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Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
NIH Chemical Genomics Center
238th ACS National Meeting
17th August, 2009
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Some background on R
Doing cheminformatics in R
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
R History
S developed by
John Chambers at
Bell Labs
S rewritten in C
Licensed to
Insightful Corp.
Bought by Insightful
Corp for $2M
Bought by TIBCO
for $25M
First public release
Created by Ihaka &
Released under
R 1.0.0
R 2.9
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
An overview of R
An environment for statistical computation
Wide variety of standard and state of the art statistical
methods built in or accessible via packages
But also a complete, interpreted programming language
Well suited for manipulating and operating on datasets -
numerical, categorical or a mixture - and of varying
Impressive visualization facilities (but not very
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
An overview of R
Syntax is pretty much S-Plus
Highly cross-platform
Frequent and regular releases, active development by
core group
The dev and user community extremely active
r-help is not just for learning R, you can get a decent
statistics education from the list!
Used by many top statisticians, many cutting edge
techniques first show up in R
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Default mode is a command line like prompt
GUI’s available
But learning curve is steep
Does force you to think about the analysis
Not a great tool for casual, once-in-a-while usage
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
R primitives
Numeric, character, list, matrix, data.frame
§ ¤
> x <- ’Hello World ’
> x <- 1
> x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
> x
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
x <- data.frame(MW=runif(5, 10, 50),
hERG=sample(c(’active ’,’inactive ’),
5, TRUE ))
> x
1 23.55435 active
2 42.90365 inactive
3 49.35149 active
4 26.85912 active
5 10.01877 active
¦ ¥
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Matrix oriented programming
Similar in style to Matlab
Easily access (multiple) rows, columns
Vector/matrix indexing is very powerful and key to
efficient R code
Perform operations on entire rows or columns
Makes subsetting a trivial operation
Perfect for QSAR type analyses
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Functional style
R’s functional paradigms are closely tied to matrix
apply, lapply, sapply, tapply allow you to easily
operate on groups of objects
Elements of a list
Rows and/or columns of a matrix
Subsets of data, using a grouping variable
Anonymous functions are supported
Use of these funtional forms can lead to speed up
compared to traditional for loops
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Non-functional style
§ ¤
# column std devs
m <- matrix(runif (100*100) , ncol =100)
sds <- numeric(ncol(m))
for (i in 1: ncol(m)) sds[i] <- sd(m[,i])
# mean logP of toxic , non -toxic classes
m <- data.frame(logp=runif (100) ,
toxic=sample(c(’yes ’,’no ’),
100, TRUE)
toxLogP <- 0
nontoxLogP <- 0
for (j in 1: nrow(m)) {
if (m[j,2] = ’yes ’) toxLogP <- toxLogP + m[j,1]
else nontoxLogP <- nontoxLogP + m[j,1]
¦ ¥
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Functional style
§ ¤
# column std devs
m <- matrix(runif (100*100) , ncol =100)
apply(m, 2, sd)
# mean logP of toxic , non -toxic classes
m <- data.frame(logp=runif (100) ,
toxic=sample(c(’yes ’,’no ’),
100, TRUE)
by(m, m$toxic , function(x) mean(x$logp ))
¦ ¥
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Object oriented style
R supports multiple object oriented mechanisms
Simplest is S3 classes
Object orientation is in terms of function names
Easy to work with, not always flexible enough
S4 classes are much more powerful, but also more
Many problems can ignore these as R primitives provide
sufficient support for attaching meta-data to objects
(crude encapsulation)
Becomes important/useful when writing packages, not
for day to day code
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Interfacing with C & Fortran
R is interpreted,
functional forms help a
Very useful to refactor
inner loops into C (or
Also useful to provide an
R interface to pre-existing
C/Fortran code
Can lead to dramatic
1024 166 79
Bit length
5000 pairwise Tanimoto similarity
calculations, Macbook Pro,
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
R generates publication quality graphics in a variety of
A huge number of statistical visualization methods (2D,
3D, OpenGL)
