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Digital communications

      Bart De Bodt

     25 October 2012

       1. Smartphones are becoming an indispensible part of our lives

       2. TV is the digital marketer’s best friend

       3. RTB could become the next big thing in online marketing

       4.       What’s not changing, and won’t

Presentation1                                        2
22% of the Belgian people have a smartphone

                                                           Smartphone penetration

                        Netherlands                                                                         43%

                                France                                                                38%

                            Germany                                                        29%

                              Belgium                                          22%

                                           0%      5%     10%     15%    20%     25%      30%   35%   40%   45%   50%

Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012
Base: National representative population 16+, n= 1.000
Q1: Which if any of the following devices do you currently use

Presentation1                                                             3
Android is used most in Belgium

                                                      Devices used in Belgium

                         Android                                                                  28%

                          Iphone                                                      20%

                     Blackberry                                       13%

                       Symbiam                                 10%

            Windows 7 Phone                             7%

                                      0%         5%         10%        15%        20%       25%   30%

Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012
Base: Smartphone users
Q1: Which if any of the following devices do you currently use

Presentation1                                                             4
39% access the Internet every day on their smartphone
       and 72% never leave home without it

Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012
Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general, Smartphone n= 1.000
Q18: Thinking about the last seven days on how many days were you online with ...?
Q52: To what extent do you agree to each of these statements?, Top2 Boxes; scale from 5 – completely agree to 1 – completely disagree.
“I don’t leave house without my smartphone”

Presentation1                                                               5
Smartphone users are multi-tasking their media with 80%
       using their phone while doing other things such as
       watching TV (49%)

                                Which devices do you use at the same time?

                Watch television                                                              49%

                 Listen to music                                                          45%

                    Use Internet                                          30%

                                       0%        10%       20%        30%        40%        50%        60%

Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012
Base: Private smartphone users who use the Internet in general and who were online yesterday with their smartphone,
Smartphone n= 632 Q22: When you use the Internet on your smartphone, which if any of the following – do you do at the same time?

Presentation1                                                               6
Mobile is becoming a considerate part of the consumer
                                                                                  65% have researched a
                                                                                  product or service on
                                                                                  their phone

                                                                                                             14% of smartphone
                                                                                                              users have purchased
                                                                                                              a product or service
                                                                                                              on their smartphone
                                                                                                             52% of these
                                                                                                              smartphone shoppers
                                                                                                              have made a
                                                                                                              purchase in the past
Source: Google data plotted on customer journey visual of McKinsey                                            month
Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012
Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general, Smartphone n= 1.000
Q51a: And where were you when you researched for products or services with your smartphone?
Q44: Have you ever purchased a product or service over the internet on your smartphone? With product or service we mean everything you can
buy excluding apps. Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general and who purchased via internet on their smartphone n= 138
Q45: Have you made a purchase by using your smartphone in the past month? 30

Presentation1                                                               7
There are still barriers to mobile commerce

                                                                      Why have you not made a purchase using
                                                                                your smartphone?

                Would prefer to use a PC/laptop for
                          these services                                                                               69%

                                      Doesn't feel secure                                 23%

                                        Too complicated                         10%

                                                                    0%      10%     20%     30%     40%   50%   60%   70%   80%

                      Marketers should improve the mobile internet experience

Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012
Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general and who NOT purchased via internet
on their smartphone n= 862 Q46: Why have you not made a purchase using your smartphone?

Presentation1                                                               8
Advertising is calling mobile users to action

                51% have performed
                a mobile search after
                   seeing an ad

                                   Mostly after viewing a TV commercial (43%)

Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012
Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general and who at least rarely notice advertising, n= 850
Q43a: How often do you use your smartphone to do a search in response to an ad you have seen in a magazine, on a poster,
on TV or in a shop/business?

Presentation1                                                              9
Mobile ads make an impression

                                                                Where have you noticed advertising
                                                                  when using your smartphone?

