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Cults are often seen as an alternative religion. "A cult is defined as a religious or secular group that
employs unethical and extreme measures of manipulation to recruit, control and retain its members"
(Study Resources). Most cults are started because someone doesn't like the way the world is and
want to create what they feel the perfect world is. Then this person strives to make others believe as
they do so they will join. There are somewhere around 3,000 to 5,000 of these cults throughout the
United States, but only 75 to 100 are documented (Study Resources). The most commonly known
cults are Reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple, Heavens Gate, and Charles Manson and the
Family; these cults were able to drag people in and ... Show more content on ...
The cult recognized most in America is the one created by Charles Manson. Manson grew up with
no official name in a house with his mother who was a "teenage, bisexual, alcoholic prostitute"
(Charles Manson). Growing up, Manson was shown the cold sides of the world. His
mother would trade him for beer, and his uncle would force him to put on a dress and go to school.
Events like these caused Charles to become a troubled child and start his rap sheet at a young age.
By the time he reached the age of 35 he had spent more than half of his life imprisoned (Charles
Manson). Upon his release from yet another stint in jail, Manson moved to San Francisco where he
was paroled in 1967. There Manson became known as the "God of F*#k". He was able to surround
himself by many beautiful girls who thought of him as god (Charles Manson, 2). Not long after
moving to San Francisco, Manson relocated himself and the women that adored him to the Spahn
Ranch. They began to call themselves "The Family". "The Family" grew rapidly to more than 30
girls with more joining every day. Every night Charles would sleep with a different girl as they all
got high. They obtained food by stealing it from garbage cans and would shoplift for all other things
they needed. During the building of his family, Manson tried to launch his career as a folk singer.
The music industry rejected Manson and this
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Tori Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi's 'Shakuhachi'
In the Japanese Shakuchachi Honkyoku piece, the Tori Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi, is an interesting
piece that represent one of the Japanese cultural music. Tori Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi, or also known
as Street Corner Begging that emphasis begging. Little that we know, begging have a huge effect at
the Fuke sect in Japan which lead to hokyuku. Moreover, the piece that is played on a jinashi
shakuhachi, a piece of bamboo without an added bone mouthpiece, had effected the way of the
sound is produce which is a windy and squeaky sound. In my opinion, the tone/timbre of the piece is
slow, deep, empty, and not well develop (raw) as to compare to the western flute. The western flute
have an accurate and more fluent tone. Western flute is also have a higher
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Mexican American Temple Case Study
Mỹ Sơn is a temple complex located in central Vietnam consisting of over 70 Hindu temples
constructed between the 4th to 14th century by the kings of Champa. The temples were built to
worship the god Shiva that symbolizes the father/male realm. According to the Brhat Samhita
scriptures of Hinduism, "The gods always play where groves are near, rivers, mountains and springs
and in towns with pleasure gardens." Hence, Mỹ Sơn was erected within several closed valleys that
provide the watershed of the sacred Thu Bồn River. Only at Mỹ Sơn, the topography of the site's
narrow valley was used to symbolize a mandala. The spring of flowing sacred water symbolized the
Goddess Ganga, wife of God Shiva, where rituals and sacrifices were performed. The river not only
serves its religious ... Show more content on ...
Influenced by Indian artistic tradition, the religious temple complex consists of a Kalan
encompassed by several smaller shrines, auxiliary buildings and low walls. A gate tower opposite
the Kalan is built to orientate in the east–west direction. In front of the gate tower stands a Mandapa,
a preparatory hall where sacred songs and dances were performed as prayers and offerings before
proceeding into the Kalan for the actual ritual. In addition, a fire tower, where objects of worship
were stored, is positioned right in front of the Kalan. This brick structure with a boat shaped roof,
along with one or two rooms and a main door is built to face north, the direction of the god of
fortune, Kuvera. It symbolizes treasury and prosperity of the realm, where the sacred flame Agni
was kept while performing rituals. The Kalan, built to represent the sacred mountain of Meru and to
symbolize the center of the universe, is the most important edifice where it is believed to house the
god's very place of residence. Smaller shrines and low walls signify the
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My Adventure Essay
As blood ran through my system like race fuel, as I raced around the ancient temple. The pounding
of my heart upon my chest like a v8 in a stock car, meant I was running at 110%. I stared back at the
temple was crumbling, I was almost to the window I could taste the humid jungle air already.I could
feel my legs burning, my feet losing sensation and my lungs gasping for air. Finally, with the last of
my energy I push off of the ledge and plummeted towards fate, as my life rested in God's hands as I
fell 150ft into the abyss. I could bring these tall tales to college, but I rather talk about my personal
adventure. The story of my adventure to Paris to experience the rich French culture. To explore the
Spanish culture while I was in Spanish immersion. I may not be an explorer of ancient
ruins,however I still explore different cultures, as well as explored unique opportunities that
expanded my knowledge and skills, all this has added up to unique attributes I hold, and are willing
to share. Traveling around the world may be a dream for some, but for me I rather explore the world.
I've been to many tourist spots, it a devastating sight to see so many people take a photo, stare at
whatever it is and then leave. They never stay and learn about the culture and history of that spot.
I'm so grateful that I was a part of the Spanish immersion program of my school. I was able to learn
so much, and I gained a greater view of the world. Currently I'm no longer enrolled, however I took
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Riku Wake Up Essay
"Wake up," said the mysterious voice. "Riku, wake up." "Who are you?" Riku yawns while he
slowly gets up. "Wake up, young hero, it is time for you to stand up to darkness one more time. You
have been in deep slumber in this shrine for a hundred years. Walk out of the shrine and to fulfill
your destiny," said the mysterious voice.
After the voice stopped, Riku got out of the sleeping chamber he was in. He walked out of the
shrine, and the first thing he saw after a hundred years amazed him. The shrine he came out of was
part of cliff covered with fresh, earthy grass, swaying back and forth as the wind blows. Then, Riku
started to look around the area and below the cliff there was big green oak tree forest. The sky was
clear, and the sun ... Show more content on ...
Riku managed to survive but he still had a long way to the temple.
Slowly, Riku sneaked past a few of the same creatures in the dusk of the night towards the temple .
Riku also made sure he stole some of their clubs to use as a weapon later. When he got to the
temple, he walked towards the statue. He stared at the writing on the stone tablet near the statue and
suddenly his head started to hurt and he started to remember a time he came here. The temple back
then was filled with book shelves, candle lights on every table. The temple had windows all over the
building with paintings of a hero vanquishing evil. Then a mysterious man, yet somewhat felt
familiar to Riku walked towards him. "Hey, check this out, Riku. It's a part of the prophecy that's to
come and it says the hero will vanquish evil when it comes. I wonder who the hero will be. Who
ever it is, they will be the greatest hero of them all," said the mysterious man while smiling at Riku.
After that, Riku came back to his senses, and the statue began to flash. Riku walk towards the statue.
The light from the statue then blinded Riku and the area around the temple. When the blinding light
disappear, in Riku's hand was a device. Then, the old man from before appeared at the entrance of
the temple. "That device right there can serve as your map, it is made of ancient technology. Around
this land, you will find shrines similar to the
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The Washington Memorial Honors A Special Purpose That...
Monuments and memorials serve a special purpose that symbolize events and/or people that have
made an impact. The Washington Memorial honors the first president of the U.S., George
Washington, the Statue of Liberty is a universal symbol of freedom, and the World Trade Center
honors those who were involved in 9/11. All of these monuments and memorials are very popular;
however, there is a little known architectural masterpiece called Angkor Wat or "temple city" in
Cambodia that is worthy of discussion. Located at Angkor, Cambodia, it was built in the early 12th
century for King Suryavarman II. The building was to be his temple and capital city, which was
dedicated to the Hindu God, Vishnu. After some time the Hindu religious site turned ... Show more
content on ...
Vishnu is also related with the west which now makes Angkor Wat accepted to serve as a temple and
a mausoleum for Suryavarman II. This monument is also famous for having over 3,000 charming
apsaras (nymphs) carved into the walls. Even though there are over 3,000 each one of these are
unique and there are 37 different hairstyle on each. Unfortunately, many of these apsaras were
damaged while trying to clean the temples with certain chemicals. The German Apsara Conservation
project is still restoring them as much as possible. (Source C).
Angkor Wat floats on "a large rectangular piece of land" called a moat. This water surrounding it is
believed to have life–giving and purifying qualities and it is the central to Khmer cosmology and all
varieties of Hindu religion. The avenue is 475m wide and lined with naga balustrades (seven–
headed serpent) that lead to the main entrance of the central temple. These seven–headed serpents
represent power, water, and fertility in Hindu. While walking down this avenue there are two
libraries and two pools. The northern pool is a fairly popular spot to watch the beautiful sun rise.
When entering the pathway you will first see the central temple. The stairs leading up to this tower
were extremely steep, because reaching the kingdom of these gods was supposed to be "no easy
task." It consists of three stories (overall being approx. a few hundred feet
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The Religious Symbolism and Architecture of Angkor Wat and...
Built by the Khmers between 802 and 1220 AD, the ancient temples of Angkor Wat exist as the
remaining relics of a historically and religiously rich city. While many other historical and religious
structures in Cambodia have disappeared due in part from being constructed out of vulnerable
materials like wood, Angkor Wat still remains as a symbol of the divinity of its former kings, as well
as for the palace itself. Likewise, Indonesia's Borodubur temples exist as the single remaining
structures of the city. The temples of Angkor Wat and Borodubur hold several similarities within
architecture and symbolism, both being heavily based on religious belief. However, different
features within both structures, architecturally and ... Show more content on ...
Decorative elements through out the towers and galleries present their own characteristics and fulfill
specific needs within the temple. The towers are formed into the shape of the ever–popular lotus
buds, and the galleries are used to expand the many passageways of the temple. Also, the axial
galleries within the temple are used to connect several enclosures. Characteristic decorative
components of Angkor Wat include narrative and historical bas–reliefs, pediments, and devatas. The
bas–reliefs located in the gallery of Angkor Wat holds a special signification for Angkor Wat. The
gallery displays heaven and the underworld in which garudas and lions are holding the celestial
palaces. These gerudas indicate that the palaces were floating in heaven, comparing Angkor Wat to
the palaces of the Gods. This display furthers the idea that Angkor Wat acts as a liason between the
world of Heaven and Earth. Because the palace physically remains on earth but spiritually resides
within heaven, the palace acts as communal place for believers to gather.
The bas–reliefs and pictures did not only serve to decorate the palaces, or depict stories of the past.
They hold the important task of transforming the palace into a "celestial dwelling" or heavenly
place. Further evidence to support this notion is
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Visual Analysis: The Entrance Terrace By Eleanor Mannikka
The Entrance Terrace is a photograph of an ancient temple in Cambodia called the Angkor Wat,
which was taken by Eleanor Mannikka in 1991. She studies Southeast Asian countries, specifically
Cambodia. The image is composed of multiple colors that emphasize the focus of the temple,
making it the center point of attention. Cambodia's history and culture is heavily influenced by the
ancient structure, Angkor Wat. The photograph, Entrance Terrace, illustrates the Angkor Wat temple
with multiple gray–toned colors, represents Cambodia's history, and depicts the Cambodian culture.
The image of the Angkor Wat consists of different shades of gray to reveal the temple's worn down
cement structure. The patches of green around the edges of the picture contrast with the gray
because of the plant life that is growing in the dead ruins. In the image, the sunshine brightens up
the shades of gray. The sky is light blue with faded clouds that increase the focus on the temple
because it is brightly colored compared to the dull grays. A couple of palm trees are behind the
temple, which emphasizes the temple's height because the temple exceeds some of the trees' heights.
The structure has worn down areas, such as the bridge and the towers of the temple, represented by
ridged, rough lines that outline ... Show more content on ...
The entrance bridge to the temple, which is 475 meters long, takes up majority of the picture in the
bottom row, which is about a third of the whole picture. The Angkor Wat itself is positioned
horizontally in the middle row of the picture due to its size, which is 1.5 kilometers by 1.3
kilometers (Ringer 104). The angle in which the picture was taken was to make the temple the main
center point of the entire picture (see figure 1). Each color emphasizes different components of the
picture. The blue skies, make the temple stand out from the background and also the direction that
the bridge leads to is the
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Essay about The Heart of London Is Inspiring
Full of life, movement and noise – heart of London which is inspiring already. Within the Temple,
The Round Church lies surrounded by the ancient buildings in a traffic–free, green place of calm
bounded by the rather hazy River Thames and in between the Fleet Street. The entrance through the
gateways, possible to take either of the Inner or the Middle Temple which was apparently designed
by an amateur of architecture, built in 1684 with brick and huge Ionic pilasters and a pediment. The
Inner Template Gateway was made out of timber, plaster and brick with a pleasant looking room
located over the gateway.
Where the tides of history have shifted, the place being demolished and rebuilt, damaged then
restored, reduced to ruin and again ... Show more content on ...
Which gives another interesting aspect to the Round Church; all the knights are on their back but are
otherwise positioned in different ways. The nave part also features organ and beautiful wooden altar
that design made Sir Christopher Wren. He introduced an organ to the church for the first time and
changed the interiors by including an altar screen.
The Chancel The choir of the original church was pulled down and an enlarged structure was
created, that comprises a central aisle and the two side ones with identical width. The Purbeck
marble columns of the Chancel cracked although still supported the vault, they were deemed
unsound and replaced by replicas. The original columns had a light outward lean which was
duplicated in the replacement ones.
In 1841 the church has been restored by Smirke and Burton. They have decorated the walls and
ceiling in the high Victorian Gothic. They were aiming and attempting a restoration to bring its
original appearance. Theirs work were destroyed during the height of the Battle of Britain where
German air raid bombed the roof of the round church. However during the renovation, it was found
that the renovations made by Wren in the 17th Century were in storage and were replaced into the
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Jim Jones And The Jonestown Massacre Essay
On November 18, 1978, followers of Jim Jones shot and killed United States Congressman Leo J.
