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children.”Achild is glorified to the heavens, when Jesus
lifts up a child and states that it is to such that the kingdom
of heavenbelongs.
In almost every country, one day in a year has
been dedicated for the children. In India, it falls on
November 14 .Therefore we have dedicated this issue of
DNC times, to the little children. It will open the world of
beauty and simplicity of little children before you. The
peculiarity of this issue is that many of its articles are
penned by children. You will come upon their greatness
and will marvel at the lessons they teach us. One of the
articles is specially dedicated for the children who are
affected with HIV. Our writers have put their great effort
into bringing out the
best in children
t h r o u g h v a r i o u s
sociological and
p s y c h o l o g i c a l
analysis. They deal
with the joy and
harmony the children
would bring about;
their relation with the
parents, world, media and the church; necessity of
helping the children to set goals in their life; the urgency
to instill values in them so as to secure the future etc.
There is so much for the erudite man to learn from the
innocence of a child.At the same time, we are obliged to
protect the innocence of the child and protect it against
abuse and exploitation. The writers also deal with the
conditionof thedelinquentsinjuvenilehomes.
Thus, this issue opens up the world of children
before the readers. I welcome all of you to enter it and be
lost in the feelings of nostalgia. Have a great reading
(Shijo is a 2 yr student of Theology at JDV).
“Childhood is a fountain welling,
Trace its channel in the sand,
And its currents, spreading, swelling,
Will revive the withered land.”
- David Bates
t times, life is felt to be a story of dichotomies;
dichotomy between desires and realities,
dichotomy between ups and downs,
dichotomy between life and death and the list goes on.
Children long to become adults; adults desire to keep up
their youth; the old crave for a return to the childhood.
However, you may not disagree, if I say that childhood is
the most cherished time in our lives. It is said that the
selfish rich men in Japan were once observing some
secret rituals to maintain
their youth. One of them
was to hire young babies
and sleep among them,
that their charm, energy
and cheer will be
extracted to these old
men. And consequently,
the poor babies would
fall to old age soon.
Most men and women in their old age crave for a return to
the childhood. Sometimes, even adults, dream of the joy
and merry they had in their childhood; the fun and frolic;
friendships and fights; beauty and purity; little
achievements and failures; awes and wonders. We may
call it as 'nostalgia.' The Greek word for "return" is
nostos. Algos means "suffering." So nostalgia is the
suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return.
The falling flower may tearfully remember the time
when it was attracting the praise and attention of many.
Kahlil Gibran was one who unraveled the beauty of
childhood in his writings; “Keep me away from the
wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does
not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before
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Shijo CSTShijo CSTShijo CST
In today's world, children face various problems
such as child labour, abuse and trafficking etc. These
problems stand as big hurdles and affect their future.
Children in refugee camps, who really deserve love, care
and support, experience only hatred and danger. These
days they do not even feel secure in their own homes.
As the future of society and the nation, they need
to get respect, special care and protection by their family
members, relatives, neighbours and the world at large.
They should get proper care, love, healthy food, clean
clothes and a healthy environment to grow and to expand
their dreams. The ultimate need of every child is to be in
safe hands whether it to be at home, at school or
elsewhere. They should get proper and good level of
education as a result of which they could rise and shine
and leave a mark on this planet. They should be given
wings toflyhigh.
If we really want our planet to be a happy and
peaceful place where human
beings love each other and live in
harmony then, we have to embrace
children with lots of love and
affection. Behind every young
child who believes in him/herself
lie those persons who believe in
them. The way we mould our
children and shape their
experiences create their personality. It's our moral duty to
give children life's values which will transform them
into beautiful persons who will shine and form the future
of our society to be a place where love and joy would
exist. I would like to end this article by saying, “Don't
educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be
happy so that they may know the value of things and not
merelythepriceof them.”
( Sr. Jyoti is from Society of the Sacred Heart)
The greatest gift we will ever know is a child,
born to love and to grow! Whenever we talk
about children or look at them, it always
brightens our soul. Children are the ones who bring joy
and happiness in families and in the world around. They
have a special way of conveying their joy and ecstasy
every day and every moment. Everyone loves children
because their smile can show heavens on earth and a
twinkle in their eyes can still us for ages. They are the
world's most valuable resources and the best hope for the
future. They dream a world for them, and they create it
and live it to its fullness without any complains or regret.
Theycolortheirworld withcanvas.
They are curious to know many things, but at the
same time they are innocent and satisfied. It is easy for
them to love, to forget and to forgive which we, older
ones find difficult. Children are the future pillars of our
country. We cannot ignore their involvement and
contribution in its growth, in the
life of their parents, teachers and
other people. Children are liked by
everyone and without them life
becomes very boring. They are
blessed by God and they hold the
immense power within them to
conquer our hearts with their
beautiful eyes, innocent actions
Children are considered as the building blocks of
a strong nation. They are like wet cement because
whatever falls on them makes an impression. Children
are very small but have the capacity to change the nation
positively. Therefore, the big responsibility is on us as to
how we could mould and unfold their unique gifts.
Children learn more from what you are than what you
teach.They are observant and sensitive to everything that
Children, their Lives & their WorldChildren, their Lives & their WorldChildren, their Lives & their World
noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016
Sr. Jyoti GajbhivSr. Jyoti GajbhivSr. Jyoti Gajbhiv
they need your help and you should be there. My
mother taught me to say ' please, thank you and sorry'
too. I never understood their implications, but now I
am 16 and it is easier for me to be happy with my
peers, teachers and society because of these little
courtesies. Having to share my mother with my
siblings was initially very difficult for me. But she
trained me and got me ready for it. Even now when I
come across difficult moments and when my inner
being tells me that I don't need to change, my
mother inspires me by saying, “My child ! never
fight against change. Change is the only thing
permanent in our life.” I realized that growing up as a
socially responsible person is hard but not impossible.
Life doesn't come with a manual. It comes with
a mother. Initially my mother was like God to me.
She understood what I was going through even
before I could speak. She provided for my needs
even when I didn't know how to ask. She
introduced me to my God. She said that he created
me, he provides for me, he knows me the best and
loves me the most. Slowly she taught me to be more
dependent on the Almighty than on anyone or
anything else secondary in this world. The seeds of
faith that she and my father have sown have become
my conscience.
Then nothing wrong will happen in my life.
My mother is gentle yet firm. She is single –
handedly looking after us and doing her best to
discipline and mould us into better citizens both of
heaven and earth. A bonding love that my mother
and I share makes her my role model. People say
that I look like her, but many a time I wish that I
could be like her - a woman of a wonderful character,
deeply rooted in faith and selfless spirit willing to
always be there for others.
(Ann is a std. student at Stella Maris Highth
he most valuable gift you can give to
Thumanity is a good example. This saying of
Ifeanyi Onaho is so true particularly in the
contemporary materialistic world that we are all
struggling to survive in. Arole model is an exemplary
person who knowingly or unknowingly influences
our personality to the core be it physical, emotional,
or spiritual.They encourage us to strive for greatness
through their own commitment to excellence. A Role
model is someone we admire and aspire to be. One of the
most powerful quotes that I have read is “The hand
that rocks the cradle rules the world.” My role
model and my inspiration to work hard for a better
tomorrow is undoubtedly my mother. She is the
person who has sculpted and shaped me into what I am
today. We had been one before nature took her call
and separated us into two individuals. Though I
struggled to enter the world, the first emotion, I
must have felt would have been insecurity! There were
so many sounds and so many unfamiliar faces when
the world suddenly seemed to grow so cold. I missed
my silent dark world and the heartbeat that would
put me to sleep and awaken me.
All I could do was to open my little mouth
and play a trumpet with the full energy stored up in
my tiny body. That's when I heard that voice saying,
'Thank you God for your beautiful gift.' I received a
kiss on my forehead and a cuddle. Yes, I knew that
she was mine and I was hers.Yes, she was my mother.
The world around me slowly started getting warm and
secure. I trusted that come what may her hands will
always be there to feed me, to put me to sleep, to carry
me when I am not able to walk on my own and be
my pillar of strength. J.K. Rowling writes that Love,
as powerful as that of a mother leaves its own mark. It
gives us a protection forever. 'Amma' is the first word I
uttered before I even realized what it meant. Her
response to my calls taught me how to respond. She
taught me that when someone calls out to you,
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ArticleArticleArticleAnn Mary JoshingAnn Mary JoshingAnn Mary Joshing
My Role ModelMy Role ModelMy Role Model
Jesus in the hope that
he would lay hands on
them and pray over
them. The disciples
shooed them off. But
Jesus intervened, “Let
the children alone,
don't prevent them
from coming to me.
God's kingdom is
That is also why Jesus can strongly condemn
those who steal the innocence of children by abusing
their trust, by using them as objects of sexual
gratification, by depriving them of their childhood and
putting them to work among adults, by trafficking them
into prostitution and using them for child pornography
On one occasion Jesus called over a child into
middle of the room, and said, “I'm telling you, once and
for all, that unless you return to square one and start over
like children, you're not even going to get a look at the
kingdom, let alone getting in.' Whoever becomes simple
and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in
God's kingdom. What's more, “when you receive the
childlike on my account, it's the same as receiving me.
But if you give them a hard time, bullying or taking
advantage of their simple trust, you'll soon wish you
hadn't. You'd be better off dropped in the middle of the
lakewithamillstonearoundyour neck.
Doom to the world for giving these God-
believing children a hard time! Hard times are inevitable,
but you don't have to make it worse—and it's doomsday
toyou ifyou do.”(Matthew18,2-7).
(Nicholas is a studying Diploma of Theology at
five-year-old Baptist minister's daughter
Anoticed that her father always paused and
bowed his head before he started his sermon.
One day she asked him why he did so! “I'm asking God to
help me preach a good sermon,” he said. “How come he
doesn't do it?” she asked in return! Another child wrote
this prayer to God: “Dear God, thank you for my new
babybrother. ButwhatIprayedfor was apuppy.”
What is it about children that makes us want to
love them? It is the fact that they are ignorant of the harsh
realities of life or that they trust adults without question
and believe everything that is told to them? Children
believe in the tooth fairy and the Santa Claus; they are
afraid of monsters and goblins in the night; they trust that
Once I got a chance to be a substitute teacher in a
Kinder Garten class and when I entered they wished me
'good morning Bhaia.' The class teacher quickly
corrected them and said “not Bhaia, it’s Brother.” One
boy stood up and said, “but ma'm he used to play football
with us in the evening!”Achild's mind is neither crooked
nor scheming. It is uncomplicated, straight-forward,
honest and totally transparent. Children say exactly
what they think. In another letter to God, a child prayed:
“Dear God, I need you to make my mummy not allergic
to cats. I really want a cat, and I don't want to ask
What does Jesus say about the kingdom of God?
God's dream for our world is made up of people whose
disposition, and whose outlook on life is like that of little
children. Today, the world and our church needs people
who have the simplicity, innocence, honesty and
transparency as that of little children. They need people
whom they can trust. It is for this very reason that
Matthew can tell the story of Jesus reprimanding his
disciples for trying to stop children from what they
regardedaspestering! Onedaychildrenwerebroughtto
noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 050505
ArticleArticleArticleNicholas Ralte CFCNicholas Ralte CFCNicholas Ralte CFC
Open Minds & Open HeartsOpen Minds & Open HeartsOpen Minds & Open Hearts
strengthtogo ahead,nomatterwhat.
