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Denis Maggiorotto

Sunnyvale S.r.l.
Dal caos all'automazione
di sistemi e infrastrutture IT con Ansible
Table of contents
Ansible commands
Introducing modules
Working with the inventory
Ansible playbooks
Reusing logic with Ansible Roles
Sharing Roles on Ansible Galaxy
Custom module development
Ansible and Docker
Real 3 tiers architecture demo
About Ansible
“Ansible is a universal language, unraveling
the mystery of how work gets done. Turn
tough tasks into repeatable playbooks. Roll
out enterprise-wide protocols with the push of
a button. Give your team the tools to
automate, solve, and share”
“Simple, agentless IT automation
that anyone can use”
“Automate: deploy apps.
Manage systems. Crush
“Accelerate: solve problems
once and share the results
with everyone”
“Collaborate: break down
silos, create a culture of
“Integrate: automate the
technologies you already use”
About Ansible
Populate the inventory
user@mgmt:/$ vi /etc/ansible/hosts
First Ansible commands (ad-hoc)
# reboot all servers in the groupA
user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -a "/sbin/reboot"
# reboot all servers in the groupA in 12 parallel forks
user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -a "/sbin/reboot" -f 12
# reboot all servers in the groupA impersonating another user
user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -a "/sbin/reboot" -u anotheruser
Commands using Ansible modules
user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping
# as bruce
user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping -u bruce
# as bruce, sudoing to root
user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping -u bruce --sudo
# as bruce, sudoing to batman
user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping -u bruce --sudo --sudo-user batman
# With latest version of ansible `sudo` is deprecated so use become
# as bruce, sudoing to root
user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping -u bruce -b
# as bruce, sudoing to batman
user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping -u bruce -b --become-user batman
Modules in ad-hoc commands are specified with -m flag
Get help for each module
Documentation for each module (in this case yum) can be
accessed from the command line with the ansible-doc
user@mgmt$ ansible-doc yum
For a list of all available modules, see Module Index, or run the
following at a command prompt:
user@mgmt$ ansible-doc -l
Modules idempotency
# not idempotent, it overwrites ~/.zshrc any time is run
user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m command -a "cp ~/.oh-my-zsh/
templates/zshrc.zsh-template ~/.zshrc"
Modules should be idempotent*, and should avoid making any changes if
they detect that the current state matches the desired final state**.

*An operation is idempotent if the result of performing it once is exactly the
same as the result of performing it repeatedly without any intervening

**You have to follow this rules invoking your commands or within you
user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m command -a "creates=~/.zshrc cp
~/.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template ~/.zshrc"
hostA | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
skipped, since ~/.zshrc exists
Working with the inventory
The inventory file can be in one of many formats, depending on the
inventory plugins you have. For this example, the format for /etc/ansible/
hosts is an INI-like (one of Ansible’s defaults) and looks like this:
user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts
user@mgmt:/$ cat /home/user/inventory.yaml
A YAML version would look like:
Working with the inventory
Host Variables
Are defined in the inventory file in the form of name=value
user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts
lb01 var=value
user@mgmt:/$ ansible loadbalancer -m command -a "echo
lb01 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
and used later in ad-hoc commands (or playbooks)
Working with the inventory
If you are adding a lot of hosts following similar patterns, you can do this
rather than listing each hostname:
user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts
For numeric patterns, leading zeros can be included or removed, as
desired. Ranges are inclusive. You can also define alphabetic ranges:
user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts
You can also select the connection type and user on a per host basis:
user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts
localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=mpdehaan ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=mdehaan
Working with the inventory
Groups of Groups, and Group Variables
It is also possible to make groups of groups using the :children suffix (INI)
or children: element (YAML)
user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts
user@mgmt:/$ cat /home/user/inventory.yaml
halon_system_timeout: 30
self_destruct_countdown: 60
escape_pods: 2
Ansible connection to targets
Ansible can connect to targets using multiple drivers (plugins)
user@mgmt:/$ ansible-doc -t connection -l
buildah Interact with an existing buildah container
chroot Interact with local chroot
docker Run tasks in docker containers
funcd Use funcd to connect to target
httpapi Use httpapi to run command on network appliances
iocage Run tasks in iocage jails
jail Run tasks in jails
kubectl Execute tasks in pods running on Kubernetes.
libvirt_lxc Run tasks in lxc containers via libvirt
local execute on controller
lxc Run tasks in lxc containers via lxc python library
lxd Run tasks in lxc containers via lxc CLI
netconf Provides a persistent connection using the netconf protocol
network_cli Use network_cli to run command on network appliances
oc Execute tasks in pods running on OpenShift.
paramiko_ssh Run tasks via python ssh (paramiko)
persistent Use a persistent unix socket for connection
psrp Run tasks over Microsoft PowerShell Remoting Protocol
saltstack Allow ansible to piggyback on salt minions
ssh connect via ssh client binary (default)
winrm Run tasks over Microsoft's WinRM
zone Run tasks in a zone instance
Ansible playbooks
Playbooks are the basis for configuration management and multi-machine
deployment system

