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English I
Quarter 4 ESSAY

EXPLORE Your Understanding

In this part of the module, you are to demonstrate understanding that a reflective
essay presents, expresses, and reveals the writer’s personal feelings, thoughts, views and
You will also answer a diagnostic test to find out if you are familiar with any
concepts related to Philippine reflective and personal essays and to check your readiness
and competence on the prerequisite skills to the tasks at hand.
At the end of this module, you are expected to write a reflective essay which will be
graded based on criteria presented at the latter part of the module.
As you do the following tasks, you will be guided by the essential question, ”How
are preferences, feelings, and insights communicated in a reflective essay?

Welcome to module 2!
Before we start any discussion,
we have to determine if you have
background knowledge about the topic.
Should we start exploring them?
Let’s do a diagnostic test then!

Activity 1: What lies beneath the Ink?
Below are questions you have to answer. Each question represents a concept or idea
which is about to be discussed in this module. Don’t leave any item unanswered!

From “ Once More Ermita” by Vicitacion dela Torre

1. Before the International Monetary Fund (IMF) conference, which “sprouted”
other five-star hotels, Manila Hilton was the place to be seen at.
2. Noted journalist Carmen Guerrero Nakpil, who is a native of Ermita, points out
that Ermita was then a Tagalog village peopled by free, energetic and
handsome Malays who drank whine, wore gold bangles and treated each other
and the Spanish newcomers with exquisite courtesy.
3. Those, whose beliefs in religion, in life, in just anything are unorthodox air their
views in Ermita’s Coffee Shops,

1-9 For items 1 -9, do the following:
1. Underline the antecedent used in the statement.
2. Circle the relative pronoun ; and
3. Underline the relative clause twice.
Before the International Monetary Fund (IMF) conference, which “sprouted” other
five-star hotels, Manila Hilton was the place to be seen at.
Noted journalist Carmen Guerrero Nakpil, who is a native of Ermita, points out that
Ermita was then a Tagalog village peopled by free, energetic and handsome Malays who
drank whine, wore gold bangles and treated each other and the Spanish newcomers with
exquisite courtesy.
Those, whose beliefs in religion, in life, in just anything are unorthodox air their views
in Ermita’s Coffee Shops,
10. A type of essay which aims to reflect on a personal event or experience of the author is
called a__________________.
A. persuasive essay

B. Reflective essay C. narrative essay D. Character Sketch

Processing points
This activity will not be recorded, however, your score is important to diagnose
whether you have background knowledge of the topic.

Do you wish to go further? Of course you do, let’s go!
Activity 2: Reflective Circles
What is a reflective essay? Try to dissect the idea using the Venn diagram below:


Activity 3: Photo Reflection

Below are interesting pictures that have to do with activities (both academic and leisure)
in school. Fill out the table below:

Write what you remember the most about the pictures. Fill out the table below:

What is the picture all about?

What does the picture remind you of?

Activity 4: Transpo
Below are comments about transportation vehicles. Write the transport talked about.
(motor vehicle, plane, boat, train, tricycle, etc.) Put a plus mark (+), if the remark made is a
positive one or put a minus sign (-) if it is a negative one or a statement of disapproval.
a. My goodness! The noise it makes before it takes off is deafening because it has to gather
speed so it can get off the ground.
b. I'll take this ride anytime. It is big. It does not rock with the waves. Besides that, it is very
comfortable just like a floating hotel.
c. Those smoke belching vehicles should be banned from the streets. They pollute the air.
Moreover they endanger our health.
d. That power steering device makes driving very comfortable because the driver does not have
to shift gears anymore. The machine helps him do it.
e. This is the fastest and cheapest way to travel. It's fast for it has its own tracks to run on,
hence it does not get caught up in traffic.
f. They tie up traffic; not only that, they are also very noisy. They should be allowed only on the
side streets.
g. Isn't it dangerous to go out to sea in that craft since it has only one outrigger? Won't it capsize
in rough seas because it is not balanced?

Activity 5: CHOO –CHOO train!
Read the following questions. Copy your answers in your notebook.
1. What is the modern-day train model?

2. How does it differ from the other means of land travel?

3. What advantages does a train have over other land transports?

4. What are some of the disadvantages?

5. What comes into your mind when you hear the word train? Write your answers in the graphic
organizer below.

Activity 6: The Question is Fill out the chart below.

Important question
about reflective essay

Next important

Third important

Least important

Processing point
Why is it your most important question?
Activity 7: Check My Question!
You have selected the most important question
in Activity 6, now it is time to make an evaluation of your
chosen question using the checklist below:
Write your question here:
Start evaluating your chosen question here:

Characteristics of Essential Question


Not Expressed

1. It has no simple “right” answer.
2. It could be argued.
3. It provokes critical thinking.
4. It raises other important questions.
5. It is related to life.

Processing points
Are all the characteristics expressed in your chosen question? If so, then your
question is an essential question!
If not, try selecting another question and repeat the process enumerated in this
The correct answer is “How are preferences, feelings, and insights communicated in a
reflective essay?

Do we have the same answer? Very good!
Let’s explore further and answer this question in the activity that follows.

Activity 8: My Tentative Responses
Now it’s time to examine what comes in your mind if the question is posted for you to
answer. Answer the question below using the diagram.
Tentative answer 1:
Tentative answer 2:
Tentative answer 3:
Processing Points
All your answers are accepted as of this moment. We need to study the succeeding
topics carefully to find out whether your tentative answers are valid or not.
Activity 9: Full Clue!
What are your expectations in this topic? Are you curious to know what output is
expected of you to accomplish at the end of this topic?
Based on the clues presented, draw a circle on the output you are to accomplish in
this module.

a colorful poster

Written output


a meaningful reaction paper

Daily account of


a music video


reflective essay



Processing points

Good! The product you are expected to carry out is a meaningful reflective essay.
You will be graded based on the following criteria:


Are you enjoying the activities so far? Are you excited to learn more?
I am so glad to hear that! But before we go further, let me remind you to bear in

How are preferences, feelings, and insights
communicated in a reflective essay?

