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Decomposing applications for
          deployability and scalability
Chris Richardson,
Author of POJOs in Action, Founder of the original
Presentation goal
  How decomposing applications
    improves deployability and
    How Cloud Foundry helps
About Chris

(About Chris)

About Chris()

About Chris

About Chris

vmc push About-Chris
     Developer Advocate

 Signup at

The (sometimes evil) monolith
Decomposing applications into services
How do services communicate?
Presentation layer design
How Cloud Foundry helps

Let’s imagine you are building
 an e-commerce application

Traditional web application architecture



 Browser         Apache
                                     InventoryService   Database


           Simple to
            scale                                                  11
But there are problems with a
   monolithic architecture

Users expect a rich, dynamic
and interactive experience
                            HTTP Request                        od
                                                           ’t go
     Browser                                            isn       Java Web Application
                                       rc hit
                               I   a
                       ty le U

               Real-time web ≅ NodeJS
Intimidates developers

Obstacle to frequent deployments
 Need to redeploy everything to change one component
 Interrupts long running background (e.g. Quartz) jobs
 Increases risk of failure

                                    Fear of change

 Updates will happen less often
 e.g. Makes A/B testing UI really difficult
Overloads your IDE and container

     Slows down development    16
Obstacle to scaling development

       Accounting team

        Shipping team

Obstacle to scaling development


           UI team              StoreFrontUI

       Accounting team           Accounting

       Inventory team          InventoryService

        Shipping team              Shipping

Obstacle to scaling development
  UI team                        Accounting team

            Lots of coordination and
             communication required
Requires long-term
 commitment to a
 technology stack

The (sometimes evil) monolith
Decomposing applications into services
How do services communicate?
Presentation layer design
How Cloud Foundry helps

The scale cube

   Y axis -

                                                                        ila ng
   Scale by

                                                                     i m ni
                                                                  g s itio


                                                               tin rt
                                                            lit pa
   different things

                                                          sp a
                                                     gs y dat
                                                 th ale is -
                                                    Sc ax
                                                   in b
                      X axis                     Z
                      - horizontal duplication                                   23
Y-axis scaling - application level






Y-axis scaling - application level
                                                          accounting web application


   Store front web application                              inventory web application

                StoreFrontUI                                        InventoryService

                                                          shipping web application


     Apply X axis cloning and/or Z axis partitioning to each service                    25
Partitioning strategies
Partition by verb, e.g. shipping service
Partition by noun, e.g. inventory service
Single Responsibility Principle
Unix utilities - do one focussed thing well

      Something of an art

Real world examples

              Between 100-150 services are accessed to build a page.




There are drawbacks


See Steve Yegge’s Google Platforms Rant re

Multiple databases
Transaction management

When to use it?
  In the beginning:
 •You don’t need it
 •It will slow you down

                           Later on:
                          •You need it
                          •Refactoring is painful
But there are many benefits
Scales development: develop, deploy and scale each service
Update UI independently
Improves fault isolation
Eliminates long-term commitment to a single technology stack

       Modular, polyglot, multi-framework
Two levels of architecture

Inter-service glue: interfaces and communication mechanisms
Slow changing


Internal architecture of each service
Each service could use a different technology stack
Pick the best tool for the job
Rapidly evolving

If services are small...
Regularly rewrite using a better technology stack
Adapt system to changing requirements and better technology
 without a total rewrite
Pick the best developers rather than best <pick a language>
 developers polyglot culture

      Fred George
      “Developer Anarchy”

The human body as a system

50 to 70 billion of your cells die each day

Yet you (the system) remain you

Can we build software systems with
      these characteristics?



The (sometimes evil) monolith
Decomposing applications into services
How do services communicate?
Presentation layer design
How Cloud Foundry helps

Inter-service communication options
Synchronous HTTP        asynchronous AMQP

Formats: JSON, XML, Protocol Buffers, Thrift, ...
Even via the database

    Asynchronous is preferred

    JSON is fashionable but binary format is
    more efficient
Asynchronous message-based communication


wgrus-store.war                     wgrus-inventory.war
          StoreFrontUI   (Message           InventoryService   MySQL



Decouples caller from server
Caller unaware of server’s coordinates (URL)
Message broker buffers message when server is down/slow

Additional complexity of message broker
RPC using messaging is more complex

Writing code that calls services

The need for parallelism
                                     Service B
                  b = serviceB()

