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Appropriate Component Therapy
Diane K. Eklund, M.D.
Transfusion Medicine Symposium
August 6, 2016
» I have no financial relationships
related to this presentation.
» I will not be speaking about any
specific commercial product,
device, or medication.
» I will not be speaking of any off
label use of medications or
Goals and Objectives
• Discuss blood management and the associated decrease in
utilization of blood products
• Discuss the impact of new anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs
on prevention and treatment of bleeding
• Discuss massive transfusion protocols and their impact on
reducing coagulopathic bleeding
• Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate blood component usage
• Identify the blood component for which transfusion does not
need to be ABO compatible
• List 2 transfusion alternatives for reducing the risk of
transfusion-transmitted CMV infection
2005 by TACTICS (Training And Competency for Trent Intra-operative Cell Salvage)
Essential test only
Multiple tests per sample
Nutritional and/or
Medical Support –
correct anemia prior
to surgery
Improved surgical
devices or techniques
• Two early studies in
particular are
frequently quoted:
– TRICC trial
• Hebert, et al, NEJM,
• Concluded that a
restrictive strategy of
red cell transfusion is
at least as effective as
and possibly superior
to a liberal transfusion
strategy in critically ill
patients, with the
possible exception of
patients with acute MI
and unstable angina
– CRIT study
• Corwin, et al,
Critical Care
Medicine, 2004
• Concluded the
number of
transfused RBC
units is an
predictor of
worse clinical
A liberal transfusion
strategy, as compared with
a restrictive strategy, did not
reduce rates of death or
inability to walk
independently on a 60-day
follow-up or reduce in-
hospital morbidity in elderly
patient at high
cardiovascular risk.
Transfusion Strategies for Acute Upper
Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Càndid Villanueva, M.D., et al.
NEJM, Volume 368(1):11-21
January 3, 2013
A randomized clinical trial shows that among patients with upper GI bleeding,
withholding transfusion until the hemoglobin level falls below 7 g per deciliter results in
better outcomes than using 9 g per deciliter as the trigger for transfusion
Outcomes Using Lower vs Higher Hemoglobin Thresholds for Red Blood Cell Transfusion
JAMA. 2013;309(1):83-84.
30-Day mortality was evaluated in 4975 patients included in 11 of 19 trials. Adapted from Analysis 3.2 in Carson JL, Carless PA,
Hebert PC. Transfusion thresholds and other strategies for guiding allogeneic red blood cell transfusion.
Figure Legend:
1. Bernard et al, JAmCollSurg 2009;208
2. Ferraris et al, Arch Surg. 2012;147(1)
3. Napolitano et al, CritCareMed 20099;37(12)
Why give 2,
when 1 will do?
Complications are dose dependent!
Peri-operative Management
• Optimize hemoglobin levels prior to surgery – anemia clinics
popping up
– Treat anemia with supplements or drugs if available
• Give Iron, folate, B12 as needed
• Use ESAs in treating anemia, where appropriate and
– Limit autologous donations to ideal candidates
• The surgical procedure is known to require transfusions and
the use of autologous will likely prevent the need for
allogeneic blood
• Post-donation hemoglobin level is sufficiently high to prevent
jeopardy during surgery (don’t leave them anemic!)
• There is no medical contraindication to the donation process
or to the quality of blood
– Coordinate pre-op lab draws
• Order essential tests only
• Request multiple tests per sample
• Collect smaller volume samples
– Iatrogenic blood loss can be close to 100 mL a day!
– Maximize coagulation function
• Stop anti-platelet drugs if possible
• Reevaluate coagulation therapies (i.e. coumadin)
Peri-operative Management
– Review use of herbal supplements
• Anise and Dong Quai potentiate the
effects of other anticoagulants
• Omega 3 fatty acids, garlic, ginger,
Ginkgo, Ginseng, and vitamin E
have anti-platelet properties
• Ginseng may inhibit the
coagulation cascade
• Fucus has heparin-like activity
• St. John’s Wort interferes with drug
metabolism including Warfarin
– Prescription or Poison? ; Dasgupta,
Red Blood Cells
Red Blood Cells
• The only proven use for RBCs is to improve oxygenation
• The number of units transfused should always be
determined by improvement in the symptoms of the patient
• Transfusion “triggers” are no longer useful in appropriate
RBC transfusion protocols – never transfuse because of a
number, always because of symptom(s) of inadequate
oxygenation or because of evidenced-based literature
– Consider the patient’s:
• Age
• Sex
• Rapidity of onset of anemia
• Physiologic adaptation to anemia
• Status of cardiopulmonary function
• History of ischemic co-morbidities
• Signs and symptoms such as pallor, syncope,
dyspnea, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia,
tachypnea, angina, TIA or abnormal arterial
Red Blood Cells
• It is best to transfuse type-specific RBCs; however, blood
shortages will occasionally dictate the use of other compatible
– Never hesitate to give Rh negative components to Rh
positive patients
– Always use O negative products judiciously
• Change to O positive in emergencies if the patient is
male or a female of non-childbearing age
• Even in young females, switch to O positive in massive
transfusion situations or give type specific
• Crossmatch is required except in an emergency
• “Type and Cross” vs. “Type and Screen”
– Always obtain an antibody screen prior to anticipation of
need for transfusion; this will significantly shorten the
overall time to receiving blood when the need for
crossmatch arises; it will also alert the physician to
potentially complex crossmatch problems and rare
– Only crossmatch when there is a reasonable indication that
blood will likely be transfused; never tie-up inventory and
use technology time with an unnecessary type and cross
Red Blood Cells
• RBC antigen exposure, particularly in the frequently
transfused patient, can lead to antibody formation in some
patients, further leading to difficult future crossmatches
• Once a clinically significant antibody is formed, the
corresponding antigen must be avoided in all future RBC
transfusions, even if the strength of the antibody reaches
undetectable levels
• Antigen-matching beyond ABO for each transfusion is not
cost effective; the chronically transfused patient might
benefit from further defining the patient’s extended antigen
profile for crossmatching procedures
– Sickle cell patients should always receive blood negative
for Ee, Cc, and Kell antigens, even if they don’t make the
• Today, many clinicians are considering even more
extended matching
– If someone chronically transfused is known to be an
“antibody maker”, extended antigen matching should
also be considered
Red Blood Cells
• Special RBC products:
– Washed (rarely indicated)
• May be needed in patients with hypersensitivity to plasma
proteins and severe allergic responses to transfusion
• Absolutely required for patients with IgA deficiency and likely
presence of IgA antibodies
• May be needed for neonates, depending on additive solutions or
age of product
– Frozen, deglycerolized
• May be needed for patients with rare atypical antibodies or
hypersensitivity to plasma proteins
– Irradiated
• Required for prevention of transfusion associated Graft vs. Host
Disease in the immunocompromised patient
– CMV-negative products (applies to all blood components)
• Leukoreduction usually considered equivalent, and possibly
even safer than serologic testing for prevent of CMV
• Studies show that newly infected donors, testing CMV-negative
by serology (window period), are much more infectious to the
recipient than known CMV-positive donors where CMV resides in
the white blood cell and is removed by leukoreduction!
• Statistically, the false negative rate of CMV-negative by
serological methods probably equals the residual risk of
Storage Effects Consequences
Decreased 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3 DPG) Increased oxygen affinity and decreased oxygen
unloading by hemoglobin
ATP depletion Erythrocyte shape change
Increased osmotic fragility
Decreased deformability
Microvesiculation and loss of lipid membrane Decreased erythrocyte viability
Lipid peroxidation (degradation of lipids) Cellular injury and death
Bioactive substance generation: histamine,
cytokines, lipids
Febrile transfusion reactions
Neutrophil priming/endothelial activation
Cellular injury
Multiple organ failure (?)
Immune modulation(?)
S-nitrosohemoglobin deficiency Impaired vasodilatory response to hypoxia
Fresh RBCs for Adults?
The Red Blood Cell “Storage Lesion”
Fresh Red Blood Cells?
• > 25 major studies addressing fresh vs. non-fresh, showing mixed
– Primarily observational studies
– Some show favor for fresh RBCs
– Some show no advantage at all
– Papers describe the definition of fresh differently
• Published 2012 [the Age of Red Blood Cells in Premature Infants (ARIPI)
trial], found no difference in outcomes among pediatric patients when
comparing older with fresher blood
• Similar results with the TOTAL trial (ASH, 2015)
• Published 2014 [REDS-III RECESS trial(Recipient Epidemiology and
Donor Evaluation Study)]
– Conclusion: The trial had good compliance with the randomized
storage age assignment with a minimal amount of overlap. RBC
storage duration was not significantly associated with 7-day change
in multiple organ disfunction syndrome (MODS), serious adverse
events, or 28-day mortality
• ABLE (age of blood evaluation) 2015
– Transfusion of fresh red cells, as compared with standard-issue red
cells, did not decrease the 90-day mortality among critically ill adults
Red Blood Cells
• Major indications include:
– Significant acute bleeding with symptoms of
hypovolemia that no longer respond to crystalloid
or colloid infusions
– Symptomatic chronic anemia where other
therapies such as iron, folate, and B12 will unlikely
correct the anemia
– Anemia with a hemoglobin of <7.0 gm/dL and
impending surgery with expected blood loss
– Sickle cell disease patients needing anesthesia, or
exchange transfusion (“trigger” for H/H may apply)
• One unit of RBCs, in the ideal adult patient (70Kg, not
currently bleeding or hemolyzing) will raise the
hemoglobin by 1 gm/dL or hematocrit by 3
percentage points
Components to Stop the Bleeding!
Crystal Therapy
Bloodstone, carnelian, sapphire,
lodestone (magnetite), ruby, red jasper,
or clear quartz may be used to stop
and help prevent bleeding
Tannins have an astringent effect
electro-negatively charged surface
activates clotting process
Historic Introduction of Plasma
• Plasma was the first blood product,
born ~75 years ago
– Produced for WW II
– Dubbed the “Plasma War”
• Should it be a liquid or a dried powder?
– The American National Red Cross
collected more than 13 million units of
blood between 1942 and 1945; more than
12 million were converted into plasma,
with the red blood cells being discarded
Historic Introduction of Plasma
• Liquid vs. Dried Powder
– John Elliott chose liquid and is
famous also for developing the
vacuum bulb-tube which
became the TransfusoVac bottle,
replacing the open beaker and
the milk bottle in transfusion
– Max Strumia chose dried plasma
secondarily to his work using
plasma as an antimicrobial agent
– Dried was appealing for the war
but lost favor with the realization
that hepatitis transmission was
a major problem
• (This would have been a
problem for both liquid and
dried, but at the time was
attributed to dried)
Clinical Indications for Plasma Products?
• U.S. use of plasma is disproportionately
high compared to other countries with
similar levels of health care
– U.S. use of plasma has doubled since 1979
• Few if any quality studies as to the safety
and effectiveness of plasma; little evidence
for prophylactic use of plasma; no
evidence to justify a certain dose
• 1/3 of all requests for plasma made to
correct an elevated INR prior to a
Transfusion Rates of FFP
Country # FFP units / 1000 population
France (1996) 4.0
Denmark (2001) 5.16
Australia (2001) 5.33
New Zealand (2003) 5.5
UK (2001) 6.5
Finland (2004) 8.6
Norway (2003) 8.7 (7.0)
Canada (2005) 8.9
US (2011) 12.0
• In the U.S., 5,700,000 units of plasma were produced
for transfusion in 2009, a 0.3% increase from 2006
and a 23% increase from 2005 – WHY?
• Use is now decreasing due to blood management
initiatives and evidenced-based studies
• Similarly, usage is going down in other countries
• We still use the most overall!
May 1960
Wallis, Transfusion 2004
Palo, Transfusion 2006
Cobain, Transfusion Medicine 2007
Devine, Transfusion 2007
National Blood Collection and Utilization
Report 2011
Each solid circle
represents a unique
hospital, with the
observed transfusion rate
percentages for that
hospital (red blood cells,
fresh-frozen plasma, and
platelets) plotted against
the hospital's 2008 volume
of isolated primary CABG
operations. The solid line
indicates the overall mean
transfusion rate across all
hospitals. The dashed
lines indicate the upper
and lower 99.9%
prediction limits based on
the binomial distribution.
Bennett-Guerrero, E. et al. 2010;304:1568-1575
Variation in Use of Blood Transfusion in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
Figure 1. Observed Variation in Hospital-Specific Transfusion Rates for Primary Isolated CABG Surgery With
Cardiopulmonary Bypass During 2008 (N = 798 Sites)
INR Thresholds for Prophylactic and
Therapeutic Use of FFP
• Transfusion, Nov., 2004, 44(11); 1674-5
– 30% of requests for FFP outside the operating room were for
attempted correction of the INR
• Assumptions (none validated, nor with good clinical
– Elevated INR identifies patients at increased risk of bleeding
– Pre-procedure plasma will “correct” the abnormality
– Risk-benefit or cost-benefit ratios of plasma given before the
procedure is higher than if given after the procedure to
individuals who actually bleed
• Several reviews have underscored that the pre-procedure
INR does not predict the risk of bleeding at the time of
invasive bedside procedures and that 1-4 units of plasma
fails to correct mild to moderate prolongation of the INR in
nearly all cases
– American Journal of Clinical Pathology, July 2006: only 50%
of patients with an INR of 1.7 showed a significant change in
INR with plasma transfusion
• Yet, ~30% of plasma transfusions were given to correct INR
of 1.5
• INR (international normalized ratio) was developed
to standardize the prothrombin time across
• INR was developed specifically for patients on
• INR is a unitless ratio
• INR value accounts for the PT of the patient, the
lab’s reference range and the sensitivity of the
reagents used
• There is NO literature evidence that the INR predicts
• INR has been the traditional measure of anticoagulation
• INR has a non-linear relationship to the level of coagulation
factors in the blood
• INR test is widely misinterpreted:
• INR value is “abnormal” even among patients with levels of
clotting factors that are perfectly adequate for hemostasis
• Physicians who claim that a patient has a “coagulopathy”
as evidenced by an INR of 1.6 are misinformed
• Would be similar to claiming that a platelet count of
140,000 represents clinically important
• FFP has little effect on mildly prolonged INR values
• Very large increases in factor levels, requiring large
volumes of FFP are required if one (incorrectly) wishes to
achieve “normal” INR results
Does an elevated INR need to be
corrected prior to surgery?
