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Arun Gupta, @arungupta
Docker Captain, Java Champion
  Inc. 2
▪Open source project and company

▪Used to create containers for software applications
▪Package Once Deploy Anywhere (PODA)
  Inc. 4
Mac OS X Ubuntu CentOSWindows
Mac OS X Ubuntu CentOSWindows
WORA = Write Once Run Anywhere
PODA = Package Once Deploy Anywhere
Build Ship Run
  Inc. 6
  Inc. 7
FROM ubuntu

CMD echo “Hello world”
FROM java

COPY target/hello.jar /usr/src/hello.jar

CMD java -cp /usr/src/hello.jar org.example.App
  Inc. 8
Image java:8
Image buildpack-deps:jessie-scm
Image buildpack-deps:jessie-curl
Base Image debian:jessie
~ > docker images couchbase
couchbase latest 45abdd57689a 3 weeks ago 372 MB
~ > docker history couchbase
45abdd57689a 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) VOLUME [/opt/couchbase/var] 0 B
dd8c5611343d 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) EXPOSE 11207/tcp 11210/tcp 0 B
30852bbad62b 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["couchbase-server"] 0 B
5537747ea12f 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT &{["/entrypoint. 0 B
e8a83a5448df 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:cbb44c9c65b64a9dc 182 B
18165b90fefa 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:34e32c52f0895191f 389 B
5f37b8bdc5a6 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c wget -N $CB_RELEASE_URL/$CB_VERSIO 212.1 MB
1a8da511d01b 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c groupadd -g 1000 couchbase && user 328.7 kB
d9b2222c39b4 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV CB_VERSION=4.0.0 CB_REL 0 B
815f08b3c781 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get inst 23.57 MB
fc38f156c0ea 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) MAINTAINER Couchbase Docker 0 B
2a7a952931ec 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"] 0 B
10f1b5844a9c 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/^#s*(deb.*universe)$/ 1.911 kB
23c388b926b6 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c echo '#!/bin/sh' > /usr/sbin/polic 156.2 kB
b45376f323f5 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:4a9e089e81d6581a54 135.9 MB
~ > docker images java
java openjdk-8-jdk-alpine 78afabc37d4f 6 days ago 145.5 MB
java 8 f298aed75633 6 days ago 642.9 MB
java latest f298aed75633 6 days ago 642.9 MB

~ > docker history java
f298aed75633 6 days ago /bin/sh -c /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates 418.2 kB
<missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c set -x && apt-get update && apt- 349.2 MB
<missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV CA_CERTIFICATES_JAVA_VE 0 B
<missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_DEBIAN_VERSION=8u7 0 B
<missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_VERSION=8u72 0 B
<missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/ 0 B
<missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c { echo '#!/bin/sh'; echo 'set 87 B
<missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 0 B
<missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c echo 'deb http://httpredir.debian. 61 B
<missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install 1.289 MB
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install 122.6 MB
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install 44.32 MB
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"] 0 B
<missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:b5391cb13172fb513d 125.1 MB
▪Create Docker Host on computer or cloud provider

docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox myhost
– Configure Docker client to talk to host
– Create and pull images
– Start, stop, restart containers
– Upgrade Docker
▪Native user interface and auto-update capability
▪No VirtualBox!
– OSX: xhyve VM using Hypervisor.framework
– Windows: Hyper-V VM
▪Better networking and filesystem mounting/notification
▪Docker Client
▪Docker Machine
▪Docker Compose
▪Docker Kitematic
▪Boot2Docker ISO
version: “2”
image: couchbase
- ~/couchbase:/opt/couchbase/var
- 8091:8091
- 8092:8092
- 8093:8093
- 11210:11210
▪Defining and running multi-container applications
▪Configuration defined in one or more files
– docker-compose.yml (default)
– docker-compose.override.yml (default)
– Multiple files specified using -f
– All paths relative to base configuration file
▪Great for dev, staging, and CI
version: “2”
container_name: "db"
image: couchbase
- 8091:8091
- 8092:8092
- 8093:8093
- 11210:11210
image: arungupta/wildfly
- 8080:8080
- 9990:9990
image: jboss/wildfly
- 8080:8080
- 9080:8080
docker-compose up -d
container_name: "db-dev"
image: arungupta/couchbase
- . . .
image: arungupta/wildfly
- COUCHBASE_URI=db-dev:8093
- 8080:8080
- COUCHBASE_URI=db-prod:8093
- 8080:80