                                                 Call in parallel
                    c = serviceC()
 Service A                           Service C

             d = serviceD(b, c)
                                     Service D

Java Futures are a great
      concurrency abstraction

Using Java Futures
public class Client {

    private ExecutorService executorService;
    private RemoteServiceProxy remoteServiceProxy;

    public void doSomething() throws ... {                     Eventually contains result
        Future<Integer> result =
          executorService.submit(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return remoteServiceProxy.invokeRemoteService();

        /// Do other things
                                                                          When needed wait for result
        int r = result.get(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);


Akka’s composable futures are
         even better

Composable Futures
val f1 = Future {                           ... ; 1 }
val f2 = Future {                           ... ; 2 }
                                                               Transforms Future
val f4 = * 2)
assertEquals(4, Await.result(f4, 1 second))
                                                                Combines two futures
val fzip = f1 zip f2
assertEquals((1, 2), Await.result(fzip, 1 second))

Using Akka futures
 def callB() : Future[...] = ...
 def callC() : Future[...] = ...
 def callD() : Future[...] = ...                            Two calls execute in parallel

 val future = for {
   (b, c) <- callB() zip callC();
   d <- callD(b, c)
  } yield d                                                        And then invokes D

 val result = Await.result(future, 1 second)             Get the result of D
Spring Integration
Provides the building blocks for a pipes and
 filters architecture
Enables development of application
 components that are
 •loosely coupled
 •insulated from messaging infrastructure
Messaging defined declaratively

Handling failure

     Service A                            Service B

                     Errors happen
                 in distributed systems

About Netflix
               > 1B API calls/day
      1 API call average 6 service calls
          Fault tolerance is essential


How to run out of threads

HTTP Request
                  Thread 1

                  Thread 2

                  Thread N

                Execute thread
                                     Service A

                                                          XService B

                                 Eventually all threads   If service B is down
                                                           then thread will be
               Tomcat               will be blocked              blocked

Use timeouts and retries

             Never wait forever

       Errors can be transient                              retry

Use per-dependency bounded thread pool
Service A

    Runnable 1                 Task 1

     Runnable 2                Task 2
                                                                                           Service B
     Runnable ...              Task ...

    bounded queue           bounded thread pool

         Fails fast if       Limits number of
  service is slow or down   outstanding requests

Use a circuit breaker
     High error rate   stop calling temporarily

        Down     wait for it to come back up

       Slow     gives it a chance to recover

On failure
              Return cached data
              Return default data

                   Fail fast

Aspects + Actors
          Caller          Invoker
                          Aspect        Implements circuit
                                          breaker state

Equivalent of thread       Actor

                          Worker             Dependency
                          Actor                 Stub

@DependencyProxy annotation
trait RestaurantService {

    def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) :

        @DependencyProxy(circuitBreaker = "factualCircuitBreaker",
        class FactualRestaurantService extends RestaurantService {

Aspect-based Async Execution

class DependencyInvokingAspect {

    @Pointcut("execution(* (@DependencyProxy *).*(..))")
    def dependencyProxyMethods {}

    def invoke(jp: ProceedingJoinPoint) = {
      val a = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(jp.getTarget.getClass, classOf[DependencyProxy])
      val actor = findActor(a)
       val timeout = Timeout(a.timeoutInMilliseconds milliseconds)
       actor.ask(InvokeDependency( () => jp.proceed())) (timeout)


                  Ask actor to invoke jp.proceed() and return Future


  for the Actor code

The (sometimes evil) monolith
Decomposing applications into services
How do services communicate?
Presentation layer design
How Cloud Foundry helps

Modular application

Choice of presentation layer technology

NodeJS is the fashionable technology

Why NodeJS?
Familiar Javascript
High-performance, scalable event-driven, non-blocking I/O model
Over 13,000 modules developed by the community
Many JavaScript client frameworks have a NodeJS counterpart, e.g.

