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Executive Editor: Biljana Pipovic
About THE BOOK: Doc. dr Jasmina Djordjevic, Faculty of Law
and Business Studies, Novi Sad
Authors: Present and former Secondary School of General
Education “Stevan Jakovljevic” students
Cover photo: Ivana Stojiljkovic
Picture credits: Pages 19, 40 & 46: Milica Nesic; Page 53: Sanja
CIP .............
Printing run of 500 copies

        I have the pleasure to present you THE BOOK.
        Even though it was not written by me, I am really
proud to say it is a part of me as much as it is the part
of my students since it represents many years of pleasure
and fun that I have had while teaching.
       This is THE BOOK dedicated to love, life, friendship...
It is meant to show that even though each generation imag-
ines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went
before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it, some
things never change. No matter when or where you are fif-
teen or eighteen, you share the same dreams, hopes, fears...
        This book is a big, nostalgic thank you to all who
were my students, to all who make up the puzzle of my mem-
ory, the puzzle of my dreams.
         I hope it will touch your hearts in the same way
it has touched mine. Because these are the words of wise
men. These are the words of great men. The men who have
touched my soul and left a trail...
                                                                 1. About THE BOOK

Biljana Pipovic
Have you ever felt this world
   Has been pressing on you
   Have you ever searched for truth
   And in your heart found love
   Which you have, but never know
   That life is too short for you
   For the deeds, and needs you have
All they want is to own the truth,
   Own your will and rule your brain
   But no one can rule your heart
   Don’t you ever be afraid
   If you can’t win this fight alone
   Your heart will show you the way
Then your life will be all yours
   You’ll be free to fly away
   No one will tell you what to do
                                       2. Poems...

   Never again will you be afraid.

Igor Ilickovic

In thickened fog
 You come in blindly
  And you fly, fly
   Looking for the sunlight
And when the winds of remorse
 Break your wings
  Through the curse
   You summon thunders
     And with an ice-cold heart
      Look for the exit
       From the tunnel of fallacy.

Jovana Tomic

                                     3. Poems...

Love is a book in one word,
The ocean in one tear,
The sky in one look,
The wind in one sigh,
The thunder in one touch.
    If there is brightness on Earth,
    It is in your eyes.
    If there is happiness
    It is meeting with you.
    If there is pain,
    It is life without you.

Ivana Kitanovic

                                       4. Poems...

     I am driving, I am driving
   Around the world, and I know
     I am driving, I am driving
   To be with you, to reach you...

      Wait for me, wait for me
    ‘Cause I love you, yes, I do...

     I am walking, I am walking
    And I am thinking about you
     I want you and I miss you
        I miss you by my side

       Come to me, come to me
       Be my only, only wish
       Be my only, only mine,
            mine forever
            By my side...

Sanja Mitic
2003/04                               5. Poems...

     I am driving, I am driving
    My new car, across the fields
     I am singing, I am singing
     Nothing is the way it seems

      I am trying, I am trying
        To forget all my pain
     I am crying, forever crying
       Everything goes in vain

Can you sing   with me? Can you sing?
 Together we   can put the pain away
Can you sing   with me? Can you sing?
 Together we   can go the other way

Aleksandra Velickovic

                                        6. Poems....

I am gambling, I am gambling
With the devil all my life
I am gambling, I hear wailing
‘Cause the devil is my wife

Now I am dying, I am dying
Like a dog in the yard
She is frying my poor body
And nobody is my guard

Can you kill me? Can you kill me?
Once to end this bad trip
Forever dying, I am crying
I want, so much, to fall asleep.

Dusan Cvetkovic

                                    7. Poems...
THEY (who destroy)

They're   killing   children
They're   killing   God
They're   killing   future
They're   killing   us

No one can stop them
We're all going to die
They own the world
Everything else is a lie

It's not a hard deduction
They own the destruction

We can't fight them
'Cause they have their fake war
When everyone's dying
And Death is winning battles
Time and time again

Dusan Cvetkovic
                                  8. Poems...

A dog is an animal
A dog is a bloodthirsty
Dogs are lethal in their
The weak are their victims
The weak can't get stronger
So, dogs, try to be more
Hope for the mind and
Heart, too
Don't kill human in you
Don't act as dogs do!

Dusan Cvetkovic

                              9. Poems...
My life, my dream
That's what you are,
And I can never forget you
‘Cause you were always there
by my side

For you I'll give my last breath
And my last glass of wine
You - my destiny
You were always there
by my side

But this life is too short
Too short to get to know you
You - my destiny
You were always there
by my side

When I was sad
When I cried
You - my destiny
You were always there
by my side

Like the fireplace
In the frosty winter night
You - my destiny
You were always there
                                   10. Poems...

by my side
Slavica Milekic
What would you do
  If I were wrong
  And love was just a flame
Would you give up everything
  That you thought I was?

What if our hearts ran black
  Our fears began to grow
Would you tell me that
  We were not enough
  And leave me all alone?

Julija Popovic
February, '05

                               11. Poems...
     It must have been the rain
        Nothing hurts so bad...
      I'm going to find it now.
    I don't care about the pain.

       The Sun is way high up
       for me to see its signs
     But my eyes can try to see
     What its dust leaves behind.

     It must have been the rain
       Nothing makes me so sad
   I left you with a ray of hope
         But you came back...
       Trying to make it stop.

       It was raining again.
    A rain drop can say a lot....

Julija Popovic
January, '06
                                    12. Poems...
blinded by the silence

    where you are - is a place to be
   people hiding behind their faces
         no one can ever see ...
     the darkness of their smiles,
   the shadows in their pretty eyes
        they are all very happy
            with that sorrow
      that, actually, never dies...

              in the silence
        it's all coming together
              in the silence
      you face it all by yourself
              in the silence
      you'll remember...forever
 those little things you've never said.

      where I am - is a place to see
           people hiding behind
                their feelings
       no one is able to find me....
    behind this curtain of love...hate
                  am I free?
        can you see me? feel me?
how can I find love if I'm too afraid to
       if I can't recognize its face?
              am I dreaming?
                in the silence
            all the fires are cold
                in the silence
    thoughts are louder and louder...
               in the silence... me!catch me before I fall!
    please save my founder.
                                           13. Poems...

  again, I'm blinded by the silence...

         Julija Popovic
            December, ‘03.
Living this life
  Facing these days
   Finding this path
     Cursing this fate
      Trying to find
Thoughts in this darkness
  Never is now
   I'm falling apart.
     Dancing with danger
      Crawling for more
I'm finding this anger
  Deep in my core.
   Living your fears
     Trying to help
      Nothing is done
       I came back too late.

Julija Popovic
January, '06

                               14. Poems...
I’m sitting alone by the river
The night is cold and empty
SInce you left
I’ve been living in a lie
You are always on my mind

I can’t stop thinking about you
I keep forgetting I am alive
SInce you left
I’ve been trying to get on with my life
But it’s hard, oh, so hard

When I look into the river
Your face is what I see
Everything reminds me of you
I want to be cool
But it’s hard, oh, so hard

Since you left
I’ve been doing what I don’t want to
It’s just wasting time
‘Cause you are always on my mind
And I wonna live

I only wonna live
Without you, without you
How? I’m going to find out...
                                          15. Poems...

Darko Nikolic
I thought love was just a mirage of the mind
    An illusion, a fake, impossible to find
    But the day I met you I began to see
     that love is real, and exists in me.

         You are the smile on my face
        You are the sparkle in my eye
      You are the happiness in my heart
     You are the contentment of my sigh

        You are the life in my veins
            The half of my whole
          The light in my darkness
             The soul of my soul

         You are the sun in my sky
       You are the spirit of my song
        You are the love of my life
         You are the where I belong

Dragana Spasic
                                               16. Poems...


  Ain't it funny how we never learn to fall
  We just hide the feelings behind our pride
           We sometimes feel so small
       And we keep the pain deep inside.

      Find your light in a scary night
         Find someone you can trust
       Set your gloves up for a fight
          Or else we are just dust.

           You must keep the faith
        Let love get into your heart
          Don’t let it turn to hate
           Let someone be its part.

Dragana Spasic

                                               17. Poems...
 A lot of things in life go wrong
 But I smile when we are together
 No matter how bad things are
 You always make them better.

    I’ve tried so hard to hide
    Who I am inside
    But you’ve seen the real me
    The girl you want me to be.
    You make me feel special
    You make me feel new
    You make me feel loved
    With everything you do.

I love the way you kiss me
The way you hold me tight
I love the way you touch me
I could be with you all night.

     I just want you to know,
     That even though we sometimes fight
     I will always love you
     No matter what, day or night.

Dragana Spasic
                                           18. Poems...

Can’t buy me ... love

        The greatest dream of all ordinary people who live
on this planet is peace and harmony in their lives. They
do not need so much to be happy.
        However, there are also people who want to destroy
that ideal. Those are the people who want to rule this
world. Powerful and rich, they are trying to capture the
happiness of others so they can be happy. But they are
wrong. They cannot be happy because they only need to feed
their greed.
       True happiness is not in material wealth. It is in
feelings; it is in the beauty of the human soul. The true
happiness is love. And there is no money in the world that
can buy love. Love is untouchable for greed. Love is not a
thing, it is abstract and therefore priceless.
      Only people with a pure heart can feel it. No one can
possess love. Evil cannot harm it, because without love there
would not be human beings. People would become stupid
machines that can talk and work, and nothing more...
        People with soul are able to love. Whether they are
rich or poor, it does not really matter if they are happy.
        So, we must be more emotional, less material beings
because only in that way our humanity will survive.
                                                                20. Essays...

Dusan Cvetkovic
An eye for an eye...

To be or not to be... are the words of all mankind. In our
lives we always have some decisions to make. What we are
going to do with our lives depends on us. But at least once
in our life, we are going to ask ourselves exactly what
Hamlet asked himself. Do we want to fight for justice, do
we want to look into the future with our eyes full of hope,
to fight against the sea of troubles? Or, do we want to
stay back, in the dark, without dreams, without feelings,
without fight?
      Wait a minute! Is that life? Of course not! So what
should we do? Sometimes it is really hard to stay honest,
because the road that leads to justice is very bumpy.
Sometimes we have to do some horrible things. Sometimes
somebody gets killed or kills, as Hamlet did.
     An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth... Is that real-
ly justice? When you have to kill someone, how can you keep
on living? Who are we? Who gives us the right to do some-
thing like that? Are we gods? No, we are not! And if we
kill someone in the name of justice, who are we? Are we
better than the killer?
       I can tell you, Hamlet is a lucky man. He died imme-
diatelly after he had killed his uncle. If he had stayed
alive, he would have been only a ghost, not a man with a
heart and soul.
       So now we are aware of the problem. What should we
do? How can a murderer be punished? I cannot answer that.
                                                               21. Essays...

Here I’ll stop.
Kristina Karuovic
Here, in this world, some days are made to make you cry...
Yet, there are days which can bring you only joy and
strong wings so you can fly over the big dark side of life
which means only trouble. Sometimes you just cannot stand
all the problems and heartaches life gives you, but you
know if you keep on moving you will see the bright and
sunny side which is then even more beautiful and brighter.
You will survive and your tears, your rainy days are going
to be something distant.
Each man has his own destiny. And everyone knows that
there are always good things coming... Behind the dark cur-
tain, there is always the sun which makes our life inter-
esting and worth living for.
We must appreciate all the things life brings us, bad or
good, because they make our days exciting..
Kristina Karuovic

                                                              22. Essays...
I ask myself almost every day what I have done to deserve
this beautiful life. When I wake up in the morning and when
I hear the birds singing and see the Sun shining, I feel
very lucky to be alive, to be here.
But there are some days... The weather has something to do
with it... When I look out and everything is somehow quiet,
dark and gloomy, I feel sad and lonely. I do not want to
do anything. I just want to sit there, in my room. I want
to be alone, only with the sound of my favourite song on
the radio. When it is raining, my mood is even worse...
Oh, but when the weather is nice, that is the whole new
story. I am happy - no reason at all. I sing all day. I do
not fight with my older sister. I go for a walk with my
younger brother. I even help my mother.
Hurry up summer!

Jovana Stamenkovic

                                                              23. Essays...
Life can be nice and sweet. But everything that is nice
is not long lasting. Everything comes to its end. Some days
of our life are bad and ugly like winter silence when
everything is dying under the white covering.
Still, when you think that rainy days are never going to
end, when there is no hope, you are going to see the end
of a tunnel like a shiny star which is going to bring
happiness into your life. You just have to follow it.
Life is unpredictable... We never know what it brings. We
only know that something is going to happen either good
or bad. Thus, if you want to succeed, you must be patient
and use everything that life gives in the best possible way.
There is always hope!

Damir Kocic

                                                               24. Essays...
LIFE... SO MUCH              FUN
Life is not a one-way street.
One day we walk along a golden road, and another we could
find ourselves on a steep, mountain path. It could be a slip-
pery road covered with ice, but after some walking and
falling the ice must melt down. We can enter a dark for-
est and walk surrounded by creepy trees and shiny eyes
twinkling in the dark.
    But then again, we could walk through the fields
surounded by pretty flowers. We can hear birds singing, we
can see the sun again.
No matter what path we follow in life we must never stop.
And if we get lost some time, and it is possible after all
that walking, we must keep our heads. We must not lose our
heads. Only then can we easily find our way.
Walking without falling, without climbing would be so dull.
Without any excitement, our lives would be senseless.

Nenad Golubovic

                                                                25. Essays...
I hate when it rains...
Then I think that the sky cries because of all the acci-
dents that are happening all over the world. Rain reminds
me of a life path where we must go and meet many disap-
pointments, feel a lot of pain and sometimes, but only some-
times feel happiness which appears like a ray of sunshine.
Only because of that single ray, we must keep on walking,
we must fight.
Life can be like a stormy sky, but after rain, there is a
I want to believe in that.

Jelena Stankovic

                                                               26. Essays...

It is morning. The sun is shining... So much to see, but so
little to say. It is hard to describe. You can see me smil-
ing. Can't you see my heart? It is smiling, too. It is happy
and it wants to share its happiness. It wants to beat for
The sky is cloudy. It is so dark. There is no smile on my
face. I can feel the problem. A cold wind is blowing through
my heart. I am so afraid.
The rain has started. I feel tears on my face. I want some-
body to protect me, to help me. Is there a real friend to
share this sadness?
No matter, deep down I know I'll be happy again. Here comes
the sun again.

Tanja Jovanovic

                                                               27. Essays...
Love And Beauty Above All
             We live in times when many people often lose
themselves, their identity... Nowadays only the shadows of
lost people are passing by.
          We dream about unlimited happiness; a world with-
out hatred. But, we know that something like that does not
exist. We know that man's life is full of pain and suffer-
            The most important thing in life is fight, but
not the fight, the struggle for survival. Here we talk about
the fight for power, for material values. Kingdoms are
being lost, lives are being lost for money. People die and
suffer. The tears of blood flow from the eyes of mothers.
Evil people hide tragedies in the bouquets of roses.
           Why are there less and less people who are good-
hearted, who wear a smile instead of guns? Where have all
those good people disappeared? Who is going to save us from
           I hope that one day people will understand what
love    and    beauty
really mean!

Dragana Stojanovic
                                                               28. Essays...

And there is love - the word that has been keeping our
lives all these years. The nicest in the world. The most puz-
zling and mysterious. And, of course, the most painful one.
It is always so near, hiding and waiting to be found.
Dancing in the air, following every step of ours, making
us go mad... An inexplicable feeling with no definition, a
game without any rules.
An emotion which pushes us into stirred waters. And we are
not even aware. I'm really not able to think... Butterflies,
butterflies, butterflies... in this world I know only them
and you, my darling.
You are the one who makes me nervous, and happy; who makes
me feel superior, perfect.
So noble and beautiful love is.

Emilija Mitov

                                                                29. Essays...
The Perfect One
          Have you ever asked yourself what is wrong with
this world?
It is a cruel place and nobody likes to be alone. Everybody
should have someone to look after him, to take care of him.
I would like to find that special one. That is my only
chance to escape from this hell..
She should be pretty, smart, intelligent. She should love
kids. She must love me, understand me, sometimes forgive if
I do something bad. She would have to get to know me, the
real me deep inside; to hear my thoughts, to see my dreams,
and make them true if it's possible; to give me wings when
I want to fly.
She will tell me that I am her special, really wanted. She
will tell me that I am the one because I need somebody to
tell me that it is going to last forever. And when I see
the spark in her eye, I'll know that she loves me.
She will have to give me some faith, hold me tight when
nights are cold. When I have burnt all my bridges, and
there is nowhere left for me to turn to, she will be there
for me, no matter what.
She will never walk out on me; she will let me have one
more chance... And I'll never regret choosing this woman to
be my everlasting love.

Nemanja Bosic
                                                              30. Essays...


        Everyone in this world has an obligation to try to make
this planet a better place for living and also to protect nature
as much as possible.
        Human beings, as the most productive and the most devel-
oped form of life on Earth, are the only hope for this world.
Unfortunately, many people today forget how much this planet
has already given us and how much we owe it. It seems as if the
only thing we have learnt up to now is how to destroy its beau-
ties and we have not done anything to correct our mistakes.
Because of that, today we feel the consequences of our careless-
ness, such as: wars, poverty, hunger...
        However, I still think that in this world there are quite
a few people who are aware of our situation and who are try-
ing to protect our planet as much as possible. Those people are
also aware that destruction is not our main quality. We can be
as effective as God! We can give a new life in many ways. We
can take care of our own race, or take care of animals, and
        The only thing we need in order to revive our planet is
will power and a lot of love. People who love nature and who
are aware of their role in this world can do much more than
they even imagine. We can stop wars in the world, raise money
to erase poverty and hunger; we can help children in need, sup-
port different societies and agencies in their fight against
crime and exploitation. We can also do a lot for animals and
plants by protecting species which are about to become extinct,
by planting new trees and creating National parks.
        All in all, we can do so much for this world to make it
look like God did it himself.
                                                                    31. Essays...

        After all, if WE do not help this world of ours, then who
Sanja Trajkovic 2005/06
Be yourself no matter what they say!