container_name: "db-prod"
docker-compose up 

-f docker-compose.yml 

-f production.yml
docker-compose up -d
Network Name Purpose
bridge Default network that containers connect to
none Container-specific networking stack
host Adds container on hosts networking stack
docker network ls
8cf651cafbef bridge bridge
14e63204639e none null
96901337c96f host host
▪Create virtual networks and attach containers
▪Bridge network span single host
▪Overlay network spans multiple hosts
– Uses libnetwork (built-in VXLAN-based overlay network driver) and Docker’s
▪Works with Swarm and Compose
▪Pluggable: Calico, Cisco, Weave, . . .
docker network
docker network --help
Usage: docker network [OPTIONS] COMMAND [OPTIONS]
disconnect Disconnect container from a network
inspect Display detailed network information
ls List all networks
rm Remove a network
create Create a network
connect Connect container to a network
version: “2”
container_name: "db"
image: couchbase
- 8091:8091
- 8092:8092
- 8093:8093
- 11210:11210
image: arungupta/wildfly-admin
- 8080:8080
- 9990:9990
▪Native clustering for Docker
▪Provides a unified interface to a pool of Docker hosts
▪Fully integrated with Machine and Compose
▪Serves the standard Docker API
▪1.1 - Ready for production
– Reschedule containers when a node fails (experimental)
– Better node management
Stress tested on 1000 EC2 nodes, ~30k containers
  Inc. 29
▪ Based on CPU (-c), RAM (-m), number of containers
▪ docker machine create —strategy <value>
– spread (default): node with least number of running containers
– binpack: node with most number of running containers
– random: mostly for debugging
▪ API for pluggable backends (e.g. Mesos) coming
▪Data volumes - used to persist data independent of container’s
▪Multiple plugins: Flocker, Ceph, . . .
docker volume --help
Usage: docker volume [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
Manage Docker volumes
create Create a volume
inspect Return low-level information on a volume
ls List volumes
rm Remove a volume
docker volume create —name=data data
docker run -it -v data:/opt/couchbase/var couchbase
Create a volume
Run a container with the volume
  Inc. 34
  Inc. 35
  Inc. 36
  Inc. 37
  Inc. 38
  Inc. 39
container_name: "db"
image: arungupta/couchbase
- 8091:8091
- 8092:8092
- 8093:8093
- 11210:11210
image: arungupta/wildfly-admin
- 8080:8080
- 9990:9990
Master Node 01 Node 02

Swarm Master
Swarm Node 01
Swarm Node 02
Consul Machine
version: "2"
image: arungupta/couchbase
network_mode: "host"
- 8091:8091
- 8092:8092
- 8093:8093
- 11210:11210
scale db=2
Swarm Master A
Swarm Node A1
Swarm Node A2
Consul Machine
Swarm Master B
Swarm Node B1
Swarm Node B2
version: "2"
image: arungupta/
network_mode: "host"
- 8091:8091
- 8092:8092
- 8093:8093
- 11210:11210
Docker3Trusted3Registry3 Docker3Universal3Control3Plane
Docker3Hub Tutum by3Docker
Arun Gupta, @arungupta
VP Developer Advocacy, Couchbase
  Inc. 44
▪Open source orchestration system for Docker containers
▪Provide declarative primitives for the “desired state”
– Self-healing
– Auto-restarting
– Schedule across hosts
– Replicating
▪Pods: collocated group of Docker
containers that share an IP and storage
▪Service: Single, stable name for a set
of pods, also acts as LB
▪Label: used to organize and select
group of objects
▪Replication Controller: manages the
lifecycle of pods and ensures specified
number are running
Pod 1 Pod 2
C1 C2 C3
Pod 1
Pod 2
Service “db”
port 8091 port 8091
▪Node: Docker host running kubelet
(node agent) and proxy services
– Monitored by systemd (CentOS)
or monit (Debian)
▪Master: hosts cluster-level control
services, including the API server,
scheduler, and controller manager
▪etcd: distributed key-value store used
to persist Kubernetes system state
kubelet proxy
Pod 1 Pod 2
C1 C2 C3
kubelet proxy
Pod 1 Pod 2
C1 C2 C3
kubelet proxy
Pod 1 Pod 2
C1 C2 C3
API Server Scheduler
Controller Manager
Worker Docker
Docker Kubelet
Docker Kubelet
  Inc. 49
▪Hack by running a podmaster utility
– Hot Standby
– Warm Standby
– Active-Active (Load Balanced)
▪Controls the Kubernetes cluster manager
▪kubectl get pods or minions
▪kubectl create -f <filename>
▪kubectl update or delete
▪kubectl resize —replicas=3 replicationcontrollers
  Inc. 53
Mac OS X
Kubernetes (Vagrant)
Master Node
  Inc. 54
Mac OS X
Kubernetes (Vagrant)

