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4.2.3. Dalí and his time in New York
The Quiz!!! http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v= iXT2E9Ccc8A
4.2.4. Dalí in Port Lligat, París y New York: http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v= x82gWQFEpQA & feature = related
http://web2. infoguard . net / lubo / vision / gallery / dali / index . php ? offset =21& gallery =23#
http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v=Pa2rwk- SlCo   Some videos... Dali Ads Dalí old: I’m a bad painter http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v= v60uJ4WGArU Andy Warhol Ad http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v= jaf6zF - FJBk & feature = fvw http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v= vBDHLxGfY70 & feature = related
1941 Dalí’s interest in jewellery design began, this being an enthusiasm that was to last throughout his entire artistic career, initially in collaboration with the Duke of Verdura, and later with two established New York jewellers, Alemany and Ertman. He began his professional relationship with the photographer Philippe Halsman, which was to continue right up to the latter’s death in 1979. He exhibited at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York. The exhibition catalogue included Salvador Dalí’s article “The Last Scandal of Salvador Dalí”.  Vogue  magazine published “Dalí’s Dream of Jewels”. On October 8th the Ballets Russes de Montecarlo gave their first performance at the Metropolitan Opera House of  Labyrinth , with libretto, decors and costumes by Dalí, choreography by Léonide Massine and music by Schubert. New York’s MOMA gallery inaugurated on November 18th an anthological exhibition devoted to Dalí and Miró. 1942 New York’s Dial Press published  The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí . Along with previously unpublished drawings, there appeared in  Esquire  magazine his article “Total Camouflage for Total War”. 1943 In April, the Reynolds Morse couple purchased their first Dalí painting,  Spider by Night... Hope  from George Keller of the Bignou Gallery in New York. This was to be the start of a major collection of works by the painter. He put on an exhibition of portraits at the Knoedler Gallery in New York, whose catalogue included the text “Dali to the Reader”. In the springtime in New York he decorated Helena Rubinstein’s apartment. In May he designed a new ballet,  El Café de Chinitas , based on a true story adapted by Federico García Lorca, which was performed in Detroit and at New York’s Metropolitan Opera House. 1944 In  Life  magazine he published an article entitled “Nightmare Journey” and created a cover for  Vogue . He took part in the exhibition  First Exhibition in America of Art of this Century  at New York’s Art of this Century Gallery. The exhibition  Religious Art Today  was inaugurated at the Dayton Art Museum, in Dayton. On October 30th at the International Theatre in New York, Ballet International presented  Sentimental Colloquy , with sets designed by Dalí. Dial Press published Dalí’s first novel,  Hidden Faces . He also made a series of adverts for Bryans Hosiery stockings, in a collaboration that was to run until 1947. December 15th saw the New York debut by Ballet International of  Mad Tristan , the first paranoiac ballet about the eternal legend of love in death. Dalí’s plot was based on the musical themes of Wagner’s  Tristan and Isolda . Dalí Chronology
1945 For Doubleday & Doran of New York he illustrated two books by Maurice Sandoz,  The Maze  and  Fantastic Memoires . He went to Hollywood to work with Alfred Hitchcock on the film  Spellbound , whose dreamlike sequences were created by Dalí. The Bignou Gallery inaugurated the exhibition  Recent Paintings by Salvador Dalí . This served as the occasion for Dalí to present   the first volume of  Dali News , which he published himself and which dealt solely with the artist and his oeuvre. He illustrated Gerald Kersh’s article “Wars for Sale”, published in  Town & Country . 1946 He took part in the exhibitions  Four Spaniards: Dali, Gris, Miro, Picasso  at the Institute of Modern Art in Boston,  A Selection of Contemporary Paintings  at the Bignou Gallery and 2 nd  Summer Exhibition of Contemporary Art held at the University of Iowa. In  Harper’s Bazaar  he published “Painting after the Tempest” and designed covers for  EtCetera  magazine and the Christmas issue of  Vogue . At the Knoedler Gallery and under the title  Dalí Introduces New Perfume , three  Desert Trilogy  paintings were exhibited, created to launch a perfume called Desert Flower. He also made the illustrations for various works:  The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini  and  Macbeth  by Shakespeare, published by Doubleday;  The First Part of the Life and Achievements of the Renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha  by Miguel de Cervantes, published by Random House of New York. Walt Disney hired Dalí to help produce the film  Destino . 1947 Second Dalí exhibition at the Bignou Gallery, in which he presented the second and last issue of  Dali News . He wrote two articles for the catalogue: “Dali Dali Dali” and “Appendix. History of Art, Short but Clear”. The magazine  Script  commissioned a series of illustrations to convey his conception of various American cities and his impressions of the atomic era. Doubleday published the  Essays of Michel de Montaigne , selected and illustrated by the painter.
