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Definition Of Happiness
I don't believe it is necessary to aspire to greatness; I choose instead to aspire to goodness. If I work
to be the best person I can be, both to myself and to those around me, then by being good, I may
have become great. This virtue of character and action can mean different things to different people,
for no one has the same goals and ideals. There is no universal purpose.
I think a lack of destiny, or of some global grand purpose, is a freeing concept. Since, when life is
approached with an astronomical perspective the lives and happenings on one tiny planet are pretty
much irrelevant, each individual can find a better purpose in life they want. I am not constrained by
any predestined purpose.
And in fact, one of main goals in life ... Show more content on ...
I don't think that that happiness is any less real that happiness I gain emotionally through others.
They're a different sort of emotion perhaps, but both candles and family make me feel fuzzy and
warm. And certainly happiness is no one thing for anyone. Others might feel satisfied whenever they
buy a nice painting. It's nothing more than some pigment/resin/solvent mix on a canvas, but the
happiness comes from the meaning we attach to items. Candles make me happy because of the
situations, actions, and experiences I associate with them. Though they are but material goods, they
have a meaning to me like any other item might to someone else.
This extends to the entirety of your life, for life is truly what you make of it.
Some of the most horrible happenings can end up having incredible effects on your life. Part of
living happily is accepting that, and knowing that there is a silver lining to every cloud. For
example, after my mother died, I was understandably distraught. But it is through that experience
that I've come to learn so much. Not only have I seen how strong my family members (and myself)
could be, but I've also come to have one of the kindest step–mothers of all time. If my mother had
never died, I'd never have met my step–mom and had her become such an important part of my life.
Thus, even in tragedy, there is something to be thankful for.
But you can't just arbitrarily choose to be happy.
This is a lifestyle, requiring continuous,
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Factors That Increase The Prospect Of An Organization 's...
Factors that increase the prospect of an organization's viability and factors that hamper it
Systemic models are determined by their ability to have choice/be purposeful. This sense of purpose
can be found either in parts of the system or the system as a whole. This sense of division of choice
creates four types of systemic models: deterministic models, animated models, social models and
ecological models. In deterministic models, the parts and the whole are generally not purposeful;
whereas the parts in animated models are not purposeful, but the whole is purposeful. The parts and
the whole in social models are both purposeful; whereas ecological models have parts that are
purposeful but a whole that is not purposeful since they contain ... Show more content on ...
This firm would have various departments (e.g., finance, research and development, etc.,), these
departments would have respective functions working towards the goal; however, on their own, the
departments wouldn't be purposeful.
Lastly, social systems are systems whose parts and whole have a purpose. Specifically, social
systems have purpose/goals of their own, but also comprise of parts (e.g., other social systems or
animated organisms) that have purposes of their own. Additionally, these parts are usually part of
larger social systems that include other social systems (Ackoff & Gharajedaghi, 1996). Accordingly,
social systems, such as corporations, are intricate systems influenced by their very components.
Daily, globalization puts a demand on organizations to react to constraints that are constantly
changing, thus demanding that an organization have well–defined set of concepts, that are
interconnected among each other (Páscoa & Tribolet, 2014). This also requires that any change
effects be known and reflected throughout the whole organization. Such adaptive behavior is the key
to long–term, strategic planning (Nadim, 2017). With this stipulation in focus, models/organizations
either deterministic or animated in nature are automatically eliminated. We are therefore left to focus
on social systemic organizations and the factors that increase and hamper such organizations'
Perhaps one of the factors that greatly foster the increase in
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Why School By Mike Rose Analysis
Beyond the Classroom Many are quick to disregard education's role outside of the classroom.
According to Mike Rose, "a good education helps us make sense of the world and find our way in
it" (Rose 33). Rose emphasizes the value in the experience of education beyond the value of
education for the purpose of custom or intelligence; he explores the purpose of going to school in
terms of how he defines himself and his personal growth in the stages of his academic career. By
reflecting on his personal experiences and how those gave him the tools applicable to his daily life,
he emphasizes why education should never be overlooked. Rose's use of referencing relatable
experiences in a logical manner makes his argument persuasive to the readers and he succeeds in
making the readers reconsider why education matters to them. Mike Rose's Why School?:
Reclaiming Education for All of Us effectively persuades his audience of the importance of
education beyond the classroom, which proves true in our everyday lives because the essential
aspect of education is what we do with it and how it helps develop one's personal growth. Rose
elaborates on the significance of education by reflecting on his own perspective on how that shaped
his identity. His childhood gave him the opportunity to experience the contrast between a positive
learning environment and a negative one. This also shaped him to have an evident positive outlook
on education. It can be assumed that the right learning
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Mark Edmundson Anti-Idealism
In Mark Edmundson's "Polemical Introduction" to his novel, Self and Soul, he analyzes how the
modern world has lost the ideals held by the ancient world, such as the heroic ideal, the religious
ideal, and the ideal of contemplation. Edmundson cites the loss of these ideals through modern
writers, such as Shakespeare and Freud. Edmundson specifically calls Freud a "relentless enemy of
the warrior ideal, the religious ideal, and the ideal of transcendent philosophy." The truth in
Edmundson's analysis of Freud's anti–idealist view can be seen in Freud's novel, Civilization and Its
Discontents. In this novel, Edmundson's assessment is most evident that Freud sees a desire to
follow ideals as a "fall to illusion, as well as Freud's obvious ... Show more content on ...
These attempts can be defined through Freud's "pleasure principle," which aimed for "an absence of
pain and unpleasure, and, on the other hand, at the experiencing of strong feelings of pleasure" (42).
Therefore, happiness is not really possible all the time, as it seems to only come from unhappiness,
or a release from "unpleasure." Since the purpose of life is not to be happy but rather, only to
survive, it calls in to question whether there is a meaning to life brought upon by a higher power.
Freud's idea of transcendency and the purpose of life seems to be answered when he writes, "the
question of the purpose of human life has been raised countless times; it has never yet received a
satisfactory answer and perhaps does not admit of one" (41–42). His answer seems that be that there
is no real purpose to existence, except for survival; rather, life only has the meaning that we give it.
Overall, this seems to be very dismissive of the idea of a higher power, deity, or purpose, which is
represented the ancient world ideal of transcendent philosophy. Another ideal that Edmundson saw
as one held by the ancient world was that of the heroic ideal, which Edmundson typified through
Achilles and Hector, who characterized the "warrior soldier" and the "citizen soldier," who
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Never Let Me Go And Ally Condie's Matched: A Comparative...
Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go and Ally Condie's Matched may follow similar conventions to
create a dystopian society however, the purpose each author conveys is significantly different.
Ishiguro uses Tommy G. to illustrate to readers that one's future is decided by fate, in contrast,
Condie uses Cassia Reyes to depict to readers that one should take hold of their future and create
their own destiny.
In both novels, Tommy and Cassia are dystopian protagonists who question their surroundings, are
curious, and raise concerns not many around them are too worried with. Although both characters
doubt their social and political systems, Tommy does not put his thoughts into motion while Cassia
does. Unlike his peers, Tommy comes up with conspiracies ... Show more content on ...
This is depicted through how Tommy and Cassia manage certain objects that symbolize freedom
and choice. In Matched, all citizens are given three tablets which they can eat depending on the
circumstance: blue to save a life, green to remain calm, and red to forget. This represents the small
freedom and choice the Society lets the citizens make and although they would prefer their citizens
take the pills, they do not force it. In a similar fashion, driving in Never Let Me Go symbolizes the
freedom of doing and going anywhere one desires. For instance, Kathy says, "I do like the feeling of
getting into my little car, knowing for the next couple of hours I'll have only the roads, the big grey
sky and my daydreams for company" (Ishiguro, 159). Like Kathy, Tommy can also get in a car at
will and drive to wherever he pleases; he can take advantage of this freedom, but never does. That is
the key differentiating factor between Cassia and Tommy, Cassia does take advantage of this small
choice she gets to
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Rudyard Kipling's Ethhos And Ethos
Journal Two: Ethos
Aristotle defined ethos as how messages persuade as a result of the communicator's character. He
claimed that this was most important in the list of the three rhetorical appeals. The reason was
because that person has to be a trustworthy speaker to the audience, but that requires have
practictical intelligence, virtuous character, and good will. Rudyard Kipling has an automatic ethos
built to his audience because the intended audience was his son, and there is an automatic father–son
bond established. Kipling can use this bond to his favor while trying to convey his message, because
the trust will heighten the chance of the son taking the advice the father is trying to give him. If a
stranger was trying to give the same advice without any background, it wouldn't be as powerful nor
personal to the son and he wouldn't know where the scenarios were coming from. By Kipling being
the communicator, he is meeting all three of the criteria for strong ethos according to Aristotle's
ideology. Kipling has the practical intelligence from parenting, age, and experience. He has virtuous
character through the life experiences that he has been through and he has good will by his helpful
intention with his knowledge towards the subject.
The communicator's investments in the issue are present because of who he has decided to direct his
piece towards. Writing to his son will evoke a change in his writing as well because of the emotional
ties. He is not just trying to expose his past to let the world see his mistakes, but rather materialize
them on paper to show his son mistakes to prevent future mishaps. He has the credibility as being
the leader and one that his son looks up to, so showing his son how to "be a Man" will be something
that will spark interest. His credibility as a speaker is strengthened because the connection to these
past experiences as well. This will also impact what he chooses to say in during his piece. Some
situations the son will encounter will be trickier to overcome than others and may seem like a good
idea at the moment. However, Kipling wants to make certain the son knows that his son is not the
first to go through this, and there is ways to get through the the situation no matter
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Society And Media, Identity And Purpose In Society
Identity. What is identity? One might say that it is simply the distinct between personality of an
individual. On the other hand, others might say that identity is the behavior of a person in response
to their surrounding environment. During certain points of life, some people have trouble finding
their true self and their purpose here on earth. Some people last a lifetime to discover how they are,
they also look for their identity in order to find their purpose in life. Other people get lucky and find
their purpose right away, but most people tend to find their purpose in life by turning to the media
and what it has to offer. With this being said, family and peers, religious beliefs, cultural history are
all factors that play a role in one's journey in finding one's true identity and purpose. But there is still
one huge factor that I still have not mention that really impacts and shape us and that factor is
media. These are all the factors that contribute in shaping an individual into the person they develop
over time. In today's world, society and media creates an huge impact on an individual's life. The
media has truly been a part of the daily life of humans, for the longest time, mainly because humans
are so simpled minded and allow the media to influences the decisions and views of how people
should look like and how they should live their life as well. In an online article called "Society's
Beauty Standards" written by Hannah Hawkins, she claims that society
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Descriptive Essay About Being Alone
We are dark as the moonless night, yet just as bright; intense and mysterious as the forces that
shaped us. Living in the shadows we fade from sight and mind, but we are always there, forever
defending what is ours. Porous and jagged, we absorb or repel anything as well as anyone who seeks
to oppose us. Whilst the ranks of our enemies dwindle over time we endure, unwavering in our
determination. Alone we are weak, ineffective, and ultimately meaningless. Together we are strong,
steadfast and spectacular in our simplicity. We as one eternally serve the greater purpose, all with the
pride and patience only our kind possess.
At first, we were one, mighty and strong, we were great, but without meaning in our existence,
without scope or direction. Then, there was heat; blinding, raging heat stronger than even the forces
that shaped us, it tore us apart. Shattered our very view of the world and separated us from one
another. As suddenly as the groundbreaking warmth appeared it was gone, leaving me all alone in
the bitter cold to fend for myself. For the first time I was on my own, my reality broken in an instant
into a million tiny pieces; it was overwhelming and strange, yet stunning along with euphoric.
In the beginning the silence was empty and lacking. After a lifetime of togetherness, the lonely
feeling of isolation cut deep within me. To have a mind of my own was both invigorating and
petrifying, thoughts echoing far enough in the vastness to be lost on their own
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What Is The Purpose Of The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho
Analysis on Purpose in the Works of Paulo Coelho Every person has pondered or will at one time
ponder the question of their purpose in life. This is simply because purpose is the sole reason for
existence, so a person must contemplate the question in order to go about their days. And everybody
that has gone looking for the answer, has come back empty handed. The universe allows for life but
it doesn't leave the slightest clue as to why it was provided. It's true that if a person looks to the
universe, they won't find any answer, but what they will find is endless amount of interpretations.
And in this way the universe can take a person on an introspective journey to find their own
interpretation. Once a person can find their own interpretation ... Show more content on ...
Realizing one's purpose can be a journey in itself. In two of Coelho's novels: "The Alchemist" and
"The Pilgrimage," he writes of miraculous journeys. In "The Alchemist," a boy named Santiago is
faced with fork in his life and must decide how he interprets his own purpose. In "The Pilgrimage,"
A man named Paulo is very clear on his purpose, but faces many tribulations to realize it. Coelho's
writings not only shows the importance of finding one's own interpretation, but also give uplifting
messages about the hope and perseverance necessary in accomplishing the purpose. In the beginning
of "The Alchemist," a very interesting perspective is given on how to interpret one's purpose.
