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democrat and republican parties Essay
"The Democratic Party at its worst is better for the country than the Republican Party at its best."
This was a statement made by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1955. Lyndon B. Johnson of course was a
Democrat. Is this quote true today? That is a question that can only be answered after a careful
analysis of the philosophy of the Republican and Democratic leaders that help to run this nation.
"Neither of the two major parties is made up of people who are all of one mind. Each party is a
coalition of many people with diverse interests who come together to get their candidates elected to
public office." (Political Science textbook) If this is the case, it makes the decision of choosing who
is better even harder. An ... Show more content on ...
Republicans want to limit the number of social programs and encourage the individual states to be
more active in their own social welfare. Democrats feel that more government is better, where the
Republicans feel that the individual states should have more power. Democrats favor gun control
legislation most of the time. Republicans do not seem as interested in that issue, and many
Republicans can be viewed as pro gun advocates. Democrats favor affirmative action for minorities
and women. Republicans favor helping the entrepreneur and tend to give tax breaks to big business.
Democrats champion the cause of labor unions, while Republicans realizing that union votes are
important, at the same time feel that labor unions have too much power and cost big business too
much money. The next set of political differences about the issues of capital punishment and
abortion rights are quite paradoxical. Democrats favor a woman's right to choose, at the same time
they are against the death penalty and want to rehabilitate prisoners. Republicans, many of them are
pro–life as well as in favor of capital punishment and being tough on crime. Democrats want the
government to be more involved in public education, and want more money dispersed for student
loans. Republicans want the states to take the responsibility for educating their children and also
want to provide vouchers as an alternative to public school. This issue is also tied to how
Republicans are
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The Republican Party And Bernie Sanders
There are two Democrats and there are three Republicans remaining in the 2016 presidential
candidate race. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are the only two Democrats running in the 2016
presidential election. Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and Donald Trump are the only three Republicans
running in the 2016 presidential election, but the two candidates I had were, Bernie Sanders and
Gary Johnson. Bernie Sanders is a part of the Democratic Party and Bernie Sanders is a part of the
Libertarian Party.
Bernie Sanders real name is Bernard but he goes by the name of Bernie. He was born on September
8, 1941. Bernie Sanders is an American politician and he's also the senator from Vermont. He's a
Democratic nominee in the 2016 presidential election. His ... Show more content on
Gary real name is Gary Earl Johnson. He was born on January 1, 1995. He's is a politician and a
businessman. He served as the 29th Governor of New Mexico. He's the 2016 nominee for the
Libertarian Party. He was also a nominee for the Libertarian Party in the United States 2012
He was born in North Dakota but he moved with his family to New Mexico during his childhood.
He attended the University of New Mexico in 1974. To support himself financially he took on a job
as a handy man. He founded Big J Enterprises which grew to be the largest construction business in
New Mexico. He entered politics for the first time by running for Governor of New Mexico. He then
won the Republican Party of New Mexico's gubernatorial nomination. His opponent in this race was
governor Bruce King. Bruce King was a Democrat. Then Gary became well known for his low tax
libertarian views, adhering to policies of tax and bureaucracy reduction supported by a cost–benefit
analysis rationale. He cut the 10 percent
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The Republican Party And The Democratic Party Essay
The Republican Party has long relied on the support of older, white, conservatives. Regrettably, they
are a shrinking portion of the voting population. The problem that they face is a shrinking voter
base, mainly due to age. As their electorate shrinks, it is imperative for the party to appeal to the
more liberal younger generations for support. The Republican Party needs to look forward to true
reform. Above all, the party needs to abandon much of their social conservatism to appeal to
millennials ' interests to stay relevant on the national political scene.
David Frum offers four potential solutions for where the Republican party can go from here. He
himself believes that the first two considerations of doubling down on elite–backed candidates or
"tactical concession" on immigration are unhelpful and too narrow respectively. Therefore, his most
confident considerations are in his third and fourth options. His fourth choice to keep the Republican
party relevant is, in his words, to "change the rules of the game." (Frum 2016) Parties are in favor of
processes that help advance their (or limit the other party's) political and ideological goals. Frum
recognizes that outside of the presidential election, Republicans have done quite well on down ballot
elections. For this reason, they have the ability to exert considerably more control over voting and
election processes than Democrats. For example, having the ability to gerrymander as well as
change voter registration rules
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The Pros And Cons Of A Republican Party
A Republican is a person who is involved with or supports the Republican Party. They support the
ideals that the party holds in its party platform. Their party platform includes restoring the American
Dream, reforming the Federal government, renewing American values, and abiding by the
Constitution to fix the country. Some party planks include cutting government spending, making a
Federal–State partnership to create jobs, reform the tax code, and organizing space missions and
programs. A Republican is usually more conservative, which means that they most likely disapprove
gun control, oppose abortion, and disagree with same–sex marriage. They believe in a limited
government, helping the debt crisis, in a private sector to create jobs, and strict interpretation of the
Constitution. They feel that government should not interfere with the public affairs unless a dire
need arises. ... Show more content on ...
In addition, they feel strongly on immigration reform laws. Some of the best and most famous
Republicans include Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower. Some of the
worst include George W. Bush , Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover, and Richard Nixon. The
Republican Presidential candidates for 2016 include Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson,
Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, and John Kasich. While I am not a Republican, I tried to create
this paper with as little bias as possible. I do not like some Republicans like George W. Bush (43),
but at the same time I respect some Republicans like Abraham Lincoln. My parents don't like
Republican candidates either, but they still watch the Republican (GOP) Debate to see which will be
a better choice for
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Essay on Current State of the Republican Party
It was a commonly held belief among the Republican party that Mitt Romney was almost a
guaranteed win in the 2012 presidential election. This view wasn't necessarily because Romney
followed Republican policy to a T but rather because of Obama's disastrous job with the economy in
the previous four years. History was well in the minds of most Republicans in that particular matter
since no president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt had ever won a presidency after the economy
had gone as low as it did and was in a serious struggle to rebound. With this piece of history in the
minds of most Republicans the assumptions was history would continue to repeat itself even if
Romeny wasn't the Republican parties knight in shinning armor. The election ... Show more content
on ...
The first such way is in social issues. The traditionally narrow minded view on most social issues
has almost all but gone away and the open mindedness of the american people is more apparent.
One of these issues is gay marriage and the acceptance it has been met by. We see this with certain
states that have already legalized it and in more and more states contemplating proposing gay
marriage and placing it on the ballot. According to a ABC News poll, conservative support for gay
marriage has gone from 10 percent support in 2004 to 19 percent in 2006 and 30 percent currently
(Abramowitz). Another important issue is abortions and the womens right to choose. This has
always been an issues of friction in america but abortion has become more open and a more
commonly used option among women. For women who do not necessarily agree with the practice of
abortion they still share the idea that women should have the right to choose and make decisions that
are inherently theirs because it is their body. Womens rights have always been a debated subject in
american and it has only expanded over the years. Telling women they have no say in their body and
their future in the way of having children is taking a drastic step backwards from the forward
moving expansion of rights. Republicans failed to budge on their view on womens right to choose
while the Democrats made it clear they supported the right to choose. According to exit polls 53
percent of the voters in the 2012 elections were
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The Republican Party Platform Of 1860
As the Republican Party Platform of 1860 came into existence, there were
situations that occurred in the United States that were inevitable. The civil war was
inevitable, just as the many other occurrences that happened and were yet to happen.
Without the Republicans arising in that time and creating a platform to abide by, life in
the United States would have erupted. The platform was created to secure the union and
to stop succession by the south and to abolish slavery. Another issue the Republicans
brought forward to society to view was that majority of what the Constitution stated, was
being neglected or against in the times before 1860. They further developed a principle
that will forever, permanently, cease into existence, which will demand its peace and
achievement in the United States.
The act of disunion predominantly went unnoticed to the Republican Party. By
the act of sectional divisions in the Constitutional Union Party, it presented in
significance of denying a free government. Amongst the other parties, Democratic
members advocated threats of disunion. However, the Republicans did not evidently join
in these threats of disunion and feel that they should be applauded for this because the
threats were vital to the central government that was yet to exist. Through this
occurrence, the Republicans did not want to separate because they believed that the
denial of a free government was a part of treason. They wanted the United
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Origins Of The Federalist And Democratic-Republican Parties
Nardine Salama 1998 DBQ ESSAY AP. USHISTORY The origins of the Federalist and
Democratic–Republican parties can be traced back to the early 1790s. Initially, the Federalists, or
broad constructionists, favored the growth of federal power and a strong central government. The
Federalists promulgated a loose interpretation of the Constitution, which meant that they believed
that the government could do anything by the implied powers of the Constitution or that congress
had the right to interpret the Constitution based on connotation. On the contrary, the Democratic–
Republicans favored the protection of states' rights and the strict containment of federal power. The
Democratic–Republicans were strict constructionists and they ... Show more content on ...
C). This Act completely cut off commerce with foreign nations until the British and the French
repealed their trading restrictions on neutral shippers. As a result the American export trade and its
profits dried up. Many people deemed this Act unconstitutional; the constitution only grants
congress the power to regulate commerce, it does not however state that they have the power to
completely cut it off. This by itself contradicts everything Jefferson stood up for. Albert Gallatin,
one of the best financial minds in the Republican Party, convinced Jefferson that the Bank of the
U.S. was essential for financial stability. Although the creation of the Bank of the U.S. reduced the
nation's debt from 83 million in 1800 to 57 million by 1809 , the creation in its self shows a great
deal of broad constructionism. Although the bank was a reasonable means of carrying out powers
related to taxation and the borrowing of funds, nowhere in the constitution does it state that congress
has the power to charter a bank. John Randolph, a Republican congressman from Virginia, claimed
that "this government (Jeffersonian) created and gave power to congress to regulate commerce and
equalize duties in the whole of the U.S, and not to lay a duty but with a steady eye to revenue".
What John Randolph was trying to say was that
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The Democratic Party And The Republican Party
Politics has always been a controversial topic that has been actively separating the American society
for many years. It has been fueled by the different ideologies that have been formed and passed
down from past generations. The United States government has two front–running parties: The
Democratic Party and the Republican Party. These parties are both criticized by one another, and the
political candidates are kept under a microscope at all times. One wrong sentence has the ability to
bring the wrath of societal shame. With this term's presidential race the Republican Party and its
lead candidate have accelerated at these mishaps, which has conveyed a racial bias stigma. The
denotative meaning of the Republican Party is to be, relating to, or the nation of a republic. Each
party has a denotative meaning, but the connotative meaning is what viewed in the eyes of the
American society. Republicans are believed to be all white, rich, over privileged, business hungry,
and the oppressors of other minorities. In some situations, this noted description of a Republican is
factual, but to believe that the entire Republican party is born with wealth and racial hate towards
minorities is stereotyping at its finest. With a large institution, such as the Republican Party, two
main views of stereotypes stand out. The first being from Stuart Hall, which he states,
"Stereotyping, in other words, is part of the maintenance of social and symbolic order. It sets up a
symbolic frontier
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An Essay On The Republican Party
The Republican Party has a total of 18 US presidents that were in office, the most of any political
party to date. The Republican Party started with Abraham Lincoln and working its way down to
George W Bush. The first start of the Party was in February, 1854, when antislavery Whigs met
together to discuss a formation of a new political party. One such meeting on March 20th, 1854, in
Wisconsin, is remembered as the Founding meeting of the Republican Party. The Civil War made
the Republican Party victorious, but by 1876, the Republican Party had lost control of the South, but
it continued to dominate the presidency until the election of FDR in 1933. Its humble beginnings
began its triumphant start in its victories in congress as well as the world.
In a small school house in Wisconsin, the year 1854, a small group of abolitionists joined together to
create what is now known as the Republican Party. The group was full of antislavery Whigs, state
powered governmental thinking democrats, and Free–soilers bent on removing slavery from the
United States. The day the group was actually founded was on July 6th, 1854. The founders of this
new political party were Amos Truck, Horace Greeley, Salmon Chase and Charles Sumner. The
word "Republican" appealed to those who recalled Jeffersonian "republicanism". They were also
called the GOP, or 'The Grand Old Party, and dates back to 1875. In the Party 's first nominating
convention, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on June 17, 1856, they
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Slavery And The Republican Party
It seems that slavery has long been at the heart of our original political movements. Today, slavery is
not an open ownership of other people, but more of tyrannical taxing and taking advantage of the
average man. Back when the Whigs and the Democrats feuded and compromised over slavery and
our countries growth, both economically and expansively, a rising new political party was coming to
a predominate position in the political process of our present day affiliation called the Republican
Party – a Government of the people. Slavery was a national question of morality and could not just
be left up to each individual territory to figure out for themselves. All because of the Kansas–
Nebraska act that had had one line with a slavery loophole,
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The Democratic Party And The Republican Party
The Democratic Party is one of two major political parties in the United States. I associate myself as
a Democrat for the reason of their liberal views. The Democratic Party tends to be more liberal and
support the views like same sex marriage, immigration, and social and economic equality. Many of
the views the party stands for and beliefs tie to my beliefs. Some of the key priorities of the
Democratic Party are the Economy, Poverty and Homelessness, Education, Healthcare Policy, Social
Security and Medicare, Immigration, and Gun Policy.