• The relationship between clotting factors and PT is exponential
• Abnormal test results can occur in people with adequate coag factor concentrations
% Coagulation Factors INR and Coagulation Reserve
PT (sec) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
INR 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.2 3.0
Zone of Normal Hemostasis
(physiologic reserve)
Zone of
zone of adequate factor levels zone of anticoagulation
1 - 2 FFP
1 - 2 FFP
Diminishing Returns With a Low INR
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Number of FFP units
Adapted from Holland and Brooks, AJCP 2006
INR of the Products on the Shelf
(from normal donors)
0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
Holland, Transfusion 2005
% of
Paucity of studies to support that abnormal
coagulation test results predict bleeding in the setting
of invasive procedures: an evidence-based review
Segal and Dzik, Transfusion, 9/2005
• Review of 25 studies (with mixed quality of
• In summary, a systematic review of the
published literature provides little evidence
that pre-procedure elevation of the INR or PT
predicts an increase in bleeding at the time
of an invasive diagnostic procedure
Paucity of studies to support that abnormal coag test results predict
bleeding in the setting of invasive procedures: evidence-based review
Segal and Dzik, Transfusion, 9/2005
• Review of 25 studies (with mixed quality of evidence)
• In summary, a systematic review of the published literature provides little
evidence that pre-procedure elevation of the INR or PT predicts an increase
in bleeding at the time of an invasive diagnostic procedure
Fig. 1 Mostly negligible risk differences (and 95% CIs) between patients with abnormal and normal coagulation test results
Little evidence that plasma is needed
for any of these common procedures:
• Central venous catheters
• Liver biopsies
• Thoracentesis and paracentesis
• Bronchoscopy and transbronchial biopsy
• Renal biopsy
Evidence against prophylactic use of FFP
• NNNI (Northern Neonatal Nursing Initiative Trial; Tin, et al.,
Lancet, 1996):
– Randomized 776 neonates and compared FP with volume
expanders in the prevention of intraventricular hemorrhage – no
significant difference in outcomes in 2 groups
• Leese, et al., Ann Royal College Surg Engl, 1991):
– 275 patients with acute pancreatitis, randomized to either FP or
colloid solution – no evidence of benefit for plasma
• Peterson, Anesthesiology, 1991:
– Consecutive central lines prior to cardiac surgery with no
increase in hemorrhagic complications in heparin-anticoagulated
• Ewe K, Dig Dis Sci, 1981:
– Bleeding times after laparoscopic liver biopsy showed no
correlation between bleeding time and coagulation variables; even
patients with INR > 3 and platelets <50K did not bleed more than
patients with better test results
“Can We Predict Bleeding?
• Review article, Seminars in Thrombosis
and Hemostasis, Feb 2008, Authors
Watson and Greaves
• A “Structured Bleeding History” is likely
a more powerful tool for prediction of
bleeding than any of the current available
laboratory approaches
Bleeding History
For each of the following findings, add the indicated number of points:
Epistaxis: infrequent, brief, self-limited episodes 1
Easy bruising with trauma 1
Prolonged bleeding after brushing teeth 1
Dental extraction: prolonged bleeding (> 1 hour) 2
Hemoptysis, Hematemesis 2
Melena 2
Ob/Gyn bleeding (menorrhagia, post-partum) 2
Post-operative bleeding (> 1 hour or delayed) 3
Intracranial hemorrhage 3
Umbilical hemorrhage 4
Positive family history 4
Excessive bleeding following injury to mouth or loss of deciduous teeth 5
Prolonged bleeding (> 1 hour) from minor injuries 5
Epistaxis: frequent, prolonged, or requiring treatment 5
Hematuria 5
Hemarthrosis in absence of major trauma 8
Telangiectasia 8
Petechiae 8
Bleeding History
Likelihood for a coagulopathy:
>10 Highly suspicious
5 – 9 Suspicious
< 5 Not suspicious
Each of the above conditions should have no surgical or
anatomic lesion to account for the bleeding
Is fresh-frozen plasma clinically effective?
An update of a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Lucy Yang, Simon Stanworth, Sally Hopewell, Carolyn Doree and Mike Murphy
Transfusion, 2012
• Use of plasma continues to increase for both
prophylactic and therapeutic settings
• In 2004, a paper of similar title was published in the
British Journal of Haematology (authors Stanworth,
et al.)
– British Committee for Standards in Haematology reviewed
57 trials in the literature
– Found that there was little evidence for the effectiveness
of prophylactic use of FFP
– Most studies were small and did not provide adequate
information on the ability of the trial to detect meaningful
differences in outcomes between 2 patient groups
– No study examined assessed whether or not adverse
effects might negate clinical benefits of treatment with
• This paper is an update of the paper from 2004 and
includes an examination of all new randomized
controlled trials (RCTs) since the prior publication
Additional Background Information
• Recurring theme for transfusion of plasma is
that there is a variation in practice and
uncertainty around the evidence-based
indications for appropriate use
• In the U.S., 5,700,000 units of plasma were
produced for transfusion in 2009, a 0.3%
increase from 2006 and a 23% increase from
• Two reasons given for transfusion:
– Prevent bleeding
– Stop bleeding
Is fresh frozen plasma clinically effective? An update of a systematic review of
randomized controlled trials
Transfusion, 2012 Lucy Yang, et al.
• 21 additional publications of RCTs were eligible
for inclusion in this updated review
• 8 ongoing trials and 4 recently completed trials
awaiting publication were also eligible for
• Many trials suffered from methodological
limitations (didn’t fulfill all criteria of study
• Liver disease
– When combining the results with the 2004 review, a total of 10 trials
enrolling 381 patients, there were no significant benefits across a range of
clinical indications and outcomes
• Cardiac Surgery
– When combined with the results of the 2004 review, 19 trials
enrolling 948 patients in total showed no consistent clinical benefit
of plasma
• Warfarin reversal
– Results indicated more rapid INR correction with coagulation factor
concentrates (prothrombin complex concentrates or PCCs)
compared to plasma and with plasma compared to vitamin K, but
uncertainty regarding the effects on reducing mortality
– When adding to the results of the 2004 review, a total of 5 trials with
227 study participants showed similar results as above
• Using data from both the 2004 and the 2012
publication, 80 RCT studies have been
completed and published in the past 50 years
• Of the new studies, 8 evaluated prophylactic
use and 13 evaluated therapeutic use in
patients with bleeding and active disease
• Overall, there was little evidence of any
consistent benefit from using plasma infusion
in either group
INR Action/Recommendation
Greater than therapeutic,
but < 5 and no significant
Lower the warfarin dose, or omit a dose and resume
therapy at a lower dose when INR is therapeutic
5 – 9 with no significant
Omit 1 or 2 warfarin doses and resume therapy at a lower
dose when INR is therapeutic or omit a dose and give
vitamin K (1-2.5 mg p.o.) if patient is at risk of bleeding
5 – 9 and rapid reversal
required for surgery
Give vitamin K (≤ 5 mg p.o.) with the expectation that INR
will be reduced in 24 hours
> 9 and no significant
Omit warfarin and administer vitamin K (2.5-5 mg p.o.) and
monitor INR more frequently, repeating vitamin K dose if
> 9 and serious bleeding Hold Warfarin. Give Vitamin K (10 mg IV) and plasma
infusion or rVIIa
Life-threatening bleeding Hold Warfarin. rFVIIa or plasma infusion supplemented
with vitamin K (10 mg IV)
Guidelines for Administration of Vitamin K –
American College of Chest Physicians
• Correction of excessive microvascular bleeding with known
coagulopathy or when coagulation test results are delayed
• Multiple coagulation factor deficiencies associated with severe
bleeding and/or DIC
– Plasma is not indicated in DIC with no evidence of bleeding; there
is no evidence that prophylactic replacement regimens prevent DIC
or reduce transfusion requirements
• Urgent reversal of Warfarin
– PCC might be more appropriate
• contains factors II, VII, IX and X, protein C and protein S
• Plasmapheresis for TTP/HUS to replace enzyme
• Single coagulation factor deficiencies for which no virus-safe
fractionated product is available
• Currently applies mainly to factor V and antithrombin
• Massive transfusion
Appropriate Clinical Indications for
Plasma Products
• Do not use for prophylactic treatment of mild elevations of
PT (INR <2.0) or aPTT
• Do not use for non-urgent reversal of warfarin
• Do not use for reversal of heparin effect
• Do not use for hypovolemia or augmentation of albumin
• Do not use for promotion of wound healing or general
• Do not use for treatment of immunodeficiency states
• Do not use for therapeutic apheresis (except for TTP/HUS
or long term daily procedures)
• Do not use where specific therapy is available (FVIII,
vitamin K)
Plasma Product Contraindications
What happens when…
• Hemoglobin is 11 g/dL (>12.5 g/dL)
– We don’t transfuse RBCs (risk > benefit)
• Platelet count is 105,000 (>150,000)
– We don’t transfuse platelets (risk > benefit)
• Creatinine is 2.1 mg/dL (<1.2 mg/dL)
– We don’t start dialysis
• Why then transfuse FFP for a PT (INR) that is
mildly elevated????
Plasma Products
• Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) – Plasma placed in a <
-18oC freezer within 8 hours; expiration date 1
year; volume 200-250 mL or 400-500 mL (jumbo)
• “normal” levels of coagulation factors
• OK to use for 24 hours after thawing
• Frozen Plasma (FP) –As above, but frozen within
24 hours; contains coagulation factors in
concentrations similar to that of FFP with variably
reduced amounts of Factor VIII and Factor V
• Thawed Plasma – FFP or FP that has been thawed
and stored between 1-6o C; expires 5 days after
start of thaw
• Adequate for virtually all hemostasis, unless used to
replace labile factors (i.e. FVIII); even FVIII is at a
hemostatic level of 30-35% (clotting adequate at 25-30%)
as is FV (clotting adequate at 15-25%)
Plasma Products Continued
• Cryoprecipitate Reduced Plasma - Deficient in Von
Willebrand factor, Factor VIII, Factor XIII, fibrinogen
and fibronectin; thought by some to have value in
treatment of TTP (but now that we know more about
ADAMTS13 deficiency, probably not)
• Liquid Plasma – separated and infused no later than
5 days after the expiration date of whole blood
stored at 1-6o C; source of plasma proteins; variable
coagulation activity; can be used for 26 days
Coagulation factor Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Mean Change from
Day 1 to Day 5 (%)
P values
FVIII (%), Blood group A 107
+/- 26
+/- 19
+/- 18
+/- 17
+/- 16
41 <0.004*
FVIII (%), Blood group B 103
+/- 44
+/- 37
+/- 35
+/- 36
+/- 33
35 <0.02*
FVIII (%), Blood group O 70
+/- 16
+/- 10
+/- 10
+/- 7
+/- 8
41 <0.001*
Factor II (%) 81
+/- 9
+/- 9
+/- 9
+/- 10
+/- 10
1 NS
Factor V (%) 79
+/- 7
+/- 8
+/- 9
+/- 9
+/- 9
16 NS
Factor VII (%) 90
+/- 18
+/- 15
+/- 15
+/- 14
+/- 15
20 NS
Factor X (%) 85
+/- 13
+/- 13
+/- 15
+/- 11
+/- 11
6 NS
Fibrinogen 225
+/- 12
+/- 13
+/- 13
+/- 17
+/- 12
0 NS
*Comparison of FVIII activity at Day 1 and that at Day 3 was statistically significant.
Downes, Katharine A., Wilson, Erica, Yomtovian, Roslyn & Sarode, Ravindra
Serial measurement of clotting factors in thawed plasma stored for 5 days.
Transfusion 41 (4), 570-570, 2001
TABLE 1. Mean coagulation factor levels at 24-hour intervals by blood group
Plasma Products Continued
• Dose to replace factors, 10-20 mL/kg (3-6 units
for an adult)
• Compatibility testing not required, but ABO
compatible plasma must be used
Plasma Dosing
Plasma Dosing
Is there an optimal dose?
• National guidelines generally specify a dose of around
10 to 20 mL/kg
• A study in Transfusion, 2006, Abdel-Wahab, et al.,
prospectively evaluated the effects of FFP on PT/INR
in hospital patients with a pretransfusion PT between
13.1 seconds and 17 seconds (INR equivalent, 1.1-
• 324 plasma units evaluated in 121 patients
• <1% of patients had normalization of PT/INR after
transfusion and only 15% demonstrated a correction
of half way to normal
Plasma Dosing
• If, and only if, someone requires plasma transfusions, what
is the correct dose?
• “Efficacy of standard dose and 30 ml/kg fresh frozen plasma
in correcting laboratory parameters of haemostasis in
critically ill patients” British J of Haem, 4/2004
– Group 1 (10 patients) received 12.2 ml/kg and group 2 (12
patients) 33.5 ml/kg FFP
– PT, aPTT and factors I–XII were measured before and
after FFP infusion
– This study assessed the effect of FFP on laboratory
coagulation parameters in patients on the ICU and
compared the effect of different doses of FFP.