Bear in mind that this question will be your guide in FIRMING UP your
understanding of Philippine essays.
Think of all your tentative answers to this question and have them validated as
you go on with the next phase.

Good luck!

FIRM UP Your Understanding

This part of the module will enable you to illustrate or crystallize your knowledge
of reflective essay that presents, expresses and reveals the writer’s personal feelings,
thoughts, views and insights.
This also highlights grammar lessons on forms and functions of relative clauses.
You will have all these things contained in the varied activities you are to
accomplish. You will be engaged in meaningful and challenging activities that will enrich
what you have learned.
Let’s start the discussion!
Lesson 1: The Reflective Essays

Reflective essay is a type of essay aimed to reflect personal event or
experience of the author. The main condition is that it has to be a certain personal
experience on which the author expresses his very own perception about life. This
experience or event is revealed in the essay in order to demonstrate its importance for
understanding social relations and the essence of people.
Structure of a Reflective Essay
Here is a probable scheme of a reflective essay:


The aim of the opening paragraph is to get the reader involved in the author’s
expression of ideas including interesting details and personal experiences. The
style must be very vivid and must appeal to the reader.
The middle part reveals a good variety of the author’s ideas on the topic.
The concluding sentences summarize the main ideas and experiences
highlighted in the essay. The author makes a reflection of his general perception
of the given topic.

The introductory paragraph is used for describing the background of your topic,
your role in it, and the reasons for choosing it. It is also important to mention your aim
and goals for developing the reflective essay writing.
In the supporting paragraphs you will explain the process of working on the
reflective essay from its initial research to the final stages. Be sure to pay attention to
both the weak and strong points; positive and negative experiences and any associated
To conclude your reflective essay efficiently, answer these questions:

Did you achieve your goals?
What would you like to change if you had another chance?
What useful expertise have you obtained from the task?
How could it be improved?

Activity 10: Vocabulary in a Flash
Below are phrases you will encounter while reading the essay “The World in a
Train “ by Francisco Icasiano. What do you mean by ...
a. small world
b. abstraction called humanity
c. without regard to hygiene
d. hard-fought battle
e. fashion so distasteful
f. complete indifference

The World in a Train
Francisco Icasiano

One Sunday I entrained for Baliwag, a town in Bulacan which can well afford to
hold two fiestas a year without a qualm.
I took the train partly because I am prejudiced in favor of the government owned
railroad, partly because I am allowed comparative comfort in a coach, and finally
because trains sometimes leave and arrive according to schedule.
In the coach I found a little world, a section of the abstraction called humanity
whom we are supposed to love and live for. I had previously arranged to divide the idle
hour or so between cultivating my neglected Christianity and smoothing out the rough
edges of my nature with the aid of grateful sights without – the rolling wheels, the flying
huts and trees and light-green palay seedlings and carabaos along the way. Inertia, I
suppose, and the sort of reality we moderns know make falling in love with my
immediate neighbors often a matter of severe strain and effort to me.
Let me give a sketchy picture of the little world whose company Mang Kiko
shared in moments which soon passed away affecting most of us.
First, there came to my notice three husky individuals who dusted their seats
furiously with their handkerchiefs without regard to hygiene or the brotherhood of men. It
gave me no little annoyance that on such a quiet morning the unpleasant aspects in
other people's ways should claim my attention.
Then there was a harmless-looking middle-aged man in green camisa de chino
with rolled sleeves who must have entered asleep. When I noticed him he was already
snuggly entrenched in a corner seat, with his slippered feet comfortably planted on the
opposite seat, all the while his head danced and dangled with the motion of the train. I
could not, for the love of me, imagine how he would look if he were awake.
A child of six in the next seat must have shared with me in speculating about the
dreams of this sleeping man in green. Was he dreaming of the Second World War or
the price of eggs? Had he any worries about the permanent dominion status or the final
outcome of the struggles of the masses, or was it merely the arrangement of the scales
on a fighting roaster's legs that brought that frown on his face?
But the party that most engaged my attention was a family of eight composed of
a short but efficient father, four very young children, mother, grandmother, and another
woman who must have been the efficient father's sister. They distributed themselves on
four benches – you know the kind of seats facing each other so that half the passengers
travel backward. The more I looked at the short but young and efficient father the
shorter his parts looked to me. His movements were fast and short, too. He removed his
coat, folded it carefully and slung it on the back of his seat. Then he pulled out his wallet
from the hip pocket and counted his money while his wife and the rest of his group
watched the ritual without a word.
Then the short, young, and efficient father stood up and pulled out two banana
leaf bundles from a bamboo basket and spread out both bundles on one bench and log
luncheon was ready at ten o'clock. With the efficient father leading the charge, the
children (except the baby in his grandmother's arms) began to dig away with little
encouragement and aid from the elders. In a short while the skirmish was over, the
enemy – shrimps, omelet, rice and tomato sauce – were routed out, save for a few
shrimps and some rice left for the grandmother to handle in her own style later.
Then came the water-fetching ritual. The father, with a glass in hand, led the
march to the train faucet, followed by three children whose faces still showed the marks
of a hard-fought-battle. In passing between me and a person, then engaged in a casual
conversation with me, the short but efficient father made a courteous gesture which is
still good to see in these democratic days; he bent from the hips and, dropping both
hands, made an opening in the air between my collocutor and me – a gesture which in
unspoiled places means "Excuse Me."
In one of the stations where the train stopped, a bent old woman in black boarded
the train. As it moved away, the old woman went about the coach, begging holding
every prospective Samaritan by the arm, and stretching forth her gnarled hand in the
familiar fashion so distasteful to me at that time. There is something in begging which
destroys some fiber in most men. "Every time you drop a penny into a beggar's palm
you help degrade a man and make it more difficult for him to rise with dignity. . ."
There was something in his beggar's eye which seemed to demand. "Now do your
duty." And I did. Willy-nilly I dropped a coin and thereby filled my life with repulsion. Is
this Christianity? "Blessed are the poor . . ." But with what speed did that bent old
woman cross the platform into the next coach!
While thus engaged in unwholesome thought, I felt myself jerked as the train made a
curve to the right. The toddler of the family of eight lost his balance and caught the short
but efficient father off-guard. In an instant all his efficiency was employed in collecting
the shrieking toddler from under his seat. The child had, in no time, developed two
elongated bumps on the head, upon which was applied a moist piece of cloth. There
were no reproaches, no words spoken. The discipline in the family was remarkable, or
was it because they considered the head as a minor anatomical appendage and was
therefore nor worth the fuss?
Occasionally, when the child's crying rose above the din of the locomotive and the
clinkety-clank of the wheels on the rails, the father would jog about a bit without
blushing, look at the bumps on his child's head, shake his own, and move his lips
saying, "Tsk, Tsk”. And nothing more.
Fairly tired of assuming the minor responsibilities of my neighbors in this little world
in motion, I looked into the distant horizon where the blue Cordilleras merged into the
blue of the sky. There I rested my thoughts upon the billowing silver and grey of the
clouds, lightly remarking upon their being a trial to us, although they may not know it.
We each would mind our own business and suffer in silence for the littlest mistakes of
others; laughing at their ways if we happened to be in a position to suspend our emotion
and view the whole scene as a god would; or, we could weep for other men if we are
the mood to shed copious tears over the whole tragic aspect of a world thrown out of
It is strange how human sympathy operates. We assume an attitude of complete
indifference to utter strangers whom we have seen but not met. We claim that they are
the hardest to fall in love with in the normal exercise of Christian charity. Then a little
child falls from a seat, or a beggar stretches forth a gnarled hand, or three husky men
dust their seats; and we are, despite our pretensions, affected. Why not? If even a
sleeping man who does nothing touches our life!
Activity11: Understanding the Text
Answer the following questions:
1. Why did the writer prefer to take the train in his journey to Bulacan?
2. Describe the different scenes that he saw in the coach?
3. What did he learn about the people from those scenes?
4. How did he feel about them?