NodeJS example
                                               Handle HTTP     Handle file read
var http = require('http');
var fs = require("fs");

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
	       fs.readFile('somefile.txt', function (err, data) {
	        if (err) throw err;
	        res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
}).listen(1337, '');

console.log('Server running at');

                                                                                 67 - server-side
var express = require('express')
  , http = require('http')
  , app = express()                                 Serve static content from public dir
  , server = http.createServer(app)
  , io = require('').listen(server)

app.configure(function(){                                     Listen on port 8081
  app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

                                                                   Create a timer for
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
	        var counter = 0;
	        function tick() {
	        	        counter = counter + 1;                              Publish event
	        	        socket.emit('tick', counter);
	        setInterval(tick, 1000);

                                                                                           68 - client-side

The time is <span data-bind="text: ticker"></span>

<script src="/"></script>
<script src="/knockout-2.0.0.js"></script>
<script src="/clock.js"></script>

</body>                            Bind to model       Connect to
var socket = io.connect(location.hostname);

function ClockModel() {
  self.ticker = ko.observable(1);                     Subscribe to tick
  socket.on('tick', function (data) {                      event
                                                        Update model
ko.applyBindings(new ClockModel());                                       69
NodeJS isn’t the only game in town


A modern web application

                                                        Service 1
                      RESTful WS          Node JS

       HTML 5                      Server Application
      Application                                       Service 2
            client                      server


NodeJS - using RESTful WS and AMQP

            Node JS

                       AMQP              AMQP
                              RabbitMQ          Service

The (sometimes evil) monolith
Decomposing applications into services
How do services communicate?
Presentation layer design
How Cloud Foundry helps

Original architecture



Browser   Apache
                              InventoryService   Database



Modern architecture
                Desktop Browser                         Native Mobile application             HTML5 mobile application

                          StoreUI                                       StoreUI                            StoreUI

Asynchronous, scalable                                   NodeJS                                                          Javascript
   communication                                                          StoreUI


   Spring/Scala web
      application                          Inventory Service                               Shipping Service
                                             Inventory Service                               Shipping Service                          “headless” Spring/
                                                                                                                                        Java applications

                                                   MySQL Customer                   Redis Inventory                      Mongo Order
                         Billing Service
                                                      Database                        Database                            Database

Traditional tools: monolithic applications

Developing modular apps is more difficult
Many more moving parts to manage
 •Platform services: SQL, NoSQL, RabbitMQ
 •Application services: your code
Who is going to setup the environments:
 •the developer sandbox?
 •QA environments?

       But Cloud Foundry helps...

Easy polyglot application deployment and service
                                                                                                   OSS community



                Data Services                                                                    Clouds	


         RabbitMQTM                                                                     Public
                                       Msg Services

                                                              Other Services

                  Additional partners services …
Creating a platform service instance
$ vmc create-service mysql --name mysql1
Creating Service: OK

$ vmc services

=========== Provisioned Services ============

| Name        | Service |
| mysql1      | mysql   |
Multi-application manifest - part 1
                                       Path to application
      name: inventory
       name: spring
        mem: 512M
        description: Java SpringSource Spring Application
      mem: 512M
      instances: 1
                                Required platform services
        type: :rabbitmq
        type: :mongodb
        type: :redis
Multi-application manifest - part 2
                                                  Path to application
 name: store
  name: spring
   mem: 512M
   description: Java SpringSource Spring Application
 mem: 512M
 instances: 1
 services:                       Required platform services
   type: :mongodb
   type: :rabbitmq

One command to create platform services and deploy
$ vmc push
Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]:
Pushing application 'inventory'...
Creating Application: OK
Creating Service [si-rabbit]: OK
Binding Service [si-rabbit]: OK
Creating Service [si-mongo]: OK
Binding Service [si-mongo]: OK
Creating Service [si-redis]: OK
Binding Service [si-redis]: OK
Uploading Application:
 Checking for available resources: OK
                                                             vmc push:
 Processing resources: OK                                    •Reads the manifest file
 Packing application: OK
 Uploading (12K): OK
                                                             •Creates the required platform services
Push Status: OK                                              •Deploys all the applications
Staging Application 'inventory': OK
Starting Application 'inventory': OK
Pushing application 'store'...
Creating Application: OK
Binding Service [si-mongo]: OK
Binding Service [si-rabbit]: OK
Uploading Application:
 Checking for available resources: OK
 Processing resources: OK
 Packing application: OK                                                                               82
Micro Cloud Foundry: new developer sandbox

                 App Instances                          Services

        Open source Platform as a Service project


        A PaaS packaged as a VMware Virtual Machine

                                    Use as a developer sandbox
                                    • Use the services from Junit integration tests
                                    • Deploy your application for functional testing
                                    • Remote debugging from STS

