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BEST IN CLASSDigital Health Coalition + Klick Health / Q2 - 2013
This Landscape document is meant to be a thought-starter for those in the healthcare field who are
considering social media. It represents a cross section of the accounts that are showing the best
practices in the industry, with a few wildcards thrown in to show different elements of social media
that we consider important.
When reading this deck, it is important to remember that this is the pharmaceutical industry. A good
number of followers or engagements for this industry is orders of magnitude lower than consumer
brands that also populate the channels.
The accounts profiled are chosen from the full list available at the Digital Health Coalition. Many of
these companies are clients of Klick Health, and some engage Klick Health in social projects.
We have broken the list down by channel and type. For example, we start with Facebook for branded
pharmaceutical pages then look at Facebook for corporate pages.
Each channel has a set of criteria by which we measure the effectiveness of the account. There is a
certain level of interpretation and professional opinion in these assessments, and you may not agree
with our analysis, or you may think we should have reviewed different accounts, or, just maybe you
agree with our choices. Whatever your opinion, we want to hear from you.
Reach out to us on Twitter at @digitalhealthco or @klickhealth.
Select a brand to view a specific case study. To Navigate back to the table of contents, click the logos on the bottom right.
I Am Generess
Gilenya Go
J&J Nursing Notes
Race with Insulin
Gilenya Go (US Only)
Sanofi US
Psoriasis Matters
Depression Add-On
Managing Relapsing MS
Johnson & Johnson
A page devoted to the Generess
charitable program, I Am Generess, as
well as branded product information.
* AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 25,295* likes, consistent editorial and engagement. The growth of the page seems to
have slowed with only 2,153 (9%) added.
Editorial Combines news about charitable programs with links to website tools and videos. Does
not mention drug indication in posts (it does in the ISI). The editorial becomes repetitive
after a while.
Comments Best interaction on copay program extension 2013, some moderation of comments,
active wall
Engagement Page engages in Likes, promotes secondary groups such as RAINN, NCADV, and
Apps Repurposed apps from website that are still interactive, links to Facebook App for
Integration Links from both branded product and charity sites to the Facebook page. Links from
editorial to corporate drug information, both charity and copay programs, and YouTube
videos on the branded channel. Websites also allow direct sharing on Facebook.
Regulatory Has indication and branded charity program with ISI in More Information box. Indication
not mentioned in editorial stream.
This page is devoted to a charitable campaign baked into the
brand itself. As a reflection of this campaign, the Timeline
contains items that the audience finds worthy of sharing.
Callouts to the relevant brands provide more community
integration. Not surprisingly, the 3rd party associations do not
link back, but Generess still gets some credit from its audience
for promoting these groups.
The program itself is “gamified” in that it uses coins to
represent the donations that participants can earn by
interacting with the apps that are hosted on the main site.
Content is limited to a relatively small editorial calendar that
repeats. This may make it difficult to extend the user base over
time. The growth of the page seems to have slowed with only
2,153 (9%) growth.
A branded product page that sets
the standard for traditional
pharmaceuticals on Facebook.
* AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 27,613* likes, 98.5% increase from Q1 2013 «««
Editorial Content is focused on Patient spokespersons and shows visitors that there
is a rich support community available. Highly visual timeline makes for more
interesting posts. Again we see that inspirational sayings get the most shares.
Comments Comments off «««
Engagement Inspirational images get massive (for the category) shares. For example, 7,841
shares for the inspirational image shown on the next page. Polls also used to good
effecively to drive deeper engagement.
Apps Video libraries from website available in Apps, reformatted for Facebook «««
Integration No links out to external properties, link from website to Facebook «««
Regulatory Brand and indication mentioned together, ISI in More Information box
and on App tab. More information box always visible on the Facebook page.
Focus on patients helping patients (even with the caveat
that they are paid spokespeople) is a strong approach for
Facebook’s social base.
Some of the inspirational images get the most shares of
any topics found in the pharmaceutical space:
•  7,800+ for “Find the time…”
•  122 for “The happiest people…”
Experiment with different media types and messages to
find what works for your audience, do more of that, repeat.
These tactics are working for Novartis: they have had
98.5% growth since our last report.
The branded flu vaccine page for
FluMist featuring the cheeky “Pick
your nose” campaign.
* AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 26,072* likes, 1% decrease in fans. Indications are that the page was active in H2
2012 but became dormant and fans are bleeding off.
Editorial Content is stale (Dec ‘12). At this point the page looks abandoned. The timeline
needs more images and Facebook-formatted links (rather than shortened links).
Comments Comments off «««
Engagement Posts are regularly shared by 1-2 users, uses polls to drive some engagement
without comments
Apps Poll app interesting but hard to see why it’s better than embedded Facebook polls,
share app ok, but similar difficulty
Integration No links out to external properties, link from website to Facebook «««
Regulatory Brand and indication mentioned together, ISI in the More Information box
and on App tab
This page has been abandoned. Content updates ended in
December, 2012.
The campaign’s mix of humor with a serious message is still
a good match with the Facebook platform if the brand owners
decide to restart the page. The lack of activity is reflected in
the “talking about this” metric of only 2 with 26,072 fans.
The formatting of links to Facebook is an issue and is most
likely caused by the use of a social CMS.
A branded page on Kalbitor.
Suffering from low engagement but
trying hard with a consistent editorial
stream – this page epitomizes “build
it and they won’t come.”
* AS OF JAN, 2013
Popularity 161* likes, this is 42% growth because of the small previous number (113) «««
Editorial Posts twice a week on average with condition-relevant material. Some of the
engagement tactics, especially surveys, are premature and require a larger follower
base to work.
Comments Comments turned off «««
Engagement No comments and low follower count means that posts do not get shared «««
Apps Page is primarily focused on the timeline, videos held natively, no apps needed «««
Integration Link from branded product site. No other known social channels. «««
Regulatory ISI is everywhere: ISI alert in the page title; abridged ISI on the cover image; page
has comments turned off; ISI in the More Information box; ISI app included.
The content on this branded page is very good. It discusses
topics in which patients would be interested:
•  Friend-to-friend patient ambassador program
•  Condition information and patient stories
•  The Kalbitor Access Nurse program
Some of the content, however, really should only be used
after the audience is built up by an order of magnitude or
more. Specifically, the interactive polls will continue to give
poor results until the page gets more likes:
The GSK corporate page on
Facebook makes good use of
the highly visual timeline.
* AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 80,221* fans: 9.7% growth «««
Editorial Editorial direction has cycles with intense focus on an issue for a month, in January
it was Neglected Tropical Diseases, plus corporate information, and career news.
Good use of imagery in the Timeline including the use of photo albums rather than
single images.
Comments Comments and shares on posts fairly consistent, good involvement by fan base.
Some moderated (removed) comments apparent.
Engagement Channel is mostly outbound messaging, however page owners do respond to
comments when necessary (patient questions and news questions) and are not
afraid to tackle controversial subjects.
Apps Apps have been cut back from last time, which should ensure more focus on the
timeline. The notes function is used to provide deeper information where
necessary. Terms and conditions are moved from an app to the About area.
Integration Links out to GSK unbranded properties such as More than Medication and 3rd
party sites. Also links to GSK YouTube videos and guest posts on other blogs.
Social Apps also encourage cross-pollination.
Regulatory No products mentioned, links only to neutral properties and corporate materials. «««
The visual nature of the Timeline demands imagery to
catch viewers’ attention. Concentration on a topic for a
relevant period maximizes the number of fans who will see
the material.
The ability to engage in even difficult topics in a robust
manner helps the brand and plays well on social channels,
as does responding to patient questions.