 In life, you can have a lot of problems and obstacles which
can prevent you from becoming a successful person.
     When everything seems broken into pieces and absolute-
ly impossible, when all people around you have problems,
never, but never, think that you are guilty of that.
   Be yourself! Don't panic - you need to be reasonable.
Don't let people accuse you and recognise their mistakes in
    Don't be satisfied with the minimum. Always trust your-
self and think you are the best. Although, something can be
difficult, try to do it. Think: 'I am the best! I can do that!'
Don't say: 'It is too difficult for me. I cannot do that!'
You can! Yes, of course, you can!!! The only thing you need
is self-confidence.
       If people around you do things which are not good
(and in this world there are a lot of bad things, drugs
being one of the worst examples), don't break down. If you
want to do something wrong, think before you do that; think
about the consequences and you will understand whether
that is good or bad. Don't let other people make you do bad
    Remain the same - you must be you. Perhaps one day you
will be a famous person, a rich person - don't change your
habits. Sometimes money and fame change people. Wherever
you are, and whatever people you are with - whether they
                                                                  32. Essays...

are rich or poor, famous or ordinary, normal people - above
all, they are humans, people just like you!
         People you call friends might not always be your
friends. They can hurt you, maybe more than your enemies.
Never say 'I will help you!' better say 'I will try to help
you.' for there are moments when your friends need help
and you cannot do anything for them. They will be disap-
pointed in you, so to avoid that better say 'I will try to
help you, if I can.'
      Sixty seconds seem longer than one minute. Make your
life full; live every day as the last one. Everyday do things
you like.
      I have written many sentences... However, the point is
- if you stick to these ideas in life, you will become a
Man. Wherever you are, whatever you do - stay the same! Be
yourself!!! Be yourself no matter what they say!

Bojana Davinic

                                                                33. Essays...

     The necessity to control appears as soon as we fall in
love. It is often said that there is a thin line between love
and hatred, but it would be better to say that love and the
need to control someone are in such a relationship. If you
have ever tried to control someone then you know that you
did that because you felt insecure and weak.
Excessive control can take your relationship to a blind
alley where your best intentions become a road to hell. You
will not get love you long for, if you have a tendency to
      Women are mostly the ones that are possessive. They
should know that men would never give up their own free-
dom and possibility to control their destiny just to be with
a woman.
     One of the most painful feelings that we can ever expe-
rience is jealousy. Sometimes it becomes obsessive and that
can inevitably bring us to a total loss of control! How we
are going to react depends on how much we trust ourselves
and how much we believe we are wanted and loved. To be
jealous means to be insecure! Jealousy does not only hit the
object of our doubts but also prevents us from proper eval-
    Fear that we could lose our beloved can be horrifying!
                                                                34. Essays...

People, who are jealous, are mostly fighting against an
imaginary enemy that can steal their love. Jealousy is sim-
ilar to paranoia. When doubt and anger appear between
partners, love and trust can no longer survive!
      People who control their beloved ones always believe,
secretly, that they don't completely deserve the love they
are given.
        So far there is something you should remember: you
must take risks, stop controlling and learn to put up with
uncertainty and you will find true love or at least keep
your beloved and which is more important, you might find
new, internal power.

Katarina Jovcic

                                                              35. Essays...

Even during the earliest period of human existence, those
who were physically stronger, more capable, more intelli-
gent, tended to put themselves above all others, to hold the
power in their hands, which couldn't have been very sig-
nificant for that period. Still, they wanted to rule. That
is how differences between people became so numerous that
society became divided into groups we usually call classes.
         Although there have always been people promoting
equality, still very little has been achieved so far. The
right to equality is one of the basic rights established in
some of the first declarations and constitutions. But even
centuries later, when the human race has reached a very
high level of development and modern technology has com-
pletely changed our lives, some attitudes seem to be
unchangeable. People still allienate themselves and avoid
each other because of different race, religion, nationality
and which is very sad - because of sex. Women are still
discriminated even though they have proved their abilities
so many times.
       Another problem is that the country and its author-
ities do not treat people as equals. Reality shows that pub-
lic bodies are so corrupted that only wealth can help you
solve the problem. The reality is that we live in a socie-
ty of inequality. People whose duty is to protect human
rights see people as rich or poor, white or black,
                                                               36. Essays...

Christians or Muslims, male or female. And no one feels that
it is a violation of law. No one considers it right to pun-
ish those who hurt others discriminating them every day.
Just imagine this: we are told we live in a democratic soci-
ety. What we are actually showed is that democracy is when
we have to pay or know powerful people if we want to get
rights we are entitled to. I have been taught democracy is
something else. Not paying to be heard or accepted in places
you normally belong to.
         What can we do? I would like you to imagine your-
selves being discriminated for one moment. It doesn't mat-
ter who by, what for? How would you feel? - Frustrated,
angry, humiliated, embarrassed. Believe me, we all could eas-
ily get into that kind of situation at least once in our
lives. That is why we have to try to be aware of the
diveristy among people and promote tolerance among them,
because, diveristy is important and it makes the world
Milica Veselinovic

                                                                37. Essays...
People wake up!!!
One of the world's biggest problems and in my opinion the
most important one is to save the Earth from destruction.
There is a lot about it in the news and in TV programs,
but it seems to me, there aren't many people thinking about
it and taking it seriously.
    As you probably know, nature is being destroyed more
and more every second, every day, and because of that, the
end of our planet and human race is getting closer. Have
you ever thought about it? Will you stop for a moment and
think about this? People wake up!
    First of all, I would like to point out that the sad-
dest thing about this is that nature is being destroyed by
ourselves. We are destroying our planet and killing our-
selves unconsciously under cover of technological develop-
ment. As Chris Rea said: 'This is not a technological break
down, this is a road to hell!' People wake up!
   Do you realize the consequences of modern and easy life?
Do you understand that with solving some small 'problems'
and making life easier, we are just creating bigger prob-
lems. It is like a boomerang effect - cars, different
machines, factories, radiation, nuclear energy and many
other things are polluting the air, the soil, the water and
food. Have you noticed that the symbol of healthy food -
green apple has vanished from packages!? We are destroying
our planet with every breath and we can't live without it.
                                                              38. Essays...

People wake up! Do you think it's late to do something?
    I would like to turn to solving this problem, but as I
have already noticed there is only talking and talking
about this enormous threat to the human race. Energy
recourses are being spent and in the near future there will
be wars for food and water. But still nobody does anything.
Can you believe this?
       Finally, I’d like to say to all of you and to the
whole world: 'People wake up!' We must wake up or we will
die in our sleep!
Thank you for reading this and I hope I have not been
writing in vain...

Jelena Stamenkovic

                                                              39. Essays...
                                                               9 s s
Last year a young couple decided to get married. After the
wedding, the woman had to go on a business trip abroad. At
the same time it was her husband's birthday. She sent him
a very big box with a small, but precious present - a preg-
nancy test. It was positive!

Ana Davinic


Jim and Susan had had a long relationship. They had always
been together. One day they decided to go somewhere on hol-
iday, but separately. Jim didn't want to tell Susan where
he was going. She didn't say, either. So he went to Venice.
And there she was!
What a connection!

Jelena Kostic
                                                              41. Mini sagas...
                                                                    n a a

The killer woke up. He put his boots on.      He took a mask
from the ancient gallery. He took a knife.   He was so angry.
He wanted blood. But too many dead people    were behind him.
He was weak and he committed suicide. He      set off to meet
his destiny.

Nikola Krstic

One day a brave hero Zero heard someone screaming. He saw
his girlfriend who was in trouble. An enormous, furious
wolf was after her, so Zero took his sward and shield and
started chasing him. Zero was too fast, too furious and...
he fell down, hit his head and died.

Dragana Jovanovic
Milica Krstic
Aleksandar Petrovic
                                                                42. Mini sagas...

An elephant and a mouse went on holiday. The mouse was
sunbathing. The elephant was swimming. Suddenly, the mouse
started yelling: Come on! Get out of the water.. hurry! The
scared elephant ran out of the water. The mouse said:
Nothing. Just checking if you have taken my bathing cos-

Milica Cvetanovic
Jelena Stamenkovic

A Selfish Pet Owner

Tom bought a sandwich and had enough money to buy some
food for Billy. He decided to buy an ice-cream instead and
went back home. He left the sandwich and went upstairs.
When he returned, Billy was eating it.
       If Tom hadn't been so selfish, he wouldn't have been

Milica Veselinovic
                                                              43. Mini sagas...

It was Saturday night, a perfect night for dancing. Susan
went to the disco and started dancing. Suddenly, she felt
that the ground was shaking. She panicked, but not for very
long. "That's why this place is called Earthquake," she
laughed to herself.
The next minute they were all dead.

Danica Stankovic

Scared groom

They were the happiest couple in the world. But one morn-
ing when she woke up she found a note: 'Darling I love you,
but I'm not good enough for you'.
She thought what she had done wrong, then she remembered.
Last night she had said 'marriage'. Today he ran away.

Jelena Petrovic
                                                              44. Mini sagas...
                                                                   i i g
Unlucky sparrow
A little sparrow fell out from the nest and broke its wing.
A man wanted to help. He saw the broken wing and felt sick.
A child wanted to take it home. His mother refused. A girl
said 'Poor sparrow'. Her boyfriend kissed her and trampled
it with a 47-shoe..

Dragana Spasic

Buying a ticket
A woman called: 'Hello, I want to      go from Chicago to
Hippopotamus, New York!'
'Hippopotamus? I've looked up every airport code but I
can't find it.'
The customer retorted: 'Don't be silly! Check your map!'
'You don't mean Buffalo, do you?'
'That's it! I knew it was a big animal!'

Dragana Spasic
                                                              45. Mini sagas...
What happened to the supernatural?
   It is ordinary things that make me afraid... trees, knives,
rivers in the darkness of the night, the cry of a baby,
red-haired children...
   I was out in the open field. The land I was walking
through lay broiling in the Sun. As I walked farther and
farther, it glittered like glass and it seemed to stretch
out endlessly. I didn’t know where I was. At one moment
things started to move so fast that I could see only shad-
ows. Everything was shaking and moving around.
    Now I was in the woods. The path I was walking along
was too narrow. I got scratched by the thorns which were
on the bushes along the path. I had the strange feeling to
keep moving although I didn’t know where I was and why I
was there. I was going along the path and in front of me
I saw a fallen tree trunk which was blocking my way. I
couldn’t pass there, but I still had that strange desire to
keep going. Then I heard a voice: ‘Don’t let other things
make you give up!’ I can’t describe how the feelings got
mixed up in me and made me confused and frightened. I
turned around and saw a bear looking at me. I was panick
stricken, but he just turned around and disappeared. Again,
everything started moving and shaking.
    Before I even realised what was happening I was stand-
ing in the middle of something... something which looked like
a desert. Hot winds blew freely over everything, carrying
                                                                 47. Stories...

sand to choke up ears and nostrils, bringing me a scen as

soft as melting butter. I didn’t know where on Earth I was.
In my pocket I found a fork. I started to think that I had
already gone mad, or that I had arrived in Hell, or...
I didn’t know what I was thinking about. No aim... just the
same feeling... to go on. The thoughts in my head were like
a shapeless pile. I was trying to push them out, but that
was only confusing me more and more. I don’t know how long
I had been walking before I reached a wall. The wall seemed
to be stretching out endlessly. I heard a strange noise
behind it. And it seemed as if something was getting clos-
er and closer to me and it seemed that it would hit me,
and blow me away...
     Then I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my room,
in my bed. My body was shaking, my breathing was heavy...
sweat was all over me. I wondered: ‘What is real? Our
dreams... our reality?’ The line between is so thin.
     So keep your eyes wide open, and look into your heart.

Vladimir Djonic

                                                              48. Stories...
Hard to Understand
      It was Wednesday, quarter past five, maybe half past
five. I came out of the building, and since I was in a hurry,
I looked for a cab. A yellow cab stopped. I threw my ruck-
sack into the car and told the driver where to take me. It
was so hot in the car that I took off my jacket. After a
while we stopped. I paid the driver, and on my way out
grabbed all the stuff that was on the back seat. The cab
drove off. I was putting on my jacket, then the rucksack
when I noticed a purse faling out of my jacket.
      I was surprised. THe purse wasn’t mine, but I had it.
I looked for the cab, but it was already gone. I didn’t know
what was in the purse, just as I didn’t know what to do
with it. After a while, I decided to open it. I was hoping
to find something, an ID maybe, or anything that might be
helpful. When I looked in, I found myself not confused, but
really taken aback. There was money - lots of it - ten
thousand pounds, even more. I looked again and there was
an ID. The purse belonged to a Mr Collins.
       Now I had doubts. I didn’t know whether this money
was ‘dirty’, or maybe the money for a new car, or maybe
the tax should be paid with it, or even a hospital bill. I
didn’t know... Eventually, I decided. The money would have to
be returned to the owner. As soon as I had finished my
shopping, I took another cab and gave the driver the
address from the ID.
                                                                49. Stories...

      When I returned the money, Mr Collins was very happy
and grateful. Just as I suspected, it was tax money. It
turned out that Mr Collins owned a cinema, so he, in order
to show his gratitude, gave me tickets for the premiere of
The Independence Day which was supposed to be in his cin-
ema the following week.
       When I came home, my mother was furious. Her dinner
was ruined because I didn’t get all the groceries on time.
When I told her what had happened to me, she didn’t believe
me, so I showed her the tickets, but then she yelled at me
because I didn’t ask her to go to the cinema.
      Grown-ups are hopelss! No matter what we do, they’ll
always be better, smarter, their way is always going to be
better than ours. But that comes with growing older. It’s
not their fault. What can be done? Being old and having
obligations is such a terrible thing. It’s bothering them
that they can’t be young again, so they interfere and make
our life difficult, as if it weren’t difficult enough. Even
though it’s hard to understand them, we are also growing
older, so we should probably turn a blind eye and forgive

Nemanja Conic

                                                              50. Stories...
There’s Always Weather
      Time has stopped today. The weather will always be the
same. No more atmosphere and the Sun is in the West.
     Electric birds are flying, singing songs about Maltus.
The weather is always the same. Do they know what the rain
is? It’s probably something from the old books from the
period before Ford. Do they know for the sides of the
world? I saw the East and with a new pair of electric eyes
     I am only sixteen, but I look older than the old man.
The Sun is black. What can be done? I can’t change it -
I’ve learnt from horses; I grew up with horses.
    I shall cry tonight and my tears will pour like rain.
I’ll give you back your feelings, and your dirty system will
be distroyed.

Radoslav Zdravkovic

                                                               51. Stories...
Punished by a Ghost

       I’ve had troubles this year... I’ve quarreled with my
friends, I’ve always been tired, I’ve lost my will. I got dis-
appointed in love.
      These bad things, as a matter of fact, had their good
side. I became more competent... The fear of dying disapeared.
I was not afraid to be crushed by a car any more; to be
shot by a drunken criminal; to be poisoned by contaminat-
ed food. However, there was one thing I couldn’t do any-
thing about - I was really scared to be haunted by the
ghost that was sleeping under my bed.
       One morning I got up with a headache. I felt some
strange insecurity. And at the moment of confusion, the evil
ghost attacked. I couldn’t move my body. It shot six times
through my head, then dyed my hair. It washed my brain
with hydrogen and put some weird sounds into it.
         I shouted, but no one heard. The ghost put me in
chains. It laughed at me. I tried to move again but I fell
on the floor. I saw myself falling through a great depth.
Suddenly, a brilliant, white light appeared in front of me.
I heard the tolling of the iron bell. I saw something I
couldn’t explain. It claimed my soul.
       So, I saw myself in an asylum for lunatics. The voice
spoke to me: ‘You’ve wasted all your time. Every next year
                                                                 52. Stories...

will be shorter for you. You were different and you could-
n’t choose your own ground. How much time did you spend
without ever having fun? Now, you’ll live a hard life with
emptiness in your head.’ As it stopped speaking, the room
filled with darkness.
      The last thing I saw was a man with the gun passing
by. I tried to find a tree to lie down and sleep under it.
But everywhere I looked, I saw the endless desert of
destroyed ideas. I shouted: ‘What do you want from me?’
        I was alone. To the West, the Sun was eclipsing the

Radoslav Zdravkovic

                                                              53. Stories...
I’m sitting and thinking about you...about a thousand miles
between us... If only I didn’t love you any more! But as long
as I’m thinking about you and wanting not to love you, I
need you... I miss you.
A thousand miles are a temptation for any true love - time
and a thousand miles between us.
You haven’t been near me for many years, but I still want
you and your face, every day.
I think that after you I’ll never love again ... I’ve been
in love, yes, but I’ve never loved as I loved you. I’ll live
on remembering you, your eyes, your smile... I’ll live to meet
you once again in my life. I’ll live in the past with your
My angel, the old Greeks had a theory that stars are the
only perfection in this Universe.
Today, if anyone says that, I’m sure he hasn’t seen you.
Forever waiting for you,

Sanja Zlatkovic
2002/03                                                          54. Stories...
Listen to me now...
You realise this is the last connection between us?
No more walks... no more talks...
There’s nothing left... I don’t know who is to blame, who’s
guilty, you or me, both or neither of us. Forgive me for
the things I did, the things that hurt you.
Neither distance nor time will help me forget you.
Tomorrow I’ll mention your name with a smile as if noth-
ing has happened.
But tomorrow is far away.
The wound in me reminds me of you ‘cause you meant a life
to me. But, you’ll never know that.
Once when the wound has been healed, nobody will ask me
how much it hurt.

Tamara Stevic

                                                              55. Stories...
At the Theatre
Leila and Peter had always wanted to be actors, but they
were living in a small town and had never had an oppor-
tunity to try themselves on the stage.
       One day a big theatre group came to their town to
perform a show. Everyone was very excited. Leila and Peter
wanted to experience something more.
      They sneaked out through the back door and wandered
through the halls. Suddenly they saw a big, dark room.
At first, it looked normal, but when they entered they saw
two human bodies on the floor. They approached them slow-
      At that moment a man with a huge knife rushed into
the room and started cutting the bodies into pieces. There
was blood everywhere... There were arms and legs all around.
Leila and Peter almost died of fear.
     All at once, the lights turned on and they heard some-
one shouting: ‘What are you doing in here? This is a
rehearsal! Nobody is allowed to see the show before
tonight’s opening!’