When children turn 18, in such institutions, as per
law they are supposed to move out, go into the real world
and fend for themselves.After-care is just a small section
in the J.J.Act, but is an extremely complex, multi-layered
phase. For these youth, who have lived in child-care
institutions, transition from 'being cared for' to 'caring for
oneself,' reflects a shift from dependent to independent
living. Research states that this shift is plagued with
feelings of insecurity, anxiety, low self-esteem and
uncertainty of being accepted in mainstream society.
Additionally, these youth transit from the emerging
adulthood phase and move towards becoming adults.
Their journey is shorter, steeper and more difficult
I was responsible to make this shift smooth and
less stressful for the children who had grown so much
over the years. They had been protected within the walls
of the only home they knew and suddenly were being
asked to leave. Together, with the support from the
organization, we developed a two- year transition plan
through which they would pass before facing the world
alone. Surprisingly, they were able to adapt, cope and
bounce back from any crisis situation. Many of them
were put onto Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) as their
CD4 counts had dropped, some were rejected by their
first loves on account of them being HIV positive, others
were refused employment, yet the levels of resilience my
children exhibited was astonishing. Roles changed and
they became my role models, I had so much to learn from
An intrigued me, decided to study the transitions,
trajectories, life events and turning points in the lives of a
few of these youth through their own narratives. This
brought to the forefront crucial aspects of their lives
while in-care and after-care as perceived by them
ike any ideal social worker, ready to take on the
Lworld, I thought I knew everything and I was the
savior who would go into any situation of
distress and bring about miraculous solutions. With this
philanthropic thought, I began my very first job with
children; infected and affected at different stages of
infection with the HIV virus. My very first day of the
seven years I was there, left me feeling very stupid. I
assumed I had to be grim and on my best behaviour as I
was in a very solemn environment. Much to my dismay,
the children stole not only my heart but all my energy that
very first day – they played, they laughed, they fought,
they cried and made me shake off all the stereotypical
thoughts that plagued my mind about 'HIV+' persons. It
left me wondering as to what else I could bring to this
As time passed at the home, my interactions with
the children gave me my answer. These were children
who were lost, abandoned, orphaned or discriminated
against – they were kept away from the very thing that
would enable them to grow and develop into independent
individuals – they were deprived of the love of a family.
Child-care institutions in India work effectively to
provide a child with his or her basic needs, however they
have not been able to orient a child to family-life or
familial experiences. Research shows that lack of
exposure to life in a family leads to adjustment problems
So, I decided to love these children with the same
kind of love I received from my family. Initially, it was
difficult, I was tested, had tantrums thrown at me, I was
angered to the point of quitting, wanting to go back to my
comfort zone, but I waited, prayed for courage and
showed my children that I too could truly care, I was
there to stay by their side when they were sick, when their
parents died or when one of them died. These were some
of the hardest moments in my life, but they gave me the
noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 060606
Lessons from ChildrenLessons from ChildrenLessons from Children
Cherie-Ann PereiraCherie-Ann PereiraCherie-Ann Pereira
(Cont’d on Pg. 18)
language and other subjects. There are websites that
teach children strategies for effectively and safely using
socialnetworkingsitessuchas ClubPenguin.
3. Health benefits: Children can find online
information about their health concerns easily. Excellent
health resources are increasingly available to youth on a
variety of topics. They can understand different types of
illnesses and learn to prevent themselves. The media also
has negative effects on children. Sometimes children
could misuse them deliberately and often ignorantly.
1. Cyber bullying: Cyber bullying is deliberately
using digital media to communicate false, embarrassing
or hostile information about another person.The effect of
this can cause profound psychological outcomes
including depression, anxiety, severe isolation and
2. Sexting: Children start sending, receiving or
forwarding sexually explicit messages, photographs or
imagesviacellphones, computeror otherdigitaldevices.
Sometimes they are suspended from the school when are
caught and consequently undergo emotional
disturbances which may have adverse impact in the long
run. If not corrected on time, they may fall into criminal
3. Addiction: The worst of all is getting addicted to
gadgets: T.V., computer, mobile or particular websites.
Children spend so much time in it gaining nothing useful
to them. They develop psychological problems while
using it excessively. They begin to feel depressed,
insecureandsociallyisolatedwhentheydo notgetthem.
These are just a few of the pros and cons. All of
life has both of these and it is we who have to choose. We
learn from our mistakes and children learn fast. Let us be
(Ravibhushan is a 2 yr student of
philosophy at JDV)
edia has a great impact on our lives,
Mespecially on children. It has become an
integral part in the formation and growth of
children today. Through the media we receive enormous
amount of information and knowledge. We are so
webbed with the media that we cannot do without it.
Media has both pros and cons. The newer generations are
more prone to the ills of media than the older ones. The
reason is simply that media did not impact the older
generations during their growing up years. Today media
is almost like a meal on the table. If children are guided
properly then it can be a very effective tool in their
formation. Parents, teachers and elders who can foresee
the dangers have a great responsibility to play their role
in guiding and also protecting children from the hazards
of media. When it comes to media, everything is
available. Children have access to the TV, internet,
billboards, mobiles and every other gadget. We have to
grow with them, this is our world today. Children need to
be taught how to make sensible choices. They need to
understandthereasonwhy theyshould makethatchoice.
Letus lookathow mediacanbenefitchildren:
1. Socialization and communication: Social
media allows people to interact and stay connected with
family and friends, make new friends, share pictures and
exchange ideas. In the process of this virtual interaction
they begin to understand the diversity of culture,
language and religion hence they learn to be respectful to
othersandrecognizetheirown identity.
2. Educational benefits: Through media children
can get material for their assignments and creative
presentations. Younger children can develop literacy
skills; for instance learning letters of the alphabet
through programmes such as Play School and Sesame
Street or through educational computer games and apps.
Some games and puzzles help in developing problem-
solving and critical thinking skills too. There are
softwares that can be used for training children in Math,
noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 070707
Effects of Media on ChildrenEffects of Media on ChildrenEffects of Media on Children
Ravibhushan SJRavibhushan SJRavibhushan SJ
condition of the new generations in the future could be
far worse! We see that children do not have any kind
of respect for their elders or their teachers. Most of
them who come from a wealthy background are
not even aware of the respect they ought to give to
the elders and the school teachers. They take them
for granted and do not even know the difference
between good and bad. At least they pretend not to. If
this is the condition of our generation, then there
will be chaos in the years to come and eventual
disaster in the future. Children of the future will not
have those social values that their grandparents, great
grandparents and parents had. Children could be
addicted to the various channels and programmes on
the idiot box and they themselves would become
nothing but meat and blood in a sack of bones. For
it so rightly said that, 'Children are like wet cement,
whatever falls on them makes an impression.' Where
is all the good stuff? Changing times will bring changing
ideologies and doctrines. Strong minds shall develop,
evolution shall takeplace.
This new generation of kids shall be far
more well developed in their thinking capacity and
that gives them a chance that they may be more
mature and rational than us. Their ingenuity and
inventive capacity shall be enhanced to a
hundredfold to our present to the world and new
individuals of great mental capacity and physical
strength will evolve. Continuous evolution would
make humans better built and more stronger to
adapt to the new environment which could be
different from now. Rest assured, if we all do our
parts faithfully then the future could take on its goal
and useful side and the children of our future could
be brilliant diamonds.
( Abin is a std student at Stella Maris Highth
esterday was history, tomorrow is a
Ymystery but today is a gift, that is why we
call it the present. We Indians offer so much
importance to the future that the present remains
incomplete. Many of us discuss with the priests and
palm readers discerning one's future and fortune. It
is said - 'Man is the maker of his own destiny.' The future
revolves around us. Many great people who have
realized this fact have in fact succeeded. They have in
fact become the epitomes of success. In their work,
there were not even the slightest mirages of the future
but the unmistakable picture of the present is that
which is what matters. Another sensitive issue is the
futureof our children.
All parents want to see their children be
successful. The children of our future will be something
different from our generation. The differences lie in their
moral values, intellectual thinking and emotional
feelings. The change is always gradual, from one
generation to the other. We see that competition has
become very severe these days. Children are pushed
to the end of their capacity and at times this pressure
is not withstood by the small new brain of a child.
After taking in the last of its ounce of control it
explodes into something fierce. The new generations
are the new thinking machinery of this age. They have
new ideas, new thoughts, new goals and a higher
rationale. They affirm that the only way to succeed is
through learning. But the matter of concern is, 'which
kind of learning it is?' These children who will be
the future generations of ours. By 2030 let's just think
about the competition, the new advancement in
technology and the new ideologies that will come
out! They will be far more be advanced in thinking.
'Practise makes man perfect' but it is also said
that, 'Manners maketh aman.'
Look at the condition of today's generation! The
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Children In 2030Children In 2030Children In 2030
Abin AlotiousAbin AlotiousAbin Alotious
e did a little survey of children's sins. What
they have penned will surely take us down
our own memory lane. Their innocence is
striking and we would surely see ourselves in them. Sit
I disobeyed my family members.
I did not study properly and did not get good marks.
I was angry and did not be nice to my sister.
I said bad words and did not respect my elders.
I did not help those in need.
I told lies.
I did not do my homework on time.
I fought with my friends.
I did not read the Bible every day.
When I get angry I do not listen to anyone.
I watched TV for a long time.
I talk badly to others.
I play games on my mobile.
I did not go for Sunday mass.
I answered back my parents, grandparents.
I did not pray daily.
I made fun of my friends.
I talk rudely to others.
I was telling bad thing about my friends.
I was teasing others.
I bunked class and went out with my friends.
I distracted others in the class.
I copied in my exam.
I do not pay attention in church.
I rob money sometimes.
I beat my friends and brothers.
When my mother tells me to do some work, I pretend to
be sleeping or have stomach ache or leg pain, etc.
When mummy tells me not to drink cold water, I still go
I sometimes get jealous of my friends.
I robbed small things from my friends.
I did not listen to my teacher.
I don't help in the house.
I don't study when told.
I shouted at my sister.
I don't pay attention in church.
I sometime talk and play during mass.
I don't eat what is made at home.
I sometimes eat food without permission.
I take the largest share of good food and don't keep for
my brothers.
I threw my sister in the garden.
Along with the smile that lightens up our faces
the challenge is powerful. Have we lost our sense of
sin that our confessionals are empty? Or have we
become sinless? Let the child within us challenge us!
DNC Editorial TeamDNC Editorial TeamDNC Editorial Team
Interestingly, the factors that promoted the resilience of
these young adults were not their education or
employment, but the love they received and the bonds
they built with their care-givers and with one another
through times of suffering. These findings have opened
my eyes, to look into myself and understand my work
from a different perspective.There was nothing for me to
give but so much to take from these children and youth
placed in institutional care, today considered to be the
The aim of any after-care programme is to
empower individuals with the skills and capabilities to
develop their own futures. However for me, these
individuals empowered me, they taught me to be humble,
sincere and content. Above all, they taught me,
( Cherie works for Magic Bus India Foundation)
noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016
( Cont’d from Pg. 06)
Lessons from Children
which ought to be well formed.Attending Sunday school
should complement and add to what the children learn
about their faith at home. Children must be encouraged to
take active part in the Eucharist. Being an altar server is a
privilege and not a chore. Taking part in Nativity plays
etc should be encouraged. It is only when children are
encouraged to participate in the various activities of the
church from a young age that they will be active
members of it in their youth and as adults. Passive
catholic children will
become passive catholic
adults. There are many
ways in which children can
actively participate in the
church. Besides altar
serving, they can be a part
of the children's choir
which will mean both
involvement as well as
enjoyment. Reading in church is another way but this
must be done with proper training. Youth groups that
meet together for fun activities like sports also have
outreach activities where they learn to put into practice
the beatitudes that they have learnt. Such involvement
will teach the children that the values of Jesus Christ are
as valid today as they were in His time. Retreats are
another way in which children can grow in faith and learn
how to cope with the distractions and temptations of the
modern world. Retreats and youth groups can also foster
vocations. When children are involved in church
activities from a young age and are well grounded in the
faith, they will be well integrated Catholics as adults.