Playbooks are expressed in YAML format.

A Playbook contains one or more Plays, each Play contains one ore more
Ansible playbooks
The goal of each Task is to execute a module, with very specific arguments.
Variables, as mentioned above, can be used in arguments to modules.
user@mgmt:/$ cat /home/user/myplaybook.yaml
- hosts: webservers
remote_user: root
- name: ensure postgresql is at the latest version
name: postgresql
state: latest
- name: ensure that postgresql is started
name: postgresql
state: started
The first task installs the last version of postgresql, the second starts it
Ansible playbooks
Modules in a Task
Tasks can be declared using the legacy action: module options format
user@mgmt:/$ cat /home/user/myplaybook.yaml
- name: ensure postgresql is at the latest version
action: template src=templates/foo.j2 dest=/etc/foo.conf
but it is recommended that you use the more conventional module:
options format.
user@mgmt:/$ cat /home/user/myplaybook.yaml
- name: ensure postgresql is at the latest version
src: template.j2
dest: /etc/foo.conf
Ansible playbooks
Running a Playbook
Now that you’ve learned playbook syntax, how do you run a playbook? It’s
simple. Let’s run a playbook from the management/control host
user@mgmt:/$ ansible-playbook /home/user/myplaybook.yaml
Ansible playbooks
Playbook output (run 1)
Given the following playbook nginx.yml
ansible@mgmt:/$ ansible-playbook /home/ansible/nginx.yml
PLAY [loadbalancer] *****************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************
ok: [lb01]
TASK [Install Nginx] ****************************************************
changed: [lb01]
PLAY RECAP **************************************************************
lb01 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
- hosts: loadbalancer
- name: Install Nginx
apt: pkg=nginx state=present update_cache=true
become: yes
This will be the output
Ansible playbooks
Playbook output (run 2 to N)
Playbook idempotency example.
ansible@mgmt:/$ ansible-playbook /home/ansible/nginx.yml
PLAY [loadbalancer] *****************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************
ok: [lb01]
TASK [Install Nginx] ****************************************************
ok: [lb01]
PLAY RECAP **************************************************************
lb01 : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
Ansible playbooks
Defining a handler
Handler runs if the corresponding task triggers them
ansible@mgmt:/$ vi /home/ansible/nginx.yml
- hosts: loadbalancer
- name: Install Nginx
apt: pkg=nginx state=present update_cache=true
become: yes
- Start Nginx
- name: Start Nginx
service: name=nginx state=started
become: yes
Ansible playbooks
Loops (through map collection)
Often you’ll want to do many things in one task, such as create a lot of
users, install a lot of packages, or repeat a polling step until a certain result
is reached. 

To save some typing, repeated tasks can be written in short-hand like so:
ansible@mgmt:/$ vi /home/ansible/create_users.yml
- hosts: loadbalancer
- name: add several users
name: "{{ }}"
groups: "{{ }}”
state: present
- { name: 'testuser1', group: 'wheel' }
- { name: 'testuser2', group: 'root' }
Ansible playbooks
Using facts (introducing Conditionals)

