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    NYU Stern

    George Washington University

                                   JUne 16, 2010
          A Think TAnk
            for PresTige BrAnds

© L2 2010
L2 is a think tank for prestige brands.                                 UPCOMING COMING SOON:

                                 We bring together thought leaders from industry and academia                                               NYU Stern 06. 23.10
                                 to help brands navigate the changing digital landscape.

                                                                                                                            MOBILE CLINIC
RESEARCH:                        digital iQ indices: The definitive benchmark for online competence
                                                                                                                    Academics and industry leaders highlight
EvENTS:                          Forums: The largest gatherings of prestige executives in North                      the trends and best practices of mobile
                                 America (500+ attendees)                                                                   in the prestige sector in a half-day
                                 Clinics: Executive education in a classroom setting                                                            intensive clinic
                                 (80-150 attendees)
                                 Working Lunches: Members-only lunches led by thought leaders
                                 and academics (12-24 attendees)
                                 MBA Mashups: Access to digital marketing talent from top
                                 MBA schools
                                                                                                                                 CHINA CLINIC
                                                                                                                                            NYU Stern 09.10.10
ADvISORY SERvICES:               Long Term engagements & Flash Consulting

MEMBERSHIP:                      For membership info and inquiries:


           DIGITAL Iq                              DIGITAL Iq                DIGITAL Iq   DIGITAL Iq DIGITAL Iq      DIGITAL Iq DIGITAL Iq
           Automobiles                              Pharma                     China      U.S. Senate   Specialty      Luxury      Travel

             CLINIC                    CLINIC                    FORUM        CLINIC                                   CLINIC     CLINIC       FORUM        CLINIC

           The Social                Organizing                 Generation     Mobile                                  Digital    The New     Innovation   Ecommerce
             Graph                   for Digital                  Next                                                 China     Media Plan      2010         2.0

                         CHINA               SOCIAL SHOPPING                  iPAD IMPLICATIONS                PRESTIGE SOCIAL MEDIA CASE STUDIES

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The Biggest Opportunity for Prestige
Brands in a Generation
Prestige brands can do a mediocre job in every other market and still grow revenues and profits
substantially by getting one thing right: China. Year after year of double-digit growth has resulted in tens
of millions of Chinese consumers armed with disposable income and a voracious appetite for luxury goods.
In 2009 China surpassed the United States and is now the world’s second-largest luxury market, trailing
only Japan. However, while many prestige brands have been in China for almost 20 years, most are still
trying to determine how best to tap into this huge but complex opportunity.

Preparing to Fight the Last War                                                           retail strategies for most luxury companies as they grapple
                                                                                          with expansion. While many foreign luxury brands stare at their
The China strategy for most luxury companies has followed a
                                                                                          digital navel (i.e., do little), third-party sites such as
traditional path: enormous investments in theater retail in Tier 1
                                                                                          cater to a Chinese luxury consumer who values the conve-
cities buttressed by lavish public relations events and print ad-
                                                                                          nience and access of online shopping.
vertising. However, in a country with 384 million internet users1
(more than the U.S. and Japan combined), and an e-commerce
market that quadrupled from 2006 to 2009, luxury companies                                To the victor Go the Spoils
should question whether they are fighting tanks on horseback.                             Although most prestige brands have largely ignored the digital
                                                                                          phenomenon in China, some have gone online and are starting
An estimated 80 percent of Chinese luxury consumers are be-                               to reap rewards. The disparity is substantial. Of the 100 brands
low the age of 45, versus 30 percent in the U.S. and 19 percent                           in our study, 20 do not have a Chinese language site and only
in Japan 2, suggesting a prestige customer that is considerably                           ten are e-commerce enabled. This translates to a market that
more digitally native. Furthermore, approximately three quarters                          will likely provide an enormous accretion in shareholder value
of wealth creation in China through 2015 is expected to take
                                                                                          to a finite number of players in each category.
place outside of Tier 1 cities, creating a massive wrinkle in the

1 “China’s Digital Generations 2.0”, Boston Consulting Group, May 2010
2 “The Coming of Age: China’s New Class of Wealthy Consumers”, McKinsey & Company, 2009

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inTrOdUCTiOn                                                       AddressABLe MArkeT FOr PresTige BrAnds OnLine
                                                                         Comparing the World’s Three Largest Markets

Digital Iq = Growth                                                    CHINA                     U N I T E D S TAT E S                       J A PA N
Our thesis is that success in the world’s fastest growing market                   Projected 2010 Luxury Market Growth:
is inextricably linked to digital competence. Our study attempts
                                                                       +15%                                +4%                                 -3%
to quantify the digital aptitude in China of 100 global prestige
brands. Our aim is to provide a robust tool to diagnose digital                       % of Luxury Consumers Under 45:
strengths and weaknesses and help prestige brands achieve
                                                                             80%                            30%                                19%
greater return on incremental investment. In addition, Doug
Guthrie, Dean and Management Professor at the George Wash-                                       # of Internet Users:
ington School of Business has provided “Ten Commandments                                                 =10 million
for Commerce in China” based on his 25 years of experience
advising corporations and governments on the country.

Similar to the medium we are assessing, our methodology is                   840
dynamic, and we hope you will reach out to us with comments                million
that improve our approach, investigation, and findings.

You can reach us at and dguthrie@stern.

Sincerely,                                                         384

sCOTT gALLOWAy                         dOUg gUThrie                                                                    221
Clinical Associate Professor           Professor of Management,
of Marketing, NYU Stern                NYU Stern
Founder, L2                            Incoming Dean,
                                       GW Business School                                                                                92                96
                                                                                                                                      million           million

                                                                   2009          2013                2009            2013               2009           2013

                                                                    Sources: “Luxury Goods Worldwide Market Study: Spring 2010 Update”, Bain & Company, April 2010;
                                                                          “The Coming of Age: China’s New Class of Wealthy Consumers”, McKinsey & Company, 2009;
                                                                                                                                         eMarketer, December 2009

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M e T h O d O LO gy

Site - 40%:      Effectiveness of a brand’s site. Half of the score
is based on brand translation elements and the other half reflects                      key Tier 1 & Tier 2 CiTies in ChinA
content functionality and customer service on the site.
  •	 Brand	Translation
    •    Aesthetics
    •    Messaging & Interactivity
    •    Chinese Relevance

  •	 Functionality	&	Content
     •   Host Location
     •   Localized Content, Products, & Promotions
     •   Customer Service Availability
     •   E-commerce                                                                                                                     Shenyang
Search Engine Optimization - 25%:               Site traffic and                                                        Tianjin
visibility of brand on popular search engines.
  •	 Traffic	to	Chinese	Site
	 •	 Traffic	from	China	to	Global	Site                                                                                            Nanjing
	 •	 Organic	Visibility	on	Baidu	&	Google
                                                                                                                    Wuhan             Ningbo
                                                                                                   Chengdu                 Hangzhou
Social Media - 20%: Brand presence, following, content                                                           Chongqing
and influence on major SNS (Social Network Service) platforms.                                                                          Xiamen
  •	 RenRen                                                           = TIER 1 CITIES
  •                                                                   = TIER 2 CITIES                                           Shenzhen
	 •	 Youku
	 •	 Kaixin001

Digital Marketing - 15%: Off-site brand presence and
marketing efforts.
	 •	 Activity	on	BBS	(Bulletin	Board	System)	Sites
	 •	 Mobile	(Compatibility	and	Applications)
	 •	 Email	Marketing
	 •	 Brand	Blogs	&	Microsites

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                5

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d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g

      Overall                                         Category
      Rank      Brand           Category                  Rank   Digital Iq Class   Description
                                                                                    Search-optimized site delivers on sales and local relevance; manages brand
      1         LANCôME         Beauty & Skincare           1        167 Genius
                                                                                    community four million subscribers strong

                                                                                    Strong presence across SNS and BBS sites; online owners’ club connects brand
      2         BMW             Automobiles                 1        157 Genius

      2         ESTéE LAUDER    Beauty & Skincare           2        157 Genius     Site features Chinese celebrities and local products

                                                                                    Brand presence is strong in social media; one of three auto brands that main-
      4         AUDI            Automobiles                 2        150 Genius
                                                                                    tains active social forums

      5         CLINIqUE        Beauty & Skincare           3        146 Genius     Impressive site platform; could do better tapping potential of the social web

                                                                                    Ranks highest in social media; cleverly designed an online ad for its new model,
      6         MERCEDES-BENZ   Automobiles                 3        138 Gifted
                                                                                    which was launched on the day of eclipse in China

      7         CLARINS         Beauty & Skincare           4        137 Gifted     Content is tailored to local consumers; maintains brand blog

                                                                                    Strongest site ranking in category, but falls short of peers in social media and
      8         ACURA           Automobiles                 4        130 Gifted
                                                                                    digital marketing

      9         CADILLAC        Automobiles                 5        124 Gifted     Site platform delivers, but brand lags in social media

                                                                                    Only Chinese brand to break into the top 10; strong site traffic and consumer
      10        WULIANGYE       Spirits & Champagne         1        121 Gifted

      11        LEXUS           Automobiles                 6        119 Gifted     Functional site that is tailored for Chinese consumers

      12        LAND ROvER      Automobiles                 7        118 Gifted     Strong digital presence, but can't compete with site traffic of others in category

      12        INFINITI        Automobiles                 8        118 Gifted     One of the few auto brands that does not offer email opt-in

      14        MOUTAI          Spirits & Champagne         2        115 Gifted     Chinese liquor brand is only in category to sell online

                                                                                    Although brand dominates jewelry buzz, site is poorly translated and boutique
      15        CARTIER         Watches & Jewelry           1        114 Gifted
                                                                                    locations are in English

      16        PORSCHE         Automobiles                 9        113 Gifted     Automaker maintains a BBS forum for fans, but IQ is hindered by limited traffic

                                                                                    Local beauty leader keeps pace with global competitors by virtue of strong
      17        HERBORIST       Beauty & Skincare           5        112 Gifted
                                                                                    e-commerce site

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d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g

      Overall                                          Category
      Rank      Brand            Category                  Rank   Digital Iq Class   Description
                                                                                     Brand supports limited local content beyond recent long-form video set in
      18        CHRISTIAN DIOR   Beauty & Skincare           6        109 Average
                                                                                     Shanghai but in English

      19        LOUIS vUITTON    Fashion                     1        108 Average    Best in class in lagging Fashion category

                                                                                     Tops category in search, but limited social media presence prevents brand
      19        TIFFANY          Watches & Jewelry           2        108 Average
                                                                                     from entering Gifted ranks

      19        LUk FOOk         Watches & Jewelry           3        108 Average    Hong Kong jeweler is the only brand in category to transact online

                                                                                     Recently launched iPhone application highlights facets of contemporary
      22        SHANGHAI TANG    Fashion                     2        107 Average
                                                                                     Shanghai lifestyle

                                                                                     Generates a lot of mentions in social media, but lacks commerce orientation of
      23        CHRISTIAN DIOR   Fashion                     3        105 Average
                                                                                     more gifted peers

                                                                                     Watchmaker boasts top site scores in category; uses a mix of Chinese and
      24        OMEGA            Watches & Jewelry           4        103 Average
                                                                                     global celebrities to build brand online

      25        SWAROvSkI        Watches & Jewelry           5        102 Average    Strong product-oriented site, but does not transact

                                                                                     Asian roots and skin care technology resonate; brand tops category in social
      25        SHISEIDO         Beauty & Skincare           7        102 Average

