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Defining a Governance Model
                           Intranets, Extranets & Websites

Toronto | Ottawa | Calgary | Regina | New York               1
What is (CMS) governance?

         Ask 20 people, get 20 answers.
          1.   A set of policies, roles, responsibilities and
               processes to guide, direct and control how
               your CMS is used to accomplish business
          2.   A set of workflows and permissions implemented in
               your CMS
          3.   The authoritative administrative structures that set
               policy and standards for Web product management

Don‟t forget why you implemented a
CMS (and a website) in the first place!

               Common reasons
                 1.   To remove the IT bottleneck
                 2.   To empower distributed content authors to
                      manage their own content
                 3.   To enforce standards across your web properties
                 4.   To automate processes for greater efficiency
                 5.   To manage web content as a proper digital asset
                      and your website as a proper channel

A thought experiment

The Problem

Two different departments
have critical events
happening at the same time
and both want to be on the
homepage. There‟s not
enough room.

Who decides what goes on
the homepage?

The Problem

You are considering changing
the way you label navigation
on your website.

Who is responsible for
looking at search analytics to
determine the vocabulary
your visitors actually use?

The Problem

There is a clear business case
for a new faceted search

It will benefit almost every
group that produces content in
the organization.

What budget does it come
from? Who authorizes the

The Problem

The number of online
registrations has dropped by
25%. (Increasing
registrations is a key
objective of the website)

Who reacts?

The Problem

A series of untrue, near-
slanderous blog posts are
made about your
organization and retweeted.

Who is responsible for
knowing this is happening?

Who decides how to

What can we do?

    Today, I hope to …

      1.   Draw a bigger circle around WCM governance
           that goes beyond workflows and permissions
      2.   Provide you some helpful examples for aligning
           the right people in the right place(s)
      3.   Offer some suggestions for the tough questions

What happens if you don‟t put
 “good” governance in place?
• Messy, uncontrolled growth of content
• Organizational conflict
• Poor adoption and resistance to change
• Operational inefficiency
• Loss of credibility
• Risk of litigation

Typical governance FAIL

• No senior champion
• Project is an IT-driven initiative
• Web team has limited budget and power
• No consideration for change management
• No plan or vision
• Assuming the technology will handle everything
• Greatest barrier to success = politics
• Greatest key to success = senior champion        12
Recap: what types of
     governance models exist?
• Decentralized (common in larger orgs)
  • No single owner
  • Driven by policies and guidelines
  • Organic growth, sometimes leading to site sprawl

• Centralized (common in smaller orgs)
  • Single owner/department
  • Bureaucratic
  • Highly controlled

What types of governance
          models exist?
• Collaborative
  • Executive champion
  • Steering committee / council
  • Decentralized content ownership
  • Centralized platform

But first…consider the
complexities of the modern
corporate website

Content and website lifecycle

    “Web engagement management” – personalization, marketing
                 automation, content profiling
Content sharing/integration with business systems (CRM, DAM, intranet)

       Extranet functionality/social and user-generated content

               Analytics and key performance indicators

                   Multiple channels (RSS, mobile)

                          Global taxonomy

                          Base web content

                                              Web steering

                                   Web team


A collaborative WCM governance
model for a large, distributed

The executive team/sponsor

         Roles and responsibilities
         1.   Defining the overall strategy and priorities for the
         2.   Allocation of funds
         3.   Ensuring that the right people are in the right positions
              for online success
         4.   Reviewing and approving brand guidelines
         5.   Sets high-level policies
         6.   Acting as a the final authority for resolving conflicts

A committed sponsor

• Doesn‟t just sign the cheque
• Takes responsibility for the project
• Wants to see the project succeed
• Is fully informed and educated on the project

Some tips

• The business case should sell itself
• Education is key
• Provide the sponsor with ongoing status and goal
• Do not hide shortcomings
• Consider quick wins to show immediate value and
  maintain support
The web steering team

      Advice:the Internet Strategy Forum (2009)
         1.   The role of internal online strategist has shifted:
              more than 60% of such positions are within two
              levels of the CEO
         2.   The importance of the internet is growing in
              many organizations – the introduction of senior
              executive roles responsible for online execution
         3.   Recommendation: Create a separate Internet
              strategic management function (do not force into
              IT or marketing as they exist)

