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Hawaii Security Sessions
Reintroduce Ideas Break old ones.
What the Heck?!
What is a researcher?
What do they do?
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It’s easer then you might think but you might be looking in the wrong places, the
wrong way and if you blink you could miss it in some special instances.
Can you find one?
Not the 29th
Too busy, 5th
9th Monday ehh
21st seems good
”Who cares thats just a defcon term”
Above is the list of reasons why anyone might not be familiar with a cyber
security researcher, there are few of us and we don't get introduced until people
put on sad faces.
”Think the news was using it”
”Was part of stuxnet and we’ve scanned for it”
”Why did all of the PLC’s go offline then back?”
Twitter to Hacking
Step by Step
Miami to Phoenix
Ehh Not really
Start to no2ce a trend in the
technologies developers are using to
promote new products.
The Tech
I wasn’t Looking but found something
The go-no-go point for any good guy
or bad the moment you can’t pass
something up that you know or have
a great feeling about
Funny feeling
I wasn’t Looking but found something
Approach Tactic
Analogous Path CompleRon
Company Who Uses
Company Who Adds To
Company Who Works On
Customer (Enduser)
Service Provider
Company Who Dev
Weighing Analysis
There isn't a right answer or a wrong one. But
picking the lesser evil path if possible is advised
and more oXen easier.
Is there a way of telling all par2es
involved what the issue is and what
milestones will escalate this effort?
Is this going to be something loud?
What is the current reputa2on of the
target and how will a vulnerability
force change.
Who are we really looking at and
why? You can waste a ton of 2me
contempla2ng who and what to peek
Bounce ideas off other people in the
industry. Use the kinda detail that
protects the idea from harming the
Knowing the target “size” can tell you
a liZle about possible reac2ons to
your findings. They might not be a
good target.
Is there a win-win that can be found
in working with one target over
another. Customers demanding
change works.
Is this issue going to only effect one
major player or will it effect all of
them, and in what way?
Industry Target
Is this really the best use of
Rme, how mission criRcal is
the issue? Ask this
throughout research.
Do we have a way to see the
issue through to the end. Is
the body of work going to
require any longterm
Can the data collected about
the target be a risk to the
researcher and when do you
Are there relaRonships at
play that might effect the
company you work for and
the target?
What do we show to the
public when we show the
capability of working on a
parRcular set of equipment.
What is the speed of
approach based on any
possible past experiences
with the target
Approach Speed
The End User
The Company
Weighing should be interlaced
Repor2ng Method
Public Disclosure
Personal Risk
Mi2ga2on w/effected
Private Disclosure
Weighing Analysis
There isn't a right answer or a wrong one. But
picking the lesser evil path if possible is advised
and more oXen easier.
The two forks are op2onal but the center in the integrity of approach and must always be done
Approach Tactic
This can all be very useful later if you have to write a vulnerability report
What all are they showing on there
website. Are they talking about the
technology as a new innova2on.
What did they saw the public in the
past. Can this be used against them.
Way-back Machine
See how people are using the
technology and if it already shows up
in the public space.
Many companies use video as a
training tool. How can this be used
against them.
This is a very light assessment on the public percep2on of the company and isn't always needed at this point in
the process. This informa2on can be used to help the vulnerability report.
Service Process
What tools are used to service the
technology itself. What service do they do
RMA Process
How do they handle returned product.
Can I get an exploit in to them that way
Carrer Center
How do I stack up against what they are
looking for. Build an account apply.
Photos of Controls
Everyone wants to show off. Show me
your (NOC) network operaRons center
You would be shocked how much
you will find. Hardcoded passwords
lee in, default passwords lee in with
no way to change them in the
When an engineer writes the manual they tend to over inform you for the task at hand. Us this to your advantage.
Why wait so long?
There wasn't a password to download manuals
and firmware, the manuals had direc2ons to
all of the tools needed to service and break
the device. Even had direc2ons on how to
build the parser they use and that happen to
be a stock parse. Then they showed you how
to upload new calibra2on files, even gave me
fake telemetry to test with.
Collect all of your findings and package them up so it is easy to understand to anyone reading. Then encrypt
the hell out of it, and at this point it should be clear you have something that could be cri2cal to humans on
the other end of the technology
This aZack was done
without having the
physical device. If they
had protected some of
the things we covered
this wouldn't have been
possible to uncover.
This is really more of a
mi2ga2on and not a
long term fix.
Rarely done in the real
world but serves as a
way of saying this is a
major issue.