▪Abstract a set of pods as a single IP and port
– Simple TCP/UDP load balancing
▪Creates environment variables in other pods
▪Stable endpoint for pods to reference
– Allows list of pods to change dynamically


Amazon Web Services
Kubernetes Cluster

Controller Publicly
Google Cloud
Kubernetes Cluster

Controller Publicly
Microsoft Azure
Kubernetes Cluster
Deployment Publicly
Node 2
Node 1


▪Ensures that a specified number of pod "replicas" are running
– Pod templates are cookie cutters
– Rescheduling
– Manual or auto-scale replicas
– Rolling updates
▪Recommended to wrap a Pod or Service in a RC
▪Only appropriate for Pods with Restart=Always policy (default)
Node 1
Pod 1
Node 2
Node 3

Pod 2
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Pod 1
Pod 2
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Pod 1
Pod 2
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Pod 1
Pod 3
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Pod 3
Pod 1




Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Pod 1
Pod 2
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Pod 1
Pod 3
Pod 2
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Pod 3
Pod 3
Pod 1
▪ E-commerce optimization and monitoring tools for
increase of sales
32 Core
160 GB RAM
Load Containers
Normal 400
Peak 600
▪Restarts Pod, if wrapped in RC
▪Application-level health checks
– Container Exec
– TCP Socket
▪Health checks performed by Kubelet
Mac OS X
Docker Machine
Kubernetes (Docker Compose)
etcd Master Proxy
Application Container
starting point
Mac OS X
Vagrant Box (OpenShift 3)
Registry Proxy
▪Containers recipe:
Arun Gupta, @arungupta
VP Developer Advocacy, Couchbase
▪Open source cluster manager
▪Developed at UC Berkeley
▪Provides resource isolation and sharing across distributed
▪Run distributed systems on the same pool of nodes
– Hadoop, Spark, Jenkins, Couchbase, …
▪Cluster monitoring
▪Tasks isolated via Linux containers
▪Master Slave architecture
▪Fault tolerant
– Leader election via ZooKeeper
▪Multi platform
– Ubuntu, Mac OS, CentOS
  Inc. 80
Slave Slave Slave Slave
Marathon Kubernetes Spark
▪Frameworks are targeted at a use case and domain-specific
– Master node “offers” resources to each framework
– Framework “accepts” the offer and execute applications
▪Framework has “scheduler” and “executor”
– Scheduler registers with the master for “offer”
– Executor launched on slave nodes to run the task
– Passes a description of the task to run
  Inc. 82
Slave Slave Slave Slave
<s1, 4GB, 4CPU, …>
Job 1 Job 2
<s1, 2GB, 2CPU, …>

<s4, 4GB, 4CPU, …>
Job 1 Job 2
<t1, s1, 2GB, 2CPU, …>
<t2, s4, 2GB, 4CPU, …>
<s4, 4GB, 4CPU, …>
<m, t1, s1, 2GB, 2CPU, …>
<m, t2, s4, 2GB, 4CPU, …>
  Inc. 83
▪Containers recipe:

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Similar to Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos recipes for Java developers