First, as a new Democratic nominee running for President their economic positions are made clear.
To reach the goals that Democrats want for our country 's economy, Democrats have made it their
priority to cut taxes for working families and tax the rich more in tax increases. They also provide
help for small businesses and homeowners. The Democratic Party is also trying to make college
available for free for all Americans as well as removing companies that produce their products
overseas and bringing them in the United States. "Hillary Clinton and Democrats will make certain
we build and economy works for everyone, not just those at the top."
Second, democrats want to make healthcare more affordable. An act that was passed by President
Obama was passed known as the Affordable Care Act allowed over 20 million Americans to get
health care coverage. The Affordable Care Act allowed states to expand Medicaid to get more
people get medical
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History Of The Republican Party
In 1792, the Democratic Party was formed. Thomas Jefferson's supporters started using the name
Republicans of Jeffersonian Republicans. In the 1830s, during the Presidency of Andrew Jackson,
the party assumed its current name. Shortly after, in the 1840s and 1850s, the party was conflicted
over whether or not to extend slavery to the Western territories. The Southern and Northern
Democrats were in disagreement. In 1860, the party split over the conflict. From there, the Northern
Democrats had nominated Stephen Douglas as their Presidential candidate. The Southern Democrats
nominated John C. Breckinridge, adopting a pro–slavery platform. The election campaign was won
by Abraham Lincoln with the newly–formed Republican Party. The Democratic Party soon came to
identify as the "white man's party". They claimed the Republican Party was overrun by "negroes"
despite the fact that the party was run by Caucasian men. ... Show more content on
They began "redeeming" states. Sometimes, this affair went peacefully. However, there were also
times in which it involved fraud and violence. By 1877, the Democratic Party controlled every
southern state. Until the civil rights movement in the 1960's, the south remained a one–party region.
Due to the Democratic victories in the south, many Southern Congressmen and Senators were re–
elected over and over. The dependence and importance of seniority in Congress let Southerners
control most of the committees in both houses of congress. Every piece of civil rights legislation
was shot down. F.D.R., a Democratic president, rarely challenged the southern majority. In the
1930's, the House passed a federal anti–lynching bill. However, the Southern senators repeatedly
filibustered, or delayed
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Republican Party Dbq Essay
In the past, the Democratic party was known as the conservative, traditional party that fully
supported state government while the Republican party was a supporter of the federal government
control. The Republican party began as "Lincoln's party" which caught the attention and support of
the colored voters. In contrast, the Democratic party was predominantly white during this time with
ideas to keep the rights of the state and the traditions of the South. Though these two parties have
opposing views, they began to clash and redirect their beliefs. Over time the two main political
parties have changed their platforms based on the issues of desegregation, racism in the South and
placement of federal government.
A major issue that was predominant ... Show more content on ...
As the Democratic platform changed, the Republican party became very conservative and defended
state's rights due to its opposition to what was called "big government" (Rise of Rep. Party, p. 567).
On the issue of race, the Republican party fully supported that the white race was superior and the
state had its own right to remain segregated. A key politician that represents this change was the
former Senator Jesse Helms. Religion was the driving force of his political views and he was very
vocal about his opinions. His campaign developed the concept of the "New Right" which refers to
the Christian church stepping into the realm of politics (Jesse Helms Doc). In the 1970s and the
1980s, many organizations became available, such as the Christian Coalition and Moral Majority, to
support the church having political influence. Since the church became a part of political campaigns,
politicians became more reserved in their discrimination in a perception known as Southern
Strategy. This popular technique was used mainly by the Republican party that was extremely
traditional known as the "Tea Party" or "far–right". The first politician to introduce the idea was
President Nixon in 1960, through his speeches to the people. The "Southern Strategy" technique is
used when the speaker uses choices of words to convey a negative, underlying meaning without
blatantly stating their opinion (class discussion). As an example, Nixon expressed his support of
state's rights as a way of admitting that he supported the continuation of segregation in the
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The Democratic Party And The Republican Party
For centuries, two main political parties, the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party, have
divided the United States government. The Democrats are considered the liberal political party and
can trace its roots all the way back to Thomas Jefferson when they were known as Jefferson's
Republicans and they strongly opposed the Federalist Party and their nationalist views. Republicans
are considered the conservative political party and try to uphold more traditional values. The
Republican Party came into existence just prior to the Civil War due to their long–time stance in
favor of the abolition of slavery. In 1860, they became an established political party when their
nominee Abraham Lincoln was elected as President of the United States. Since their inception, the
Republican and Democratic Party have had many disputes about policies. One of these major
debates has focused on educational funding in the United States. The parties have different views on
the education system of the country, but both agree there needs a change in some way. Democrats
favor more progressive approaches to education, such as implementing the Common Core System,
while Republicans tend to favor more conservative changes such as longer hours and more focused
programs to better educational resources. In Virginia, Republicans from 1990 to 2013 worked to
provide better educational funding more prominently than Democrats. Starting in the 1990s, the
Virginia education system experienced a decrease in
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Republican Party Conformity
Conformity Within the Republican Party
One aspect of American society to which people should not conform is the platform of the
Republican party. The unwavering conformity of the Republican party prohibits its own members
from making progress. If a certain politician's view does not live up to the GOP's standards then
they are blacklisted. Each political party is entitled to their own ideas, but when any deviation from
those ideas spoils a candidate's chances, then you know the party has gone too far. As a disclaimer,
this is not to shun any republican opinions, it is merely to highlight the fact that the party's ideals
have become extremely restrictive, even amongst its own members. It is essential to recognize that
democracy is designed to function for a society that represents a diversity of opinion. One topic that
is of constant conversation all throughout politics is climate change. Republicans are often
characterized by their firm stance on this issue, mostly denying its existence or validity. This has
become a ... Show more content on ...
They promise to repeal Obamacare and institute a replacement yet they have still failed to do so
because their stringent ideology prevents them from coming up with an alternative that wouldn't
decrease the number of people covered by health insurance. Anyone who might taint the Republican
orthodoxy is criticized and scorned. This behavior towards their own members dampens their
reputation and dissuades potential members. Mark Cuban, businessman, philanthropist, and investor,
says he would be a republican if it weren't for their obsession with conformity, "The Republican
Party requires that all their presidential candidates conform to consensus. If you don't agree with
every platform of the party, not only are you called a RINO, a 'Republican in Name Only.' You are
considered unelectable in primaries and become a source of scorn on Fox News. That's a
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Facts and History of the Republican Party
Philosophy: Conservative
Economic Ideas: Believe taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone (including the wealthy) and that
wages should be set by the free market.
Stand on Military issues: Increased spending
Stand on gay marriage: Oppose (some Republicans disagree)
Stand on abortion: Should not be legal; oppose Roe v. Wade (some Republicans disagree)
Stand on Death penalty: A large majority of Republicans support the death penalty.
Social and human ideas: Based on individual rights and justice
Traditionally strong in states: Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas
Symbol: Elephant
Color: Red
Founded in: 1854
Senate Leader: Mitch McConnell
Chairperson: Reince Priebus
Presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Chester A.
Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Warren G.
Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert C. Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R.
Ford, Ronald W. Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush.
The Republican Party (also known as the Grand Old Party) was started in 1854, as a group of people
combating the Kansas–Nebraska Act, which was an act threatening to extend slavery into the
territories. It began as a small gathering in Ripon, Wisconsin, at a local schoolhouse. The
Republican Party had very little presence in the Southern States, but by the late 1850's, The
Republicans had become the majority in almost every Northern State. The Republican
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Political Parties And The Republican Party Platform
Generally speaking, anyone who lives in the United States of America knows that there are two
main political parties–the Republicans and the Democrats. Having two main parties has its
advantages and, of course, its disadvantages. For example, in By the People James E. Monroe and
Rogan Kersh (301) point out having this type of system creates "predictability and stability."
However, they also declare (301) it can "lead to a gridlock." This is not a new concept either as there
has been a divide since the beginning of both parties. The two parties more often than not disagree
on various issues, while rarely agreeing on what is best for the country.
Democrats and Republicans highly differ when comparing views on climate change. The Democrats
accept human role in climate change while many Republicans question if climate change is even
real. In the 2016 Democratic Party Platform (27), they state "in the first 100 days of the next
administration, the president will convene a summit of the words best engineers, climate scientists,
policy experts, activists, and indigenous communities to chart a course to solve the climate crisis."
This is highlighted previously when President Obama, a Democrat, traveled to Paris for a
convention about climate change where he met other leaders around the world to make a plan to
help fix the issues surrounding climate change. This shows the basic principles of the Democratic
Party as internationalist and having the large government–as it states in the
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Essay On Republican Party
I am not a Democrat basher. There are some exceptional Democrats; those that could not and should
not be replaced. With that being said, I adhere to my Republican party; most people are surprised to
hear this. After all, I support same sex marriage, a woman's right to choose, and stem cell research. I
do not own a gun but that is only because I have a curious toddler who hurts himself on a frequent
basis with no assistance from firearms. My reasoning for my views concerning these issues is
grounded in the Republican parties support individual rights. The traditional Republican stance
against these issues is taken from the parties religious beliefs. Faith is of upmost importance in my
life but it has little, if any, place in politics. The fact that I am a Sarah Palin fan is not always looked
upon favorably by liberally minded people, or my Republican cohorts; deeming them Democrats, in
my opinion. I am convinced a successful nation involves cooperation from all parties in order to
provide a stable union. ... Show more content on ...
The tragic events brought into focus the vulnerability of our nation. I questioned our government,
mostly concerning if there was information available to our leaders that could have potentially saved
innumerable lives. At the same time, the actions of those such as New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani,
were beyond commendable given the circumstances. The aftermath of September 11, 2001 impacted
our nation on so many levels that I find difficulty expressing it all these years later. No words can, or
will ever, be enough to remember or explain the horrific actions perpetrated upon our nation on that
tragic day. Those events affected me, and the entire country, in a short term manner; they continue to
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Compare And Contrast The Democratic Party And The...
In today's society, we think that the two main political parties of America, the Democratic Party and
the Republican Party are complete inverse. When we look closer, the several gatherings are as a
matter of fact exceptionally comparative. Their strategies may be unexpected, but the roots that they
are determined from are the same. . These two parties dominate America's politics but differ
significantly in their beliefs. Some instances, many beliefs overlap. So what are the differences
between Democrats and Republicans? There are clear principles that distinguish Republicans from
Democrats. Republicans are conservative while Democrats are liberal. Republicans believe that
taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone, and wages should reflect ... Show more content on ...
The Democrats have diminished spending in military and sunk money into activities that'll
accommodate the nation. Whereas, Republicans have increased their spending, regardless of the
nation's debt. Democrats support gay marriages, while republicans contradict. Democrats think that
every person has luxury and distinctive rights to marry the same sex. Democrats believe if they
aren't allowed to marry the same sex then it would be against their individual rights Republicans on
the different part think just in inverse sex marriage. They think that to live a successful life, one
needs an opposite sex in their life. Success forever begins at an early experience where the
establishment is raised. Democrats prefer to utilize assessments as a root to finance the schools.
Republicans prefer the schools to be supported by volunteers. Democrats have chosen to take god
out of the school. While Republicans suspect that god ought to be part of our commonplace essence
and subsequently ought to be a part of school and training. And Republicans even believe all
students, regardless of race or socio–economic background should become proficient in both
reading and math. Democrats suspect that god might as well be private and shouldn't be put into
mainstream schools. Democrats are against death penalty. Republicans are for death penalty.
Democrats believe death penalty is not necessary. Republicans feel that passing retribution is
fundamental to
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Essay On Republican Party
In 1994 midterm elections saw the Republican Party gain a majority of seats in the U.S. House of
Representatives for the first time since 1954. The 54–seat swing in the House ushered in an era of
divided government that persisted for the remainder of the 1990s. The day after the election,
conventional Democrat Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama improved parties, appropriate a
Republican. The Democrats only chosen up 4 seats in the House, all of which were open seats. No
Republican incumbents were defeated at any level. Slightly than protest freely in each area,
Republican nominees selected to assemble behind a single national schedule and dispatch fronted by
Georgia congressman Newt Gingrich. They alleged President Bill Clinton defeated Bush in 1992
and promoted an ambitious reform agenda within the context of his centrist "new Democrat" system.
Clinton's stirred fierce opposition from forceful conservative Republicans, who grew control of
Congress in 1994 for the first time in fifty years. But the Newt Gingrich–led Republicans' over–
reaching enabled Clinton to revive and win a second term in 1996. The Republicans offered an ...
