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Digital Art and Philosophy #3
      Play, Performance, and Virtual Reality
                        Melanie Swan
 University of the Commons and the Emerald Tablet Gallery
Digital Art is anything involving
       computers and art

Sub-categories of Digital Art

Information Visualization   Virtual Reality, Gaming

  BioArt, Generative Art         Identity, the Future 3
Review: Philosophy of Digital Art
1. Intro to Digital Art: Interactivity
   gives more direct access to the
   perception process
2. Information visualization: visual
   representation of abstract data
   – Aesthetic qualities: beauty, the
     sublime (vastness), mimesis
     (mimicry), and the uncanny (our
     deepest fears); differend
   – Digital art like conceptual art
   – Authenticity in art: evoke emotion
     and communicate experience
   – The Diagram: allow interactions
     within data before abstraction       4
Play and Digital Art

Play, Performance & Virtual Reality

     Play        IRL – In Real Life      AR – Augmented Reality

  Performance    Virtual Reality: Video Games and Virtual Worlds
What is Play?
     “Do we play play or does play play us?”
                (Gadamer 1960)
• Play is
   – Engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation
     rather than a serious or practical purpose
   – A free and meaningful activity
   – Creating novelty from the commonplace
   – Linked to imagination and creativity – imagining
     and enacting possibilities
• Ludic (ludere - Latin: to play): of or relating to
  play or playfulness
• Claim: Play is a vital component of the social
  life and well-being of both children and adults
• Future: societal quality of life indices:
  happiness, creativity, playfulness quotients
History of Play: the Apollonian and
              the Dionysian
• Sons of Zeus
   – Apollo: god of the Sun, dreams,
     fine arts, reason [contemplation]
   – Dionysus (Bacchus): god of wine,
     agriculture, ecstasy, play [action]
• Analysis of comedy and tragedy
• Fusion necessary to form
  dramatic acts, tragedies - The
  Birth of Tragedy (Nietzsche,
• Contrast and unification of
  opposites needed for highest
  artistic expression
History of Play
• A Philosophy of Play (Luther Gulick, 1920)
   – “Play up! Play up! Play the game!” (1891)
   – “The individual is more completely revealed in play
     than in any one other way, and play has a greater
     shaping power over the character and nature of
     man than has any one other activity.”
• Homo Ludens (Johan Huizinga, 1938)
   – Importance of play in culture and society
   – Play is necessary to generate culture (play is older
     than culture; animals play)
   – Characteristics of play: free, not ‘real-life,’ no
     material interest, creates order
• The Philosophy of Play (Emily Ryall ed., 2013)
   – Education, playwork, leisure studies, applied
     ethics, the philosophy of sport                        9
• History of Play in Work
      – Egyptian pyramid-building work gangs: team names
        (Friends of Khufu, Endurance, Perfection), carving and
        stone-hauling competitions, rewards: beer and bread1
• Total Engagement: Using Games and Virtual Worlds
  to Change the Way People Work and Businesses
  Compete (Byron Reeves, 2009)
      – Use avatars to increase engagement and productivity
      – Allow points, +1 feedback, leveling up, real-time
      – Design games to address work pain points
      – Employ virtual currencies to set priorities and allocate
      – Collaborate in game-like environments
1How Play   and Games Transform the Culture of Work, An Interview with Ross Smith, American Jrl
Play, Vol 5(1), Fall 2012; per          10
Fun and Fulfillment: Monster 2.0