Extremely powerful display specifications
core commands
lattice (a.k.a trellis graphics)
Based on sound statistical theories
While standard plots are easy to make, but complex
plots do have a learning curve
Interactivity is limited, though some package do alleviate
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Code quality
It’s not just enough to write code
RUnit is a package that supports unit testing, analogous
to JUnit
R comes with well defined package structure that can be
automatically checked for various errors
Packages can be uploaded to CRAN which allows any R
user to install them directly from R
Extensive documentation format
Sweave is an important feature which allows one to
include R code and associated text in a single document
- literate programming or reproducible research
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
The downsides of R
Memory bound (but can use as much memory as you
Language inconsistencies
Indexing starts from 1, but no error if you use 0 as an
See blog posts by Radford Neal (U Toronto)
Debugging environment not so great (though ESS is
good for Emacs users)
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Cheminformatics programming
Fundamental requirement is support for core chemical
Representation and manipulation of these concepts
Could implement all of this directly in R - lots of wheels
would be reinvented
We also want such functionality to be R-like
Writing Java or C in R is not R-like
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
The Chemistry Development Kit
Open source Java library for cheminformatics
Wide variety of functionality
Core chemical concepts (atoms, bonds, molecules)
SMARTS, pharmacophores
Molecular descriptors and fingerprints
2D depictions
Used in a variety of tools, applications and services
Steinbeck, C. et al., Curr. Pharm. Des., 2006, 12, 2110–2120
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
rcdk - CDK from R
R Programming Environment
CDK Jmol
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
rcdk Motivations
Have access to cheminformatics functionality from
within R
Support processing of data from chemistry databases
Not reimplement cheminformatics methods
Have access to all of this in idiomatic R
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Basic molecular operations - I/O
Read in molecular file formats support by the CDK
Files can be local or remote
Parse SMILES strings
In contrast to the CDK, rcdk will configure molecules
automatically (unless instructed not to)
The resultant molecule objects are Java references, can
be passed to a variety of rcdk functions
§ ¤
mols <- load.molecules(c(’abc.sdf ’, ’xyz.smi ’))
mol <- parse.smiles(’c1ccccc1CC (=O)’)
mols <- sapply(c(’CC ’, ’CCCC ’, ’CCCNC ’),
¦ ¥
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Basic molecular operations
Given a molecule, we can extract or add properties
Get lists of atoms and bonds and then manipulate them
Currently doesn’t support a lot of molecular graph
§ ¤
# get the atoms from a molecule
mol <- parse.smiles (" c1ccccc1C(Cl)(Br)c1ccccc1 ")
atoms <- get.atoms(mol)
# get the coordinate matrix of the molecule
coords <-’rbind ’,
lapply(atoms , get.point3d ))
¦ ¥
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Working with fingerprints
rcdk will generate a variety of fingerprints via the CDK
Other packages can generate fingerprints
The fingerprint package suports I/O of fingerprint
data and various similarity operations on fingerprints
Provides an S4 class representing binary fingerprints
§ ¤
m1 <- parse.smiles(’c1ccccc1C(COC)N’)
m2 <- parse.smiles(’C1CCCCC1C(COC)N’)
# Calculate fingerprints
fps <- lapply(list(m1 ,m2),
get.fingerprint , type=’maccs ’)
distance(fps [[1]] , fps [[2]] , method=’tanimoto ’)
fps <-’fp.txt ’, lf=moe.lf ,
size =166, header=TRUE)
fpsim <- fp.sim.matrix(fps , method=’tanimoto ’)
¦ ¥
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
rcdk and QSAR
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
rcdk and QSAR
Access to descriptors and fingerprints makes for very
easy QSAR modeling within R
Evaluate the descriptors (individually, by type or all)
Get back a data.frame which can be used as input to
pretty much any modeling method
§ ¤
mols <- load.molecules(’big.sdf ’)
dnames <- get.desc.names(’topological ’)
descs <- eval.desc(mols , dnames)
’data.frame ’: 467 obs. of 180 variables:
$ ATSc1 : num 0.28 0.279 0.279 0.217 0.479 ...
$ ATSc2 : num -0.0777 -0.0851 -0.0845 -0.0587 -0.2356 ...
$ ATSc3 : num -0.05803 -0.04706 -0.04616 -0.0519 0.00129 ..
$ ATSc4 : num -0.00906 0.00279 -0.01147 0.00241 0.00856 ...
