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Salicylic Acid Treatment Increases the Levels of Triterpene
Glycosides in Black Cohosh (Actaea Racemosa) Rhizomes
Annette De Capite1,2
& Tyler Lancaster1
& David Puthoff1
Received: 1 July 2015 /Revised: 4 November 2015 /Accepted: 16 November 2015
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
Abstract Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) serves as the host
plant for the Appalachian azure butterfly, Celastrina
neglectamajor. Overharvesting of Black cohosh for the die-
tary supplement industry may result in its extirpation, and may
also cause the elimination of the dependent butterfly. One way
to increase or maintain the number of host plants in forested
environments would be to reduce the number harvested, for
example by increasing the levels of the desired metabolites in
Black cohosh rhizomes. The secondary metabolites actein and
deoxyactein are triterpene glycosides and are among the com-
pounds associated with the putative activity of Black cohosh
extracts. Acetein and deoxyacetein are used to standardize
Black cohosh supplements. To gain an understanding of
mechanisms that may control actein and deoxyactein accumu-
lation, Black cohosh rhizomes were treated with exogenous
salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, or ethylene, or were mechanical-
ly wounded. Salicylic acid treatment significantly increased
the levels of actein and deoxyactein in the rhizome of Black
cohosh, suggesting that the synthesis of triterpene glycosides
is controlled in part by salicylic acid. Using salicylic acid or
related chemicals to increase the levels of actein and
deoxyactein in rhizomes may help supply the supplement in-
dustry and, simultaneously, help conserve Black cohosh and
species dependent upon it.
Keywords Jasmonic acid . Ethylene . Wounding . Actein .
Deoxyactein . Secondary metabolite
Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) is a medicinal plant native to
the U.S. that is found mainly in shaded environments within
wooded areas of Appalachia. Most of the Black cohosh for the
supplement industry is collected from wild populations al-
though harvesting the roots and rhizomes of the plant dimin-
ishes the Black cohosh population. Black cohosh provides a
vital niche for other species within the same environment. For
example, the caterpillars of the Appalachian azure butterfly
(Celastrina neglectamajor) feed exclusively on the buds of
A. racemosa (NatureServe 2015). This butterfly is found in
only 20 sites within all of Indiana (Shuey 2005). and is ranked
as vulnerable-secure (S3-S4) in Kentucky by NatureServe
(2015). In addition, this species is listed as S2 (imperiled) in
Maryland and S3 (vulnerable) in PA and WV (NatureServe
2015). Loss of wild Black cohosh plants due to harvesting
could contribute to further pressures on the Appalachian azure
In addition to risks to associated insects, collection of wild
A. racemosa is risky because of the likelihood of confusion
between several Actaeeae species including the threatened
(A. podacarpa) and poisonous (A. pachypoda) members.
Actaea podacarpa has few characteristics that distinguish it
from A. racemose including only a small difference in the fruit
and flowers (Ramsey 1987). Limiting harvest of Black cohosh
will not only protect Black cohosh’s wild genetic diversity and
the diversity of closely-related, difficult to distinguish species
but also the ecology of species dependent upon this plant.
Black cohosh contains two secondary metabolites, actein
and deoxyactein, which belong to the terpenoid class
* David Puthoff
Department of Biology, Frostburg State University, 101 Braddock
Rd, Frostburg, MD 21532, USA
Present address: Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology,
Oklahoma University, 770 Van Vleet Oval, Norman, OK 73019,
J Chem Ecol
DOI 10.1007/s10886-015-0655-x
(Nagarajan 2002). These compounds have been used to stan-
dardize nutritional supplemental extracts from Black cohosh
(Ganzera et al. 2000). While most of the research involving
actein and deoxyactein has been focused on potential pharma-
cological activity in humans, our research was aimed at deter-
mining how Black cohosh regulates production of these sec-
ondary metabolites in order to develop methods to increase
production of bioactive extracts and to better understand the
natural history of these compounds.
Given that most secondary plant metabolites are used to
defend plants against attackers (Howe and Jander 2008). we
hypothesized that plant-defense related hormones (jasmonic
acid, salicylic acid, ethylene) or the process of wounding
would cause an increase in the levels of actein and
deoxyactein in Black cohosh rhizome.
