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Oregon City Evangelical Church
                                                                                                   Women’s Ministry Newsletter
                                                                                                               September 2009

                        Women's Ministry—Sandy Richter, Director
                        Dear Sisters in Christ,

                        Another summer has passed. Kids are off to school, routines are back, with ball practices, lunches to be
                        made, homework help to be done. The days grow shorter and the air is crisper. Families scatter like the
                        falling leaves we see out our windows. Before you know it we’ll be planning for the Christmas holidays.

                       We watch the news and wonder ‘what is this world coming to’? We read in the Word that our adversary
                       crouches like a lion ready to pounce on us and draw us into his domain. Yet, we are not of this world and
we belong to another lion, the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ.

Satan desires to pull us into this world of many choices, conflict, many good things that whet our appetite for more things,
having it our own way, being like the movies and their stars, models or those we see in ads. We are encouraged to have the
best and get it as fast as we can. However, can we take it with us and what kind of a woman will we be? Will we be the better
for it? Will it help us grow in our relationship with Christ?

Your Women’s Ministry Board (as well as the WOW leaders), discussed this subject this summer. Then we looked at which
study for WOW (Women of the Word), would fit these times. Do you see this world as a modern day Babylon, or Sodom and
Gomorrah? With lifestyles that may appear appealing, but only prove that people are full of flaws and sin? What are we women
to be like in this world? We found the answer is “Being a Woman of Integrity in Times like These”.

We face the same challenges as Daniel did in his day. To help us keep our focus we will be studying the book of Daniel in
WOW. This will help us see how we need to be conducting ourselves and what the prophecies of Daniel tell us. We will
understand more clearly the plan of the enemy of our souls and what we can do to be prepared to live as Daniel did in the midst
of a corrupt world.

We do not walk in this world alone. Just has Daniel had his close friends, we have other sisters in Christ that can encourage us
in our walk and finding the correct choices to make. This year we will develop accountability groups, along with our one-on-one
mentoring. Our next Woman to Woman coffee will be sharing this opportunity with you. We hope and pray that you will find this
the place of walking alongside another sister, or groups of sisters to help you keep your focus on the Lion of Judah. This
coffee will be happening on October 5th at 7:00 p.m. at the church. The following Sunday, October 11, at 2:00 p.m. will be a
kick-off meeting to launch these mentoring and accountability programs. (location to be announced)

Another opportunity of encouragement is Essence. We have moved this ministry to Crossroads Café in Gladstone. This
informal time is a great way to bring friends to an activity outside of the church, but where ladies can meet and get to know each
other and to develop new friends. I know last year I met gals I had not seen or known from our church. What a delightful
experience to meet and get to know all of you.

This will be a year full of challenges. What they will be we do not know. God does though, and with each other upholding,
encouraging and setting the example, we can shine for His glory as “A Woman of Integrity in Times Like These”.

I am praying for you!
Page 2
                   Jan Reed—Editor
                   As editor, it is my pleasure to be able to write about whatever inspires me. I could hardly wait for this edition of
                   Tapestry to share something that started before the end of the school year in May this last year.

                     There was a beautiful quilt hanging on the wall of the Fellowship Center, with a silent auction sheet attached to the
                     wall beside it. A few bids slowly appeared on the sheet and then a few of us gals hatched a plan! A mutual friend,
                     Laurel Griggs, was having a birthday on July 4th, and the theme of the quilt was the states of our great nation, with
                     flags interspersed. (Laurel’s favorite red, white and blue theme!) Each state had a representative square which
                     was hand stitched and when assembled the quilt was stunningly patriotic and beautiful. As friends, we decided we
would bid on the quilt as a joint birthday gift and a thank you for her years of commitment, but it would be our secret. Suddenly, the
bids started getting competitive and ramping up and the deadline for the silent auction was only 2 days away! Our secret “bidder” did
our last bid and the bids closed. We waited breathlessly to see if anyone slipped that last bid in behind us and lo, and behold, WE
WON!! Then we knew the results would appear in the Sunday bulletin and it would ruin our surprise, so a diversionary story was
placed in the bulletin with a fictitious winner’s name. (Lord, forgive us!)

As the birthday girl’s big day arrived, we, Sandy Richter,
Marilee Swindler and I, invited her to lunch at Lil’
Cooperstown for “lunch with friends.” We, as always, ate
and chatted and enjoyed our friendship and then, as we
were leaving the restaurant, we paused in the parking lot
to bring out the gifts we had “left in our cars”. The rolled
up and tucked away treasure in Marilee’s car was
unfurled and presented to her as we thanked her for her
friendship and service to the women of our church. That
jaw-dropping moment was amazing! (Of course, I had
sort of accidentally tucked my digital camera in my purse
as I left for lunch.)

What a wonderful experience to bless a friend with a
treasure she will enjoy for the rest of her life. And it’s a
touching feeling to know that each time she looks at that
quilt, she will remember our love and friendship no matter
how far apart we may someday be. Friends forever,
forever friends.