                                  while on a website                                                                         45%

                   while using a search engine                                                              30%

                                         while in a app                                                   28%

                                                                 0%     5%    10%    15%   20%    25%    30%   35%   40%   45%   50%

Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012
Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general and who at least rarely notice advertising n= 850
Q42: Where have you noticed advertising when using your smartphone?

Presentation1                                                                 10
Summary: we can learn 2 important things from this Google

                    Insights               What marketers should do with it

                Smartphones are            Websites should be optimized for
                changing the way           mobile visitors. Responsive web
                 consumers shop              design is a solution for this

                                              Marketers should extend their
         Smartphone users are real          communication and advertising
          multi-taskers and most of        strategies with mobile to develop
          them notice mobile ads                 integrated cross-media

Presentation1                         11
Responsive Web Design

Presentation1            12
In the past the width of a website was based on the lowest
       common denominator

Presentation1                       13
The number of display sizes has exploded

           Device                Screen resolution (pixels)

           Iphone                960×640

           Ipad                  1024×768

           Android smartphones   320×240, 320×480, 480×640, 480×800, …

           Symbian smartphones   320×240, 320×480, 480×640, 480×800, …

           Windows smartphones   320×240, 400×800, 480×800, …

           Android tablets       800×600, 1024×600, 1024×768, …

Presentation1                         14
The new trend is to use Responsive Web Design

                Responsive web design is an approach to web design in which a
                   site is crafted to provide an optimal viewing across a wide
                                          range of devices

Presentation1                                 15
Responsive Web Design has many advantages

               You don’t need to built different websites for desktop and
                mobile devices

               Your website looks optimally on different devices and display sizes

               Your website can be easily found by search engines

               Your website is accessbile from only 1 URL

Source: Blog

Presentation1                                    16
Some tips to optimize your website for mobile devices

               Prioitize your content

               Use a simple lay-out

               Use short titles

               Design for thumbs not mice. Make it easy to click

               Build for scrolling only in one direction

Source: Google webinar, Are You Mobile Ready?

Presentation1                                                  17
Mobile advertising

Presentation1           18
Tablets and smartphones are used more in the evening

                   Mobile advertising will extend your online reach

Source: Comscore

Presentation1                             19
Just don’t leave it up to faith

Presentation1                            20
Tip #1: Check if mobile fits your communication strategy

                                                     Message/                   Comm                   Prepare
         Objective          Target group
                                                     Dialogue                  channels               Evaluation

  Which goals do you      Who do you want to     What do you want to       Which                  How will we measure
  want to reach?          reach?                 communicate?              communication          our progress? How
                                                                           channel(s) do you      will you evaluate
    - Create awareness    - Results from         - Results from            want to use to         your campaign
      or buzz               segmentation &        objective & target       communicate your       afterwards?
    - Information           targeting             group                    message or create
    - action: change of                                                    a dialogue?            - Set up KPI’s
      attitude, change    - Needs to be          - Aligned with                                     beforehand:
      of behaviour          determined very       discriminator            - Results from            - awareness
    - Leads                 detailed (not just                               looking at              - penetration
    - Loyalty               sociodemographic     - Should be                 customer’s journey      - sales
    -…                      data)                 clear, not confusing                               -…
                                                                           - Create 360°
                                                 - Foresee different         integrated comm      - Implement
                                                   messages to               plan                   evaluation tracking
                                                   attract, connect, inf                            tools
                                                   orm, engage and

Presentation1                                              21
Tip #2: Define a relevant and specific mobile strategy

                                           STOP ASSUMING  ASK!