Ryan and four others traveling with him on a fact finding trip to Guyana. Ryan was there to
investigate complaints about the community called "Jonestown," which was largely inhabited by his
former California constituents.
After murdering a United States congressman Jones knew the end of his rule was near. He ordered
his entire following, some 914 people, to commit what he called "revolutionary suicide." This
included more than 200 children.
The rise
Jones began his group in San Francisco and was once a respected community leader. He started
programs to help the elderly and poor. His circle of friends once included leading politicians, who ...
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After the tragedy at Jonestown these politicians found it difficult to explain how Jim Jones so easily
took them in.
One of Jones' long time followers Tim Stoen explained, "There wasn't anything magical about Jim's
power. It was raw politics. He was able to deliver what politicians want, which is power. And how
do you get power? By votes. And how do you get votes? With people. Jim Jones could produce
3,000 people at a political event.''
Agar Jaicks, Chairman of the county Democratic Central Committee seemed to agree with Stoen's
assessment when he said, "What you had here was a ready–made volunteer workforce&he was very
strong&here was a guy who could provide workers for causes.''
Jones first step on his path to political influence began in the Fall of 1970. He created a fund for the
families of slain police officers. This was the beginning of a viable process he used to make valuable
friends through charitable contributions.
The first bad press Jones received in the Bay area was a somewhat critical story run by the San
Francisco Examiner in 1972. The paper exposed that Jones had claimed to be a "prophet" and said
he could raise the dead.
Perhaps to preempt any further embarrassment Jones subsequently gave out grants to 12
newspapers. He even bussed his people to demonstrate in support of reporters who had been jailed
for not revealing confidential sources. Ironically, the man who would later flee from the press and
oppress dissent within his
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The Pantheon in Rome and the Candi Prambanan in Indonesia
Around the world people have been known to dedicate themselves and their families to a certain
type of religion or God. Practicing religion has been a major part of peoples' daily rituals for
centuries. Believing in a higher power than ones own takes full dedication to that certain religion or
God(s). In order to give respect and be able to apply action into these beliefs it has became a
tradition around the world to build a place of worship. These places of worship are referred to
differently across the world depending on location and the religion being practiced. More
specifically the Temple is a building that is devoted for worshiping but also is known to house a
multitude of religions depending on its location. For example, the Romans have been known to
house their Gods in Temples usually with a multitude of columns to incase a statue of a God or
Gods. Similarly, the people of Indonesia have been building decorative Candi (Indonesian word for
Temple) to praise and worship their Gods.4 For instance, the Romans constructed The Pantheon,
dedicated to the Gods of Ancient Rome compared to Candi Prambanan built by the Indonesians in
order to worship the concept of Trimurti. 3 The link between these two cultures can be seen in the
way that both Romans and Indonesians worship their Gods in Temples with the use of separate
sacred rooms and what these Temples represent for their culture, but are able to be separated by their
choice of architectural form, style and use of
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Jonestown Massacre Research Paper
Jonestown Massacre
Peoples Temple was a church founded by Jim Jones in 1956. It was originally established in Indiana,
moved to California in 1966, and then moved outside the United States in the South American
country of Guyana in 1973. Peoples Temple was an integrated spiritual congregation that believed in
christianity. It was also a church that was focused on helping people and congregating in a temple to
hear about God, have dinner and dances in a pavilion together to show communion and respect
towards the religion. Jim Jones was the leader of the church and had a vision of a communist
community, one in which everyone lived together in harmony and worked for the common good.
Jones established part of this in California in a small way, ... Show more content on
According to the film, right after the assassination of the people that were leaving Jonestown, Jim
Jones called the church for a meeting. He started passing out poisoned Kool–Aid once again and at
the same time encouraging them to drink it. This time Jones warned them it was poison before they
consumed it. Even though people were concerned that they were going to die, this event was a
murder. Jim Jones persuaded the church to drink the Kool–Aid by telling them that the US
government was going to kill everyone in Jonestown and even torture innocent children. He said it
was better to drink the poison and lay peacefully in God than suffer a torture. There is a thin line
between suicide and murder according to how this massacre happened. The reason I state this is
because it is a suicide since the people drank the Kool–Aid concerned that it was poisoned.
However, he forced people to drink it by encouraging them, lying to them, and by having guards
with guns and crossbows to encourage the people to participate if they weren't being cooperative;
therefore it was a murder. Peoples Temple was scared of Jim Jones, and they had no other
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Jonestown Massacre Research Paper
Jonestown Massacre
Everyone has heard the saying, "Drinking the Kool–Aid." Its simple meaning is to blindly accept
something, without any questioning ("Definition Of Drinking The Kool–Aid"). This saying comes
from the world famous, Jonestown Massacre ("Definition Of Drinking The Kool–Aid"). The
Jonestown Massacre resulted in 909 people dead, from cyanide poisoning ("The Jonestown
Massacre"). Jim Jones, leader of the religious cult The People's Temple, convinced his followers to
participate in "revolutionary suicide" ("The Jonestown Massacre"). It is the largest mass suicide to
take place in modern history ("The Jonestown Massacre"). Jim Jones was able to make everyone
feel special and important; he made people in his cult feel like they were in the "promise land"
("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). Though the story is disturbing and sad, how people were
so easily influenced by Jones, to follow him and his commands, is ... Show more content on ...
He was born on May 13, 1931, in a rural area called Crete, Indiana ("Jim Jones Biography"). His
father did not work and was an alcoholic ("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). His mother had
to work and support their whole family ("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). Because of this,
Jones was left to his own devices, and was on his own a lot as a little kid ("Jonestown, PBS
Documentary (FULL)"). He was known as the "weird kid" in his neighborhood. One man who grew
up with Jim said, "He was obsessed with religion, he was obsessed with death" ("Jonestown, PBS
Documentary (FULL)"). He would invite the boys over in his neighborhood to conduct funerals for
small animals that he either found dead or killed ("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). One
time, one of the boys saw Jim kill a cat with a knife ("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). He
came from a dysfunctional and messed up family, which seemed to play a role onto why Jim was
such an unusual
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Essay On Stray Dogs In Bangkok
Topic: Stray Dogs in Bangkok's Temple
Thai Buddhist temple is the most well known spot to surrender stray dogs, since they have a ton of
remains. If the temple dogs get along, then stray dog and stray. Other normal spots incorporate
disconnected streets or even outside somebody's fence.
This is the reason people can see stray dogs at most sanctuaries around Thailand. Since nobody
really care for these animals, some of them have skin infections that make them lose their skin and
they frequently notice awful. Sometimes Buddhist cloisters effectively debilitate individuals from
dumping their unwanted pets at temples, since it's a weight to the resident monk.
Most stray dogs are afraid of people their saw, not just in the temple but stray dogs around Bangkok
except the ones who feed them and make them truth that nobody going to hurt them. Some can be
regional however, particularly after dark. Along these lines, in case if people not comfortable to
walk past them, carry an umbrella or a stick, to be safe.
Also animal sterilization is not common in Thailand, and hundreds of thousands of dogs fight to
survive on the streets. Many are abandoned at temples, a typical phenomenon, where locals feel that
the monks will feed them and take ... Show more content on ...
The powerless government strategy and laws about the stray dogs furthermore the general public
lack of awareness of this issue is principle snag to tackle this issue. Also the problem is stray dogs
will certainly bring disease and deadly damage to lives and properties of people around Bangkok or
around Thai temple especially hydrophobia with average of many died per
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Pompeii: The Place to Relax Essay
Pompeii: The Place to Relax
City Planning
Covering over 62 hectares, Pompeii is one of the largest relaxation towns in the modern world. The
city is well planned, with activities to suit people of all ages, sexes and interests. The streets and
roads divide the town into ordered rectangular blocks, which contain a diversity of shops, houses,
business, as well as a variety of different buildings.
The city has been planned carefully to take full advantage of the pleasant seaside, with similar
buildings close to each other. Shops are located all through Pompeii with an emphasis on
convenience. Temples are also located in a designated area for all your daily praying needs.
There are ... Show more content on ...
In many Roman towns, women are oppressed and locked in. Many think that Pompeii is the same.
This is not true. Women experience a rigorous and active lifestyle they can lead in Pompeii.
Women have many rights – they can be educated, own, lease or sell property, take part in business
(as is portrayed in paintings and advertisement) and become important members of society.
* The Pompeian priestess Eumachia, who donated a glorious building to the Fullers Guild.
* Julia Felix owns and manages one of Pompeii's largest villas.
Women also have great political authority, acting as election campaigners. Less, wealthy women can
also lead satisfactory lives as innkeepers, midwives, doctors, sellers of vegetables, shop assistants,
weavers, money lenders, butcher or fishers.
As well, there is many an opportunity for young, single women to find romance in Pompeii.
Public Facilities
Pompeii is a city renowned for its convenience. As such, it provides many public facilities for its
citizens, or guests. Public facilities, highlighted on the map, in Pompeii include:
* Amphitheatre
* Small and Large Theatres
* Baths
* Toilets
* Shopping centres
* Palaestras
Recreation/Leisure activities and entertainment
Pompeii is said to be the city of a thousand wonders. Each day brings new sights and shows for its
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Eastern Jin Dynasty Essay
According to historical records, the ancient city began 1600 of years ago in Eastern Jin Dynasty.
Ancestors believed, perhaps basing on the divination, identified here as a treasure place,took great
care and kept it in good shape for thousand years.
It was encircled by an ancient city wall and a moat. The city wall was seven miles long in total,
about thirty feet high with East, South, West and North four gates. A twenty feet wide, ten feet deep
moat surround the wall with clear water, green water grasses, weeping willow and wildflowers lined
on both sides bank. Very spring, when flowers blooming, a slight breeze rose, wafting the heavy
scent of flowers pasted over. If heavy rain for days, the moat may flood around.
Each gate original had a wood drawbridge that can be pull up and put down, which were torn down
in the anti–Japanness war in order to let people easer to escape from the town when Japan plane
raid, bomb it. Listen to the elders speaking, in the Chinese year of Yihai (1935), there was a
catastrophic flood, river banks were broken, outside of the city wall looked as ocean. City people ...
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Experienced nine dynasties, a total of 1606 of years, until 1943, the county government was moved
to "Canoe Mouth" (Hauzizui in Chinese, i.e. today's Songzi City). Millennium ancient city, though
after the wars, famines, suffering vicissitudes, but by the early 1950's, everywhere were stone
sculptures, such as stone Gods, lions, horses, unicorns, Shek Kwu, turtle, drums ...... Except the City
Wall was damaged seriously, it's gates were destroyed during the anti–Japanese war that needs to be
refreshed, rest of the city, such as the four streets, twelve lanes, seventy two ancient wells, Pagoda,
Drum Tower, White Bones Tower and many tombs, resident houses, mansions, official halls,
Buddhist and Taoist temples mostly were
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The Salt Lake Temple Of The Church Of Christ
On October 21, 2016 I went to the Salt Lake Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day
Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah with my soccer team. The temple is located in the center of Salt Lake
City's center, known as temple square. The temple consists of 6 buildings, but I only saw four. Each
building serves different purposes for the church. The first building I saw was the visitors center.
Here I learned about the basics and fundamentals of the church and their religion. The second
building I saw was the Tabernacle which is the home of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Here is
where the choir practices and performs. The next building I saw was the Assembly Hall. The guide
did not explain the purpose of this building, but I am assuming that it is for meetings and activities.
While walking, we saw the Church Office Building which is the home of the church's world
headquarters of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints. This building is 28 stories and
helps facilitate church functions throughout the world. While touring the beautiful temple square, I
saw and learned many things about the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints that I had
not known before. After we arrived at the North Visitors Center, we were immediately greeted by
many of the Mormon missionaries. The men were wearing a black suit with a button up shirt and the
women were wearing a blouse with leggings and a skirt that extends past the knees. These people
were also wearing a name tag with a
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Jonestown: The Life And Death Of Peoples Temple
In the historical documentary of the film "Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples' temple". It
featured the footage of the group named peoples' temple. They were lead by a preacher named Jim
Jones. He led a group of 900 members and had a mass suicide of the peoples' temple. When
watching the film they will be interviews with former temple members . Being the Jonestown
survivors and people who knew Jones. The preacher Jim Jones had a vision of changing their world.
He would tell them about the promise land, and the members all of them wanted to go. For them
they truly thought there was a potential, something big, powerful and great within what Jim Jones
was preaching to the people.
During this time period it was the tumultuous period. They ... Show more content on ...
They would sing and dance to the music. They felt the services had life, soul and power they felt a
live that what they took out of it. They would mainly be clapping hands and jumping up and down
the reason where on how the services was lead. They stated that if a stranger outside their church
come they didn't know about the political views and walked in their church hours they would had
just thought it was an old time religious services. That the moment Jim Jones come in to preach they
had already set up the service for him to talk about his views of religion. Of the world relationship to
the human and the life of it. In their church every single person felt that they had a purpose in life
they were suprical. Jim Jones preaching would show that he understood how it feel to be different or
being the out cost of somewhere. He developed sensitivity for the problems of blacks. They would
bring in many people in to the peoples temple the type of groups would be in where the young
adults in college, elders, black women, it was just a widely range of diverse backgrounds. They all
who entered to the peoples temple had a realization of they were something bigger than them self
for the most part when Jim Jones
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Ezekiel's Vision And Prophetic Declaration Of A New Temple
Introduction Ezekiel's vision and prophetic declaration of a new temple is among the most debatable
text within the Old Testament. In the twenty–fifth year of Ezekiel's exile, God instructed him to look
and listen carefully by paying close attention to everything that he was shown. Not only was he
supposed to see, hear and grasp, he also had to provide this information to Israel (Ez 40:4) . The
vision was to provide hope, a spiritual renewal and a future depiction of Israel's restoration.
Although the prophet Ezekiel, in chapters 40–48, delineated an imaginative depiction of a future
temple, ancient and modern scholars view the text as problematic and devise exceptional challenges
in its interpretation. Both scholars and theologians endeavor ... Show more content on ...
Understanding biblical prophecy will help to dispel most questions pertaining to who the text was
written for and for what manner, eschatological suppositions, and present and future application.
