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vol: 2 | no: 32                                                                24 pages | Monday | october 24, 2011

   P24 retro star                                                                        P3 another road
  Director Chaitanya had                                                                   Immunologists are
  the time of his life while                                                               always in demand.
  in college, directing                                                                     Here is a lowdown
  plays and smuggling                                                                    on how to pursue the
  liquor into the hostel                                                                    evergreen subject

                                                                                            P16 be healthy
                                                                                           Good news for rice
                                                                                         lovers: Don’t abstain
                                                                                             but apply the 1:1
                                                                                            ratio to your meal
                                                                                        and enjoy the veggies

                                         it's your life!
 Education Express
     Through Digital Vidya, Kapil Nakra and Pradeep Chopra bring to the study table their expertise on online
        marketing, which is sure to change the way you blog, tweet and post on social networks | 14-15

                       Digi marketing
The New Indian Express
                                                                                                                                 MONDAY, October 24, 2011       edex
                                                                                                                                   ore than 25 billion pieces of

       cover story
                                                                              Twitter’s web platform
                                                                                                                                   content (web links, news, posts,
                                                                              only accounts for a                                  notes, photo albums, etc) is shared
                                                                              quarter of its users.                                every month on Facebook
                                                                              Seventy five per cent
                                                                              use third-party apps

       [ digital vidya ]

       Marketeers, gear up for the
       soCial Media avalaNChe
 p1 Where tweets and                                                                                   Nithya Caleb
                                                                                                                                   recent   ASSOCHAM        study
                                                                                                                                   found that Indian companies
       posts have helped                                                                               chennai                     are spending over `1,200 crore
p2                                                                                                                                 — about 30-40 per cent of their
       Presenting a few success stories of digital marketing                                                                       marketing budget — on digital
                                                                    indian firms are increasing their web             media. Internet is transforming the way
p3     Ching’s seCret: The FMCG brand probably has one
                                                                                                                      goods are marketed across the globe. Many
       of the most engaging communities on Facebook — it has
       more than eight lakh people. The firm spends a major part
                                                                       presence. They require executives              firms — young and old — are spending on
                                                                                                                      an average of `2-50 lakh annually on social
p4     of its marketing budget on social networks and YouTube.          who know the internet inside out,             marketing campaigns. They hire social
       Kapil Nakra believes the brand has been able to catch the
                                                                                                                      media managers to make the brand vis-
       customer's eye because “even the MD and senior manag-            don’t mind spending long hours on             ible, study consumer behaviour and even
       ers post comments and engage with the clients”
       taxspanner: When the finance sector was considered                  social networks, chatting with             launch new products on popular websites
                                                                                                                      like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube
p6     ill-suited for digital marketing came a firm that decided
       to use the Net to engage with customers, promote e-filing      customers and can use the medium                and LinkedIn. Despite the fact that only
                                                                                                                      about eight crore people use the Net in In-

       of taxes and also for some market research. Visit http:// for a personal assessment
                                                                              to the company’s advantage              dia — 8.5 per cent of the total population,
                                                                                                                      the low cost of an online campaign cou-
       Devesh Mishra: An innocuous YouTube posting                                                                    pled with higher visibility among young-
       resulted in a windfall for taxi driver-turned-entrepreneur   Pradeep Chopra                                    sters has forced companies to firm up their
p8     Devesh Mishra. In 2008, two of Mishra's Swiss clients                                                          online presence, particularly in the social
       posted his video on YouTube and within two months he                                                           networking websites.
                                                                                                                         This explosion in social media market-
p9     began earning `50,000 a month! He dreamt of buying a
       Toyota Innova. Not only did the Varanasi-based Mishra                                                          ing has opened a new avenue for marke-
       achieve it but also started a travel agency                                                                    teers — professionals and aspirants. Such
p10                                                                                                                   a niche field requires a certain kind of
                                                                                                                      specialisation, which Delhi-based Digital
       Imaging: M Arivarasu                                                                                           Vidya hopes to equip you with.
                                                                                                                        The academy
p12                                                                                                                              Digital Vidya was set up in
                                                                                                                                 November 2009 by serial entre-
                                                                                                                                 preneurs (more on that later)
p13                                                                                                                             Pradeep Chopra and Kapil Na-
                                                                                                                               kra with an initial investment
                                                                                                                               of `5 lakh. “This is a new field.
p14                                                                                                                             There’s no formal education.
                                                                                                                                The medium is also evolving
p15                                                                                                                              fast. New platforms are replac-
                                                                                                                                  ing existing ones rapidly. A
                                                                                                                                  case in point is Google+ — it
p16                                                                                                                                logged 50 million users within
                                                                                                                                   days of launch. Also many
                                                                                                                                   Indians are online these days
p17                                                                                                                                — around 10 per cent of Linke-
                                                                                                                                   dIn users are Indians. So I’m
                                                                                                                                  sure people can identify with
p18                                                                                                                               our curriculum,” says 34-year-
                                                                                                                                 old Chopra.
p19                                                                                                                            What is digital
p20                                                                                                                            marketing
                                                                                                                               Digital marketing is not limited
                                                                                                                               to social media. It comprises
p21                                                                                                                             search   engine    optimisation
                                                                                                                                (SEO), search engine marketing
                                                                                                                               (SEM), display advertising, email
p22                                                                                                                            marketing and mobile marketing.