This in turn will make for a vibrant church. Therefore
children's involvement in the Catholic Church and their
role in making it strong in the future; is of utmost
( Noella Moniz teaches catechism at St. Xavier
Church, Camp, Pune)
Children are the future, the future of society, the
country and also of the church. It is important
that children are carefully moulded, if they are
In days gone by joint family was prevalent. One
of the advantages of the extended family was that
children learned about respecting elders, sharing and
sacrifice, family prayers and family values. The older
members who were not too
busy in household chores
would tell the young ones
bible stories and impart
Christian values to them.
Most mothers too, were at
home and had time to
explain and discuss
Christ's teachings with the
little ones.Today with the
single family where both
parents are working; the children miss out on this
informal nurturing in the faith. Parents do not have the
time to teach basic catechism. Moreover children are so
burdened with a hectic school curriculum and other extra
circular activities, that sometimes Sunday mass is all the
religion that is left in their lives. It is at a young age that
the seeds of faith are sown and without proper nurturing
andreinforcementitmaynotgrow deep.
Today with the mass media and the internet our
faith is tested in many ways and if it is not strong, it may
be lost altogether. Children must be nurtured in faith
from an early age, as they are the future church. Even
babies should be taken for mass so that it becomes a
natural part of their lives. As the children grow older,
parents need to take the time to explain the faith to them
and show them by their own example that though
sometimes it is easier to go with the crowd, as Catholics,
we have to do what is right, governed by our conscience
noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 101010
Children: Future of the Catholic ChurchChildren: Future of the Catholic ChurchChildren: Future of the Catholic Church
Noella MonizNoella MonizNoella Moniz
When we think of children life, enthusiasm
and fun that they all ought to experience
flood our imagination. Images of their
smiling faces pop up in our minds. Seeing children
playing and running around lighten up our lives. We
Yet there is another side to life. Children who are
offenders of the law end up in a juvenile home. We hear
or know very little about them. In fact they are non-
existent to most of us.The walls that they are confined to,
keep them away from the rest of the world. Those who
are in these confines for a long time change their mindset
completely. They have no family members or relatives to
support them. It is a world of its
own, dark and challenging. Some
children come out reformed and
yet others more injured than what
they were when they went in.
Sufficient laws have been enacted
to ensure the welfare of children.
But, the mind and situation of
these children in these homes
prevent the laws from taking
Children in the juvenile home keep on changing.
Some serve long sentences and some short ones. For the
first timers, the initial days are very difficult. Alongside
loneliness and fear they are ragged and tested by fellow
inmates. They do not have anyone to turn to. They are all
alone and have to find their own ways to grow. Soon,
these new children pick up the ways of the seniors. Once
inside, they form their own groups. These are generally
based on lingual and regional backgrounds. It gives them
asense of securityandcomforttosomeextent.
Most of these children come from poorer
environments. Their families are broken and they often
look for someone who could love them. When they need
money they don't get it at all, they are forced to choose
other means to fulfil their needs. They seek for attention
and they fail to get that too. These are some factors that
cause them to err. When in the juvenile centre their
behaviour is also to attract attention. What they have
missed at home unconsciously comes out here. The sad
part is that the attention seeking here comes with a heavy
price. It often causes injury to someone else or to
Parents sometimes refuse to take their children
back from the Juvenile home after they have completed
their duration of stay. It is not because they do not love
their children but because now society has begun looking
down on these. In a slum once a
child is picked for any offence that
he has committed it becomes the
talk of the town. In such cases
parents prefer the absence of their
kids. Those children who have
found it easier in the juvenile home
prefer the security of this place to
the outside world. As soon as they
are set free they do something
wrong in order to get back in. At
least they are assured of their meals and a roof to sleep
There are success stories of children in these
juvenile homes too. Some have even studied and cleared
their exams. Some pursue the training that is given to
them. On their return they continue their studies and even
take up part-time jobs. Skills such as mobile repair,
Life is not easy in a juvenile home. It has a lot of
struggles.All are not justly put in. It will always remain a
question whether there is more good or harm done to the
(Sr.Mangal is a SocialActivistinPune)
Locked upLocked upLocked up
Sr. Mangal SCCSr. Mangal SCCSr. Mangal SCC ArticleArticleArticle
noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016 111111
In a world riddled with disrespect for our bodies that
are made by God, we wonder if we have the strength
to stand against it. Here is a young girl who did so.
Her story is not much different than most other girls who
are sexually abused and/or murdered today, but the mere
difference is that Maria Goretti was willing to die for her
purity. The story of the martyrdom of Maria Goretti, her
life as well as her heroic death will be an inspiration to
moderngirlsandtoour Catholicyouth.
Maria Goretti was born on 16 October, 1890, in Italy.
She worked with her parents in the farm. She was
uneducated but had strong values
which were instilled in her by her
saintly mother. The first grief came
upon their little family when she was 6.
They were stricken by poverty and
were forced to give up their farm and
work for other farmers. To escalate the
situation, her father died of malaria
when she was just nine years old.
Thereafter, her mother, sisters, and
brothers started working in others'
fields. Maria advanced in wisdom, age
and in grace. Her neighbours noted her modesty of dress
and behaviour. Graceful and fair, with a candid glance of
an innocent child, she usually wore a veil over her head
and maintained a certain reserve and simple dignity.
Maria would cook, sew and keep the house in an orderly
fashion. Maria's family became poorer and eventually
shared their house with the Serenelli family. This family
had an eighteen- year - old son named Alessandro. He
often engaged in thoughts and imaginations that would
lead him to sinfulness. He even tried to lead Maria into
One day, while Maria was mending clothes,
Alessandro came from the fields and tried to force Maria
into sin. Maria refused and hence Alessandro
threatened her. He put a choice before her, either to save
her life with the loss of her dignity or to preserve her
dignity at the loss of her life. It was her life that she cast
away, a life to be found again in the world to come and for
all eternity. Alessandro got really mad and stabbed her
fourteen times when he was confronted about his wrong
thoughts and ideas. Her family heard her screams and
rushed her to the hospital. Alessandro was arrested and
sentenced to thirty years behind bars. Maria lived for
twenty-four hours after being stabbed fourteen times by
Alessandro. She died on 6 July, 1902. She forgave
Alessandro and prayed that he would turn to God in
In prison, Alessandro refused to
admit that he was wrong, remaining
angry and bitter. After six years, Maria
appeared to him in a dream and gave
him a bouquet of lilies. That dream
changed his life. He spent the rest of his
sentence trying to make up for what he
had done to Maria. After twenty-seven
years, he was released and the first
thing he did was to go to Maria's mother
and beg for forgiveness. Then he entered religious life to
complete his penance. In 1950, Maria was canonized in a
ceremony attended by twenty-five million people
includingAlessandro Serenelli, her killer and her mother,
the first mother ever to see her child canonized. Her feast
is observed on 6 July. She is the Patron Saint of teenage
Few lives of the saints have touched the hearts of
people as much as St Maria Goretti. Maria had deep love
for God, respect for her body, tremendous courage and
Christ - like forgiveness. Her life spoke louder than any
words atthetenderageof twelve.
(Michelle D'Souza is a Std. student at St. Felix
High School)
noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016 121212
Maria Goretti – Life of a SaintMaria Goretti – Life of a SaintMaria Goretti – Life of a Saint
Michelle D'Souza.Michelle D'Souza.Michelle D'Souza.
Life without goals is like a race without a finish
line‐ Anonymous .
Everybody has a goal in life … whether it
is to pass a big exam or to impress the boy or girl one
desires to fall madly in love with! Yet there are some
people who don't believe that they have goals, this isn't
true. The one who says, “I don't have a goal for myself,”
has not understood the meaning of a goal in life. Humans
are goal driven and without which we cannot survive.
People make goals every second. Goals don't have to be
big; they can be concerning the least of things. Like,
challenging yourselves to try out something new or
setting a specific time to do your home work etc. No
matter what you say or do, you always end up setting a
The best time to learn to make goals is as a child.
It builds us up to achieve
many things in life. We
all are aware ofAbraham
Lincoln. He was the son
of a poor woodcutter.
Every day he was found
reading under a street
l i g h t . O n e d a y a
policeman on patrol
asked him, “Why are
you found here so late at
night?” Boy Lincoln
replied instantly, “If I
don't read now how can I become the President of
America?” The surprised policeman asked him “You,
you want become the President of America?” We all
know thatlaterheliveduptohisdream.
When a child is taught to make goals the child
begins to channelize his or her energies to achieving
something. There is less of wastage and more productive
oCtoBEr - 2016oCtoBEr - 2016oCtoBEr - 2016 131313
Fight for your ThroneFight for your ThroneFight for your Throne
Jaison D’souza SJJaison D’souza SJJaison D’souza SJ
output. We have innumerable examples of children who
have had high goals in their lives and have proved
themselves to be great assets to the nation. There are
sports stars, actors, scientists, academicians and even
religious among these. Specific goals in life enable us to
move forward with determination. This determination
persuades us to strive hard to achieve our goals. Those
children who are brought up to just move on with
whatever comes their way don't make the best out of their
lives be it a village child or a city born. The one who has a
dream is the one who will succeed in life.All of us will go
through life but just few will feel that they have
The road to achieving a goal is never easy and the
one who says that they can't wait long for their dreams to
become reality are in a way afraid to take the plunge. The
people we see on television or in the magazines have
worked hard to be where they want to be. All it takes is a
good fight! Children
must be trained to fight
for what is rightfully
theirs. They must be
taught to use their
mistakes as fuel and their
p r o b l e m s a s a n
opportunity to complete
the simple task of taking
a step closer to their
dream. When children
are goal oriented they are
Goals are what keep us alive. They help us to get through
our day. We are who we are because of our goals. The
earlier we start the better it is. It might not be today or
tomorrow … but if you fight for your throne, you will be
(Jaison is a 2 Yr student of Philosophy at JDV)
The striking feature of a child is its ability to trust
everyone around them implicitly. A child's mind is not
wicked or scheming. It is simple, open and transparent.
Children speak what they think and most of all believe
what they are told. Childhood is bliss unmatched with
imminence. They believe that everything will turn out
right no matter what you do and no matter what happens
to them.Childrenare born innocent.They want only to be
loved, to learn, and to contribute. Childhood is the most
enjoyableandcarefreepartof one's life.
But in this age of
t e c h n o l o g y a n d
information children are
r o b b e d o f t h e i r
innocence. They are
physically present, but
infant clothes, toys and
street games seem to have
been subsumed by a rush
to adulthood: mini
grown-ups rule.
Is it any wonder
that children lose their childlike spirit and childhood
itself? The best thing that parents can do for children is to
ensure that the whole atmosphere in which they live is
filledwithpurityandruledby love.
If adults want to be better people and more
importantly, happy people, they should retain a part of
the childhood in them. Patrick Rothfuss says; “When we
are children we seldom think of the future. This
innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults
can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave
(Rhea is a std. student at St Felix High School)th
Achild's smile can light up a day. A child's
What is it that is most appealing about children?