The web steering team

       Roles and responsibilities
         1.   Resolve questions of conflicting priorities based on
              objectives set by ES
         2.   Brand enforcement - has power to deny proposals
         3.   Define internal and external content; create policies
              on content lifecycle
         4.   Coordinate activities, reducing duplication
         5.   Decide how best to address new regulatory or
              legislative requirements
         6.   Review metrics and using these to drive decisions

The web steering team

       Committees and membership
         1.   Break down role into multiple committees
              reporting to the WST
         2.   Members may be VP-level or middle
              management – ensure a decisions are made in an
              effective and timely manner
         3.   Members should represent a healthy cross-
              section of departments with an interest in the
              website >> recall the website layer cake!

The web team

  Roles and responsibilities
    1.   Undertake ongoing analysis of user behaviour and
         report on this behaviour to ES and WST
    2.   Content approval, workflow and permissions
    3.   Provide training and support to content creators
    4.   Monitor and tune the site search engine
    5.   Implement search engine optimization tactics
    6.   Staying on the “cutting edge” as appropriate

Knowledge half-life

• The half life of knowledge in a given field is how
  long it takes for half of industry current expertise
  to become irrelevant or incorrect

       Industry                 Knowledge Half-Life
       Mechanical Engineering   20 years
       Medicine                 10 years
       Traditional Marketing    7 years
       Internet Marketing       3 years
       Social Media Marketing   1 year or less
Content contributors

      Roles and responsibilities

        1.   Creation and editing of content
        2.   Entry of content into WCM

Competencies for online success

                  &        Technology

         Content                  Strategy &
         Creation                  Direction


Map competency tasks to teams

                    Web team   Web Steering   Executive   External
                               Team           Team        expertise
Support of daily    X
New technology                                            X
Business analysis   X

Content governance: Where
the rubber hits the road

Effective CMS content
• Flows naturally from people alignment
• Provides the right balance of guidance and
• Is key to a successful CMS deployment

Key ingredients: your content
         governance plan
• Owned by web team.

• Build an authorship model
  This determines who will be allowed to create and edit content for
  each area of the site, including tagging, personalization and forms
• Create an authorization and permission model
  Documents the types of users and their access privileges – including
  those administering ongoing business functions such as A|B testing
  and analytics reporting. Can be as granular as text editor buttons.

More ingredients

• Develop a workflow model
  Content approval prior to publishing, including user-generated and
  social content.
• Publication strategy
  How frequently content will be published to the live web server, how
  exceptions will be handled and who can accelerate publishing
• Define an archiving strategy
  When and how is content removed from the site? What freshness
  checks can be put in place?

What about extranets?
Extranet user management
• An entirely separate set of permissions and workflows
• Often requires business input:
   • channel relationships (clients, partners, constituents)
   • business system/portal integration (e-commerce, account management

• Ensure your web steering team has adequate
  representation from these stakeholders
• Ensure your web team has the right skillsets and
  enough resources to manage these elements

Extranet community

• May or may not allow subsite/feature provisioning
  • Communities, blogs, forums
  • If so, lean towards an intranet governance model

• Add a community manager or curator to your web
  • They will need extra support if user-generated content is to be
    closely monitored.

Advice from the trenches
Advice from the trenches
• Align your people BEFORE your implementation
  • Before technical planning
  • Before information architecture
  • Maybe even before web strategy

• If you‟ve already got a mess on your hands…
  • All the more reason. Decision-making structure should be
    crystal clear when wading through a mess.

Advice from the trenches

• Prepare people for governance sessions
  • Use your information architecture
  • When in doubt, keep it simple.
  • Educate people on CMS concepts:
    workflow, permissions, publication and other content-related

The Colouring Exercise


   About Us      Products

      History       Widget

    Philosophy      Doodad     Videos

      Careers       Thingy

Children (and adults) like
• Give people clear guidelines
   • Alignment with brand and company messaging
   • What's considered inappropriate and what's okay to share
   • How people read and scan web content
   • Visual design guidance – restricting # words
   • Search engine optimization principles

• Your CMS can help you here…
   • Build in help text and guidelines on every field