Finally, there is no substitute for the amplification available
when you have a large (for the industry) fan base.
Pfizer combines its rich history
with current philanthropic and
charity initiatives. Integration with
the "Get Old" campaign makes
good use of the channel's reach.
* AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 74,275* fans: 20.8% growth «««
Editorial Editorial combines Pfizer’s long history through images with posts about charitable
efforts, employees, Science, and other corporate initiatives
Comments Comments and shares on posts fairly consistent, good involvement by fan base. «««
Engagement Channel seems to be mostly outbound messaging, no engagement on comments
(sample did not include any controversial comments).
Apps Apps well used for important page content such as Commenting terms of use,
AE reporting, with the app icons used to clearly describe content. No interactive
apps provided.
Integration Page links out to Pfizer blogs such as Think Science Now as well as corporate
campaigns such as There is good cross-channel linages to and from
YouTube. The corporate website also links in to the page.
Regulatory No products mentioned, links only to neutral properties and corporate materials. «««
The focus on both corporate giving and employee charitable
activities shows the commitment to community in the company.
The historical images are fun and reinforce Pfizer’s position as
a US pioneer in pharmaceutical development.
Integration with corporate unbranded campaigns such as Get
Old reinforces both properties.
J&J Nursing Notes provides a place
where the “allied health” professionals
and their networks can discuss issues
that are important to them
* AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 142,934* fans – a high water mark for pharmaceutical social media «««
Editorial Connections to external campaigns such as “Amazing Nurses” with popular voting
or the “Donate a Photo” help the newsfeed stay relevant. This page gets the
innovation award for extensive use of hashtags such as #nurse for general use
and #amazingnurses as part of the campaign, among others.
Comments Comments and shares on posts fairly consistent, good involvement by fan base.
There are a lot of comments on nurses that fans know, there seems to be a deep
well of sentiment for nurses in the population.
Engagement Many posts are framed as a conversation, but once the comments come in there is
no visible interaction by the brand.
Apps Apps are used for the campaigns that are ongoing such as Amazing Nurses and
Portrait of Thanks. This page used Events earlier in the year, no current events
planned. One takes the user out of Facebook altogether, which is an unexpected
experience on the platform.
Integration The page links out to “Discover Nursing”, part of “The Campaign for Nursing’s
Future.” An app integrates the Twitter stream by including it in the Facebook
environment. Tweets are not shared to the newsfeed, however.
Regulatory No products mentioned, links only to neutral properties and corporate materials. «««
The biggest difference has to be the use of hashtags when
other pages are shying away from the exploratory tool.
The focus on external campaigns is exhibited by other pages,
but the J&J channel has access to a whole suite of them and
can promote many different initiatives.
This ability to encourage participation works well on the
Facebook platform and the Nursing profession seems to bring
out fond memories from many fans.
Novartis corporate page is a solid
effort that links out to many of the
company’s properties and shares
news with interested fans.
* AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 32,067* fans «««
Editorial Like GSK, Novartis focuses on issues as part of its editorial calendar. The current
themes are children’s health, Africa, and breast cancer. Use of photo albums
keeps a visual element on the newsfeed.
Comments Comments and shares are lower than J&J but proportional to the number of
followers. Aggressive comment management is detectable on the page.
Engagement Novartis uses Facebook primarily as a broadcast mechanism and does not often
request engagement by its followers. It will reply to a user to direct them to other
channels when required based on the content of the user’s post.
Apps Apps are mainly used to present larger amounts of information such as
Community Guidelines or Corporate Responsibility. These apps do not really add
to the Facebook experience nor do they detract from the page; the user is able to
concentrate on the newsfeed.
Integration The newsfeed relies on YouTube for video, which allows for sharing across two
(or more) channels. Likewise, resources such as are
promoted as well. The external corporate site links in, so the sites can feed one
another traffic.
Regulatory No products mentioned, comments are aggressively managed, links only to
Novartis properties and corporate materials.
This channel has clear community guidelines and uses those
guidelines to ensure that unwanted comments do not survive
long. When necessary, redirects to other channels are provided
to ensure the Facebook user can find the information they need.
The forming of the editorial calendar around themes through
the year has emerged as a best practice, and this corporate
page is a good example of that tactic in action.
The granddaddy of branded
pharmaceutical social media.
The brand is far in the
background, the tweets are all
IndyCar with the occasional
shout-out to the sponsors and
in many images showing logos.
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 7,350* (31.9% growth) followers
(the grand-daddy of branded social media in pharmaceuticals – started on May 1, 2009)
Editorial 3,793 tweets, all about Charlie Kimball’s racing activities: race results, photos of
events, “in the pits” commentary, etc. Live tweeting of some events like the Toronto
Indycar on July 13/14. Gives shout-outs to @novonordiskus guests.
Interaction The account shouts out to other Twitter accounts and uses hashtags almost
continuously; this creates many replies and further mentions of the account. Race
with Insulin gets good exposure, and Novo Nordisk gets spin-off benefits by having a
channel that doesn’t overlap the traditional e-patient groups.
Engagement Even when live-tweeting an event like the Rolex24, RaceWithInsulin gets retweeted
regularly, from 1 to 8 times per post. (The Toronto IndyCar race was less popular and
got 1-2 retweets per post.)
Integration The account links to initiatives by other Twitter users but does not link to either
branded NovoLog sites or Novo Nordisk corporate materials. Linked from NovoLog
and Novo Nordisk US sites, but not home pages. The main integration is the
occasional shoutout to @novonordiskus.
Regulatory Mentions condition in passing, Twitter page has ISI built into background. «««
The best attribute of this account is the fact that it reaches
into a different group — IndyCar racing fans — that may
not be reached by most other Novo Nordisk initiatives.
The friendly, passionate tone to the twitter stream reflects
the racer’s life and enthusiasm for the sport. This
authenticity gives all messages through this channel a
higher level of trust.
Shout-outs to the @novonordiskus account can’t hurt
either. As @RaceWithInsulin grows its audience (now at
7350) it provides more exposures for its partners.
Another channel in the Gilenya
360-degree social initiative.
Most interesting in how it
interacts with other channels.
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 1,916* followers «««
Editorial 88 tweets for the young account, good post tempo, good hashtag usage. Topics are
a little bit “broadcast”
Interaction Most posts do not drive engagement, only a few retweets. Replies and mentions are
split between patients discussing the condition and product and some sarcastic
quips about the US-Only focus.
Engagement Some posts get retweeted in low numbers. The channel does not engage patients in
any visible way when asked questions, which makes it look like they do not respond.
Integration Links to third party sites like the National MS Society blog, the Gilenya Facebook
page, YouTube videos on the brand channel, and the branded website. The branded
site also links back to the channel.
Regulatory This channel is the best test case so far for branded activity on Twitter. No direct
claims are made and ISI is included on the channel screen itself. It looks to be as
compliant as Twitter gets.
If you post a branded channel patients will ask questions.
Even if the account answers these questions directly, if no
public trace is made that the conversation has been taken
private, the impression will be that they went unanswered.
Being too persistent with the “US only” statements may
generate some sarcastic comments from other regions
from users who don’t understand the regulatory
requirements. Whether this has any effect on other social
users remains to be seen.
Twitter is a great channel for announcements and links to
other properties.
Another device property in the
diabetes category. This account
provides insight into how
answering questions can
provide value to the audience.
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 6,691* (9.9% growth) followers «««
Editorial 9,690 tweets, mainly links to the branded blog: Accu-Chek Diabetes Link «««
Interaction Some, mainly responses to users mentioning them, some direct requests of users to
answer questions, some thanks for retweets
Engagement Most tweets get one retweet, some get none «««
Integration Hub and spoke pattern, branded blog at the center, many links to blog «««
Regulatory Links to owned site, no brand mentions in tweets but combination of account name
and diabetes content poses small risk
The Accu-Chek account purports to be for US
audiences, but it helps anyone who asks.