      27        GUCCI            Fashion                     4        101 Average    Site visibility and high traffic give brand an SEO boost

                                                                                     Renowned watch brand's site underperforms but rest of category can't com-
      28        ROLEX            Watches & Jewelry           6         99 Average
                                                                                     pete with its social buzz

      28        CHANEL           Fashion                     5         99 Average    One of the most talked about brands in fashion in China gets big SNS boost

      30        CHIvAS REGAL     Spirits & Champagne         3         98 Average    Established a virtual band to publicize the spirit of the brand

                                                                                     Brand features a popular Chinese model on its site in an effort to appeal to a
      31        YUE-SAI          Beauty & Skincare           8         96 Average
                                                                                     younger demographic

                                                                                     Mobile compatibility, iPhone app, and email opt-in allow brand to lead digital
      31        LONGINES         Watches & Jewelry           7         96 Average
                                                                                     marketing efforts in challenged category

      33        LA MER           Beauty & Skincare           9         95 Average    Brand is all over SEO and SEM; site comes up first across the board

      33        TAG HEUER        Watches & Jewelry           8         95 Average    Site features local celebrities, but loses points for poor product search

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                             7

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d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g

      Overall                                              Category
      Rank      Brand                Category                  Rank   Digital Iq Class     Description
                                                                                           Brand is taking strides and advertising Shanghai store opening; comparison of
      35        COACH                Fashion                     6         94 Average
                                                                                           5th Avenue and Huai Hai Road resonates

      36        RéMY MARTIN          Spirits & Champagne         4         91 Average      One of the few Western brands to compete for buzz with local liquor leaders

      37        GUERLAIN             Beauty & Skincare          10         90 Average      Despite lack of e-commerce, the brand highlights products that are locally relevant

      38        L’OCCITANE           Beauty & Skincare          11         89 Challenged   Loses points for limited video content on Youku

      39        Sk-II                Beauty & Skincare          12         87 Challenged   Beauty brand is hampered by poor visibility on search

                                                                                           The household name in auto has significant social media presence and a
      40        FERRARI              Automobiles                10         86 Challenged
                                                                                           strong site

      41        BALENCIAGA           Fashion                     7         85 Challenged   Digitally on par with much larger competitors due to strong SEO

      41        BURBERRY             Fashion                     7         85 Challenged   British digital darling doesn't resonate on Chinese social media sites

      43        HERMèS               Fashion                     9         84 Challenged   Site lacks information tailored to local consumer, but brand generates great buzz

                                                                                           Early mover in China with strong e-commerce presence, but can't compete on
      44        PORTS 1961           Fashion                    10         82 Challenged
                                                                                           social media buzz

      45        ALFRED DUNHILL       Fashion                    11         78 Challenged   Digital efforts are not on par with aggressive retail strategy

      46        HENNESSY             Spirits & Champagne         5         76 Challenged   Brand has generated online buzz through China launch of Hennessy Classivm

                                                                                           Popularity online hampered by recent entry into Chinese market, but brand gets
      47        vAN CLEEF & ARPELS   Watches & Jewelry           9         75 Challenged
                                                                                           boost from local brand spokesperson Zhang Ziyi

      48        SWELLFUN             Spirits & Champagne         6         73 Challenged   Local brand has a basic site and weak digital marketing efforts

      49        FERRAGAMO            Fashion                    12         72 Challenged   A small brand struggling to be more visible in the social media sphere

                                                                                           More popular among older customers, which explains the low mentions in
      49        LACOSTE              Fashion                    13         72 Challenged
                                                                                           social media

      49        PIAGET               Watches & Jewelry          10         72 Challenged   Site mixes Chinese and English text with little integration

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                        8

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d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g

      Overall                                               Category
      Rank      Brand                 Category                  Rank   Digital Iq Class   Description
                                                                                          More than 35 percent of site traffic originates in China, but still doesn't offer an
      52        vACHERON CONSTANTIN   Watches & Jewelry          11         69 Feeble
                                                                                          email opt-in

                                                                                          A luxury brand in the making, but struggles to compete with global fashion
      53        NE.TIGER              Fashion                    14         68 Feeble
                                                                                          houses online

                                                                                          Site does a poor job of relating to local culture; some parts in English and not
      53        MONTBLANC             Watches & Jewelry          12         68 Feeble

      53        MOvADO                Watches & Jewelry          13         68 Feeble     Limited social media mentions indicates low popularity

                                                                                          One of three automakers that fails to host a Chinese site, but does make
      53        BENTLEY               Automobiles                11         68 Feeble
                                                                                          Chinese dealer information available

      57        ROLLS-ROYCE           Automobiles                12         67 Feeble     Site is not available in Chinese but gets slight boost from mobile compatibility

      57        RALPH LAUREN          Fashion                    15         67 Feeble     U.S. digital Genius struggles in China

      59        ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA     Fashion                    16         66 Feeble     Site loses points for haphazard translation

      59        JAEGER-LECOULTRE      Watches & Jewelry          14         66 Feeble     Digital IQ is stifled by poor search visibility

                                                                                          Brand is trying, featuring brand ambassador Fan Bing Bing at recent event and
      59        HUBLOT                Watches & Jewelry          15         66 Feeble
                                                                                          on its site

                                                                                          Although Italian fashion house lacks Chinese site, its SNS popularity is second
      62        PRADA                 Fashion                    17         65 Feeble
                                                                                          only to Chanel and Louis Vuitton in category

      63        BALLANTINE’S          Spirits & Champagne         7         64 Feeble     Site load time is a hindrance

      63        HUGO BOSS             Fashion                    18         64 Feeble     Brand gets boost from iPhone app and mobile site, although both are in English

                                                                                          Poor language translation; most products fail to incorporate proper
      65        BACCARAT              Watches & Jewelry          16         63 Feeble
                                                                                          Chinese names

                                                                                          The Italian carmaker extends little effort online, but brand still resonates with
      65        LAMBORGHINI           Automobiles                13         63 Feeble
                                                                                          SNS users

      65        vERSACE               Fashion                    19         63 Feeble     Good brand presence on SNS despite the lack of a Chinese language site

      68        PATEk PHILIPPE        Watches & Jewelry          17         62 Feeble     Few customer service options on site

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                        9

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d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g

      Overall                                           Category
      Rank      Brand             Category                  Rank   Digital Iq Class   Description

      68        RAYMOND WEIL      Watches & Jewelry          17         62 Feeble     Despite its recent brick-and-mortar retail expansion, digital lags

                                                                                      A Hong Kong brand launched in Paris; good site, but limited social
      70        qEELIN            Watches & Jewelry          19         61 Feeble
                                                                                      media presence

                                                                                      Although the site presents a Chinese language option, everything still reads in
      70        DOLCE & GABBANA   Fashion                    20         61 Feeble

                                                                                      Lack of a Chinese language option prevents this LVMH brand from keeping
      70        BENEFIT           Beauty & Skincare          13         61 Feeble
                                                                                      pace with peers in Beauty

                                                                                      Almost 10 percent of site traffic originates in China, but the brand lacks search
      73        JOHNNIE WALkER    Spirits & Champagne         8         60 Feeble
                                                                                      engine visibility

      73        HARRY WINSTON     Watches & Jewelry          20         60 Feeble     Despite this jeweler’s significant history in China, few mentions in social media

                                                                                      More than 20 percent of site traffic originates in China, but brand does not have
      73        FENDI             Fashion                    21         60 Feeble
                                                                                      Chinese language version

      73        BULGARI           Watches & Jewelry          22         60 Feeble     Significant buzz for category—particularly on RenRen—but site disappoints

      77        BULOvA            Watches & Jewelry          22         59 Feeble     Chinese site fails to reflect luxury positioning

      77        IWC               Watches & Jewelry          23         59 Feeble     Chinese site appears to be a direct translation of the English version

      79        GIORGIO ARMANI    Fashion                    22         58 Feeble     Weak site that uses only Western models

      79        LOUIS XIII        Spirits & Champagne         9         58 Feeble     Lacks basic elements including email opt-in

      81        DEBEERS           Watches & Jewelry          24         57 Feeble     Very little social media buzz and a poor site lowers the score

                                                                                      Limited buzz hampers IQ, but easily navigable site stands out despite limited
      81        DAvID YURMAN      Watches & Jewelry          24         57 Feeble
                                                                                      translated elements

      83        BALLY             Fashion                    23         51 Feeble     Mediocre site with a haphazard blend of Chinese and English

                                                                                      Buzz is on par with much larger brands, but site efforts are the most limited in
      84        GIvENCHY          Fashion                    24         48 Feeble
                                                                                      the category

      85        vALENTINO         Fashion                    25         47 Feeble     No Chinese adaptation of site; limited presence on SNS sites

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                 10

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d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g

      Overall                                              Category
      Rank      Brand                Category                  Rank   Digital Iq Class   Description

      85        DEWAR’S              Spirits & Champagne        10         47 Feeble     One of the least-known brands in category; online efforts suffer

      87        MARC JACOBS          Fashion                    26         46 Feeble     Brand SNS popularity lags behind; no Chinese site

                                                                                         Recently opened first store in China; online customer service is limited to U.S.
      88        GRAFF                Watches & Jewelry          26         44 Feeble
                                                                                         and U.K.

      88        YvES SAINT LAURENT   Fashion                    27         44 Feeble     Poor site without any Chinese adaptation

                                                                                         Recently started a China tour for its 135th anniversary; however, social buzz is
      90        AUDEMARS PIGUET      Watches & Jewelry          27         43 Feeble
                                                                                         still low for the brand

                                                                                         Although brand maintains Chinese language version, site suffers from limited
      91        ROYAL SALUTE         Spirits & Champagne        11         42 Feeble

      92        PERRIER-JOUëT        Spirits & Champagne        12         41 Feeble     Like others in category, no Chinese language site

                                                                                         Despite providing users with a China option, no Chinese language version of
      93        BOTTEGA vENETA       Fashion                    28         39 Luddite
                                                                                         site is available

      94        MOëT & CHANDON       Spirits & Champagne        13         34 Luddite    Gets slight edge over competitors from significant traffic

      94        CHOPARD              Watches & Jewelry          28         34 Luddite    Jeweler is virtually invisible on Baidu; no Chinese language site

      96        SHANGHAI WHITE       Spirits & Champagne        14         32 Luddite    Local Diageo launch has generated few mentions in social media

      97        PIPER-HEIDSIECk      Spirits & Champagne        15         30 Luddite    Though site lacks Chinese language, aesthetics still resonate with local audience

      98        vEUvE CLICqUOT       Spirits & Champagne        16         28 Luddite    Lack of Chinese site and low popularity hampers IQ

      99        DOM PéRIGNON         Spirits & Champagne        17         23 Luddite    Brand has virtually ignored digital media in China

      100       FRANCk MULLER        Watches & Jewelry          29         21 Luddite    No Chinese site and lowest social media mentions of any brand in the study

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                    11

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key Findings
                                                                                            d i g i TA L A d O P T i O n By C AT e g O r y
Selling Is knowing                                                                 % of brand sites per category with the following attributes:

Although the size of the e-commerce market in China quadru-
                                                                                                         AUTO                                                      = YES
pled from 2006 to 2009 1, only ten of the 100 prestige brands in
                                                                                   CHINESE LANGUAGE:     84.5%                            15.5%                    = NO
our study offer online transactions.
                                                                                 E-COMMERCE ENABLED:     0%                                100%

On average, brands that sell boast Digital IQs 50 points higher
                                                                                                         BEAUTY & SKINCARE
than brands that do not embrace e-commerce, suggesting that
                                                                                   CHINESE LANGUAGE:     92%                                 8%
e-commerce boosts innovation and investment across Site
Platform, Search, Digital Marketing, and Social Media.                           E-COMMERCE ENABLED:     46%                                54%

The Beauty & Skincare category is a leader in e-commerce,                                                FASHION

with six of 13 brands selling online. The only foreign brand to                    CHINESE LANGUAGE:     68%                                32%
sell online outside of Beauty is Fashion brand and China first-                  E-COMMERCE ENABLED:     7%                                 93%
mover Ports 1961.
                                                                                                         WATCHES & JEWELRY

Big Winners                                                                        CHINESE LANGUAGE:     90%                                10%
                                                                                 E-COMMERCE ENABLED:     3.5%                             96.5%
Unlike more mature markets where prestige brands are
clustered together in a digital arms race, digital Geniuses in
                                                                                                         CHAMPAGNE & SPIRITS
China are pulling away from the pack. Brands in the Genius
                                                                                   CHINESE LANGUAGE:     70.5%                            29.5%
category boast Digital IQs nearly double the average of the rest
                                                                                 E-COMMERCE ENABLED:     6%                                 94%
of the pack and are growing online communities, transactions,
and goodwill.

