get the ace or the top one                                              It's when that happens that what I'm talking about will feel
You want the buzz back so you follow the others onto smack
                                                                           So organise your two's and three's into a run then you'll have fucked him son   much more important to you
                                                                           And for that you'll be the better one                                            So if you ain't feeling it, just be thankful that everything's
Just trying to stay positive
                                                                           One last thing before you go though                                             cool in your world
 Just trying to stay positive
                                                                           When you feel better tommorow you'll be a hero                                   Respect to BC
 Just trying to stay positive
                                                                           But never forget today. you could be back here                                   Positivity
 Just trying to stay positive
                                                                           Things can stray                                                                 Positivity
Feels nice and still                                                       What if you see me in that window?
                                                                           You won't help me I know.                                                       Just trying to stay positive
Good thing about brown is it always will
                                                                           That's cool, just keep walking where you go.                                     Just trying to stay positive
It's easy, no-one blames you
                                                                           Carry on through the estate, stare at the geezers so they know you aint          Just trying to stay positive
It's that world out there that's fucked you
                                                                          lightweight                                                                       Just trying to stay positive
You know less of a person and if God exists
He still loves you                                                         And go see your mates
Just remember that - the more you sink the further back from that brink    And when they don't look happy
Maybe you've lifetime scars and you think tattoos might be more fitting    Play them this tape
But who's picking?
Searching for yourself you find demons
Try and be a freeman and grasp that talisman
Cause your the same as I am
We all need our fellow man
We all need our samaritan.
Maybe I'm better looking than you though
Maybe I've got more dough - but am I happier... no.
Get the love of a good girl and your world will be much richer than my world
And your happiness will uncurl
Dry your eyes mate
                                                                 I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
                                                                 There's plenty more fish in the sea

Dry your eyes mate                                               Dry your eyes mate
                                                                 I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
                                                                 But you've got to walk away now
  In one single moment your whole life can turn 'round           It's over
  I stand there for a minute starin' straight into the ground
  Lookin' to the left slightly, then lookin' back down           And I'm just standin' there, I can't say a word
  World feels like it's caved in - proper sorry frown            'Cause everythin's just gone
  Please let me show you where we could only just be, for us     I've got nothin'
  I can change and I can grow or we could adjust                 Absolutely nothin'
  The wicked thing about us is we always have trust
  We can even have an open relationship, if you must             Tryin' to pull her close out of bare desperation
  I look at her she stares almost straight back at me            Put my arms around her tryin' to change what she's sayin'
  But her eyes glaze over like she's lookin' straight through    Pull my head level with hers so she might engage in
  me                                                             Look into her eyes to make her listen again
  Then her eyes must have closed for what seems an eternity      I'm not gonna fuckin', just fuckin' leave it all now
  When they open up she's lookin' down at her feet               'Cause you said it'd be forever and that was your vow
                                                                 And you're gonna let our things simply crash and fall down
  Dry your eyes mate                                             You're well out of order now, this is well out of town
  I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up         She pulls away, my arms are tightly clamped round her waist
  There's plenty more fish in the sea                            Gently pushes me back and she looks at me straight
  Dry your eyes mate                                             Turns around so she's now got her back to my face
  I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts       Takes one step forward, looks back, and then walks away
  But you've got to walk away now
  It's over                                                      Dry your eyes mate
                                                                 I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
  So then I move my hand up from down by my side                 There's plenty more fish in the sea
  It's shakin', my life is crashin' before my eyes               Dry your eyes mate
  Turn the palm of my hand up to face the skies                  I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
  Touch the bottom of her chin and let out a sigh                But you've got to walk away now
  'Cause I can't imagine my life without you and me              It's over
  There's things I can't imagine doin', things I can't imagine
  seein'                                                         I know in the past I've found it hard to say
  It weren't supposed to be easy, surely                         Tellin' you things, but not tellin' straight
  Please, please, I beg you please                               But the more I pull on your hand and say
  She brings her hands up towards where my hands rested          The more you pull away
  She wraps her fingers round mine with the softness she's
  blessed with                                                   Dry your eyes mate
  She peels away my fingers, looks at me and then gestures       I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
  By pushin' my hand away to my chest, from hers                 There's plenty more fish in the sea
                                                                 Dry your eyes mate
                                                                 I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
Fit but you know it
Excuse me girl
I know it's a bit embarrassing but                        For a while there I was thinking - yeah but what if?
I just noticed some tan lines                             Picturing myself pulling with bare white hot wit
On your shirt                                             Snaring you as you were standing there opposite
                                                          Whether or not you knew it I swear you didn't tick
See I reckon you're about an 8 or a 9,                    And when that bloke in the white behind us lot queuing
Maybe even 9 and a half in four beers time.               Was clocking onto you too yeah I had to admit                  I'm not trying to pull you
That blue top shop top you've got on IS nice,             That yeah yeah you are fit,                                     Even though I would like to
Bit too much fake tan though - but yeah you score high.   And yeah I do want it,                                          I think you are really fit
                                                          But I stop sharking for a minute to get chips and drinks        You're fit But my gosh don't you know it
But there's just one little thing that really really,
Really really annoying me about you you see,              I'm not trying to pull you                                     What do I give a fuck.. I've got a girlfirend anyway
Yeah yeah like I said you are really fit                   Even though I would like to                                   (whoa, we've all had a drink mate)
But my gosh don't you just know it                         I think you are really fit                                    We're all a bit drunk, yeah we've had a few fair play
                                                           You're fit But my gosh don't you know it                      I got this stella I bombed from that last café
I'm not trying to pull you                                                                                               This nights not even begun, yes yes oh yay
 Even though I would like to                              Now, I bashed my head hard earlier choosing a brew.