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In so doing, it took control of 20 state governments from the Democrats. Prior to this, Republicans
had not held the majority of governorships since 1972. In addition, this was the first time in 50 years
that the GOP controlled a majority of state governments. The Democrats was suggested by a string
of elections after 1992, containing the capture of the mayoralties of New York and Los Angeles by
the Republicans in 1993. In that same year, Christine Todd Whitman captured the New Jersey
governorship from the Democrats and Bret Schundler became the first Republican mayor of Jersey
City, New Jersey that had been held by the Democratic Party since 1917. Republican George Allen
won the 1993 Virginia Governor
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The Pros And Cons Of The Republican Party
The Republicans have selected me, Arthur Chester, to be Garfield's running mate. The Republican
Party has favored Civil Service and I have decided to take part in this. In fact, I have considered not
being nominated for a second term; in order to satisfy the American public. However, I know that a
few may love me for this and others may not, but I am not just doing this for myself, but for the
people. I will handle patronage matters with restraint and support the movement for civil service. In
order to pass the civil service reform, we will "intensify our efforts in organizing, meeting and
developing strategies to pass reform." I will ask Congress for an appropriation of $25,000 to
reactivate the Civil Service Commission. The Pendleton Act
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The Democratic Party Of The Republican Party
Convention Speeches
America is considered as a global superpower, and has a critical role to play in the global
socioeconomic and political landscape. Critical examination of US presidential elections show that
they draw widespread attention from across the globe. In many instances, the major political parties
differ significantly on policies, a prospect that may work to the advantage or the disadvantage of the
candidate for Democratic Party of the Republican Party. After months of the long bruising primaries,
the GOP conducted its convention in Cleveland while the democratic sect held their convention in
Philadelphia. The speeches delivered in the two conventions had significant policy differences
which are likely to influence voting ... Show more content on ...
3). Trump further pointed out that large fractions of the US annual budgets are set aside to finance
the international economic obligations of the country. As such, the Republicans pointed out that
cutting such parts of the budget would help to boost the American economy and to reduce budget
Further, the sect outlined that the allies of America will have to pay if the country is to offer military
assistance and other services. Through this strategic approach, the republicans equally believed that
returning American troops home and abandoning international missions would help save revenues
that, in their view, are wasted on programs that do not directly benefit the American people. Ideally,
the Republicans exhibited belief that continued involvement of America in international aids and
assistive missions would affect the economy negatively, and would make America vulnerable in the
global market (Smith 3). On debt, Donald Trump recounted his experience as a business mogul to be
a value that will help him overcome the economic barriers and ensure that the country does not
accumulate debts.
Another fundamental subject that was explored in the Republican convention was trade between
America and the international community. The Republican Party noted that America was getting raw
deals in many instances. They cited the case of trade between America and china in which the
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The Republican Party Or Grand Old Party
The Origin, The Change, The Present
The Republican party or Grand Old Party (GOP), for over 150 years, has maintained itself as a
major political party within the United States of America. As a whole, the republican party follows
the belief of military build up ,less taxes, and more importantly, a limited government. However,
throughout recent years there has been an influx of conservative values being spread throughout the
GOP. These values include harsh stances against: homosexuality, immigration, and abortion. This
recent "conservative trend" has caused many to see the party as out of date. Ironically, it has not
always been like this, as the party was once what would be defined as "liberal". These liberal views
included support of "conservatism" and universal health
So, what happened? In short, the conservative influx in the 1950s would lead to this drastic change
of views, which would lead us to today 's far right republican party. In order to–
The Origins Of the Republican Party
The GOP would begin in the early 1850's as an Antislavery party in do part to the Kansas–Nebraska
Act of 1854 . Within this act entailed whether or not slavery could be permitted on nebraska land by
"settlers and entrepreneurs" who wanted to relocate there .
This in turn "allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular
sovereignty".Strong opposition for this
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The Democratic Party And The Republican Party
Every four years, the United States' citizens elect a new president. The election is held in November,
but campaigning starts almost a whole year before the election month. Candidates compete on a
daily basis for the one position some people only dream of holding. With this election on the
horizon, voters need to take time to understand who the contenders are and what their main objects
will be once they arrive in office.
In politics today, two parties exist; the democrat party and the republican party. Out of the pair of
organizations, the democratic party remains as the world's oldest political party. It was first founded
in the year 1828 by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The Jeffersonian Republican or
Democratic–Republican party ... Show more content on ...
They consisted of former Whig party supporters, abolitionists, and people who believed in the
modernizing of the country. Their basic belief followed the ways of conservatism. Conservatism
means that people believed in the rule of anti–communism, and also believed that the American
traditions are the way the government should be ran along with Protestant values. Each party is
represented by an animal and also a color; red elephants for republicans and blue donkeys for
When looking at the economy today, it is rather on a plateau. A few years ago, the economy was
heading in the wrong direction, but after current president Barack Obama was elected into office, he
managed to sign many bills into effect which in turn helped bring our economy back up. Illegal
immigration into the country has sky rocketed in the past ten years. The number of illegal
immigrants flowing into the country is approximately seven hundred thousand each year. Personally,
I believe that this number is entirely too high. The United States has a specific law about illegal
aliens and how they must have a piece of paper called a green card in order to live in this country as
an immigrant. These people of course are not considered citizens because they were not born in
America, which is primarily the reason behind the law. Along with these issues, I also believe that
the military and our veterans are treated with disrespect. Currently, we have been involved in
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Republican Party Beliefs
The Republican Party believes in conservatism and traditional practices. They are strongly opposed
to same–sex marriage and feel that heterosexual marriage is the only right way. Republicans feel
that the only ways to economic profit are free market and individual achievement. In addition they
oppose high tax rates for the wealthy and believe raising the minimum wage is going to directly hurt
the economy. Republicans wish to see increased funding and modernization to the military. In their
eyes, a strong defense system is the only way to peace. The Republican Party would like a large
reform in social security and want workers to control their own retirement investments.
On the other hand, the Democratic Party generally supports workers' rights and government
programs to help people in need. The democrats are for same–sex marriage and fight for their
equality. They feel that our economy should help everyone not just the wealthy, and that big
business and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. In addition, they want to prevent business
from taking advantage of the public. Democrats feel that there are better ways to make peace with
terrorism such as through diplomacy and only using force when necessary. They also believe that we
should not have to ... Show more content on ...
Being in the middle class, our economy is set up for the wealthy. We need to fight for fairer taxes.
Another point I agree with is they believe that hard work should pay off, responsibility should be
rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us. I also agree
with their view on homeland security. I do not believe that violence is the only answer to making
peace. Democrats believe we should not have to give up certain freedoms just to keep our country
safe, and I feel the same way. We are far too advanced and have so much intelligence now that we
should not have to give up our
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Essay On Republican Party
The United States population is spread out across a spectrum of the political ideologies. We are
typically seen as being on the "left", also called liberals, or on the "right", called conservatives. The
two main political parties in our country are the Democrats, whose supporters are typically on the
left, and the Republicans, whose supporters are on the right. These parties and their policies,
however, are becoming more polarized and are attracting the more extreme members of their party
and not the moderate voters, which make up the majority of the voters. By setting policies that the
moderate voters would agree with can help political parties gain more voters, as long as they do not
lean too far away from their base groups, or their strongest and more extreme voters. Republicans
would gain supporters by changing their policies on free trade agreements, immigration, healthcare,
and wall street to those that are more similar to the most of the public. These supporters would come
from the moderate voters, like the hard–pressed skeptics and the young outsiders, and some of the
other liberal groups, like the next–generation left and the faith and family left. Today the Republican
party wants to repeal all free trade agreements. This is in contrast with the majority of the general
population, in which 59% believe that free trade agreements are good for our nation and 30%
believe that they are bad. The Democrats on the other hand support most of the agreements that are
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The Pros And Cons Of A Republican Party
AB / Burrell Report If I could register to vote, I would register a Republican. For years now I have
considered myself a Republican, and my whole life I have grown up in a dominantly Republican
environment. I was able to affirm my standpoint after researching the party's values and beliefs. The
main idea behind Republican beliefs is that the individual is responsible for their role in society, and
government should not be largely focused on the federal level. Essentially, the government should
only intervene in the individual's life if necessary and government should not dictate an individual's
lifestyle. I completely agree with this idea for a way of government. Along with my belief in the
core values of a Republican, I strongly support their standpoints on many issues including abortion,
immigration, gun control, and education. I believe in the rights of the unborn, that immigration laws
need to be stricter, citizens should always ... Show more content on ...
The Libertarian Party has proven to be successful over many other third parties and has gained the
total support of a decent number of voters. They emphasize the concept of individualism and how
everyone has been granted individual rights, with deserving them to be respected. Libertarians
believe government should not inhibit an individual's personal choices in life. It is believed that they
must deal with the consequences of their actions. Also, they believe that any citizen should be
provided opportunities to acquire economic success. The Libertarian Party feels the most important
and perhaps only purpose of government is to protect the rights of its people. Lastly, they feel the
government should maintain a national defense system and has the right to control who enters the
country. I picked this party because I do believe that all individuals have inherent rights and those
rights should not be infringed upon by the
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Reflection On The Republican Party
A little over two years ago, the Republican Party surprised me by electing its first African–American
chairman. I would have never thought that it would happen and many had their own ideas why.
Whatever the reason, that was now the case and history was made. Not being of this party, I can not
speak directly to the affect he had on this party but what I can say is how much of his election made
me begin to see both parties moving forward and America finally beginning to turn the page on race
relations. I knew that we still have a very long way to go to finally putting race relations in our
rearview mirror but it was a very big step and one that should be applauded. I looked at the
Republican Party in a completely different light and even speculated ... Show more content on ...
I had dismissed the talk of him being elected to diminish the fact that America had also voted in our
first African–American president. I had dismissed the talk of him being elected to draw in more
African–Americans in to the party but after just two years to fix a problem that he did not even
create, I'm not sure. Michael Steele brought to the stage more wins and more money than ever but to
no avail. He made many mistakes but mistakes are part of making success. Listening to so many
Republican callers into C–Span demonizing Michael Steele about the debt he left. They said that
this was compared to the chairpersons of the past, but I have to wonder how you could compare
apples and oranges. Michael Steele leadership occurred during a time when there were more
grassroots organizations cropping up after the Citizen's United case than his predecessors did.
Michael Steele leadership occurred during a time when even those within the party could be viewed
as stabbing him in the back. Michael Steele leadership occurred during a time when the Tea Party
appeared on the scene but was missing in action many years ago. Republicans please re–calculate
using these factors and then tell me if he really was that bad to not be given his
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Origins Of The Federalist And Democratic-Republican Parties
Nardine Salama 1998 DBQ ESSAY AP. USHISTORY The origins of the Federalist and
Democratic–Republican parties can be traced back to the early 1790s. Initially, the Federalists, or
broad constructionists, favored the growth of federal power and a strong central government. The
Federalists promulgated a loose interpretation of the Constitution, which meant that they believed
that the government could do anything by the implied powers of the Constitution or that congress
had the right to interpret the Constitution based on connotation. On the contrary, the Democratic–
Republicans favored the protection of states' rights and the strict containment of federal power. The
Democratic–Republicans were strict constructionists and they ... Show more content on ...
C). This Act completely cut off commerce with foreign nations until the British and the French
repealed their trading restrictions on neutral shippers. As a result the American export trade and its
profits dried up. Many people deemed this Act unconstitutional; the constitution only grants
congress the power to regulate commerce, it does not however state that they have the power to
completely cut it off. This by itself contradicts everything Jefferson stood up for. Albert Gallatin,
one of the best financial minds in the Republican Party, convinced Jefferson that the Bank of the
U.S. was essential for financial stability. Although the creation of the Bank of the U.S. reduced the
nation's debt from 83 million in 1800 to 57 million by 1809 , the creation in its self shows a great
deal of broad constructionism. Although the bank was a reasonable means of carrying out powers
related to taxation and the borrowing of funds, nowhere in the constitution does it state that congress
has the power to charter a bank. John Randolph, a Republican congressman from Virginia, claimed
that "this government (Jeffersonian) created and gave power to congress to regulate commerce and
equalize duties in the whole of the U.S, and not to lay a duty but with a steady eye to revenue".
What John Randolph was trying to say was that
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Republican Party: Questions And Answers
Republican Party
1. Three things the Republican Party want to achieve are stopping crony government handouts,
reducing the size of inflated bureaucracy, and cutting taxes for hardworking American families.
2. The Republican Party believe that the constitution should be honored, valued, and upheld.
3. I learned that the Republican Party was founded in 1854 and the first woman in congress was
Jeannette Rankin.
Democratic Party
1. Three things the Democratic Party want to achieve are equal pay and paid leave, college to be
affordable for every American, and ensuring the wealthiest citizens and largest corporations pay
their fair share.
2. The Democratic Party believe that we are greater together than on our on, and this country
succeeds when everyone gets a shot.