Running Docker in Development & Production (DevSum 2015)
Running Docker in Development & Production (DevSum 2015)Running Docker in Development & Production (DevSum 2015)
Running Docker in Development & Production (DevSum 2015)
Ben Hall
Docker in Action
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Docker in Action
Alper Kanat
DockerCon 2016 Seattle Recap
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DockerCon 2016 Seattle Recap
Philipp Garbe
[Hands-on 필수 준비 사항] 쇼핑몰 예제를 통한 Microservice 개발/배포 실습 - 황주필 부장 / 강인호 부장, 한국오라클
[Hands-on 필수 준비 사항] 쇼핑몰 예제를 통한 Microservice 개발/배포 실습 - 황주필 부장 / 강인호 부장, 한국오라클[Hands-on 필수 준비 사항] 쇼핑몰 예제를 통한 Microservice 개발/배포 실습 - 황주필 부장 / 강인호 부장, 한국오라클
[Hands-on 필수 준비 사항] 쇼핑몰 예제를 통한 Microservice 개발/배포 실습 - 황주필 부장 / 강인호 부장, 한국오라클
Oracle Korea
Docker for Web Developers: A Sneak Peek
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Running .NET on Docker
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Ben Hall
Real World Experience of Running Docker in Development and Production
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Ben Hall
Dockerizing a Symfony2 application
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Roman Rodomansky
Develop QNAP NAS App by Docker
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Terry Chen
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Liang Bo
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Agile Partner S.A.
Docker as an every day work tool
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Przemyslaw Koltermann
Clustering with Docker Swarm - Dockerops 2016 @ Cento (FE) Italy
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Giovanni Toraldo
Docker, Kubernetes, and Google Cloud
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Samuel Chow
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Soshi Nemoto
Docker: The basics - Including a demo with an awesome full-stack JS app
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Marcelo Rodrigues
JDO 2019: Tips and Tricks from Docker Captain - Łukasz Lach
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JDO 2019: Tips and Tricks from Docker Captain - Łukasz Lach
Streamline your development environment with docker
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Giacomo Bagnoli
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Docker 101
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Kevin Nord

Similar to Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos recipes for Java developers (20)

Running Docker in Development & Production (DevSum 2015)
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Running Docker in Development & Production (DevSum 2015)
Docker in Action
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[Hands-on 필수 준비 사항] 쇼핑몰 예제를 통한 Microservice 개발/배포 실습 - 황주필 부장 / 강인호 부장, 한국오라클
[Hands-on 필수 준비 사항] 쇼핑몰 예제를 통한 Microservice 개발/배포 실습 - 황주필 부장 / 강인호 부장, 한국오라클[Hands-on 필수 준비 사항] 쇼핑몰 예제를 통한 Microservice 개발/배포 실습 - 황주필 부장 / 강인호 부장, 한국오라클
[Hands-on 필수 준비 사항] 쇼핑몰 예제를 통한 Microservice 개발/배포 실습 - 황주필 부장 / 강인호 부장, 한국오라클
Docker for Web Developers: A Sneak Peek
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Docker for Web Developers: A Sneak Peek
Running .NET on Docker
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Running .NET on Docker
Real World Experience of Running Docker in Development and Production
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Real World Experience of Running Docker in Development and Production
Dockerizing a Symfony2 application
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Dockerizing a Symfony2 application
Develop QNAP NAS App by Docker
Develop QNAP NAS App by DockerDevelop QNAP NAS App by Docker
Develop QNAP NAS App by Docker
Docker module 1
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Docker module 1
Agile Brown Bag - Vagrant & Docker: Introduction
Agile Brown Bag - Vagrant & Docker: IntroductionAgile Brown Bag - Vagrant & Docker: Introduction
Agile Brown Bag - Vagrant & Docker: Introduction
Docker as an every day work tool
Docker as an every day work toolDocker as an every day work tool
Docker as an every day work tool
Clustering with Docker Swarm - Dockerops 2016 @ Cento (FE) Italy
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Clustering with Docker Swarm - Dockerops 2016 @ Cento (FE) Italy
Docker, Kubernetes, and Google Cloud
Docker, Kubernetes, and Google CloudDocker, Kubernetes, and Google Cloud
Docker, Kubernetes, and Google Cloud
Preparation study of_docker - (MOSG)
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Preparation study of_docker - (MOSG)
Docker: The basics - Including a demo with an awesome full-stack JS app
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JDO 2019: Tips and Tricks from Docker Captain - Łukasz Lach
JDO 2019: Tips and Tricks from Docker Captain - Łukasz LachJDO 2019: Tips and Tricks from Docker Captain - Łukasz Lach
JDO 2019: Tips and Tricks from Docker Captain - Łukasz Lach
Streamline your development environment with docker
Streamline your development environment with dockerStreamline your development environment with docker
Streamline your development environment with docker
BBL Premiers pas avec Docker
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BBL Premiers pas avec Docker
Docker 101
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Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos recipes for Java developers