1948 He published  50 Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship  and illustrated Billy Rose’s book  Wine Women & Words . The Dalí couple returned to Spain. November saw the first performance at Rome’s Eliseo Theatre of  Rosalind or As You Like It , by Shakespeare, directed by Luchino Visconti and with sets and costumes by Dalí. 1949 He announced that he had written a script for a “paranoiac film”, entitled  La carretilla de carne  (The Meat Trolley), which was never made in the end.  Salomé  by Strauss was inaugurated, with set and costumes by Dalí, libretto by Oscar Wilde and directed by Peter Brook, at Covent Garden in London, and  Don Juan Tenorio  by José Zorrilla at Madrid’s Teatro María Guerrero, which was also performed subsequently. He published in  Tribune  the article “Mr. Dali's Motor Car”. In December, Anna Maria Dalí published the book  Salvador Dalí visto por su hermana  (Salvador Dalí as Seen by his Sister). The end of the 1940s heralded the onset of his mystical and nuclear period — the corpus of which he set out in his  Mystical Manifesto . This was a period characterised by his dealing with religious themes and subjects related with the scientific progress of the times, with a special interest in progress relating to nuclear fusion and fission. The creations of this period reveal how the launch of the atom bomb and its aftermath influenced his creation. 1950 He wrote the pamphlet  Memorandum  as a reaction to publication of the book by his sister. He wrote the articles: “To Spain Guided by Dali”, which he himself illustrated, and “The Decadence of Modern Art” for the  Herald American . He took part in an exhibition held at New York’s Delius Gallery under the title  Exhibition of 20 Paintings Old and New from Duccio to Dali  and the Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Paintings held at the Carnegie Institute in Pittsburgh. He gave a talk on “Why I was Sacrilegious, why I am Mystical” at Barcelona’s Ateneu Barcelonès. Towards the end of the year he exhibited at the Carstairs Gallery in New York, writing the catalogue text “The Port-Lligat Madonna”. His father died in September. 1951 He took part in the I Exposición Bienal Hispanoamericana de Arte created by the Instituto de Cultura Hispánica. He presented in Paris his  Mystical Manifesto , as well as works based on it. Carlos de Beistegui organised a disguise dance at the Palazzo Labia in Venice. The Dalís appeared dressed up in costumes designed by the artist and made by the firm Christian Dior. He gave a talk called “Picasso and I” at Madrid’s Teatro María Guerrero. He exhibited in London at the Lefevre Gallery.
1952 He wrote various articles for French publications: “Authenticity and Lies”, “Aristocracy and Crutches” and "Reconstruction of the Glorious Body in the Sky”. The University of Texas published "The Myth of William Tell. The Whole Truth about my Expulsion from the Surrealist Group". For the catalogue of his exhibition that year at the Carstairs Gallery, he wrote the article ”Long Live Modern Art on the Basis of Painting according to Raphael”. 1953 The  Connaissance des Arts  magazine published “Salvador Dalí Explains his own Painting". He took part in the exhibition  Fiesta Exhibition 1953: Picasso, Gris, Miro, Dalí  at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara. 1954 At the Palazzo Pallavicini in Rome he exhibited his drawings to illustrate Dante’s  The Divine Comedy . On the occasion of this exhibition Dalí suddenly emerged from a “metaphysical bucket”, symbolising his rebirth. He inaugurated a new exhibition at the Carstairs Gallery, in the prologue of which he spoke about the Rome exhibition. He produced illustrations for various books:  La verdadera historia de Lidia de Cadaqués  (The True Story of Lídia of Cadaqués) by Eugeni d’Ors and  Balada del sabater d’Ordis  (Balad of the Cobbler of Ordis) by Carles Fages de Climent, for which Dalí also wrote the epilogue. He created the frontispiece of  R.S.V.P. Elsa Maxwell's Own Story . His collaborative work with Philippe Halsman  Dali’s Mustache  was published. 1955 He made the  Portrait of Laurence Olivier in the Role of Richard III , to promote the film  Richard III , based on the work by Shakespeare and directed by Alexander Korda. In a rhinoceros compound at Vincennes Zoo he created a paranoiac-critical interpretation of Vermeer’s work  The Lacemaker  and worked on a film based on the theme. In December he gave a talk entitled “The Phenomenological Aspects of the Paranoiac-Critical Method” at the Sorbonne University .
1956 He published his treaty on  Les cocus du vieil art moderne  (The Cuckolded of the Old Modern Art). He also gave a talk in homage to Gaudí at the Güell Park in Barcelona, where he created a work right there before those present. During the Ninth Belgian Summer Festival he exhibited at the Knokke-le-Zoute Casino. 1957 Histoire d’un grand livre - Don Quichotte  (History of a Great Book – Don Quixote), edited by Joseph Foret, was published with fifteen lithographs by Dalí. For the magazine  Nugget  he started a series of articles about predictions concerning the future. Some of them had already appeared over previous years in other North American publications. He exhibited again at the Carstairs Gallery. 1958 Over the course of this year, he received various commissions, designing a Christmas greetings card for Hoechst Ibérica. His collaboration with this company was to last for nineteen years. For the Wallace laboratories he designed an exhibition to promote the Miltown tranquilliser pill. For the Paris Trade Fair Centre he ordered a twelve-metre loaf of bread that he used to illustrate the talk he gave at the Théâtre de l’Étoile. On August 8th Dalí and Gala were married at the Els Àngels shrine in Sant Martí Vell, near Girona. On the occasion of his exhibition at the Carstairs Gallery he published his  Anti-matter manifesto . 1959 Together with Albert Skira, he planned production of the magazine  Rhinocéros . He made the illustrations for  Le tricorne  by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón. Over the course of the year he published: “The King and the Queen Traversed by Swift Nudes” for  Art News ; “Louis Aragon Dubreton” for  La Nation Française  and “Comments on the Jewels”, an article included in the book  Dali. A Study of his Art-in-Jewels: The Collection of the Owen Cheatham Foundation . At the end of the year, Dalí presented a new means of transport, the ovociped.