Source: Jonathan Mac Donald – 3P’s model

Presentation1                                22
Tip #3 : Consider Rich Media ads

        Increase ad engagement level

        Offer numerous possibilities :
          Sound
          Video
          Gaming
          Catalog
          Form
          …

Presentation1                             23
Presentation1   24
Tip #4: Use the right landing page

                                                1. Click-to-call

                                         Users who call are closer to a
                                               purchase decision

Presentation1                       25
2. Click-to-App

                     Promote your mobile apps

Presentation1   26
3. Click-to-Map

       Find the nearest store and get
        promotions based on location

Presentation1                           27
4. Click-to-Buy

                Close the loop directly thanks to
                        mobile payment

Presentation1     28
5. Click-to-page

                    However 79% of large online
                      advertisers do not have
                         a mobile optimized site

Source: Google webinar, Are You Mobile Ready?;

Presentation1                                                          29

       1. Smartphones are becoming an indispensible part of our lives

       2. TV is the digital marketer’s best friend

       3. RTB could become the next big thing in online marketing

       4.       What’s not changing, and won’t

Presentation1                                    30
We all know that for Gen Z, digital connections with the
       world, and with friends in particular, are essential

               Almost 8 in 10 teens belong to some kind of social network and use
                it to chat with friends, share photos and play games

               They value Internet connections, mobile phones and the ability to
                text friends more highly than allowance money

               Significant percentages prefer socializing online than in real life

Source: JWT, Gen Z: Digital in their DNA
Presentation1                                    31
Always attached but some things never change: Television
       is still king

Source: JWT, Gen Z: Digital in their DNA
Presentation1                              32
Television would also be missed most

Source: JWT, Gen Z: Digital in their DNA
Presentation1                              33
But they are using different devices at once (simultaneous

                Simultaneous screening is where traditional and digital marketers
                                 should become best friends

Source: Google
Presentation1                                  34
So you have to make experience between devices

Presentation1                    35
VIER is even using mobile to make their viewers stick to the
       commercial breaks

Presentation1                       36
Last but not least, television has a direct effect on the
       number of ad searches

                       A TV campaign will boost your Adwords campaigns

Source: Research by Google, VAR, RMB
Presentation1                                37
The ad boost depends on the category

Source: Research by Google, VAR, RMB
Presentation1                          38

       1. Smartphones are becoming an indispensible part of our lives

       2. TV is the digital marketer’s best friend

       3. RTB could become the next big thing in online marketing

       4.       What’s not changing, and won’t

Presentation1                                    39
Normally you buy online display in bulk

Presentation1                      40
You are sure on which sites you will appear and how many
       impressions you will get

Presentation1                     41
But you have to pay a high CPM

                             Sanoma ratetecard for online display

Presentation1                       42
RTB or Real Time Bidding allows you to buy single
       impressions, mostly at a better CPM price

Presentation1                       43
RTB allows different ways of targeting

                                                Target website groups by
                                                 calculating the Cost per
                  No initial targeting              Action afterwards

                                                Target on interest, location
                                                   and recently visited
                   Audience buying                websites by looking at

                                                  Target visitors of your
                                                  website that have not
                     Retargeting                 converted by looking at
                       website                          cookies

Presentation1                            44
Proponents see many advantages

               Less waste since you don’t buy bulks of impressions but only
                specific users that are of interest to you.

               Ability to customize ads in real time according to the
                viewer’s digital traces.

               More flexibible as you can turn your campaigns on and off
                whenever you want

               Less expensive

Presentation1                                   45
But it is less clear on which sites you will appear

Presentation1                         46
RTB involves many steps that all happen within
                                         Winning bid & ad
                Ad server                                             (connected to
                                             Ad request
     Ad                     Ad request                      Ad request             Highest bids & ads

        Visit on website                                             One or more ad

                                                            Bid requests           Bid offers

                                                                     One or more DSPs
                                                                      (connected to

                                                                   Evaluate bid requests

Presentation1                                         47
RTB is using second-price auction theory

               The winner of the ad impression doesn’t
                have to pay his actual bid, but the
                second highest bid + 0,01€.

               This way advertisers can safely give their
                maximum price because they know they’ll
                only pay the amount they need to beat the
                next highest advertiser.