John 15:13: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (Or, just maybe, give her a

                   Quilts—Can Do All This? by Hilla Matchukat
                   My perpetual calendar today records these words of the angel to Cornelius: “Your prayers and alms have ascended
                   as a memorial before God.” (Acts 10:4) I take it to mean that alms are what we give and do to help and build oth-
                   ers up because we love God. Our prayers usually precede our doing—or they should, if we forgot! If the doing and
                   giving also become a joy to ourselves we have closed the circle, we may want to sing: I have joy, joy, joy, joy, down
                   in my heart—remember that little song of the seventies?

                   Well, quilts can do this. They do it while we look at materials that are suitable, while an idea forms in our mind of a
pattern, while colors and shapes come into play, while the finished size is considered and input of a group of helpers with willing hands
is accepted. Encouraging words play an important role as the project grows and takes shape.

In this way the women at the Senior Center, called “Busy Bees” saw two quilts come to a pleasing completion, mostly done by the
busy hands of Lorraine, who worked at them many hours in her home. They did not sell at the Christmas Bazaar 2008. With the help
and support of Tami Wattenbarger they found a place in our fellowship center for a silent auction. After a few weeks the pink one had
several offers from interested buyers, the green one did not—until one day there was an offer which, by its generosity, stopped the
little contest. There must have been a story behind it—there was!

Marie, the lady buying the quilt, had a good reason for her purchase. She bought it for her husband. He had been promised a quilt
many years ago by a lady he helped and worked for as a young boy.                                    Continued on page four…...
Page 3
                       WOW — by Laurel Griggs, Coordinator
                      FALL: New beginnings, vibrant leaves, deep blue skies, crisp, cool mornings and a time to settle in with my Bible in one
                      hand and a cup of coffee in the other.
                      Ladies ~ I am so excited about our Women’s Bible study this fall. We will be diving into Daniel with Beth Moore. Here
                      are a few comments from Beth. “Oh, how I pray you’ll commit to let God take you places you’ve never been. You will not
                      regret it! I believe this journey will rock your world and thrill your senses. When you turn the last page, you will know
                      things about history and prophecy that you might never have anticipated. I make you two promises based on the
                      authority of God’s Word: you will neither waste your time nor become bored.”
I think we will al be surprised to find out how up-to-date Daniel is. So, get ready for the ride of your life! Come join us as we learn about lives
of integrity and words of prophesy.
                Tuesday mornings from 9:00 - 11:00am and Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30pm. Child care provided.
                             Register at Grand Central in the church lobby and pick up your book. The cost is $15.50.
                      Classes start on Tuesday, September 15th and Wednesday, September 16th. Hope to see you then!

                       Women’s Mentoring Programs— by Bethany Labrie, Coordinator
                      Over the past several years, we have had a one-on-one women’s mentoring program called Woman to Woman,
                      where two women are matched and walk beside each other during a stated period of time. This program has
                      proven very successful and will continue for those who wish to have that kind of mentoring relationship. In
                      addition, we are now excited to announce our new Accountability Groups that gals can join or form themselves.
                      They will meet together with their peers to encourage and challenge each other on a regular basis in their walk
                      with the Lord and in the roles God has placed them as women.
                     Come to the Women to Women orientation coffee and learn more about the mentoring program and the new
accountability groups that are starting soon. Bring a friend and join us on Monday, October 5th at 7:00 pm at the Church. This will be
a coffee and informational night, followed by a fun and exciting kickoff meeting the following Sunday, October 11 at 2:00 p.m., (location
to be announced).

Essence— by Cheryl Howell
September has always been one of my favorite months. As a child I loved going back to school, reconnecting with friends I hadn’t seen
all summer, buying school supplies and getting a new outfit for the first day. Fifty years later and I still get excited. But now I have one
more reason to look forward to September…...Essence will resume on Monday, September 21st. I get to reconnect with friends I have-
n’t seen all summer, get a few supplies and agendas in order and maybe even get a new outfit.
I’m very excited to share some of the changes ahead for Essence. The biggest, perhaps, will be the change in location. We will now be
meeting at the Crossroads Café in Gladstone, right behind Latus Motorcycles and McDonalds off the I-205 Gladstone exit. They are a
Christian business that will graciously allow us to gather on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The new venue will be perfect
for chatting over coffee with girlfriends. The format will be light and fun, with plenty of opportunity to mix, mingle, laugh, get to know one
another, and build relationships.
Everyone is welcome! If you joined us last year we encourage you to come back. If you are new and looking for a way to meet the gals
you worship with, the door is wide open.
The Café does have a menu of yummy salads, sandwiches and pastries along with the specialty coffee and tea drinks. So, if you’re on
the run and didn’t get time for dinner, well, they’ve got you covered. We have lots of great times ahead and want you to be part of an
extraordinary year at Essence.