Santiago was happy being shepard and even had the rest of his life mapped out. After years of
roaming with his herd he was beginning to become ready to settle down, and perhaps go to the down
of a girl he loved with the inclination to stay there. But, he had always had a confusing, recurring
dream that there was treasure far away in Egypt. And not only that, after telling this dream to a
gypsy, she had told him that he must go seek out this treasure. Santiago found himself looking at
two different paths he could take. One path was extremely easy and led him only to the next town
over, but also promised him
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Angela Duckworth Book Grit Analysis
The Angela Duckworth book Grit includes a chapter entitled "Purpose" which examines the
different processes people go through in order to find their purpose in life. Throughout the course of
the chapter, an eclectic mix of stories are told and explained as to why people believe their story has
helped define the word purpose. The chapter explains that one's definition of the word purpose
varies by their life experiences I agree with the belief that one must find their passion in life in order
to find their purpose. If someone fails to find their passion in life they will be miserable in what their
doing because their heart's not into it. Personally my passion in life is helping others. Someone with
a shared passion was Alex Scott. Duckworth
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What Is The Purpose Of Flowers For Algernon
Finding Clarity and Purpose in "Flowers for Algernon"
"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without
fear for newer and richer experiences" (Eleanor Roosevelt). Charlie Gordon, the main character in
the short story "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes, receives surgery to become smarter and to
have "richer experiences." Charlie ends up losing this intelligence, but not these experiences. Is
Charlie better off before or after this surgery? Charlie is better off after the surgery because he
realizes his place and purpose in this world. After the surgery, for the first time, Charlie begins to see
the world as it truly is. Through this clarity, Charlie finds a purpose and decides to help others
through research. In fact, Charlie himself verifies that he is better off after having the surgery. After
Charlie goes through the surgery to improve his intelligence, he begins to see the world as it truly is.
Charlie is not very intelligent. He is aware of his mental deficit and wants to become smart. When
asked about the reason he wants the surgery, Charlie states, "I told them becaus all my life I wantid
to be smart and not dumb (Keyes 286). Charlie, "Cant wait to be smart like my best frends Joe Carp
and Frank Reilly (Keyes 290)." Therefore, he was not satisfied with his life before the surgery.
Furthermore, Charlie's mental deficit makes him not very smart about his relationships with his
coworkers. He is unaware that his coworkers make fun of him. At first, Charlie believes, "Their
really my friends and they like me" (Keyes 289). Others, however, realize that the coworkers aren't
treating Charlie well. Referring to his kind teacher, Charlie says, "I said all my frends are smart
people but there good. They like me and they never did anything that wasnt nice. Then she got
something in her eye and she had to run out to the ladys room" (Keyes 291). After the surgery,
Charlie comes to understand people more and to understand what is a true friend. Charlie later
learns, "Now I know what it means when they say 'to pull a Charlie Gordon.' I'm ashamed" (Keyes
293). Charlie also sees his doctors in a new light when he says, "It was as if I'd
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How Creating New Relationships On Purpose
How Creating New Relationships "On Purpose" Will Dramatically Increase Your Income
By Michael Lamb | Submitted On September 04, 2011
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Expert Author Michael Lamb
How would you like to spend 20 to 30 minutes every day building one new relationship a day that
will double, perhaps even triple your income?
I 'm going to toss a new wrinkle into the relationship building game. I want you to think about two
words could have dramatic affect on your life and your income.
Those two words are "on purpose."
What do you think might happen if you started creating new relationships on purpose? And what if
you attached an immediate dollar amount value to each of those new relationships?
That 's what I did several years ago and my results have been nothing short of amazing. I know it
might sound cold and calculating to think like this, but bear with me.
It all started one evening as I was doing an Internet business seminar for a local S.C.O.R.E. chapter.
I was talking about how to increase the value of email in your business. I looked down and, by
chance, in my materials, I had one of those thousand dollar bill bookmarks you can buy at your local
bookstore. Hold
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Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose Many professors, department websites, applications, and current graduate
students will tell you that the statement of purpose is the most important part of the application.
While the statement of purpose is the best way for the admissions committee to gauge your writing
skills, it is quite different from the college admissions essay, or the law school personal statement.
Admissions committees will not be looking for the most well–written essay with the catchiest
introduction. What they really mean when they talk about the statement of purpose is that the
research interest match between you and the program is the most important factor for admission, and
your interests are revealed in the statement of purpose. In ... Show more content on
However, be as quick as possible and do not make excuses for yourself. Use professional language
Convey passion, but avoid using "passion," "love," and similar words to describe your research.
Also avoid superlatives. Don 't say, "this is the best program for me" unless you 're absolutely sure it
is. Instead, say, "ideal program," which may be true of more than one school. Do not use colloquial
language in your statement. Avoid cliches Many students will say, "I 've always wanted to be a
psychologist/scientist/writer/historian," or, "ever since I went to the ___ museum when I was five, I
knew I wanted to ___." These stories will make the committee members ' eyes roll and they don 't
do anything to explain your current knowledge, ideas, and goals. It is ok to start off with a "boring"
introduction in order to avoid these openings. If you start with a meaningful anecdote that
demonstrates your intellectual development, that is a great idea, but avoid throw–away sentences.
Be concise Many applications will have a page or word limit which is usually about 1 page single–
spaced or 2 pages double–spaced. Adhere to these guidelines, unless they sound unreasonable, in
which case you should call the department to ask whether the guideline is strict. (One of my
applications called for a 500 word limit, which is quite short! When I called about it, they said there
was no actual limit.) Even if an application does
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Great Expectations Manipulation
Some people spend their whole life trying to accomplish a particular something. It might be an
achievement or just simply trying to be perfect, but what actually define us as a person and the true
value of our lives? How can we possibly know if the life we are living now will be worthy in the
end and we will not regret anything when we look back onto it? In Great Expectations by Charles
Dickens, he states that life would not be as gratifying if one's life is filled with manipulation and
comparison, instead one must self–seek and enhance himself/herself in every aspect throughout the
course of life.
In the first part of Dickens' novel, all I can deduce from Joe, Pip's brother in law, is the fact that he
captures the essence of Christ–like ... Show more content on ...
Pip recognized that he does not read or write well as he never receives any schooling. He hoped to
acquire a chance to receive education, as he understands that it inspires the key to success or
possibly allowing him to move up in terms of his social class. Without dreams and purposes in life,
it would be pointless to live, as one cannot appreciate the goodness in life. No doubt education plays
a crucial role in creating a success life, however do not let those standards conceal who you truly are
or alter your purpose in life. Joe demonstrated to Pip that life without literacy could also be
worthwhile as long as you successfully seek your own self and find your own purpose in life by
improving a little bit each day. When Pip got this message from Joe, he "dated a new admiration of
Joe... and [he] was looking up to Joe in [his] heart"(50). He realizes that Joe's saying is right and he
should spend time focusing on his own personal development and find his own goal without being
affected by other
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The Purpose In Life Essay
Have you ever ask yourself what is the reason of your existence? What is your ultimate goal in life?
and What can you do to have a successful life? In order to answer these questions, one must first
find out the purpose of their life through their experiences and passion, it could be both short term
and long term. Being able to figure out the purpose in life is not enough, one must know what it
must take to make that happen, which can be fulfilled be a managing strategy. A successful working
life and personal life is what everyone longed for. To achieve one's purpose and have a successful
life, one must first have a clear purpose in life, have a good management strategy, and combining
those two together effectively and efficiently. First of all, having a clear purpose in life is what
guides the person on how to use their life and for what reason. A person might not find or ... Show
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A person's purpose in life evolves overtime, and can be change by life's experience. Without the
purpose in life, one can feel lost, out
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The Search For Happiness In Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha
"Love is the most important thing in the world" (Hesse, 147). This is was Siddhartha, in Hermann
Hesse's novel Siddhartha, discovers after a life–long search for happiness. Over the course of this
life–long expedition, he learns to find compassion and an understanding of himself and the world
around him, which leads him to a great transformation, going from hating himself, to finding
compassion, love, for himself, and finally finds a purpose in his life. This is the process to finding
happiness, reforming their perspective of not only their selves, but also the world and people around
them, and using that to develop their own purpose. Compassion, exalted by Buddhism, is a
foundation of happiness, specifically compassion for others. In Hermann Hesse's novel Siddhartha,
the main character, Siddhartha, longs for happiness him self and attempts to change who he is in
order to find it, however it is not until he learned to appreciate himself and the rest of the world that
he found the happiness he seeked. Early in his journey, Siddhartha insisted that others "were not
worth a passing glance... [and] were illusions of sense, happiness, and beauty." (Hesse, 14) With this
distaste, it is clear that Siddhartha is not happy, stating "the world tasted bitter. Life was pain" (14).
It was not until he learned to love and appreciate others, that he discovered happiness. He compares
himself to those he once despised, accepting that they were much alike: "If they are illusion, then I
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Purpose In The Movie Shyamalan
The human race is the only known species on Earth that requires a purpose in life; most species only
require basic things to have a "successful" life, such as: eat, sleep, breed, repeat. This is not the case
for humans, as previously stated, humans need a purpose; whether the purpose is taking care of
family, going to school or work, humans require something to make them feel useful in some sort of
way. Many people go their whole lives not finding their purpose, while others simply do not care
about finding a greater purpose, and are content with smaller daily activities to fill that spot.
However, those looking for a purpose can be disheartened when they can not find it quickly,
bringing on an obsessive out look. Manjo "M. Night" Shyamalan, takes this to extremes, in his
movie Unbreakable. Shyamalan, a man holding multiple roles in the film industry such as; producer,
writer, director, and actor, takes on the role of director. Unbreakable is an artistic, thought provoking
movie on the phenomena known as 'purpose', and the importance of it, the character Elijah portrays
this, as well as taking the need for worth too far, I, similarly to Elijah, do not know my purpose.
Lacking purpose, or lacking an ability to fulfill one's believed purpose, can lead to multiple
psychological discrepancies. Elijah Price, sufferer of Type I Osteogenesis Imperfecta, leading him to
experience many forms of mental illness, due to having multiple broken bones. Along with his
mental state
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A Dog's Purpose By W. Bruce Cameron Essay
The Purpose of Life; Helping Those in Need
Everyone has a purpose. We strive to find this purpose and search for it wondering if one day it will
make itself known. Whilst writing the novel, A Dog's Purpose, W. Bruce Cameron shows us that
even dogs strive to find their purpose. Within the novel, Cameron demonstrates this theme within a
dog who continues to be reincarnated as a new dog after his death. However, this dog keeps the
same memories. Born into a family of brothers and sisters, Cameron shows us that the puppy cares
for others because when his sister is attacked by a vicious leader, he sticks up for her. Then when
this dog is near overheating in a man's hot car, a woman saves him and brings him to her child,
Ethan, who names this dog Bailey. We are quickly shown how much Bailey cares for Ethan by how
he protects him and is always by Ethan's side, even later on in the novel after being reincarnated.
Cameron introduces us to a simple yet complex question and the beginning of the novel, what is our
purpose? ... Show more content on ...
He shows us the bond between the puppy and family. However, more importantly, his closeness with
his sister. He was upset when his sister was injured by Spike who fought her. He shows how he
cares for her by being there for her and with her when they finally escape the yard. "I was wrong
about one thing: though we didn't know it at the time, Fast and I would meet up with Sister again in
the future." (Cameron 46). I chose this quote to show how he cared for sister because to me it says
that because he thought he wouldn't see her again at that time it did make him upset which proves
his love for her. Cameron chose family love as the dog's first purpose because family is the first
thing you are introduced to as a newborn. This puppy's love for his sister will set up the rest of the
book for what will be beyond
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Advantage Of Precision Screwdriver
The importance of precision screwdriver can never be described in words. It is that tool we use on a
regular basis. Do you need to change the battery of toys? Call the screwdriver, need to clean the
phone? Call the screwdriver; need to change the switch board? Call the screwdriver! You have to
call the screwdriver every now and then. That's why today we are here with the best precision
screwdriver of 2017.
Precision screwdrivers are not that priecy. You can pick one at a lower price range. But it is a tool
the people use on a regular basis. Besides, nobody wants to purchase a screwdriver now and often.
So, if decided to pick one, dig up entirely for a better choice.
Here in this article, we talked about some of the finest models of the present time. Besides, we also
discuss some of the buying tips so that you can grasp ... Show more content on ...
It is ideal for fastening small screws. The price is quite reasonable for the quality. Don't forget it is
one of the best selling screwdrivers on the Amazon. Pick before the stock turns out.
ORIA Precision Screwdriver Set
ORIA Precision Screwdriver Set is another top competitor in the best precision screwdriver reviews.
It is a complete solution for various little home projects. You will get a magnetic screwdriver set, 2
set for iphone 7, utility knife, anti– static wrist strap, anti static tweezers, sim card ejector pin and
LCD suction cup, stainless steel ruler, metal sponger with triangle plectrum.