1960 He filmed the documentary  Chaos and Creation . The edition of  The Divine Comedy  under the charge of Joseph Foret was issued. The illustrations were exhibited at Paris’ Musée Galliera. Dalí wrote in the catalogue “The Outstanding Events in the Life of Salvador Dalí that have marked our Epoch” and “The Divine Cheese”. He also published the following articles: “Cartier-Bresson: Moralities” in  Art News ; “Advice and Mysteries of Salvador Dalí” in  Rinnovamento ; “Picasso by Dali” in  TV Times ; “The Influence of Saints’ Days on Painting” in  Canigó . For the catalogue of  Oh figure. Informal Homage to Velázquez  he wrote the article “Velázquez the pictorial genius...”. Dalí’s participation in the exhibition  Surrealist Intrusion in the Enchanter’s Domain , held at the D’Arcy Galleries in New York, met with a hostile reception by the surrealist group, which wrote a manifesto entitled  We Don’t EAR it that Way . At the end of the year he exhibited again at the Carstairs Gallery. 1961 The period of gestation of the Dalí Theatre-Museum began this year. In August, his native city paid homage to him. The La Fenice theatre in Venice gave the first performance of  La dama spagnola e il cavaliere romano  (The Spanish Lady and the Roman Gentleman), with music by Scarlatti and five stage sets by Dalí, and the ballet  Gala  with choreography by Maurice Béjart and sets and costume by Dalí.  Arts News  published “The Secret Number of Velasquez revealed”. Joseph Foret’s book  L’Apocalypse  came out, with illustrations by Dalí and others and cover also by Dalí. At the École Polytechnique in Paris he gave a talk called “Gala Deoxyribonucleic Acid”. Pierre Cardinal made a programme about Dalí for French television under the title  Gros plan , although the actual broadcast was finally suspended. 1962 He exhibited at Barcelona’s Saló del Tinell, writing an article for the catalogue, “Fortuny, Dalí and his Tétouan battles”. He donated his  The Christ of the Vallès  for an exhibition-sale of works ceded by artists for the victims of that year’s floods in the Vallès region near Barcelona. He sent three works for the  Exhibition of Catalan Painting from Pre-History down to Our Days  at the Casón del Buen Retiro in Madrid. In  Art News  he published "The Price is Right” and “Tàpies, Tàpies, classic, classic!”, in  Noticiero Universal , “Picasso, Rusiñol and Dalí”, while for  Hablemos Magazine  he wrote “Was Rembrandt blind? Yes, replies Salvador Dalí”.
1963 Four Dalí etchings illustrated Robert D. Valette’s book  Deux fatrasies . He published his book  Le mythe tragique de “L’Angélus” de Millet  (The Tragic Legend of  The Angelus  by Millet), the manuscript of which remained lost for twenty-two years. Other writings from this year appeared in American publications: “Why they Attack the Mona Lisa” in  Art News  and “A Manifesto” and “Dali’s Notes on the Battle of Tétouan” for  Show  . At the Knoedler Gallery he exhibited, among other works, his  GALACIDALACIDESOXIRIBUNUCLEICACID (Homage to Crick and Watson) , and at Galerie Falvart a series of etchings devoted to mythology. 1964 He was awarded the Gran Cruz de Isabel la Católica, the highest Spanish distinction. A great retrospective exhibition was inaugurated in Tokyo, organised by Mainichi Newspapers, and then went on to travel to various Japanese cities. The book  L’Apocalypse  was shown at the Paris pavilion of the World’s Fair in New York. Along with other works by Dalí, the Spanish pavilion exhibited for the first time  The Apotheosis of the Dollar . Éditions de La Table Ronde published  Journal d’un génie  (Diary of a Genius). He illustrated the work by Horace Walpole  The Castle of Otranto . 1965 The Knoedler Gallery organised  Exhibition of Dali’s Best Paintings To-Date . The Gallery of Modern Art in New York inaugurated the anthological exhibition  Salvador Dali 1910-1965 , in whose catalogue Dalí wrote “Resume of History and of the History of Painting”. For  Le Nouvel Observateur  he wrote the article “Rubbish is Always Close to Heaven”. 1966 Albin Michel of Paris published Dalí’s book  Lettre ouverte à Salvador Dalí  (Open Letter to Salvador Dalí), with thirty-three illustrations by the artist himself.  Entretiens avec Salvador Dalí  also appeared, being a book of interviews conducted by Alain Bosquet, and the  Pater Noster  illustrated by the painter. He designed an envelope to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the UNO. In collaboration with Dalí, Jean-Christophe Averty made the documentary  Autoportrait mou de Salvador Dalí (Soft Self-Portrait of Salvador Dalí). He took part in the exhibition Surrealism a State of Mind organised by the University of California, Santa Barbara.
1967 Various books illustrated by Dalí were published:  Poèmes  by Mao Tse-Tung,  The Life of Casanova  and  Poèmes secrets  by Guillaume Apollinaire. In the salons of the Hôtel Meurice in Paris he organised the exhibition  Hommage à Meissonier , in which he presented the work  Tuna Fishing . For the catalogue he wrote an article entitled “Manifesto in Homage to Meissonier”. Also, in  Arts Magazine , he published “How an Elvis Presley Becomes a Roy Lichtenstein” and “The Incendiary Firemen” in  Art News Annual . 1968 He took part in the exhibition  Dada-Surrealism and their Heritage  held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. He illustrated  Les amours de Cassandre  by Ronsard with ten etchings.On the occasion of France’s May ’68 events he published  Ma révolution culturelle  (My Cultural Revolution), which was distributed among the students at the Sorbonne. As an outcome of his conversations with Louis Pauwels there appeared the book  Les passions selon Dalí  (The Passions according to Dalí). The year also saw the publication of  Dalí de Draeger , in which the painter collaborated and wrote the prologue. 1969 Dalí purchased Púbol Castle and decorated it for Gala. Various books illustrated by Dalí were published:  Les métamorphoses érotiques ; Goethe’s  Faust  and  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland  by Lewis Carroll. Carlton Lake’s book  In Quest of Dalí  was published. For  Art News  he wrote “De Kooning’s 300,000,000th Birthday”, the prologue to the book  La visió artística i religiosa de Gaudí  and one of the articles included in his book  Les métamorphoses érotiques , under the title of “Against Pornography and Obscenity and in favour of the God Eros and Eroticism”. Over the course of the 1960s and 1970s the painter’s interest in science and holography increased, for they offered him new perspectives in his constant quest for mastery of threedimensional images. Dalí studied and used the potential of the new discoveries, particularly those related with the third dimension. He took an interest in all procedures aimed at offering the viewer an impression of plasticity and space; with the third dimension he aspired to gain access to the fourth, namely, immortality.
