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Difference Between Medieval And Renaissance Architecture
Renaissance Revisited
An investigation into the aesthetics and philosophy reflected in Italian Renaissance architecture
"The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization." – Frank Lloyd Wright
The architectural legacy of the past is one full of astonishing, miraculously constructed buildings and urban spaces. Great books on architectural history
and its dissemination can be found everywhere, and history of architecture courses offered to students are a reflection of our continuous amazement
with architectural principles and manifestations all around the world. It interests us to see what civilizations of the past established. This is very well
reflected in Frank ... Show more content on ...
This is always being posed in the light of the 'Dark Ages' or Middle Ages, of which the name already suggests the cloud of insignificance it is
surrounded by according to many intellectuals. However, before we can distinguish this 'superior' Renaissance philosophy from earlier philosophy, it
needs to be established that medieval and Renaissance philosophy do relate to each other and are part of a continuous process of increasing intellectual
insights into the world and all its phenomena (Copenhaver and Schmitt, 1992). Both medieval and Renaissance philosophy looked at heritage from
their ancestors, and it is not true that medieval philosophy completely disregarded the ancients (Copenhaver and Schmitt, 1992). Rather, they treated
the past differently, focusing on ancient philosophy being a companion to theology and the word of God. There were various important developments
responsible for the different approach Renaissance philosophy took and its spread throughout Europe, but the most important one can be said to be the
introduction of the printing press by Gutenberg in 1440 (Eisenstein, 1980). This development provided a rapid increase of availability of texts to
intellectuals and (Eisenstein, 1980). This technological development, along with the rediscovery and recovery of ancient philosophical works in the
late Middle Ages were responsible for the rise of Renaissance philosophy and the renewed interest in classical writings which would later become the
basis of Renaissance philosophy (Stump, 1982; Copenhaver and Schmitt,
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Analysis Of The Toronto Eaton Center By Ernst Cassirer
Architecture matters, it is omnipresence; we use and encounter it on a daily basis, but most often one tends to focus on the building's function and the
way it looks. Architecture is more than mere buildings that serve its function to meet our own human needs; it has a lot more to offer. Architecture
matters because it can become a symbol that represents something that has a deeper meaning as well as an "ultimate representation of a culture."
Architecture is a powerful icon because it symbolizes experience that we as a community share, which is far beyond what other forms art can offer.
Ernst Cassirer is a German philosopher who believes in the notion that man feel the need "to provide meaning to given input". He believes that it has
always ... Show more content on ...
ROM to me also symbolize urbanization and our current civilization as a whole. It first opened to the public on March 19, 1914 originally having five
different museums, which includes the Royal Ontario Museum for Archeology, Paleontology, Mineralogy, Zoology, and Geology. The original
building was created using yellow bricks and it was designed by Toronto–based architects Darling and Pearson and it was incorporated with various
architectural motifs from different cultures. In 2011, ROM announced their expansion plan called Renaissance ROM, a plan to transform the museum,
which was designed by Daniel Libeskind. The project received $60 million of budget in total and it opened on the year of 2007. To me the old yellow
brick building represent the old civilization and the new additional building known as the Crystal represent the current civilization. It represents how
we advanced as a society in terms of scientific and technological innovations. The materials between the two buildings are very different, which again
highlights the progression of our civilization over time with the evolution in technology and architecture. Architecture matters because they often
symbolize something that goes beyond being just a mere object. They symbolize something that has a deeper meaning, something that is special to us.
They often covey emotions
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Architecture Essance : The Renaissance And Gothic...
The Renaissance Essay
The Renaissance was a time studded with great historical events where society moved forward, offering a transition from the ancient world to the
modern, and providing the foundation for the birth of the Age of Enlightenment. In particular, architecture had thorough advancements during the
Renaissance and with the discovery of ratios by Pythagoras, ratios became an aesthetically pleasing structural aspect of design. Symmetrical
architectural designs were ones that flourished and Brunelleschi's dome on top of the Cathedral of Florence was the largest dome of all time. Medicine
was also another aspect that offered many improvements. More anatomical knowledge and a change in human dissection laws allowed Andreas
Vesalius and Leonardo Da Vinci to make valuable discoveries about the human body. Moving away from theories and superstition to a more scientific
approach also allowed many breakthroughs to be made in medicine.
One area that captures the Renaissance essence perfectly is the architecture. Before the Renaissance, Gothic architecture was the style that dominated. It
focused more on pointed arches, ribbed vaults and buttresses rather than line and proportion. Renaissance architecture is all about digging deep into
the history of Greece and Rome for inspiration as well as incorporating innovation and new techniques. For most new architects, a trip to view the
grand buildings of Rome was an essential part of the learning process. This learning
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The Renaissance Artist: Flippo Brunelleschi
In the time of the Renaissance, education was prevalent as was the expectation of gentleman to be well rounded individuals. The educational
requirements of the time were highlighted by the study of perspective, proportion, geometry and mathematics. The discovery and visual evidence
resulted in a philosophical revolution of artists controlling three dimensional forms on a two dimensional canvas, personalizing the experience for the
viewer (, n.d.). This study of perspective ushered in social changes during the period, formerly unknown artists of a guilds were now
occupying their own confidence as social and mental equals of their patrons (Adams, 68). In this period men sought to define the world, or at least their
art in mathematical... Show more content on ...
Bartolommeo or Michelozzo was an architect and sculptor, often referred to as contemporary of Brunelleschi (Oxford University Press, 2000). In his
short time on earth Flippo is credited with the Medici Chapel at the Church of Sante Croce, the façade of Sant Agostino Church in Montepulciano
and the Palace of Medici. Michelozzo is also responsible for the renovation or reconstruction of the Church and Monastery at San Marcos. The triple
isled library in the Monastery featured a vaulted ceiling; Michelozzo's reconstruction of the library on property would become the blueprint for other
libraries in the century following his passing (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008). In viewing the cloister at the San Marcos Monastery,
Brunelleschi's influence is very prominent. Location dominates the religious symbolism of this holy place. The architecture is classical and simplistic,
reminiscent of the Hospital of the Innocents; full of Romanesque influence. The front eve, or portico mirrors that of the other property, and features
arches proportionate to the surrounding landscape in number and symmetrical on all sides of each cloister. The columns also mirror the unadorned
simplicity seen at the Hospital of the Innocents, as does the color.
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How Did Roman Architecture Impact The Renaissance
Rome was a papal state, therefore was under control of the Roman Catholic Church. The Renaissance had a religious, artistic, and social impact on the
city–sate of Rome. Since it was the artistic haven of their time many scholars and artists came to Rome to research and study Greek and Roman
cultures. Roman architecture, existing of semi–circle arches and large columns, became a functional structure of the Renaissance. Rome also impacted
the development of catholic ideology during that era.
Its a Roman palace, built around 1517, and is a prime example of high Renaissance architecture. It was originally designed by Antonio da Sangallo the
Younger, but was completed by Michelangelo. The palace was given to the French government in 1936 and still
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Brunelleschi's Pazzi Chapel Analysis
This is a short essay on the Brunelleschi's Pazzi Chapel, located in Florence, Italy. It examines the contribution of the monument to the development of
architecture and how it conforms to the architect's style. It further examines what influenced Brunelleschi's goal of creating a centralized effect to his
About Brunelleschi's Pazzi Chapel
In 1419 Brunelleschi was charged with the task of having to complete the dome for the chapel located in Florence, Italy. The task occupied a
significant part of Brunelleschi's life as it came with enormous challenges because no dome of the kind had ever been put up since time immemorial
(Kleiner). Besides becoming an architectural problem, the dome astute engineering skill and Brunelleschi invented and patented hoisting machines that
could be used for undertaking the requisite masonry for the dome. The dome had in excess of 4 million bricks and it rested on a drum as opposed to the
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Brunelleschi's monument has a significant place in the development of architecture. First, the elders of Florence had forbidden the construction of
structures with buttresses. This provided an industrial challenge as engineers and architects were baffling over the way structures could stand without
buttresses (Kleiner). Brunelleschi's dome had a base tensioned by the use of horizontal chains of wood and iron. This cured the problem and many
architects have referred to this technology in their designs.
Secondly, earlier designs close to that of Brunelleschi's had failed to pick up because there were no hoisting machines that could be used to undertake
the masonry. The discovery and patenting of the hoisting machines helped solve the puzzle and, to date, all means of hoisting have come up through
cranes of all types (Kleiner). All these means of hoisting owe their success to Brunelleschi's discovery during the construction of the dome at Florence
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Flippo Brunelleschi's Influence On Renaissance Architecture
Have you ever wondered who created those unique, detailed buildings long, long, ago? Renaissance Architects were inspired by Ancient Rome and
Greek architecture, to create beautiful buildings. Filippo Brunelleschi was influenced and applied his idea's to building one of his most famous
creations. Leon Battista Alberti's sculptures and architecture are mainly due to his three influential aspects on Renaissance art, and Roman architecture.
Andrea Palladio was also influenced by the Roman and Greek architecture, and with that created some unique buildings in the Renaissance. So yes, as
you can see the architectural aspects of the time of the Renaissance was very important since it was influenced by the beautiful buildings of the time of
the Roman ... Show more content on ...
Alberti was not only an amazing architect, he was also very talented in creating Renaissance art (specifically painting), poetry, and sculpturing, which
was a very coincidental, and worked well together all around. His life span was from February 14, 1404 – April 25, 1472. As a designer and a student
of Vitruvius and of ancient Roman remains, he grasped the nature of column and lintel architecture, from the visual rather than structural viewpoint.
Some of his other major accomplishments through his years was through the influence on ancient rome architecture, he designed many buildings such
as the The Tempio Malatestiano (aka, the Church of San Francesco). Alberti also designed the New Facade of Santa Maria Novella, Florence in 1456.
In his architecture, he had the intention of using their symbolic content and associations to ennoble a modern building and give it the sense of having
a Renaissance culture feel to almost all of the buildings he would construct. As one once said about Alberti's work, "The result of the distinction is a
new emphasis on building mass totally unlike, even alien to Brunelleschi's architecture at San Lorenzo that so carefully emphasized plane, space, and
line. It is, however, related to the new interest in the quality and majesty of mass and the sculptural treatment of space at Santo Spirito." So yes,
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How Did Classical Architecture Affect The Italian Renaissance
The Italian renaissance was a time period that lasted from the fourteenth century to the sixteenth century. Some of it's roots go back as far as the 1200s,
but for the most part began in the 1300s. The word Renaissance comes from the French word Rinascimento which translates to Rebirth in French.
Therefore the renaissance was a time of great change, or rebirth, for Italy, and many other European nations. Everything from art to theater to
architecture was affected. There wasn't a single aspect that was left unchanged. It was the changeover from the Gothic era to Early Modern Era.
Although there were all these new ideas going around, they were ideas based on classical teachings. This movement began in Tuscany but flourished in
Florence and Sienna. The renaissance also effected Rome in a great way. The renaissance revival was just as important in architecture as it was in other
aspects of the culture such as music and art. The Department of European Paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, state that the Italian
Renaissance architects based their theories and practices on Classical Roman examples. They go on to mention that aspiring architects would take a
pilgrimage to Rome to study the ancient buildings and ruins, especially the ... Show more content on ...
He redefined the idea of what was beautiful when it came to architecture. It was classified as having a harmonious form with mathematical proportion.
Something else they were doing that wasn't happening anywhere else was that they were using a unit of measurement based on the human scale. The
Department of European Paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art adds that during the Renaissance, architects trained as humanists helped raise
the status of their profession from skilled laborer to artist. It went from being a lowly job that was, for the most part, entrusted to slaves and peasants,
to being a desired job that might even earn them a
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Roman Architecture And The Renaissance
Roman Architecture and the Renaissance In the renaissance days, the designers reject the many–sided quality and vertical of the Gothic style for the
straightforwardness and balanced degrees of class. Balanced bends, vaults, and the built up solicitations were revived. This reclamation was refined
through direct view of Roman leftovers. The renaissance structural planning is the construction modeling of the time frame between the mid fifteenth
and mid seventeenth hundreds of years in distinctive districts of Europe, showing a knowledgeable recovery and improvement of specific components
of old Rome views on society. Elaborately, Renaissance construction modeling took after Gothic structural engineering and was succeeded by Florid
building design. Structural planning remains an important subject to discuss when recorded developments in the time periods happen and the various
sorts of craftsmanship begin to move as well. This is especially present in the midst of the tasteful development from the medieval period to the
Renaissance where degrees and symmetry are returning musings beginning from generally Greek and Roman times. In the midst of the Renaissance
period, engineers, for instance Bartolommeo Bandinelli were known for the staggeringly arranged curves in Florence, which were greater than
whenever in late memory effectively experienced. While the outside parts of Renaissance building configuration were astounding without any other
individual, within segments were
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The Influence of Renaissance in Art and Architecture
The influences of any era is evident through artwork and architecture. During the Middle Ages the main influence was the church, this is evident
through the focus on biblical and religious symbols. During the Renaissance the main focus was the study of people. This is shown through the
increase in self portraits and classical antiquity–inspired buildings. The change between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is best shown through the
art and architecture, demonstrated specifically through an emphasis on religion and classical antiquity, both suggesting a clear cultural change. The
culture of both of these eras was greatly shaped by the studies of humanism and theology. The transformation of cultural studies from theology to
philology ... Show more content on ...