• The results suggested that in many patients FFP was
not indicated (based on coagulation factor levels)
• Coagulation screening tests were poor predictors of
significantly low coagulation factor levels
• A standard regimen of 1 L or about 12·5 mL/kg of FFP
lead to relatively small and, in most patients,
inadequate increments in coagulation factor levels
• 30 ml/kg of FFP adequately corrected all individual
coagulation factors
Another Historic Milestone for Plasma
• More than 45 years ago plasma
was frozen immediately after
collection, thawed rapidly and
sent to the bedside with ice
crystals still present, in order to
preserve Factor VIII
• Clinicians would infuse quickly
and any remaining ice crystals
would be discarded with the
“sludge” that formed in the
• Responding to complaints about
the efficacy of the products,
Judith Pool, an American
scientist, studied the sludge, and
discovered cryoprecipitate
• Today we have a finely tuned
method to collect and freeze this
• Cryoprecipitate (~15 mL) contains:
– factor VIII (80 to 100 U)
– von Willebrand factor
– fibrinogen [150 to 300 mg (4.4-8.8 µmol/L)]
• FFP has 500mg
– fibronectin (20%-25% total protein)
– factor XIII (40 to 60 U)
– IgG (5%-8% total protein)
– IgM (1%-2% total protein)
– albumin (5%-8% total protein)
– platelet microparticles
• Cryoprecipitate is a poor source of vitamin K-dependent
factors and, therefore, should not be used in this setting
• To infuse: thaw at 30-37C; use single within 6 hours and pooled
within 4 hours
• No crossmatch/compatibility required - any blood group is safe to
Cryoprecipitate Dosing
• 1 bag contains ~400 mg fibrinogen
• 4 or 5 bags (1 pool) contains ~2000 mg fibrinogen
• Recovery with transfusion = 75%
• 5 bags (1 pool) cryoprecipitate provides ~1500mg
fibrinogen to the patient
• In a 70 kg patient, with a plasma volume of ~3.5 L, 1
pool will raise fibrinogen by ~40-45 mg/dL
• In a 90 kg patient, with a plasma volume of ~4.5 L, 1
pool will raise fibrinogen by ~30-35 mg/dL
• In a 50 kg patient, with a plasma volume of ~2.5 L, 1
pool will raise fibrinogen by ~60 mg/dL
• Fibrinogen replacement: Effect should be monitored by
fibrinogen level assay and clinical response
Again, keep in mind that 1 unit of plasma has ~500 mg of
Cryoprecipitate: The Current State of Knowledge
Callum, et al., Transfusion Medicine Reviews 2009
• Review article
– “The role of this complex product in the management
of hemostasis has not been well studied (excluding
patients with factor VIII deficiency)”
– “There are insufficient data to determine the clinical
setting where this product might be clinically
efficacious despite its widespread use in multiple
different clinical scenarios.”
– “There are insufficient data in the literature to
determine the efficacy, safety, and dosage in the
patient population.”
– “Despite 45 years of the use of this product, we still
have a lot to learn regarding the optimal use of
Appropriate Use of Cryoprecipitate
• There is evidence that the use of cryoprecipitate is rising in
many countries, although the exact reasons remain unclear
– A specific purified fibrinogen concentrate is available, and it
may represent a safer concentrate for direct fibrinogen
replacement in isolated deficiencies, such as inherited
hypofibrinogenemia (although transfusable fibrinogen
concentrates are not widely available in the U.S.)
• The value of cryoprecipitate to correct surgical bleeding in the
absence of a specific factor VIII, vWF, or fibrinogen deficiency
is unclear
• The American Society of Anesthesiologists task force on blood
component therapy recommends the perioperative
administration of cryoprecipitate in only 3 circumstances:
– prophylaxis in nonbleeding perioperative or peripartum
patients with congenital fibrinogen deficiencies or vWD
unresponsive to DDAVP
– for bleeding patients with vWD
– for the correction of microvascular bleeding in massively
transfused patients (not routine patients) with fibrinogen
concentrations less than 80 to 100 mg/dL (0.80-1.00 g/L) or
when fibrinogen concentrations cannot be measured in a
timely manner
Appropriate Use of Cryoprecipitate (Cryo)
• Frozen plasma will correct low fibrinogen if the volumes for infusion
are tolerable
• Cryo should not be considered for transfusion solely as a more
concentrated form of FP (for example, where there are concerns
about fluid overload), as it only contains significant levels of FVIII,
VWF, fibronectin, FXIII and fibrinogen
– Cryo is not a source of all coagulation factors and therefore is not
appropriate replacement therapy in patients with global
coagulation factor deficiencies, for example, with liver disease
• Cryo use should be reserved for patients with documented isolated
hypofibrinogenemia - few prospective trial data to define the optimal
use of cryo
• Appropriate indications:
– Hypofibrinogenemia, massive transfusion, TPA-associated
bleeding, as a tissue sealant (fibrinogen)
– Uremic bleeding and von Willebrand Disease (factors VIII and
• Inappropriate indications:
– Warfarin reversal
– Surgical hemostasis
– Hepatic coagulopathy
Prothrombin Complex Concentrates
What are PCCs?
• Prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs) are pooled,
virus-inactivated human plasma products that
conveniently and rapidly provide coagulation factors
• The majority of PCCs contain the vitamin K-dependent
coagulation factors (II [prothrombin], VII, IX and X), as
well as therapeutically effective concentrations of
thromboinhibitors (protein C and S).
• PCCs are most commonly indicated and used in vitamin
K antagonist reversal (oral anticoagulant reversal)
• In Europe they are also indicated for treatment and
perioperative prophylaxis of bleeds in acquired
deficiency of the prothrombin complex coagulation
factors (II, VII, IX and X)
Prothrombin Complex Concentrates
• American College of Chest Physicians guidelines suggest
four-factor prothrombin complex concentrates as the first
choice for warfarin reversal in the setting of major bleeding
• Four-factor PCCs contain (relatively new to the U.S.):
• Six vitamin K-dependent factors:
• Factors II, VII, IX, X, proteins C and S
• Three-factor PCCs (available in the U.S.) contain:
• Three therapeutically useful factors:
• Factors II, IX, X
• Given that Factor VII is the most severely depleted in
warfarin-treated patients, these are not effective in
correcting the hemostatic defect!
When clinicians in the U.S. request three-factor PCCs
to correct warfarin effects, educate them as to the
inadequacy of this approach!
Prothrombin Complex Concentrates
Four-factor PCCs
(currently approved in US – KCentra)
Smaller volume /
Higher concentration of factors
Potential of volume overload
More rapid delivery More time to infuse
May be thrombogenic
Expensive 1/10 the price of PCCs
No strong clinical evidence that PCCs are better than FFP; studies using
corrected INR as an endpoint are misinformed about INR as a surrogate for
clinical effectiveness
Four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate versus
plasma for rapid vitamin K antagonist reversal in patients
needing urgent surgical or invasive interventions: a phase
3b, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised trial
Joshua N Goldstein, DrMD, Majed A Refaai, MD, Truman J Milling, MD, Brandon Lewis, DO, Robert Goldberg-Alberts, MA, Bruce
A Hug, MD, Ravi Sarode, ProfMD
The Lancet
DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61685-8
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd
Figure 1
The Lancet DOI: (10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61685-8)
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd
Figure 2
The Lancet DOI: (10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61685-8)
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd
•For the endpoint of rapid INR reduction, the results
demonstrate that 4F-PCC is non-inferior and superior to
plasma for rapid INR reduction in patients on VKA therapy
•Furthermore, 4F-PCC could be given more rapidly than
•We noted that 4F-PCC was superior to plasma for
haemostatic efficacy
•We did not detect any between-treatment differences for
the occurrence of thromboembolic events or deaths, a
finding in agreement with the existing scientific literature
•Additionally, although these data guide clinicians on how
best to achieve urgent VKA reversal, the scientific literature
concerning which patients should be urgently reversed
before surgical or invasive interventions continues to
The ASH Choosing Wisely® campaign: five hematologic
tests and treatments to question
Lisa K Hicks, Harriet Bering, Kenneth R Carson, Judith Kleinerman, Vishal Kukreti, Alice Ma, Brigitta U Mueller, Sarah H O’Brien, Marcelo
Pasquini, Ravindra Sarode,Lawrence Solberg Jr, Adam E Haynes, Mark A Crowther
1. In situations where transfusion of RBCs is necessary, transfuse the
minimum number of units required to relieve symptoms of anemia or to
return the patient to a safe hemoglobin range (7-8 g/dL in stable,
noncardiac in-patients)
2. Do not test for thrombophilia in adult patients with venous
thromboembolism occurring in the setting of major transient risk factors
(surgery, trauma, or prolonged immobility)
3. Do not use inferior vena cava filters routinely in patients with acute
venous thromboembolism
4. Do not administer plasma or prothrombin complex concentrates for
nonemergent reversal of vitamin K antagonists (ie, outside of the setting of
major bleeding, intracranial hemorrhage, or anticipated emergent surgery)
5. Limit surveillance CT scans in asymptomatic patients after curative-intent
treatment for aggressive lymphoma
• In the 70 kg adult (not septic, bleeding, etc.), one dose of
platelets should raise the platelet count approximately 30-
– Rarely happens because the majority of platelet usage is in
patients with complicating factors (counts may rise less than
• No crossmatch required; apheresis products are not significantly
– Crossmatch required for RBC antigens if product
contaminated with RBCs
• ABO-matched platelets have a slightly longer in vivo survival rate
– But, supply rarely allows for the ability to match blood types
• A dose is considered to be one apheresis platelet or 4-6 whole
blood-derived (aka random-donor) platelets
• Alloimmunization occurs when a patient makes antibodies to
donor HLA antigens or to donor platelet specific antigens
– Once alloimmunized, platelets lacking the offending antigens
must be used for transfusion. Finding such platelets may be
difficult or impossible and transfusion of “unmatched”
platelets may result in little to no post-transfusion increment
• Platelet crossmatching
• HLA matched products
Dose of Prophylactic Platelet Transfusions and
Prevention of Hemorrhage
Slichter, et al., NEJM 2010
• Randomly assigned hospitalized cancer patients to
a low dose, medium dose or high dose regimen
(1.1x1011, 2.2x1011, or 4.4x1011 platelets per square
meter of body surface area) when morning platelet
counts were 10,000 or lower
• Patients assessed for clinical signs of bleeding
• Concluded that low doses of platelets administered
as a prophylactic transfusion led to a decreased
overall number of platelets transfused per patient
but an increased number of transfusions given
• Dose of platelets had no effect on the incidence of
• Causes of low post-transfusion platelet counts include:
• Sepsis
• Ongoing oozing
• Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC)
• Splenomegaly
• Hepatomegaly
• Drugs
• A corrected count increment (CCI) can help to determine if
someone is alloimmunized or truly refractory to platelets:
absolute platelet increment/uL X BSA (m2)
number of platelets transfused (1011)
• CCI example:
– Starting platelet count is 10,000/uL
– One hour post-transfusion count is 50,000/uL
– Number of platelets in the bag is ~3-4 X 1011
– So…..
(50,000-10,000) X 2
3 (X 1011, not used to calculate)
• CCI > 10,000 indicates no refractoriness
• CCI < 5,000 indicates likely refractoriness
•Causes of low post-transfusion platelet
counts include:
•Ongoing oozing
•Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC)
•When to transfuse:
–Platelet count less than 5,000 –
–Platelet count less than 50,000 if major
surgery is anticipated or if life-
threatening bleeding is occurring
–Documented or anticipated platelet
dysfunction, regardless of the platelet
–Excessive bleeding regardless of
platelet count
–In patients on cardiopulmonary bypass
or on ECMO
Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet Agents
Clotting factors affected by vitamin K:
Warfarin (Coumadin)
Reversing Warfarin
• Vitamin K: effective, inexpensive, misunderstood
• K used for “Koagulation”
• Vitamin K effectively reverses INR when given IV or orally
• Vitamin K anaphylactoid reactions are very rare
• Plasma
• Used for “emergency” reversal of warfarin
• Very loosely defined, usually not an emergency but
rather a physician wishing to perform an invasive
• Probably justified for intracranial bleeding
• When plasma is used to reverse warfarin for serious
bleeding, vitamin K must also be given
• Factor VII in FFP has a short half-life and Factor IX
has a large volume of distribution
• If vitamin K is not given, FVII and FIX will decline
Recombinant Factor VIIa and PCCs
• rFVIIa not recommended as a solo agent to reverse
• One would not expect a single-factor agent to
restore a hemostatic defect resulting from depletion
of four vitamin K dependent procoagulant factors
• FEIBA contains Factors II and IX, and X, non-activated,
and activated Factor VII
• Activated factors can cause unwanted thrombosis
• Contraindicated for all but those hemophiliacs who
make inhibitors to factor replacements
• K-centra contains non-activated II, VII, IX, X, and anti-
thrombotic proteins C and S
• Can also cause unwanted thrombosis
Reversal of drug-induced anticoagulation:
old solutions and new problems
Walter “Sunny” Dzik
May 2012
This Review
• All anticoagulant therapies are
accompanied by bleeding complications
• This review summarizes use of blood
products for urgent reversal of drug-
induced anticoagulation
New Oral Anticoagulants:
Convenient to Use But Not Reversible
• Direct thrombin inhibitors (i.e. Dabigatran) or inhibitors
of Factor Xa (i.e. Rivaroxaban or Apixaban)
• Approved for stroke prevention in A-fib patients
• Widely quoted that these drugs are safer than warfarin
with few bleeding events; however, after being in use for
a while, this is less clearly the case
• No good evidence available on how to successfully
reverse these agents should bleeding occur
• Mixed results using PCCs, rFVIIa, etc
• Dialysis or therapeutic apheresis can be effective
• Local hemostatic agents used as topicals could be
• Conclusion: Be skeptical of upcoming claims
regarding reversal agents
No reversal agent (antidote, neutralizing drug) is presently clinically available if (a) major
bleeding occurs or (b) urgent reversal for emergent surgery is needed in patients on one of
the new oral anticoagulants (apixaban = Eliquis®; dabigatran = Pradaxa®; edoxaban =
Savaysa®; rivaroxaban = Xarelto®).