After having gathered the fact ansible_distribution on the target system, Ansible
knows when to execute apt-get install apache2 or yum install httpd
ansible@mgmt:/$ vi /home/ansible/apache.yml
- hosts: loadbalancer
- name: install apache (apt)
when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"
name: apache2
state: present
- name: install apache (yum)
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
name: httpd
state: present
Ansible playbooks
Blocks allow for logical grouping of tasks and in play error handling. Most of what
you can apply to a single task (with the exception of loops) can be applied at the
block level, which also makes it much easier to set data or directives common to
the tasks.
- hosts: loadbalancer
- name: Install Apache
- yum:
name: "{{ item }}"
state: installed
- httpd
- memcached
- template:
src: templates/src.j2
dest: /etc/foo.conf
- service:
name: bar
state: started
enabled: True
when: ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'CentOS'
become: true
become_user: root
In the example, each of the
3 tasks will be executed
after appending the when
condition from the block
and evaluating it in the
task’s context. Also they
inherit the privilege
escalation directives
enabling “become to root”
for all the enclosed tasks.
Ansible playbooks
Error Handling
The tasks in the block would execute normally, if there is any error the rescue
section would get executed with whatever you need to do to recover from the
previous error.
- hosts: loadbalancer
- name: Attempt and graceful roll back demo
- debug:
msg: 'I execute normally'
- name: i force a failure
command: /bin/false
- debug:
msg: 'I never execute, due to the above task failing,
- debug:
msg: 'I caught an error'
- name: i force a failure in middle of recovery! >:-)
command: /bin/false
- debug:
msg: 'I also never execute :-('
- debug:
msg: "This always executes"
The always section runs
no matter what previous
error did or did not occur
in the block and rescue
Ansible playbooks
Privilege escalation
For example, to manage a system service (which requires root privileges) when connected as a
non-root user (this takes advantage of the fact that the default value of become_user is root):
- name: Ensure the httpd service is running
name: httpd
state: started
become: yes
To run a command as the apache user:
- name: Run a command as the apache user
command: somecommand
become: yes
become_user: apache
Reusing logic with Ansible Roles
Why Roles
Roles are ways of automatically loading certain vars_files, tasks, and handlers
based on a known file structure. Grouping content by roles also allows easy
sharing of roles with other users.

Example project structure:
ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy init test-role-1
ansible@control:~$ tree test-role-1
├── defaults
│ └── main.yml
├── files
├── handlers
│ └── main.yml
├── meta
│ └── main.yml
├── tasks
│ └── main.yml
├── templates
├── tests
│ ├── inventory
│ └── test.yml
└── vars
Reusing logic with Ansible Roles
Using Roles
The classic way to use roles is via the roles: option for a given play:
- hosts: webservers
- common
- webservers
- test-role-1
Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy
Galaxy, is a free site for finding,
downloading, and sharing
community developed roles.
Downloading roles from Galaxy is a
great way to jumpstart your
automation projects.

You can also use the site to share
roles that you create. By
authenticating with the site using
your GitHub account, you’re able to
import roles, making them available
to the Ansible community. Imported
roles become available in the
Galaxy search index and visible on
the site, allowing users to discover
and download them.
Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy
Downloading roles
Use the ansible-galaxy command to download roles from the Galaxy website
ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy install <<username>>.<<role_name>>
Be aware that by default Ansible downloads roles to the path specified by the
environment variable ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH. This can be set to a series of
directories (i.e. /etc/ansible/roles:~/.ansible/roles), in which case the first writable path
will be used. When Ansible is first installed it defaults to /etc/ansible/roles, which
requires root privileges.

You can override this by setting the environment variable in your session, defining
roles_path in an ansible.cfg file, or by using the –roles-path option. The following
provides an example of using –roles-path to install the role into the current working
ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy install --roles-path . geerlingguy.apache
Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy
Installing versioned roles
ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.apache,v1.0.0
You can install a specific version of a role from Galaxy by appending a
comma and the value of a GitHub release tag. For example:
It’s also possible to point directly to the git repository and specify a branch
name or commit hash as the version. For example, the following will install
a specific commit:
ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy install git+
Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy
Searching for roles
ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy search elasticsearch --author geerlingguy
Found 2 roles matching your search:
Name Description
---- -----------
geerlingguy.elasticsearch Elasticsearch for Linux.
geerlingguy.elasticsearch-curator Elasticsearch curator for Linux.
Search the Galaxy database by tags, platforms, author and multiple keywords. For
Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy
Authenticate with Galaxy
ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy login
ansible-galaxy login
We need your GitHub login to identify you.
This information will not be sent to Galaxy, only to
The password will not be displayed.
Use --github-token if you do not want to enter your password.
Github Username: dsmith
Password for dsmith:
Successfully logged into Galaxy as dsmith
Using the import, delete and setup commands to manage your roles on the Galaxy website requires
authentication, and the login command can be used to do just that. Before you can use the login command, you
must create an account on the Galaxy website.