  • 1. Docker,  Kubernetes  and  Mesos  for   Java  Developers Arun Gupta, @arungupta Docker Captain, Java Champion
  • 3. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. What  is  Docker? ▪Open source project and company
 ▪Used to create containers for software applications ▪Package Once Deploy Anywhere (PODA) 3
  • 4. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. 4 Mac OS X Ubuntu CentOSWindows {J,W,E}AR Mac OS X Ubuntu CentOSWindows Image WORA = Write Once Run Anywhere PODA = Package Once Deploy Anywhere
  • 5. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  Mission 5 Build Ship Run Anywhere Distributed/Applications
  • 7. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. 7 FROM ubuntu
 CMD echo “Hello world” FROM java 
 COPY target/hello.jar /usr/src/hello.jar
 CMD java -cp /usr/src/hello.jar org.example.App
  • 8. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. 8
  • 10. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Union  File  System 10 Bootfs/Kernel Image java:8 Image buildpack-deps:jessie-scm Image buildpack-deps:jessie-curl Base Image debian:jessie
  • 11. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Image  Layers  -­‐  Couchbase ~ > docker images couchbase REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE couchbase latest 45abdd57689a 3 weeks ago 372 MB ~ > docker history couchbase IMAGE CREATED CREATED BY SIZE COMMENT 45abdd57689a 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) VOLUME [/opt/couchbase/var] 0 B dd8c5611343d 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) EXPOSE 11207/tcp 11210/tcp 0 B 30852bbad62b 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["couchbase-server"] 0 B 5537747ea12f 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT &{["/entrypoint. 0 B e8a83a5448df 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:cbb44c9c65b64a9dc 182 B 18165b90fefa 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:34e32c52f0895191f 389 B 5f37b8bdc5a6 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c wget -N $CB_RELEASE_URL/$CB_VERSIO 212.1 MB 1a8da511d01b 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c groupadd -g 1000 couchbase && user 328.7 kB d9b2222c39b4 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV CB_VERSION=4.0.0 CB_REL 0 B 815f08b3c781 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get inst 23.57 MB fc38f156c0ea 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) MAINTAINER Couchbase Docker 0 B 2a7a952931ec 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"] 0 B 10f1b5844a9c 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/^#s*(deb.*universe)$/ 1.911 kB 23c388b926b6 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c echo '#!/bin/sh' > /usr/sbin/polic 156.2 kB b45376f323f5 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:4a9e089e81d6581a54 135.9 MB 11
  • 12. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Image  Layers  -­‐  Java ~ > docker images java REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE java openjdk-8-jdk-alpine 78afabc37d4f 6 days ago 145.5 MB java 8 f298aed75633 6 days ago 642.9 MB java latest f298aed75633 6 days ago 642.9 MB
 ~ > docker history java IMAGE CREATED CREATED BY SIZE COMMENT f298aed75633 6 days ago /bin/sh -c /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates 418.2 kB <missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c set -x && apt-get update && apt- 349.2 MB <missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV CA_CERTIFICATES_JAVA_VE 0 B <missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_DEBIAN_VERSION=8u7 0 B <missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_VERSION=8u72 0 B <missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/ 0 B <missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c { echo '#!/bin/sh'; echo 'set 87 B <missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 0 B <missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c echo 'deb http://httpredir.debian. 61 B <missing> 6 days ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install 1.289 MB <missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install 122.6 MB <missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install 44.32 MB <missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"] 0 B <missing> 2 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:b5391cb13172fb513d 125.1 MB 12
  • 13. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  Machine ▪Create Docker Host on computer or cloud provider
 docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox myhost – Configure Docker client to talk to host – Create and pull images – Start, stop, restart containers – Upgrade Docker 13
  • 14. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  Machine  Providers 14