Answering users’ questions is time-consuming but
can help others who have the same question and
is a source of insight.
The Accu-Chek account also retweets other users’
materials, including media like YouTube videos.
These types of activities should result in higher
engagement for the brand.
Corporate property that shows
the world how pharmaceutical
companies can reflect the
personality of their teams.
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 11,139* followers «««
Editorial 7,000 tweets with global, corporate flavor. While a form of editorial plan is evident,
the account allows the conversation to follow the interactions with other users. This
is the most truly social editorial plan we have seen to date.
Interaction Other accounts that know Sanofi US will speak directly to it. Because Sanofi US
responds, this behavior is socially profitable for the followers.
Engagement This account speaks with other users just like an individual. This conveys a sense
that Sanofi US isn’t just a faceless corporation but is a group of caring people.
Integration Links to Facebook posts, 3rd party websites, the CDC, the Sanofi US blog, and
others. Other corporate properties link back.
Regulatory All materials are corporate and are linked to globally approved press releases or 3rd
party sites
The Sanofi US account shows that conversation and highly
regulated industries are not mutually exclusive. This account
goes out of its way to engage other users and to bring up
information that will resonate with its followers.
The account is legitimately “authentic” as shown in a
conversation between a follower who announces an
emergency situation and a requirement for Lovenox with no
insurance. The account responds within 4 hours and gets the
user’s email address for offline discussions.
The regulatory oversight of this account must be based on
rules rather than scripted responses. This is the best practice
for MRL in social media but it is far too rare in practice.
A global corporate account that sets
the standard in pharma for interaction
with other social media participants.
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 26,222* (41.0% growth) followers «««
Editorial 1,510 tweets with a global, scientific focus. Also tweets on corporate news items and
responds to items in the news. Live tweeting at conferences is handled by
@GSK_conferences to avoid overloading the main account.
Interaction Engagement with non-Twitter groups via press releases and news stories. Some
mentions of other Twitter users. Many retweets of other users.
Engagement Average retweets per tweet vary from 0 to 16 with most tweets getting retweeted.
Some retweets are from other GSK accounts.
Integration Many links to press releases on global site, many links and retweets to 3rd party
sites. The corporate site links to the Twitter account.
Regulatory All materials are corporate and are linked to globally approved press releases or 3rd
party sites.
This account has Twitter pretty buttoned up. The extensive
retweets employed encourage engagement with its 18 thousand
followers and its retweet numbers are the best in the industry.
The use of Twitter to reply to stories in the news provides a
channel for replying to issues in a controlled way.
With nearly 100,000 employees, the tone is more conservative
than other Twitter accounts, but is informative and clear. There
is also a GSKUS account for the US audience, but no crossover
between the accounts was seen.
Property with a global focus that
shows how to “thread the needle”
in talking about topics across
many regulatory environments.
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 43,912* (30.5% growth) followers «««
Editorial 3,392 tweets with global, corporate flavor. No brands mentioned, but many links
relating to conditions and links to company sites and relevant 3rd party sites.
During specialist meetings will tweet specific information such as session starts
and data releases
Interaction No engagement with other users visible «««
Engagement Average retweets per tweet run around 3, varying between 0 and 10 «««
Integration Most links to various corporate sites, some links to 3rd party sites «««
Regulatory All materials are corporate and are linked to globally approved press releases or
3rd party sites
This stream is the go-to place for corporate information on
Novartis and will appeal to financial analysts, industry watchers,
and during specific meetings, to HCPs.
Corporate materials for a larger pharmaceutical company can
easily populate a Twitter feed with no “quiet periods.”
Discussions about conditions and new approvals appear
acceptable on a global stage. Ensure that employees in
restrictive regions know not to retweet some of these messages.
This account shows how social can be
used to expose a corporate personality
to the world in a less filtered way than
traditional communications.
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 1,724* (24.7% growth) followers «««
Editorial 3,655 tweets covering topics from Boston-region biotech, through condition and
patient concerns, to science and industry news.
Interaction This account sets the standard for interaction with retweets of relevant topics,
including competitors.
Engagement Followers only retweet once in a while, but the channel mentions others quite often
getting a response.
Integration Channel links out to owned YouTube videos, photos on Twitter service, and 3rd
party sites. Website links in via Millennium on Social Media page.
Regulatory All materials are corporate or condition-based with no mention of product. «««
This account shows what a smaller player can do even
when servicing rare conditions.
The editorial style is the most “social” of all the channels
reviewed with callouts to patients, industry personalities,
and even competitors. The reader gets a real feel for the
personality of the company through this account.
Engagement is lower, as expected for a small follower
base, but we can see that engagement rises on the
posts that call out other users.
This channel shows how the custom
widgets render on the new YouTube
interface. While custom widgets are
still possible, they are preceded by
the standard header image and
surrounded by the user’s navigation.
Custom Channel
An example of a YouTube watch
page that has media used to
present ISI and related videos
limited to the channel.
The Psoriasis Matters videos were
re-uploaded in late April, 2013. This
sacrificed their view count and was
likely due to regulatory changes.
Watch Page
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 216* (55.4% growth) subscribers, assume significant YouTube media promotion
(typically a requirement for Custom channel). Video views now 9,533 from
225,541+ because of extensive reloading.
Editorial 17 videos in playlists, the videos have been re-uploaded in April 2013 so views are
reset and are much lower than the previous review (CariDee was at 136,685 views
and is now at 328)
Interaction Comments turned off «««
Engagement Comments turned off «««
Integration Custom channel with video carousel «««
Regulatory ISI available in custom channel home page, on channel list pages, and through
paid ad space on video watch pages. ISI video also in carousel rotation. ISI is also
described in each video.
This Janssen channel is demonstrating how a custom channel will be handled in the new YouTube interface. The
most interesting development is the behavior of the channel when the user subscribes.
On subscribing the user is taken to the YouTube channel home page (represented by the house icon). This means
that the more the channel is successful at converting views to subscribers, the fewer will see the custom channel.
The advantage of having the channel activity on subscribers’ home pages is worth the tradeoff.
A solid branded channel that reuses
existing materials and adds to them
patient testimonials, a known draw
on the channel.
Standard Channel
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 26 subscribers*, assume some YouTube media promotion (a requirement for ISI box) «««
Editorial 6 videos in 2 playlists: TV commercials and Patient Stories, good use of materials on
the channel
Interaction Comments turned off «««
Engagement Comments turned off «««
Integration Standard channel with links to external websites but no other social channels «««
Regulatory ISI on channel. Most videos are TV commercials so the expectation would be that
these would pass regulatory as is. No guidance is available about the FDA’s
interpretation of broadcast vs. streamed video vis-à-vis user control and fair balance.
The patient testimonials may be a hot spot for the FDA.
This channel doesn’t push any boundaries on the
technical or regulatory fronts, but it is a nicely
integrated set of videos and header image.
It shows what a consistent video campaign can
achieve with very minimal changes to the channel.
ISI is included (not shown).
This branded channel shows that
YouTube will turn off related channels
when requested (for branded channels
with the required media spend).
Standard Channel – no related channels
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 10* subscribers, assume some YouTube media promotion (a requirement for ISI
Editorial 8 videos not located in playlists. The topics are interesting, but without a cohesive
theme on the channel it looks scattered.
