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H ffi #,f : 4b*=y!ft i*ffi 4g@tr.ffi
Translated into Chinese from Sanskrit
Htrt{z}Ai,TF : 1:{',14 AfiniH.ih
Translated into English from Sanskrit MSS
14- tN fL !9
H ' 4tlt E iE ' +- H fr-f^'fF. '
FZ,EfrJfr" H;=rJ E @S' H;=nIiu9!' ;,'uf
*!fibG. E;'J'f.466'ifl'W#-t, ' Flttj4€F.c{ltt ' f{b
F'c . FI#p'g . $EftF#E.'ffittilIft ' ?telTffiHti: :ijit
. fuEll*c4 . H;4*/!ri#5 . F$fohb . [01€t$it' : '
At^HXtfrJE{+' iuE'&4 :fu-' 4illtii"i'' i+i
E . ft;f-ffig#ffi . 44inE^$ ' ;lIt*FE "
e.f++fttEtrs' tr_affixj(*{Jl'
Thus it was heard by me: At one time the
Blessed (Bhagauat, i.e. Buddha) dwelt at Sraaasti,
in the f etu-grove, in the garden of Anathabindaka,
together with a large company of Bhiksus (mendi
cant friars), viz. with twelve hundred and fifty
Bhiksus, all of them acquainted with the five
kinds of knowledge, elders, great disciples, and
Arhats, such as Sariputra, the elder, Maha-
maudgalyayana, Malcakasyapa, Mahakapphina,
Mahakatyaydna, Mahakausthila, Reuata, S udd hi-
fanthaka, Nanda, Anarcda, Rahula, Gauampati,
Bharadaaia Kaloda yin, V ahkula, and Anirurtd ha.
IIe dwelt together with these and many other
gteat disciples, and together with many noble-minded
Bodhisattuas, such as Manjusri, the prince, the
Bod hisattua Ajita, the Bod hisattua G and hahastin,
fu Bodhisattua Nityodyakta, the Bodhisattua
Aniksiptadhura.He dwelt together with them and
uany other noble-minded Bodhzsattuas, and with
$akra, the Indra or King of the Devas, and with
rhahrnan Sahampatt. With these and many other
hdred thousand nayutas of sons of the gods,
Ff t.n il'a 3.E
mF' ffiEfu*,#trllf' :
f'lreftWfr ' ffitHffiilfr+., Hftfr-f,-r t f
ffi#J . X't^Elfr" Ah TF ItffiPEJ , +4,tr'#*
f EfriJfr-
[ffi*-l ?
r+E*4. ' ffiH#c#i'4tr8#* 'fif,'$L
trn.'AfIJ4 '16#E*. ' {€tmfr6' +:,8
ffifE , 1.6.ftt6J ' Eftv!ffi,' ,Etr'Elffi "
fftfit&W' &ffiFn# "
trn. . af,|J4 ' &b#F5 L'H-bH.W'
ffi7k, fiffiStr, flLEffiD-,{ #'tD,ffifr. "
trEiBkr?iE' S . SE . yfr44 . I&ffi ' /ir't" o
JcH&FA'$D)#. $R. rdH . tJiH . trStr4. ,fi
*. ffir# 'ffiffi6fi2.
fie+lE+ , xin€fft 'fl;{&fr'Jt,
Bhagauat drvelt at Srauasti.
Then Bhagauat addressed the honoured Sa-
ripatra and said, "O Sariputra, after you have
gnssed from here over a hundred thousand kotis of
Buddha countries there is in the Western part a
Buddha country, a world called Sukhauati (the
bappy country). And there a, Tathagata, called
Amitayus, an Arhat, fully enlightened, drn'ells
npWr and remains, and supports himself, and
teaches the Law.
"Now what do you think, Saripulra, for what
resson is that world called Sukhauati (the happy)?
In tlrat world Sukhaaati, O Sariputra, there is
oeither bodily nor mental pain for living beings.
The sources of happiness are innumerable there.
For that reason is that world called Sukhauati
(the happy).
"And again, O Sariputra, that world Sukhauati
is adorned with seven terraces, with seven rows of
palm-trees, and with string:s of bells. It is enclosed
m every side, beautiful, brilliant with the four
gems, viz. gold, silver, beryl, and crystal. With
&rch arrays of excellerrces peculiar to a Buddha
@untry is that Buddha country adorned.
"Ard again, O Sariputra, in that world
Sukhauati there are lotus-lakes, adorned with the
Seven gems, viz. gold, silver, beryl, crystal, red
pearls, diamonds, and corals as the seventh. They
are full of water which possesses the eight good
Qlulities, their waters rise as high as the fords
rtT tisf il's 3.s
Jt ' fr&liJt ' A&,aJt ' ifufu)fl#. "
EAfiJfr' ffilFE+. ' pLffifrur_ '4tE#,#frii
trn.. #f,tjffi ' :tEIfrW:h
' 'H"ffX*. !t:1>
€fiX, "
g&xffi ' FFXtr[t#b# "
r+*.*4. , HUffiE ' &v)&$fr., r#ftlD
, 'iFA. f$fi o
F#tlj't' ffi*E:h, r&ffi.;lnft ' r'19'111iiiti
arrd bathing-places, m that even crows may drink
there; tirey' are strewn with golden srnd. And in
these lotus-lrkes there are all around crn the four
sides four stairs, beautiful and brilliant with the
four gems, viz. gold, silver, beryl, cry'stai. And on
every side of these lotus-lakes gem-trees are growing,
beautiful and brilliant with the seven gems, viz.
gold, silver, beryl, crystal, red pearls, diamonds, and
corals as the seventh. And in those lofus-lakes
lotus-flowers are growing, blue, bluecoloured, of blue
splendour, blue to behold; yellow, yellow-coloured,
of yellow splendour, yellow to behold; red, red-
coloured, of red splendour, red to behold; white,
whitecoloured, of white splendour, white to behold;
beautiful, beauiifully-colourod, of beautiful splendour,
beautiful to behold, and in circumference as large
as the wheel of a chariot.