Behavior in General
 • Behaviorism (Pavlov, Skinner): stimulus and
   external actions not internal mental activity
 • (Fogg) General principles of behavior
   design: a simultaneous sense of
       – Sufficient motivation
       – Ability to perform the behavior
       – Trigger
 • Permissibility of play
Fogg BJ. A Behavior Model for Persuasive Design. Persuasive Technology Lab, Stanford University. 2009.
Ethics and Ethical Models
• Act-based (right act with right motive)
   – Categorical Imperative (always right/wrong) (Kant)
   – Utilitarianism (outcome maximization) and
     Consequentialism (end justifies means) (Bentham, Mill,
• Agent-based
   – Virtue ethics: role of character (Aristotle, Aquinas)
   – Dispositionism: individual traits can be used to predict
     and explain behavior
• Situation, context, and ecosystem-based
   – Situationism: social context creates potent forces
     producing or constraining behavior (1968)
   – Ethics of care (Carol Gilligan): morality arises from
     experiences of empathy and compassion;
What is Philosophy?
• ‘Philia’ (love )and ‘sophia’ (wisdom)
   – Pursuit of wisdom, search for meaning
• Metaphysics (the fundamental nature of being
  and the world)                                      Who
                                                      am I?
   – Ontology (nature of being, existence, reality)
   – Cosmology (study of the universe)
   – Teleology (purpose and ends)                      How
• Epistemology (the nature of knowledge)               do I
   – Logic (formal system for reasoning)              know?
   – Scope and limitations of knowledge
• Axiology (the nature of values)                      What
   – Aesthetics (perception and sensation)             I do?
   – Ethics, economic systems, political theory
What is Performance?
        “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players
They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts”
                 - from “As You Like It” (William Shakespeare, 1600)

  • Performance is (traditional)
       – An act of staging or presenting a
         play, concert, or other form of
       – A person's rendering of a dramatic
         role, song, or piece of music
  • Performance is (expanded)
       – Doing something
       – Translating ideas into action
       – A continuous creative process
Levels of Performance
• Theater actors in a play
• You IRL (in real life) all the time (“All
  the world’s a stage”)
   – “We are still and are always
     performing; life is constantly a
     performance; we are, in fact, only
     performing from moment to moment”
     – (Dzifa Benson)
• Everyone to you IRL all the time
  (Truman Show)
• Audience required?
• If you don’t think you are performing,
  are you? Consciousness of
  performance required?
What are we continuously performing?
     • All dimensions of Identity and Sociality
           – Species, gender, geography, affiliation, role
     • Butler: Identity and Performativity
           – Identity is an illusion retroactively created by our
           – Identity is real only to the extent that it is performed
           – Identity is soley and completely a social construction
           – We engage in acts that constitute our identity: the body
             becomes its identity through a series of acts which are
             renewed, revised, and consolidated through time
           – We perform our identities in constructed social reality
     • Sociality: we are individuals and social beings oriented
       to the world collectively through culture
Butler, Judith. "Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory."
Performing Feminisms: Feminist Critical Theory and Theatre. Ed. SE Case. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1990.
Reading: Performance is the Thing
         (Dzifa Benson, 2006)
• Personal philosophies of performance
   – Developed through the act of performing
• Romanticism
   – Art/performance: heightened expression of human emotion
   – Great performer is someone embodying their dream
   – “How can I transcend myself (words, gestures, non-verbal) to
     reach the sublime, to get into the blood-soaked beating
     heart of things?” *Performer’s objective is to connect with
     the audience on universal truths]
• Stoicism
   – Philosophy as a daily disciplined performance
      • Practical steps by which one might confront life’s problems
      • Daily search for freedom from dependence on anything external
   – The attentive gaze of an audience from which one never
     escape: one’s self                                                 18
Reading: Performance is the Thing
         (Dzifa Benson, 2006)
• Existentialism
   – Self-definition is a kind of performance “I am a painter”
   – Living is performance is existentialism (emphasis on
     freedom, action, decision-making)
   – We are always “on stage” performing IRL, especially to
     ourselves (watching, evaluating ourselves); others
     evaluate our performances for authenticity
• Platonism
   – Substance must triumph over style
   – Consciousness of the value of process “when I am able to
     see and experience process, new possibilities emerge”
   – Poets/artists banished from the Republic due to
     privileging of end and ignoring of process
What is Video Gaming?
• A video game is an electronic game that
  involves human interaction
• Game Studies and Game Design Principles
• Jane McGonigal (TED talks 2010, 2012)
   – Cognitive and emotional ability to aspire to
     extraordinary things and strive until achieved
      • Gamer traits: natural ability to be more determined,
        optimistic, cooperative, persistent, goal-oriented, not
        give up in the case of failure, try to achieve something
        extraordinary, reach out to others for help
   – Trust-building, communication, socialization
   – 10,000 hours (school-parallel & expertise)
   – Challenge: translation to real-life problems