The login command requires using your GitHub credentials. You can use your username and password, or you
can create a personal access token. If you choose to create a token, grant minimal access to the token, as it is
used just to verify identify.

The following shows authenticating with the Galaxy website using a GitHub username and password:
Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy
Import a Role into Galaxy
The import command requires that you first authenticate using the login command. Once authenticated you can
import any GitHub repository that you own or have been granted access.

Use the following to import to role:
ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy import github_user github_repo
Successfully submitted import request 41
Starting import 41: role_name=myrole repo=githubuser/ansible-role-repo ref=
Retrieving GitHub repo githubuser/ansible-role-repo
Accessing branch: master
Parsing and validating meta/main.yml
Parsing galaxy_tags
Parsing platforms
Adding dependencies
Parsing and validating
Adding repo tags as role versions
Import completed
Status SUCCESS : warnings=0 errors=0
Custom module development
Hostname: control01


ansible@control:~$ tree .
├── github_repo_playbook.yml
└── library
Custom module development
Custom module development
ansible@control:~$ cat github_repo_playbook.yml
- hosts: localhost
- github_token: "{{ github_token }}"
- username: "{{ username }}"
- repo_name: "{{ repo_name }}"
- name: "Create a github Repo"
github_auth_key: "{{ github_token }}"
name: "{{ repo_name }}"
description: "Repo {{ repo_name }} created by Ansible"
private: yes
has_issues: no
has_wiki: no
has_downloads: no
state: present
Custom module development
ansible@control:~$ ansible-playbook -vvv -e github_token=XXX -e username=myuser -e
repo_name=myrepo github_repo_playbook.yml
PLAY [localhost] ********************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Create a github Repo] *********************************************************
changed: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************
localhost : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
Ansible and Docker
docker_container module

ansible@control:~$ cat play.yml
- hosts: localhost
- name: Create a new container
docker_host: tcp://
name: mynewcontainer
image: busybox
state: started
cpu_period: 1000 # Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period
cpu_quota: 1000 # Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota
cpu_shares: 100 # CPU shares (relative weight).
cpuset_cpus: 1,3 # CPUs in which to allow execution 1,3 or 1-3.
ansible@control:~$ ansible-playbook play.yml
Ansible and Docker
Ansible within Docker container

ansible@control01:~$ docker run --rm -it 
-v ~/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa 
-v ~/.ssh/ 
-v $(pwd):/ansible/playbooks 
-v /etc/ansible:/etc/ansible 
-v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts 
dennydgl1/ansible-playbook -u ansible webserver.yml
1) Build the image (Dockerfile at
ansible@control01:~$ docker build -t dennydgl1/ansible-playbook .
ansible@control01:~$ docker images
dennydgl1/ansible-playbook latest d0dd5754162d About a minute ago 162MB
alpine 3.7 bc8fb6e6e49d 3 hours ago 4.21MB
2) Use Ansible within a Docker container
Real 3 tiers architecture demo
Hostname: app01

Hostname: lb01

Hostname: app02

Hostname: db01

Hostname: control01

Real 3 tiers architecture demo
HTTP load balancer Web/app server Database
Proxy to
Proxy to
Connect to
Connect to
Access to
• Nginx
• Apache

• Demo App

• Python
Denis Maggiorotto

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Dal caos all’automazione di sistemi e infrastrutture IT con Ansible