"And again, O Sariutra, in that Buddha
country there are heavenly musical instnrments
always played on, and the earth is lovely and of
golden colour. And in that Buddha country a flower-
rain of heavenly Mandaraaa blossoms pours down
three times every day, and three times every
nlght. And the beings rvho are born there w-orship
before their morling meal and a hundred thousand
hotts of Budclhas by going to other rporlds; and
having shon.ered a hundred thousand kotis of
flowers upon each Tathagata, rhey return to their
own world in time for the afternoon rest. With
sttch arrays of excellences peculiar to a Buddha
oountry is that Buddha countrv adorned.
ItI lf, E 3.E
f '6t^'&+1Jll' ;I&WHE , t4tq6:Bl' , Nr.
&2,* : H&B . 4L&. *$dS. #f,tj . lsFAffi{lR .
Jtftz,c "
.ftffi*.,*' g&xffi ' HfFlHE. fi
trifrW: lifR ' friJ. -bg{*A. A4rEf ' fn
€+.i:i* " &l[R.#.' FilEEE, tr#ft0p . AE
. f,{B.
rEfrilfr' ' tkn#tt,* , HE#wFfr&" rfl
U-HfiI?'4LlfrW* ' *S=SFits " #f,tj# '*{#H
:t' ' f"lf$,Ei&z&' rqn6H? E#*,s' ff€
F'lffit['d'f# ' ffi+i*FHifi; ' ft,lLffi|F "
f AfU4 ,'r&lfrWt-''MWvkWJ, #F.tiffi
' .&"H$EfiH ' trtMWE ' E*sHAf€#.., FIF+tr
rLr o
/ifiJtfr,' 4dtE-h , ffiffi,flnft, Dtl.*,tiLffi
"And again, O Sariputra, there are in that
Buddha country s,.ans, c.rle's, and peacocks. Three
tinres every night, and three ti^u* lu"r, day, thev
come together and.perfolm a concert, each uttering
his own note. And from them tnus utiering proceeds
a sound proclaiming the five virtues, the fivepowers, and the s
highes*,no*reas"lHtj'?i: f::'H"::lT,.,fi;sound, remeinbrance of Buddha, remembrance ofthe Larv, remembrance of the CfrrrJ, rises in their
"Now, do yor think, O Sariputra, that there
are beings rvho ha-ye entered, into the nature ofanimals (birds, 6zc.)? This is not to U. ttooght of.
The very name of hells is ,.rk roou., in ti,ut Buddha
6untry, and likewise that of ldescent into) animal
bodies and of the realm of yama lthe fourapayas). No, these tribes of birds tarl" Ueun **aeor puryose by the T,athagata Amitayus,and theyutter the scund of the Larv. Witn sucfr arrays ofe<cellences, &c.
, "And again, O Sariputra, whenthose rows of
.Dalm-trees and strings sf betts in ttrat Buddha
''"Oountry are moved by the wind, a sweet and
ff-i:^r":t* sound proceeds from them. yes, o'$artputra, as from a heavenly musical instrument
{$nsisting of a hundred thousand hotis of sound.s,
ffi:: olaved b.y Aryas, a sweet and enrapturing
proceeds, a sweet and crapturing sound
ls fnym those ro-ws of palm_trees anJ strings
itr i6 fe ?.s
f ffltlt , ,'it,t(-t 17 ttlfrf,{frI ' lrE i-|t,'i
dftIl'',c_l 7
r{r4'u 4lt , 'ty**rltjltt+i ' y,{iffihfl ' .tfltjit
F+'fiFt' ft /'ti.ttfl"9Fuljf,lffl? "
trZ . /';{.U ilt '1tLIil::*!;6F , iL+t-A;q ' {nti,i
{it$ , Il'iif,i'riltli ' ff7tf,gu[ffiftl o
fifr{.rj,Jlr , F,lrT{jFci4 , Fr"IlllL)X-, fr4-;,1.!J:
trr. . ftfrj 41 ,4r11411+t J,qEr_fit€ , Hfiillt-:-
' 'E?lt,t;il:tr':
, )FiLlTXs., ZfltiiEj,u " ;ff',,+i-#4* ,
,Jr't[-krt#. "
iift.f|j il' 4rlll'i,v_L--, rjrlhfrn E, qst*f1:frtr
tr-Z . frftjiij ' t'lriry:Ei L,
' f!),',:
HW' HiiiIttZ' tllr'ItJftiili:1$.€ , Fri{g[l[# ,
r{riltf, 'xt&_ti+l'H ' trt'{i{*.w I rw44t,i
of bells moved by_ the w_ind. And when the menhear that sound, reflection o., graJlru arises in them,
reflection on the Law, refle.ri*'^on the Church.
With such arrays of excellen.u., &..
"Now what do you think,
ariiutra, forwhat reason is that Tathasaio ."ttua Amitayus?
The lensth of life
.(ayus),-O Si';p"tra, of thatTathagata and of those men there i= l_m".u.aUte( amita ). 'I'herefr,,re is tnat ia'inagata calledAmitayus. And ten kalpos fruu" Ou.*, O Sari_putra, since that Tathagata uriof." to perfect
"And u,hat clo you think, O Sariputra, forwhat reason is that
-Ta,hagata ."ff"O Amitabha?The. splendour (abha), d irr;i)rrr, of thatTathogala is unimpeded over uff gudOt" countries.Therefcr-e is that Tathogata ,rii2*;tabha.
"Arrd there is, O Sariputra,-an innirmerableassenrbly of clisciiiles r,r.iih that ilti'oeo a, purifiedand venerahlc persr:,ns, u hose number it is ,rot ea"yto count. Wirh such arrar.s
"f ;;;.11";ces, &c."And again, O saiiTrutra,--or'-irro." beingsalso who are h;rn in the Lluddha ioLrntry of theT^athogtta tlnzrtayus as purified Bodhisattuas,never to rctunr asain and uo,_J b; ; only,of thcse Borlhisaltuas also, O S-arfputra, the[umber is not easy to count, except they arereckoned as infinite in number-
' -----!