¦ ¥
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Viewing molecules
While numerical modeling is a fundamental task in this
environment, visualization is also important
Either view structures of individual molecules or tables of
structure and data
rcdk supports both (not very well on OS X)
§ ¤
mol <- parse.smiles(’c1ccccc1C(N)CC ’)’
view.molecule .2d(mol)
smiles <- c("CCC", "CCN", "CCN(C)(C)",
" c1ccccc1Cc1ccccc1 ",
mols <- sapply(smiles , parse.smiles)
view.molecule .2d(mols)
¦ ¥
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Downsides to rcdk
Can’t save state of Java objects
Doesn’t take advantage of S4 classes to provide R-side
representations of CDK classes
Incomplete coverage of the CDK API - sometimes need
to go down to rJava to perform an operation
Big datasets are problematic (mainly due to R
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Access to chemical databases
Useful to be able to transparently access data from
various public data sources
PubChem compound and assays are supported via
Compound access is primarily by CID, while assay data
can be obtained from key word searches
End up with a data.frame containing all relevant assay
information (along with meta-data as attributes)
R can also easily access arbitrary RDBMS’s (Postgres,
MySQL, Oracle)
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Access to PubChem
§ ¤
> dat <- get.cids (1:30)
’data.frame ’: 30 obs. of 11 variables:
$ CID : chr "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
$ IUPACName : chr "3-acetyloxy -4-( trimethylaz
$ CanonicalSmile : chr "CC(=O)OC(CC(=O)[O-])C[N+](
$ MolecularFormula : chr "C9H17NO4" "C9H18NO4 +" "C7H
$ MolecularWeight : num 203.2 204.2 156.1 75.1 169.
>’LDR ’)
[1] 990 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1041 1042 1043 1653 1865
> adat <- get.assay (990)
> str(adat)
’data.frame ’: 51 obs. of 9 variables:
$ PUBCHEM.SID : int 845800 848472 852502 857608
$ PUBCHEM.CID : int 648162 6603466 655127 65895
¦ ¥
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Bioinformatics in R
While the focus is on cheminformatics, many problems
involve bioinformatics to some degree
The Bioconductor project provides a wide variety of
A lot of it focused on gene expression analysis
A number of packages provide access to various
biological databases, annotations etc
Protein structure analysis is supported in R via Bio3d
Never have to leave the comfort of R
Grant, B. et al, Bioinformatics, 2006, 22, 2695–2696
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Long calculations, big data
Many statistical methods require long running
Bayesian methods
Many problems involve large datasets
A common feature to both scenarios is that they can be
trivially parallelized
As opposed to require parallel version of underlying
R has good support for both trivial and non-trivial
parallelization methods
See R/parallel for a package that will parallelize
actual R code
Vera, G. et al., BMC Bioinformatics, 2008, 9, 390
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Simple parallelization
The snow package allows easy use of multiple cores on a
single computer or a cluster of computers
A simple wrapper over other parallel R libraries
Can support PVM, MPI
At the very least you can use all the cores on your own
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Serial code - Feature Selection
Rather than use GA, SA etc, just look at all
Inelegant, but no worries about missing the global
§ ¤
x <- matrix(runif (500*40) , ncol =40)
y <- runif (500)
combos <- combinations (40, 3)
apply(combos , 1, function(z) {
d <- data.frame(y=y, x=x[,z])
fit <- lm(y~., data=d)
cor(y, fit$fitted )^2
¦ ¥
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Simple parallelization - Feature Selection
Trivially parallelized
§ ¤
x <- matrix(runif (500*40) , ncol =40)
y <- runif (500)
combos <- combinations (40, 3)
cl <- makeSOCKcluster (2)
clusterExport(cl , "x")
clusterExport(cl , "y")
parApply(cl , combos , 1, function(z) {
d <- data.frame(y=y, x=x[,z])
fit <- lm(y~., data=d)
cor(y, fit$fitted )^2
¦ ¥
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
Big data scenarios
The idea behind snow can also be used to handle very
large datasets
Simply chunk the data appropriately and papply over
the list of filenames
Still requires you to perform chunking and keep track of
Hadoop is a nice way to avoid all this
Throw one or more (very) large files at it, let it deal with
chunking and computation
For non-trivial file formats, you need to implement a
RHIPE provides access to a Hadoop cluster from within R
Molecules and
Numbers in R
Rajarshi Guha
Molecules in R
Chemical Data
rcdk successfully integrates cheminformatics
functionality into the R environment
Related packages provide access to other forms of
chemical data (fingerprints) and data sources
An excellent environment for chemical and biological
data mining

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Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R