Is it their physical beauty, their playfulness or their
impish grins? Children are beautiful because they
possess something that adults have lost, 'the quality of
innocence.' They have an innocence that is genuine and
very real. As we grow into adulthood we lose that
innocence forever. Have you ever seen the eyes of
children lighting up at Christmas time as they stand in
line to tell Santa what
they want for Christmas?
T h e y a r e f u l l o f
e x c i t e m e n t a n d
anticipation as their
whole world revolves
around that single
moment of sitting on
Santa's lap and truly
believing that he will
leave for them their much
awaited gift underneath
the family Christmas tree. This is what is so wonderful
about being a child and it brings a smile to every parent's
face as they reflect on that very special time when they
Children have no preconceived notions as they
are not yet tainted by experience and they say things both
honestly and sincerely as they were taught. They don't
ever sugar coat what they say because they have no
reason to. They are spontaneous and are very perceptive.
They are very focused in what they want and there is no
question about it. They are the ones who can make a sad
day brighter with their view of things and make the world
a much better place. A child can teach an adult three
things: to be happy for no reason, to be always busy with
somethingandtoknow how todemandwithallhismight
Rhea DiasRhea DiasRhea Dias
Innocence of ChildrenInnocence of ChildrenInnocence of Children
noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016
Iwas born in a tribal community where stories form
an important part of life. I still remember some of
them, especially the magical ones. I have fresh
memories of children flocking to their grandparent's
houses during school vacation. Back then, there was no
television set or dish antenna hence the only
entertainment for us as children was to listen to our
grandparent's stories. Stories are one of the most
important elements of tribal culture. They used them for
educating people on social issues and also to motivate
them through tales of legendary personalities. Most of
their stories have morals, attack taboos and are
concernedsocialissues. Ihavelearntalotfromthem.
My elder brother once told me a story about a
man who was fascinated by the birds flying and dreamt of
flying one day. Today, we know him as the father of the
Aeroplane, George Cayley. This story helps me to dream
the impossible dream. I too have a dream, a dream of
serving God and His people, even though I was and am
weak. What matters is that, we strive to achieve that
dream. Late DrA.P.J.Abdul Kalam, the former President
of India once said, “Dream, Dream, Dream. Dreams
transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action.” I
affirmwhathehas said!
It was not easy to follow my dream, to
join the seminary. In grade eight they did not select me
after the vocation camp. My Parish Priest dissuaded me
since my results were very poor that year. I did not give
up and tried again after class 10. At last, I was selected
but low and behold, I couldn't clear my external state
board exam held that year. I thought it was all over, like a
wishful dream! It was a very low and humiliating
moment for me. To be a Jesuit, I needed a first class and
to join a diocesan seminary at least I needed to pass but, at
that moment I was heading nowhere. Voicing out my
dream, let alone living it or going after it had become like
Life went by and I managed to pass out my
matriculation in the supplementary exam. I wanted to do
better in my class twelfth and continued to pursue my
dream. Things didn't turn out as I had planned. The
Vocation promoter came to visit me and questioned me
about various things of life. He even enquired about me
from my parents. At the end he allowed me to come and
see the seminary. It was with two conditions; first, I must
secure minimum second division in class twelve and
second, not to tell my friends that I am joining the
seminary but going to study in Nagaland, where our pre-
novitiate was. I was overwhelmed with surprise, a smile
then remained on my face and not a word escaped from
my lips. Till today I follow my dream and have never
regretted choosing it. The journey was not smooth
either, at times satisfying and yet at times rough.
Sometimes I doubted my own dream. I have come this far
only because of the help people have rendered me and
looking back, the many moments that I have spent as
spiritualmilestonesdo refreshme!
My story ends here but not my dream for I have to
live it every day in my life. Everyone has a dream and we
must all live it. When we share our story of joys and
struggles we strengthen one another! Go and tell your
dreams to others and help them to shape their own. Let's
(Khathing is a 1 yr student of Theology at
My DreamMy DreamMy Dream
Khathing C.M SJKhathing C.M SJKhathing C.M SJ
noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016
learn the values of trust, faith and warmth. They learn to
laugh, to live and see life in a different way. They also
learn to co-operate with one another and to compete in
good spirit. As time passes, the number of friends, either
increase or decrease but true friends must always belong
to the same and uneven level of feelings for each other.
Even if one is qualitatively superior to the other, the
feeling must not surface on any unguarded moment.
Misunderstanding may crop up at times but in the due
course it all gets faded away. A friend should look upon
It is said that darkness disappears at the advent of
the light. Similarly, the presence of a genuine friend
dispels the gloom of disappointment. Friendship may
even help to create a heavenly atmosphere at a place
ridden with chaos. As time passes the bond of friendship
only gets stronger and stronger with each passing
moment. Old friendships are surely imperishable. No
force in the world is potent to dislodge the tie between
two old friends. Acomment from Leonard Wright in this
“As old wood is best to burn,
An old horse to ride, old books to read
And old wine to drink, so are
Old friends always most trusted to use.
(Mahima is a 10 Std student of St. Felix High
riendship refers to the mutual relationship of
Faffection, trust, co-operation and support
between two or more individuals. Friendship is
a vital part of every person's life in order to live life to its
fullest. Afriendis considered atrueblessingfromGod.
All of us need someone in our lives with whom
we can share our interior life freely and a friend is such a
person on whom we can truly trust and depend. When
the tide doesn't seem to be on our side, a friend is
someone who fills courage and confidence in our heart.
Someone has rightly said, “Walking with a friend in the
dark is better than walking alone in the light.” A child's
first social unit is his/her family.As the child grows, s/he
starts mingling with larger social units like their own
peers. Young children have very innocent minds and
therefore when they enter the outside world and start
making friends they do not judge them on any basis but
have a pleasant relationship to carry forward. It is we who
should learn a lesson from them because as we grow up
we become selfish, dominant, have a lot of ego and pride
within ourselves & then we start discriminating people
on the basis of their cast, race, class, financial condition
It is said that, 'birds of a feather flock together.' In
the same way people become friends. Friends also play a
vital role the overall development of a child. Research
has shown that children who lack friends are prone to
suffer from emotional and mental difficulties later in
their life as they find it difficult to interact with other
people. True friends are hard to find, difficult to leave
and impossible to forget. At any point of time when the
world might have forsaken us, people whom we trusted
abandoned us, we must stand firm because our best
Toddlers like to make many friends to play with
and they learn many important lessons for life. They
noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 161616
Children & how they See Friendship!Children & how they See Friendship!Children & how they See Friendship!
Mahima BinojMahima BinojMahima Binoj
dejection. They look forward to coming out of the
juvenilehomebutunless thelawpermitsthemtheycan't.
The type of offenders also varies.They carry their
behaviour into the juvenile home too. This reflects in
their attitude while dealing with the other inmates also.
According to various sources collected, there are
increasing numbers of juveniles that are found to be
involved in vicious crimes. We are aware that in the 2012
Delhi gang-rape case, one of the main accused was a
juvenile. While the others indicted in the case were given
death, the minor was sent to a remand home for three
years. Similarly, in the Shakti Mill case in Mumbai city in
August 2013, where a 22-year old photo journalist was
raped by four, one of the accused was a juvenile. The
juvenile, was sent to a children's correction home at
Nashik for 3 years. There are many such instances! It is a
matter of debate whether it is correct to still treat such
offenders with the same law as juveniles. The country's
law makers are trying to get the age reduced for juvenile
crimes from 18 to 16. However who is to blame for their
These juvenile homes are under a lot of stress to
deal with such a wide variety of cases. It all makes the life
(Amos rd
is a 3 yr student of philosophy at
used to believe that our children are our future but
Inow I realize that this sadly, isn't the reality, through
laws that treat kids like adults, the governments are
throwing away the future of children in this country.”
Hundreds of children are being sent into Juvenile
homes every year but, what is being done by the
government for these hopeless convicted souls?Are they
assisting them during those times of intense ostracism or
are they just tortured unjustly and inhumanly? I think, it's
time to relook and revisit the laws with a sense of
innovation for the betterment of the convicted. It would
help them, rather than throw away their hope and moral
life.After all they are children and often their immaturity
Mahatma Gandhi also believed that criminals
should be treated as patients in hospitals and jails should
admit such patients for treatment and cure. Reformation
School of Thought found a strong support from Lord
Lytton who said, "The ideal I wish to set before me, stated
in the briefest and simplest form, is just this - the
substitution of reformation for retribution as the basis of
our penal code." Similarly, Pandit Nehru observed "Any
reform must be based on the idea that a prisoner is not
punished but transformed and made into a good citizen.
If this objective is once accepted, it would result in a
completeoverhaulingoftheprison system.”
Some of us have been working with a Juvenile's
home for the past five months. It has been a unique and a
blessed experience for us all. These children are behind
barred shut metal doors in a small open space. We
regularly go and conduct games for these thirty to forty
children living there.They stay in squalid gloomy rooms.
Some of the children looked weak and emaciated with
scars, rashes, and skin infections all over their faces.
Dark circles around their eyes do say a lot of things.Their
conditions reveal that they are lost in a world of
noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 171717
The Juvenile WorldThe Juvenile WorldThe Juvenile World
ArticleArticleArticleAlshedai Amos SJAlshedai Amos SJAlshedai Amos SJ
people of Khanapur lead a life of caring and sharing
resembling the life-style of the early Christian
community. By participatory observation we found
access into to the deeper realities that affect them such as
their problems, their faith alongside life cycle rituals
such as birth, marriage and death. One can find a blend of
domestic rituals at par with that of the religious ones. Just
as society is not static, the faith of the people changes as it
gets influenced by other dominant cultures. For example,
the faith of the villagers of Khanapur has been deeply
influenced by both the Portuguese and the Marathas.
They have been living harmoniously with the Hindu
community by participating and inviting them to their
festivals. Thus, a deeper level of inter-religious dialogue
of life takes place in the village itself without any need
for superficial structures. Since, there has not been
sufficient pastoral care in the past due to the lack of
availability of Priests and the vastness of the mission,
Marian devotions are at the core of their faith. Even now,
they have mass only twice a month in the village. Sadly,
Mary as a result has become more important than the
Lord for these people. As a theology student I could see
many distortions in their understanding of Marian
devotions too. Things cannot change overnight. It has to
bedoneslowly lestiteradicatestheirfaith.
Overall our experience was very enriching. Life is
(Alwyn is a 3 Yr student of Theology at JDV)
nlike traditional understanding, today
Utheology is no more purely a conceptual
intellectual activity, but it pays sufficient
attention to the faith experiences of the people in varied
contexts. Theological reflection is in fact nourished by
concrete experiences and by the life of faith of the people.
Thus, the third year theology students of JDV were given
an opportunity to go to remote villages and to be
'participant observers,' thus to gather data in view of
Keeping the above objective in mind, I entered
the field study with a lot of enthusiasm and openness. I
was placed in Khanapur village, a rural region of Ajara
Taluk, Kolhapur district, Maharashtra along with another
Jesuit companion (Lloyd). I was touched by the
simplicity and hospitality of the villagers. As the days
passed by I realized that in a short visit one cannot come
to know the deeper reality of the village and the families;
rather it is by staying and spending time and gradually
becoming an insider that one grows in affective
knowledge of the people. At the superficial level
everything seems to be fine but as the days go by, people
The regions bordering the states are generally the
most neglected ones economically and Khanapur is
situated in such a location. The Christian population had
migrated to this region due to the persecution of the
Portuguese inquisition and the Maratha rulers in the late
th th
17 and early 18 centuries. This reminds us of the
Exodus of the Israelites and the persecutions endured by
the early Christian community. In spite of the
sufferingthey had to undergo, the people did not give up
their faith in God. Similarly, these people even after
many years of migration have strongly safeguarded their
Christian faith. Thus, the God who accompanies them is
not only the God of their original place but, He is God of
thepeoplewho accompaniesthemwherevertheygo.The
noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 181818
My Experience of CTPMy Experience of CTPMy Experience of CTP
Alwyn D'Souza S.J.Alwyn D'Souza S.J.Alwyn D'Souza S.J.