"Then again all beirrgs, O Sariputra, oaght to
(i fl iii r:Z li
El_l " ftiy)-#4|7 1'.l.r.-n4i'iL'l{-h#A ' 'fR€*1ft
o ltttJtl
' 4:pID)4',Y+lll . 1iiti'ji . 18ffi- ' '4v:I{1U
F{ " f;.i'ljilL , ).8 {i5i1' , }i;AA ' tiiJllF'lffi{pt
ffi' , #I.+:i'f il[,: /i-H ' )l;---H ' +;=fl t f1vL1
H , Iill-g t )t;iitr '*;-tE ,
Fjififfti:i, ' It'l,ttjllt{4 , th!,,#4*. ' glfr+dji. *&
;rtr$+ ' ,1.6F$1{itJ
' llt'4.},il-A' ['ltffi['cffitfi*Pd
:1 "fi{,rilll '+trJ"ft.{,rj , rllrlfbii': I+iHRL|-
' tiij-ErJl# ' ffi:'H ff lfttl ' 1tlilV{l:-J "
Fftfudlr ! fi|tr,+-yi , ,iit$ifli'Iffi$pffi t l: tJ
,j'J,.;i)rth-tf.Z41J " lih lrl{1,'i iij i:iTn #*{ EB- If iA
Wl.EJlll: , xifltflfi: ' 7lhTtJtl|l, ' IbEIfr ' frn#.:"*
, 'lEin]i4$;fi[fr: " 6r+m ' SiHEfrttA ' thitft
=+;lt+trn, #EfrFE' flh+*+. l Hf;;ft
grake fervent prayer for that Buddha country. And
why? Because they come t<_rgether there with such
excellent nten. Fieings ar-e not trorn in that Buddha
courrtry of the Talhagata Amitayus as a reward
and result of good works performed in this present
fife. No, whatever son or daughter of a family shall
hear the name of the blessed Amitayus, the
Tathagata, and having heard it, shall keep it in
mind, and with thoughts rrndisturbed shall keep it
in mind for one, two, three, fou.r, five, six or seven
nights,--u.hen that .son or daughter of a family
gomes to die, then that Amitayus, tlne Tathagata,
surrounded by an assembly of disciples and follcnved
by a host of Bodhisaltuas, will stand before them
at their hour of death, and they will depart this
life vrith tranquil minds. After their death they
will be born in the rvorld Sukhauati, in the Boddha
countr-y of the same Amitayus, the Talhagata.
Therefore, then, O Saripzrtra, having perceived
this cause and effect, I with reverence say thus.
Every son and every daughter of a family oqht
with their whole mind to make fervent prayer for
that Buddha country.
"And now, O Sariputra, as I here at present
Slorify that rvorld, thus in the East, O Sariputra,
other blessed Buddhas, led by the Tathagata
Aksobhya, ttie Tathagata Merudhuaja, the Ta-
th aga t a Ma h ame r u, the T a t h a ga ! a Me r u pr abh a s a,
and the Tathagata Manjudhuaia, equal in number
to the sand of the river Ganga, comprehend their
9wn Buddha countries in their speech, and then
r''j- tih f'a 1{l
trrri#t, 6 nT,rJlilrl tf,., -+:X iftiilt, fr?-;-H:fi#A -),
v',tttJll' ! t+tu l{ }fl ' tl n n t#.ifr ' €l'il ;[
lfr ' ).'/i+,frtqff' ' t'liiill,lf!',;f{dfi
' J,iti,iA,Ifii$tlq' fttft^,].
, fti/"Jir'4i{,;{il)lt " ?t}ijtF{ , iLiLliFafrfH ' fiulit
-T'](T-i[r*' ;/l;]tlrt ;';' : [-ik1i.*11' H'fr,ijt
f+i;t ' ,6 d,r&l.;*r7-r t[. ' -t]lilBl' ' Fn;#fr.ff] '
rft itiil I wilifrry, fr fit;i#ffi . ffi-Ei .irl
,f4: . Iiti,]ifftilfr: ' *tYlfr. tFx{lF . fifH{# . iTi tr
ffi ' hn-Eo!j. , frii,IiD4*.ifiw " &r'lJ!F{ ' $iffi ri
,ri+ll ' lhlj|A---+).{'fi 'll ' ; ffi'l{'..;. , [it1i *
#ig:f$ I a
f frfUrlr I )Llii].rl' ' h? ' FB 'tl#. HfiH{dlr
.. n lL{4 . flElFIl4F 'hnz* , IEf,li'D'}t{
;#lll " 6rlr.Fq' Si Eittfi :tfl, lfiE;=+lt{' frl:
JT ' #iil,?"r; : lrrx^!f*.4: '??f-*effif*6nl,'J,l
#9:1*., -tr;&llFfi,iLft#,$ ) o
f tnJlfl: ! Th^ltrR 'ftiflh*tfr. Ali+1lll '
fi'tlft',. iEBr{di: ' Ery,t{f,r ' +.1:E{4 , fnrelf , 'lE
i,IiDW;;ft {ll' " 6li+tF,!tr' ifl Ifi tafr tH, IFrtffi--'. T
x+ttr?, ;Ail'it;? : I tkt#*t+' HFftfrii,fr
teveal them. Accept this repetition of the Law,
3g.lled the "Favour of all Buddhas," which magnifies
their inconceivable excellences.
"Thus also in the South do other blessed
Buddhas, led by the Tathagata I{andrasuryapra_
diia, the Tatltagata Yasahprabha, the Tathagata
Mahar hi s kand It a, tlne T o t h a gat a Me r u pr a tl i pa, the
Tathagata Anantauirya, equal in nurnber to the
sand of the river Ganga, cca:nprehend their own
Buddha countries in their speech, and then reveal
them. Accept, &c.
"Thus also in the West do other blessed
Buddhas, led by the Tothagata Amitayus, the
Tathagata Amitaskand ha, the T athagata Amitart_
hoaia, the Tathagata Mahaprablza, the Tathagata
Maharatnaketu, tlne T athagata SurI cI harasrnip, o-
bha, eqtal in number to the sand of the r.iver
Ganga, comprehend, &c,
"Thus aiso in the North do other blessecl
Buddhas, led by the Tathagata Maharhiskandlm,
the Tathagata tr/aisaanaranirghosa, the Tatha-
gata Dunduhhisaaranirghosa, the Tatlzogata Du-
s/radharsa, the Tatltagata Adityasambltauo, the
lathasata Jaleniprobha (Jualtnapratthar'1, the
t'athagala Prabhahara, equal in number to the
sand, &c.