Methods and Materials
Rhizome Collection and Treatments Rhizomes of Black
cohosh for the wounding experiments were harvested from
the Frostburg State University campus. For all other treat-
ments, rhizomes were purchased from Catoctin Mountain
Botanicals (Jefferson, MD, USA). Collected rhizomes gener-
ally ranged from 20 to 50 g while those that were purchased
were generally smaller (~15–25 g). Immediately after harvest
or purchase, rhizomes were divided into two random groups
and the above-ground tissues were removed with a scalpel.
Each rhizome then was sliced cross-wise (down the vertical
axis, perpendicular to the soil line and parallel to the length of
the rhizome) in half with a razor blade. For the jasmonic acid,
salicylic acid, and ethylene treatments, including controls, one
half of the rhizome was submerged with the selected com-
pound dissolved in 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) while
the other half was incubated in buffer alone for 24 h. In gen-
eral, 5–15 cm2
of exposed surface area were treated. Jasmonic
acid was applied as a 10 μM solution, ethylene as a 29 ppm
solution of ethephon (Sigma), and salicylic acid as a 100 μM
solution. In order to wound rhizomes, they were squeezed to
almost the breaking point with an electrician’s pliers every
1 cm. After treatment, rhizomes were removed from treat-
ment, rinsed briefly, blotted dry, and allowed to air dry for 3
d at room temperature.
Rhizome Processing and Extraction The treated rhizomes
were sliced longitudinally and immediately dried at 50 °C for
48 h followed by storage at room temperature for up to 1 d.
Rhizomes were ground for 2–5 min, depending on rhizome size,
in a Bel-Art Products Micro-mill (Peaquannock, NJ, USA).
Ground samples were stored at −80 °C until extraction. One half
gram of dried rhizome material was extracted × 3 with 3 ml of
methanol with sonication followed by 20 s vortexing. The super-
natants were combined, and methanol was added to bring the
volume to 10 ml. Each 10 ml extract was filtered through a
0.45 μm filter (Fisher) and stored at -80 °C.
Preparation of Actein and Deoxyactein Standards
Standards of actein and 23-epi-26-deoxyactein (deoxyactein)
(Chromadex, Irvine, CA, USA) were prepared as stock solu-
tions (0.2 mg/ml) in methanol and were stored at −20 or
−80 °C. Serial dilutions were performed to obtain mixtures
containing each compound at the following concentrations:
0.1 mg/ml, 0.05 mg/ml, and 0.025 mg/ml. The standards were
utilized to establish a standard curve for analysis of actein and
deoxyactein concentration in rhizome extracts using HPTLC.
High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC)
Silica gel HPTLC plates (20 × 20 cm) (EMD Millipore, Merk,
Darmstadt, Germany) were dried at 40 °C for at least 24 h.
Actein and deoxyactein standards and plant extracts were
spotted 1.5 cm above the bottom of plate with 0.5 cm between
each spot. Each standard spot consisted of either 10 or 5 μl to
ensure that the standard curve amounts bracketed the plant
samples. Each plant extract consisted of 4 μl. Spotted plates
were dried for 15 min at room temperature and then one hr at
40 °C before development. The mobile phase consisted of
ethyl formate: toluene: formic acid (30:50:20). The develop-
ment chamber was equilibrated with the mobile phase using
Whatman paper for 30 min prior to loading plates inside. After
the solvent front had reached 0.5 cm from the top of the plate,
plates were removed from the development chamber and dried
at room temperature for 15 min then transferred to 40 °C for
15 min. Plates were immersed in enough Anisaldehyde re-
agent (5 % sulfuric acid, 5 % acetic acid, 90 % methanol) to
cover the plate (~20 ml) for 1 s, allowed to dry, and then were
transferred to a hot plate (100 °C) for 1 min. Plates were
examined under visible light and digitally photographed im-
mediately after staining. The intensity of each spot from the
standard curve and the plant extracts were quantified using
spot densitometry (AlphaEaseFC ver3.2.3 AlphaInnotech
(now ProteinSimple), San Leandro, CA, USA). A Student’s
t-test was used to compare the treated and control halves of the
In order to elucidate treatments that alter the levels of actein and
deoxyactein in rhizomes, Black cohosh rhizomes were either
wounded or treated with exogenous jasmonic acid, salicylic acid,
or ethylene. The rhizomes used for these studies were collected
from wild populations, and thus represent an unknown genetic
diversity. In addition, environmental conditions (e.g., soil types,
light levels, pathogens/pests) may have varied among the rhi-
zomes so that each rhizome was split and one-half was used
for treatment and the other half as the control.