Secondly, it is important to understand biblical prophecy and Scripture so that a connection can be
drawn between the Old and New Testament, and how it relates to Christ and his impending return.
Many parishioners desire to comprehend what will take place during the end times, obtain a clearer
picture of how the Millennial kingdom will look, and what role will they assume as a Christian.
Being able to put the pieces in a logical sequence will help them to understand those things in which
they do not
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Visit Of The Shree Swaminarayan Mandir On Prescott Avenue
When it comes to the topic of understanding religions other than one's own, most are educated by
what they have learned through their reading, or have been taught by professors, colleagues, friends
and neighbors. Few have the curiosity, courage, and in my case a course requirement to attend a
service of another religion and dialogue with those practicing that particular religion. I chose to visit
the Shree Swaminarayan Mandir on Prescott Avenue mainly because of my curiosity regarding the
diversity of the practice of Hindusim. I attended two services, one being the celebration of Diwali,
the festival of lights, and the other being an ordinary Sunday ritual. These experiences have given
me a unique understanding of the practice of Hinduism ... Show more content on ...
We began to take a seat as close to the rear as possible, when Mary Katherine pointed out that we
were clearly on the women's side of the temple. The other two male students and I realizing our lack
observational skill turned around and exited back through the shoe room, and into the lobby. There I
thought it would be best to stop in and inform the young man in the office (whose name has slipped
my memory) that we were visiting as part of our course. He welcomed us and explained that today
was their celebration of Dewali and that they were expecting close to 500 people. He came out of
the office and brought us down the center isle up to the shrine. I couldn't hear much of what he was
saying, partly due his accent, but also due to the loud music that was being played by a few
worshipers just a few feet away. The shrine was composed of three figures covered in brightly
colored decorative ornaments and clothing. The figures stood in a large altar that appeared to be
beautifully carved and finished wood that was lined with strips of lights that flickered colored
patterns throughout the service. Below the altar was an assortment of foods and fruits, which were
aesthetically prepared and plated. I took a few pictures as were many worshipers, the young man
then said he had to head to the back of the temple to grab something and my fellow students and I
then headed to the back of the temple to take a seat. The service was entirely in a language other
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The United States And The Vietnam War
A Day to Remember
It seems as if the united states are always fighting a battle whether it is overseas or within its own
borders. The citizens were not ready for what the 1970's was going to bring, socially, economically,
and religiously. Jim Jones was going to bring peace and relief to these people in the most tragic way
possible. With brain washing, manipulation, and isolation Jones convinced hundreds of people to
commit suicide. The Peoples' Temple religious movement was one of the many going on during the
1970's. During the 1970's America hit rock bottom. The U.S. had lost the Vietnam war, there was an
oil crisis, and the automobile industry was going out of business due to the foreign cars. The
Vietnam war gave rise to many anti–war protests and questioning of the nation's role in the world.
Many believed in pacifism and opposed of the U.S. involvement in the war. The oil embargo that
members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries proclaimed in 1973 led to oil
shortages. Gas had to be rationed and prices increased drastically. Japan and Germany were making
better cars which caused U.S. automobile industries to go out of business, many Americans lost their
The American population grew skeptical; they could not turn to the government during this time.
The Watergate scandal in the 1970s destroyed Americans' trust with the government. They didn't
feel safe with their political leaders and did not feel taken care of. As always, when there is a
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Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple Analysis
The Hsi Lai Buddhist temple is located in Hacienda Heights and is the largest Buddhist temple in
the West. The building was constructed to be a religious site by a Buddhist organization in Taiwan.
The first thing that catches the attention, is the Chinese architecture of the temple and all of the
Chinese words on the outside of the temple. The words on the four pillars of the gate, represent the
four Bodhisattva vows the Buddhists take to complete enlightenment. There are many rooms on the
outside of the temple that look like they may be used for teaching or for programs being run at the
temple. Furthermore, as you walk up the stairs, there are two bodhisattvas on each side of the
entrance. Both of these Bodhisattvas are the protectors of the ... Show more content on ...
The temple contains the images of many bodhisattvas,Buddha's, and disciples. The images of the
Buddha's and bodhisattvas are the focus of the rooms and outside. For example, in the main shrine
and Bodhisattva hall, the focus are the images. Another example is the garden of the eighteen arhats
in which the Buddha is surrounded by his first disciples. The other garden that is in the temple is the
Vessel of Compassion for Universal Liberation. The main image in this garden is that of
Avalofitesvara Bodhisattva. The other images depicted are of heaven kings. The bodhisattva is
important because the vows of this Bodhisattva are of a compassionate mind and the power of
wisdom. This bodhisattva answers the prayers of sentient beings no matter where they are and
manifests in different forms. These eighteen arhats extinguished all defilements and afflictions. They
had reached nirvana and their righteousness is exemplary to all Buddhists. Comparatively, symbols
play an important role in buddhism and we can see this through the offers made to the Buddha's and
bodhisattvas. For example, incense symbolizes inner peace, a lamp offering symbolizes the
brightening of our vision and the enhancement of our wisdom. In addition, in the images, mudras or
certain objects are a symbol of important rules to follow. Such as in image of the Bodhisattva
Samantabhadra, the elephant symbolizes practice. The sounds that are used are that of instruments
during the service in the main shrine and the sound of bells which usually mark the initiation of a
service or other announcements. Furthermore, the smells that are used throughout the temple are
incense. Incense is used as an offering and it is meant to help the Buddhist concentrate and focus on
meditating. Lastly, taste is used in the ritual of eating vegetarian meals
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How Does Matsuo Basho's Journey Affect Literature
Matsuo Basho's journey has a significant impact on literature due to his well–written journals that
reveal his lifestyle and experiences. In his first journal, The Records of a Weather–exposed
Skeleton, Basho conveys his spiritual thoughts and religious life that he experiences on a new
journey. Basho's journal contains several poems as he further reveals different people, traditions, and
significant places that made his journey more memorable. In Matsuo Basho's first journal he reveals
the several reasons on why he is travelling. Basho departs from his home into the North in order to
experience the culture aspects and nature of Japan. Throughout, the first journal, we see Basho's
search for enlightenment in his pilgrimage. We see the different locations that Basho has gone to in
order to learn more and to be part of the traditions. As stated by Basho, "...I left my broken house on
the River Sumida in the August of the first year of Jyokyo among the wails of the autumn wind"
(Basho 51). This quote explains that Basho leaves his home on a long pilgrimage in order to
discover more about religion and develop a better understanding about Japanese culture as he is
motivated to gain enlightenment. As he travels we readers realize how Basho becomes aware at ...
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As a poet Basho's phenomenal word choice and description allowed us readers to view his journey
as if we are there with him. It is amazing to see that Basho is such a religious person who has visited
various shrines, temples, and met many new and old friends and created new haiku's. In addition,
this reading was interesting to me because it shows Basho's motivation to become more enlightened
and his choice to live according to Buddha's life as expressed through his poems. Reading this
journal was one of the best pieces of literature that I have read because of what I got to learn as a
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Haida Gwaii: Why Shrines Are Sacred Places
Shrines are sacred places because of there connection to religious event, a saint, a holy relic, or the
presence of a god (Bellows,201). They can be temples or caves, in cities or in the wilderness.
Shrines are considered ancient landmarks for places where religions may have lived or died. A place
where a miracle is said to have occurred or some divine manifestations. Shrines are sacred for a
variety of reasons, but all have a sacred connection. Haida Gwaii is located in Canada, off the coast
of British Columbia. If looking for it on a map the islands of the archipelago is known as the Queen
Charlotte Islands. A group of indigenous people known as the Haida have inhabited this area for
centuries. Where there once were longhouses at SGAng Gwaay
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Descriptive Essay On Mexican Mayan Temple
5 Must–see Mexican Mayan Temples
Without a doubt, one of the most visually stunning and physically overwhelming things I've come
across on my travels are the ancient temples of Central America. In this article, I'm going to delve
into some of the ones I was lucky enough to experience. Now, it's important to point out early on,
that this is by no means a list of the 'best' temples and covers only a very, very small portion of a
vast expansive network of temples scattered across the continent. However, this is a list of my
personal favourites and of temples, I would highly recommend anyone in the area (or thinking of
going to the area) visits.
In many senses, Tulum has it all. White beaches, crystal clear water, friendly locals and to top it all
off, overlooking the serene beach, a Mayan temple. Situated on the Yucatán Peninsula ... Show more
content on ...
Whilst they booted severed heads off the edge.
Teotihuacán The Valley of the Dead, Temple of the Feathered Serpent, Pyramid of the Moon and
The Pyramid of the Sun. All spectacles in their own right. All undoubtedly 'must–sees', but all in one
place? Teotihuacan.
The place with all of this and much more sits approximately 25 miles Northeast of Mexico City, in
the San Juan Teotihuacán municipality. Covering a total surface area of 32 square miles and with an
estimated population of more than 125,000 at its peak, Teotihuacán is a goliath complex which
consists of multiple elements. Including an impressive array of temples. Predictably, when you step
foot on the Avenue of the Dead and you gaze down the wide expansive pathways at the Pyramids of
the Moon & Sun, you feel small. Very small. The reason being, not only is the Pyramid of the Sun
the third largest in the world (after Cholula & Giza) but further down the valley overshadowing 'The
Moon' is the mountain Cerro
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Essay on Jim Jones as a Prophet
Jim Jones as a Prophet
November 18, 1978 it all ended. Jim Jones and his
followers committed mass suicide in Guyana, South
America. The history of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple
is still studied a great deal today. Why did all those
people follow Jones? Were they forced, were they brain
washed, or was Jones just that charismatic. In
this paper we will probe deep into Jonestown and answer
some of these questions. We will be using Max Webber's
article "The Prophet" find out if Jones was a prophet, if
so what kind of prophet was he. We will also compare and
contrast Webber's theories of charismatic leadership at
an attempt to understand Jim's activities, successes, and
failures. ... Show more content on ...
California Jones appeared to be out primarily for his own
self interest not the church. Because of this Jones
shifts from an ethical prophet to an exemplary prophet.
After the subversive tactics of the Peoples Temple,
they started to feel the pressure from the society around
them. So again Jones moved the Church and anyone able to
the perfect utopian society, Guyana South America. Here
they named their society Jonestown. The Church made
everything they needed and were essentially isolated from
the rest of the world. In Guyana, Jim was becoming less
and less important every day. Everyone built the society
so everyone had somewhat of stock invested, making Jim
less important. When Jim saw his importance fading, he
faked numerous injuries to gain attention. Jim claimed to
have cancer although an autopsy showed no cancer was
present in his body. Even though Jones forbid the use of
drugs, he became dependent on barbiturates and
painkillers. His excuse was that he needed them for the
pain of his non–existent injuries. Then as quickly as it
grew it ended. The People Temple killed a congressman
coming to observe their life style. Knowing the
repercussions of this Jones organized a revolutionary
suicide that proved to everyone that they would not
loose. In Guyana, Jones became a selfish nut where all
he wanted was more power
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Elements Of Roman And Greek Architecture
Roman and Greek architecture are very prominent examples of early historic architectural
advancements. These cultures left imprints on society, founding future forms of art and architecture
through their inspirational elements are artists. These long–lasting cultural elements have created
echoes as deep into the future as now, the 21st century. Looking at the Southern Methodist Church
in downtown Austin, we see a variety of Greek and Roman architectural elements. The Southern
Methodist Church has a variety of classical elements that attribute it to past temples and structures
created by the Roman and Greek cultures, appropriated to fit into the religion of the church by the
manipulation of certain parts, such as the frieze. To begin, the first and foremost part of the
discussion is the elements of Greek and Roman architecture that have been incorporated and
appropriated for the building of this church. The first and foremost noticeable feature would be the
columns, architrave, and pediment. The columns are classic ionic columns, starting from the ornate
base and leading up to the capital, all the elements of the classical ionic columns are present,
creating an almost life–like appearance to the columns as they grow and support the architrave, a
characteristic that can be traced back to Egyptian columns in temples and funerary buildings.
Further, the shaft of the column follows the Greek style of creation. The divides are evidence that
each piece of the columns were
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Jonestown: The Life And Death Of Peoples Temple
Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple
"If we can't live in peace, we'll die in peace. Die with respect, die with a degree of dignity," –Jim
Jones [6]. These were the very last words 909 people heard on November 18th, 1978 as they slowly
came to their last day of life. Jim Jones, the leader of Peoples Temple, left his followers with many
unfilled promises after many years of nothing but complete loyalty and dedication to this man that
they idealized and respected every word he preached to them. The Peoples Temple offered the idea
of a perfect utopia, where no one was judged, everyone was as one, but that was not the case at all.
In fact it was quite the opposite and filled with manipulation, false hope, and murder – not suicide.
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[1] As a small child he was always considered the outcast from the other children. They saw him as
indifferent because even at a young age Jones emphasized religion and would preform ceremonies
on dead animals he found throughout the neighborhood and wouldn't deny the invitation to play
with other kids because he viewed it as sinful. [1] In 1952 he became interested in ministry and was
interested in holding integrated church serviced but his church did not share the same idea as Jones.
This led Jones to venture out on his own and chase after building his ideal church. Jim Jones
founded the Peoples Temple which originated in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1956. It was an integrated
church which at the time was very uncommon and many were attracted to this because
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Hsi Lai Temple Analysis
The Hsi Lai Temple was a very gorgeous outstanding place. With very exotic colors of different kind
of orange. You felt the serenity upon entering the temple. There was Buddhist statues or figure on
every corner of the temple and any location you walked through. Even in entering of every room
there was tigers on both sides of the entrance. In each entering of the temple entrances there was
some one greeting in different language. Every person at the temple was very helpful as much as
they could. Everyone there spoke Taiwan even the visitors. There was rarely anyone who new
perfect English. So there was a lot of pamphlets given to me in English. There social class seem
middle and high class, it seemed like there was no poverty. Most ethnic backgrounds were usually
Taiwan or Vietnamese. Most genders that I saw who usually females besides the monks were males.