_ "Thus also in the Narlir do olirer- blessed
Buddhas, led by the Tathagata ,imha, the
r-athagato Y asas, the Tothagata y asohprabhaua,
the Tathasata Dharma, tne Tathagata
Ghara, the Tathagata Dharmaclhiogu, equai irr
f''t lli iL lt
, 64',tu.';'+Tr)t1:ta' -YJJ;frlll:' F)t,iils:t:$ I "
f #Flil'! -Ui turl ' tiJ..f;'sll$. iii-l,frl; .
Lffi.' {i'tfll:' );'i#.}t1l}f,' i#{!f{+ fiftt} lir,'
WfuTt1t4'ltr,, Hii,:i":ldfi . tJ.-LlJidUl: , hniiit,iilr
gfr,, rtn$^!;; , +8.inJiDffi}friJit. ?fr!{tfli ' l}lr;',,.;.
6.fFl ' rlil&i-+X+lttri ' ##lit;' : lik', '.Iil
#f's-t'$ | a
rft.f-lj4|} , r$fr,_IT:]'1i4' I'ilfrkfiIl-+; [-rr. fi
Ifr , Dt&i,tX ) 7 #ttlrf" )';+i'f'r4i-' *? A /r
' Eij€ft$ , *+:i* ' F.llil"ftl$'N.,* 'ftr#tfi', f
. #t , br?Fu-t)J,fill:;,t: , !e?4,}^ jii i,4.
fiV,I *Fi 4 iii.i{ft _^,. iti +ti. "
f €S{fr frU,tr" W !+H'F*trP+t;#' 7r-,,1','''fr'
FIr#" frf[4$ ')!iH^ ' EdFl,ffi , +&F'tr "i',;i',t
ffi : T&4.['ltffi|t'e{dijE{ _)
'E;r.A'* ' 'E?il; f.
'#1.'*_, -/:"#t+-" #;ffLfttrUtf, , i#iltE-J' , i,
kL ' *tit;#" fgi'$lrrt,Fti : l4''illf-*] 1J
i number to the sand, &c.
"Thus also in the Zenith do other blessed
Duddhas, led by the Tathagata Braltmaghosa,
gys Tathagala I'laksatraraja, the Tatltagrtta In-
drahetud haajaraga, the T athagata Ganrl hottama,
gys Tathagata Gandlzaprabhasa, the T atltagata
Itahar k i s k and h a, the T a t h a gat a R at na ku s u m a s a m.
pushpitagatra, the T athagata Salendraraja, the
Tathagata Ratnotpalasri, the Tathagata Saruar-
thadarsa, the Tathagata Sumerukalpa, equal in
number to the sand, &c.
"Now what do you think, O Sariputra, for
what reason is that repetition (treatise) of the
Law called the Favour of all Buddhas? Every son
c daughter of a family who shall hear the name
of that repetition of the Law and retain in their
memory the names of those blessed Buddhss, ^,ill
be favoured by the Buddhas, and will never return
again, being once in possession of the transcendent
true knowledge. Therefore then, O Sariputra,
believe, accept, and do not doubt of me aird those
blessed Buddhas!
"Whatever sons or daqhters of a family
shall make mental prayer for the Buddha country
of that blessed Amitayus, the Tathagata, n, ur-
making it now or have made it formerly, all these
will never return again, being once in possession
of the transcendent true knowledge. They will be
born in that Buddha country, have been-bor.r. or
are being born now. Therefore, then, O Sariputra,
mental prayer is to be made for that Iiiddha
country by faithful sons and daughters of a fanily.
H t'fi i1'r, ,.{s
f #fl1fr" frn#',1#' fi4'#;-&itf, ' 4FJ,t[;j[
fitffi,"',&#iffr+ ,lrffi##,, 6 or,rg.;+9tt*" iri
i-H*!+tr{tf, ' BSFEW' ffiHZ+ ' fiEi
*4E* ' friii;i#it '*)st6i ' nl!fr' lt{fiijlFrr ' /tt
f €f'U# 'Hfffir1i',6tr;lt ''frtLLW-J: '
'tsFqE*.W=6n= ##.' F-9]iE. Fo' "tttL'fii'
1 i
2*, EF€#J !
ffi-#rlhffiE ' #t1Jfr.. , k;-&Lt E- ' -tX iltiiil
, x .
wl6ffi+' w1lfrFlffi ' ;Fi#fla yl'; ti1:
rtHm* "
'{4-#F Iffi[tf;sr*
"And as I at present magnify here the incon-
ceivable excellences of those blessed Buddhas, thus,
O Saributra, do those blessed Buddhas magnify
rny own inconceivable excellences.
"A very difficult work has been done by
Sakyamuni, the sovereign of the Sahyas. Having
obtained. the transcendent true knou'ledge in this
world Saha, he taugirt the Law which all the world
is reluctant to accept, during this corruption of
the present kalpa,during this ccrruption of mankind,
during this corruption of belief, during this corrup-
tion of life, during this corruption of passions.
"This is even for me, O Sariputra, an extremely
difficult work that, having obtained the transcendent
tnre knorvledge in this world Saha, I taught the
Law which all the world is reluctant to accept,
during this comrption of mankind, of belief, of
passion, o{ life, and of this present kalpa."
Thus spoke Bhagaual joful in his mind. And
the honourable Sariputra, and the Bhiksus and
Bodhisattuas, and the whole world with the gods,
men, evil spirits and genii, applauded the speech of
This is the Mahayanastt,tra
called Suhhaua ttu yuha.