 I think you are really fit                               But I am digressing slightly so I'll continue.                 I did fancy you a bit though yeah I must say
 You're fit But my gosh don't you know it                 I didn't want to bowl over all geezer and rude,                 I would rather I hadn't mugged myself on display
                                                          Not rude like good but just rude like uncouth,                  But this is just another case of female stopping play
So when I looked at you standing there with your hoard,   You girls think you can just flirt and it comes to you,         On otherwise a total result of a holiday
I was waiting in the queue looking at the board           But let me tell you, see, yes, yes, but you are really rude,
Wondering whether to have a Burger or chips               And rude as in good, I knew this as you stood and queued,      I'm not trying to pull you
Or what the shrapnel in my back pocket could afford       But I just did not want to give the satisfaction to you!        Even though I would like to
When I noticed out the corner of my eye                                                                                   I think you are really fit
Looking toward my direction                               I'm not trying to pull you                                      You're fit But my gosh don't you know it
Your eyes locked onto my course                            Even though I would like to
I couldn't concentrate on what I wanted to order,          I think you are really fit                                    [outro]
Which cost me my place in the queue I waited for YEAH      You're fit But my gosh don't you know it                       Ha ha huh huh huh
                                                                                                                          You're fit but you know it
I'm not trying to pull you                                Oy, just as you started to make your big advance                You're fit but you know it
 Even though I would like to                                                                                              You're fit but you know it
 I think you are really fit                               With the milkshake and that little donut in hand                I think I'm going to fall over
 You're fit but my gosh don't you know it                 I was like nah, I can't, even though you look grand             I think I'm going to fall
                                                          But you look sharp there smiling hard suggesting and            Fucking hell
Whoa! Leave it out                                        Gleaming away with your hearty hearty looking tan
Are you smoking crack or something?                       But I admit the next bit was spanner to my plan
Leave it Out                                              You walked towards my path but just brushed right past
Mike just leave it just leave it                          And into the arms of that fucking white shirted man
We cannot have that behaviour in this establishment
S'not worth it mike, just leave it
Don't Touch Me, S'not Worth It
Don't Touch Me, D, Look I'm Alright
Don't Touch me
Never give in
I'll never give in till you're laying with me,
You may as well tell me when that day will be,
I'll never give in till you're laying with me,                             I'll never give in till you're laying with me,
You may as well tell me when that day will be,                             You may as well tell me when that day will be,
                                                                           I'll never give in till you're laying with me,
I don't mean to sound soking but you know me and I don't feel,             You may as well tell me when that day will be,
To spoil what we've got enjoying watching dots, touring out
lines, fully boring good time,                                             I don't mean to sound soking but you know me and I don't feel,
Through the scent of flowers and the humility of love, the                 To spoil what we've got enjoying watching dots, touring out
evening is now set up for a thorough dreamin of...                         lines, fully boring good time,
The gentle guests and games with a sense of sex and said, every
sentiment lending metaphors for bed,
                                                                           I'll never give in till you're laying with me,
                                                                           You may as well tell me when that day will be,
I'll never give in till you're laying with me,
                                                                           I'll never give in till you're laying with me,
You may as well tell me when that day will be,
                                                                           You may as well tell me when that day will be,
I'll never give in till you're laying with me,
You may as well tell me when that day will be,
                                                                           I'll never give in till you're laying with me,
                                                                           You may as well tell me when that day will be,
As soon later tonight,
                                                                           I'll never give in till you're laying with me,
About the true signs who flew in my mind,
                                                                           You may as welle tell me when that day will be
I'll keep my arms with me for wrapping right round you,
Til' what we spark of a thought that could drown you,
                                                                           I'll never give in till you're laying with me,
Does she do or does she don't love me true or thought we won't,
                                                                           You may as well tell me when that day will be,
The only time I know of love is when silence is violent,
                                                                           I'll never give in till you're laying with me,
Optimism fizzing in the clonk in dizzy image really rocking hot
humidity, but this is sizzling,                                            You may as welle tell me when that day will be...
Stumble over in your window, does she know is does she fuck
knows, starting the evening riffling through feelings
She came in through the door

that girl on the floor, said she came through the door, make me want more                   the girl on the floor said she came through the door make me
                                                                                            want more
she talked me through the motions while she walked me through the emotions.
 caught the line and showed up like a stork that brings the baby                            more than a kiss more than a hug, more than a teeny little bit
 caught me looking ravey so she took me to the tap                                          head to weed clash,pour sinner in and i know boys like girls like
 walked me down from craziness and bought me one more can,                                  der de der de der der
 i ought to maybe praise thee on your walking and your tan                                  but where there is more for the thrill of it its different
 but its awkward in this raving you have saved me from the madness
 pass me the throw now pass til go rasta run so blast it on broken blast to this            girl the reason i feel funny, is the season to have fun see, is the
showjump blast through control                                                              season to spend money

she bought me brandy and baileys til i started feeling wazy                                 girl the reason i feel funny, is the season to have fun see, is the
 i thought it was the dj playing biggy babe baby but i was on the never high but            season to spend money.
her plan was to take me to the sun,
 shes on the page 3 but she buys the mirror daily,her eyes pierce me and daze               the girl on the floor said she came through the door make me
me, saving a fortune for the baddest lady,thinking i called her the a team                  want more.