Supplementary skillsets can
          help too…
• The web is a distinct and unique medium –
  consider adding a content strategist to your
  • What is a content strategist?
  • Rachel Lovinger: A content strategist is a [role] with specialized
    focus on using words and data to create unambiguous content
    that supports meaningful, interactive experiences.
  • Can play an important role in content lifecycle

How to encourage adoption

• Engage evangelists and spread the word
• Training – people fear the unknown
• Support structure
• Involve users as early as possible
• People will change if the change is worthwhile
• Restrict as much as possible, within reason

Act it out

 Workshop – 20 minutes duration
   1.   Select some small object to represent a piece of
   2.   Choose individuals or teams to represent ownership
        within the website
   3.   Act out a process from start to end, including all
        approval steps and exchanges of information
   4.   Repeat until your point is made

Sketch it out

                   Visual is powerful

                     1.   Creating simple pictures is an incredibly powerful
                          way to discover ideas and solve problems
                     2.   Get everyone up to the whiteboard!
                     3.   Very effective in sessions where team members
                          sketched out their ideal homepage

Credit: Dan Roam                                                               44
Use some persuasion

      Human Behaviour 101
        1.   One of the best ways to get people to do
             something? Turn it into a game and add some
             competition. We just can‟t resist.
        2.   50 insights into human behaviour that can be
             applied not only to web design, but also to
             business processes.
        3. (Stephen Anderson)

The $100 Game

   Activity: Around 20 minutes

     1.   You are provided with a list of priorities and $100
          to „spend‟.
     2.   Distribute the money across the priorities
          according to how important those features.
     3.   Explain and defend why you have divided your
          money in this way.

The Problem

You are considering changing
the way you label navigation
on your website.

Who is responsible for
looking at search analytics to
determine the vocabulary
your visitors actually use?

A good answer

• The web team is responsible for monitoring
  analytics and reporting findings to the web
  steering team.

The Problem

Two different departments
have critical events
happening at the same time
and both want to be on the
homepage. There‟s not
enough room.

Who makes this decision?

A good answer

• The web steering team makes the call.
  • Does not need to be escalated to the executive team unless
    absolutely necessary

The Problem

There is a clear business case
for a new faceted search

It will benefit almost every
group that produces content in
the organization.

What budget does it come
from? Who authorizes the

A good answer

• The executive team makes the funding decision
  and allocates budget as required.

The Problem

The number of online
registrations has dropped by
25%. (Increasing
registrations is a key
objective of the website)

Who reacts?

A good answer

• The executive team pays attention to this and
  imposes an appropriate strategy and reaction
  chain through the steering and web teams

The Problem

A series of untrue, near-
slanderous blog posts are
made about your
organization and retweeted.

Who is responsible for
knowing this is happening?

Who decides how to

A good answer

• Marketing and/or communications might take
  responsibility for this
  • Social media monitoring

Social Media Response Matrix
Created by non~linear creations, December 2009
 Monitoring                                       Active Channels                        Neutral Channels          Closed Channels
 Upon discovering a comment                               -Twitter                               - Blogs
 about the initiative, first                                                                                           - Facebook
                                                        - YouTube                            - Open Forums              - MySpace
 determine the channel:                                   - Flickr                                                   -Closed Forums

                                                                    Is comment positive / neutral?                 Monitor
                                                                                                                 (See Notes)
                     Is this person in your                                             Y
                            network?          Y
                        (Twitter follower,                                Is it something you can        Y
                     YouTube subscriber,                   N                     respond to?                      Let Stand
                         Flickr contact)                                                      N                  (See Notes)
                                                                   Is the comment off-topic for them
 Network Pipeline

                                                                          or clearly just meant to


                                                                                   N                         Concur, Add or Thank
                                                                  Is it a rage piece? Are they venting
                                                                                                         Y       (See Notes)
                                                                      or ranting without a cohesive
                    Check their stream. Do    N                                  argument?
                     they post a lot about                                          N
                        related topics?                              Is there a factual error? Is the    Y
                                                                   comment misguided but rational?                   Fix
                                                                                                                 (See Notes)
                                                                     Does the commenter have a
                            Y                                                                            Y
                                                                  specific concern or issue that can
                                                                            be addressed?
                                                                                 N                                Reach Out
                    Invite them to connect                        Is it something you can otherwise              (See Notes)
                                                                             respond to?