Marko Stamenkovic
                                                               56. Stories...
One of those days

      It was a bad day. It was a really bad day.
     I woke up very late; my sister had forgotten to wake
me up. When I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw my
hair was terrible. I knew I had to wash it, but I realised
that there was no time. Then I realised I had no clean
clothes to wear. I had to wear my dirty jeans and my HIM-
shirt which I was wearing every day last week.
     I was running around trying to find a pair of socks
when the phone rang. It was my parents, and since I had-
n’t heard from them for two weeks, I had to talk to them
for half an hour. Eventually, I washed my hair even though
there was no time to dry it completely cause I had to study.
I did not have time to eat either. In the meantime it start-
ed to rain. What a disaster! I had no shoes, only a pair of
sneakers, so I had to wear them. Time was passing and I
almost missed the bus - I had to run to catch it.
     Things got worse when I got to school. The boy I liked
wasn’t at school that day, so I was in a bad mood. My biol-
ogy teacher wanted to test me, and since I was in a bad
mood, I got a bad mark. Then I got another one from my
Latin teacher. Everything was bad, but the worst was still
to come!
      The rain didn’t let up the whole day. I was all wet.
                                                               57. Stories...

However, when I got home nobody was there. There was noth-
ing to eat. Perhaps I could mention that I hadn’t eaten at
school ‘cause I had forgotten to take lunch money with me.
The room was freezing. I was very cold so I tried to find
something to cheer me up.
     Music could cheer me up! But I remembered how every-
one from my class thought wrongly about me because of the
music I listened to and the clothes I wore. They said I was
just a shadow, that I didn’t have my personality... The boy
I liked said that, too. Suddenly, I was no longer in the
mood to listen to music.
     Tell me, who wouldn’t?

Sanja Stankovic

                                                              58. Stories...
I miss you...
        It was a year ago when my granny died. It was an
ordinary evening. The whole day I was thinking about her,
our conversations, her advice... I was sad and I decided to
go to the house where she had lived.
      When I came into her room I felt a little bit strange.
It was at the same time cold and warm. Suddenly, in the
opposite corner of the room I saw her. My old granny was
smiling. I didn’t know what to do. I was panick stricken.
It was incredible! I couldn’t believe my eyes... She was dead.
I closed my eyes... and screamed. My mother heard me and
came quickly. I was shaking.
      When I finally opened my eyes, she was gone. When I
calmed down I wasn’t quite sure what had happened to me.
My mother said that was normal because she’d died only two
days before and that I still couldn’t believe that she had
gone for good.
      And me? I think I really saw her.
      I miss her so much...

Danijela Andjelkovic
2003/04                                                          59. Stories...
      It was Saturday. Someone rang my door bell. I opened
the door. It was my friend David. At first, I didn’t recog-
nise him. He was very pale and his hands were shaking...
      ‘I don’t understand.’ David kept reapeating for near-
ly half an hour as if he was having a bad dream. After a
cup of coffee, and a pack of cigarettes, he started to talk.
       ‘It was yesterday. I went out alone because all my
friends were busy. I wasn’t in a good mood because, as you
know, I’d lost my job, but I couldn’t stay at home either. I
would feel worse. I went to Sun, you know the club we had
been at on my birthday. Anyway, it was strangely quiet for
a Friday night. I sat by the bar and ordered a drink. After
a couple of minutes, just after it stroke midnight, the door
opened and SHE came in. She had a long, white dress, beau-
tiful black hair, and those eyes...
        My dream had come true. My angel was in front of
me, asking me if the seat next to me was taken. At first,
I was just staring at her... She smiled and asked what my
name was. From that moment on we didn’t stop talking. We
were dancing, laughing, having fun... Time was flying. We
stayed there until the club closed. I offered to walk her
home and she accepted. On the way home she was cold, so I
gave her my coat. I was so happy that I didn’t feel how
freezing it was. When we were in front of her house, she
kissed me good bye. She even invited me to go to her house
                                                               60. Storeis...

today - it would have been her birthday. I told her to
expect me. I turned around, but then I realized: I didn’t
know her name! I wanted to ask her but she was already
I couldn’t sleep the whole night. I couldn’t wait to
see her again. She was everything I had ever wanted. Today,
I went to her house. An old woman in black opened the door
for me. I asked her for the young lady. The woman start-
ed to cry and said she had been living alone since her
daughter had died a year before. She showed me her photo
- it was HER, my angel... I couldn’t believe it! What is more,
it’s her birthday today!
       I was at her grave. Do you know what I found there?
My coat! She was next to me; we were talking, she kissed
me... and now? I don’t understand... I don’t understand... I
can’t understand...’

Bojana Stojanovic

                                                                 61. Stories...
Where are they?
         Do you believe in their existence? I do!
         They are somewhere. Maybe, they are looking at you
right now.
        They know everything about you, even more than you
do. They know your most secret desires, all your fears. They
know what happens in your dreams. They know what you
think. They can read your mind. And they don’t talk.
       Inaudible, hovering, at night, while you sleep, little
humanoid creatures with big, creepy eyes, with no pupils,
with long, thin arms, little gray aliens, enter your room,
and take you to their spaceship. They torture you there.
They put implants into your body.
      Fear and pain are so strong that you want to believe
that all is just a dream. You even lie to yourself, but deep
down, you know the truth. They’ve taken you... You’ve expe-
rienced the most terrifying feeling that someone can feel...
       People, realize, they are here! Wake up!
      Oh, you’re not so stupid, right?! You are not an idiot,
are you? Don’t you realize how lucky you are? Of all the
galaxies, of all the continents, of all the countries, of all
those little places, you started your insignificant, miser-
able life right here. Why?
        Therefore, why wouldn’t another form of life exist
somewhere else? Maybe a little bit different... certainly dif-
                                                                 62. Stories...

ferent... but life.
      They are here! Take care of yourselves! Maybe yu are
the chosen ones... sentenced to an eternal torture. Maybe,
they come for you every night, take you, do experiments on
you... Don’t tell me that you have never had a scratch, which
you can’t explain?!
         They are here for sure, all around us. We only need
to open our eyes, fight our fear, and realise that every-
thing that happens to us is more than a dream.

Sanja Zivkovic

                                                                63. Stories...
     Three sailors were shipwrecked on a desert island after
their ship had sunk in a storm. There was enough food on
the island for them to survive but there was no way to
     The three sailors desperately missed their families and
friends. They would have given anything in the world to be
rescued, but no ship ever passed near enough for them to
send a signal.
     One morning, fifteen years after they had been ship-
wrecked, they found a bottle on the beach, with a cork in
    "Let's open it," said one of the sailors, "there might be
a message in it."
  They took the cork out and a genie appeared in a big
cloud of smoke.
    "Thank goodness for that," said the genie to the aston-
ished sailors. "I've been imprisoned in that bottle for two
hundred years. How can I ever thank you? I know! You can
wish for whatever you want in this world, and it will imme-
diately come true."
    After he had said that, the genie disappeared in anoth-
er cloud of smoke. The three sailors looked at each other.
     "I'll go first," said one sailor. "Watch me!" Then he
shouted: "I wish I were back in my hometown with my wife
                                                                64. Stories...

and children!"
     No sooner had he spoken that than there was a flash
of lightening and he disappeared. The other two sailors
looked at each other in amazement.
       "Now it's my turn. Watch this!" said the second sailor.
He shouted at the top of his voice, "I wish I were back in
the pub in my little village with my girlfriend!"
        There was another flash of lightening and the sec-
ond sailor disappeared. The third sailor looked around him
sadly. It felt strange to be without his companions after
so many years. He sat down on a rock and thought to him-
self. "It's so lonely here on my own. I wish those two were
here with me now..."
          There was another flash of lightening...

Emilija Mitov

                                                                 65. Stories...
It was a sunny day... a clear blue sky, with no clouds.
Everything seemed to be all right. I was in a good mood.
I went for a walk along the beach. While I was walking, I
saw something black in the sand.
Oh! What a surprise! A wallet...
I took it and found an ID. I was shocked. I saw a photo of
my first love, Jenny.
Jenny had kissed me a long time ago. It was the first per-
son who had kissed me.
I saw her address. What a coincidence! Her flat was only
two streets from mine. I was in high spirits. Her surname
was still the same. I guessed she didn't have a husband.
I rang at her door. A handsome, young man opened the door.
"Can I help you? What are you looking for, sir?"
"I'm looking for Jenny."
"Jack, it's you?" he asked.
"How on Earth does he know my name?" I was wondering.
"Maybe she is married after all."
But all my dilemmas were solved right away.
"Jack, it's me, Jenny. I've changed a little. I'm John now.
Come in, please."
Everything went blank...
I woke up on the top of an old building, with a half-empty
bottle of whiskey. How did I get here? After all, it was
not so important. I was glad because it was just a dream.
I went home quite happy.
                                                              66. Stories...

But in my pocket...there was something in my pocket.
The black wallet.
Branko Tasic
     One day, I was sitting alone at home, when I heard a
knock at my door.
      I opened it and saw a sweet, little girl wearing old,
torn clothes. She seemed week and looked so pale... She looked
as if she were hungry and cold. She seemed harmless, so I
called her in.
      While I was preparing her something to eat, she told
me that her name was Angela. It was her birthday that day.
I was surprised and felt sorry for her. I wanted to give
her something, but I didn't know what. Finally, I remembered
my beautiful little red dress which I still kept in my clos-
et. Angela was so happy that she kissed me. She had to go
soon, and I let her go... After she had left, I felt some-
thing strange. I was so happy, and yet so calm. I couldn't
explain that new feeling. I kept thinking about Angela, and
I knew I had to find her and find out more about her.
      So, I went out. While I was passing by the primary
school, I saw a group of people. When I came closer I heard
them talking... "Too bad, she was so young... so beautiful... a
real angel." I couldn't believe when I realised that they
were talking about Angela, my Angela. She had had an acci-
dent the night before, the day before her birthday. Today
would have been her birthday.
     I felt a sharp pain through my heart. I couldn't stop
thinking about the child. I went straight to church. I met
a priest and talked to him. He smiled and told me that I
                                                                  67. Stories...

shouldn't be scared. Things like that happen sometimes. A
legend says that when a child dies it becomes an angel...
Now, I am sure that Angela is an angel... my angel
Miljana Stamenkovic 2003/04
The Twilight Zone
   It was some time before I realised that I had been turned
into a cat. The first thing I noticed was that I was sit-
ting on the floor instead of a chair. My clothes were in
a heap by the chair as if I had just stepped out of them.
On the small table the glass was still half-full of the
black, bitter liquid I had drunk. I tried to stand up on
two feet and succeeded only in standing on four. Then I
begun to walk with a curious spring motion. Suddenly the
door opened and Julia came in. I tried to say 'Julia' and
I heard myself let out a discordant 'miaow'.
      “Oh, my God! I'm a cat! No, no...this can't be happening.
Me, a cat!? HA! Maybe, it's just a dream?! When I wake up,
everything will be just the same. I'll be normal again. What
a relief!
    But then again, what if it's not a dream? What if I'll
be a cat for the rest of my life? I don't have my arms, I
can't pinch myself, I know! I'll just scratch myself and I'll
wake up.
    Ouch!!! I need a mirror. But I'm so small.” I went to the
glass door and saw my own reflection.... “What am I going
to do now?”
     'Where is that girl? Kristina!' I heard Julia's voice
calling my name.
       “Oh, if only you knew...I'm so tiny and helpless. And
hungry! Why is this happening to me? What did I do wrong?
                                                                  68. Stories...

I feel as if I were in a twilight zone. Maybe I really am.
That makes sense.” 'Come, kitty!' Julia called me. She took
me in her arms and started fondling me. “What a feeling!
But I don't wanna be a cat any more.
Think, Kristina, think! What is the last thing you did?
My life is a living hell! Oh, God I'm going crazy. Help!
Somebody help me! Julia, don't you recognize me? I want my
old life back.
       I'm so tired and sleepy... I'll just take a nap, and when
I wake up, I'll decide what to do.” I found my place on the
floor, and soon fell asleep. Suddenly, I heard my mother:
'Kristina, wake up! What are you doing on the floor?'
       'I am normal! Tell me, I am not a cat! I am not a cat,
      'Normal again? A cat? What are you talking about? Come
on... Julia's waiting for you.'
       That wasn't a dream, I was thinking for myself. It was
a nightmare. “My left arm... it's itchy. Wow... it's a scratch.
I can't believe it.”
         'There you are! I've been waiting and waiting. I've
played with your cat in the meantime.'
        'A cat? What cat? We don't have a cat.'
        'A little, black and white cat. It's so sweet.'
        God help us!

Kristina Lazarevic
2004/05                                                            69. Stories...
Too Much TV
      It was some time before I realised that I had been turned
into a cat. The first thing I noticed was that I was sitting on
the floor instead of a chair. My clothes were in a heap by the
chair as if I had just stepped out of them. On the small table
the glass was still half-full of the black, bitter liquid I had
drunk. I tried to stand up on two feet and succeeded only in
standing on four. Then I began to walk with a curious spring
motion. Suddenly the door opened and Julia came in. I tried to
say 'Julia' and I heard myself let out a discordant 'miaow'.
       ‘Miaow! 'Too much TV,' I was thinking. Miaow! Miaow!
Hmm, that was supposed to sound like 'Hello, Julia!' Damn!
It's hot in here. This polyester shi...aaah!? Fur?! What the...?
No, no, no... Come on! This must be a dream, a bad one. Wake
up! I know this kind of scare-me-to-death-I-can't-go-to-
work-without-double-coffee dreams.
       I slapped myself once pretty hard. Oh, what now!?
A flea! A flea! A little, such a little flea was jumping all
around. It seemed lost. 'Food around the
around...' Great!
The flea ran into a spider's web...It didn't wait. As it was
eating the bug I opened my eyes and saw another spider
right above my head.
        A Moon over the Burbon Street was on the radio...I
felt strange. I got up and turned my TV on. There was noth-
ing to be seen, but I kept staring.
My hands were shaking while I was pouring coffee for me
and my wife Julia.
                                                                   70. Stories...

'Good morning, darling!'she said.
'Good morning,' I answered.
Jelena Stankovic 2004/05
Not a Bad Thing
 It was some time before I realised that I had been turned into
a cat. The first thing I noticed was that I was sitting on the
floor instead of a chair. My clothes were in a heap by the chair
as if I had just stepped out of them. On the small table the glass
was still half-full of the black, bitter liquid I had drunk. I
tried to stand up on two feet and succeeded only in standing on
four. Then I begun to walk with a curious spring motion.
Suddenly the door opened and Julia came in. I tried to say 'Julia'
and I heard myself let out a discordant 'miaow'.
       I was petrified. 'What's this?' I asked myself. I did-
n't know what to do. Julia saw me. I knew what she thought
of cats. Last time she saw one, she threw it into the toi-
       The torture started. While I was running away, she
was throwing all the things she found at me. 'Julia, you
are really crazy! You're going to kill me.' But everything
was in vain. The only thing that could be heard, apart from
my poor 'Miaow!' was Julia's: 'Stop and fight, you awful
creature! Stop you little monster!' Thank God, her mother
entered the room.
       I took the chance, and escaped. 'What a feeling!' I
thought. 'So, I'm a cat, a pretty terrified one, thought; but
a cat.' The more I thought about it, the more I liked it.
Cats have nine lives. I decided to try that.
     I was looking for the best way to try this belief. I
                                                                     71. Stories...

saw a really big building. 'That's it!' I decided to jump
from the highest floor. I got to the roof. There was anoth-
er, black cat. She was staring at me. One more look, and I
      The last thing I heard were the words: 'Foolish cat!
She'll definitely die!'
       I was really the fastest-flying cat ever seen. Then
nothing, only pain and silence.
      I opened my eyes. The same room...the same me.
      What's that black cat doing at my window?

Aleksandra Velickovic

                                                             72. Stories...

    It was some time before I realised that I had been turned
into a cat. The first thing I noticed was that I was sitting on
the floor instead of a chair. My clothes were in a heap by the
chair as if I had just stepped out of them. On the small table
the glass was still half-full of the black, bitter liquid I had
drunk. I tried to stand up on two feet and succeeded only in
standing on four. Then I begun to walk with a curious spring
motion. Suddenly the door opened and Julia came in. I tried to
say 'Julia' and I heard myself let out a discordant 'miaow'.
     I was confused...didn't know what to do.'This is only a dream.
Soon, I'll wake up...I just have to wait for a while.'But, nothing
happened. I was waiting and waiting, but nothing changed. I
started jumping around hoping to be woken up, but nothing.
      Now, I was scared. I looked at Julia. She finally noticed me.
'Oh, what a wonderful cat! Look at it! Who brought you here? It
must have been David, my younger brother. Where is he, anyway?
How could he leave you all alone? Don't worry. I'll look after
     Now, I was really scared. I knew how she looked after cats.
Our last cat had run away from our house right because of
her. She feeds cats to death, washes them twice a day, gives them
a hair cut every week... 'What do you want, little cat? It looks
like you have something to say.'
   'No, I don't,' I thought. 'Everything is perfect. I am a cat,
you're alone at home...Oh, what am I going to do? I can't live a
cat's life. It's impossible! Think, David, think!' But, simply I
                                                                      73. Stories...

couldn't .
     'Come now,' Julia said. 'You're going to sleep and I'm going
to watch my favourite series Charmed, and then we're going to
find David. OK?' 'Yes, yes, we'll definitely find him,' I thought.
I had nothing else to do, so I watched the series. 'Not bad look-
ing witches...Who would say these girls were witches?' Witches?!
Magic?! I saw the magic book that gives power to the witches
and suddenly I remembered. The book in our attic!!! That is a
source of magic power. And then I worked it out. I was reading
that book...then I found myself being a cat. That book can bring
my life back to normal. But how shall I reach the attic?
       The moment Julia opened the door, I ran out. Julia didn't
follow me to the attic. There was the book. It looked as if it
was thousand years old. Who brought it here? It must have been
that woman who had lived here before us. Nobody knew where she
had gone. She disappeared like a ghost. Maybe this book had some-
thing to do with it...
       I opened the book. It was really creepy with many scary
pictures. Under one of them, this was written: 'This is Pahalania,
the book which can give you magic powers. Be careful! If you
use it with bad intentions, you'll become the animal you have
touched last!'
That's it! One of my last wishes was that my maths teacher lost
his job. So what now?
      I turned the last page. There was written: 'To reverse the
magic, press the letter N. The book will disappear, but you'll
remember everything and you'll have to live with it.'
      At that moment I heard my sister coming. She was looking
for me. She stepped into the attic.... I looked at her, for the last
time through the eyes of a cat... and pressed N.
      She was just about to leave when I cried 'Juliaaaaa'.... She
turned around and I heard: 'I'm not deaf!!!'
                                                                       74. Stories...