The art and architecture displayed during the Renaissance showed many influences from the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Middle age
architecture led into humanism and classical antiquity, which is shown through many buildings during that time (Deliyannis). Middle Age architecture
was influenced by Romanesque architecture. Their buildings had pointed arches, big windows, bigger buildings and more focus on religious styles
(Deliyannis). This is evident through the many cathedrals in England. While Middle Age architecture was influenced by Romanesque architecture,
Renaissance architecture was influenced by classical antiquity (Hankins). Classical antiquity is known as the revial of the cultures of Greece and
Rome. Renaissance architecture focused on symmetry, proportion and geometry. The Pazzi Chapel in Florence was greatly influenced by classical
antiquity (Class Notes). This is shown through the rounded arches and big windows of the building. The architecture from the renaissance and the
Middle Ages shows the change of building style and the impacts of the influence they received. During the Middle Ages, symbolism was a big part of
the current day art because of the major focus on the church and theology. Jesus and Mary were big symbols during that time, which is evident in the
numerous paintings of them from the Middle Ages (Class Notes). During the Middle Ages, Jesus, Mary, Angels, the devil and the cross were huge
symbols. In the painting Duccio, Jesus
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Essay Renaissance and Nineteenth Century Architecture
Renaissance and Nineteenth Century Architecture
There are many different styles of architecture. All these styles depend on the time period, and the architecture. Today, many architects incorporate
many styles into one building, giving it uniqueness.
The dictionary defines architecture as the "art and science of designing and erecting buildings" (
Since the beginning of civilization, architects have been designing structures and buildings. They are sometimes conventional, and at other times, they
are not.
There are many different styles of architecture. All these styles depend on thetime period, and the architecture. Today, many architects incorporate
many styles into one building, giving it ... Show more content on ...
Nineteenth Century: Iron, Glass and Steel
The nineteenth century saw some changes from the previous artistic periods. This period contained practical ideas, still with a sort of creative though.
Buildings and towers were built with steel and iron beams and supports. Glass covered steel/iron webs to create walls, large window, and 'sunroofs'.
A famous architect from this time period is Alexandre Gustave Eiffel.
He built the Eiffel Tower, Bon MarchГѓ© Department Store, The Nice
Observatory and The Garabit Bridge.
Following this period was the modern period. Many of the styles and ideas were carried to the Modern period, and built into designs in a whole
different perspective, as now there were different architectures with different ideas and dreams.
Saint Peter's
Saint Peter's church is located in Vatican City, Rome, which is located in Italy. The architect Donato Bramate designed it, and it was to "embody the
greatness of the present and the future…and surpass all the other churches in the universe." (Julius II (1505–13)). Bramate had built the church to
represent the roman cross. It is known to one of the most concentrated pieces of Renaissance art.
It was created to replace the great basilica (temple), which had been designed by Constantine the Great. This temple had been built over the apostle, St.
Peter's grave.
Construction of the church began in 1507, and the materials used to create St. Peter's were
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Early Renaissance Vs. Renaissance Architecture
Early Renaissance architecture began in the early years from 1400–1500. During this era, classicism played a huge role in architectural ideas as well as
religious, secularization, and humanist influences. This differed architecture from that time period to later mannerist architecture. Mannerism derived
from late renaissance architecture and continued through the early Baroque era in the years 1520–1600. The influences that changed the views on
early architecture were the Sack of Rome, the Copernican model of the universe, and the Protestant Reformation. The view in architecture during these
two time periods were quite different yet contained similarities due to the emerging work that was inspired from early renaissance and into later
"The spirit of their revolutionary painting, sculpture, and architecture arose from the new Renaissance worldview of humanism (and its accompanying
condition of secularization), which celebrated rationality and individuality and mankind's ability to make an act upon empirical observations of the
physical world. Humanist scholars and artists recovered Classical Greek and Roman texts,including Vitruvius's De architectura, and aspired to create a
modern world rivaling that of the ancients." (pg. 287)
Early Renaissance means rebirth, in this case rebirth of Greek and Roman culture. The traditional views of the Renaissance emerged as a result of the
fall of Constantinople in 1453. If the fall of Constantinople would not have occurred,
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How Did Filippo Brunelleschi Influence The Architecture Of...
The Renaissance was a very memorable period for the European civilization. This period dates back to the early 1300's and lasted for hundreds of
years. During this period, many things were invented and innovated, so many often define the term as a period of "rebirth". In all actuality, The
Renaissance is a period of rebirth, but many leave out the significance of the two principals that shapes its meaning. The two principles that shaped the
styles created during this period includes the classical forms of the Greek and Romans, and the interest of humanism and the importance of the
individual. The Renaissance expressed new ideas and culture through architecture, art, sculptor, and painting. The Renaissance created a change to the
style of ... Show more content on ...
The concept of perspective was a factor that many artists used during this period to elaborate on the arrangement of parts in conjunction to the
endurance of space. Leon Battista Alberti created a perspective diagram that gave step by step instructions to create this effect. The basics of this
principle include parallel lines in a visual field that appear to converge at a single vanishing point on the horizon, two parallel lines that are realized on
the picture plane, forms diminish in scale as they approach the vanishing point along orthogonals, and the vanishing point is directly opposite of the
eye of the beholder (Florence 553).
The Vitruvian Man is another famous drawing created by Leonardo da Vinic that exemplifies the correlation of the ideal human proportion with
geometry. This image is most famous because the circle and square overlap but only form one image. Vitruvian Man shifts the center of magnitude
without a corresponding change of the center of normal gravity. This image greatly demonstrates the concept of humanism connecting man to
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Gothic Architecture In The Renaissance
The Renaissance was the following period after the Middle ages in European history. This period was the time of rebirth of the Roman and Greek
education where people slowly began to turn back and reflect their ancestral way of mind. The Europeans, whose lives were so centered on the thought
of their soul entering the afterlife– and specifically Heaven– has now diminished. They did not do action just because they had to, but they decided to
do action for the better quality of human life. Europeans began to focus on the present, logic, reason, and the reality that even though they still
considered themselves as Christians, they did not act the same way as they did in the past. In the Renaissance, most medieval idea was altered. The
Catholic church in the medieval time was using gothic architecture that was flourishing throughout Europe. It had the flying buttresses that seemed to
reach out into Heaven, but by the time the Renaissance came along, it had longed been expired. The cathedrals built in this period was constructed
with the classical style of the Romanesque era. Therefore, the ones like the cathedral built by Brunelleschi in Florence does not have the gothic flying
buttresses, but instead, the Roman dome. Now, the cathedrals were built so that God has seemed like He was amongst the people. The style of music
was also influenced by the time of the Renaissance. Music was no longer under the full control of the Church. Instead, Europeans began to play
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Architecture During The Renaissance
The fifteenth and sixteenth century is a period of transition between the Medieval Ages and the Modern Times. This period, called the Renaissance,
had manifested itself in Italy. This movement, which would have its repercussion in France, Spain, England, Germany, Switzerland, is characterized by
a series of political, economic, social and intellectual changes.
The Renaissance was a very important era for architecture because during the Renaissance, architecture became so much more than just buildings. It
was created because the Medieval Ages was such a dark, depressing time. The people who lived in that area needed change. Architecture played a vital
role in Renaissance and the changes that happened. Without the changes of architecture that happened during the Renaissance, it wouldn't be anything
like what it is today. What led to the Renaissance was, theByzantine Empire had long since decayed. The beginnings of the crisis go back to the
capture of Constantinople by the crusaders in 1204. The Latin barons ruined the city which never got up completely from this looting. In addition, the
gap between the rich and the poor was widening as state resources dwindled dangerously. Unable to defend his own frontiers, the emperor had to buy
peace from other sovereigns. He had to resolve to entrust the army to mercenaries. Soon the Turks threatened the city. Besieged from 1394 to 1402,
Constantinople was miraculously saved by the Mongol invasion of Tamerlane. The respite was to fall short. The advent of an energetic Sultan, Mehmet
II, at the head of the Turkish army, precipitated the denouement. In 1453, a powerful Ottoman army moved under the walls of the city. Constantinople
finally falls under the pressure of janissaries. The fall of Constantinople, apparently, did not upset the West: the Christian sovereigns left the old Eastern
Empire. However, this event had important consequences for the countries of Europe. Many Byzantine prelates, artists and men of science fled to the
West, including Italy. They brought their knowledge, their ideas and their libraries of ancient manuscripts. Italian scientists and artists took advantage
of the knowledge accumulated in the East. They exerted a real pressure on the architects
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Compare And Contrast The University Of Tampa And The...
The University of Tampa and The Renaissance architecture: How an obsolete hotel and sense of individualism shaped the campus's future design
Without any doubt the architecture of University of Tampa buildings is among the most spectacular designs within Tampa Bay. If you walk through the
campus it is almost impossible not to notice the round arches, the pointed domes, and the Herringbone brickwork. The architecture methods are
immensely similar to the classical revival period of Renaissance art. But what made the UT campus look what it does today? Why is there always an
inevitable sense of renaissance architecture present? To answer these questions, first we need to obtain a good knowledge of the university's
background. University of Tampa as we know it today was much smaller back in 1931 when it was first established as Tampa Junior College. During
the summer of 1933 the college was moved to its present location, then the inoperative Tampa Bay Hotel. With the expansion provided by the
relocation the junior college was promoted to a complete university called The University of Tampa. But if it wasn't because of the almost abandoned
hotel, The U of T may have never resemble its today's structure. ... Show more content on ...
one man took this great opportunity to Tampa. Henry B. Plant expanded his popular Plant System of Railroads to south Florida to be able to import
and export more goods through the vast ports of the region and make more commerce with the neighboring island of Cuba. In 1888 Tampa Bay Hotel
was built to house the quickly growing winter visitors, a project that cost a whopping 3 million dollars at the time. The architecture of the hotel is a
very interesting form of Renaissance. Gothic style arches impacted by the Italian architecture styles; something extremely impending in the consistency
of the campus'
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Art and Architecture in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Essay
The difference between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is most visible through art and architecture, demonstrated specifically through an
emphasis on religion or classical antiquity, and humanity. During the Middle Ages, art was more religious because it had a very religious influence
from the church having such great power in the community. When the Renaissance started, art became more focused on ancient Greece. The Greek
influence was because scholars were broadly studying the revival of classical antiquity. The architecture was affected in the same way because in the
Middle Ages the style of the buildings was being influenced by religion. The style in the Renaissance was being more influenced by ancient Greece.
The art and ... Show more content on ...
The painting depicts real people doing everyday things, like studying. Classical Antiquity was greatly displayed through another painting it depicts a
normal person holding a balance. In the Middle Ages this would have been frowned upon because they discouraged the making of realistic paintings
(Follett software). Realistic paintings would not have been introduced to the Renaissance without the humanists studying classical antiquity.
Art with biblical themes were popular in the Middle Ages because the artists were also focused on theology. Jesus and Mary were usually the main
focus in most paintings. The people in the Middle Ages really appreciated godly looks and tried to incorporate the catholic religion in most if not all
of their paintings (class notes). For example, Giotto's painting Madonna and child displays Mary and Jesus in the center of the painting. Not only are
Mary and Jesus in the center, they are also illustrated to be a lot bigger than the angels around them. Giotto wasn't the only artist to place Mary and
Jesus in the center and larger, this was very normal for the Middle Ages. Most artists were very influenced by the church because the church had the
highest role in government.
Art and Architecture were greatly impacted by the humanist's study of classical antiquity. The art was changed with the scenes having more of a Greek
influence. For example, Botticelli's Birth of Venus painting, Venus is taking up the whole center of the canvas. In the Middle
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Essay about Architectural Forms in the Mannerist Period
During the Mannerist period, architects experimented with using architectural forms to emphasize solid and spatial relationships. The Renaissance
ideal of harmony, gave way to freer and more imaginative rhythms.
During the High Renaissance, architectural concepts derived from classical ancient times were developed, and used with bigger surety. The most
representative architect is Bramante (1444–1514), who expanded the applicability of classical architecture to contemporary buildings in a style that was
to control Italian architecture in the sixteenth century. During the Mannerist period, however, architects experimented with using architectural forms to
stress on solid and spatial relationships.
Specifically, in Mannerist architecture, ... Show more content on ...
Giulio Romano (1499–1546), was a pupil of Raphael, assisting him on various works for the Vatican. Romano was also a highly inventive designer,
working for Federico II Gonzaga at Mantua on the Palazzo Te (1524–1534), a project which combined his skills as architect, sculptor, and painter. In
this work, which integrated garden grottoes and extensive frescoes, he uses illusionistic effects, surprising combinations of architectural form and
texture, and the frequent use of features that seem somewhat unbalanced or out of alignment.
Michelangelo's architectural fame lies chiefly in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. St Peter's was "the greatest creation of the Renaissance," and a great
number of architects contributed their skills to it. But at its conclusion there was more of Michelangelo's design than of any other architect. When he
took over the project in 1546 Michelangelo integrated Bramante's Greek–cross plan and redesigned the piers, the walls, and the dome, giving the lower
weight–bearing members huge proportions and eliminating the encircling aisles from the chancel and identical transept arms. Michelangelo's dome
was a masterpiece of design using two masonry shells, one within the other and crowned by a massive lantern supported, as at Florence on ribs .For
the exterior of the building, he designed a giant order which defines every external bay. The full lot is held together by a wide cornice which runs
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Architecture In The Renaissance
The Renaissance period, which was the connecting period from the Middle Ages to modern history, was considered a cultural movement, which
introduced different perspectives on arts and culture. The Renaissance lasted from the 15th century to the early 17th century. Throughout the
Renaissance, many aspects of life started to change, including the way civilization perceived theaters. Everything that civilization had known about
theaters was stretched and changed drastically, including theater architecture. Architecture remains to be an integral part of maintaining a statement,
especially theater architecture. Architecture is a perfect representation of the difference in times and periods of historical significance. Each theater
built is a statement... Show more content on ...