The average age that I saw was older than twenty. The number of people I saw were over thirty
during my whole visit. Most of the architecture was made out of jade wood and walnut. They even
had prayers carved inside or on the walnut.
What this religion teaches is to find yourself as to become one with your soul and mind in all
greatness. As to know the strength of your mind, and know ... Show more content on ...
Everythng there is structured as if there was a process of way things are done. They bring food
offerings to represent the fortune they have to Buddha. The type of group they are is close nit
besides the part that the get a lot of visitors from all over the world. Most people are gathered to this
religion by ethnicity and community. As for they go all over and speak out of their religion. One out
of five people convert in Buddhism. This Buddha temple doesn't have an exact leader but they look
to the person who built it. He is still considered a role model to what a real Buddhist is. His name is
Master Hsing Yun; his message was to give others confidence, convenience, hope and
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Jim Jonestown Research Paper
Maria Muñoz
History 146–02
November 20, 2014
The 1970s was a decade that was full of social reform and protests. People believed that they could
change the world through social movements, in search of the hope that was lost with so much going
on during this time. Jim Jones was one of these people, he wanted to change the world, and he had a
vision of the Promised Land so he created the People's Temple. The People's Temple was a racially
integrated church that Jones created to spread his beliefs on religion, socialism, and racial integrity.
It was with these beliefs, paranoia, and his way with people that he convinced 909 people to commit
suicide by drinking Kool–Aid with cyanide. A sense of hopelessness was big during this period ...
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Jones became so paranoid that the government was threatening his progressive movement that he
convinced the people of Jonestown to commit suicide by telling them that the government was
going to come and torture them and their children, that they would fall into the hands of the enemy
and that that would not be a dignified or respectful way to go, he told them that they were not to fall
into the hands of the enemy and that if they could not live in peace then they would die in peace, he
called this massive suicide the act of protesting the conditions of an inhumane world. Jones was so
insinuated into the lives of these people, he controlled every aspect of it, he preached that no one
had the right to play god, which is what he ended up doing. The Peoples' Temple was a religious
cultural trend in the 70s because it represented what people wanted and yearned for at the time
which was a utopia, people strongly believe that perfection was attainable. There were so many
other religious groups and cults trying to achieve the same thing, the perfection of society in their
own way such as the sacrificing of animals in some and the murder of people in
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Summary Of Jonestown: The Life And Death Of Peoples Temple
Stanley Nelson's documentary Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple reviews the
actions of this religious group and analyzes its rise to popularity, then eventually its downfall. The
Peoples temple was a religious, and later political, movement started by Jim Jones in 1955. It was an
interracial congregation. Jones preached socialist and communist beliefs and took Christianity
teachings to a radical level. The Peoples Temple had utopian ideals which led them to establish a
community separate from the evil and injustice of the rest of society. This group ultimately met its
demise when Jones' paranoia took control of the group and led to a mass suicide which claimed 909
of its members.
"As a child I was undoubtedly one of the poor in the community, never accepted. Born as it were on
the wrong side of the tracks," Jim Jones reminisces on his childhood, growing up in Lynn, Indiana.
(Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple, 2006) Neighbors considered Jim Jones as an
odd child. Childhood playmates remember Jim holding mock church services, many of which were
funeral services for dead animals. Chuck Wilmore, a childhood friend of Jones, recalled, "A friend
of mine had told me that he saw Jimmy kill a cat with a knife. Having a funeral for it was a little
strange. Killing the animal was very strange." (Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple,
2006) ... Show more content on ...
Hall, a sociologist analyzing Jones' outcast past. ( Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples
Temple, 2006) As an adult, Jim Jones wanted to make the world a better place. When Jones first
tried to be a student pastor at an already established church, he met resistance with the church's
leaders. Jones believed the church should accept people of all races and
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Analysis Of The Book ' The Temple '
The Temple
Do you like scary stories, well you are in luck. This horror story is about a girl named Rose (the
narrator) and her family. Her mom's name is Kathleen, her dads name is Steve, and her brother's
name is Alex. One day they were on a family vacation and they find a temple out in the woods. Now
Rose has special skill of knowledge and fighting skills and Rose said to her family "I don't think we
should go inside. I read about this temple and we could get caught in a booby trap and possibly die."
"You said booby. Hahaha!" Said her little brother Alex. Alex can be smart and nice but annoying.
Not long after family listens to Rose and go to their beach house and get unpacked. Rose brought
three swimming suits, 10 pairs of cloths, ... Show more content on ...
In an instant, they found out that the crashing sound had come from a boulder that had blocked their
way out an d was rolling faster and faster trapping them in the tunnel with no way out. Meanwhile
when all of them were screaming for their life... it all just stopped. What had happened? Rose looked
at the sealing and realized that a bump on the sealing had stopped the boulder from killing them. It
was dark, but a stream of light shown threw a crack in the sealing. While the kids were panicking,
Rose got an idea. "Hey guys I have an idea. We can make that hole in the sealing bigger and climb
At last the kids were able to climb through the sealing and get home. But where were they? "OMG
OMG OMG!" Katie, the neighbor girl said. "First we almost got killed and know we are lost!"
"Clam down Katie I think I know where we are." "You THINK! No, I need to now where we are. I
can't take the chances of getting kid napped! I want to go HOME!
Later on, the kids found a nearby police station. "We are saved!" Katie said. And soon they asked for
help and found their way home. They all told their parents about the adventure they had. The next
morning, the kids went to the beach while the parents had wine and relaxed on the sandy shore.
Brian had an idea. He said "Hey guys I have an idea"
Later on, the kids all had water guns filed with cold water and Alex, Katie, and Brian all hid in the
bushes while Rose distracted the
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The Fallen Hero Essay
The Fallen Hero "Wake up, Riku, wake up." "Who are you?" Riku yawns while he slowly gets up.
"Wake up, young hero, it is time for you to stand up to darkness once more. You have been in deep
slumber in this shrine for a hundred years. Walk out of the shrine to fulfill your destiny," said the
mysterious voice.
After the voice stopped, Riku got out of the sleeping chamber he was in. He walked out of the
shrine, and the first thing he saw after a hundred years amazed him. The shrine he came out of was
part of cliff covered with fresh, earthy grass, swaying back and forth as the wind blows. Then, Riku
started to look around the area and below the cliff there was big green oak tree forest. The sky was
clear, and the sun gave the sky Far away, he could also see that there was a volcano covered by dark
gray clouds.
Riku took a stroll down the path to the forest, and on the way he met an old man. The old man
walked towards him and he offered Riku to sit with him for a meal. Riku sat down, and the old man
handed him a grilled fish on a stick. Then, the old man started to talk to him. "Young man, I haven't
seen you around here. It looks beautiful in this area doesn't it? This land isn't what it used to be.
There used to be people around here, and you see that teared down building over there? That used to
be a temple, said the old man." You should go check the torn down temple, you will find the answer
you seek, but be careful, there are monsters everywhere". After the man told
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Jim Jones
"Don't drink the kool–aid" is a phrase that was coined after the mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana
on November 18, 1978. James (Jim) Jones was a religious leader of the People's Temple cult and is
responsible for more the deaths of 909 men, women, and children through a mass suicide using
cyanide–laced grape punch. Aided by his high IQ and his manipulative ways, Jones was able to
carry out his communist goals. Jones managed to wipe out 909 people overnight which lands him a
well earned spot in history.
James (Jim) Warren Jones was born to James Thurman Jones and Lynetta Putnam Jones on May 13,
1931 in Crete, Indiana. During Jim's childhood, he was known to be an avid reader who studied the
works of Mahatma Gandhi, Karl Marx, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler, taking note of
what caused their successes and downfalls. Jim's obsession with religion was fed by his struggle to
make friends and his fascination with death. Following the separation of Jones' parents, he moved to
Richmond, Indiana. While living with his mother, Jones graduated with honors from Richmond ...
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Jones instructed the members to move to Redwood Valley, California for safety. At this point, Jones
rejected the bible and began to preach that there was no heaven. In the late 1960s, Jones began
revealing that the religion was secretly founded on communism ideals. In the early 1970s, Jones
stated to the members of the Peoples Temple that there was no heaven and that they would have to
build their own heaven on Earth.
Due to the immense growth in the membership in the Peoples Temples once it was moved to
California, branches were opened in cities such as San Francisco, San Fernando, and Los Angeles,
causing the Temple's headquarters to be moved to San Francisco. The Peoples Temple became
involved in racial movements in the area, increasing
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Dream Vacation In Magong
Coasting back its roots as early as the 14th century, Taiwan's premiere seaside town Magong is
highlighting the reasons on as to why staying on an Asian country for your dream vacation is the
best choice you'd be making. Now absent of the remnants of the dynasties past, Magong is now a
progressive city which puts focus on industrialization and strong commercialism. With the Japanese
influence emanated on every street corner, staying in Magong would truly feel as Asian as it can get.
Summers are best experienced on the city's prime beaches, together with the advent of luxurious
hotels and accommodations, your dreams of the beach will surely be satisfied on your stay here.
Also, get in touch with your affluent side as you take a stroll on their ... Show more content on ...
Magong Airport basically caters to domestic flights to Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Jiayi among
others. Convenience of flights from mainland Penghu is being catered by numerous carriers such as
TransAsia Airways, Uni Air and Mandarin Airlines. International flights are yet to come but there
have been some rumors that it's well on the works of being a reality. From the airport, travelers
would have a lot of chances to grab a cab to get to the city which is not much of a pain on your
travel budget. If traveling by water, trips can start from Kaohsiung to take you to the Magong
Harbor and vice versa. If you want to roam around, Magong is capable of supplying you rented cars
and gas–powered scooters for a fee.
What to See
Confucius Temple (5)
Now lying on the remnants of a torn down college, the Confucius Temple is one the most important
shrines in the whole of Magong. The grand structure is now an avenue for people to pay homage to
this great religious icon and exemplify how great the Japanese influence has been to the people of
their beloved land.
Well of a Thousand
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Fortuna Primigenia Research Paper
The Temple of Fortuna Primigenia is a vast concrete sanctuary that sits within a large mountainside.
The entire structure was installed on four platforms. These platforms acted as colossal steps up the
hillside (Moffett 110). Both a set of ramps and a long, tall staircase linked each "step". The temple
itself is symmetrical and has an axial plan; both right and left sides are exactly mirrored. As you
walk up to the structure, you must take in the different geometries of the sanctuary. The first shape is
a large triangle that is mildly extruded. Large staircases run up to this upward pointed extrusion. A
doorway is subtracted from the bottom center of this first structure as well as the sides. The side
doorways are the entrances to inner ... Show more content on ...
This cult worshiped the god of fate (Fortuna). The uppermost part of the temple was used for
worship and cult services and rituals (Stamper 87). Below, there were many shops and outdoor areas
where people could walk around. Much human interaction could be had on the terraces. There
covered walks as well as wide–open spaces where people could move around freely. These two
general aspects were very different from each other. While the tholos was a very private and
secluded space; the terraces were very much public and spacious. While the most important part of
the sanctuary was perched at the top, the less important causal area was larger and lower. Lastly
while the tholos was the farthest point from entry, the terrace was the first thing
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The Jonestown Massacre: Suicide or Mass Murder?
On November 18th, 1978 in the area of the small town of Port Kaituma in Guyana a horrid scene
was taking place that would shock the world, and forever change the view of religion. Meant to be a
paradise for the poor, the abused, the needy, and those wanting to change the world, Jonestown,
founded by Jim Jones, leader of The Peoples Temple, was the location of a mass murder–suicide
taking the lives of more than 900 people including countless children. "And, the way the children
are, laying dead now, I'd rather see them lay like that than to see them have to die like the Jews did,
which was pitiful anyhow. And I'd just like to thank Dad for giving us life and also death, and I
appreciate the fact the way our children are going because, like Dad said, when they came in, what
they're going to do to our children, they're going to massacre our children. And also the ones they
take, captive, they're gonna just let them grow up and be dummies like they want them to be and not
grow up to be Socialist like the one and only Jim Jones. So I'd like to thank Dad for the opportunity
for letting Jonestown be, not what it could be, but what Jonestown is. Thank you, Dad."1 Did
mothers willingly inject their children with cyanide, and did whole families willingly drink the
poisoned Kool–Aid? Were the members of The People's Temple able to make their own decision to
die? Is the case of Jonestown a mass suicide or a mass murder? Not only through fear and
manipulation, much like that of
... Get more on ...
Buddhist Monk Murders Case Study
Forensic Evidence Collected and Processed in the
Wat Promkunaram Buddhist Temple Murders For the Midterm Writing Assignment project, I chose
to review and summarize the Forensic Files episode titled, "The Buddhist Monk Murders" (S15,
Ep3) (Dowling, 2001). In August 1991, nine Monks from the Wat Promkunaram Temple were
forced to kneel in a circle in the living room then shot execution–style in the back of the head.
Because of the number of victims and sheer brutality of the murders, this incident is considered the
worst mass murder in Arizona's history.
In 1991, Wat Promkunaram Buddhist Temple was attended by mostly Thai nationals and considered
a gathering point for the Thai community in Arizona. The Temple is located in Waddell, Arizona, a
small community on the outskirts of Phoenix, and not far from Luke Air Force Base. Investigators
believe the murders occurred in the late evening of August 9, 1991. The bodies were discovered by a
Temple member the next morning.
After securing the outside perimeter, Crime Scene Investigators meticulously searched inside the
dwelling; taking videos, photographs, and collecting over 1,000 fingerprints. The bedrooms had
been ransacked but very few items of value had been taken. In fact, other items of value were left
untouched such as cash (which was left in the open) and a safe, leading investigators to believe that
robbery was not the motive. Among all of the evidence collected, two pieces of evidence
... Get more on ...