Marko Pavlovic

      It was some time before I realised that I had been turned
into a cat. The first thing I noticed was that I was sitting on
the floor instead of a chair. My clothes were in a heap by the
chair as if I had just stepped out of them. On the small table
the glass was still half-full of the black, bitter liquid I had
drunk. I tried to stand up on two feet and succeeded only in
standing on four. Then I begun to walk with a curious spring
motion. Suddenly the door opened and Julia came in. I tried to
say 'Julia' and I heard myself let out a discordant 'miaow'.
     Julia was surprised when she saw me, or to be precise
when she saw a black cat ‘cause we didn't keep pets. She
kneeled down and picked me up. Luckily I was a very sweet
cat so she didn't throw me out. She put me on the bed and
started looking for me - the human me.
    I very soon got used to being a cat. I even liked being
a cat. I liked all my new abilities - I was very fast, I
had good reflexes, balance, and I could jump very high. I
had strong claws and sharp teeth. I enjoyed trying out my
new body. In the meantime, Julia finished her unsuccessful
search and went to the kitchen.
      However, very soon I realised that no matter how fun
it was to be a cat, I had to find a way to turn back into
my human shape. Then it came to me.
       This morning an old salesman sold me an invisibili-
ty potion. You must understand that I bought it only to
                                                                  75. Stories...

get rid of him. And I drank it because I was curious. And
curiosity killed the cat. He must have mixed the potions.
I had to find him. He couldn't have gone very far away. I
sneaked out, and started running down the street. I was
         I saw my neighbour Bill throwing things at the
'voodoo magician'. The poor old man ran away. I was after
him. Imagine how frightened he was -a big, black cat run-
ning after him. He was so scared that he dropped one of
his bags. I looked inside. I couldn't find what I was look-
ing for; I didn't know what I was looking for. I noticed a
bottle bigger than the others, but I couldn't open it. I
smashed it and licked the liquid from the asphalt. I faint-
       When I came round, I was in my bed. 'What a relief,'
I thought, 'it was just a dream. Very realistic, though.'
Julia came into the room. 'What were you doing naked in
the street? Bill called me when he picked you from the road;
it wasn't strange for him as he is a filthy barbarian, but
it was so humiliating...blab...blab...blab....' She couldn't be
          I stopped listening. I had to think what to tell
her. Certainly I couldn't tell her the truth. She would-
n't believe it.

Nenad Golubovic
                                                                  76. Stories...
     I lived in the jungle. Every day I looked for food and
often I had to fight for my territory. I led an ordinary
monkey life, until one day... I only fell asleep. When I woke
up, I found myself closed in a small room.
     Those stupid human beings. I knew it! They wanted some-
thing from me. But what?!
     At first I had no idea what they wanted from me. Every
day they were giving me food, water and things other mon-
keys could only dream of.
      But when after couple of days I stepped into my cas-
tle, called cage, I understood. These stupid human beings
finally realised that I was the only smart creature on this
planet. They definitely wanted me to be their king. I was
very excited.
      Lots of people came to see me.'But why all the time?
Why are they pointing their fingers at me? Why are they
so happy when I do something, even if it is so stupid?' These
questions bothered me for a few months.
        Finally I found a solution. I knew I was the king.
That was so true. 'Who can be more important? That can be
nothing but a god! No, this can't be! I am not god. Or, per-
haps, I am?! Yes, I am the king and God!'
        Now, everything was clear. Those people were coming
as my servants and loyal liegemen. When I did something, no
matter how stupid it was, I eased their pain, made their
troubles go away. They were smiling. They were happy to see
                                                                77. Stories...

me. They pointed at me thus showing me respect.
      Now when I realised that I was the one, those stupid
human beings could sleep peacefully.
    Damnjan Jevtic 2004/05
      The year 4004 AD. A mixture of vapour and the orange-
pink colour of the Sun in the yellow sky above the town
that people used to call LA.
        'Lisa,' called Sean again. 'He told me that they still
had that job in the circus. I don't want to force you, but
can we at least think about that? We both know that our
financial situation is not so bright, right?!' he told to his
wife. 'I’ve heard some rumours that Hawaii is planning to
attack America once again. You know that they almost
destroyed us in World War V.'
        'Sean, are you aware of the fact that you are talk-
ing about our son?' Lisa asked. A tear dropped from her
third eye.
        Sean's two antennas started moving around. 'Oh, not
again! Those pterodactyls are so boring, always looking for
food. Go away, go, go...' Then he continued: 'I know, but he
is so different. He knows that, too. Since other kids have
started treating him as a freak, he didn't go out of his
room. He must do something...'
       'But it's not his fault!' lisa complained. 'To work in
a circus as a freak, to be the subject of jokes and laugh-
ter - it's so humiliating; for him, and for us, too.' She was
nervous. She looked at Sean's green face and started cry-
ing. 'Oh, Sean, hold me tight! Oh, why did God punish us like
that? Why us? Why is our son not like other normal kids?'
                                                                 78. Stories...

       'Be strong, Lisa. We must support him as much as we
can. After all, he is our son; no matter he is a frea...dif-
ferent!' They went to bed. Sean couldn't sleep. He went to
his son's room.
'Jimmy, are you awake?' he asked. Jimmy was sound
       'I love you, son, no matter what. I know I don't show
it so often, but I hope you can feel it.' He touched the
child's head with his fourth arm and quietly left the room.
        He didn't have the strength to look at his son; to
see his two blue eyes, to see his two legs, two arms, black
hair without antennas, pink skin...
       He couldn't stand the fact that his only child looked
as those primitive monsters who had lived two thousand
years ago...

Branko Tasic

                                                               79. Stories...

     This happened a few years ago on 1 May, when I went
camping with my friends.
    Going on this camping trip is a tradition. We spend one
night and one day in the woods in the hills, sitting around
the campfire telling scary stories, laughing, listening to
music... Each time we go there, something interesting hap-
pens. However, this one I'll never forget.
     We entered the woods around midnight. It was very dark,
but we didn't mind as we had flashlights with us. After
twenty minutes of walking, we ran out of light. One of the
flashlights fell into a puddle and the other one had a low
battery. So, there we were, in the middle of the woods, in
total darkness. Nevertheless, we still kept going. It was
freezing! I could see a full Moon shining through the
branches of the trees. The Moon was our only source of
   However, bad luck kept following us. Suddenly, the clouds
appeared and covered the Moon. The rain started. We could
see even less now. There was water and mud everywhere. Our
feet were wet and our clothes were covered with dirt. The
ground became slippery and while we were going up some of
us were falling down. We walked through the bushes and I
could feel branches scratching my face.       I could hear
strange sounds coming from everywhere. Those were proba-
bly the sounds of birds, but in my head, I saw the creepi-
                                                               80. Stories...

est animals ever.
    When we finally found a good place for our tents, we
realised that three of our friends were missing. We didn't
know what to do. We started panicking. There were hundreds
of things that could have happened to them. Then we remem-
bered - mobile phones. Thank God for them! We called them.
They were fine. While we were climbing, they were the last
in the line and at one moment, they stopped to have some
rest, but somehow they lost us. Fortunately, they weren't so
far away, so they soon joined us.
      We were so tired, and at the same time so happy. There
was no rain and the strange sounds weren't bothering us
any more. Yes, we had some small scratches, our feet were
still wet, there was mud everywhere, but, all in all, it was
an unforgettable experience. And while the Sun was rising,
we were sitting around the campfire, wrapped in our blan-
kets, drinking warm coffee and laughing.
      Coffee never tasted better!

Ana Markovic

                                                               81. Stories...
I went out for a walk.
Unfortunately, it began to rain.
Fortunately, I had an umbrella.
Unfortunately, it was broken.
Fortunately, I met a friend in a car.
Unfortunately, the car ran out of patrol.
Fortunately, the patrol station was near.
Unfortunately, we didn't have enough money to pay.
Fortunately, the man who worked there was
  a good man and let us pay some other day.
  So we continued our journey.
Unfortunately, soon we had a flat tire.
Fortunately, we had a spare one.
Unfortunately, we had no tools to change it.
Fortunately, a fisherman came along.
Unfortunately, he invited us to go with him.
Fortunately, both of us were good at fishing.
Unfortunately, it was getting dark.
Fortunately, very soon, I caught something interesting.
  It was a gold fish!
Unfortunately, it wanted to make only one of my wishes
come true.
Fortunately, I knew what to ask for. I wanted to become
a prince!
  In a moment everything went dark.
I heard someone calling my name:
                                                          82. Stories...

'Get up, Frantz Ferdinand! Let's go to Sarajevo!'

Marko Stamenkovic
Green Lady

When Craig Meyers bought his restaurant, he got it for a
very good price because it had been empty for three years.
Nobody wanted to buy the place because people said that it
had a ghost.
          The ghost was a lady in a long green dress who
had been a singer in the restaurant years before. People
said that one night, on her way home from the restaurant,
the singer had driven her car off the road, over some
cliffs and into the sea below. Nobody had ever seen the
singer alive again. People said they had seen her ghost, but
Craig didn’t believe in ghosts so he wasn’t worried.
            Three months after Craig had bought the restau-
rant, he opened it again. He called it The Green Lady.
           The restaurant had been opened for six months
when a strange thing happened. It was Saturday night.
Everybody had left and Craig was tidying the restaurant.
Suddenly he heard a woman singing in the dining room. She
was singing a traditional song called Green sleeves. Craig
went into the dining room. The voice was louder there, but
the room was empty. Craig checked the restaurant tape
recorder and the radio in the kitchen, but they were both
switched off. He couldn’t stop the strange singing, but he
didn’t feel very worried.
                                                               83. Stories...

         Craig locked the restaurant, got into his car and
started to drive home. He was tired. He fell asleep and
crashed his car into a tree.
        He woke up at the hospital. The police officers were
in the room with him.
          ‘We need to ask you some questions,’ they said.
       ‘Who was the woman in the car with you? We haven’t
been able to find her since the accident.’
          Craig answered: ‘I didn’t have anyone with me.’
          ‘Yes, you did. We were driving behind you and we
both saw her. She was wearing a green dress.’

Milica Andjelkovic

                                                             84. Stories...
Bed-t ime story
David woke up in the morning and knew his life would never be
the same again.
     A few days ago while David was working in his small milk
bar, a woman dressed in grey entered the bar saying nothing.
She picked up a glass of milk and without paying for it walked
out of the bar. David was surprised by the woman’s behaviour. He
ran out of the bar after her, but she had disappeared.
    The same small woman dressed in the same grey dress entered
the bar again, just a few days later. She grabbed a glass of
milk and again left quickly without paying. David tried to fol-
low her, but she was nowhere to be seen. After a couple of days,
she appeared once again. She was dressed the same. She paid no
attention to David, snatched a glass of milk and vanished
through the door.
       However, David was prepared this time so he quickly fol-
lowed the woman out of the bar. She hurried down one of the
town’s main streets and David had to run to keep up with her.
She turned off the road into the woods. This was where David
lost her, but he kept going.
      And then he heard a baby crying and it seemed like it was
coming from the ground. In front of him was a gravestone mark-
ing the death of a mother and her baby who had been buried
      Unsure what to do, David went back and brought some shov-
els and a few people to help him. The crying became louder as
they were digging. When they reached and opened the coffin, they
found a dead woman with a crying baby in her arms. And the
three empty glasses.
                                                                   85. Stories...

       The poor child had been buried by mistake and the spirit
of her dead mother kept her alive until she was found.
Marko Momcilovic 2006/07
Dear stranger,

       My name is Angelo Colungo. I'm fifty-eight years old,
and I don't have any possessions. I was born in a little
town, Sun Mountain. At that time, my family was very poor,
so, Alice, a rich woman who lived in the village Mark's Lake,
brought me up.
      At that time, Alice was a widow. She used to be mar-
ried to a rich shopkeeper, and they didn't have any chil-
dren. She has never married again. Horses were her passion,
so I took to them. We had six horses and one of them was
only mine. His name was Mike and I took care of him. I
always had a good time when I rode Mike across the neigh-
bouring meadows.
       One day, suddenly, Alice died while she was sleeping.
She left me a great amount of wealth, so I became one of
the richest people in Mark's Lake. Nevertheless, I was very
sad because of Alice's death, and living became meaningless.
      Three days after Alice's death, I took my horse and I
rode around my farm. I wanted to forget everything. I was
very disturbed.
       I don't know why, but I turned off the road and I
decided to go to the forest. I had never been there before.
      Suddenly I heard some voices, so I hid myself and my
horse. Three men were in front of me, but they saw neither
me nor Mike. Even now I can exactly remember all their
      Now, he is very rich, but, you know, he is also very
                                                                86. Stories...

stupid, - said the first man.
    I think you should forget plan A- the second man inter-
rupted him.
I'm sure, if we do that, we'll get caught. But, I...-start-
ed the third man, but the second man interrupted him.
   Silence! You're a bait, only; but you aren't in our group.
I was scared because I felt I was the topic of their con-
versation and I wanted to run away, out of that forest.
But, how? They could see me.
      We didn't take advantage when he walked in his pyja-
mas, that night...- started the first man. He wanted to say
something else, but, there was some noise, so they left.
      I decided to leave Mark's Lake as soon as possible. My
life was in danger because, if my premonition was right,
they were planning to kill me. I wanted to sell all my pos-
session... and a few days later, a customer appeared. I sold
everything. The price was very low, but I didn't have any
choice. Then I was twenty-nine years old. I decided to go
to Sun Mountain. I planned to find my real parents.
      There I rented a house. Sun Mountain was a very lit-
tle town and people knew each other. I made inquiries about
my parents, but I couldn’t find out anything. I knew nei-
ther what their names were, nor if they were still alive.
       Nobody could predict that something would happen in
Sun Mountain that would start an avalanche of events...
Namely, Jane Mervilson, sixty years old, disappeared during
the night between Thursday and Friday when she came back
from a visit to her daughter’s. Next day, in the early morn-
ing, her body was found in the forest. She had hanged her-
self. There was a Halloween mask on her face. Everybody
thought it was suicide.
                                                                   87. Stories...

       As I was coming back from her funeral, in front of
the graveyard, I saw an old woman in a long ragged black
skirt. She was a beggar. I took pity on her and I gave her
some money. There was a man, too. He was selling masks. He
wanted to sell me one, but I wasn’t interested.
    That night I had a terrible dream. I dreamt of the mask
seller. He tried to drown me in the lake. It was a terri-
ble experience for me, because everything looked so real.
Next day I didn't go out. I thought...
     But... then... the body of Erica, a beggar, was found in
the centre of Sun Mountain. It was chopped and, there was
a mask. Everybody was frightened because of that terrible
event. The police were everywhere. However, they found noth-
ing. There was no evidence, except the mask. There weren't
any witnesses, either.
       I felt the killer was the mask seller... I thought it
was obvious. The police found and caught him, but a few
days later, he was free to go, because the police didn't have
any evidence against him.
      During the next few months nobody went out by night.
There was strange silence.
      I had the same dream again. I had a bad premonition
once again because, if the killer was the mask seller, he
could kill each of us. But, he disappeared... I decided to
find him, but I couldn't without the help of the police.
Unfortunately, the police didn't want to listen to me and
they thought it was stupid.
      Out of the blue, a rich stranger came to Sun Mountain.
His name was George. He had good manners. He bought a
house which was near mine and we became friends. He did-
n't want to talk about his past.
                                                                88. Stories...

      I told him about those terrible murders. He agreed to
help me find the mask seller. He paid some people and they
found him. His name was Erwin. We wanted to follow him,
and if we had found something strange, we would have given
him up to the police. A year later, we had found nothing.
Erwin lived with George and he was supported by George.
He thought that we wanted to help him and he was satis-
      One night, I was awake till two o'clock a.m., because I
was writing some letters. When I had finished them, I went
out into the yard. I heard some steps. I hid myself, but I
could see my neighbour and friend - George. He was going
somewhere and in his hand I saw a Halloween mask. I start-
ed to panic. I asked myself where he had gone. Everything
was strange. Why did he have that mask? I decided to fol-
low him, but when we were near the forest I came back. I
was scared to death.
        That night I didn't sleep. After breakfast, I visited
George. I didn't ask him about the night, but he told me he
had slept like a baby. He planned to go to a nearby town
after lunch. I went back to my house. I was very tired, so
I went to sleep. Somebody knocked at the door and I woke
up. I opened the door and I saw Erwin. He was in a panic.
He told me that George had had an accident.
Together, we visited the place of his accident. The car was
destroyed. George was in hospital. His condition was criti-
cal, but he could still talk. A lawyer was there and he was
writing George's will. George left all his money and his
possession to Erwin. I was surprised. Later the investiga-
tion revealed that the brakes of George's car were broken.
It was the cause of the accident. George died in hospital.
                                                                89. Stories...