1970 He held a press conference at the Gustave Moreau Museum in Paris, in which he announced the creation of the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres. The Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam organised a major retrospective exhibition of his work, which in the following year could be seen at the Staatliche Kunsthalle in Baden-Baden (Germany). For the catalogue he wrote the article “The Recent Earthquake in Peru…”. He also exhibited at the Knoedler Gallery in New York, the Galerie André-François Petit in Paris and the Musée de l’Athénée in Geneva (Switzerland). In  Arts Magazine  he published “The Cylindrical Monarchy of Guimard”. 1971 Cleveland (Ohio) inaugurated its Dalí Museum to house the A. Reynolds Morse collection. Dalí created a chess set, dedicated to Marcel Duchamp, for the American Chess Foundation. He designed the first issue of  Scarab  magazine. Under the title  Oui , an anthology of articles dating from various periods was published. Also issued was the  Procès en diffamation plaidé devant la Conférence du Stage , with a frontispiece by Dalí. He designed the Christmas issue of the French edition of  Vogue  devoted to Gala, which included the article “Dalí’s Point of View”. 1972 He illustrated Boccaccio’s  Decameron . In  Art News  he published the article “Holos! Holos! Velázquez! Gabor!”, and in  Yearbox  (California), “The Glorious Testicles of our Emperor Trojan”. The Knoedler Galleries presented the first world exhibition of holograms that Dalí had created in collaboration with Dennis Gabor. 1973 He illustrated  The Twelve Tribes of Israel  and André Malraux’s work  Roi, je t’attends à Babylone . A year before its inauguration, the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres presented the exhibition  Dalí. His Art in Jewels . This year also saw the publication of his books  Comment on devient Dalí  (How One Becomes Dalí), with prologue and notes by André Parinaud, and  Les dîners de Gala  (Gala’s Dinners), published by Draeger. He also wrote the prologue for the catalogue  Grands maîtres hyperréalistes américains  (Hyperrealist American Grand Masters); and for  Paris Match , “Picasso and Horsehairs” and “Dalí’s Six Days”; for the  La Vanguardia , “Painting and Photography. Hyperrealism and Monarchy”; for Linda Chase’s book  Les Hypérrealistes Américaines  (The American Hyperrealists), he wrote the article “Acute Sybaritic Realism”; and “Inmortality of Genetic
Imperialsim” forming part of his book  Dix recettes d’immortalité  (Ten Recipes for Immortality). At the Museo del Prado he gave a talk entitled “Velázquez and I”. At the Elysée Gallery in Paris, Alex Maguy presented seven paintings by Dalí, while the Louisiana Museum at Humlebeak organised a Dalí retrospective that was later exhibited also at the Moderna Museet of Stockholm. 1974 He illustrated  Les amours jaunes  by Tristan Corbière and Hemingway’s work  The Old Man and the Sea . He wrote the prologue for and illustrated Sigmund Freud’s book,  Moses and Monotheism.  The books  Pujols per Dalí  and, in collaboration with Henry-François Rey,  Dali dans son labyrinthe  (Dalí in his Labyrinth), were published. He wrote the prologue to the book  La mort difficile  (Difficult Death) by René Crevel, and the presentation texts for the catalogues of the exhibitions of Antoni Pitxot and Horia Damian. The Vallès County Initiatives and Tourism Centre (Barcelona Province) organised a Dalí Happening in Granollers, produced by the German television channel that worked on the Dalí film  Impressions de la Haute Mongolie  (Impressions of Upper Mongolia). The Dalí Theatre-Museum was inaugurated on September 28th. 1975 He illustrated the books  The Quest for the Holy Grail  and  Life is a Dream  by Calderón de la Barca. The Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres and the Salvador Dalí Museum in Cleveland (Ohio) published jointly Dalí’s opuscule  Eroticism in Clothing . There was a presentation of Dalí’s film  Impressions de la Haute Mongolie  (Impressions of Upper Mongolia), directed by José Montes Baquer, at the International Fantastic Film Festival held in Avoriaz, France. 1976 He published two issues of  Setmanari Artístic Mar Empordanesa , the Dalí Theatre-Museum’s news bulletin, in which he spoke of his work and the Figueres gallery.  Le Sauvage  magazine published an interview with Dalí that included his article “Any news, Velázquez?” 1977 The Draeger publishing house issued  Les Vins de Gala  (Gala’s Wines). He exhibited at Galerie André-François Petit in Paris, while the Castres museum presented  Hommage à Goya , with eighty-one etchings produced by Dalí from Goya’s own etchings.
1978 He presented at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York his first hyperstereoscopic painting,  Dalí Lifting the Skin of the Mediterranean to Show Gala the Birth of Venus . The Dalí Theatre-Museum was the scenario for the presentation of a new edition of the book  Babaouo . 1979 An extended republication of the anthology  Oui  was published, containing previously unpublished Dalí articles from earlier years. He was appointed associate overseas member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts of the Institut de France. He published in  Destino  the article “Final Conclusions of my book entitled  God’s Dimensions and Colours ”. A major Dalí retrospective was inaugurated at the Georges-Pompidou Centre in Paris, as well as the ’”environnement” he had specially designed for the centre. By then well into the 1980s he was to paint his last works, basically taking their inspiration from Michelangelo and Raphael, whom he had always admired. 1980 From 14 May to 29 June, London’s Tate Gallery presented a retrospective of Salvador Dalí, with a total of two hundred and fifty-one works on show.  Obres de museu  (Museum Works), made in collaboration with Josep Pla, was published. 1982 The Salvador Dalí Museum, owned by the Reynolds Morse couple, was inaugurated in St. Petersburg (Florida). On 10 June Gala died in Portlligat. Spain’s King Juan Carlos I appointed him Marquis of Púbol. Salvador Dalí went to live at Púbol Castle. 1983 A major anthological exhibition,  400 works by Salvador Dalí from 1914 to 1983 , was held in Madrid, Barcelona and Figueres. His last pictorial works date from this period.
1984 Following a fire at Púbol Castle, he moved for good to Torre Galatea, Figueres, where he was to remain until his death. 1985 Être Dieu: opéra-poème, audiovisuel et cathare en six parties  (Being God: a Cathar Audiovisual Opera-Poem in Six Parts) was published, based on a libretto by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán with music by Igor Wakhevich. 1987 El Paseante  magazine published his tragedy  Màrtir . 1989 Dalí died at Torre Galatea on 23 January 1989. A major retrospective exhibition  Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989  was held at the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart, and was shown later at the Kunsthaus in Zurich.