Using Caldecott to tunnel into your services

Caldecott = TCP over HTTP

                protocol                                                     native
   Service                                                    Caldecott     protocol
                                  Caldecott gem                                        Service
    client                 Port                               application

Your computer                                            Cloud Foundry

Using Caldecott…
$ vmc tunnel
1: mysql-135e0
2: mysql1
Which service to tunnel to?: 2
Password: ********
Stopping Application: OK
Redeploying tunnel application 'caldecott'.
Uploading Application:
  Checking for available resources: OK
  Packing application: OK
  Uploading (1K): OK
Push Status: OK
Binding Service [mysql1]: OK
Staging Application: OK
Starting Application: OK
Getting tunnel connection info: OK

Service connection info:
  username : uMe6Apgw00AhS
  password : pKcD76PcZR7GZ
  name     : d7cb8afb52f084f3d9bdc269e7d99ab50

Starting tunnel to mysql1 on port 10000.
1: none
2: mysql
Which client would you like to start?: 2
…Using Caldecott
Launching 'mysql --protocol=TCP --host=localhost --port=10000 --user=uMe6Apgw00AhS --
    password=pKcD76PcZR7GZ d7cb8afb52f084f3d9bdc269e7d99ab50'

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 10944342
Server version: 5.1.54-rel12.5 Percona Server with XtraDB (GPL), Release 12.5, Revision 188

Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.

Running JUnit test with Caldecott
 Configure your test code to use port + connection info


Monolithic applications are
 simple to develop and deploy

BUT have significant drawbacks

Apply the scale cube

                                                                          Modular, polyglot, and scalable
   Y axis -
                                                                          Services developed, deployed
                                                                           and scaled independently

                   X axis - horizontal duplication

Cloud Foundry helps


    Data Services                                                                                          Clouds	


                    Msg Services




                                       Other Services

                  Questions? @cloudfoundry

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Decomposing applications for deployability and scalability #springone2gx #s12gx