         Living in Sun Mountain became really terrifying.
First, Jane hanged herself, then Erica was killed and, in
the end, George had an accident. What would come next?
Nobody knew whether Jane had really hanged herself, or
whether it was murder. All deaths were somehow connected.
There was always a mask. Who was the killer? Why?
      I started my own investigation. It lasted twenty three
       Yesterday, I found the last part of the puzzle, which
has completely changed my life. This is what I have found
out up to now...
        George had lived in Sun Mountain before I got to
know him and he had left Sun Mountain ten years before
my arrival. He had been poor, but he had been good at gam-
bling and became rich. He had had a few plastic operations,
so when I got to know him, his appearance was completely
        Erica was his wife. When he heard about her death,
he came back because he wanted revenge. George had always
loved Erica, but they got divorced and he left the town,
because he'd thought that Erica loved another man. Erwin
was their son! What is more, Erwin was my half brother. It
was a shock for me. I was surprised when I discovered that
Erica was my mother and George was my father, but Erwin
wasn't Erica's son. Also, I found out that the deaths of
George and Jane weren't accidents. They were killed.
Somebody hanged Jane and somebody broke the brakes of
George's car.
        So, this morning, I went to the doctor's. I’ve found
out that I have a severe health problem. I suffer from
parasomnia, so I'm a parasomnic. I walk when I sleep and
                                                               90. Stories...

everything I do while walking, I forget till morning. This
morning I was hypnotized and, then, I saw death ...
of four people.
Dear stranger, now, when you're reading this letter,
I'm far away in a little town somewhere in Texas. I'm the
victim... a victim of this damn life... On Saturday, I redec-
orated my house and... in the cellar of the house I found
a lot of masks.
          This morning, while I was hypnotized, I saw and
understood everything. I broke the brakes of George's car.
I hanged Jane and I chopped her body.
I understood why the people, I saw in the forest, talked
about me wearing my pyjamas. That night I killed Alice.
I wasn't conscious. I forgot all about it until morning. I
didn't want to do it.
         I don't know what to do. Suicide is really too mild
a punishment for me. I don't want to fall sleep...
Stranger, please, call the police. I did it - I'm the killer.
         Angelo Colungo

Biljana Ristic

                                                                91. Stories...
The death of a taxi-d river
He was just a man, working as a taxi-driver. His salary was ter-
rible, but he didn't want to change his job because he was used
to it. He had been driving the same car for forty years. He was
an honest man who would never hurt anyone. He had never hated
anybody nor had he ever argued with anybody.
         One night, while he was sitting in the car, smoking his
cigarette, a young beautiful woman knocked on his window. She
wanted to go to an unknown street which wasn't familiar to him.
Still, he accepted. She gave him directions and he drove her away.
She thanked him and went into a big, old house.
        The day after that, he realised that the young woman had
forgotten her purse. He could hardly remember the way, but he
somehow managed to find the house. He knocked on the door and
this time another young woman opened. He showed her the picture
from the purse and asked her if the owner lived there.
"I live here with my husband and my three children. I don't know
who that is."
       The man was confused. He decided to forget all of this and
go home.
"Wait!" said the young woman. "Let me check some photos."
       She brought a lot of photos. She recognized the woman in
the photo.
"That's my aunt. We had seen each other a couple of times before
she died."
"Yes. She died ten years ago."
He didn't say a word.
    Later that night, the police found his body not far from the
                                                                     92. Stories...

house. They said it was a heart attack.
      There was a red rose near his body.
Svetozar Milovanovic 2008/09
It was Christmas Eve. It was snowing that night. I was at
my friend's house. As I was tired, I went home at about 2
o'clock in the morning.
    Half way home, I saw something. Something was moving
in the field to the left of the road. At first I thought it
was a four-legged animal, but it wasn't. It was running on
two legs. It came near me and I could hear it breathing.
     I stopped. The creature jumped onto the road right in
front of me. It was a man! But what kind of man... His eyes
were red, with no white around the pupils. Wild, very long,
brown hair fell down his white skin. He was as white as
the snow around us. His mouth was red, just like his eyes,
and he had blood on his arms.
    A thousand questions appeared in my head... What is he
doing here? Is he hurt? Has someone attacked him? Robbed
him? He must be freezing! He's so white! Look at him - he's
a mess.
     I wanted to run away, but I couldn't. I just stared at
him, frozen. Then, he jumped back into the field and disap-
peared into the darkness and snow. I stayed there for a
few moments, and then hurried home, thinking of him all
the time.