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  • 1.
  • 2. children.”Achild is glorified to the heavens, when Jesus lifts up a child and states that it is to such that the kingdom of heavenbelongs. In almost every country, one day in a year has been dedicated for the children. In India, it falls on th November 14 .Therefore we have dedicated this issue of DNC times, to the little children. It will open the world of beauty and simplicity of little children before you. The peculiarity of this issue is that many of its articles are penned by children. You will come upon their greatness and will marvel at the lessons they teach us. One of the articles is specially dedicated for the children who are affected with HIV. Our writers have put their great effort into bringing out the best in children t h r o u g h v a r i o u s sociological and p s y c h o l o g i c a l analysis. They deal with the joy and harmony the children would bring about; their relation with the parents, world, media and the church; necessity of helping the children to set goals in their life; the urgency to instill values in them so as to secure the future etc. There is so much for the erudite man to learn from the innocence of a child.At the same time, we are obliged to protect the innocence of the child and protect it against abuse and exploitation. The writers also deal with the conditionof thedelinquentsinjuvenilehomes. Thus, this issue opens up the world of children before the readers. I welcome all of you to enter it and be lost in the feelings of nostalgia. Have a great reading ahead. nd (Shijo is a 2 yr student of Theology at JDV). “Childhood is a fountain welling, Trace its channel in the sand, And its currents, spreading, swelling, Will revive the withered land.” - David Bates A t times, life is felt to be a story of dichotomies; dichotomy between desires and realities, dichotomy between ups and downs, dichotomy between life and death and the list goes on. Children long to become adults; adults desire to keep up their youth; the old crave for a return to the childhood. However, you may not disagree, if I say that childhood is the most cherished time in our lives. It is said that the selfish rich men in Japan were once observing some secret rituals to maintain their youth. One of them was to hire young babies and sleep among them, that their charm, energy and cheer will be extracted to these old men. And consequently, the poor babies would fall to old age soon. Most men and women in their old age crave for a return to the childhood. Sometimes, even adults, dream of the joy and merry they had in their childhood; the fun and frolic; friendships and fights; beauty and purity; little achievements and failures; awes and wonders. We may call it as 'nostalgia.' The Greek word for "return" is nostos. Algos means "suffering." So nostalgia is the suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return. The falling flower may tearfully remember the time when it was attracting the praise and attention of many. Kahlil Gibran was one who unraveled the beauty of childhood in his writings; “Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before oCtoBEr - 2016oCtoBEr - 2016oCtoBEr - 2016 020202 EditorialEditorialEditorial Shijo CSTShijo CSTShijo CST
  • 3. In today's world, children face various problems such as child labour, abuse and trafficking etc. These problems stand as big hurdles and affect their future. Children in refugee camps, who really deserve love, care and support, experience only hatred and danger. These days they do not even feel secure in their own homes. As the future of society and the nation, they need to get respect, special care and protection by their family members, relatives, neighbours and the world at large. They should get proper care, love, healthy food, clean clothes and a healthy environment to grow and to expand their dreams. The ultimate need of every child is to be in safe hands whether it to be at home, at school or elsewhere. They should get proper and good level of education as a result of which they could rise and shine and leave a mark on this planet. They should be given wings toflyhigh. If we really want our planet to be a happy and peaceful place where human beings love each other and live in harmony then, we have to embrace children with lots of love and affection. Behind every young child who believes in him/herself lie those persons who believe in them. The way we mould our children and shape their experiences create their personality. It's our moral duty to give children life's values which will transform them into beautiful persons who will shine and form the future of our society to be a place where love and joy would exist. I would like to end this article by saying, “Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy so that they may know the value of things and not merelythepriceof them.” ( Sr. Jyoti is from Society of the Sacred Heart) The greatest gift we will ever know is a child, born to love and to grow! Whenever we talk about children or look at them, it always brightens our soul. Children are the ones who bring joy and happiness in families and in the world around. They have a special way of conveying their joy and ecstasy every day and every moment. Everyone loves children because their smile can show heavens on earth and a twinkle in their eyes can still us for ages. They are the world's most valuable resources and the best hope for the future. They dream a world for them, and they create it and live it to its fullness without any complains or regret. Theycolortheirworld withcanvas. They are curious to know many things, but at the same time they are innocent and satisfied. It is easy for them to love, to forget and to forgive which we, older ones find difficult. Children are the future pillars of our country. We cannot ignore their involvement and contribution in its growth, in the life of their parents, teachers and other people. Children are liked by everyone and without them life becomes very boring. They are blessed by God and they hold the immense power within them to conquer our hearts with their beautiful eyes, innocent actions andcharmingsmiles. Children are considered as the building blocks of a strong nation. They are like wet cement because whatever falls on them makes an impression. Children are very small but have the capacity to change the nation positively. Therefore, the big responsibility is on us as to how we could mould and unfold their unique gifts. Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.They are observant and sensitive to everything that happensaroundthem. 030303 ArticleArticleArticle Children, their Lives & their WorldChildren, their Lives & their WorldChildren, their Lives & their World noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016 Sr. Jyoti GajbhivSr. Jyoti GajbhivSr. Jyoti Gajbhiv
  • 4. they need your help and you should be there. My mother taught me to say ' please, thank you and sorry' too. I never understood their implications, but now I am 16 and it is easier for me to be happy with my peers, teachers and society because of these little courtesies. Having to share my mother with my siblings was initially very difficult for me. But she trained me and got me ready for it. Even now when I come across difficult moments and when my inner being tells me that I don't need to change, my mother inspires me by saying, “My child ! never fight against change. Change is the only thing permanent in our life.” I realized that growing up as a socially responsible person is hard but not impossible. Life doesn't come with a manual. It comes with a mother. Initially my mother was like God to me. She understood what I was going through even before I could speak. She provided for my needs even when I didn't know how to ask. She introduced me to my God. She said that he created me, he provides for me, he knows me the best and loves me the most. Slowly she taught me to be more dependent on the Almighty than on anyone or anything else secondary in this world. The seeds of faith that she and my father have sown have become my conscience. Then nothing wrong will happen in my life. My mother is gentle yet firm. She is single – handedly looking after us and doing her best to discipline and mould us into better citizens both of heaven and earth. A bonding love that my mother and I share makes her my role model. People say that I look like her, but many a time I wish that I could be like her - a woman of a wonderful character, deeply rooted in faith and selfless spirit willing to always be there for others. (Ann is a std. student at Stella Maris Highth 10 School) he most valuable gift you can give to Thumanity is a good example. This saying of Ifeanyi Onaho is so true particularly in the contemporary materialistic world that we are all struggling to survive in. Arole model is an exemplary person who knowingly or unknowingly influences our personality to the core be it physical, emotional, or spiritual.They encourage us to strive for greatness through their own commitment to excellence. A Role model is someone we admire and aspire to be. One of the most powerful quotes that I have read is “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” My role model and my inspiration to work hard for a better tomorrow is undoubtedly my mother. She is the person who has sculpted and shaped me into what I am today. We had been one before nature took her call and separated us into two individuals. Though I struggled to enter the world, the first emotion, I must have felt would have been insecurity! There were so many sounds and so many unfamiliar faces when the world suddenly seemed to grow so cold. I missed my silent dark world and the heartbeat that would put me to sleep and awaken me. All I could do was to open my little mouth and play a trumpet with the full energy stored up in my tiny body. That's when I heard that voice saying, 'Thank you God for your beautiful gift.' I received a kiss on my forehead and a cuddle. Yes, I knew that she was mine and I was hers.Yes, she was my mother. The world around me slowly started getting warm and secure. I trusted that come what may her hands will always be there to feed me, to put me to sleep, to carry me when I am not able to walk on my own and be my pillar of strength. J.K. Rowling writes that Love, as powerful as that of a mother leaves its own mark. It gives us a protection forever. 'Amma' is the first word I uttered before I even realized what it meant. Her response to my calls taught me how to respond. She taught me that when someone calls out to you, noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 040404 ArticleArticleArticleAnn Mary JoshingAnn Mary JoshingAnn Mary Joshing My Role ModelMy Role ModelMy Role Model
  • 5. Jesus in the hope that he would lay hands on them and pray over them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus intervened, “Let the children alone, don't prevent them from coming to me. God's kingdom is madeupofpeoplelikethese.”(Mt19,14-15) That is also why Jesus can strongly condemn those who steal the innocence of children by abusing their trust, by using them as objects of sexual gratification, by depriving them of their childhood and putting them to work among adults, by trafficking them into prostitution and using them for child pornography etc. On one occasion Jesus called over a child into middle of the room, and said, “I'm telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you're not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone getting in.' Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God's kingdom. What's more, “when you receive the childlike on my account, it's the same as receiving me. But if you give them a hard time, bullying or taking advantage of their simple trust, you'll soon wish you hadn't. You'd be better off dropped in the middle of the lakewithamillstonearoundyour neck. Doom to the world for giving these God- believing children a hard time! Hard times are inevitable, but you don't have to make it worse—and it's doomsday toyou ifyou do.”(Matthew18,2-7). (Nicholas is a studying Diploma of Theology at JDV) five-year-old Baptist minister's daughter Anoticed that her father always paused and bowed his head before he started his sermon. One day she asked him why he did so! “I'm asking God to help me preach a good sermon,” he said. “How come he doesn't do it?” she asked in return! Another child wrote this prayer to God: “Dear God, thank you for my new babybrother. ButwhatIprayedfor was apuppy.” What is it about children that makes us want to love them? It is the fact that they are ignorant of the harsh realities of life or that they trust adults without question and believe everything that is told to them? Children believe in the tooth fairy and the Santa Claus; they are afraid of monsters and goblins in the night; they trust that parentswillprotectthemfromallthatcanharmthem! Once I got a chance to be a substitute teacher in a Kinder Garten class and when I entered they wished me 'good morning Bhaia.' The class teacher quickly corrected them and said “not Bhaia, it’s Brother.” One boy stood up and said, “but ma'm he used to play football with us in the evening!”Achild's mind is neither crooked nor scheming. It is uncomplicated, straight-forward, honest and totally transparent. Children say exactly what they think. In another letter to God, a child prayed: “Dear God, I need you to make my mummy not allergic to cats. I really want a cat, and I don't want to ask mummytomoveout!” What does Jesus say about the kingdom of God? God's dream for our world is made up of people whose disposition, and whose outlook on life is like that of little children. Today, the world and our church needs people who have the simplicity, innocence, honesty and transparency as that of little children. They need people whom they can trust. It is for this very reason that Matthew can tell the story of Jesus reprimanding his disciples for trying to stop children from what they regardedaspestering! Onedaychildrenwerebroughtto noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 050505 ArticleArticleArticleNicholas Ralte CFCNicholas Ralte CFCNicholas Ralte CFC Open Minds & Open HeartsOpen Minds & Open HeartsOpen Minds & Open Hearts