Video Game Genres
• Action (FPS, etc.)
  and Strategy
• Adventure
• Role-play
• Augmented Reality
• Serious games
  – Education
  – Social change
Psychology of Killing
   • Contexts for killing
           – Day-to-day real life, war, video games
           – War: indoctrination process required for killing1
   • Wolfenstein 3D - the first major “first-person
     shooter” game (1992): a new paradigm of
           – Viewing perspective seen through the eyes of
             the character rather than from afar
           – Shot enemies fall and bleed rather than
   • Behavior: permissibility, ethics, normativity
           – Is it ok to kill in video games?
           – Is video game killing different?
1On   Killing : The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society
Video Gaming Statistics
                                                                                            ZNGA ($2.8b)
aged-male-viewers                                                                                23
Major League Gaming Championship

World of Warcraft
Virtual World: Second Life
      • 1 million residents (July 2012)
      • $700 m annual economy for virtual goods
        and services
      • Aesthetics ideals: avatars and objects

Augmented Reality Gaming
I Love Bees (2004, to promote Halo2 launch)

Augmented Reality Gaming
LARP (live-action role play): TwinKomplex, Spooks (Halting State)
Augmented Reality Gaming
         Ingress, launched Nov 2012

What is Virtual Reality?
• (Webster) An artificial environment
   – Experienced through sensory stimuli
     (sights and sounds)
   – Provided by a computer
   – One's actions partially determine what
     happens in the environment
• Online persistent 3D world with a
  sense of presence and experience in
• Are immersive environments real?
   – Levels of Realism: underlying world,
     player actions, biophysical and affect
     reactions, social interaction,
     economics                                30
Video Games (goal-oriented)

Virtual Worlds (unscripted)

Gender-bending in Virtual Reality
  • Men 3-5 times more likely to gender-bend
  • 85% players male; half female avatars
    played by men
  • Why are men more likely to gender-bend?
       – Pragmatic: female avatars are more likely to
         be treated better, receive gifts and help
       – Aesthetic: male players prefer to look at
         female avatars
  • Greater understanding of gender roles
    through gender-bending
       – Men: tension between being treated better
         and being treated as inferior
       – Women: men socialized not to ask for help or
         show weakness
Art imitates Life?
Acting out RL in VR?
• Identity and Authenticity
  – Participant responsibilities
  – Example: Sandy Stone, Will the Real Body Please Stand Up?
    Cyberspace: First Steps, ed. Michael Benedikt (Cambridge: MIT Press,
    1991): 81-118
• Death
  – Game addiction, exhaust, neglect; external regulation
  – Example: A 28-year old Chinese player ‘Snowly’ died after playing the
    online game "World of Warcraft" for several continuous days
• Rape
  – Community self-regulation
  – Julian Dibbell, A Rape in Cyberspace: How an Evil Clown, a Haitian
    Trickster Spirit, Two Wizards, and a Cast of Dozens Turned a Database
    Into a Society - The Village Voice, 1993
What is Philosophy?
• ‘Philia’ (love )and ‘sophia’ (wisdom)
   – Pursuit of wisdom, search for meaning
• Metaphysics (the fundamental nature of being
  and the world)                                      Who
                                                      am I?
   – Ontology (nature of being, existence, reality)
   – Cosmology (study of the universe)
   – Teleology (purpose and ends)                      How
• Epistemology (the nature of knowledge)               do I
   – Logic (formal system for reasoning)              know?
   – Scope and limitations of knowledge
• Axiology (the nature of values)                      What
   – Aesthetics (perception and sensation)             I do?
   – Ethics, economic systems, political theory
Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics
        (Grant Tavinor, 2010)
• Philosophical issues related to video
  games when considered as a form of art
• “Videogames are one of the most
  striking developments in recent popular
• Are videogames art?
  – Apply theories of art
  – Criteria: direct pleasure, display of
    virtuosity, representation, criticism,
    emotional impact, imaginative experience,
    audience involvement                        36
Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics


        Fallout 3

Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics
        (Grant Tavinor, 2010)
• Interactivity: theories of player and
  artwork identity
  – Media demanding non-trivial
    reader/participant effort to traverse
    the text/narrative (Aarseth)
  – Strongly interactive if interactor’s
    choices impact the artistic structure of
    the work (Lopes)
  – Modifiable artistic structure especially
    by using fictive props; explode the
    bomb or not? (Walton)
Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics
             (Grant Tavinor, 2010)
   • Relationship between fiction and
     virtutality, example: gameworld dragon
           – Fictive dragon in books/movies: watch it
           – Virtual dragon in gameworld: play with it,
             act upon it, interact with it (simulated for
             this purpose)
   • Ontological (existence) paradox1
           – The apparent physical reality makes the
             virtual object seem real but …
           – How can you battle a gameworld dragon
             that does not exist?