5. What was the aim of the writer in observing the people around him?
6. Which paragraphs describe these items?
a. the situation
b. the writer's objective
c. what he did to attain his goal
7. What did the writer find out about himself in his reactions to the people he
8. Would a person be able to see all of these in a ride on the light railway train in the
city? Why? What have you gained with developments in railway travel? What have
we lost?

Activity 12: Details Galore
Recall the details in the essay read then complete the grid below to show the scenes
that the writer saw in the train, his reaction towards them, and what he learned from them.

Scene Nos.


What they did










Activity 13: Discovery Path
The essay provided an opportunity for both the author and its readers to reflect
about themselves. Complete the grid that follows:

Things the author discovered about

Things you are beginning about

Lesson 2: Relative Clause
A clause is a group of words with its own subject and verb or predicate.
A relative clause is a subordinate clause that begins with a relative pronoun
(e.g. who, which, where) or the word that. You can use it to modify a noun or pronoun
(i.e. to identify or give more information about it).
Words like who, that and when are called relative pronouns when they are
used to introduce relative clauses. You use:

who for people, which for things, and that for both people and things.
whom as the object of a relative clause (in more formal English), though it is
increasingly common to replace it with who.
whose to indicate possession, as a determiner before nouns.

For Example:

Students who can develop independent learning skills often achieve good
academic results.
There is a new book that investigates the controversy over political reforms
in Hong Kong.
A university is a place where people pursue advanced knowledge in specific
academic disciplines.

The lecture theatre which the inauguration ceremony will be held is now
being cleaned.

The underlined words are called antecedents, the italicized words are your
relative pronouns and the clause that followed formed the relative clause.

Activity 14: I Can Relate
Read the following sentences and answer the questions below.
1. I entrained for Baliwag, a town in Bulacan which can well afford to hold two fiestas a
year without a qualm.
2.Let me give a sketchy picture of the little world whose company Mang Kiko sharedin
momentswhich soon passed away affecting most of us.
3.The father was followed by three children whose faces still showed the marks of a
4.In one of the stations where the train stopped, a bent old woman in black boarded the

Processing points
Do you know how the underlined words are called? Why did you say so?
What word introduces the clause?
How do you call the introductory word in each clause?

How about the shaded words? How do you call them?
Processing points
What UNDERSTANDING can you draw out of the activities you have
accomplished, the learning you have gained and the realities about life
represented by reflective essay you have read?

That’s fantastic!
How about making your UNDERSTANDING more ESSENTIAL? Rearrange the
phrases in the box to reveal the hidden sentence.

Personal preferences, feelings and insights
and vivid account of one’s experiences.
in a reflective essay by direct observations
are effectively and meaningfully communicated
Write the Essential Understanding here:

That’s impressive!
You have completed the FIRM UP phase! I’m sure the next phase will be a lot more fun
and exciting!

DEEPEN Your Understanding

Welcome to the Deepen Phase!
In this phase, you are provided with thought-provoking questions that will make
you reflect, revisit, rethink, and revise your earlier assumptions about Philippine
You are also expected to deal with authentic situations to highlight the
grammar structure of the essays discussed herein. The differentiated instruction will
address your uniqueness, strengths and weaknesses and will reinforce what you have
At the end of the phase, you will be engaged in meaningful self –evaluation of
learning through a short summative test.
Are you ready to deepen your understanding further? What are you waiting for?
Start at once!
Always bear the ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDING in mind as you answer the
succeeding activities.

Good luck!
Activity 15: Rise or Set?
Look for an enticing topic for essay writing activity. Complete the items under
SUNRISE by writing experiences derived from positive or encouraging encounters.
Complete the items under SUNSET by writing discouraging experiences that helped
them reflect on certain things.