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The smaller sukhavati vyuha

  • 1. g$ itzrNH The Smaller Sukhavati-Yyuha t<- H ffi #,f : 4b*=y!ft i*ffi 4g@tr.ffi Translated into Chinese from Sanskrit by KUMARAJIVA Htrt{z}Ai,TF : 1:{',14 AfiniH.ih Translated into English from Sanskrit MSS by F. MAX MULLER
  • 2. T 14- tN fL !9 Bb#=ffi)*tiltFEffi'ftE+ H ' 4tlt E iE ' +- H fr-f^'fF. ' FZ,EfrJfr" H;=rJ E @S' H;=nIiu9!' ;,'uf *!fibG. E;'J'f.466'ifl'W#-t, ' Flttj4€F.c{ltt ' f{b F'c . FI#p'g . $EftF#E.'ffittilIft ' ?telTffiHti: :ijit . fuEll*c4 . H;4*/!ri#5 . F$fohb . [01€t$it' : ' i[##ffitr;*Jffi: At^HXtfrJE{+' iuE'&4 :fu-' 4illtii"i'' i+i E . ft;f-ffig#ffi . 44inE^$ ' ;lIt*FE " e.f++fttEtrs' tr_affixj(*{Jl' THE SMALLER SUKHAVATI.VYUHA. ADORATION TO THE OMNISCIENT! Thus it was heard by me: At one time the Blessed (Bhagauat, i.e. Buddha) dwelt at Sraaasti, in the f etu-grove, in the garden of Anathabindaka, together with a large company of Bhiksus (mendi cant friars), viz. with twelve hundred and fifty Bhiksus, all of them acquainted with the five kinds of knowledge, elders, great disciples, and Arhats, such as Sariputra, the elder, Maha- maudgalyayana, Malcakasyapa, Mahakapphina, Mahakatyaydna, Mahakausthila, Reuata, S udd hi- fanthaka, Nanda, Anarcda, Rahula, Gauampati, Bharadaaia Kaloda yin, V ahkula, and Anirurtd ha. IIe dwelt together with these and many other gteat disciples, and together with many noble-minded Bodhisattuas, such as Manjusri, the prince, the Bod hisattua Ajita, the Bod hisattua G and hahastin, fu Bodhisattua Nityodyakta, the Bodhisattua Aniksiptadhura.He dwelt together with them and uany other noble-minded Bodhzsattuas, and with $akra, the Indra or King of the Devas, and with rhahrnan Sahampatt. With these and many other hdred thousand nayutas of sons of the gods,
  • 3. T1 Ff t.n il'a 3.E mF' ffiEfu*,#trllf' : f'lreftWfr ' ffitHffiilfr+., Hftfr-f,-r t f ffi#J . X't^Elfr" Ah TF ItffiPEJ , +4,tr'#* f EfriJfr- "4fr.Ltilt1l.€tr [ffi*-l ? r+E*4. ' ffiH#c#i'4tr8#* 'fif,'$L fto trn.'AfIJ4 '16#E*. ' {€tmfr6' +:,8 ffifE , 1.6.ftt6J ' Eftv!ffi,' ,Etr'Elffi " fftfit&W' &ffiFn# " trn. . af,|J4 ' &b#F5 L'H-bH.W' ^Dr ffi7k, fiffiStr, flLEffiD-,{ #'tD,ffifr. " trEiBkr?iE' S . SE . yfr44 . I&ffi ' /ir't" o JcH&FA'$D)#. $R. rdH . tJiH . trStr4. ,fi *. ffir# 'ffiffi6fi2. fie+lE+ , xin€fft 'fl;{&fr'Jt, THE SMALLER SUKHAVATI.VYUHA Bhagauat drvelt at Srauasti. Then Bhagauat addressed the honoured Sa- ripatra and said, "O Sariputra, after you have gnssed from here over a hundred thousand kotis of Buddha countries there is in the Western part a Buddha country, a world called Sukhauati (the bappy country). And there a, Tathagata, called Amitayus, an Arhat, fully enlightened, drn'ells npWr and remains, and supports himself, and teaches the Law. "Now what do you think, Saripulra, for what resson is that world called Sukhauati (the happy)? In tlrat world Sukhaaati, O Sariputra, there is oeither bodily nor mental pain for living beings. The sources of happiness are innumerable there. For that reason is that world called Sukhauati (the happy). "And again, O Sariputra, that world Sukhauati is adorned with seven terraces, with seven rows of palm-trees, and with string:s of bells. It is enclosed m every side, beautiful, brilliant with the four gems, viz. gold, silver, beryl, and crystal. With &rch arrays of excellerrces peculiar to a Buddha @untry is that Buddha country adorned. "Ard again, O Sariputra, in that world Sukhauati there are lotus-lakes, adorned with the Seven gems, viz. gold, silver, beryl, crystal, red pearls, diamonds, and corals as the seventh. They are full of water which possesses the eight good Qlulities, their waters rise as high as the fords
  • 4. Ir rtT tisf il's 3.s Jt ' fr&liJt ' A&,aJt ' ifufu)fl#. " EAfiJfr' ffilFE+. ' pLffifrur_ '4tE#,#frii lo trn.. #f,tjffi ' :tEIfrW:h ' 'H"ffX*. !t:1> €fiX, " g&xffi ' FFXtr[t#b# " r+*.*4. , HUffiE ' &v)&$fr., r#ftlD , 'iFA. f$fi o F#tlj't' ffi*E:h, r&ffi.;lnft ' r'19'111iiiti I THE SMALLER SUKHAVATI.VYUHA arrd bathing-places, m that even crows may drink there; tirey' are strewn with golden srnd. And in these lotus-lrkes there are all around crn the four sides four stairs, beautiful and brilliant with the four gems, viz. gold, silver, beryl, cry'stai. And on every side of these lotus-lakes gem-trees are growing, beautiful and brilliant with the seven gems, viz. gold, silver, beryl, crystal, red pearls, diamonds, and corals as the seventh. And in those lofus-lakes lotus-flowers are growing, blue, bluecoloured, of blue splendour, blue to behold; yellow, yellow-coloured, of yellow splendour, yellow to behold; red, red- coloured, of red splendour, red to behold; white, whitecoloured, of white splendour, white to behold; beautiful, beauiifully-colourod, of beautiful splendour, beautiful to behold, and in circumference as large as the wheel of a chariot. "And again, O Sariutra, in that Buddha country there are heavenly musical instnrments always played on, and the earth is lovely and of golden colour. And in that Buddha country a flower- rain of heavenly Mandaraaa blossoms pours down three times every day, and three times every nlght. And the beings rvho are born there w-orship before their morling meal and a hundred thousand hotts of Budclhas by going to other rporlds; and having shon.ered a hundred thousand kotis of flowers upon each Tathagata, rhey return to their own world in time for the afternoon rest. With sttch arrays of excellences peculiar to a Buddha oountry is that Buddha countrv adorned.