The following three drugs are in development, but are at least 2 years away from being
clinically available, should they prove to be beneficial:
1. ARIPAZINE (PER977; ciraparantag)
What is it? This is a synthetic small molecule (D-arginine compound) which has broad activity
against various old and new oral anticoagulants
What anticoagulant drugs might it reverse? Apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran,
heparin, LMWH.
Clinical trial status: A human volunteer study of 80 individuals receiving aripazine published this
week in the New England Journal of Medicine [ref 1] shows that clotting assays (whole-blood clotting time)
that were prolonged by edoxaban, decreased after the test persons received aripazine. Another healthy
volunteer study is presently ongoing [NCT02207257].
2. ANDEXANET (PRT064445)
What is it? Recombinant, modified factor Xa molecule that is being developed as a direct reversal
agent for patients receiving a Factor-Xa inhibitor who suffer a major bleeding episode or who require
emergency surgery. It sort-of sops up the anti-Xa anticoagulant, making a patient’s own factor Xa available
again to participate in the coagulation process.
What anticoagulant drugs might it reverse? Apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban.
Clinical trial status: Healthy volunteer studies to (a) evaluate the ability of Andexanet to reverse the
effects of several anticoagulant drugs on laboratory tests and (b) reverse apixaban and rivaroxaban are
presently ongoing.
What is it? It is a humanized antibody fragment directed against dabigatran; generated from mouse
monoclonal antibody against dabigatran; humanized and reduced to a FAb fragment.
What anticoagulant drugs might it reverse? Dabigatran.
The ultimate goal for society is the
development of an oral anticoagulant that can
be taken once a day, that will effectively reduce
the risk of stroke or thrombosis in patients with
a wide range of thrombophilic disorders, that is
inexpensive and non-toxic, and that can be
promptly reversed should bleeding occur
Sort of sounds like warfarin, doesn’t it?
Antiplatelet Agents
• Millions of patients are prescribed antiplatelet agents (APAs)
for a variety of clinical conditions such as coronary artery
syndrome, stroke, transient ischemic attacks and peripheral
arterial disease
• Millions more self-medicate with aspirin or herbs and
supplements known to affect platelet function
• Older APAs have a low bleeding risk profile; newer APAs
have a higher bleeding risk profile
• When patients on APAs present with bleeding or when they
need urgent surgical intervention, treating physicians and
transfusion medicine specialists are challenged with how to
reverse or counteract effects of APAs
APAs classified into 4 groups
• Group 1: COX-1 inhibitors (aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
• Group 2: ADP receptor (P2Y12) inhibitors [ticlopidine (Ticlid), clopidogrel
(Plavix), prasugrel (Efient)]
• Group 3: GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors (fibrinogen receptor antagonists) including
Abciximab (ReoPro), Eptifibatide (Integrilin), and Tirofiban (Aggrastat)
• Group 4: Miscellaneous
• Dipyridamole (Persantin) and cilostazol (Pletal) inhibit the 2,3 phosphodiesterase
enzyme inhibiting aggregation (weak)
• Aggrenox is a combination of ASA and dipyridamole and is very effective against
platelet function
• Fish oil and many herbs can inhibit platelet function
Summary of APAs
• APAs are used increasingly in our aging patient population
• With more potent APAs there is an increased risk and extent
of bleeding
• Judicious use of specific tests to assess anti-platelet drug
effect and platelet transfusion therapy can assist clinicians
in the management of patients who present with bleeding
complications or trauma or who require urgent surgery
• Prospective clinical trials to optimize the dose and timing of
platelet transfusion with greatly add to our knowledge of the
efficacy of platelet transfusion
Platelet Function Tests
Comparison of platelet function tests in predicting clinical outcome in
patients undergoing coronary stent implantation
Breet, et al., JAMA 2010 Feb 24;303(8):754-62
•None of the tests identified patients at risk for bleeding
– Of the platelet function tests assessed, light transmittance
aggregometry, Verify Now, Platelet works, and Innovance , the
predictive accuracy was only modest
– None of the tests provided accurate prognostic information to identify
patients at higher risk of bleeding following stent implantation
•Other described limitations:
– Prolonged (dysfunction) for blood group O samples than for other
blood groups
– Prolonged when platelet count or hematocrit is significantly decreased
(PFA-100 closure times are usually prolonged when platelet count is
<50,000/μl or hematocrit is <25%)
– Clinical performance for platelet dysfunction may be influenced by
other pre-analytical variables
• Age?
• Diurnal variations?
Thromboelastography [TEG] and Rotational
Elastometry [ROTEM]
Not just for platelet function, but also to detect low fibrinogen,
presence of heparin, fibrinolysis…
How do I transfuse platelets to reverse
anti-platelet drug effect?
Ravi Sarode
April 2012
Platelet Transfusion for Reversing Drug
• Patient is on ASA
• Not considered to be a very potent agent in terms
of increased bleeding risk
• If the patient requires surgery (other than
neurosurgery) and is on a standard dose of ASA
(81-325 mg per day) no prophylactic platelets are
• If the patient requires neurosurgery, give one dose
of platelets within a few hours prior to surgery
• Discontinue drug 12 hours before elective surgery
if possible
• Platelets are not required for urgent surgery
Platelet Transfusion for Reversing Drug
• Patient is on P2Y12 (ADP receptor) inhibitor
• ticlopidine (Ticlid), clopidogrel (Plavix), prasugrel
• Increased bleeding tendency
• Urgent surgery required? Significant bleeding? Give
one dose of platelets
• Neurosurgery or eye surgery? Give two doses of
platelets (100K functional platelets)
• Patient is on both ASA and P2Y12 inhibitor
• Same as above
• Patient is on Aggrenox (ASA and dipyridamole)
• Urgent surgery other than neurosurgery? No platelets
• Neurosurgery? One dose of platelets
Platelet Transfusion for Reversing Drug
• Patient is on GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor
• Fibrinogen receptor antagonists including Abciximab
(ReoPro), Eptifibatide (Integrilin), and Tirofiban
• Coronary intervention, and the patient bleeds
excessively after heparin has been reversed with
protamine, give one dose of platelets
• Patient on miscellaneous Anti-platelet agents
• Dipyridamole (Persantin) and cilostazol (Pletal),
Aggrenox, a combination of ASA and dipyridamole,
and fish oil and other herbs that inhibit platelet
• Prophylactic platelet transfusions are not indicated
Alternative to Platelet Transfusion
• Desmopressin (DDAVP)
• Stimulates the release of stored VWF from
the endothelium thereby indirectly improving
platelet function
• Recombinant Factor VIIa
• Increases thrombin generation on the
platelet surface thereby reversing the effect
of anti-platelet drugs
Massive Transfusion Protocols
Massive Transfusion Protocols
Why might a protocol-driven, ratio-
based, massive transfusion
protocol improve trauma patient
Fig. 1. A diagram showing some of the mechanisms leading to coagulopathy in
the injured. Trauma can lead to hemorrhage which can lead to resuscitation,
which in turn leads to dilution and hypothermia causing coagulopathy and
further hemorrhage. This is classic “dilutional coagulopathy”. Hemorrhage can
also cause shock which causes acidosis and hypothermia that in turn lead to
coagulopathy, the “fatal triad”. Trauma and shock can also cause the Acute
Coagulopathy of Trauma-Shock (ACoTS) associated with factor consumption
and fibrinolysis. Coagulopathy is further associated with trauma-induced
inflammation and modified by genetics, medications, and acquired diseases.
Trauma Hemorrhage
The Coagulopathy of Trauma: A Review of Mechanisms
Hess, et al., J Trauma. 2008;65:748 –754
Other Diseases
Hypothermia Hypothermia
Acidemia Fibrinolysis
Risk Factors for Trauma-Induced
• Extent of tissue damage
• Shock (3-fold increase)
• Pre-hospital IV fluids > 3000 mL
• Hypothermia (< 35 C)
• Acidosis (3-fold increase)
• Inflammation
• Preexisting coagulopathic comorbidities
– Cirrhosis, hemophilia and other bleeding disorders,
anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy
Wafaisade, A, et al. Emerg Med J. 2010
Kauvar DS, et al. J Trauma, 2006
Massive Transfusion Protocols for Patients With
Substantial Hemorrhage
Young, et al, Transfusion Medicine Reviews 10/2011
• Reviewed multiple protocols
• Concluded:
– Massive transfusion protocols with higher ratios of
plasma and platelets to red blood cells appear to
be associated with improved survival in patients
with massive hemorrhage
– Further research needed
Table 2. Studies Evaluating the Impact of an MTP on Outcomes in Trauma Patients, Young, et al
Author(s) Design Number of
MT Patients
Ratios used
Impact of MTP on Outcomes Limitations and
Cotton et al
Retrospective (before
and after) cohort study,
single civilian center
264 3:2:3 Reduction in 24-hour blood
utilization, 30-day mortality,
multiple-organ failure, and
abdominal compartment
Single center,
retrospective, no
standardized activation
Cotton et al
Prospective cohort
study, single civilian
125 3:2:3 Poor compliance with MTP
guidelines is associated with worse
outcomes; failure to activate MTP
early and to transfuse predefined
ratios of plasma and PLTs associated
with higher 24-hour and30-day
Single center, no
standardized activation
criteria. Prospective
examination of protocol
compliance and provider-
related factors and their
impact on patient
et al (2009)
Retrospective (before
and after) cohort study,
single civilian center
157 1:1:1 Reduction in 24-hour mortality and
reduction in 30-daymortality in blunt
Single center,
retrospective with
historical controls, high
MTP failure rate
Duchesne et al
Retrospective registry
review, single civilian
435 1:1:1 Reduction in 24-hour and30-day
Single center,
retrospective but has
standardized activation
O' Keeffe et al
Retrospective (before
and after) cohort study,
single civilian center
132 5:2:3 Reduction in blood and blood
component utilization, time to
delivery of initial products, and
hospital charges
Single center,
retrospective, no
standardized activation
criteria; also used
cryoprecipitate and rFVIIa
Riskin et al
Retrospective (before
and after) cohort study,
single civilian center
77 3:2:3 Reduction in time to delivery of initial
products and 30-daymortality
Small study size, single
center, retrospective, no
standard activation
Management of bleeding and coagulopathy following major
trauma: an updated European guideline
Donat R Spahn, et al.
Current concepts of pathogenesis of coagulopathy following traumatic injury.
Spahn et al. Critical Care 2013 17:R76 doi:10.1186/cc12685
Recommendation 10
We do not recommend the use of single Hct measurements as an isolated
laboratory marker for bleeding
• A major limit of the Hct's diagnostic value is the confounding influence of resuscitative measures
on the Hct due to administration of intravenous fluids and red cell concentrates
• Initial Hct does not accurately reflect blood loss because patients bleed whole blood and
compensatory mechanisms that move fluids from interstitial space require time and are not
reflected in initial Hct measurements
Antifibrinolytic agents
Recommendation 24
•We recommend that tranexamic (TXA) acid be administered as early as
possible to the trauma patient who is bleeding or at risk of significant
Recommendation 26
•We recommend the initial administration of plasma or fibrinogen in patients
with massive bleeding
•If further plasma is administered, we suggest an optimal plasma:red blood
cell ratio of at least 1:2
•We recommend that plasma transfusion be avoided in patients without
substantial bleeding
Fibrinogen and cryoprecipitate
Recommendation 27
•We recommend treatment with fibrinogen concentrate or cryoprecipitate in
the continuing management of the patient if significant bleeding is
accompanied by signs of a functional fibrinogen deficit or a plasma
fibrinogen level of less than 1.5 to 2.0 g/l
Recommendation 28
•We recommend that platelets be administered to maintain a platelet count
above 50 × 109/l
•We suggest maintenance of a platelet count above 100 × 109/l in patients
with ongoing bleeding and/or TBI
Antiplatelet agents
Recommendation 29
•We suggest administration of platelets in patients with substantial bleeding
or intracranial hemorrhage who have been treated with antiplatelet agents
•We suggest the measurement of platelet function in patients treated or
suspected of being treated with antiplatelet agents; if platelet dysfunction is
documented in a patient with continued microvascular bleeding, we
suggest treatment with platelets
Prothrombin complex concentrate
Recommendation 31
•We recommend the early use of prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC)
for the emergency reversal of vitamin K-dependent oral anticoagulants
Recombinant activated coagulation factor VII
Recommendation 33
•We suggest that the use of recombinant activated coagulation factor VII
(rFVIIa) be considered if major bleeding and traumatic coagulopathy
persist despite standard attempts to control bleeding and best-practice
use of conventional haemostatic measures
•We do not suggest the use of rFVIIa in patients with intracerebral
hemorrhage caused by isolated head trauma
Plasma in Massive Transfusions
• A cautionary tale:
– Administration of plasma is associated with
significant increase in overall complications
but without significant differences in mortality
– An increase in lung injury, multiorgan
dysfunction and sepsis seen with increased
plasma transfusions
– Incremental risk of compatible but ABO non-
identical plasma (for patients receiving more
than 5 units of plasma), especially for group O
patients transfused with group AB plasma
• Probably due to antigen complexes formed
from residual antigens remaining in plasma
– Most plasma today from men, except for AB
because of shortages
• Women are associated with the highest risk
• Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate blood component
• Identify the blood component for which transfusion
does not need to be ABO compatible
• Cryoprecipitate
• Platelets
• List 2 transfusion alternatives for reducing the risk of
transfusion-transmitted CMV infection
• Leukoreduction
• Serologic testing - CMV negative results

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Current Component Therapy by Diane Eklund, MD

  • 1. Appropriate Component Therapy Diane K. Eklund, M.D. Transfusion Medicine Symposium August 6, 2016
  • 2. Disclosures » I have no financial relationships related to this presentation. » I will not be speaking about any specific commercial product, device, or medication. » I will not be speaking of any off label use of medications or devices
  • 3. Goals and Objectives • Discuss blood management and the associated decrease in utilization of blood products • Discuss the impact of new anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs on prevention and treatment of bleeding • Discuss massive transfusion protocols and their impact on reducing coagulopathic bleeding Objectives: • Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate blood component usage • Identify the blood component for which transfusion does not need to be ABO compatible • List 2 transfusion alternatives for reducing the risk of transfusion-transmitted CMV infection
  • 4. 2005 by TACTICS (Training And Competency for Trent Intra-operative Cell Salvage) Essential test only Multiple tests per sample Nutritional and/or Medical Support – correct anemia prior to surgery Hemodilution; Intraoperative Salvage/Recovery Improved surgical devices or techniques Volume expanders
  • 5. • Two early studies in particular are frequently quoted: – TRICC trial • Hebert, et al, NEJM, 1999 • Concluded that a restrictive strategy of red cell transfusion is at least as effective as and possibly superior to a liberal transfusion strategy in critically ill patients, with the possible exception of patients with acute MI and unstable angina
  • 6. – CRIT study • Corwin, et al, Critical Care Medicine, 2004 • Concluded the increased number of transfused RBC units is an independent predictor of worse clinical outcome
  • 7. Conclusions A liberal transfusion strategy, as compared with a restrictive strategy, did not reduce rates of death or inability to walk independently on a 60-day follow-up or reduce in- hospital morbidity in elderly patient at high cardiovascular risk.