• Invest in people alignment
  • It’s worth the time, effort and expense
  • There are good and effective ways to structure everyone and
    everything for online success

• Form teams spanning traditional silos
  • IT should not drive CMS initiatives

• Ensure your governance model spans the website
  “layer cake”
  • There is much more than just web content to consider
Add NLC closing slides


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Defining a Governance Model

  • 1. Defining a Governance Model Intranets, Extranets & Websites Toronto | Ottawa | Calgary | Regina | New York 1
  • 2. What is (CMS) governance? Ask 20 people, get 20 answers. 1. A set of policies, roles, responsibilities and processes to guide, direct and control how your CMS is used to accomplish business goals 2. A set of workflows and permissions implemented in your CMS 3. The authoritative administrative structures that set policy and standards for Web product management 2
  • 3. Don‟t forget why you implemented a CMS (and a website) in the first place! Common reasons 1. To remove the IT bottleneck 2. To empower distributed content authors to manage their own content 3. To enforce standards across your web properties 4. To automate processes for greater efficiency 5. To manage web content as a proper digital asset and your website as a proper channel 3
  • 5. The Problem Two different departments have critical events happening at the same time and both want to be on the homepage. There‟s not enough room. Who decides what goes on the homepage? 5
  • 6. The Problem You are considering changing the way you label navigation on your website. Who is responsible for looking at search analytics to determine the vocabulary your visitors actually use? 6
  • 7. The Problem There is a clear business case for a new faceted search engine. It will benefit almost every group that produces content in the organization. What budget does it come from? Who authorizes the purchase? 7
  • 8. The Problem The number of online registrations has dropped by 25%. (Increasing registrations is a key objective of the website) Who reacts? 8
  • 9. The Problem A series of untrue, near- slanderous blog posts are made about your organization and retweeted. Who is responsible for knowing this is happening? Who decides how to respond? 9
  • 10. What can we do? Today, I hope to … 1. Draw a bigger circle around WCM governance that goes beyond workflows and permissions 2. Provide you some helpful examples for aligning the right people in the right place(s) 3. Offer some suggestions for the tough questions 10
  • 11. What happens if you don‟t put “good” governance in place? • Messy, uncontrolled growth of content • Organizational conflict • Poor adoption and resistance to change • Operational inefficiency • Loss of credibility • Risk of litigation 11
  • 12. Typical governance FAIL • No senior champion • Project is an IT-driven initiative • Web team has limited budget and power • No consideration for change management • No plan or vision • Assuming the technology will handle everything • Greatest barrier to success = politics • Greatest key to success = senior champion 12
  • 13. Recap: what types of governance models exist? • Decentralized (common in larger orgs) • No single owner • Driven by policies and guidelines • Organic growth, sometimes leading to site sprawl • Centralized (common in smaller orgs) • Single owner/department • Bureaucratic • Highly controlled 13
  • 14. What types of governance models exist? • Collaborative • Executive champion • Steering committee / council • Decentralized content ownership • Centralized platform 14
  • 15. But first…consider the complexities of the modern corporate website 15
  • 16. Content and website lifecycle “Web engagement management” – personalization, marketing automation, content profiling Content sharing/integration with business systems (CRM, DAM, intranet) Extranet functionality/social and user-generated content Analytics and key performance indicators Multiple channels (RSS, mobile) Global taxonomy Base web content 16
  • 17. Executive sponsor Web steering team Web team Content authors A collaborative WCM governance model for a large, distributed organization 17
  • 18. The executive team/sponsor Roles and responsibilities 1. Defining the overall strategy and priorities for the website. 2. Allocation of funds 3. Ensuring that the right people are in the right positions for online success 4. Reviewing and approving brand guidelines 5. Sets high-level policies 6. Acting as a the final authority for resolving conflicts 18
  • 19. A committed sponsor • Doesn‟t just sign the cheque • Takes responsibility for the project • Wants to see the project succeed • Is fully informed and educated on the project 19
  • 20. Some tips • The business case should sell itself • Education is key • Provide the sponsor with ongoing status and goal updates • Do not hide shortcomings • Consider quick wins to show immediate value and maintain support 20