  • 5. ItI lf, E 3.E f '6t^'&+1Jll' ;I&WHE , t4tq6:Bl' , Nr. &2,* : H&B . 4L&. *$dS. #f,tj . lsFAffi{lR . Jtftz,c " .ftffi*.,*' g&xffi ' HfFlHE. fi trifrW: lifR ' friJ. -bg{*A. A4rEf ' fn €+.i:i* " &l[R.#.' FilEEE, tr#ft0p . AE . f,{B. rEfrilfr' ' tkn#tt,* , HE#wFfr&" rfl U-HfiI?'4LlfrW* ' *S=SFits " #f,tj# '*{#H :t' ' f"lf$,Ei&z&' rqn6H? E#*,s' ff€ F'lffit['d'f# ' ffi+i*FHifi; ' ft,lLffi|F " f AfU4 ,'r&lfrWt-''MWvkWJ, #F.tiffi ' .&"H$EfiH ' trtMWE ' E*sHAf€#.., FIF+tr rLr o f /ifiJtfr,' 4dtE-h , ffiffi,flnft, Dtl.*,tiLffi I THE SMALLER SUKHAVATI-VYUHA "And again, O Sariputra, there are in that Buddha country s,.ans, c.rle's, and peacocks. Three tinres every night, and three ti^u* lu"r, day, thev come together and.perfolm a concert, each uttering his own note. And from them tnus utiering proceeds a sound proclaiming the five virtues, the fivepowers, and the s highes*,no*reas"lHtj'?i: f::'H"::lT,.,fi;sound, remeinbrance of Buddha, remembrance ofthe Larv, remembrance of the CfrrrJ, rises in their mind. "Now, do yor think, O Sariputra, that there are beings rvho ha-ye entered, into the nature ofanimals (birds, 6zc.)? This is not to U. ttooght of. The very name of hells is ,.rk roou., in ti,ut Buddha 6untry, and likewise that of ldescent into) animal bodies and of the realm of yama lthe fourapayas). No, these tribes of birds tarl" Ueun **aeor puryose by the T,athagata Amitayus,and theyutter the scund of the Larv. Witn sucfr arrays ofe<cellences, &c. , "And again, O Sariputra, whenthose rows of .Dalm-trees and strings sf betts in ttrat Buddha ''"Oountry are moved by the wind, a sweet and ff-i:^r":t* sound proceeds from them. yes, o'$artputra, as from a heavenly musical instrument {$nsisting of a hundred thousand hotis of sound.s, ffi:: olaved b.y Aryas, a sweet and enrapturing proceeds, a sweet and crapturing sound ls fnym those ro-ws of palm_trees anJ strings {-l
  • 6. t I il I I il li rl I rl tsr itr i6 fe ?.s f ffltlt , ,'it,t(-t 17 ttlfrf,{frI ' lrE i-|t,'i dftIl'',c_l 7 r{r4'u 4lt , 'ty**rltjltt+i ' y,{iffihfl ' .tfltjit F+'fiFt' ft /'ti.ttfl"9Fuljf,lffl? " trZ . /';{.U ilt '1tLIil::*!;6F , iL+t-A;q ' {nti,i {it$ , Il'iif,i'riltli ' ff7tf,gu[ffiftl o fifr{.rj,Jlr , F,lrT{jFci4 , Fr"IlllL)X-, fr4-;,1.!J: . trr. . ftfrj 41 ,4r11411+t J,qEr_fit€ , Hfiillt-:- ' 'E?lt,t;il:tr': , )FiLlTXs., ZfltiiEj,u " ;ff',,+i-#4* , ,Jr't[-krt#. " iift.f|j il' 4rlll'i,v_L--, rjrlhfrn E, qst*f1:frtr ! tr-Z . frftjiij ' t'lriry:Ei L, ^i/+-hft ' f!),',: HW' HiiiIttZ' tllr'ItJftiili:1$.€ , Fri{g[l[# , r{riltf, 'xt&_ti+l'H ' trt'{i{*.w I rw44t,i THE SMALLER SUKHAVATI.VYTIHA of bells moved by_ the w_ind. And when the menhear that sound, reflection o., graJlru arises in them, reflection on the Law, refle.ri*'^on the Church. With such arrays of excellen.u., &.. "Now what do you think, 't; ariiutra, forwhat reason is that Tathasaio ."ttua Amitayus? The lensth of life .(ayus),-O Si';p"tra, of thatTathagata and of those men there i= l_m".u.aUte( amita ). 'I'herefr,,re is tnat ia'inagata calledAmitayus. And ten kalpos fruu" Ou.*, O Sari_putra, since that Tathagata uriof." to perfect know-ledge. "And u,hat clo you think, O Sariputra, forwhat reason is that -Ta,hagata ."ff"O Amitabha?The. splendour (abha), d irr;i)rrr, of thatTathogala is unimpeded over uff gudOt" countries.Therefcr-e is that Tathogata ,rii2*;tabha. "Arrd there is, O Sariputra,-an innirmerableassenrbly of clisciiiles r,r.iih that ilti'oeo a, purifiedand venerahlc persr:,ns, u hose number it is ,rot ea"yto count. Wirh such arrar.s "f ;;;.11";ces, &c."And again, O saiiTrutra,--or'-irro." beingsalso who are h;rn in the Lluddha ioLrntry of theT^athogtta tlnzrtayus as purified Bodhisattuas,never to rctunr asain and uo,_J b; ; only,of thcse Borlhisaltuas also, O S-arfputra, the[umber is not easy to count, except they arereckoned as infinite in number- ' -----! "Then again all beirrgs, O Sariputra, oaght to
