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CRM Gap Analysis And Making CRM Useful

          Customer          Processes

             Change        Technology

                                 Greg French
                            Example of Approach Used
The Gap Analysis is based on extensive
organizational participation and tested framework

  Starting Point: Current State
  Current CRM state has been assessed
  through extensive study of company
  documentation, CRM Scorecard
  responses, and 20+ in-depth
  interviews with various executives
  and managers.

              Analysis Framework
              The high-level vision defined in
              the Vision & MOS in terms of
              Organization, Process,
              Technology is been further
              broken down into six areas of the Customer strategy

              CRM Business Framework:          — Customer data
                                               — Value proposition
                                               — Customer contact
                                               — Operations
                                               — Organization

CRM business framework consisting of six areas
is used to structure the Gap Analysis

     CRM Area                               CRM Area Description and Objectives
                      Define and operationalize how individual customer relationships are to be managed
  Customer Strategy      • Customer value definition
                         • Definition of customer segments and objectives
                         • Definition of customer strategies and treatments
                         • Test and learn
                         • Decisioning environment

                      Provide the tools and data needed to manage a customer value-based organization
   Customer Data         • Data availability and gathering
                         • Data quality
                         • Data infrastructure
                         • Models
                      Develop innovative product offerings with the flexibility to personalize key features (e.g., pricing
  Value Proposition   and channel options) according to the customer segment objectives

  Customer Contact    Manage all CRM processes, systems and customer-facing staff and channels that have any
                      interaction with the customer to deliver consistent and high quality customer experiences
                          • Contact infrastructure - customer-specific guidelines, contact tracking, results capturing, etc.
                          • Contact channel processes and scripting

                      Ensure consistent administration and execution of differentiated customer strategies and
     Operations       treatments
                          • Response to changes in customer strategies and treatments

                      Manage transition from a product-focused to a customer-focused organization
    Organization         • Organizational alignment
                         • Performance incentives
The following CRM terms are used throughout
this analysis

    Vision                                                        
                                                                      Customer Segments
         The company CRM targeted end state                               Cross-LOB customer grouping based on customer
   End State Requirements                                                value and other customer level metrics, such as
         Set of statements that describe how The Provident                attrition
         will look and function after its CRM vision has been        Segment Objectives
         fully implemented
                                                                          Enterprise-wide business objective for each
   CRM Areas                                                             customer segment (e.g. retain&grow, manage
         6 inter-related areas of the CRM business model that             risk, etc.)
         must be aligned to support enterprise wide customer         Customer Treatments
         profitability-oriented strategic objectives                      Actions defined for each customer for each function
    Enablers                                                              (e.g. marketing offer, fee refund limit, service level,
         Technology or business components, technical or                  etc.)
         business activities, and/or knowledge currently             Customer Strategy
         existing or underway at The Provident that will                  Collection of all treatments for each customer
         facilitate the transition to the CRM end-state vision       Test and Learn
   Gaps
                                                                          Continuous process of analyzing results and evolving
         Distance between the current and envisioned                      customer treatments using experimental design
         business model that identifies which competencies           Decisioning
         need to be developed to realize the vision
                                                                          Process of evaluating customer metrics and
    Gap Size                                                              determining segment and treatments for each
         Individual-level gap - Magnitude of individual gaps              customer
         based on AMS observations and experience, Provident
         interview input (see page 9), as well as presence of
         effort underway and its leveragability as reflected by
         Area-level gap - Magnitude of area-level gaps,
         assessed collectively on Area level
    Kiviat Chart
         Visual tool used to communicate the gap level The
         Provident needs to overcome in order to realize the
         CRM Vision

The Kiviat Chart Concept is used to visualize CRM
current state and summary of gaps

 Kiviat Chart:
            —   Summarizes the company’s current gap level to overcome and
                realize the CRM Vision
            —   Presents a high-level CRM assessment
            —   Contains 6 axes, each representing 1 of the 6 CRM areas
            —   Assess each area using a 5-point scale