Interaction Comments turned off «««
Engagement Comments turned off «««
Integration Standard channel with links to external websites but no other social channels. Cover
image link does not go to branded site-it opens Prescribing Information. No linkage
to the channel from the branded site. Videos on site are not YouTube embeds so
investment isn’t being leveraged.
Regulatory ISI on channel. The videos are created to not require ISI on the YouTube watch page
because they start with short ISI statements with full ISI at the end. A 7:58 video
contains 6:52 of ISI.
It seems that YouTube-recommended channels
can be turned off when requested.
The ISI techniques used may show a method
that will satisfy regulatory requirements without
the ISI advertising space on the watch page.
An interesting use of the standard
framework that seems to show
that embedding videos on the
corporate site can drive traffic
and channel engagement.
Standard Channel
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 1,204* subscribers – this is relatively popular by pharmaceutical YouTube standards «««
Editorial This channel is populated by videos that turn the everyday experience of working at
Genentech into a story. Potential hires seem to be the main audience, but fans from
the medical community and patients will find interesting videos as well. The use of
playlists ensures that the integration allows users to find other Genentech videos.
Interaction This channel has the discussion tab available. It contains only three comments, but
at least they have opened the channel to feedback.
Engagement While there are a few comments, there is no engagement on the Discussion tab from
the channel itself, but the possibility exists. However, this channel has the exclusive
honor of liking some external content and showing that on its home page. This
shows the way toward a more socially active YouTube experience for channels.
Integration This channel links to four of the supported social channels: Twitter, Pinterest,
Facebook, and Google+. Aligning with the HR focus, the About tab links to the
careers site, plus the company website. All social channels are linked from the
corporate website and YouTube videos are embedded there, which can serve to
drive significant traffic.
Regulatory Corporate channel carefully avoids brand mentions but does cover many
conditions extensively.
Channel comments do not necessarily need to be turned
off. However, unless they are promoted there may not be
much engagement.
Because the new YouTube user experience is highlighting
engagement and social networking, we may expect to find
more best practices here as Pharma begins engaging on
the platform.
This channel shows some engagement to related videos
(no likes of third-party videos yet).
A very popular channel that has
made the transition from enhanced
channel to standard channel.
Standard Channel – only J&J related channels
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 6,679* (12.2% growth) subscribers–this is a mature channel from one of the leading
companies in pharmaceutical social media. Views have reduced from 7,685,010 to
6,799,323, probably reflecting the removal of some old videos.
Editorial Looking through the video archive we see evidence of the different phases of the
editorial calendar. There are video themes visible sequentially. The videos are also
compiled into playlists for the important categories.
Interaction Comments turned off «««
Engagement Comments turned off «««
Integration The channel links out to 10 other company channels, plus a dedicated Twitter feed,
@JNJVideo. Links to other properties, including the corporate Facebook property
and website, are also available.
Regulatory Corporate channel carefully avoids brand mentions but does cover many
conditions extensively.
The J&J social architecture is a well-planned
integrated collection of channels that portrays the
same editorial content.
Cross-posting of media is common, with Facebook
linking to YouTube videos regularly.
Number of videos, consistent posting of content,
cross-linking, and occasional promotion of videos
propel this channel to the top of the list.
A very popular channel that has
made the transition from enhanced
channel to standard channel.
Standard Channel
*AS OF JULY, 2013
Popularity 2,135* subscribers, showing that real-world size translates into (relatively) larger social
Editorial The content spans the range of this diverse company including corporate relations,
R&D, careers, corporate social responsibility, and even patient stories. There are
hundreds of videos on the channel organized into playlists with a good use of the
standard YouTube interface.
Interaction This channel also has the discussion tab open, again, with only four comments. «««
Engagement While there are a few comments, there is no engagement from the channel itself, but
the possibility exists.
Integration This channel links to four of the supported social channels: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr,
and Pinterest. LinkedIn is not supported by default, so it is a text link on the About tab.
The corporate website and engagement guidelines are also linked. All social channels
are linked from the corporate website.
Regulatory Corporate channel carefully avoids brand mentions but does cover many conditions
extensively. The patient videos are condition-related rather than branded.
Having a second channel with comments enabled
is heartening – this may lead to a more social
experience on the YouTube channel as users learn
to engage meaningfully.
The playlist view that exposes the grouped videos
is a nice use of the existing YouTube functionality.
These channels represent only a small portion of those listed at the DHC website:
We hope the learning presented here can help more healthcare companies look at social
as a possibility rather than a “no-fly zone.”
Reach out to us on Twitter at @digitalhealthco or @klickhealth.
To get your own copy of this report, and be alerted when new versions are available,
sign up at

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DHC Klick Social Media Landscape Q2 2013

  • 1. SOCIAL MEDIA LANDSCAPE: PHARMACEUTICAL AND DEVICE BEST IN CLASSDigital Health Coalition + Klick Health / Q2 - 2013
  • 2. #DHCsocial ABOUT THIS PROGRAM This Landscape document is meant to be a thought-starter for those in the healthcare field who are considering social media. It represents a cross section of the accounts that are showing the best practices in the industry, with a few wildcards thrown in to show different elements of social media that we consider important. When reading this deck, it is important to remember that this is the pharmaceutical industry. A good number of followers or engagements for this industry is orders of magnitude lower than consumer brands that also populate the channels. The accounts profiled are chosen from the full list available at the Digital Health Coalition. Many of these companies are clients of Klick Health, and some engage Klick Health in social projects. We have broken the list down by channel and type. For example, we start with Facebook for branded pharmaceutical pages then look at Facebook for corporate pages. Each channel has a set of criteria by which we measure the effectiveness of the account. There is a certain level of interpretation and professional opinion in these assessments, and you may not agree with our analysis, or you may think we should have reviewed different accounts, or, just maybe you agree with our choices. Whatever your opinion, we want to hear from you. Reach out to us on Twitter at @digitalhealthco or @klickhealth.