1Michael   Heim, The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality
Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics
        (Grant Tavinor, 2010)
• Role of player
  – First person, third person
  – Degree of player-character
  – Affordances (player actions)
• Player psychology
  – Controlling character actions
    engage decision-making which
    triggers emotional attitudes and
  – Cognitive and emotional response
    to character actions and inactions
    (e.g.; guilt at exploding a bomb)
Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics
        (Grant Tavinor, 2010)
• How is the ontology (existence) of
  video game artworks defined
• Multiple instancing in artworks
   –   Software versions
   –   Shards
   –   Player modding
   –   Player playing
• Performer or player: intentionality
   – Video games
   – Jazz improvisation
   – Traditional performance
Summary: Philosophical Issues in Play,
  Performance, and Virtual Reality
• Gamer mindset
   – Urgent optimism, extreme self-motivation, ability to
     act immediately, tight social fabric creation
• Behavior: permissibility, etiquette, normativity
   – Ethics: act-based -> agent-based -> situation-based
• Continuously performing identity and sociality
   – Identity plurality (avatars), identity play, authenticity
• Objects and existence: fictive vs. virtual
   – How do objects and identities exist in virtual reality?
   – What does it mean for a virtual reality artwork to exist?

Player Score:
         Philosophia Digitale

Learning Points      +50

Fun Points           +100

Team-participation   +75

Agenda and Upcoming Sessions
2/12 - Introduction "What is digital art?" and what philosophers say about it.
2/19 - The Design Aesthetics of Meaning-Making: Information Visualization.
2/26 - Democratized Creativity: Performance, Music, Virtual Reality, Gaming.
3/5 - Natural Aesthetics: BioArt, GenArt, SynBio, Biomimicry, CrowdArt.
         “What is Generative Art? (Margaret Boden, 2009, Sectn I & V)
         “The Further Exploits of AARON, [the artificial intelligence] Painter"
         (Harold Cohen, 1995)
         Experiential project and essay question: What is the experience of
         performing identity differently in virtual reality?
3/12 - Portable ArtTech: Identity, Fashion, Wearable Electronics, the Future.

                                          Comments and Feedback:
The Bay Lights
• World’s largest LED display, Grand Lighting
  Tues 3/5 at 9 pm                       45
Thank you!
                                               Image: Emese

    Digital Art and Philosophy
                         Melanie Swan
    University of the Commons and the Emerald Tablet Gallery

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Digital Art and Philosophy #3