  • 21. The web steering team Advice:the Internet Strategy Forum (2009) 1. The role of internal online strategist has shifted: more than 60% of such positions are within two levels of the CEO 2. The importance of the internet is growing in many organizations – the introduction of senior executive roles responsible for online execution 3. Recommendation: Create a separate Internet strategic management function (do not force into IT or marketing as they exist) 21
  • 22. The web steering team Roles and responsibilities 1. Resolve questions of conflicting priorities based on objectives set by ES 2. Brand enforcement - has power to deny proposals 3. Define internal and external content; create policies on content lifecycle 4. Coordinate activities, reducing duplication 5. Decide how best to address new regulatory or legislative requirements 6. Review metrics and using these to drive decisions 22
  • 23. The web steering team Committees and membership 1. Break down role into multiple committees reporting to the WST 2. Members may be VP-level or middle management – ensure a decisions are made in an effective and timely manner 3. Members should represent a healthy cross- section of departments with an interest in the website >> recall the website layer cake! 23
  • 24. The web team Roles and responsibilities 1. Undertake ongoing analysis of user behaviour and report on this behaviour to ES and WST 2. Content approval, workflow and permissions decisions 3. Provide training and support to content creators 4. Monitor and tune the site search engine 5. Implement search engine optimization tactics 6. Staying on the “cutting edge” as appropriate 24
  • 25. Knowledge half-life • The half life of knowledge in a given field is how long it takes for half of industry current expertise to become irrelevant or incorrect Industry Knowledge Half-Life Mechanical Engineering 20 years Medicine 10 years Traditional Marketing 7 years Internet Marketing 3 years Social Media Marketing 1 year or less 25
  • 26. Content contributors Roles and responsibilities 1. Creation and editing of content 2. Entry of content into WCM 26
  • 27. Competencies for online success Education & Technology Mentoring Content Strategy & Creation Direction Social Outreach Media 27
  • 28. Map competency tasks to teams Web team Web Steering Executive External Team Team expertise Technology Support of daily X operations New technology X deployments Business analysis X 28
  • 29. Content governance: Where the rubber hits the road 29
  • 30. Effective CMS content governance • Flows naturally from people alignment • Provides the right balance of guidance and empowerment • Is key to a successful CMS deployment 30
  • 31. Key ingredients: your content governance plan • Owned by web team. • Build an authorship model This determines who will be allowed to create and edit content for each area of the site, including tagging, personalization and forms • Create an authorization and permission model Documents the types of users and their access privileges – including those administering ongoing business functions such as A|B testing and analytics reporting. Can be as granular as text editor buttons. 31
  • 32. More ingredients • Develop a workflow model Content approval prior to publishing, including user-generated and social content. • Publication strategy How frequently content will be published to the live web server, how exceptions will be handled and who can accelerate publishing • Define an archiving strategy When and how is content removed from the site? What freshness checks can be put in place? 32
  • 34. Extranet user management • An entirely separate set of permissions and workflows • Often requires business input: • channel relationships (clients, partners, constituents) • business system/portal integration (e-commerce, account management systems) • Ensure your web steering team has adequate representation from these stakeholders • Ensure your web team has the right skillsets and enough resources to manage these elements 34
  • 35. Extranet community • May or may not allow subsite/feature provisioning • Communities, blogs, forums • If so, lean towards an intranet governance model • Add a community manager or curator to your web team. • They will need extra support if user-generated content is to be closely monitored. 35
  • 36. Advice from the trenches
  • 37. Advice from the trenches • Align your people BEFORE your implementation starts! • Before technical planning • Before information architecture • Maybe even before web strategy • If you‟ve already got a mess on your hands… • All the more reason. Decision-making structure should be crystal clear when wading through a mess. 37
  • 38. Advice from the trenches • Prepare people for governance sessions • Use your information architecture • When in doubt, keep it simple. • Educate people on CMS concepts: workflow, permissions, publication and other content-related processes. 38
  • 39. The Colouring Exercise Homepage Press About Us Products Room Press History Widget Releases Philosophy Doodad Videos Careers Thingy 39