(Positive encounters)

(Negative encounters)

Activity 16: The Rough Draft
Choose a topic for your reflective essay. Write the details of this topic using the
outline below:
Title: ______________________
Thesis Statement:
Main Topic 1:
Supporting Details:
Main Topic 1:
Supporting Details:
Main Topic 3:

Supporting Details:

Activity 17: Domino String
Sometimes events are linked by time. This means that a subsequent event
requires a preceding event to happen. Decide on the kind of event the following will
reflect about.
A. What are the stages, steps, phases or events?
B. How do the stages, steps, phases or event take place?

C.What happens if an event does not take place?
D.What is the final outcome?

Prepare a dialectrical journal. Be reminded that the things you appreciate the most
about the lesson must be reflected in the journal entry.

A Dialectrical Journal is a type of double-entry-note-taking which you can use in
reading literature. This organizer develops critical reading and reflective questioning.
Realizations about reflective

Phase of the lesson

Why is the reflection
significant to me?

Activity 19: Reflection Time Line
Imagine that you are on your way home from your friend’s party. Write your
reflection in each of the object you will see along the road on your way to your home.

It’s 4:00 pm, on your way home from a friend’s party you saw a
at you. (Reason:

He just had a fight with a big fat

which left a long painful scratch at his
back. (Reason:

Not too far from where the dog and the cat is a
which seemed untouched

and a
with missing pages beside it. (Reason:

you spotted a sad young
About two


Activity 20: Quota on Quote
“Reflection is a flower of the mind, giving out wholesome fragrance; but revelry is
the same flower, when rank and running to seed.”Explain this quotation in your own

Processing points
What realities about life have you realized from the activities in this phase?

Do you see any connection between your life and how these activities leading to
writing of meaningful reflective essay?
Remember your Essential Understanding:

Free and effective communication of reflections and insights
about personal views, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, judgments
and observations can lead to meaningful journal entries.
Congratulations for completing the DEEPEN phase!
But to ensure your understanding, please try answering the test below:

Part I
Directions: Copy the following sentences in your notebook. Underline the
antecedent once, encircle the relative pronoun and underline the relative clause
1. The patron saint of Antipolo is known as the Our Lady of Peace and Good
Voyage, which church is located right at the heart of the city.
2. Our national hero is Jose P. Rizal, whose “Noli Me Tangere” and “El
Filibusterismo” were hailed the best novels of all times.
3. Nick Joaquin, who wrote “A Portrait of An Artist as Filipinos” is known by the pen
name Quijano de Manila.
4. Ermita is a place where one can go to bare his soul (no matter how putrid or
5. It is quite a place that hankers to be left alone.

Part II
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in your activity notebook.
6. It is a type of essay based on everyday accounts of observation or experience.
A. Narrative
B. Personal

C. Character Sketch
D. Reflective

7. It comprises the last paragraph of an essay that puts an end to the text.
A. Introduction
C. Body
B. Conclusion
D. Recommendation
8. It is the part of an essay that details all supporting information about the topic.
A. Introduction
C. Body
B. Conclusion
D. Recommendation
9. It is the first paragraph of an essay that usually provides the background of the
A. Introduction
B. Conclusion

C. Body
D. Recommendation

10. It is a kind of clause formed by using words as that, who, where, whose, whom,
which or when.
A. Subordinate clause
C. relative clause
B. Participial phrase
D. appositive

Processing points

Congratulations! You have made it to the last phase.

TRANSFER Your Understanding

Welcome to the Transfer Phase!
This part of the module will allow you to make independent applications of the
various processes (autobiographical collections, portfolio, production, writing of dialog
journals, making a specialized journal which focuses on a specific activity) they have
This will enable you to write a reflective / personal essay using varied and
complex assessment procedures and most importantly, see the connections between
tasks in this module and the real world.
Are you ready to transfer your understanding?

Activity 21: Pre-Writing @Thoughts Abound (page 106)

Scan your thoughts. Write ten possible topics for reflective journal writing. Be
reminded that the topics may be interdisciplinary (science-based, technically-inclined

Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________

Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________
Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________

Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________

Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________

Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________

Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________

Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________

Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________

Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________

Activity 22: Outlining @ Ideas and Details

Topic: ___________________________________________________________

Introduction Options:

Introduction statement 1: ____________________________________________

Introduction statement 2: ____________________________________________

Introduction statement 3: ____________________________________________

Body Options:

Main Idea 1: ___________________________________________________________

Main Idea 2: ___________________________________________________________

Main Idea 3: ___________________________________________________________

Conclusion Options:

Concluding statement 1: __________________________________________________

Concluding statement 2: __________________________________________________

Concluding statement 3: __________________________________________________
Activity 23: Drafting @ Writing the Draft
Write your reflective statement using the topic in your outline. Be reminded of the
principles, structure and elements of a meaningful reflective essay you have learned in
the previous module.
Activity 24: Revising @ Erase, Erase, Erase
Reread your essay. Try to check your essay using the rubrics below:
All parts of an essay are included.
The title has an impact by itself.
The introduction is interesting enough to hook the
Clearly expressed ideas/details in the body of the essay
Carefully chosen words
Logically arranged statements
Sustains interest
Brief but interesting concluding statement

Activity 25: Roof reading @ No Spoofs, All Proofs
Share your essay with any family member or a classmate in the same program.
Ask them to spot errors in punctuation, spelling, capitalization and paragraphing.

Activity 26: Publishing @ Ready, Set, Read!
Rewrite your essay and submit it to your teacher.

Books, Internet, Multimedia materials, Computer, DVD, CD, Graphic Organizer,
pictures, drawings, art materials, film clips, e-journals, Philippine Drama books
1. Dr. Nilda Sunga for the indicators used to evaluate an essential question which
appeared in activity 5 of explore phase.
2. Mr. Larry T. Diaz for providing the graphics/visuals in this module.