The sweetest words. You
could remotely blow
away the firmware on
the device and even
install applica2ons of
your own.
Not a worst case
scenario most of the
2me this is a quick fix.
But in this case the
device could be spoofed
on the network. So it
was a big issue.
This is the easiest part to mess up, you want your work to be taken seriously so write it up professionally say
what you mean and mean what you say or the report wont be taken seriously by any developer
ICS-CERT and US-CERT both lack a
forma`ng rule for submi`ng new
Start with company background and
the industries effected. Then a
narraRve explaining the issue at a
high level. Close with technical
Proof-of-concept is always good to
include. This is where that pre-
research will come in.
I am contac2ng you both as this product is used in both consumer products and ICS the vendor claims.
Velodyne LiDAR, Inc.
Velodyne’s three flagship products the HDL-64E, HDL-32E, and the PUCK suggest they are used for:
Automa2on (ICS)
Security (Ironic)
Urban Planning
HDL-64E, HDL-32E, and the PUCK (AKA VLP-16) All make use of packet captures to relay in plain text, telemetry from the sensor to server. The server will make a logical determina2on based on the telemetry this could be leveraged to, in the case of an automobile tell the
server (CPU) in the system that the sensor or vehicle has a wall in front of it. They’ve employed an embedded web server that doesn’t require authen2ca2on to access and update both firmware and calibra2on files for the lasers. If an aZacker can gain network level access at
any point they can modify the firmware and calibra2on files and remove any forensic evidence in the process. With very liZle effort an aZacker could access the GPS data also collected in some configura2ons of the sensor and launch a replay aZack replaying telemetry from
the sensor itself at plus or minus a given la2tude and longitude. Sample .pcap files can be found at hZp:// for tes2ng. Some of the documenta2on that is public also shows you how they parse the data.
Addi2onally if an aZacker is on the network, all they need to do is launch an aZack at a given telemetry and control what the vehicle (for our example) can see live thus allowing them to steer the vehicle if an aZacker has commend and control of a network enabled device.
The official vulnerability of this system:
Unauthen2cated command and control with network level command and control lacking basic security prac2ces.
Full network segmenta2on. Recall any devices that are used for mission cri2cal, or could present a health and welfare risk to users, and/or bystanders. Un2l basic security prac2ces can be implemented.
Firmware, Manuals, and soeware are all free to download. Suggest user authen2ca2on here.
P.S. hZps:// (Proves a good deal of the claims above in the promo video)
You can give them my name, our goal at Archer is to strengthen cri2cal infrastructure through a collabora2ve effort with effected venders. Please keep me updated so I may be of service when needed.
Thank you,
Daniel Lance
As of 1 Sept 2011 the other elements of our
disclosure policy, see below, are no longer in
effect. We will decide what we want to do with
any vulnerability. We may disclose it to the
vendor; we may disclose some or part of it
publicly; we may disclose only to our affected
customers; we may keep to ourselves for
future use; or we may do something else.
Our goal at Archer is to strengthen cri2cal
infrastructure through a collabora2ve effort
with effected venders. Please keep us updated
so we may be of service when needed.
Iden2fying a vulnerability is easy; taking care of the vulnerability so your work beZers the overall health of an
industry is the hard part oeen 2mes. And reading vulnerability disclosure policies around the industry proves
how most aren’t cut out for the job of security research.
Malicious SoXware
“ Generally, software is considered malware
based on the intent of the creator rather
than its actual features.“
Dynamic Attack Surface “ Code should be classified from its behavior
alone.“ -Daniel Lance-
Where do these people come from?
Becoming a security researcher?
Former coder, a hacker, a programmer, a developer, and a computer scientist.
White, Black, Gray, and everything between? 
Hat Trick
Typically use there skill for some type
of personal gain or agenda.
Use there skill for penetra2on tes2ng
and implement.
They are everywhere you want to be,
and typically where you need them.
Nevil Maskelyne
1903 Disrupts John Ambrose Fleming's
public demonstraRon of Guglielmo
Marconi's purportedly secure wireless
telegraphy technology, sending insulRng
Morse code messages through the
auditorium's projector.
A family of portable cipher machines
with rotor scramblers. Broken by
Polish cryptologists Marian Rejewski,
Henryk Zygalski and Jerzy Różycki
The Enigma cipher machine Finds a frequency of 2600 Hz would
interact with AT&T's implementa2on
of fully automa2c switches.
Joe Engressia,
French computer expert René
Carmille, hacked the punched
card used by the Nazis to
locate Jews.