  • 6. strengthtogo ahead,nomatterwhat. When children turn 18, in such institutions, as per law they are supposed to move out, go into the real world and fend for themselves.After-care is just a small section in the J.J.Act, but is an extremely complex, multi-layered phase. For these youth, who have lived in child-care institutions, transition from 'being cared for' to 'caring for oneself,' reflects a shift from dependent to independent living. Research states that this shift is plagued with feelings of insecurity, anxiety, low self-esteem and uncertainty of being accepted in mainstream society. Additionally, these youth transit from the emerging adulthood phase and move towards becoming adults. Their journey is shorter, steeper and more difficult comparedtotheircounterpartsfromgeneralsociety. I was responsible to make this shift smooth and less stressful for the children who had grown so much over the years. They had been protected within the walls of the only home they knew and suddenly were being asked to leave. Together, with the support from the organization, we developed a two- year transition plan through which they would pass before facing the world alone. Surprisingly, they were able to adapt, cope and bounce back from any crisis situation. Many of them were put onto Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) as their CD4 counts had dropped, some were rejected by their first loves on account of them being HIV positive, others were refused employment, yet the levels of resilience my children exhibited was astonishing. Roles changed and they became my role models, I had so much to learn from them. An intrigued me, decided to study the transitions, trajectories, life events and turning points in the lives of a few of these youth through their own narratives. This brought to the forefront crucial aspects of their lives while in-care and after-care as perceived by them ike any ideal social worker, ready to take on the Lworld, I thought I knew everything and I was the savior who would go into any situation of distress and bring about miraculous solutions. With this philanthropic thought, I began my very first job with children; infected and affected at different stages of infection with the HIV virus. My very first day of the seven years I was there, left me feeling very stupid. I assumed I had to be grim and on my best behaviour as I was in a very solemn environment. Much to my dismay, the children stole not only my heart but all my energy that very first day – they played, they laughed, they fought, they cried and made me shake off all the stereotypical thoughts that plagued my mind about 'HIV+' persons. It left me wondering as to what else I could bring to this joyfulplace. As time passed at the home, my interactions with the children gave me my answer. These were children who were lost, abandoned, orphaned or discriminated against – they were kept away from the very thing that would enable them to grow and develop into independent individuals – they were deprived of the love of a family. Child-care institutions in India work effectively to provide a child with his or her basic needs, however they have not been able to orient a child to family-life or familial experiences. Research shows that lack of exposure to life in a family leads to adjustment problems inthefuture. So, I decided to love these children with the same kind of love I received from my family. Initially, it was difficult, I was tested, had tantrums thrown at me, I was angered to the point of quitting, wanting to go back to my comfort zone, but I waited, prayed for courage and showed my children that I too could truly care, I was there to stay by their side when they were sick, when their parents died or when one of them died. These were some of the hardest moments in my life, but they gave me the noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 060606 ArticleArticleArticle Lessons from ChildrenLessons from ChildrenLessons from Children Cherie-Ann PereiraCherie-Ann PereiraCherie-Ann Pereira (Cont’d on Pg. 18)
  • 7. language and other subjects. There are websites that teach children strategies for effectively and safely using socialnetworkingsitessuchas ClubPenguin. 3. Health benefits: Children can find online information about their health concerns easily. Excellent health resources are increasingly available to youth on a variety of topics. They can understand different types of illnesses and learn to prevent themselves. The media also has negative effects on children. Sometimes children could misuse them deliberately and often ignorantly. Someofthemare… 1. Cyber bullying: Cyber bullying is deliberately using digital media to communicate false, embarrassing or hostile information about another person.The effect of this can cause profound psychological outcomes including depression, anxiety, severe isolation and tragicallysuicide. 2. Sexting: Children start sending, receiving or forwarding sexually explicit messages, photographs or imagesviacellphones, computeror otherdigitaldevices. Sometimes they are suspended from the school when are caught and consequently undergo emotional disturbances which may have adverse impact in the long run. If not corrected on time, they may fall into criminal activity. 3. Addiction: The worst of all is getting addicted to gadgets: T.V., computer, mobile or particular websites. Children spend so much time in it gaining nothing useful to them. They develop psychological problems while using it excessively. They begin to feel depressed, insecureandsociallyisolatedwhentheydo notgetthem. These are just a few of the pros and cons. All of life has both of these and it is we who have to choose. We learn from our mistakes and children learn fast. Let us be trueguidestothem. nd (Ravibhushan is a 2 yr student of philosophy at JDV) edia has a great impact on our lives, Mespecially on children. It has become an integral part in the formation and growth of children today. Through the media we receive enormous amount of information and knowledge. We are so webbed with the media that we cannot do without it. Media has both pros and cons. The newer generations are more prone to the ills of media than the older ones. The reason is simply that media did not impact the older generations during their growing up years. Today media is almost like a meal on the table. If children are guided properly then it can be a very effective tool in their formation. Parents, teachers and elders who can foresee the dangers have a great responsibility to play their role in guiding and also protecting children from the hazards of media. When it comes to media, everything is available. Children have access to the TV, internet, billboards, mobiles and every other gadget. We have to grow with them, this is our world today. Children need to be taught how to make sensible choices. They need to understandthereasonwhy theyshould makethatchoice. Letus lookathow mediacanbenefitchildren: 1. Socialization and communication: Social media allows people to interact and stay connected with family and friends, make new friends, share pictures and exchange ideas. In the process of this virtual interaction they begin to understand the diversity of culture, language and religion hence they learn to be respectful to othersandrecognizetheirown identity. 2. Educational benefits: Through media children can get material for their assignments and creative presentations. Younger children can develop literacy skills; for instance learning letters of the alphabet through programmes such as Play School and Sesame Street or through educational computer games and apps. Some games and puzzles help in developing problem- solving and critical thinking skills too. There are softwares that can be used for training children in Math, noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 070707 ArticleArticleArticle Effects of Media on ChildrenEffects of Media on ChildrenEffects of Media on Children Ravibhushan SJRavibhushan SJRavibhushan SJ
  • 8. condition of the new generations in the future could be far worse! We see that children do not have any kind of respect for their elders or their teachers. Most of them who come from a wealthy background are not even aware of the respect they ought to give to the elders and the school teachers. They take them for granted and do not even know the difference between good and bad. At least they pretend not to. If this is the condition of our generation, then there will be chaos in the years to come and eventual disaster in the future. Children of the future will not have those social values that their grandparents, great grandparents and parents had. Children could be addicted to the various channels and programmes on the idiot box and they themselves would become nothing but meat and blood in a sack of bones. For it so rightly said that, 'Children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them makes an impression.' Where is all the good stuff? Changing times will bring changing ideologies and doctrines. Strong minds shall develop, evolution shall takeplace. This new generation of kids shall be far more well developed in their thinking capacity and that gives them a chance that they may be more mature and rational than us. Their ingenuity and inventive capacity shall be enhanced to a hundredfold to our present to the world and new individuals of great mental capacity and physical strength will evolve. Continuous evolution would make humans better built and more stronger to adapt to the new environment which could be different from now. Rest assured, if we all do our parts faithfully then the future could take on its goal and useful side and the children of our future could be brilliant diamonds. ( Abin is a std student at Stella Maris Highth 10 School) esterday was history, tomorrow is a Ymystery but today is a gift, that is why we call it the present. We Indians offer so much importance to the future that the present remains incomplete. Many of us discuss with the priests and palm readers discerning one's future and fortune. It is said - 'Man is the maker of his own destiny.' The future revolves around us. Many great people who have realized this fact have in fact succeeded. They have in fact become the epitomes of success. In their work, there were not even the slightest mirages of the future but the unmistakable picture of the present is that which is what matters. Another sensitive issue is the futureof our children. All parents want to see their children be successful. The children of our future will be something different from our generation. The differences lie in their moral values, intellectual thinking and emotional feelings. The change is always gradual, from one generation to the other. We see that competition has become very severe these days. Children are pushed to the end of their capacity and at times this pressure is not withstood by the small new brain of a child. After taking in the last of its ounce of control it explodes into something fierce. The new generations are the new thinking machinery of this age. They have new ideas, new thoughts, new goals and a higher rationale. They affirm that the only way to succeed is through learning. But the matter of concern is, 'which kind of learning it is?' These children who will be the future generations of ours. By 2030 let's just think about the competition, the new advancement in technology and the new ideologies that will come out! They will be far more be advanced in thinking. 'Practise makes man perfect' but it is also said that, 'Manners maketh aman.' Look at the condition of today's generation! The noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 080808 ArticleArticleArticle Children In 2030Children In 2030Children In 2030 Abin AlotiousAbin AlotiousAbin Alotious
  • 9. W e did a little survey of children's sins. What they have penned will surely take us down our own memory lane. Their innocence is striking and we would surely see ourselves in them. Sit backandreadthem….. I disobeyed my family members. I did not study properly and did not get good marks. I was angry and did not be nice to my sister. I said bad words and did not respect my elders. I did not help those in need. I told lies. I did not do my homework on time. I fought with my friends. I did not read the Bible every day. When I get angry I do not listen to anyone. I watched TV for a long time. I talk badly to others. I play games on my mobile. I did not go for Sunday mass. I answered back my parents, grandparents. I did not pray daily. I made fun of my friends. I talk rudely to others. I was telling bad thing about my friends. I was teasing others. I bunked class and went out with my friends. I distracted others in the class. I copied in my exam. I do not pay attention in church. I rob money sometimes. I beat my friends and brothers. When my mother tells me to do some work, I pretend to be sleeping or have stomach ache or leg pain, etc. When mummy tells me not to drink cold water, I still go anddrink. I sometimes get jealous of my friends. I robbed small things from my friends. I did not listen to my teacher. I don't help in the house. I don't study when told. I shouted at my sister. I don't pay attention in church. I sometime talk and play during mass. I don't eat what is made at home. I sometimes eat food without permission. I take the largest share of good food and don't keep for my brothers. I threw my sister in the garden. Along with the smile that lightens up our faces the challenge is powerful. Have we lost our sense of sin that our confessionals are empty? Or have we become sinless? Let the child within us challenge us! Sins…Sins…Sins… DNC Editorial TeamDNC Editorial TeamDNC Editorial Team Interestingly, the factors that promoted the resilience of these young adults were not their education or employment, but the love they received and the bonds they built with their care-givers and with one another through times of suffering. These findings have opened my eyes, to look into myself and understand my work from a different perspective.There was nothing for me to give but so much to take from these children and youth placed in institutional care, today considered to be the mostisolatedandvulnerablegroup. The aim of any after-care programme is to empower individuals with the skills and capabilities to develop their own futures. However for me, these individuals empowered me, they taught me to be humble, sincere and content. Above all, they taught me, unconditionallove. ( Cherie works for Magic Bus India Foundation) noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016 ( Cont’d from Pg. 06) Lessons from Children 090909