Meanwhile, the 63 percent of brands ranked Challenged
and below are barely out of digital diapers. Of these brands,                                       s i T e s O P h i s T i C AT i O n
                                                                                           % of brand sites with the following attributes:
64 percent lack no-brainer functionality including a store
locator. Over half do not offer users the opportunity to sign
                                                                                   CHINESE LANGUAGE:     80%                                20%                    = YES
up for email.
                                                                                                         62%                                38%                    = NO
                                                                           LOCATE RETAIL WITHIN CHINA:

1 iResearch, February 2009                                                               CHINESE URL:    56%                                44%

                                                                   PROMOTE BRAND EVENTS WITHIN CHINA:    40%                                60%
                                                                                E-COMMERCE ENABLED:      10%                                90%

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                  12

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key Findings
                                                                                                                                     sOCiAL MediA BrAnd BUzz: renren                                                                                                                = IN ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                      Prestige Brands with the Most Mentions                                                                                                        = IN CHINESE
Social Mania                                                                                                                                         (May 2010)

Although many prestige brands are eliciting thousands of user-                           70,000
generated comments, video uploads, blog posts, and photos
on popular SNS sites RenRen, Qzone, Kaixin001, and YouKu,
very few are interacting directly with consumers on these sites.                         50,000

                                                                   Number of Mentions
Even user-generated content suggests a dearth of localized
Chinese digital assets, and more than 50 percent of the esti-
mated 125,000 videos uploaded to YouKu are in English.                                   30,000

Some digitally savvy brands are beginning to engage directly                             20,000
with users on SNS platforms. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and BMW
host contests on RenRen, while Dior has a page on Qzone.
Digital Genius Lancôme boasts an official group on Kaixin001                                 0
                                                                                                       W                      NZ                     ON        DI              QU
                                                                                                                                                                                    E                      RI              IDO                    E
with more than 250,000 members. Johnnie Walker also hosts a                                       BM                    -BE                   IT T        AU             INI                          RA             ISE                     ÔM              RS
                                                                                                                   ES                    VU                         CL                          FER                                     NC                                          RG
                                                                                                               D                                                                                                SH                 LA                   PO                   MB
                                                                                                        R   CE                     UIS                                                                                                                                  LA
group on the platform.                                                                             ME                         LO

                                                                                                                                         sOCiAL MediA BrAnd BUzz: QzOne                                                                                                             = IN ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                          Prestige Brands with the Most Mentions                                                                                                    = IN CHINESE
                                                                                                                                                         (May 2010)


                                                                   Number of Mentions




                                                                                                       W                      NZ                     ON        DI               RI                          R
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               E              EL                       INI                 AI
                                                                                                  BM                    -BE                   IT T        AU               RA                         DIO            RS                  AN                       GH                     UT
                                                                                                               D   ES                    VU                         FER                         IAN             PO                  CH                   B   OR                 MO
Dior	beauty	page	on	SNS	site	Qzone.                                                                     R   CE                     UIS                                                  RIS                                                           AM
                                                                                                   ME                         LO                                                CH                                                                L

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13

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key Findings

                            Lancôme’s group page on
                            Kaixin001	(left)	has	over	
                            250,000 members.
                            The brand regularly engages
                            its audience with
                            contests	(below).

                                                                             Mercedes-Benz	fan	page	
                                                                                        on renren.

© L2 2010                                                                              14

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key Findings
                                                                                                           estée Lauder’s branded

Mighty Microsites                                                                                          community site:
Four of the brands in the study have invested in branded 2.0
communities. Digital Genius Lancôme launched an online
community, Rose Beauty, in 2006 and claims four million sub-
scribers. Estée Lauder and Clarins also host branded beauty

In Automobiles, BMW has created a community for the estimated
150,000 BMW drivers in China through its site.
Meanwhile, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, and Porsche have created
simple-interface BBS sites to help facilitate discussions with
brand evangelists.

                                                                  Lancôme’s rose Beauty online
Porsche’s BBs site:                                              community site, which has over                                                     four million subscribers:

© L2 2010                                                                                                                    15

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key Findings
                                                                                                                 s e A r C h r e s U LT s F O r B r A n d n A M e s
                                                                                                                  Position of Brand sites in search results
Google: A Distant Second
While homegrown search engine Baidu boasts 62 percent                                     100%
market share in China 1, only 39 percent of prestige brands
come up first in its organic search results when searching for
the English brand name. Meanwhile, 94 percent of brand sites                                80%
come up first on, which recently exited China,
suggesting that brands approach search visibility with a
Google-centric mentality that fails to recognize the Baidu algo-                            60%                                                     57%
rithm and local nuances. Chinese brand name visibility is very
poor, and approximately 30 percent of brand sites are not re-                                           43%
turned among the top three results on either search engine for                                                                 39%
Chinese brand name searches, indicating the difficulties of                                                                                              30%
brand name translation for many multinational brands.
Mobile: Can You Hear Me Now?
There are an estimated 745 million mobile phone subscribers in                                                                                                                2%
China 2, and more than one quarter of mobile users access the                                0%
                                                                                                      BAIDU: Chinese         BAIDU: English      GOOGLE: Chinese      GOOGLE: English
internet through their phones 3, but only 42 percent of brands                                        Brand Name             Brand Name          Brand Name           Brand Name

have mobile-enabled sites. Because China has considerably
                                                                                                                                                  = 1ST pOSITION       = OuTSIdE TOp 3
lower in-home internet penetration than most developed
nations, and many Chinese consumers move directly from no
internet to mobile internet, it is imperative for luxury brands to
develop a mobile strategy. Hong Kong brand Shanghai Tang is
one of the first luxury brands to incorporate a Chinese language
iPhone application. Launched in April 2010, the app gives users
a taste of Shanghai.

1 “China Online”, eMarketer, December 2010
2 Ministry of the Information Industry, People’s Republic of China, August 2009
3 “Global Device Insight Report”, Nielsen, October 2009
                                                                                         shanghai Tang’s
                                                                                  “City Chic” iPhone app,
                                                                                     available in Chinese
                                                                                              and english

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                                   16

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key Findings

Local Learning?
Brands of Chinese or Hong Kong origin outperform their global
luxury peers by an average of 11 IQ points. Several local
brands are also early movers: Chinese liquor brand Moutai and
Hong Kong jeweler Luk Fook are the only brands in their cat-
egories to transact online. Chinese Beauty & Skincare upstart
Herborist and Hong Kong fashion house Shanghai Tang also
boast e-commerce capability. In general, local brands struggle
to match the buzz of foreign competitors in Social Media and
are not as visible to search engines. However, local brands still
achieve Site scores 50 percent higher than their foreign peers.

                                                                                             hong kong fashion retailer shanghai Tang’s
                                                                                             e-commerce-enabled site:
                                                 Brand site for                    
                                                 Chinese liquor
                                                 brand Moutai:

       hong kong
jeweler Luk Fook:                                                   e-commerce site for Chinese
                                                                        Beauty & skincare brand

© L2 2010                                                                                                                          17

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key Findings
                                                                                                      d i g i TA L i Q C O r r e L AT i O n :
                                                                                                              China & U.s. scores
Iq Correlation
Fifty-nine percent of the luxury brands in the China Digital IQ
study were also measured in our September 2009 L2 Luxury
Digital IQ Index focused on the U.S. market. Brands measured                          160
in both indexes demonstrated a correlation of 0.58 between
their Chinese Digital IQ and their U.S. Digital IQ, suggesting
that digital capability is being leveraged across geographies.

Beauty brands Lancôme, Clarins, and Estée Lauder showed                               120
the greatest positive disparity between Chinese and U.S. Digital
IQ, suggesting they recognize the scale of the opportunity in

                                                                    U.S. Digital IQ
China. Meanwhile, champagne brands Veuve Clicquot, Moët &
Chandon, and Dom Pérignon demonstrate the largest negative
disparity. None support a Chinese language version of their                            80
brand site.

                LO O k i n g g O O d i n C h i n A                                     60

                               China          U.S.
 Brand                      Digital Iq   Digital Iq    Difference                      40
 LANCôME                         162          109          +53
 CLARINS                         134           96          +38

 ESTéE LAUDER                    155          117          +38
                                                                                            20   40      60        80        100       120      140     160     180
                      n O T s O B U B B Ly                                                                         China Digital IQ
                               China          U.S.
 Brand                      Digital Iq   Digital Iq    Difference

 vEUvE CLICqUOT                   28          128          -100

 MOëT & CHANDON                   29          121            -92

 DOM PéRIGNON                     18          102            -84

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                18

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key Findings
                                                                                                         R E TA I L 	 F O O T P R I N T 	 V E R S U S 	 S O C I A L 	 B U Z Z

Brick and Mortar ≠ Brand Equity
A close look at the 28 fashion brands in the study suggests that
dramatic retail expansion may not offer the brand equity bump
brands have experienced in other markets. A comparison of the
retail footprint (number of stores and geographic reach) against
the number of user-generated comments on social networking
sites RenRen, Qzone, and YouKu (proxy for brand awareness)
demonstrates no correlation.

                                                                                (RenRen, Qzone, YouKu)
Brands like Hugo Boss, Ferragamo, and Ermenegildo Zegna
have pursued aggressive retail expansion strategies, includ-

                                                                     SNS Buzz
ing building stores outside of Tier 1 cities, but generate limited
buzz online. Meanwhile brands like Chanel, Givenchy, and Yves
Saint Laurent have a limited retail presence on the Chinese
mainland but generate substantial fan discussion on popular
social networking sites.

                                                                                                                           Chinese Retail Footprint

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                                      19

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10 COMMAndMenTs FOr COMMerCe in ChinA

1. Politics                                                             longer necessary. Corporations tend to obsess over the rela-
Politics and politicians matter as much as they did 15                  tionships at the expense of the understanding the institutions.
years ago, but for different reasons. The Chinese govern-
                                                                        Money is better spent on lawyers and accountants who
ment is no longer a haven for corrupt officials. The new genera-
                                                                        comprehend	the	complexity	and	nuances	of	the	rapidly	
tion of technocrats generally plays by the rules. They are smart,
                                                                        changing business environment.
strategic, often well trained in economics and business, and
want China to “win.”