                     Missions— by Mardell Hohensee
                     The Conference projects for the balance of this year are:
                     July—December Project Faith and is for the Swiss Home Evangelical Church in Swiss Home, Oregon. The Swiss Home
                     church needs several updates to minister to a growing congregation, including a nursery and repairing and repainting the
                     January—December Thank Offering will go to OMS International to help the ministry of Pastor Bob and Suzanne War-
                     ren, serving in Central Asia (formerly pasturing Colbert Chapel, Colbert, WA, where Werner and Debbie Seibert are now
                     serving.) This offering will help complete the translation and provide funds for printing and distributing the whole Bible in
                     the local language.
The church mission convention is scheduled for February 2-7, 2010.
The next Mug ‘n Muffin is Saturday, October 17, at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Center. Come and hear a report from the ladies who went
on a work team to Honduras. Light refreshments will be served. Bring your favorite mug.
Page 4

Quilts—Can Do All This? Continued from page two

When she worked at the quilt and he liked it so much she promised it to him. After the lady passed away his mother gave the quilt to
his sister, because “quilts are for girls”. I understand it had similar colors as the one his wife now bought for him. She said, “The Lord
told me what I should offer for it.”

We all hope they both are happy with their purchase. It comes with a blessing. When I called Lorraine to tell her of the story and its
outcome it made her very happy. She had had a week of hurting from a fall.

The money from the sale of both quilts was divided between the Senior Center and the youth work in our church. Isn’t God good?
Who on earth could have planned this?

Fundraising:         By Sandra Schaeffer A Chinook Run With No Limits

Women’s Ministries has a unique opportunity this year. Our Chinook Book fundraiser starting Sep-
tember 14 has the potential to defray much of the cost for our October 2010 Women’s Retreat. Our
goal is for all women of OCEC that want to attend to be able to do so. The fundraising goal is

The Chinook Book is a unique, eco-friendly coupon, directory and resource book that allows you to
save hundreds of dollars while exploring the community and supporting local sustainable busi-
nesses. Categories of savings in the Portland area are: Grocery, Grocery Manufacturers, Dining, Entertainment & Family, Health &
Style, Travel & Recreation, Yard & Garden, and Home. You may recoup the $20 cost of the book and then some on your first use.
We are asking each family to take a look at the Chinook Book and purchase one if you see that it will save you money. We will earn
50% on every book sold.

Additionally, to reach this bold $5,000 goal we are looking for 100 women to take on the challenge of selling/buying five books. Once
you see the book you will see that it will sell itself to friends, neighbors, coworkers and relatives. Local college students will love it. It
is great for gifts—Christmas, stocking stuffers, birthdays, house warming…Books are on consignment, so what isn’t sold can be re-
turned as long as it is in clean sellable condition.

We believe there are many women in our church who would like to help with fundraising, but job, family and commitment constraints
make it difficult. This is an easy way to make a major impact for the women of OCEC.

We’ve set a worthy goal, but let’s also have some fun while we are reeling it in. So the woman (family) that sells the most books will
win a prize. Additional prizes will be given in a drawing that will include the names of all the women who sign up and submit the order
form with a minimum of five sales. That includes any books you purchase for yourself. More details will be available in a flyer at the
start of sales Sunday, September 13 in the church lobby.

Rita Cosenza,          by Sandy Richter
Anyone who has had the privilege of worshipping and praying with Rita Cosenza has had the sense of sitting
near someone who sits close to God. Her love for the Lord and His Word is truly infectious. She has such a
patient, deep, committed relationship with her Heavenly Father and desires to share that relationship with oth-

This desire has allowed her to be led by the Lord to open House of Hope right here in Oregon City. This is a
home for troubled teen women, to find peace, godly direction, acceptance and an opportunity to turn their lives
around. Those of us in Women of the Word have seen first hand the spiritual development of these young
women. For one young woman, a new life in Christ and she is growing and maturing quite rapidly. Another
young lady has returned to her home and will have the opportunity to put into practice all she has learned from
Rita’s wise counsel and mentorship.
                                                                                     Continued on page five……...
Page 5

Rita Cosenza, continued
Rita came to our fellowship looking for growth and service opportunities. After attending Women of Faith, she heard God’s call
which led to her joining the House of Hope team. She is now a home based missionary. As all missionaries experience times of
stress, lack of funds, questioning God’s direction, Rita knows that she is God’s child and her Abba Father is working in her life to
direct her to exactly where He desires her to be as His lovely servant/child.

It is the desire of Women’s Ministries to see Rita’s ministry grow and flourish. In these economic times funds have not been forth-
coming. Would you consider joining us in praying for Rita and the next direction she will need to take to keep this ministry growing?
In order to do that she may have to move, and even return to work in the community to provide for the girls and the house.

Rita trusts in God’s Word and always seeks His counsel first before seeking outside sources. However, the Body of Christ, her
brothers and sisters, can pray and give to this ministry. There are many young troubled teenage girls who could truly benefit from
this ministry as the previous girls have; an opportunity to come to Christ and through the godly care and discipleship of Rita become
loving, caring, women of God who stand out in a fallen world.