  • 15. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  for  Mac/Windows ▪Native user interface and auto-update capability ▪No VirtualBox! – OSX: xhyve VM using Hypervisor.framework – Windows: Hyper-V VM ▪Better networking and filesystem mounting/notification 15
  • 16. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  Toolbox ▪Docker Client ▪Docker Machine ▪Docker Compose ▪Docker Kitematic ▪Boot2Docker ISO ▪Virtualbox 16
  • 17. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  Compose  -­‐  One  Service 17 version: “2” services: db: image: couchbase volumes: - ~/couchbase:/opt/couchbase/var ports: - 8091:8091 - 8092:8092 - 8093:8093 - 11210:11210
  • 18. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  Compose  -­‐  Two  Services 18 GET POST PUT DELETE CRUD using N1QL
  • 19. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  Compose ▪Defining and running multi-container applications ▪Configuration defined in one or more files – docker-compose.yml (default) – docker-compose.override.yml (default) – Multiple files specified using -f – All paths relative to base configuration file ▪Great for dev, staging, and CI 19
  • 20. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. version: “2” services: db: container_name: "db" image: couchbase ports: - 8091:8091 - 8092:8092 - 8093:8093 - 11210:11210 web: image: arungupta/wildfly environment: - COUCHBASE_URI=db ports: - 8080:8080 - 9990:9990 Docker  Compose  -­‐  Two  Services 20
  • 21. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Overriding  Services  in  Docker  Compose 21 mywildfly: image: jboss/wildfly ports: - 8080:8080 docker-compose.yml mywildfly: ports: - 9080:8080 docker-compose.override.yml docker-compose up -d
  • 22. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Dev/Prod  with  Compose 22 mycouchbase: container_name: "db-dev" image: arungupta/couchbase ports: - . . . mywildfly: image: arungupta/wildfly environment: - COUCHBASE_URI=db-dev:8093 ports: - 8080:8080 mywildfly: environment: - COUCHBASE_URI=db-prod:8093 ports: - 8080:80 mycouchbase:
 container_name: "db-prod" docker-compose.yml production.yml docker-compose up 
 -f docker-compose.yml 
 -f production.yml -d docker-compose up -d
  • 24. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Default  Networks 24 Network Name Purpose bridge Default network that containers connect to none Container-specific networking stack host Adds container on hosts networking stack docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER 8cf651cafbef bridge bridge 14e63204639e none null 96901337c96f host host
  • 25. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Multi-­‐host  Networking ▪Create virtual networks and attach containers ▪Bridge network span single host ▪Overlay network spans multiple hosts – Uses libnetwork (built-in VXLAN-based overlay network driver) and Docker’s libkv ▪Works with Swarm and Compose ▪Pluggable: Calico, Cisco, Weave, . . . 25
  • 26. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. docker network 26 docker network --help Usage: docker network [OPTIONS] COMMAND [OPTIONS] Commands: disconnect Disconnect container from a network inspect Display detailed network information ls List all networks rm Remove a network create Create a network connect Connect container to a network
  • 27. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Application  Code 27 CouchbaseCluster.create(System.getenv(“COUCHBASE_URI”)); version: “2” services: db: container_name: "db" image: couchbase ports: - 8091:8091 - 8092:8092 - 8093:8093 - 11210:11210 web: image: arungupta/wildfly-admin environment: - COUCHBASE_URI=db ports: - 8080:8080 - 9990:9990
  • 28. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  Swarm ▪Native clustering for Docker ▪Provides a unified interface to a pool of Docker hosts ▪Fully integrated with Machine and Compose ▪Serves the standard Docker API ▪1.1 - Ready for production – Reschedule containers when a node fails (experimental) – Better node management 28 Stress tested on 1000 EC2 nodes, ~30k containers
  • 30. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Scheduling  Backends ▪ Based on CPU (-c), RAM (-m), number of containers ▪ docker machine create —strategy <value> – spread (default): node with least number of running containers – binpack: node with most number of running containers – random: mostly for debugging ▪ API for pluggable backends (e.g. Mesos) coming 30
  • 31. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Machine  +  Swarm  +  Compose 31
  • 32. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Persistent  Storage ▪Data volumes - used to persist data independent of container’s lifecycle ▪Multiple plugins: Flocker, Ceph, . . . 32 docker volume --help Usage: docker volume [OPTIONS] [COMMAND] Manage Docker volumes Commands: create Create a volume inspect Return low-level information on a volume ls List volumes rm Remove a volume