J Chem Ecol
Wounded Black cohosh rhizomes did not have significant-
ly different levels of either actein or deoxyactein compared to
untreated controls (Fig. 1a). There was an overall higher level
of deoxyactein as compared to actein in extracts of unwound-
ed and wounded rhizomes. Treatment of rhizomes with
jasmonic acid did not result in significant differences in the
levels of actein and or deoxyactein compared to untreated
controls (Fig. 1b). Likewise, when comparing rhizomes that
were either treated or not with ethylene, there were no signif-
icant differences (Fig. 1c). As seen with the rhizomes from the
other experiments in this study, the level of deoxyactein was
higher overall as compared to actein.
In contrast to the other treatments, salicylic acid treated
rhizomes did have significantly more actein and deoxyactein
compared to the untreated controls (P = 0.026, 0.009 for
actein and deoxyactein, respectively) (Fig. 1d). Levels of
deoxyactein rose from just under 3 mg/g dry rhizome
to 4 mg/g dry weight. Actein levels rose from just over
2 mg/g dry weight to just under 5 mg/g dry weight.
The increases between salicylic acid-treated and control
rhizomes were 2.2- and 1.4-fold for actein and deoxyactein,
respectively. Unlike untreated plants or plants from other
treatments, in the salicylic acid-treated rhizomes, the
amount of actein and deoxyactein were approximately
equal (Fig. 1d).
It has been noted that conservation of plant species in general
simultaneously and substantially conserves insect diversity
(Panzer and Schwartz 1998). This is of particular importance
for species, such as the Appalachian azure butterfly, that de-
pend upon only one plant for their survival. Because there is a
great demand for its rhizomes, most of which are harvested
from wild populations, Black cohosh is in a unique category. It
is highly sought after from the wild, while at the same time its
harvest permanently removes individuals from wild popula-
tions. While previous research has shown that Black cohosh
can recover from low levels of harvesting, intensely harvested
populations do not recover after one year (Small et al. 2011).
Overharvesting could lead to extirpation of not only Black
cohosh, but also the insects that rely on this host.
One mechanism to relieve some of this harvest pressure is
to harvest fewer rhizomes and identify new ways to produce
more active compounds from those rhizomes. Many plants
have been manipulated or put under different stresses to obtain
desirable ingredients (Schilmiler et al. 2008; Sharma et al.
2011). Given that most specialized metabolites are produced
by plants to defend from attack, this study examined the use of
plant-defense hormones to elicit production of actein and
deoxyactein. While it is not known how the treatments
deoxyactein actein
deoxyactein actein
deoxyactein actein
deoxyactein actein
SA treated
Fig. 1 For each of the sections of
the figure above, Black cohosh
rhizomes were split in half with
one half treated with indicated
hormone as described in Methods
and Materials with the other half
rhizome serving as its control;
wounded (a), treated with
jasmonic acid (JA) (b), treated
with ethylene (c), or treated with
salicylic acid (d). One half gram
of each rhizome then was
extracted, and actein and
deoxyactein were quantified
accordingly. Asterisk indicates a
significant difference (P-value
<0.05) using a Student’s t-test.