Oregon City Evangelical Church Women’s Ministry will join churches around
            the world for a historic prayer event as OCEC hosts
                              Arise! Cry Out!
                             November 14, 2009
                            9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.

This will be a day of unprecedented prayer. Women around the world will stand shoulder to
shoulder exalting and glorifying God. We will “Arise! Cry Out!” celebrating what God has al-
ready done in the lives of our children and schools, and crying out to Him for the spiritual trans-
formation we know can come from God alone. We anticipate God’s powerful, life-changing pres-
ence. He promises “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”
Come join us for a day of prayer and fasting. Water will be available.

Please contact the church office for more information.
Page 6

Missionary Guests:      Dawn Cox—Evangelical Church Missions, Brazil
                        Minda Kleman, World Gospel Mission, Honduras
                        Suzanne Warren, OMS International, Central Asia
                        Nartach Jepbarova, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Old Test. Translator
Registration Information: Packages:
                $70     Complete Package, lodging (4 per room) 2 meals, registration, insurance
                $45     Meals & Registration only
                $27     Friday or Saturday only
                $20     Registration only, both days
                $12     Registration only, one day
Tentative Schedule:
Friday          4:00 p.m.       Registration
                6:00 p.m.       Dinner
                7:00 p.m.       Evening Session
Saturday        8:30 a.m.       Registration
                9:00 a.m.       Morning Session
               11:15 a.m.       Business/Lunch
               12:30 p.m.       Afternoon Sessions
Call the church office for more information.
Page 7

                   Book Review— by Jenny Storey
                   Crazy Love: Overwhelmed By a Relentless God
                   by Francis Chan, Pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California.
                   This is a book that will shake you up, wake you up and make you question yourself very deeply. If you feel like you
                   have “enough God” to live comfortably, this book will challenge you to desire “more God.”
                   Chan proposes that the reason we aren’t all madly, crazy in love with God and obsessed with Him is because we have
                   an inaccurate view of Him. We get so caught up in our day-to-day lives sometimes that we don’t stop to just marvel at
                   God’s creation, and sometimes we even forget to love Him. Chan asks: “Why are we so quick to forget God? Who do
we think we are?” He provides a great definition of worry and stress: “Worry implies that we don’t quite trust that God is big enough, pow-
erful enough, or loving enough to take care of what’s happening in our lives. Stress says that the things we are involved in are important
enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace toward others, or our tight grip of control” (42). Ouch. Chan writes later that we need to
“remember that in the movie of life, nothing matters except our King and God”—any one of us could die in the next minute.
One of the most eye-opening chapters is Chapter Four: “Profile of the Lukewarm.” I had to stop reading it about halfway through, be-
cause it was pretty painful—but worth finishing in the end. As a counterpoint to that chapter, Chan also has a chapter entitled “Profile of
the Obsessed.” Most people will probably find parts of themselves described in both profiles. These chapters present a wonderful chal-
lenge to us, to really live up to the name “Christian.”
There’s also a great chapter that answers the question, “Who Really Lives That Way?” which includes profiles of famous saints of the past,
as well as “ordinary” Christians. One of the incisive points of this book is that there are not “degrees” of Christianity, that a distinction
should not be made between someone who is a “radical” Christian and someone who is “lukewarm.” You either follow Christ, or you don’t.
At the end of the book, Chan reminds us that ultimately the Christian life is about surrender, and that true faith allows us to let go of every-
thing, instead of anxiously preparing safety nets and back-up plans. He also points out what a difference it makes to keep our focus on
Heaven, on what will be said to us when we finally arrive there. Will it be, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” or something else? For
those women who participated in WOW’s Restore My Heart study, or the Balanced Living study, you’ll find that many of the themes of this
book echo those studies.
David C. Cook Publishing, 2008

             Women’s Ministry Board of Directors
                                                                                               CALENDAR OF EVENTS
                      Sandy Richter, Director
                                                                                                       Tuesday Morning WOW
          Jan Reed, Secretary, Publicity & Tapestry Editor
                                                                                        (Kickoff—September 15th)…... 9:00 a.m.
                        Pug Bentz, Treasurer
                  Laurel Griggs, WOW Coordinator
                                                                                               Wednesday Evening WOW
                 Kathy Adrian, Bereavement/Kitchen
                                                                                          (Kickoff—September 16th).. 7:00 p.m.
                   Shirley Hippler, Shepherding
                     Bethany Labrie, Mentoring
                                                                                                 Mentoring Coffee
                   Mardell Hohensee, Missions
                                                                                        Monday, October 5th, 7:00 p.m.—OCEC
            Marilee Swindler, Wedding/Baby Showers
          Cheryl Howell, Fall Retreat Coordinator & Essence
                                                                                           Mentoring/Accountability Kickoff
                                                                                            Sunday, October 11, 2:00 p.m.