A Visit At San Jose Buddhist Church
Awakening For this experience, I decided to explore Buddhism in order to enhance my involvement
with the religion and build a strong understanding. What intrigued me about Buddhism was the
social aspect and diversity that it had to offer. In order to explore this religion from a critical and
analytical viewpoint, I decided to attend a weekend service offered at San Jose Buddhist Church
Betsuin. The San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin main temple is located in the Japantown section of
Central San Jose. What made this temple stand out amongst the others was its historical standing in
the community. It is one of the oldest temples established in the United States. In order to learn more
about the history, environment, and community as a whole, I decided to contact the temple's staffs.
After a brief phone call, I was able to schedule a tour. In preparation, I decided to do a brief research
on Buddhism to familiarize myself with the religion beforehand. With all preparations and research
necessary, I was ready to visit San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin.
Upon arrival, I was given a brief history about of the Buddhist temple. The San Jose Buddhist
Church Betsuin is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in the United States. Although it was
established in 1907, construction wasn't completed until 1937. During World War II, it was served as
a home to many Japanese–Americans released from internment camps. Today, the temple continues
to play an active role in the lives of their descendance
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Cults Cults Cults are often seen as an alternative religion. "A cult is defined as a religious or secular group that employs unethical and extreme measures of manipulation to recruit, control and retain its members" (Study Resources). Most cults are started because someone doesn't like the way the world is and want to create what they feel the perfect world is. Then this person strives to make others believe as they do so they will join. There are somewhere around 3,000 to 5,000 of these cults throughout the United States, but only 75 to 100 are documented (Study Resources). The most commonly known cults are Reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple, Heavens Gate, and Charles Manson and the Family; these cults were able to drag people in and ... Show more content on ... The cult recognized most in America is the one created by Charles Manson. Manson grew up with no official name in a house with his mother who was a "teenage, bisexual, alcoholic prostitute" (Charles Manson). Growing up, Manson was shown the cold sides of the world. His mother would trade him for beer, and his uncle would force him to put on a dress and go to school. Events like these caused Charles to become a troubled child and start his rap sheet at a young age. By the time he reached the age of 35 he had spent more than half of his life imprisoned (Charles Manson). Upon his release from yet another stint in jail, Manson moved to San Francisco where he was paroled in 1967. There Manson became known as the "God of F*#k". He was able to surround himself by many beautiful girls who thought of him as god (Charles Manson, 2). Not long after moving to San Francisco, Manson relocated himself and the women that adored him to the Spahn Ranch. They began to call themselves "The Family". "The Family" grew rapidly to more than 30 girls with more joining every day. Every night Charles would sleep with a different girl as they all got high. They obtained food by stealing it from garbage cans and would shoplift for all other things they needed. During the building of his family, Manson tried to launch his career as a folk singer. The music industry rejected Manson and this ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Tori Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi's 'Shakuhachi' In the Japanese Shakuchachi Honkyoku piece, the Tori Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi, is an interesting piece that represent one of the Japanese cultural music. Tori Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi, or also known as Street Corner Begging that emphasis begging. Little that we know, begging have a huge effect at the Fuke sect in Japan which lead to hokyuku. Moreover, the piece that is played on a jinashi shakuhachi, a piece of bamboo without an added bone mouthpiece, had effected the way of the sound is produce which is a windy and squeaky sound. In my opinion, the tone/timbre of the piece is slow, deep, empty, and not well develop (raw) as to compare to the western flute. The western flute have an accurate and more fluent tone. Western flute is also have a higher ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Mexican American Temple Case Study Mỹ Sơn is a temple complex located in central Vietnam consisting of over 70 Hindu temples constructed between the 4th to 14th century by the kings of Champa. The temples were built to worship the god Shiva that symbolizes the father/male realm. According to the Brhat Samhita scriptures of Hinduism, "The gods always play where groves are near, rivers, mountains and springs and in towns with pleasure gardens." Hence, Mỹ Sơn was erected within several closed valleys that provide the watershed of the sacred Thu Bồn River. Only at Mỹ Sơn, the topography of the site's narrow valley was used to symbolize a mandala. The spring of flowing sacred water symbolized the Goddess Ganga, wife of God Shiva, where rituals and sacrifices were performed. The river not only serves its religious ... Show more content on ... Influenced by Indian artistic tradition, the religious temple complex consists of a Kalan encompassed by several smaller shrines, auxiliary buildings and low walls. A gate tower opposite the Kalan is built to orientate in the east–west direction. In front of the gate tower stands a Mandapa, a preparatory hall where sacred songs and dances were performed as prayers and offerings before proceeding into the Kalan for the actual ritual. In addition, a fire tower, where objects of worship were stored, is positioned right in front of the Kalan. This brick structure with a boat shaped roof, along with one or two rooms and a main door is built to face north, the direction of the god of fortune, Kuvera. It symbolizes treasury and prosperity of the realm, where the sacred flame Agni was kept while performing rituals. The Kalan, built to represent the sacred mountain of Meru and to symbolize the center of the universe, is the most important edifice where it is believed to house the god's very place of residence. Smaller shrines and low walls signify the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. My Adventure Essay As blood ran through my system like race fuel, as I raced around the ancient temple. The pounding of my heart upon my chest like a v8 in a stock car, meant I was running at 110%. I stared back at the temple was crumbling, I was almost to the window I could taste the humid jungle air already.I could feel my legs burning, my feet losing sensation and my lungs gasping for air. Finally, with the last of my energy I push off of the ledge and plummeted towards fate, as my life rested in God's hands as I fell 150ft into the abyss. I could bring these tall tales to college, but I rather talk about my personal adventure. The story of my adventure to Paris to experience the rich French culture. To explore the Spanish culture while I was in Spanish immersion. I may not be an explorer of ancient ruins,however I still explore different cultures, as well as explored unique opportunities that expanded my knowledge and skills, all this has added up to unique attributes I hold, and are willing to share. Traveling around the world may be a dream for some, but for me I rather explore the world. I've been to many tourist spots, it a devastating sight to see so many people take a photo, stare at whatever it is and then leave. They never stay and learn about the culture and history of that spot. I'm so grateful that I was a part of the Spanish immersion program of my school. I was able to learn so much, and I gained a greater view of the world. Currently I'm no longer enrolled, however I took ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Riku Wake Up Essay "Wake up," said the mysterious voice. "Riku, wake up." "Who are you?" Riku yawns while he slowly gets up. "Wake up, young hero, it is time for you to stand up to darkness one more time. You have been in deep slumber in this shrine for a hundred years. Walk out of the shrine and to fulfill your destiny," said the mysterious voice. After the voice stopped, Riku got out of the sleeping chamber he was in. He walked out of the shrine, and the first thing he saw after a hundred years amazed him. The shrine he came out of was part of cliff covered with fresh, earthy grass, swaying back and forth as the wind blows. Then, Riku started to look around the area and below the cliff there was big green oak tree forest. The sky was clear, and the sun ... Show more content on ... Riku managed to survive but he still had a long way to the temple. Slowly, Riku sneaked past a few of the same creatures in the dusk of the night towards the temple . Riku also made sure he stole some of their clubs to use as a weapon later. When he got to the temple, he walked towards the statue. He stared at the writing on the stone tablet near the statue and suddenly his head started to hurt and he started to remember a time he came here. The temple back then was filled with book shelves, candle lights on every table. The temple had windows all over the building with paintings of a hero vanquishing evil. Then a mysterious man, yet somewhat felt familiar to Riku walked towards him. "Hey, check this out, Riku. It's a part of the prophecy that's to come and it says the hero will vanquish evil when it comes. I wonder who the hero will be. Who ever it is, they will be the greatest hero of them all," said the mysterious man while smiling at Riku. After that, Riku came back to his senses, and the statue began to flash. Riku walk towards the statue. The light from the statue then blinded Riku and the area around the temple. When the blinding light disappear, in Riku's hand was a device. Then, the old man from before appeared at the entrance of the temple. "That device right there can serve as your map, it is made of ancient technology. Around this land, you will find shrines similar to the ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Washington Memorial Honors A Special Purpose That... Monuments and memorials serve a special purpose that symbolize events and/or people that have made an impact. The Washington Memorial honors the first president of the U.S., George Washington, the Statue of Liberty is a universal symbol of freedom, and the World Trade Center honors those who were involved in 9/11. All of these monuments and memorials are very popular; however, there is a little known architectural masterpiece called Angkor Wat or "temple city" in Cambodia that is worthy of discussion. Located at Angkor, Cambodia, it was built in the early 12th century for King Suryavarman II. The building was to be his temple and capital city, which was dedicated to the Hindu God, Vishnu. After some time the Hindu religious site turned ... Show more content on ... Vishnu is also related with the west which now makes Angkor Wat accepted to serve as a temple and a mausoleum for Suryavarman II. This monument is also famous for having over 3,000 charming apsaras (nymphs) carved into the walls. Even though there are over 3,000 each one of these are unique and there are 37 different hairstyle on each. Unfortunately, many of these apsaras were damaged while trying to clean the temples with certain chemicals. The German Apsara Conservation project is still restoring them as much as possible. (Source C). Angkor Wat floats on "a large rectangular piece of land" called a moat. This water surrounding it is believed to have life–giving and purifying qualities and it is the central to Khmer cosmology and all varieties of Hindu religion. The avenue is 475m wide and lined with naga balustrades (seven– headed serpent) that lead to the main entrance of the central temple. These seven–headed serpents represent power, water, and fertility in Hindu. While walking down this avenue there are two libraries and two pools. The northern pool is a fairly popular spot to watch the beautiful sun rise. When entering the pathway you will first see the central temple. The stairs leading up to this tower were extremely steep, because reaching the kingdom of these gods was supposed to be "no easy task." It consists of three stories (overall being approx. a few hundred feet ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Religious Symbolism and Architecture of Angkor Wat and... Introduction Built by the Khmers between 802 and 1220 AD, the ancient temples of Angkor Wat exist as the remaining relics of a historically and religiously rich city. While many other historical and religious structures in Cambodia have disappeared due in part from being constructed out of vulnerable materials like wood, Angkor Wat still remains as a symbol of the divinity of its former kings, as well as for the palace itself. Likewise, Indonesia's Borodubur temples exist as the single remaining structures of the city. The temples of Angkor Wat and Borodubur hold several similarities within architecture and symbolism, both being heavily based on religious belief. However, different features within both structures, architecturally and ... Show more content on ... Decorative elements through out the towers and galleries present their own characteristics and fulfill specific needs within the temple. The towers are formed into the shape of the ever–popular lotus buds, and the galleries are used to expand the many passageways of the temple. Also, the axial galleries within the temple are used to connect several enclosures. Characteristic decorative components of Angkor Wat include narrative and historical bas–reliefs, pediments, and devatas. The bas–reliefs located in the gallery of Angkor Wat holds a special signification for Angkor Wat. The gallery displays heaven and the underworld in which garudas and lions are holding the celestial palaces. These gerudas indicate that the palaces were floating in heaven, comparing Angkor Wat to the palaces of the Gods. This display furthers the idea that Angkor Wat acts as a liason between the world of Heaven and Earth. Because the palace physically remains on earth but spiritually resides within heaven, the palace acts as communal place for believers to gather. The bas–reliefs and pictures did not only serve to decorate the palaces, or depict stories of the past. They hold the important task of transforming the palace into a "celestial dwelling" or heavenly place. Further evidence to support this notion is ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Visual Analysis: The Entrance Terrace By Eleanor Mannikka The Entrance Terrace is a photograph of an ancient temple in Cambodia called the Angkor Wat, which was taken by Eleanor Mannikka in 1991. She studies Southeast Asian countries, specifically Cambodia. The image is composed of multiple colors that emphasize the focus of the temple, making it the center point of attention. Cambodia's history and culture is heavily influenced by the ancient structure, Angkor Wat. The photograph, Entrance Terrace, illustrates the Angkor Wat temple with multiple gray–toned colors, represents Cambodia's history, and depicts the Cambodian culture. The image of the Angkor Wat consists of different shades of gray to reveal the temple's worn down cement structure. The patches of green around the edges of the picture contrast with the gray because of the plant life that is growing in the dead ruins. In the image, the sunshine brightens up the shades of gray. The sky is light blue with faded clouds that increase the focus on the temple because it is brightly colored compared to the dull grays. A couple of palm trees are behind the temple, which emphasizes the temple's height because the temple exceeds some of the trees' heights. The structure has worn down areas, such as the bridge and the towers of the temple, represented by ridged, rough lines that outline ... Show more content on ... The entrance bridge to the temple, which is 475 meters long, takes up majority of the picture in the bottom row, which is about a third of the whole picture. The Angkor Wat itself is positioned horizontally in the middle row of the picture due to its size, which is 1.5 kilometers by 1.3 kilometers (Ringer 104). The angle in which the picture was taken was to make the temple the main center point of the entire picture (see figure 1). Each color emphasizes different components of the picture. The blue skies, make the temple stand out from the background and also the direction that the bridge leads to is the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Essay about The Heart of London Is Inspiring Full of life, movement and noise – heart of London which is inspiring already. Within the Temple, The Round Church lies surrounded by the ancient buildings in a traffic–free, green place of calm bounded by the rather hazy River Thames and in between the Fleet Street. The entrance through the gateways, possible to take either of the Inner or the Middle Temple which was apparently designed by an amateur of architecture, built in 1684 with brick and huge Ionic pilasters and a pediment. The Inner Template Gateway was made out of timber, plaster and brick with a pleasant looking room located over the gateway. Where the tides of history have shifted, the place being demolished and rebuilt, damaged then restored, reduced to ruin and again ... Show more content on ... Which gives another interesting aspect to the Round Church; all the knights are on their back but are otherwise positioned in different ways. The nave part also features organ and beautiful wooden altar that design made Sir Christopher Wren. He introduced an organ to the church for the first time and changed the interiors by including an altar screen. The Chancel The choir of the original church was pulled down and an enlarged structure was created, that comprises a central aisle and the two side ones with identical width. The Purbeck marble columns of the Chancel cracked although still supported the vault, they were deemed unsound and replaced by replicas. The original columns had a light outward lean which was duplicated in the replacement ones. In 1841 the church has been restored by Smirke and Burton. They have decorated the walls and ceiling in the high Victorian Gothic. They were aiming and attempting a restoration to bring its original appearance. Theirs work were destroyed during the height of the Battle of Britain where German air raid bombed the roof of the round church. However during the renovation, it was found that the renovations made by Wren in the 17th Century were in storage and were replaced into the original ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Jim Jones And The Jonestown Massacre Essay On November 18, 1978, followers of Jim Jones shot and killed United States Congressman Leo J. Ryan and four others traveling with him on a fact finding trip to Guyana. Ryan was there to investigate complaints about the community called "Jonestown," which was largely inhabited by his former California constituents. After murdering a United States congressman Jones knew the end of his rule was near. He ordered his entire following, some 914 people, to commit what he called "revolutionary suicide." This included more than 200 children. The rise Jones began his group in San Francisco and was once a respected community leader. He started programs to help the elderly and poor. His circle of friends once included leading politicians, who ... Show more content on ... After the tragedy at Jonestown these politicians found it difficult to explain how Jim Jones so easily took them in. One of Jones' long time followers Tim Stoen explained, "There wasn't anything magical about Jim's power. It was raw politics. He was able to deliver what politicians want, which is power. And how do you get power? By votes. And how do you get votes? With people. Jim Jones could produce 3,000 people at a political event.'' Agar Jaicks, Chairman of the county Democratic Central Committee seemed to agree with Stoen's assessment when he said, "What you had here was a ready–made volunteer workforce&he was very strong&here was a guy who could provide workers for causes.'' Jones first step on his path to political influence began in the Fall of 1970. He created a fund for the families of slain police officers. This was the beginning of a viable process he used to make valuable friends through charitable contributions. The first bad press Jones received in the Bay area was a somewhat critical story run by the San Francisco Examiner in 1972. The paper exposed that Jones had claimed to be a "prophet" and said he could raise the dead. Perhaps to preempt any further embarrassment Jones subsequently gave out grants to 12 newspapers. He even bussed his people to demonstrate in support of reporters who had been jailed