 Contact                                              Area is at the Vision state
                Exa                                   Area is at minor distance from the Vision state

                                                      Area is at moderate distance from the Vision state

 Value                            Customer            Area is at significant distance from the Vision state
 proposition                      Strategy
                                                      Area is at major distance from the Vision state
                  Customer Data

                      The shaded area provides a big picture of the current state of CRM at the company. An
                      enterprise that has fully employed CRM would have a filled-out profile.
Company Vision:   Customer Strategy

         Accept and document cross-LOB definition of customer
          relationship value (across all accounts and products)
         Develop an enterprise-wide customer segmentation scheme based
          on customer metrics (e.g. value, attrition, etc.)
         Define business objectives for each customer segment
         Define cross-LOB customer strategies and treatments for all
          customer segments
         Conduct test & learn (experimental design, strategy evolution,
          results analysis) to monitor the effects of multiple treatments for
          customer segments
         Deploy established methodologies to evaluate customer strategy
          effectiveness, consistent across all products and channels
         Define economic impact of customers treatments on customer
          value, attrition, and satisfaction
         Use enterprise decisioning environment to facilitate customer
          evaluation, segmentation and treatment definition

Gaps & Enablers :                               Customer Strategy
          Area Objective: Define and operationalize how individual customer relationships are to be managed

          CRM Area                         End State Requirement                                         Gap                       Enablers               Gap Size

          Customer                 1. Accept and document cross-LOB                       1. No cross-LOB                    • Organization structure
          Strategy                    definition of customer relationship                    definition of customer            (all products under the
                                      value (across all accounts and                         value agreed to                   umbrella of Customer
                                      products)                                                                                Management)
                                                                                                                             • New profitability system

                                  2. Develop an enterprise-wide                           2. No segmentation based           • Needs-based segmentation
                                     customer segmentation scheme                            on customer value                 proposed (as outlined by
                                     based on customer metrics (e.g.                         exists today                      BAIGlobal) but not yet
                                     value, attrition, etc.)                                                                   operationalized

                                  3. Define business objectives for each                  3. No customer segments
                                     customer segment                                        exist

                                  4. Define cross-LOB strategies and                      4. Strategies and treatments
                                     treatments for all customer segments                    are not based on
                                                                                             customer value and are
                                                                                             LOB- specific


 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area

 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

Gaps & Enablers :                               Customer Strategy (continued)
          Area Objective: Define and operationalize how individual customer relationships are to be managed

           CRM Area                         End State Requirement                                          Gap                      Enablers                      Gap Size
          Customer                5. Conduct test & learn (experimental                     5a.Limited manual cross-LOB      • Feedback established
          Strategy                   design, strategy evolution, results                       feedback on business            between loan collections
                                     analysis) to monitor the effects of                       activities exist                and originations to improve
                                     multiple treatments for customer                                                          credit decisions
                                     segments                                               5b.Limited evolution of
                                                                                               customer treatments based     • Manual feedback process
                                                                                               on feedback exists              between branch and
                                                                                                                               marketing on campaigns
                                                                                                                             • Horizon ACquire

                                  6. Deploy established methodologies                       6a.No experimental design        • Monthly Key measures
                                     to evaluate customer strategy                             methodology currently in        Management Report
                                     effectiveness, consistent across all                      use today
                                     products and channels
                                                                                            6b.No statistical software for
                                                                                               analyzing results of
                                                                                               experiments in use
                                  7. Define economic impact of                              7. No cross-LOB customer         • Customer-level attrition
                                     customers treatments on customer                          metrics exists                  metric exists but it is not
                                     value, attrition, and satisfaction                                                        linked to specific
                                                                                                                               customer treatments

                                  8. Use enterprise decisioning                             8a. No enterprise-wide           • Current loan application scoring
                                     environment to facilitate customer                         decisioning                  • MCIF
                                     evaluation, segmentation and                               environment*                 • Mortgage Ware
                                     treatment definition
                                                                                            8b. Decisioning limited to       • Horizon RMS
                                                                                                the origination function