 i got girls in the north, girls in the south,she caled me all silly but really i aint no
peter andre, had about two that i took to a rendez- vouz
                                                                                            she talked me through the motions while she walked me
                                                                                            through the emotions.
the girl on the floor said she came through the door make me want more
                                                                                             caught the line and showed up like a stork that brings the baby
                                                                                             caught me looking ravey so she took me to the tap
more than a look more than a snog,more than a ting a little bit want a sneak peek
at the clitoris,that might lead to the bedroom lights dimming it                             walked me down from craziness and bought me one more can,
clap clap like the movies ,groovy                                                            i ought to maybe praise thee on your walking and your tan
                                                                                             but its awkward in this raving you have saved me from the

                                                                                            the girl ont he floor sais she came through the door make me
                                                                                            want more.
Irony of it all

Hello, hello. my names terry and I'm a law abider
There's nothing I like more than getting fired up on beer                      Like I was saying to him.
And when the weekends here I to exercise my right to get paralytic and fight   I told him: top with me and you won't leave.
Good bloke fairly                                                              So I smacked him in the head and downed another
But I get well leery when geezers look at me funny                             carling                                                    Causing trouble, your stinking rabble
Bounce 'em round like bunnies                                                  Bada bada bing for the lad's night.                        Boys saying I'm the lad who's spoiling it
I'm likely to cause mischief                                                   Mad fight, his face's a sad sight.                         You're on drugs it really bugs me when people
Good clean grief you must believe and I ain't no thief.                        Vodka and snake bite.                                      try and tell me I'm a thug
Law abiding and all, all legal.                                                Going on like a right geez, he's a twat,                   Just for getting drunk
And who cares about my liver when it feels good                                Shouldn't have looked at me like that.                     I like getting drunk
Wwhat you need is some real manhood.                                           Anyway I'm an upstanding citizen                           Cause I'm an upstanding citizen
Rasher rasher barney and kasha putting peoples backs up.                       If a war came along I'd be on the front line with em.      If a war came along I'd be on the front line with
Public disorder, I'll give you public disorder.                                Can't stand crime either them hooligans on heroin.         em.
I down eight pints and run all over the place                                  Drugs and criminals those thugs on the penny coloured
Spit in the face of an officer                                                 will be the downfall of society                            Now terry you're repeating yourself
See if that bothers you cause I never broke a law in my life                    I've got all the anger pent up inside of me.              But that's okay drunk people can't help that.
Someday I'm gonna settle down with a wife                                                                                                 A chemical reaction inside your brain causes
Come on lads lets have another fight                                           You know I don't see why I should be the criminal          you to forget what you're saying.
                                                                               How can something with no recorded fatalities be illegal
Eh hello. my names tim and I'm a criminal,                                     And how many deaths are there per year from alcohol        What. I know exactly what I'm saying
In the eyes of society I need to be in jail                                    I just completed gran tourismo on the hardest setting      I'm perfectly sane
For the choice of herbs I inhale.                                              We pose no threat on my settee                             You stinking student lameo
This ain't no wholesale operation                                              Ooh the pizza's here will someone let him in please        Go get a job and stop robbing us of our taxes.
Just a few eighths and some playstations my's vocation                         We didn't order chicken, not a problem we'll pick it out
I pose a threat to the nation                                                  I doubt they meant to mess us about                        Err, well actually according to research
And down the station the police hold no patients                               After all we're all adults not louts.                      Government funding for further education
Let's talk space and time                                                      As I was saying, we're friendly peaceful people            pales in insignificance
I like to get deep sometimes and think about einstein                          We're not the ones out there causing trouble.              When compared to how much they spend on
And carl young and old kung fu movies I like to see                            We just sit in this hazy bubble with our quarters          repairing
Pass the hydrator please                                                       Discussing how beautiful gail porter is.                   Leery drunk people at the weekend
Yeah I'm floating on thin air.                                                 Mtv, bbc 2, channel 4 is on until six in the morning.      In casualty wards all over the land.
Going to amsterdam in the new year - top gear there                            Then at six in the morning the sun dawns and it's my
Cause I taker pride in my hobby                                                bedtime.
Home made bongs using my engineering degree
Dear leaders, please legalise weed for these reasons.
[Leo the Lion]

   Nite Nite                                                              Cos nothing comes close to you.

                                                                          So numbers? No boys are taking yours,
[Mike Skinner]                                                            And no girls are taking mine,
Seriously man,                                                            Groupies? f*** that, I'm taking time,
Like, you know when you got a good girl,                                  We speak from like 8 till late at night,
Or you know when she means something to you, & you've got like, a name.   When we gets on top, drop my favourite line:

[Leo The Lion]                                                            [Leo the Lion]
Here we go again                                                          Girl, I ain't going nowhere.
Here we go
                                                                          [Kano (spoken)]                                             Leo the Lion]
[Mike Skinner]                                                            I plain ain't going nowhere,                                And you know I never say that sort of thing
Like I had a name for this girl, I used to call her "Ladybird",           But, I like you, and it might take some time,
Cos she always played red, in Connect Four.                               But really I'm like..                                       [Kano (spoken)]
                                                                                                                                      See? That's an angel to me
[Leo The Lion (Chorus)]                                                   [Leo the Lion & Kano]                                       I wouldn't have said that before, you get me?