Presentation1                                 48
RTB Publisher can also set floor prices

                If the bids are lower than the floor price, the impression goes to a
                                      non-RTB demand source

                Price/win rate evolution                 Price/win rate evolution
                   without floor prices                       with floor prices

Presentation1                                    49
RTB requires both analytical and creative skills

          Left Brain                                       Right Brain

           • Strong analytical skills          • Strong creativity skills
           • Tools and technology              • Attractive design
           • Return on investment              • Call to actions

Presentation1                           50
The left brain marketers should test which bidding rules
       work best
           Situation                                                          Bid
           if your ad appears below the fold                                  0.25c

           if the user is seeing the ad for the first time                    $1

           if the user saw the ad 3 times this week                           $0.5

           if the user saw the ad 5 times this week                           $0.1

           if the user saw the ad 7 times this week                           don’t bid

           If the user visited your site in the past                          $3

           If the user visited your site and left at the checkout             $5

           If the user usually visits sites similar to yours                  $2


Presentation1                                                            51
The right brain marketers should design call to actions and
       creative versions

                Offer 1          Offer 2                Offer 3

Presentation1                       52
DoubleClick Ad Exchange (Google) is selling more and
       more RTB (up to 68% in 2011)

                    Inventory sold through RTB jumped from 8% in January 2010
                 to 68% in May 2011. But Google is performance oriented and an
                early adapter so it is not representative for online display in general

Source: Internal Google data based on DoubleClick Ad Exchange spend via RTB,
 not including inventory won by AdWords. January 2010 through May 2011.
Presentation1                                                            53
In general RTB is forecasted to rise to more than 20% of the
       online display market

                                % of onine display spending via RTB

                  % RTB   30%

                          15%                                         US


                                    2012                 2015         Time

                We do not know the figures for Belgium but we hear from online
                              agencies that it is just beginning

Source: IDC

Presentation1                                  54
But big media agencies are starting to invest in RTB in


Presentation1                        55
To break trough RTB needs to overcome some barriers

               RTB is still unknown by many digital marketers

               Publishers are afraid to cannibalize their premium inventory and
                only offer their unwanted ad space

               The EU Cookie Directive, which came into force in May 2011, is of
                some concern to the RTB industry, requiring consumers to give their
                consent to websites using tracking cookies.

Presentation1                                  56

       1. Smartphones are becoming an indispensible part of our lives

       2. TV is the digital marketer’s best friend

       3. RTB could become the big thing in online marketing

       4.       What’s not changing, and won’t

Presentation1                                    57
Improve the life of your consumers

                  Marketers’ purpose remains to develop and market
            products, services, brands that improve and embellish consumers’

          “When connecting with consumers, we should
         ask ourselves: are we really adding something to
          people's lives, everyday and for the long run ?”

                                                                Marc Mathieu

Presentation1                               58
Keep it simple, personal and relevant

                The rules that have always guided human relationships and
                                 communication still apply:

           Keep it simple           Keep it personal         Keep it relevant

             “Real motivations are the result of nature’s
          programming of our genes. The proper study of
            the communicator is the unchanging man”

                                                                 Bill Bernbach

Presentation1                                59
Make sure your communication impacts your consumers

                The purpose of communication is to grab the attention of your
                   consumers and engage them by using strong branding

Presentation1                                  60
Join us at our Meet & Greet!