Screwdriver bits are made of CRV steel which is way strongest than you can even imagine.
However, the design of this screwdriver set is ergonomic which will offer you maximum comfort
during work. It is also skid proof and antistatic.
The set also comes with a well–organized nylon bag pack where you can keep your essential
screwdriver safe, and you can carry it wherever you want. Overall price is decent for every class
ORIA 76–in–1 Precision Screwdriver Set with Magnetic Driver
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Descriptive Essay : ' Godly Purpose '
We only get one chance in this life; we do not know when we will breathe our last breath. Many live
a satisfactory life doing something less than what God had planned for them. Others settle for a lot
less rather than make the effort required to have the best that God intended for them. In order to get
the most out of life, we all need a specific mission or direction: " a merchant man, seeking
goodly pearls" (Matthew 13:45).
Aimlessness – living life without any purpose – never brings happiness; it leads only to frustration.
Yet there are many who care nothing about having a direction or mission in life. These people never
experience the joy that a purposeful life offers. When we have godly goals, we tend to avoid many
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If that 's you, consider yourself lucky!
But most people, even the well meaning, opt instead to fit us into a slot that makes more sense for
them. To gain their approval, you willingly slide into the slot. To maintain the approval, you learn to
chronically deny who you are.
In too many cases, you live the script for someone else 's life.
You look for a career before you listen for a calling.
Our society has reduced success to a list of boxes to be checked: graduate from school, partner up,
have kids, settle into a well–defined career path, and hang on until retirement checks can be
This well–worn path pushes people in the direction of conformity, not purpose.
We 're so busy avoiding self–induced fears of not being [fill in the blank] enough––smart enough,
creative enough, pretty enough––that we rarely stop and ask, "Am I happy and fulfilled? And if not,
how should I go about changing things?"
Finding your purpose is about listening to an inner calling. In "Let Your Life Speak," Parker Palmer
says that we should let our life speak to us, not tell our life what we 're going to do with it.
A calling is passionate and compulsive. It starts as an inkling ("I 'd like to try that") then swells into
a mandate that you just can 't shake.
A calling isn 't an easy path, which is why most of us never know it. We fear the struggle, the
foolishness, the risk, and the unknown.
So we choose a career because it matches the boxes we 've
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Why School By Mike Rose Analysis
Many are quick to disregard education's role outside of the classroom. According to Mike Rose, "a
good education helps us make sense of the world and find our way in it" (Rose 33). Rose
emphasizes the value in the experience of education beyond the value of education for the purpose
of custom or intelligence; he explores the purpose of going to school in terms of how he defines
himself and his personal growth in the stages of his academic career. By reflecting on his personal
experiences and how those gave him the tools applicable to his daily life, he emphasizes why
education should never be overlooked. Rose's referencing relatable experiences in a logical manner
makes his argument persuasive to the readers and he succeeds in making the readers reconsider why
education matters to them. In his book Why School?: Reclaiming Education for All of Us, Mike
Rose effectively persuades his audience of the importance of education beyond the classroom,
emphasizing how those experiences become crucial to one's personal growth and potential in our
everyday lives. Rose elaborates on the significance of the experience of education by reflecting on
his own perspective and how that shaped his identity. His childhood gave him the opportunity to
experience the contrast between a positive learning environment and a negative one; this also shaped
him to have an evident positive outlook on education. Rose suggests that the right learning
environment–including supportive teachers and proper
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Importance Of Purpose In Life Essay
It's a fundamental belief of mine that each one of us is brought upon this world with a major definite
purpose in life. Everyone has a unique destiny for contributing to this world using their unique blend
of talents and passions. I have no doubt that most people today work hard and stay busy with daily
activities. The problem I've noticed is that many people live their lives without any sense of
meaningful purpose that gives their lives passion and significance. They get caught up in the daily
mechanical routines of life and they become creatures of habit rather than purpose–driven beings.
Finding and shaping your major definite purpose is perhaps the most important thing that you will
ever do in your life because your purpose is the driving force that spawns all the achievements that
you will ever accomplish and it provides that unlimited source of motivation that drives you to
achieve all the goals that you set for yourself and enables you to live life to the fullest. What is a
Major Definite Purpose? Your major definite purpose is like a path that you follow during your long
journey through life. Your purpose is by it's very nature something that you are very passionate
about. In fact, it gets your juices flowing at the mere thought of pursuing it. It drives your actions
and motivates you to do the things that you do, despite the adversity and even the pain that you
might have to endure in order to reach it. Think back in time to all the monumental figures
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A Long Way Gone Analysis
Finding your purpose in life is easily the most meaningful day other than the day you were born. In
a Long Way Gone, Ishmael Beah seemed to find his calling at a young age. He found this calling
through hardships and breakthroughs, this calling lead him to happiness and success after a
traumatizing experience. Your purpose will not be found by sitting around, but it can be found at any
time in your life by taking on new opportunities, challenging yourself, and you will recognize when
you have found that purpose.
Ishmael found his calling by being put through difficult situations and finding a way to create the
best out of it. "It wasn't until refugees started passing through our town that we began to see that it
was actually taking place in our country." This is the start of Ishmael's difficulties which led him to
find his purpose. Now he tells his stories and informs people all across the world. The war was a
large factor that influenced him to write a book and moving to America. Even put through difficult
situations attempt to find the best out of it and turn a negative into a positive. This is how he found
his calling and it shows other people that he has been through the worst, but he kept persevering and
was able to stride to success. ... Show more content on ...
"These days I live in three worlds: my dreams, and the experiences of my new life, which trigger
memories from the past." Trying new jobs you don't enjoy will cause you to dream of what you'd
rather be doing, and this will lead you to find a passion. The tricky part is pursuing your passion and
following up on it. Putting yourself out there and taking new opportunities will expand your
horizon. Finding your passion and calling takes time, it won't happen overnight. As long as you are
constantly active in what you feel is your passion; sooner or later you'll find your calling and all it
has to
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Reflection Paper
Walking back home I would look around me people eating, working, going home to sleep and wake
up to do it again the next day. It seems like people became robots letting life go by. Is this what we
live for? This was a question that came up often in my mind during high school. I grew up in a
Christian community, but it felt like I was being forced to go to church. Years later, through
experiences in school and life in general, I was able to find out what to believe and why. I am a
Christian because of personal life experiences and rational arguments for the existence of God. In
August 2013, I was a freshman attending Chicago Hope Academy. It was a new chapter in my life,
and I was thinking it was going to be great, but it was the opposite. Before the school year started,
we went to a summer camp where we focused on religion, academics and sports. I thoroughly
enjoyed camp, especially the athletic activities. At the same time, it was difficult to train with my
teammates. Many times I was told to take breaks. At a certain point, it became a habit to play for
twenty minutes and sit out for ten minutes. It caught the attention of our physical therapist, who was
concerned that there was something wrong. After camp, he told my parents to go to the doctor
because he was worried that I might have a chest problem. My parents decided to take me to the
family doctor. He said there was nothing seriously wrong with me, but I was physically not strong
enough for high school sports. Still,
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Statement Of Purpose For Telecommunication Engineering
I feel it a unique privilege to give a brief account of myself to your esteemed institution. I am
pursuing my Electronics and Communication Engineering at Matrusri Engineering College. My
career objective is to achieve excellence in the field of "Telecommunication engineering". I strongly
believe that graduate study leading to a Ph.D. involving high quality research in these fields is a
necessary step towards my goal.
Education does give me knowledge, but to be a complete individual, I need wisdom, which is gained
by experience and by exposure to a variety of people and situations. I believe Graduate studies at
your university would provide me with both education and an exposure to an international
atmosphere thereby, making me a whole individual. In this ever–changing world of Engineering and
Technology, where each day sees a new invention and each passing day makes them archaic, I want
to see myself as a well educated personality and transcend new horizons in the chosen field. The
vast application potential and tremendous scope for research in Telecommunication Engineering has
always fascinated me. ... Show more content on ...
Mathematics and Sciences truly enchanted me because they governed everything around me.
Participation in school competitions and other voluntary activates like Quizzes, games and cultural
activities always demanded an innovative perspective in me. During those years, working of The
Television I see, The Telephone I speak, The Music system I listen to fascinated me. It was in my
high school that I could reason out that it is because of Electronics that makes these things possible
that sealed my interest for higher
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Professor Wang Analysis
For professor Wang, not only has his passion and purpose given him the motivation to strive and
achieve, but it has given him the sense of appreciation of his identity. By living with passion and
purpose, he mentioned that he worked his butt off to be where he is at. He didn't stress much on the
hardship have faced but I can bet that he has given up many things to be where he is at today. To
practice "real" law he had to leave China and he is potentially risking his safety by promoting
democratic values through his writings and teaching. Like professor Wang, I also have a deep
appreciation of the American legal system because of my upbringing in India where the legal system
is really corrupt. Also, I know about how Tibetans inside Tibet lack ... Show more content on ...
I'm also happy that my pessimistic predictions of this interview turning uneventful did not come
true. I think the interview was very natural and engaging. Also to my surprise, he treated me like an
equal where I felt that I can speak my mind and ask what I desired. From this interview, what I value
the most is the humility he showed to me. Even as a very successful lawyer, professor and
researcher, he looked at me as a peer. As the interviewer, I feel that I did a pretty good job driving
the conversation. There were moments when professor Wang went off on a tangent with stories that
were irrelevant with the topic and I could have done a better job controlling that. Compared to my
classmate one to one, I felt that this interview was richer in the sense that he has more life
experience than both Josh and I combined. Josh is a very young man so he still has a lot to
experience and dabble before he knows what he really wants in life. Unlike Josh, professor Wang
has a rich life where he has gone through many things and he has a strong sense of self and his
desires. Because of these realities, I felt that my conversation with professor Wang was more
meaningful. If there is anything I wish I had done differently, it would be the fact that we didn't talk
long enough. I feel that I have lot to learn from him. Luckily, I plan on seeing him in the near future
to talk about my future plans and world
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My Personal Experience : My Journey To College
I came to college to explore the world and learn more about myself. In a small town, there's never
much to do. In the country surrounded by corn fields there's even less. As a little girl college had
always been the dream. For the obvious reasons of getting a good education, finding a job, and
making money. As I matured my reasons for attending college became more complex. Things at
home were never very good and most of time I usually found myself held prisoner in the house.
Exploring the world and learning new things had always been my passion. But, as time went on I
began to lose my purpose in life. I soon realized that college could help me find that purpose that I
was searching for. Growing up I was always one of those weird kids that ... Show more content on ...
It had always been my dream to travel all over the world instead of staying in the same one street
town all of my life. I knew that college would bring me on step closer to that dream. Since coming
to Upper Iowa University I've looked into all of the possible chances to study abroad. Along with
traveling I've always loved to try new things from food to new activities. Being at college there has
already been so many opportunities that I never would have gotten the chance to do. Here I'm able
to go out and socialize with new people every day. I probably would have never gotten the chance to
play laser tag or go paintballing. I am surrounded by people from different cultures, who were raised
in all different raise. People here think in ways and ideas that I never would have thought of. Even
though while I'm in college I still have a routine everyday isn't the same for me. In my home town, it
was the same thing day after day. I would wake up, go to school, then go back home just to start all
over again. I began to get lost in my conventional, everyday life. I couldn't see the meaning in my
life anymore. It felt as if I was a robot just going through the motions that someone had laid out for
me. Getting stuck in the same routine day to day made it feel as if I was losing my purpose in life.
All I did everyday was go to school and then go back home and do homework. I was giving no
actual contribution to the world.
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The Importance Of Meaningful Life
A meaningful life means find happiness in everything you do, it means enjoy and share time with
your loved ones, and have a purpose in life. To find happiness, we must go through different
tribulations and situations where life doesn't seem to be so easy. Happiness is an art that can be
learned, it describes a deep sense of inner well–being, peace and vitality. You must know that even
from your worst moments in life there is something good to take out of it. If we really want to be
happy we must be grateful for what we have, we must enjoy everything that has been given to us.
We must remember that out there, there is people wishing or working hard for what we already
have. As we read In Search of April Raintree we can find different situations during April's
childhood where she finds happiness in simple things. "One December, we all went downtown to
watch the Santa Claus parade. That was such a thrilling, magical day for me. After that, we went to
visit an aunt and uncle where Cheryl and I had a glorious old time feasting on cake, fruit, and hot
chocolate. Then we walked home. Dad threw snowballs at Mom for a bit before he carried sleepy–
eyed Cheryl in his arms. I was enchanted by all the coloured Christmas lights and the decorations in
the store windows. I think that was the best day ever, because Mom and Dad laughed for real" (P.13)
this passage shows us how our childhood memories can stick with us forever, they revive the
happiness we felt that moment. Next important
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Aristotle's Concept of Teleology
Aristotle's Concept of Teleology
In his Physics, Aristotle examines the theories and ideas regarding nature of his predecessors and
then, based upon his own ideas, theories and experiments, argues against what he believes are
incorrect conclusions. One idea that Aristotle argues specifically is teleology. Teleology is the idea
that natural phenomena are determined not only by mechanical causes but by an overall design or
purpose in nature. In this essay, I will examine what
Aristotle's concept of teleology was and look at why he held this conception. First, let's talk about
what we mean by teleology. Teleology is the study of ends, purposes, and goals. The word comes
from the Greek word telos which means "end" or ... Show more content on ...