                                                                        4. Localism
2. Institutions                                                         Local development means local opportunity. China is an
                                                                        exceptionally diverse, decentralized, and fractured market.
institutions matter more than culture. The majority of busi-
                                                                        Many companies mistakenly think that China is one market.
ness literature on China—from academic books to airport best
                                                                        Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Suzhou, and Chengdu all present
sellers—paints China as a radically different culture. In reality, it
                                                                        different challenges. As prestige brands focus on expanding
is more similar to the West than Japan.
                                                                        their marketing and retail presence in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities to
The impenetrable part of doing business in China is the                 tap into fresh sources of wealth, a one-size-fits all approach is
opacity of the institutions. China is a market economy under            less likely to succeed.
construction, and the government (at national, provincial, and
municipal levels) is constantly adding new rules and systems.
Understanding these new institutions is the most challenging            5. Entrepreneurial Local Governments
part of competing in China’s economy. Prestige executives                  Are an Opportunity
learned this lesson the hard way in March 2010, when officials          get out of shanghai and Beijing. These cities are crowded
at the Ministry of Tourism and Commerce in the wealthy Zhe-             with competition, and the governments lack an entrepreneurial
jiang province rejected imported goods from several brands              mindset. In contrast, Tier 2 cities have embraced economic
including Hermès, Dolce & Gabbana, and Versace for “quality             reform and are more flexible and eager regarding foreign
concerns.”                                                              direct investment. The Suzhou government’s joint venture with
                                                                        Singapore to create the Singapore-Suzhou Industrial Park and
                                                                        Chengdu’s bid to woo Intel away from Shanghai illustrate that
3. Lawyers, Not Relationship Managers                                   entrepreneurial local governments create opportunities for
since the early 1980s, a cottage industry has emerged                   corporations that are willing to look farther afield for upside.
selling advice on brokering relationships. This is a waste
of money, and these charlatans are selling something that is no

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                     20

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10 COMMAndMenTs FOr COMMerCe in ChinA

6. Local Competition                                                    9. Leadership
homegrown competition is a threat and an opportunity.                   invest in human capital. The leadership vacuum is a problem
Too often, local players are not taken seriously. This view is out      for all companies, domestic and foreign alike, particularly in
of date. Haier, Huawei, Jili, and Baidu are all emerging domestic       the prestige industry, which lacks qualified sales associates. A
brands that are outperforming their international counterparts.         reputation for investing in local talent is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

not a single global internet commerce or media leader
(e.g., Google, Ebay, Yahoo!, Amazon, etc.) has a leader-                10. Locate Near Universities
ship position in China. Forging alliances with dynamic local
                                                                        The human capital problem in China is a real one.
brands provides opportunities for companies that appreciate
                                                                        One way savvy multinationals address the issue is to locate
the strengths of these growing Chinese powerhouses. Even the
                                                                        near universities. There are several pockets of higher education
luxury industry, where demand is often thought to be depen-
                                                                        that serve as breeding grounds for eager talent.
dent on the virtue of foreign appeal, faces competition from
local players.

7. Understand Digital, Chinese-Style
China	has	a	frenzied	digital	scene,	but	it	is	very	local.	
Google never understood this. Baidu has established leader-
ship with a much more Chinese brand than ever as-
pired to be. Although Chinese consumers love foreign brands,
in the digital space they will opt for interfaces that cater to local
tastes. Partnering with Chinese technology firms, agencies, and
vendors is key to recognizing the digital opportunity.

8. Process Innovation
China’s inability to develop a native tech powerhouse is
often cited as evidence of a lack of innovation. This view
defines innovation too narrowly. China’s strength lies in process
innovation. Companies like Pepsi and IBM have benefitted from
the process innovation absorbed from their China operations.

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                       21

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r A n k i n g s By C AT e g O r y

                                   AUTOMOBiLes                                               B e A U T y & s k i n CA r e

           Category                       Overall                        Category                             Overall
           Rank       Brand                 Rank    Digital Iq Class     Rank       Brand                       Rank    Digital Iq Class

           1          BMW                      2        157 Genius       1          LANCôME                        1        167 Genius

           2          AUDI                     4        150 Genius       2          ESTéE LAUDER                   2        157 Genius

           3          MERCEDES-BENZ            6        138 Gifted       3          CLINIqUE                       5        146 Genius

           4          ACURA                    8        130 Gifted       4          CLARINS                        7        137 Gifted

           5          CADILLAC                 9        124 Gifted       5          HERBORIST                    17         112 Gifted

           6          LEXUS                  11         119 Gifted       6          CHRISTIAN DIOR               18         109 Average

           7          LAND ROvER             12         118 Gifted       7          SHISEIDO                     25         102 Average

           8          INFINITI               12         118 Gifted       8          YUE-SAI                      31          96 Average

           9          PORSCHE                16         113 Gifted       9          LA MER                       33          95 Average

           10         FERRARI                40          86 Challenged   10         GUERLAIN                     37          90 Average

           11         BENTLEY                53          68 Feeble       11         L’OCCITANE                   38          89 Challenged

           12         ROLLS-ROYCE            57          67 Feeble       12         Sk-II                        39          87 Challenged

           13         LAMBORGHINI            65          63 Feeble       13         BENEFIT                      70          61 Feeble

© L2 2010                                                                                                                            22

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r A n k i n g s By C AT e g O r y

                                                                          FA s h i O n

               Category                      Overall                              Category                             Overall
               Rank         Brand              Rank    Digital Iq Class           Rank       Brand                       Rank    Digital Iq Class

               1            LOUIS vUITTON       19         108 Average            15         RALPH LAUREN         57             67        Feeble

               2            SHANGHAI TANG       22         107 Average            16         ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA    59             66        Feeble

               3            CHRISTIAN DIOR      23         105 Average            17         PRADA                62             65        Feeble

               4            GUCCI               27         101 Average            18         HUGO BOSS            63             64        Feeble

               5            CHANEL              28          99 Average            19         vERSACE              65             63        Feeble

               6            COACH               35          94 Average            20         DOLCE & GABBANA      70             61        Feeble

               7            BALENCIAGA          41          85 Challenged         21         FENDI                73             60        Feeble

               7            BURBERRY            41          85 Challenged         22         GIORGIO ARMANI       79             58        Feeble

               9            HERMèS              43          84 Challenged         23         BALLY                83             51        Feeble

               10           PORTS 1961          44          82 Challenged         24         GIvENCHY             84             48        Feeble

               11           ALFRED DUNHILL      45          78 Challenged         25         vALENTINO            85             47        Feeble

               12           FERRAGAMO           49          72 Challenged         26         MARC JACOBS          87             46        Feeble

               13           LACOSTE             49          72 Challenged         27         YvES SAINT LAURENT   88             44        Feeble

               14           NE.TIGER            53          68 Feeble             28         BOTTEGA vENETA       93             39        Luddite

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                          23

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r A n k i n g s By C AT e g O r y

                                                                   W AT C h e s & J e W e L r y

               Category                           Overall                         Category                     Overall
               Rank         Brand                   Rank    Digital Iq Class      Rank       Brand               Rank    Digital Iq Class

               1            CARTIER                  15         114 Gifted         16        BACCARAT             65          63 Feeble

               2            TIFFANY                  19         108 Average        17        PATEk PHILIPPE       68          62 Feeble

               3            LUk FOOk                 19         108 Average        17        RAYMOND WEIL         68          62 Feeble

               4            OMEGA                    24         103 Average        19        qEELIN               70          61 Feeble

               5            SWAROvSkI                25         102 Average        20        HARRY WINSTON        73          60 Feeble

               6            ROLEX                    28          99 Average        22        BULGARI              73          60 Feeble

               7            LONGINES                 31          96 Average        22        BULOvA               77          59 Feeble

               8            TAG HEUER                33          95 Average        23        IWC                  77          59 Feeble

               9            vAN CLEEF & ARPELS       47          75 Challenged     24        DEBEERS              81          57 Feeble

               10           PIAGET                   49          72 Challenged     24        DAvID YURMAN         81          57 Feeble

               11           vACHERON CONSTANTIN      52          69 Feeble         26        GRAFF                88          44 Feeble

               12           MONTBLANC                53          68 Feeble         27        AUDEMARS PIGUET      90          43 Feeble

               13           MOvADO                   53          68 Feeble         28        CHOPARD               94         34 Luddite

               14           JAEGER-LECOULTRE         59          66 Feeble         29        FRANCk MULLER       100          21 Luddite

               15           HUBLOT                    59         66 Feeble

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r A n k i n g s By C AT e g O r y

                                             C h A M PA g n e & s P i r i T s

                             Category                           Overall
                             Rank       Brand                     Rank    Digital Iq Class

                             1          WULIANGYE                  10         121 Gifted

                             2          MOUTAI                     14         115 Gifted

                             3          CHIvAS REGAL               30           98 Average

                             4          RéMY MARTIN                36           91 Average

                             5          HENNESSY                   46           76 Challenged

                             6          SWELLFUN                   48           73 Challenged

                             7          BALLANTINE’S               63           64 Feeble

                             8          JOHNNIE WALkER             73           60 Feeble

                             9          LOUIS XIII                 79           58 Feeble

                             10         DEWAR’S                    85           47 Feeble

                             11         ROYAL SALUTE               91           42 Feeble

                             12         PERRIER-JOUëT              92           41 Feeble

                             13         MOëT & CHANDON             94           34 Luddite

                             14         SHANGHAI WHITE             96           32 Luddite

                             15         PIPER-HEIDSIECk            97           30 Luddite

                             16         vEUvE CLICqUOT             98           28 Luddite

                             17         DOM PéRIGNON               99           23 Luddite

© L2 2010                                                                                                                 25

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sCOTT gALLOWAy                                                     Emergence of Capitalism in China, China and Globalization: The
Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing, NYU Stern               Social, Economic and Political Transformation of Chinese
Founder, L2                                                        Society, and Social Connections in China: Institutions, Culture,
                                                                   and the Changing Nature of Guanxi. He is currently writing
Scott is a Clinical Associate Professor at the NYU Stern School
                                                                   China’s Radical Transformation: Economic Reform, Global
of Business where he teaches brand strategy and luxury
                                                                   Integration, and Political Change in the World’s Largest Nation,
marketing and is the founder of L2, a think tank for prestige
                                                                   which is an in-depth look at how China’s government-driven
brands. Scott is also the founder of Firebrand Partners, an
                                                                   form of capitalism has successfully overcome traditional theo-
operational activist firm that has invested more than $1 billion
                                                                   ries of development and helped China become the economic
in U.S. consumer and media companies. In 1997, he founded
                                                                   and political juggernaut it is today. In addition to these major
Red Envelope, an Internet-based branded consumer gift retailer
                                                                   works, Doug has published more than 60 articles on China and
(2007 revenues: $100 million). In 1992, Scott founded Prophet,
                                                                   has been an invited speaker on a number of occasions.
a brand strategy consultancy that employs more than 120
                                                                   Management, Leadership, and Corporate Governance are
professionals in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Scott was
                                                                   other areas of expertise.
elected to the World Economic Forum’s “Global Leaders of
Tomorrow,” which recognizes 100 individuals under age 40           Doug has taught at NYU Stern, Harvard Business School,
“whose accomplishments have had impact on a global level.”         INSEAD, and the graduate schools of business at Stanford
                                                                   University, Columbia University, and Emory University.
Scott has served on the boards of directors of Eddie Bauer
                                                                   He received his B.A. in Chinese literature from the University
(Nasdaq: EBHI), The New York Times Company (NYSE: NYT),
                                                                   of Chicago and a Ph.D. in organizational sociology from the
Gateway Computer, and UC Berkeley’s Haas School of
                                                                   UC Berkeley.
Business. He received a B.A. from UCLA and an M.B.A. from
UC Berkeley.