IBM Punchcard
Used to interact with automated
telephone systems
Phreaking boxes
Na2onal CSS employee
revealed the existence of his
password cracker
You have to wonder if we are major enough
for the technology we choose to use
Movies The Net and Hackers are
Pop Culture
The New York Times
Describes hackers for the first 2me as
we all have come to know them.
Hundreds of advisories and patches
are released
Windows 98
Stuxnet, The first Malware
Conference, MALCON. Intellectual
property thee from Google.
Hospital pays ransom to get
computers back.
$17,000 ransom
Great, now your in who cares. Is finding nothing good.
Is there an obvious difference?
”From the Rme you get in your car for your morning
commute, to the Rme you walk through your door at the
end of the day, you make decisions about your security”
-Daniel Lance (Ripely Stole This)-
Forensic vs Clinical
The Best We've Got In ICS
Working with ICS-CERT
Complete report gets sent-in via
encrypted email, some2mes other
encrypted files get sent as well
Weighing analysis done, report
is done. Everything in the
report is now TLP RED to us
Report Reviewed
The good folks at ICS-CERT review and
send any comments back with a 2cket
This next part takes forever,
you wait for a whole Siberian
winter to pass before gexng
another email
ICS-CERT will let you know your report is
in the hands of the vendor.
Learn To Play Darts
Then you get another email saying
they are “s2ll working to verify
claims” or maybe get a ques2on or
two [but s2ll learn darts]
Zero-days maZer because we are all
effected in some way. Picking the
appropriate 2ming can be key to a
effec2ve disclosure
Patch or quit 2me. If aeer an
appropriate 2me period you’ll
know the kinda ac2on the
vendor will take
patch or quit
Timeline For Disclosure
Disclosure Requires Vender
To follow a proper disclosure path the vender must take the time to work with
research and want to fix the issues. If they don't want to play kick ball we play dodge
Report Sent
Assigned Ticket
Vendor Verification
Drop Dead Date 100%
Full Disclosure
Vender, Customer, Public and I
Disclosure role play
Right side of the room:
How would you handle escala2ng the process or would you?
Lee side of the room:
Would you want to know about the issue from the vender or
from me the researcher.
Everyone whom has an opinion.
Researchers Are Hunted
from All Sides”
Image: Shutterstock
Hacker Motivations
White Hat Hackers
State Sponsored Hackers
Spy Hackers
Security Researcher
Black Hat Hackers
Script Kiddies
Cyber Terrorists
State Sponsored Malware
Militarized code
Think OS level attack code. This is the
stuff most real “Zero-Days” are made of.
Custom attack
They’ve installed something and left
default passcode in or a port open  
Tools are already made they are just
making use of whats around
Free research given to critical infrastructure
All will publish before the end of the year
Could Represent
2015 the number of reported
vulnerabili2es was 142*
Applications SensorsPLC’s Industries
Of all advisories for ICS-CERT in 2016
*Based on Advisories By Vendor coded as a “15”
Build an Ark
Go medieval on malicious code
You’ll be hacked
Accept that and move on
Hire blue team
Start using firewalls how they were
meant to be used.
Hire a researcher
Find problems not solutions
Use carrier pigeons
Stop using email
Isn't everything owned
Go with the masses pay bounties
Have a beer and talk about those dam
Baseline everything
Blow away everything and always start
from scratch.
Where do we
go from here?

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Daniel Lance - What "You've Got Mail" Taught Me About Cyber Security

  • 2. 2 Reintroduce Ideas Break old ones. What the Heck?! TOM HANKS NY152 MEG RYAN Shopgirl
  • 3.
  • 4. What is a researcher? What do they do?
  • 5. 5 WHAT IS A “ZERO-DAY” 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Su Mo Tu Th We Fr Sa FEBRUARY 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 It’s easer then you might think but you might be looking in the wrong places, the wrong way and if you blink you could miss it in some special instances. Can you find one? Not the 29th Too busy, 5th 9th Monday ehh 21st seems good ”Who cares thats just a defcon term” Above is the list of reasons why anyone might not be familiar with a cyber security researcher, there are few of us and we don't get introduced until people put on sad faces. ”Think the news was using it” ”Was part of stuxnet and we’ve scanned for it” ”Why did all of the PLC’s go offline then back?”