Order and conformity to type infer purpose. Aristotle goes on in Book II to make his explanation of
purpose in nature more clear by relating natural purpose to artistic creation. In any process of human
creation, there is a definite end to be achieved. In order to achieve that end, the artist
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Gender Inequality And The Aristotelian Society
Gender Inequality in an Aristotelian Polity Aristotle's philosophies were deeply influenced by his
upbringing and interest in biology. He believed that the reason of a thing lies in its function.
Everything that exists has a purpose, and that purpose is the reason that thing is the way it is. For
example, all the substances that make up a seed are there because the way those particular
substances interact with each other causes that seed to grow. When the seed grows, it reaches its full
potential as a plant. Humans are the same. Human beings have a potential to live up to, which is
finding true happiness by living an honorable life. One lives an honorable life by complying with
societal standards, which are built through community based on three levels of organization. The
first of these is the household, which is designed "to manage the necessities of individual existence,
such as procreation, sleep, nourishment, and shelter" (pg. 35). The second is the village, which in
simple terms is the market place of society, where people buy and sell goods and services. The last
of the levels is the polis, the political community in charge of making collective decisions in the
public's best interest. Each of these levels "performs an essential, inescapable function in any
society" (pg. 35) Species survival is crucial to any society, and is covered under the household level
of government. But because species survival is so important, those who are capable of bearing
children will be
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Rhetorical Analysis Of A Purpose Driven Life
Each of us is dealt a hand when we come into this world, it is how we use what we've been given
that matters. Rick Warren, author of "A Purpose Driven Life" gave a speech in February of 2006
about living a life of purpose. The speech was directed at people with an amount of influence in the
world, big or small. The Purpose of this speech was to urge people to go out and use their talents,
and influence to make the world a better place. Rick Warren has an excellent use of ethos, pathos,
and logos in his speech. He uses his knowledge of people, and real life experiences to capture the
audience's attention.
Rick Starts his speech off by talking about a book. He doesn't come out and say what the book is, or
what it is about. This captures the audience's attention from the beginning because they want to
know more about the book. They also want to know more about the author and why he is speaking
to them. He then goes into why he believes so many people are reading this book and as to why it is
selling so many copies. In doing all of this, he gives reasons why he is qualified to be speaking on
this particular topic, which is that he wrote a best selling book about living a life of purpose. This is
an example of ethos because he is telling people to give their life's away to better the world instead
of bettering themselves.
The biggest appeal Rick Warren uses is logos. One of the important things he said that goes against
what people believe was about money and happiness. Rick said "If money actually made you happy,
then the wealthiest people in the world would be the happiest. And that I know, personally, I know,
is not true" (5). People in the world think that the more money you have, the happier you will be,
and Rick says it is not true. He also talks about all of the money that came pouring in after he wrote
the best selling book. In his speech he says that the good life is about giving your life away. With all
of the money that he got, he started giving it away, he did not want to use it on himself. In stating all
of what he did with the money, he proves he is not a hypocrite. It might sound like he is bragging,
but this is a good point to make for the audience to listen to him. He wasn't saying one thing and
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Thesis Statement On Creativity
The term creativity is used for the purpose of describing the ability that is concerned with the
process of creating something new or valuable. This ability allows a person to surpass the rules,
practices, methods, forms or similar kind of activities that the traditional society may be performing
at that time. Creativity is one of the most important things that have allowed the people of the
society to move forward and urge for development. All the development that has been made in
various aspects of human life can be directly connected with the creativity. All the industry leaders
of the world have secured this place because of the level of creativity and innovation that they
showed. They used this creativity for creating something new that has allowed them to develop
completely new methods for this purpose. ... Show more content on ...
I stayed in this position for a period of eight years and even though this job was far less challenging
than working in the Army, but it presented new situations that required different levels of creativity
for the purpose of solving the problems. I used all my experience of the Army for the purpose of
working in this position. This job was very different from the situations that I faced and tackled
while I was working in the Army. The major difference was that I was in charge of planning of
policies and procedures that were necessary for the purpose of either providing security to some
tangible assets of the clients or the clients
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Philosophy: The Purpose Of Philosophy And Philosophy
The World around us is getting more and more precisely described, all thanks to the knowledge we
gained over the centuries, but as our knowledge grows it also starts to surpass the world around us,
so we have no real use of it any more. Long ago Newton first described the gravitational force,
which lead to sending satellites into the orbit as well as men onto the moon and in the future it will
probably lead to colonization of Mars. Such use of knowledge is one that not only brings benefit for
humanity, but also opens up new opportunities, such as the current testing on what happens with a
human body in a weightless environment. But there is no real world application in theoretical
physics, those things stay only on paper and while it's nothing ... Show more content on ...
No–one can use something they're not able to comprehend, thus every kind knowledge is aimed at a
specific group that can receive it, making itself useless for others so the group can benefit. It's a way
of enabling faster growth for the price of fewer people aware of advanced things and many citizens
not knowing anything other than the general knowledge. This way, despite the knowledge being out
there, ready for anyone willing to learn, multiple people stay as dull citizens working in fast food
restaurants and hyper markets, while small groups of scientists, philosophers and humanist work on
expanding the knowledge we have. It's an endless loop that constantly lowers the accessibility of
knowledge, because it gets too complicated to understand by the average person. Great example is
Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which is understood completely by less than a 100 people
worldwide. And the gap is just getting
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Comparing Mistakes In The Stranger And The Invisible Man
When it comes to discovering a purpose in life, humans are able to do so by making and
occasionally learning from their mistakes. In both The Invisible Man and The Stranger, both of the
protagonists find the meaning of their own lives through a series of mistakes that lead them to a
view changing epiphany
There is a very popular saying in American culture that tells people to "learn from their mistakes".
In the case of humans finding their identities and realizing what their purpose is, mistakes are a good
place to start looking. Evidence of this lies in The Stranger, where Meursault differed from everyone
around him by taking of interest in all in bettering his life. Throughout the entirety of The Stranger,
Meursault was given several opportunities to make a better life for himself, and rejected all of them,
and though he did not see said rejected as a mistake, it most assuredly was. When his boss
mentioned he was opening a business office in Paris and offered Meursault a job there, Meursault
denied the offer, stating that "people never change their lives, that in any case one life was as good
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Both Meursault from The Stranger and The Narrator from The Invisible Man made mistakes that led
them to to finding their life purposes, and people in real life often times find their purpose through
mistakes, as well. While their life purposes contradict each others rather strongly –Meursault feels
that life has no purpose and doesn't do much for anyone but himself, while The Narrator of The
Invisible Man feels he has to do everything for everyone higher up than he– both get to these
conclusions by committing some type of blunder. Humans cannot learn what to do if they don't learn
what not to do first, and they cannot truly appreciate success without experiencing failure first. This
is why human purpose can be found in the mistakes humans make on an almost daily
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A Thousand Splendid Suns Comparison
ISU Literary Essay Rough Draft 3 With the issues in the world today of terrorism and violent fear,
families caught in warzones continuously work hard to find opportunities for a peaceful life and
give a brighter future for their children. In Khaled Housseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns, the
mother–daughter like relationship of Mariam and Laila gives them both a significant understanding
of their own views, improving their qualities of life for the long term. With Laila's determination for
the safety of her family, Mariam's past and sacrifice for the better of her legacy, the years of
Rasheed's physical and emotional abuse, and the loving compassion of Laila's children have all
influenced the two women to understand each other's lives and carry ... Show more content on ...
Their similarities of abuse and stories of loss gives them the motivation to find a peaceful way of
life through their goal of safety and peace from the war of the country. Laila's story of loss and hope,
Mariam's redemption of family bonding and sacrifice, Rasheed's guilt and his physical abuse, and
the development of Aziza and Zalmai, all supports the connection towards the two women and their
understanding of each other's pain. The emotional power of women is strong in human nature, as
Mariam and Laila's relationship inspires the strength to find success and hope through empathy and
family love. Not all beings are reliant on themselves. To strive for the best in life, working as a team
creates an atmosphere of self–worthiness and co–operation that has lasted throughout the course of
time and existence for humans. Khaled Hosseini's story takes inspiration from the two women who
he has met from his time in Afghanistan; his reflection of the conditions into the story delivers an
emotional and thriving story for its
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Essay on Purpose Driven Church Book Review
Rick Warren in his book the purpose driven church was mandated to attempt to put in print the story
of Saddleback church. From shear curiosity be both Jew and gentile most religious and business
leaders had at least a cursory interest in how a church grew to 10,000 attendees. Call it divine
intervention, a killer marketing plan, being at the right place at the right time, blind luck or a
combination of them all. Spending 25 years in corporate America I view Rick Warrens approach to
growing a church (or anything for that matter) as spot on. His due diligence (neighborhood survey)
growth assumptions and overhead (17–19 locations) product (The Gospel) delivery and the, vision,
purpose and organizational structure have delivered noticeable ... Show more content on ...
Love is the last thing most would think of in today's modern church. However Pastor Warren is
quick to point out that "today the church is not facing a radically different world mindset but rather a
challenge in communication, speak to the unbeliever in terms they can understand and relate to".
Who: Matt 10:5–6 the who....Jews and not Samaritans, or gentiles What: A church for the un–
churched. "If the church is not affecting the world, it is not being effective, affecting the world starts
in your community". How: focus "They want to hear something on Sunday that they can apply on
Monday" Saturday and Sunday messages to the seeker, have great music and child care Can one
church possibly meet the needs of every type of person? Matt 10:5–6 Just as Corinthians describes
the church as a body with many members creating the whole based on individual gifts. Churches are
members of Christ body reaching out to a diverse creation. Sinner.......All Gender......Male and
Female Ethnicity........White, African American, Hispanic, Asian Vocation.........White collar, Blue
collar Education...............High School, College, Graduate school Income..................25K–$2.5m "He
caught fish on their terms" preach about things that people can apply to their lives. Make the gospel
come alive and demonstrate that it is as relevant
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My Purpose Of Life And Life
What is my purpose in life? What is anybody's purpose in life? That's a question that we all deal
with, why are we here, what is the point of life? There is the thought that are purpose of life only
known by Allah(God). That he has chosen it for before we were ever born, and that part of the
reason is to be here for someone else. If I would have asked this three questions to my dad all the
time and he would answer with "Only Allah knows." Simple as that and he would then ask me what
my thoughts were and I would reply "I have no idea, Bubba" Back then I really had known idea why
am here, or what am supposed to be doing. The purpose of life cannot be defined in a manner that
most people would agree accordingly. Every individual has a different outlook on the purpose of
life. I have an idea of what the purpose of my life could be but I do believe that we are not supposed
to know our full reason of why we were chosen to exist. This changed when my dad passed away
last year as it commonly does when people experience death of a loved one. It started a whole new
way of my thinking process. I believe that everyone is given a gift/talent and they are to use it to the
best of their abilities. For instance, for me I am very intuitive and can read people pretty well that
simple talent has already showed that it has changed someone's life because a friend of mine was
severely depressed and I did not know it at the time but the simple act prevented her from taking her
own life. I truly
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Life Is Precious In Human Life
Life is a precious gift from God. It is precious because He created it and declares it so in
His Word. It is meant not only to be enjoyed, but also respected. Life is not flippant and is not in our
hands or under our authority to bring into or take out of existence. That alone is God's power and
His authority. Mass shootings and terrorist attacks are an abomination to God because it shows
people taking God's role and authority and applying it to their own wicked, fallen, and human
selves. They ignore and slight God's deity and supreme authority by deciding for themselves who
lives and who dies. Life is not theirs to take. Human life is sacred, it is so precious because mankind
is made in the image of God and bears His image here on earth.
Violation of the sanctity of human life is not only a recent or modern issue. It goes way back to the
dawn of creation with Adam and Eve's first generation. In Genesis 4:8–10 the Bibles tells of Cain
rising up against Abel, his brother, and killing him. Cain's initial sin wasn't murder.
The root of that sin was disobedience then jealousy and bitterness which was what led to the murder
of Abel. God most definitely did not take this sin lightly. He said in verse 10 "...the voice of thy
brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground". God was grieved at Abel's death and at the
disrespect of Cain taking God's matters, that is, life and death, into his own feeble and foolish hands.
Ultimately, sin starts in the heart. Just like Cain, people today
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How Leadership Is The Most Important Dynamic?
1. Leadership is the most important dynamic in professions, of the BE–KNOW–DO principles we
have covered in class, explain which ones are routinely violated and why?