p23                                                                                                                   Get trained
                                                                                                                      Digital Vidya conducts two kinds of work-
                                                                                                                      shops — public (open to anyone) and cor-
p24                                                                                                                   porate. The two-day public workshop fo-
                                                                                                                      cuses on social media marketing. It costs
                                                                                                                      `15,000 but for the next two months, you
                                                                                                                      can avail it at a discounted price of `9,500.
                                                                                                                      Corporate workshops will be on any area
The New Indian Express
                                                                                                                                                   MONDAY, October 24, 2011          edex
                                                                                                                                                     he first video was uploaded on

cover story                                                                                                                                  T       YouTube on April 23, 2005. Called
                                                                           Oracle’s Chief Financial
                                                                                                                                                     Me at the zoo, it was shot by Yakov
                                                                           Officer, Jeff Epstein,
                                                                                                                                                     Lapitsky at the San Diego Zoo
                                                                           was headhunted for the
                                                                           position via his LinkedIn

under digital marketing. The duration
depends on the requirements of the
specific organisation.
  Chopra and Nakra use a lot of case
studies, videos and interesting exer-
cises to explain concepts. The duo has
held over 75 workshops across India,
Singapore and Malaysia and trained
nearly 6,000 people. They have also cre-
ated a marketing course for an Indian
corporate to be used in their training
programmes. On an average, 20-35 peo-
ple attend a workshop. The team also
held a day long session at BITS Pilani’s
Goa campus in early August.
Who can participate
Digital Vidya’s workshops are mainly                                                                                                                                                          p2
targeted at marketing professionals,
PROs, product managers, web manag-
ers, senior executives, entrepreneurs                                                                                                                                                         p3
and content teams. While most of the
workshops are conducted by either
Chopra or Nakra, occasionally they                                                                                                                                                            p4
call in external trainers. Twitter ex-
perts Shrinath Navghane and Nikhil
Kumar Verma have chaired a few ses-
sions. Digital Vidya presently employs
10 people.                                                                                                                                                                                    p6
What do you learn                                                                                                                                                                             p7
Participants are taught about the sig-
nificance of social/digital media for                                                                               The Digital Vidya team
marketing, how to strategise, plan and                                                                                                                                                        p8
execute campaigns successfully and
become a pro. “The workshop was very
informative and interactive. The train-                                                                                                      without engagement does not produce              p9
ers answered all our questions in detail    Know the trainers                                                                                results. Companies need to understand
and made the concept clear,” says 26-
year-old Akshat Mathur, senior plan-        Pradeep Chopra and Kapil Nakra graduated in BTech from IIT-Delhi (1995-1999). While
                                                                                                                                             this,” says Nakra.
ning manager, Madison India. “Since I       Chopra worked in TCS for a year, Nakra was with Kizna, a Japanese start-up before the            Remuneration
am with a digital marketing agency, I
need to have a basic understanding of
                                            entrepreneur bug bit the duo. In 2000, they started Whizlabs Software. “My only aim
                                            then was to start something different. Luckily the change in the exam pattern of Sun             Freshers with good writing skills can
how the medium works. After the work-       Microsystems helped us become a leader in the IT prep domain,” says Chopra.                      earn `15,000 monthly. Veterans can
shop, I’m able to convince our clients to      In fact Whizlabs proved to be the foundation for their foray into internet market-            hope to earn as high as `1 lakh per              p12
invest in online marketing.”                ing. “This is where we learned all our digital skills. We were forced to sell our products       month. But how does one find employ-
  Jiveshdeep Singh Sandhu, deputy           online,” recalls Chopra. “Since no one was buying our e-learning programme for Java              ment? “Jobs sites are the best places.
manager-marketing, Toyota, who has          certification, we posted it online. It was picked up by various discussion forums and the        At the same time, before listing your            p13
over 10 years of experience in the field,   product started selling. Even now 95 per cent of our revenue is generated outside India          resume, update and expand your pres-