In 1468, Vitruvius's De Architecture was published, which featured the acient concept of perspective which was made popular once again. Julius
Pomponius Laetus, the founder of the Roman Academy, became a significant part of the Renaissance period. He was known for his experimental
work with forms of academic theaters and for his design and usage of the scanae frons. He adapted a chapter from Vitruvius's De Architecture, a
chapter based on theater architecture. He was also well known for leading to the popularization of the form of medieval staging in which "the back of
a wide but shallow raised stage was composed of either a straight–line colonnade with curtains covering the resulting four or five openings or a
colonnade that angled forward so that the central one or two openings were closer to the audience and the others were at an angle to them. In either
arrangement, each curtain opening served the same purpose as a medieval mansion, but, since the openings were not differentiated visually from one
another, signs were placed over them, identifying each as the home of a central character." This style of staging curtains became the standard for
academic theaters throughout
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Architecture Of The Renaissance Period
The Renaissance period was a time filled with new ideas and developments that changed European society. Many cultural and scientific advances were
made during this period, especially in architecture and medicine. As Arthur Ericsson states the period was "studded by the names of architects" such as
Filippo Brunelleschi and Donato Bramante, whose "creations are recorded as great historical events." The Renaissance period is also well known for the
new scientific discoveries made through the examination of the human body. The European society changed greatly during the Renaissance period due
to the many cultural and scientific advances made particularly in architecture and medicine.
The architecture of the Renaissance period replaced the medieval gothic style with a style representing the rebirth of classical civilization. One of the
famous architects in the early Renaissance was Filippo Brunelleschi. Through looking at the old Roman and Greek architecture, he was able to bring
back the old traditional buildings and arches, but in a more effective and proportional way. In the early Renaissance, the Florentines fathers created a
competition for the ideal dome design. Many architects came from all around Europe to showcase their designs. Brunelleschi had won for his
amazing yet risky plan. He designed the dome with two concentric shells. The inner shell facing the inside of the cathedral, and the outer shell would
be a large dome. He bound the walls with tension rings of
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New Forms Of Architecture Developed During The Renaissance...
Architecture is a significant topic when looking at historical shifts of time periods, especially when looking at the artistic shifts that occurred in the
transition from the Medieval period into the Renaissance. New forms of architecture are considered one of the most important achievements that
formed during the renaissance era. The form of architecture developed during this period mainly originated from Greek and Roman styles. These
reappearing ideas became present in modern times in many different ways. Many architects such as Bartolommeo Bandinelli would design dome
creations used mainly in the cathedrals of Florence. Not only were these domes larger and more extravagant than ever before, they were engineered in a
way that their acoustics are still being studied and replicated today. The exterior elements of the Renaissance era domes were considered to be
impressive artistically, but the interior elements were unique to many as well. Looking at such buildings today, you can see the detailed work that had
been put in for many years in order to create such a beautiful building. The acoustics inside the dome were carefully crafted and incorporated into the
structure of the dome itself, in order to enhance the ability for a crowd to hear. The acoustics of many theaters in Italy were designed to enhance the
hearing for the varieties of music that were performed during these times. The Renaissance introduced the use of "polyphony", which is a multilayered
faster type of
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Book Review Of A Book : The Complete Architecture Handbook
The name of the book that I choose to write on is called "The complete Architecture handbook, from the first civilizations to the present day". This book
may seem small but it contains a vast amount of vital information to the experienced architect or a traveling tourist on understanding the history of
architecture. The authors,(Patrick Nuttgens & Richard Weston) that collaborated on this novel tried to achieve a detailed but not overly complex
book on the history of architecture and how it shaped our current world. An architect who would like to take an indepth view of how their practice
came to be would enjoy this book. A tourist or a simply curious person that would like to know about some of the world's most famous buildings would
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The Temple of Aphaia is not only a tourist attraction in greece but contains some of the most earliest uses of building techniques that we still use
today. This building contains limestone pillars and had roofing techniques similar to ours. From the picture you can see the details and just how
similar this building is to the layout of other modern buildings. Now this is by no means a perfect replica of our current standards but it shows some
of our older and less refined techniques.
By comparing these two buildings we can see some of the similarities. Pillars and glass work are in both drawings, they may be made out different
materials but there is no denying the similarities between the two buildings.
The top image depicts the inner structure of the roman coliseum. Being another great depiction of old architecture the handbook provides an indepth
view of the building and its uses. As show here we can see how the building load is transferred from row to row of the coliseum. This drawing also
depicts what each level was to be used for.
Looking similar to the Sydney opera house the Baha'i Temple is another example of modern day architecture. The book goes on to explain the more
technical aspects of the building and gives the reader an insight on why this building is important and how it is a key attraction
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Second Skin : New Design Organics
The body has been a key focus in the design world across all history according to Ellen Lupton as people like to build and make things that look like
them. It's also prevalent as objects made come into contact with the skin and at times, act as extensions for the body allowing it to do things it cannot.
In her essay Second Skin: new design organics (2006), Lupton discusses the surfaces of objects; from lights, to chairs, and to building materials, acting
like skin which allow for a fluctuating understanding of the objects meaning and function. Representing the body in architecture has been a common
practice for almost all of architectural history dating back to Vitruvius however Anthony Vidler believes that the practice of architecture is distancing
itself further from the body. Sigmund Freud describes this a tradition of body projection which leads to the creation of object–surrogates where one
thing represents the other. For example, the telescope as an eye, electrical circuits as a nervous system and a dwelling as the womb . This section of
the paper will show how Vidler's statement is untrue through an analysis of work from the likes of Le Corbusier and Filaret, then, see how it can be
extended to FOA's design of the terminal
Vidler's main argument for the loss of the body in architecture is from his belief that the development of modern, technology dependent architecture has
muted the need for a perfect bodily proportion that was prevailing in classical and
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Architecture as a Demonstration of Power
Since the recognition of architectures aid in representing power leaders have deployed it to enhance their prestige and represent their value within
their empire. Leaders of cities such as Versailles, Isfahan and Chinese Imperial cities have implemented architecture in countless ways to portray their
own importance and power over their people. The use of axis and baroque planning is a prime example of how leaders use city planning to enhance
their power by controlling views and how people travel though the city. Ornamentation and colour are other ideas often used to represent power and
riches by monarchs. Leaders used multiple means of architectural design to further their power and influence over their city, not only did they use it to
represent themselves but also to increase the control they had.
Baroque planning is a prime example of how architecture can demonstrate power. Powerful rulers emerged in Italy during the renaissance; primarily the
15th century. One of the initial places Baroque style planning was implemented was in Italy, specificallyRome. After the decay of Rome the church
needed to restore faith in the people. They began the remodel by adopting axial streets that led to important areas of the city including churches,
fountains and views of grand buildings. This idea was later adopted by leaders to enhance their prestige and power within their city. The purpose of
the baroque layout is to display a cities strength and power. Land use was divided into
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The Architecture Of The Italian Renaissance
Theatre architecture in Italy was most exciting during the Italian Renaissance. So we are going to look at the architecture of three very important
theatres from the Italian Renaissance and see how they not only influenced each other but also how they have influenced the architecture of theatres
today. We are going to start in Vicenza, Italy with theTeatro Olimpico, make our way over to Sabbioneta, Italy to the Teatro all 'antica and then end up
in Parma, Italy where the Teatro Farnese is located. Not only is Teatro Olimpico the oldest surviving Rennaissance theatre but it was one of the first
permanent theatres to be constructed during the Italian Renaissance. The architect, Andrea Palladio was a student of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio who
inspired Palladio's design for the theatre. In his article The Influence of Vitruvius on Theatre Architecture, Donald C. Mullin explains that Vitruvius
"wrote his treatise De Architectura Libri Decem in the year 20 B.C.". His treatise contains a variation of information on Greek and Roman buildings,
along with instructions for the planning and design of military camps, cities, and structures both large (aqueducts, buildings, baths, harbors) and small
(machines, measuring devices, instruments). People think that this was the first book on architectural theory, as well as a huge cause of Classical
Architecture. Which is exactly what Palladio wanted to convey in his design. He was asked by the Olympic Academy of Vicenza to design this
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Organic Architecture Through Functionalism and Minimalism
The inspiration of nature in design created a movement of Organic Architecture through functionalism and minimalism since the 1800's influencing
some of the greatest architects to emerge. Functionalist architects and artists design utilitarian structures in which the Organic Architecture dictates the
development within and moves outward in harmony with its surroundings, without regard to such traditional devices as axial symmetry and classical
proportions or any other heavy ornamentation. Louis Henry Sullivan's design theory that "form ever follows function" leads the dialogue towards a
new world of design where the buildings effect on its surroundings is considered. Inspired by his mentor Frank Lloyd Wright expands on the design...
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Often decorated and capped by a decorative cornice. The Wainwright Building Location: 709 Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Missouri, USA Architect:
Louis Sullivan and Dankmar Adler Year: 1890
–91 Height: 147 feet Stories: 10 The Wainwright Building falls into his pattern of design: a basement
for furnace and utilities, a two story base for shops and other retail spaces, a sill, and the multi–story office section with continuous vertical columns
rising to the attic. Often decorated and capped by a decorative cornice. Before this prior attempts to build with steel looked tiered or stacked almost
like a cake. The Wainwright building materials are sandstone, brick and windows. The first two stories have large deep windows and a modern
approach to the brown sandstone due to the lacking of ornamentation. The next seven stories are red brick vertical columns with horizontal leaf
decorated panels. The last story has round windows in terra cotta with a Notre Dame inspired leaf scroll. He wrote in the Lippincott's Monthly
Magazine, "The skyscraper must be tall, every inch. The tall force and power of altitude must be in it, the glory and
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Visual Evidence The Dublin Royal Exchange
This paper will analyze based on available visual evidence the Dublin Royal Exchange (City Hall) (1769–1779) designed by Thomas Cooley, and Villa
Rotonda by Andreas Palladio (1567–1592).
The aim is to (i) determine how they fit into the concepts associated with the eras in which they were built; (ii) identify the most critical features of
each; and (iii) describe the relationship between the two historically.Villa La Rotonda , a suburban residence (Fletcher), or 'palazzo', located outside
Vicenza in Northern Italy, is an example of LateRenaissance architecture with its focus on symmetry and harmony, "a mirror of high order and
proportion" (Villa Almerico Capra detta "la Rotonda").
A freestanding object placed on top of a hill, visually the Villa is simple, if not austere,– clear shapes, with minimum decorations, give the impression
of wholeness and balance. This positioning creates a relationship between the Villa as an object with the landscape as space, making it part, if not the
crown, of the surroundings. The building is raised on a high base, and its frontal orientation is a distinctive feature of the Renaissance architectural
style. Superimposed porticos with classical pediments supported by six Ionic columns link onto each of the four façades, giving complete symmetry
to the building. The entablature is characteristic of the Ionic order with a three–face architrave, plain undecorated frieze and cornice built up with
dentils. The pediments adorn the projecting
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Architecture Set In Motion Essay
1. Bouffrand: Salon de la Princess, hotel de Soubise, Paris, France, begun 1730's
Salon de la Princess, is a many sided cylindrical interior room and is part of the Rococo style that incorporates minimal architectural features and light
airy decor, that develops into a profession of interior design. Rococo is the revolt against complicated Baroque that decorated the interior of Versailles,
in revolt against the palace and after the death of Louis XIV, French women who had city houses in Paris inspired a new lightened airy style of decor
and architecture. As seen in the Salon de la Princess, the structure of the room has virtually been covered up by white walls of wood and mirrors, and
it only contains hints ... Show more content on ...
However, with the inspiration of the French landscape painter Claude, the landscape at this Palladian estate is completely manmade, with hills, lakes,
trees, meant to look as nature had created it, and as in Claude's' landscapes it can be divided up into three layers, incorporating a dark foreground, light
middle ground and light hazy background. Stooped in classical Roman tradition the garden is a place to break the rules, and Stourhead has architectural
samples from all over the world incorporated into the landscape as temples, grottoes, and classical statues together with a Chinese bridge, and Turkish
tent, which set a president from 1750 on where naughty architectural elements present themselves in architectural structures. This eclectic style is the
bases of 19th and 20th century American suburbs, including new ones being built around the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia today, while also
emerging in 20th century architects as Wright, who in the Robbie House(1900s) combined inspirations from many different cultures past and present.
3. Pritchard and Darby: Iron Bridge, Coalbrookdale, England, 1770s
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My View Of My Dream House
Generally, I revere everything in life, it illustrates a clear explanation of whom I want to become in the future. The grade 10 students were introduced
to the myp personal project and with this in mind, I had many vital ideas executed but confused to choose a product that contributes to my interests. I
love learning and discovering new things. After many cups of coffee, I obtained an idea or goal to create a three–dimensional foam architectural model
of my dream house. My family built our own house in India last year and on viewing the stages of building a house became one of my interest. I always
wondered how the workers/builders managed to get the house in perfect shape as the engineer contemplated. For instance,
how can a bunch ... Show more content on ...
His creation inspired many others' in the architectural field and has become one of the seven wonders of the world. My product should impress
others and induce them in creating their own dream house model. I have chosen to focus on the global context of orientation in space and time. My
areas of exploration will be on "Homes and Journey". My project specifically deals with the design and construction of a house in this modern world.