                                                                                                    Mug ‘n Muffin
                                                                                    Fellowship Center...Saturday, Oct. 17, 10:00 a.m.

                                                                               Kickoff, September 21, Crossroads Café, 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                               Fall Festival of Missions
  A Newsletter of Women’s Ministry at                                                             September 25 & 26
    Oregon City Evangelical Church
     1024 Linn ▪ Oregon City, OR 97045                                                    Women’s Christmas Celebration
                                                                                       December 11th at OCEC (details to follow)
                ~Mailing Address~
             PO Box 10 ▪ Oregon City
             Telephone: 503 656-8582

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Sept 2009 Tapestry

  • 1. Oregon City Evangelical Church Women’s Ministry Newsletter September 2009 Women's Ministry—Sandy Richter, Director Dear Sisters in Christ, Another summer has passed. Kids are off to school, routines are back, with ball practices, lunches to be made, homework help to be done. The days grow shorter and the air is crisper. Families scatter like the falling leaves we see out our windows. Before you know it we’ll be planning for the Christmas holidays. We watch the news and wonder ‘what is this world coming to’? We read in the Word that our adversary crouches like a lion ready to pounce on us and draw us into his domain. Yet, we are not of this world and we belong to another lion, the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ. Satan desires to pull us into this world of many choices, conflict, many good things that whet our appetite for more things, having it our own way, being like the movies and their stars, models or those we see in ads. We are encouraged to have the best and get it as fast as we can. However, can we take it with us and what kind of a woman will we be? Will we be the better for it? Will it help us grow in our relationship with Christ? Your Women’s Ministry Board (as well as the WOW leaders), discussed this subject this summer. Then we looked at which study for WOW (Women of the Word), would fit these times. Do you see this world as a modern day Babylon, or Sodom and Gomorrah? With lifestyles that may appear appealing, but only prove that people are full of flaws and sin? What are we women to be like in this world? We found the answer is “Being a Woman of Integrity in Times like These”. We face the same challenges as Daniel did in his day. To help us keep our focus we will be studying the book of Daniel in WOW. This will help us see how we need to be conducting ourselves and what the prophecies of Daniel tell us. We will understand more clearly the plan of the enemy of our souls and what we can do to be prepared to live as Daniel did in the midst of a corrupt world. We do not walk in this world alone. Just has Daniel had his close friends, we have other sisters in Christ that can encourage us in our walk and finding the correct choices to make. This year we will develop accountability groups, along with our one-on-one mentoring. Our next Woman to Woman coffee will be sharing this opportunity with you. We hope and pray that you will find this the place of walking alongside another sister, or groups of sisters to help you keep your focus on the Lion of Judah. This coffee will be happening on October 5th at 7:00 p.m. at the church. The following Sunday, October 11, at 2:00 p.m. will be a kick-off meeting to launch these mentoring and accountability programs. (location to be announced) Another opportunity of encouragement is Essence. We have moved this ministry to Crossroads Café in Gladstone. This informal time is a great way to bring friends to an activity outside of the church, but where ladies can meet and get to know each other and to develop new friends. I know last year I met gals I had not seen or known from our church. What a delightful experience to meet and get to know all of you. This will be a year full of challenges. What they will be we do not know. God does though, and with each other upholding, encouraging and setting the example, we can shine for His glory as “A Woman of Integrity in Times Like These”. I am praying for you!
  • 2. Page 2 Jan Reed—Editor As editor, it is my pleasure to be able to write about whatever inspires me. I could hardly wait for this edition of Tapestry to share something that started before the end of the school year in May this last year. There was a beautiful quilt hanging on the wall of the Fellowship Center, with a silent auction sheet attached to the wall beside it. A few bids slowly appeared on the sheet and then a few of us gals hatched a plan! A mutual friend, Laurel Griggs, was having a birthday on July 4th, and the theme of the quilt was the states of our great nation, with flags interspersed. (Laurel’s favorite red, white and blue theme!) Each state had a representative square which was hand stitched and when assembled the quilt was stunningly patriotic and beautiful. As friends, we decided we would bid on the quilt as a joint birthday gift and a thank you for her years of commitment, but it would be our secret. Suddenly, the bids started getting competitive and ramping up and the deadline for the silent auction was only 2 days away! Our secret “bidder” did our last bid and the bids closed. We waited breathlessly to see if anyone slipped that last bid in behind us and lo, and behold, WE WON!! Then we knew the results would appear in the Sunday bulletin and it would ruin our surprise, so a diversionary story was placed in the bulletin with a fictitious winner’s name. (Lord, forgive us!) As the birthday girl’s big day arrived, we, Sandy Richter, Marilee Swindler and I, invited her to lunch at Lil’ Cooperstown