                                                                   AMAndA LiU
                                                                   Creative Director, Labbrand
dOUg gUThrie
Dean of the School of Business, George Washington                  Amanda is Vice President and Creative Director of Labbrand,
University; Founder Guthrie & Associates; Executive Academic       an innovative brand consulting agency based in Shanghai. She
Director, Berlin School of Creative Leadership                     has seven years of experience in consulting and has accumu-
                                                                   lated experience in branding, market/consumer research, and
Doug has been an expert in Chinese economic reform for
                                                                   branding-related creative work in the Chinese market. Amanda
more than decade, a trusted adviser of both multinationals and
                                                                   graduated from Shanghai Polytechnic University with a mas-
local Chinese companies and a student of China for some 25
                                                                   ter’s degree in applied linguistics. She also attended regular
years. He is the author of Dragon in a Three-Piece Suit: The
                                                                   training and workshops organized by ESOMAR.

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                               26

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MAUreen MULLen                                                      FABienne PeLLegrin
L2                                                                  L2
Maureen leads L2’s research and advisory group and has              Fabienne has several years of work experience in China.
benchmarked and/or developed digital and social media initia-       She attended Shanghai Jiaotong University for a year and
tives for over 300 prestige brands. She began her career at         then worked in marketing and public relations for luxury brands.
Triage Consulting Group in San Francisco. At Triage, she led        Fabienne also worked for DKSH as business development
several managed care payment review and payment bench-              executive, analyzing market trends and structuring compre-
marking projects for hospitals including UCLA Medical Center,       hensive business plans for foreign consumer health brands
UCSF, and HCA. She has gone on to lead research and con-            entering the Chinese market. Fabienne speaks Mandarin,
sulting efforts focused on digital media, private banking, M&A,     French, and Spanish. She has a B.S. from the École Hôtelière
insurance industry risk management, and renewable energy            de Lausanne and an M.B.A. from NYU Stern.
economics for professional firms and academics. Maureen
has a B.A. in Human Biology from Stanford University and an
M.B.A. from NYU Stern.

Guthrie & Associates
Vinay has focused on advising startups and helping early stage
ventures grow, commercialize, and reach their market potential
with regard to both business and legal issues. He is currently
writing a case study on Intel’s successful western expansion in
China that will be published in Harvard Business Review.
With Professor Guthrie, Vinay is editing The Invisible Hand, an
in-depth review of the history of corporate social responsibility
in the U.S. Vinay was a principal investigator at Foresight
Science & Technology, worked at the Environmental Defense
Fund, and has summered at the law firm Wilson Sonsini
Goodrich & Rosati. Mr. Ganti received his B.A. in international
relations from Brown University and his J.D./M.B.A. from New
York University.

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                               27
A Think TAnk
                      for PresTige BrAnds