  • 10. which ought to be well formed.Attending Sunday school should complement and add to what the children learn about their faith at home. Children must be encouraged to take active part in the Eucharist. Being an altar server is a privilege and not a chore. Taking part in Nativity plays etc should be encouraged. It is only when children are encouraged to participate in the various activities of the church from a young age that they will be active members of it in their youth and as adults. Passive catholic children will become passive catholic adults. There are many ways in which children can actively participate in the church. Besides altar serving, they can be a part of the children's choir which will mean both involvement as well as enjoyment. Reading in church is another way but this must be done with proper training. Youth groups that meet together for fun activities like sports also have outreach activities where they learn to put into practice the beatitudes that they have learnt. Such involvement will teach the children that the values of Jesus Christ are as valid today as they were in His time. Retreats are another way in which children can grow in faith and learn how to cope with the distractions and temptations of the modern world. Retreats and youth groups can also foster vocations. When children are involved in church activities from a young age and are well grounded in the faith, they will be well integrated Catholics as adults. This in turn will make for a vibrant church. Therefore children's involvement in the Catholic Church and their role in making it strong in the future; is of utmost importance. ( Noella Moniz teaches catechism at St. Xavier Church, Camp, Pune) Children are the future, the future of society, the country and also of the church. It is important that children are carefully moulded, if they are toupholdthevaluesandteachingsoftheCatholicfaith. In days gone by joint family was prevalent. One of the advantages of the extended family was that children learned about respecting elders, sharing and sacrifice, family prayers and family values. The older members who were not too busy in household chores would tell the young ones bible stories and impart Christian values to them. Most mothers too, were at home and had time to explain and discuss Christ's teachings with the little ones.Today with the single family where both parents are working; the children miss out on this informal nurturing in the faith. Parents do not have the time to teach basic catechism. Moreover children are so burdened with a hectic school curriculum and other extra circular activities, that sometimes Sunday mass is all the religion that is left in their lives. It is at a young age that the seeds of faith are sown and without proper nurturing andreinforcementitmaynotgrow deep. Today with the mass media and the internet our faith is tested in many ways and if it is not strong, it may be lost altogether. Children must be nurtured in faith from an early age, as they are the future church. Even babies should be taken for mass so that it becomes a natural part of their lives. As the children grow older, parents need to take the time to explain the faith to them and show them by their own example that though sometimes it is easier to go with the crowd, as Catholics, we have to do what is right, governed by our conscience noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 101010 ArticleArticleArticle Children: Future of the Catholic ChurchChildren: Future of the Catholic ChurchChildren: Future of the Catholic Church Noella MonizNoella MonizNoella Moniz
  • 11. When we think of children life, enthusiasm and fun that they all ought to experience flood our imagination. Images of their smiling faces pop up in our minds. Seeing children playing and running around lighten up our lives. We alwaysenjoyinteractingwiththem. Yet there is another side to life. Children who are offenders of the law end up in a juvenile home. We hear or know very little about them. In fact they are non- existent to most of us.The walls that they are confined to, keep them away from the rest of the world. Those who are in these confines for a long time change their mindset completely. They have no family members or relatives to support them. It is a world of its own, dark and challenging. Some children come out reformed and yet others more injured than what they were when they went in. Sufficient laws have been enacted to ensure the welfare of children. But, the mind and situation of these children in these homes prevent the laws from taking effect. Children in the juvenile home keep on changing. Some serve long sentences and some short ones. For the first timers, the initial days are very difficult. Alongside loneliness and fear they are ragged and tested by fellow inmates. They do not have anyone to turn to. They are all alone and have to find their own ways to grow. Soon, these new children pick up the ways of the seniors. Once inside, they form their own groups. These are generally based on lingual and regional backgrounds. It gives them asense of securityandcomforttosomeextent. Most of these children come from poorer environments. Their families are broken and they often look for someone who could love them. When they need money they don't get it at all, they are forced to choose other means to fulfil their needs. They seek for attention and they fail to get that too. These are some factors that cause them to err. When in the juvenile centre their behaviour is also to attract attention. What they have missed at home unconsciously comes out here. The sad part is that the attention seeking here comes with a heavy price. It often causes injury to someone else or to something. Parents sometimes refuse to take their children back from the Juvenile home after they have completed their duration of stay. It is not because they do not love their children but because now society has begun looking down on these. In a slum once a child is picked for any offence that he has committed it becomes the talk of the town. In such cases parents prefer the absence of their kids. Those children who have found it easier in the juvenile home prefer the security of this place to the outside world. As soon as they are set free they do something wrong in order to get back in. At least they are assured of their meals and a roof to sleep under. There are success stories of children in these juvenile homes too. Some have even studied and cleared their exams. Some pursue the training that is given to them. On their return they continue their studies and even take up part-time jobs. Skills such as mobile repair, paintingandotherhandicraftsproveuseful. Life is not easy in a juvenile home. It has a lot of struggles.All are not justly put in. It will always remain a question whether there is more good or harm done to the juvenile. (Sr.Mangal is a SocialActivistinPune) Locked upLocked upLocked up Sr. Mangal SCCSr. Mangal SCCSr. Mangal SCC ArticleArticleArticle noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016 111111
  • 12. In a world riddled with disrespect for our bodies that are made by God, we wonder if we have the strength to stand against it. Here is a young girl who did so. Her story is not much different than most other girls who are sexually abused and/or murdered today, but the mere difference is that Maria Goretti was willing to die for her purity. The story of the martyrdom of Maria Goretti, her life as well as her heroic death will be an inspiration to moderngirlsandtoour Catholicyouth. Maria Goretti was born on 16 October, 1890, in Italy. She worked with her parents in the farm. She was uneducated but had strong values which were instilled in her by her saintly mother. The first grief came upon their little family when she was 6. They were stricken by poverty and were forced to give up their farm and work for other farmers. To escalate the situation, her father died of malaria when she was just nine years old. Thereafter, her mother, sisters, and brothers started working in others' fields. Maria advanced in wisdom, age and in grace. Her neighbours noted her modesty of dress and behaviour. Graceful and fair, with a candid glance of an innocent child, she usually wore a veil over her head and maintained a certain reserve and simple dignity. Maria would cook, sew and keep the house in an orderly fashion. Maria's family became poorer and eventually shared their house with the Serenelli family. This family had an eighteen- year - old son named Alessandro. He often engaged in thoughts and imaginations that would lead him to sinfulness. He even tried to lead Maria into thisbutMariarefused. One day, while Maria was mending clothes, Alessandro came from the fields and tried to force Maria into sin. Maria refused and hence Alessandro threatened her. He put a choice before her, either to save her life with the loss of her dignity or to preserve her dignity at the loss of her life. It was her life that she cast away, a life to be found again in the world to come and for all eternity. Alessandro got really mad and stabbed her fourteen times when he was confronted about his wrong thoughts and ideas. Her family heard her screams and rushed her to the hospital. Alessandro was arrested and sentenced to thirty years behind bars. Maria lived for twenty-four hours after being stabbed fourteen times by Alessandro. She died on 6 July, 1902. She forgave Alessandro and prayed that he would turn to God in repentance. In prison, Alessandro refused to admit that he was wrong, remaining angry and bitter. After six years, Maria appeared to him in a dream and gave him a bouquet of lilies. That dream changed his life. He spent the rest of his sentence trying to make up for what he had done to Maria. After twenty-seven years, he was released and the first thing he did was to go to Maria's mother and beg for forgiveness. Then he entered religious life to complete his penance. In 1950, Maria was canonized in a ceremony attended by twenty-five million people includingAlessandro Serenelli, her killer and her mother, the first mother ever to see her child canonized. Her feast is observed on 6 July. She is the Patron Saint of teenage girlsandyouth. Few lives of the saints have touched the hearts of people as much as St Maria Goretti. Maria had deep love for God, respect for her body, tremendous courage and Christ - like forgiveness. Her life spoke louder than any words atthetenderageof twelve. (Michelle D'Souza is a Std. student at St. Felix th 10 High School) noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016 121212 ArticleArticleArticle Maria Goretti – Life of a SaintMaria Goretti – Life of a SaintMaria Goretti – Life of a Saint Michelle D'Souza.Michelle D'Souza.Michelle D'Souza.
  • 13. Life without goals is like a race without a finish line‐ Anonymous . Everybody has a goal in life … whether it is to pass a big exam or to impress the boy or girl one desires to fall madly in love with! Yet there are some people who don't believe that they have goals, this isn't true. The one who says, “I don't have a goal for myself,” has not understood the meaning of a goal in life. Humans are goal driven and without which we cannot survive. People make goals every second. Goals don't have to be big; they can be concerning the least of things. Like, challenging yourselves to try out something new or setting a specific time to do your home work etc. No matter what you say or do, you always end up setting a goal. The best time to learn to make goals is as a child. It builds us up to achieve many things in life. We all are aware ofAbraham Lincoln. He was the son of a poor woodcutter. Every day he was found reading under a street l i g h t . O n e d a y a policeman on patrol asked him, “Why are you found here so late at night?” Boy Lincoln replied instantly, “If I don't read now how can I become the President of America?” The surprised policeman asked him “You, you want become the President of America?” We all know thatlaterheliveduptohisdream. When a child is taught to make goals the child begins to channelize his or her energies to achieving something. There is less of wastage and more productive oCtoBEr - 2016oCtoBEr - 2016oCtoBEr - 2016 131313 ArticleArticleArticle Fight for your ThroneFight for your ThroneFight for your Throne Jaison D’souza SJJaison D’souza SJJaison D’souza SJ output. We have innumerable examples of children who have had high goals in their lives and have proved themselves to be great assets to the nation. There are sports stars, actors, scientists, academicians and even religious among these. Specific goals in life enable us to move forward with determination. This determination persuades us to strive hard to achieve our goals. Those children who are brought up to just move on with whatever comes their way don't make the best out of their lives be it a village child or a city born. The one who has a dream is the one who will succeed in life.All of us will go through life but just few will feel that they have succeededinwhattheydesired. The road to achieving a goal is never easy and the one who says that they can't wait long for their dreams to become reality are in a way afraid to take the plunge. The people we see on television or in the magazines have worked hard to be where they want to be. All it takes is a good fight! Children must be trained to fight for what is rightfully theirs. They must be taught to use their mistakes as fuel and their p r o b l e m s a s a n opportunity to complete the simple task of taking a step closer to their dream. When children are goal oriented they are notafraidofbeingadventurousanddaunting. Goals are what keep us alive. They help us to get through our day. We are who we are because of our goals. The earlier we start the better it is. It might not be today or tomorrow … but if you fight for your throne, you will be thekingsomeday. nd (Jaison is a 2 Yr student of Philosophy at JDV)
  • 14. thatwhichs/hedesires. The striking feature of a child is its ability to trust everyone around them implicitly. A child's mind is not wicked or scheming. It is simple, open and transparent. Children speak what they think and most of all believe what they are told. Childhood is bliss unmatched with imminence. They believe that everything will turn out right no matter what you do and no matter what happens to them.Childrenare born innocent.They want only to be loved, to learn, and to contribute. Childhood is the most enjoyableandcarefreepartof one's life. But in this age of t e c h n o l o g y a n d information children are r o b b e d o f t h e i r innocence. They are physically present, but infant clothes, toys and street games seem to have been subsumed by a rush to adulthood: mini grown-ups rule. Is it any wonder that children lose their childlike spirit and childhood itself? The best thing that parents can do for children is to ensure that the whole atmosphere in which they live is filledwithpurityandruledby love. If adults want to be better people and more importantly, happy people, they should retain a part of the childhood in them. Patrick Rothfuss says; “When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave ourchildhoodbehind.” (Rhea is a std. student at St Felix High School)th 10 Achild's smile can light up a day. A child's innocencecharmsmanyhearts!” What is it that is most appealing about children? Is it their physical beauty, their playfulness or their impish grins? Children are beautiful because they possess something that adults have lost, 'the quality of innocence.' They have an innocence that is genuine and very real. As we grow into adulthood we lose that innocence forever. Have you ever seen the eyes of children lighting up at Christmas time as they stand in line to tell Santa what they want for Christmas? T h e y a r e f u l l o f e x c i t e m e n t a n d anticipation as their whole world revolves around that single moment of sitting on Santa's lap and truly believing that he will leave for them their much awaited gift underneath the family Christmas tree. This is what is so wonderful about being a child and it brings a smile to every parent's face as they reflect on that very special time when they toowerechildren. Children have no preconceived notions as they are not yet tainted by experience and they say things both honestly and sincerely as they were taught. They don't ever sugar coat what they say because they have no reason to. They are spontaneous and are very perceptive. They are very focused in what they want and there is no question about it. They are the ones who can make a sad day brighter with their view of things and make the world a much better place. A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to be always busy with somethingandtoknow how todemandwithallhismight 141414 Rhea DiasRhea DiasRhea Dias Innocence of ChildrenInnocence of ChildrenInnocence of Children ArticleArticleArticle noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016