for “lunch with friends.” We, as always, ate and chatted and enjoyed our friendship and then, as we were leaving the restaurant, we paused in the parking lot to bring out the gifts we had “left in our cars”. The rolled up and tucked away treasure in Marilee’s car was unfurled and presented to her as we thanked her for her friendship and service to the women of our church. That jaw-dropping moment was amazing! (Of course, I had sort of accidentally tucked my digital camera in my purse as I left for lunch.) What a wonderful experience to bless a friend with a treasure she will enjoy for the rest of her life. And it’s a touching feeling to know that each time she looks at that quilt, she will remember our love and friendship no matter how far apart we may someday be. Friends forever, forever friends. John 15:13: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (Or, just maybe, give her a quilt!) Quilts—Can Do All This? by Hilla Matchukat My perpetual calendar today records these words of the angel to Cornelius: “Your prayers and alms have ascended as a memorial before God.” (Acts 10:4) I take it to mean that alms are what we give and do to help and build oth- ers up because we love God. Our prayers usually precede our doing—or they should, if we forgot! If the doing and giving also become a joy to ourselves we have closed the circle, we may want to sing: I have joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart—remember that little song of the seventies? Well, quilts can do this. They do it while we look at materials that are suitable, while an idea forms in our mind of a pattern, while colors and shapes come into play, while the finished size is considered and input of a group of helpers with willing hands is accepted. Encouraging words play an important role as the project grows and takes shape. In this way the women at the Senior Center, called “Busy Bees” saw two quilts come to a pleasing completion, mostly done by the busy hands of Lorraine, who worked at them many hours in her home. They did not sell at the Christmas Bazaar 2008. With the help and support of Tami Wattenbarger they found a place in our fellowship center for a silent auction. After a few weeks the pink one had several offers from interested buyers, the green one did not—until one day there was an offer which, by its generosity, stopped the little contest. There must have been a story behind it—there was! Marie, the lady buying the quilt, had a good reason for her purchase. She bought it for her husband. He had been promised a quilt many years ago by a lady he helped and worked for as a young boy. Continued on page four…...
  • 3. Page 3 WOW — by Laurel Griggs, Coordinator FALL: New beginnings, vibrant leaves, deep blue skies, crisp, cool mornings and a time to settle in with my Bible in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. Ladies ~ I am so excited about our Women’s Bible study this fall. We will be diving into Daniel with Beth Moore. Here are a few comments from Beth. “Oh, how I pray you’ll commit to let God take you places you’ve never been. You will not regret it! I believe this journey will rock your world and thrill your senses. When you turn the last page, you will know things about history and prophecy that you might never have anticipated. I make you two promises based on the authority of God’s Word: you will neither waste your time nor become bored.” I think we will al be surprised to find out how up-to-date Daniel is. So, get ready for the ride of your life! Come join us as we learn about lives of integrity and words of prophesy. Tuesday mornings from 9:00 - 11:00am and Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30pm. Child care provided. Register at Grand Central in the church lobby and pick up your book. The cost is $15.50. Classes start on Tuesday, September 15th and Wednesday, September 16th. Hope to see you then! Women’s Mentoring Programs— by Bethany Labrie, Coordinator Over the past several years, we have had a one-on-one women’s mentoring program called Woman to Woman, where two women are matched and walk beside each other during a stated period of time. This program has proven very successful and will continue for those who wish to have that kind of mentoring relationship. In addition, we are now excited to announce our new Accountability Groups that gals can join or form themselves. They will meet together with their peers to encourage and challenge each other on a regular basis in their walk with the Lord and in the roles God has placed them as women. Come to the Women to Women orientation coffee and learn more about the mentoring program and the new accountability groups that are starting soon. Bring a friend and join us on Monday, October 5th at 7:00 pm at the Church. This will be a coffee and informational night, followed by a fun and exciting kickoff meeting the following Sunday, October 11 at 2:00 p.m., (location to be announced). Essence— by Cheryl Howell September has always been one of my favorite months. As a child I loved going back to school, reconnecting with friends I hadn’t seen all summer, buying school supplies and getting a new outfit for the first day. Fifty years later and I still get excited. But now I have one more reason to look forward to September…...Essence will resume on Monday, September 21st. I get to reconnect with friends I have- n’t seen all summer, get a few supplies and agendas in order and maybe even get a new outfit. I’m very excited to share some of the changes ahead for Essence. The biggest, perhaps, will be the change in location. We will now be meeting at the Crossroads Café in Gladstone, right behind Latus Motorcycles and McDonalds off the I-205 Gladstone exit. They are a Christian business that will graciously allow us to gather on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The new venue will be perfect for chatting over coffee with girlfriends. The format will be light and fun, with plenty of opportunity to mix, mingle, laugh, get to know one