  • 7. il I (i fl iii r:Z li El_l " ftiy)-#4|7 1'.l.r.-n4i'iL'l{-h#A ' 'fR€*1ft o ltttJtl ' 4:pID)4',Y+lll . 1iiti'ji . 18ffi- ' '4v:I{1U F{ " f;.i'ljilL , ).8 {i5i1' , }i;AA ' tiiJllF'lffi{pt ffi' , #I.+:i'f il[,: /i-H ' )l;---H ' +;=fl t f1vL1 H , Iill-g t )t;iitr '*;-tE , -,[.sffil.4/ Fjififfti:i, ' It'l,ttjllt{4 , th!,,#4*. ' glfr+dji. *& ;rtr$+ ' ,1.6F$1{itJ ' llt'4.},il-A' ['ltffi['cffitfi*Pd :1 "fi{,rilll '+trJ"ft.{,rj , rllrlfbii': I+iHRL|- ' tiij-ErJl# ' ffi:'H ff lfttl ' 1tlilV{l:-J " Fftfudlr ! fi|tr,+-yi , ,iit$ifli'Iffi$pffi t l: tJ ,j'J,.;i)rth-tf.Z41J " lih lrl{1,'i iij i:iTn #*{ EB- If iA Wl.EJlll: , xifltflfi: ' 7lhTtJtl|l, ' IbEIfr ' frn#.:"* , 'lEin]i4$;fi[fr: " 6r+m ' SiHEfrttA ' thitft =+;lt+trn, #EfrFE' flh+*+. l Hf;;ft THE SMALLER SUKHAVATI.VYUHA grake fervent prayer for that Buddha country. And why? Because they come t<_rgether there with such excellent nten. Fieings ar-e not trorn in that Buddha courrtry of the Talhagata Amitayus as a reward and result of good works performed in this present fife. No, whatever son or daughter of a family shall hear the name of the blessed Amitayus, the Tathagata, and having heard it, shall keep it in mind, and with thoughts rrndisturbed shall keep it in mind for one, two, three, fou.r, five, six or seven nights,--u.hen that .son or daughter of a family gomes to die, then that Amitayus, tlne Tathagata, surrounded by an assembly of disciples and follcnved by a host of Bodhisaltuas, will stand before them at their hour of death, and they will depart this life vrith tranquil minds. After their death they will be born in the rvorld Sukhauati, in the Boddha countr-y of the same Amitayus, the Talhagata. Therefore, then, O Saripzrtra, having perceived this cause and effect, I with reverence say thus. Every son and every daughter of a family oqht with their whole mind to make fervent prayer for that Buddha country. "And now, O Sariputra, as I here at present Slorify that rvorld, thus in the East, O Sariputra, other blessed Buddhas, led by the Tathagata Aksobhya, ttie Tathagata Merudhuaja, the Ta- th aga t a Ma h ame r u, the T a t h a ga ! a Me r u pr abh a s a, and the Tathagata Manjudhuaia, equal in number to the sand of the river Ganga, comprehend their 9wn Buddha countries in their speech, and then
  • 8. r''j- tih f'a 1{l trrri#t, 6 nT,rJlilrl tf,., -+:X iftiilt, fr?-;-H:fi#A -), v',tttJll' ! t+tu l{ }fl ' tl n n t#.ifr ' €l'il ;[ lfr ' ).'/i+,frtqff' ' t'liiill,lf!',;f{dfi ' J,iti,iA,Ifii$tlq' fttft^,]. , fti/"Jir'4i{,;{il)lt " ?t}ijtF{ , iLiLliFafrfH ' fiulit -T'](T-i[r*' ;/l;]tlrt ;';' : [-ik1i.*11' H'fr,ijt f+i;t ' ,6 d,r&l.;*r7-r t[. ' -t]lilBl' ' Fn;#fr.ff] ' rft itiil I wilifrry, fr fit;i#ffi . ffi-Ei .irl ,f4: . Iiti,]ifftilfr: ' *tYlfr. tFx{lF . fifH{# . iTi tr ffi ' hn-Eo!j. , frii,IiD4*.ifiw " &r'lJ!F{ ' $iffi ri ,ri+ll ' lhlj|A---+).{'fi 'll ' ; ffi'l{'..;. , [it1i * #ig:f$ I a f frfUrlr I )Llii].rl' ' h? ' FB 'tl#. HfiH{dlr .. n lL{4 . flElFIl4F 'hnz* , IEf,li'D'}t{ ;#lll " 6rlr.Fq' Si Eittfi :tfl, lfiE;=+lt{' frl: JT ' #iil,?"r; : lrrx^!f*.4: '??f-*effif*6nl,'J,l #9:1*., -tr;&llFfi,iLft#,$ ) o f tnJlfl: ! Th^ltrR 'ftiflh*tfr. Ali+1lll ' fi'tlft',. iEBr{di: ' Ery,t{f,r ' +.1:E{4 , fnrelf , 'lE i,IiDW;;ft {ll' " 6li+tF,!tr' ifl Ifi tafr tH, IFrtffi--'. T x+ttr?, ;Ail'it;? : I tkt#*t+' HFftfrii,fr THE SMALLER SUKHAVATI-VYUHA teveal them. Accept this repetition of the Law, 3g.lled the "Favour of all Buddhas," which magnifies their inconceivable excellences. "Thus also in the South do other blessed Buddhas, led by the Tathagata I{andrasuryapra_ diia, the Tatltagata Yasahprabha, the Tathagata Mahar hi s kand It a, tlne T o t h a gat a Me r u pr a tl i pa, the Tathagata Anantauirya, equal in nurnber to the sand of the river Ganga, cca:nprehend their own Buddha countries in their speech, and then reveal them. Accept, &c. "Thus also in the West do other blessed Buddhas, led by the Tothagata Amitayus, the Tathagata Amitaskand ha, the T athagata Amitart_ hoaia, the Tathagata Mahaprablza, the Tathagata Maharatnaketu, tlne T athagata SurI cI harasrnip, o- bha, eqtal in number to the sand of the r.iver Ganga, comprehend, &c, "Thus aiso in the North do other blessecl Buddhas, led by the Tathagata Maharhiskandlm, the Tathagata tr/aisaanaranirghosa, the Tatha- gata Dunduhhisaaranirghosa, the Tatlzogata Du- s/radharsa, the Tatltagata Adityasambltauo, the lathasata Jaleniprobha (Jualtnapratthar'1, the t'athagala Prabhahara, equal in number to the sand, &c. _ "Thus also in the Narlir do olirer- blessed Buddhas, led by the Tathagata ,imha, the r-athagato Y asas, the Tothagata y asohprabhaua, the Tathasata Dharma, tne Tathagata Ghara, the Tathagata Dharmaclhiogu, equai irr