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  • 2. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Outline Some background on R Doing cheminformatics in R
  • 3. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms R History S developed by John Chambers at Bell Labs 1976 S rewritten in C 1988 Licensed to Insightful Corp. 1993 Bought by Insightful Corp for $2M 2004 Bought by TIBCO for $25M 2008 First public release 1993 Created by Ihaka & Gentleman 1991 Released under GPL 1995 R 1.0.0 2000 R 2.9 2009
  • 4. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms An overview of R An environment for statistical computation Wide variety of standard and state of the art statistical methods built in or accessible via packages But also a complete, interpreted programming language Well suited for manipulating and operating on datasets - numerical, categorical or a mixture - and of varying shape Impressive visualization facilities (but not very interactive)
  • 5. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms An overview of R Syntax is pretty much S-Plus Highly cross-platform Frequent and regular releases, active development by core group The dev and user community extremely active r-help is not just for learning R, you can get a decent statistics education from the list! Used by many top statisticians, many cutting edge techniques first show up in R
  • 6. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Usability Default mode is a command line like prompt GUI’s available But learning curve is steep Does force you to think about the analysis Not a great tool for casual, once-in-a-while usage
  • 7. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms R primitives Numeric, character, list, matrix, data.frame § ¤ > x <- ’Hello World ’ > x <- 1 > x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6) > x [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 x <- data.frame(MW=runif(5, 10, 50), hERG=sample(c(’active ’,’inactive ’), 5, TRUE )) > x MW hERG 1 23.55435 active 2 42.90365 inactive 3 49.35149 active 4 26.85912 active 5 10.01877 active ¦ ¥
  • 8. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Matrix oriented programming Similar in style to Matlab Easily access (multiple) rows, columns Vector/matrix indexing is very powerful and key to efficient R code Perform operations on entire rows or columns Makes subsetting a trivial operation Perfect for QSAR type analyses
  • 9. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Functional style R’s functional paradigms are closely tied to matrix operations apply, lapply, sapply, tapply allow you to easily operate on groups of objects Elements of a list Rows and/or columns of a matrix Subsets of data, using a grouping variable Anonymous functions are supported Use of these funtional forms can lead to speed up compared to traditional for loops
  • 10. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Non-functional style § ¤ # column std devs m <- matrix(runif (100*100) , ncol =100) sds <- numeric(ncol(m)) for (i in 1: ncol(m)) sds[i] <- sd(m[,i]) # mean logP of toxic , non -toxic classes m <- data.frame(logp=runif (100) , toxic=sample(c(’yes ’,’no ’), 100, TRUE) toxLogP <- 0 nontoxLogP <- 0 for (j in 1: nrow(m)) { if (m[j,2] = ’yes ’) toxLogP <- toxLogP + m[j,1] else nontoxLogP <- nontoxLogP + m[j,1] } ¦ ¥
  • 11. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Functional style § ¤ # column std devs m <- matrix(runif (100*100) , ncol =100) apply(m, 2, sd) # mean logP of toxic , non -toxic classes m <- data.frame(logp=runif (100) , toxic=sample(c(’yes ’,’no ’), 100, TRUE) by(m, m$toxic , function(x) mean(x$logp )) ¦ ¥
  • 12. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Object oriented style R supports multiple object oriented mechanisms Simplest is S3 classes Object orientation is in terms of function names Easy to work with, not always flexible enough S4 classes are much more powerful, but also more complex Many problems can ignore these as R primitives provide sufficient support for attaching meta-data to objects (crude encapsulation) Becomes important/useful when writing packages, not for day to day code
  • 13. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Interfacing with C & Fortran R is interpreted, functional forms help a bit Very useful to refactor inner loops into C (or Fortran) Also useful to provide an R interface to pre-existing C/Fortran code Can lead to dramatic speedups 1024 166 79 Bit length Speedup 01020304050 5000 pairwise Tanimoto similarity calculations, Macbook Pro, 2GHz, 1GB RAM
  • 14. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Visualization R generates publication quality graphics in a variety of formats A huge number of statistical visualization methods (2D, 3D, OpenGL) Extremely powerful display specifications core commands lattice (a.k.a trellis graphics) Based on sound statistical theories While standard plots are easy to make, but complex plots do have a learning curve Interactivity is limited, though some package do alleviate this