  • 20. for not revealing confidential sources. Ironically, the man who would later flee from the press and oppress dissent within his ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. The Pantheon in Rome and the Candi Prambanan in Indonesia Around the world people have been known to dedicate themselves and their families to a certain type of religion or God. Practicing religion has been a major part of peoples' daily rituals for centuries. Believing in a higher power than ones own takes full dedication to that certain religion or God(s). In order to give respect and be able to apply action into these beliefs it has became a tradition around the world to build a place of worship. These places of worship are referred to differently across the world depending on location and the religion being practiced. More specifically the Temple is a building that is devoted for worshiping but also is known to house a multitude of religions depending on its location. For example, the Romans have been known to house their Gods in Temples usually with a multitude of columns to incase a statue of a God or Gods. Similarly, the people of Indonesia have been building decorative Candi (Indonesian word for Temple) to praise and worship their Gods.4 For instance, the Romans constructed The Pantheon, dedicated to the Gods of Ancient Rome compared to Candi Prambanan built by the Indonesians in order to worship the concept of Trimurti. 3 The link between these two cultures can be seen in the way that both Romans and Indonesians worship their Gods in Temples with the use of separate sacred rooms and what these Temples represent for their culture, but are able to be separated by their choice of architectural form, style and use of ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. Jonestown Massacre Research Paper Jonestown Massacre Peoples Temple was a church founded by Jim Jones in 1956. It was originally established in Indiana, moved to California in 1966, and then moved outside the United States in the South American country of Guyana in 1973. Peoples Temple was an integrated spiritual congregation that believed in christianity. It was also a church that was focused on helping people and congregating in a temple to hear about God, have dinner and dances in a pavilion together to show communion and respect towards the religion. Jim Jones was the leader of the church and had a vision of a communist community, one in which everyone lived together in harmony and worked for the common good. Jones established part of this in California in a small way, ... Show more content on ... According to the film, right after the assassination of the people that were leaving Jonestown, Jim Jones called the church for a meeting. He started passing out poisoned Kool–Aid once again and at the same time encouraging them to drink it. This time Jones warned them it was poison before they consumed it. Even though people were concerned that they were going to die, this event was a murder. Jim Jones persuaded the church to drink the Kool–Aid by telling them that the US government was going to kill everyone in Jonestown and even torture innocent children. He said it was better to drink the poison and lay peacefully in God than suffer a torture. There is a thin line between suicide and murder according to how this massacre happened. The reason I state this is because it is a suicide since the people drank the Kool–Aid concerned that it was poisoned. However, he forced people to drink it by encouraging them, lying to them, and by having guards with guns and crossbows to encourage the people to participate if they weren't being cooperative; therefore it was a murder. Peoples Temple was scared of Jim Jones, and they had no other ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Jonestown Massacre Research Paper Jonestown Massacre Everyone has heard the saying, "Drinking the Kool–Aid." Its simple meaning is to blindly accept something, without any questioning ("Definition Of Drinking The Kool–Aid"). This saying comes from the world famous, Jonestown Massacre ("Definition Of Drinking The Kool–Aid"). The Jonestown Massacre resulted in 909 people dead, from cyanide poisoning ("The Jonestown Massacre"). Jim Jones, leader of the religious cult The People's Temple, convinced his followers to participate in "revolutionary suicide" ("The Jonestown Massacre"). It is the largest mass suicide to take place in modern history ("The Jonestown Massacre"). Jim Jones was able to make everyone feel special and important; he made people in his cult feel like they were in the "promise land" ("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). Though the story is disturbing and sad, how people were so easily influenced by Jones, to follow him and his commands, is ... Show more content on ... He was born on May 13, 1931, in a rural area called Crete, Indiana ("Jim Jones Biography"). His father did not work and was an alcoholic ("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). His mother had to work and support their whole family ("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). Because of this, Jones was left to his own devices, and was on his own a lot as a little kid ("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). He was known as the "weird kid" in his neighborhood. One man who grew up with Jim said, "He was obsessed with religion, he was obsessed with death" ("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). He would invite the boys over in his neighborhood to conduct funerals for small animals that he either found dead or killed ("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). One time, one of the boys saw Jim kill a cat with a knife ("Jonestown, PBS Documentary (FULL)"). He came from a dysfunctional and messed up family, which seemed to play a role onto why Jim was such an unusual ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Essay On Stray Dogs In Bangkok Topic: Stray Dogs in Bangkok's Temple Abstract Thai Buddhist temple is the most well known spot to surrender stray dogs, since they have a ton of remains. If the temple dogs get along, then stray dog and stray. Other normal spots incorporate disconnected streets or even outside somebody's fence. This is the reason people can see stray dogs at most sanctuaries around Thailand. Since nobody really care for these animals, some of them have skin infections that make them lose their skin and they frequently notice awful. Sometimes Buddhist cloisters effectively debilitate individuals from dumping their unwanted pets at temples, since it's a weight to the resident monk. Most stray dogs are afraid of people their saw, not just in the temple but stray dogs around Bangkok except the ones who feed them and make them truth that nobody going to hurt them. Some can be regional however, particularly after dark. Along these lines, in case if people not comfortable to walk past them, carry an umbrella or a stick, to be safe. Also animal sterilization is not common in Thailand, and hundreds of thousands of dogs fight to survive on the streets. Many are abandoned at temples, a typical phenomenon, where locals feel that the monks will feed them and take ... Show more content on ... The powerless government strategy and laws about the stray dogs furthermore the general public lack of awareness of this issue is principle snag to tackle this issue. Also the problem is stray dogs will certainly bring disease and deadly damage to lives and properties of people around Bangkok or around Thai temple especially hydrophobia with average of many died per ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Pompeii: The Place to Relax Essay Pompeii: The Place to Relax City Planning Covering over 62 hectares, Pompeii is one of the largest relaxation towns in the modern world. The city is well planned, with activities to suit people of all ages, sexes and interests. The streets and roads divide the town into ordered rectangular blocks, which contain a diversity of shops, houses, business, as well as a variety of different buildings. The city has been planned carefully to take full advantage of the pleasant seaside, with similar buildings close to each other. Shops are located all through Pompeii with an emphasis on convenience. Temples are also located in a designated area for all your daily praying needs. There are ... Show more content on ... Women In many Roman towns, women are oppressed and locked in. Many think that Pompeii is the same. This is not true. Women experience a rigorous and active lifestyle they can lead in Pompeii. Women have many rights – they can be educated, own, lease or sell property, take part in business (as is portrayed in paintings and advertisement) and become important members of society. * The Pompeian priestess Eumachia, who donated a glorious building to the Fullers Guild. * Julia Felix owns and manages one of Pompeii's largest villas. Women also have great political authority, acting as election campaigners. Less, wealthy women can also lead satisfactory lives as innkeepers, midwives, doctors, sellers of vegetables, shop assistants, weavers, money lenders, butcher or fishers. As well, there is many an opportunity for young, single women to find romance in Pompeii. Public Facilities Pompeii is a city renowned for its convenience. As such, it provides many public facilities for its
  • 31. citizens, or guests. Public facilities, highlighted on the map, in Pompeii include: * Amphitheatre * Small and Large Theatres * Baths * Toilets * Shopping centres * Palaestras Recreation/Leisure activities and entertainment Pompeii is said to be the city of a thousand wonders. Each day brings new sights and shows for its ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Eastern Jin Dynasty Essay According to historical records, the ancient city began 1600 of years ago in Eastern Jin Dynasty. Ancestors believed, perhaps basing on the divination, identified here as a treasure place,took great care and kept it in good shape for thousand years. It was encircled by an ancient city wall and a moat. The city wall was seven miles long in total, about thirty feet high with East, South, West and North four gates. A twenty feet wide, ten feet deep moat surround the wall with clear water, green water grasses, weeping willow and wildflowers lined on both sides bank. Very spring, when flowers blooming, a slight breeze rose, wafting the heavy scent of flowers pasted over. If heavy rain for days, the moat may flood around. Each gate original had a wood drawbridge that can be pull up and put down, which were torn down in the anti–Japanness war in order to let people easer to escape from the town when Japan plane raid, bomb it. Listen to the elders speaking, in the Chinese year of Yihai (1935), there was a catastrophic flood, river banks were broken, outside of the city wall looked as ocean. City people ... Show more content on ... Experienced nine dynasties, a total of 1606 of years, until 1943, the county government was moved to "Canoe Mouth" (Hauzizui in Chinese, i.e. today's Songzi City). Millennium ancient city, though after the wars, famines, suffering vicissitudes, but by the early 1950's, everywhere were stone sculptures, such as stone Gods, lions, horses, unicorns, Shek Kwu, turtle, drums ...... Except the City Wall was damaged seriously, it's gates were destroyed during the anti–Japanese war that needs to be refreshed, rest of the city, such as the four streets, twelve lanes, seventy two ancient wells, Pagoda, Drum Tower, White Bones Tower and many tombs, resident houses, mansions, official halls, Buddhist and Taoist temples mostly were ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Salt Lake Temple Of The Church Of Christ On October 21, 2016 I went to the Salt Lake Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah with my soccer team. The temple is located in the center of Salt Lake City's center, known as temple square. The temple consists of 6 buildings, but I only saw four. Each building serves different purposes for the church. The first building I saw was the visitors center. Here I learned about the basics and fundamentals of the church and their religion. The second building I saw was the Tabernacle which is the home of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Here is where the choir practices and performs. The next building I saw was the Assembly Hall. The guide did not explain the purpose of this building, but I am assuming that it is for meetings and activities. While walking, we saw the Church Office Building which is the home of the church's world headquarters of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints. This building is 28 stories and helps facilitate church functions throughout the world. While touring the beautiful temple square, I saw and learned many things about the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints that I had not known before. After we arrived at the North Visitors Center, we were immediately greeted by many of the Mormon missionaries. The men were wearing a black suit with a button up shirt and the women were wearing a blouse with leggings and a skirt that extends past the knees. These people were also wearing a name tag with a ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Jonestown: The Life And Death Of Peoples Temple In the historical documentary of the film "Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples' temple". It featured the footage of the group named peoples' temple. They were lead by a preacher named Jim Jones. He led a group of 900 members and had a mass suicide of the peoples' temple. When watching the film they will be interviews with former temple members . Being the Jonestown survivors and people who knew Jones. The preacher Jim Jones had a vision of changing their world. He would tell them about the promise land, and the members all of them wanted to go. For them they truly thought there was a potential, something big, powerful and great within what Jim Jones was preaching to the people. During this time period it was the tumultuous period. They ... Show more content on ... They would sing and dance to the music. They felt the services had life, soul and power they felt a live that what they took out of it. They would mainly be clapping hands and jumping up and down the reason where on how the services was lead. They stated that if a stranger outside their church come they didn't know about the political views and walked in their church hours they would had just thought it was an old time religious services. That the moment Jim Jones come in to preach they had already set up the service for him to talk about his views of religion. Of the world relationship to the human and the life of it. In their church every single person felt that they had a purpose in life they were suprical. Jim Jones preaching would show that he understood how it feel to be different or being the out cost of somewhere. He developed sensitivity for the problems of blacks. They would bring in many people in to the peoples temple the type of groups would be in where the young adults in college, elders, black women, it was just a widely range of diverse backgrounds. They all who entered to the peoples temple had a realization of they were something bigger than them self for the most part when Jim Jones ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Ezekiel's Vision And Prophetic Declaration Of A New Temple Introduction Ezekiel's vision and prophetic declaration of a new temple is among the most debatable text within the Old Testament. In the twenty–fifth year of Ezekiel's exile, God instructed him to look and listen carefully by paying close attention to everything that he was shown. Not only was he supposed to see, hear and grasp, he also had to provide this information to Israel (Ez 40:4) . The vision was to provide hope, a spiritual renewal and a future depiction of Israel's restoration. Although the prophet Ezekiel, in chapters 40–48, delineated an imaginative depiction of a future temple, ancient and modern scholars view the text as problematic and devise exceptional challenges in its interpretation. Both scholars and theologians endeavor ... Show more content on ... Understanding biblical prophecy