  • 8. Transfusion Strategies for Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Càndid Villanueva, M.D., et al. NEJM, Volume 368(1):11-21 January 3, 2013 A randomized clinical trial shows that among patients with upper GI bleeding, withholding transfusion until the hemoglobin level falls below 7 g per deciliter results in better outcomes than using 9 g per deciliter as the trigger for transfusion
  • 9. Outcomes Using Lower vs Higher Hemoglobin Thresholds for Red Blood Cell Transfusion JAMA. 2013;309(1):83-84. 30-Day mortality was evaluated in 4975 patients included in 11 of 19 trials. Adapted from Analysis 3.2 in Carson JL, Carless PA, Hebert PC. Transfusion thresholds and other strategies for guiding allogeneic red blood cell transfusion. Figure Legend:
  • 10. 1. Bernard et al, JAmCollSurg 2009;208 2. Ferraris et al, Arch Surg. 2012;147(1) 3. Napolitano et al, CritCareMed 20099;37(12) Why give 2, when 1 will do? Complications are dose dependent!
  • 11. Peri-operative Management • Optimize hemoglobin levels prior to surgery – anemia clinics popping up – Treat anemia with supplements or drugs if available • Give Iron, folate, B12 as needed • Use ESAs in treating anemia, where appropriate and approved – Limit autologous donations to ideal candidates • The surgical procedure is known to require transfusions and the use of autologous will likely prevent the need for allogeneic blood • Post-donation hemoglobin level is sufficiently high to prevent jeopardy during surgery (don’t leave them anemic!) • There is no medical contraindication to the donation process or to the quality of blood – Coordinate pre-op lab draws • Order essential tests only • Request multiple tests per sample • Collect smaller volume samples – Iatrogenic blood loss can be close to 100 mL a day! – Maximize coagulation function • Stop anti-platelet drugs if possible • Reevaluate coagulation therapies (i.e. coumadin)
  • 12. Peri-operative Management Continued… – Review use of herbal supplements • Anise and Dong Quai potentiate the effects of other anticoagulants • Omega 3 fatty acids, garlic, ginger, Ginkgo, Ginseng, and vitamin E have anti-platelet properties • Ginseng may inhibit the coagulation cascade • Fucus has heparin-like activity • St. John’s Wort interferes with drug metabolism including Warfarin – Prescription or Poison? ; Dasgupta, 2010
  • 14. Red Blood Cells • The only proven use for RBCs is to improve oxygenation • The number of units transfused should always be determined by improvement in the symptoms of the patient • Transfusion “triggers” are no longer useful in appropriate RBC transfusion protocols – never transfuse because of a number, always because of symptom(s) of inadequate oxygenation or because of evidenced-based literature – Consider the patient’s: • Age • Sex • Rapidity of onset of anemia • Physiologic adaptation to anemia • Status of cardiopulmonary function • History of ischemic co-morbidities • Signs and symptoms such as pallor, syncope, dyspnea, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, angina, TIA or abnormal arterial oxygenation
  • 15. Red Blood Cells • It is best to transfuse type-specific RBCs; however, blood shortages will occasionally dictate the use of other compatible RBCs – Never hesitate to give Rh negative components to Rh positive patients – Always use O negative products judiciously • Change to O positive in emergencies if the patient is male or a female of non-childbearing age • Even in young females, switch to O positive in massive transfusion situations or give type specific • Crossmatch is required except in an emergency • “Type and Cross” vs. “Type and Screen” – Always obtain an antibody screen prior to anticipation of need for transfusion; this will significantly shorten the overall time to receiving blood when the need for crossmatch arises; it will also alert the physician to potentially complex crossmatch problems and rare antibodies – Only crossmatch when there is a reasonable indication that blood will likely be transfused; never tie-up inventory and use technology time with an unnecessary type and cross
  • 16. Red Blood Cells • RBC antigen exposure, particularly in the frequently transfused patient, can lead to antibody formation in some patients, further leading to difficult future crossmatches • Once a clinically significant antibody is formed, the corresponding antigen must be avoided in all future RBC transfusions, even if the strength of the antibody reaches undetectable levels • Antigen-matching beyond ABO for each transfusion is not cost effective; the chronically transfused patient might benefit from further defining the patient’s extended antigen profile for crossmatching procedures – Sickle cell patients should always receive blood negative for Ee, Cc, and Kell antigens, even if they don’t make the antibodies) • Today, many clinicians are considering even more extended matching – If someone chronically transfused is known to be an “antibody maker”, extended antigen matching should also be considered
  • 17. Red Blood Cells • Special RBC products: – Washed (rarely indicated) • May be needed in patients with hypersensitivity to plasma proteins and severe allergic responses to transfusion • Absolutely required for patients with IgA deficiency and likely presence of IgA antibodies • May be needed for neonates, depending on additive solutions or age of product – Frozen, deglycerolized • May be needed for patients with rare atypical antibodies or hypersensitivity to plasma proteins – Irradiated • Required for prevention of transfusion associated Graft vs. Host Disease in the immunocompromised patient – CMV-negative products (applies to all blood components) • Leukoreduction usually considered equivalent, and possibly even safer than serologic testing for prevent of CMV transmission • Studies show that newly infected donors, testing CMV-negative by serology (window period), are much more infectious to the recipient than known CMV-positive donors where CMV resides in the white blood cell and is removed by leukoreduction! • Statistically, the false negative rate of CMV-negative by serological methods probably equals the residual risk of leukoreduction
  • 18. Storage Effects Consequences Decreased 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3 DPG) Increased oxygen affinity and decreased oxygen unloading by hemoglobin ATP depletion Erythrocyte shape change Increased osmotic fragility Decreased deformability Microvesiculation and loss of lipid membrane Decreased erythrocyte viability Lipid peroxidation (degradation of lipids) Cellular injury and death Bioactive substance generation: histamine, cytokines, lipids Febrile transfusion reactions Neutrophil priming/endothelial activation Cellular injury TRALI Multiple organ failure (?) Immune modulation(?) S-nitrosohemoglobin deficiency Impaired vasodilatory response to hypoxia Fresh RBCs for Adults? The Red Blood Cell “Storage Lesion”
  • 19. Fresh Red Blood Cells? • > 25 major studies addressing fresh vs. non-fresh, showing mixed results – Primarily observational studies – Some show favor for fresh RBCs – Some show no advantage at all – Papers describe the definition of fresh differently • Published 2012 [the Age of Red Blood Cells in Premature Infants (ARIPI) trial], found no difference in outcomes among pediatric patients when comparing older with fresher blood • Similar results with the TOTAL trial (ASH, 2015) • Published 2014 [REDS-III RECESS trial(Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study)] – Conclusion: The trial had good compliance with the randomized storage age assignment with a minimal amount of overlap. RBC storage duration was not significantly associated with 7-day change in multiple organ disfunction syndrome (MODS), serious adverse events, or 28-day mortality • ABLE (age of blood evaluation) 2015 – Transfusion of fresh red cells, as compared with standard-issue red cells, did not decrease the 90-day mortality among critically ill adults
  • 20. Red Blood Cells • Major indications include: – Significant acute bleeding with symptoms of hypovolemia that no longer respond to crystalloid or colloid infusions – Symptomatic chronic anemia where other therapies such as iron, folate, and B12 will unlikely correct the anemia – Anemia with a hemoglobin of <7.0 gm/dL and impending surgery with expected blood loss – Sickle cell disease patients needing anesthesia, or exchange transfusion (“trigger” for H/H may apply) • One unit of RBCs, in the ideal adult patient (70Kg, not currently bleeding or hemolyzing) will raise the hemoglobin by 1 gm/dL or hematocrit by 3 percentage points
  • 21. Components to Stop the Bleeding!
  • 22. Crystal Therapy Bloodstone, carnelian, sapphire, lodestone (magnetite), ruby, red jasper, or clear quartz may be used to stop and help prevent bleeding Tannins have an astringent effect electro-negatively charged surface activates clotting process
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 26. Historic Introduction of Plasma • Plasma was the first blood product, born ~75 years ago – Produced for WW II – Dubbed the “Plasma War” • Should it be a liquid or a dried powder? – The American National Red Cross collected more than 13 million units of blood between 1942 and 1945; more than 12 million were converted into plasma, with the red blood cells being discarded
  • 27. Historic Introduction of Plasma • Liquid vs. Dried Powder – John Elliott chose liquid and is famous also for developing the vacuum bulb-tube which became the TransfusoVac bottle, replacing the open beaker and the milk bottle in transfusion practice – Max Strumia chose dried plasma secondarily to his work using plasma as an antimicrobial agent – Dried was appealing for the war but lost favor with the realization that hepatitis transmission was a major problem • (This would have been a problem for both liquid and dried, but at the time was attributed to dried)
  • 28. Clinical Indications for Plasma Products? • U.S. use of plasma is disproportionately high compared to other countries with similar levels of health care – U.S. use of plasma has doubled since 1979 • Few if any quality studies as to the safety and effectiveness of plasma; little evidence for prophylactic use of plasma; no evidence to justify a certain dose • 1/3 of all requests for plasma made to correct an elevated INR prior to a procedure
  • 29. Transfusion Rates of FFP Country # FFP units / 1000 population France (1996) 4.0 Denmark (2001) 5.16 Australia (2001) 5.33 New Zealand (2003) 5.5 UK (2001) 6.5 Finland (2004) 8.6 Norway (2003) 8.7 (7.0) Canada (2005) 8.9 US (2011) 12.0 • In the U.S., 5,700,000 units of plasma were produced for transfusion in 2009, a 0.3% increase from 2006 and a 23% increase from 2005 – WHY? • Use is now decreasing due to blood management initiatives and evidenced-based studies • Similarly, usage is going down in other countries • We still use the most overall! May 1960 Wallis, Transfusion 2004 Palo, Transfusion 2006 Cobain, Transfusion Medicine 2007 Devine, Transfusion 2007 National Blood Collection and Utilization Report 2011
  • 30. Each solid circle represents a unique hospital, with the observed transfusion rate percentages for that hospital (red blood cells, fresh-frozen plasma, and platelets) plotted against the hospital's 2008 volume of isolated primary CABG operations. The solid line indicates the overall mean transfusion rate across all hospitals. The dashed lines indicate the upper and lower 99.9% prediction limits based on the binomial distribution. Bennett-Guerrero, E. et al. 2010;304:1568-1575 Variation in Use of Blood Transfusion in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Figure 1. Observed Variation in Hospital-Specific Transfusion Rates for Primary Isolated CABG Surgery With Cardiopulmonary Bypass During 2008 (N = 798 Sites)
  • 31. INR Thresholds for Prophylactic and Therapeutic Use of FFP • Transfusion, Nov., 2004, 44(11); 1674-5 – 30% of requests for FFP outside the operating room were for attempted correction of the INR • Assumptions (none validated, nor with good clinical evidence) – Elevated INR identifies patients at increased risk of bleeding – Pre-procedure plasma will “correct” the abnormality – Risk-benefit or cost-benefit ratios of plasma given before the procedure is higher than if given after the procedure to individuals who actually bleed • Several reviews have underscored that the pre-procedure INR does not predict the risk of bleeding at the time of invasive bedside procedures and that 1-4 units of plasma fails to correct mild to moderate prolongation of the INR in nearly all cases – American Journal of Clinical Pathology, July 2006: only 50% of patients with an INR of 1.7 showed a significant change in INR with plasma transfusion • Yet, ~30% of plasma transfusions were given to correct INR of 1.5
  • 32. The INR • INR (international normalized ratio) was developed to standardize the prothrombin time across laboratories • INR was developed specifically for patients on warfarin • INR is a unitless ratio • INR value accounts for the PT of the patient, the lab’s reference range and the sensitivity of the reagents used • There is NO literature evidence that the INR predicts bleeding
  • 33. The INR • INR has been the traditional measure of anticoagulation reversal • INR has a non-linear relationship to the level of coagulation factors in the blood • INR test is widely misinterpreted: • INR value is “abnormal” even among patients with levels of clotting factors that are perfectly adequate for hemostasis • Physicians who claim that a patient has a “coagulopathy” as evidenced by an INR of 1.6 are misinformed • Would be similar to claiming that a platelet count of 140,000 represents clinically important thrombocytopenia • FFP has little effect on mildly prolonged INR values • Very large increases in factor levels, requiring large volumes of FFP are required if one (incorrectly) wishes to achieve “normal” INR results
  • 34. Does an elevated INR need to be corrected prior to surgery? • The relationship between clotting factors and PT is exponential • Abnormal test results can occur in people with adequate coag factor concentrations % Coagulation Factors INR and Coagulation Reserve 100% 50% 30% PT (sec) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 INR 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.2 3.0 Zone of Normal Hemostasis (physiologic reserve) Zone of Therapeutic Anticoagulation zone of adequate factor levels zone of anticoagulation 1 - 2 FFP 1 - 2 FFP
  • 35. Diminishing Returns With a Low INR 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Number of FFP units Adapted from Holland and Brooks, AJCP 2006 INR 3 2.6 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0
  • 36. INR of the Products on the Shelf (from normal donors) 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 INR Holland, Transfusion 2005 % of units 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
  • 37. Paucity of studies to support that abnormal coagulation test results predict bleeding in the setting of invasive procedures: an evidence-based review Segal and Dzik, Transfusion, 9/2005 • Review of 25 studies (with mixed quality of evidence) • In summary, a systematic review of the published literature provides little evidence that pre-procedure elevation of the INR or PT predicts an increase in bleeding at the time of an invasive diagnostic procedure