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  • 1. 4.2.3. Dalí and his time in New York
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  • 21. The Quiz!!! http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v= iXT2E9Ccc8A
  • 22. 4.2.4. Dalí in Port Lligat, París y New York: http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v= x82gWQFEpQA & feature = related
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  • 32. http://web2. infoguard . net / lubo / vision / gallery / dali / index . php ? offset =21& gallery =23#
  • 33. http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v=Pa2rwk- SlCo Some videos... Dali Ads Dalí old: I’m a bad painter http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v= v60uJ4WGArU Andy Warhol Ad http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v= jaf6zF - FJBk & feature = fvw http:// www . youtube . com / watch ?v= vBDHLxGfY70 & feature = related
  • 34. 1941 Dalí’s interest in jewellery design began, this being an enthusiasm that was to last throughout his entire artistic career, initially in collaboration with the Duke of Verdura, and later with two established New York jewellers, Alemany and Ertman. He began his professional relationship with the photographer Philippe Halsman, which was to continue right up to the latter’s death in 1979. He exhibited at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York. The exhibition catalogue included Salvador Dalí’s article “The Last Scandal of Salvador Dalí”. Vogue magazine published “Dalí’s Dream of Jewels”. On October 8th the Ballets Russes de Montecarlo gave their first performance at the Metropolitan Opera House of Labyrinth , with libretto, decors and costumes by Dalí, choreography by Léonide Massine and music by Schubert. New York’s MOMA gallery inaugurated on November 18th an anthological exhibition devoted to Dalí and Miró. 1942 New York’s Dial Press published The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí . Along with previously unpublished drawings, there appeared in Esquire magazine his article “Total Camouflage for Total War”. 1943 In April, the Reynolds Morse couple purchased their first Dalí painting, Spider by Night... Hope from George Keller of the Bignou Gallery in New York. This was to be the start of a major collection of works by the painter. He put on an exhibition of portraits at the Knoedler Gallery in New York, whose catalogue included the text “Dali to the Reader”. In the springtime in New York he decorated Helena Rubinstein’s apartment. In May he designed a new ballet, El Café de Chinitas , based on a true story adapted by Federico García Lorca, which was performed in Detroit and at New York’s Metropolitan Opera House. 1944 In Life magazine he published an article entitled “Nightmare Journey” and created a cover for Vogue . He took part in the exhibition First Exhibition in America of Art of this Century at New York’s Art of this Century Gallery. The exhibition Religious Art Today was inaugurated at the Dayton Art Museum, in Dayton. On October 30th at the International Theatre in New York, Ballet International presented Sentimental Colloquy , with sets designed by Dalí. Dial Press published Dalí’s first novel, Hidden Faces . He also made a series of adverts for Bryans Hosiery stockings, in a collaboration that was to run until 1947. December 15th saw the New York debut by Ballet International of Mad Tristan , the first paranoiac ballet about the eternal legend of love in death. Dalí’s plot was based on the musical themes of Wagner’s Tristan and Isolda . Dalí Chronology
  • 35. 1945 For Doubleday & Doran of New York he illustrated two books by Maurice Sandoz, The Maze and Fantastic Memoires . He went to Hollywood to work with Alfred Hitchcock on the film Spellbound , whose dreamlike sequences were created by Dalí. The Bignou Gallery inaugurated the exhibition Recent Paintings by Salvador Dalí . This served as the occasion for Dalí to present the first volume of Dali News , which he published himself and which dealt solely with the artist and his oeuvre. He illustrated Gerald Kersh’s article “Wars for Sale”, published in Town & Country . 1946 He took part in the exhibitions Four Spaniards: Dali, Gris, Miro, Picasso at the Institute of Modern Art in Boston, A Selection of Contemporary Paintings at the Bignou Gallery and 2 nd Summer Exhibition of Contemporary Art held at the University of Iowa. In Harper’s Bazaar he published “Painting after the Tempest” and designed covers for EtCetera magazine and the Christmas issue of Vogue . At the Knoedler Gallery and under the title Dalí Introduces New Perfume , three Desert Trilogy paintings were exhibited, created to launch a perfume called Desert Flower. He also made the illustrations for various works: The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini and Macbeth by Shakespeare, published by Doubleday; The First Part of the Life and Achievements of the Renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes, published by Random House of New York. Walt Disney hired Dalí to help produce the film Destino . 1947 Second Dalí exhibition at the Bignou Gallery, in which he presented the second and last issue of Dali News . He wrote two articles for the catalogue: “Dali Dali Dali” and “Appendix. History of Art, Short but Clear”. The magazine Script commissioned a series of illustrations to convey his conception of various American cities and his impressions of the atomic era. Doubleday published the Essays of Michel de Montaigne , selected and illustrated by the painter.