3. ... Show more content on ...
I learned that the Democratic Party was founded in 1848 and it is the oldest party in the United
Tea Party
1. Three things the Tea Party want to achieve are
2. The Tea Party mission is to bring awareness to any issue which challenges the security,
sovereignty or domestic tranquility of our beloved nation, The United States of America.
3. I learned that the Tea Party was founded in
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Rise Of The Texas Republican Party
Rise of the Texas Republican Party
For decades, the state of Texas was Democratic and then suddenly in 1998 the state flipped to
Republican. Currently, Texas is the boldest Republican state in the country. For so long it was
Democrat and strongly so but it has been Republican now since the nineties. The big question
surrounding this topic is what happened to make it flip suddenly? Well, research provided a very
strong answer that I didn't expect to find. In 1988 two people were voted in that changed everything
for Republicans; Kent Hance and Judge Thomas Phillips were the first republicans voted in since the
Reconstruction. This kick started a Republican makeover of the state that all through the nineties
Texans saw Republicans overtaking Democrats in every area. To understand how this went down in
the nineties there must be an examination of the past. The Democratic party was the face of Texas
for a century until the Republicans came back stronger than ever.
First and foremost, Texas was not colonized by British settlers. This has always made it stand out as
a fiercely independent territory then later a state. The individuals who shaped and formed Texas did
so in such a way to hold tightly onto its fierce independence. This fierce independence was fueled
throughout the first several decades of Texas existence due to invading foreign armies and the daily
struggles of just surviving in the Wild West. Because of this, the people of Texas developed strong
work ethics and a
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The Republican Party
If I had to specifically choose which political party had the most influence on my life and political
views I would say it is the Republican Party. The Republican Party supports most of my current
views on American issues in the United States. I think its safe to say that I am more Republican than
Democrat. Some of the few specific views that I hold that are influenced by Republicans are; I am
pro–life, I believe in limiting social welfare to unemployed Americans, I favor a continued military
presence in unstable Middle Eastern regions, and I strongly oppose gun control.
I strongly support government restrictions on abortions and disagree with the intentional termination
of a human pregnancy for no good reason. It is immoral to end ... Show more content on ...
I pay attention more to the politics surrounding guns than anything else on the news. It has had such
an impact on my life that I am actually an active member of the National Rifles Association. The
National Rifle Association of America is an American nonprofit organization, which advocates for
gun rights (NRA, 2017). Founded in 1871, the group has informed its members about firearm–
related bills since 1934, and it has directly lobbied for and against legislation since 1975 (NRA,
2017). It is also the oldest continuously operating civil rights organization in the United States
(NRA, 2017). The National Rifles Association is a huge support group for second amendment right.
I am a firm believer in our second amendments right; "A well–regulated Militia being necessary to
the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed"
(Cornell, 2014). It is the single most important given right, guaranteed to American Citizens. It is the
most important right, because it keeps the government from being able to impose tyranny and most
importantly, the second amendment gives us the right to protect and defend ourselves even when our
government cannot. My political views on assault rifles are also more republican than democrat. I
do not believe that banning firearms or certain types of firearms will solve the violence we have in
the U.S but only allow us to be susceptible to further violence without the tools to defend ourselves.
The whole point of gun control is to create further laws to keep those who should not have guns
from obtaining them and make laws harder on responsible citizens. However, criminals, terrorists,
and mentally disturbed shooters don't follow laws. They take advantage and prey upon the weak that
do not posses the tools to defend themselves, hence the reason why we hear about school
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Essay On Republican Party
The Republican Party commonly referred to as the GOP (abbreviation for Grand Old Party) is one
of two major contemporary political parties in the United States. The other one being the
Democratic Party, founded by anti–slavery activists in 1854. The GOP dominated politics nationally
and in most of the North for most of the period from 1860 to 1932. There has been 18 Republican
presidents. The first being Abraham Lincoln, who served from 1861 until his assassination in 1865,
and the most recent being George W. Bush, who served two full four–year terms 2001 to 2009. The
Republican Party's conservatism involves supporting free markets and limited government,
opposing regulation and labor unions, and supporting socially conservative policies.
The first official party convention was held July 6, 1854. In 1860 the Republican Party ... Show
more content on ...
It was a cartoon that appeared in Harper's Weekly on Nov 7, 1874, Nast drew a donkey clothed in
lion's skin, scaring away all the animals at the zoo. One of those animals, the elephant, was labeled
"The Republican Vote." That's all it took for the elephant to become associated with the Republican
Party. The elephant does not represent the Republican party it represents the "Vote". Cartoonist
Thomas Nast took the two examples of the Herald enterprise and put them together in a cartoon for
Harper's Weekly. He showed an ass (symbolizing the Herald) wearing a lion's skin (the scary
prospect of Caesarism) frightening away the animals in the forest (Central Park). One of the foolish
animals in the cartoon was an elephant which was being frightened away from its normal ties by the
phony scare of Caesarism. In a subsequent cartoon on Nov. 21, 1874, after the election in which the
Republicans did badly, Nast followed up the idea by showing the elephant in a trap, illustrating the
way the Republican vote had been decoyed from its normal
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Republican Party Research Paper
As many American Liberals have noticed the Democratic Party, supposedly their party, has been
losing big electorally. The presidency, the majority of state governorships, both houses of congress
and the majority of state assemblies have been lost by the Democrats to the Republican Party. This
has left many Democratic citizens wondering, what happened? Why did their party suddenly fall
from favor with the voting public? Though I do not hold myself out as having a definitive answer I
do have a hunch as to why the Democrats have been losing big at the polls. And fair warning,
though I will try to keep this as neutral as possible political biases do have a pesky way of sneaking
into these things.
A major difference between the Democratic Party ... Show more content on ...
Their political strategies thus treat votes like sales and elections as winning market share in political
power. They don't get hung up on soundness of arguments nor their basis in factuality. All they focus
on is saying what they need to say in order to win votes. A big technique that I've seen used,
especially by Donald Trump is appealing to confirmation bias, which my inner philosophy minor
reminds me is a logical fallacy. Nevertheless it works and Trump won far more support than anyone
predicted he would. This tactic is one that is commonly used by marketers to elicit a particular
behavior from groups of people and it transfers over seamlessly to the political realm. The legal and
academic argumentation techniques used by the Democrats were never meant to be used to elicit any
behavior as such it comes as no surprise that they don't transfer over to politics nearly as
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Essay on The Republican Party
The Republican Party
The Republican party is one of the two major POLITICAL PARTIES in the United States, the other
being the DEMOCRATIC PARTY party. It is popularly known as the GOP, from its earlier
nickname Grand Old Party. From the time it ran its first PRESIDENTIAL candidate, John C.
Fremont, in 1856, until the inauguration of Republican George BUSH in 1989, Republican
presidents occupied the WHITE HOUSE for 80 years. Traditionally, Republican strength came
primarily from New England and the Midwest. After World War II, however, it greatly increased in
the Sunbelt states and the West. Generally speaking, after World War I the Republican party became
the more conservative of the two major parties, with its support coming from ... Show more content
on ...
The new party was a success from the beginning. In the 1854 congressional elections 44
Republicans were elected as a part of the anti–Nebraskan majority in the HOUSE OF
REPRESENTATIVES, and several Republicans were elected to the SENATE and to various state
houses. In 1856, at the first Republican national convention, Sen. John C. Fremont was nominated
for the presidency but was defeated by Democrat James BUCHANAN. During the campaign the
northern wing of the KNOW–NOTHING PARTY split off and endorsed the Republican ticket,
making the Republicans the principal antislavery party.
Two days after the inauguration of James Buchanan, the Supreme Court handed down the Dred
Scott v. Sandford decision, which increased sectional dissension and was denounced by the
Republicans. At this time the nation was also gripped by economic chaos. Business blamed tariff
reductions, and Republican leaders called for greater tariff protection. The split in the Democratic
party over the issue of slavery continued, and in 1858 the Republicans won control of the House of
Representatives for the first time. One Republican who failed that year was Abraham LINCOLN,
defeated in his bid for a U.S. Senate seat by Stephen A. Douglas.
Lincoln, the Civil War, and Reconstruction
At the second Republican national convention, in 1860, a hard– fought contest resulted in the
presidential nomination of Abraham Lincoln. The
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The Republican Party
The Grand New Party came alive in a small schoolhouse in Wisconsin when a group of abolitionist
gathered to fight the expansion of slavery. The Republican party is now one of the two major
political parties that makes up the United States political system. The Republican party typically
sticks to more conservative views on major issues in the government. Three topics of constant
concern for the party include taxation, gun control, and immigration. The Republican party feels that
taxes are a burden on the people and that the more they can lower taxes the better. Their ideology is
that the more they lower taxes the more money people will have and entail their will be more
activity the throughout the economy. "It has been longstanding Republican policy to favor laissez–
faire economics; this means that government should play an extremely limited role in economic
matters and that taxes should be kept to the minimal amount necessary to fund only "necessary"
functions"(MLA). The Republicans believe that by taking the minimum amount for taxes and
playing only a small role in the economy it will thrive on its own. ... Show more content on ...
The republican party has stood strong in its belief that the right to bear arms is a natural right to all
American citizens as it is written in the constitution. "The first ten amendments of the Constitution
describe the undeniable rights of every individual American. Among these undeniable rights is "the
right to bear arms" as spelled out in the Second Amendment."(MLA). Republican don't necessarily
care to much for the guns. They are more focused on keeping the bill of rights the way it is and they
don't want citizens losing those rights that the country was founded
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The Republican Party Essay
Though the Republican Party was founded on pro–minority ideals and continued to have the support
of minorities its reputation quickly began to change. Wagner (2007) states that during the early late
1800s and the early 1900s, Republican support weakened among the working class. In addition,
many Americans, including a sizable number of Republicans, believed that American society had
lost its moral fiber. As a result of these factors, many Republicans became affiliated with the
Progressive Movement, a reform movement designed to assist the working class attain better
working conditions in the form of religious fundamentalism. During the Progressive Era, the
Republican Party split into two groups: those Republicans interested primarily in ... Show more
content on ...
Rueter (1995) provides a detailed look into the world of politics during the civil rights era. Rueter
asserts that prior to the civil rights era, the Republican Party was not as effective in gaining rights
for minorities compared to proposals made by the Democratic Party in the 1960s. He states that it
was clear to minorities that the Democratic Party was more supportive of civil rights versus
Republicans due to their lack of voting support of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting
Rights Act of 1965. Because of this, Republicans were seen as being "against" minorities due to
their lack of cooperation with the Democratic Party to end segregation and with President Johnson
to allow equal voting rights (240–1). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 barred unequal application of
voter registration requirements, outlawed discrimination in public accommodations engaged in
interstate commerce, encouraged the desegregation of public schools and authorized the U. S.
Attorney General to file suits to force desegregation, authorized the withdrawal of federal funds
from programs which practiced discrimination, and outlawed discrimination in employment in any
business (Loevy 1997, 211–3). According to Klarman (2004) the civil rights movement caused
southerners to cling to the Republican Party and gave the Democratic Party more momentum to
further support minority interests. The Republican Party's inability to quickly
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The And Republican Party Establishment
The GOP and Republican Party establishment elites are no longer on the side of the true American.
The true America is what our founding fathers had risked and gave up so much to establish with the
Declaration of Independence and the signing of The Constitution. Unfortunately in this election
cycle, the establishment has made it very clear that they are more concerned with their political
party elitist ideals than being a representative of the American voter.
Each political party has a duty to its voter base. The duty of the modern Republican Party, after
much evolvement since its official formation just prior to the Civil War, is supposed to stand up for
conservative American values, which include, but aren't limited to:
The Bill of Rights and The Constitution
Religious freedom and liberty, not allowing small groups who are offended by Christianity to be
able to impose their will over Christianity
Limiting government control over citizen's lives
Maintaining a strong military to protect this country from its enemies
Only authorizing a tax system that allows for prosperity and growth, not penalizing those who
The last seven plus years under a Barrack Obama presidency, the GOP and elected Republican
officials have stood by and allowed the continued downfall of America and the American way of
life. They stood by and did nothing. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obama Care,
was passed which forced Americans to purchase health insurance or they
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Republican Parties: Contrasting The Republican And...
Contrasting the Republican and Democratic Parties
The Democratic and Republican parties of the United States are vastly different and have a long
history of discord to prove it. Their opposing legislation and various conflicting ideals have them
performing in government at opposite ends of the spectrum. Therefore, contrasting their views on
taxation, the economy, and gun control will provide numerous examples as to why these two parties
are so different.
When it comes to the issue of taxation, the Republican and Democratic stances could not be more
different. The Democratic Party advocates for higher taxes for the upper class while the Republicans
prefer a flat tax for everyone ("Democrat vs. Republican"). Democrats want a tax plan that doesn't ...