    821 Broadway, 2nd Floor
    New York, NY 10003


© L2 2010

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China Digital IQ

  • 1. SCO T T G A L LO W AY NYU Stern DOUG GUTHRIE George Washington University JUne 16, 2010 A Think TAnk for PresTige BrAnds © L2 2010
  • 2. L2 is a think tank for prestige brands. UPCOMING COMING SOON: We bring together thought leaders from industry and academia NYU Stern 06. 23.10 to help brands navigate the changing digital landscape. MOBILE CLINIC RESEARCH: digital iQ indices: The definitive benchmark for online competence Academics and industry leaders highlight EvENTS: Forums: The largest gatherings of prestige executives in North the trends and best practices of mobile America (500+ attendees) in the prestige sector in a half-day Clinics: Executive education in a classroom setting intensive clinic (80-150 attendees) Working Lunches: Members-only lunches led by thought leaders and academics (12-24 attendees) MBA Mashups: Access to digital marketing talent from top MBA schools CHINA CLINIC NYU Stern 09.10.10 ADvISORY SERvICES: Long Term engagements & Flash Consulting MEMBERSHIP: For membership info and inquiries: 2010 CALENDAR: RESEARCH DIGITAL Iq DIGITAL Iq DIGITAL Iq DIGITAL Iq DIGITAL Iq DIGITAL Iq DIGITAL Iq Automobiles Pharma China U.S. Senate Specialty Luxury Travel Retail CLINIC CLINIC FORUM CLINIC CLINIC CLINIC FORUM CLINIC EvENTS The Social Organizing Generation Mobile Digital The New Innovation Ecommerce Graph for Digital Next China Media Plan 2010 2.0 WORkING LUNCHES CHINA SOCIAL SHOPPING iPAD IMPLICATIONS PRESTIGE SOCIAL MEDIA CASE STUDIES
  • 3. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us inTrOdUCTiOn The Biggest Opportunity for Prestige Brands in a Generation Prestige brands can do a mediocre job in every other market and still grow revenues and profits substantially by getting one thing right: China. Year after year of double-digit growth has resulted in tens of millions of Chinese consumers armed with disposable income and a voracious appetite for luxury goods. In 2009 China surpassed the United States and is now the world’s second-largest luxury market, trailing only Japan. However, while many prestige brands have been in China for almost 20 years, most are still trying to determine how best to tap into this huge but complex opportunity. Preparing to Fight the Last War retail strategies for most luxury companies as they grapple with expansion. While many foreign luxury brands stare at their The China strategy for most luxury companies has followed a digital navel (i.e., do little), third-party sites such as traditional path: enormous investments in theater retail in Tier 1 cater to a Chinese luxury consumer who values the conve- cities buttressed by lavish public relations events and print ad- nience and access of online shopping. vertising. However, in a country with 384 million internet users1 (more than the U.S. and Japan combined), and an e-commerce market that quadrupled from 2006 to 2009, luxury companies To the victor Go the Spoils should question whether they are fighting tanks on horseback. Although most prestige brands have largely ignored the digital phenomenon in China, some have gone online and are starting An estimated 80 percent of Chinese luxury consumers are be- to reap rewards. The disparity is substantial. Of the 100 brands low the age of 45, versus 30 percent in the U.S. and 19 percent in our study, 20 do not have a Chinese language site and only in Japan 2, suggesting a prestige customer that is considerably ten are e-commerce enabled. This translates to a market that more digitally native. Furthermore, approximately three quarters will likely provide an enormous accretion in shareholder value of wealth creation in China through 2015 is expected to take to a finite number of players in each category. place outside of Tier 1 cities, creating a massive wrinkle in the 1 “China’s Digital Generations 2.0”, Boston Consulting Group, May 2010 2 “The Coming of Age: China’s New Class of Wealthy Consumers”, McKinsey & Company, 2009 © L2 2010 3
  • 4. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us inTrOdUCTiOn AddressABLe MArkeT FOr PresTige BrAnds OnLine Comparing the World’s Three Largest Markets Digital Iq = Growth CHINA U N I T E D S TAT E S J A PA N Our thesis is that success in the world’s fastest growing market Projected 2010 Luxury Market Growth: is inextricably linked to digital competence. Our study attempts +15% +4% -3% to quantify the digital aptitude in China of 100 global prestige brands. Our aim is to provide a robust tool to diagnose digital % of Luxury Consumers Under 45: strengths and weaknesses and help prestige brands achieve 80% 30% 19% greater return on incremental investment. In addition, Doug Guthrie, Dean and Management Professor at the George Wash- # of Internet Users: ington School of Business has provided “Ten Commandments =10 million for Commerce in China” based on his 25 years of experience advising corporations and governments on the country. Similar to the medium we are assessing, our methodology is 840 dynamic, and we hope you will reach out to us with comments million that improve our approach, investigation, and findings. You can reach us at and dguthrie@stern. Sincerely, 384 million sCOTT gALLOWAy dOUg gUThrie 221 million Clinical Associate Professor Professor of Management, of Marketing, NYU Stern NYU Stern 199 million Founder, L2 Incoming Dean, GW Business School 92 96 million million 2009 2013 2009 2013 2009 2013 Sources: “Luxury Goods Worldwide Market Study: Spring 2010 Update”, Bain & Company, April 2010; “The Coming of Age: China’s New Class of Wealthy Consumers”, McKinsey & Company, 2009; eMarketer, December 2009 © L2 2010 4
  • 5. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us M e T h O d O LO gy Site - 40%: Effectiveness of a brand’s site. Half of the score is based on brand translation elements and the other half reflects key Tier 1 & Tier 2 CiTies in ChinA content functionality and customer service on the site. • Brand Translation • Aesthetics • Messaging & Interactivity • Chinese Relevance • Functionality & Content • Host Location • Localized Content, Products, & Promotions • Customer Service Availability • E-commerce Shenyang Beijing Dallan Search Engine Optimization - 25%: Site traffic and Tianjin qingdao visibility of brand on popular search engines. • Traffic to Chinese Site Xi’an • Traffic from China to Global Site Nanjing SuzhouShanghai • Organic Visibility on Baidu & Google Wuhan Ningbo Chengdu Hangzhou Social Media - 20%: Brand presence, following, content Chongqing and influence on major SNS (Social Network Service) platforms. Xiamen • RenRen = TIER 1 CITIES Guangzhou Qzone • = TIER 2 CITIES Shenzhen Zhuhai • Youku • Kaixin001 Digital Marketing - 15%: Off-site brand presence and marketing efforts. • Activity on BBS (Bulletin Board System) Sites • Mobile (Compatibility and Applications) • Email Marketing • Brand Blogs & Microsites © L2 2010 5
  • 6. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g Overall Category Rank Brand Category Rank Digital Iq Class Description Search-optimized site delivers on sales and local relevance; manages brand 1 LANCôME Beauty & Skincare 1 167 Genius community four million subscribers strong Strong presence across SNS and BBS sites; online owners’ club connects brand 2 BMW Automobiles 1 157 Genius evangelists 2 ESTéE LAUDER Beauty & Skincare 2 157 Genius Site features Chinese celebrities and local products Brand presence is strong in social media; one of three auto brands that main- 4 AUDI Automobiles 2 150 Genius tains active social forums 5 CLINIqUE Beauty & Skincare 3 146 Genius Impressive site platform; could do better tapping potential of the social web Ranks highest in social media; cleverly designed an online ad for its new model, 6 MERCEDES-BENZ Automobiles 3 138 Gifted which was launched on the day of eclipse in China 7 CLARINS Beauty & Skincare 4 137 Gifted Content is tailored to local consumers; maintains brand blog Strongest site ranking in category, but falls short of peers in social media and 8 ACURA Automobiles 4 130 Gifted digital marketing 9 CADILLAC Automobiles 5 124 Gifted Site platform delivers, but brand lags in social media Only Chinese brand to break into the top 10; strong site traffic and consumer 10 WULIANGYE Spirits & Champagne 1 121 Gifted relevance 11 LEXUS Automobiles 6 119 Gifted Functional site that is tailored for Chinese consumers 12 LAND ROvER Automobiles 7 118 Gifted Strong digital presence, but can't compete with site traffic of others in category 12 INFINITI Automobiles 8 118 Gifted One of the few auto brands that does not offer email opt-in 14 MOUTAI Spirits & Champagne 2 115 Gifted Chinese liquor brand is only in category to sell online Although brand dominates jewelry buzz, site is poorly translated and boutique 15 CARTIER Watches & Jewelry 1 114 Gifted locations are in English 16 PORSCHE Automobiles 9 113 Gifted Automaker maintains a BBS forum for fans, but IQ is hindered by limited traffic Local beauty leader keeps pace with global competitors by virtue of strong 17 HERBORIST Beauty & Skincare 5 112 Gifted e-commerce site © L2 2010 6
  • 7. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g Overall Category Rank Brand Category Rank Digital Iq Class Description Brand supports limited local content beyond recent long-form video set in 18 CHRISTIAN DIOR Beauty & Skincare 6 109 Average Shanghai but in English 19 LOUIS vUITTON Fashion 1 108 Average Best in class in lagging Fashion category Tops category in search, but limited social media presence prevents brand 19 TIFFANY Watches & Jewelry 2 108 Average from entering Gifted ranks 19 LUk FOOk Watches & Jewelry 3 108 Average Hong Kong jeweler is the only brand in category to transact online Recently launched iPhone application highlights facets of contemporary 22 SHANGHAI TANG Fashion 2 107 Average Shanghai lifestyle Generates a lot of mentions in social media, but lacks commerce orientation of 23 CHRISTIAN DIOR Fashion 3 105 Average more gifted peers Watchmaker boasts top site scores in category; uses a mix of Chinese and 24 OMEGA Watches & Jewelry 4 103 Average global celebrities to build brand online 25 SWAROvSkI Watches & Jewelry 5 102 Average Strong product-oriented site, but does not transact Asian roots and skin care technology resonate; brand tops category in social 25 SHISEIDO Beauty & Skincare 7 102 Average media 27 GUCCI Fashion 4 101 Average Site visibility and high traffic give brand an SEO boost Renowned watch brand's site underperforms but rest of category can't com- 28 ROLEX Watches & Jewelry 6 99 Average pete with its social buzz 28 CHANEL Fashion 5 99 Average One of the most talked about brands in fashion in China gets big SNS boost 30 CHIvAS REGAL Spirits & Champagne 3 98 Average Established a virtual band to publicize the spirit of the brand Brand features a popular Chinese model on its site in an effort to appeal to a 31 YUE-SAI Beauty & Skincare 8 96 Average younger demographic Mobile compatibility, iPhone app, and email opt-in allow brand to lead digital 31 LONGINES Watches & Jewelry 7 96 Average marketing efforts in challenged category 33 LA MER Beauty & Skincare 9 95 Average Brand is all over SEO and SEM; site comes up first across the board 33 TAG HEUER Watches & Jewelry 8 95 Average Site features local celebrities, but loses points for poor product search © L2 2010 7
  • 8. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g Overall Category Rank Brand Category Rank Digital Iq Class Description Brand is taking strides and advertising Shanghai store opening; comparison of 35 COACH Fashion 6 94 Average 5th Avenue and Huai Hai Road resonates 36 RéMY MARTIN Spirits & Champagne 4 91 Average One of the few Western brands to compete for buzz with local liquor leaders 37 GUERLAIN Beauty & Skincare 10 90 Average Despite lack of e-commerce, the brand highlights products that are locally relevant 38 L’OCCITANE Beauty & Skincare 11 89 Challenged Loses points for limited video content on Youku 39 Sk-II Beauty & Skincare 12 87 Challenged Beauty brand is hampered by poor visibility on search The household name in auto has significant social media presence and a 40 FERRARI Automobiles 10 86 Challenged strong site 41 BALENCIAGA Fashion 7 85 Challenged Digitally on par with much larger competitors due to strong SEO 41 BURBERRY Fashion 7 85 Challenged British digital darling doesn't resonate on Chinese social media sites 43 HERMèS Fashion 9 84 Challenged Site lacks information tailored to local consumer, but brand generates great buzz Early mover in China with strong e-commerce presence, but can't compete on 44 PORTS 1961 Fashion 10 82 Challenged social media buzz 45 ALFRED DUNHILL Fashion 11 78 Challenged Digital efforts are not on par with aggressive retail strategy 46 HENNESSY Spirits & Champagne 5 76 Challenged Brand has generated online buzz through China launch of Hennessy Classivm Popularity online hampered by recent entry into Chinese market, but brand gets 47 vAN CLEEF & ARPELS Watches & Jewelry 9 75 Challenged boost from local brand spokesperson Zhang Ziyi 48 SWELLFUN Spirits & Champagne 6 73 Challenged Local brand has a basic site and weak digital marketing efforts 49 FERRAGAMO Fashion 12 72 Challenged A small brand struggling to be more visible in the social media sphere More popular among older customers, which explains the low mentions in 49 LACOSTE Fashion 13 72 Challenged social media 49 PIAGET Watches & Jewelry 10 72 Challenged Site mixes Chinese and English text with little integration © L2 2010 8