Error bars represent standard error
of the mean
J Chem Ecol
employed here may alter/reflect endogenous salicylic acid,
jasmonic acid, or ethylene levels, the treatments have been
shown to elicit biomarkers similar to those produced
when a plant is experiencing a genuine pathogen attack
(Chao et al. 1999). Only exogenous treatment with
salicylic acid caused a significant change (increase) in
the levels of actein and deoxyactein. Wounding rhi-
zomes or treating them with exogenous jasmonic acid
or ethylene did not cause any change in levels of the
monitored compounds. Previous research demonstrated that
other medicinal plants (e.g., Mitragyna speciosa), have a se-
ries of salicylic acid inducible genes (Jumali et al. 2011). The
data presented here provide preliminary support of a similar
inducible network of genes that could function in plant de-
fenses in Black cohosh.
Having the ability to increase the levels of needed com-
pounds traditionally collected from wild plants will reduce
the need to harvest more individuals. For Black cohosh, re-
ducing the number of plants removed by harvesting could
protect both the plant and dependent species such as the
Appalachian azure. The research presented here provides
one chemical treatment that could be used to increase valuable
compounds in Black cohosh tissues to achieve the long term
goal of conserving the genetic diversity of Black cohosh, its
close relatives, and species dependent upon it.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge
the Appalachian Center for Ethnobotanical Studies for funding this re-
search project. Also acknowledged are helpful comments of the anony-
mous reviewers.
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matography and evaporative light scattering detection.
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Rev Plant Biol 59:41–66
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J Chem Ecol

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DeCapite 2015 SA treatment Black Cohosh

  • 1. RAPID COMMUNICATION Salicylic Acid Treatment Increases the Levels of Triterpene Glycosides in Black Cohosh (Actaea Racemosa) Rhizomes Annette De Capite1,2 & Tyler Lancaster1 & David Puthoff1 Received: 1 July 2015 /Revised: 4 November 2015 /Accepted: 16 November 2015 # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 Abstract Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) serves as the host plant for the Appalachian azure butterfly, Celastrina neglectamajor. Overharvesting of Black cohosh for the die- tary supplement industry may result in its extirpation, and may also cause the elimination of the dependent butterfly. One way to increase or maintain the number of host plants in forested environments would be to reduce the number harvested, for example by increasing the levels of the desired metabolites in Black cohosh rhizomes. The secondary metabolites actein and deoxyactein are triterpene glycosides and are among the com- pounds associated with the putative activity of Black cohosh extracts. Acetein and deoxyacetein are used to standardize Black cohosh supplements. To gain an understanding of mechanisms that may control actein and deoxyactein accumu- lation, Black cohosh rhizomes were treated with exogenous salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, or ethylene, or were mechanical- ly wounded. Salicylic acid treatment significantly increased the levels of actein and deoxyactein in the rhizome of Black cohosh, suggesting that the synthesis of triterpene glycosides is controlled in part by salicylic acid. Using salicylic acid or related chemicals to increase the levels of actein and deoxyactein in rhizomes may help supply the supplement in- dustry and, simultaneously, help conserve Black cohosh and species dependent upon it. Keywords Jasmonic acid . Ethylene . Wounding . Actein . Deoxyactein . Secondary metabolite Introduction Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) is a medicinal plant native to the U.S. that is found mainly in shaded environments within wooded areas of Appalachia. Most of the Black cohosh for the supplement industry is collected from wild populations al- though harvesting the roots and rhizomes of the plant dimin- ishes the Black cohosh population. Black cohosh provides a vital niche for other species within the same environment. For example, the caterpillars of the Appalachian azure butterfly (Celastrina neglectamajor) feed exclusively on the buds of A. racemosa (NatureServe 2015). This butterfly is found in only 20 sites within all of Indiana (Shuey 2005). and is ranked as vulnerable-secure (S3-S4) in Kentucky by NatureServe (2015). In addition, this species is listed as S2 (imperiled) in Maryland and S3 (vulnerable) in PA and WV (NatureServe 2015). Loss of wild Black cohosh plants due to harvesting could contribute to further pressures on the Appalachian azure butterfly. In addition to risks to associated insects, collection of wild A. racemosa is risky because of the likelihood of confusion between several Actaeeae species including the threatened (A. podacarpa) and poisonous (A. pachypoda) members. Actaea podacarpa has few characteristics that distinguish it from A. racemose including only a small difference in the fruit and flowers (Ramsey 1987). Limiting harvest of Black cohosh will not only protect Black cohosh’s wild genetic diversity and the diversity of closely-related, difficult to distinguish species but also the ecology of species dependent upon this plant. Black cohosh contains two secondary metabolites, actein and deoxyactein, which belong to the terpenoid class * David Puthoff 1 Department of Biology, Frostburg State University, 101 Braddock Rd, Frostburg, MD 21532, USA 2 Present address: Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology, Oklahoma University, 770 Van Vleet Oval, Norman, OK 73019, USA J Chem Ecol DOI 10.1007/s10886-015-0655-x
  • 2. (Nagarajan 2002). These compounds have been used to stan- dardize nutritional supplemental extracts from Black cohosh (Ganzera et al. 2000). While most of the research involving actein and deoxyactein has been focused on potential pharma- cological activity in humans, our research was aimed at deter- mining how Black cohosh regulates production of these sec- ondary metabolites in order to develop methods to increase production of bioactive extracts and to better understand the natural history of these compounds. Given that most secondary plant metabolites are used to defend plants against attackers (Howe and Jander 2008). we hypothesized that plant-defense related hormones (jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, ethylene) or the process of wounding would cause an increase in the levels of actein and deoxyactein in Black cohosh rhizome. Methods and Materials Rhizome Collection and Treatments Rhizomes of Black cohosh for the wounding experiments were harvested from the Frostburg State University campus. For all other treat- ments, rhizomes were purchased from Catoctin Mountain Botanicals (Jefferson, MD, USA). Collected rhizomes gener- ally ranged from 20 to 50 g while those that were purchased were generally smaller (~15–25 g). Immediately after harvest or purchase, rhizomes were divided into two random groups and the above-ground tissues were removed with a scalpel. Each rhizome then was sliced cross-wise (down the vertical axis, perpendicular to the soil line and parallel to the length of the rhizome) in half with a razor blade. For the jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, and ethylene treatments, including controls, one half of the rhizome was submerged with the selected com- pound dissolved in 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) while the other half was incubated in buffer alone for 24 h. In gen- eral, 5–15 cm2 of exposed surface area were treated. Jasmonic acid was applied as a 10 μM solution, ethylene as a 29 ppm solution of ethephon (Sigma), and salicylic acid as a 100 μM solution. In order to wound rhizomes, they were squeezed to almost the breaking point with an electrician’s pliers every 1 cm. After treatment, rhizomes were removed from treat- ment, rinsed briefly, blotted dry, and allowed to air dry for 3 d at room temperature. Rhizome Processing and Extraction The treated rhizomes were sliced longitudinally and immediately dried at 50 °C for 48 h followed by storage at room temperature for up to 1 d. Rhizomes were ground for 2–5 min, depending on rhizome size, in a Bel-Art Products Micro-mill (Peaquannock, NJ, USA). Ground samples were stored at −80 °C until extraction. One half gram of dried rhizome material was extracted × 3 with 3 ml of methanol with sonication followed by 20 s vortexing. The super- natants were combined, and methanol was added to bring the volume to 10 ml. Each 10 ml extract was filtered through a 0.45 μm filter (Fisher) and stored at -80 °C. Preparation of Actein and Deoxyactein Standards Standards of actein and 23-epi-26-deoxyactein (deoxyactein) (Chromadex, Irvine, CA, USA) were prepared as stock solu- tions (0.2 mg/ml) in methanol and were stored at −20 or −80 °C. Serial dilutions were performed to obtain mixtures containing each compound at the following concentrations: 0.1 mg/ml, 0.05 mg/ml, and 0.025 mg/ml. The standards were utilized to establish a standard curve for analysis of actein and deoxyactein concentration in rhizome extracts using HPTLC. High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) Silica