  • 6. 6 @DanielCLance Twitter to Hacking Step by Step Miami to Phoenix PLAN None PROCHEDURE Ehh Not really SCHEDULE None
  • 7. 7 @DanielCLance Twitter Start to no2ce a trend in the technologies developers are using to promote new products. The Tech I wasn’t Looking but found something ”“
  • 8. 8 @DanielCLance Event-Horizon The go-no-go point for any good guy or bad the moment you can’t pass something up that you know or have a great feeling about Funny feeling I wasn’t Looking but found something ”“
  • 9. 9 @DanielCLance Approach Tactic Analogous Path CompleRon Company Who Uses Company Who Adds To Company Who Works On Customer (Enduser) Service Provider Company Who Dev Weighing Analysis There isn't a right answer or a wrong one. But picking the lesser evil path if possible is advised and more oXen easier. 9
  • 10. 10 @DanielCLance Is there a way of telling all par2es involved what the issue is and what milestones will escalate this effort? Planing Is this going to be something loud? What is the current reputa2on of the target and how will a vulnerability force change. Promotion Who are we really looking at and why? You can waste a ton of 2me contempla2ng who and what to peek into. Research Bounce ideas off other people in the industry. Use the kinda detail that protects the idea from harming the public. Review
  • 11. 11 @DanielCLance Knowing the target “size” can tell you a liZle about possible reac2ons to your findings. They might not be a good target. Size Is there a win-win that can be found in working with one target over another. Customers demanding change works. Relationships Is this issue going to only effect one major player or will it effect all of them, and in what way? Industry Target
  • 12. 12 @DanielCLance Strategic Is this really the best use of Rme, how mission criRcal is the issue? Ask this throughout research. Loyal Do we have a way to see the issue through to the end. Is the body of work going to require any longterm funding? Honest Can the data collected about the target be a risk to the researcher and when do you stop. Respectful Are there relaRonships at play that might effect the company you work for and the target? Accomplishment What do we show to the public when we show the capability of working on a parRcular set of equipment. Energetic What is the speed of approach based on any possible past experiences with the target
  • 13. 13 @DanielCLance Respectful Accomplishment Approach Speed Industry The End User The Company Weighing should be interlaced ”“
  • 14. 14 @DanielCLance CERT Use Repor2ng Method Public Disclosure Personal Risk Mi2ga2on w/effected Private Disclosure Weighing Analysis There isn't a right answer or a wrong one. But picking the lesser evil path if possible is advised and more oXen easier.
  • 15. 15 @DanielCLance The two forks are op2onal but the center in the integrity of approach and must always be done Approach Tactic RequiredOptionalOptional
  • 16. 16 @DanielCLance This can all be very useful later if you have to write a vulnerability report INVESTIGATE What all are they showing on there website. Are they talking about the technology as a new innova2on. Websites What did they saw the public in the past. Can this be used against them. Way-back Machine See how people are using the technology and if it already shows up in the public space. ShowDan Many companies use video as a training tool. How can this be used against them. YouTube
  • 17. 17 @DanielCLance This is a very light assessment on the public percep2on of the company and isn't always needed at this point in the process. This informa2on can be used to help the vulnerability report. FISHING IN THE DARK Service Process What tools are used to service the technology itself. What service do they do RMA Process How do they handle returned product. Can I get an exploit in to them that way Carrer Center How do I stack up against what they are looking for. Build an account apply. Photos of Controls Everyone wants to show off. Show me your (NOC) network operaRons center
  • 18. You would be shocked how much you will find. Hardcoded passwords lee in, default passwords lee in with no way to change them in the manual. 18 @DanielCLance When an engineer writes the manual they tend to over inform you for the task at hand. Us this to your advantage. READ THE MANUAL a
  • 19. 19 @DanielCLance Why wait so long? DOWNLOADING LOOKING There wasn't a password to download manuals and firmware, the manuals had direc2ons to all of the tools needed to service and break the device. Even had direc2ons on how to build the parser they use and that happen to be a stock parse. Then they showed you how to upload new calibra2on files, even gave me fake telemetry to test with. WEBSITE
  • 20. 20 @DanielCLance Collect all of your findings and package them up so it is easy to understand to anyone reading. Then encrypt the hell out of it, and at this point it should be clear you have something that could be cri2cal to humans on the other end of the technology CLARIFY BASIC SECURITY PRACTICES SUGGESTIONS This aZack was done without having the physical device. If they had protected some of the things we covered this wouldn't have been possible to uncover. FULL NETWORK SEGMENTATION SUGGESTIONS This is really more of a mi2ga2on and not a long term fix. RECALL ANY DEVICES THAT ARE USED FOR MISSION CRITICAL SUGGESTIONS Rarely done in the real world but serves as a way of saying this is a major issue. UNAUTHENTICATED COMMAND AND CONTROL VULNERABILITY The sweetest words. You could remotely blow away the firmware on the device and even install applica2ons of your own. NETWORK LEVEL COMMAND AND CONTROL VULNERABILITY Not a worst case scenario most of the 2me this is a quick fix. But in this case the device could be spoofed on the network. So it was a big issue.