  • 15. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Code quality It’s not just enough to write code RUnit is a package that supports unit testing, analogous to JUnit R comes with well defined package structure that can be automatically checked for various errors Packages can be uploaded to CRAN which allows any R user to install them directly from R Extensive documentation format Sweave is an important feature which allows one to include R code and associated text in a single document - literate programming or reproducible research
  • 16. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms The downsides of R Memory bound (but can use as much memory as you have) Language inconsistencies Indexing starts from 1, but no error if you use 0 as an index See blog posts by Radford Neal (U Toronto) Debugging environment not so great (though ESS is good for Emacs users)
  • 17. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Cheminformatics programming Fundamental requirement is support for core chemical concepts Representation and manipulation of these concepts Flexibility Could implement all of this directly in R - lots of wheels would be reinvented We also want such functionality to be R-like Writing Java or C in R is not R-like
  • 18. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms The Chemistry Development Kit Open source Java library for cheminformatics Wide variety of functionality Core chemical concepts (atoms, bonds, molecules) SMARTS, pharmacophores Molecular descriptors and fingerprints 2D depictions Used in a variety of tools, applications and services Steinbeck, C. et al., Curr. Pharm. Des., 2006, 12, 2110–2120
  • 19. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms rcdk - CDK from R R Programming Environment rJava CDK Jmol rcdk XML rpubchem fingerprint
  • 20. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms rcdk Motivations Have access to cheminformatics functionality from within R Support processing of data from chemistry databases Not reimplement cheminformatics methods Have access to all of this in idiomatic R
  • 21. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Basic molecular operations - I/O Read in molecular file formats support by the CDK Files can be local or remote Parse SMILES strings In contrast to the CDK, rcdk will configure molecules automatically (unless instructed not to) The resultant molecule objects are Java references, can be passed to a variety of rcdk functions § ¤ mols <- load.molecules(c(’abc.sdf ’, ’xyz.smi ’)) mol <- parse.smiles(’c1ccccc1CC (=O)’) mols <- sapply(c(’CC ’, ’CCCC ’, ’CCCNC ’), parse.smiles) ¦ ¥
  • 22. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Basic molecular operations Given a molecule, we can extract or add properties Get lists of atoms and bonds and then manipulate them Currently doesn’t support a lot of molecular graph operations § ¤ # get the atoms from a molecule mol <- parse.smiles (" c1ccccc1C(Cl)(Br)c1ccccc1 ") atoms <- get.atoms(mol) # get the coordinate matrix of the molecule coords <-’rbind ’, lapply(atoms , get.point3d )) ¦ ¥
  • 23. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Working with fingerprints rcdk will generate a variety of fingerprints via the CDK Other packages can generate fingerprints The fingerprint package suports I/O of fingerprint data and various similarity operations on fingerprints Provides an S4 class representing binary fingerprints § ¤ m1 <- parse.smiles(’c1ccccc1C(COC)N’) m2 <- parse.smiles(’C1CCCCC1C(COC)N’) # Calculate fingerprints fps <- lapply(list(m1 ,m2), get.fingerprint , type=’maccs ’) distance(fps [[1]] , fps [[2]] , method=’tanimoto ’) fps <-’fp.txt ’, lf=moe.lf , size =166, header=TRUE) fpsim <- fp.sim.matrix(fps , method=’tanimoto ’) ¦ ¥
  • 24. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms rcdk and QSAR Molecular Descriptors Machine Learning Property
  • 25. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms rcdk and QSAR Access to descriptors and fingerprints makes for very easy QSAR modeling within R Evaluate the descriptors (individually, by type or all) Get back a data.frame which can be used as input to pretty much any modeling method § ¤ mols <- load.molecules(’big.sdf ’) dnames <- get.desc.names(’topological ’) descs <- eval.desc(mols , dnames) str(descs) ’data.frame ’: 467 obs. of 180 variables: $ ATSc1 : num 0.28 0.279 0.279 0.217 0.479 ... $ ATSc2 : num -0.0777 -0.0851 -0.0845 -0.0587 -0.2356 ... $ ATSc3 : num -0.05803 -0.04706 -0.04616 -0.0519 0.00129 .. $ ATSc4 : num -0.00906 0.00279 -0.01147 0.00241 0.00856 ... ¦ ¥