I intend to focus on the engineer and construction workers collaboration towards the completion of a perfect house. In this case, I will be both the
engineer and construction worker as I am going to design my floor plan and transform it into a three–dimensional figure. Based on my global context
my question of inquiry is "Why humans should know how to manipulate architectural designs and common construction procedure". To start out with
this personal project I have decided to conquer this quote for my success in this model, "If you focus on design, you can call yourself a designer. If
you focus on the implementation of your design, you can call yourself an architect".(Cameron Sinclair, Architecture for Humanity)
Before I begin my construction work, I need to know basic steps of an architectural – model building. So I Came up with some research questions that
would help me throughout this project.
What I needed to research:
What – Basic
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A Report On Le Corbusier 's ' Esprit Nouveau, And Several...
If one were to travel back to Paris in its immediate post–WW1 years, one would find a growingly dissatisfied architect made anxious by his
surroundings. All around Le Corbusier, engineers were making their presence felt through rapid innovation of technology and industry, whilst
architecture seemed to be mired in a state of stagnation. As he watched this chasm grow between his profession and the push for progress, he felt
compelled to express his criticisms on the contemporary state of affairs, as well as the bold, comprehensive vision he himself carried for the future.
He did so through essays in his magazine L'Esprit nouveau, and several of these were collected and published as a book in 1923 titled Vers une
architecture (literally Towards an Architecture though mistranslated as Towards a New Architecture in the English edition of 1927). A manifesto of the
architect's ideas for a reconsideration of the house as well as the way to build it, it proved hugely influential in its time and undoubtedly played in part
in shaping the development of architecture. We approach the question with the assumption that the book was indeed relevant owing to the word 'still'
within its phrasing. Thus, it is useful to investigate the nature of its relevance at its time of publication almost a century ago. A major reason for the
widespread reception of Le Corbusier's ideas can be found in his country's social conditions during the interwar years. Towards a New Architecture was
launched into
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Elizabethan Vs. Jacobean Periods
The Elizabethan and Jacobean periods characterized the architecture of English developments in large country houses. Antique styles of earlier times
changed by the architecture of Elizabethan bringing the beauty of Renaissance expose. Even nowadays, there are everywhere examples of the
Elizabethan architecture, places like country houses, as a proof of the good work of builders and architects. The houses were built to resist difficulties
through the years.
At the present time, the choice of living counts on the income and the social class with which is identified, just like at the past. This means that they
were various kind of homes. Countryside began to rectify. Small farm houses turned to great houses with promoted gothic styles and Renaissance
detail. The architectural style of Elizabethan affected England from the late 1500 's until 1600 's. The earliest characteristic was that churches
construction stopped and the building of houses started.
To express their wealth, the houses were built by strong statesmen, successful merchants and the enriched nobility. As Elizabethan royalty increase,
their homes also became bigger and better, with gorgeous stone foundations with various levels and a lot of rooms. The houses were looked and
appreciated as symbols of social class and personal status. Elizabethan visual expression of order and harmony, is the most unique characteristic in
these great dwellings, by the use of classical symmetry. Symmetrical plans were popular. In
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Architecture And Architecture: The Components Of Architecture
One precipitant arts that belong to the phrase that architecture is the mother of the arts of those arts which is color
I think what characterize the architecture are the compact components with each other and the make up of the architectural layout and the physical
structure , Starting from the surface of the components of texture and color and the end of its components in the form of mass and vacuum. We will
illustrate the physical structure of the work of the architect of during one of the elements of this structure, namely color. Color has its latent strength and
apparent ability to change configurations and shapes, also it has a psychological effects on mood and behavior.
Color is part of human life, and if we look at the world ... Show more content on ...
Architectural sculpture has been employed by builders throughout history.
Although the architecture is the mother of sculpture, but there is a big difference between sculpture and architecture A sculpture is a three–dimensional
work. Architecture on the other hand, is the creating and shaping form and space . This is the main difference between sculpture and architecture.
Sculpture means the carving of wood, iron , silver or any other metal with artistic creativity. It can be considered one of the fine art. On the other hand,
architecture includes fine appeal. Sculpture includes creative appeal. We find that both sculpture and architecture appeal to the human mind.
Museums, churches, castles, hotels and office buildings are architectural creations. It is interesting to find that several architectural building or
landmarks or wonders exist even today. They include cathedrals , castles and museums ,designed by famous architects
Architecture requires the study of engineering and engineering mathematics. Sculpture requires creativity and imagination. It does not depend on
measurement. On the other hand, architecture depends on
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Why Are Great Italian Renaissance Architects More Famous...
Why are great Italian Renaissance architects more famous than their great Gothic predecessors? Discuss how and why the role and image of the
architect changed during the Italian Renaissance.
"The Renaissance is studded by the names of the artists and architects, with their creations recorded as great historical events." – Arthur Erickson
The end of the 14th century was the birth of Renaissance, which meant that Gothic architecture began to wear off. The Renaissance period spread out
across Europe. Along with the changes in politics, beliefs, and ways of life, architecture and architects were also changing. A group of Italian
academics, some of whom were amateur architects, influenced the birth of Renaissance architecture. Many renaissance buildings have murals and
statues because artists and architects started working together in this ... Show more content on ...
The architects of this period solved the problems of heavy roof with few brilliant innovations such as the flying buttress (a semi–arch), piers, etc. The
result was amazing: cathedrals could be higher, thinner, and could have more windows, which led to brighter interiors. In my opinion, this was a good
base to start producing something more magnificent, more interesting, and other types of architecture, besides just cathedrals.
Architects of the Renaissance period designed a large spectrum of civil structures like palaces, libraries, villas, fountains, hospitals, bridges, etc. They
built urban spaces which looked magnificent and also a little frightening. The facade gives us a hint of what is happening inside: an enormous central
door indicates power, stonework shows strength, marble shows wealth, and so on. One of the most recognizable features of Renaissance buildings is
elegant interior courtyards surrounded by two tiers of rounded arcades. One such example of a Renaissance building is the Florence cathedral, designed
by Filippo
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The Architecture Elements Of Roman And Roman Architecture
Italy was founded on 21April 753 BC by two brothers, Romulus and Remus. Rome has been a dominant empire throughout the age of time and its
influence on the modern world is still in manifest. One of the major driving forces that aided the Romans in maintaining their power was the
phenomenal architectural principles that their structures possessed throughout the city of Rome. The Romans applied three elements in which was used
in order to perfect various elements such as their architectural structures, concrete, vaults and arch's. Rome was recognized for more than just their
achievements as a city, but they were also acknowledged for being founders of additional big cities such as London and Paris in which elevated to
their levels of dominance and power.
Ancient Rome leaders who were strongly engaged with architecture as a form of political and urban art, include: Augustus (27 BCE–14 CE), Tiberius
(14–37), Caligula (37–41), Claudius (41–54), Nero (54–68), Vespasian (69–79), Titus (79–81), Domitian (81–96), Trajan (98–117), Hadrian (117–138),
Antoninus Pius (138–161), Marcus Aurelius (161–180), Caracalla ... Show more content on ...
The construction materials and methods that were used by romans are concrete and true arch whereas the Greeks would make use of post, lintel and
marble. The preferred architectural orders in which the Romans would make use of were Corinthian and in comparison the Greeks would make use of
Doric and ionic orders in their buildings. The most famous temples that were built by the Greeks and Romans was The Parthenon, in which was
dedicated to Athena, located in Athens and The Pantheon in which was dedicated to all the gods situated in the city of Rome. In the Parthenon
ceremonies were held outside of the Greek temple, whereas in The Pantheon ceremonies were held on the inside of the
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Architecture, Power, and National Identity Essay examples
Having a sense of belonging is one of several fundamental human needs and national identity refers to a person's sense of belonging to one country
with its history, values and traditions. Since achieving independence in 1957, the issue of Malaysia's national identity has been in the spotlight due to
its strong social, political and economical factors implication. As a multi–cultural country, the search for a national identity is not an easy undertaking
as Malaysians consist of different ethnics such as Malay, Chinese and Indian. Each ethnic group contributes their own unique culture and religion,
hence making it difficult to form a Malaysian identity. In fact, in September 2010, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announced the 1Malaysia ... Show
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The term, vernacular architecture, was first used by architectural theorists to describe buildings that seemed not to have been 'consciously' designed and
affected by the intellectual and artistic currents of the Renaissance (Dell Upton, 1983).
With the growing presence of globalization and modernization, the pre–industrial building heritage is indeed under threat with modern methods
prevailing. In that vein, we are seeing how the "designs, use and meanings of these traditions change within the concepts of the contemporary
processes" in a globalized world (Lindsay Asquit, Marcel Vellinga, 2006).
The societal effects are evident in the negotiation of identity, and the definition and value of key concepts like tradition, modernity and place (Lindsay
Asquit, Marcel Vellinga, 2006). One of the most engaging aspects that is relevant to the discourse of how vernacular architecture is tradition. It has
been a major theme in writings on vernacular architecture (Al Sayyad, 2004). According to the values Victor Papanek exposed in his theory that
"vernacular architecture is the result of multiple causation", tradition as practiced in vernacular architecture can be displayed via a cultural explanation:
In a traditional setting, there are many that determine an auspicious date before starting construction, by way
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Metropolitan Cathedral In Mexico City: Claudio De Arciniega
The Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City was built between 1573 and 1813 by the architect that designed this building was Claudio de
Arciniega. He designed this building from taking inspiration from gothic cathedrals in Spain. The focus of this cathedral was Spanish gothic,
with the influence of the renaissance. Claudio de Arciniega was born in 1520 and died in 1593. There was not a lot found on him. Per Jimenez article,
he was a carver in Madrid and after a while, moved to New Spain in 1555. He did some work in America like the Viceregal Palace and the Santo
Domingo (Jimenez). He also did some work in Mexico till he died. The last building, he was working on was the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico
City right before he died. The style... Show more content on ...
EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 17 Jan. 2014. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. [Figure 5] "Inside Metropolitan Cathedral– Picture of Metropolitan Cathedral
(Catedral Metropolitana), Mexico City – TripAdvisor." Reviews of Hotels, Flights and Holiday Rentals. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. Jimenez, Juan
Antonio Castro. "Arciniega, Claudio De (ca. 1520–ca. 1593)." Arciniega, Claudio De (ca. 1520–ca. 1593). В» N.p., n.d. Web. 25
Apr. 2017. [Figure 3] MailOnline, Richard Gray for. "Tombstone of 16th Century Spanish Priest Is Found under an Ancient Aztec Temple– and the
Remains of the Canon May Lie beneath." Daily Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 14 Apr. 2016. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. [Figure 1] "Mexico City
Metropolitan Cathedral." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Apr. 2017. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. [Figure 2] "National Palace Mexico City Pictures,
Images and Stock Photos." National Palace Mexico City Pictures, Images and Stock Photos – IStock. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. [Figure 4] "SEO
Recommendations." Inside the Metropolitan Cathedral Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Baroque
Architecture." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 23 Nov. 2015. Web. 25 Apr.
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How Did Palladio Influence Architecture
Palladio's influence on architects and recognition
Architectural community as well as public sees Palladio's work as attractive mainly because of the sheer beauty of his architecture. Beauty that does
not have to be explained nor justified. Palladio is often labelled as the most influential architect in history mainly due to his dominance in architectural
development from Renaissance until present day (Scruton, 2013). Many tried to directly imitate his work however only Palladio could benefit from
prestige on a scale he has received, mostly because he was the first European architect who worked out many variations on a basic theme to build
separate structures and on his own. Some buildings, built with symmetry in accordance with Palladio, however ... Show more content on ...
His work is often recognised as work around geometrical rules. It's about tight and tidy synthesis whilst using workable and logical grammar.
There are ongoing discussions on what the rules may be as he only ever described a few, but nonetheless they imply he had an extraordinary mind.
Like many influential artists, Palladio has measured, calculated, mirrored and counted to execute perfection (Tavernor, 2005). Palladio's plans and
facades are hypothesised to be ideal, harmonic. This 'ideal' is reached by an assembly of ideal shapes and dimensions, whilst taking into an account
that some numbers are more noble in Renaissance than others (Hersey and Freedman, 1992). He used mathematical tools as devices whilst working
on his designs. In order to appreciate his work fully, the concept of symmetry and proportion is to be viewed as the key to understanding. Palladio's
work was inspired by Roman times, although build with nature in mind. The buildings are regarded as an exercise in pure form rather than models of
themselves, they fulfilled and embodied the ideal and harmony of the magnificence own to upper class. The high–class life in Palladio's buildings
became a standard and was not viewed as anything peculiar or out of place. The reason why this way of life was widely accepted was that Italy in 16th
century was not spiritual nor moral, it was political and
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My Dream House Architectural Model
Dream House Architectural Model
Foam Custom Built Model
Criteria A : Investigating
Generally, I revere everything in life, it illustrates a clear explanation of whom I want to become in the future. The grade 10 students were introduced
to the MYP personal project and with this in mind, I had many vital ideas executed, but confused to choose a product that contributes to my interests. I
love learning and discovering new things. After many cups of coffee, I obtained an idea or goal to create a three–dimensional foam architectural model
of my dream house. My family built our own house in India last year and for viewing the stages of building a house became one of my interest. I
always wondered how the workers/builders managed to get the house in perfect shape as the engineer contemplated. For instance, how can a bunch of
line sketches or drawings on a piece of paper transform into a three–dimensional figure on land; when both the engineer and construction worker dont
have any relationship in common. I have many questions that are still unanswered. Based on this personal, I will build a model of my dream house as a
(final) product. This personal project is important because it will enhance my organizational skills, creativity and time management. Throughout this
project, I will create blueprints for both main/first floors and interior/exterior elevation. I want to succeed in this project
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The Connections Between Renaissance Architecture And...