  • 21. 21 @DanielCLance This is the easiest part to mess up, you want your work to be taken seriously so write it up professionally say what you mean and mean what you say or the report wont be taken seriously by any developer SEND TO THE CORRECT PARTIES Submit ICS-CERT and US-CERT both lack a forma`ng rule for submi`ng new reports. Format Start with company background and the industries effected. Then a narraRve explaining the issue at a high level. Close with technical detail. Proof-of-concept is always good to include. This is where that pre- research will come in. www.inspirasign I am contac2ng you both as this product is used in both consumer products and ICS the vendor claims. Velodyne LiDAR, Inc. Velodyne’s three flagship products the HDL-64E, HDL-32E, and the PUCK suggest they are used for: Automo2ve UAV Mapping Automa2on (ICS) Robo2cs Security (Ironic) Urban Planning Agriculture Mining R&D Topography Geology HDL-64E, HDL-32E, and the PUCK (AKA VLP-16) All make use of packet captures to relay in plain text, telemetry from the sensor to server. The server will make a logical determina2on based on the telemetry this could be leveraged to, in the case of an automobile tell the server (CPU) in the system that the sensor or vehicle has a wall in front of it. They’ve employed an embedded web server that doesn’t require authen2ca2on to access and update both firmware and calibra2on files for the lasers. If an aZacker can gain network level access at any point they can modify the firmware and calibra2on files and remove any forensic evidence in the process. With very liZle effort an aZacker could access the GPS data also collected in some configura2ons of the sensor and launch a replay aZack replaying telemetry from the sensor itself at plus or minus a given la2tude and longitude. Sample .pcap files can be found at hZp:// for tes2ng. Some of the documenta2on that is public also shows you how they parse the data. Addi2onally if an aZacker is on the network, all they need to do is launch an aZack at a given telemetry and control what the vehicle (for our example) can see live thus allowing them to steer the vehicle if an aZacker has commend and control of a network enabled device. The official vulnerability of this system: Unauthen2cated command and control with network level command and control lacking basic security prac2ces. Sugges2ons: Full network segmenta2on. Recall any devices that are used for mission cri2cal, or could present a health and welfare risk to users, and/or bystanders. Un2l basic security prac2ces can be implemented. hZp:// hZp:// Firmware, Manuals, and soeware are all free to download. Suggest user authen2ca2on here. P.S. hZps:// (Proves a good deal of the claims above in the promo video) You can give them my name, our goal at Archer is to strengthen cri2cal infrastructure through a collabora2ve effort with effected venders. Please keep me updated so I may be of service when needed. Thank you, Daniel Lance
  • 22. 22 @DanielCLance As of 1 Sept 2011 the other elements of our disclosure policy, see below, are no longer in effect. We will decide what we want to do with any vulnerability. We may disclose it to the vendor; we may disclose some or part of it publicly; we may disclose only to our affected customers; we may keep to ourselves for future use; or we may do something else. OTHERS Our goal at Archer is to strengthen cri2cal infrastructure through a collabora2ve effort with effected venders. Please keep us updated so we may be of service when needed. ARCHER LABS Iden2fying a vulnerability is easy; taking care of the vulnerability so your work beZers the overall health of an industry is the hard part oeen 2mes. And reading vulnerability disclosure policies around the industry proves how most aren’t cut out for the job of security research. VULNERABILITY DISCLOSURE POLICY
  • 23. 23 @DanielCLance MALWARE IN A NUTSHELL Malicious SoXware “ Generally, software is considered malware based on the intent of the creator rather than its actual features.“ Dynamic Attack Surface “ Code should be classified from its behavior alone.“ -Daniel Lance-
  • 24. 24 @DanielCLance Where do these people come from? Becoming a security researcher? Former coder, a hacker, a programmer, a developer, and a computer scientist.
  • 26. 26 White, Black, Gray, and everything between?  Hat Trick BAD GUYS Typically use there skill for some type of personal gain or agenda. GOOD GUYS Use there skill for penetra2on tes2ng and implement. GRAY GUYS They are everywhere you want to be, and typically where you need them.