  • 36. 1948 He published 50 Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship and illustrated Billy Rose’s book Wine Women & Words . The Dalí couple returned to Spain. November saw the first performance at Rome’s Eliseo Theatre of Rosalind or As You Like It , by Shakespeare, directed by Luchino Visconti and with sets and costumes by Dalí. 1949 He announced that he had written a script for a “paranoiac film”, entitled La carretilla de carne (The Meat Trolley), which was never made in the end. Salomé by Strauss was inaugurated, with set and costumes by Dalí, libretto by Oscar Wilde and directed by Peter Brook, at Covent Garden in London, and Don Juan Tenorio by José Zorrilla at Madrid’s Teatro María Guerrero, which was also performed subsequently. He published in Tribune the article “Mr. Dali's Motor Car”. In December, Anna Maria Dalí published the book Salvador Dalí visto por su hermana (Salvador Dalí as Seen by his Sister). The end of the 1940s heralded the onset of his mystical and nuclear period — the corpus of which he set out in his Mystical Manifesto . This was a period characterised by his dealing with religious themes and subjects related with the scientific progress of the times, with a special interest in progress relating to nuclear fusion and fission. The creations of this period reveal how the launch of the atom bomb and its aftermath influenced his creation. 1950 He wrote the pamphlet Memorandum as a reaction to publication of the book by his sister. He wrote the articles: “To Spain Guided by Dali”, which he himself illustrated, and “The Decadence of Modern Art” for the Herald American . He took part in an exhibition held at New York’s Delius Gallery under the title Exhibition of 20 Paintings Old and New from Duccio to Dali and the Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Paintings held at the Carnegie Institute in Pittsburgh. He gave a talk on “Why I was Sacrilegious, why I am Mystical” at Barcelona’s Ateneu Barcelonès. Towards the end of the year he exhibited at the Carstairs Gallery in New York, writing the catalogue text “The Port-Lligat Madonna”. His father died in September. 1951 He took part in the I Exposición Bienal Hispanoamericana de Arte created by the Instituto de Cultura Hispánica. He presented in Paris his Mystical Manifesto , as well as works based on it. Carlos de Beistegui organised a disguise dance at the Palazzo Labia in Venice. The Dalís appeared dressed up in costumes designed by the artist and made by the firm Christian Dior. He gave a talk called “Picasso and I” at Madrid’s Teatro María Guerrero. He exhibited in London at the Lefevre Gallery.
  • 37. 1952 He wrote various articles for French publications: “Authenticity and Lies”, “Aristocracy and Crutches” and "Reconstruction of the Glorious Body in the Sky”. The University of Texas published "The Myth of William Tell. The Whole Truth about my Expulsion from the Surrealist Group". For the catalogue of his exhibition that year at the Carstairs Gallery, he wrote the article ”Long Live Modern Art on the Basis of Painting according to Raphael”. 1953 The Connaissance des Arts magazine published “Salvador Dalí Explains his own Painting". He took part in the exhibition Fiesta Exhibition 1953: Picasso, Gris, Miro, Dalí at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara. 1954 At the Palazzo Pallavicini in Rome he exhibited his drawings to illustrate Dante’s The Divine Comedy . On the occasion of this exhibition Dalí suddenly emerged from a “metaphysical bucket”, symbolising his rebirth. He inaugurated a new exhibition at the Carstairs Gallery, in the prologue of which he spoke about the Rome exhibition. He produced illustrations for various books: La verdadera historia de Lidia de Cadaqués (The True Story of Lídia of Cadaqués) by Eugeni d’Ors and Balada del sabater d’Ordis (Balad of the Cobbler of Ordis) by Carles Fages de Climent, for which Dalí also wrote the epilogue. He created the frontispiece of R.S.V.P. Elsa Maxwell's Own Story . His collaborative work with Philippe Halsman Dali’s Mustache was published. 1955 He made the Portrait of Laurence Olivier in the Role of Richard III , to promote the film Richard III , based on the work by Shakespeare and directed by Alexander Korda. In a rhinoceros compound at Vincennes Zoo he created a paranoiac-critical interpretation of Vermeer’s work The Lacemaker and worked on a film based on the theme. In December he gave a talk entitled “The Phenomenological Aspects of the Paranoiac-Critical Method” at the Sorbonne University .
  • 38. 1956 He published his treaty on Les cocus du vieil art moderne (The Cuckolded of the Old Modern Art). He also gave a talk in homage to Gaudí at the Güell Park in Barcelona, where he created a work right there before those present. During the Ninth Belgian Summer Festival he exhibited at the Knokke-le-Zoute Casino. 1957 Histoire d’un grand livre - Don Quichotte (History of a Great Book – Don Quixote), edited by Joseph Foret, was published with fifteen lithographs by Dalí. For the magazine Nugget he started a series of articles about predictions concerning the future. Some of them had already appeared over previous years in other North American publications. He exhibited again at the Carstairs Gallery. 1958 Over the course of this year, he received various commissions, designing a Christmas greetings card for Hoechst Ibérica. His collaboration with this company was to last for nineteen years. For the Wallace laboratories he designed an exhibition to promote the Miltown tranquilliser pill. For the Paris Trade Fair Centre he ordered a twelve-metre loaf of bread that he used to illustrate the talk he gave at the Théâtre de l’Étoile. On August 8th Dalí and Gala were married at the Els Àngels shrine in Sant Martí Vell, near Girona. On the occasion of his exhibition at the Carstairs Gallery he published his Anti-matter manifesto . 1959 Together with Albert Skira, he planned production of the magazine Rhinocéros . He made the illustrations for Le tricorne by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón. Over the course of the year he published: “The King and the Queen Traversed by Swift Nudes” for Art News ; “Louis Aragon Dubreton” for La Nation Française and “Comments on the Jewels”, an article included in the book Dali. A Study of his Art-in-Jewels: The Collection of the Owen Cheatham Foundation . At the end of the year, Dalí presented a new means of transport, the ovociped.