gel HPTLC plates (20 × 20 cm) (EMD Millipore, Merk, Darmstadt, Germany) were dried at 40 °C for at least 24 h. Actein and deoxyactein standards and plant extracts were spotted 1.5 cm above the bottom of plate with 0.5 cm between each spot. Each standard spot consisted of either 10 or 5 μl to ensure that the standard curve amounts bracketed the plant samples. Each plant extract consisted of 4 μl. Spotted plates were dried for 15 min at room temperature and then one hr at 40 °C before development. The mobile phase consisted of ethyl formate: toluene: formic acid (30:50:20). The develop- ment chamber was equilibrated with the mobile phase using Whatman paper for 30 min prior to loading plates inside. After the solvent front had reached 0.5 cm from the top of the plate, plates were removed from the development chamber and dried at room temperature for 15 min then transferred to 40 °C for 15 min. Plates were immersed in enough Anisaldehyde re- agent (5 % sulfuric acid, 5 % acetic acid, 90 % methanol) to cover the plate (~20 ml) for 1 s, allowed to dry, and then were transferred to a hot plate (100 °C) for 1 min. Plates were examined under visible light and digitally photographed im- mediately after staining. The intensity of each spot from the standard curve and the plant extracts were quantified using spot densitometry (AlphaEaseFC ver3.2.3 AlphaInnotech (now ProteinSimple), San Leandro, CA, USA). A Student’s t-test was used to compare the treated and control halves of the rhizomes. Results In order to elucidate treatments that alter the levels of actein and deoxyactein in rhizomes, Black cohosh rhizomes were either wounded or treated with exogenous jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, or ethylene. The rhizomes used for these studies were collected from wild populations, and thus represent an unknown genetic diversity. In addition, environmental conditions (e.g., soil types, light levels, pathogens/pests) may have varied among the rhi- zomes so that each rhizome was split and one-half was used for treatment and the other half as the control. J Chem Ecol
  • 3. Wounded Black cohosh rhizomes did not have significant- ly different levels of either actein or deoxyactein compared to untreated controls (Fig. 1a). There was an overall higher level of deoxyactein as compared to actein in extracts of unwound- ed and wounded rhizomes. Treatment of rhizomes with jasmonic acid did not result in significant differences in the levels of actein and or deoxyactein compared to untreated controls (Fig. 1b). Likewise, when comparing rhizomes that were either treated or not with ethylene, there were no signif- icant differences (Fig. 1c). As seen with the rhizomes from the other experiments in this study, the level of deoxyactein was higher overall as compared to actein. In contrast to the other treatments, salicylic acid treated rhizomes did have significantly more actein and deoxyactein compared to the untreated controls (P = 0.026, 0.009 for actein and deoxyactein, respectively) (Fig. 1d). Levels of deoxyactein rose from just under 3 mg/g dry rhizome to 4 mg/g dry weight. Actein levels rose from just over 2 mg/g dry weight to just under 5 mg/g dry weight. The increases between salicylic acid-treated and control rhizomes were 2.2- and 1.4-fold for actein and deoxyactein, respectively. Unlike untreated plants or plants from other treatments, in the salicylic acid-treated rhizomes, the amount of actein and deoxyactein were approximately equal (Fig. 1d). Discussion It has been noted that conservation of plant species in general simultaneously and substantially conserves insect diversity (Panzer and Schwartz 1998). This is of particular importance for species, such as the Appalachian azure butterfly, that de- pend upon only one plant for their survival. Because there is a great demand for its rhizomes, most of which are harvested from wild populations, Black cohosh is in a unique category. It is highly sought after from the wild, while at the same time its harvest permanently removes individuals from wild popula- tions. While previous research has shown that Black cohosh can recover from low levels of harvesting, intensely harvested populations do not recover after one year (Small et al. 2011). Overharvesting could lead to extirpation of not only Black cohosh, but also the insects that rely on this host. One mechanism to relieve some of this harvest pressure is to harvest fewer rhizomes and identify new ways to produce more active compounds from those rhizomes. Many plants have been manipulated or put under different stresses to obtain desirable ingredients (Schilmiler et al. 2008; Sharma et al. 2011). Given that most specialized metabolites are