will help to dispel most questions pertaining to who the text was written for and for what manner, eschatological suppositions, and present and future application. Secondly, it is important to understand biblical prophecy and Scripture so that a connection can be drawn between the Old and New Testament, and how it relates to Christ and his impending return. Many parishioners desire to comprehend what will take place during the end times, obtain a clearer picture of how the Millennial kingdom will look, and what role will they assume as a Christian. Being able to put the pieces in a logical sequence will help them to understand those things in which they do not ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Visit Of The Shree Swaminarayan Mandir On Prescott Avenue When it comes to the topic of understanding religions other than one's own, most are educated by what they have learned through their reading, or have been taught by professors, colleagues, friends and neighbors. Few have the curiosity, courage, and in my case a course requirement to attend a service of another religion and dialogue with those practicing that particular religion. I chose to visit the Shree Swaminarayan Mandir on Prescott Avenue mainly because of my curiosity regarding the diversity of the practice of Hindusim. I attended two services, one being the celebration of Diwali, the festival of lights, and the other being an ordinary Sunday ritual. These experiences have given me a unique understanding of the practice of Hinduism ... Show more content on ... We began to take a seat as close to the rear as possible, when Mary Katherine pointed out that we were clearly on the women's side of the temple. The other two male students and I realizing our lack observational skill turned around and exited back through the shoe room, and into the lobby. There I thought it would be best to stop in and inform the young man in the office (whose name has slipped my memory) that we were visiting as part of our course. He welcomed us and explained that today was their celebration of Dewali and that they were expecting close to 500 people. He came out of the office and brought us down the center isle up to the shrine. I couldn't hear much of what he was saying, partly due his accent, but also due to the loud music that was being played by a few worshipers just a few feet away. The shrine was composed of three figures covered in brightly colored decorative ornaments and clothing. The figures stood in a large altar that appeared to be beautifully carved and finished wood that was lined with strips of lights that flickered colored patterns throughout the service. Below the altar was an assortment of foods and fruits, which were aesthetically prepared and plated. I took a few pictures as were many worshipers, the young man then said he had to head to the back of the temple to grab something and my fellow students and I then headed to the back of the temple to take a seat. The service was entirely in a language other than ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. The United States And The Vietnam War A Day to Remember It seems as if the united states are always fighting a battle whether it is overseas or within its own borders. The citizens were not ready for what the 1970's was going to bring, socially, economically, and religiously. Jim Jones was going to bring peace and relief to these people in the most tragic way possible. With brain washing, manipulation, and isolation Jones convinced hundreds of people to commit suicide. The Peoples' Temple religious movement was one of the many going on during the 1970's. During the 1970's America hit rock bottom. The U.S. had lost the Vietnam war, there was an oil crisis, and the automobile industry was going out of business due to the foreign cars. The Vietnam war gave rise to many anti–war protests and questioning of the nation's role in the world. Many believed in pacifism and opposed of the U.S. involvement in the war. The oil embargo that members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries proclaimed in 1973 led to oil shortages. Gas had to be rationed and prices increased drastically. Japan and Germany were making better cars which caused U.S. automobile industries to go out of business, many Americans lost their jobs. The American population grew skeptical; they could not turn to the government during this time. The Watergate scandal in the 1970s destroyed Americans' trust with the government. They didn't feel safe with their political leaders and did not feel taken care of. As always, when there is a ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple Analysis The Hsi Lai Buddhist temple is located in Hacienda Heights and is the largest Buddhist temple in the West. The building was constructed to be a religious site by a Buddhist organization in Taiwan. The first thing that catches the attention, is the Chinese architecture of the temple and all of the Chinese words on the outside of the temple. The words on the four pillars of the gate, represent the four Bodhisattva vows the Buddhists take to complete enlightenment. There are many rooms on the outside of the temple that look like they may be used for teaching or for programs being run at the temple. Furthermore, as you walk up the stairs, there are two bodhisattvas on each side of the entrance. Both of these Bodhisattvas are the protectors of the ... Show more content on ... The temple contains the images of many bodhisattvas,Buddha's, and disciples. The images of the Buddha's and bodhisattvas are the focus of the rooms and outside. For example, in the main shrine and Bodhisattva hall, the focus are the images. Another example is the garden of the eighteen arhats in which the Buddha is surrounded by his first disciples. The other garden that is in the temple is the Vessel of Compassion for Universal Liberation. The main image in this garden is that of Avalofitesvara Bodhisattva. The other images depicted are of heaven kings. The bodhisattva is important because the vows of this Bodhisattva are of a compassionate mind and the power of wisdom. This bodhisattva answers the prayers of sentient beings no matter where they are and manifests in different forms. These eighteen arhats extinguished all defilements and afflictions. They had reached nirvana and their righteousness is exemplary to all Buddhists. Comparatively, symbols play an important role in buddhism and we can see this through the offers made to the Buddha's and bodhisattvas. For example, incense symbolizes inner peace, a lamp offering symbolizes the brightening of our vision and the enhancement of our wisdom. In addition, in the images, mudras or certain objects are a symbol of important rules to follow. Such as in image of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, the elephant symbolizes practice. The sounds that are used are that of instruments during the service in the main shrine and the sound of bells which usually mark the initiation of a service or other announcements. Furthermore, the smells that are used throughout the temple are incense. Incense is used as an offering and it is meant to help the Buddhist concentrate and focus on meditating. Lastly, taste is used in the ritual of eating vegetarian meals ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. How Does Matsuo Basho's Journey Affect Literature Matsuo Basho's journey has a significant impact on literature due to his well–written journals that reveal his lifestyle and experiences. In his first journal, The Records of a Weather–exposed Skeleton, Basho conveys his spiritual thoughts and religious life that he experiences on a new journey. Basho's journal contains several poems as he further reveals different people, traditions, and significant places that made his journey more memorable. In Matsuo Basho's first journal he reveals the several reasons on why he is travelling. Basho departs from his home into the North in order to experience the culture aspects and nature of Japan. Throughout, the first journal, we see Basho's search for enlightenment in his pilgrimage. We see the different locations that Basho has gone to in order to learn more and to be part of the traditions. As stated by Basho, "...I left my broken house on the River Sumida in the August of the first year of Jyokyo among the wails of the autumn wind" (Basho 51). This quote explains that Basho leaves his home on a long pilgrimage in order to discover more about religion and develop a better understanding about Japanese culture as he is motivated to gain enlightenment. As he travels we readers realize how Basho becomes aware at ... Show more content on ... As a poet Basho's phenomenal word choice and description allowed us readers to view his journey as if we are there with him. It is amazing to see that Basho is such a religious person who has visited various shrines, temples, and met many new and old friends and created new haiku's. In addition, this reading was interesting to me because it shows Basho's motivation to become more enlightened and his choice to live according to Buddha's life as expressed through his poems. Reading this journal was one of the best pieces of literature that I have read because of what I got to learn as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Haida Gwaii: Why Shrines Are Sacred Places Shrines are sacred places because of there connection to religious event, a saint, a holy relic, or the presence of a god (Bellows,201). They can be temples or caves, in cities or in the wilderness. Shrines are considered ancient landmarks for places where religions may have lived or died. A place where a miracle is said to have occurred or some divine manifestations. Shrines are sacred for a variety of reasons, but all have a sacred connection. Haida Gwaii is located in Canada, off the coast of British Columbia. If looking for it on a map the islands of the archipelago is known as the Queen Charlotte Islands. A group of indigenous people known as the Haida have inhabited this area for centuries. Where there once were longhouses at SGAng Gwaay ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Descriptive Essay On Mexican Mayan Temple 5 Must–see Mexican Mayan Temples Without a doubt, one of the most visually stunning and physically overwhelming things I've come across on my travels are the ancient temples of Central America. In this article, I'm going to delve into some of the ones I was lucky enough to experience. Now, it's important to point out early on, that this is by no means a list of the 'best' temples and covers only a very, very small portion of a vast expansive network of temples scattered across the continent. However, this is a list of my personal favourites and of temples, I would highly recommend anyone in the area (or thinking of going to the area) visits. Tulum In many senses, Tulum has it all. White beaches, crystal clear water, friendly locals and to top it all off, overlooking the serene beach, a Mayan temple. Situated on the Yucatán Peninsula ... Show more content on ... Whilst they booted severed heads off the edge. Teotihuacán The Valley of the Dead, Temple of the Feathered Serpent, Pyramid of the Moon and The Pyramid of the Sun. All spectacles in their own right. All undoubtedly 'must–sees', but all in one place? Teotihuacan. The place with all of this and much more sits approximately 25 miles Northeast of Mexico City, in the San Juan Teotihuacán municipality. Covering a total surface area of 32 square miles and with an estimated population of more than 125,000 at its peak, Teotihuacán is a goliath complex which consists of multiple elements. Including an impressive array of temples. Predictably, when you step foot on the Avenue of the Dead and you gaze down the wide expansive pathways at the Pyramids of the Moon & Sun, you feel small. Very small. The reason being, not only is the Pyramid of the Sun the third largest in the world (after Cholula & Giza) but further down the valley overshadowing 'The Moon' is the mountain Cerro ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Essay on Jim Jones as a Prophet Jim Jones as a Prophet November 18, 1978 it all ended. Jim Jones and his followers committed mass suicide in Guyana, South America. The history of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple is still studied a great deal today. Why did all those people follow Jones? Were they forced, were they brain washed, or was Jones just that charismatic. In this paper we will probe deep into Jonestown and answer some of these questions. We will be using Max Webber's article "The Prophet" find out if Jones was a prophet, if so what kind of prophet was he. We will also compare and contrast Webber's theories of charismatic leadership at an attempt to understand Jim's activities, successes, and failures. ... Show more content on ... In California Jones appeared to be out primarily for his own self interest not the church. Because of this Jones shifts from an ethical prophet to an exemplary prophet.
  • 54. After the subversive tactics of the Peoples Temple, they started to feel the pressure from the society around them. So again Jones moved the Church and anyone able to the perfect utopian society, Guyana South America. Here they named their society Jonestown. The Church made everything they needed and were essentially isolated from the rest of the world. In Guyana, Jim was becoming less and less important every day. Everyone built the society so everyone had somewhat of stock invested, making Jim less important. When Jim saw his importance fading, he faked numerous injuries to gain attention. Jim claimed to have cancer although an autopsy showed no cancer was present in his body. Even though Jones forbid the use of drugs, he became dependent on barbiturates and painkillers. His excuse was that he needed them for the pain of his non–existent injuries. Then as quickly as it grew it ended. The People Temple killed a congressman coming to observe their life style. Knowing the repercussions of this Jones organized a revolutionary suicide that proved to everyone that they would not loose. In Guyana, Jones became a selfish nut where all he wanted was more power ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Elements Of Roman And Greek Architecture Roman and Greek architecture are very prominent examples of early historic architectural advancements. These cultures left imprints on society, founding future forms of art and architecture through their inspirational elements are artists. These long–lasting cultural elements have created echoes as deep into the future as now, the 21st century. Looking at the Southern Methodist Church in downtown Austin, we see a variety of Greek and Roman architectural elements. The Southern Methodist Church has a variety of classical elements that attribute it to past temples and structures created by the Roman and Greek cultures, appropriated to fit into the religion of the church by the manipulation of certain parts, such as the frieze. To begin, the first and foremost part of the discussion is the elements of Greek and Roman architecture that have been incorporated and appropriated for the building of this church. The first and foremost noticeable feature would be the columns, architrave, and pediment. The columns are classic ionic columns, starting from the ornate base and leading up to the capital, all the elements of the classical ionic columns are present, creating an almost life–like appearance to the columns as they grow and support the architrave, a characteristic that can be traced back to Egyptian columns in temples and funerary buildings. Further, the shaft of the column follows the Greek style of creation. The divides are evidence that each piece of the columns were ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Jonestown: The Life And Death Of Peoples Temple Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple "If we can't live in peace, we'll die in peace. Die with respect, die with a degree of dignity," –Jim Jones [6]. These were the very last words 909 people heard on November 18th, 1978 as they slowly came to their last day of life. Jim Jones, the leader of Peoples Temple, left his followers with many unfilled promises after many years of nothing but complete loyalty and dedication to this man that they idealized and respected every word he preached to them. The Peoples Temple offered the idea of a perfect utopia, where no one was judged, everyone was as one, but that was not the case at all. In fact it was quite the opposite and filled with manipulation, false hope, and murder – not suicide. ... Show more content on ... [1] As a small child he was always considered the outcast from the other children. They saw him as indifferent because even at a young age Jones emphasized religion and would preform ceremonies on dead animals he found throughout the neighborhood and wouldn't deny the invitation to play with other kids because he viewed it as sinful. [1] In 1952 he became interested in ministry and was interested in holding integrated church serviced but his church did not share the same idea as Jones. This led Jones to venture out on his own and chase after building his ideal church. Jim Jones founded the Peoples Temple which originated in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1956. It was an integrated church which at the time was very uncommon and many were attracted to this because ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Hsi Lai Temple Analysis The Hsi Lai Temple was a very gorgeous outstanding place. With very exotic colors of different kind of orange. You felt the serenity upon entering the temple. There was Buddhist statues or figure on every corner of the temple and any location you walked through. Even in entering of every room there was tigers on both sides of the entrance. In each entering of the temple entrances there was some one greeting in different language. Every person at the temple was very helpful as much as they could. Everyone there spoke Taiwan even the visitors. There was rarely anyone who new perfect English. So there was a lot of pamphlets given to me in English. There social class seem middle and high class, it seemed like there was no poverty. Most ethnic backgrounds were usually Taiwan or Vietnamese. Most genders that I saw who usually females besides the monks were males. The average age that I saw was older than twenty. The number of people I saw were over thirty during my whole visit. Most of the architecture was made out of jade wood and walnut. They even had prayers carved inside or on the walnut. What this religion teaches is to find yourself as to become one with your soul and mind in all greatness. As to know the strength of your mind, and know ... Show more content on ... Everythng there is structured as if there was a process of way things are done. They bring food offerings to represent the fortune they have to Buddha. The type of group they are is close nit besides the part that the get a lot of visitors from all over the world. Most people are gathered to this religion by ethnicity and community. As for they go all over and speak out of their religion. One out of five people convert in Buddhism. This Buddha temple doesn't have an exact leader but they look to the person who built it. He is still considered a role model to what a real Buddhist is. His name is Master Hsing Yun; his message was to give others confidence, convenience, hope and ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Jim Jonestown Research Paper Maria Muñoz History 146–02 November 20, 2014 "Jonestown" The 1970s was a decade that was full of social reform and protests. People believed that they could change the world through social movements, in search of the hope that was lost with so much going on during this time. Jim Jones was one of these people, he wanted to change the world, and he had a vision of the Promised Land so he created the People's Temple. The People's Temple was a racially integrated church that Jones created to spread his beliefs on religion, socialism, and racial integrity. It was with these beliefs, paranoia, and his way with people that he convinced 909 people to commit suicide by drinking Kool–Aid with cyanide. A sense of hopelessness was big during this period ... Show more content on ... Jones became so paranoid that the government was threatening his progressive movement that he convinced the people of Jonestown to commit suicide by telling them that the government was going to come and torture them and their children, that they would fall into the hands of the enemy and that that would not be a dignified or respectful way to go, he told them that they were not to fall into the hands of the enemy and that if they could not live in peace then they would die in peace, he called this massive suicide the act of protesting the conditions of an inhumane world. Jones was so insinuated into the lives of these people, he controlled every aspect of it, he preached that no one had the right to play god, which is what he ended up doing. The Peoples' Temple was a religious cultural trend in the 70s because it represented what people wanted and yearned for at the time which was a utopia, people strongly believe that perfection was attainable. There were so many other religious groups and cults trying to achieve the same thing, the perfection of society in their own way such as the sacrificing of animals in some and the murder of people in ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Summary Of Jonestown: The Life And Death Of Peoples Temple Stanley Nelson's documentary Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple reviews the actions of this religious group and analyzes its rise to popularity, then eventually its downfall. The Peoples temple was a religious, and later political, movement started by Jim Jones in 1955. It was an interracial congregation. Jones preached socialist and communist beliefs and took Christianity teachings to a radical level. The Peoples Temple had utopian ideals which led them to establish a community separate from the evil and injustice of the rest of society. This group ultimately met its demise when Jones' paranoia took control of the group and led to a mass suicide which claimed 909 of its members. "As a child I was undoubtedly one of the poor in the community, never accepted. Born as it were on the wrong side of the tracks," Jim Jones reminisces on his childhood, growing up in Lynn, Indiana. (Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple, 2006) Neighbors considered Jim Jones as an odd child. Childhood playmates remember Jim holding mock church services, many of which were funeral services for dead animals. Chuck Wilmore, a childhood friend of Jones, recalled, "A friend of mine had told me that he saw Jimmy kill a cat with a knife. Having a funeral for it was a little strange. Killing the animal was very strange." (Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple, 2006) ... Show more content on ... Hall, a sociologist analyzing Jones' outcast past. ( Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple, 2006) As an adult, Jim Jones wanted to make the world a better place. When Jones first tried to be a student pastor at an already established church, he met resistance with the church's leaders. Jones believed the church should accept people of all races and ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. Analysis Of The Book ' The Temple ' The Temple Do you like scary stories, well you are in luck. This horror story is about a girl named Rose (the narrator) and her family. Her mom's name is Kathleen, her dads name is Steve, and her brother's name is Alex. One day they were on a family vacation and they find a temple out in the woods. Now Rose has special skill of knowledge and fighting skills and Rose said to her family "I don't think we should go inside. I read about this temple and we could get caught in a booby trap and possibly die." "You said booby. Hahaha!" Said her little brother Alex. Alex can be smart and nice but annoying. Not long after family listens to Rose and go to their beach house and get unpacked. Rose brought three swimming suits, 10 pairs of cloths, ... Show more content on ... In an instant, they found out that the crashing sound had come from a boulder that had blocked their way out an d was rolling faster and faster trapping them in the tunnel with no way out. Meanwhile when all of them were screaming for their life... it all just stopped. What had happened? Rose looked at the sealing and realized that a bump on the sealing had stopped the boulder from killing them. It was dark, but a stream of light shown threw a crack in the sealing. While the kids were panicking, Rose got an idea. "Hey guys I have an idea. We can make that hole in the sealing bigger and climb through!" At last the kids were able to climb through the sealing and get home. But where were they? "OMG OMG OMG!" Katie, the neighbor girl said. "First we almost got killed and know we are lost!" "Clam down Katie I think I know where we are." "You THINK! No, I need to now where we are. I can't take the chances of getting kid napped! I want to go HOME! Later on, the kids found a nearby police station. "We are saved!" Katie said. And soon they asked for help and found their way home. They all told their parents about the adventure they had. The next morning, the kids went to the beach while the parents had wine and relaxed on the sandy shore. Brian had an idea. He said "Hey guys I have an idea" Later on, the kids all had water guns filed with cold water and Alex, Katie, and Brian all hid in the bushes while Rose distracted the ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. The Fallen Hero Essay The Fallen Hero "Wake up, Riku, wake up." "Who are you?" Riku yawns while he slowly gets up. "Wake up, young hero, it is time for you to stand up to darkness once more. You have been in deep slumber in this shrine for a hundred years. Walk out of the shrine to fulfill your destiny," said the mysterious voice. After the voice stopped, Riku got out of the sleeping chamber he was in. He walked out of the shrine, and the first thing he saw after a hundred years amazed him. The shrine he came out of was part of cliff covered with fresh, earthy grass, swaying back and forth as the wind blows. Then, Riku started to look around the area and below the cliff there was big green oak tree forest. The sky was clear, and the sun gave the sky Far away, he could also see that there was a volcano covered by dark gray clouds. Riku took a stroll down the path to the forest, and on the way he met an old man. The old man walked towards him and he offered Riku to sit with him for a meal. Riku sat down, and the old man handed him a grilled fish on a stick. Then, the old man started to talk to him. "Young man, I haven't seen you around here. It looks beautiful in this area doesn't it? This land isn't what it used to be. There used to be people around here, and you see that teared down building over there? That used to be a temple, said the old man." You should go check the torn down temple, you will find the answer you seek, but be careful, there are monsters everywhere". After the man told ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Jim Jones "Don't drink the kool–aid" is a phrase that was coined after the mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana on November 18, 1978. James (Jim) Jones was a religious leader of the People's Temple cult and is responsible for more the deaths of 909 men, women, and children through a mass suicide using cyanide–laced grape punch. Aided by his high IQ and his manipulative ways, Jones was able to carry out his communist goals. Jones managed to wipe out 909 people overnight which lands him a well earned spot in history. James (Jim) Warren Jones was born to James Thurman Jones and Lynetta Putnam Jones on May 13, 1931 in Crete, Indiana. During Jim's childhood, he was known to be an avid reader who studied the works of Mahatma Gandhi, Karl Marx, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler, taking note of what caused their successes and downfalls. Jim's obsession with religion was fed by his struggle to make friends and his fascination with death. Following the separation of Jones' parents, he moved to Richmond, Indiana. While living with his mother, Jones graduated with honors from Richmond ... Show more content on ... Jones instructed the members to move to Redwood Valley, California for safety. At this point, Jones rejected the bible and began to preach that there was no heaven. In the late 1960s, Jones began revealing that the religion was secretly founded on communism ideals. In the early 1970s, Jones stated to the members of the Peoples Temple that there was no heaven and that they would have to build their own heaven on Earth. Due to the immense growth in the membership in the Peoples Temples once it was moved to California, branches were opened in cities such as San Francisco, San Fernando, and Los Angeles, causing the Temple's headquarters to be moved to San Francisco. The Peoples Temple became involved in racial movements in the area, increasing ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Dream Vacation In Magong Coasting back its roots as early as the 14th century, Taiwan's premiere seaside town Magong is highlighting the reasons on as to why staying on an Asian country for your dream vacation is the best choice you'd be making. Now absent of the remnants of the dynasties past, Magong is now a progressive city which puts focus on industrialization and strong commercialism. With the Japanese influence emanated on every street corner, staying in Magong would truly feel as Asian as it can get. Summers are best experienced on the city's prime beaches, together with the advent of luxurious hotels and accommodations, your dreams of the beach will surely be satisfied on your stay here. Also, get in touch with your affluent side as you take a stroll on their ... Show more content on ... Magong Airport basically caters to domestic flights to Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Jiayi among others. Convenience of flights from mainland Penghu is being catered by numerous carriers such as TransAsia Airways, Uni Air and Mandarin Airlines. International flights are yet to come but there have been some rumors that it's well on the works of being a reality. From the airport, travelers would have a lot of chances to grab a cab to get to the city which is not much of a pain on your travel budget. If traveling by water, trips can start from Kaohsiung to take you to the Magong Harbor and vice versa. If you want to roam around, Magong is capable of supplying you rented cars and gas–powered scooters for a fee. What to See Confucius Temple (5) Now lying on the remnants of a torn down college, the Confucius Temple is one the most important shrines in the whole of Magong. The grand structure is now an avenue for people to pay homage to this great religious icon and exemplify how great the Japanese influence has been to the people of their beloved land. Well of a Thousand ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Fortuna Primigenia Research Paper The Temple of Fortuna Primigenia is a vast concrete sanctuary that sits within a large mountainside. The entire structure was installed on four platforms. These platforms acted as colossal steps up the hillside (Moffett 110). Both a set of ramps and a long, tall staircase linked each "step". The temple itself is symmetrical and has an axial plan; both right and left sides are exactly mirrored. As you walk up to the structure, you must take in the different geometries of the sanctuary. The first shape is a large triangle that is mildly extruded. Large staircases run up to this upward pointed extrusion. A doorway is subtracted from the bottom center of this first structure as well as the sides. The side doorways are the entrances to inner ... Show more content on ... This cult worshiped the god of fate (Fortuna). The uppermost part of the temple was used for worship and cult services and rituals (Stamper 87). Below, there were many shops and outdoor areas where people could walk around. Much human interaction could be had on the terraces. There covered walks as well as wide–open spaces where people could move around freely. These two general aspects were very different from each other. While the tholos was a very private and secluded space; the terraces were very much public and spacious. While the most important part of the sanctuary was perched at the top, the less important causal area was larger and lower. Lastly while the tholos was the farthest point from entry, the terrace was the first thing ... Get more on ...
  • 75.
  • 76. The Jonestown Massacre: Suicide or Mass Murder? On November 18th, 1978 in the area of the small town of Port Kaituma in Guyana a horrid scene was taking place that would shock the world, and forever change the view of religion. Meant to be a paradise for the poor, the abused, the needy, and those wanting to change the world, Jonestown, founded by Jim Jones, leader of The Peoples Temple, was the location of a mass murder–suicide taking the lives of more than 900 people including countless children. "And, the way the children are, laying dead now, I'd rather see them lay like that than to see them have to die like the Jews did, which was pitiful anyhow. And I'd just like to thank Dad for giving us life and also death, and I appreciate the fact the way our children are going because, like Dad said, when they came in, what they're going to do to our children, they're going to massacre our children. And also the ones they take, captive, they're gonna just let them grow up and be dummies like they want them to be and not grow up to be Socialist like the one and only Jim Jones. So I'd like to thank Dad for the opportunity for letting Jonestown be, not what it could be, but what Jonestown is. Thank you, Dad."1 Did mothers willingly inject their children with cyanide, and did whole families willingly drink the poisoned Kool–Aid? Were the members of The People's Temple able to make their own decision to die? Is the case of Jonestown a mass suicide or a mass murder? Not only through fear and manipulation, much like that of ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Buddhist Monk Murders Case Study Forensic Evidence Collected and Processed in the Wat Promkunaram Buddhist Temple Murders For the Midterm Writing Assignment project, I chose to review and summarize the Forensic Files episode titled, "The Buddhist Monk Murders" (S15, Ep3) (Dowling, 2001). In August 1991, nine Monks from the Wat Promkunaram Temple were forced to kneel in a circle in the living room then shot execution–style in the back of the head. Because of the number of victims and sheer brutality of the murders, this incident is considered the worst mass murder in Arizona's history. Background In 1991, Wat Promkunaram Buddhist Temple was attended by mostly Thai nationals and considered a gathering point for the Thai community in Arizona. The Temple is located in Waddell, Arizona, a small community on the outskirts of Phoenix, and not far from Luke Air Force Base. Investigators believe the murders occurred in the late evening of August 9, 1991. The bodies were discovered by a Temple member the next morning. Investigation After securing the outside perimeter, Crime Scene Investigators meticulously searched inside the dwelling; taking videos, photographs, and collecting over 1,000 fingerprints. The bedrooms had been ransacked but very few items of value had been taken. In fact, other items of value were left untouched such as cash (which was left in the open) and a safe, leading investigators to believe that robbery was not the motive. Among all of the evidence collected, two pieces of evidence ... Get more on ...
  • 79.
  • 80. A Visit At San Jose Buddhist Church Awakening For this experience, I decided to explore Buddhism in order to enhance my involvement with the religion and build a strong understanding. What intrigued me about Buddhism was the social aspect and diversity that it had to offer. In order to explore this religion from a critical and analytical viewpoint, I decided to attend a weekend service offered at San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin. The San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin main temple is located in the Japantown section of Central San Jose. What made this temple stand out amongst the others was its historical standing in the community. It is one of the oldest temples established in the United States. In order to learn more about the history, environment, and community as a whole, I decided to contact the temple's staffs. After a brief phone call, I was able to schedule a tour. In preparation, I decided to do a brief research on Buddhism to familiarize myself with the religion beforehand. With all preparations and research necessary, I was ready to visit San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin. Upon arrival, I was given a brief history about of the Buddhist temple. The San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in the United States. Although it was established in 1907, construction wasn't completed until 1937. During World War II, it was served as a home to many Japanese–Americans released from internment camps. Today, the temple continues to play an active role in the lives of their descendance ... Get more on ...