  • 3. #DHCsocial TABLE OF CONTENTS Select a brand to view a specific case study. To Navigate back to the table of contents, click the logos on the bottom right. Facebook I Am Generess BRANDED CORPORATE FluMist Gilenya Go Kalbitor GlaxoSmithKline Pfizer J&J Nursing Notes Novartis Twitter Race with Insulin BRANDED CORPORATE Gilenya Go (US Only) Accu-Chek GlaxoSmithKline Sanofi US Novartis YouTube Psoriasis Matters BRANDED CORPORATE Depression Add-On Managing Relapsing MS Johnson & Johnson Genentech Novartis Millennium
  • 6. #DHCsocial A page devoted to the Generess charitable program, I Am Generess, as well as branded product information. OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / FACEBOOK / I AM GENERESS
  • 7. #DHCsocial * AS OF JULY, 2013 OVERALL  RATING:     CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 25,295* likes, consistent editorial and engagement. The growth of the page seems to have slowed with only 2,153 (9%) added. ««« Editorial Combines news about charitable programs with links to website tools and videos. Does not mention drug indication in posts (it does in the ISI). The editorial becomes repetitive after a while. ««« Comments Best interaction on copay program extension 2013, some moderation of comments, active wall ««« Engagement Page engages in Likes, promotes secondary groups such as RAINN, NCADV, and SWHR ««« Apps Repurposed apps from website that are still interactive, links to Facebook App for integration ««« Integration Links from both branded product and charity sites to the Facebook page. Links from editorial to corporate drug information, both charity and copay programs, and YouTube videos on the branded channel. Websites also allow direct sharing on Facebook. ««« Regulatory Has indication and branded charity program with ISI in More Information box. Indication not mentioned in editorial stream. ««« ««« BRANDED CHARITABLE PROGRAM FOR BIRTH CONTROL PILL. BRANDED / FACEBOOK / I AM GENERESS
  • 8. #DHCsocial OVERALL  RATING:     WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS PAGE: This page is devoted to a charitable campaign baked into the brand itself. As a reflection of this campaign, the Timeline contains items that the audience finds worthy of sharing. Callouts to the relevant brands provide more community integration. Not surprisingly, the 3rd party associations do not link back, but Generess still gets some credit from its audience for promoting these groups. The program itself is “gamified” in that it uses coins to represent the donations that participants can earn by interacting with the apps that are hosted on the main site. Content is limited to a relatively small editorial calendar that repeats. This may make it difficult to extend the user base over time. The growth of the page seems to have slowed with only 2,153 (9%) growth. «««BRANDED / FACEBOOK / I AM GENERESS
  • 9. #DHCsocial A branded product page that sets the standard for traditional pharmaceuticals on Facebook. OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / FACEBOOK / GILENYA GO
  • 10. #DHCsocial BRANDED PRODUCT PAGE. * AS OF JULY, 2013 OVERALL  RATING:     CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 27,613* likes, 98.5% increase from Q1 2013 ««« Editorial Content is focused on Patient spokespersons and shows visitors that there is a rich support community available. Highly visual timeline makes for more interesting posts. Again we see that inspirational sayings get the most shares. ««« Comments Comments off ««« Engagement Inspirational images get massive (for the category) shares. For example, 7,841 shares for the inspirational image shown on the next page. Polls also used to good effecively to drive deeper engagement. ««« Apps Video libraries from website available in Apps, reformatted for Facebook ««« Integration No links out to external properties, link from website to Facebook ««« Regulatory Brand and indication mentioned together, ISI in More Information box and on App tab. More information box always visible on the Facebook page. ««« «««BRANDED / FACEBOOK / GILENYA GO
  • 11. #DHCsocial OVERALL  RATING:     WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS PAGE: Focus on patients helping patients (even with the caveat that they are paid spokespeople) is a strong approach for Facebook’s social base. Some of the inspirational images get the most shares of any topics found in the pharmaceutical space: •  7,800+ for “Find the time…” •  122 for “The happiest people…” Experiment with different media types and messages to find what works for your audience, do more of that, repeat. These tactics are working for Novartis: they have had 98.5% growth since our last report. «««BRANDED / FACEBOOK / GILENYA GO
  • 12. #DHCsocial The branded flu vaccine page for FluMist featuring the cheeky “Pick your nose” campaign. OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / FACEBOOK / FLUMIST
  • 13. #DHCsocial BRANDED FLU VACCINE PAGE. * AS OF JULY, 2013 OVERALL  RATING:     CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 26,072* likes, 1% decrease in fans. Indications are that the page was active in H2 2012 but became dormant and fans are bleeding off. ««« Editorial Content is stale (Dec ‘12). At this point the page looks abandoned. The timeline needs more images and Facebook-formatted links (rather than shortened links). ««« Comments Comments off ««« Engagement Posts are regularly shared by 1-2 users, uses polls to drive some engagement without comments ««« Apps Poll app interesting but hard to see why it’s better than embedded Facebook polls, share app ok, but similar difficulty ««« Integration No links out to external properties, link from website to Facebook ««« Regulatory Brand and indication mentioned together, ISI in the More Information box and on App tab ««« «««BRANDED / FACEBOOK / FLUMIST
  • 14. #DHCsocial OVERALL  RATING:     WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS PAGE: This page has been abandoned. Content updates ended in December, 2012. The campaign’s mix of humor with a serious message is still a good match with the Facebook platform if the brand owners decide to restart the page. The lack of activity is reflected in the “talking about this” metric of only 2 with 26,072 fans. The formatting of links to Facebook is an issue and is most likely caused by the use of a social CMS. «««BRANDED / FACEBOOK / FLUMIST
  • 15. #DHCsocial A branded page on Kalbitor. Suffering from low engagement but trying hard with a consistent editorial stream – this page epitomizes “build it and they won’t come.” OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / FACEBOOK / KALBITOR
  • 16. #DHCsocial BRANDED PRODUCT PAGE. * AS OF JAN, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 161* likes, this is 42% growth because of the small previous number (113) ««« Editorial Posts twice a week on average with condition-relevant material. Some of the engagement tactics, especially surveys, are premature and require a larger follower base to work. ««« Comments Comments turned off ««« Engagement No comments and low follower count means that posts do not get shared ««« Apps Page is primarily focused on the timeline, videos held natively, no apps needed ««« Integration Link from branded product site. No other known social channels. ««« Regulatory ISI is everywhere: ISI alert in the page title; abridged ISI on the cover image; page has comments turned off; ISI in the More Information box; ISI app included. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / FACEBOOK / KALBITOR
  • 17. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS PAGE: The content on this branded page is very good. It discusses topics in which patients would be interested: •  Friend-to-friend patient ambassador program •  Condition information and patient stories •  The Kalbitor Access Nurse program Some of the content, however, really should only be used after the audience is built up by an order of magnitude or more. Specifically, the interactive polls will continue to give poor results until the page gets more likes: OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / FACEBOOK / KALBITOR
  • 19. #DHCsocial The GSK corporate page on Facebook makes good use of the highly visual timeline. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / GLAXOSMITHKLINE
  • 20. #DHCsocial CORPORATE PAGE. * AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 80,221* fans: 9.7% growth ««« Editorial Editorial direction has cycles with intense focus on an issue for a month, in January it was Neglected Tropical Diseases, plus corporate information, and career news. Good use of imagery in the Timeline including the use of photo albums rather than single images. ««« Comments Comments and shares on posts fairly consistent, good involvement by fan base. Some moderated (removed) comments apparent. ««« Engagement Channel is mostly outbound messaging, however page owners do respond to comments when necessary (patient questions and news questions) and are not afraid to tackle controversial subjects. ««« Apps Apps have been cut back from last time, which should ensure more focus on the timeline. The notes function is used to provide deeper information where necessary. Terms and conditions are moved from an app to the About area. ««« Integration Links out to GSK unbranded properties such as More than Medication and 3rd party sites. Also links to GSK YouTube videos and guest posts on other blogs. Social Apps also encourage cross-pollination. ««« Regulatory No products mentioned, links only to neutral properties and corporate materials. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / GLAXOSMITHKLINE
  • 21. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS PAGE: The visual nature of the Timeline demands imagery to catch viewers’ attention. Concentration on a topic for a relevant period maximizes the number of fans who will see the material. The ability to engage in even difficult topics in a robust manner helps the brand and plays well on social channels, as does responding to patient questions. Finally, there is no substitute for the amplification available when you have a large (for the industry) fan base. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / GLAXOSMITHKLINE