  • 1. Image: Emese Szorenyi Digital Art and Philosophy #3 Play, Performance, and Virtual Reality Melanie Swan University of the Commons and the Emerald Tablet Gallery Syllabus:
  • 2. Digital Art is anything involving computers and art 2
  • 3. Sub-categories of Digital Art Information Visualization Virtual Reality, Gaming BioArt, Generative Art Identity, the Future 3
  • 4. Review: Philosophy of Digital Art 1. Intro to Digital Art: Interactivity gives more direct access to the perception process 2. Information visualization: visual representation of abstract data – Aesthetic qualities: beauty, the sublime (vastness), mimesis (mimicry), and the uncanny (our deepest fears); differend – Digital art like conceptual art – Authenticity in art: evoke emotion and communicate experience – The Diagram: allow interactions within data before abstraction 4
  • 6. Play, Performance & Virtual Reality Play IRL – In Real Life AR – Augmented Reality Performance Virtual Reality: Video Games and Virtual Worlds 6
  • 7. What is Play? “Do we play play or does play play us?” (Gadamer 1960) • Play is – Engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose – A free and meaningful activity – Creating novelty from the commonplace – Linked to imagination and creativity – imagining and enacting possibilities • Ludic (ludere - Latin: to play): of or relating to play or playfulness • Claim: Play is a vital component of the social life and well-being of both children and adults • Future: societal quality of life indices: happiness, creativity, playfulness quotients 7
  • 8. History of Play: the Apollonian and the Dionysian • Sons of Zeus – Apollo: god of the Sun, dreams, fine arts, reason [contemplation] – Dionysus (Bacchus): god of wine, agriculture, ecstasy, play [action] • Analysis of comedy and tragedy • Fusion necessary to form dramatic acts, tragedies - The Birth of Tragedy (Nietzsche, 1872) • Contrast and unification of opposites needed for highest artistic expression 8
  • 9. History of Play • A Philosophy of Play (Luther Gulick, 1920) – “Play up! Play up! Play the game!” (1891) – “The individual is more completely revealed in play than in any one other way, and play has a greater shaping power over the character and nature of man than has any one other activity.” • Homo Ludens (Johan Huizinga, 1938) – Importance of play in culture and society – Play is necessary to generate culture (play is older than culture; animals play) – Characteristics of play: free, not ‘real-life,’ no material interest, creates order • The Philosophy of Play (Emily Ryall ed., 2013) – Education, playwork, leisure studies, applied ethics, the philosophy of sport 9
  • 10. Workplay • History of Play in Work – Egyptian pyramid-building work gangs: team names (Friends of Khufu, Endurance, Perfection), carving and stone-hauling competitions, rewards: beer and bread1 • Total Engagement: Using Games and Virtual Worlds to Change the Way People Work and Businesses Compete (Byron Reeves, 2009) – Use avatars to increase engagement and productivity – Allow points, +1 feedback, leveling up, real-time communication – Design games to address work pain points – Employ virtual currencies to set priorities and allocate resources – Collaborate in game-like environments 1How Play and Games Transform the Culture of Work, An Interview with Ross Smith, American Jrl Play, Vol 5(1), Fall 2012; per 10
  • 11. Fun and Fulfillment: Monster 2.0 11
  • 12. Behavior in General • Behaviorism (Pavlov, Skinner): stimulus and external actions not internal mental activity • (Fogg) General principles of behavior design: a simultaneous sense of – Sufficient motivation – Ability to perform the behavior – Trigger • Permissibility of play Fogg BJ. A Behavior Model for Persuasive Design. Persuasive Technology Lab, Stanford University. 2009. 12
  • 13. Ethics and Ethical Models • Act-based (right act with right motive) – Categorical Imperative (always right/wrong) (Kant) – Utilitarianism (outcome maximization) and Consequentialism (end justifies means) (Bentham, Mill, Sidgwick) • Agent-based – Virtue ethics: role of character (Aristotle, Aquinas) – Dispositionism: individual traits can be used to predict and explain behavior • Situation, context, and ecosystem-based – Situationism: social context creates potent forces producing or constraining behavior (1968) – Ethics of care (Carol Gilligan): morality arises from experiences of empathy and compassion; interrelationships 13
  • 14. What is Philosophy? • ‘Philia’ (love )and ‘sophia’ (wisdom) – Pursuit of wisdom, search for meaning • Metaphysics (the fundamental nature of being and the world) Who am I? – Ontology (nature of being, existence, reality) – Cosmology (study of the universe) – Teleology (purpose and ends) How • Epistemology (the nature of knowledge) do I – Logic (formal system for reasoning) know? – Scope and limitations of knowledge • Axiology (the nature of values) What should – Aesthetics (perception and sensation) I do? – Ethics, economic systems, political theory 14
  • 15. What is Performance? “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts” - from “As You Like It” (William Shakespeare, 1600) • Performance is (traditional) – An act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment – A person's rendering of a dramatic role, song, or piece of music • Performance is (expanded) – Doing something – Translating ideas into action – A continuous creative process 15