  • 9. ilil' { l f''t lli iL lt , 64',tu.';'+Tr)t1:ta' -YJJ;frlll:' F)t,iils:t:$ I " f #Flil'! -Ui turl ' tiJ..f;'sll$. iii-l,frl; . -tr Lffi.' {i'tfll:' );'i#.}t1l}f,' i#{!f{+ fiftt} lir,' WfuTt1t4'ltr,, Hii,:i":ldfi . tJ.-LlJidUl: , hniiit,iilr gfr,, rtn$^!;; , +8.inJiDffi}friJit. ?fr!{tfli ' l}lr;',,.;. 6.fFl ' rlil&i-+X+lttri ' ##lit;' : lik', '.Iil #f's-t'$ | a rft.f-lj4|} , r$fr,_IT:]'1i4' I'ilfrkfiIl-+; [-rr. fi Ifr , Dt&i,tX ) 7 #ttlrf" )';+i'f'r4i-' *? A /r ' Eij€ft$ , *+:i* ' F.llil"ftl$'N.,* 'ftr#tfi', f . #t , br?Fu-t)J,fill:;,t: , !e?4,}^ jii i,4. fiV,I *Fi 4 iii.i{ft _^,. iti +ti. " f €S{fr frU,tr" W !+H'F*trP+t;#' 7r-,,1','''fr' FIr#" frf[4$ ')!iH^ ' EdFl,ffi , +&F'tr "i',;i',t ffi : T&4.['ltffi|t'e{dijE{ _) 'E: 'E;r.A'* ' 'E?il; f. '#1.'*_, -/:"#t+-" #;ffLfttrUtf, , i#iltE-J' , i, kL ' *tit;#" fgi'$lrrt,Fti : l4''illf-*] 1J THE SMALLER SUKHAVATI-VYUHA i number to the sand, &c. "Thus also in the Zenith do other blessed Duddhas, led by the Tathagata Braltmaghosa, gys Tathagala I'laksatraraja, the Tatltagrtta In- drahetud haajaraga, the T athagata Ganrl hottama, gys Tathagata Gandlzaprabhasa, the T atltagata Itahar k i s k and h a, the T a t h a gat a R at na ku s u m a s a m. pushpitagatra, the T athagata Salendraraja, the Tathagata Ratnotpalasri, the Tathagata Saruar- thadarsa, the Tathagata Sumerukalpa, equal in number to the sand, &c. "Now what do you think, O Sariputra, for what reason is that repetition (treatise) of the Law called the Favour of all Buddhas? Every son c daughter of a family who shall hear the name of that repetition of the Law and retain in their memory the names of those blessed Buddhss, ^,ill be favoured by the Buddhas, and will never return again, being once in possession of the transcendent true knowledge. Therefore then, O Sariputra, believe, accept, and do not doubt of me aird those blessed Buddhas! "Whatever sons or daqhters of a family shall make mental prayer for the Buddha country of that blessed Amitayus, the Tathagata, n, ur- making it now or have made it formerly, all these will never return again, being once in possession of the transcendent true knowledge. They will be born in that Buddha country, have been-bor.r. or are being born now. Therefore, then, O Sariputra, mental prayer is to be made for that Iiiddha country by faithful sons and daughters of a fanily.
  • 10. fl I H t'fi i1'r, ,.{s f #fl1fr" frn#',1#' fi4'#;-&itf, ' 4FJ,t[;j[ fitffi,"',&#iffr+ ,lrffi##,, 6 or,rg.;+9tt*" iri TTftE: i-H*!+tr{tf, ' BSFEW' ffiHZ+ ' fiEi *4E* ' friii;i#it '*)st6i ' nl!fr' lt{fiijlFrr ' /tt f €f'U# 'Hfffir1i',6tr;lt ''frtLLW-J: ' 'tsFqE*.W=6n= ##.' F-9]iE. Fo' "tttL'fii' 1 i 2*, EF€#J ! ffi-#rlhffiE ' #t1Jfr.. , k;-&Lt E- ' -tX iltiiil , x . ^' wl6ffi+' w1lfrFlffi ' ;Fi#fla yl'; ti1: rtHm* " '{4-#F Iffi[tf;sr* THE SMALLER SUKHAVATI.VYUHA "And as I at present magnify here the incon- ceivable excellences of those blessed Buddhas, thus, O Saributra, do those blessed Buddhas magnify rny own inconceivable excellences. "A very difficult work has been done by Sakyamuni, the sovereign of the Sahyas. Having obtained. the transcendent true knou'ledge in this world Saha, he taugirt the Law which all the world is reluctant to accept, during this corruption of the present kalpa,during this ccrruption of mankind, during this corruption of belief, during this corrup- tion of life, during this corruption of passions. "This is even for me, O Sariputra, an extremely difficult work that, having obtained the transcendent tnre knorvledge in this world Saha, I taught the Law which all the world is reluctant to accept, during this comrption of mankind, of belief, of passion, o{ life, and of this present kalpa." Thus spoke Bhagaual joful in his mind. And the honourable Sariputra, and the Bhiksus and Bodhisattuas, and the whole world with the gods, men, evil spirits and genii, applauded the speech of Bhagauat. This is the Mahayanastt,tra called Suhhaua ttu yuha.