Renaissance ideas of the relationship of music and cosmology to architecture substantially predate the 15th century and were influential long after it.
In this essay, I will not only be discussing at the connections between Renaissance architecture and cosmology as well as music, but also the what
Renaissance architecture is and how it played a key part in architectural design today. The Renaissance period took place during the early 15th century
to early 17th century, the age of Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael. Architects of the time took inspiration from classical Roman architecture. This
means it is an analysis of architecture in the ancient world, especially ancient Greece and Rome. What the Renaissance learnt from the Romans has
how they used the space, looked at the form and had somewhat accurate measurements. And so, they copied elements and modified it, for example,
many columns having a slightly intruded appearance on walls to give decoration to the building. They loved looking at the design and proportions and
the mainly thrived in Italy during the early semester. It wasn't until the latter years where Renaissance architecture started to spread throughout Europe,
where many architects were fading from the gothic style previously used. However, large numbers of buildings incorporated a mixture of Renaissance
and Gothic styles. A famous building built during the Renaissance period is St Peter's Basilica, made in Rome, which was designed by many
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  • 2. Analysis Of The Toronto Eaton Center By Ernst Cassirer Architecture matters, it is omnipresence; we use and encounter it on a daily basis, but most often one tends to focus on the building's function and the way it looks. Architecture is more than mere buildings that serve its function to meet our own human needs; it has a lot more to offer. Architecture matters because it can become a symbol that represents something that has a deeper meaning as well as an "ultimate representation of a culture." Architecture is a powerful icon because it symbolizes experience that we as a community share, which is far beyond what other forms art can offer. Ernst Cassirer is a German philosopher who believes in the notion that man feel the need "to provide meaning to given input". He believes that it has always ... Show more content on ... ROM to me also symbolize urbanization and our current civilization as a whole. It first opened to the public on March 19, 1914 originally having five different museums, which includes the Royal Ontario Museum for Archeology, Paleontology, Mineralogy, Zoology, and Geology. The original building was created using yellow bricks and it was designed by Toronto–based architects Darling and Pearson and it was incorporated with various architectural motifs from different cultures. In 2011, ROM announced their expansion plan called Renaissance ROM, a plan to transform the museum, which was designed by Daniel Libeskind. The project received $60 million of budget in total and it opened on the year of 2007. To me the old yellow brick building represent the old civilization and the new additional building known as the Crystal represent the current civilization. It represents how we advanced as a society in terms of scientific and technological innovations. The materials between the two buildings are very different, which again highlights the progression of our civilization over time with the evolution in technology and architecture. Architecture matters because they often symbolize something that goes beyond being just a mere object. They symbolize something that has a deeper meaning, something that is special to us. They often covey emotions ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Architecture Essance : The Renaissance And Gothic... The Renaissance Essay The Renaissance was a time studded with great historical events where society moved forward, offering a transition from the ancient world to the modern, and providing the foundation for the birth of the Age of Enlightenment. In particular, architecture had thorough advancements during the Renaissance and with the discovery of ratios by Pythagoras, ratios became an aesthetically pleasing structural aspect of design. Symmetrical architectural designs were ones that flourished and Brunelleschi's dome on top of the Cathedral of Florence was the largest dome of all time. Medicine was also another aspect that offered many improvements. More anatomical knowledge and a change in human dissection laws allowed Andreas Vesalius and Leonardo Da Vinci to make valuable discoveries about the human body. Moving away from theories and superstition to a more scientific approach also allowed many breakthroughs to be made in medicine. One area that captures the Renaissance essence perfectly is the architecture. Before the Renaissance, Gothic architecture was the style that dominated. It focused more on pointed arches, ribbed vaults and buttresses rather than line and proportion. Renaissance architecture is all about digging deep into the history of Greece and Rome for inspiration as well as incorporating innovation and new techniques. For most new architects, a trip to view the grand buildings of Rome was an essential part of the learning process. This learning ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Renaissance Artist: Flippo Brunelleschi In the time of the Renaissance, education was prevalent as was the expectation of gentleman to be well rounded individuals. The educational requirements of the time were highlighted by the study of perspective, proportion, geometry and mathematics. The discovery and visual evidence resulted in a philosophical revolution of artists controlling three dimensional forms on a two dimensional canvas, personalizing the experience for the viewer (, n.d.). This study of perspective ushered in social changes during the period, formerly unknown artists of a guilds were now occupying their own confidence as social and mental equals of their patrons (Adams, 68). In this period men sought to define the world, or at least their art in mathematical... Show more content on ... Bartolommeo or Michelozzo was an architect and sculptor, often referred to as contemporary of Brunelleschi (Oxford University Press, 2000). In his short time on earth Flippo is credited with the Medici Chapel at the Church of Sante Croce, the faГ§ade of Sant Agostino Church in Montepulciano and the Palace of Medici. Michelozzo is also responsible for the renovation or reconstruction of the Church and Monastery at San Marcos. The triple isled library in the Monastery featured a vaulted ceiling; Michelozzo's reconstruction of the library on property would become the blueprint for other libraries in the century following his passing (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008). In viewing the cloister at the San Marcos Monastery, Brunelleschi's influence is very prominent. Location dominates the religious symbolism of this holy place. The architecture is classical and simplistic, reminiscent of the Hospital of the Innocents; full of Romanesque influence. The front eve, or portico mirrors that of the other property, and features arches proportionate to the surrounding landscape in number and symmetrical on all sides of each cloister. The columns also mirror the unadorned simplicity seen at the Hospital of the Innocents, as does the color. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. How Did Roman Architecture Impact The Renaissance Rome was a papal state, therefore was under control of the Roman Catholic Church. The Renaissance had a religious, artistic, and social impact on the city–sate of Rome. Since it was the artistic haven of their time many scholars and artists came to Rome to research and study Greek and Roman cultures. Roman architecture, existing of semi–circle arches and large columns, became a functional structure of the Renaissance. Rome also impacted the development of catholic ideology during that era. Its a Roman palace, built around 1517, and is a prime example of high Renaissance architecture. It was originally designed by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, but was completed by Michelangelo. The palace was given to the French government in 1936 and still ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Brunelleschi's Pazzi Chapel Analysis This is a short essay on the Brunelleschi's Pazzi Chapel, located in Florence, Italy. It examines the contribution of the monument to the development of architecture and how it conforms to the architect's style. It further examines what influenced Brunelleschi's goal of creating a centralized effect to his structures. About Brunelleschi's Pazzi Chapel In 1419 Brunelleschi was charged with the task of having to complete the dome for the chapel located in Florence, Italy. The task occupied a significant part of Brunelleschi's life as it came with enormous challenges because no dome of the kind had ever been put up since time immemorial (Kleiner). Besides becoming an architectural problem, the dome astute engineering skill and Brunelleschi invented and patented hoisting machines that could be used for undertaking the requisite masonry for the dome. The dome had in excess of 4 million bricks and it rested on a drum as opposed to the ... Show more content on ... Brunelleschi's monument has a significant place in the development of architecture. First, the elders of Florence had forbidden the construction of structures with buttresses. This provided an industrial challenge as engineers and architects were baffling over the way structures could stand without buttresses (Kleiner). Brunelleschi's dome had a base tensioned by the use of horizontal chains of wood and iron. This cured the problem and many architects have referred to this technology in their designs. Secondly, earlier designs close to that of Brunelleschi's had failed to pick up because there were no hoisting machines that could be used to undertake the masonry. The discovery and patenting of the hoisting machines helped solve the puzzle and, to date, all means of hoisting have come up through cranes of all types (Kleiner). All these means of hoisting owe their success to Brunelleschi's discovery during the construction of the dome at Florence ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Flippo Brunelleschi's Influence On Renaissance Architecture Have you ever wondered who created those unique, detailed buildings long, long, ago? Renaissance Architects were inspired by Ancient Rome and Greek architecture, to create beautiful buildings. Filippo Brunelleschi was influenced and applied his idea's to building one of his most famous creations. Leon Battista Alberti's sculptures and architecture are mainly due to his three influential aspects on Renaissance art, and Roman architecture. Andrea Palladio was also influenced by the Roman and Greek architecture, and with that created some unique buildings in the Renaissance. So yes, as you can see the architectural aspects of the time of the Renaissance was very important since it was influenced by the beautiful buildings of the time of the Roman ... Show more content on ... Alberti was not only an amazing architect, he was also very talented in creating Renaissance art (specifically painting), poetry, and sculpturing, which was a very coincidental, and worked well together all around. His life span was from February 14, 1404 – April 25, 1472. As a designer and a student of Vitruvius and of ancient Roman remains, he grasped the nature of column and lintel architecture, from the visual rather than structural viewpoint. Some of his other major accomplishments through his years was through the influence on ancient rome architecture, he designed many buildings such as the The Tempio Malatestiano (aka, the Church of San Francesco). Alberti also designed the New Facade of Santa Maria Novella, Florence in 1456. In his architecture, he had the intention of using their symbolic content and associations to ennoble a modern building and give it the sense of having a Renaissance culture feel to almost all of the buildings he would construct. As one once said about Alberti's work, "The result of the distinction is a new emphasis on building mass totally unlike, even alien to Brunelleschi's architecture at San Lorenzo that so carefully emphasized plane, space, and line. It is, however, related to the new interest in the quality and majesty of mass and the sculptural treatment of space at Santo Spirito." So yes, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. How Did Classical Architecture Affect The Italian Renaissance The Italian renaissance was a time period that lasted from the fourteenth century to the sixteenth century. Some of it's roots go back as far as the 1200s, but for the most part began in the 1300s. The word Renaissance comes from the French word Rinascimento which translates to Rebirth in French. Therefore the renaissance was a time of great change, or rebirth, for Italy, and many other European nations. Everything from art to theater to architecture was affected. There wasn't a single aspect that was left unchanged. It was the changeover from the Gothic era to Early Modern Era. Although there were all these new ideas going around, they were ideas based on classical teachings. This movement began in Tuscany but flourished in Florence and Sienna. The renaissance also effected Rome in a great way. The renaissance revival was just as important in architecture as it was in other aspects of the culture such as music and art. The Department of European Paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, state that the Italian Renaissance architects based their theories and practices on Classical Roman examples. They go on to mention that aspiring architects would take a pilgrimage to Rome to study the ancient buildings and ruins, especially the ... Show more content on ... He redefined the idea of what was beautiful when it came to architecture. It was classified as having a harmonious form with mathematical proportion. Something else they were doing that wasn't happening anywhere else was that they were using a unit of measurement based on the human scale. The Department of European Paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art adds that during the Renaissance, architects trained as humanists helped raise the status of their profession from skilled laborer to artist. It went from being a lowly job that was, for the most part, entrusted to slaves and peasants, to being a desired job that might even earn them a ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Roman Architecture And The Renaissance Roman Architecture and the Renaissance In the renaissance days, the designers reject the many–sided quality and vertical of the Gothic style for the straightforwardness and balanced degrees of class. Balanced bends, vaults, and the built up solicitations were revived. This reclamation was refined through direct view of Roman leftovers. The renaissance structural planning is the construction modeling of the time frame between the mid fifteenth and mid seventeenth hundreds of years in distinctive districts of Europe, showing a knowledgeable recovery and improvement of specific components of old Rome views on society. Elaborately, Renaissance construction modeling took after Gothic structural engineering and was succeeded by Florid building design. Structural planning remains an important subject to discuss when recorded developments in the time periods happen and the various sorts of craftsmanship begin to move as well. This is especially present in the midst of the tasteful development from the medieval period to the Renaissance where degrees and symmetry are returning musings beginning from generally Greek and Roman times. In the midst of the Renaissance period, engineers, for instance Bartolommeo Bandinelli were known for the staggeringly arranged curves in Florence, which were greater than whenever in late memory effectively experienced. While the outside parts of Renaissance building configuration were astounding without any other individual, within segments were ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Influence of Renaissance in Art and Architecture The influences of any era is evident through artwork and architecture. During the Middle Ages the main influence was the church, this is evident through the focus on biblical and religious symbols. During the Renaissance the main focus was the study of people. This is shown through the increase in self portraits and classical antiquity–inspired buildings. The change between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is best shown through the art and architecture, demonstrated specifically through an emphasis on religion and classical antiquity, both suggesting a clear cultural change. The culture of both of these eras was greatly shaped by the studies of humanism and theology. The transformation of cultural studies from theology to philology ... Show more content on ... The art and architecture displayed during the Renaissance showed many influences from the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Middle age architecture led into humanism and classical antiquity, which is shown through many buildings during that time (Deliyannis). Middle Age architecture was influenced by Romanesque architecture. Their buildings had pointed arches, big windows, bigger buildings and more focus on religious styles (Deliyannis). This is evident through the many cathedrals in England. While Middle Age architecture was influenced by Romanesque architecture, Renaissance architecture was influenced by classical antiquity (Hankins). Classical antiquity is known as the revial of the cultures of Greece and Rome. Renaissance architecture focused on symmetry, proportion and geometry. The Pazzi Chapel in Florence was greatly influenced by classical antiquity (Class Notes). This is shown through the rounded arches and big windows of the building. The architecture from the renaissance and the Middle Ages shows the change of building style and the impacts of the influence they received. During the Middle Ages, symbolism was a big part of the current day art because of the major focus on the church and theology. Jesus and Mary were big symbols during that time, which is evident in the numerous paintings of them from the Middle Ages (Class Notes). During the Middle Ages, Jesus, Mary, Angels, the devil and the cross were huge symbols. In the painting Duccio, Jesus ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay Renaissance and Nineteenth Century Architecture Renaissance and Nineteenth Century Architecture There are many different styles of architecture. All these styles depend on the time period, and the architecture. Today, many architects incorporate many styles into one building, giving it uniqueness. Introduction The dictionary defines architecture as the "art and science of designing and erecting buildings" ( Since the beginning of civilization, architects have been designing structures and buildings. They are sometimes conventional, and at other times, they are not. There are many different styles of architecture. All these styles depend on thetime period, and the architecture. Today, many architects incorporate many styles into one building, giving it ... Show more content on ... Nineteenth Century: Iron, Glass and Steel The nineteenth century saw some changes from the previous artistic periods. This period contained practical ideas, still with a sort of creative though. Buildings and towers were built with steel and iron beams and supports. Glass covered steel/iron webs to create walls, large window, and 'sunroofs'. A famous architect from this time period is Alexandre Gustave Eiffel. He built the Eiffel Tower, Bon MarchГѓ© Department Store, The Nice Observatory and The Garabit Bridge. Following this period was the modern period. Many of the styles and ideas were carried to the Modern period, and built into designs in a whole different perspective, as now there were different architectures with different ideas and dreams.