            ‘Le Bateau’, Muinkkaai 1, Ghent
                 20/11/2012 – 19h00

                    Subscribe via:

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Digital communications u gent

  • 1. Digital communications Bart De Bodt UGent 25 October 2012
  • 2. Agenda 1. Smartphones are becoming an indispensible part of our lives 2. TV is the digital marketer’s best friend 3. RTB could become the next big thing in online marketing 4. What’s not changing, and won’t Presentation1 2
  • 3. 22% of the Belgian people have a smartphone Smartphone penetration Netherlands 43% France 38% Germany 29% Belgium 22% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012 Base: National representative population 16+, n= 1.000 Q1: Which if any of the following devices do you currently use Presentation1 3
  • 4. Android is used most in Belgium Devices used in Belgium Android 28% Iphone 20% Blackberry 13% Symbiam 10% Windows 7 Phone 7% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012 Base: Smartphone users Q1: Which if any of the following devices do you currently use Presentation1 4
  • 5. 39% access the Internet every day on their smartphone and 72% never leave home without it Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012 Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general, Smartphone n= 1.000 Q18: Thinking about the last seven days on how many days were you online with ...? Q52: To what extent do you agree to each of these statements?, Top2 Boxes; scale from 5 – completely agree to 1 – completely disagree. “I don’t leave house without my smartphone” Presentation1 5
  • 6. Smartphone users are multi-tasking their media with 80% using their phone while doing other things such as watching TV (49%) Which devices do you use at the same time? Watch television 49% Listen to music 45% Use Internet 30% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012 Base: Private smartphone users who use the Internet in general and who were online yesterday with their smartphone, Smartphone n= 632 Q22: When you use the Internet on your smartphone, which if any of the following – do you do at the same time? Presentation1 6
  • 7. Mobile is becoming a considerate part of the consumer journey 65% have researched a product or service on their phone  14% of smartphone users have purchased a product or service on their smartphone  52% of these smartphone shoppers have made a purchase in the past Source: Google data plotted on customer journey visual of McKinsey month Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012 Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general, Smartphone n= 1.000 Q51a: And where were you when you researched for products or services with your smartphone? Q44: Have you ever purchased a product or service over the internet on your smartphone? With product or service we mean everything you can buy excluding apps. Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general and who purchased via internet on their smartphone n= 138 Q45: Have you made a purchase by using your smartphone in the past month? 30 Presentation1 7
  • 8. There are still barriers to mobile commerce Why have you not made a purchase using your smartphone? Would prefer to use a PC/laptop for these services 69% Doesn't feel secure 23% Too complicated 10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Marketers should improve the mobile internet experience Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012 Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general and who NOT purchased via internet on their smartphone n= 862 Q46: Why have you not made a purchase using your smartphone? Presentation1 8
  • 9. Advertising is calling mobile users to action 51% have performed a mobile search after seeing an ad Mostly after viewing a TV commercial (43%) Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012 Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general and who at least rarely notice advertising, n= 850 Q43a: How often do you use your smartphone to do a search in response to an ad you have seen in a magazine, on a poster, on TV or in a shop/business? Presentation1 9
  • 10. Mobile ads make an impression Where have you noticed advertising when using your smartphone? while on a website 45% while using a search engine 30% while in a app 28% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Source: Our Mobile Planet: Belgium, Understanding the Mobile Consumer, Google, May 2012 Base: Private smartphone users who use the internet in general and who at least rarely notice advertising n= 850 Q42: Where have you noticed advertising when using your smartphone? Presentation1 10
  • 11. Summary: we can learn 2 important things from this Google research Insights What marketers should do with it Smartphones are Websites should be optimized for changing the way mobile visitors. Responsive web consumers shop design is a solution for this Marketers should extend their Smartphone users are real communication and advertising multi-taskers and most of strategies with mobile to develop them notice mobile ads integrated cross-media campaigns Presentation1 11
  • 13. In the past the width of a website was based on the lowest common denominator Presentation1 13