  • 1. Decomposing applications for deployability and scalability Chris Richardson, Author of POJOs in Action, Founder of the original @crichardson
  • 2. Presentation goal How decomposing applications improves deployability and scalability and How Cloud Foundry helps 2
  • 7. About Chris 7
  • 8. vmc push About-Chris Developer Advocate Signup at 8
  • 9. Agenda The (sometimes evil) monolith Decomposing applications into services How do services communicate? Presentation layer design How Cloud Foundry helps 9
  • 10. Let’s imagine you are building an e-commerce application 10
  • 11. Traditional web application architecture WAR StoreFrontUI Accounting Service MySQL Browser Apache InventoryService Database Shipping Service Simple to Tomcat develop test deploy scale 11
  • 12. But there are problems with a monolithic architecture 12
  • 13. Users expect a rich, dynamic and interactive experience h oug en HTTP Request od ’t go Browser isn Java Web Application re ctu HTML/Javascript e rc hit I a ty le U s Old Real-time web ≅ NodeJS 13
  • 15. Obstacle to frequent deployments  Need to redeploy everything to change one component  Interrupts long running background (e.g. Quartz) jobs  Increases risk of failure Fear of change  Updates will happen less often  e.g. Makes A/B testing UI really difficult 15
  • 16. Overloads your IDE and container Slows down development 16
  • 17. Obstacle to scaling development Accounting team E-commerce Engineering application Shipping team 17
  • 18. Obstacle to scaling development WAR UI team StoreFrontUI Accounting team Accounting Inventory team InventoryService Shipping team Shipping 18
  • 19. Obstacle to scaling development UI team Accounting team Lots of coordination and communication required 19
  • 20. Requires long-term commitment to a technology stack 20
  • 21. Agenda The (sometimes evil) monolith Decomposing applications into services How do services communicate? Presentation layer design How Cloud Foundry helps 21
  • 22. 22
  • 23. The scale cube Y axis - functional decomposition ila ng Scale by i m ni g s itio r splitting tin rt lit pa different things sp a gs y dat th ale is - Sc ax in b X axis Z - horizontal duplication 23
  • 24. Y-axis scaling - application level WAR StoreFrontUI Accounting Service InventoryService Shipping Service 24
  • 25. Y-axis scaling - application level accounting web application Accounting Service Store front web application inventory web application StoreFrontUI InventoryService shipping web application Shipping Service Apply X axis cloning and/or Z axis partitioning to each service 25
  • 26. Partitioning strategies Partition by verb, e.g. shipping service Partition by noun, e.g. inventory service Single Responsibility Principle Unix utilities - do one focussed thing well Something of an art 26
  • 27. Real world examples Between 100-150 services are accessed to build a page. eBaySDForum2006-11-29.pdf 27
  • 29. Complexity See Steve Yegge’s Google Platforms Rant re 29
  • 30. Multiple databases = Transaction management challenges 30
  • 31. When to use it? In the beginning: •You don’t need it •It will slow you down Later on: •You need it •Refactoring is painful 31
  • 32. But there are many benefits Scales development: develop, deploy and scale each service independently Update UI independently Improves fault isolation Eliminates long-term commitment to a single technology stack Modular, polyglot, multi-framework applications 32
  • 33. Two levels of architecture System-level Services Inter-service glue: interfaces and communication mechanisms Slow changing Service-level Internal architecture of each service Each service could use a different technology stack Pick the best tool for the job Rapidly evolving 33
  • 34. If services are small... Regularly rewrite using a better technology stack Adapt system to changing requirements and better technology without a total rewrite Pick the best developers rather than best <pick a language> developers polyglot culture Fred George “Developer Anarchy” 34
  • 35. The human body as a system 35
  • 36. 50 to 70 billion of your cells die each day 36
  • 37. Yet you (the system) remain you 37
  • 38. Can we build software systems with these characteristics? DesignBeyondHumanAbilitiesSimp.pdf 38
  • 39. Agenda The (sometimes evil) monolith Decomposing applications into services How do services communicate? Presentation layer design How Cloud Foundry helps 39
  • 40. Inter-service communication options Synchronous HTTP asynchronous AMQP Formats: JSON, XML, Protocol Buffers, Thrift, ... Even via the database Asynchronous is preferred JSON is fashionable but binary format is more efficient 40
  • 41. Asynchronous message-based communication wgrus-billing.war Accounting Service wgrus-store.war wgrus-inventory.war RabbitMQ StoreFrontUI (Message InventoryService MySQL Broker) wgrus-shipping.war ShippingService 41
  • 42. Benefits Decouples caller from server Caller unaware of server’s coordinates (URL) Message broker buffers message when server is down/slow 42
  • 43. Drawbacks Additional complexity of message broker RPC using messaging is more complex 43
  • 44. Writing code that calls services 44
  • 45. The need for parallelism Service B b = serviceB() Call in parallel c = serviceC() Service A Service C d = serviceD(b, c) Service D 45
  • 46. Java Futures are a great concurrency abstraction 46