  • 33. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Persistent  Storage 33 docker volume create —name=data data docker run -it -v data:/opt/couchbase/var couchbase Create a volume Run a container with the volume
  • 39. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. 39 mycouchbase: container_name: "db" image: arungupta/couchbase ports: - 8091:8091 - 8092:8092 - 8093:8093 - 11210:11210 mywildfly: image: arungupta/wildfly-admin environment: - COUCHBASE_URI=db ports: - 8080:8080 - 9990:9990 Master Node 01 Node 02 Discovery
  • 40. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  Machine  +  Compose  +  Swarm 40 Swarm Master Swarm Node 01 Swarm Node 02 Consul Machine version: "2" services: db: image: arungupta/couchbase network_mode: "host" ports: - 8091:8091 - 8092:8092 - 8093:8093 - 11210:11210 scale db=2 docker-compose
  • 41. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  Machine  +  Compose  +  Swarm 41 Swarm Master A Swarm Node A1 Swarm Node A2 Consul Machine Swarm Master B Swarm Node B1 Swarm Node B2 version: "2" services: db: image: arungupta/ couchbase network_mode: "host" ports: - 8091:8091 - 8092:8092 - 8093:8093 - 11210:11210 XDCR
  • 42. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Docker  Mission 42 BUILD Developer(Workflows SHIP Registry(Services RUN Management Ecosystem3Partners Docker3Engine Docker3Toolbox Docker3Trusted3Registry3 Docker3Universal3Control3Plane Docker3Hub Tutum by3Docker Infrastructure Compute,(Volumes,(Networking Clustering3&3Scheduling3 (Orchestration) Service3Discovery Plugins
  • 43. Getting  Started  with  Kubernetes Arun Gupta, @arungupta VP Developer Advocacy, Couchbase
  • 44. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. 44
  • 45. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Kubernetes ▪Open source orchestration system for Docker containers ▪Provide declarative primitives for the “desired state” – Self-healing – Auto-restarting – Schedule across hosts – Replicating 45
  • 46. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Concepts ▪Pods: collocated group of Docker containers that share an IP and storage volume ▪Service: Single, stable name for a set of pods, also acts as LB ▪Label: used to organize and select group of objects ▪Replication Controller: manages the lifecycle of pods and ensures specified number are running 46 Node Pod 1 Pod 2 C1 C2 C3 Pod 1 Couchbase Pod 2 Couchbase Service “db” port 8091 port 8091 Docker
  • 47. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Components ▪Node: Docker host running kubelet (node agent) and proxy services – Monitored by systemd (CentOS) or monit (Debian) ▪Master: hosts cluster-level control services, including the API server, scheduler, and controller manager ▪etcd: distributed key-value store used to persist Kubernetes system state 47 Node kubelet proxy Docker Pod 1 Pod 2 C1 C2 C3 Node kubelet proxy Docker Pod 1 Pod 2 C1 C2 C3 Node kubelet proxy Node Pod 1 Pod 2 C1 C2 C3 Master API Server Scheduler Controller Manager
  • 48. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Worker Docker Worker Worker Pod Containers Architecture Kubelet Docker Kubelet Docker Kubelet Master Master Master Kubelet
  • 50. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Master  High  Availability ▪Hack by running a podmaster utility ▪Proposal – Hot Standby – Warm Standby – Active-Active (Load Balanced) 50
  • 51. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. kubectl ▪Controls the Kubernetes cluster manager ▪kubectl get pods or minions ▪kubectl create -f <filename> ▪kubectl update or delete ▪kubectl resize —replicas=3 replicationcontrollers <name> 51
  • 53. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. 53 export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=vagrant ./cluster/ Mac OS X Kubernetes (Vagrant) Master Node
  • 54. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. 54
  • 55. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. A  Pod  with  One  Container 55 Mac OS X Kubernetes (Vagrant) Master Node Pod Docker
  • 56. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Services ▪Abstract a set of pods as a single IP and port – Simple TCP/UDP load balancing ▪Creates environment variables in other pods ▪Stable endpoint for pods to reference – Allows list of pods to change dynamically 56
  • 59. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Amazon Web Services “worker”“master” Services  -­‐  AWS 59 “worker” Kubernetes Cluster Pod Couchbase Docker Container Replication
 Controller Publicly accessible Service