  • 9. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g Overall Category Rank Brand Category Rank Digital Iq Class Description More than 35 percent of site traffic originates in China, but still doesn't offer an 52 vACHERON CONSTANTIN Watches & Jewelry 11 69 Feeble email opt-in A luxury brand in the making, but struggles to compete with global fashion 53 NE.TIGER Fashion 14 68 Feeble houses online Site does a poor job of relating to local culture; some parts in English and not 53 MONTBLANC Watches & Jewelry 12 68 Feeble integrated 53 MOvADO Watches & Jewelry 13 68 Feeble Limited social media mentions indicates low popularity One of three automakers that fails to host a Chinese site, but does make 53 BENTLEY Automobiles 11 68 Feeble Chinese dealer information available 57 ROLLS-ROYCE Automobiles 12 67 Feeble Site is not available in Chinese but gets slight boost from mobile compatibility 57 RALPH LAUREN Fashion 15 67 Feeble U.S. digital Genius struggles in China 59 ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA Fashion 16 66 Feeble Site loses points for haphazard translation 59 JAEGER-LECOULTRE Watches & Jewelry 14 66 Feeble Digital IQ is stifled by poor search visibility Brand is trying, featuring brand ambassador Fan Bing Bing at recent event and 59 HUBLOT Watches & Jewelry 15 66 Feeble on its site Although Italian fashion house lacks Chinese site, its SNS popularity is second 62 PRADA Fashion 17 65 Feeble only to Chanel and Louis Vuitton in category 63 BALLANTINE’S Spirits & Champagne 7 64 Feeble Site load time is a hindrance 63 HUGO BOSS Fashion 18 64 Feeble Brand gets boost from iPhone app and mobile site, although both are in English Poor language translation; most products fail to incorporate proper 65 BACCARAT Watches & Jewelry 16 63 Feeble Chinese names The Italian carmaker extends little effort online, but brand still resonates with 65 LAMBORGHINI Automobiles 13 63 Feeble SNS users 65 vERSACE Fashion 19 63 Feeble Good brand presence on SNS despite the lack of a Chinese language site 68 PATEk PHILIPPE Watches & Jewelry 17 62 Feeble Few customer service options on site © L2 2010 9
  • 10. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g Overall Category Rank Brand Category Rank Digital Iq Class Description 68 RAYMOND WEIL Watches & Jewelry 17 62 Feeble Despite its recent brick-and-mortar retail expansion, digital lags A Hong Kong brand launched in Paris; good site, but limited social 70 qEELIN Watches & Jewelry 19 61 Feeble media presence Although the site presents a Chinese language option, everything still reads in 70 DOLCE & GABBANA Fashion 20 61 Feeble English Lack of a Chinese language option prevents this LVMH brand from keeping 70 BENEFIT Beauty & Skincare 13 61 Feeble pace with peers in Beauty Almost 10 percent of site traffic originates in China, but the brand lacks search 73 JOHNNIE WALkER Spirits & Champagne 8 60 Feeble engine visibility 73 HARRY WINSTON Watches & Jewelry 20 60 Feeble Despite this jeweler’s significant history in China, few mentions in social media More than 20 percent of site traffic originates in China, but brand does not have 73 FENDI Fashion 21 60 Feeble Chinese language version 73 BULGARI Watches & Jewelry 22 60 Feeble Significant buzz for category—particularly on RenRen—but site disappoints 77 BULOvA Watches & Jewelry 22 59 Feeble Chinese site fails to reflect luxury positioning 77 IWC Watches & Jewelry 23 59 Feeble Chinese site appears to be a direct translation of the English version 79 GIORGIO ARMANI Fashion 22 58 Feeble Weak site that uses only Western models 79 LOUIS XIII Spirits & Champagne 9 58 Feeble Lacks basic elements including email opt-in 81 DEBEERS Watches & Jewelry 24 57 Feeble Very little social media buzz and a poor site lowers the score Limited buzz hampers IQ, but easily navigable site stands out despite limited 81 DAvID YURMAN Watches & Jewelry 24 57 Feeble translated elements 83 BALLY Fashion 23 51 Feeble Mediocre site with a haphazard blend of Chinese and English Buzz is on par with much larger brands, but site efforts are the most limited in 84 GIvENCHY Fashion 24 48 Feeble the category 85 vALENTINO Fashion 25 47 Feeble No Chinese adaptation of site; limited presence on SNS sites © L2 2010 10
  • 11. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us d i g i TA L i Q r A n k i n g Overall Category Rank Brand Category Rank Digital Iq Class Description 85 DEWAR’S Spirits & Champagne 10 47 Feeble One of the least-known brands in category; online efforts suffer 87 MARC JACOBS Fashion 26 46 Feeble Brand SNS popularity lags behind; no Chinese site Recently opened first store in China; online customer service is limited to U.S. 88 GRAFF Watches & Jewelry 26 44 Feeble and U.K. 88 YvES SAINT LAURENT Fashion 27 44 Feeble Poor site without any Chinese adaptation Recently started a China tour for its 135th anniversary; however, social buzz is 90 AUDEMARS PIGUET Watches & Jewelry 27 43 Feeble still low for the brand Although brand maintains Chinese language version, site suffers from limited 91 ROYAL SALUTE Spirits & Champagne 11 42 Feeble traffic 92 PERRIER-JOUëT Spirits & Champagne 12 41 Feeble Like others in category, no Chinese language site Despite providing users with a China option, no Chinese language version of 93 BOTTEGA vENETA Fashion 28 39 Luddite site is available 94 MOëT & CHANDON Spirits & Champagne 13 34 Luddite Gets slight edge over competitors from significant traffic 94 CHOPARD Watches & Jewelry 28 34 Luddite Jeweler is virtually invisible on Baidu; no Chinese language site 96 SHANGHAI WHITE Spirits & Champagne 14 32 Luddite Local Diageo launch has generated few mentions in social media 97 PIPER-HEIDSIECk Spirits & Champagne 15 30 Luddite Though site lacks Chinese language, aesthetics still resonate with local audience 98 vEUvE CLICqUOT Spirits & Champagne 16 28 Luddite Lack of Chinese site and low popularity hampers IQ 99 DOM PéRIGNON Spirits & Champagne 17 23 Luddite Brand has virtually ignored digital media in China 100 FRANCk MULLER Watches & Jewelry 29 21 Luddite No Chinese site and lowest social media mentions of any brand in the study © L2 2010 11
  • 12. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us key Findings d i g i TA L A d O P T i O n By C AT e g O r y Selling Is knowing % of brand sites per category with the following attributes: Although the size of the e-commerce market in China quadru- AUTO = YES pled from 2006 to 2009 1, only ten of the 100 prestige brands in CHINESE LANGUAGE: 84.5% 15.5% = NO our study offer online transactions. E-COMMERCE ENABLED: 0% 100% On average, brands that sell boast Digital IQs 50 points higher BEAUTY & SKINCARE than brands that do not embrace e-commerce, suggesting that CHINESE LANGUAGE: 92% 8% e-commerce boosts innovation and investment across Site Platform, Search, Digital Marketing, and Social Media. E-COMMERCE ENABLED: 46% 54% The Beauty & Skincare category is a leader in e-commerce, FASHION with six of 13 brands selling online. The only foreign brand to CHINESE LANGUAGE: 68% 32% sell online outside of Beauty is Fashion brand and China first- E-COMMERCE ENABLED: 7% 93% mover Ports 1961. WATCHES & JEWELRY Big Winners CHINESE LANGUAGE: 90% 10% E-COMMERCE ENABLED: 3.5% 96.5% Unlike more mature markets where prestige brands are clustered together in a digital arms race, digital Geniuses in CHAMPAGNE & SPIRITS China are pulling away from the pack. Brands in the Genius CHINESE LANGUAGE: 70.5% 29.5% category boast Digital IQs nearly double the average of the rest E-COMMERCE ENABLED: 6% 94% of the pack and are growing online communities, transactions, and goodwill. Meanwhile, the 63 percent of brands ranked Challenged and below are barely out of digital diapers. Of these brands, s i T e s O P h i s T i C AT i O n % of brand sites with the following attributes: 64 percent lack no-brainer functionality including a store locator. Over half do not offer users the opportunity to sign CHINESE LANGUAGE: 80% 20% = YES up for email. 62% 38% = NO LOCATE RETAIL WITHIN CHINA: 1 iResearch, February 2009 CHINESE URL: 56% 44% PROMOTE BRAND EVENTS WITHIN CHINA: 40% 60% E-COMMERCE ENABLED: 10% 90% © L2 2010 12
  • 13. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us key Findings sOCiAL MediA BrAnd BUzz: renren = IN ENGLISH Prestige Brands with the Most Mentions = IN CHINESE Social Mania (May 2010) Although many prestige brands are eliciting thousands of user- 70,000 generated comments, video uploads, blog posts, and photos 60,000 on popular SNS sites RenRen, Qzone, Kaixin001, and YouKu, very few are interacting directly with consumers on these sites. 50,000 Number of Mentions Even user-generated content suggests a dearth of localized 40,000 Chinese digital assets, and more than 50 percent of the esti- mated 125,000 videos uploaded to YouKu are in English. 30,000 Some digitally savvy brands are beginning to engage directly 20,000 with users on SNS platforms. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and BMW 10,000 host contests on RenRen, while Dior has a page on Qzone. Digital Genius Lancôme boasts an official group on Kaixin001 0 W NZ ON DI QU E RI IDO E CH E HIN I with more than 250,000 members. Johnnie Walker also hosts a BM -BE IT T AU INI RA ISE ÔM RS ES VU CL FER NC RG D SH LA PO MB O R CE UIS LA group on the platform. ME LO sOCiAL MediA BrAnd BUzz: QzOne = IN ENGLISH Prestige Brands with the Most Mentions = IN CHINESE (May 2010) 150,000 120,000 Number of Mentions 90,000 60,000 30,000 0 W NZ ON DI RI R CH E EL INI AI BM -BE IT T AU RA DIO RS AN GH UT D ES VU FER IAN PO CH B OR MO T Dior beauty page on SNS site Qzone. R CE UIS RIS AM ME LO CH L © L2 2010 13
  • 14. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us key Findings Lancôme’s group page on Kaixin001 (left) has over 250,000 members. The brand regularly engages its audience with contests (below). Mercedes-Benz fan page on renren. © L2 2010 14
  • 15. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us key Findings estée Lauder’s branded Mighty Microsites community site: Four of the brands in the study have invested in branded 2.0 communities. Digital Genius Lancôme launched an online community, Rose Beauty, in 2006 and claims four million sub- scribers. Estée Lauder and Clarins also host branded beauty communities. In Automobiles, BMW has created a community for the estimated 150,000 BMW drivers in China through its site. Meanwhile, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, and Porsche have created simple-interface BBS sites to help facilitate discussions with brand evangelists. Lancôme’s rose Beauty online Porsche’s BBs site: community site, which has over four million subscribers: © L2 2010 15
  • 16. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us key Findings s e A r C h r e s U LT s F O r B r A n d n A M e s Position of Brand sites in search results Google: A Distant Second While homegrown search engine Baidu boasts 62 percent 100% 94% market share in China 1, only 39 percent of prestige brands come up first in its organic search results when searching for the English brand name. Meanwhile, 94 percent of brand sites 80% come up first on, which recently exited China, suggesting that brands approach search visibility with a Google-centric mentality that fails to recognize the Baidu algo- 60% 57% rithm and local nuances. Chinese brand name visibility is very poor, and approximately 30 percent of brand sites are not re- 43% turned among the top three results on either search engine for 39% 40% Chinese brand name searches, indicating the difficulties of 30% 29% brand name translation for many multinational brands. 21% 20% Mobile: Can You Hear Me Now? There are an estimated 745 million mobile phone subscribers in 2% China 2, and more than one quarter of mobile users access the 0% BAIDU: Chinese BAIDU: English GOOGLE: Chinese GOOGLE: English internet through their phones 3, but only 42 percent of brands Brand Name Brand Name Brand Name Brand Name have mobile-enabled sites. Because China has considerably = 1ST pOSITION = OuTSIdE TOp 3 lower in-home internet penetration than most developed nations, and many Chinese consumers move directly from no internet to mobile internet, it is imperative for luxury brands to develop a mobile strategy. Hong Kong brand Shanghai Tang is one of the first luxury brands to incorporate a Chinese language iPhone application. Launched in April 2010, the app gives users a taste of Shanghai. 1 “China Online”, eMarketer, December 2010 2 Ministry of the Information Industry, People’s Republic of China, August 2009 3 “Global Device Insight Report”, Nielsen, October 2009 shanghai Tang’s “City Chic” iPhone app, available in Chinese and english © L2 2010 16
  • 17. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us key Findings Local Learning? Brands of Chinese or Hong Kong origin outperform their global luxury peers by an average of 11 IQ points. Several local brands are also early movers: Chinese liquor brand Moutai and Hong Kong jeweler Luk Fook are the only brands in their cat- egories to transact online. Chinese Beauty & Skincare upstart Herborist and Hong Kong fashion house Shanghai Tang also boast e-commerce capability. In general, local brands struggle to match the buzz of foreign competitors in Social Media and are not as visible to search engines. However, local brands still achieve Site scores 50 percent higher than their foreign peers. hong kong fashion retailer shanghai Tang’s e-commerce-enabled site: Brand site for Chinese liquor brand Moutai: hong kong jeweler Luk Fook: e-commerce site for Chinese Beauty & skincare brand herborist: © L2 2010 17
  • 18. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us key Findings d i g i TA L i Q C O r r e L AT i O n : China & U.s. scores Iq Correlation 180 Fifty-nine percent of the luxury brands in the China Digital IQ study were also measured in our September 2009 L2 Luxury Digital IQ Index focused on the U.S. market. Brands measured 160 in both indexes demonstrated a correlation of 0.58 between their Chinese Digital IQ and their U.S. Digital IQ, suggesting 140 that digital capability is being leveraged across geographies. Beauty brands Lancôme, Clarins, and Estée Lauder showed 120 the greatest positive disparity between Chinese and U.S. Digital IQ, suggesting they recognize the scale of the opportunity in U.S. Digital IQ 100 China. Meanwhile, champagne brands Veuve Clicquot, Moët & Chandon, and Dom Pérignon demonstrate the largest negative disparity. None support a Chinese language version of their 80 brand site. LO O k i n g g O O d i n C h i n A 60 China U.S. Brand Digital Iq Digital Iq Difference 40 LANCôME 162 109 +53 20 CLARINS 134 96 +38 ESTéE LAUDER 155 117 +38 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 n O T s O B U B B Ly China Digital IQ China U.S. Brand Digital Iq Digital Iq Difference vEUvE CLICqUOT 28 128 -100 MOëT & CHANDON 29 121 -92 DOM PéRIGNON 18 102 -84 © L2 2010 18
  • 19. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us key Findings R E TA I L F O O T P R I N T V E R S U S S O C I A L B U Z Z Brick and Mortar ≠ Brand Equity A close look at the 28 fashion brands in the study suggests that dramatic retail expansion may not offer the brand equity bump brands have experienced in other markets. A comparison of the retail footprint (number of stores and geographic reach) against the number of user-generated comments on social networking sites RenRen, Qzone, and YouKu (proxy for brand awareness) demonstrates no correlation. (RenRen, Qzone, YouKu) Brands like Hugo Boss, Ferragamo, and Ermenegildo Zegna have pursued aggressive retail expansion strategies, includ- SNS Buzz ing building stores outside of Tier 1 cities, but generate limited buzz online. Meanwhile brands like Chanel, Givenchy, and Yves Saint Laurent have a limited retail presence on the Chinese mainland but generate substantial fan discussion on popular social networking sites. Chinese Retail Footprint © L2 2010 19