As one grows into power in their profession sometimes the BE–KNOW–DO principles become
forgotten or ignored. For the BE principle, in my opinion, flexibility, commitment to professional
ethic, and the ability to resolve complex ethical dilemmas are the most violated. As individuals
become older, they can become stuck in their ways and inflexible to adapt to changes. This is
especially true with technology. As for professional ethic and the ability to resolve complex ethical
dilemmas we can look to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Flint residents were failed by their
government, the persons who are sworn in to protect them. The government was unable to maintain
their loyalty/duty to the people and ignored a course of action to help avoid the problem from
occurring despite being aware of the issue.
As for the KNOW principles, in today's professions, many leaders fail to understand human nature.
Leaders are not empathic enough because it is the easier way to go about their days. By not taking
the time to understand your employees you are losing their trust and loyalty. Finally, for the DO
principles, leaders neglect to provide purpose and direction. It is the job of the leader to give their
employees meaning by explaining the importance of their jobs. They also need to help guide their
employees to success
... Get more on ...

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Definition Of Happiness

  • 1. Definition Of Happiness I don't believe it is necessary to aspire to greatness; I choose instead to aspire to goodness. If I work to be the best person I can be, both to myself and to those around me, then by being good, I may have become great. This virtue of character and action can mean different things to different people, for no one has the same goals and ideals. There is no universal purpose. I think a lack of destiny, or of some global grand purpose, is a freeing concept. Since, when life is approached with an astronomical perspective the lives and happenings on one tiny planet are pretty much irrelevant, each individual can find a better purpose in life they want. I am not constrained by any predestined purpose. And in fact, one of main goals in life ... Show more content on ... I don't think that that happiness is any less real that happiness I gain emotionally through others. They're a different sort of emotion perhaps, but both candles and family make me feel fuzzy and warm. And certainly happiness is no one thing for anyone. Others might feel satisfied whenever they buy a nice painting. It's nothing more than some pigment/resin/solvent mix on a canvas, but the happiness comes from the meaning we attach to items. Candles make me happy because of the situations, actions, and experiences I associate with them. Though they are but material goods, they have a meaning to me like any other item might to someone else. This extends to the entirety of your life, for life is truly what you make of it. Some of the most horrible happenings can end up having incredible effects on your life. Part of living happily is accepting that, and knowing that there is a silver lining to every cloud. For example, after my mother died, I was understandably distraught. But it is through that experience that I've come to learn so much. Not only have I seen how strong my family members (and myself) could be, but I've also come to have one of the kindest step–mothers of all time. If my mother had never died, I'd never have met my step–mom and had her become such an important part of my life. Thus, even in tragedy, there is something to be thankful for. But you can't just arbitrarily choose to be happy. This is a lifestyle, requiring continuous, ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Factors That Increase The Prospect Of An Organization 's... Factors that increase the prospect of an organization's viability and factors that hamper it Systemic models are determined by their ability to have choice/be purposeful. This sense of purpose can be found either in parts of the system or the system as a whole. This sense of division of choice creates four types of systemic models: deterministic models, animated models, social models and ecological models. In deterministic models, the parts and the whole are generally not purposeful; whereas the parts in animated models are not purposeful, but the whole is purposeful. The parts and the whole in social models are both purposeful; whereas ecological models have parts that are purposeful but a whole that is not purposeful since they contain ... Show more content on ... This firm would have various departments (e.g., finance, research and development, etc.,), these departments would have respective functions working towards the goal; however, on their own, the departments wouldn't be purposeful. Lastly, social systems are systems whose parts and whole have a purpose. Specifically, social systems have purpose/goals of their own, but also comprise of parts (e.g., other social systems or animated organisms) that have purposes of their own. Additionally, these parts are usually part of larger social systems that include other social systems (Ackoff & Gharajedaghi, 1996). Accordingly, social systems, such as corporations, are intricate systems influenced by their very components. Daily, globalization puts a demand on organizations to react to constraints that are constantly changing, thus demanding that an organization have well–defined set of concepts, that are interconnected among each other (Páscoa & Tribolet, 2014). This also requires that any change effects be known and reflected throughout the whole organization. Such adaptive behavior is the key to long–term, strategic planning (Nadim, 2017). With this stipulation in focus, models/organizations either deterministic or animated in nature are automatically eliminated. We are therefore left to focus on social systemic organizations and the factors that increase and hamper such organizations' viability. Perhaps one of the factors that greatly foster the increase in ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Why School By Mike Rose Analysis Beyond the Classroom Many are quick to disregard education's role outside of the classroom. According to Mike Rose, "a good education helps us make sense of the world and find our way in it" (Rose 33). Rose emphasizes the value in the experience of education beyond the value of education for the purpose of custom or intelligence; he explores the purpose of going to school in terms of how he defines himself and his personal growth in the stages of his academic career. By reflecting on his personal experiences and how those gave him the tools applicable to his daily life, he emphasizes why education should never be overlooked. Rose's use of referencing relatable experiences in a logical manner makes his argument persuasive to the readers and he succeeds in making the readers reconsider why education matters to them. Mike Rose's Why School?: Reclaiming Education for All of Us effectively persuades his audience of the importance of education beyond the classroom, which proves true in our everyday lives because the essential aspect of education is what we do with it and how it helps develop one's personal growth. Rose elaborates on the significance of education by reflecting on his own perspective on how that shaped his identity. His childhood gave him the opportunity to experience the contrast between a positive learning environment and a negative one. This also shaped him to have an evident positive outlook on education. It can be assumed that the right learning ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Mark Edmundson Anti-Idealism In Mark Edmundson's "Polemical Introduction" to his novel, Self and Soul, he analyzes how the modern world has lost the ideals held by the ancient world, such as the heroic ideal, the religious ideal, and the ideal of contemplation. Edmundson cites the loss of these ideals through modern writers, such as Shakespeare and Freud. Edmundson specifically calls Freud a "relentless enemy of the warrior ideal, the religious ideal, and the ideal of transcendent philosophy." The truth in Edmundson's analysis of Freud's anti–idealist view can be seen in Freud's novel, Civilization and Its Discontents. In this novel, Edmundson's assessment is most evident that Freud sees a desire to follow ideals as a "fall to illusion, as well as Freud's obvious ... Show more content on ... These attempts can be defined through Freud's "pleasure principle," which aimed for "an absence of pain and unpleasure, and, on the other hand, at the experiencing of strong feelings of pleasure" (42). Therefore, happiness is not really possible all the time, as it seems to only come from unhappiness, or a release from "unpleasure." Since the purpose of life is not to be happy but rather, only to survive, it calls in to question whether there is a meaning to life brought upon by a higher power. Freud's idea of transcendency and the purpose of life seems to be answered when he writes, "the question of the purpose of human life has been raised countless times; it has never yet received a satisfactory answer and perhaps does not admit of one" (41–42). His answer seems that be that there is no real purpose to existence, except for survival; rather, life only has the meaning that we give it. Overall, this seems to be very dismissive of the idea of a higher power, deity, or purpose, which is represented the ancient world ideal of transcendent philosophy. Another ideal that Edmundson saw as one held by the ancient world was that of the heroic ideal, which Edmundson typified through Achilles and Hector, who characterized the "warrior soldier" and the "citizen soldier," who ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Never Let Me Go And Ally Condie's Matched: A Comparative... Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go and Ally Condie's Matched may follow similar conventions to create a dystopian society however, the purpose each author conveys is significantly different. Ishiguro uses Tommy G. to illustrate to readers that one's future is decided by fate, in contrast, Condie uses Cassia Reyes to depict to readers that one should take hold of their future and create their own destiny. In both novels, Tommy and Cassia are dystopian protagonists who question their surroundings, are curious, and raise concerns not many around them are too worried with. Although both characters doubt their social and political systems, Tommy does not put his thoughts into motion while Cassia does. Unlike his peers, Tommy comes up with conspiracies ... Show more content on ... This is depicted through how Tommy and Cassia manage certain objects that symbolize freedom and choice. In Matched, all citizens are given three tablets which they can eat depending on the circumstance: blue to save a life, green to remain calm, and red to forget. This represents the small freedom and choice the Society lets the citizens make and although they would prefer their citizens take the pills, they do not force it. In a similar fashion, driving in Never Let Me Go symbolizes the freedom of doing and going anywhere one desires. For instance, Kathy says, "I do like the feeling of getting into my little car, knowing for the next couple of hours I'll have only the roads, the big grey sky and my daydreams for company" (Ishiguro, 159). Like Kathy, Tommy can also get in a car at will and drive to wherever he pleases; he can take advantage of this freedom, but never does. That is the key differentiating factor between Cassia and Tommy, Cassia does take advantage of this small choice she gets to ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Rudyard Kipling's Ethhos And Ethos Journal Two: Ethos Aristotle defined ethos as how messages persuade as a result of the communicator's character. He claimed that this was most important in the list of the three rhetorical appeals. The reason was because that person has to be a trustworthy speaker to the audience, but that requires have practictical intelligence, virtuous character, and good will. Rudyard Kipling has an automatic ethos built to his audience because the intended audience was his son, and there is an automatic father–son bond established. Kipling can use this bond to his favor while trying to convey his message, because the trust will heighten the chance of the son taking the advice the father is trying to give him. If a stranger was trying to give the same advice without any background, it wouldn't be as powerful nor personal to the son and he wouldn't know where the scenarios were coming from. By Kipling being the communicator, he is meeting all three of the criteria for strong ethos according to Aristotle's ideology. Kipling has the practical intelligence from parenting, age, and experience. He has virtuous character through the life experiences that he has been through and he has good will by his helpful intention with his knowledge towards the subject. The communicator's investments in the issue are present because of who he has decided to direct his piece towards. Writing to his son will evoke a change in his writing as well because of the emotional ties. He is not just trying to expose his past to let the world see his mistakes, but rather materialize them on paper to show his son mistakes to prevent future mishaps. He has the credibility as being the leader and one that his son looks up to, so showing his son how to "be a Man" will be something that will spark interest. His credibility as a speaker is strengthened because the connection to these past experiences as well. This will also impact what he chooses to say in during his piece. Some situations the son will encounter will be trickier to overcome than others and may seem like a good idea at the moment. However, Kipling wants to make certain the son knows that his son is not the first to go through this, and there is ways to get through the the situation no matter ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Society And Media, Identity And Purpose In Society Identity. What is identity? One might say that it is simply the distinct between personality of an individual. On the other hand, others might say that identity is the behavior of a person in response to their surrounding environment. During certain points of life, some people have trouble finding their true self and their purpose here on earth. Some people last a lifetime to discover how they are, they also look for their identity in order to find their purpose in life. Other people get lucky and find their purpose right away, but most people tend to find their purpose in life by turning to the media and what it has to offer. With this being said, family and peers, religious beliefs, cultural history are all factors that play a role in one's journey in finding one's true identity and purpose. But there is still one huge factor that I still have not mention that really impacts and shape us and that factor is media. These are all the factors that contribute in shaping an individual into the person they develop over time. In today's world, society and media creates an huge impact on an individual's life. The media has truly been a part of the daily life of humans, for the longest time, mainly because humans are so simpled minded and allow the media to influences the decisions and views of how people should look like and how they should live their life as well. In an online article called "Society's Beauty Standards" written by Hannah Hawkins, she claims that society ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Descriptive Essay About Being Alone We are dark as the moonless night, yet just as bright; intense and mysterious as the forces that shaped us. Living in the shadows we fade from sight and mind, but we are always there, forever defending what is ours. Porous and jagged, we absorb or repel anything as well as anyone who seeks to oppose us. Whilst the ranks of our enemies dwindle over time we endure, unwavering in our determination. Alone we are weak, ineffective, and ultimately meaningless. Together we are strong, steadfast and spectacular in our simplicity. We as one eternally serve the greater purpose, all with the pride and patience only our kind possess. – At first, we were one, mighty and strong, we were great, but without meaning in our existence, without scope or direction. Then, there was heat; blinding, raging heat stronger than even the forces that shaped us, it tore us apart. Shattered our very view of the world and separated us from one another. As suddenly as the groundbreaking warmth appeared it was gone, leaving me all alone in the bitter cold to fend for myself. For the first time I was on my own, my reality broken in an instant into a million tiny pieces; it was overwhelming and strange, yet stunning along with euphoric. In the beginning the silence was empty and lacking. After a lifetime of togetherness, the lonely feeling of isolation cut deep within me. To have a mind of my own was both invigorating and petrifying, thoughts echoing far enough in the vastness to be lost on their own ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. What Is The Purpose Of The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho Analysis on Purpose in the Works of Paulo Coelho Every person has pondered or will at one time ponder the question of their purpose in life. This is simply because purpose is the sole reason for existence, so a person must contemplate the question in order to go about their days. And everybody that has gone looking for the answer, has come back empty handed. The universe allows for life but it doesn't leave the slightest clue as to why it was provided. It's true that if a person looks to the universe, they won't find any answer, but what they will find is endless amount of interpretations. And in this way the universe can take a person on an introspective journey to find their own interpretation. Once a person can find their own interpretation ... Show more content on ... Realizing one's purpose can be a journey in itself. In two of Coelho's novels: "The Alchemist" and "The Pilgrimage," he writes of miraculous journeys. In "The Alchemist," a boy named Santiago is faced with fork in his life and must decide how he interprets his own purpose. In "The Pilgrimage," A man named Paulo is very clear on his purpose, but faces many tribulations to realize it. Coelho's writings not only shows the importance of finding one's own interpretation, but also give uplifting messages about the hope and perseverance necessary in accomplishing the purpose. In the beginning of "The Alchemist," a very interesting perspective is given on how to interpret one's purpose. Santiago was happy being shepard and even had the rest of his life mapped out. After years of roaming with his herd he was beginning to become ready to settle down, and perhaps go to the down of a girl he loved with the inclination to stay there. But, he had always had a confusing, recurring dream that there was treasure far away in Egypt. And not only that, after telling this dream to a gypsy, she had told him that he must go seek out this treasure. Santiago found himself looking at two different paths he could take. One path was extremely easy and led him only to the next town over, but also promised him ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Angela Duckworth Book Grit Analysis The Angela Duckworth book Grit includes a chapter entitled "Purpose" which examines the different processes people go through in order to find their purpose in life. Throughout the course of the chapter, an eclectic mix of stories are told and explained as to why people believe their story has helped define the word purpose. The chapter explains that one's definition of the word purpose varies by their life experiences I agree with the belief that one must find their passion in life in order to find their purpose. If someone fails to find their passion in life they will be miserable in what their doing because their heart's not into it. Personally my passion in life is helping others. Someone with a shared passion was Alex Scott. Duckworth ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. What Is The Purpose Of Flowers For Algernon Finding Clarity and Purpose in "Flowers for Algernon" "The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences" (Eleanor Roosevelt). Charlie Gordon, the main character in the short story "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes, receives surgery to become smarter and to have "richer experiences." Charlie ends up losing this intelligence, but not these experiences. Is Charlie better off before or after this surgery? Charlie is better off after the surgery because he realizes his place and purpose in this world. After the surgery, for the first time, Charlie begins to see the world as it truly is. Through this clarity, Charlie finds a purpose and decides to help others through research. In fact, Charlie himself verifies that he is better off after having the surgery. After Charlie goes through the surgery to improve his intelligence, he begins to see the world as it truly is. Charlie is not very intelligent. He is aware of his mental deficit and wants to become smart. When asked about the reason he wants the surgery, Charlie states, "I told them becaus all my life I wantid to be smart and not dumb (Keyes 286). Charlie, "Cant wait to be smart like my best frends Joe Carp and Frank Reilly (Keyes 290)." Therefore, he was not satisfied with his life before the surgery. Furthermore, Charlie's mental deficit makes him not very smart about his relationships with his coworkers. He is unaware that his coworkers make fun of him. At first, Charlie believes, "Their really my friends and they like me" (Keyes 289). Others, however, realize that the coworkers aren't treating Charlie well. Referring to his kind teacher, Charlie says, "I said all my frends are smart people but there good. They like me and they never did anything that wasnt nice. Then she got something in her eye and she had to run out to the ladys room" (Keyes 291). After the surgery, Charlie comes to understand people more and to understand what is a true friend. Charlie later learns, "Now I know what it means when they say 'to pull a Charlie Gordon.' I'm ashamed" (Keyes 293). Charlie also sees his doctors in a new light when he says, "It was as if I'd ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. How Creating New Relationships On Purpose How Creating New Relationships "On Purpose" Will Dramatically Increase Your Income By Michael Lamb | Submitted On September 04, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Michael Lamb How would you like to spend 20 to 30 minutes every day building one new relationship a day that will double, perhaps even triple your income? I 'm going to toss a new wrinkle into the relationship building game. I want you to think about two words could have dramatic affect on your life and your income. Those two words are "on purpose." What do you think might happen if you started creating new relationships on purpose? And what if you attached an immediate dollar amount value to each of those new relationships? That 's what I did several years ago and my results have been nothing short of amazing. I know it might sound cold and calculating to think like this, but bear with me. It all started one evening as I was doing an Internet business seminar for a local S.C.O.R.E. chapter. I was talking about how to increase the value of email in your business. I looked down and, by chance, in my materials, I had one of those thousand dollar bill bookmarks you can buy at your local bookstore. Hold ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Statement of Purpose Statement of Purpose Many professors, department websites, applications, and current graduate students will tell you that the statement of purpose is the most important part of the application. While the statement of purpose is the best way for the admissions committee to gauge your writing skills, it is quite different from the college admissions essay, or the law school personal statement. Admissions committees will not be looking for the most well–written essay with the catchiest introduction. What they really mean when they talk about the statement of purpose is that the research interest match between you and the program is the most important factor for admission, and your interests are revealed in the statement of purpose. In ... Show more content on ... However, be as quick as possible and do not make excuses for yourself. Use professional language Convey passion, but avoid using "passion," "love," and similar words to describe your research. Also avoid superlatives. Don 't say, "this is the best program for me" unless you 're absolutely sure it is. Instead, say, "ideal program," which may be true of more than one school. Do not use colloquial language in your statement. Avoid cliches Many students will say, "I 've always wanted to be a psychologist/scientist/writer/historian," or, "ever since I went to the ___ museum when I was five, I knew I wanted to ___." These stories will make the committee members ' eyes roll and they don 't do anything to explain your current knowledge, ideas, and goals. It is ok to start off with a "boring" introduction in order to avoid these openings. If you start with a meaningful anecdote that demonstrates your intellectual development, that is a great idea, but avoid throw–away sentences. Be concise Many applications will have a page or word limit which is usually about 1 page single– spaced or 2 pages double–spaced. Adhere to these guidelines, unless they sound unreasonable, in which case you should call the department to ask whether the guideline is strict. (One of my applications called for a 500 word limit, which is quite short! When I called about it, they said there was no actual limit.) Even if an application does ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Great Expectations Manipulation Some people spend their whole life trying to accomplish a particular something. It might be an achievement or just simply trying to be perfect, but what actually define us as a person and the true value of our lives? How can we possibly know if the life we are living now will be worthy in the end and we will not regret anything when we look back onto it? In Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, he states that life would not be as gratifying if one's life is filled with manipulation and comparison, instead one must self–seek and enhance himself/herself in every aspect throughout the course of life. In the first part of Dickens' novel, all I can deduce from Joe, Pip's brother in law, is the fact that he captures the essence of Christ–like ... Show more content on ... Pip recognized that he does not read or write well as he never receives any schooling. He hoped to acquire a chance to receive education, as he understands that it inspires the key to success or possibly allowing him to move up in terms of his social class. Without dreams and purposes in life, it would be pointless to live, as one cannot appreciate the goodness in life. No doubt education plays a crucial role in creating a success life, however do not let those standards conceal who you truly are or alter your purpose in life. Joe demonstrated to Pip that life without literacy could also be worthwhile as long as you successfully seek your own self and find your own purpose in life by improving a little bit each day. When Pip got this message from Joe, he "dated a new admiration of Joe... and [he] was looking up to Joe in [his] heart"(50). He realizes that Joe's saying is right and he should spend time focusing on his own personal development and find his own goal without being affected by other ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Purpose In Life Essay Have you ever ask yourself what is the reason of your existence? What is your ultimate goal in life? and What can you do to have a successful life? In order to answer these questions, one must first find out the purpose of their life through their experiences and passion, it could be both short term and long term. Being able to figure out the purpose in life is not enough, one must know what it must take to make that happen, which can be fulfilled be a managing strategy. A successful working life and personal life is what everyone longed for. To achieve one's purpose and have a successful life, one must first have a clear purpose in life, have a good management strategy, and combining those two together effectively and efficiently. First of all, having a clear purpose in life is what guides the person on how to use their life and for what reason. A person might not find or ... Show more content on ... A person's purpose in life evolves overtime, and can be change by life's experience. Without the purpose in life, one can feel lost, out ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Search For Happiness In Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha "Love is the most important thing in the world" (Hesse, 147). This is was Siddhartha, in Hermann Hesse's novel Siddhartha, discovers after a life–long search for happiness. Over the course of this life–long expedition, he learns to find compassion and an understanding of himself and the world around him, which leads him to a great transformation, going from hating himself, to finding compassion, love, for himself, and finally finds a purpose in his life. This is the process to finding happiness, reforming their perspective of not only their selves, but also the world and people around them, and using that to develop their own purpose. Compassion, exalted by Buddhism, is a foundation of happiness, specifically compassion for others. In Hermann Hesse's novel Siddhartha, the main character, Siddhartha, longs for happiness him self and attempts to change who he is in order to find it, however it is not until he learned to appreciate himself and the rest of the world that he found the happiness he seeked. Early in his journey, Siddhartha insisted that others "were not worth a passing glance... [and] were illusions of sense, happiness, and beauty." (Hesse, 14) With this distaste, it is clear that Siddhartha is not happy, stating "the world tasted bitter. Life was pain" (14). It was not until he learned to love and appreciate others, that he discovered happiness. He compares himself to those he once despised, accepting that they were much alike: "If they are illusion, then I also ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Purpose In The Movie Shyamalan The human race is the only known species on Earth that requires a purpose in life; most species only require basic things to have a "successful" life, such as: eat, sleep, breed, repeat. This is not the case for humans, as previously stated, humans need a purpose; whether the purpose is taking care of family, going to school or work, humans require something to make them feel useful in some sort of way. Many people go their whole lives not finding their purpose, while others simply do not care about finding a greater purpose, and are content with smaller daily activities to fill that spot. However, those looking for a purpose can be disheartened when they can not find it quickly, bringing on an obsessive out look. Manjo "M. Night" Shyamalan, takes this to extremes, in his movie Unbreakable. Shyamalan, a man holding multiple roles in the film industry such as; producer, writer, director, and actor, takes on the role of director. Unbreakable is an artistic, thought provoking movie on the phenomena known as 'purpose', and the importance of it, the character Elijah portrays this, as well as taking the need for worth too far, I, similarly to Elijah, do not know my purpose. Lacking purpose, or lacking an ability to fulfill one's believed purpose, can lead to multiple psychological discrepancies. Elijah Price, sufferer of Type I Osteogenesis Imperfecta, leading him to experience many forms of mental illness, due to having multiple broken bones. Along with his mental state ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. A Dog's Purpose By W. Bruce Cameron Essay The Purpose of Life; Helping Those in Need Everyone has a purpose. We strive to find this purpose and search for it wondering if one day it will make itself known. Whilst writing the novel, A Dog's Purpose, W. Bruce Cameron shows us that even dogs strive to find their purpose. Within the novel, Cameron demonstrates this theme within a dog who continues to be reincarnated as a new dog after his death. However, this dog keeps the same memories. Born into a family of brothers and sisters, Cameron shows us that the puppy cares for others because when his sister is attacked by a vicious leader, he sticks up for her. Then when this dog is near overheating in a man's hot car, a woman saves him and brings him to her child, Ethan, who names this dog Bailey. We are quickly shown how much Bailey cares for Ethan by how he protects him and is always by Ethan's side, even later on in the novel after being reincarnated. Cameron introduces us to a simple yet complex question and the beginning of the novel, what is our purpose? ... Show more content on ... He shows us the bond between the puppy and family. However, more importantly, his closeness with his sister. He was upset when his sister was injured by Spike who fought her. He shows how he cares for her by being there for her and with her when they finally escape the yard. "I was wrong about one thing: though we didn't know it at the time, Fast and I would meet up with Sister again in the future." (Cameron 46). I chose this quote to show how he cared for sister because to me it says that because he thought he wouldn't see her again at that time it did make him upset which proves his love for her. Cameron chose family love as the dog's first purpose because family is the first thing you are introduced to as a newborn. This puppy's love for his sister will set up the rest of the book for what will be beyond ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Advantage Of Precision Screwdriver The importance of precision screwdriver can never be described in words. It is that tool we use on a regular basis. Do you need to change the battery of toys? Call the screwdriver, need to clean the phone? Call the screwdriver; need to change the switch board? Call the screwdriver! You have to call the screwdriver every now and then. That's why today we are here with the best precision screwdriver of 2017. Precision screwdrivers are not that priecy. You can pick one at a lower price range. But it is a tool the people use on a regular basis. Besides, nobody wants to purchase a screwdriver now and often. So, if decided to pick one, dig up entirely for a better choice. Here in this article, we talked about some of the finest models of the present time. Besides, we also discuss some of the buying tips so that you can grasp ... Show more content on ... It is ideal for fastening small screws. The price is quite reasonable for the quality. Don't forget it is one of the best selling screwdrivers on the Amazon. Pick before the stock turns out. ORIA Precision Screwdriver Set ORIA Precision Screwdriver Set is another top competitor in the best precision screwdriver reviews. It is a complete solution for various little home projects. You will get a magnetic screwdriver set, 2 set for iphone 7, utility knife, anti– static wrist strap, anti static tweezers, sim card ejector pin and LCD suction cup, stainless steel ruler, metal sponger with triangle plectrum. Screwdriver bits are made of CRV steel which is way strongest than you can even imagine. However, the design of this screwdriver set is ergonomic which will offer you maximum comfort during work. It is also skid proof and antistatic. The set also comes with a well–organized nylon bag pack where you can keep your essential screwdriver safe, and you can carry it wherever you want. Overall price is decent for every class people. ORIA 76–in–1 Precision Screwdriver Set with Magnetic Driver ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Descriptive Essay : ' Godly Purpose ' GODLY