  • 14. The number of display sizes has exploded Device Screen resolution (pixels) Iphone 960×640 Ipad 1024×768 Android smartphones 320×240, 320×480, 480×640, 480×800, … Symbian smartphones 320×240, 320×480, 480×640, 480×800, … Windows smartphones 320×240, 400×800, 480×800, … Android tablets 800×600, 1024×600, 1024×768, … Presentation1 14
  • 15. The new trend is to use Responsive Web Design Responsive web design is an approach to web design in which a site is crafted to provide an optimal viewing across a wide range of devices Presentation1 15
  • 16. Responsive Web Design has many advantages  You don’t need to built different websites for desktop and mobile devices  Your website looks optimally on different devices and display sizes  Your website can be easily found by search engines  Your website is accessbile from only 1 URL Source: Blog Presentation1 16
  • 17. Some tips to optimize your website for mobile devices  Prioitize your content  Use a simple lay-out  Use short titles  Design for thumbs not mice. Make it easy to click  Build for scrolling only in one direction Source: Google webinar, Are You Mobile Ready? Presentation1 17
  • 19. Tablets and smartphones are used more in the evening Mobile advertising will extend your online reach Source: Comscore Presentation1 19
  • 20. Just don’t leave it up to faith Presentation1 20
  • 21. Tip #1: Check if mobile fits your communication strategy Message/ Comm Prepare Objective Target group Dialogue channels Evaluation Which goals do you Who do you want to What do you want to Which How will we measure want to reach? reach? communicate? communication our progress? How channel(s) do you will you evaluate - Create awareness - Results from - Results from want to use to your campaign or buzz segmentation & objective & target communicate your afterwards? - Information targeting group message or create - action: change of a dialogue? - Set up KPI’s attitude, change - Needs to be - Aligned with beforehand: of behaviour determined very discriminator - Results from - awareness - Leads detailed (not just looking at - penetration - Loyalty sociodemographic - Should be customer’s journey - sales -… data) clear, not confusing -… - Create 360° - Foresee different integrated comm - Implement messages to plan evaluation tracking attract, connect, inf tools orm, engage and empower Presentation1 21
  • 22. Tip #2: Define a relevant and specific mobile strategy STOP ASSUMING  ASK! Source: Jonathan Mac Donald – 3P’s model Presentation1 22
  • 23. Tip #3 : Consider Rich Media ads  Increase ad engagement level  Offer numerous possibilities :  Sound  Video  Gaming  Catalog  Form  … Presentation1 23
  • 25. Tip #4: Use the right landing page 1. Click-to-call Users who call are closer to a purchase decision Presentation1 25
  • 26. 2. Click-to-App Promote your mobile apps directly Presentation1 26
  • 27. 3. Click-to-Map Find the nearest store and get promotions based on location Presentation1 27
  • 28. 4. Click-to-Buy Close the loop directly thanks to mobile payment Presentation1 28
  • 29. 5. Click-to-page However 79% of large online advertisers do not have a mobile optimized site Source: Google webinar, Are You Mobile Ready?; Presentation1 29
  • 30. Agenda 1. Smartphones are becoming an indispensible part of our lives 2. TV is the digital marketer’s best friend 3. RTB could become the next big thing in online marketing 4. What’s not changing, and won’t Presentation1 30
  • 31. We all know that for Gen Z, digital connections with the world, and with friends in particular, are essential  Almost 8 in 10 teens belong to some kind of social network and use it to chat with friends, share photos and play games  They value Internet connections, mobile phones and the ability to text friends more highly than allowance money  Significant percentages prefer socializing online than in real life Source: JWT, Gen Z: Digital in their DNA Presentation1 31
  • 32. Always attached but some things never change: Television is still king Source: JWT, Gen Z: Digital in their DNA Presentation1 32
  • 33. Television would also be missed most Source: JWT, Gen Z: Digital in their DNA Presentation1 33
  • 34. But they are using different devices at once (simultaneous screening) Simultaneous screening is where traditional and digital marketers should become best friends Source: Google Presentation1 34
  • 35. So you have to make experience between devices seamless Presentation1 35
  • 36. VIER is even using mobile to make their viewers stick to the commercial breaks Presentation1 36
  • 37. Last but not least, television has a direct effect on the number of ad searches A TV campaign will boost your Adwords campaigns Source: Research by Google, VAR, RMB Presentation1 37
  • 38. The ad boost depends on the category Source: Research by Google, VAR, RMB Presentation1 38
  • 39. Agenda 1. Smartphones are becoming an indispensible part of our lives 2. TV is the digital marketer’s best friend 3. RTB could become the next big thing in online marketing 4. What’s not changing, and won’t Presentation1 39
  • 40. Normally you buy online display in bulk Presentation1 40
  • 41. You are sure on which sites you will appear and how many impressions you will get Presentation1 41