  • 39. 1960 He filmed the documentary Chaos and Creation . The edition of The Divine Comedy under the charge of Joseph Foret was issued. The illustrations were exhibited at Paris’ Musée Galliera. Dalí wrote in the catalogue “The Outstanding Events in the Life of Salvador Dalí that have marked our Epoch” and “The Divine Cheese”. He also published the following articles: “Cartier-Bresson: Moralities” in Art News ; “Advice and Mysteries of Salvador Dalí” in Rinnovamento ; “Picasso by Dali” in TV Times ; “The Influence of Saints’ Days on Painting” in Canigó . For the catalogue of Oh figure. Informal Homage to Velázquez he wrote the article “Velázquez the pictorial genius...”. Dalí’s participation in the exhibition Surrealist Intrusion in the Enchanter’s Domain , held at the D’Arcy Galleries in New York, met with a hostile reception by the surrealist group, which wrote a manifesto entitled We Don’t EAR it that Way . At the end of the year he exhibited again at the Carstairs Gallery. 1961 The period of gestation of the Dalí Theatre-Museum began this year. In August, his native city paid homage to him. The La Fenice theatre in Venice gave the first performance of La dama spagnola e il cavaliere romano (The Spanish Lady and the Roman Gentleman), with music by Scarlatti and five stage sets by Dalí, and the ballet Gala with choreography by Maurice Béjart and sets and costume by Dalí. Arts News published “The Secret Number of Velasquez revealed”. Joseph Foret’s book L’Apocalypse came out, with illustrations by Dalí and others and cover also by Dalí. At the École Polytechnique in Paris he gave a talk called “Gala Deoxyribonucleic Acid”. Pierre Cardinal made a programme about Dalí for French television under the title Gros plan , although the actual broadcast was finally suspended. 1962 He exhibited at Barcelona’s Saló del Tinell, writing an article for the catalogue, “Fortuny, Dalí and his Tétouan battles”. He donated his The Christ of the Vallès for an exhibition-sale of works ceded by artists for the victims of that year’s floods in the Vallès region near Barcelona. He sent three works for the Exhibition of Catalan Painting from Pre-History down to Our Days at the Casón del Buen Retiro in Madrid. In Art News he published "The Price is Right” and “Tàpies, Tàpies, classic, classic!”, in Noticiero Universal , “Picasso, Rusiñol and Dalí”, while for Hablemos Magazine he wrote “Was Rembrandt blind? Yes, replies Salvador Dalí”.
  • 40. 1963 Four Dalí etchings illustrated Robert D. Valette’s book Deux fatrasies . He published his book Le mythe tragique de “L’Angélus” de Millet (The Tragic Legend of The Angelus by Millet), the manuscript of which remained lost for twenty-two years. Other writings from this year appeared in American publications: “Why they Attack the Mona Lisa” in Art News and “A Manifesto” and “Dali’s Notes on the Battle of Tétouan” for Show . At the Knoedler Gallery he exhibited, among other works, his GALACIDALACIDESOXIRIBUNUCLEICACID (Homage to Crick and Watson) , and at Galerie Falvart a series of etchings devoted to mythology. 1964 He was awarded the Gran Cruz de Isabel la Católica, the highest Spanish distinction. A great retrospective exhibition was inaugurated in Tokyo, organised by Mainichi Newspapers, and then went on to travel to various Japanese cities. The book L’Apocalypse was shown at the Paris pavilion of the World’s Fair in New York. Along with other works by Dalí, the Spanish pavilion exhibited for the first time The Apotheosis of the Dollar . Éditions de La Table Ronde published Journal d’un génie (Diary of a Genius). He illustrated the work by Horace Walpole The Castle of Otranto . 1965 The Knoedler Gallery organised Exhibition of Dali’s Best Paintings To-Date . The Gallery of Modern Art in New York inaugurated the anthological exhibition Salvador Dali 1910-1965 , in whose catalogue Dalí wrote “Resume of History and of the History of Painting”. For Le Nouvel Observateur he wrote the article “Rubbish is Always Close to Heaven”. 1966 Albin Michel of Paris published Dalí’s book Lettre ouverte à Salvador Dalí (Open Letter to Salvador Dalí), with thirty-three illustrations by the artist himself. Entretiens avec Salvador Dalí also appeared, being a book of interviews conducted by Alain Bosquet, and the Pater Noster illustrated by the painter. He designed an envelope to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the UNO. In collaboration with Dalí, Jean-Christophe Averty made the documentary Autoportrait mou de Salvador Dalí (Soft Self-Portrait of Salvador Dalí). He took part in the exhibition Surrealism a State of Mind organised by the University of California, Santa Barbara.
  • 41. 1967 Various books illustrated by Dalí were published: Poèmes by Mao Tse-Tung, The Life of Casanova and Poèmes secrets by Guillaume Apollinaire. In the salons of the Hôtel Meurice in Paris he organised the exhibition Hommage à Meissonier , in which he presented the work Tuna Fishing . For the catalogue he wrote an article entitled “Manifesto in Homage to Meissonier”. Also, in Arts Magazine , he published “How an Elvis Presley Becomes a Roy Lichtenstein” and “The Incendiary Firemen” in Art News Annual . 1968 He took part in the exhibition Dada-Surrealism and their Heritage held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. He illustrated Les amours de Cassandre by Ronsard with ten etchings.On the occasion of France’s May ’68 events he published Ma révolution culturelle (My Cultural Revolution), which was distributed among the students at the Sorbonne. As an outcome of his conversations with Louis Pauwels there appeared the book Les passions selon Dalí (The Passions according to Dalí). The year also saw the publication of Dalí de Draeger , in which the painter collaborated and wrote the prologue. 1969 Dalí purchased Púbol Castle and decorated it for Gala. Various books illustrated by Dalí were published: Les métamorphoses érotiques ; Goethe’s Faust and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Carlton Lake’s book In Quest of Dalí was published. For Art News he wrote “De Kooning’s 300,000,000th Birthday”, the prologue to the book La visió artística i religiosa de Gaudí and one of the articles included in his book Les métamorphoses érotiques , under the title of “Against Pornography and Obscenity and in favour of the God Eros and Eroticism”. Over the course of the 1960s and 1970s the painter’s interest in science and holography increased, for they offered him new perspectives in his constant quest for mastery of threedimensional images. Dalí studied and used the potential of the new discoveries, particularly those related with the third dimension. He took an interest in all procedures aimed at offering the viewer an impression of plasticity and space; with the third dimension he aspired to gain access to the fourth, namely, immortality.