  • 40. Children (and adults) like boundaries • Give people clear guidelines • Alignment with brand and company messaging • What's considered inappropriate and what's okay to share • How people read and scan web content • Visual design guidance – restricting # words • Search engine optimization principles • Your CMS can help you here… • Build in help text and guidelines on every field 40
  • 41. Supplementary skillsets can help too… • The web is a distinct and unique medium – consider adding a content strategist to your team • What is a content strategist? • Rachel Lovinger: A content strategist is a [role] with specialized focus on using words and data to create unambiguous content that supports meaningful, interactive experiences. • Can play an important role in content lifecycle 41
  • 42. How to encourage adoption • Engage evangelists and spread the word • Training – people fear the unknown • Support structure • Involve users as early as possible • People will change if the change is worthwhile • Restrict as much as possible, within reason 42
  • 43. Act it out Workshop – 20 minutes duration 1. Select some small object to represent a piece of content 2. Choose individuals or teams to represent ownership within the website 3. Act out a process from start to end, including all approval steps and exchanges of information 4. Repeat until your point is made 43
  • 44. Sketch it out Visual is powerful 1. Creating simple pictures is an incredibly powerful way to discover ideas and solve problems 2. Get everyone up to the whiteboard! 3. Very effective in sessions where team members sketched out their ideal homepage Credit: Dan Roam 44
  • 45. Use some persuasion Human Behaviour 101 1. One of the best ways to get people to do something? Turn it into a game and add some competition. We just can‟t resist. 2. 50 insights into human behaviour that can be applied not only to web design, but also to business processes. 3. (Stephen Anderson) 45
  • 46. The $100 Game Activity: Around 20 minutes 1. You are provided with a list of priorities and $100 to „spend‟. 2. Distribute the money across the priorities according to how important those features. 3. Explain and defend why you have divided your money in this way. 46
  • 47. The Problem You are considering changing the way you label navigation on your website. Who is responsible for looking at search analytics to determine the vocabulary your visitors actually use? 47
  • 48. A good answer • The web team is responsible for monitoring analytics and reporting findings to the web steering team. 48
  • 49. The Problem Two different departments have critical events happening at the same time and both want to be on the homepage. There‟s not enough room. Who makes this decision? 49
  • 50. A good answer • The web steering team makes the call. • Does not need to be escalated to the executive team unless absolutely necessary 50
  • 51. The Problem There is a clear business case for a new faceted search engine. It will benefit almost every group that produces content in the organization. What budget does it come from? Who authorizes the purchase? 51
  • 52. A good answer • The executive team makes the funding decision and allocates budget as required. 52
  • 53. The Problem The number of online registrations has dropped by 25%. (Increasing registrations is a key objective of the website) Who reacts? 53
  • 54. A good answer • The executive team pays attention to this and imposes an appropriate strategy and reaction chain through the steering and web teams 54
  • 55. The Problem A series of untrue, near- slanderous blog posts are made about your organization and retweeted. Who is responsible for knowing this is happening? Who decides how to respond? 55
  • 56. A good answer • Marketing and/or communications might take responsibility for this • Social media monitoring 56
  • 57. Social Media Response Matrix Created by non~linear creations, December 2009 Monitoring Active Channels Neutral Channels Closed Channels Upon discovering a comment -Twitter - Blogs about the initiative, first - Facebook - YouTube - Open Forums - MySpace determine the channel: - Flickr -Closed Forums Is comment positive / neutral? Monitor (See Notes) Is this person in your Y network? Y (Twitter follower, Is it something you can Y YouTube subscriber, N respond to? Let Stand Flickr contact) N (See Notes) Is the comment off-topic for them Y Network Pipeline or clearly just meant to antagonize? Evaluation N Actions N Concur, Add or Thank Is it a rage piece? Are they venting Y (See Notes) or ranting without a cohesive Check their stream. Do N argument? they post a lot about N related topics? Is there a factual error? Is the Y comment misguided but rational? Fix (See Notes) N Does the commenter have a Y Y specific concern or issue that can be addressed? N Reach Out Invite them to connect Is it something you can otherwise (See Notes) Y respond to? N
  • 58. Takeaways • Invest in people alignment • It’s worth the time, effort and expense • There are good and effective ways to structure everyone and everything for online success • Form teams spanning traditional silos • IT should not drive CMS initiatives • Ensure your governance model spans the website “layer cake” • There is much more than just web content to consider 58
  • 59. Add NLC closing slides 59