  • 42. But you have to pay a high CPM Sanoma ratetecard for online display Presentation1 42
  • 43. RTB or Real Time Bidding allows you to buy single impressions, mostly at a better CPM price Presentation1 43
  • 44. RTB allows different ways of targeting Target website groups by calculating the Cost per No initial targeting Action afterwards Target on interest, location and recently visited Audience buying websites by looking at cookies Target visitors of your website that have not Retargeting converted by looking at website cookies visitors Presentation1 44
  • 45. Proponents see many advantages  Less waste since you don’t buy bulks of impressions but only specific users that are of interest to you.  Ability to customize ads in real time according to the viewer’s digital traces.  More flexibible as you can turn your campaigns on and off whenever you want  Less expensive Presentation1 45
  • 46. But it is less clear on which sites you will appear Presentation1 46
  • 47. RTB involves many steps that all happen within microseconds Winning bid & ad SSP Ad server (connected to publishers) Ad request Ad Ad request Ad request Highest bids & ads Visit on website One or more ad exchanges Bid requests Bid offers One or more DSPs (connected to advertisers) Evaluate bid requests Presentation1 47
  • 48. RTB is using second-price auction theory  The winner of the ad impression doesn’t have to pay his actual bid, but the second highest bid + 0,01€.  This way advertisers can safely give their maximum price because they know they’ll only pay the amount they need to beat the next highest advertiser. Presentation1 48
  • 49. RTB Publisher can also set floor prices If the bids are lower than the floor price, the impression goes to a non-RTB demand source Price/win rate evolution Price/win rate evolution without floor prices with floor prices Presentation1 49
  • 50. RTB requires both analytical and creative skills Left Brain Right Brain • Strong analytical skills • Strong creativity skills • Tools and technology • Attractive design • Return on investment • Call to actions Presentation1 50
  • 51. The left brain marketers should test which bidding rules work best Situation Bid if your ad appears below the fold 0.25c if the user is seeing the ad for the first time $1 if the user saw the ad 3 times this week $0.5 if the user saw the ad 5 times this week $0.1 if the user saw the ad 7 times this week don’t bid If the user visited your site in the past $3 If the user visited your site and left at the checkout $5 If the user usually visits sites similar to yours $2 Source: Presentation1 51
  • 52. The right brain marketers should design call to actions and creative versions Offer 1 Offer 2 Offer 3 Presentation1 52
  • 53. DoubleClick Ad Exchange (Google) is selling more and more RTB (up to 68% in 2011) Inventory sold through RTB jumped from 8% in January 2010 to 68% in May 2011. But Google is performance oriented and an early adapter so it is not representative for online display in general Source: Internal Google data based on DoubleClick Ad Exchange spend via RTB, not including inventory won by AdWords. January 2010 through May 2011. Presentation1 53
  • 54. In general RTB is forecasted to rise to more than 20% of the online display market % of onine display spending via RTB % RTB 30% 27% 25% 25% 20% 16% 15% US 12% UK 10% 5% 0% 2012 2015 Time We do not know the figures for Belgium but we hear from online agencies that it is just beginning Source: IDC Presentation1 54
  • 55. But big media agencies are starting to invest in RTB in Belgium Source: Presentation1 55
  • 56. To break trough RTB needs to overcome some barriers  RTB is still unknown by many digital marketers  Publishers are afraid to cannibalize their premium inventory and only offer their unwanted ad space  The EU Cookie Directive, which came into force in May 2011, is of some concern to the RTB industry, requiring consumers to give their consent to websites using tracking cookies. Presentation1 56
  • 57. Agenda 1. Smartphones are becoming an indispensible part of our lives 2. TV is the digital marketer’s best friend 3. RTB could become the big thing in online marketing 4. What’s not changing, and won’t Presentation1 57
  • 58. Improve the life of your consumers Marketers’ purpose remains to develop and market products, services, brands that improve and embellish consumers’ life. “When connecting with consumers, we should ask ourselves: are we really adding something to people's lives, everyday and for the long run ?” Marc Mathieu Presentation1 58
  • 59. Keep it simple, personal and relevant The rules that have always guided human relationships and communication still apply: Keep it simple Keep it personal Keep it relevant “Real motivations are the result of nature’s programming of our genes. The proper study of the communicator is the unchanging man” Bill Bernbach Presentation1 59
  • 60. Make sure your communication impacts your consumers The purpose of communication is to grab the attention of your consumers and engage them by using strong branding Presentation1 60
  • 61. Join us at our Meet & Greet! ‘Le Bateau’, Muinkkaai 1, Ghent 20/11/2012 – 19h00 Subscribe via:

Editor's Notes

  1. Background of the google research: In partnership with IpsosMediaCT, we interviewed a total of 1,000 Belgian online adults (18-64 years of age) who identifiedthemselves as using a smartphone to access the Internet The distribution is according to a national representative CATI Study  Interviews were conducted in Q1 2012
  2. Sev
  3. Bart
  4. Sev
  5. Bart
  8. From the technical stand point the following typical transactions take place:A user's browser requests a webpage of a site that uses real time biddingThe user's browser receives the HTML for the webpage. Embedded in this HTML is a URL tag for an ad requestThe user's browser makes a call out to the ad serverThe ad server calls out the SSP that this website is using. Sometimes SSP and the ad server are integrated such as 24/7 Real Media OpenAdstream systemSSP makes a call out to one or more ad exchangesAn ad exchange makes multiple call outs (bid requests) to several DSPs trying to get the best priceDSPs evaluate the bid request and decide how much they want to bid and respond with bids to the exchangeThe exchange selects the highest bid with a URL of the winning ad and returns that to the SSPSSP returns the winning bid to the ad serverThe ad server finally responds with an ad to the browser of the Internet user which started all these transactionsFor a schematic you can refer to.[23]Also check: check: read:A user visits a website with a display advertising, a call is made by the exchange server(database web server) supporting Real Time Bidding (RTB) to the Demand Side Platforms (DSP) or Ad Networks(Ad Exchange) to determine which advertiser gets to serve the ad. Each user has an associated set of attributes, which is transferred from exchange server to the DSP and determines whether the user has the desired attributes(cookies) that the advertiser wants to target. Based on the perceived value of this user , a bid is placed on this ad impression by relevant advertisers and the highest bidding advertiser gets the placement.[22]Let us explain with a simple real time example, a user heads to a page on a publisher’s website, causing it to start loading. In the same instant the publisher sends out a “bid request” to tens of hundreds of potential advertisers saying, “We’ve got this user who is 30, Indian, male and based in New Jersey, US, and recently searched for return air tickets to Delhi, opening a page on our site. How much are you willing to bid for being the only ad on this page?”Within about 100 milliseconds the publisher gets bids from different advertisers, which then analyses to figure out the highest bidder and the brands being advertised. The winner is alerted by the publisher and allowed to place its ad on the page. The remarkable thing about this entire process is how fast and how often it takes place. The entire series of to-and-fro communication between publisher and advertisers takes place in 300-500 milliseconds, causing no visible delay to the user. This process is repeated for every ad slot on a page.
  9. CTA slide Q4 activities