  • 16. Levels of Performance • Theater actors in a play • You IRL (in real life) all the time (“All the world’s a stage”) – “We are still and are always performing; life is constantly a performance; we are, in fact, only performing from moment to moment” – (Dzifa Benson) • Everyone to you IRL all the time (Truman Show) • Audience required? • If you don’t think you are performing, are you? Consciousness of performance required? 16
  • 17. What are we continuously performing? • All dimensions of Identity and Sociality – Species, gender, geography, affiliation, role • Butler: Identity and Performativity – Identity is an illusion retroactively created by our performances – Identity is real only to the extent that it is performed – Identity is soley and completely a social construction – We engage in acts that constitute our identity: the body becomes its identity through a series of acts which are renewed, revised, and consolidated through time – We perform our identities in constructed social reality • Sociality: we are individuals and social beings oriented to the world collectively through culture Butler, Judith. "Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory." 17 Performing Feminisms: Feminist Critical Theory and Theatre. Ed. SE Case. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1990.
  • 18. Reading: Performance is the Thing (Dzifa Benson, 2006) • Personal philosophies of performance – Developed through the act of performing • Romanticism – Art/performance: heightened expression of human emotion – Great performer is someone embodying their dream – “How can I transcend myself (words, gestures, non-verbal) to reach the sublime, to get into the blood-soaked beating heart of things?” *Performer’s objective is to connect with the audience on universal truths] • Stoicism – Philosophy as a daily disciplined performance • Practical steps by which one might confront life’s problems • Daily search for freedom from dependence on anything external – The attentive gaze of an audience from which one never escape: one’s self 18
  • 19. Reading: Performance is the Thing (Dzifa Benson, 2006) • Existentialism – Self-definition is a kind of performance “I am a painter” – Living is performance is existentialism (emphasis on freedom, action, decision-making) – We are always “on stage” performing IRL, especially to ourselves (watching, evaluating ourselves); others evaluate our performances for authenticity • Platonism – Substance must triumph over style – Consciousness of the value of process “when I am able to see and experience process, new possibilities emerge” – Poets/artists banished from the Republic due to privileging of end and ignoring of process 19
  • 20. What is Video Gaming? • A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction • Game Studies and Game Design Principles • Jane McGonigal (TED talks 2010, 2012) – Cognitive and emotional ability to aspire to extraordinary things and strive until achieved • Gamer traits: natural ability to be more determined, optimistic, cooperative, persistent, goal-oriented, not give up in the case of failure, try to achieve something extraordinary, reach out to others for help – Trust-building, communication, socialization – 10,000 hours (school-parallel & expertise) – Challenge: translation to real-life problems 20
  • 21. Video Game Genres • Action (FPS, etc.) and Strategy • Adventure • Role-play – MMO, LARP • Augmented Reality • Serious games – Education – Social change 21
  • 22. Psychology of Killing • Contexts for killing – Day-to-day real life, war, video games – War: indoctrination process required for killing1 • Wolfenstein 3D - the first major “first-person shooter” game (1992): a new paradigm of realism2 – Viewing perspective seen through the eyes of the character rather than from afar – Shot enemies fall and bleed rather than disappear • Behavior: permissibility, ethics, normativity – Is it ok to kill in video games? – Is video game killing different? 1On Killing : The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society 2 22
  • 23. Video Gaming Statistics ZNGA ($2.8b) aged-male-viewers 23
  • 24. Major League Gaming Championship 24
  • 26. Virtual World: Second Life • 1 million residents (July 2012) • $700 m annual economy for virtual goods and services • Aesthetics ideals: avatars and objects 26
  • 27. Augmented Reality Gaming I Love Bees (2004, to promote Halo2 launch) 27
  • 28. Augmented Reality Gaming LARP (live-action role play): TwinKomplex, Spooks (Halting State) 28
  • 29. Augmented Reality Gaming Ingress, launched Nov 2012 29
  • 30. What is Virtual Reality? • (Webster) An artificial environment – Experienced through sensory stimuli (sights and sounds) – Provided by a computer – One's actions partially determine what happens in the environment • Online persistent 3D world with a sense of presence and experience in context • Are immersive environments real? – Levels of Realism: underlying world, player actions, biophysical and affect reactions, social interaction, economics 30
  • 33. Gender-bending in Virtual Reality • Men 3-5 times more likely to gender-bend • 85% players male; half female avatars played by men • Why are men more likely to gender-bend? – Pragmatic: female avatars are more likely to be treated better, receive gifts and help – Aesthetic: male players prefer to look at female avatars • Greater understanding of gender roles through gender-bending – Men: tension between being treated better and being treated as inferior – Women: men socialized not to ask for help or show weakness 33