  • 28. 28 @DanielCLance Nevil Maskelyne 1903 Disrupts John Ambrose Fleming's public demonstraRon of Guglielmo Marconi's purportedly secure wireless telegraphy technology, sending insulRng Morse code messages through the auditorium's projector. A family of portable cipher machines with rotor scramblers. Broken by Polish cryptologists Marian Rejewski, Henryk Zygalski and Jerzy Różycki The Enigma cipher machine Finds a frequency of 2600 Hz would interact with AT&T's implementa2on of fully automa2c switches. Joe Engressia, 1932 1943 1957 French computer expert René Carmille, hacked the punched card used by the Nazis to locate Jews. IBM Punchcard Used to interact with automated telephone systems Phreaking boxes 1960s Na2onal CSS employee revealed the existence of his password cracker 1980
  • 29. 29 @DanielCLance MORAL HAZARD You have to wonder if we are major enough for the technology we choose to use Movies The Net and Hackers are released. Pop Culture 1995 1981 The New York Times Describes hackers for the first 2me as we all have come to know them. Hundreds of advisories and patches are released Windows 98 1999 Stuxnet, The first Malware Conference, MALCON. Intellectual property thee from Google. Malware 2010 Hospital pays ransom to get computers back. $17,000 ransom 2016
  • 30. WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE? Great, now your in who cares. Is finding nothing good.
  • 31. Is there an obvious difference? ”From the Rme you get in your car for your morning commute, to the Rme you walk through your door at the end of the day, you make decisions about your security” -Daniel Lance (Ripely Stole This)- Forensic vs Clinical
  • 32. 32 @DanielCLance The Best We've Got In ICS Working with ICS-CERT Report Complete report gets sent-in via encrypted email, some2mes other encrypted files get sent as well Weighing analysis done, report is done. Everything in the report is now TLP RED to us
  • 33. 33 @DanielCLance Report Reviewed The good folks at ICS-CERT review and send any comments back with a 2cket number This next part takes forever, you wait for a whole Siberian winter to pass before gexng another email Vender ICS-CERT will let you know your report is in the hands of the vendor.
  • 34. 34 Learn To Play Darts Then you get another email saying they are “s2ll working to verify claims” or maybe get a ques2on or two [but s2ll learn darts]
  • 35. 35 @DanielCLance Disclosure Zero-days maZer because we are all effected in some way. Picking the appropriate 2ming can be key to a effec2ve disclosure Patch or quit 2me. If aeer an appropriate 2me period you’ll know the kinda ac2on the vendor will take
  • 36. 36 patch or quit Timeline For Disclosure Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 2015 Disclosure Requires Vender To follow a proper disclosure path the vender must take the time to work with research and want to fix the issues. If they don't want to play kick ball we play dodge ball. Report Sent Assigned Ticket Vendor Verification Drop Dead Date 100% Full Disclosure PUBLIC WITH CUSTOMER OUT REACH
  • 37. Vender, Customer, Public and I Disclosure role play Right side of the room: How would you handle escala2ng the process or would you? Lee side of the room: Would you want to know about the issue from the vender or from me the researcher. Public Everyone whom has an opinion.
  • 38. ”Cybersecurity Researchers Are Hunted from All Sides” -Motherboard- Image: Shutterstock
  • 39. 39 Hacker Motivations White Hat Hackers State Sponsored Hackers Spy Hackers Security Researcher Black Hat Hackers Script Kiddies Hacktivists Cyber Terrorists
  • 40. 40 @DanielCLance DEGREES OF HACKING State Sponsored Malware Militarized code Think OS level attack code. This is the stuff most real “Zero-Days” are made of. Custom attack They’ve installed something and left default passcode in or a port open   Implementation Tools are already made they are just making use of whats around Penetration
  • 41. 41 Free research given to critical infrastructure ARCHERS CONTRIBUTION All will publish before the end of the year Could Represent 2015 the number of reported vulnerabili2es was 142* 21% 29+ 3 6 13 Applications SensorsPLC’s Industries Of all advisories for ICS-CERT in 2016 *Based on Advisories By Vendor coded as a “15”
  • 42. @DanielCLance CLOSING PATH Build an Ark Go medieval on malicious code You’ll be hacked Accept that and move on Hire blue team Start using firewalls how they were meant to be used. Hire a researcher Find problems not solutions Use carrier pigeons Stop using email Isn't everything owned Go with the masses pay bounties Hold BEER-ISAC Have a beer and talk about those dam hackers Baseline everything Blow away everything and always start from scratch. Where do we go from here?