  • 38. Paucity of studies to support that abnormal coag test results predict bleeding in the setting of invasive procedures: evidence-based review Segal and Dzik, Transfusion, 9/2005 • Review of 25 studies (with mixed quality of evidence) • In summary, a systematic review of the published literature provides little evidence that pre-procedure elevation of the INR or PT predicts an increase in bleeding at the time of an invasive diagnostic procedure Fig. 1 Mostly negligible risk differences (and 95% CIs) between patients with abnormal and normal coagulation test results
  • 39. Little evidence that plasma is needed for any of these common procedures: • Central venous catheters • Liver biopsies • Thoracentesis and paracentesis • Bronchoscopy and transbronchial biopsy • Renal biopsy
  • 40. Evidence against prophylactic use of FFP • NNNI (Northern Neonatal Nursing Initiative Trial; Tin, et al., Lancet, 1996): – Randomized 776 neonates and compared FP with volume expanders in the prevention of intraventricular hemorrhage – no significant difference in outcomes in 2 groups • Leese, et al., Ann Royal College Surg Engl, 1991): – 275 patients with acute pancreatitis, randomized to either FP or colloid solution – no evidence of benefit for plasma • Peterson, Anesthesiology, 1991: – Consecutive central lines prior to cardiac surgery with no increase in hemorrhagic complications in heparin-anticoagulated patients • Ewe K, Dig Dis Sci, 1981: – Bleeding times after laparoscopic liver biopsy showed no correlation between bleeding time and coagulation variables; even patients with INR > 3 and platelets <50K did not bleed more than patients with better test results
  • 41. “Can We Predict Bleeding? • Review article, Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Feb 2008, Authors Watson and Greaves • A “Structured Bleeding History” is likely a more powerful tool for prediction of bleeding than any of the current available laboratory approaches
  • 42. Bleeding History For each of the following findings, add the indicated number of points: Epistaxis: infrequent, brief, self-limited episodes 1 Easy bruising with trauma 1 Prolonged bleeding after brushing teeth 1 Dental extraction: prolonged bleeding (> 1 hour) 2 Hemoptysis, Hematemesis 2 Melena 2 Ob/Gyn bleeding (menorrhagia, post-partum) 2 Post-operative bleeding (> 1 hour or delayed) 3 Intracranial hemorrhage 3 Umbilical hemorrhage 4 Positive family history 4 Excessive bleeding following injury to mouth or loss of deciduous teeth 5 Prolonged bleeding (> 1 hour) from minor injuries 5 Epistaxis: frequent, prolonged, or requiring treatment 5 Hematuria 5 Hemarthrosis in absence of major trauma 8 Telangiectasia 8 Petechiae 8
  • 43. Bleeding History Likelihood for a coagulopathy: >10 Highly suspicious 5 – 9 Suspicious < 5 Not suspicious Each of the above conditions should have no surgical or anatomic lesion to account for the bleeding
  • 44. Is fresh-frozen plasma clinically effective? An update of a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Lucy Yang, Simon Stanworth, Sally Hopewell, Carolyn Doree and Mike Murphy Transfusion, 2012
  • 45. Background • Use of plasma continues to increase for both prophylactic and therapeutic settings • In 2004, a paper of similar title was published in the British Journal of Haematology (authors Stanworth, et al.) – British Committee for Standards in Haematology reviewed 57 trials in the literature – Found that there was little evidence for the effectiveness of prophylactic use of FFP – Most studies were small and did not provide adequate information on the ability of the trial to detect meaningful differences in outcomes between 2 patient groups – No study examined assessed whether or not adverse effects might negate clinical benefits of treatment with FFP • This paper is an update of the paper from 2004 and includes an examination of all new randomized controlled trials (RCTs) since the prior publication
  • 46. Additional Background Information • Recurring theme for transfusion of plasma is that there is a variation in practice and uncertainty around the evidence-based indications for appropriate use • In the U.S., 5,700,000 units of plasma were produced for transfusion in 2009, a 0.3% increase from 2006 and a 23% increase from 2005 • Two reasons given for transfusion: – Prevent bleeding – Stop bleeding
  • 47. Is fresh frozen plasma clinically effective? An update of a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Transfusion, 2012 Lucy Yang, et al.
  • 48. Results • 21 additional publications of RCTs were eligible for inclusion in this updated review • 8 ongoing trials and 4 recently completed trials awaiting publication were also eligible for inclusion • Many trials suffered from methodological limitations (didn’t fulfill all criteria of study quality)
  • 49. Results • Liver disease – When combining the results with the 2004 review, a total of 10 trials enrolling 381 patients, there were no significant benefits across a range of clinical indications and outcomes • Cardiac Surgery – When combined with the results of the 2004 review, 19 trials enrolling 948 patients in total showed no consistent clinical benefit of plasma • Warfarin reversal – Results indicated more rapid INR correction with coagulation factor concentrates (prothrombin complex concentrates or PCCs) compared to plasma and with plasma compared to vitamin K, but uncertainty regarding the effects on reducing mortality – When adding to the results of the 2004 review, a total of 5 trials with 227 study participants showed similar results as above
  • 50. Discussion • Using data from both the 2004 and the 2012 publication, 80 RCT studies have been completed and published in the past 50 years • Of the new studies, 8 evaluated prophylactic use and 13 evaluated therapeutic use in patients with bleeding and active disease • Overall, there was little evidence of any consistent benefit from using plasma infusion in either group
  • 51. INR Action/Recommendation Greater than therapeutic, but < 5 and no significant bleeding Lower the warfarin dose, or omit a dose and resume therapy at a lower dose when INR is therapeutic 5 – 9 with no significant bleeding Omit 1 or 2 warfarin doses and resume therapy at a lower dose when INR is therapeutic or omit a dose and give vitamin K (1-2.5 mg p.o.) if patient is at risk of bleeding 5 – 9 and rapid reversal required for surgery Give vitamin K (≤ 5 mg p.o.) with the expectation that INR will be reduced in 24 hours > 9 and no significant bleeding Omit warfarin and administer vitamin K (2.5-5 mg p.o.) and monitor INR more frequently, repeating vitamin K dose if needed > 9 and serious bleeding Hold Warfarin. Give Vitamin K (10 mg IV) and plasma infusion or rVIIa Life-threatening bleeding Hold Warfarin. rFVIIa or plasma infusion supplemented with vitamin K (10 mg IV) Guidelines for Administration of Vitamin K – American College of Chest Physicians
  • 52. • Correction of excessive microvascular bleeding with known coagulopathy or when coagulation test results are delayed • Multiple coagulation factor deficiencies associated with severe bleeding and/or DIC – Plasma is not indicated in DIC with no evidence of bleeding; there is no evidence that prophylactic replacement regimens prevent DIC or reduce transfusion requirements • Urgent reversal of Warfarin – PCC might be more appropriate • contains factors II, VII, IX and X, protein C and protein S • Plasmapheresis for TTP/HUS to replace enzyme • Single coagulation factor deficiencies for which no virus-safe fractionated product is available • Currently applies mainly to factor V and antithrombin deficiencies • Massive transfusion Appropriate Clinical Indications for Plasma Products
  • 53. • Do not use for prophylactic treatment of mild elevations of PT (INR <2.0) or aPTT • Do not use for non-urgent reversal of warfarin • Do not use for reversal of heparin effect • Do not use for hypovolemia or augmentation of albumin concentration • Do not use for promotion of wound healing or general well-being • Do not use for treatment of immunodeficiency states • Do not use for therapeutic apheresis (except for TTP/HUS or long term daily procedures) • Do not use where specific therapy is available (FVIII, vitamin K) Plasma Product Contraindications
  • 54. What happens when… • Hemoglobin is 11 g/dL (>12.5 g/dL) – We don’t transfuse RBCs (risk > benefit) • Platelet count is 105,000 (>150,000) – We don’t transfuse platelets (risk > benefit) • Creatinine is 2.1 mg/dL (<1.2 mg/dL) – We don’t start dialysis • Why then transfuse FFP for a PT (INR) that is mildly elevated????
  • 55. Plasma Products • Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) – Plasma placed in a < -18oC freezer within 8 hours; expiration date 1 year; volume 200-250 mL or 400-500 mL (jumbo) • “normal” levels of coagulation factors • OK to use for 24 hours after thawing • Frozen Plasma (FP) –As above, but frozen within 24 hours; contains coagulation factors in concentrations similar to that of FFP with variably reduced amounts of Factor VIII and Factor V • Thawed Plasma – FFP or FP that has been thawed and stored between 1-6o C; expires 5 days after start of thaw • Adequate for virtually all hemostasis, unless used to replace labile factors (i.e. FVIII); even FVIII is at a hemostatic level of 30-35% (clotting adequate at 25-30%) as is FV (clotting adequate at 15-25%)
  • 56. Plasma Products Continued • Cryoprecipitate Reduced Plasma - Deficient in Von Willebrand factor, Factor VIII, Factor XIII, fibrinogen and fibronectin; thought by some to have value in treatment of TTP (but now that we know more about ADAMTS13 deficiency, probably not) • Liquid Plasma – separated and infused no later than 5 days after the expiration date of whole blood stored at 1-6o C; source of plasma proteins; variable coagulation activity; can be used for 26 days
  • 57. Coagulation factor Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Mean Change from Day 1 to Day 5 (%) P values FVIII (%), Blood group A 107 +/- 26 76 +/- 19 66 +/- 18 65 +/- 17 63 +/- 16 41 <0.004* FVIII (%), Blood group B 103 +/- 44 74 +/- 37 71 +/- 35 67 +/- 36 67 +/- 33 35 <0.02* FVIII (%), Blood group O 70 +/- 16 51 +/- 10 43 +/- 10 43 +/- 7 41 +/- 8 41 <0.001* Factor II (%) 81 +/- 9 81 +/- 9 81 +/- 9 80 +/- 10 80 +/- 10 1 NS Factor V (%) 79 +/- 7 75 +/- 8 71 +/- 9 68 +/- 9 66 +/- 9 16 NS Factor VII (%) 90 +/- 18 81 +/- 15 76 +/- 15 72 +/- 14 72 +/- 15 20 NS Factor X (%) 85 +/- 13 84 +/- 13 84 +/- 15 82 +/- 11 80 +/- 11 6 NS Fibrinogen 225 +/- 12 224 +/- 13 224 +/- 13 224 +/- 17 225 +/- 12 0 NS *Comparison of FVIII activity at Day 1 and that at Day 3 was statistically significant. Downes, Katharine A., Wilson, Erica, Yomtovian, Roslyn & Sarode, Ravindra Serial measurement of clotting factors in thawed plasma stored for 5 days. Transfusion 41 (4), 570-570, 2001 TABLE 1. Mean coagulation factor levels at 24-hour intervals by blood group
  • 58. Plasma Products Continued • Dose to replace factors, 10-20 mL/kg (3-6 units for an adult) • Compatibility testing not required, but ABO compatible plasma must be used
  • 60. Plasma Dosing Is there an optimal dose? • National guidelines generally specify a dose of around 10 to 20 mL/kg • A study in Transfusion, 2006, Abdel-Wahab, et al., prospectively evaluated the effects of FFP on PT/INR in hospital patients with a pretransfusion PT between 13.1 seconds and 17 seconds (INR equivalent, 1.1- 1.85) • 324 plasma units evaluated in 121 patients • <1% of patients had normalization of PT/INR after transfusion and only 15% demonstrated a correction of half way to normal
  • 61. Plasma Dosing • If, and only if, someone requires plasma transfusions, what is the correct dose? • “Efficacy of standard dose and 30 ml/kg fresh frozen plasma in correcting laboratory parameters of haemostasis in critically ill patients” British J of Haem, 4/2004 – Group 1 (10 patients) received 12.2 ml/kg and group 2 (12 patients) 33.5 ml/kg FFP – PT, aPTT and factors I–XII were measured before and after FFP infusion – This study assessed the effect of FFP on laboratory coagulation parameters in patients on the ICU and compared the effect of different doses of FFP. • The results suggested that in many patients FFP was not indicated (based on coagulation factor levels) • Coagulation screening tests were poor predictors of significantly low coagulation factor levels • A standard regimen of 1 L or about 12·5 mL/kg of FFP lead to relatively small and, in most patients, inadequate increments in coagulation factor levels • 30 ml/kg of FFP adequately corrected all individual coagulation factors
  • 62. Another Historic Milestone for Plasma • More than 45 years ago plasma was frozen immediately after collection, thawed rapidly and sent to the bedside with ice crystals still present, in order to preserve Factor VIII • Clinicians would infuse quickly and any remaining ice crystals would be discarded with the “sludge” that formed in the crystals • Responding to complaints about the efficacy of the products, Judith Pool, an American scientist, studied the sludge, and discovered cryoprecipitate • Today we have a finely tuned method to collect and freeze this “sludge”
  • 64. Cryoprecipitate • Cryoprecipitate (~15 mL) contains: – factor VIII (80 to 100 U) – von Willebrand factor – fibrinogen [150 to 300 mg (4.4-8.8 µmol/L)] • FFP has 500mg – fibronectin (20%-25% total protein) – factor XIII (40 to 60 U) – IgG (5%-8% total protein) – IgM (1%-2% total protein) – albumin (5%-8% total protein) – platelet microparticles • Cryoprecipitate is a poor source of vitamin K-dependent factors and, therefore, should not be used in this setting • To infuse: thaw at 30-37C; use single within 6 hours and pooled within 4 hours • No crossmatch/compatibility required - any blood group is safe to use
  • 65. Cryoprecipitate Dosing • 1 bag contains ~400 mg fibrinogen • 4 or 5 bags (1 pool) contains ~2000 mg fibrinogen • Recovery with transfusion = 75% • 5 bags (1 pool) cryoprecipitate provides ~1500mg fibrinogen to the patient Therefore: • In a 70 kg patient, with a plasma volume of ~3.5 L, 1 pool will raise fibrinogen by ~40-45 mg/dL • In a 90 kg patient, with a plasma volume of ~4.5 L, 1 pool will raise fibrinogen by ~30-35 mg/dL • In a 50 kg patient, with a plasma volume of ~2.5 L, 1 pool will raise fibrinogen by ~60 mg/dL • Fibrinogen replacement: Effect should be monitored by fibrinogen level assay and clinical response Again, keep in mind that 1 unit of plasma has ~500 mg of fibrinogen
  • 66. Cryoprecipitate: The Current State of Knowledge Callum, et al., Transfusion Medicine Reviews 2009 • Review article – “The role of this complex product in the management of hemostasis has not been well studied (excluding patients with factor VIII deficiency)” – “There are insufficient data to determine the clinical setting where this product might be clinically efficacious despite its widespread use in multiple different clinical scenarios.” – “There are insufficient data in the literature to determine the efficacy, safety, and dosage in the patient population.” – “Despite 45 years of the use of this product, we still have a lot to learn regarding the optimal use of cryoprecipitate.”