Marko Djokic
                                                              93. Stories...
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  • 3. PREFACE I have the pleasure to present you THE BOOK. BOOK Even though it was not written by me, I am really proud to say it is a part of me as much as it is the part of my students since it represents many years of pleasure and fun that I have had while teaching. This is THE BOOK dedicated to love, life, friendship... It is meant to show that even though each generation imag- ines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it, some things never change. No matter when or where you are fif- teen or eighteen, you share the same dreams, hopes, fears... This book is a big, nostalgic thank you to all who were my students, to all who make up the puzzle of my mem- ory, the puzzle of my dreams. I hope it will touch your hearts in the same way it has touched mine. Because these are the words of wise men. These are the words of great men. The men who have touched my soul and left a trail... 1. About THE BOOK Biljana Pipovic 2009
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  • 13. Fear What would you do If I were wrong And love was just a flame Would you give up everything That you thought I was? What if our hearts ran black Our fears began to grow Would you tell me that We were not enough And leave me all alone? Julija Popovic February, '05 11. Poems...
  • 14. *** It must have been the rain Nothing hurts so bad... I'm going to find it now. I don't care about the pain. The Sun is way high up for me to see its signs But my eyes can try to see What its dust leaves behind. It must have been the rain Nothing makes me so sad I left you with a ray of hope But you came back... Trying to make it stop. It was raining again. A rain drop can say a lot.... Julija Popovic January, '06 12. Poems...
  • 15. blinded by the silence where you are - is a place to be people hiding behind their faces no one can ever see ... the darkness of their smiles, the shadows in their pretty eyes they are all very happy with that sorrow that, actually, never dies... in the silence it's all coming together in the silence you face it all by yourself in the silence you'll remember...forever those little things you've never said. where I am - is a place to see people hiding behind their feelings no one is able to find me.... behind this curtain of love...hate am I free? can you see me? feel me? how can I find love if I'm too afraid to see.. if I can't recognize its face? am I dreaming? in the silence all the fires are cold in the silence thoughts are louder and louder... in the silence... me!catch me before I fall! please save my founder. 13. Poems... again, I'm blinded by the silence... Julija Popovic December, ‘03.
  • 16. Memory Living this life Facing these days Finding this path Cursing this fate Trying to find Thoughts in this darkness Never is now I'm falling apart. Dancing with danger Crawling for more I'm finding this anger Deep in my core. Living your fears Trying to help Nothing is done I came back too late. Julija Popovic January, '06 14. Poems...
  • 17. SINCE YOU LEFT I’m sitting alone by the river The night is cold and empty SInce you left I’ve been living in a lie You are always on my mind I can’t stop thinking about you I keep forgetting I am alive SInce you left I’ve been trying to get on with my life But it’s hard, oh, so hard When I look into the river Your face is what I see Everything reminds me of you I want to be cool But it’s hard, oh, so hard Since you left I’ve been doing what I don’t want to It’s just wasting time ‘Cause you are always on my mind And I wonna live I only wonna live Without you, without you How? I’m going to find out... 15. Poems... Darko Nikolic 2006/07
  • 18. I thought love was just a mirage of the mind An illusion, a fake, impossible to find But the day I met you I began to see that love is real, and exists in me. You are the smile on my face You are the sparkle in my eye You are the happiness in my heart You are the contentment of my sigh You are the life in my veins The half of my whole The light in my darkness The soul of my soul You are the sun in my sky You are the spirit of my song You are the love of my life You are the where I belong Dragana Spasic 16. Poems... 2008/09
  • 19. Faith Ain't it funny how we never learn to fall We just hide the feelings behind our pride We sometimes feel so small And we keep the pain deep inside. Find your light in a scary night Find someone you can trust Set your gloves up for a fight Or else we are just dust. You must keep the faith Let love get into your heart Don’t let it turn to hate Let someone be its part. Dragana Spasic 2008/09 17. Poems...
  • 20. THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL A lot of things in life go wrong But I smile when we are together No matter how bad things are You always make them better. I’ve tried so hard to hide Who I am inside But you’ve seen the real me The girl you want me to be. You make me feel special You make me feel new You make me feel loved With everything you do. I love the way you kiss me The way you hold me tight I love the way you touch me I could be with you all night. I just want you to know, That even though we sometimes fight I will always love you No matter what, day or night. Dragana Spasic 18. Poems... 2008/09
  • 21. 19.
  • 22. Can’t buy me ... love The greatest dream of all ordinary people who live on this planet is peace and harmony in their lives. They do not need so much to be happy. However, there are also people who want to destroy that ideal. Those are the people who want to rule this world. Powerful and rich, they are trying to capture the happiness of others so they can be happy. But they are wrong. They cannot be happy because they only need to feed their greed. True happiness is not in material wealth. It is in feelings; it is in the beauty of the human soul. The true happiness is love. And there is no money in the world that can buy love. Love is untouchable for greed. Love is not a thing, it is abstract and therefore priceless. Only people with a pure heart can feel it. No one can possess love. Evil cannot harm it, because without love there would not be human beings. People would become stupid machines that can talk and work, and nothing more... People with soul are able to love. Whether they are rich or poor, it does not really matter if they are happy. So, we must be more emotional, less material beings because only in that way our humanity will survive. 20. Essays... Dusan Cvetkovic 2002/03
  • 23. An eye for an eye... To be or not to be... are the words of all mankind. In our lives we always have some decisions to make. What we are going to do with our lives depends on us. But at least once in our life, we are going to ask ourselves exactly what Hamlet asked himself. Do we want to fight for justice, do we want to look into the future with our eyes full of hope, to fight against the sea of troubles? Or, do we want to stay back, in the dark, without dreams, without feelings, without fight? Wait a minute! Is that life? Of course not! So what should we do? Sometimes it is really hard to stay honest, because the road that leads to justice is very bumpy. Sometimes we have to do some horrible things. Sometimes somebody gets killed or kills, as Hamlet did. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth... Is that real- ly justice? When you have to kill someone, how can you keep on living? Who are we? Who gives us the right to do some- thing like that? Are we gods? No, we are not! And if we kill someone in the name of justice, who are we? Are we better than the killer? I can tell you, Hamlet is a lucky man. He died imme- diatelly after he had killed his uncle. If he had stayed alive, he would have been only a ghost, not a man with a heart and soul. So now we are aware of the problem. What should we do? How can a murderer be punished? I cannot answer that. 21. Essays... Here I’ll stop. Kristina Karuovic 2003/04
  • 24. LIFE... Here, in this world, some days are made to make you cry... Yet, there are days which can bring you only joy and strong wings so you can fly over the big dark side of life which means only trouble. Sometimes you just cannot stand all the problems and heartaches life gives you, but you know if you keep on moving you will see the bright and sunny side which is then even more beautiful and brighter. You will survive and your tears, your rainy days are going to be something distant. Each man has his own destiny. And everyone knows that there are always good things coming... Behind the dark cur- tain, there is always the sun which makes our life inter- esting and worth living for. We must appreciate all the things life brings us, bad or good, because they make our days exciting.. Kristina Karuovic 2003/04 22. Essays...
  • 25. HERE COMES SUMMER I ask myself almost every day what I have done to deserve this beautiful life. When I wake up in the morning and when I hear the birds singing and see the Sun shining, I feel very lucky to be alive, to be here. But there are some days... The weather has something to do with it... When I look out and everything is somehow quiet, dark and gloomy, I feel sad and lonely. I do not want to do anything. I just want to sit there, in my room. I want to be alone, only with the sound of my favourite song on the radio. When it is raining, my mood is even worse... Oh, but when the weather is nice, that is the whole new story. I am happy - no reason at all. I sing all day. I do not fight with my older sister. I go for a walk with my younger brother. I even help my mother. Hurry up summer! Jovana Stamenkovic 2003/04 23. Essays...
  • 26. THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE Life can be nice and sweet. But everything that is nice is not long lasting. Everything comes to its end. Some days of our life are bad and ugly like winter silence when everything is dying under the white covering. Still, when you think that rainy days are never going to end, when there is no hope, you are going to see the end of a tunnel like a shiny star which is going to bring happiness into your life. You just have to follow it. Life is unpredictable... We never know what it brings. We only know that something is going to happen either good or bad. Thus, if you want to succeed, you must be patient and use everything that life gives in the best possible way. There is always hope! Damir Kocic 2003/04 24. Essays...
  • 27. LIFE... SO MUCH FUN Life is not a one-way street. One day we walk along a golden road, and another we could find ourselves on a steep, mountain path. It could be a slip- pery road covered with ice, but after some walking and falling the ice must melt down. We can enter a dark for- est and walk surrounded by creepy trees and shiny eyes twinkling in the dark. But then again, we could walk through the fields surounded by pretty flowers. We can hear birds singing, we can see the sun again. No matter what path we follow in life we must never stop. And if we get lost some time, and it is possible after all that walking, we must keep our heads. We must not lose our heads. Only then can we easily find our way. Walking without falling, without climbing would be so dull. Without any excitement, our lives would be senseless. Nenad Golubovic 2003/04 25. Essays...
  • 28. I hate when it rains... Then I think that the sky cries because of all the acci- dents that are happening all over the world. Rain reminds me of a life path where we must go and meet many disap- pointments, feel a lot of pain and sometimes, but only some- times feel happiness which appears like a ray of sunshine. Only because of that single ray, we must keep on walking, we must fight. Life can be like a stormy sky, but after rain, there is a rainbow. I want to believe in that. Jelena Stankovic 2003/04 26. Essays...
  • 29. HELLO SUNSHINE! It is morning. The sun is shining... So much to see, but so little to say. It is hard to describe. You can see me smil- ing. Can't you see my heart? It is smiling, too. It is happy and it wants to share its happiness. It wants to beat for two. The sky is cloudy. It is so dark. There is no smile on my face. I can feel the problem. A cold wind is blowing through my heart. I am so afraid. The rain has started. I feel tears on my face. I want some- body to protect me, to help me. Is there a real friend to share this sadness? No matter, deep down I know I'll be happy again. Here comes the sun again. Tanja Jovanovic 2003/04 27. Essays... 7
  • 30. Love And Beauty Above All We live in times when many people often lose themselves, their identity... Nowadays only the shadows of lost people are passing by. We dream about unlimited happiness; a world with- out hatred. But, we know that something like that does not exist. We know that man's life is full of pain and suffer- ing. The most important thing in life is fight, but not the fight, the struggle for survival. Here we talk about the fight for power, for material values. Kingdoms are being lost, lives are being lost for money. People die and suffer. The tears of blood flow from the eyes of mothers. Evil people hide tragedies in the bouquets of roses. Why are there less and less people who are good- hearted, who wear a smile instead of guns? Where have all those good people disappeared? Who is going to save us from ourselves? I hope that one day people will understand what love and beauty really mean! Dragana Stojanovic 2003/04 28. Essays...
  • 31. LOVE And there is love - the word that has been keeping our lives all these years. The nicest in the world. The most puz- zling and mysterious. And, of course, the most painful one. It is always so near, hiding and waiting to be found. Dancing in the air, following every step of ours, making us go mad... An inexplicable feeling with no definition, a game without any rules. An emotion which pushes us into stirred waters. And we are not even aware. I'm really not able to think... Butterflies, butterflies, butterflies... in this world I know only them and you, my darling. You are the one who makes me nervous, and happy; who makes me feel superior, perfect. So noble and beautiful love is. Emilija Mitov 2003/04 29. Essays...
  • 32. The Perfect One Have you ever asked yourself what is wrong with this world? It is a cruel place and nobody likes to be alone. Everybody should have someone to look after him, to take care of him. I would like to find that special one. That is my only chance to escape from this hell.. She should be pretty, smart, intelligent. She should love kids. She must love me, understand me, sometimes forgive if I do something bad. She would have to get to know me, the real me deep inside; to hear my thoughts, to see my dreams, and make them true if it's possible; to give me wings when I want to fly. She will tell me that I am her special, really wanted. She will tell me that I am the one because I need somebody to tell me that it is going to last forever. And when I see the spark in her eye, I'll know that she loves me. She will have to give me some faith, hold me tight when nights are cold. When I have burnt all my bridges, and there is nowhere left for me to turn to, she will be there for me, no matter what. She will never walk out on me; she will let me have one more chance... And I'll never regret choosing this woman to be my everlasting love. Nemanja Bosic 30. Essays... 2004/05
  • 33. A MAN COULD BE AS EFFECTIVE AS GOD Everyone in this world has an obligation to try to make this planet a better place for living and also to protect nature as much as possible. Human beings, as the most productive and the most devel- oped form of life on Earth, are the only hope for this world. Unfortunately, many people today forget how much this planet has already given us and how much we owe it. It seems as if the only thing we have learnt up to now is how to destroy its beau- ties and we have not done anything to correct our mistakes. Because of that, today we feel the consequences of our careless- ness, such as: wars, poverty, hunger... However, I still think that in this world there are quite a few people who are aware of our situation and who are try- ing to protect our planet as much as possible. Those people are also aware that destruction is not our main quality. We can be as effective as God! We can give a new life in many ways. We can take care of our own race, or take care of animals, and plants. The only thing we need in order to revive our planet is will power and a lot of love. People who love nature and who are aware of their role in this world can do much more than they even imagine. We can stop wars in the world, raise money to erase poverty and hunger; we can help children in need, sup- port different societies and agencies in their fight against crime and exploitation. We can also do a lot for animals and plants by protecting species which are about to become extinct, by planting new trees and creating National parks. All in all, we can do so much for this world to make it look like God did it himself. 31. Essays... After all, if WE do not help this world of ours, then who will?! Sanja Trajkovic 2005/06
  • 34. Be yourself no matter what they say! In life, you can have a lot of problems and obstacles which can prevent you from becoming a successful person. When everything seems broken into pieces and absolute- ly impossible, when all people around you have problems, never, but never, think that you are guilty of that. Be yourself! Don't panic - you need to be reasonable. Don't let people accuse you and recognise their mistakes in you. Don't be satisfied with the minimum. Always trust your- self and think you are the best. Although, something can be difficult, try to do it. Think: 'I am the best! I can do that!' Don't say: 'It is too difficult for me. I cannot do that!' You can! Yes, of course, you can!!! The only thing you need is self-confidence. If people around you do things which are not good (and in this world there are a lot of bad things, drugs being one of the worst examples), don't break down. If you want to do something wrong, think before you do that; think about the consequences and you will understand whether that is good or bad. Don't let other people make you do bad things. Remain the same - you must be you. Perhaps one day you will be a famous person, a rich person - don't change your habits. Sometimes money and fame change people. Wherever you are, and whatever people you are with - whether they 32. Essays... are rich or poor, famous or ordinary, normal people - above all, they are humans, people just like you! People you call friends might not always be your
  • 35. friends. They can hurt you, maybe more than your enemies. Never say 'I will help you!' better say 'I will try to help you.' for there are moments when your friends need help and you cannot do anything for them. They will be disap- pointed in you, so to avoid that better say 'I will try to help you, if I can.' Sixty seconds seem longer than one minute. Make your life full; live every day as the last one. Everyday do things you like. I have written many sentences... However, the point is - if you stick to these ideas in life, you will become a Man. Wherever you are, whatever you do - stay the same! Be yourself!!! Be yourself no matter what they say! Bojana Davinic 2005/06 33. Essays...
  • 36. D RIVE AWAY YOU, LOVE STEALER!!! The necessity to control appears as soon as we fall in love. It is often said that there is a thin line between love and hatred, but it would be better to say that love and the need to control someone are in such a relationship. If you have ever tried to control someone then you know that you did that because you felt insecure and weak. Excessive control can take your relationship to a blind alley where your best intentions become a road to hell. You will not get love you long for, if you have a tendency to control! Women are mostly the ones that are possessive. They should know that men would never give up their own free- dom and possibility to control their destiny just to be with a woman. One of the most painful feelings that we can ever expe- rience is jealousy. Sometimes it becomes obsessive and that can inevitably bring us to a total loss of control! How we are going to react depends on how much we trust ourselves and how much we believe we are wanted and loved. To be jealous means to be insecure! Jealousy does not only hit the object of our doubts but also prevents us from proper eval- uation. Fear that we could lose our beloved can be horrifying! 34. Essays... People, who are jealous, are mostly fighting against an imaginary enemy that can steal their love. Jealousy is sim- ilar to paranoia. When doubt and anger appear between
  • 37. partners, love and trust can no longer survive! People who control their beloved ones always believe, secretly, that they don't completely deserve the love they are given. So far there is something you should remember: you must take risks, stop controlling and learn to put up with uncertainty and you will find true love or at least keep your beloved and which is more important, you might find new, internal power. Katarina Jovcic 2008/09 35. Essays...
  • 38. THE LAW ON DISCRIMINATION Even during the earliest period of human existence, those who were physically stronger, more capable, more intelli- gent, tended to put themselves above all others, to hold the power in their hands, which couldn't have been very sig- nificant for that period. Still, they wanted to rule. That is how differences between people became so numerous that society became divided into groups we usually call classes. Although there have always been people promoting equality, still very little has been achieved so far. The right to equality is one of the basic rights established in some of the first declarations and constitutions. But even centuries later, when the human race has reached a very high level of development and modern technology has com- pletely changed our lives, some attitudes seem to be unchangeable. People still allienate themselves and avoid each other because of different race, religion, nationality and which is very sad - because of sex. Women are still discriminated even though they have proved their abilities so many times. Another problem is that the country and its author- ities do not treat people as equals. Reality shows that pub- lic bodies are so corrupted that only wealth can help you solve the problem. The reality is that we live in a socie- ty of inequality. People whose duty is to protect human rights see people as rich or poor, white or black, 36. Essays... Christians or Muslims, male or female. And no one feels that it is a violation of law. No one considers it right to pun- ish those who hurt others discriminating them every day.
  • 39. Just imagine this: we are told we live in a democratic soci- ety. What we are actually showed is that democracy is when we have to pay or know powerful people if we want to get rights we are entitled to. I have been taught democracy is something else. Not paying to be heard or accepted in places you normally belong to. What can we do? I would like you to imagine your- selves being discriminated for one moment. It doesn't mat- ter who by, what for? How would you feel? - Frustrated, angry, humiliated, embarrassed. Believe me, we all could eas- ily get into that kind of situation at least once in our lives. That is why we have to try to be aware of the diveristy among people and promote tolerance among them, because, diveristy is important and it makes the world interesting! Milica Veselinovic 2008/09 37. Essays...
  • 40. People wake up!!! One of the world's biggest problems and in my opinion the most important one is to save the Earth from destruction. There is a lot about it in the news and in TV programs, but it seems to me, there aren't many people thinking about it and taking it seriously. As you probably know, nature is being destroyed more and more every second, every day, and because of that, the end of our planet and human race is getting closer. Have you ever thought about it? Will you stop for a moment and think about this? People wake up! First of all, I would like to point out that the sad- dest thing about this is that nature is being destroyed by ourselves. We are destroying our planet and killing our- selves unconsciously under cover of technological develop- ment. As Chris Rea said: 'This is not a technological break down, this is a road to hell!' People wake up! Do you realize the consequences of modern and easy life? Do you understand that with solving some small 'problems' and making life easier, we are just creating bigger prob- lems. It is like a boomerang effect - cars, different machines, factories, radiation, nuclear energy and many other things are polluting the air, the soil, the water and food. Have you noticed that the symbol of healthy food - green apple has vanished from packages!? We are destroying our planet with every breath and we can't live without it. 38. Essays... People wake up! Do you think it's late to do something? I would like to turn to solving this problem, but as I have already noticed there is only talking and talking
  • 41. about this enormous threat to the human race. Energy recourses are being spent and in the near future there will be wars for food and water. But still nobody does anything. Can you believe this? Finally, I’d like to say to all of you and to the whole world: 'People wake up!' We must wake up or we will die in our sleep! Thank you for reading this and I hope I have not been writing in vain... Jelena Stamenkovic 2008/09 39. Essays... 9 s s
  • 42. 40.
  • 43. A BIRTHDAY PRESENT Last year a young couple decided to get married. After the wedding, the woman had to go on a business trip abroad. At the same time it was her husband's birthday. She sent him a very big box with a small, but precious present - a preg- nancy test. It was positive! Ana Davinic 2008/09 A LONG RELATIONSHIP Jim and Susan had had a long relationship. They had always been together. One day they decided to go somewhere on hol- iday, but separately. Jim didn't want to tell Susan where he was going. She didn't say, either. So he went to Venice. And there she was! What a connection! Jelena Kostic 2008/09 41. Mini sagas... n a a
  • 44. KILLER The killer woke up. He put his boots on. He took a mask from the ancient gallery. He took a knife. He was so angry. He wanted blood. But too many dead people were behind him. He was weak and he committed suicide. He set off to meet his destiny. Nikola Krstic 2008/09 HERO ZERO One day a brave hero Zero heard someone screaming. He saw his girlfriend who was in trouble. An enormous, furious wolf was after her, so Zero took his sward and shield and started chasing him. Zero was too fast, too furious and... he fell down, hit his head and died. Dragana Jovanovic Milica Krstic Aleksandar Petrovic 42. Mini sagas... 2008/09
  • 45. ON HOLIDAY An elephant and a mouse went on holiday. The mouse was sunbathing. The elephant was swimming. Suddenly, the mouse started yelling: Come on! Get out of the water.. hurry! The scared elephant ran out of the water. The mouse said: Nothing. Just checking if you have taken my bathing cos- tume. Milica Cvetanovic Jelena Stamenkovic 2008/09 A Selfish Pet Owner Tom bought a sandwich and had enough money to buy some food for Billy. He decided to buy an ice-cream instead and went back home. He left the sandwich and went upstairs. When he returned, Billy was eating it. If Tom hadn't been so selfish, he wouldn't have been hungry. Milica Veselinovic 43. Mini sagas... 2008/09
  • 46. Earthquake It was Saturday night, a perfect night for dancing. Susan went to the disco and started dancing. Suddenly, she felt that the ground was shaking. She panicked, but not for very long. "That's why this place is called Earthquake," she laughed to herself. The next minute they were all dead. Danica Stankovic 2008/09 Scared groom They were the happiest couple in the world. But one morn- ing when she woke up she found a note: 'Darling I love you, but I'm not good enough for you'. She thought what she had done wrong, then she remembered. Last night she had said 'marriage'. Today he ran away. Jelena Petrovic 2008/09 44. Mini sagas... i i g