Link em & leave then em high,                                             Here we go again,
I've been tellin all my man's for time,
                                                                                                                                      [Leo the Lion (Chorus)]
Link em and then leave em high,                                           [Leo the Lion (Chorus)]
They never take my advice,
                                                                                                                                      [Leo the Lion]
But now I realise, I realise why,                                         [Kano]                                                      No, no, no, no, no, no
They have not been listening all this time,                               I call her sometimes, and I wake her up at some dumb        Oh my, my, ow,
Cos since I linked you, last night,                                       times,                                                      Baby we could do this again sometime,
I wont be taking my advice                                                Touch my phone, and her number my thumb finds,              I even have a special name for you,
                                                                          Cos she's ideal, like a nice meal, and a night in, with a   It's "Long Baby", cos you always on my
[Kano]                                                                    nice feel,                                                  mind, yeah.
Look,                                                                     Maybe some wine,                                            I'll tell you straight, so straight, yeah,
I call her "Nite nite"                                                    Maybe sometime we could hold hands in the park, in          I won't tell my mates,
because she sleeps from the day right to the bright light,                the sunshine,                                               No, no, I know, No, I know,
an i like her too much to say bye bye,                                    Sometimes,                                                  Yeah I like you,
But we getting on fine right,                                             Be patient with me if I got 3 raves in a week,              Here we go,
I don't wanna spoil it,                                                   Or in a studio, away for a week,                            Here we go again,
I don't why I can't commit to girls,                                      One we could book a vacation and leave,                     Here we,
And I tell white lies, I'll find out the hard way,                        But please: "No drama", I don't need beef like              Here we go again.
Cos she got my favourite smile, her favourite style,                      shane, forbe, fabian an dean,
The first hotel, My favourite time,                                       I'm just focused on making the peas, Breaking the
And maybe later we could have a baby, maybe a baby boy, my                team, Chasing a dream,
favourite child,                                                          I ain't on the street, maybe sometimes,
"I'm way too tired", My favourite lie,                                    But you can't say I don't make enough time,
at first i wasn't so sure of her favourite rhyme                          We speak everyday and meet everyweek,
The windows are steaming up like it's naked time,                         So I dunno. Maybe it's me.
Wait, we're way too bait,                                                 You? You got it planned out,
I bought her favourite shoes, or they better be,                          I don't make plans,
And she's even my favourite size,                                         You know me, I wait and I see,
And she knows I hate holding hands, and I'm hooded up when it's           But if we were together, or even now,
bait inside,                                                              If we weren't "sort-of", but were together,
So I guess she's my favorite, right?                                      Would you be faithfull to me?
                                                                          Treat me sanie and make me a tea?
                                                                          Come link me, lay and wake up from sleep, and look
                                                                          hot like 80 degrees?
Slow Songs
 They talk about they wanna cut crime down
 I do something positive and they fly down
 I'm pissed off, so I lie down
 Wrap a spliff, grab a pen and I wind down
                                                       When the shadows in the sun grow long
 Mad poverty
                                                       We listen to a slow slow song
 Niggers can't get jobs so they buy brown
 Buy light drive round
                                                       It's just a phase we know
 Tryna hustle on the streets to get the right pound
                                                        That hazy glow
 'N little youths getting knifed down
                                                        Coming off the blazing road
 Cos nigger got pissed and brought a knife round
                                                        But I'm like amir khan, I appear calm
 They don't care about a sign to put the knives down
                                                        All that clear charm
 Next little niggers gonna get the knife now
                                                        But I clip your ear 'ole raw
 Rinse off the ting and put a life down
                                                        Keep score of what I got
 Think of the shit we live our lives round
                                                        In the draw with the socks
 That's why I can't understand all the fight down
                                                        Feeling ever more than a lot
                                                        I used to score shottins at the squats
 When the shadows in the sun grow long
                                                        Fuck it, duck it in the bucket seat
 We listen to a slow slow song
                                                        Spunked all my currency and my luck you see
                                                        Am I grind blind
 I used to roll strapped up, packing a glock
                                                        Frightened somtimes
  Running round rinsing at the back of a block
                                                        Mixing white wine with wine
  Used to shot cats, whole packets of rock
                                                        Late nights on the pave like
  Now I make music, what they planning to block
                                                        With dave types
  Fuck these lil faggoty cops
                                                        Chitter chatter with the latter
  I came a long way from a raggody top
                                                        Wave bye
  Old reeboks and my gravitys on
                                                        Behave right
  Now everything drops I get my gravity on
                                                        Lets stay tight
  The whole industry getting mad at me songs
  Saying they don't like me, the way I'm carrying on