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Although in the wake of recent events, including the Las Vegas shooting, more Republicans are
supporting stricter laws (for example the banning of bump stocks), the majority of the Republican
Party still are strong advocates for a citizen's right to own weapons and conceal carry. "We oppose
federal licensing of law–abiding gun owners and national gun registration as a violation of the
Second Amendment and an invasion of privacy of honest citizens" (Republican Party on Gun
Control). A reported 83% of polled Republicans support the NRA's, or National Rifle Association's,
views; 80% of Democrats disagree with the NRA and their vision (Guns). This could be due to the
fact that each party targets specific groups. For example, Republicans make up a majority of the
South as the recent Trump campaign was driven by middle–class white males (Magleby, David).
This makes sense, because Republican states are statistically more likely to own a gun. In contrast,
the Democratic Party thinks that while they agree that it is a citizen's right to own a firearm, there
should be more strict legislation that prevents criminals, people suffering from mental illnesses, and
unfit individuals from owning a gun. Most Democrats agree that the only way to decrease gun
related violence is through the
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Democrat And Republican Parties Essay

  • 1. democrat and republican parties Essay "The Democratic Party at its worst is better for the country than the Republican Party at its best." This was a statement made by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1955. Lyndon B. Johnson of course was a Democrat. Is this quote true today? That is a question that can only be answered after a careful analysis of the philosophy of the Republican and Democratic leaders that help to run this nation. "Neither of the two major parties is made up of people who are all of one mind. Each party is a coalition of many people with diverse interests who come together to get their candidates elected to public office." (Political Science textbook) If this is the case, it makes the decision of choosing who is better even harder. An ... Show more content on ... Republicans want to limit the number of social programs and encourage the individual states to be more active in their own social welfare. Democrats feel that more government is better, where the Republicans feel that the individual states should have more power. Democrats favor gun control legislation most of the time. Republicans do not seem as interested in that issue, and many Republicans can be viewed as pro gun advocates. Democrats favor affirmative action for minorities and women. Republicans favor helping the entrepreneur and tend to give tax breaks to big business. Democrats champion the cause of labor unions, while Republicans realizing that union votes are important, at the same time feel that labor unions have too much power and cost big business too much money. The next set of political differences about the issues of capital punishment and abortion rights are quite paradoxical. Democrats favor a woman's right to choose, at the same time they are against the death penalty and want to rehabilitate prisoners. Republicans, many of them are pro–life as well as in favor of capital punishment and being tough on crime. Democrats want the government to be more involved in public education, and want more money dispersed for student loans. Republicans want the states to take the responsibility for educating their children and also want to provide vouchers as an alternative to public school. This issue is also tied to how Republicans are ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Republican Party And Bernie Sanders There are two Democrats and there are three Republicans remaining in the 2016 presidential candidate race. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are the only two Democrats running in the 2016 presidential election. Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and Donald Trump are the only three Republicans running in the 2016 presidential election, but the two candidates I had were, Bernie Sanders and Gary Johnson. Bernie Sanders is a part of the Democratic Party and Bernie Sanders is a part of the Libertarian Party. Bernie Sanders real name is Bernard but he goes by the name of Bernie. He was born on September 8, 1941. Bernie Sanders is an American politician and he's also the senator from Vermont. He's a Democratic nominee in the 2016 presidential election. His ... Show more content on ... Gary real name is Gary Earl Johnson. He was born on January 1, 1995. He's is a politician and a businessman. He served as the 29th Governor of New Mexico. He's the 2016 nominee for the Libertarian Party. He was also a nominee for the Libertarian Party in the United States 2012 election. He was born in North Dakota but he moved with his family to New Mexico during his childhood. He attended the University of New Mexico in 1974. To support himself financially he took on a job as a handy man. He founded Big J Enterprises which grew to be the largest construction business in New Mexico. He entered politics for the first time by running for Governor of New Mexico. He then won the Republican Party of New Mexico's gubernatorial nomination. His opponent in this race was governor Bruce King. Bruce King was a Democrat. Then Gary became well known for his low tax libertarian views, adhering to policies of tax and bureaucracy reduction supported by a cost–benefit analysis rationale. He cut the 10 percent ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Republican Party And The Democratic Party Essay The Republican Party has long relied on the support of older, white, conservatives. Regrettably, they are a shrinking portion of the voting population. The problem that they face is a shrinking voter base, mainly due to age. As their electorate shrinks, it is imperative for the party to appeal to the more liberal younger generations for support. The Republican Party needs to look forward to true reform. Above all, the party needs to abandon much of their social conservatism to appeal to millennials ' interests to stay relevant on the national political scene. David Frum offers four potential solutions for where the Republican party can go from here. He himself believes that the first two considerations of doubling down on elite–backed candidates or "tactical concession" on immigration are unhelpful and too narrow respectively. Therefore, his most confident considerations are in his third and fourth options. His fourth choice to keep the Republican party relevant is, in his words, to "change the rules of the game." (Frum 2016) Parties are in favor of processes that help advance their (or limit the other party's) political and ideological goals. Frum recognizes that outside of the presidential election, Republicans have done quite well on down ballot elections. For this reason, they have the ability to exert considerably more control over voting and election processes than Democrats. For example, having the ability to gerrymander as well as change voter registration rules ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Pros And Cons Of A Republican Party A Republican is a person who is involved with or supports the Republican Party. They support the ideals that the party holds in its party platform. Their party platform includes restoring the American Dream, reforming the Federal government, renewing American values, and abiding by the Constitution to fix the country. Some party planks include cutting government spending, making a Federal–State partnership to create jobs, reform the tax code, and organizing space missions and programs. A Republican is usually more conservative, which means that they most likely disapprove gun control, oppose abortion, and disagree with same–sex marriage. They believe in a limited government, helping the debt crisis, in a private sector to create jobs, and strict interpretation of the Constitution. They feel that government should not interfere with the public affairs unless a dire need arises. ... Show more content on ... In addition, they feel strongly on immigration reform laws. Some of the best and most famous Republicans include Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower. Some of the worst include George W. Bush , Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover, and Richard Nixon. The Republican Presidential candidates for 2016 include Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, and John Kasich. While I am not a Republican, I tried to create this paper with as little bias as possible. I do not like some Republicans like George W. Bush (43), but at the same time I respect some Republicans like Abraham Lincoln. My parents don't like Republican candidates either, but they still watch the Republican (GOP) Debate to see which will be a better choice for ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Essay on Current State of the Republican Party It was a commonly held belief among the Republican party that Mitt Romney was almost a guaranteed win in the 2012 presidential election. This view wasn't necessarily because Romney followed Republican policy to a T but rather because of Obama's disastrous job with the economy in the previous four years. History was well in the minds of most Republicans in that particular matter since no president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt had ever won a presidency after the economy had gone as low as it did and was in a serious struggle to rebound. With this piece of history in the minds of most Republicans the assumptions was history would continue to repeat itself even if Romeny wasn't the Republican parties knight in shinning armor. The election ... Show more content on ... The first such way is in social issues. The traditionally narrow minded view on most social issues has almost all but gone away and the open mindedness of the american people is more apparent. One of these issues is gay marriage and the acceptance it has been met by. We see this with certain states that have already legalized it and in more and more states contemplating proposing gay marriage and placing it on the ballot. According to a ABC News poll, conservative support for gay marriage has gone from 10 percent support in 2004 to 19 percent in 2006 and 30 percent currently (Abramowitz). Another important issue is abortions and the womens right to choose. This has always been an issues of friction in america but abortion has become more open and a more commonly used option among women. For women who do not necessarily agree with the practice of abortion they still share the idea that women should have the right to choose and make decisions that are inherently theirs because it is their body. Womens rights have always been a debated subject in american and it has only expanded over the years. Telling women they have no say in their body and their future in the way of having children is taking a drastic step backwards from the forward moving expansion of rights. Republicans failed to budge on their view on womens right to choose while the Democrats made it clear they supported the right to choose. According to exit polls 53 percent of the voters in the 2012 elections were ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Republican Party Platform Of 1860 As the Republican Party Platform of 1860 came into existence, there were situations that occurred in the United States that were inevitable. The civil war was inevitable, just as the many other occurrences that happened and were yet to happen. Without the Republicans arising in that time and creating a platform to abide by, life in the United States would have erupted. The platform was created to secure the union and to stop succession by the south and to abolish slavery. Another issue the Republicans brought forward to society to view was that majority of what the Constitution stated, was being neglected or against in the times before 1860. They further developed a principle that will forever, permanently, cease into existence, which will demand its peace and achievement in the United States. The act of disunion predominantly went unnoticed to the Republican Party. By the act of sectional divisions in the Constitutional Union Party, it presented in significance of denying a free government. Amongst the other parties, Democratic members advocated threats of disunion. However, the Republicans did not evidently join in these threats of disunion and feel that they should be applauded for this because the threats were vital to the central government that was yet to exist. Through this occurrence, the Republicans did not want to separate because they believed that the denial of a free government was a part of treason. They wanted the United
  • 12. ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Origins Of The Federalist And Democratic-Republican Parties Nardine Salama 1998 DBQ ESSAY AP. USHISTORY The origins of the Federalist and Democratic–Republican parties can be traced back to the early 1790s. Initially, the Federalists, or broad constructionists, favored the growth of federal power and a strong central government. The Federalists promulgated a loose interpretation of the Constitution, which meant that they believed that the government could do anything by the implied powers of the Constitution or that congress had the right to interpret the Constitution based on connotation. On the contrary, the Democratic– Republicans favored the protection of states' rights and the strict containment of federal power. The Democratic–Republicans were strict constructionists and they ... Show more content on ... C). This Act completely cut off commerce with foreign nations until the British and the French repealed their trading restrictions on neutral shippers. As a result the American export trade and its profits dried up. Many people deemed this Act unconstitutional; the constitution only grants congress the power to regulate commerce, it does not however state that they have the power to completely cut it off. This by itself contradicts everything Jefferson stood up for. Albert Gallatin, one of the best financial minds in the Republican Party, convinced Jefferson that the Bank of the U.S. was essential for financial stability. Although the creation of the Bank of the U.S. reduced the nation's debt from 83 million in 1800 to 57 million by 1809 , the creation in its self shows a great deal of broad constructionism. Although the bank was a reasonable means of carrying out powers related to taxation and the borrowing of funds, nowhere in the constitution does it state that congress has the power to charter a bank. John Randolph, a Republican congressman from Virginia, claimed that "this government (Jeffersonian) created and gave power to congress to regulate commerce and equalize duties in the whole of the U.S, and not to lay a duty but with a steady eye to revenue". What John Randolph was trying to say was that ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The Democratic Party And The Republican Party Politics has always been a controversial topic that has been actively separating the American society for many years. It has been fueled by the different ideologies that have been formed and passed down from past generations. The United States government has two front–running parties: The Democratic Party and the Republican Party. These parties are both criticized by one another, and the political candidates are kept under a microscope at all times. One wrong sentence has the ability to bring the wrath of societal shame. With this term's presidential race the Republican Party and its lead candidate have accelerated at these mishaps, which has conveyed a racial bias stigma. The denotative meaning of the Republican Party is to be, relating to, or the nation of a republic. Each party has a denotative meaning, but the connotative meaning is what viewed in the eyes of the American society. Republicans are believed to be all white, rich, over privileged, business hungry, and the oppressors of other minorities. In some situations, this noted description of a Republican is factual, but to believe that the entire Republican party is born with wealth and racial hate towards minorities is stereotyping at its finest. With a large institution, such as the Republican Party, two main views of stereotypes stand out. The first being from Stuart Hall, which he states, "Stereotyping, in other words, is part of the maintenance of social and symbolic order. It sets up a symbolic frontier ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. An Essay On The Republican Party The Republican Party has a total of 18 US presidents that were in office, the most of any political party to date. The Republican Party started with Abraham Lincoln and working its way down to George W Bush. The first start of the Party was in February, 1854, when antislavery Whigs met together to discuss a formation of a new political party. One such meeting on March 20th, 1854, in Wisconsin, is remembered as the Founding meeting of the Republican Party. The Civil War made the Republican Party victorious, but by 1876, the Republican Party had lost control of the South, but it continued to dominate the presidency until the election of FDR in 1933. Its humble beginnings began its triumphant start in its victories in congress as well as the world. In a small school house in Wisconsin, the year 1854, a small group of abolitionists joined together to create what is now known as the Republican Party. The group was full of antislavery Whigs, state powered governmental thinking democrats, and Free–soilers bent on removing slavery from the United States. The day the group was actually founded was on July 6th, 1854. The founders of this new political party were Amos Truck, Horace Greeley, Salmon Chase and Charles Sumner. The word "Republican" appealed to those who recalled Jeffersonian "republicanism". They were also called the GOP, or 'The Grand Old Party, and dates back to 1875. In the Party 's first nominating convention, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on June 17, 1856, they ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Slavery And The Republican Party It seems that slavery has long been at the heart of our original political movements. Today, slavery is