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  • 43. 1970 He held a press conference at the Gustave Moreau Museum in Paris, in which he announced the creation of the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres. The Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam organised a major retrospective exhibition of his work, which in the following year could be seen at the Staatliche Kunsthalle in Baden-Baden (Germany). For the catalogue he wrote the article “The Recent Earthquake in Peru…”. He also exhibited at the Knoedler Gallery in New York, the Galerie André-François Petit in Paris and the Musée de l’Athénée in Geneva (Switzerland). In Arts Magazine he published “The Cylindrical Monarchy of Guimard”. 1971 Cleveland (Ohio) inaugurated its Dalí Museum to house the A. Reynolds Morse collection. Dalí created a chess set, dedicated to Marcel Duchamp, for the American Chess Foundation. He designed the first issue of Scarab magazine. Under the title Oui , an anthology of articles dating from various periods was published. Also issued was the Procès en diffamation plaidé devant la Conférence du Stage , with a frontispiece by Dalí. He designed the Christmas issue of the French edition of Vogue devoted to Gala, which included the article “Dalí’s Point of View”. 1972 He illustrated Boccaccio’s Decameron . In Art News he published the article “Holos! Holos! Velázquez! Gabor!”, and in Yearbox (California), “The Glorious Testicles of our Emperor Trojan”. The Knoedler Galleries presented the first world exhibition of holograms that Dalí had created in collaboration with Dennis Gabor. 1973 He illustrated The Twelve Tribes of Israel and André Malraux’s work Roi, je t’attends à Babylone . A year before its inauguration, the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres presented the exhibition Dalí. His Art in Jewels . This year also saw the publication of his books Comment on devient Dalí (How One Becomes Dalí), with prologue and notes by André Parinaud, and Les dîners de Gala (Gala’s Dinners), published by Draeger. He also wrote the prologue for the catalogue Grands maîtres hyperréalistes américains (Hyperrealist American Grand Masters); and for Paris Match , “Picasso and Horsehairs” and “Dalí’s Six Days”; for the La Vanguardia , “Painting and Photography. Hyperrealism and Monarchy”; for Linda Chase’s book Les Hypérrealistes Américaines (The American Hyperrealists), he wrote the article “Acute Sybaritic Realism”; and “Inmortality of Genetic
  • 44. Imperialsim” forming part of his book Dix recettes d’immortalité (Ten Recipes for Immortality). At the Museo del Prado he gave a talk entitled “Velázquez and I”. At the Elysée Gallery in Paris, Alex Maguy presented seven paintings by Dalí, while the Louisiana Museum at Humlebeak organised a Dalí retrospective that was later exhibited also at the Moderna Museet of Stockholm. 1974 He illustrated Les amours jaunes by Tristan Corbière and Hemingway’s work The Old Man and the Sea . He wrote the prologue for and illustrated Sigmund Freud’s book, Moses and Monotheism. The books Pujols per Dalí and, in collaboration with Henry-François Rey, Dali dans son labyrinthe (Dalí in his Labyrinth), were published. He wrote the prologue to the book La mort difficile (Difficult Death) by René Crevel, and the presentation texts for the catalogues of the exhibitions of Antoni Pitxot and Horia Damian. The Vallès County Initiatives and Tourism Centre (Barcelona Province) organised a Dalí Happening in Granollers, produced by the German television channel that worked on the Dalí film Impressions de la Haute Mongolie (Impressions of Upper Mongolia). The Dalí Theatre-Museum was inaugurated on September 28th. 1975 He illustrated the books The Quest for the Holy Grail and Life is a Dream by Calderón de la Barca. The Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres and the Salvador Dalí Museum in Cleveland (Ohio) published jointly Dalí’s opuscule Eroticism in Clothing . There was a presentation of Dalí’s film Impressions de la Haute Mongolie (Impressions of Upper Mongolia), directed by José Montes Baquer, at the International Fantastic Film Festival held in Avoriaz, France. 1976 He published two issues of Setmanari Artístic Mar Empordanesa , the Dalí Theatre-Museum’s news bulletin, in which he spoke of his work and the Figueres gallery. Le Sauvage magazine published an interview with Dalí that included his article “Any news, Velázquez?” 1977 The Draeger publishing house issued Les Vins de Gala (Gala’s Wines). He exhibited at Galerie André-François Petit in Paris, while the Castres museum presented Hommage à Goya , with eighty-one etchings produced by Dalí from Goya’s own etchings.
  • 45. 1978 He presented at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York his first hyperstereoscopic painting, Dalí Lifting the Skin of the Mediterranean to Show Gala the Birth of Venus . The Dalí Theatre-Museum was the scenario for the presentation of a new edition of the book Babaouo . 1979 An extended republication of the anthology Oui was published, containing previously unpublished Dalí articles from earlier years. He was appointed associate overseas member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts of the Institut de France. He published in Destino the article “Final Conclusions of my book entitled God’s Dimensions and Colours ”. A major Dalí retrospective was inaugurated at the Georges-Pompidou Centre in Paris, as well as the ’”environnement” he had specially designed for the centre. By then well into the 1980s he was to paint his last works, basically taking their inspiration from Michelangelo and Raphael, whom he had always admired. 1980 From 14 May to 29 June, London’s Tate Gallery presented a retrospective of Salvador Dalí, with a total of two hundred and fifty-one works on show. Obres de museu (Museum Works), made in collaboration with Josep Pla, was published. 1982 The Salvador Dalí Museum, owned by the Reynolds Morse couple, was inaugurated in St. Petersburg (Florida). On 10 June Gala died in Portlligat. Spain’s King Juan Carlos I appointed him Marquis of Púbol. Salvador Dalí went to live at Púbol Castle. 1983 A major anthological exhibition, 400 works by Salvador Dalí from 1914 to 1983 , was held in Madrid, Barcelona and Figueres. His last pictorial works date from this period.
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  • 47. 1984 Following a fire at Púbol Castle, he moved for good to Torre Galatea, Figueres, where he was to remain until his death. 1985 Être Dieu: opéra-poème, audiovisuel et cathare en six parties (Being God: a Cathar Audiovisual Opera-Poem in Six Parts) was published, based on a libretto by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán with music by Igor Wakhevich. 1987 El Paseante magazine published his tragedy Màrtir . 1989 Dalí died at Torre Galatea on 23 January 1989. A major retrospective exhibition Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989 was held at the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart, and was shown later at the Kunsthaus in Zurich.