found a positive difference after he be-                                                                                                     ence on social media networks. This
gan implementing the tips he picked
                                            purely through online marketing,” adds 33-year-old Nakra.
                                               Whizlabs was so successful that they could sign on top clients like CISCO without             will definitely help you to understand           p14
up at a Digital Vidya workshop in 2010.     even meeting them. In 2004, Whizlabs was given the ‘Most Innovative IT company’                  the medium,” says Nakra.
“The practical insights they offered        award by NASSCOM. Last year it earned around $0.4 million.                                                                                        p15
was great. Earlier we were not engag-
ing with the customers in the best pos-
                                               The successful use of online marketing for Whi-                                               dvBytes
                                            zlabs convinced the two that this is the future
sible manner. After the workshop, we
revised the content we post on our so-
                                            and they decided to specialise in it — all of                                                    In April, Chopra and Nakra set up dv-
                                                                                                                                             Bytes. It offers social media marketing
                                            their ventures are related to digital and
cial pages. This significantly improved     social marketing.                                                                                services and caters to FMCG, e-com-
our level of interactions with our cus-        Early this year, during the ICC Cricket                                                       merce, tech and entertainment sectors.           p17
tomers,” he says.                           World Cup, they launched the world’s                                                             The income generated from this ven-
                                            first social network for cricket,                                                       ture is used to fund Digital Vidya.
Qualities of a good                         Chopra describes it as “a place where                                                               While the forecast is bright for social       p18
                                            people have fun with each other around                                                           media managers, at the moment the
marketeer                                                                                                                                    field is in its infancy. Just 5 per cent of
The only way to excel in marketing,
                                            a sport”. The website has over 3,000
                                            members. Despite a successful launch, the                                                        the ads are digital. Brand building is           p19
says Nakra, is to “participate as a peer,   duo is planning to rebrand in order                                                      still largely done on other media. “Only
focus on the target groups’ needs rath-
er than your business objectives, be
                                            to attract a wider audience.
                                               They also founded OM Careers and
                                                                                                                                             few internet-based businesses exclu-
                                                                                                                                             sively use the digital world. However,
authentic, disciplined with your post-      OMLogic Consulting. Both specialise in online                                                    contribution of the digital for building
ings on social networks and focus on
engagement more than acquisition”.
                                            marketing — Careers works as a network-
                                            ing-cum-training platform and Logic offers
                                                                                                                                             and promoting a brand is increasing
                                                                                                                                             given the number of people present on
                                            marketing services.                                                                              this medium,” says Chopra.
Challenges                                     Despite contrasting working styles —
                                            Chopra is more into the details and
                                                                                                                                                The duo’s future plans include ex-
                                                                                                                                             panding the workshops to new geogra-
As it is a relatively new field — only      Nakra prefers to look at the overall                                                             phies, continuously increasing custom-
two-three years old, people are skepti-     picture — the two have stuck on                                                                  er delight and scaling up dvBytes ■              p23
cal and new performance metrics need        since college. “We were friends in                                                                                —
to be evolved. “Connecting business         college and our desires matched.
objectives with the needs of the target     We also have a mutual respect                                                                                                                     p24
group is a must to create an engag-         for each other’s calibre and that’s                                                                            get in touch
ing community. Businesses currently         why we decided to do something                                                                            Mail your contributions
are focusing only on community size         together,” says Nakra ■                                                         Kapil Nakra                     and feedback to:
(fans, follows etc). But community size                                                                                                

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Digital Vidya: The new indian express (oct 24, 2011)