  • 67. Appropriate Use of Cryoprecipitate • There is evidence that the use of cryoprecipitate is rising in many countries, although the exact reasons remain unclear – A specific purified fibrinogen concentrate is available, and it may represent a safer concentrate for direct fibrinogen replacement in isolated deficiencies, such as inherited hypofibrinogenemia (although transfusable fibrinogen concentrates are not widely available in the U.S.) • The value of cryoprecipitate to correct surgical bleeding in the absence of a specific factor VIII, vWF, or fibrinogen deficiency is unclear • The American Society of Anesthesiologists task force on blood component therapy recommends the perioperative administration of cryoprecipitate in only 3 circumstances: – prophylaxis in nonbleeding perioperative or peripartum patients with congenital fibrinogen deficiencies or vWD unresponsive to DDAVP – for bleeding patients with vWD – for the correction of microvascular bleeding in massively transfused patients (not routine patients) with fibrinogen concentrations less than 80 to 100 mg/dL (0.80-1.00 g/L) or when fibrinogen concentrations cannot be measured in a timely manner
  • 68. Appropriate Use of Cryoprecipitate (Cryo) • Frozen plasma will correct low fibrinogen if the volumes for infusion are tolerable • Cryo should not be considered for transfusion solely as a more concentrated form of FP (for example, where there are concerns about fluid overload), as it only contains significant levels of FVIII, VWF, fibronectin, FXIII and fibrinogen – Cryo is not a source of all coagulation factors and therefore is not appropriate replacement therapy in patients with global coagulation factor deficiencies, for example, with liver disease • Cryo use should be reserved for patients with documented isolated hypofibrinogenemia - few prospective trial data to define the optimal use of cryo • Appropriate indications: – Hypofibrinogenemia, massive transfusion, TPA-associated bleeding, as a tissue sealant (fibrinogen) – Uremic bleeding and von Willebrand Disease (factors VIII and vWF) • Inappropriate indications: – Warfarin reversal – Surgical hemostasis – Hepatic coagulopathy
  • 70. What are PCCs? • Prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs) are pooled, virus-inactivated human plasma products that conveniently and rapidly provide coagulation factors • The majority of PCCs contain the vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors (II [prothrombin], VII, IX and X), as well as therapeutically effective concentrations of thromboinhibitors (protein C and S). • PCCs are most commonly indicated and used in vitamin K antagonist reversal (oral anticoagulant reversal) • In Europe they are also indicated for treatment and perioperative prophylaxis of bleeds in acquired deficiency of the prothrombin complex coagulation factors (II, VII, IX and X)
  • 71. Prothrombin Complex Concentrates • American College of Chest Physicians guidelines suggest four-factor prothrombin complex concentrates as the first choice for warfarin reversal in the setting of major bleeding • Four-factor PCCs contain (relatively new to the U.S.): • Six vitamin K-dependent factors: • Factors II, VII, IX, X, proteins C and S • Three-factor PCCs (available in the U.S.) contain: • Three therapeutically useful factors: • Factors II, IX, X • Given that Factor VII is the most severely depleted in warfarin-treated patients, these are not effective in correcting the hemostatic defect! When clinicians in the U.S. request three-factor PCCs to correct warfarin effects, educate them as to the inadequacy of this approach!
  • 72. Prothrombin Complex Concentrates Four-factor PCCs (currently approved in US – KCentra) FFP Smaller volume / Higher concentration of factors Potential of volume overload More rapid delivery More time to infuse May be thrombogenic Expensive 1/10 the price of PCCs No strong clinical evidence that PCCs are better than FFP; studies using corrected INR as an endpoint are misinformed about INR as a surrogate for clinical effectiveness
  • 73. Four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate versus plasma for rapid vitamin K antagonist reversal in patients needing urgent surgical or invasive interventions: a phase 3b, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised trial Joshua N Goldstein, DrMD, Majed A Refaai, MD, Truman J Milling, MD, Brandon Lewis, DO, Robert Goldberg-Alberts, MA, Bruce A Hug, MD, Ravi Sarode, ProfMD The Lancet DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61685-8 Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd
  • 74. Figure 1 The Lancet DOI: (10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61685-8) Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd
  • 75. Figure 2 The Lancet DOI: (10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61685-8) Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd
  • 76. Interpretation •For the endpoint of rapid INR reduction, the results demonstrate that 4F-PCC is non-inferior and superior to plasma for rapid INR reduction in patients on VKA therapy •Furthermore, 4F-PCC could be given more rapidly than plasma •We noted that 4F-PCC was superior to plasma for haemostatic efficacy •We did not detect any between-treatment differences for the occurrence of thromboembolic events or deaths, a finding in agreement with the existing scientific literature •Additionally, although these data guide clinicians on how best to achieve urgent VKA reversal, the scientific literature concerning which patients should be urgently reversed before surgical or invasive interventions continues to evolve
  • 77. The ASH Choosing Wisely® campaign: five hematologic tests and treatments to question Lisa K Hicks, Harriet Bering, Kenneth R Carson, Judith Kleinerman, Vishal Kukreti, Alice Ma, Brigitta U Mueller, Sarah H O’Brien, Marcelo Pasquini, Ravindra Sarode,Lawrence Solberg Jr, Adam E Haynes, Mark A Crowther 1. In situations where transfusion of RBCs is necessary, transfuse the minimum number of units required to relieve symptoms of anemia or to return the patient to a safe hemoglobin range (7-8 g/dL in stable, noncardiac in-patients) 2. Do not test for thrombophilia in adult patients with venous thromboembolism occurring in the setting of major transient risk factors (surgery, trauma, or prolonged immobility) 3. Do not use inferior vena cava filters routinely in patients with acute venous thromboembolism 4. Do not administer plasma or prothrombin complex concentrates for nonemergent reversal of vitamin K antagonists (ie, outside of the setting of major bleeding, intracranial hemorrhage, or anticipated emergent surgery) 5. Limit surveillance CT scans in asymptomatic patients after curative-intent treatment for aggressive lymphoma
  • 79. Platelets • In the 70 kg adult (not septic, bleeding, etc.), one dose of platelets should raise the platelet count approximately 30- 40,000/uL – Rarely happens because the majority of platelet usage is in patients with complicating factors (counts may rise less than 20,000/uL) • No crossmatch required; apheresis products are not significantly RBC-contaminated – Crossmatch required for RBC antigens if product contaminated with RBCs • ABO-matched platelets have a slightly longer in vivo survival rate – But, supply rarely allows for the ability to match blood types • A dose is considered to be one apheresis platelet or 4-6 whole blood-derived (aka random-donor) platelets • Alloimmunization occurs when a patient makes antibodies to donor HLA antigens or to donor platelet specific antigens – Once alloimmunized, platelets lacking the offending antigens must be used for transfusion. Finding such platelets may be difficult or impossible and transfusion of “unmatched” platelets may result in little to no post-transfusion increment • Platelet crossmatching • HLA matched products
  • 80. Dose of Prophylactic Platelet Transfusions and Prevention of Hemorrhage Slichter, et al., NEJM 2010 • Randomly assigned hospitalized cancer patients to a low dose, medium dose or high dose regimen (1.1x1011, 2.2x1011, or 4.4x1011 platelets per square meter of body surface area) when morning platelet counts were 10,000 or lower • Patients assessed for clinical signs of bleeding daily • Concluded that low doses of platelets administered as a prophylactic transfusion led to a decreased overall number of platelets transfused per patient but an increased number of transfusions given • Dose of platelets had no effect on the incidence of bleeding
  • 81. Platelets • Causes of low post-transfusion platelet counts include: • Sepsis • Ongoing oozing • Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) • Splenomegaly • Hepatomegaly • Drugs • A corrected count increment (CCI) can help to determine if someone is alloimmunized or truly refractory to platelets: absolute platelet increment/uL X BSA (m2) ____________________________________________________________________________ number of platelets transfused (1011)
  • 82. Platelets • CCI example: – Starting platelet count is 10,000/uL – One hour post-transfusion count is 50,000/uL – Number of platelets in the bag is ~3-4 X 1011 – So….. (50,000-10,000) X 2 3 (X 1011, not used to calculate) • CCI > 10,000 indicates no refractoriness • CCI < 5,000 indicates likely refractoriness
  • 83. Platelets •Causes of low post-transfusion platelet counts include: •Sepsis •Ongoing oozing •Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) •Splenomegaly •Hepatomegaly •Drugs
  • 84. Platelets •When to transfuse: –Platelet count less than 5,000 – 10,000/uL –Platelet count less than 50,000 if major surgery is anticipated or if life- threatening bleeding is occurring –Documented or anticipated platelet dysfunction, regardless of the platelet count –Excessive bleeding regardless of platelet count –In patients on cardiopulmonary bypass or on ECMO
  • 86. Clotting factors affected by vitamin K: II,VII, IX, X, C, S Warfarin (Coumadin)
  • 87. Reversing Warfarin • Vitamin K: effective, inexpensive, misunderstood • K used for “Koagulation” • Vitamin K effectively reverses INR when given IV or orally • Vitamin K anaphylactoid reactions are very rare • Plasma • Used for “emergency” reversal of warfarin • Very loosely defined, usually not an emergency but rather a physician wishing to perform an invasive procedure • Probably justified for intracranial bleeding • When plasma is used to reverse warfarin for serious bleeding, vitamin K must also be given • Factor VII in FFP has a short half-life and Factor IX has a large volume of distribution • If vitamin K is not given, FVII and FIX will decline
  • 88. Recombinant Factor VIIa and PCCs • rFVIIa not recommended as a solo agent to reverse warfarin • One would not expect a single-factor agent to restore a hemostatic defect resulting from depletion of four vitamin K dependent procoagulant factors • FEIBA contains Factors II and IX, and X, non-activated, and activated Factor VII • Activated factors can cause unwanted thrombosis • Contraindicated for all but those hemophiliacs who make inhibitors to factor replacements • K-centra contains non-activated II, VII, IX, X, and anti- thrombotic proteins C and S • Can also cause unwanted thrombosis
  • 89. Reversal of drug-induced anticoagulation: old solutions and new problems Walter “Sunny” Dzik Transfusion May 2012
  • 90. This Review • All anticoagulant therapies are accompanied by bleeding complications • This review summarizes use of blood products for urgent reversal of drug- induced anticoagulation
  • 91. New Oral Anticoagulants: Convenient to Use But Not Reversible • Direct thrombin inhibitors (i.e. Dabigatran) or inhibitors of Factor Xa (i.e. Rivaroxaban or Apixaban) • Approved for stroke prevention in A-fib patients • Widely quoted that these drugs are safer than warfarin with few bleeding events; however, after being in use for a while, this is less clearly the case • No good evidence available on how to successfully reverse these agents should bleeding occur • Mixed results using PCCs, rFVIIa, etc • Dialysis or therapeutic apheresis can be effective • Local hemostatic agents used as topicals could be effective • Conclusion: Be skeptical of upcoming claims regarding reversal agents
  • 92. THREE ANTIDOTES No reversal agent (antidote, neutralizing drug) is presently clinically available if (a) major bleeding occurs or (b) urgent reversal for emergent surgery is needed in patients on one of the new oral anticoagulants (apixaban = Eliquis®; dabigatran = Pradaxa®; edoxaban = Savaysa®; rivaroxaban = Xarelto®). The following three drugs are in development, but are at least 2 years away from being clinically available, should they prove to be beneficial: 1. ARIPAZINE (PER977; ciraparantag) What is it? This is a synthetic small molecule (D-arginine compound) which has broad activity against various old and new oral anticoagulants What anticoagulant drugs might it reverse? Apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, heparin, LMWH. Clinical trial status: A human volunteer study of 80 individuals receiving aripazine published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine [ref 1] shows that clotting assays (whole-blood clotting time) that were prolonged by edoxaban, decreased after the test persons received aripazine. Another healthy volunteer study is presently ongoing [NCT02207257]. 2. ANDEXANET (PRT064445) What is it? Recombinant, modified factor Xa molecule that is being developed as a direct reversal agent for patients receiving a Factor-Xa inhibitor who suffer a major bleeding episode or who require emergency surgery. It sort-of sops up the anti-Xa anticoagulant, making a patient’s own factor Xa available again to participate in the coagulation process. What anticoagulant drugs might it reverse? Apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban. Clinical trial status: Healthy volunteer studies to (a) evaluate the ability of Andexanet to reverse the effects of several anticoagulant drugs on laboratory tests and (b) reverse apixaban and rivaroxaban are presently ongoing. 3. IDARUCIZUMAB (BI 655075) What is it? It is a humanized antibody fragment directed against dabigatran; generated from mouse monoclonal antibody against dabigatran; humanized and reduced to a FAb fragment. What anticoagulant drugs might it reverse? Dabigatran.