  • 1. Denis Maggiorotto
 Sunnyvale S.r.l. 21/05/2020 Dal caos all'automazione di sistemi e infrastrutture IT con Ansible
  • 2. Table of contents Introduction Ansible commands Introducing modules Working with the inventory Ansible playbooks Reusing logic with Ansible Roles Sharing Roles on Ansible Galaxy Custom module development Ansible and Docker Real 3 tiers architecture demo
  • 3. About Ansible “Ansible is a universal language, unraveling the mystery of how work gets done. Turn tough tasks into repeatable playbooks. Roll out enterprise-wide protocols with the push of a button. Give your team the tools to automate, solve, and share” “Simple, agentless IT automation that anyone can use” by “Automate: deploy apps. Manage systems. Crush complexity” “Accelerate: solve problems once and share the results with everyone” “Collaborate: break down silos, create a culture of automation” “Integrate: automate the technologies you already use”
  • 5. Populate the inventory user@mgmt:/$ vi /etc/ansible/hosts [groupA] host1 [groupB] host2 hostN
  • 6. First Ansible commands (ad-hoc) # reboot all servers in the groupA user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -a "/sbin/reboot" # reboot all servers in the groupA in 12 parallel forks user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -a "/sbin/reboot" -f 12 # reboot all servers in the groupA impersonating another user user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -a "/sbin/reboot" -u anotheruser
  • 7. Commands using Ansible modules " user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping # as bruce user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping -u bruce # as bruce, sudoing to root user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping -u bruce --sudo # as bruce, sudoing to batman user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping -u bruce --sudo --sudo-user batman # With latest version of ansible `sudo` is deprecated so use become # as bruce, sudoing to root user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping -u bruce -b # as bruce, sudoing to batman user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m ping -u bruce -b --become-user batman Modules in ad-hoc commands are specified with -m flag
  • 8. Get help for each module " Documentation for each module (in this case yum) can be accessed from the command line with the ansible-doc tool: user@mgmt$ ansible-doc yum For a list of all available modules, see Module Index, or run the following at a command prompt: user@mgmt$ ansible-doc -l
  • 9. Modules idempotency # not idempotent, it overwrites ~/.zshrc any time is run user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m command -a "cp ~/.oh-my-zsh/ templates/zshrc.zsh-template ~/.zshrc" Modules should be idempotent*, and should avoid making any changes if they detect that the current state matches the desired final state**. *An operation is idempotent if the result of performing it once is exactly the same as the result of performing it repeatedly without any intervening actions. **You have to follow this rules invoking your commands or within you Playbooks user@mgmt:/$ ansible groupA -m command -a "creates=~/.zshrc cp ~/.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template ~/.zshrc" hostA | SUCCESS | rc=0 >> skipped, since ~/.zshrc exists
  • 10. Working with the inventory The inventory file can be in one of many formats, depending on the inventory plugins you have. For this example, the format for /etc/ansible/ hosts is an INI-like (one of Ansible’s defaults) and looks like this: user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts [webservers] [dbservers] user@mgmt:/$ cat /home/user/inventory.yaml --- all: hosts: children: webservers: hosts: dbservers: hosts: A YAML version would look like:
  • 11. Working with the inventory Host Variables Are defined in the inventory file in the form of name=value pairs user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts [loadbalancer] lb01 var=value user@mgmt:/$ ansible loadbalancer -m command -a "echo {{var}}" lb01 | CHANGED | rc=0 >> value and used later in ad-hoc commands (or playbooks)
  • 12. Working with the inventory If you are adding a lot of hosts following similar patterns, you can do this rather than listing each hostname: user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts [webservers] www[01:50] For numeric patterns, leading zeros can be included or removed, as desired. Ranges are inclusive. You can also define alphabetic ranges: user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts [databases] db-[a:f] You can also select the connection type and user on a per host basis: user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts [targets] localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=mpdehaan ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=mdehaan