  • 22. #DHCsocial Pfizer combines its rich history with current philanthropic and charity initiatives. Integration with the "Get Old" campaign makes good use of the channel's reach. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / PFIZER
  • 23. #DHCsocial CORPORATE PAGE. * AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 74,275* fans: 20.8% growth ««« Editorial Editorial combines Pfizer’s long history through images with posts about charitable efforts, employees, Science, and other corporate initiatives ««« Comments Comments and shares on posts fairly consistent, good involvement by fan base. ««« Engagement Channel seems to be mostly outbound messaging, no engagement on comments (sample did not include any controversial comments). ««« Apps Apps well used for important page content such as Commenting terms of use, AE reporting, with the app icons used to clearly describe content. No interactive apps provided. ««« Integration Page links out to Pfizer blogs such as Think Science Now as well as corporate campaigns such as There is good cross-channel linages to and from YouTube. The corporate website also links in to the page. ««« Regulatory No products mentioned, links only to neutral properties and corporate materials. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / PFIZER
  • 24. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS PAGE: The focus on both corporate giving and employee charitable activities shows the commitment to community in the company. The historical images are fun and reinforce Pfizer’s position as a US pioneer in pharmaceutical development. Integration with corporate unbranded campaigns such as Get Old reinforces both properties. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / PFIZER
  • 25. #DHCsocial J&J Nursing Notes provides a place where the “allied health” professionals and their networks can discuss issues that are important to them OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / J&J NURSING NOTES
  • 26. #DHCsocial CORPORATE PAGE. * AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 142,934* fans – a high water mark for pharmaceutical social media ««« Editorial Connections to external campaigns such as “Amazing Nurses” with popular voting or the “Donate a Photo” help the newsfeed stay relevant. This page gets the innovation award for extensive use of hashtags such as #nurse for general use and #amazingnurses as part of the campaign, among others. ««« Comments Comments and shares on posts fairly consistent, good involvement by fan base. There are a lot of comments on nurses that fans know, there seems to be a deep well of sentiment for nurses in the population. ««« Engagement Many posts are framed as a conversation, but once the comments come in there is no visible interaction by the brand. ««« Apps Apps are used for the campaigns that are ongoing such as Amazing Nurses and Portrait of Thanks. This page used Events earlier in the year, no current events planned. One takes the user out of Facebook altogether, which is an unexpected experience on the platform. ««« Integration The page links out to “Discover Nursing”, part of “The Campaign for Nursing’s Future.” An app integrates the Twitter stream by including it in the Facebook environment. Tweets are not shared to the newsfeed, however. ««« Regulatory No products mentioned, links only to neutral properties and corporate materials. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / J&J NURSING NOTES
  • 27. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS PAGE: The biggest difference has to be the use of hashtags when other pages are shying away from the exploratory tool. The focus on external campaigns is exhibited by other pages, but the J&J channel has access to a whole suite of them and can promote many different initiatives. This ability to encourage participation works well on the Facebook platform and the Nursing profession seems to bring out fond memories from many fans. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / J&J NURSING NOTES
  • 28. #DHCsocial Novartis corporate page is a solid effort that links out to many of the company’s properties and shares news with interested fans. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / NOVARTIS
  • 29. #DHCsocial CORPORATE PAGE. * AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 32,067* fans ««« Editorial Like GSK, Novartis focuses on issues as part of its editorial calendar. The current themes are children’s health, Africa, and breast cancer. Use of photo albums keeps a visual element on the newsfeed. ««« Comments Comments and shares are lower than J&J but proportional to the number of followers. Aggressive comment management is detectable on the page. ««« Engagement Novartis uses Facebook primarily as a broadcast mechanism and does not often request engagement by its followers. It will reply to a user to direct them to other channels when required based on the content of the user’s post. ««« Apps Apps are mainly used to present larger amounts of information such as Community Guidelines or Corporate Responsibility. These apps do not really add to the Facebook experience nor do they detract from the page; the user is able to concentrate on the newsfeed. ««« Integration The newsfeed relies on YouTube for video, which allows for sharing across two (or more) channels. Likewise, resources such as are promoted as well. The external corporate site links in, so the sites can feed one another traffic. ««« Regulatory No products mentioned, comments are aggressively managed, links only to Novartis properties and corporate materials. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / NOVARTIS
  • 30. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS PAGE: This channel has clear community guidelines and uses those guidelines to ensure that unwanted comments do not survive long. When necessary, redirects to other channels are provided to ensure the Facebook user can find the information they need. OVERALL  RATING:     ««« The forming of the editorial calendar around themes through the year has emerged as a best practice, and this corporate page is a good example of that tactic in action. CORPORATE / FACEBOOK / NOVARTIS
  • 32. #DHCsocial The granddaddy of branded pharmaceutical social media. The brand is far in the background, the tweets are all IndyCar with the occasional shout-out to the sponsors and in many images showing logos. OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / TWITTER / RACE WITH INSULIN
  • 33. #DHCsocial BRANDED GLOBAL FEED FOR DIABETES MONITORING TOOL *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 7,350* (31.9% growth) followers (the grand-daddy of branded social media in pharmaceuticals – started on May 1, 2009) ««« Editorial 3,793 tweets, all about Charlie Kimball’s racing activities: race results, photos of events, “in the pits” commentary, etc. Live tweeting of some events like the Toronto Indycar on July 13/14. Gives shout-outs to @novonordiskus guests. ««« Interaction The account shouts out to other Twitter accounts and uses hashtags almost continuously; this creates many replies and further mentions of the account. Race with Insulin gets good exposure, and Novo Nordisk gets spin-off benefits by having a channel that doesn’t overlap the traditional e-patient groups. ««« Engagement Even when live-tweeting an event like the Rolex24, RaceWithInsulin gets retweeted regularly, from 1 to 8 times per post. (The Toronto IndyCar race was less popular and got 1-2 retweets per post.) ««« Integration The account links to initiatives by other Twitter users but does not link to either branded NovoLog sites or Novo Nordisk corporate materials. Linked from NovoLog and Novo Nordisk US sites, but not home pages. The main integration is the occasional shoutout to @novonordiskus. ««« Regulatory Mentions condition in passing, Twitter page has ISI built into background. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / TWITTER / RACE WITH INSULIN
  • 34. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: The best attribute of this account is the fact that it reaches into a different group — IndyCar racing fans — that may not be reached by most other Novo Nordisk initiatives. The friendly, passionate tone to the twitter stream reflects the racer’s life and enthusiasm for the sport. This authenticity gives all messages through this channel a higher level of trust. Shout-outs to the @novonordiskus account can’t hurt either. As @RaceWithInsulin grows its audience (now at 7350) it provides more exposures for its partners. OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / TWITTER / RACE WITH INSULIN
  • 35. #DHCsocial Another channel in the Gilenya 360-degree social initiative. Most interesting in how it interacts with other channels. OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / TWITTER / GILENYA GO
  • 36. #DHCsocial BRANDED GLOBAL FEED FOR MS ORAL THERAPY *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 1,916* followers ««« Editorial 88 tweets for the young account, good post tempo, good hashtag usage. Topics are a little bit “broadcast” ««« Interaction Most posts do not drive engagement, only a few retweets. Replies and mentions are split between patients discussing the condition and product and some sarcastic quips about the US-Only focus. ««« Engagement Some posts get retweeted in low numbers. The channel does not engage patients in any visible way when asked questions, which makes it look like they do not respond. ««« Integration Links to third party sites like the National MS Society blog, the Gilenya Facebook page, YouTube videos on the brand channel, and the branded website. The branded site also links back to the channel. ««« Regulatory This channel is the best test case so far for branded activity on Twitter. No direct claims are made and ISI is included on the channel screen itself. It looks to be as compliant as Twitter gets. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / TWITTER / GILENYA GO