  • 47. Unlucky sparrow A little sparrow fell out from the nest and broke its wing. A man wanted to help. He saw the broken wing and felt sick. A child wanted to take it home. His mother refused. A girl said 'Poor sparrow'. Her boyfriend kissed her and trampled it with a 47-shoe.. Dragana Spasic 2008/09 Buying a ticket A woman called: 'Hello, I want to go from Chicago to Hippopotamus, New York!' 'Hippopotamus? I've looked up every airport code but I can't find it.' The customer retorted: 'Don't be silly! Check your map!' 'You don't mean Buffalo, do you?' 'That's it! I knew it was a big animal!' Dragana Spasic 2008/09 45. Mini sagas... a
  • 48. 46.
  • 49. What happened to the supernatural? It is ordinary things that make me afraid... trees, knives, rivers in the darkness of the night, the cry of a baby, red-haired children... I was out in the open field. The land I was walking through lay broiling in the Sun. As I walked farther and farther, it glittered like glass and it seemed to stretch out endlessly. I didn’t know where I was. At one moment things started to move so fast that I could see only shad- ows. Everything was shaking and moving around. Now I was in the woods. The path I was walking along was too narrow. I got scratched by the thorns which were on the bushes along the path. I had the strange feeling to keep moving although I didn’t know where I was and why I was there. I was going along the path and in front of me I saw a fallen tree trunk which was blocking my way. I couldn’t pass there, but I still had that strange desire to keep going. Then I heard a voice: ‘Don’t let other things make you give up!’ I can’t describe how the feelings got mixed up in me and made me confused and frightened. I turned around and saw a bear looking at me. I was panick stricken, but he just turned around and disappeared. Again, everything started moving and shaking. Before I even realised what was happening I was stand- ing in the middle of something... something which looked like a desert. Hot winds blew freely over everything, carrying 47. Stories... sand to choke up ears and nostrils, bringing me a scen as e soft as melting butter. I didn’t know where on Earth I was. In my pocket I found a fork. I started to think that I had already gone mad, or that I had arrived in Hell, or...
  • 50. I didn’t know what I was thinking about. No aim... just the same feeling... to go on. The thoughts in my head were like a shapeless pile. I was trying to push them out, but that was only confusing me more and more. I don’t know how long I had been walking before I reached a wall. The wall seemed to be stretching out endlessly. I heard a strange noise behind it. And it seemed as if something was getting clos- er and closer to me and it seemed that it would hit me, and blow me away... Then I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my room, in my bed. My body was shaking, my breathing was heavy... sweat was all over me. I wondered: ‘What is real? Our dreams... our reality?’ The line between is so thin. So keep your eyes wide open, and look into your heart. Vladimir Djonic 2001/02 48. Stories...
  • 51. Hard to Understand It was Wednesday, quarter past five, maybe half past five. I came out of the building, and since I was in a hurry, I looked for a cab. A yellow cab stopped. I threw my ruck- sack into the car and told the driver where to take me. It was so hot in the car that I took off my jacket. After a while we stopped. I paid the driver, and on my way out grabbed all the stuff that was on the back seat. The cab drove off. I was putting on my jacket, then the rucksack when I noticed a purse faling out of my jacket. I was surprised. THe purse wasn’t mine, but I had it. I looked for the cab, but it was already gone. I didn’t know what was in the purse, just as I didn’t know what to do with it. After a while, I decided to open it. I was hoping to find something, an ID maybe, or anything that might be helpful. When I looked in, I found myself not confused, but really taken aback. There was money - lots of it - ten thousand pounds, even more. I looked again and there was an ID. The purse belonged to a Mr Collins. Now I had doubts. I didn’t know whether this money was ‘dirty’, or maybe the money for a new car, or maybe the tax should be paid with it, or even a hospital bill. I didn’t know... Eventually, I decided. The money would have to be returned to the owner. As soon as I had finished my shopping, I took another cab and gave the driver the address from the ID. 49. Stories... When I returned the money, Mr Collins was very happy and grateful. Just as I suspected, it was tax money. It turned out that Mr Collins owned a cinema, so he, in order to show his gratitude, gave me tickets for the premiere of
  • 52. The Independence Day which was supposed to be in his cin- ema the following week. When I came home, my mother was furious. Her dinner was ruined because I didn’t get all the groceries on time. When I told her what had happened to me, she didn’t believe me, so I showed her the tickets, but then she yelled at me because I didn’t ask her to go to the cinema. Grown-ups are hopelss! No matter what we do, they’ll always be better, smarter, their way is always going to be better than ours. But that comes with growing older. It’s not their fault. What can be done? Being old and having obligations is such a terrible thing. It’s bothering them that they can’t be young again, so they interfere and make our life difficult, as if it weren’t difficult enough. Even though it’s hard to understand them, we are also growing older, so we should probably turn a blind eye and forgive them. Nemanja Conic 2002/03 50. Stories...
  • 53. There’s Always Weather Time has stopped today. The weather will always be the same. No more atmosphere and the Sun is in the West. Electric birds are flying, singing songs about Maltus. The weather is always the same. Do they know what the rain is? It’s probably something from the old books from the period before Ford. Do they know for the sides of the world? I saw the East and with a new pair of electric eyes yesterday. I am only sixteen, but I look older than the old man. The Sun is black. What can be done? I can’t change it - I’ve learnt from horses; I grew up with horses. I shall cry tonight and my tears will pour like rain. I’ll give you back your feelings, and your dirty system will be distroyed. Radoslav Zdravkovic 2002/03 51. Stories...
  • 54. Punished by a Ghost I’ve had troubles this year... I’ve quarreled with my friends, I’ve always been tired, I’ve lost my will. I got dis- appointed in love. These bad things, as a matter of fact, had their good side. I became more competent... The fear of dying disapeared. I was not afraid to be crushed by a car any more; to be shot by a drunken criminal; to be poisoned by contaminat- ed food. However, there was one thing I couldn’t do any- thing about - I was really scared to be haunted by the ghost that was sleeping under my bed. One morning I got up with a headache. I felt some strange insecurity. And at the moment of confusion, the evil ghost attacked. I couldn’t move my body. It shot six times through my head, then dyed my hair. It washed my brain with hydrogen and put some weird sounds into it. I shouted, but no one heard. The ghost put me in chains. It laughed at me. I tried to move again but I fell on the floor. I saw myself falling through a great depth. Suddenly, a brilliant, white light appeared in front of me. I heard the tolling of the iron bell. I saw something I couldn’t explain. It claimed my soul. So, I saw myself in an asylum for lunatics. The voice spoke to me: ‘You’ve wasted all your time. Every next year 52. Stories... will be shorter for you. You were different and you could- n’t choose your own ground. How much time did you spend without ever having fun? Now, you’ll live a hard life with
  • 55. emptiness in your head.’ As it stopped speaking, the room filled with darkness. The last thing I saw was a man with the gun passing by. I tried to find a tree to lie down and sleep under it. But everywhere I looked, I saw the endless desert of destroyed ideas. I shouted: ‘What do you want from me?’ I was alone. To the West, the Sun was eclipsing the Moon. Radoslav Zdravkovic 2002/03 53. Stories...
  • 56. *** I’m sitting and thinking about you...about a thousand miles between us... If only I didn’t love you any more! But as long as I’m thinking about you and wanting not to love you, I need you... I miss you. A thousand miles are a temptation for any true love - time and a thousand miles between us. You haven’t been near me for many years, but I still want you and your face, every day. I think that after you I’ll never love again ... I’ve been in love, yes, but I’ve never loved as I loved you. I’ll live on remembering you, your eyes, your smile... I’ll live to meet you once again in my life. I’ll live in the past with your eyes... My angel, the old Greeks had a theory that stars are the only perfection in this Universe. Today, if anyone says that, I’m sure he hasn’t seen you. Forever waiting for you, Sanja Sanja Zlatkovic 2002/03 54. Stories...
  • 57. *** Listen to me now... You realise this is the last connection between us? No more walks... no more talks... There’s nothing left... I don’t know who is to blame, who’s guilty, you or me, both or neither of us. Forgive me for the things I did, the things that hurt you. Neither distance nor time will help me forget you. Tomorrow I’ll mention your name with a smile as if noth- ing has happened. But tomorrow is far away. The wound in me reminds me of you ‘cause you meant a life to me. But, you’ll never know that. Once when the wound has been healed, nobody will ask me how much it hurt. Tamara Stevic 2002/03 55. Stories...
  • 58. At the Theatre Leila and Peter had always wanted to be actors, but they were living in a small town and had never had an oppor- tunity to try themselves on the stage. One day a big theatre group came to their town to perform a show. Everyone was very excited. Leila and Peter wanted to experience something more. They sneaked out through the back door and wandered through the halls. Suddenly they saw a big, dark room. At first, it looked normal, but when they entered they saw two human bodies on the floor. They approached them slow- ly. At that moment a man with a huge knife rushed into the room and started cutting the bodies into pieces. There was blood everywhere... There were arms and legs all around. Leila and Peter almost died of fear. All at once, the lights turned on and they heard some- one shouting: ‘What are you doing in here? This is a rehearsal! Nobody is allowed to see the show before tonight’s opening!’ Marko Stamenkovic 2003/04 56. Stories...
  • 59. One of those days It was a bad day. It was a really bad day. I woke up very late; my sister had forgotten to wake me up. When I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw my hair was terrible. I knew I had to wash it, but I realised that there was no time. Then I realised I had no clean clothes to wear. I had to wear my dirty jeans and my HIM- shirt which I was wearing every day last week. I was running around trying to find a pair of socks when the phone rang. It was my parents, and since I had- n’t heard from them for two weeks, I had to talk to them for half an hour. Eventually, I washed my hair even though there was no time to dry it completely cause I had to study. I did not have time to eat either. In the meantime it start- ed to rain. What a disaster! I had no shoes, only a pair of sneakers, so I had to wear them. Time was passing and I almost missed the bus - I had to run to catch it. Things got worse when I got to school. The boy I liked wasn’t at school that day, so I was in a bad mood. My biol- ogy teacher wanted to test me, and since I was in a bad mood, I got a bad mark. Then I got another one from my Latin teacher. Everything was bad, but the worst was still to come! The rain didn’t let up the whole day. I was all wet. 57. Stories... However, when I got home nobody was there. There was noth- ing to eat. Perhaps I could mention that I hadn’t eaten at school ‘cause I had forgotten to take lunch money with me.
  • 60. The room was freezing. I was very cold so I tried to find something to cheer me up. Music could cheer me up! But I remembered how every- one from my class thought wrongly about me because of the music I listened to and the clothes I wore. They said I was just a shadow, that I didn’t have my personality... The boy I liked said that, too. Suddenly, I was no longer in the mood to listen to music. Tell me, who wouldn’t? Sanja Stankovic 2003/04 58. Stories...
  • 61. I miss you... It was a year ago when my granny died. It was an ordinary evening. The whole day I was thinking about her, our conversations, her advice... I was sad and I decided to go to the house where she had lived. When I came into her room I felt a little bit strange. It was at the same time cold and warm. Suddenly, in the opposite corner of the room I saw her. My old granny was smiling. I didn’t know what to do. I was panick stricken. It was incredible! I couldn’t believe my eyes... She was dead. I closed my eyes... and screamed. My mother heard me and came quickly. I was shaking. When I finally opened my eyes, she was gone. When I calmed down I wasn’t quite sure what had happened to me. My mother said that was normal because she’d died only two days before and that I still couldn’t believe that she had gone for good. And me? I think I really saw her. I miss her so much... Danijela Andjelkovic 2003/04 59. Stories...
  • 62. Unbelievable It was Saturday. Someone rang my door bell. I opened the door. It was my friend David. At first, I didn’t recog- nise him. He was very pale and his hands were shaking... ‘I don’t understand.’ David kept reapeating for near- ly half an hour as if he was having a bad dream. After a cup of coffee, and a pack of cigarettes, he started to talk. ‘It was yesterday. I went out alone because all my friends were busy. I wasn’t in a good mood because, as you know, I’d lost my job, but I couldn’t stay at home either. I would feel worse. I went to Sun, you know the club we had been at on my birthday. Anyway, it was strangely quiet for a Friday night. I sat by the bar and ordered a drink. After a couple of minutes, just after it stroke midnight, the door opened and SHE came in. She had a long, white dress, beau- tiful black hair, and those eyes... My dream had come true. My angel was in front of me, asking me if the seat next to me was taken. At first, I was just staring at her... She smiled and asked what my name was. From that moment on we didn’t stop talking. We were dancing, laughing, having fun... Time was flying. We stayed there until the club closed. I offered to walk her home and she accepted. On the way home she was cold, so I gave her my coat. I was so happy that I didn’t feel how freezing it was. When we were in front of her house, she kissed me good bye. She even invited me to go to her house 60. Storeis... today - it would have been her birthday. I told her to expect me. I turned around, but then I realized: I didn’t know her name! I wanted to ask her but she was already gone.
  • 63. I couldn’t sleep the whole night. I couldn’t wait to see her again. She was everything I had ever wanted. Today, I went to her house. An old woman in black opened the door for me. I asked her for the young lady. The woman start- ed to cry and said she had been living alone since her daughter had died a year before. She showed me her photo - it was HER, my angel... I couldn’t believe it! What is more, it’s her birthday today! I was at her grave. Do you know what I found there? My coat! She was next to me; we were talking, she kissed me... and now? I don’t understand... I don’t understand... I can’t understand...’ Bojana Stojanovic 2003/04 61. Stories...
  • 64. Where are they? Do you believe in their existence? I do! They are somewhere. Maybe, they are looking at you right now. They know everything about you, even more than you do. They know your most secret desires, all your fears. They know what happens in your dreams. They know what you think. They can read your mind. And they don’t talk. Inaudible, hovering, at night, while you sleep, little humanoid creatures with big, creepy eyes, with no pupils, with long, thin arms, little gray aliens, enter your room, and take you to their spaceship. They torture you there. They put implants into your body. Fear and pain are so strong that you want to believe that all is just a dream. You even lie to yourself, but deep down, you know the truth. They’ve taken you... You’ve expe- rienced the most terrifying feeling that someone can feel... People, realize, they are here! Wake up! Oh, you’re not so stupid, right?! You are not an idiot, are you? Don’t you realize how lucky you are? Of all the galaxies, of all the continents, of all the countries, of all those little places, you started your insignificant, miser- able life right here. Why? Therefore, why wouldn’t another form of life exist somewhere else? Maybe a little bit different... certainly dif- 62. Stories... ferent... but life. They are here! Take care of yourselves! Maybe yu are the chosen ones... sentenced to an eternal torture. Maybe,
  • 65. they come for you every night, take you, do experiments on you... Don’t tell me that you have never had a scratch, which you can’t explain?! They are here for sure, all around us. We only need to open our eyes, fight our fear, and realise that every- thing that happens to us is more than a dream. Sanja Zivkovic 2003/04 63. Stories...
  • 66. SHIPWRECKED Three sailors were shipwrecked on a desert island after their ship had sunk in a storm. There was enough food on the island for them to survive but there was no way to escape. The three sailors desperately missed their families and friends. They would have given anything in the world to be rescued, but no ship ever passed near enough for them to send a signal. One morning, fifteen years after they had been ship- wrecked, they found a bottle on the beach, with a cork in it. "Let's open it," said one of the sailors, "there might be a message in it." They took the cork out and a genie appeared in a big cloud of smoke. "Thank goodness for that," said the genie to the aston- ished sailors. "I've been imprisoned in that bottle for two hundred years. How can I ever thank you? I know! You can wish for whatever you want in this world, and it will imme- diately come true." After he had said that, the genie disappeared in anoth- er cloud of smoke. The three sailors looked at each other. "I'll go first," said one sailor. "Watch me!" Then he shouted: "I wish I were back in my hometown with my wife 64. Stories... and children!" No sooner had he spoken that than there was a flash of lightening and he disappeared. The other two sailors
  • 67. looked at each other in amazement. "Now it's my turn. Watch this!" said the second sailor. He shouted at the top of his voice, "I wish I were back in the pub in my little village with my girlfriend!" There was another flash of lightening and the sec- ond sailor disappeared. The third sailor looked around him sadly. It felt strange to be without his companions after so many years. He sat down on a rock and thought to him- self. "It's so lonely here on my own. I wish those two were here with me now..." There was another flash of lightening... Emilija Mitov 2003/04 65. Stories...
  • 68. A DAY IN MY LIFE It was a sunny day... a clear blue sky, with no clouds. Everything seemed to be all right. I was in a good mood. I went for a walk along the beach. While I was walking, I saw something black in the sand. Oh! What a surprise! A wallet... I took it and found an ID. I was shocked. I saw a photo of my first love, Jenny. Jenny had kissed me a long time ago. It was the first per- son who had kissed me. I saw her address. What a coincidence! Her flat was only two streets from mine. I was in high spirits. Her surname was still the same. I guessed she didn't have a husband. I rang at her door. A handsome, young man opened the door. "Can I help you? What are you looking for, sir?" "I'm looking for Jenny." "Jack, it's you?" he asked. "How on Earth does he know my name?" I was wondering. "Maybe she is married after all." But all my dilemmas were solved right away. "Jack, it's me, Jenny. I've changed a little. I'm John now. Come in, please." Everything went blank... I woke up on the top of an old building, with a half-empty bottle of whiskey. How did I get here? After all, it was not so important. I was glad because it was just a dream. I went home quite happy. 66. Stories... But in my pocket...there was something in my pocket. The black wallet. Branko Tasic 2003/04
  • 69. GUARDIAN ANGEL One day, I was sitting alone at home, when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and saw a sweet, little girl wearing old, torn clothes. She seemed week and looked so pale... She looked as if she were hungry and cold. She seemed harmless, so I called her in. While I was preparing her something to eat, she told me that her name was Angela. It was her birthday that day. I was surprised and felt sorry for her. I wanted to give her something, but I didn't know what. Finally, I remembered my beautiful little red dress which I still kept in my clos- et. Angela was so happy that she kissed me. She had to go soon, and I let her go... After she had left, I felt some- thing strange. I was so happy, and yet so calm. I couldn't explain that new feeling. I kept thinking about Angela, and I knew I had to find her and find out more about her. So, I went out. While I was passing by the primary school, I saw a group of people. When I came closer I heard them talking... "Too bad, she was so young... so beautiful... a real angel." I couldn't believe when I realised that they were talking about Angela, my Angela. She had had an acci- dent the night before, the day before her birthday. Today would have been her birthday. I felt a sharp pain through my heart. I couldn't stop thinking about the child. I went straight to church. I met a priest and talked to him. He smiled and told me that I 67. Stories... shouldn't be scared. Things like that happen sometimes. A legend says that when a child dies it becomes an angel... Now, I am sure that Angela is an angel... my angel Miljana Stamenkovic 2003/04
  • 70. The Twilight Zone It was some time before I realised that I had been turned into a cat. The first thing I noticed was that I was sit- ting on the floor instead of a chair. My clothes were in a heap by the chair as if I had just stepped out of them. On the small table the glass was still half-full of the black, bitter liquid I had drunk. I tried to stand up on two feet and succeeded only in standing on four. Then I begun to walk with a curious spring motion. Suddenly the door opened and Julia came in. I tried to say 'Julia' and I heard myself let out a discordant 'miaow'. “Oh, my God! I'm a cat! No, no...this can't be happening. Me, a cat!? HA! Maybe, it's just a dream?! When I wake up, everything will be just the same. I'll be normal again. What a relief! But then again, what if it's not a dream? What if I'll be a cat for the rest of my life? I don't have my arms, I can't pinch myself, I know! I'll just scratch myself and I'll wake up. Ouch!!! I need a mirror. But I'm so small.” I went to the glass door and saw my own reflection.... “What am I going to do now?” 'Where is that girl? Kristina!' I heard Julia's voice calling my name. “Oh, if only you knew...I'm so tiny and helpless. And hungry! Why is this happening to me? What did I do wrong? 68. Stories... I feel as if I were in a twilight zone. Maybe I really am. That makes sense.” 'Come, kitty!' Julia called me. She took me in her arms and started fondling me. “What a feeling! But I don't wanna be a cat any more.
  • 71. Think, Kristina, think! What is the last thing you did? My life is a living hell! Oh, God I'm going crazy. Help! Somebody help me! Julia, don't you recognize me? I want my old life back. I'm so tired and sleepy... I'll just take a nap, and when I wake up, I'll decide what to do.” I found my place on the floor, and soon fell asleep. Suddenly, I heard my mother: 'Kristina, wake up! What are you doing on the floor?' 'I am normal! Tell me, I am not a cat! I am not a cat, right?’ 'Normal again? A cat? What are you talking about? Come on... Julia's waiting for you.' That wasn't a dream, I was thinking for myself. It was a nightmare. “My left arm... it's itchy. Wow... it's a scratch. I can't believe it.” 'There you are! I've been waiting and waiting. I've played with your cat in the meantime.' 'A cat? What cat? We don't have a cat.' 'A little, black and white cat. It's so sweet.' God help us! Kristina Lazarevic 2004/05 69. Stories...
  • 72. Too Much TV It was some time before I realised that I had been turned into a cat. The first thing I noticed was that I was sitting on the floor instead of a chair. My clothes were in a heap by the chair as if I had just stepped out of them. On the small table the glass was still half-full of the black, bitter liquid I had drunk. I tried to stand up on two feet and succeeded only in standing on four. Then I began to walk with a curious spring motion. Suddenly the door opened and Julia came in. I tried to say 'Julia' and I heard myself let out a discordant 'miaow'. ‘Miaow! 'Too much TV,' I was thinking. Miaow! Miaow! Hmm, that was supposed to sound like 'Hello, Julia!' Damn! It's hot in here. This polyester shi...aaah!? Fur?! What the...? No, no, no... Come on! This must be a dream, a bad one. Wake up! I know this kind of scare-me-to-death-I-can't-go-to- work-without-double-coffee dreams. I slapped myself once pretty hard. Oh, what now!? A flea! A flea! A little, such a little flea was jumping all around. It seemed lost. 'Food around the around...' Great! The flea ran into a spider's web...It didn't wait. As it was eating the bug I opened my eyes and saw another spider right above my head. A Moon over the Burbon Street was on the radio...I felt strange. I got up and turned my TV on. There was noth- ing to be seen, but I kept staring. My hands were shaking while I was pouring coffee for me and my wife Julia. 70. Stories... 'Good morning, darling!'she said. 'Good morning,' I answered. Jelena Stankovic 2004/05
  • 73. Not a Bad Thing It was some time before I realised that I had been turned into a cat. The first thing I noticed was that I was sitting on the floor instead of a chair. My clothes were in a heap by the chair as if I had just stepped out of them. On the small table the glass was still half-full of the black, bitter liquid I had drunk. I tried to stand up on two feet and succeeded only in standing on four. Then I begun to walk with a curious spring motion. Suddenly the door opened and Julia came in. I tried to say 'Julia' and I heard myself let out a discordant 'miaow'. I was petrified. 'What's this?' I asked myself. I did- n't know what to do. Julia saw me. I knew what she thought of cats. Last time she saw one, she threw it into the toi- let. The torture started. While I was running away, she was throwing all the things she found at me. 'Julia, you are really crazy! You're going to kill me.' But everything was in vain. The only thing that could be heard, apart from my poor 'Miaow!' was Julia's: 'Stop and fight, you awful creature! Stop you little monster!' Thank God, her mother entered the room. I took the chance, and escaped. 'What a feeling!' I thought. 'So, I'm a cat, a pretty terrified one, thought; but a cat.' The more I thought about it, the more I liked it. Cats have nine lives. I decided to try that. I was looking for the best way to try this belief. I 71. Stories... saw a really big building. 'That's it!' I decided to jump from the highest floor. I got to the roof. There was anoth- er, black cat. She was staring at me. One more look, and I