  • 12. Saint Peter's Saint Peter's church is located in Vatican City, Rome, which is located in Italy. The architect Donato Bramate designed it, and it was to "embody the greatness of the present and the future…and surpass all the other churches in the universe." (Julius II (1505–13)). Bramate had built the church to represent the roman cross. It is known to one of the most concentrated pieces of Renaissance art. It was created to replace the great basilica (temple), which had been designed by Constantine the Great. This temple had been built over the apostle, St. Peter's grave. Construction of the church began in 1507, and the materials used to create St. Peter's were ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Early Renaissance Vs. Renaissance Architecture Early Renaissance architecture began in the early years from 1400–1500. During this era, classicism played a huge role in architectural ideas as well as religious, secularization, and humanist influences. This differed architecture from that time period to later mannerist architecture. Mannerism derived from late renaissance architecture and continued through the early Baroque era in the years 1520–1600. The influences that changed the views on early architecture were the Sack of Rome, the Copernican model of the universe, and the Protestant Reformation. The view in architecture during these two time periods were quite different yet contained similarities due to the emerging work that was inspired from early renaissance and into later mannerism. "The spirit of their revolutionary painting, sculpture, and architecture arose from the new Renaissance worldview of humanism (and its accompanying condition of secularization), which celebrated rationality and individuality and mankind's ability to make an act upon empirical observations of the physical world. Humanist scholars and artists recovered Classical Greek and Roman texts,including Vitruvius's De architectura, and aspired to create a modern world rivaling that of the ancients." (pg. 287) Early Renaissance means rebirth, in this case rebirth of Greek and Roman culture. The traditional views of the Renaissance emerged as a result of the fall of Constantinople in 1453. If the fall of Constantinople would not have occurred, ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How Did Filippo Brunelleschi Influence The Architecture Of... The Renaissance was a very memorable period for the European civilization. This period dates back to the early 1300's and lasted for hundreds of years. During this period, many things were invented and innovated, so many often define the term as a period of "rebirth". In all actuality, The Renaissance is a period of rebirth, but many leave out the significance of the two principals that shapes its meaning. The two principles that shaped the styles created during this period includes the classical forms of the Greek and Romans, and the interest of humanism and the importance of the individual. The Renaissance expressed new ideas and culture through architecture, art, sculptor, and painting. The Renaissance created a change to the style of ... Show more content on ... The concept of perspective was a factor that many artists used during this period to elaborate on the arrangement of parts in conjunction to the endurance of space. Leon Battista Alberti created a perspective diagram that gave step by step instructions to create this effect. The basics of this principle include parallel lines in a visual field that appear to converge at a single vanishing point on the horizon, two parallel lines that are realized on the picture plane, forms diminish in scale as they approach the vanishing point along orthogonals, and the vanishing point is directly opposite of the eye of the beholder (Florence 553). The Vitruvian Man is another famous drawing created by Leonardo da Vinic that exemplifies the correlation of the ideal human proportion with geometry. This image is most famous because the circle and square overlap but only form one image. Vitruvian Man shifts the center of magnitude without a corresponding change of the center of normal gravity. This image greatly demonstrates the concept of humanism connecting man to ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Gothic Architecture In The Renaissance The Renaissance was the following period after the Middle ages in European history. This period was the time of rebirth of the Roman and Greek education where people slowly began to turn back and reflect their ancestral way of mind. The Europeans, whose lives were so centered on the thought of their soul entering the afterlife– and specifically Heaven– has now diminished. They did not do action just because they had to, but they decided to do action for the better quality of human life. Europeans began to focus on the present, logic, reason, and the reality that even though they still considered themselves as Christians, they did not act the same way as they did in the past. In the Renaissance, most medieval idea was altered. The Catholic church in the medieval time was using gothic architecture that was flourishing throughout Europe. It had the flying buttresses that seemed to reach out into Heaven, but by the time the Renaissance came along, it had longed been expired. The cathedrals built in this period was constructed with the classical style of the Romanesque era. Therefore, the ones like the cathedral built by Brunelleschi in Florence does not have the gothic flying buttresses, but instead, the Roman dome. Now, the cathedrals were built so that God has seemed like He was amongst the people. The style of music was also influenced by the time of the Renaissance. Music was no longer under the full control of the Church. Instead, Europeans began to play ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Architecture During The Renaissance The fifteenth and sixteenth century is a period of transition between the Medieval Ages and the Modern Times. This period, called the Renaissance, had manifested itself in Italy. This movement, which would have its repercussion in France, Spain, England, Germany, Switzerland, is characterized by a series of political, economic, social and intellectual changes. The Renaissance was a very important era for architecture because during the Renaissance, architecture became so much more than just buildings. It was created because the Medieval Ages was such a dark, depressing time. The people who lived in that area needed change. Architecture played a vital role in Renaissance and the changes that happened. Without the changes of architecture that happened during the Renaissance, it wouldn't be anything like what it is today. What led to the Renaissance was, theByzantine Empire had long since decayed. The beginnings of the crisis go back to the capture of Constantinople by the crusaders in 1204. The Latin barons ruined the city which never got up completely from this looting. In addition, the gap between the rich and the poor was widening as state resources dwindled dangerously. Unable to defend his own frontiers, the emperor had to buy peace from other sovereigns. He had to resolve to entrust the army to mercenaries. Soon the Turks threatened the city. Besieged from 1394 to 1402, Constantinople was miraculously saved by the Mongol invasion of Tamerlane. The respite was to fall short. The advent of an energetic Sultan, Mehmet II, at the head of the Turkish army, precipitated the denouement. In 1453, a powerful Ottoman army moved under the walls of the city. Constantinople finally falls under the pressure of janissaries. The fall of Constantinople, apparently, did not upset the West: the Christian sovereigns left the old Eastern Empire. However, this event had important consequences for the countries of Europe. Many Byzantine prelates, artists and men of science fled to the West, including Italy. They brought their knowledge, their ideas and their libraries of ancient manuscripts. Italian scientists and artists took advantage of the knowledge accumulated in the East. They exerted a real pressure on the architects ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Compare And Contrast The University Of Tampa And The... The University of Tampa and The Renaissance architecture: How an obsolete hotel and sense of individualism shaped the campus's future design Without any doubt the architecture of University of Tampa buildings is among the most spectacular designs within Tampa Bay. If you walk through the campus it is almost impossible not to notice the round arches, the pointed domes, and the Herringbone brickwork. The architecture methods are immensely similar to the classical revival period of Renaissance art. But what made the UT campus look what it does today? Why is there always an inevitable sense of renaissance architecture present? To answer these questions, first we need to obtain a good knowledge of the university's background. University of Tampa as we know it today was much smaller back in 1931 when it was first established as Tampa Junior College. During the summer of 1933 the college was moved to its present location, then the inoperative Tampa Bay Hotel. With the expansion provided by the relocation the junior college was promoted to a complete university called The University of Tampa. But if it wasn't because of the almost abandoned hotel, The U of T may have never resemble its today's structure. ... Show more content on ... one man took this great opportunity to Tampa. Henry B. Plant expanded his popular Plant System of Railroads to south Florida to be able to import and export more goods through the vast ports of the region and make more commerce with the neighboring island of Cuba. In 1888 Tampa Bay Hotel was built to house the quickly growing winter visitors, a project that cost a whopping 3 million dollars at the time. The architecture of the hotel is a very interesting form of Renaissance. Gothic style arches impacted by the Italian architecture styles; something extremely impending in the consistency of the campus' ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Art and Architecture in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Essay The difference between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is most visible through art and architecture, demonstrated specifically through an emphasis on religion or classical antiquity, and humanity. During the Middle Ages, art was more religious because it had a very religious influence from the church having such great power in the community. When the Renaissance started, art became more focused on ancient Greece. The Greek influence was because scholars were broadly studying the revival of classical antiquity. The architecture was affected in the same way because in the Middle Ages the style of the buildings was being influenced by religion. The style in the Renaissance was being more influenced by ancient Greece. The art and ... Show more content on ... The painting depicts real people doing everyday things, like studying. Classical Antiquity was greatly displayed through another painting it depicts a normal person holding a balance. In the Middle Ages this would have been frowned upon because they discouraged the making of realistic paintings (Follett software). Realistic paintings would not have been introduced to the Renaissance without the humanists studying classical antiquity. Art with biblical themes were popular in the Middle Ages because the artists were also focused on theology. Jesus and Mary were usually the main focus in most paintings. The people in the Middle Ages really appreciated godly looks and tried to incorporate the catholic religion in most if not all of their paintings (class notes). For example, Giotto's painting Madonna and child displays Mary and Jesus in the center of the painting. Not only are Mary and Jesus in the center, they are also illustrated to be a lot bigger than the angels around them. Giotto wasn't the only artist to place Mary and Jesus in the center and larger, this was very normal for the Middle Ages. Most artists were very influenced by the church because the church had the highest role in government. Art and Architecture were greatly impacted by the humanist's study of classical antiquity. The art was changed with the scenes having more of a Greek influence. For example, Botticelli's Birth of Venus painting, Venus is taking up the whole center of the canvas. In the Middle ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Essay about Architectural Forms in the Mannerist Period During the Mannerist period, architects experimented with using architectural forms to emphasize solid and spatial relationships. The Renaissance ideal of harmony, gave way to freer and more imaginative rhythms. During the High Renaissance, architectural concepts derived from classical ancient times were developed, and used with bigger surety. The most representative architect is Bramante (1444–1514), who expanded the applicability of classical architecture to contemporary buildings in a style that was to control Italian architecture in the sixteenth century. During the Mannerist period, however, architects experimented with using architectural forms to stress on solid and spatial relationships. Specifically, in Mannerist architecture, ... Show more content on ... Giulio Romano (1499–1546), was a pupil of Raphael, assisting him on various works for the Vatican. Romano was also a highly inventive designer, working for Federico II Gonzaga at Mantua on the Palazzo Te (1524–1534), a project which combined his skills as architect, sculptor, and painter. In this work, which integrated garden grottoes and extensive frescoes, he uses illusionistic effects, surprising combinations of architectural form and texture, and the frequent use of features that seem somewhat unbalanced or out of alignment. Michelangelo's architectural fame lies chiefly in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. St Peter's was "the greatest creation of the Renaissance," and a great number of architects contributed their skills to it. But at its conclusion there was more of Michelangelo's design than of any other architect. When he took over the project in 1546 Michelangelo integrated Bramante's Greek–cross plan and redesigned the piers, the walls, and the dome, giving the lower weight–bearing members huge proportions and eliminating the encircling aisles from the chancel and identical transept arms. Michelangelo's dome was a masterpiece of design using two masonry shells, one within the other and crowned by a massive lantern supported, as at Florence on ribs .For the exterior of the building, he designed a giant order which defines every external bay. The full lot is held together by a wide cornice which runs ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Architecture In The Renaissance The Renaissance period, which was the connecting period from the Middle Ages to modern history, was considered a cultural movement, which introduced different perspectives on arts and culture. The Renaissance lasted from the 15th century to the early 17th century. Throughout the Renaissance, many aspects of life started to change, including the way civilization perceived theaters. Everything that civilization had known about theaters was stretched and changed drastically, including theater architecture. Architecture remains to be an integral part of maintaining a statement, especially theater architecture. Architecture is a perfect representation of the difference in times and periods of historical significance. Each theater built is a statement... Show more content on ... In 1468, Vitruvius's De Architecture was published, which featured the acient concept of perspective which was made popular once again. Julius Pomponius Laetus, the founder of the Roman Academy, became a significant part of the Renaissance period. He was known for his experimental work with forms of academic theaters and for his design and usage of the scanae frons. He adapted a chapter from Vitruvius's De Architecture, a chapter based on theater architecture. He was also well known for leading to the popularization of the form of medieval staging in which "the back of a wide but shallow raised stage was composed of either a straight–line colonnade with curtains covering the resulting four or five openings or a colonnade that angled forward so that the central one or two openings were closer to the audience and the others were at an angle to them. In either arrangement, each curtain opening served the same purpose as a medieval mansion, but, since the openings were not differentiated visually from one another, signs were placed over them, identifying each as the home of a central character." This style of staging curtains became the standard for academic theaters throughout ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Architecture Of The Renaissance Period The Renaissance period was a time filled with new ideas and developments that changed European society. Many cultural and scientific advances were made during this period, especially in architecture and medicine. As Arthur Ericsson states the period was "studded by the names of architects" such as Filippo Brunelleschi and Donato Bramante, whose "creations are recorded as great historical events." The Renaissance period is also well known for the new scientific discoveries