                                                       When the shadows in the sun grow long
  Been a mad journey
                                                       We listen to a slow slow song
  These fuckers don't know where I'm travelling from
  Tryna make my buzz lighter
  Tryna get to me, locking down my blud kyzer
  Smoke weed while sipping on a budweiser

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  • 1. Songs, lyrics, fonts, colours, imag es
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Track Listing Blinded by the lights Stay Positive Dry your eyes Fit but you know it Never give in Came in through the door feat. Kano Irony of it all Nite Nite feat. Kano Slow Songs feat. Giggs
  • 5. (And i'm thinkin'... Lyrics (Lights are blinding my eyes) No thats not them, thats not them either... And i'm thinkin'... (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night) Blinded By The Lights I'm still not feeling anything, this has got to be a dud. It's been ages since i necked it, and smoked six tabs to the nub. Thats the one, Oi Belly's not even tingling, i just feel a bit pissed.. How did he not find the baggy, with his hand in my shoe? No-one looks like minglin', i cant see her or him.. Way too close for me, ah well at least they allowed me through. And im thinkin'... Should be a good night in here, Ramo in the main room, (Lights are blinding my eyes) People keep pushing me though, no reception on the phone. I'm gonna do another i think. Yeah, one more, these are shit. And i'm thinkin'... And i'm thinkin'... (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night) (Lights are blinding my eyes) These toilets are a piss take, queue's bigger than the door. They said they'd be here, they said, they said in the corner, Gotta get rid of this pill taste, what are they chattin so much for? And im thinkin'... Glad i'm not a girl in this place, they'll be here til dawn. (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night) Sure my belly's tingling a bit, summat's happening im sure. These look well speckly, bit green and blue, And im thinkin'... Freeze is well cheap though, so i'll take three if i need to. (Lights are blinding my eyes) Right im on the plan, i wish the bouncers would go away, Maybe i shouldnt have done the second one, i feel all fidgety and Borrow water off this man, here goes nothing OK, warm... And i'm thinkin'... (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night) Whoa, everything in the room is spinning, i think i'm going to fall down, (Lights are blinding my eyes) My heart's beating too quick, i'm fucking tripping out. argh Thats proper rank, that tastes like hairspray I wonder whether they got in, turned away no doubt. And i'm thinkin'... Who cares, this is a tune coming in, that one where hes just like.. (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night) Im thinkin'... I hate coming to the entrance, just to get bars on my phone, (Lights are blinding my eyes) You have no new messages, so why haven't they phoned? My eyes are rolling back, i'm rubbing my thighs with my hand. Menu, write message, so where are you and Simone? And i'm thinkin'... Send message, dans number, where've they gone? (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night) And im thinkin'... Yeah yeah theys' here - can they see my hand in the air? the Lights are blinding my eyes) Need to wave 'em over here. I Swear Simone's kissing Dan. My head's twisted severe, body's rushing everywhere, Why's the message pending? where the fuck are ya? They could have texted me when they were near, but i'm fucked and i And i'm thinkin'... don't care. (People pushin' by, there walkin' off into the night) (Lights are blinding my eyes) Hmm, brandy or beer? Waters a good idea, What was i thinkin' about? Ah who cares, i'm maaaashed. Wish that bar lady'd appear; and come serve over here. (People pushin' by, then walkin' off into the night) Where the fuck could they be? still not over in the corner, Totally fucked, cant hardly fuckin' stand. This nights a tragedy, i keep thinking i saw her. This is fuckin amazing; argh.
  • 6. Stay positive Cause this world swallows souls And when the blues unfold Just trying to stay positive It gets cold silence burns holes Just trying to stay positive You're going mad Just trying to stay positive Perhaps you always were Just trying to stay positive But when things was good you just didn't care Stop dreaming Just trying to stay positive This is called irony People who say that are blaspheming Just trying to stay positive When you most need to get up you got no energy They're doing nine to five and moaning Just trying to stay positive Time and time shit'll happen And they don't want you succeeding when they've blown it Just trying to stay positive The dark shit's unwrapping But no-one's listening your mates are laughing And you idols - who are they? They too dreamt about their day I hope you understand me Your brethren's fucking and then you start hating Positive steps will see your goals. Just trying to stay positive Your stomach starts churning and you mind starts turning. Whether it's dollars or control, feel the gold. I ain't no preaching fucker and I ain't no do-goody-goody So smoke another draw I ain't helping you climb the ladder either It won't matter no more but the next day still feels sore I'm busy climbing mine. This is about when shit goes pear-shaped Rain taps on your window That's how it's been since the dawn of time And if you aren't or never have been at rock bottom then Always did though but you didn't hear it when things were so-so If you reach a cul-de-sac good luck to you in the big wide world You're on your own now The world turns it's back But remember that one day shit might just start crumbling Your little zone you were born alone and believe me you'll die alone This is you zone, it's like blackjack Your bird might fuck off or you might lose your job Weed becomes a chore He might get the ace or the top one It's when that happens that what I'm talking about will feel You want the buzz back so you follow the others onto smack So organise your two's and three's into a run then you'll have fucked him son much more important to you And for that you'll be the better one So if you ain't feeling it, just be thankful that everything's Just trying to stay positive One last thing before you go though cool in your world Just trying to stay positive When you feel better tommorow you'll be a hero Respect to BC Just trying to stay positive But never forget today. you could be back here Positivity Just trying to stay positive Things can stray Positivity Feels nice and still What if you see me in that window? You won't help me I know. Just trying to stay positive Good thing about brown is it always will That's cool, just keep walking where you go. Just trying to stay positive It's easy, no-one blames you Carry on through the estate, stare at the geezers so they know you aint Just trying to stay positive It's that world out there that's fucked you lightweight Just trying to stay positive You know less of a person and if God exists He still loves you And go see your mates Just remember that - the more you sink the further back from that brink And when they don't look happy Maybe you've lifetime scars and you think tattoos might be more fitting Play them this tape But who's picking? Searching for yourself you find demons Try and be a freeman and grasp that talisman Cause your the same as I am We all need our fellow man We all need our samaritan. Maybe I'm better looking than you though Maybe I've got more dough - but am I happier... no. Get the love of a good girl and your world will be much richer than my world And your happiness will uncurl