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DepEd k12 English 7 fourth quarter module 2

  • 1. English I Quarter 4 ESSAY Module 2 REFLECTIVE ESSAY BASED ON OBSERVATIONS AND EXPERIENCES IN LIFE EXPLORE Your Understanding In this part of the module, you are to demonstrate understanding that a reflective essay presents, expresses, and reveals the writer’s personal feelings, thoughts, views and insights. You will also answer a diagnostic test to find out if you are familiar with any concepts related to Philippine reflective and personal essays and to check your readiness and competence on the prerequisite skills to the tasks at hand. At the end of this module, you are expected to write a reflective essay which will be graded based on criteria presented at the latter part of the module. As you do the following tasks, you will be guided by the essential question, ”How are preferences, feelings, and insights communicated in a reflective essay? Welcome to module 2! Before we start any discussion, we have to determine if you have background knowledge about the topic. Should we start exploring them? Let’s do a diagnostic test then! 1
  • 2. Activity 1: What lies beneath the Ink? Below are questions you have to answer. Each question represents a concept or idea which is about to be discussed in this module. Don’t leave any item unanswered! From “ Once More Ermita” by Vicitacion dela Torre 1. Before the International Monetary Fund (IMF) conference, which “sprouted” other five-star hotels, Manila Hilton was the place to be seen at. 2. Noted journalist Carmen Guerrero Nakpil, who is a native of Ermita, points out that Ermita was then a Tagalog village peopled by free, energetic and handsome Malays who drank whine, wore gold bangles and treated each other and the Spanish newcomers with exquisite courtesy. 3. Those, whose beliefs in religion, in life, in just anything are unorthodox air their views in Ermita’s Coffee Shops, 1-9 For items 1 -9, do the following: 1. Underline the antecedent used in the statement. 2. Circle the relative pronoun ; and 3. Underline the relative clause twice. 1-3 Before the International Monetary Fund (IMF) conference, which “sprouted” other five-star hotels, Manila Hilton was the place to be seen at. 4-6 Noted journalist Carmen Guerrero Nakpil, who is a native of Ermita, points out that Ermita was then a Tagalog village peopled by free, energetic and handsome Malays who drank whine, wore gold bangles and treated each other and the Spanish newcomers with exquisite courtesy. 7-9 Those, whose beliefs in religion, in life, in just anything are unorthodox air their views in Ermita’s Coffee Shops, 10. A type of essay which aims to reflect on a personal event or experience of the author is called a__________________. A. persuasive essay B. Reflective essay C. narrative essay D. Character Sketch 2
  • 3. Processing points This activity will not be recorded, however, your score is important to diagnose whether you have background knowledge of the topic. Do you wish to go further? Of course you do, let’s go! Activity 2: Reflective Circles What is a reflective essay? Try to dissect the idea using the Venn diagram below: · 3
  • 4. Activity 3: Photo Reflection Below are interesting pictures that have to do with activities (both academic and leisure) in school. Fill out the table below: Write what you remember the most about the pictures. Fill out the table below: What is the picture all about? What does the picture remind you of? Activity 4: Transpo Below are comments about transportation vehicles. Write the transport talked about. (motor vehicle, plane, boat, train, tricycle, etc.) Put a plus mark (+), if the remark made is a positive one or put a minus sign (-) if it is a negative one or a statement of disapproval. a. My goodness! The noise it makes before it takes off is deafening because it has to gather speed so it can get off the ground. b. I'll take this ride anytime. It is big. It does not rock with the waves. Besides that, it is very comfortable just like a floating hotel. c. Those smoke belching vehicles should be banned from the streets. They pollute the air. Moreover they endanger our health. d. That power steering device makes driving very comfortable because the driver does not have to shift gears anymore. The machine helps him do it. 4
  • 5. e. This is the fastest and cheapest way to travel. It's fast for it has its own tracks to run on, hence it does not get caught up in traffic. f. They tie up traffic; not only that, they are also very noisy. They should be allowed only on the side streets. g. Isn't it dangerous to go out to sea in that craft since it has only one outrigger? Won't it capsize in rough seas because it is not balanced? Activity 5: CHOO –CHOO train! Read the following questions. Copy your answers in your notebook. 1. What is the modern-day train model? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. How does it differ from the other means of land travel? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. What advantages does a train have over other land transports? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are some of the disadvantages? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. What comes into your mind when you hear the word train? Write your answers in the graphic organizer below. 5
  • 6. Activity 6: The Question is Fill out the chart below. Important question about reflective essay Next important question Third important question Least important question Processing point Why is it your most important question? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6
  • 7. Activity 7: Check My Question! You have selected the most important question in Activity 6, now it is time to make an evaluation of your chosen question using the checklist below: Write your question here: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Start evaluating your chosen question here: Characteristics of Essential Question Expressed Not Expressed 1. It has no simple “right” answer. 2. It could be argued. 3. It provokes critical thinking. 4. It raises other important questions. 5. It is related to life. Processing points Are all the characteristics expressed in your chosen question? If so, then your question is an essential question! If not, try selecting another question and repeat the process enumerated in this activity. The correct answer is “How are preferences, feelings, and insights communicated in a reflective essay? Do we have the same answer? Very good! Let’s explore further and answer this question in the activity that follows. 7
  • 8. Activity 8: My Tentative Responses Now it’s time to examine what comes in your mind if the question is posted for you to answer. Answer the question below using the diagram. Tentative answer 1: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Tentative answer 2: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Tentative answer 3: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Processing Points All your answers are accepted as of this moment. We need to study the succeeding topics carefully to find out whether your tentative answers are valid or not. Activity 9: Full Clue! What are your expectations in this topic? Are you curious to know what output is expected of you to accomplish at the end of this topic? Based on the clues presented, draw a circle on the output you are to accomplish in this module. . • a colorful poster Written output • a meaningful reaction paper Daily account of experiences • a music video • reflective essay Clues: reflection Processing points Good! The product you are expected to carry out is a meaningful reflective essay. 8
  • 9. You will be graded based on the following criteria: Focus/Content ·Unity ·Coherence ·Clarity ·Mechanics ·Language Are you enjoying the activities so far? Are you excited to learn more? I am so glad to hear that! But before we go further, let me remind you to bear in mind the ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are preferences, feelings, and insights communicated in a reflective essay? Bear in mind that this question will be your guide in FIRMING UP your understanding of Philippine essays. Think of all your tentative answers to this question and have them validated as you go on with the next phase. Good luck! 9