  • 37. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: If you post a branded channel patients will ask questions. Even if the account answers these questions directly, if no public trace is made that the conversation has been taken private, the impression will be that they went unanswered. Being too persistent with the “US only” statements may generate some sarcastic comments from other regions from users who don’t understand the regulatory requirements. Whether this has any effect on other social users remains to be seen. Twitter is a great channel for announcements and links to other properties. OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / TWITTER / GILENYA GO
  • 38. #DHCsocial Another device property in the diabetes category. This account provides insight into how answering questions can provide value to the audience. OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / TWITTER / ACCU-CHEK
  • 39. #DHCsocial BRANDED GLOBAL FEED FOR DIABETES MONITORING TOOL *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 6,691* (9.9% growth) followers ««« Editorial 9,690 tweets, mainly links to the branded blog: Accu-Chek Diabetes Link ««« Interaction Some, mainly responses to users mentioning them, some direct requests of users to answer questions, some thanks for retweets ««« Engagement Most tweets get one retweet, some get none ««« Integration Hub and spoke pattern, branded blog at the center, many links to blog ««« Regulatory Links to owned site, no brand mentions in tweets but combination of account name and diabetes content poses small risk ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / TWITTER / ACCU-CHEK
  • 40. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: The Accu-Chek account purports to be for US audiences, but it helps anyone who asks. Answering users’ questions is time-consuming but can help others who have the same question and is a source of insight. The Accu-Chek account also retweets other users’ materials, including media like YouTube videos. These types of activities should result in higher engagement for the brand. OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / TWITTER / ACCU-CHEK
  • 42. #DHCsocial Corporate property that shows the world how pharmaceutical companies can reflect the personality of their teams. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / SANOFI US
  • 43. #DHCsocial CORPORATE FEED FOR A GLOBAL AUDIENCE. *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 11,139* followers ««« Editorial 7,000 tweets with global, corporate flavor. While a form of editorial plan is evident, the account allows the conversation to follow the interactions with other users. This is the most truly social editorial plan we have seen to date. ««« Interaction Other accounts that know Sanofi US will speak directly to it. Because Sanofi US responds, this behavior is socially profitable for the followers. ««« Engagement This account speaks with other users just like an individual. This conveys a sense that Sanofi US isn’t just a faceless corporation but is a group of caring people. ««« Integration Links to Facebook posts, 3rd party websites, the CDC, the Sanofi US blog, and others. Other corporate properties link back. ««« Regulatory All materials are corporate and are linked to globally approved press releases or 3rd party sites ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / SANOFI US
  • 44. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: The Sanofi US account shows that conversation and highly regulated industries are not mutually exclusive. This account goes out of its way to engage other users and to bring up information that will resonate with its followers. The account is legitimately “authentic” as shown in a conversation between a follower who announces an emergency situation and a requirement for Lovenox with no insurance. The account responds within 4 hours and gets the user’s email address for offline discussions. The regulatory oversight of this account must be based on rules rather than scripted responses. This is the best practice for MRL in social media but it is far too rare in practice. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / SANOFI US
  • 45. #DHCsocial A global corporate account that sets the standard in pharma for interaction with other social media participants. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / GSK
  • 46. #DHCsocial CORPORATE FEED FOR A GLOBAL AUDIENCE. *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 26,222* (41.0% growth) followers ««« Editorial 1,510 tweets with a global, scientific focus. Also tweets on corporate news items and responds to items in the news. Live tweeting at conferences is handled by @GSK_conferences to avoid overloading the main account. ««« Interaction Engagement with non-Twitter groups via press releases and news stories. Some mentions of other Twitter users. Many retweets of other users. ««« Engagement Average retweets per tweet vary from 0 to 16 with most tweets getting retweeted. Some retweets are from other GSK accounts. ««« Integration Many links to press releases on global site, many links and retweets to 3rd party sites. The corporate site links to the Twitter account. ««« Regulatory All materials are corporate and are linked to globally approved press releases or 3rd party sites. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / GSK
  • 47. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: This account has Twitter pretty buttoned up. The extensive retweets employed encourage engagement with its 18 thousand followers and its retweet numbers are the best in the industry. The use of Twitter to reply to stories in the news provides a channel for replying to issues in a controlled way. With nearly 100,000 employees, the tone is more conservative than other Twitter accounts, but is informative and clear. There is also a GSKUS account for the US audience, but no crossover between the accounts was seen. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / GSK
  • 48. #DHCsocial Property with a global focus that shows how to “thread the needle” in talking about topics across many regulatory environments. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / NOVARTIS
  • 49. #DHCsocial CORPORATE FEED FOR A GLOBAL AUDIENCE. *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 43,912* (30.5% growth) followers ««« Editorial 3,392 tweets with global, corporate flavor. No brands mentioned, but many links relating to conditions and links to company sites and relevant 3rd party sites. During specialist meetings will tweet specific information such as session starts and data releases ««« Interaction No engagement with other users visible ««« Engagement Average retweets per tweet run around 3, varying between 0 and 10 ««« Integration Most links to various corporate sites, some links to 3rd party sites ««« Regulatory All materials are corporate and are linked to globally approved press releases or 3rd party sites ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / NOVARTIS
  • 50. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: This stream is the go-to place for corporate information on Novartis and will appeal to financial analysts, industry watchers, and during specific meetings, to HCPs. Corporate materials for a larger pharmaceutical company can easily populate a Twitter feed with no “quiet periods.” Discussions about conditions and new approvals appear acceptable on a global stage. Ensure that employees in restrictive regions know not to retweet some of these messages. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / NOVARTIS
  • 51. #DHCsocial This account shows how social can be used to expose a corporate personality to the world in a less filtered way than traditional communications. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / MILLENNIUM
  • 52. #DHCsocial CORPORATE FEED FOR A GLOBAL AUDIENCE. *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 1,724* (24.7% growth) followers ««« Editorial 3,655 tweets covering topics from Boston-region biotech, through condition and patient concerns, to science and industry news. ««« Interaction This account sets the standard for interaction with retweets of relevant topics, including competitors. ««« Engagement Followers only retweet once in a while, but the channel mentions others quite often getting a response. ««« Integration Channel links out to owned YouTube videos, photos on Twitter service, and 3rd party sites. Website links in via Millennium on Social Media page. ««« Regulatory All materials are corporate or condition-based with no mention of product. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / MILLENNIUM
  • 53. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: This account shows what a smaller player can do even when servicing rare conditions. The editorial style is the most “social” of all the channels reviewed with callouts to patients, industry personalities, and even competitors. The reader gets a real feel for the personality of the company through this account. Engagement is lower, as expected for a small follower base, but we can see that engagement rises on the posts that call out other users. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / TWITTER / MILLENNIUM
  • 55. #DHCsocial This channel shows how the custom widgets render on the new YouTube interface. While custom widgets are still possible, they are preceded by the standard header image and surrounded by the user’s navigation. BRANDED / YOUTUBE / JANSSEN OVERALL  RATING:     ««« Custom Channel
  • 56. #DHCsocial An example of a YouTube watch page that has media used to present ISI and related videos limited to the channel. The Psoriasis Matters videos were re-uploaded in late April, 2013. This sacrificed their view count and was likely due to regulatory changes. OVERALL  RATING:     ««« Watch Page BRANDED / YOUTUBE / JANSSEN
  • 57. #DHCsocial CORPORATE FEED FOR A GLOBAL AUDIENCE. *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 216* (55.4% growth) subscribers, assume significant YouTube media promotion (typically a requirement for Custom channel). Video views now 9,533 from 225,541+ because of extensive reloading. ««« Editorial 17 videos in playlists, the videos have been re-uploaded in April 2013 so views are reset and are much lower than the previous review (CariDee was at 136,685 views and is now at 328) ««« Interaction Comments turned off ««« Engagement Comments turned off ««« Integration Custom channel with video carousel ««« Regulatory ISI available in custom channel home page, on channel list pages, and through paid ad space on video watch pages. ISI video also in carousel rotation. ISI is also described in each video. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / YOUTUBE / JANSSEN