  • 1. vol: 2 | no: 32 24 pages | Monday | october 24, 2011 P24 retro star P3 another road Director Chaitanya had Immunologists are the time of his life while always in demand. in college, directing Here is a lowdown plays and smuggling on how to pursue the liquor into the hostel evergreen subject P16 be healthy Good news for rice lovers: Don’t abstain but apply the 1:1 ratio to your meal and enjoy the veggies it's your life! Education Express Through Digital Vidya, Kapil Nakra and Pradeep Chopra bring to the study table their expertise on online marketing, which is sure to change the way you blog, tweet and post on social networks | 14-15 Digi marketing evangelists
  • 3. The New Indian Express MONDAY, October 24, 2011 edex ore than 25 billion pieces of cover story Twitter’s web platform M content (web links, news, posts, only accounts for a notes, photo albums, etc) is shared quarter of its users. every month on Facebook Seventy five per cent use third-party apps [ digital vidya ] Marketeers, gear up for the soCial Media avalaNChe A p1 Where tweets and Nithya Caleb recent ASSOCHAM study found that Indian companies posts have helped chennai are spending over `1,200 crore p2 — about 30-40 per cent of their Presenting a few success stories of digital marketing marketing budget — on digital indian firms are increasing their web media. Internet is transforming the way p3 Ching’s seCret: The FMCG brand probably has one goods are marketed across the globe. Many of the most engaging communities on Facebook — it has more than eight lakh people. The firm spends a major part presence. They require executives firms — young and old — are spending on an average of `2-50 lakh annually on social p4 of its marketing budget on social networks and YouTube. who know the internet inside out, marketing campaigns. They hire social Kapil Nakra believes the brand has been able to catch the media managers to make the brand vis- p5 customer's eye because “even the MD and senior manag- don’t mind spending long hours on ible, study consumer behaviour and even ers post comments and engage with the clients” taxspanner: When the finance sector was considered social networks, chatting with launch new products on popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube p6 ill-suited for digital marketing came a firm that decided to use the Net to engage with customers, promote e-filing customers and can use the medium and LinkedIn. Despite the fact that only about eight crore people use the Net in In- p7 of taxes and also for some market research. Visit http:// for a personal assessment to the company’s advantage dia — 8.5 per cent of the total population, the low cost of an online campaign cou- Devesh Mishra: An innocuous YouTube posting pled with higher visibility among young- resulted in a windfall for taxi driver-turned-entrepreneur Pradeep Chopra sters has forced companies to firm up their p8 Devesh Mishra. In 2008, two of Mishra's Swiss clients online presence, particularly in the social posted his video on YouTube and within two months he networking websites. This explosion in social media market- p9 began earning `50,000 a month! He dreamt of buying a Toyota Innova. Not only did the Varanasi-based Mishra ing has opened a new avenue for marke- achieve it but also started a travel agency teers — professionals and aspirants. Such p10 a niche field requires a certain kind of specialisation, which Delhi-based Digital Imaging: M Arivarasu Vidya hopes to equip you with. p11 The academy p12 Digital Vidya was set up in November 2009 by serial entre- preneurs (more on that later) p13 Pradeep Chopra and Kapil Na- kra with an initial investment of `5 lakh. “This is a new field. p14 There’s no formal education. The medium is also evolving p15 fast. New platforms are replac- ing existing ones rapidly. A case in point is Google+ — it p16 logged 50 million users within days of launch. Also many Indians are online these days p17 — around 10 per cent of Linke- dIn users are Indians. So I’m sure people can identify with p18 our curriculum,” says 34-year- old Chopra. p19 What is digital p20 marketing Digital marketing is not limited to social media. It comprises p21 search engine optimisation (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), display advertising, email p22 marketing and mobile marketing. p23 Get trained Digital Vidya conducts two kinds of work- shops — public (open to anyone) and cor- p24 porate. The two-day public workshop fo- cuses on social media marketing. It costs `15,000 but for the next two months, you can avail it at a discounted price of `9,500. Corporate workshops will be on any area
  • 4. The New Indian Express MONDAY, October 24, 2011 edex he first video was uploaded on cover story T YouTube on April 23, 2005. Called Oracle’s Chief Financial Me at the zoo, it was shot by Yakov Officer, Jeff Epstein, Lapitsky at the San Diego Zoo was headhunted for the position via his LinkedIn profile under digital marketing. The duration depends on the requirements of the specific organisation. Chopra and Nakra use a lot of case studies, videos and interesting exer- cises to explain concepts. The duo has held over 75 workshops across India, Singapore and Malaysia and trained nearly 6,000 people. They have also cre- ated a marketing course for an Indian corporate to be used in their training programmes. On an average, 20-35 peo- ple attend a workshop. The team also held a day long session at BITS Pilani’s Goa campus in early August. p1 Who can participate Digital Vidya’s workshops are mainly p2 targeted at marketing professionals, PROs, product managers, web manag- ers, senior