another, and build relationships. Everyone is welcome! If you joined us last year we encourage you to come back. If you are new and looking for a way to meet the gals you worship with, the door is wide open. The Café does have a menu of yummy salads, sandwiches and pastries along with the specialty coffee and tea drinks. So, if you’re on the run and didn’t get time for dinner, well, they’ve got you covered. We have lots of great times ahead and want you to be part of an extraordinary year at Essence. Missions— by Mardell Hohensee The Conference projects for the balance of this year are: July—December Project Faith and is for the Swiss Home Evangelical Church in Swiss Home, Oregon. The Swiss Home church needs several updates to minister to a growing congregation, including a nursery and repairing and repainting the sanctuary. January—December Thank Offering will go to OMS International to help the ministry of Pastor Bob and Suzanne War- ren, serving in Central Asia (formerly pasturing Colbert Chapel, Colbert, WA, where Werner and Debbie Seibert are now serving.) This offering will help complete the translation and provide funds for printing and distributing the whole Bible in the local language. The church mission convention is scheduled for February 2-7, 2010. The next Mug ‘n Muffin is Saturday, October 17, at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Center. Come and hear a report from the ladies who went on a work team to Honduras. Light refreshments will be served. Bring your favorite mug.
  • 4. Page 4 Quilts—Can Do All This? Continued from page two When she worked at the quilt and he liked it so much she promised it to him. After the lady passed away his mother gave the quilt to his sister, because “quilts are for girls”. I understand it had similar colors as the one his wife now bought for him. She said, “The Lord told me what I should offer for it.” We all hope they both are happy with their purchase. It comes with a blessing. When I called Lorraine to tell her of the story and its outcome it made her very happy. She had had a week of hurting from a fall. The money from the sale of both quilts was divided between the Senior Center and the youth work in our church. Isn’t God good? Who on earth could have planned this? Fundraising: By Sandra Schaeffer A Chinook Run With No Limits Women’s Ministries has a unique opportunity this year. Our Chinook Book fundraiser starting Sep- tember 14 has the potential to defray much of the cost for our October 2010 Women’s Retreat. Our goal is for all women of OCEC that want to attend to be able to do so. The fundraising goal is $5,000. The Chinook Book is a unique, eco-friendly coupon, directory and resource book that allows you to save hundreds of dollars while exploring the community and supporting local sustainable busi- nesses. Categories of savings in the Portland area are: Grocery, Grocery Manufacturers, Dining, Entertainment & Family, Health & Style, Travel & Recreation, Yard & Garden, and Home. You may recoup the $20 cost of the book and then some on your first use. We are asking each family to take a look at the Chinook Book and purchase one if you see that it will save you money. We will earn 50% on every book sold. Additionally, to reach this bold $5,000 goal we are looking for 100 women to take on the challenge of selling/buying five books. Once you see the book you will see that it will sell itself to friends, neighbors, coworkers and relatives. Local college students will love it. It is great for gifts—Christmas, stocking stuffers, birthdays, house warming…Books are on consignment, so what isn’t sold can be re- turned as long as it is in clean sellable condition. We believe there are many women in our church who would like to help with fundraising, but job, family and commitment constraints make it difficult. This is an easy way to make a major impact for the women of OCEC. We’ve set a worthy goal, but let’s also have some fun while we are reeling it in. So the woman (family) that sells the most books will win a prize. Additional prizes will be given in a drawing that will include the names of all the women who sign up and submit the order form with a minimum of five sales. That includes any books you purchase for yourself. More details will be available in a flyer at the start of sales Sunday, September 13 in the church lobby. Rita Cosenza, by Sandy Richter Anyone who has had the privilege of worshipping and praying with Rita Cosenza has had the sense of sitting near someone who sits close to God. Her love for the Lord and His Word is truly infectious. She has such a patient, deep, committed relationship with her Heavenly Father and desires to share that relationship with oth- ers. This desire has allowed her to be led by the Lord to open House of Hope right here in Oregon City. This is a home for troubled teen women, to find peace, godly direction, acceptance and an opportunity to turn their lives around. Those of us in Women of the Word have seen first hand the spiritual development of these young women. For one young woman, a new life in Christ and she is growing and maturing quite rapidly. Another young lady has returned to her home and will have the opportunity to put into practice all she has learned from Rita’s wise counsel and mentorship. Continued on page five……...