  • 10. FIRM UP Your Understanding This part of the module will enable you to illustrate or crystallize your knowledge of reflective essay that presents, expresses and reveals the writer’s personal feelings, thoughts, views and insights. This also highlights grammar lessons on forms and functions of relative clauses. You will have all these things contained in the varied activities you are to accomplish. You will be engaged in meaningful and challenging activities that will enrich what you have learned. Let’s start the discussion! Lesson 1: The Reflective Essays Reflective essay is a type of essay aimed to reflect personal event or experience of the author. The main condition is that it has to be a certain personal experience on which the author expresses his very own perception about life. This experience or event is revealed in the essay in order to demonstrate its importance for understanding social relations and the essence of people. Structure of a Reflective Essay Here is a probable scheme of a reflective essay: • • • The aim of the opening paragraph is to get the reader involved in the author’s expression of ideas including interesting details and personal experiences. The style must be very vivid and must appeal to the reader. The middle part reveals a good variety of the author’s ideas on the topic. The concluding sentences summarize the main ideas and experiences highlighted in the essay. The author makes a reflection of his general perception of the given topic. The introductory paragraph is used for describing the background of your topic, your role in it, and the reasons for choosing it. It is also important to mention your aim and goals for developing the reflective essay writing. 10
  • 11. In the supporting paragraphs you will explain the process of working on the reflective essay from its initial research to the final stages. Be sure to pay attention to both the weak and strong points; positive and negative experiences and any associated feelings. To conclude your reflective essay efficiently, answer these questions: • • • • Did you achieve your goals? What would you like to change if you had another chance? What useful expertise have you obtained from the task? How could it be improved? Activity 10: Vocabulary in a Flash Below are phrases you will encounter while reading the essay “The World in a Train “ by Francisco Icasiano. What do you mean by ... a. small world ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ b. abstraction called humanity ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ c. without regard to hygiene ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ d. hard-fought battle ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ e. fashion so distasteful ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ f. complete indifference ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 11
  • 12. The World in a Train Francisco Icasiano One Sunday I entrained for Baliwag, a town in Bulacan which can well afford to hold two fiestas a year without a qualm. I took the train partly because I am prejudiced in favor of the government owned railroad, partly because I am allowed comparative comfort in a coach, and finally because trains sometimes leave and arrive according to schedule. In the coach I found a little world, a section of the abstraction called humanity whom we are supposed to love and live for. I had previously arranged to divide the idle hour or so between cultivating my neglected Christianity and smoothing out the rough edges of my nature with the aid of grateful sights without – the rolling wheels, the flying huts and trees and light-green palay seedlings and carabaos along the way. Inertia, I suppose, and the sort of reality we moderns know make falling in love with my immediate neighbors often a matter of severe strain and effort to me. Let me give a sketchy picture of the little world whose company Mang Kiko shared in moments which soon passed away affecting most of us. First, there came to my notice three husky individuals who dusted their seats furiously with their handkerchiefs without regard to hygiene or the brotherhood of men. It gave me no little annoyance that on such a quiet morning the unpleasant aspects in other people's ways should claim my attention. Then there was a harmless-looking middle-aged man in green camisa de chino with rolled sleeves who must have entered asleep. When I noticed him he was already snuggly entrenched in a corner seat, with his slippered feet comfortably planted on the opposite seat, all the while his head danced and dangled with the motion of the train. I could not, for the love of me, imagine how he would look if he were awake. A child of six in the next seat must have shared with me in speculating about the dreams of this sleeping man in green. Was he dreaming of the Second World War or the price of eggs? Had he any worries about the permanent dominion status or the final outcome of the struggles of the masses, or was it merely the arrangement of the scales on a fighting roaster's legs that brought that frown on his face? But the party that most engaged my attention was a family of eight composed of a short but efficient father, four very young children, mother, grandmother, and another woman who must have been the efficient father's sister. They distributed themselves on four benches – you know the kind of seats facing each other so that half the passengers travel backward. The more I looked at the short but young and efficient father the shorter his parts looked to me. His movements were fast and short, too. He removed his coat, folded it carefully and slung it on the back of his seat. Then he pulled out his wallet 12
  • 13. from the hip pocket and counted his money while his wife and the rest of his group watched the ritual without a word. Then the short, young, and efficient father stood up and pulled out two banana leaf bundles from a bamboo basket and spread out both bundles on one bench and log luncheon was ready at ten o'clock. With the efficient father leading the charge, the children (except the baby in his grandmother's arms) began to dig away with little encouragement and aid from the elders. In a short while the skirmish was over, the enemy – shrimps, omelet, rice and tomato sauce – were routed out, save for a few shrimps and some rice left for the grandmother to handle in her own style later. Then came the water-fetching ritual. The father, with a glass in hand, led the march to the train faucet, followed by three children whose faces still showed the marks of a hard-fought-battle. In passing between me and a person, then engaged in a casual conversation with me, the short but efficient father made a courteous gesture which is still good to see in these democratic days; he bent from the hips and, dropping both hands, made an opening in the air between my collocutor and me – a gesture which in unspoiled places means "Excuse Me." In one of the stations where the train stopped, a bent old woman in black boarded the train. As it moved away, the old woman went about the coach, begging holding every prospective Samaritan by the arm, and stretching forth her gnarled hand in the familiar fashion so distasteful to me at that time. There is something in begging which destroys some fiber in most men. "Every time you drop a penny into a beggar's palm you help degrade a man and make it more difficult for him to rise with dignity. . ." There was something in his beggar's eye which seemed to demand. "Now do your duty." And I did. Willy-nilly I dropped a coin and thereby filled my life with repulsion. Is this Christianity? "Blessed are the poor . . ." But with what speed did that bent old woman cross the platform into the next coach! While thus engaged in unwholesome thought, I felt myself jerked as the train made a curve to the right. The toddler of the family of eight lost his balance and caught the short but efficient father off-guard. In an instant all his efficiency was employed in collecting the shrieking toddler from under his seat. The child had, in no time, developed two elongated bumps on the head, upon which was applied a moist piece of cloth. There were no reproaches, no words spoken. The discipline in the family was remarkable, or was it because they considered the head as a minor anatomical appendage and was therefore nor worth the fuss? Occasionally, when the child's crying rose above the din of the locomotive and the clinkety-clank of the wheels on the rails, the father would jog about a bit without blushing, look at the bumps on his child's head, shake his own, and move his lips saying, "Tsk, Tsk”. And nothing more. 13