 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area

 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

Company Vision:   Customer Data

        Achieve a common definition of a customer, including all its
         potential levels- account, individual, and household
        Capture data to measure customer value for all customers on a
         regular basis (at least monthly)
        Use customer value and predictive models as inputs to enterprise-
         wide customer value segmentation scheme and treatment
           Update segmentation inputs regularly
           Maintain, validate, and refine segmentation inputs
        Implement process to collect enterprise-wide data such as
         summary, transaction, financial, operational, and contact data
           Provide ability to capture data from separate product portfolios
           Provide activity based costing data as inputs to customer value
        Capture and store customer level info on demographics and
         linkages to account relationships in centralized customer
         information repositories
        Capture and store customer contact data and back office events in
         centralized Customer Activity DB (CA DB)

Company Vision:   Customer Data (continued)

        Capture and store customer strategies and treatments in
         centralized and integrated Customer Strategy Profile DB (CSP DB)
        Capture and store transactional customer data (e.g. use of all
         products and channels) in a central repository or warehouse
           Refresh or update data regularly (at minimum monthly)
           Provide sufficient (at least 12 months) historical data
        Ensure well-defined and documented, accurate and consistent data
         for all customers

Gaps & Enablers:                               Customer Data
          Area Objective: Provide the tools and data needed to manage a customer profitability based
           CRM Area                           End State Requirement                                        Gap                        Enablers            Gap Size

          Customer                 1. Achieve a common definition of a                       1a. MCIF has customer           • MCIF
          Data                        customer, including all of its                             defined by SSN and HH
                                      potential levels- account, individual,                     but not all products are
                                      and household                                              captured (e.g. loan, safe
                                                                                                 deposit, trust, debit
                                                                                             1b. MCIF does not store
                                                                                                 the SSN of
                                                                                                 joint/secondary holder

                                  2. Capture data to measure customer                       2. No definition of
                                     value for all customers on a regular                      customer value exists
                                     basis (at least monthly)

                                  3. Use customer value and predictive                      3a. No cross-LOB customer        • New profitability system
                                     models as inputs to enterprise-wide                        models exists                • Credit application
                                     customer value segmentation                                                               scorecard
                                                                                            3b. No centralized QA/policy
                                     scheme and treatment definition
                                                                                                for model development,       • Needs-based
                                          •     Update segmentation inputs                      evolution and maintenance
                                                                                                                               segmentation proposed
                                                                                            3c. No statistical modeling        based on BAIGlobal
                                          •     Maintain, validate,and refine                   expertise in-house             study
                                                segmentation inputs                                                          • Harland attrition,
                                                                                            3d. No statistical modeling
                                                                                                software (e.g. SAS) in-        propensity-to-cross-sell
                                                                                                house                          and PTB models


 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area

 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

Gaps & Enablers :                               Customer Data (continued)
          Area Objective: Provide the tools and data needed to manage a customer profitability based
           CRM Area                         End State Requirement                                          Gap                     Enablers         Gap Size

          Customer               4. Implement process to collect                          4. No such process exist           • Data feeds of MCIF
          Data                      enterprise-wide data such as                                                             • Horizon
                                    summary, transaction, financial,
                                    operational, and contact data
                                      • Provide ability to capture data
                                          from separate product
                                      • Provide activity based costing
                                          data as inputs to customer
                                          value models

                                 5. Capture and store customer level                      5. Systems of record exist         • Horizon RMS
                                    info on demographics and linkages                        (Horizon RMS), but
                                    to account relationships in                              data quality issues need        • Duplicate Resolver
                                    centralized customer information                         to be addressed (e.g.,
                                    repositories                                             duplicate records)