produced by plants to defend from attack, this study examined the use of plant-defense hormones to elicit production of actein and deoxyactein. While it is not known how the treatments 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 deoxyactein actein mg/gdryweight control JA-treated B 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 deoxyactein actein mg/gdryweight control wounded A * * 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 deoxyactein actein mg/gdryweight control Eth-treated C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 deoxyactein actein mg/gdryweight control SA treated ** D Fig. 1 For each of the sections of the figure above, Black cohosh rhizomes were split in half with one half treated with indicated hormone as described in Methods and Materials with the other half rhizome serving as its control; wounded (a), treated with jasmonic acid (JA) (b), treated with ethylene (c), or treated with salicylic acid (d). One half gram of each rhizome then was extracted, and actein and deoxyactein were quantified accordingly. Asterisk indicates a significant difference (P-value <0.05) using a Student’s t-test. Error bars represent standard error of the mean J Chem Ecol
  • 4. employed here may alter/reflect endogenous salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, or ethylene levels, the treatments have been shown to elicit biomarkers similar to those produced when a plant is experiencing a genuine pathogen attack (Chao et al. 1999). Only exogenous treatment with salicylic acid caused a significant change (increase) in the levels of actein and deoxyactein. Wounding rhi- zomes or treating them with exogenous jasmonic acid or ethylene did not cause any change in levels of the monitored compounds. Previous research demonstrated that other medicinal plants (e.g., Mitragyna speciosa), have a se- ries of salicylic acid inducible genes (Jumali et al. 2011). The data presented here provide preliminary support of a similar inducible network of genes that could function in plant de- fenses in Black cohosh. Having the ability to increase the levels of needed com- pounds traditionally collected from wild plants will reduce the need to harvest more individuals. For Black cohosh, re- ducing the number of plants removed by harvesting could protect both the plant and dependent species such as the Appalachian azure. The research presented here provides one chemical treatment that could be used to increase valuable compounds in Black cohosh tissues to achieve the long term goal of conserving the genetic diversity of Black cohosh, its close relatives, and species dependent upon it. Acknowledgments The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the Appalachian Center for Ethnobotanical Studies for funding this re- search project. Also acknowledged are helpful comments of the anony- mous reviewers. References Chao WS, Gu Y-Q, Pautot V, Bray EA, Walling LL (1999) Leucine aminopeptidase mRNAs, proteins and activities increase in response to drought, salinity and the wound signals—systemin, methyl jasmonate, and abscisic acid. Plant Physiol 120:979–992 Ganzera M, Bedir E, Kahn I (2000) Separation of cimicifuga racemosa triterpene glycosides by reverse phase high performance liquid chro- matography and evaporative light scattering detection. Chromatographia 52:301–304 Howe GA, Jander G (2008) Plant immunity to insect herbivores. Annu Rev Plant Biol 59:41–66 Jumali SS, Ikram MS, Ismail I, Zainal Z (2011) Genes induced by high concentration of salicylic acid in mitragyna speciosa. Aust J Crop Sci 5:296–303 Nagarajan M (2002) Constituents. In: Upton R (ed) Black cohosh rhi- zome. American Herbal Pharmacopieia, Santa Cruz, CA, p. 9 NatureServe. 2015. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 7.1. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: Oct 15, 2015). Panzer R, Schwartz MW (1998) Effectiveness of a vegetation-based ap- proach to insect conservation. Conserv Biol 12:693–702 Ramsey GW (1987) Morphological consideration in the north American cimicifuga (ranunculaceae). Castanea 52:129–141 Schilmiler A, Last R, Pichersky E (2008) Harnessing plant trichome biochemistry for the production of useful compounds. The Plant J 54:702–711 Sharma M, Sharma A, Kumar A, Basu SK (2011) Enhancement of sec- ondary metabolites in cultured plant cells through stress stimulus. Am J Plant Phys 6:50–71 Shuey JA (2005) Assessing the conservation value of a complementary system of habitat reserves relative to butterfly species at risk and divergent populations. Am Midl Nat 153:110–120 Small C, Chamberlain J, Mathews D (2011) Recovery of black cohosh (actaea racemosa L.) following experimental harvests. Am Midl Na 166:339–348 J Chem Ecol