  • 58. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: This Janssen channel is demonstrating how a custom channel will be handled in the new YouTube interface. The most interesting development is the behavior of the channel when the user subscribes. On subscribing the user is taken to the YouTube channel home page (represented by the house icon). This means that the more the channel is successful at converting views to subscribers, the fewer will see the custom channel. The advantage of having the channel activity on subscribers’ home pages is worth the tradeoff. OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / YOUTUBE / JANSSEN
  • 59. #DHCsocial A solid branded channel that reuses existing materials and adds to them patient testimonials, a known draw on the channel. OVERALL  RATING:     ««« Standard Channel BRANDED / YOUTUBE / OTSUKA
  • 60. #DHCsocial CORPORATE FEED FOR A GLOBAL AUDIENCE. *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 26 subscribers*, assume some YouTube media promotion (a requirement for ISI box) ««« Editorial 6 videos in 2 playlists: TV commercials and Patient Stories, good use of materials on the channel ««« Interaction Comments turned off ««« Engagement Comments turned off ««« Integration Standard channel with links to external websites but no other social channels ««« Regulatory ISI on channel. Most videos are TV commercials so the expectation would be that these would pass regulatory as is. No guidance is available about the FDA’s interpretation of broadcast vs. streamed video vis-à-vis user control and fair balance. The patient testimonials may be a hot spot for the FDA. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / YOUTUBE / OTSUKA
  • 61. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: This channel doesn’t push any boundaries on the technical or regulatory fronts, but it is a nicely integrated set of videos and header image. It shows what a consistent video campaign can achieve with very minimal changes to the channel. ISI is included (not shown). OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / YOUTUBE / OTSUKA
  • 62. #DHCsocial This branded channel shows that YouTube will turn off related channels when requested (for branded channels with the required media spend). OVERALL  RATING:     ««« Standard Channel – no related channels BRANDED / YOUTUBE / BIOGEN IDEC
  • 63. #DHCsocial CORPORATE FEED FOR A GLOBAL AUDIENCE. *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 10* subscribers, assume some YouTube media promotion (a requirement for ISI box) ««« Editorial 8 videos not located in playlists. The topics are interesting, but without a cohesive theme on the channel it looks scattered. ««« Interaction Comments turned off ««« Engagement Comments turned off ««« Integration Standard channel with links to external websites but no other social channels. Cover image link does not go to branded site-it opens Prescribing Information. No linkage to the channel from the branded site. Videos on site are not YouTube embeds so investment isn’t being leveraged. ««« Regulatory ISI on channel. The videos are created to not require ISI on the YouTube watch page because they start with short ISI statements with full ISI at the end. A 7:58 video contains 6:52 of ISI. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / YOUTUBE / BIOGEN IDEC
  • 64. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: It seems that YouTube-recommended channels can be turned off when requested. The ISI techniques used may show a method that will satisfy regulatory requirements without the ISI advertising space on the watch page. OVERALL  RATING:     «««BRANDED / YOUTUBE / BIOGEN IDEC
  • 66. #DHCsocial An interesting use of the standard framework that seems to show that embedding videos on the corporate site can drive traffic and channel engagement. OVERALL  RATING:     ««« Standard Channel CORPORATE / YOUTUBE / GENENTECH
  • 67. #DHCsocial CORPORATE FEED FOR A GLOBAL AUDIENCE. *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 1,204* subscribers – this is relatively popular by pharmaceutical YouTube standards ««« Editorial This channel is populated by videos that turn the everyday experience of working at Genentech into a story. Potential hires seem to be the main audience, but fans from the medical community and patients will find interesting videos as well. The use of playlists ensures that the integration allows users to find other Genentech videos. ««« Interaction This channel has the discussion tab available. It contains only three comments, but at least they have opened the channel to feedback. ««« Engagement While there are a few comments, there is no engagement on the Discussion tab from the channel itself, but the possibility exists. However, this channel has the exclusive honor of liking some external content and showing that on its home page. This shows the way toward a more socially active YouTube experience for channels. ««« Integration This channel links to four of the supported social channels: Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Google+. Aligning with the HR focus, the About tab links to the careers site, plus the company website. All social channels are linked from the corporate website and YouTube videos are embedded there, which can serve to drive significant traffic. ««« Regulatory Corporate channel carefully avoids brand mentions but does cover many conditions extensively. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / YOUTUBE / GENENTECH
  • 68. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: Channel comments do not necessarily need to be turned off. However, unless they are promoted there may not be much engagement. Because the new YouTube user experience is highlighting engagement and social networking, we may expect to find more best practices here as Pharma begins engaging on the platform. This channel shows some engagement to related videos (no likes of third-party videos yet). OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / YOUTUBE / GENENTECH
  • 69. #DHCsocial A very popular channel that has made the transition from enhanced channel to standard channel. OVERALL  RATING:     ««« Standard Channel – only J&J related channels CORPORATE / YOUTUBE / J&J
  • 70. #DHCsocial CORPORATE FEED FOR A GLOBAL AUDIENCE. *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 6,679* (12.2% growth) subscribers–this is a mature channel from one of the leading companies in pharmaceutical social media. Views have reduced from 7,685,010 to 6,799,323, probably reflecting the removal of some old videos. ««« Editorial Looking through the video archive we see evidence of the different phases of the editorial calendar. There are video themes visible sequentially. The videos are also compiled into playlists for the important categories. ««« Interaction Comments turned off ««« Engagement Comments turned off ««« Integration The channel links out to 10 other company channels, plus a dedicated Twitter feed, @JNJVideo. Links to other properties, including the corporate Facebook property and website, are also available. ««« Regulatory Corporate channel carefully avoids brand mentions but does cover many conditions extensively. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / YOUTUBE / J&J
  • 71. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: The J&J social architecture is a well-planned integrated collection of channels that portrays the same editorial content. Cross-posting of media is common, with Facebook linking to YouTube videos regularly. Number of videos, consistent posting of content, cross-linking, and occasional promotion of videos propel this channel to the top of the list. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / YOUTUBE / J&J
  • 72. #DHCsocial A very popular channel that has made the transition from enhanced channel to standard channel. OVERALL  RATING:     ««« Standard Channel CORPORATE / YOUTUBE / NOVARTIS
  • 73. #DHCsocial CORPORATE FEED FOR A GLOBAL AUDIENCE. *AS OF JULY, 2013 CATEGORY NOTES RATING Popularity 2,135* subscribers, showing that real-world size translates into (relatively) larger social numbers ««« Editorial The content spans the range of this diverse company including corporate relations, R&D, careers, corporate social responsibility, and even patient stories. There are hundreds of videos on the channel organized into playlists with a good use of the standard YouTube interface. ««« Interaction This channel also has the discussion tab open, again, with only four comments. ««« Engagement While there are a few comments, there is no engagement from the channel itself, but the possibility exists. ««« Integration This channel links to four of the supported social channels: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and Pinterest. LinkedIn is not supported by default, so it is a text link on the About tab. The corporate website and engagement guidelines are also linked. All social channels are linked from the corporate website. ««« Regulatory Corporate channel carefully avoids brand mentions but does cover many conditions extensively. The patient videos are condition-related rather than branded. ««« OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / YOUTUBE / NOVARTIS
  • 74. #DHCsocial WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THIS ACCOUNT: Having a second channel with comments enabled is heartening – this may lead to a more social experience on the YouTube channel as users learn to engage meaningfully. The playlist view that exposes the grouped videos is a nice use of the existing YouTube functionality. OVERALL  RATING:     «««CORPORATE / YOUTUBE / NOVARTIS
  • 75. #DHCsocial SUMMARY These channels represent only a small portion of those listed at the DHC website: We hope the learning presented here can help more healthcare companies look at social as a possibility rather than a “no-fly zone.” Reach out to us on Twitter at @digitalhealthco or @klickhealth. To get your own copy of this report, and be alerted when new versions are available, sign up at