not an open ownership of other people, but more of tyrannical taxing and taking advantage of the average man. Back when the Whigs and the Democrats feuded and compromised over slavery and our countries growth, both economically and expansively, a rising new political party was coming to a predominate position in the political process of our present day affiliation called the Republican Party – a Government of the people. Slavery was a national question of morality and could not just be left up to each individual territory to figure out for themselves. All because of the Kansas– Nebraska act that had had one line with a slavery loophole, ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. The Democratic Party And The Republican Party The Democratic Party is one of two major political parties in the United States. I associate myself as a Democrat for the reason of their liberal views. The Democratic Party tends to be more liberal and support the views like same sex marriage, immigration, and social and economic equality. Many of the views the party stands for and beliefs tie to my beliefs. Some of the key priorities of the Democratic Party are the Economy, Poverty and Homelessness, Education, Healthcare Policy, Social Security and Medicare, Immigration, and Gun Policy. First, as a new Democratic nominee running for President their economic positions are made clear. To reach the goals that Democrats want for our country 's economy, Democrats have made it their priority to cut taxes for working families and tax the rich more in tax increases. They also provide help for small businesses and homeowners. The Democratic Party is also trying to make college available for free for all Americans as well as removing companies that produce their products overseas and bringing them in the United States. "Hillary Clinton and Democrats will make certain we build and economy works for everyone, not just those at the top." Second, democrats want to make healthcare more affordable. An act that was passed by President Obama was passed known as the Affordable Care Act allowed over 20 million Americans to get health care coverage. The Affordable Care Act allowed states to expand Medicaid to get more people get medical ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. History Of The Republican Party In 1792, the Democratic Party was formed. Thomas Jefferson's supporters started using the name Republicans of Jeffersonian Republicans. In the 1830s, during the Presidency of Andrew Jackson, the party assumed its current name. Shortly after, in the 1840s and 1850s, the party was conflicted over whether or not to extend slavery to the Western territories. The Southern and Northern Democrats were in disagreement. In 1860, the party split over the conflict. From there, the Northern Democrats had nominated Stephen Douglas as their Presidential candidate. The Southern Democrats nominated John C. Breckinridge, adopting a pro–slavery platform. The election campaign was won by Abraham Lincoln with the newly–formed Republican Party. The Democratic Party soon came to identify as the "white man's party". They claimed the Republican Party was overrun by "negroes" despite the fact that the party was run by Caucasian men. ... Show more content on ... They began "redeeming" states. Sometimes, this affair went peacefully. However, there were also times in which it involved fraud and violence. By 1877, the Democratic Party controlled every southern state. Until the civil rights movement in the 1960's, the south remained a one–party region. Due to the Democratic victories in the south, many Southern Congressmen and Senators were re– elected over and over. The dependence and importance of seniority in Congress let Southerners control most of the committees in both houses of congress. Every piece of civil rights legislation was shot down. F.D.R., a Democratic president, rarely challenged the southern majority. In the 1930's, the House passed a federal anti–lynching bill. However, the Southern senators repeatedly filibustered, or delayed ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. Republican Party Dbq Essay In the past, the Democratic party was known as the conservative, traditional party that fully supported state government while the Republican party was a supporter of the federal government control. The Republican party began as "Lincoln's party" which caught the attention and support of the colored voters. In contrast, the Democratic party was predominantly white during this time with ideas to keep the rights of the state and the traditions of the South. Though these two parties have opposing views, they began to clash and redirect their beliefs. Over time the two main political parties have changed their platforms based on the issues of desegregation, racism in the South and placement of federal government. A major issue that was predominant ... Show more content on ... As the Democratic platform changed, the Republican party became very conservative and defended state's rights due to its opposition to what was called "big government" (Rise of Rep. Party, p. 567). On the issue of race, the Republican party fully supported that the white race was superior and the state had its own right to remain segregated. A key politician that represents this change was the former Senator Jesse Helms. Religion was the driving force of his political views and he was very vocal about his opinions. His campaign developed the concept of the "New Right" which refers to the Christian church stepping into the realm of politics (Jesse Helms Doc). In the 1970s and the 1980s, many organizations became available, such as the Christian Coalition and Moral Majority, to support the church having political influence. Since the church became a part of political campaigns, politicians became more reserved in their discrimination in a perception known as Southern Strategy. This popular technique was used mainly by the Republican party that was extremely traditional known as the "Tea Party" or "far–right". The first politician to introduce the idea was President Nixon in 1960, through his speeches to the people. The "Southern Strategy" technique is used when the speaker uses choices of words to convey a negative, underlying meaning without blatantly stating their opinion (class discussion). As an example, Nixon expressed his support of state's rights as a way of admitting that he supported the continuation of segregation in the ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. The Democratic Party And The Republican Party For centuries, two main political parties, the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party, have divided the United States government. The Democrats are considered the liberal political party and can trace its roots all the way back to Thomas Jefferson when they were known as Jefferson's Republicans and they strongly opposed the Federalist Party and their nationalist views. Republicans are considered the conservative political party and try to uphold more traditional values. The Republican Party came into existence just prior to the Civil War due to their long–time stance in favor of the abolition of slavery. In 1860, they became an established political party when their nominee Abraham Lincoln was elected as President of the United States. Since their inception, the Republican and Democratic Party have had many disputes about policies. One of these major debates has focused on educational funding in the United States. The parties have different views on the education system of the country, but both agree there needs a change in some way. Democrats favor more progressive approaches to education, such as implementing the Common Core System, while Republicans tend to favor more conservative changes such as longer hours and more focused programs to better educational resources. In Virginia, Republicans from 1990 to 2013 worked to provide better educational funding more prominently than Democrats. Starting in the 1990s, the Virginia education system experienced a decrease in ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Republican Party Conformity Conformity Within the Republican Party One aspect of American society to which people should not conform is the platform of the Republican party. The unwavering conformity of the Republican party prohibits its own members from making progress. If a certain politician's view does not live up to the GOP's standards then they are blacklisted. Each political party is entitled to their own ideas, but when any deviation from those ideas spoils a candidate's chances, then you know the party has gone too far. As a disclaimer, this is not to shun any republican opinions, it is merely to highlight the fact that the party's ideals have become extremely restrictive, even amongst its own members. It is essential to recognize that democracy is designed to function for a society that represents a diversity of opinion. One topic that is of constant conversation all throughout politics is climate change. Republicans are often characterized by their firm stance on this issue, mostly denying its existence or validity. This has become a ... Show more content on ... They promise to repeal Obamacare and institute a replacement yet they have still failed to do so because their stringent ideology prevents them from coming up with an alternative that wouldn't decrease the number of people covered by health insurance. Anyone who might taint the Republican orthodoxy is criticized and scorned. This behavior towards their own members dampens their reputation and dissuades potential members. Mark Cuban, businessman, philanthropist, and investor, says he would be a republican if it weren't for their obsession with conformity, "The Republican Party requires that all their presidential candidates conform to consensus. If you don't agree with every platform of the party, not only are you called a RINO, a 'Republican in Name Only.' You are considered unelectable in primaries and become a source of scorn on Fox News. That's a ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. Facts and History of the Republican Party Philosophy: Conservative Economic Ideas: Believe taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone (including the wealthy) and that wages should be set by the free market. Stand on Military issues: Increased spending Stand on gay marriage: Oppose (some Republicans disagree) Stand on abortion: Should not be legal; oppose Roe v. Wade (some Republicans disagree) Stand on Death penalty: A large majority of Republicans support the death penalty. Social and human ideas: Based on individual rights and justice Traditionally strong in states: Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas Symbol: Elephant Color: Red Founded in: 1854 Website: Senate Leader: Mitch McConnell Chairperson: Reince Priebus Presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert C. Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Ronald W. Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush. The Republican Party (also known as the Grand Old Party) was started in 1854, as a group of people combating the Kansas–Nebraska Act, which was an act threatening to extend slavery into the territories. It began as a small gathering in Ripon, Wisconsin, at a local schoolhouse. The Republican Party had very little presence in the Southern States, but by the late 1850's, The Republicans had become the majority in almost every Northern State. The Republican ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. Political Parties And The Republican Party Platform Generally speaking, anyone who lives in the United States of America knows that there are two main political parties–the Republicans and the Democrats. Having two main parties has its advantages and, of course, its disadvantages. For example, in By the People James E. Monroe and Rogan Kersh (301) point out having this type of system creates "predictability and stability." However, they also declare (301) it can "lead to a gridlock." This is not a new concept either as there has been a divide since the beginning of both parties. The two parties more often than not disagree on various issues, while rarely agreeing on what is best for the country. Democrats and Republicans highly differ when comparing views on climate change. The Democrats accept human role in climate change while many Republicans question if climate change is even real. In the 2016 Democratic Party Platform (27), they state "in the first 100 days of the next administration, the president will convene a summit of the words best engineers, climate scientists, policy experts, activists, and indigenous communities to chart a course to solve the climate crisis." This is highlighted previously when President Obama, a Democrat, traveled to Paris for a convention about climate change where he met other leaders around the world to make a plan to help fix the issues surrounding climate change. This shows the basic principles of the Democratic Party as internationalist and having the large government–as it states in the ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Essay On Republican Party I am not a Democrat basher. There are some exceptional Democrats; those that could not and should not be replaced. With that being said, I adhere to my Republican party; most people are surprised to hear this. After all, I support same sex marriage, a woman's right to choose, and stem cell research. I do not own a gun but that is only because I have a curious toddler who hurts himself on a frequent basis with no assistance from firearms. My reasoning for my views concerning these issues is grounded in the Republican parties support individual rights. The traditional Republican stance against these issues is taken from the parties religious beliefs. Faith is of upmost importance in my life but it has little, if any, place in politics. The fact that I am a Sarah Palin fan is not always looked upon favorably by liberally minded people, or my Republican cohorts; deeming them Democrats, in my opinion. I am convinced a successful nation involves cooperation from all parties in order to provide a stable union. ... Show more content on ... The tragic events brought into focus the vulnerability of our nation. I questioned our government, mostly concerning if there was information available to our leaders that could have potentially saved innumerable lives. At the same time, the actions of those such as New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani, were beyond commendable given the circumstances. The aftermath of September 11, 2001 impacted our nation on so many levels that I find difficulty expressing it all these years later. No words can, or will ever, be enough to remember or explain the horrific actions perpetrated upon our nation on that tragic day. Those events affected me, and the entire country, in a short term manner; they continue to do ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Compare And Contrast The Democratic Party And The... In today's society, we think that the two main political parties of America, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are complete inverse. When we look closer, the several gatherings are as a matter of fact exceptionally comparative. Their strategies may be unexpected, but the roots that they are determined from are the same. . These two parties dominate America's politics but differ significantly in their beliefs. Some instances, many beliefs overlap. So what are the differences between Democrats and Republicans? There are clear principles that distinguish Republicans from Democrats. Republicans are conservative while Democrats are liberal. Republicans believe that taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone, and wages should reflect ... Show more content on ... The Democrats have diminished spending in military and sunk money into activities that'll accommodate the nation. Whereas, Republicans have increased their spending, regardless of the nation's debt. Democrats support gay marriages, while republicans contradict. Democrats think that every person has luxury and distinctive rights to marry the same sex. Democrats believe if they aren't allowed to marry the same sex then it would be against their individual rights Republicans on the different part think just in inverse sex marriage. They think that to live a successful life, one needs an opposite sex in their life. Success forever begins at an early experience where the establishment is raised. Democrats prefer to utilize assessments as a root to finance the schools. Republicans prefer the schools to be supported by volunteers. Democrats have chosen to take god out of the school. While Republicans suspect that god ought to be part of our commonplace essence and subsequently ought to be a part of school and training. And Republicans even believe all students, regardless of race or socio–economic background should become proficient in both reading and math. Democrats suspect that god might as well be private and shouldn't be put into mainstream schools. Democrats are against death penalty. Republicans are for death penalty. Democrats believe death penalty is not necessary. Republicans feel that passing retribution is fundamental to ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Essay On Republican Party In 1994 midterm elections saw the Republican Party gain a majority of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time since 1954. The 54–seat swing in the House ushered in an era of divided government that persisted for the remainder of the 1990s. The day after the election, conventional Democrat Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama improved parties, appropriate a Republican. The Democrats only chosen up 4 seats in the House, all of which were open seats. No Republican incumbents were defeated at any level. Slightly than protest freely in each area, Republican nominees selected to assemble behind a single national schedule and dispatch fronted by Georgia congressman Newt Gingrich. They alleged President Bill Clinton defeated Bush in 1992 and promoted an ambitious reform agenda within the context of his centrist "new Democrat" system. Clinton's stirred fierce opposition from forceful conservative Republicans, who grew control of Congress in 1994 for the first time in fifty years. But the Newt Gingrich–led Republicans' over– reaching enabled Clinton to revive and win a second term in 1996. The Republicans offered an ... Show more content on ... In so doing, it took control of 20 state governments from the Democrats. Prior to this, Republicans had not held the majority of governorships since 1972. In addition, this was the first time in 50 years that the GOP controlled a majority of state governments. The Democrats was suggested by a string of elections after 1992, containing the capture of the mayoralties of New York and Los Angeles by the Republicans in 1993. In that same year, Christine Todd Whitman captured the New Jersey governorship from the Democrats and Bret Schundler became the first Republican mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey that had been held by the Democratic Party since 1917. Republican George Allen won the 1993 Virginia Governor ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. The Pros And Cons Of The Republican Party The Republicans have selected me, Arthur Chester, to be Garfield's running mate. The Republican Party has favored Civil Service and I have decided to take part in this. In fact, I have considered not being nominated for a second term; in order to satisfy the American public. However, I know that a few may love me for this and others may not, but I am not just doing this for myself, but for the people. I will handle patronage matters with restraint and support the movement for civil service. In order to pass the civil service reform, we will "intensify our efforts in organizing, meeting and developing strategies to pass reform." I will ask Congress for an appropriation of $25,000 to reactivate the Civil Service Commission. The Pendleton Act ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. The Democratic Party Of The Republican Party Convention Speeches America is considered as a global superpower, and has a critical role to play in the global socioeconomic and political landscape. Critical examination of US presidential elections show that they draw widespread attention from across the globe. In many instances, the major political parties differ significantly on policies, a prospect that may work to the advantage or the disadvantage of the candidate for Democratic Party of the Republican Party. After months of the long bruising primaries, the GOP conducted its convention in Cleveland while the democratic sect held their convention in Philadelphia. The speeches delivered in the two conventions had significant policy differences which are likely to influence voting ... Show more content on ... 