  • 93. Conclusion The ultimate goal for society is the development of an oral anticoagulant that can be taken once a day, that will effectively reduce the risk of stroke or thrombosis in patients with a wide range of thrombophilic disorders, that is inexpensive and non-toxic, and that can be promptly reversed should bleeding occur Sort of sounds like warfarin, doesn’t it?
  • 94. Antiplatelet Agents • Millions of patients are prescribed antiplatelet agents (APAs) for a variety of clinical conditions such as coronary artery syndrome, stroke, transient ischemic attacks and peripheral arterial disease • Millions more self-medicate with aspirin or herbs and supplements known to affect platelet function • Older APAs have a low bleeding risk profile; newer APAs have a higher bleeding risk profile • When patients on APAs present with bleeding or when they need urgent surgical intervention, treating physicians and transfusion medicine specialists are challenged with how to reverse or counteract effects of APAs
  • 95. APAs classified into 4 groups • Group 1: COX-1 inhibitors (aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) • Group 2: ADP receptor (P2Y12) inhibitors [ticlopidine (Ticlid), clopidogrel (Plavix), prasugrel (Efient)] • Group 3: GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors (fibrinogen receptor antagonists) including Abciximab (ReoPro), Eptifibatide (Integrilin), and Tirofiban (Aggrastat) • Group 4: Miscellaneous • Dipyridamole (Persantin) and cilostazol (Pletal) inhibit the 2,3 phosphodiesterase enzyme inhibiting aggregation (weak) • Aggrenox is a combination of ASA and dipyridamole and is very effective against platelet function • Fish oil and many herbs can inhibit platelet function
  • 96. Summary of APAs • APAs are used increasingly in our aging patient population • With more potent APAs there is an increased risk and extent of bleeding • Judicious use of specific tests to assess anti-platelet drug effect and platelet transfusion therapy can assist clinicians in the management of patients who present with bleeding complications or trauma or who require urgent surgery • Prospective clinical trials to optimize the dose and timing of platelet transfusion with greatly add to our knowledge of the efficacy of platelet transfusion
  • 97. Platelet Function Tests Comparison of platelet function tests in predicting clinical outcome in patients undergoing coronary stent implantation Breet, et al., JAMA 2010 Feb 24;303(8):754-62 •None of the tests identified patients at risk for bleeding •Conclusions – Of the platelet function tests assessed, light transmittance aggregometry, Verify Now, Platelet works, and Innovance , the predictive accuracy was only modest – None of the tests provided accurate prognostic information to identify patients at higher risk of bleeding following stent implantation •Other described limitations: – Prolonged (dysfunction) for blood group O samples than for other blood groups – Prolonged when platelet count or hematocrit is significantly decreased (PFA-100 closure times are usually prolonged when platelet count is <50,000/μl or hematocrit is <25%) – Clinical performance for platelet dysfunction may be influenced by other pre-analytical variables • Age? • Diurnal variations?
  • 98. Thromboelastography [TEG] and Rotational Elastometry [ROTEM] Not just for platelet function, but also to detect low fibrinogen, presence of heparin, fibrinolysis…
  • 99. How do I transfuse platelets to reverse anti-platelet drug effect? Ravi Sarode Transfusion April 2012
  • 100. Platelet Transfusion for Reversing Drug Effects • Patient is on ASA • Not considered to be a very potent agent in terms of increased bleeding risk • If the patient requires surgery (other than neurosurgery) and is on a standard dose of ASA (81-325 mg per day) no prophylactic platelets are recommended • If the patient requires neurosurgery, give one dose of platelets within a few hours prior to surgery • NSAIDS • Discontinue drug 12 hours before elective surgery if possible • Platelets are not required for urgent surgery
  • 101. Platelet Transfusion for Reversing Drug Effects • Patient is on P2Y12 (ADP receptor) inhibitor • ticlopidine (Ticlid), clopidogrel (Plavix), prasugrel (Efient) • Increased bleeding tendency • Urgent surgery required? Significant bleeding? Give one dose of platelets • Neurosurgery or eye surgery? Give two doses of platelets (100K functional platelets) • Patient is on both ASA and P2Y12 inhibitor • Same as above • Patient is on Aggrenox (ASA and dipyridamole) • Urgent surgery other than neurosurgery? No platelets necessary • Neurosurgery? One dose of platelets
  • 102. Platelet Transfusion for Reversing Drug Effects • Patient is on GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor • Fibrinogen receptor antagonists including Abciximab (ReoPro), Eptifibatide (Integrilin), and Tirofiban (Aggrastat) • Coronary intervention, and the patient bleeds excessively after heparin has been reversed with protamine, give one dose of platelets • Patient on miscellaneous Anti-platelet agents • Dipyridamole (Persantin) and cilostazol (Pletal), Aggrenox, a combination of ASA and dipyridamole, and fish oil and other herbs that inhibit platelet function • Prophylactic platelet transfusions are not indicated
  • 103. Alternative to Platelet Transfusion • Desmopressin (DDAVP) • Stimulates the release of stored VWF from the endothelium thereby indirectly improving platelet function • Recombinant Factor VIIa • Increases thrombin generation on the platelet surface thereby reversing the effect of anti-platelet drugs
  • 105. Massive Transfusion Protocols Why might a protocol-driven, ratio- based, massive transfusion protocol improve trauma patient outcomes?
  • 106. Fig. 1. A diagram showing some of the mechanisms leading to coagulopathy in the injured. Trauma can lead to hemorrhage which can lead to resuscitation, which in turn leads to dilution and hypothermia causing coagulopathy and further hemorrhage. This is classic “dilutional coagulopathy”. Hemorrhage can also cause shock which causes acidosis and hypothermia that in turn lead to coagulopathy, the “fatal triad”. Trauma and shock can also cause the Acute Coagulopathy of Trauma-Shock (ACoTS) associated with factor consumption and fibrinolysis. Coagulopathy is further associated with trauma-induced inflammation and modified by genetics, medications, and acquired diseases. Trauma Hemorrhage The Coagulopathy of Trauma: A Review of Mechanisms Hess, et al., J Trauma. 2008;65:748 –754 Resuscitation Inflammation Other Diseases Medications Genetics COAGULOPATHY Dilution Hypothermia Hypothermia Acidemia Fibrinolysis Factor Consumption ACoTS Shock
  • 107. Risk Factors for Trauma-Induced Coagulopathy • Extent of tissue damage • Shock (3-fold increase) • Pre-hospital IV fluids > 3000 mL • Hypothermia (< 35 C) • Acidosis (3-fold increase) • Inflammation • Preexisting coagulopathic comorbidities – Cirrhosis, hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy Wafaisade, A, et al. Emerg Med J. 2010 Kauvar DS, et al. J Trauma, 2006
  • 108. Massive Transfusion Protocols for Patients With Substantial Hemorrhage Young, et al, Transfusion Medicine Reviews 10/2011 • Reviewed multiple protocols • Concluded: – Massive transfusion protocols with higher ratios of plasma and platelets to red blood cells appear to be associated with improved survival in patients with massive hemorrhage – Further research needed
  • 109. Table 2. Studies Evaluating the Impact of an MTP on Outcomes in Trauma Patients, Young, et al Author(s) Design Number of MT Patients Ratios used PRBC/Plasma/PLT Impact of MTP on Outcomes Limitations and Comments Cotton et al (2008) Retrospective (before and after) cohort study, single civilian center 264 3:2:3 Reduction in 24-hour blood utilization, 30-day mortality, multiple-organ failure, and abdominal compartment syndrome Single center, retrospective, no standardized activation criteria Cotton et al (2009) Prospective cohort study, single civilian center 125 3:2:3 Poor compliance with MTP guidelines is associated with worse outcomes; failure to activate MTP early and to transfuse predefined ratios of plasma and PLTs associated with higher 24-hour and30-day mortality Single center, no standardized activation criteria. Prospective examination of protocol compliance and provider- related factors and their impact on patient outcomes Dente et al (2009) Retrospective (before and after) cohort study, single civilian center 157 1:1:1 Reduction in 24-hour mortality and reduction in 30-daymortality in blunt trauma Single center, retrospective with historical controls, high MTP failure rate Duchesne et al (2009) Retrospective registry review, single civilian center 435 1:1:1 Reduction in 24-hour and30-day mortality Single center, retrospective but has standardized activation criteria O' Keeffe et al (2008) Retrospective (before and after) cohort study, single civilian center 132 5:2:3 Reduction in blood and blood component utilization, time to delivery of initial products, and hospital charges Single center, retrospective, no standardized activation criteria; also used cryoprecipitate and rFVIIa Riskin et al (2009) Retrospective (before and after) cohort study, single civilian center 77 3:2:3 Reduction in time to delivery of initial products and 30-daymortality Small study size, single center, retrospective, no standard activation criteria
  • 110.
  • 111. Management of bleeding and coagulopathy following major trauma: an updated European guideline Donat R Spahn, et al. Current concepts of pathogenesis of coagulopathy following traumatic injury. Spahn et al. Critical Care 2013 17:R76 doi:10.1186/cc12685
  • 112. Hematocrit Recommendation 10 We do not recommend the use of single Hct measurements as an isolated laboratory marker for bleeding • A major limit of the Hct's diagnostic value is the confounding influence of resuscitative measures on the Hct due to administration of intravenous fluids and red cell concentrates • Initial Hct does not accurately reflect blood loss because patients bleed whole blood and compensatory mechanisms that move fluids from interstitial space require time and are not reflected in initial Hct measurements Antifibrinolytic agents Recommendation 24 •We recommend that tranexamic (TXA) acid be administered as early as possible to the trauma patient who is bleeding or at risk of significant hemorrhage Plasma Recommendation 26 •We recommend the initial administration of plasma or fibrinogen in patients with massive bleeding •If further plasma is administered, we suggest an optimal plasma:red blood cell ratio of at least 1:2 •We recommend that plasma transfusion be avoided in patients without substantial bleeding
  • 113. Fibrinogen and cryoprecipitate Recommendation 27 •We recommend treatment with fibrinogen concentrate or cryoprecipitate in the continuing management of the patient if significant bleeding is accompanied by signs of a functional fibrinogen deficit or a plasma fibrinogen level of less than 1.5 to 2.0 g/l Platelets Recommendation 28 •We recommend that platelets be administered to maintain a platelet count above 50 × 109/l •We suggest maintenance of a platelet count above 100 × 109/l in patients with ongoing bleeding and/or TBI Antiplatelet agents Recommendation 29 •We suggest administration of platelets in patients with substantial bleeding or intracranial hemorrhage who have been treated with antiplatelet agents •We suggest the measurement of platelet function in patients treated or suspected of being treated with antiplatelet agents; if platelet dysfunction is documented in a patient with continued microvascular bleeding, we suggest treatment with platelets
  • 114. Prothrombin complex concentrate Recommendation 31 •We recommend the early use of prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) for the emergency reversal of vitamin K-dependent oral anticoagulants Recombinant activated coagulation factor VII Recommendation 33 •We suggest that the use of recombinant activated coagulation factor VII (rFVIIa) be considered if major bleeding and traumatic coagulopathy persist despite standard attempts to control bleeding and best-practice use of conventional haemostatic measures •We do not suggest the use of rFVIIa in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage caused by isolated head trauma
  • 115.
  • 116. Plasma in Massive Transfusions • A cautionary tale: – Administration of plasma is associated with significant increase in overall complications but without significant differences in mortality – An increase in lung injury, multiorgan dysfunction and sepsis seen with increased plasma transfusions – Incremental risk of compatible but ABO non- identical plasma (for patients receiving more than 5 units of plasma), especially for group O patients transfused with group AB plasma • Probably due to antigen complexes formed from residual antigens remaining in plasma – Most plasma today from men, except for AB because of shortages • Women are associated with the highest risk of TRALI
  • 117. Objectives: • Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate blood component usage • Identify the blood component for which transfusion does not need to be ABO compatible • Cryoprecipitate • Platelets • List 2 transfusion alternatives for reducing the risk of transfusion-transmitted CMV infection • Leukoreduction • Serologic testing - CMV negative results

Editor's Notes

  1. Flow chart to show inclusion and exclusion of citations related to transfusion from January 2004 to July 2011. © This slide is made available for non-commercial use only. Please note that permission may be required for re-use of images in which the copyright is owned by a third party.
  2. Patient flow 4F-PCC=four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate. mITT=modified intention-to-treat. ITT-E=intention-to-treat efficacy. ITT-S=intention-to-treat safety. *Study included viral follow-up to day 90. †One death occurred after study day 45 (day 48; worsening of cardiopulmonary disease). ‡Eight deaths in total in plasma group; one plasma death occurred in a completed patient and one plasma death occurred in a patient with a protocol violation. §Patient not able to be reached for follow-up.
  3. Study overview (ITT-E population) Data are mean (SD) or median (IQR). ITT-E=intention-to-treat efficacy. 4F-PCC=four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate. INR=international normalised ratio.