  • 60. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Google Cloud “worker”“master” Services  -­‐  GCE 60 “worker” Kubernetes Cluster Pod Couchbase Docker Container Replication
 Controller Publicly accessible Service
  • 61. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Microsoft Azure “worker”“master” Services  -­‐  Azure 61 “worker” Kubernetes Cluster Pod Couchbase Docker Container Deployment Publicly accessible Service “worker”
  • 63. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Node 2 Service  across  Two  Nodes 63 Node 1 Pod Docker
 (WildFly) Pod Docker
 (Couchbase) Couchbase Service
  • 64. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Replication  Controller ▪Ensures that a specified number of pod "replicas" are running – Pod templates are cookie cutters – Rescheduling – Manual or auto-scale replicas – Rolling updates ▪Recommended to wrap a Pod or Service in a RC ▪Only appropriate for Pods with Restart=Always policy (default) 64
  • 65. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Replication  Controller  Configuration 65
  • 66. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Replication  Controller 66 Master Node 1 Pod 1 Couchbase Node 2 Node 3 Replication
 Controller Pod 2 Couchbase
  • 67. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Replication  Controller:  Automatic  Rescheduling 67 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Pod 1 Couchbase Pod 2 Couchbase Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Pod 1 Couchbase Pod 2 Couchbase✘ Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Pod 1 Couchbase Pod 3 Couchbase Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Pod 3 Couchbase Pod 1 Couchbase OR
  • 68. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Replication  Controller:  Scaling 68
 couchbase-rc Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Pod 1 Couchbase Pod 2 Couchbase Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Pod 1 Couchbase Pod 3 Couchbase Pod 2 Couchbase Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 OR Pod 3 Couchbase Pod 3 Couchbase Pod 1 Couchbase
  • 69. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Sample  Production  Deployment ▪ ▪ E-commerce optimization and monitoring tools for increase of sales 69
  • 70. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Sample  Production  Deployment 70 32 Core 160 GB RAM Load Containers Normal 400 Peak 600
  • 71. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Health  Checks ▪Restarts Pod, if wrapped in RC ▪Application-level health checks – HTTP – Container Exec – TCP Socket ▪Health checks performed by Kubelet 71
  • 72. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Kubernetes  using  Docker 72
  • 73. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Kubernetes  using  Docker 73 Mac OS X Docker Machine Kubernetes (Docker Compose) etcd Master Proxy Pod Application Container Recommended starting point
  • 74. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. OpenShift  3 74 Mac OS X Vagrant Box (OpenShift 3) Kubernetes Docker Registry Master OpenShift Registry Proxy Pod Router
  • 76. Getting  Started  with  Mesos Arun Gupta, @arungupta VP Developer Advocacy, Couchbase
  • 77. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Mesos ▪Open source cluster manager ▪Developed at UC Berkeley ▪Provides resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications ▪Run distributed systems on the same pool of nodes – Hadoop, Spark, Jenkins, Couchbase, … ▪Cluster monitoring ▪Tasks isolated via Linux containers 77
  • 78. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Mesos ▪Master Slave architecture ▪Fault tolerant – Leader election via ZooKeeper ▪Multi platform – Ubuntu, Mac OS, CentOS 78
  • 79. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Mesos  Architecture 79
  • 80. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. 80 Master Master (standby) Master (standby) ZooKeeper Quorum Slave Slave Slave Slave Marathon Kubernetes Spark Aurora Marathon Executor Task Frameworks
  • 81. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. Frameworks ▪Frameworks are targeted at a use case and domain-specific – Master node “offers” resources to each framework – Framework “accepts” the offer and execute applications ▪Framework has “scheduler” and “executor” – Scheduler registers with the master for “offer” – Executor launched on slave nodes to run the task – Passes a description of the task to run 81
  • 82. ©2016  Couchbase  Inc. 82 Master Slave Slave Slave Slave <s1, 4GB, 4CPU, …> Job 1 Job 2 <s1, 2GB, 2CPU, …>
 <s4, 4GB, 4CPU, …> Allocation Module Scheduler Job 1 Job 2 Scheduler <t1, s1, 2GB, 2CPU, …> <t2, s4, 2GB, 4CPU, …> <s4, 4GB, 4CPU, …> <m, t1, s1, 2GB, 2CPU, …> <m, t2, s4, 2GB, 4CPU, …> 1 1 2 3 4 4 5