  • 7. Dry your eyes mate I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up There's plenty more fish in the sea Dry your eyes mate Dry your eyes mate I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts But you've got to walk away now In one single moment your whole life can turn 'round It's over I stand there for a minute starin' straight into the ground Lookin' to the left slightly, then lookin' back down And I'm just standin' there, I can't say a word World feels like it's caved in - proper sorry frown 'Cause everythin's just gone Please let me show you where we could only just be, for us I've got nothin' I can change and I can grow or we could adjust Absolutely nothin' The wicked thing about us is we always have trust We can even have an open relationship, if you must Tryin' to pull her close out of bare desperation I look at her she stares almost straight back at me Put my arms around her tryin' to change what she's sayin' But her eyes glaze over like she's lookin' straight through Pull my head level with hers so she might engage in me Look into her eyes to make her listen again Then her eyes must have closed for what seems an eternity I'm not gonna fuckin', just fuckin' leave it all now When they open up she's lookin' down at her feet 'Cause you said it'd be forever and that was your vow And you're gonna let our things simply crash and fall down Dry your eyes mate You're well out of order now, this is well out of town I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up She pulls away, my arms are tightly clamped round her waist There's plenty more fish in the sea Gently pushes me back and she looks at me straight Dry your eyes mate Turns around so she's now got her back to my face I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts Takes one step forward, looks back, and then walks away But you've got to walk away now It's over Dry your eyes mate I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up So then I move my hand up from down by my side There's plenty more fish in the sea It's shakin', my life is crashin' before my eyes Dry your eyes mate Turn the palm of my hand up to face the skies I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts Touch the bottom of her chin and let out a sigh But you've got to walk away now 'Cause I can't imagine my life without you and me It's over There's things I can't imagine doin', things I can't imagine seein' I know in the past I've found it hard to say It weren't supposed to be easy, surely Tellin' you things, but not tellin' straight Please, please, I beg you please But the more I pull on your hand and say She brings her hands up towards where my hands rested The more you pull away She wraps her fingers round mine with the softness she's blessed with Dry your eyes mate She peels away my fingers, looks at me and then gestures I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up By pushin' my hand away to my chest, from hers There's plenty more fish in the sea Dry your eyes mate I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
  • 8. Fit but you know it Excuse me girl I know it's a bit embarrassing but For a while there I was thinking - yeah but what if? I just noticed some tan lines Picturing myself pulling with bare white hot wit On your shirt Snaring you as you were standing there opposite Whether or not you knew it I swear you didn't tick See I reckon you're about an 8 or a 9, And when that bloke in the white behind us lot queuing Maybe even 9 and a half in four beers time. Was clocking onto you too yeah I had to admit I'm not trying to pull you That blue top shop top you've got on IS nice, That yeah yeah you are fit, Even though I would like to Bit too much fake tan though - but yeah you score high. And yeah I do want it, I think you are really fit But I stop sharking for a minute to get chips and drinks You're fit But my gosh don't you know it But there's just one little thing that really really, Really really annoying me about you you see, I'm not trying to pull you What do I give a fuck.. I've got a girlfirend anyway Yeah yeah like I said you are really fit Even though I would like to (whoa, we've all had a drink mate) But my gosh don't you just know it I think you are really fit We're all a bit drunk, yeah we've had a few fair play You're fit But my gosh don't you know it I got this stella I bombed from that last café I'm not trying to pull you This nights not even begun, yes yes oh yay Even though I would like to Now, I bashed my head hard earlier choosing a brew. I think you are really fit But I am digressing slightly so I'll continue. I did fancy you a bit though yeah I must say You're fit But my gosh don't you know it I didn't want to bowl over all geezer and rude, I would rather I hadn't mugged myself on display Not rude like good but just rude like uncouth, But this is just another case of female stopping play So when I looked at you standing there with your hoard, You girls think you can just flirt and it comes to you, On otherwise a total result of a holiday I was waiting in the queue looking at the board But let me tell you, see, yes, yes, but you are really rude, Wondering whether to have a Burger or chips And rude as in good, I knew this as you stood and queued, I'm not trying to pull you Or what the shrapnel in my back pocket could afford But I just did not want to give the satisfaction to you! Even though I would like to When I noticed out the corner of my eye I think you are really fit Looking toward my direction I'm not trying to pull you You're fit But my gosh don't you know it Your eyes locked onto my course Even though I would like to I couldn't concentrate on what I wanted to order, I think you are really fit [outro] Which cost me my place in the queue I waited for YEAH You're fit But my gosh don't you know it Ha ha huh huh huh You're fit but you know it I'm not trying to pull you Oy, just as you started to make your big advance You're fit but you know it Even though I would like to You're fit but you know it I think you are really fit With the milkshake and that little donut in hand I think I'm going to fall over You're fit but my gosh don't you know it I was like nah, I can't, even though you look grand I think I'm going to fall But you look sharp there smiling hard suggesting and Fucking hell Whoa! Leave it out Gleaming away with your hearty hearty looking tan Are you smoking crack or something? But I admit the next bit was spanner to my plan Leave it Out You walked towards my path but just brushed right past Mike just leave it just leave it And into the arms of that fucking white shirted man We cannot have that behaviour in this establishment S'not worth it mike, just leave it Don't Touch Me, S'not Worth It Don't Touch Me, D, Look I'm Alright Don't Touch me