executives, entrepreneurs p3 and content teams. While most of the workshops are conducted by either Chopra or Nakra, occasionally they p4 call in external trainers. Twitter ex- perts Shrinath Navghane and Nikhil Kumar Verma have chaired a few ses- p5 sions. Digital Vidya presently employs 10 people. p6 What do you learn p7 Participants are taught about the sig- nificance of social/digital media for The Digital Vidya team marketing, how to strategise, plan and p8 execute campaigns successfully and become a pro. “The workshop was very informative and interactive. The train- without engagement does not produce p9 ers answered all our questions in detail Know the trainers results. Companies need to understand and made the concept clear,” says 26- year-old Akshat Mathur, senior plan- Pradeep Chopra and Kapil Nakra graduated in BTech from IIT-Delhi (1995-1999). While this,” says Nakra. p10 ning manager, Madison India. “Since I Chopra worked in TCS for a year, Nakra was with Kizna, a Japanese start-up before the Remuneration am with a digital marketing agency, I need to have a basic understanding of entrepreneur bug bit the duo. In 2000, they started Whizlabs Software. “My only aim then was to start something different. Luckily the change in the exam pattern of Sun Freshers with good writing skills can p11 how the medium works. After the work- Microsystems helped us become a leader in the IT prep domain,” says Chopra. earn `15,000 monthly. Veterans can shop, I’m able to convince our clients to In fact Whizlabs proved to be the foundation for their foray into internet market- hope to earn as high as `1 lakh per p12 invest in online marketing.” ing. “This is where we learned all our digital skills. We were forced to sell our products month. But how does one find employ- Jiveshdeep Singh Sandhu, deputy online,” recalls Chopra. “Since no one was buying our e-learning programme for Java ment? “Jobs sites are the best places. manager-marketing, Toyota, who has certification, we posted it online. It was picked up by various discussion forums and the At the same time, before listing your p13 over 10 years of experience in the field, product started selling. Even now 95 per cent of our revenue is generated outside India resume, update and expand your pres- found a positive difference after he be- ence on social media networks. This gan implementing the tips he picked purely through online marketing,” adds 33-year-old Nakra. Whizlabs was so successful that they could sign on top clients like CISCO without will definitely help you to understand p14 up at a Digital Vidya workshop in 2010. even meeting them. In 2004, Whizlabs was given the ‘Most Innovative IT company’ the medium,” says Nakra. “The practical insights they offered award by NASSCOM. Last year it earned around $0.4 million. p15 was great. Earlier we were not engag- ing with the customers in the best pos- The successful use of online marketing for Whi- dvBytes zlabs convinced the two that this is the future sible manner. After the workshop, we revised the content we post on our so- and they decided to specialise in it — all of In April, Chopra and Nakra set up dv- Bytes. It offers social media marketing p16 their ventures are related to digital and cial pages. This significantly improved social marketing. services and caters to FMCG, e-com- our level of interactions with our cus- Early this year, during the ICC Cricket merce, tech and entertainment sectors. p17 tomers,” he says. World Cup, they launched the world’s The income generated from this ven- first social network for cricket, ture is used to fund Digital Vidya. Qualities of a good Chopra describes it as “a place where While the forecast is bright for social p18 people have fun with each other around media managers, at the moment the marketeer field is in its infancy. Just 5 per cent of The only way to excel in marketing, a sport”. The website has over 3,000 members. Despite a successful launch, the the ads are digital. Brand building is p19 says Nakra, is to “participate as a peer, duo is planning to rebrand in order still largely done on other media. “Only focus on the target groups’ needs rath- er than your business objectives, be to attract a wider audience. They also founded OM Careers and few internet-based businesses exclu- sively use the digital world. However, p20 authentic, disciplined with your post- OMLogic Consulting. Both specialise in online contribution of the digital for building ings on social networks and focus on engagement more than acquisition”. marketing — Careers works as a network- ing-cum-training platform and Logic offers and promoting a brand is increasing given the number of people present on p21 marketing services. this medium,” says Chopra. Challenges Despite contrasting working styles — Chopra is more into the details and The duo’s future plans include ex- panding the workshops to new geogra- p22 As it is a relatively new field — only Nakra prefers to look at the overall phies, continuously increasing custom- two-three years old, people are skepti- picture — the two have stuck on er delight and scaling up dvBytes ■ p23 cal and new performance metrics need since college. “We were friends in — to be evolved. “Connecting business college and our desires matched. objectives with the needs of the target We also have a mutual respect p24 group is a must to create an engag- for each other’s calibre and that’s get in touch ing community. Businesses currently why we decided to do something Mail your contributions are focusing only on community size together,” says Nakra ■ Kapil Nakra and feedback to: (fans, follows etc). But community size