PURPOSE We only get one chance in this life; we do not know when we will breathe our last breath. Many live a satisfactory life doing something less than what God had planned for them. Others settle for a lot less rather than make the effort required to have the best that God intended for them. In order to get the most out of life, we all need a specific mission or direction: " a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls" (Matthew 13:45). Aimlessness – living life without any purpose – never brings happiness; it leads only to frustration. Yet there are many who care nothing about having a direction or mission in life. These people never experience the joy that a purposeful life offers. When we have godly goals, we tend to avoid many ... Show more content on ... If that 's you, consider yourself lucky! But most people, even the well meaning, opt instead to fit us into a slot that makes more sense for them. To gain their approval, you willingly slide into the slot. To maintain the approval, you learn to chronically deny who you are. In too many cases, you live the script for someone else 's life. You look for a career before you listen for a calling. Our society has reduced success to a list of boxes to be checked: graduate from school, partner up, have kids, settle into a well–defined career path, and hang on until retirement checks can be collected. This well–worn path pushes people in the direction of conformity, not purpose. We 're so busy avoiding self–induced fears of not being [fill in the blank] enough––smart enough, creative enough, pretty enough––that we rarely stop and ask, "Am I happy and fulfilled? And if not, how should I go about changing things?" Finding your purpose is about listening to an inner calling. In "Let Your Life Speak," Parker Palmer says that we should let our life speak to us, not tell our life what we 're going to do with it. A calling is passionate and compulsive. It starts as an inkling ("I 'd like to try that") then swells into a mandate that you just can 't shake. A calling isn 't an easy path, which is why most of us never know it. We fear the struggle, the foolishness, the risk, and the unknown. So we choose a career because it matches the boxes we 've ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Why School By Mike Rose Analysis Many are quick to disregard education's role outside of the classroom. According to Mike Rose, "a good education helps us make sense of the world and find our way in it" (Rose 33). Rose emphasizes the value in the experience of education beyond the value of education for the purpose of custom or intelligence; he explores the purpose of going to school in terms of how he defines himself and his personal growth in the stages of his academic career. By reflecting on his personal experiences and how those gave him the tools applicable to his daily life, he emphasizes why education should never be overlooked. Rose's referencing relatable experiences in a logical manner makes his argument persuasive to the readers and he succeeds in making the readers reconsider why education matters to them. In his book Why School?: Reclaiming Education for All of Us, Mike Rose effectively persuades his audience of the importance of education beyond the classroom, emphasizing how those experiences become crucial to one's personal growth and potential in our everyday lives. Rose elaborates on the significance of the experience of education by reflecting on his own perspective and how that shaped his identity. His childhood gave him the opportunity to experience the contrast between a positive learning environment and a negative one; this also shaped him to have an evident positive outlook on education. Rose suggests that the right learning environment–including supportive teachers and proper ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Importance Of Purpose In Life Essay It's a fundamental belief of mine that each one of us is brought upon this world with a major definite purpose in life. Everyone has a unique destiny for contributing to this world using their unique blend of talents and passions. I have no doubt that most people today work hard and stay busy with daily activities. The problem I've noticed is that many people live their lives without any sense of meaningful purpose that gives their lives passion and significance. They get caught up in the daily mechanical routines of life and they become creatures of habit rather than purpose–driven beings. Finding and shaping your major definite purpose is perhaps the most important thing that you will ever do in your life because your purpose is the driving force that spawns all the achievements that you will ever accomplish and it provides that unlimited source of motivation that drives you to achieve all the goals that you set for yourself and enables you to live life to the fullest. What is a Major Definite Purpose? Your major definite purpose is like a path that you follow during your long journey through life. Your purpose is by it's very nature something that you are very passionate about. In fact, it gets your juices flowing at the mere thought of pursuing it. It drives your actions and motivates you to do the things that you do, despite the adversity and even the pain that you might have to endure in order to reach it. Think back in time to all the monumental figures throughout ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. A Long Way Gone Analysis Finding your purpose in life is easily the most meaningful day other than the day you were born. In a Long Way Gone, Ishmael Beah seemed to find his calling at a young age. He found this calling through hardships and breakthroughs, this calling lead him to happiness and success after a traumatizing experience. Your purpose will not be found by sitting around, but it can be found at any time in your life by taking on new opportunities, challenging yourself, and you will recognize when you have found that purpose. Ishmael found his calling by being put through difficult situations and finding a way to create the best out of it. "It wasn't until refugees started passing through our town that we began to see that it was actually taking place in our country." This is the start of Ishmael's difficulties which led him to find his purpose. Now he tells his stories and informs people all across the world. The war was a large factor that influenced him to write a book and moving to America. Even put through difficult situations attempt to find the best out of it and turn a negative into a positive. This is how he found his calling and it shows other people that he has been through the worst, but he kept persevering and was able to stride to success. ... Show more content on ... "These days I live in three worlds: my dreams, and the experiences of my new life, which trigger memories from the past." Trying new jobs you don't enjoy will cause you to dream of what you'd rather be doing, and this will lead you to find a passion. The tricky part is pursuing your passion and following up on it. Putting yourself out there and taking new opportunities will expand your horizon. Finding your passion and calling takes time, it won't happen overnight. As long as you are constantly active in what you feel is your passion; sooner or later you'll find your calling and all it has to ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Reflection Paper Walking back home I would look around me people eating, working, going home to sleep and wake up to do it again the next day. It seems like people became robots letting life go by. Is this what we live for? This was a question that came up often in my mind during high school. I grew up in a Christian community, but it felt like I was being forced to go to church. Years later, through experiences in school and life in general, I was able to find out what to believe and why. I am a Christian because of personal life experiences and rational arguments for the existence of God. In August 2013, I was a freshman attending Chicago Hope Academy. It was a new chapter in my life, and I was thinking it was going to be great, but it was the opposite. Before the school year started, we went to a summer camp where we focused on religion, academics and sports. I thoroughly enjoyed camp, especially the athletic activities. At the same time, it was difficult to train with my teammates. Many times I was told to take breaks. At a certain point, it became a habit to play for twenty minutes and sit out for ten minutes. It caught the attention of our physical therapist, who was concerned that there was something wrong. After camp, he told my parents to go to the doctor because he was worried that I might have a chest problem. My parents decided to take me to the family doctor. He said there was nothing seriously wrong with me, but I was physically not strong enough for high school sports. Still, ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Statement Of Purpose For Telecommunication Engineering STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Name : KRISHNA SAI NEELA Degree Sought : MASTER OF SCIENCE Major : DIGITAL SCIENCES I feel it a unique privilege to give a brief account of myself to your esteemed institution. I am pursuing my Electronics and Communication Engineering at Matrusri Engineering College. My career objective is to achieve excellence in the field of "Telecommunication engineering". I strongly believe that graduate study leading to a Ph.D. involving high quality research in these fields is a necessary step towards my goal. Education does give me knowledge, but to be a complete individual, I need wisdom, which is gained by experience and by exposure to a variety of people and situations. I believe Graduate studies at your university would provide me with both education and an exposure to an international atmosphere thereby, making me a whole individual. In this ever–changing world of Engineering and Technology, where each day sees a new invention and each passing day makes them archaic, I want to see myself as a well educated personality and transcend new horizons in the chosen field. The vast application potential and tremendous scope for research in Telecommunication Engineering has always fascinated me. ... Show more content on ... Mathematics and Sciences truly enchanted me because they governed everything around me. Participation in school competitions and other voluntary activates like Quizzes, games and cultural activities always demanded an innovative perspective in me. During those years, working of The Television I see, The Telephone I speak, The Music system I listen to fascinated me. It was in my high school that I could reason out that it is because of Electronics that makes these things possible that sealed my interest for higher ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Professor Wang Analysis For professor Wang, not only has his passion and purpose given him the motivation to strive and achieve, but it has given him the sense of appreciation of his identity. By living with passion and purpose, he mentioned that he worked his butt off to be where he is at. He didn't stress much on the hardship have faced but I can bet that he has given up many things to be where he is at today. To practice "real" law he had to leave China and he is potentially risking his safety by promoting democratic values through his writings and teaching. Like professor Wang, I also have a deep appreciation of the American legal system because of my upbringing in India where the legal system is really corrupt. Also, I know about how Tibetans inside Tibet lack ... Show more content on ... I'm also happy that my pessimistic predictions of this interview turning uneventful did not come true. I think the interview was very natural and engaging. Also to my surprise, he treated me like an equal where I felt that I can speak my mind and ask what I desired. From this interview, what I value the most is the humility he showed to me. Even as a very successful lawyer, professor and researcher, he looked at me as a peer. As the interviewer, I feel that I did a pretty good job driving the conversation. There were moments when professor Wang went off on a tangent with stories that were irrelevant with the topic and I could have done a better job controlling that. Compared to my classmate one to one, I felt that this interview was richer in the sense that he has more life experience than both Josh and I combined. Josh is a very young man so he still has a lot to experience and dabble before he knows what he really wants in life. Unlike Josh, professor Wang has a rich life where he has gone through many things and he has a strong sense of self and his desires. Because of these realities, I felt that my conversation with professor Wang was more meaningful. If there is anything I wish I had done differently, it would be the fact that we didn't talk long enough. I feel that I have lot to learn from him. Luckily, I plan on seeing him in the near future to talk about my future plans and world ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. My Personal Experience : My Journey To College I came to college to explore the world and learn more about myself. In a small town, there's never much to do. In the country surrounded by corn fields there's even less. As a little girl college had always been the dream. For the obvious reasons of getting a good education, finding a job, and making money. As I matured my reasons for attending college became more complex. Things at home were never very good and most of time I usually found myself held prisoner in the house. Exploring the world and learning new things had always been my passion. But, as time went on I began to lose my purpose in life. I soon realized that college could help me find that purpose that I was searching for. Growing up I was always one of those weird kids that ... Show more content on ... It had always been my dream to travel all over the world instead of staying in the same one street town all of my life. I knew that college would bring me on step closer to that dream. Since coming to Upper Iowa University I've looked into all of the possible chances to study abroad. Along with traveling I've always loved to try new things from food to new activities. Being at college there has already been so many opportunities that I never would have gotten the chance to do. Here I'm able to go out and socialize with new people every day. I probably would have never gotten the chance to play laser tag or go paintballing. I am surrounded by people from different cultures, who were raised in all different raise. People here think in ways and ideas that I never would have thought of. Even though while I'm in college I still have a routine everyday isn't the same for me. In my home town, it was the same thing day after day. I would wake up, go to school, then go back home just to start all over again. I began to get lost in my conventional, everyday life. I couldn't see the meaning in my life anymore. It felt as if I was a robot just going through the motions that someone had laid out for me. Getting stuck in the same routine day to day made it feel as if I was losing my purpose in life. All I did everyday was go to school and then go back home and do homework. I was giving no actual contribution to the world. ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. The Importance Of Meaningful Life A meaningful life means find happiness in everything you do, it means enjoy and share time with your loved ones, and have a purpose in life. To find happiness, we must go through different tribulations and situations where life doesn't seem to be so easy. Happiness is an art that can be learned, it describes a deep sense of inner well–being, peace and vitality. You must know that even from your worst moments in life there is something good to take out of it. If we really want to be happy we must be grateful for what we have, we must enjoy everything that has been given to us. We must remember that out there, there is people wishing or working hard for what we already have. As we read In Search of April Raintree we can find different situations during April's childhood where she finds happiness in simple things. "One December, we all went downtown to watch the Santa Claus parade. That was such a thrilling, magical day for me. After that, we went to visit an aunt and uncle where Cheryl and I had a glorious old time feasting on cake, fruit, and hot chocolate. Then we walked home. Dad threw snowballs at Mom for a bit before he carried sleepy– eyed Cheryl in his arms. I was enchanted by all the coloured Christmas lights and the decorations in the store windows. I think that was the best day ever, because Mom and Dad laughed for real" (P.13) this passage shows us how our childhood memories can stick with us forever, they revive the happiness we felt that moment. Next important ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Aristotle's Concept of Teleology Aristotle's Concept of Teleology In his Physics, Aristotle examines the theories and ideas regarding nature of his predecessors and then, based upon his own ideas, theories and experiments, argues against what he believes are incorrect conclusions. One idea that Aristotle argues specifically is teleology. Teleology is the idea that natural phenomena are determined not only by mechanical causes but by an overall design or purpose in nature. In this essay, I will examine what Aristotle's concept of teleology was and look at why he held this conception. First, let's talk about what we mean by teleology. Teleology is the study of ends, purposes, and goals. The word comes from the Greek word telos which means "end" or ... Show more content on ... Order and conformity to type infer purpose. Aristotle goes on in Book II to make his explanation of purpose in nature more clear by relating natural purpose to artistic creation. In any process of human creation, there is a definite end to be achieved. In order to achieve that end, the artist ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Gender Inequality