  • 15. Iwas born in a tribal community where stories form an important part of life. I still remember some of them, especially the magical ones. I have fresh memories of children flocking to their grandparent's houses during school vacation. Back then, there was no television set or dish antenna hence the only entertainment for us as children was to listen to our grandparent's stories. Stories are one of the most important elements of tribal culture. They used them for educating people on social issues and also to motivate them through tales of legendary personalities. Most of their stories have morals, attack taboos and are concernedsocialissues. Ihavelearntalotfromthem. My elder brother once told me a story about a man who was fascinated by the birds flying and dreamt of flying one day. Today, we know him as the father of the Aeroplane, George Cayley. This story helps me to dream the impossible dream. I too have a dream, a dream of serving God and His people, even though I was and am weak. What matters is that, we strive to achieve that dream. Late DrA.P.J.Abdul Kalam, the former President of India once said, “Dream, Dream, Dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action.” I affirmwhathehas said! It was not easy to follow my dream, to join the seminary. In grade eight they did not select me after the vocation camp. My Parish Priest dissuaded me since my results were very poor that year. I did not give up and tried again after class 10. At last, I was selected but low and behold, I couldn't clear my external state board exam held that year. I thought it was all over, like a wishful dream! It was a very low and humiliating moment for me. To be a Jesuit, I needed a first class and to join a diocesan seminary at least I needed to pass but, at that moment I was heading nowhere. Voicing out my dream, let alone living it or going after it had become like alumpinmythroatnow! Life went by and I managed to pass out my matriculation in the supplementary exam. I wanted to do better in my class twelfth and continued to pursue my dream. Things didn't turn out as I had planned. The Vocation promoter came to visit me and questioned me about various things of life. He even enquired about me from my parents. At the end he allowed me to come and see the seminary. It was with two conditions; first, I must secure minimum second division in class twelve and second, not to tell my friends that I am joining the seminary but going to study in Nagaland, where our pre- novitiate was. I was overwhelmed with surprise, a smile then remained on my face and not a word escaped from my lips. Till today I follow my dream and have never regretted choosing it. The journey was not smooth either, at times satisfying and yet at times rough. Sometimes I doubted my own dream. I have come this far only because of the help people have rendered me and looking back, the many moments that I have spent as spiritualmilestonesdo refreshme! My story ends here but not my dream for I have to live it every day in my life. Everyone has a dream and we must all live it. When we share our story of joys and struggles we strengthen one another! Go and tell your dreams to others and help them to shape their own. Let's buildahumanitythatdarestolivetheirdreams. st (Khathing is a 1 yr student of Theology at JDV) 151515 ArticleArticleArticle My DreamMy DreamMy Dream Khathing C.M SJKhathing C.M SJKhathing C.M SJ noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016noVEmBEr- 2016
  • 16. learn the values of trust, faith and warmth. They learn to laugh, to live and see life in a different way. They also learn to co-operate with one another and to compete in good spirit. As time passes, the number of friends, either increase or decrease but true friends must always belong to the same and uneven level of feelings for each other. Even if one is qualitatively superior to the other, the feeling must not surface on any unguarded moment. Misunderstanding may crop up at times but in the due course it all gets faded away. A friend should look upon theotherashis'guide,philosopherandbrother/sister.' It is said that darkness disappears at the advent of the light. Similarly, the presence of a genuine friend dispels the gloom of disappointment. Friendship may even help to create a heavenly atmosphere at a place ridden with chaos. As time passes the bond of friendship only gets stronger and stronger with each passing moment. Old friendships are surely imperishable. No force in the world is potent to dislodge the tie between two old friends. Acomment from Leonard Wright in this regardisrelevant: “As old wood is best to burn, An old horse to ride, old books to read And old wine to drink, so are Old friends always most trusted to use. (Mahima is a 10 Std student of St. Felix High School) riendship refers to the mutual relationship of Faffection, trust, co-operation and support between two or more individuals. Friendship is a vital part of every person's life in order to live life to its fullest. Afriendis considered atrueblessingfromGod. All of us need someone in our lives with whom we can share our interior life freely and a friend is such a person on whom we can truly trust and depend. When the tide doesn't seem to be on our side, a friend is someone who fills courage and confidence in our heart. Someone has rightly said, “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” A child's first social unit is his/her family.As the child grows, s/he starts mingling with larger social units like their own peers. Young children have very innocent minds and therefore when they enter the outside world and start making friends they do not judge them on any basis but have a pleasant relationship to carry forward. It is we who should learn a lesson from them because as we grow up we become selfish, dominant, have a lot of ego and pride within ourselves & then we start discriminating people on the basis of their cast, race, class, financial condition etc. It is said that, 'birds of a feather flock together.' In the same way people become friends. Friends also play a vital role the overall development of a child. Research has shown that children who lack friends are prone to suffer from emotional and mental difficulties later in their life as they find it difficult to interact with other people. True friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget. At any point of time when the world might have forsaken us, people whom we trusted abandoned us, we must stand firm because our best friendswillneverleaveourside. Toddlers like to make many friends to play with and they learn many important lessons for life. They noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 161616 ArticleArticleArticle Children & how they See Friendship!Children & how they See Friendship!Children & how they See Friendship! Mahima BinojMahima BinojMahima Binoj
  • 17. dejection. They look forward to coming out of the juvenilehomebutunless thelawpermitsthemtheycan't. The type of offenders also varies.They carry their behaviour into the juvenile home too. This reflects in their attitude while dealing with the other inmates also. According to various sources collected, there are increasing numbers of juveniles that are found to be involved in vicious crimes. We are aware that in the 2012 Delhi gang-rape case, one of the main accused was a juvenile. While the others indicted in the case were given death, the minor was sent to a remand home for three years. Similarly, in the Shakti Mill case in Mumbai city in August 2013, where a 22-year old photo journalist was raped by four, one of the accused was a juvenile. The juvenile, was sent to a children's correction home at Nashik for 3 years. There are many such instances! It is a matter of debate whether it is correct to still treat such offenders with the same law as juveniles. The country's law makers are trying to get the age reduced for juvenile crimes from 18 to 16. However who is to blame for their behaviour? These juvenile homes are under a lot of stress to deal with such a wide variety of cases. It all makes the life ofthehomeadarkanddingyone. (Amos rd is a 3 yr student of philosophy at JDV) used to believe that our children are our future but Inow I realize that this sadly, isn't the reality, through laws that treat kids like adults, the governments are throwing away the future of children in this country.” (CorrespondencewithMother,L.Reider.Oct'2007) Hundreds of children are being sent into Juvenile homes every year but, what is being done by the government for these hopeless convicted souls?Are they assisting them during those times of intense ostracism or are they just tortured unjustly and inhumanly? I think, it's time to relook and revisit the laws with a sense of innovation for the betterment of the convicted. It would help them, rather than throw away their hope and moral life.After all they are children and often their immaturity getsthemintotrouble. Mahatma Gandhi also believed that criminals should be treated as patients in hospitals and jails should admit such patients for treatment and cure. Reformation School of Thought found a strong support from Lord Lytton who said, "The ideal I wish to set before me, stated in the briefest and simplest form, is just this - the substitution of reformation for retribution as the basis of our penal code." Similarly, Pandit Nehru observed "Any reform must be based on the idea that a prisoner is not punished but transformed and made into a good citizen. If this objective is once accepted, it would result in a completeoverhaulingoftheprison system.” Some of us have been working with a Juvenile's home for the past five months. It has been a unique and a blessed experience for us all. These children are behind barred shut metal doors in a small open space. We regularly go and conduct games for these thirty to forty children living there.They stay in squalid gloomy rooms. Some of the children looked weak and emaciated with scars, rashes, and skin infections all over their faces. Dark circles around their eyes do say a lot of things.Their conditions reveal that they are lost in a world of noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 171717 The Juvenile WorldThe Juvenile WorldThe Juvenile World ArticleArticleArticleAlshedai Amos SJAlshedai Amos SJAlshedai Amos SJ
  • 18. people of Khanapur lead a life of caring and sharing resembling the life-style of the early Christian community. By participatory observation we found access into to the deeper realities that affect them such as their problems, their faith alongside life cycle rituals such as birth, marriage and death. One can find a blend of domestic rituals at par with that of the religious ones. Just as society is not static, the faith of the people changes as it gets influenced by other dominant cultures. For example, the faith of the villagers of Khanapur has been deeply influenced by both the Portuguese and the Marathas. They have been living harmoniously with the Hindu community by participating and inviting them to their festivals. Thus, a deeper level of inter-religious dialogue of life takes place in the village itself without any need for superficial structures. Since, there has not been sufficient pastoral care in the past due to the lack of availability of Priests and the vastness of the mission, Marian devotions are at the core of their faith. Even now, they have mass only twice a month in the village. Sadly, Mary as a result has become more important than the Lord for these people. As a theology student I could see many distortions in their understanding of Marian devotions too. Things cannot change overnight. It has to bedoneslowly lestiteradicatestheirfaith. Overall our experience was very enriching. Life is indeed,verydifferentfromtheclassroom. rd (Alwyn is a 3 Yr student of Theology at JDV) nlike traditional understanding, today Utheology is no more purely a conceptual intellectual activity, but it pays sufficient attention to the faith experiences of the people in varied contexts. Theological reflection is in fact nourished by concrete experiences and by the life of faith of the people. Thus, the third year theology students of JDV were given an opportunity to go to remote villages and to be 'participant observers,' thus to gather data in view of writingacontextualtheologypaper(CTP). Keeping the above objective in mind, I entered the field study with a lot of enthusiasm and openness. I was placed in Khanapur village, a rural region of Ajara Taluk, Kolhapur district, Maharashtra along with another Jesuit companion (Lloyd). I was touched by the simplicity and hospitality of the villagers. As the days passed by I realized that in a short visit one cannot come to know the deeper reality of the village and the families; rather it is by staying and spending time and gradually becoming an insider that one grows in affective knowledge of the people. At the superficial level everything seems to be fine but as the days go by, people openupabouttheirdeeperstrugglesandproblems. The regions bordering the states are generally the most neglected ones economically and Khanapur is situated in such a location. The Christian population had migrated to this region due to the persecution of the Portuguese inquisition and the Maratha rulers in the late th th 17 and early 18 centuries. This reminds us of the Exodus of the Israelites and the persecutions endured by the early Christian community. In spite of the sufferingthey had to undergo, the people did not give up their faith in God. Similarly, these people even after many years of migration have strongly safeguarded their Christian faith. Thus, the God who accompanies them is not only the God of their original place but, He is God of thepeoplewho accompaniesthemwherevertheygo.The noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016noVEmBEr - 2016 181818 ArticleArticleArticle My Experience of CTPMy Experience of CTPMy Experience of CTP Alwyn D'Souza S.J.Alwyn D'Souza S.J.Alwyn D'Souza S.J.