made through the examination of the human body. The European society changed greatly during the Renaissance period due to the many cultural and scientific advances made particularly in architecture and medicine. The architecture of the Renaissance period replaced the medieval gothic style with a style representing the rebirth of classical civilization. One of the famous architects in the early Renaissance was Filippo Brunelleschi. Through looking at the old Roman and Greek architecture, he was able to bring back the old traditional buildings and arches, but in a more effective and proportional way. In the early Renaissance, the Florentines fathers created a competition for the ideal dome design. Many architects came from all around Europe to showcase their designs. Brunelleschi had won for his amazing yet risky plan. He designed the dome with two concentric shells. The inner shell facing the inside of the cathedral, and the outer shell would be a large dome. He bound the walls with tension rings of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. New Forms Of Architecture Developed During The Renaissance... Architecture is a significant topic when looking at historical shifts of time periods, especially when looking at the artistic shifts that occurred in the transition from the Medieval period into the Renaissance. New forms of architecture are considered one of the most important achievements that formed during the renaissance era. The form of architecture developed during this period mainly originated from Greek and Roman styles. These reappearing ideas became present in modern times in many different ways. Many architects such as Bartolommeo Bandinelli would design dome creations used mainly in the cathedrals of Florence. Not only were these domes larger and more extravagant than ever before, they were engineered in a way that their acoustics are still being studied and replicated today. The exterior elements of the Renaissance era domes were considered to be impressive artistically, but the interior elements were unique to many as well. Looking at such buildings today, you can see the detailed work that had been put in for many years in order to create such a beautiful building. The acoustics inside the dome were carefully crafted and incorporated into the structure of the dome itself, in order to enhance the ability for a crowd to hear. The acoustics of many theaters in Italy were designed to enhance the hearing for the varieties of music that were performed during these times. The Renaissance introduced the use of "polyphony", which is a multilayered faster type of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Book Review Of A Book : The Complete Architecture Handbook The name of the book that I choose to write on is called "The complete Architecture handbook, from the first civilizations to the present day". This book may seem small but it contains a vast amount of vital information to the experienced architect or a traveling tourist on understanding the history of architecture. The authors,(Patrick Nuttgens & Richard Weston) that collaborated on this novel tried to achieve a detailed but not overly complex book on the history of architecture and how it shaped our current world. An architect who would like to take an indepth view of how their practice came to be would enjoy this book. A tourist or a simply curious person that would like to know about some of the world's most famous buildings would ... Show more content on ... The Temple of Aphaia is not only a tourist attraction in greece but contains some of the most earliest uses of building techniques that we still use today. This building contains limestone pillars and had roofing techniques similar to ours. From the picture you can see the details and just how similar this building is to the layout of other modern buildings. Now this is by no means a perfect replica of our current standards but it shows some of our older and less refined techniques. By comparing these two buildings we can see some of the similarities. Pillars and glass work are in both drawings, they may be made out different materials but there is no denying the similarities between the two buildings. The top image depicts the inner structure of the roman coliseum. Being another great depiction of old architecture the handbook provides an indepth view of the building and its uses. As show here we can see how the building load is transferred from row to row of the coliseum. This drawing also depicts what each level was to be used for. Looking similar to the Sydney opera house the Baha'i Temple is another example of modern day architecture. The book goes on to explain the more technical aspects of the building and gives the reader an insight on why this building is important and how it is a key attraction ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Second Skin : New Design Organics The body has been a key focus in the design world across all history according to Ellen Lupton as people like to build and make things that look like them. It's also prevalent as objects made come into contact with the skin and at times, act as extensions for the body allowing it to do things it cannot. In her essay Second Skin: new design organics (2006), Lupton discusses the surfaces of objects; from lights, to chairs, and to building materials, acting like skin which allow for a fluctuating understanding of the objects meaning and function. Representing the body in architecture has been a common practice for almost all of architectural history dating back to Vitruvius however Anthony Vidler believes that the practice of architecture is distancing itself further from the body. Sigmund Freud describes this a tradition of body projection which leads to the creation of object–surrogates where one thing represents the other. For example, the telescope as an eye, electrical circuits as a nervous system and a dwelling as the womb . This section of the paper will show how Vidler's statement is untrue through an analysis of work from the likes of Le Corbusier and Filaret, then, see how it can be extended to FOA's design of the terminal Vidler's main argument for the loss of the body in architecture is from his belief that the development of modern, technology dependent architecture has muted the need for a perfect bodily proportion that was prevailing in classical and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Architecture as a Demonstration of Power Since the recognition of architectures aid in representing power leaders have deployed it to enhance their prestige and represent their value within their empire. Leaders of cities such as Versailles, Isfahan and Chinese Imperial cities have implemented architecture in countless ways to portray their own importance and power over their people. The use of axis and baroque planning is a prime example of how leaders use city planning to enhance their power by controlling views and how people travel though the city. Ornamentation and colour are other ideas often used to represent power and riches by monarchs. Leaders used multiple means of architectural design to further their power and influence over their city, not only did they use it to represent themselves but also to increase the control they had. Baroque planning is a prime example of how architecture can demonstrate power. Powerful rulers emerged in Italy during the renaissance; primarily the 15th century. One of the initial places Baroque style planning was implemented was in Italy, specificallyRome. After the decay of Rome the church needed to restore faith in the people. They began the remodel by adopting axial streets that led to important areas of the city including churches, fountains and views of grand buildings. This idea was later adopted by leaders to enhance their prestige and power within their city. The purpose of the baroque layout is to display a cities strength and power. Land use was divided into ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Architecture Of The Italian Renaissance Theatre architecture in Italy was most exciting during the Italian Renaissance. So we are going to look at the architecture of three very important theatres from the Italian Renaissance and see how they not only influenced each other but also how they have influenced the architecture of theatres today. We are going to start in Vicenza, Italy with theTeatro Olimpico, make our way over to Sabbioneta, Italy to the Teatro all 'antica and then end up in Parma, Italy where the Teatro Farnese is located. Not only is Teatro Olimpico the oldest surviving Rennaissance theatre but it was one of the first permanent theatres to be constructed during the Italian Renaissance. The architect, Andrea Palladio was a student of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio who inspired Palladio's design for the theatre. In his article The Influence of Vitruvius on Theatre Architecture, Donald C. Mullin explains that Vitruvius "wrote his treatise De Architectura Libri Decem in the year 20 B.C.". His treatise contains a variation of information on Greek and Roman buildings, along with instructions for the planning and design of military camps, cities, and structures both large (aqueducts, buildings, baths, harbors) and small (machines, measuring devices, instruments). People think that this was the first book on architectural theory, as well as a huge cause of Classical Architecture. Which is exactly what Palladio wanted to convey in his design. He was asked by the Olympic Academy of Vicenza to design this ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Organic Architecture Through Functionalism and Minimalism The inspiration of nature in design created a movement of Organic Architecture through functionalism and minimalism since the 1800's influencing some of the greatest architects to emerge. Functionalist architects and artists design utilitarian structures in which the Organic Architecture dictates the development within and moves outward in harmony with its surroundings, without regard to such traditional devices as axial symmetry and classical proportions or any other heavy ornamentation. Louis Henry Sullivan's design theory that "form ever follows function" leads the dialogue towards a new world of design where the buildings effect on its surroundings is considered. Inspired by his mentor Frank Lloyd Wright expands on the design... Show more content on ... Often decorated and capped by a decorative cornice. The Wainwright Building Location: 709 Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Missouri, USA Architect: Louis Sullivan and Dankmar Adler Year: 1890 –91 Height: 147 feet Stories: 10 The Wainwright Building falls into his pattern of design: a basement for furnace and utilities, a two story base for shops and other retail spaces, a sill, and the multi–story office section with continuous vertical columns rising to the attic. Often decorated and capped by a decorative cornice. Before this prior attempts to build with steel looked tiered or stacked almost like a cake. The Wainwright building materials are sandstone, brick and windows. The first two stories have large deep windows and a modern approach to the brown sandstone due to the lacking of ornamentation. The next seven stories are red brick vertical columns with horizontal leaf decorated panels. The last story has round windows in terra cotta with a Notre Dame inspired leaf scroll. He wrote in the Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, "The skyscraper must be tall, every inch. The tall force and power of altitude must be in it, the glory and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Visual Evidence The Dublin Royal Exchange This paper will analyze based on available visual evidence the Dublin Royal Exchange (City Hall) (1769–1779) designed by Thomas Cooley, and Villa Rotonda by Andreas Palladio (1567–1592). The aim is to (i) determine how they fit into the concepts associated with the eras in which they were built; (ii) identify the most critical features of each; and (iii) describe the relationship between the two historically.Villa La Rotonda , a suburban residence (Fletcher), or 'palazzo', located outside Vicenza in Northern Italy, is an example of LateRenaissance architecture with its focus on symmetry and harmony, "a mirror of high order and proportion" (Villa Almerico Capra detta "la Rotonda"). A freestanding object placed on top of a hill, visually the Villa is simple, if not austere,– clear shapes, with minimum decorations, give the impression of wholeness and balance. This positioning creates a relationship between the Villa as an object with the landscape as space, making it part, if not the crown, of the surroundings. The building is raised on a high base, and its frontal orientation is a distinctive feature of the Renaissance architectural style. Superimposed porticos with classical pediments supported by six Ionic columns link onto each of the four faГ§ades, giving complete symmetry to the building. The entablature is characteristic of the Ionic order with a three–face architrave, plain undecorated frieze and cornice built up with dentils. The pediments adorn the projecting ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Architecture Set In Motion Essay 1. Bouffrand: Salon de la Princess, hotel de Soubise, Paris, France, begun 1730's Salon de la Princess, is a many sided cylindrical interior room and is part of the Rococo style that incorporates minimal architectural features and light airy decor, that develops into a profession of interior design. Rococo is the revolt against complicated Baroque that decorated the interior of Versailles, in revolt against the palace and after the death of Louis XIV, French women who had city houses in Paris inspired a new lightened airy style of decor and architecture. As seen in the Salon de la Princess, the structure of the room has virtually been covered up by white walls of wood and mirrors, and it only contains hints ... Show more content on ... However, with the inspiration of the French landscape painter Claude, the landscape at this Palladian estate is completely manmade, with hills, lakes, trees, meant to look as nature had created it, and as in Claude's' landscapes it can be divided up into three layers, incorporating a dark foreground, light middle ground and light hazy background. Stooped in classical Roman tradition the garden is a place to break the rules, and Stourhead has architectural samples from all over the world incorporated into the landscape as temples, grottoes, and classical statues together with a Chinese bridge, and Turkish tent, which set a president from 1750 on where naughty architectural elements present themselves in architectural structures. This eclectic style is the bases of 19th and 20th century American suburbs, including new ones being built around the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia today, while also emerging in 20th century architects as Wright, who in the Robbie House(1900s) combined inspirations from many different cultures past and present. 3. Pritchard and Darby: Iron Bridge, Coalbrookdale, England, 1770s Iron ... Get more on ...
  • 30. My View Of My Dream House Generally, I revere everything in life, it illustrates a clear explanation of whom I want to become in the future. The grade 10 students were introduced to the myp personal project and with this in mind, I had many vital ideas executed but confused to choose a product that contributes to my interests. I love learning and discovering new things. After many cups of coffee, I obtained an idea or goal to create a three–dimensional foam architectural model of my dream house. My family built our own house in India last year and on viewing the stages of building a house became one of my interest. I always wondered how the workers/builders managed to get the house in perfect shape as the engineer contemplated. For instance, how can a bunch ... Show more content on ... His creation inspired many others' in the architectural field and has become one of the seven wonders of the world. My product should impress others and induce them in creating their own dream house model. I have chosen to focus on the global context of orientation in space and time. My areas of exploration will be on "Homes and Journey". My project specifically deals with the design and construction of a house in this modern world. I intend to focus on the engineer and construction workers collaboration towards the completion of a perfect house. In this case, I will be both the engineer and construction worker as I am going to design my floor plan and transform it into a three–dimensional figure. Based on my global context my question of inquiry is "Why humans should know how to manipulate architectural designs and common construction procedure". To start out with this personal project I have decided to conquer this quote for my success in this model, "If you focus on design, you can call yourself a designer. If you focus on the implementation of your design, you can call yourself an architect".(Cameron Sinclair, Architecture for Humanity) Before I begin my construction work, I need to know basic steps of an architectural – model building. So I Came up with some research questions that would help me throughout this project. What I needed to research: What – Basic ... Get more on ...