  • 47. Using Java Futures public class Client { private ExecutorService executorService; private RemoteServiceProxy remoteServiceProxy; public void doSomething() throws ... { Eventually contains result Future<Integer> result = executorService.submit(new Callable<Integer>() { @Override public Integer call() throws Exception { return remoteServiceProxy.invokeRemoteService(); } }); /// Do other things When needed wait for result int r = result.get(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); System.out.println(r); 47 } }
  • 48. Akka’s composable futures are even better 48
  • 49. Composable Futures val f1 = Future { ... ; 1 } val f2 = Future { ... ; 2 } Transforms Future val f4 = * 2) assertEquals(4, Await.result(f4, 1 second)) Combines two futures val fzip = f1 zip f2 assertEquals((1, 2), Await.result(fzip, 1 second)) 49
  • 50. Using Akka futures def callB() : Future[...] = ... def callC() : Future[...] = ... def callD() : Future[...] = ... Two calls execute in parallel val future = for { (b, c) <- callB() zip callC(); d <- callD(b, c) } yield d And then invokes D val result = Await.result(future, 1 second) Get the result of D 50
  • 51. Spring Integration Provides the building blocks for a pipes and filters architecture Enables development of application components that are •loosely coupled •insulated from messaging infrastructure Messaging defined declaratively 51
  • 52. Handling failure Service A Service B Errors happen in distributed systems 52
  • 53. About Netflix > 1B API calls/day 1 API call average 6 service calls Fault tolerance is essential 53
  • 54. How to run out of threads HTTP Request X Thread 1 X Thread 2 ... X X Thread N Execute thread Service A XService B pool Eventually all threads If service B is down then thread will be Tomcat will be blocked blocked 54
  • 55. Use timeouts and retries Never wait forever Errors can be transient retry 55
  • 56. Use per-dependency bounded thread pool Service A Runnable 1 Task 1 Runnable 2 Task 2 Service B Runnable ... Task ... bounded queue bounded thread pool Fails fast if Limits number of service is slow or down outstanding requests 56
  • 57. Use a circuit breaker High error rate stop calling temporarily Down wait for it to come back up Slow gives it a chance to recover 57
  • 58. On failure Return cached data Avoid Failing Return default data Fail fast 58
  • 59. Aspects + Actors Dependency Caller Invoker Aspect Implements circuit breaker state machine CircuitBreaker Equivalent of thread Actor pool Worker Dependency Worker Actor Stub Actor 59
  • 60. @DependencyProxy annotation trait RestaurantService { def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) : Future[FindNearbyRestaurantResponse] } @Service @DependencyProxy(circuitBreaker = "factualCircuitBreaker", timeoutInMilliseconds=750) class FactualRestaurantService extends RestaurantService { ... } 60
  • 61. Aspect-based Async Execution @Aspect class DependencyInvokingAspect { @Pointcut("execution(* (@DependencyProxy *).*(..))") def dependencyProxyMethods {} @Around("dependencyProxyMethods()") def invoke(jp: ProceedingJoinPoint) = { val a = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(jp.getTarget.getClass, classOf[DependencyProxy]) val actor = findActor(a) val timeout = Timeout(a.timeoutInMilliseconds milliseconds) actor.ask(InvokeDependency( () => jp.proceed())) (timeout) } } Ask actor to invoke jp.proceed() and return Future 61
  • 63. Agenda The (sometimes evil) monolith Decomposing applications into services How do services communicate? Presentation layer design How Cloud Foundry helps 63
  • 64. Modular application Choice of presentation layer technology 64
  • 65. NodeJS is the fashionable technology 65
  • 66. Why NodeJS? Familiar Javascript High-performance, scalable event-driven, non-blocking I/O model Over 13,000 modules developed by the community Many JavaScript client frameworks have a NodeJS counterpart, e.g. 66
  • 67. NodeJS example Handle HTTP Handle file read var http = require('http'); request var fs = require("fs"); http.createServer(function (req, res) { fs.readFile('somefile.txt', function (err, data) { if (err) throw err; res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end(data); }); }).listen(1337, ''); console.log('Server running at'); 67
  • 68. - server-side var express = require('express') , http = require('http') , app = express() Serve static content from public dir , server = http.createServer(app) , io = require('').listen(server) ; app.configure(function(){ Listen on port 8081 app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); }); server.listen(8081); Create a timer for client io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { var counter = 0; function tick() { counter = counter + 1; Publish event socket.emit('tick', counter); }; setInterval(tick, 1000); }); 68
  • 69. - client-side <html> <body> The time is <span data-bind="text: ticker"></span> <script src="/"></script> <script src="/knockout-2.0.0.js"></script> <script src="/clock.js"></script> </body> Bind to model Connect to </html> server clock.js var socket = io.connect(location.hostname); function ClockModel() { self.ticker = ko.observable(1); Subscribe to tick socket.on('tick', function (data) { event self.ticker(data); }); }; Update model ko.applyBindings(new ClockModel()); 69
  • 70. NodeJS isn’t the only game in town JVM-based 70
  • 71. A modern web application Service 1 RESTful WS Node JS Browser HTML 5 Server Application Application Service 2 Events client server ... 71
  • 72. NodeJS - using RESTful WS and AMQP REST Service REST Requests Node JS Events AMQP AMQP RabbitMQ Service 72