  • 20. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us 10 COMMAndMenTs FOr COMMerCe in ChinA 1. Politics longer necessary. Corporations tend to obsess over the rela- Politics and politicians matter as much as they did 15 tionships at the expense of the understanding the institutions. years ago, but for different reasons. The Chinese govern- Money is better spent on lawyers and accountants who ment is no longer a haven for corrupt officials. The new genera- comprehend the complexity and nuances of the rapidly tion of technocrats generally plays by the rules. They are smart, changing business environment. strategic, often well trained in economics and business, and want China to “win.” 4. Localism 2. Institutions Local development means local opportunity. China is an exceptionally diverse, decentralized, and fractured market. institutions matter more than culture. The majority of busi- Many companies mistakenly think that China is one market. ness literature on China—from academic books to airport best Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Suzhou, and Chengdu all present sellers—paints China as a radically different culture. In reality, it different challenges. As prestige brands focus on expanding is more similar to the West than Japan. their marketing and retail presence in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities to The impenetrable part of doing business in China is the tap into fresh sources of wealth, a one-size-fits all approach is opacity of the institutions. China is a market economy under less likely to succeed. construction, and the government (at national, provincial, and municipal levels) is constantly adding new rules and systems. Understanding these new institutions is the most challenging 5. Entrepreneurial Local Governments part of competing in China’s economy. Prestige executives Are an Opportunity learned this lesson the hard way in March 2010, when officials get out of shanghai and Beijing. These cities are crowded at the Ministry of Tourism and Commerce in the wealthy Zhe- with competition, and the governments lack an entrepreneurial jiang province rejected imported goods from several brands mindset. In contrast, Tier 2 cities have embraced economic including Hermès, Dolce & Gabbana, and Versace for “quality reform and are more flexible and eager regarding foreign concerns.” direct investment. The Suzhou government’s joint venture with Singapore to create the Singapore-Suzhou Industrial Park and Chengdu’s bid to woo Intel away from Shanghai illustrate that 3. Lawyers, Not Relationship Managers entrepreneurial local governments create opportunities for since the early 1980s, a cottage industry has emerged corporations that are willing to look farther afield for upside. selling advice on brokering relationships. This is a waste of money, and these charlatans are selling something that is no © L2 2010 20
  • 21. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us 10 COMMAndMenTs FOr COMMerCe in ChinA 6. Local Competition 9. Leadership homegrown competition is a threat and an opportunity. invest in human capital. The leadership vacuum is a problem Too often, local players are not taken seriously. This view is out for all companies, domestic and foreign alike, particularly in of date. Haier, Huawei, Jili, and Baidu are all emerging domestic the prestige industry, which lacks qualified sales associates. A brands that are outperforming their international counterparts. reputation for investing in local talent is a self-fulfilling prophecy. not a single global internet commerce or media leader (e.g., Google, Ebay, Yahoo!, Amazon, etc.) has a leader- 10. Locate Near Universities ship position in China. Forging alliances with dynamic local The human capital problem in China is a real one. brands provides opportunities for companies that appreciate One way savvy multinationals address the issue is to locate the strengths of these growing Chinese powerhouses. Even the near universities. There are several pockets of higher education luxury industry, where demand is often thought to be depen- that serve as breeding grounds for eager talent. dent on the virtue of foreign appeal, faces competition from local players. 7. Understand Digital, Chinese-Style China has a frenzied digital scene, but it is very local. Google never understood this. Baidu has established leader- ship with a much more Chinese brand than ever as- pired to be. Although Chinese consumers love foreign brands, in the digital space they will opt for interfaces that cater to local tastes. Partnering with Chinese technology firms, agencies, and vendors is key to recognizing the digital opportunity. 8. Process Innovation China’s inability to develop a native tech powerhouse is often cited as evidence of a lack of innovation. This view defines innovation too narrowly. China’s strength lies in process innovation. Companies like Pepsi and IBM have benefitted from the process innovation absorbed from their China operations. © L2 2010 21
  • 22. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us r A n k i n g s By C AT e g O r y AUTOMOBiLes B e A U T y & s k i n CA r e Category Overall Category Overall Rank Brand Rank Digital Iq Class Rank Brand Rank Digital Iq Class 1 BMW 2 157 Genius 1 LANCôME 1 167 Genius 2 AUDI 4 150 Genius 2 ESTéE LAUDER 2 157 Genius 3 MERCEDES-BENZ 6 138 Gifted 3 CLINIqUE 5 146 Genius 4 ACURA 8 130 Gifted 4 CLARINS 7 137 Gifted 5 CADILLAC 9 124 Gifted 5 HERBORIST 17 112 Gifted 6 LEXUS 11 119 Gifted 6 CHRISTIAN DIOR 18 109 Average 7 LAND ROvER 12 118 Gifted 7 SHISEIDO 25 102 Average 8 INFINITI 12 118 Gifted 8 YUE-SAI 31 96 Average 9 PORSCHE 16 113 Gifted 9 LA MER 33 95 Average 10 FERRARI 40 86 Challenged 10 GUERLAIN 37 90 Average 11 BENTLEY 53 68 Feeble 11 L’OCCITANE 38 89 Challenged 12 ROLLS-ROYCE 57 67 Feeble 12 Sk-II 39 87 Challenged 13 LAMBORGHINI 65 63 Feeble 13 BENEFIT 70 61 Feeble © L2 2010 22
  • 23. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us r A n k i n g s By C AT e g O r y FA s h i O n Category Overall Category Overall Rank Brand Rank Digital Iq Class Rank Brand Rank Digital Iq Class 1 LOUIS vUITTON 19 108 Average 15 RALPH LAUREN 57 67 Feeble 2 SHANGHAI TANG 22 107 Average 16 ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA 59 66 Feeble 3 CHRISTIAN DIOR 23 105 Average 17 PRADA 62 65 Feeble 4 GUCCI 27 101 Average 18 HUGO BOSS 63 64 Feeble 5 CHANEL 28 99 Average 19 vERSACE 65 63 Feeble 6 COACH 35 94 Average 20 DOLCE & GABBANA 70 61 Feeble 7 BALENCIAGA 41 85 Challenged 21 FENDI 73 60 Feeble 7 BURBERRY 41 85 Challenged 22 GIORGIO ARMANI 79 58 Feeble 9 HERMèS 43 84 Challenged 23 BALLY 83 51 Feeble 10 PORTS 1961 44 82 Challenged 24 GIvENCHY 84 48 Feeble 11 ALFRED DUNHILL 45 78 Challenged 25 vALENTINO 85 47 Feeble 12 FERRAGAMO 49 72 Challenged 26 MARC JACOBS 87 46 Feeble 13 LACOSTE 49 72 Challenged 27 YvES SAINT LAURENT 88 44 Feeble 14 NE.TIGER 53 68 Feeble 28 BOTTEGA vENETA 93 39 Luddite © L2 2010 23
  • 24. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us r A n k i n g s By C AT e g O r y W AT C h e s & J e W e L r y Category Overall Category Overall Rank Brand Rank Digital Iq Class Rank Brand Rank Digital Iq Class 1 CARTIER 15 114 Gifted 16 BACCARAT 65 63 Feeble 2 TIFFANY 19 108 Average 17 PATEk PHILIPPE 68 62 Feeble 3 LUk FOOk 19 108 Average 17 RAYMOND WEIL 68 62 Feeble 4 OMEGA 24 103 Average 19 qEELIN 70 61 Feeble 5 SWAROvSkI 25 102 Average 20 HARRY WINSTON 73 60 Feeble 6 ROLEX 28 99 Average 22 BULGARI 73 60 Feeble 7 LONGINES 31 96 Average 22 BULOvA 77 59 Feeble 8 TAG HEUER 33 95 Average 23 IWC 77 59 Feeble 9 vAN CLEEF & ARPELS 47 75 Challenged 24 DEBEERS 81 57 Feeble 10 PIAGET 49 72 Challenged 24 DAvID YURMAN 81 57 Feeble 11 vACHERON CONSTANTIN 52 69 Feeble 26 GRAFF 88 44 Feeble 12 MONTBLANC 53 68 Feeble 27 AUDEMARS PIGUET 90 43 Feeble 13 MOvADO 53 68 Feeble 28 CHOPARD 94 34 Luddite 14 JAEGER-LECOULTRE 59 66 Feeble 29 FRANCk MULLER 100 21 Luddite 15 HUBLOT 59 66 Feeble © L2 2010 24
  • 25. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us r A n k i n g s By C AT e g O r y C h A M PA g n e & s P i r i T s Category Overall Rank Brand Rank Digital Iq Class 1 WULIANGYE 10 121 Gifted 2 MOUTAI 14 115 Gifted 3 CHIvAS REGAL 30 98 Average 4 RéMY MARTIN 36 91 Average 5 HENNESSY 46 76 Challenged 6 SWELLFUN 48 73 Challenged 7 BALLANTINE’S 63 64 Feeble 8 JOHNNIE WALkER 73 60 Feeble 9 LOUIS XIII 79 58 Feeble 10 DEWAR’S 85 47 Feeble 11 ROYAL SALUTE 91 42 Feeble 12 PERRIER-JOUëT 92 41 Feeble 13 MOëT & CHANDON 94 34 Luddite 14 SHANGHAI WHITE 96 32 Luddite 15 PIPER-HEIDSIECk 97 30 Luddite 16 vEUvE CLICqUOT 98 28 Luddite 17 DOM PéRIGNON 99 23 Luddite © L2 2010 25
  • 26. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us TeAM sCOTT gALLOWAy Emergence of Capitalism in China, China and Globalization: The Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing, NYU Stern Social, Economic and Political Transformation of Chinese Founder, L2 Society, and Social Connections in China: Institutions, Culture, and the Changing Nature of Guanxi. He is currently writing Scott is a Clinical Associate Professor at the NYU Stern School China’s Radical Transformation: Economic Reform, Global of Business where he teaches brand strategy and luxury Integration, and Political Change in the World’s Largest Nation, marketing and is the founder of L2, a think tank for prestige which is an in-depth look at how China’s government-driven brands. Scott is also the founder of Firebrand Partners, an form of capitalism has successfully overcome traditional theo- operational activist firm that has invested more than $1 billion ries of development and helped China become the economic in U.S. consumer and media companies. In 1997, he founded and political juggernaut it is today. In addition to these major Red Envelope, an Internet-based branded consumer gift retailer works, Doug has published more than 60 articles on China and (2007 revenues: $100 million). In 1992, Scott founded Prophet, has been an invited speaker on a number of occasions. a brand strategy consultancy that employs more than 120 Management, Leadership, and Corporate Governance are professionals in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Scott was other areas of expertise. elected to the World Economic Forum’s “Global Leaders of Tomorrow,” which recognizes 100 individuals under age 40 Doug has taught at NYU Stern, Harvard Business School, “whose accomplishments have had impact on a global level.” INSEAD, and the graduate schools of business at Stanford University, Columbia University, and Emory University. Scott has served on the boards of directors of Eddie Bauer He received his B.A. in Chinese literature from the University (Nasdaq: EBHI), The New York Times Company (NYSE: NYT), of Chicago and a Ph.D. in organizational sociology from the Gateway Computer, and UC Berkeley’s Haas School of UC Berkeley. Business. He received a B.A. from UCLA and an M.B.A. from UC Berkeley. AMAndA LiU Creative Director, Labbrand dOUg gUThrie Dean of the School of Business, George Washington Amanda is Vice President and Creative Director of Labbrand, University; Founder Guthrie & Associates; Executive Academic an innovative brand consulting agency based in Shanghai. She Director, Berlin School of Creative Leadership has seven years of experience in consulting and has accumu- lated experience in branding, market/consumer research, and Doug has been an expert in Chinese economic reform for branding-related creative work in the Chinese market. Amanda more than decade, a trusted adviser of both multinationals and graduated from Shanghai Polytechnic University with a mas- local Chinese companies and a student of China for some 25 ter’s degree in applied linguistics. She also attended regular years. He is the author of Dragon in a Three-Piece Suit: The training and workshops organized by ESOMAR. © L2 2010 26
  • 27. DIGITAL Iq Index: China Want to know more about your brand’s ranking? COnTACT Us TeAM MAUreen MULLen FABienne PeLLegrin L2 L2 Maureen leads L2’s research and advisory group and has Fabienne has several years of work experience in China. benchmarked and/or developed digital and social media initia- She attended Shanghai Jiaotong University for a year and tives for over 300 prestige brands. She began her career at then worked in marketing and public relations for luxury brands. Triage Consulting Group in San Francisco. At Triage, she led Fabienne also worked for DKSH as business development several managed care payment review and payment bench- executive, analyzing market trends and structuring compre- marking projects for hospitals including UCLA Medical Center, hensive business plans for foreign consumer health brands UCSF, and HCA. She has gone on to lead research and con- entering the Chinese market. Fabienne speaks Mandarin, sulting efforts focused on digital media, private banking, M&A, French, and Spanish. She has a B.S. from the École Hôtelière insurance industry risk management, and renewable energy de Lausanne and an M.B.A. from NYU Stern. economics for professional firms and academics. Maureen has a B.A. in Human Biology from Stanford University and an M.B.A. from NYU Stern. VINAY GANTI Guthrie & Associates Vinay has focused on advising startups and helping early stage ventures grow, commercialize, and reach their market potential with regard to both business and legal issues. He is currently writing a case study on Intel’s successful western expansion in China that will be published in Harvard Business Review. With Professor Guthrie, Vinay is editing The Invisible Hand, an in-depth review of the history of corporate social responsibility in the U.S. Vinay was a principal investigator at Foresight Science & Technology, worked at the Environmental Defense Fund, and has summered at the law firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati. Mr. Ganti received his B.A. in international relations from Brown University and his J.D./M.B.A. from New York University. © L2 2010 27
  • 28. A Think TAnk for PresTige BrAnds 821 Broadway, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003 W: e: © L2 2010