  • 13. Working with the inventory Groups of Groups, and Group Variables It is also possible to make groups of groups using the :children suffix (INI) or children: element (YAML) user@mgmt:/$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts [atlanta] host1 host2 [raleigh] host2 host3 [southeast:children] atlanta raleigh [southeast:vars] halon_system_timeout=30 self_destruct_countdown=60 escape_pods=2 [usa:children] southeast northeast southwest northwest user@mgmt:/$ cat /home/user/inventory.yaml all: children: usa: children: southeast: children: atlanta: hosts: host1: host2: raleigh: hosts: host2: host3: vars: some_server: halon_system_timeout: 30 self_destruct_countdown: 60 escape_pods: 2 northeast: northwest: southwest: =
  • 14. Ansible connection to targets Ansible can connect to targets using multiple drivers (plugins) user@mgmt:/$ ansible-doc -t connection -l buildah Interact with an existing buildah container chroot Interact with local chroot docker Run tasks in docker containers funcd Use funcd to connect to target httpapi Use httpapi to run command on network appliances iocage Run tasks in iocage jails jail Run tasks in jails kubectl Execute tasks in pods running on Kubernetes. libvirt_lxc Run tasks in lxc containers via libvirt local execute on controller lxc Run tasks in lxc containers via lxc python library lxd Run tasks in lxc containers via lxc CLI netconf Provides a persistent connection using the netconf protocol network_cli Use network_cli to run command on network appliances oc Execute tasks in pods running on OpenShift. paramiko_ssh Run tasks via python ssh (paramiko) persistent Use a persistent unix socket for connection psrp Run tasks over Microsoft PowerShell Remoting Protocol saltstack Allow ansible to piggyback on salt minions ssh connect via ssh client binary (default) winrm Run tasks over Microsoft's WinRM zone Run tasks in a zone instance
  • 15. Ansible playbooks Playbooks are the basis for configuration management and multi-machine deployment system Playbooks are expressed in YAML format. A Playbook contains one or more Plays, each Play contains one ore more Tasks.
  • 16. Ansible playbooks Task The goal of each Task is to execute a module, with very specific arguments. Variables, as mentioned above, can be used in arguments to modules. user@mgmt:/$ cat /home/user/myplaybook.yaml --- - hosts: webservers remote_user: root tasks: - name: ensure postgresql is at the latest version yum: name: postgresql state: latest - name: ensure that postgresql is started service: name: postgresql state: started The first task installs the last version of postgresql, the second starts it
  • 17. Ansible playbooks Modules in a Task Tasks can be declared using the legacy action: module options format user@mgmt:/$ cat /home/user/myplaybook.yaml … tasks: - name: ensure postgresql is at the latest version action: template src=templates/foo.j2 dest=/etc/foo.conf but it is recommended that you use the more conventional module: options format. user@mgmt:/$ cat /home/user/myplaybook.yaml … tasks: - name: ensure postgresql is at the latest version template: src: template.j2 dest: /etc/foo.conf
  • 18. Ansible playbooks Running a Playbook Now that you’ve learned playbook syntax, how do you run a playbook? It’s simple. Let’s run a playbook from the management/control host user@mgmt:/$ ansible-playbook /home/user/myplaybook.yaml
  • 19. Ansible playbooks Playbook output (run 1) Given the following playbook nginx.yml ansible@mgmt:/$ ansible-playbook /home/ansible/nginx.yml PLAY [loadbalancer] ***************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************** ok: [lb01] TASK [Install Nginx] **************************************************** changed: [lb01] PLAY RECAP ************************************************************** lb01 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 --- - hosts: loadbalancer tasks: - name: Install Nginx apt: pkg=nginx state=present update_cache=true become: yes This will be the output
  • 20. Ansible playbooks Playbook output (run 2 to N) Playbook idempotency example. ansible@mgmt:/$ ansible-playbook /home/ansible/nginx.yml PLAY [loadbalancer] ***************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************** ok: [lb01] TASK [Install Nginx] **************************************************** ok: [lb01] PLAY RECAP ************************************************************** lb01 : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
  • 21. Ansible playbooks Defining a handler Handler runs if the corresponding task triggers them ansible@mgmt:/$ vi /home/ansible/nginx.yml --- - hosts: loadbalancer tasks: - name: Install Nginx apt: pkg=nginx state=present update_cache=true become: yes notify: - Start Nginx handlers: - name: Start Nginx service: name=nginx state=started become: yes
  • 22. Ansible playbooks Loops (through map collection) Often you’ll want to do many things in one task, such as create a lot of users, install a lot of packages, or repeat a polling step until a certain result is reached. To save some typing, repeated tasks can be written in short-hand like so: ansible@mgmt:/$ vi /home/ansible/create_users.yml --- - hosts: loadbalancer tasks: - name: add several users user: name: "{{ }}" groups: "{{ }}” state: present loop: - { name: 'testuser1', group: 'wheel' } - { name: 'testuser2', group: 'root' }
  • 23. Ansible playbooks Using facts (introducing Conditionals) 