Editor's Notes

  1. Who here has been part of a initiative to plan governance for a website? Who has been successful?
  2. A good rule of thumb – when people get muddled in the details or the politics – take a step back and ask – why are we doing this?
  3. Imagine (or maybe you don’t need to) that you are part of a team managing the website of a large organization. Multiple departments, multiple stakeholders.How would you answer these questions?
  4. Give some anecdotes here #1 challenge we see after implementing a CMS for our clients -> the content authors don’t like it Loss of credibility – does anyone remember the United Airlines story from a couple of years ago? The company’s stock fell 76 percent in one day due to an article titled “UAL Declares Bankruptcy” appeared on the South Florida Sun Sentinel Web site that Sunday, got picked up by Google News, and then quickly summarized and republished to financial site Bloomberg by a reporter tasked with summarizing stories about companies in distress. Then the trading began and the stock collapsed. The problem: the article was from 2002, not 2008
  5. NB: These are more general than CMS-specific.
  6. NB: These are more general than CMS-specific.
  7. But first…let’s consider the complexities of the modern corporate website
  8. Considering all these complexities is critical when you plan effective governance for your public website. Websites today are so much more than just content authors and content silos.Content lifecycle >> how often must content be reviewed? By who? When does content get archived? Website lifecycle >> ongoing improvements via AB testing. A five-year plan? Phased initiatives?
  9. The Executive Team meets routinely to manage the operational and strategic affairs of the University. For the web, this team is intended to be the senior decision making structure for online activities. It will set high level policies, define strategic direction and evaluate the success of online expenditures. THE CHAMPIONExecutive Team (ET) ResponsibilitiesThe ET would be responsible for:Defining the overall strategy and priorities for the Dalhousie Web site, particularly in support of enrolment objectives.Allocate funding for Web.Ensuring that the right people are in the right positions for the University to achieve online success. This may involve the reassignment of existing resources or advocating for additional resourcesEnsuring that online activities demonstrate a “whole of institution” perspectiveAdvocating for funding of new IT or Communications activities that promise high return on investmentReviewing and approving brand guidelines and proposed Common and Look and Feel for external sitesActing as a the final authority for resolving conflicts which the Operating Committee is unable to resolveThe ET would not have operational responsibilities. 
  10. NB: These are more general than CMS-specific.
  11. Content reviewed by Web Team to ensure it complies with policies set by WST and ET
  12. Aligning your people sets the stage for successEffective content governance manifests this alignment
  13. What are extranets?
  14. Use your information architecture (colouring exercise)When in doubt, keep it simple. Use as few approval steps as possible. Removing one bottleneck often creates another.Educate people on CMS concepts: workflow, permissions, publication and other processes. Our number one education pain point is workflows and gathering requirements for specific platforms. A story – one of the biggest challenges I have when doing technical requirements for a CMS implementation is bridging the gap between people’s mental model of a workflow and the way a particular system defines a workflow. (Sadly we must work with the limitations and architectures of each system) Never underestimate the time needed, and the value, of education sessions so people feel they really “get” it.
  15. This is an exercise we often give our clients to help them clarify which content should be owned where. It is putting a stake in the ground - Doesn’t account for shared content or personalized content
  16. People like boundaries…people like to know what to do. Don’t assume they know what’s appropriate even if they are subject matter experts.
  17. This exercise is especially helpful in illustrating why it is important to keep things simple. A live action role-playing game (LARP) is a form of role-playing game where the participants physically act out their characters' actions. The players pursue goals within a fictional setting represented by the real world, while interacting with each other in character. The outcome of player actions may be mediated by game rules, or determined by consensus among players. Event arrangers called gamemasters decide the setting and rules to be used and facilitate play.
  18. Dan Roam – highly recommend you watch one of his videos – very compelling and can be applied to almost anythingHe talked about three types of people
  19. I just got back from the IA summit…
  20. Helping groups with conflicting priorities
  21. Social media is still the “wild west” to some degree, but there are tools available to help. Shout out to USAF