  • 5. Page 5 Rita Cosenza, continued Rita came to our fellowship looking for growth and service opportunities. After attending Women of Faith, she heard God’s call which led to her joining the House of Hope team. She is now a home based missionary. As all missionaries experience times of stress, lack of funds, questioning God’s direction, Rita knows that she is God’s child and her Abba Father is working in her life to direct her to exactly where He desires her to be as His lovely servant/child. It is the desire of Women’s Ministries to see Rita’s ministry grow and flourish. In these economic times funds have not been forth- coming. Would you consider joining us in praying for Rita and the next direction she will need to take to keep this ministry growing? In order to do that she may have to move, and even return to work in the community to provide for the girls and the house. Rita trusts in God’s Word and always seeks His counsel first before seeking outside sources. However, the Body of Christ, her brothers and sisters, can pray and give to this ministry. There are many young troubled teenage girls who could truly benefit from this ministry as the previous girls have; an opportunity to come to Christ and through the godly care and discipleship of Rita become loving, caring, women of God who stand out in a fallen world. Oregon City Evangelical Church Women’s Ministry will join churches around the world for a historic prayer event as OCEC hosts Arise! Cry Out! November 14, 2009 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. This will be a day of unprecedented prayer. Women around the world will stand shoulder to shoulder exalting and glorifying God. We will “Arise! Cry Out!” celebrating what God has al- ready done in the lives of our children and schools, and crying out to Him for the spiritual trans- formation we know can come from God alone. We anticipate God’s powerful, life-changing pres- ence. He promises “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Come join us for a day of prayer and fasting. Water will be available. Please contact the church office for more information.
  • 6. Page 6 Missionary Guests: Dawn Cox—Evangelical Church Missions, Brazil Minda Kleman, World Gospel Mission, Honduras Suzanne Warren, OMS International, Central Asia Nartach Jepbarova, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Old Test. Translator Registration Information: Packages: $70 Complete Package, lodging (4 per room) 2 meals, registration, insurance $45 Meals & Registration only $27 Friday or Saturday only $20 Registration only, both days $12 Registration only, one day Tentative Schedule: Friday 4:00 p.m. Registration 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Evening Session Saturday 8:30 a.m. Registration 9:00 a.m. Morning Session 11:15 a.m. Business/Lunch 12:30 p.m. Afternoon Sessions Call the church office for more information.
  • 7. Page 7 Book Review— by Jenny Storey Crazy Love: Overwhelmed By a Relentless God by Francis Chan, Pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California. This is a book that will shake you up, wake you up and make you question yourself very deeply. If you feel like you have “enough God” to live comfortably, this book will challenge you to desire “more God.” Chan proposes that the reason we aren’t all madly, crazy in love with God and obsessed with Him is because we have an inaccurate view of Him. We get so caught up in our day-to-day lives sometimes that we don’t stop to just marvel at God’s creation, and sometimes we even forget to love Him. Chan asks: “Why are we so quick to forget God? Who do we think we are?” He provides a great definition of worry and stress: “Worry implies that we don’t quite trust that God is big enough, pow- erful enough, or loving enough to take care of what’s happening in our lives. Stress says that the things we are involved in are important enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace toward others, or our tight grip of control” (42). Ouch. Chan writes later that we need to “remember that in the movie of life, nothing matters except our King and God”—any one of us could die in the next minute. One of the most eye-opening chapters is Chapter Four: “Profile of the Lukewarm.” I had to stop reading it about halfway through, be- cause it was pretty painful—but worth finishing in the end. As a counterpoint to that chapter, Chan also has a chapter entitled “Profile of the Obsessed.” Most people will probably find parts of themselves described in both profiles. These chapters present a wonderful chal- lenge to us, to really live up to the name “Christian.” There’s also a great chapter that answers the question, “Who Really Lives That Way?” which includes profiles of famous saints of the past, as well as “ordinary” Christians. One of the incisive points of this book is that there are not “degrees” of Christianity, that a distinction should not be made between someone who is a “radical” Christian and someone who is “lukewarm.” You either follow Christ, or you don’t. At the end of the book, Chan reminds us that ultimately the Christian life is about surrender, and that true faith allows us to let go of every- thing, instead of anxiously preparing safety nets and back-up plans. He also points out what a difference it makes to keep our focus on Heaven, on what will be said to us when we finally arrive there. Will it be, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” or something else? For those women who participated in WOW’s Restore My Heart study, or the Balanced Living study, you’ll find that many of the themes of this book echo those studies. David C. Cook Publishing, 2008 Women’s Ministry Board of Directors CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sandy Richter, Director Tuesday Morning WOW Jan Reed, Secretary, Publicity & Tapestry Editor (Kickoff—September 15th)…... 9:00 a.m. Pug Bentz, Treasurer Laurel Griggs, WOW Coordinator Wednesday Evening WOW Kathy Adrian, Bereavement/Kitchen (Kickoff—September 16th).. 7:00 p.m. Shirley Hippler, Shepherding Bethany Labrie, Mentoring Mentoring Coffee Mardell Hohensee, Missions Monday, October 5th, 7:00 p.m.—OCEC Marilee Swindler, Wedding/Baby Showers Cheryl Howell, Fall Retreat Coordinator & Essence Mentoring/Accountability Kickoff Sunday, October 11, 2:00 p.m. Mug ‘n Muffin Fellowship Center...Saturday, Oct. 17, 10:00 a.m. Essence Kickoff, September 21, Crossroads Café, 7:00 p.m. Fall Festival of Missions A Newsletter of Women’s Ministry at September 25 & 26 Oregon City Evangelical Church 1024 Linn ▪ Oregon City, OR 97045 Women’s Christmas Celebration December 11th at OCEC (details to follow) ~Mailing Address~ PO Box 10 ▪ Oregon City Telephone: 503 656-8582