  • 73. Agenda The (sometimes evil) monolith Decomposing applications into services How do services communicate? Presentation layer design How Cloud Foundry helps 73
  • 74. Original architecture WAR StoreFrontUI Accounting Service MySQL Browser Apache InventoryService Database Shipping Service Tomcat 74
  • 75. Modern architecture Desktop Browser Native Mobile application HTML5 mobile application StoreUI StoreUI StoreUI NodeJS Asynchronous, scalable NodeJS Javascript communication StoreUI RabbitMQ Spring/Scala web application Inventory Service Shipping Service Standalone Inventory Service Shipping Service “headless” Spring/ Java applications MySQL Customer Redis Inventory Mongo Order Billing Service Database Database Database 75
  • 76. Traditional tools: monolithic applications 76
  • 77. Developing modular apps is more difficult Many more moving parts to manage •Platform services: SQL, NoSQL, RabbitMQ •Application services: your code Who is going to setup the environments: •the developer sandbox? •... •QA environments? But Cloud Foundry helps... 77
  • 78. Easy polyglot application deployment and service provisioning OSS community vFabric Postgres Ap p lica Private   'o Data Services Clouds   n  S erv i ce  In ter fac vFabric e RabbitMQTM Public Clouds Msg Services Micro Clouds Other Services Additional partners services …
  • 79. Creating a platform service instance $ vmc create-service mysql --name mysql1 Creating Service: OK $ vmc services ...... =========== Provisioned Services ============ +-------------+---------+ | Name | Service | +-------------+---------+ | mysql1 | mysql | +-------------+---------+
  • 80. Multi-application manifest - part 1 --- applications: inventory/target: Path to application name: inventory url: framework: name: spring info: mem: 512M description: Java SpringSource Spring Application exec: mem: 512M instances: 1 services: Required platform services si-rabbit: type: :rabbitmq si-mongo: type: :mongodb si-redis: type: :redis 80
  • 81. Multi-application manifest - part 2 store/target: Path to application name: store url: framework: name: spring info: mem: 512M description: Java SpringSource Spring Application exec: mem: 512M instances: 1 services: Required platform services si-mongo: type: :mongodb si-rabbit: type: :rabbitmq 81
  • 82. One command to create platform services and deploy application $ vmc push Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]: Pushing application 'inventory'... Creating Application: OK Creating Service [si-rabbit]: OK Binding Service [si-rabbit]: OK Creating Service [si-mongo]: OK Binding Service [si-mongo]: OK Creating Service [si-redis]: OK Binding Service [si-redis]: OK Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: OK vmc push: Processing resources: OK •Reads the manifest file Packing application: OK Uploading (12K): OK •Creates the required platform services Push Status: OK •Deploys all the applications Staging Application 'inventory': OK Starting Application 'inventory': OK Pushing application 'store'... Creating Application: OK Binding Service [si-mongo]: OK Binding Service [si-rabbit]: OK Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: OK Processing resources: OK Packing application: OK 82
  • 83. Micro Cloud Foundry: new developer sandbox App Instances Services Open source Platform as a Service project 10.04 A PaaS packaged as a VMware Virtual Machine Use as a developer sandbox • Use the services from Junit integration tests • Deploy your application for functional testing • Remote debugging from STS 83
  • 84. Using Caldecott to tunnel into your services 84
  • 85. Caldecott = TCP over HTTP native protocol native HTTP Service Caldecott protocol Caldecott gem Service client Port application NNN Your computer Cloud Foundry 85
  • 86. Using Caldecott… $ vmc tunnel 1: mysql-135e0 2: mysql1 Which service to tunnel to?: 2 Password: ******** Stopping Application: OK Redeploying tunnel application 'caldecott'. Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: OK Packing application: OK Uploading (1K): OK Push Status: OK Binding Service [mysql1]: OK Staging Application: OK Starting Application: OK Getting tunnel connection info: OK Service connection info: username : uMe6Apgw00AhS password : pKcD76PcZR7GZ name : d7cb8afb52f084f3d9bdc269e7d99ab50 Starting tunnel to mysql1 on port 10000. 1: none 2: mysql Which client would you like to start?: 2
  • 87. …Using Caldecott Launching 'mysql --protocol=TCP --host=localhost --port=10000 --user=uMe6Apgw00AhS -- password=pKcD76PcZR7GZ d7cb8afb52f084f3d9bdc269e7d99ab50' Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g. Your MySQL connection id is 10944342 Server version: 5.1.54-rel12.5 Percona Server with XtraDB (GPL), Release 12.5, Revision 188 Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement. mysql>
  • 88. Running JUnit test with Caldecott Configure your test code to use port + connection info 88
  • 89. Summary 89
  • 90. Monolithic applications are simple to develop and deploy BUT have significant drawbacks 90
  • 91. Apply the scale cube Modular, polyglot, and scalable applications Y axis - functional decomposition Services developed, deployed and scaled independently ngi on iti rt pa a at -d is ax Z X axis - horizontal duplication 91
  • 92. Cloud Foundry helps Ap .js p lic a' on Private    Se Data Services Clouds   rv ice  In te rfa ce Public Clouds ce rfa Msg Services te  In er vid ro d  P ou Micro Cl Clouds Other Services
  • 93. @crichardson Questions? @cloudfoundry