  • 9. Never give in I'll never give in till you're laying with me, You may as well tell me when that day will be, I'll never give in till you're laying with me, I'll never give in till you're laying with me, You may as well tell me when that day will be, You may as well tell me when that day will be, I'll never give in till you're laying with me, I don't mean to sound soking but you know me and I don't feel, You may as well tell me when that day will be, To spoil what we've got enjoying watching dots, touring out lines, fully boring good time, I don't mean to sound soking but you know me and I don't feel, Through the scent of flowers and the humility of love, the To spoil what we've got enjoying watching dots, touring out evening is now set up for a thorough dreamin of... lines, fully boring good time, The gentle guests and games with a sense of sex and said, every sentiment lending metaphors for bed, I'll never give in till you're laying with me, You may as well tell me when that day will be, I'll never give in till you're laying with me, I'll never give in till you're laying with me, You may as well tell me when that day will be, You may as well tell me when that day will be, I'll never give in till you're laying with me, You may as well tell me when that day will be, I'll never give in till you're laying with me, You may as well tell me when that day will be, As soon later tonight, I'll never give in till you're laying with me, About the true signs who flew in my mind, You may as welle tell me when that day will be I'll keep my arms with me for wrapping right round you, Til' what we spark of a thought that could drown you, I'll never give in till you're laying with me, Does she do or does she don't love me true or thought we won't, You may as well tell me when that day will be, The only time I know of love is when silence is violent, I'll never give in till you're laying with me, Optimism fizzing in the clonk in dizzy image really rocking hot humidity, but this is sizzling, You may as welle tell me when that day will be... Stumble over in your window, does she know is does she fuck knows, starting the evening riffling through feelings
  • 10. She came in through the door that girl on the floor, said she came through the door, make me want more the girl on the floor said she came through the door make me want more she talked me through the motions while she walked me through the emotions. caught the line and showed up like a stork that brings the baby more than a kiss more than a hug, more than a teeny little bit caught me looking ravey so she took me to the tap head to weed clash,pour sinner in and i know boys like girls like walked me down from craziness and bought me one more can, der de der de der der i ought to maybe praise thee on your walking and your tan but where there is more for the thrill of it its different but its awkward in this raving you have saved me from the madness pass me the throw now pass til go rasta run so blast it on broken blast to this girl the reason i feel funny, is the season to have fun see, is the showjump blast through control season to spend money she bought me brandy and baileys til i started feeling wazy girl the reason i feel funny, is the season to have fun see, is the i thought it was the dj playing biggy babe baby but i was on the never high but season to spend money. her plan was to take me to the sun, shes on the page 3 but she buys the mirror daily,her eyes pierce me and daze the girl on the floor said she came through the door make me me, saving a fortune for the baddest lady,thinking i called her the a team want more. i got girls in the north, girls in the south,she caled me all silly but really i aint no peter andre, had about two that i took to a rendez- vouz she talked me through the motions while she walked me through the emotions. the girl on the floor said she came through the door make me want more caught the line and showed up like a stork that brings the baby caught me looking ravey so she took me to the tap more than a look more than a snog,more than a ting a little bit want a sneak peek at the clitoris,that might lead to the bedroom lights dimming it walked me down from craziness and bought me one more can, clap clap like the movies ,groovy i ought to maybe praise thee on your walking and your tan but its awkward in this raving you have saved me from the madness the girl ont he floor sais she came through the door make me want more.
  • 11. Irony of it all Hello, hello. my names terry and I'm a law abider There's nothing I like more than getting fired up on beer Like I was saying to him. And when the weekends here I to exercise my right to get paralytic and fight I told him: top with me and you won't leave. Good bloke fairly So I smacked him in the head and downed another But I get well leery when geezers look at me funny carling Causing trouble, your stinking rabble Bounce 'em round like bunnies Bada bada bing for the lad's night. Boys saying I'm the lad who's spoiling it I'm likely to cause mischief Mad fight, his face's a sad sight. You're on drugs it really bugs me when people Good clean grief you must believe and I ain't no thief. Vodka and snake bite. try and tell me I'm a thug Law abiding and all, all legal. Going on like a right geez, he's a twat, Just for getting drunk And who cares about my liver when it feels good Shouldn't have looked at me like that. I like getting drunk Wwhat you need is some real manhood. Anyway I'm an upstanding citizen Cause I'm an upstanding citizen Rasher rasher barney and kasha putting peoples backs up. If a war came along I'd be on the front line with em. If a war came along I'd be on the front line with Public disorder, I'll give you public disorder. Can't stand crime either them hooligans on heroin. em. I down eight pints and run all over the place Drugs and criminals those thugs on the penny coloured Spit in the face of an officer will be the downfall of society Now terry you're repeating yourself See if that bothers you cause I never broke a law in my life I've got all the anger pent up inside of me. But that's okay drunk people can't help that. Someday I'm gonna settle down with a wife A chemical reaction inside your brain causes Come on lads lets have another fight You know I don't see why I should be the criminal you to forget what you're saying. How can something with no recorded fatalities be illegal Eh hello. my names tim and I'm a criminal, And how many deaths are there per year from alcohol What. I know exactly what I'm saying In the eyes of society I need to be in jail I just completed gran tourismo on the hardest setting I'm perfectly sane For the choice of herbs I inhale. We pose no threat on my settee You stinking student lameo This ain't no wholesale operation Ooh the pizza's here will someone let him in please Go get a job and stop robbing us of our taxes. Just a few eighths and some playstations my's vocation We didn't order chicken, not a problem we'll pick it out I pose a threat to the nation I doubt they meant to mess us about Err, well actually according to research And down the station the police hold no patients After all we're all adults not louts. Government funding for further education Let's talk space and time As I was saying, we're friendly peaceful people pales in insignificance I like to get deep sometimes and think about einstein We're not the ones out there causing trouble. When compared to how much they spend on And carl young and old kung fu movies I like to see We just sit in this hazy bubble with our quarters repairing Pass the hydrator please Discussing how beautiful gail porter is. Leery drunk people at the weekend Yeah I'm floating on thin air. Mtv, bbc 2, channel 4 is on until six in the morning. In casualty wards all over the land. Going to amsterdam in the new year - top gear there Then at six in the morning the sun dawns and it's my Cause I taker pride in my hobby bedtime. Home made bongs using my engineering degree Dear leaders, please legalise weed for these reasons.