 After having gathered the fact ansible_distribution on the target system, Ansible knows when to execute apt-get install apache2 or yum install httpd ansible@mgmt:/$ vi /home/ansible/apache.yml --- - hosts: loadbalancer tasks: - name: install apache (apt) when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" apt: name: apache2 state: present - name: install apache (yum) when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" yum: name: httpd state: present
  • 24. Ansible playbooks Blocks Blocks allow for logical grouping of tasks and in play error handling. Most of what you can apply to a single task (with the exception of loops) can be applied at the block level, which also makes it much easier to set data or directives common to the tasks. - hosts: loadbalancer tasks: - name: Install Apache block: - yum: name: "{{ item }}" state: installed with_items: - httpd - memcached - template: src: templates/src.j2 dest: /etc/foo.conf - service: name: bar state: started enabled: True when: ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'CentOS' become: true become_user: root In the example, each of the 3 tasks will be executed after appending the when condition from the block and evaluating it in the task’s context. Also they inherit the privilege escalation directives enabling “become to root” for all the enclosed tasks.
  • 25. Ansible playbooks Error Handling The tasks in the block would execute normally, if there is any error the rescue section would get executed with whatever you need to do to recover from the previous error. - hosts: loadbalancer tasks: - name: Attempt and graceful roll back demo block: - debug: msg: 'I execute normally' - name: i force a failure command: /bin/false - debug: msg: 'I never execute, due to the above task failing, :-(' rescue: - debug: msg: 'I caught an error' - name: i force a failure in middle of recovery! >:-) command: /bin/false - debug: msg: 'I also never execute :-(' always: - debug: msg: "This always executes" The always section runs no matter what previous error did or did not occur in the block and rescue sections.
  • 26. Ansible playbooks Privilege escalation For example, to manage a system service (which requires root privileges) when connected as a non-root user (this takes advantage of the fact that the default value of become_user is root): - name: Ensure the httpd service is running service: name: httpd state: started become: yes To run a command as the apache user: - name: Run a command as the apache user command: somecommand become: yes become_user: apache
  • 27. Reusing logic with Ansible Roles Why Roles Roles are ways of automatically loading certain vars_files, tasks, and handlers based on a known file structure. Grouping content by roles also allows easy sharing of roles with other users. Example project structure: ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy init test-role-1 ansible@control:~$ tree test-role-1 test-role-1 ├── ├── defaults │ └── main.yml ├── files ├── handlers │ └── main.yml ├── meta │ └── main.yml ├── tasks │ └── main.yml ├── templates ├── tests │ ├── inventory │ └── test.yml └── vars
  • 28. Reusing logic with Ansible Roles Using Roles The classic way to use roles is via the roles: option for a given play: --- - hosts: webservers roles: - common - webservers - test-role-1
  • 29. Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy Galaxy, is a free site for finding, downloading, and sharing community developed roles. Downloading roles from Galaxy is a great way to jumpstart your automation projects. You can also use the site to share roles that you create. By authenticating with the site using your GitHub account, you’re able to import roles, making them available to the Ansible community. Imported roles become available in the Galaxy search index and visible on the site, allowing users to discover and download them.
  • 30. Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy Downloading roles Use the ansible-galaxy command to download roles from the Galaxy website ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy install <<username>>.<<role_name>> Be aware that by default Ansible downloads roles to the path specified by the environment variable ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH. This can be set to a series of directories (i.e. /etc/ansible/roles:~/.ansible/roles), in which case the first writable path will be used. When Ansible is first installed it defaults to /etc/ansible/roles, which requires root privileges. You can override this by setting the environment variable in your session, defining roles_path in an ansible.cfg file, or by using the –roles-path option. The following provides an example of using –roles-path to install the role into the current working directory: ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy install --roles-path . geerlingguy.apache
  • 31. Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy Installing versioned roles ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.apache,v1.0.0 You can install a specific version of a role from Galaxy by appending a comma and the value of a GitHub release tag. For example: It’s also possible to point directly to the git repository and specify a branch name or commit hash as the version. For example, the following will install a specific commit: ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy install git+ apache.git,0b7cd353c0250e87a26e0499e59e7fd265cc2f25