3). Trump further pointed out that large fractions of the US annual budgets are set aside to finance the international economic obligations of the country. As such, the Republicans pointed out that cutting such parts of the budget would help to boost the American economy and to reduce budget deficits. Further, the sect outlined that the allies of America will have to pay if the country is to offer military assistance and other services. Through this strategic approach, the republicans equally believed that returning American troops home and abandoning international missions would help save revenues that, in their view, are wasted on programs that do not directly benefit the American people. Ideally, the Republicans exhibited belief that continued involvement of America in international aids and assistive missions would affect the economy negatively, and would make America vulnerable in the global market (Smith 3). On debt, Donald Trump recounted his experience as a business mogul to be a value that will help him overcome the economic barriers and ensure that the country does not accumulate debts. Another fundamental subject that was explored in the Republican convention was trade between America and the international community. The Republican Party noted that America was getting raw deals in many instances. They cited the case of trade between America and china in which the ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. The Republican Party Or Grand Old Party The Origin, The Change, The Present The Republican party or Grand Old Party (GOP), for over 150 years, has maintained itself as a major political party within the United States of America. As a whole, the republican party follows the belief of military build up ,less taxes, and more importantly, a limited government. However, throughout recent years there has been an influx of conservative values being spread throughout the GOP. These values include harsh stances against: homosexuality, immigration, and abortion. This recent "conservative trend" has caused many to see the party as out of date. Ironically, it has not always been like this, as the party was once what would be defined as "liberal". These liberal views included support of "conservatism" and universal health care(–things–republicans–used–to–believe–2011–07–18). So, what happened? In short, the conservative influx in the 1950s would lead to this drastic change of views, which would lead us to today 's far right republican party. In order to– The Origins Of the Republican Party The GOP would begin in the early 1850's as an Antislavery party in do part to the Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854 . Within this act entailed whether or not slavery could be permitted on nebraska land by "settlers and entrepreneurs" who wanted to relocate there . This in turn "allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty".Strong opposition for this ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. The Democratic Party And The Republican Party Every four years, the United States' citizens elect a new president. The election is held in November, but campaigning starts almost a whole year before the election month. Candidates compete on a daily basis for the one position some people only dream of holding. With this election on the horizon, voters need to take time to understand who the contenders are and what their main objects will be once they arrive in office. In politics today, two parties exist; the democrat party and the republican party. Out of the pair of organizations, the democratic party remains as the world's oldest political party. It was first founded in the year 1828 by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The Jeffersonian Republican or Democratic–Republican party ... Show more content on ... They consisted of former Whig party supporters, abolitionists, and people who believed in the modernizing of the country. Their basic belief followed the ways of conservatism. Conservatism means that people believed in the rule of anti–communism, and also believed that the American traditions are the way the government should be ran along with Protestant values. Each party is represented by an animal and also a color; red elephants for republicans and blue donkeys for democrats. When looking at the economy today, it is rather on a plateau. A few years ago, the economy was heading in the wrong direction, but after current president Barack Obama was elected into office, he managed to sign many bills into effect which in turn helped bring our economy back up. Illegal immigration into the country has sky rocketed in the past ten years. The number of illegal immigrants flowing into the country is approximately seven hundred thousand each year. Personally, I believe that this number is entirely too high. The United States has a specific law about illegal aliens and how they must have a piece of paper called a green card in order to live in this country as an immigrant. These people of course are not considered citizens because they were not born in America, which is primarily the reason behind the law. Along with these issues, I also believe that the military and our veterans are treated with disrespect. Currently, we have been involved in ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Republican Party Beliefs The Republican Party believes in conservatism and traditional practices. They are strongly opposed to same–sex marriage and feel that heterosexual marriage is the only right way. Republicans feel that the only ways to economic profit are free market and individual achievement. In addition they oppose high tax rates for the wealthy and believe raising the minimum wage is going to directly hurt the economy. Republicans wish to see increased funding and modernization to the military. In their eyes, a strong defense system is the only way to peace. The Republican Party would like a large reform in social security and want workers to control their own retirement investments. On the other hand, the Democratic Party generally supports workers' rights and government programs to help people in need. The democrats are for same–sex marriage and fight for their equality. They feel that our economy should help everyone not just the wealthy, and that big business and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. In addition, they want to prevent business from taking advantage of the public. Democrats feel that there are better ways to make peace with terrorism such as through diplomacy and only using force when necessary. They also believe that we should not have to ... Show more content on ... Being in the middle class, our economy is set up for the wealthy. We need to fight for fairer taxes. Another point I agree with is they believe that hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us. I also agree with their view on homeland security. I do not believe that violence is the only answer to making peace. Democrats believe we should not have to give up certain freedoms just to keep our country safe, and I feel the same way. We are far too advanced and have so much intelligence now that we should not have to give up our ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. Essay On Republican Party The United States population is spread out across a spectrum of the political ideologies. We are typically seen as being on the "left", also called liberals, or on the "right", called conservatives. The two main political parties in our country are the Democrats, whose supporters are typically on the left, and the Republicans, whose supporters are on the right. These parties and their policies, however, are becoming more polarized and are attracting the more extreme members of their party and not the moderate voters, which make up the majority of the voters. By setting policies that the moderate voters would agree with can help political parties gain more voters, as long as they do not lean too far away from their base groups, or their strongest and more extreme voters. Republicans would gain supporters by changing their policies on free trade agreements, immigration, healthcare, and wall street to those that are more similar to the most of the public. These supporters would come from the moderate voters, like the hard–pressed skeptics and the young outsiders, and some of the other liberal groups, like the next–generation left and the faith and family left. Today the Republican party wants to repeal all free trade agreements. This is in contrast with the majority of the general population, in which 59% believe that free trade agreements are good for our nation and 30% believe that they are bad. The Democrats on the other hand support most of the agreements that are around ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. The Pros And Cons Of A Republican Party AB / Burrell Report If I could register to vote, I would register a Republican. For years now I have considered myself a Republican, and my whole life I have grown up in a dominantly Republican environment. I was able to affirm my standpoint after researching the party's values and beliefs. The main idea behind Republican beliefs is that the individual is responsible for their role in society, and government should not be largely focused on the federal level. Essentially, the government should only intervene in the individual's life if necessary and government should not dictate an individual's lifestyle. I completely agree with this idea for a way of government. Along with my belief in the core values of a Republican, I strongly support their standpoints on many issues including abortion, immigration, gun control, and education. I believe in the rights of the unborn, that immigration laws need to be stricter, citizens should always ... Show more content on ... The Libertarian Party has proven to be successful over many other third parties and has gained the total support of a decent number of voters. They emphasize the concept of individualism and how everyone has been granted individual rights, with deserving them to be respected. Libertarians believe government should not inhibit an individual's personal choices in life. It is believed that they must deal with the consequences of their actions. Also, they believe that any citizen should be provided opportunities to acquire economic success. The Libertarian Party feels the most important and perhaps only purpose of government is to protect the rights of its people. Lastly, they feel the government should maintain a national defense system and has the right to control who enters the country. I picked this party because I do believe that all individuals have inherent rights and those rights should not be infringed upon by the ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Reflection On The Republican Party A little over two years ago, the Republican Party surprised me by electing its first African–American chairman. I would have never thought that it would happen and many had their own ideas why. Whatever the reason, that was now the case and history was made. Not being of this party, I can not speak directly to the affect he had on this party but what I can say is how much of his election made me begin to see both parties moving forward and America finally beginning to turn the page on race relations. I knew that we still have a very long way to go to finally putting race relations in our rearview mirror but it was a very big step and one that should be applauded. I looked at the Republican Party in a completely different light and even speculated ... Show more content on ... I had dismissed the talk of him being elected to diminish the fact that America had also voted in our first African–American president. I had dismissed the talk of him being elected to draw in more African–Americans in to the party but after just two years to fix a problem that he did not even create, I'm not sure. Michael Steele brought to the stage more wins and more money than ever but to no avail. He made many mistakes but mistakes are part of making success. Listening to so many Republican callers into C–Span demonizing Michael Steele about the debt he left. They said that this was compared to the chairpersons of the past, but I have to wonder how you could compare apples and oranges. Michael Steele leadership occurred during a time when there were more grassroots organizations cropping up after the Citizen's United case than his predecessors did. Michael Steele leadership occurred during a time when even those within the party could be viewed as stabbing him in the back. Michael Steele leadership occurred during a time when the Tea Party appeared on the scene but was missing in action many years ago. Republicans please re–calculate using these factors and then tell me if he really was that bad to not be given his ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Origins Of The Federalist And Democratic-Republican Parties Nardine Salama 1998 DBQ ESSAY AP. USHISTORY The origins of the Federalist and Democratic–Republican parties can be traced back to the early 1790s. Initially, the Federalists, or broad constructionists, favored the growth of federal power and a strong central government. The Federalists promulgated a loose interpretation of the Constitution, which meant that they believed that the government could do anything by the implied powers of the Constitution or that congress had the right to interpret the Constitution based on connotation. On the contrary, the Democratic– Republicans favored the protection of states' rights and the strict containment of federal power. The Democratic–Republicans were strict constructionists and they ... Show more content on ... C). This Act completely cut off commerce with foreign nations until the British and the French repealed their trading restrictions on neutral shippers. As a result the American export trade and its profits dried up. Many people deemed this Act unconstitutional; the constitution only grants congress the power to regulate commerce, it does not however state that they have the power to completely cut it off. This by itself contradicts everything Jefferson stood up for. Albert Gallatin, one of the best financial minds in the Republican Party, convinced Jefferson that the Bank of the U.S. was essential for financial stability. Although the creation of the Bank of the U.S. reduced the nation's debt from 83 million in 1800 to 57 million by 1809 , the creation in its self shows a great deal of broad constructionism. Although the bank was a reasonable means of carrying out powers related to taxation and the borrowing of funds, nowhere in the constitution does it state that congress has the power to charter a bank. John Randolph, a Republican congressman from Virginia, claimed that "this government (Jeffersonian) created and gave power to congress to regulate commerce and equalize duties in the whole of the U.S, and not to lay a duty but with a steady eye to revenue". What John Randolph was trying to say was that ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Republican Party: Questions And Answers Republican Party 1. Three things the Republican Party want to achieve are stopping crony government handouts, reducing the size of inflated bureaucracy, and cutting taxes for hardworking American families. 2. The Republican Party believe that the constitution should be honored, valued, and upheld. 3. I learned that the Republican Party was founded in 1854 and the first woman in congress was Jeannette Rankin. Democratic Party 1. Three things the Democratic Party want to achieve are equal pay and paid leave, college to be affordable for every American, and ensuring the wealthiest citizens and largest corporations pay their fair share. 