  • 14. Fairly tired of assuming the minor responsibilities of my neighbors in this little world in motion, I looked into the distant horizon where the blue Cordilleras merged into the blue of the sky. There I rested my thoughts upon the billowing silver and grey of the clouds, lightly remarking upon their being a trial to us, although they may not know it. We each would mind our own business and suffer in silence for the littlest mistakes of others; laughing at their ways if we happened to be in a position to suspend our emotion and view the whole scene as a god would; or, we could weep for other men if we are the mood to shed copious tears over the whole tragic aspect of a world thrown out of joint. It is strange how human sympathy operates. We assume an attitude of complete indifference to utter strangers whom we have seen but not met. We claim that they are the hardest to fall in love with in the normal exercise of Christian charity. Then a little child falls from a seat, or a beggar stretches forth a gnarled hand, or three husky men dust their seats; and we are, despite our pretensions, affected. Why not? If even a sleeping man who does nothing touches our life! Activity11: Understanding the Text Answer the following questions: 1. Why did the writer prefer to take the train in his journey to Bulacan? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe the different scenes that he saw in the coach? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. What did he learn about the people from those scenes? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. How did he feel about them? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 14
  • 15. 5. What was the aim of the writer in observing the people around him? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6. Which paragraphs describe these items? a. the situation ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ b. the writer's objective ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ c. what he did to attain his goal ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 7. What did the writer find out about himself in his reactions to the people he observed? ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 8. Would a person be able to see all of these in a ride on the light railway train in the city? Why? What have you gained with developments in railway travel? What have we lost? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 15
  • 16. Activity 12: Details Galore Recall the details in the essay read then complete the grid below to show the scenes that the writer saw in the train, his reaction towards them, and what he learned from them. Scene Nos. Persons What they did Author’s Reaction Lessons Learned 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Activity 13: Discovery Path The essay provided an opportunity for both the author and its readers to reflect about themselves. Complete the grid that follows: 16
  • 17. Things the author discovered about himself Things you are beginning about yourself Lesson 2: Relative Clause A clause is a group of words with its own subject and verb or predicate. A relative clause is a subordinate clause that begins with a relative pronoun (e.g. who, which, where) or the word that. You can use it to modify a noun or pronoun (i.e. to identify or give more information about it). Words like who, that and when are called relative pronouns when they are used to introduce relative clauses. You use: • • • who for people, which for things, and that for both people and things. whom as the object of a relative clause (in more formal English), though it is increasingly common to replace it with who. whose to indicate possession, as a determiner before nouns. For Example: • • • Students who can develop independent learning skills often achieve good academic results. There is a new book that investigates the controversy over political reforms in Hong Kong. A university is a place where people pursue advanced knowledge in specific academic disciplines. 17
  • 18. • The lecture theatre which the inauguration ceremony will be held is now being cleaned. The underlined words are called antecedents, the italicized words are your relative pronouns and the clause that followed formed the relative clause. Activity 14: I Can Relate Read the following sentences and answer the questions below. 1. I entrained for Baliwag, a town in Bulacan which can well afford to hold two fiestas a year without a qualm. 2.Let me give a sketchy picture of the little world whose company Mang Kiko sharedin momentswhich soon passed away affecting most of us. 3.The father was followed by three children whose faces still showed the marks of a hard-fought-battle. 4.In one of the stations where the train stopped, a bent old woman in black boarded the train Processing points Do you know how the underlined words are called? Why did you say so? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What word introduces the clause? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ How do you call the introductory word in each clause? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ How about the shaded words? How do you call them? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 18
  • 19. Processing points What UNDERSTANDING can you draw out of the activities you have accomplished, the learning you have gained and the realities about life represented by reflective essay you have read? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ That’s fantastic! How about making your UNDERSTANDING more ESSENTIAL? Rearrange the phrases in the box to reveal the hidden sentence. Personal preferences, feelings and insights and vivid account of one’s experiences. in a reflective essay by direct observations are effectively and meaningfully communicated Write the Essential Understanding here: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ That’s impressive! You have completed the FIRM UP phase! I’m sure the next phase will be a lot more fun and exciting! 19
  • 20. DEEPEN Your Understanding Welcome to the Deepen Phase! In this phase, you are provided with thought-provoking questions that will make you reflect, revisit, rethink, and revise your earlier assumptions about Philippine Essays. You are also expected to deal with authentic situations to highlight the grammar structure of the essays discussed herein. The differentiated instruction will address your uniqueness, strengths and weaknesses and will reinforce what you have learned. At the end of the phase, you will be engaged in meaningful self –evaluation of learning through a short summative test. Are you ready to deepen your understanding further? What are you waiting for? Start at once! Always bear the ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDING in mind as you answer the succeeding activities. Good luck! Activity 15: Rise or Set? Look for an enticing topic for essay writing activity. Complete the items under SUNRISE by writing experiences derived from positive or encouraging encounters. Complete the items under SUNSET by writing discouraging experiences that helped them reflect on certain things. 20
  • 22. Activity 16: The Rough Draft Choose a topic for your reflective essay. Write the details of this topic using the outline below: Title: ______________________ Introduction: Thesis Statement: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Details: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Body: Main Topic 1: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Supporting Details: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Main Topic 1: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Supporting Details: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 22