  • 32. Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy Searching for roles ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy search elasticsearch --author geerlingguy Found 2 roles matching your search: Name Description ---- ----------- geerlingguy.elasticsearch Elasticsearch for Linux. geerlingguy.elasticsearch-curator Elasticsearch curator for Linux. Search the Galaxy database by tags, platforms, author and multiple keywords. For example:
  • 33. Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy Authenticate with Galaxy ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy login ansible-galaxy login We need your GitHub login to identify you. This information will not be sent to Galaxy, only to The password will not be displayed. Use --github-token if you do not want to enter your password. Github Username: dsmith Password for dsmith: Successfully logged into Galaxy as dsmith Using the import, delete and setup commands to manage your roles on the Galaxy website requires authentication, and the login command can be used to do just that. Before you can use the login command, you must create an account on the Galaxy website. The login command requires using your GitHub credentials. You can use your username and password, or you can create a personal access token. If you choose to create a token, grant minimal access to the token, as it is used just to verify identify. The following shows authenticating with the Galaxy website using a GitHub username and password:
  • 34. Sharing roles on Ansible Galaxy Import a Role into Galaxy The import command requires that you first authenticate using the login command. Once authenticated you can import any GitHub repository that you own or have been granted access. Use the following to import to role: ansible@control:~$ ansible-galaxy import github_user github_repo Successfully submitted import request 41 Starting import 41: role_name=myrole repo=githubuser/ansible-role-repo ref= Retrieving GitHub repo githubuser/ansible-role-repo Accessing branch: master Parsing and validating meta/main.yml Parsing galaxy_tags Parsing platforms Adding dependencies Parsing and validating Adding repo tags as role versions Import completed Status SUCCESS : warnings=0 errors=0
  • 35. Custom module development Hostname: control01 IP: Hostname: ansible@control:~$ tree . . ├── github_repo_playbook.yml └── library ├── └──
  • 37. Custom module development ansible@control:~$ cat github_repo_playbook.yml - hosts: localhost vars: - github_token: "{{ github_token }}" - username: "{{ username }}" - repo_name: "{{ repo_name }}" tasks: - name: "Create a github Repo" github_repo: github_auth_key: "{{ github_token }}" name: "{{ repo_name }}" description: "Repo {{ repo_name }} created by Ansible" private: yes has_issues: no has_wiki: no has_downloads: no state: present
  • 38. Custom module development ansible@control:~$ ansible-playbook -vvv -e github_token=XXX -e username=myuser -e repo_name=myrepo github_repo_playbook.yml PLAY [localhost] ******************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************************** ok: [localhost] TASK [Create a github Repo] ********************************************************* changed: [localhost] PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************** localhost : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
  • 39. Ansible and Docker docker_container module
 ansible@control:~$ cat play.yml --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Create a new container docker_container: docker_host: tcp:// name: mynewcontainer image: busybox state: started cpu_period: 1000 # Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period cpu_quota: 1000 # Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota cpu_shares: 100 # CPU shares (relative weight). cpuset_cpus: 1,3 # CPUs in which to allow execution 1,3 or 1-3. ansible@control:~$ ansible-playbook play.yml …
  • 40. Ansible and Docker Ansible within Docker container
 ansible@control01:~$ docker run --rm -it -v ~/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa -v ~/.ssh/ -v $(pwd):/ansible/playbooks -v /etc/ansible:/etc/ansible -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts dennydgl1/ansible-playbook -u ansible webserver.yml 1) Build the image (Dockerfile at SNY.RHT.ANS.01.01.00/blob/master/docker/labs/ansible-in-docker/solutions/ Dockerfile) ansible@control01:~$ docker build -t dennydgl1/ansible-playbook . … ansible@control01:~$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE dennydgl1/ansible-playbook latest d0dd5754162d About a minute ago 162MB alpine 3.7 bc8fb6e6e49d 3 hours ago 4.21MB 2) Use Ansible within a Docker container
  • 41. Real 3 tiers architecture demo Hostname: app01 IP: Hostname: lb01 IP: Hostname: app02 IP: Hostname: db01 IP: Hostname: control01 IP: academy/SNY.RHT.ANS.01.01.00/tree/ master/ansible/labs/3-tier-arch/ solutions
  • 42. Real 3 tiers architecture demo lb01 app01 app02 db01 HTTP load balancer Web/app server Database Proxy to Proxy to Connect to Connect to Access to • Nginx • Apache • Demo App • Python • MySQL