2. The Democratic Party believe that we are greater together than on our on, and this country succeeds when everyone gets a shot. 3. ... Show more content on ... I learned that the Democratic Party was founded in 1848 and it is the oldest party in the United States. Tea Party 1. Three things the Tea Party want to achieve are 2. The Tea Party mission is to bring awareness to any issue which challenges the security, sovereignty or domestic tranquility of our beloved nation, The United States of America. 3. I learned that the Tea Party was founded in Libertarian ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Rise Of The Texas Republican Party Rise of the Texas Republican Party For decades, the state of Texas was Democratic and then suddenly in 1998 the state flipped to Republican. Currently, Texas is the boldest Republican state in the country. For so long it was Democrat and strongly so but it has been Republican now since the nineties. The big question surrounding this topic is what happened to make it flip suddenly? Well, research provided a very strong answer that I didn't expect to find. In 1988 two people were voted in that changed everything for Republicans; Kent Hance and Judge Thomas Phillips were the first republicans voted in since the Reconstruction. This kick started a Republican makeover of the state that all through the nineties Texans saw Republicans overtaking Democrats in every area. To understand how this went down in the nineties there must be an examination of the past. The Democratic party was the face of Texas for a century until the Republicans came back stronger than ever. First and foremost, Texas was not colonized by British settlers. This has always made it stand out as a fiercely independent territory then later a state. The individuals who shaped and formed Texas did so in such a way to hold tightly onto its fierce independence. This fierce independence was fueled throughout the first several decades of Texas existence due to invading foreign armies and the daily struggles of just surviving in the Wild West. Because of this, the people of Texas developed strong work ethics and a ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. The Republican Party If I had to specifically choose which political party had the most influence on my life and political views I would say it is the Republican Party. The Republican Party supports most of my current views on American issues in the United States. I think its safe to say that I am more Republican than Democrat. Some of the few specific views that I hold that are influenced by Republicans are; I am pro–life, I believe in limiting social welfare to unemployed Americans, I favor a continued military presence in unstable Middle Eastern regions, and I strongly oppose gun control. Abortion: I strongly support government restrictions on abortions and disagree with the intentional termination of a human pregnancy for no good reason. It is immoral to end ... Show more content on ... I pay attention more to the politics surrounding guns than anything else on the news. It has had such an impact on my life that I am actually an active member of the National Rifles Association. The National Rifle Association of America is an American nonprofit organization, which advocates for gun rights (NRA, 2017). Founded in 1871, the group has informed its members about firearm– related bills since 1934, and it has directly lobbied for and against legislation since 1975 (NRA, 2017). It is also the oldest continuously operating civil rights organization in the United States (NRA, 2017). The National Rifles Association is a huge support group for second amendment right. I am a firm believer in our second amendments right; "A well–regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed" (Cornell, 2014). It is the single most important given right, guaranteed to American Citizens. It is the most important right, because it keeps the government from being able to impose tyranny and most importantly, the second amendment gives us the right to protect and defend ourselves even when our government cannot. My political views on assault rifles are also more republican than democrat. I do not believe that banning firearms or certain types of firearms will solve the violence we have in the U.S but only allow us to be susceptible to further violence without the tools to defend ourselves. The whole point of gun control is to create further laws to keep those who should not have guns from obtaining them and make laws harder on responsible citizens. However, criminals, terrorists, and mentally disturbed shooters don't follow laws. They take advantage and prey upon the weak that do not posses the tools to defend themselves, hence the reason why we hear about school ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. Essay On Republican Party The Republican Party commonly referred to as the GOP (abbreviation for Grand Old Party) is one of two major contemporary political parties in the United States. The other one being the Democratic Party, founded by anti–slavery activists in 1854. The GOP dominated politics nationally and in most of the North for most of the period from 1860 to 1932. There has been 18 Republican presidents. The first being Abraham Lincoln, who served from 1861 until his assassination in 1865, and the most recent being George W. Bush, who served two full four–year terms 2001 to 2009. The Republican Party's conservatism involves supporting free markets and limited government, opposing regulation and labor unions, and supporting socially conservative policies. The first official party convention was held July 6, 1854. In 1860 the Republican Party ... Show more content on ... It was a cartoon that appeared in Harper's Weekly on Nov 7, 1874, Nast drew a donkey clothed in lion's skin, scaring away all the animals at the zoo. One of those animals, the elephant, was labeled "The Republican Vote." That's all it took for the elephant to become associated with the Republican Party. The elephant does not represent the Republican party it represents the "Vote". Cartoonist Thomas Nast took the two examples of the Herald enterprise and put them together in a cartoon for Harper's Weekly. He showed an ass (symbolizing the Herald) wearing a lion's skin (the scary prospect of Caesarism) frightening away the animals in the forest (Central Park). One of the foolish animals in the cartoon was an elephant which was being frightened away from its normal ties by the phony scare of Caesarism. In a subsequent cartoon on Nov. 21, 1874, after the election in which the Republicans did badly, Nast followed up the idea by showing the elephant in a trap, illustrating the way the Republican vote had been decoyed from its normal ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Republican Party Research Paper As many American Liberals have noticed the Democratic Party, supposedly their party, has been losing big electorally. The presidency, the majority of state governorships, both houses of congress and the majority of state assemblies have been lost by the Democrats to the Republican Party. This has left many Democratic citizens wondering, what happened? Why did their party suddenly fall from favor with the voting public? Though I do not hold myself out as having a definitive answer I do have a hunch as to why the Democrats have been losing big at the polls. And fair warning, though I will try to keep this as neutral as possible political biases do have a pesky way of sneaking into these things. A major difference between the Democratic Party ... Show more content on ... Their political strategies thus treat votes like sales and elections as winning market share in political power. They don't get hung up on soundness of arguments nor their basis in factuality. All they focus on is saying what they need to say in order to win votes. A big technique that I've seen used, especially by Donald Trump is appealing to confirmation bias, which my inner philosophy minor reminds me is a logical fallacy. Nevertheless it works and Trump won far more support than anyone predicted he would. This tactic is one that is commonly used by marketers to elicit a particular behavior from groups of people and it transfers over seamlessly to the political realm. The legal and academic argumentation techniques used by the Democrats were never meant to be used to elicit any behavior as such it comes as no surprise that they don't transfer over to politics nearly as ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Essay on The Republican Party The Republican Party The Republican party is one of the two major POLITICAL PARTIES in the United States, the other being the DEMOCRATIC PARTY party. It is popularly known as the GOP, from its earlier nickname Grand Old Party. From the time it ran its first PRESIDENTIAL candidate, John C. Fremont, in 1856, until the inauguration of Republican George BUSH in 1989, Republican presidents occupied the WHITE HOUSE for 80 years. Traditionally, Republican strength came primarily from New England and the Midwest. After World War II, however, it greatly increased in the Sunbelt states and the West. Generally speaking, after World War I the Republican party became the more conservative of the two major parties, with its support coming from ... Show more content on ... The new party was a success from the beginning. In the 1854 congressional elections 44 Republicans were elected as a part of the anti–Nebraskan majority in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, and several Republicans were elected to the SENATE and to various state houses. In 1856, at the first Republican national convention, Sen. John C. Fremont was nominated for the presidency but was defeated by Democrat James BUCHANAN. During the campaign the northern wing of the KNOW–NOTHING PARTY split off and endorsed the Republican ticket, making the Republicans the principal antislavery party. Two days after the inauguration of James Buchanan, the Supreme Court handed down the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision, which increased sectional dissension and was denounced by the Republicans. At this time the nation was also gripped by economic chaos. Business blamed tariff reductions, and Republican leaders called for greater tariff protection. The split in the Democratic party over the issue of slavery continued, and in 1858 the Republicans won control of the House of Representatives for the first time. One Republican who failed that year was Abraham LINCOLN, defeated in his bid for a U.S. Senate seat by Stephen A. Douglas. Lincoln, the Civil War, and Reconstruction At the second Republican national convention, in 1860, a hard– fought contest resulted in the presidential nomination of Abraham Lincoln. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Republican Party The Grand New Party came alive in a small schoolhouse in Wisconsin when a group of abolitionist gathered to fight the expansion of slavery. The Republican party is now one of the two major political parties that makes up the United States political system. The Republican party typically sticks to more conservative views on major issues in the government. Three topics of constant concern for the party include taxation, gun control, and immigration. The Republican party feels that taxes are a burden on the people and that the more they can lower taxes the better. Their ideology is that the more they lower taxes the more money people will have and entail their will be more activity the throughout the economy. "It has been longstanding Republican policy to favor laissez– faire economics; this means that government should play an extremely limited role in economic matters and that taxes should be kept to the minimal amount necessary to fund only "necessary" functions"(MLA). The Republicans believe that by taking the minimum amount for taxes and playing only a small role in the economy it will thrive on its own. ... Show more content on ... The republican party has stood strong in its belief that the right to bear arms is a natural right to all American citizens as it is written in the constitution. "The first ten amendments of the Constitution describe the undeniable rights of every individual American. Among these undeniable rights is "the right to bear arms" as spelled out in the Second Amendment."(MLA). Republican don't necessarily care to much for the guns. They are more focused on keeping the bill of rights the way it is and they don't want citizens losing those rights that the country was founded ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Republican Party Essay Though the Republican Party was founded on pro–minority ideals and continued to have the support of minorities its reputation quickly began to change. Wagner (2007) states that during the early late 1800s and the early 1900s, Republican support weakened among the working class. In addition, many Americans, including a sizable number of Republicans, believed that American society had lost its moral fiber. As a result of these factors, many Republicans became affiliated with the Progressive Movement, a reform movement designed to assist the working class attain better working conditions in the form of religious fundamentalism. During the Progressive Era, the Republican Party split into two groups: those Republicans interested primarily in ... Show more content on ... Rueter (1995) provides a detailed look into the world of politics during the civil rights era. Rueter asserts that prior to the civil rights era, the Republican Party was not as effective in gaining rights for minorities compared to proposals made by the Democratic Party in the 1960s. He states that it was clear to minorities that the Democratic Party was more supportive of civil rights versus Republicans due to their lack of voting support of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Because of this, Republicans were seen as being "against" minorities due to their lack of cooperation with the Democratic Party to end segregation and with President Johnson to allow equal voting rights (240–1). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 barred unequal application of voter registration requirements, outlawed discrimination in public accommodations engaged in interstate commerce, encouraged the desegregation of public schools and authorized the U. S. Attorney General to file suits to force desegregation, authorized the withdrawal of federal funds from programs which practiced discrimination, and outlawed discrimination in employment in any business (Loevy 1997, 211–3). According to Klarman (2004) the civil rights movement caused southerners to cling to the Republican Party and gave the Democratic Party more momentum to further support minority interests. The Republican Party's inability to quickly ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The And Republican Party Establishment The GOP and Republican Party establishment elites are no longer on the side of the true American. The true America is what our founding fathers had risked and gave up so much to establish with the Declaration of Independence and the signing of The Constitution. Unfortunately in this election cycle, the establishment has made it very clear that they are more concerned with their political party elitist ideals than being a representative of the American voter. Each political party has a duty to its voter base. The duty of the modern Republican Party, after much evolvement since its official formation just prior to the Civil War, is supposed to stand up for conservative American values, which include, but aren't limited to: The Bill of Rights and The Constitution Religious freedom and liberty, not allowing small groups who are offended by Christianity to be able to impose their will over Christianity Limiting government control over citizen's lives Maintaining a strong military to protect this country from its enemies Only authorizing a tax system that allows for prosperity and growth, not penalizing those who succeed The last seven plus years under a Barrack Obama presidency, the GOP and elected Republican officials have stood by and allowed the continued downfall of America and the American way of life. They stood by and did nothing. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obama Care, was passed which forced Americans to purchase health insurance or they ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Republican Parties: Contrasting The Republican And... Contrasting the Republican and Democratic Parties The Democratic and Republican parties of the United States are vastly different and have a long history of discord to prove it. Their opposing legislation and various conflicting ideals have them performing in government at opposite ends of the spectrum. Therefore, contrasting their views on taxation, the economy, and gun control will provide numerous examples as to why these two parties are so different. When it comes to the issue of taxation, the Republican and Democratic stances could not be more different. The Democratic Party advocates for higher taxes for the upper class while the Republicans prefer a flat tax for everyone ("Democrat vs. Republican"). Democrats want a tax plan that doesn't ... Show more content on ... Although in the wake of recent events, including the Las Vegas shooting, more Republicans are supporting stricter laws (for example the banning of bump stocks), the majority of the Republican Party still are strong advocates for a citizen's right to own weapons and conceal carry. "We oppose federal licensing of law–abiding gun owners and national gun registration as a violation of the Second Amendment and an invasion of privacy of honest citizens" (Republican Party on Gun Control). A reported 83% of polled Republicans support the NRA's, or National Rifle Association's, views; 80% of Democrats disagree with the NRA and their vision (Guns). This could be due to the fact that each party targets specific groups. For example, Republicans make up a majority of the South as the recent Trump campaign was driven by middle–class white males (Magleby, David). This makes sense, because Republican states are statistically more likely to own a gun. In contrast, the Democratic Party thinks that while they agree that it is a citizen's right to own a firearm, there should be more strict legislation that prevents criminals, people suffering from mental illnesses, and unfit individuals from owning a gun. Most Democrats agree that the only way to decrease gun related violence is through the ... Get more on ...