  • 34. Art imitates Life? Acting out RL in VR? • Identity and Authenticity – Participant responsibilities – Example: Sandy Stone, Will the Real Body Please Stand Up? Cyberspace: First Steps, ed. Michael Benedikt (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991): 81-118 • Death – Game addiction, exhaust, neglect; external regulation – Example: A 28-year old Chinese player ‘Snowly’ died after playing the online game "World of Warcraft" for several continuous days • Rape – Community self-regulation – Julian Dibbell, A Rape in Cyberspace: How an Evil Clown, a Haitian Trickster Spirit, Two Wizards, and a Cast of Dozens Turned a Database Into a Society - The Village Voice, 1993 34
  • 35. What is Philosophy? • ‘Philia’ (love )and ‘sophia’ (wisdom) – Pursuit of wisdom, search for meaning • Metaphysics (the fundamental nature of being and the world) Who am I? – Ontology (nature of being, existence, reality) – Cosmology (study of the universe) – Teleology (purpose and ends) How • Epistemology (the nature of knowledge) do I – Logic (formal system for reasoning) know? – Scope and limitations of knowledge • Axiology (the nature of values) What should – Aesthetics (perception and sensation) I do? – Ethics, economic systems, political theory 35
  • 36. Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics (Grant Tavinor, 2010) • Philosophical issues related to video games when considered as a form of art • “Videogames are one of the most striking developments in recent popular arts” • Are videogames art? – Apply theories of art – Criteria: direct pleasure, display of virtuosity, representation, criticism, emotional impact, imaginative experience, audience involvement 36
  • 37. Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics Pong Fallout 3 37
  • 38. Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics (Grant Tavinor, 2010) • Interactivity: theories of player and artwork identity – Media demanding non-trivial reader/participant effort to traverse the text/narrative (Aarseth) – Strongly interactive if interactor’s choices impact the artistic structure of the work (Lopes) – Modifiable artistic structure especially by using fictive props; explode the bomb or not? (Walton) 38
  • 39. Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics (Grant Tavinor, 2010) • Relationship between fiction and virtutality, example: gameworld dragon – Fictive dragon in books/movies: watch it – Virtual dragon in gameworld: play with it, act upon it, interact with it (simulated for this purpose) • Ontological (existence) paradox1 – The apparent physical reality makes the virtual object seem real but … – How can you battle a gameworld dragon that does not exist? 1Michael Heim, The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality 39
  • 40. Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics (Grant Tavinor, 2010) • Role of player – First person, third person – Degree of player-character backstory – Affordances (player actions) • Player psychology – Controlling character actions engage decision-making which triggers emotional attitudes and accountability – Cognitive and emotional response to character actions and inactions (e.g.; guilt at exploding a bomb) 40
  • 41. Reading: Videogames and Aesthetics (Grant Tavinor, 2010) • How is the ontology (existence) of video game artworks defined • Multiple instancing in artworks – Software versions – Shards – Player modding – Player playing • Performer or player: intentionality – Video games – Jazz improvisation – Traditional performance 41
  • 42. Summary: Philosophical Issues in Play, Performance, and Virtual Reality • Gamer mindset – Urgent optimism, extreme self-motivation, ability to act immediately, tight social fabric creation • Behavior: permissibility, etiquette, normativity – Ethics: act-based -> agent-based -> situation-based • Continuously performing identity and sociality – Identity plurality (avatars), identity play, authenticity • Objects and existence: fictive vs. virtual – How do objects and identities exist in virtual reality? – What does it mean for a virtual reality artwork to exist? 42
  • 43. Player Score: Philosophia Digitale Learning Points +50 Fun Points +100 Team-participation +75 43
  • 44. Agenda and Upcoming Sessions 2/12 - Introduction "What is digital art?" and what philosophers say about it. 2/19 - The Design Aesthetics of Meaning-Making: Information Visualization. 2/26 - Democratized Creativity: Performance, Music, Virtual Reality, Gaming. 3/5 - Natural Aesthetics: BioArt, GenArt, SynBio, Biomimicry, CrowdArt. “What is Generative Art? (Margaret Boden, 2009, Sectn I & V) “The Further Exploits of AARON, [the artificial intelligence] Painter" (Harold Cohen, 1995) Experiential project and essay question: What is the experience of performing identity differently in virtual reality? 3/12 - Portable ArtTech: Identity, Fashion, Wearable Electronics, the Future. Comments and Feedback: 44
  • 45. The Bay Lights • World’s largest LED display, Grand Lighting Tues 3/5 at 9 pm 45
  • 46. Thank you! Image: Emese Szorenyi Digital Art and Philosophy Melanie Swan University of the Commons and the Emerald Tablet Gallery