  • 26. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Viewing molecules While numerical modeling is a fundamental task in this environment, visualization is also important Either view structures of individual molecules or tables of structure and data rcdk supports both (not very well on OS X) § ¤ mol <- parse.smiles(’c1ccccc1C(N)CC ’)’ view.molecule .2d(mol) smiles <- c("CCC", "CCN", "CCN(C)(C)", " c1ccccc1Cc1ccccc1 ", "C1CCC1CC(CN(C)(C))CC(=O)CC") mols <- sapply(smiles , parse.smiles) view.molecule .2d(mols) ¦ ¥
  • 27. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Downsides to rcdk Can’t save state of Java objects Doesn’t take advantage of S4 classes to provide R-side representations of CDK classes Incomplete coverage of the CDK API - sometimes need to go down to rJava to perform an operation Big datasets are problematic (mainly due to R limitations)
  • 28. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Access to chemical databases Useful to be able to transparently access data from various public data sources PubChem compound and assays are supported via rpubchem Compound access is primarily by CID, while assay data can be obtained from key word searches End up with a data.frame containing all relevant assay information (along with meta-data as attributes) R can also easily access arbitrary RDBMS’s (Postgres, MySQL, Oracle)
  • 29. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Access to PubChem § ¤ > dat <- get.cids (1:30) ’data.frame ’: 30 obs. of 11 variables: $ CID : chr "1" "2" "3" "4" ... $ IUPACName : chr "3-acetyloxy -4-( trimethylaz $ CanonicalSmile : chr "CC(=O)OC(CC(=O)[O-])C[N+]( $ MolecularFormula : chr "C9H17NO4" "C9H18NO4 +" "C7H $ MolecularWeight : num 203.2 204.2 156.1 75.1 169. >’LDR ’) [1] 990 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1041 1042 1043 1653 1865 > adat <- get.assay (990) > str(adat) ’data.frame ’: 51 obs. of 9 variables: $ PUBCHEM.SID : int 845800 848472 852502 857608 $ PUBCHEM.CID : int 648162 6603466 655127 65895 ¦ ¥
  • 30. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Bioinformatics in R While the focus is on cheminformatics, many problems involve bioinformatics to some degree The Bioconductor project provides a wide variety of packages A lot of it focused on gene expression analysis A number of packages provide access to various biological databases, annotations etc Protein structure analysis is supported in R via Bio3d Never have to leave the comfort of R Grant, B. et al, Bioinformatics, 2006, 22, 2695–2696
  • 31. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Long calculations, big data Many statistical methods require long running calculations Bootstrap Bayesian methods Many problems involve large datasets A common feature to both scenarios is that they can be trivially parallelized As opposed to require parallel version of underlying algorithm R has good support for both trivial and non-trivial parallelization methods See R/parallel for a package that will parallelize actual R code Vera, G. et al., BMC Bioinformatics, 2008, 9, 390
  • 32. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Simple parallelization The snow package allows easy use of multiple cores on a single computer or a cluster of computers A simple wrapper over other parallel R libraries Can support PVM, MPI At the very least you can use all the cores on your own machine
  • 33. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Serial code - Feature Selection Rather than use GA, SA etc, just look at all combinations Inelegant, but no worries about missing the global optimum § ¤ x <- matrix(runif (500*40) , ncol =40) y <- runif (500) library(gtools) combos <- combinations (40, 3) apply(combos , 1, function(z) { d <- data.frame(y=y, x=x[,z]) fit <- lm(y~., data=d) cor(y, fit$fitted )^2 }) ¦ ¥
  • 34. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Simple parallelization - Feature Selection Trivially parallelized § ¤ x <- matrix(runif (500*40) , ncol =40) y <- runif (500) library(gtools) combos <- combinations (40, 3) library(snow) cl <- makeSOCKcluster (2) clusterExport(cl , "x") clusterExport(cl , "y") parApply(cl , combos , 1, function(z) { d <- data.frame(y=y, x=x[,z]) fit <- lm(y~., data=d) cor(y, fit$fitted )^2 }) ¦ ¥
  • 35. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Big data scenarios The idea behind snow can also be used to handle very large datasets Simply chunk the data appropriately and papply over the list of filenames Still requires you to perform chunking and keep track of everything Hadoop is a nice way to avoid all this Throw one or more (very) large files at it, let it deal with chunking and computation For non-trivial file formats, you need to implement a chunker RHIPE provides access to a Hadoop cluster from within R
  • 36. Crunching Molecules and Numbers in R Rajarshi Guha Background Molecules in R Chemical Data Parallel Paradigms Summary rcdk successfully integrates cheminformatics functionality into the R environment Related packages provide access to other forms of chemical data (fingerprints) and data sources An excellent environment for chemical and biological data mining