And The Aristotelian Society Gender Inequality in an Aristotelian Polity Aristotle's philosophies were deeply influenced by his upbringing and interest in biology. He believed that the reason of a thing lies in its function. Everything that exists has a purpose, and that purpose is the reason that thing is the way it is. For example, all the substances that make up a seed are there because the way those particular substances interact with each other causes that seed to grow. When the seed grows, it reaches its full potential as a plant. Humans are the same. Human beings have a potential to live up to, which is finding true happiness by living an honorable life. One lives an honorable life by complying with societal standards, which are built through community based on three levels of organization. The first of these is the household, which is designed "to manage the necessities of individual existence, such as procreation, sleep, nourishment, and shelter" (pg. 35). The second is the village, which in simple terms is the market place of society, where people buy and sell goods and services. The last of the levels is the polis, the political community in charge of making collective decisions in the public's best interest. Each of these levels "performs an essential, inescapable function in any society" (pg. 35) Species survival is crucial to any society, and is covered under the household level of government. But because species survival is so important, those who are capable of bearing children will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Rhetorical Analysis Of A Purpose Driven Life Each of us is dealt a hand when we come into this world, it is how we use what we've been given that matters. Rick Warren, author of "A Purpose Driven Life" gave a speech in February of 2006 about living a life of purpose. The speech was directed at people with an amount of influence in the world, big or small. The Purpose of this speech was to urge people to go out and use their talents, and influence to make the world a better place. Rick Warren has an excellent use of ethos, pathos, and logos in his speech. He uses his knowledge of people, and real life experiences to capture the audience's attention. Rick Starts his speech off by talking about a book. He doesn't come out and say what the book is, or what it is about. This captures the audience's attention from the beginning because they want to know more about the book. They also want to know more about the author and why he is speaking to them. He then goes into why he believes so many people are reading this book and as to why it is selling so many copies. In doing all of this, he gives reasons why he is qualified to be speaking on this particular topic, which is that he wrote a best selling book about living a life of purpose. This is an example of ethos because he is telling people to give their life's away to better the world instead of bettering themselves. The biggest appeal Rick Warren uses is logos. One of the important things he said that goes against what people believe was about money and happiness. Rick said "If money actually made you happy, then the wealthiest people in the world would be the happiest. And that I know, personally, I know, is not true" (5). People in the world think that the more money you have, the happier you will be, and Rick says it is not true. He also talks about all of the money that came pouring in after he wrote the best selling book. In his speech he says that the good life is about giving your life away. With all of the money that he got, he started giving it away, he did not want to use it on himself. In stating all of what he did with the money, he proves he is not a hypocrite. It might sound like he is bragging, but this is a good point to make for the audience to listen to him. He wasn't saying one thing and ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Thesis Statement On Creativity The term creativity is used for the purpose of describing the ability that is concerned with the process of creating something new or valuable. This ability allows a person to surpass the rules, practices, methods, forms or similar kind of activities that the traditional society may be performing at that time. Creativity is one of the most important things that have allowed the people of the society to move forward and urge for development. All the development that has been made in various aspects of human life can be directly connected with the creativity. All the industry leaders of the world have secured this place because of the level of creativity and innovation that they showed. They used this creativity for creating something new that has allowed them to develop completely new methods for this purpose. ... Show more content on ... I stayed in this position for a period of eight years and even though this job was far less challenging than working in the Army, but it presented new situations that required different levels of creativity for the purpose of solving the problems. I used all my experience of the Army for the purpose of working in this position. This job was very different from the situations that I faced and tackled while I was working in the Army. The major difference was that I was in charge of planning of policies and procedures that were necessary for the purpose of either providing security to some tangible assets of the clients or the clients ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Philosophy: The Purpose Of Philosophy And Philosophy The World around us is getting more and more precisely described, all thanks to the knowledge we gained over the centuries, but as our knowledge grows it also starts to surpass the world around us, so we have no real use of it any more. Long ago Newton first described the gravitational force, which lead to sending satellites into the orbit as well as men onto the moon and in the future it will probably lead to colonization of Mars. Such use of knowledge is one that not only brings benefit for humanity, but also opens up new opportunities, such as the current testing on what happens with a human body in a weightless environment. But there is no real world application in theoretical physics, those things stay only on paper and while it's nothing ... Show more content on ... No–one can use something they're not able to comprehend, thus every kind knowledge is aimed at a specific group that can receive it, making itself useless for others so the group can benefit. It's a way of enabling faster growth for the price of fewer people aware of advanced things and many citizens not knowing anything other than the general knowledge. This way, despite the knowledge being out there, ready for anyone willing to learn, multiple people stay as dull citizens working in fast food restaurants and hyper markets, while small groups of scientists, philosophers and humanist work on expanding the knowledge we have. It's an endless loop that constantly lowers the accessibility of knowledge, because it gets too complicated to understand by the average person. Great example is Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which is understood completely by less than a 100 people worldwide. And the gap is just getting ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Comparing Mistakes In The Stranger And The Invisible Man When it comes to discovering a purpose in life, humans are able to do so by making and occasionally learning from their mistakes. In both The Invisible Man and The Stranger, both of the protagonists find the meaning of their own lives through a series of mistakes that lead them to a view changing epiphany There is a very popular saying in American culture that tells people to "learn from their mistakes". In the case of humans finding their identities and realizing what their purpose is, mistakes are a good place to start looking. Evidence of this lies in The Stranger, where Meursault differed from everyone around him by taking of interest in all in bettering his life. Throughout the entirety of The Stranger, Meursault was given several opportunities to make a better life for himself, and rejected all of them, and though he did not see said rejected as a mistake, it most assuredly was. When his boss mentioned he was opening a business office in Paris and offered Meursault a job there, Meursault denied the offer, stating that "people never change their lives, that in any case one life was as good ... Show more content on ... Both Meursault from The Stranger and The Narrator from The Invisible Man made mistakes that led them to to finding their life purposes, and people in real life often times find their purpose through mistakes, as well. While their life purposes contradict each others rather strongly –Meursault feels that life has no purpose and doesn't do much for anyone but himself, while The Narrator of The Invisible Man feels he has to do everything for everyone higher up than he– both get to these conclusions by committing some type of blunder. Humans cannot learn what to do if they don't learn what not to do first, and they cannot truly appreciate success without experiencing failure first. This is why human purpose can be found in the mistakes humans make on an almost daily ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. A Thousand Splendid Suns Comparison ISU Literary Essay Rough Draft 3 With the issues in the world today of terrorism and violent fear, families caught in warzones continuously work hard to find opportunities for a peaceful life and give a brighter future for their children. In Khaled Housseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns, the mother–daughter like relationship of Mariam and Laila gives them both a significant understanding of their own views, improving their qualities of life for the long term. With Laila's determination for the safety of her family, Mariam's past and sacrifice for the better of her legacy, the years of Rasheed's physical and emotional abuse, and the loving compassion of Laila's children have all influenced the two women to understand each other's lives and carry ... Show more content on ... Their similarities of abuse and stories of loss gives them the motivation to find a peaceful way of life through their goal of safety and peace from the war of the country. Laila's story of loss and hope, Mariam's redemption of family bonding and sacrifice, Rasheed's guilt and his physical abuse, and the development of Aziza and Zalmai, all supports the connection towards the two women and their understanding of each other's pain. The emotional power of women is strong in human nature, as Mariam and Laila's relationship inspires the strength to find success and hope through empathy and family love. Not all beings are reliant on themselves. To strive for the best in life, working as a team creates an atmosphere of self–worthiness and co–operation that has lasted throughout the course of time and existence for humans. Khaled Hosseini's story takes inspiration from the two women who he has met from his time in Afghanistan; his reflection of the conditions into the story delivers an emotional and thriving story for its ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Essay on Purpose Driven Church Book Review Rick Warren in his book the purpose driven church was mandated to attempt to put in print the story of Saddleback church. From shear curiosity be both Jew and gentile most religious and business leaders had at least a cursory interest in how a church grew to 10,000 attendees. Call it divine intervention, a killer marketing plan, being at the right place at the right time, blind luck or a combination of them all. Spending 25 years in corporate America I view Rick Warrens approach to growing a church (or anything for that matter) as spot on. His due diligence (neighborhood survey) growth assumptions and overhead (17–19 locations) product (The Gospel) delivery and the, vision, purpose and organizational structure have delivered noticeable ... Show more content on ... Love is the last thing most would think of in today's modern church. However Pastor Warren is quick to point out that "today the church is not facing a radically different world mindset but rather a challenge in communication, speak to the unbeliever in terms they can understand and relate to". Who: Matt 10:5–6 the who....Jews and not Samaritans, or gentiles What: A church for the un– churched. "If the church is not affecting the world, it is not being effective, affecting the world starts in your community". How: focus "They want to hear something on Sunday that they can apply on Monday" Saturday and Sunday messages to the seeker, have great music and child care Can one church possibly meet the needs of every type of person? Matt 10:5–6 Just as Corinthians describes the church as a body with many members creating the whole based on individual gifts. Churches are members of Christ body reaching out to a diverse creation. Sinner.......All Gender......Male and Female Ethnicity........White, African American, Hispanic, Asian Vocation.........White collar, Blue collar Education...............High School, College, Graduate school Income..................25K–$2.5m "He caught fish on their terms" preach about things that people can apply to their lives. Make the gospel come alive and demonstrate that it is as relevant ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. My Purpose Of Life And Life What is my purpose in life? What is anybody's purpose in life? That's a question that we all deal with, why are we here, what is the point of life? There is the thought that are purpose of life only known by Allah(God). That he has chosen it for before we were ever born, and that part of the reason is to be here for someone else. If I would have asked this three questions to my dad all the time and he would answer with "Only Allah knows." Simple as that and he would then ask me what my thoughts were and I would reply "I have no idea, Bubba" Back then I really had known idea why am here, or what am supposed to be doing. The purpose of life cannot be defined in a manner that most people would agree accordingly. Every individual has a different outlook on the purpose of life. I have an idea of what the purpose of my life could be but I do believe that we are not supposed to know our full reason of why we were chosen to exist. This changed when my dad passed away last year as it commonly does when people experience death of a loved one. It started a whole new way of my thinking process. I believe that everyone is given a gift/talent and they are to use it to the best of their abilities. For instance, for me I am very intuitive and can read people pretty well that simple talent has already showed that it has changed someone's life because a friend of mine was severely depressed and I did not know it at the time but the simple act prevented her from taking her own life. I truly ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Life Is Precious In Human Life Life is a precious gift from God. It is precious because He created it and declares it so in His Word. It is meant not only to be enjoyed, but also respected. Life is not flippant and is not in our hands or under our authority to bring into or take out of existence. That alone is God's power and His authority. Mass shootings and terrorist attacks are an abomination to God because it shows people taking God's role and authority and applying it to their own wicked, fallen, and human selves. They ignore and slight God's deity and supreme authority by deciding for themselves who lives and who dies. Life is not theirs to take. Human life is sacred, it is so precious because mankind is made in the image of God and bears His image here on earth. Violation of the sanctity of human life is not only a recent or modern issue. It goes way back to the dawn of creation with Adam and Eve's first generation. In Genesis 4:8–10 the Bibles tells of Cain rising up against Abel, his brother, and killing him. Cain's initial sin wasn't murder. The root of that sin was disobedience then jealousy and bitterness which was what led to the murder of Abel. God most definitely did not take this sin lightly. He said in verse 10 "...the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground". God was grieved at Abel's death and at the disrespect of Cain taking God's matters, that is, life and death, into his own feeble and foolish hands. Ultimately, sin starts in the heart. Just like Cain, people today ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. How Leadership Is The Most Important Dynamic? 1. Leadership is the most important dynamic in professions, of the BE–KNOW–DO principles we have covered in class, explain which ones are routinely violated and why? As one grows into power in their profession sometimes the BE–KNOW–DO principles become forgotten or ignored. For the BE principle, in my opinion, flexibility, commitment to professional ethic, and the ability to resolve complex ethical dilemmas are the most violated. As individuals become older, they can become stuck in their ways and inflexible to adapt to changes. This is especially true with technology. As for professional ethic and the ability to resolve complex ethical dilemmas we can look to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Flint residents were failed by their government, the persons who are sworn in to protect them. The government was unable to maintain their loyalty/duty to the people and ignored a course of action to help avoid the problem from occurring despite being aware of the issue. As for the KNOW principles, in today's professions, many leaders fail to understand human nature. Leaders are not empathic enough because it is the easier way to go about their days. By not taking the time to understand your employees you are losing their trust and loyalty. Finally, for the DO principles, leaders neglect to provide purpose and direction. It is the job of the leader to give their employees meaning by explaining the importance of their jobs. They also need to help guide their employees to success ... Get more on ...