  • 74. jumped. The last thing I heard were the words: 'Foolish cat! She'll definitely die!' I was really the fastest-flying cat ever seen. Then nothing, only pain and silence. I opened my eyes. The same room...the same me. What's that black cat doing at my window? Aleksandra Velickovic 2004/05 72. Stories...
  • 75. PAHALANIA It was some time before I realised that I had been turned into a cat. The first thing I noticed was that I was sitting on the floor instead of a chair. My clothes were in a heap by the chair as if I had just stepped out of them. On the small table the glass was still half-full of the black, bitter liquid I had drunk. I tried to stand up on two feet and succeeded only in standing on four. Then I begun to walk with a curious spring motion. Suddenly the door opened and Julia came in. I tried to say 'Julia' and I heard myself let out a discordant 'miaow'. I was confused...didn't know what to do.'This is only a dream. Soon, I'll wake up...I just have to wait for a while.'But, nothing happened. I was waiting and waiting, but nothing changed. I started jumping around hoping to be woken up, but nothing. Now, I was scared. I looked at Julia. She finally noticed me. 'Oh, what a wonderful cat! Look at it! Who brought you here? It must have been David, my younger brother. Where is he, anyway? How could he leave you all alone? Don't worry. I'll look after you.' Now, I was really scared. I knew how she looked after cats. Our last cat had run away from our house right because of her. She feeds cats to death, washes them twice a day, gives them a hair cut every week... 'What do you want, little cat? It looks like you have something to say.' 'No, I don't,' I thought. 'Everything is perfect. I am a cat, you're alone at home...Oh, what am I going to do? I can't live a cat's life. It's impossible! Think, David, think!' But, simply I 73. Stories... couldn't . 'Come now,' Julia said. 'You're going to sleep and I'm going to watch my favourite series Charmed, and then we're going to
  • 76. find David. OK?' 'Yes, yes, we'll definitely find him,' I thought. I had nothing else to do, so I watched the series. 'Not bad look- ing witches...Who would say these girls were witches?' Witches?! Magic?! I saw the magic book that gives power to the witches and suddenly I remembered. The book in our attic!!! That is a source of magic power. And then I worked it out. I was reading that book...then I found myself being a cat. That book can bring my life back to normal. But how shall I reach the attic? The moment Julia opened the door, I ran out. Julia didn't follow me to the attic. There was the book. It looked as if it was thousand years old. Who brought it here? It must have been that woman who had lived here before us. Nobody knew where she had gone. She disappeared like a ghost. Maybe this book had some- thing to do with it... I opened the book. It was really creepy with many scary pictures. Under one of them, this was written: 'This is Pahalania, the book which can give you magic powers. Be careful! If you use it with bad intentions, you'll become the animal you have touched last!' That's it! One of my last wishes was that my maths teacher lost his job. So what now? I turned the last page. There was written: 'To reverse the magic, press the letter N. The book will disappear, but you'll remember everything and you'll have to live with it.' At that moment I heard my sister coming. She was looking for me. She stepped into the attic.... I looked at her, for the last time through the eyes of a cat... and pressed N. She was just about to leave when I cried 'Juliaaaaa'.... She turned around and I heard: 'I'm not deaf!!!' 74. Stories... Marko Pavlovic 2004/05
  • 77. MAGIC It was some time before I realised that I had been turned into a cat. The first thing I noticed was that I was sitting on the floor instead of a chair. My clothes were in a heap by the chair as if I had just stepped out of them. On the small table the glass was still half-full of the black, bitter liquid I had drunk. I tried to stand up on two feet and succeeded only in standing on four. Then I begun to walk with a curious spring motion. Suddenly the door opened and Julia came in. I tried to say 'Julia' and I heard myself let out a discordant 'miaow'. Julia was surprised when she saw me, or to be precise when she saw a black cat ‘cause we didn't keep pets. She kneeled down and picked me up. Luckily I was a very sweet cat so she didn't throw me out. She put me on the bed and started looking for me - the human me. I very soon got used to being a cat. I even liked being a cat. I liked all my new abilities - I was very fast, I had good reflexes, balance, and I could jump very high. I had strong claws and sharp teeth. I enjoyed trying out my new body. In the meantime, Julia finished her unsuccessful search and went to the kitchen. However, very soon I realised that no matter how fun it was to be a cat, I had to find a way to turn back into my human shape. Then it came to me. This morning an old salesman sold me an invisibili- ty potion. You must understand that I bought it only to 75. Stories... get rid of him. And I drank it because I was curious. And curiosity killed the cat. He must have mixed the potions. I had to find him. He couldn't have gone very far away. I
  • 78. sneaked out, and started running down the street. I was right! I saw my neighbour Bill throwing things at the 'voodoo magician'. The poor old man ran away. I was after him. Imagine how frightened he was -a big, black cat run- ning after him. He was so scared that he dropped one of his bags. I looked inside. I couldn't find what I was look- ing for; I didn't know what I was looking for. I noticed a bottle bigger than the others, but I couldn't open it. I smashed it and licked the liquid from the asphalt. I faint- ed. When I came round, I was in my bed. 'What a relief,' I thought, 'it was just a dream. Very realistic, though.' Julia came into the room. 'What were you doing naked in the street? Bill called me when he picked you from the road; it wasn't strange for him as he is a filthy barbarian, but it was so humiliating...blab...blab...blab....' She couldn't be stopped. I stopped listening. I had to think what to tell her. Certainly I couldn't tell her the truth. She would- n't believe it. Nenad Golubovic 2004/05 76. Stories...
  • 79. I AM THE ONE I lived in the jungle. Every day I looked for food and often I had to fight for my territory. I led an ordinary monkey life, until one day... I only fell asleep. When I woke up, I found myself closed in a small room. Those stupid human beings. I knew it! They wanted some- thing from me. But what?! At first I had no idea what they wanted from me. Every day they were giving me food, water and things other mon- keys could only dream of. But when after couple of days I stepped into my cas- tle, called cage, I understood. These stupid human beings finally realised that I was the only smart creature on this planet. They definitely wanted me to be their king. I was very excited. Lots of people came to see me.'But why all the time? Why are they pointing their fingers at me? Why are they so happy when I do something, even if it is so stupid?' These questions bothered me for a few months. Finally I found a solution. I knew I was the king. That was so true. 'Who can be more important? That can be nothing but a god! No, this can't be! I am not god. Or, per- haps, I am?! Yes, I am the king and God!' Now, everything was clear. Those people were coming as my servants and loyal liegemen. When I did something, no matter how stupid it was, I eased their pain, made their troubles go away. They were smiling. They were happy to see 77. Stories... me. They pointed at me thus showing me respect. Now when I realised that I was the one, those stupid human beings could sleep peacefully. Damnjan Jevtic 2004/05
  • 80. FREAK The year 4004 AD. A mixture of vapour and the orange- pink colour of the Sun in the yellow sky above the town that people used to call LA. 'Lisa,' called Sean again. 'He told me that they still had that job in the circus. I don't want to force you, but can we at least think about that? We both know that our financial situation is not so bright, right?!' he told to his wife. 'I’ve heard some rumours that Hawaii is planning to attack America once again. You know that they almost destroyed us in World War V.' 'Sean, are you aware of the fact that you are talk- ing about our son?' Lisa asked. A tear dropped from her third eye. Sean's two antennas started moving around. 'Oh, not again! Those pterodactyls are so boring, always looking for food. Go away, go, go...' Then he continued: 'I know, but he is so different. He knows that, too. Since other kids have started treating him as a freak, he didn't go out of his room. He must do something...' 'But it's not his fault!' lisa complained. 'To work in a circus as a freak, to be the subject of jokes and laugh- ter - it's so humiliating; for him, and for us, too.' She was nervous. She looked at Sean's green face and started cry- ing. 'Oh, Sean, hold me tight! Oh, why did God punish us like that? Why us? Why is our son not like other normal kids?' 78. Stories... 'Be strong, Lisa. We must support him as much as we can. After all, he is our son; no matter he is a frea...dif- ferent!' They went to bed. Sean couldn't sleep. He went to his son's room.
  • 81. 'Jimmy, are you awake?' he asked. Jimmy was sound asleep. 'I love you, son, no matter what. I know I don't show it so often, but I hope you can feel it.' He touched the child's head with his fourth arm and quietly left the room. He didn't have the strength to look at his son; to see his two blue eyes, to see his two legs, two arms, black hair without antennas, pink skin... He couldn't stand the fact that his only child looked as those primitive monsters who had lived two thousand years ago... Branko Tasic 2004/05 79. Stories...
  • 82. UNFORGETTABLE This happened a few years ago on 1 May, when I went camping with my friends. Going on this camping trip is a tradition. We spend one night and one day in the woods in the hills, sitting around the campfire telling scary stories, laughing, listening to music... Each time we go there, something interesting hap- pens. However, this one I'll never forget. We entered the woods around midnight. It was very dark, but we didn't mind as we had flashlights with us. After twenty minutes of walking, we ran out of light. One of the flashlights fell into a puddle and the other one had a low battery. So, there we were, in the middle of the woods, in total darkness. Nevertheless, we still kept going. It was freezing! I could see a full Moon shining through the branches of the trees. The Moon was our only source of light. However, bad luck kept following us. Suddenly, the clouds appeared and covered the Moon. The rain started. We could see even less now. There was water and mud everywhere. Our feet were wet and our clothes were covered with dirt. The ground became slippery and while we were going up some of us were falling down. We walked through the bushes and I could feel branches scratching my face. I could hear strange sounds coming from everywhere. Those were proba- bly the sounds of birds, but in my head, I saw the creepi- 80. Stories... est animals ever. When we finally found a good place for our tents, we realised that three of our friends were missing. We didn't
  • 83. know what to do. We started panicking. There were hundreds of things that could have happened to them. Then we remem- bered - mobile phones. Thank God for them! We called them. They were fine. While we were climbing, they were the last in the line and at one moment, they stopped to have some rest, but somehow they lost us. Fortunately, they weren't so far away, so they soon joined us. We were so tired, and at the same time so happy. There was no rain and the strange sounds weren't bothering us any more. Yes, we had some small scratches, our feet were still wet, there was mud everywhere, but, all in all, it was an unforgettable experience. And while the Sun was rising, we were sitting around the campfire, wrapped in our blan- kets, drinking warm coffee and laughing. Coffee never tasted better! Ana Markovic 2004/05 81. Stories...
  • 84. UNFORTUNATELY I went out for a walk. Unfortunately, it began to rain. Fortunately, I had an umbrella. Unfortunately, it was broken. Fortunately, I met a friend in a car. Unfortunately, the car ran out of patrol. Fortunately, the patrol station was near. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough money to pay. Fortunately, the man who worked there was a good man and let us pay some other day. So we continued our journey. Unfortunately, soon we had a flat tire. Fortunately, we had a spare one. Unfortunately, we had no tools to change it. Fortunately, a fisherman came along. Unfortunately, he invited us to go with him. Fortunately, both of us were good at fishing. Unfortunately, it was getting dark. Fortunately, very soon, I caught something interesting. It was a gold fish! Unfortunately, it wanted to make only one of my wishes come true. Fortunately, I knew what to ask for. I wanted to become a prince! In a moment everything went dark. I heard someone calling my name: 82. Stories... 'Get up, Frantz Ferdinand! Let's go to Sarajevo!' Marko Stamenkovic 2004/05
  • 85. Green Lady When Craig Meyers bought his restaurant, he got it for a very good price because it had been empty for three years. Nobody wanted to buy the place because people said that it had a ghost. The ghost was a lady in a long green dress who had been a singer in the restaurant years before. People said that one night, on her way home from the restaurant, the singer had driven her car off the road, over some cliffs and into the sea below. Nobody had ever seen the singer alive again. People said they had seen her ghost, but Craig didn’t believe in ghosts so he wasn’t worried. Three months after Craig had bought the restau- rant, he opened it again. He called it The Green Lady. The restaurant had been opened for six months when a strange thing happened. It was Saturday night. Everybody had left and Craig was tidying the restaurant. Suddenly he heard a woman singing in the dining room. She was singing a traditional song called Green sleeves. Craig went into the dining room. The voice was louder there, but the room was empty. Craig checked the restaurant tape recorder and the radio in the kitchen, but they were both switched off. He couldn’t stop the strange singing, but he didn’t feel very worried. 83. Stories... Craig locked the restaurant, got into his car and started to drive home. He was tired. He fell asleep and crashed his car into a tree. He woke up at the hospital. The police officers were
  • 86. in the room with him. ‘We need to ask you some questions,’ they said. ‘Who was the woman in the car with you? We haven’t been able to find her since the accident.’ Craig answered: ‘I didn’t have anyone with me.’ ‘Yes, you did. We were driving behind you and we both saw her. She was wearing a green dress.’ Milica Andjelkovic 2005/06 84. Stories...
  • 87. Bed-t ime story t David woke up in the morning and knew his life would never be the same again. A few days ago while David was working in his small milk bar, a woman dressed in grey entered the bar saying nothing. She picked up a glass of milk and without paying for it walked out of the bar. David was surprised by the woman’s behaviour. He ran out of the bar after her, but she had disappeared. The same small woman dressed in the same grey dress entered the bar again, just a few days later. She grabbed a glass of milk and again left quickly without paying. David tried to fol- low her, but she was nowhere to be seen. After a couple of days, she appeared once again. She was dressed the same. She paid no attention to David, snatched a glass of milk and vanished through the door. However, David was prepared this time so he quickly fol- lowed the woman out of the bar. She hurried down one of the town’s main streets and David had to run to keep up with her. She turned off the road into the woods. This was where David lost her, but he kept going. And then he heard a baby crying and it seemed like it was coming from the ground. In front of him was a gravestone mark- ing the death of a mother and her baby who had been buried together. Unsure what to do, David went back and brought some shov- els and a few people to help him. The crying became louder as they were digging. When they reached and opened the coffin, they found a dead woman with a crying baby in her arms. And the three empty glasses. 85. Stories... The poor child had been buried by mistake and the spirit of her dead mother kept her alive until she was found. Marko Momcilovic 2006/07
  • 88. Dear stranger, My name is Angelo Colungo. I'm fifty-eight years old, and I don't have any possessions. I was born in a little town, Sun Mountain. At that time, my family was very poor, so, Alice, a rich woman who lived in the village Mark's Lake, brought me up. At that time, Alice was a widow. She used to be mar- ried to a rich shopkeeper, and they didn't have any chil- dren. She has never married again. Horses were her passion, so I took to them. We had six horses and one of them was only mine. His name was Mike and I took care of him. I always had a good time when I rode Mike across the neigh- bouring meadows. One day, suddenly, Alice died while she was sleeping. She left me a great amount of wealth, so I became one of the richest people in Mark's Lake. Nevertheless, I was very sad because of Alice's death, and living became meaningless. Three days after Alice's death, I took my horse and I rode around my farm. I wanted to forget everything. I was very disturbed. I don't know why, but I turned off the road and I decided to go to the forest. I had never been there before. Suddenly I heard some voices, so I hid myself and my horse. Three men were in front of me, but they saw neither me nor Mike. Even now I can exactly remember all their words: Now, he is very rich, but, you know, he is also very 86. Stories... stupid, - said the first man. I think you should forget plan A- the second man inter- rupted him.
  • 89. I'm sure, if we do that, we'll get caught. But, I...-start- ed the third man, but the second man interrupted him. Silence! You're a bait, only; but you aren't in our group. I was scared because I felt I was the topic of their con- versation and I wanted to run away, out of that forest. But, how? They could see me. We didn't take advantage when he walked in his pyja- mas, that night...- started the first man. He wanted to say something else, but, there was some noise, so they left. I decided to leave Mark's Lake as soon as possible. My life was in danger because, if my premonition was right, they were planning to kill me. I wanted to sell all my pos- session... and a few days later, a customer appeared. I sold everything. The price was very low, but I didn't have any choice. Then I was twenty-nine years old. I decided to go to Sun Mountain. I planned to find my real parents. There I rented a house. Sun Mountain was a very lit- tle town and people knew each other. I made inquiries about my parents, but I couldn’t find out anything. I knew nei- ther what their names were, nor if they were still alive. Nobody could predict that something would happen in Sun Mountain that would start an avalanche of events... Namely, Jane Mervilson, sixty years old, disappeared during the night between Thursday and Friday when she came back from a visit to her daughter’s. Next day, in the early morn- ing, her body was found in the forest. She had hanged her- self. There was a Halloween mask on her face. Everybody thought it was suicide. 87. Stories... As I was coming back from her funeral, in front of the graveyard, I saw an old woman in a long ragged black skirt. She was a beggar. I took pity on her and I gave her
  • 90. some money. There was a man, too. He was selling masks. He wanted to sell me one, but I wasn’t interested. That night I had a terrible dream. I dreamt of the mask seller. He tried to drown me in the lake. It was a terri- ble experience for me, because everything looked so real. Next day I didn't go out. I thought... But... then... the body of Erica, a beggar, was found in the centre of Sun Mountain. It was chopped and, there was a mask. Everybody was frightened because of that terrible event. The police were everywhere. However, they found noth- ing. There was no evidence, except the mask. There weren't any witnesses, either. I felt the killer was the mask seller... I thought it was obvious. The police found and caught him, but a few days later, he was free to go, because the police didn't have any evidence against him. During the next few months nobody went out by night. There was strange silence. I had the same dream again. I had a bad premonition once again because, if the killer was the mask seller, he could kill each of us. But, he disappeared... I decided to find him, but I couldn't without the help of the police. Unfortunately, the police didn't want to listen to me and they thought it was stupid. Out of the blue, a rich stranger came to Sun Mountain. His name was George. He had good manners. He bought a house which was near mine and we became friends. He did- n't want to talk about his past. 88. Stories... I told him about those terrible murders. He agreed to help me find the mask seller. He paid some people and they found him. His name was Erwin. We wanted to follow him,
  • 91. and if we had found something strange, we would have given him up to the police. A year later, we had found nothing. Erwin lived with George and he was supported by George. He thought that we wanted to help him and he was satis- fied. One night, I was awake till two o'clock a.m., because I was writing some letters. When I had finished them, I went out into the yard. I heard some steps. I hid myself, but I could see my neighbour and friend - George. He was going somewhere and in his hand I saw a Halloween mask. I start- ed to panic. I asked myself where he had gone. Everything was strange. Why did he have that mask? I decided to fol- low him, but when we were near the forest I came back. I was scared to death. That night I didn't sleep. After breakfast, I visited George. I didn't ask him about the night, but he told me he had slept like a baby. He planned to go to a nearby town after lunch. I went back to my house. I was very tired, so I went to sleep. Somebody knocked at the door and I woke up. I opened the door and I saw Erwin. He was in a panic. He told me that George had had an accident. Together, we visited the place of his accident. The car was destroyed. George was in hospital. His condition was criti- cal, but he could still talk. A lawyer was there and he was writing George's will. George left all his money and his possession to Erwin. I was surprised. Later the investiga- tion revealed that the brakes of George's car were broken. It was the cause of the accident. George died in hospital. 89. Stories... Living in Sun Mountain became really terrifying. First, Jane hanged herself, then Erica was killed and, in the end, George had an accident. What would come next?
  • 92. Nobody knew whether Jane had really hanged herself, or whether it was murder. All deaths were somehow connected. There was always a mask. Who was the killer? Why? I started my own investigation. It lasted twenty three years. Yesterday, I found the last part of the puzzle, which has completely changed my life. This is what I have found out up to now... George had lived in Sun Mountain before I got to know him and he had left Sun Mountain ten years before my arrival. He had been poor, but he had been good at gam- bling and became rich. He had had a few plastic operations, so when I got to know him, his appearance was completely different. Erica was his wife. When he heard about her death, he came back because he wanted revenge. George had always loved Erica, but they got divorced and he left the town, because he'd thought that Erica loved another man. Erwin was their son! What is more, Erwin was my half brother. It was a shock for me. I was surprised when I discovered that Erica was my mother and George was my father, but Erwin wasn't Erica's son. Also, I found out that the deaths of George and Jane weren't accidents. They were killed. Somebody hanged Jane and somebody broke the brakes of George's car. So, this morning, I went to the doctor's. I’ve found out that I have a severe health problem. I suffer from parasomnia, so I'm a parasomnic. I walk when I sleep and 90. Stories... everything I do while walking, I forget till morning. This morning I was hypnotized and, then, I saw death ... of four people.
  • 93. Dear stranger, now, when you're reading this letter, I'm far away in a little town somewhere in Texas. I'm the victim... a victim of this damn life... On Saturday, I redec- orated my house and... in the cellar of the house I found a lot of masks. This morning, while I was hypnotized, I saw and understood everything. I broke the brakes of George's car. I hanged Jane and I chopped her body. I understood why the people, I saw in the forest, talked about me wearing my pyjamas. That night I killed Alice. I wasn't conscious. I forgot all about it until morning. I didn't want to do it. I don't know what to do. Suicide is really too mild a punishment for me. I don't want to fall sleep... Stranger, please, call the police. I did it - I'm the killer. Nobody’s Angelo Colungo Biljana Ristic 2007/08 91. Stories...
  • 94. The death of a taxi-d river d He was just a man, working as a taxi-driver. His salary was ter- rible, but he didn't want to change his job because he was used to it. He had been driving the same car for forty years. He was an honest man who would never hurt anyone. He had never hated anybody nor had he ever argued with anybody. One night, while he was sitting in the car, smoking his cigarette, a young beautiful woman knocked on his window. She wanted to go to an unknown street which wasn't familiar to him. Still, he accepted. She gave him directions and he drove her away. She thanked him and went into a big, old house. The day after that, he realised that the young woman had forgotten her purse. He could hardly remember the way, but he somehow managed to find the house. He knocked on the door and this time another young woman opened. He showed her the picture from the purse and asked her if the owner lived there. "I live here with my husband and my three children. I don't know who that is." The man was confused. He decided to forget all of this and go home. "Wait!" said the young woman. "Let me check some photos." She brought a lot of photos. She recognized the woman in the photo. "That's my aunt. We had seen each other a couple of times before she died." "Died?!" "Yes. She died ten years ago." He didn't say a word. Later that night, the police found his body not far from the 92. Stories... house. They said it was a heart attack. There was a red rose near his body. Svetozar Milovanovic 2008/09
  • 95. WINTER NIGHT It was Christmas Eve. It was snowing that night. I was at my friend's house. As I was tired, I went home at about 2 o'clock in the morning. Half way home, I saw something. Something was moving in the field to the left of the road. At first I thought it was a four-legged animal, but it wasn't. It was running on two legs. It came near me and I could hear it breathing. I stopped. The creature jumped onto the road right in front of me. It was a man! But what kind of man... His eyes were red, with no white around the pupils. Wild, very long, brown hair fell down his white skin. He was as white as the snow around us. His mouth was red, just like his eyes, and he had blood on his arms. A thousand questions appeared in my head... What is he doing here? Is he hurt? Has someone attacked him? Robbed him? He must be freezing! He's so white! Look at him - he's a mess. I wanted to run away, but I couldn't. I just stared at him, frozen. Then, he jumped back into the field and disap- peared into the darkness and snow. I stayed there for a few moments, and then hurried home, thinking of him all the time. Marko Djokic 2008/09 93. Stories...