  • 12. [Leo the Lion] Right, Nite Nite Cos nothing comes close to you. [Kano] So numbers? No boys are taking yours, [Mike Skinner] And no girls are taking mine, Seriously man, Groupies? f*** that, I'm taking time, Like, you know when you got a good girl, We speak from like 8 till late at night, Or you know when she means something to you, & you've got like, a name. When we gets on top, drop my favourite line: [Leo The Lion] [Leo the Lion] Here we go again Girl, I ain't going nowhere. Here we go [Kano (spoken)] Leo the Lion] [Mike Skinner] I plain ain't going nowhere, And you know I never say that sort of thing Like I had a name for this girl, I used to call her "Ladybird", But, I like you, and it might take some time, Cos she always played red, in Connect Four. But really I'm like.. [Kano (spoken)] See? That's an angel to me [Leo The Lion (Chorus)] [Leo the Lion & Kano] I wouldn't have said that before, you get me? Link em & leave then em high, Here we go again, I've been tellin all my man's for time, [Leo the Lion (Chorus)] Link em and then leave em high, [Leo the Lion (Chorus)] They never take my advice, [Leo the Lion] But now I realise, I realise why, [Kano] No, no, no, no, no, no They have not been listening all this time, I call her sometimes, and I wake her up at some dumb Oh my, my, ow, Cos since I linked you, last night, times, Baby we could do this again sometime, I wont be taking my advice Touch my phone, and her number my thumb finds, I even have a special name for you, Cos she's ideal, like a nice meal, and a night in, with a It's "Long Baby", cos you always on my [Kano] nice feel, mind, yeah. Look, Maybe some wine, I'll tell you straight, so straight, yeah, I call her "Nite nite" Maybe sometime we could hold hands in the park, in I won't tell my mates, because she sleeps from the day right to the bright light, the sunshine, No, no, I know, No, I know, an i like her too much to say bye bye, Sometimes, Yeah I like you, But we getting on fine right, Be patient with me if I got 3 raves in a week, Here we go, I don't wanna spoil it, Or in a studio, away for a week, Here we go again, I don't why I can't commit to girls, One we could book a vacation and leave, Here we, And I tell white lies, I'll find out the hard way, But please: "No drama", I don't need beef like Here we go again. Cos she got my favourite smile, her favourite style, shane, forbe, fabian an dean, The first hotel, My favourite time, I'm just focused on making the peas, Breaking the And maybe later we could have a baby, maybe a baby boy, my team, Chasing a dream, favourite child, I ain't on the street, maybe sometimes, "I'm way too tired", My favourite lie, But you can't say I don't make enough time, at first i wasn't so sure of her favourite rhyme We speak everyday and meet everyweek, The windows are steaming up like it's naked time, So I dunno. Maybe it's me. Wait, we're way too bait, You? You got it planned out, I bought her favourite shoes, or they better be, I don't make plans, And she's even my favourite size, You know me, I wait and I see, And she knows I hate holding hands, and I'm hooded up when it's But if we were together, or even now, bait inside, If we weren't "sort-of", but were together, So I guess she's my favorite, right? Would you be faithfull to me? Treat me sanie and make me a tea? Come link me, lay and wake up from sleep, and look hot like 80 degrees?
  • 13. Slow Songs They talk about they wanna cut crime down I do something positive and they fly down I'm pissed off, so I lie down Wrap a spliff, grab a pen and I wind down When the shadows in the sun grow long Mad poverty We listen to a slow slow song Niggers can't get jobs so they buy brown Buy light drive round It's just a phase we know Tryna hustle on the streets to get the right pound That hazy glow 'N little youths getting knifed down Coming off the blazing road Cos nigger got pissed and brought a knife round But I'm like amir khan, I appear calm They don't care about a sign to put the knives down All that clear charm Next little niggers gonna get the knife now But I clip your ear 'ole raw Rinse off the ting and put a life down Keep score of what I got Think of the shit we live our lives round In the draw with the socks That's why I can't understand all the fight down Feeling ever more than a lot I used to score shottins at the squats When the shadows in the sun grow long Fuck it, duck it in the bucket seat We listen to a slow slow song Spunked all my currency and my luck you see Am I grind blind I used to roll strapped up, packing a glock Frightened somtimes Running round rinsing at the back of a block Mixing white wine with wine Used to shot cats, whole packets of rock Late nights on the pave like Now I make music, what they planning to block With dave types Fuck these lil faggoty cops Chitter chatter with the latter I came a long way from a raggody top Wave bye Old reeboks and my gravitys on Behave right Now everything drops I get my gravity on Lets stay tight The whole industry getting mad at me songs Saying they don't like me, the way I'm carrying on When the shadows in the sun grow long Been a mad journey We listen to a slow slow song These fuckers don't know where I'm travelling from Tryna make my buzz lighter Tryna get to me, locking down my blud kyzer Smoke weed while sipping on a budweiser