  • 31. A Report On Le Corbusier 's ' Esprit Nouveau, And Several... If one were to travel back to Paris in its immediate post–WW1 years, one would find a growingly dissatisfied architect made anxious by his surroundings. All around Le Corbusier, engineers were making their presence felt through rapid innovation of technology and industry, whilst architecture seemed to be mired in a state of stagnation. As he watched this chasm grow between his profession and the push for progress, he felt compelled to express his criticisms on the contemporary state of affairs, as well as the bold, comprehensive vision he himself carried for the future. He did so through essays in his magazine L'Esprit nouveau, and several of these were collected and published as a book in 1923 titled Vers une architecture (literally Towards an Architecture though mistranslated as Towards a New Architecture in the English edition of 1927). A manifesto of the architect's ideas for a reconsideration of the house as well as the way to build it, it proved hugely influential in its time and undoubtedly played in part in shaping the development of architecture. We approach the question with the assumption that the book was indeed relevant owing to the word 'still' within its phrasing. Thus, it is useful to investigate the nature of its relevance at its time of publication almost a century ago. A major reason for the widespread reception of Le Corbusier's ideas can be found in his country's social conditions during the interwar years. Towards a New Architecture was launched into ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Elizabethan Vs. Jacobean Periods The Elizabethan and Jacobean periods characterized the architecture of English developments in large country houses. Antique styles of earlier times changed by the architecture of Elizabethan bringing the beauty of Renaissance expose. Even nowadays, there are everywhere examples of the Elizabethan architecture, places like country houses, as a proof of the good work of builders and architects. The houses were built to resist difficulties through the years. At the present time, the choice of living counts on the income and the social class with which is identified, just like at the past. This means that they were various kind of homes. Countryside began to rectify. Small farm houses turned to great houses with promoted gothic styles and Renaissance detail. The architectural style of Elizabethan affected England from the late 1500 's until 1600 's. The earliest characteristic was that churches construction stopped and the building of houses started. To express their wealth, the houses were built by strong statesmen, successful merchants and the enriched nobility. As Elizabethan royalty increase, their homes also became bigger and better, with gorgeous stone foundations with various levels and a lot of rooms. The houses were looked and appreciated as symbols of social class and personal status. Elizabethan visual expression of order and harmony, is the most unique characteristic in these great dwellings, by the use of classical symmetry. Symmetrical plans were popular. In ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Architecture And Architecture: The Components Of Architecture One precipitant arts that belong to the phrase that architecture is the mother of the arts of those arts which is color I think what characterize the architecture are the compact components with each other and the make up of the architectural layout and the physical structure , Starting from the surface of the components of texture and color and the end of its components in the form of mass and vacuum. We will illustrate the physical structure of the work of the architect of during one of the elements of this structure, namely color. Color has its latent strength and apparent ability to change configurations and shapes, also it has a psychological effects on mood and behavior. (4) Color is part of human life, and if we look at the world ... Show more content on ... Architectural sculpture has been employed by builders throughout history. Although the architecture is the mother of sculpture, but there is a big difference between sculpture and architecture A sculpture is a three–dimensional work. Architecture on the other hand, is the creating and shaping form and space . This is the main difference between sculpture and architecture. Sculpture means the carving of wood, iron , silver or any other metal with artistic creativity. It can be considered one of the fine art. On the other hand, architecture includes fine appeal. Sculpture includes creative appeal. We find that both sculpture and architecture appeal to the human mind. Museums, churches, castles, hotels and office buildings are architectural creations. It is interesting to find that several architectural building or landmarks or wonders exist even today. They include cathedrals , castles and museums ,designed by famous architects Architecture requires the study of engineering and engineering mathematics. Sculpture requires creativity and imagination. It does not depend on measurement. On the other hand, architecture depends on ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Why Are Great Italian Renaissance Architects More Famous... Why are great Italian Renaissance architects more famous than their great Gothic predecessors? Discuss how and why the role and image of the architect changed during the Italian Renaissance. "The Renaissance is studded by the names of the artists and architects, with their creations recorded as great historical events." – Arthur Erickson The end of the 14th century was the birth of Renaissance, which meant that Gothic architecture began to wear off. The Renaissance period spread out across Europe. Along with the changes in politics, beliefs, and ways of life, architecture and architects were also changing. A group of Italian academics, some of whom were amateur architects, influenced the birth of Renaissance architecture. Many renaissance buildings have murals and statues because artists and architects started working together in this ... Show more content on ... The architects of this period solved the problems of heavy roof with few brilliant innovations such as the flying buttress (a semi–arch), piers, etc. The result was amazing: cathedrals could be higher, thinner, and could have more windows, which led to brighter interiors. In my opinion, this was a good base to start producing something more magnificent, more interesting, and other types of architecture, besides just cathedrals. Architects of the Renaissance period designed a large spectrum of civil structures like palaces, libraries, villas, fountains, hospitals, bridges, etc. They built urban spaces which looked magnificent and also a little frightening. The facade gives us a hint of what is happening inside: an enormous central door indicates power, stonework shows strength, marble shows wealth, and so on. One of the most recognizable features of Renaissance buildings is elegant interior courtyards surrounded by two tiers of rounded arcades. One such example of a Renaissance building is the Florence cathedral, designed by Filippo ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Architecture Elements Of Roman And Roman Architecture Italy was founded on 21April 753 BC by two brothers, Romulus and Remus. Rome has been a dominant empire throughout the age of time and its influence on the modern world is still in manifest. One of the major driving forces that aided the Romans in maintaining their power was the phenomenal architectural principles that their structures possessed throughout the city of Rome. The Romans applied three elements in which was used in order to perfect various elements such as their architectural structures, concrete, vaults and arch's. Rome was recognized for more than just their achievements as a city, but they were also acknowledged for being founders of additional big cities such as London and Paris in which elevated to their levels of dominance and power. Ancient Rome leaders who were strongly engaged with architecture as a form of political and urban art, include: Augustus (27 BCE–14 CE), Tiberius (14–37), Caligula (37–41), Claudius (41–54), Nero (54–68), Vespasian (69–79), Titus (79–81), Domitian (81–96), Trajan (98–117), Hadrian (117–138), Antoninus Pius (138–161), Marcus Aurelius (161–180), Caracalla ... Show more content on ... The construction materials and methods that were used by romans are concrete and true arch whereas the Greeks would make use of post, lintel and marble. The preferred architectural orders in which the Romans would make use of were Corinthian and in comparison the Greeks would make use of Doric and ionic orders in their buildings. The most famous temples that were built by the Greeks and Romans was The Parthenon, in which was dedicated to Athena, located in Athens and The Pantheon in which was dedicated to all the gods situated in the city of Rome. In the Parthenon ceremonies were held outside of the Greek temple, whereas in The Pantheon ceremonies were held on the inside of the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Architecture, Power, and National Identity Essay examples Having a sense of belonging is one of several fundamental human needs and national identity refers to a person's sense of belonging to one country with its history, values and traditions. Since achieving independence in 1957, the issue of Malaysia's national identity has been in the spotlight due to its strong social, political and economical factors implication. As a multi–cultural country, the search for a national identity is not an easy undertaking as Malaysians consist of different ethnics such as Malay, Chinese and Indian. Each ethnic group contributes their own unique culture and religion, hence making it difficult to form a Malaysian identity. In fact, in September 2010, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announced the 1Malaysia ... Show more content on ... The term, vernacular architecture, was first used by architectural theorists to describe buildings that seemed not to have been 'consciously' designed and affected by the intellectual and artistic currents of the Renaissance (Dell Upton, 1983). With the growing presence of globalization and modernization, the pre–industrial building heritage is indeed under threat with modern methods prevailing. In that vein, we are seeing how the "designs, use and meanings of these traditions change within the concepts of the contemporary processes" in a globalized world (Lindsay Asquit, Marcel Vellinga, 2006). The societal effects are evident in the negotiation of identity, and the definition and value of key concepts like tradition, modernity and place (Lindsay Asquit, Marcel Vellinga, 2006). One of the most engaging aspects that is relevant to the discourse of how vernacular architecture is tradition. It has been a major theme in writings on vernacular architecture (Al Sayyad, 2004). According to the values Victor Papanek exposed in his theory that "vernacular architecture is the result of multiple causation", tradition as practiced in vernacular architecture can be displayed via a cultural explanation: In a traditional setting, there are many that determine an auspicious date before starting construction, by way ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Metropolitan Cathedral In Mexico City: Claudio De Arciniega The Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City was built between 1573 and 1813 by the architect that designed this building was Claudio de Arciniega. He designed this building from taking inspiration from gothic cathedrals in Spain. The focus of this cathedral was Spanish gothic, with the influence of the renaissance. Claudio de Arciniega was born in 1520 and died in 1593. There was not a lot found on him. Per Jimenez article, he was a carver in Madrid and after a while, moved to New Spain in 1555. He did some work in America like the Viceregal Palace and the Santo Domingo (Jimenez). He also did some work in Mexico till he died. The last building, he was working on was the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City right before he died. The style... Show more content on ... EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 17 Jan. 2014. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. [Figure 5] "Inside Metropolitan Cathedral– Picture of Metropolitan Cathedral (Catedral Metropolitana), Mexico City – TripAdvisor." Reviews of Hotels, Flights and Holiday Rentals. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. Jimenez, Juan Antonio Castro. "Arciniega, Claudio De (ca. 1520–ca. 1593)." Arciniega, Claudio De (ca. 1520–ca. 1593). В» N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. [Figure 3] MailOnline, Richard Gray for. "Tombstone of 16th Century Spanish Priest Is Found under an Ancient Aztec Temple– and the Remains of the Canon May Lie beneath." Daily Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 14 Apr. 2016. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. [Figure 1] "Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Apr. 2017. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. [Figure 2] "National Palace Mexico City Pictures, Images and Stock Photos." National Palace Mexico City Pictures, Images and Stock Photos – IStock. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. [Figure 4] "SEO Recommendations." Inside the Metropolitan Cathedral Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. The Editors of EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica. "Baroque Architecture." EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica. EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 23 Nov. 2015. Web. 25 Apr. ... Get more on ...
  • 38. How Did Palladio Influence Architecture Palladio's influence on architects and recognition Architectural community as well as public sees Palladio's work as attractive mainly because of the sheer beauty of his architecture. Beauty that does not have to be explained nor justified. Palladio is often labelled as the most influential architect in history mainly due to his dominance in architectural development from Renaissance until present day (Scruton, 2013). Many tried to directly imitate his work however only Palladio could benefit from prestige on a scale he has received, mostly because he was the first European architect who worked out many variations on a basic theme to build separate structures and on his own. Some buildings, built with symmetry in accordance with Palladio, however ... Show more content on ... His work is often recognised as work around geometrical rules. It's about tight and tidy synthesis whilst using workable and logical grammar. There are ongoing discussions on what the rules may be as he only ever described a few, but nonetheless they imply he had an extraordinary mind. Like many influential artists, Palladio has measured, calculated, mirrored and counted to execute perfection (Tavernor, 2005). Palladio's plans and facades are hypothesised to be ideal, harmonic. This 'ideal' is reached by an assembly of ideal shapes and dimensions, whilst taking into an account that some numbers are more noble in Renaissance than others (Hersey and Freedman, 1992). He used mathematical tools as devices whilst working on his designs. In order to appreciate his work fully, the concept of symmetry and proportion is to be viewed as the key to understanding. Palladio's work was inspired by Roman times, although build with nature in mind. The buildings are regarded as an exercise in pure form rather than models of themselves, they fulfilled and embodied the ideal and harmony of the magnificence own to upper class. The high–class life in Palladio's buildings became a standard and was not viewed as anything peculiar or out of place. The reason why this way of life was widely accepted was that Italy in 16th century was not spiritual nor moral, it was political and ... Get more on ...
  • 39. My Dream House Architectural Model Dream House Architectural Model Foam Custom Built Model Criteria A : Investigating Generally, I revere everything in life, it illustrates a clear explanation of whom I want to become in the future. The grade 10 students were introduced to the MYP personal project and with this in mind, I had many vital ideas executed, but confused to choose a product that contributes to my interests. I love learning and discovering new things. After many cups of coffee, I obtained an idea or goal to create a three–dimensional foam architectural model of my dream house. My family built our own house in India last year and for viewing the stages of building a house became one of my interest. I always wondered how the workers/builders managed to get the house in perfect shape as the engineer contemplated. For instance, how can a bunch of line sketches or drawings on a piece of paper transform into a three–dimensional figure on land; when both the engineer and construction worker dont have any relationship in common. I have many questions that are still unanswered. Based on this personal, I will build a model of my dream house as a (final) product. This personal project is important because it will enhance my organizational skills, creativity and time management. Throughout this project, I will create blueprints for both main/first floors and interior/exterior elevation. I want to succeed in this project ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Connections Between Renaissance Architecture And... Renaissance ideas of the relationship of music and cosmology to architecture substantially predate the 15th century and were influential long after it. Discuss. In this essay, I will not only be discussing at the connections between Renaissance architecture and cosmology as well as music, but also the what Renaissance architecture is and how it played a key part in architectural design today. The Renaissance period took place during the early 15th century to early 17th century, the age of Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael. Architects of the time took inspiration from classical Roman architecture. This means it is an analysis of architecture in the ancient world, especially ancient Greece and Rome. What the Renaissance learnt from the Romans has how they used the space, looked at the form and had somewhat accurate measurements. And so, they copied elements and modified it, for example, many columns having a slightly intruded appearance on walls to give decoration to the building. They loved looking at the design and proportions and the mainly thrived in Italy during the early semester. It wasn't until the latter years where Renaissance architecture started to spread throughout Europe, where many architects were fading from the gothic style previously used. However, large numbers of buildings incorporated a mixture of Renaissance and Gothic styles. A famous building built during the Renaissance period is St Peter's Basilica, made in Rome, which was designed by many ... Get more on ...