  • 23. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Main Topic 3: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Supporting Details: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Conclusion: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Activity 17: Domino String Sometimes events are linked by time. This means that a subsequent event requires a preceding event to happen. Decide on the kind of event the following will reflect about. A. What are the stages, steps, phases or events? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ B. How do the stages, steps, phases or event take place? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 23
  • 24. C.What happens if an event does not take place? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ D.What is the final outcome? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Activity 18 DIALECTRICAL JOURNAL Prepare a dialectrical journal. Be reminded that the things you appreciate the most about the lesson must be reflected in the journal entry. A Dialectrical Journal is a type of double-entry-note-taking which you can use in reading literature. This organizer develops critical reading and reflective questioning. Realizations about reflective essay Phase of the lesson Why is the reflection significant to me? Activity 19: Reflection Time Line Imagine that you are on your way home from your friend’s party. Write your reflection in each of the object you will see along the road on your way to your home. It’s 4:00 pm, on your way home from a friend’s party you saw a staring at you. (Reason: ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________). He just had a fight with a big fat which left a long painful scratch at his 24
  • 25. back. (Reason: ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________). Not too far from where the dog and the cat is a which seemed untouched (Reason: ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________) and a with missing pages beside it. (Reason: ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________). you spotted a sad young (Reason: About two ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________). Reflection: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Activity 20: Quota on Quote “Reflection is a flower of the mind, giving out wholesome fragrance; but revelry is the same flower, when rank and running to seed.”Explain this quotation in your own words. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 25
  • 26. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Processing points What realities about life have you realized from the activities in this phase? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Do you see any connection between your life and how these activities leading to writing of meaningful reflective essay? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Remember your Essential Understanding: Free and effective communication of reflections and insights about personal views, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, judgments and observations can lead to meaningful journal entries. Congratulations for completing the DEEPEN phase! But to ensure your understanding, please try answering the test below: SUMMATIVE TEST Part I Directions: Copy the following sentences in your notebook. Underline the antecedent once, encircle the relative pronoun and underline the relative clause twice. 1. The patron saint of Antipolo is known as the Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, which church is located right at the heart of the city. 26
  • 27. 2. Our national hero is Jose P. Rizal, whose “Noli Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo” were hailed the best novels of all times. 3. Nick Joaquin, who wrote “A Portrait of An Artist as Filipinos” is known by the pen name Quijano de Manila. 4. Ermita is a place where one can go to bare his soul (no matter how putrid or pure). 5. It is quite a place that hankers to be left alone. Part II Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in your activity notebook. 6. It is a type of essay based on everyday accounts of observation or experience. A. Narrative B. Personal C. Character Sketch D. Reflective 7. It comprises the last paragraph of an essay that puts an end to the text. A. Introduction C. Body B. Conclusion D. Recommendation 8. It is the part of an essay that details all supporting information about the topic. A. Introduction C. Body B. Conclusion D. Recommendation 9. It is the first paragraph of an essay that usually provides the background of the topic. A. Introduction B. Conclusion C. Body D. Recommendation 10. It is a kind of clause formed by using words as that, who, where, whose, whom, which or when. A. Subordinate clause C. relative clause B. Participial phrase D. appositive 27
  • 28. Processing points Congratulations! You have made it to the last phase. TRANSFER Your Understanding Welcome to the Transfer Phase! This part of the module will allow you to make independent applications of the various processes (autobiographical collections, portfolio, production, writing of dialog journals, making a specialized journal which focuses on a specific activity) they have learned. This will enable you to write a reflective / personal essay using varied and complex assessment procedures and most importantly, see the connections between tasks in this module and the real world. Are you ready to transfer your understanding? Activity 21: Pre-Writing @Thoughts Abound (page 106) Scan your thoughts. Write ten possible topics for reflective journal writing. Be reminded that the topics may be interdisciplinary (science-based, technically-inclined etc.) Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________ Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________ 28
  • 29. Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________ Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________ Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________ Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________ Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________ Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________ Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________ Discipline __________ Topic ___________________________ Activity 22: Outlining @ Ideas and Details Topic: ___________________________________________________________ Introduction Options: Introduction statement 1: ____________________________________________ Introduction statement 2: ____________________________________________ Introduction statement 3: ____________________________________________ 29
  • 30. Body Options: Main Idea 1: ___________________________________________________________ Main Idea 2: ___________________________________________________________ Main Idea 3: ___________________________________________________________ Conclusion Options: Concluding statement 1: __________________________________________________ Concluding statement 2: __________________________________________________ Concluding statement 3: __________________________________________________ Activity 23: Drafting @ Writing the Draft Write your reflective statement using the topic in your outline. Be reminded of the principles, structure and elements of a meaningful reflective essay you have learned in the previous module. Activity 24: Revising @ Erase, Erase, Erase Reread your essay. Try to check your essay using the rubrics below: All parts of an essay are included. The title has an impact by itself. The introduction is interesting enough to hook the readers. Clearly expressed ideas/details in the body of the essay Carefully chosen words Logically arranged statements Sustains interest Brief but interesting concluding statement 30
  • 31. Activity 25: Roof reading @ No Spoofs, All Proofs Share your essay with any family member or a classmate in the same program. Ask them to spot errors in punctuation, spelling, capitalization and paragraphing. Activity 26: Publishing @ Ready, Set, Read! Rewrite your essay and submit it to your teacher. Resources: Books, Internet, Multimedia materials, Computer, DVD, CD, Graphic Organizer, pictures, drawings, art materials, film clips, e-journals, Philippine Drama books Acknowledgement: 1. Dr. Nilda Sunga for the indicators used to evaluate an essential question which appeared in activity 5 of explore phase. 2. Mr. Larry T. Diaz for providing the graphics/visuals in this module. 31
  • 32. 32