                                 6. Capture and store customer contact                    6. Limited customer                • Horizon
                                    data and back office events in                           contact data captured
                                    centralized Customer Activity (CA                        today
                                 7. Capture and store customer                            7. No customer strategies          • Horizon RMS
                                    strategies and treatments in                             and treatments data
                                    centralized and integrated Customer                      exists today
                                    Strategy Profile DB (CSP DB)


 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area

 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

Gaps & Enablers :                               Customer Data (continued)
          Area Objective: Provide the tools and data needed to manage a customer profitability based
           CRM Area                         End State Requirement                                          Gap                        Enablers              Gap Size

          Customer                 8. Capture and store transactional                       8a. Limited transitional              • Horizon
          Data                        customer data (e.g. use of all                            information captured (e.g. no
                                      products and channels) in a central                       data on rebates by fee type)
                                      repository or warehouse
                                                                                            8b. Data captured in separate
                                        • Refresh or update data
                                                                                                control files that are
                                           regularly (at minimum                                application specific
                                        • Provide sufficient (at least 12                   8c. Some channel info is
                                           months) historical data                              incorporated in transaction
                                                                                                codes (e.g. cannot
                                                                                                differentiate if funds transfer
                                                                                                via IVR or Web
                                                                                            8d. Transition data from before
                                                                                                conversation is kept
                                   9. Ensure well-defined and                               9a. MCIF, Loan Station not well       • Horizon database well
                                      documented, accurate and consistent                       documented                          documented and
                                      data for all customers                                                                        defined
                                                                                            9b. Contact management not
                                                                                                well defined (uses free text
                                                                                            9c. Duplicate customer records
                                                                                                and multiple addresses exist
                                                                                                in Horizon RMS
                                                                                            9c. Internet and IVR transactions
                                                                                                are not distinguishable


 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area

 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

Company Vision:   Value Proposition

     Analyze and understand the composition of product holdings for customer
     Continuously analyze and understand customer needs
     Define customer pricing strategies based on customer segment objectives
     Design new product offerings, features and access options based on
      customer segment objectives and needs
     Conduct regular marketing and competitive research to support customer
      segment management and creation of new offerings
     Adopt rigorous test and learn approach of designing product and service
      offerings supported by an analytical process
     Market products in customer-based, coordinated fashion, e.g., consciously
      coordinate marketing contacts and marketing budgets for all products and
     Proactively manage channel usage based on economics and customer
     Use customer satisfaction measurements to help in the continual
      evaluation of strategies, decisions and offerings using test & learn
     Measure success based on combination of product profitability, customer
      value, (e.g., customer satisfaction, value, attrition)
Gaps & Enablers :                               Value Proposition
          Area Objective: Develop innovative product offerings with the flexibility to personalize key features
                          (e.g., pricing and channel options) according to the customer segment objectives

           CRM Area                         End State Requirement                                          Gap                        Enablers      Gap Size

          Value                    1. Analyze and understand the                             1.    Product holding analysis    • Harland Study
          Proposition                 composition of product holdings for                          performed but based
                                                                                                                               • BAIGlobal Study
                                      customer segments                                            primarily on deposit
                                                                                                   holdings and not entire
                                                                                                   customer relationship

                                   2. Continuously analyze and                               2.    Analysis is performed on    • BAIGlobal study
                                      understand customer needs                                    ad-hoc basis and is
                                                                                                   focused on testing
                                                                                                   products and features
                                   3. Define customer pricing strategies                     3.    No price differentiation
                                      based on customer segment                                    based on customer value
                                      objectives                                                   exists

                                   4. Design new product offerings,                          4.    Product development
                                      features and access options based on                         not based on customer
                                      customer segment objectives and                              segments

                                   5. Conduct regular marketing and                          5.    Research is performed but   • Peer Group Study
                                      competitive research to support                              on ad-hoc basis and is
                                      customer segment management and                              more product based that     • BAIGlobal Study
                                      creation of new offerings                                    customer based


 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area

 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

Gaps & Enablers :                               Value Proposition (continued)
          Area Objective: Develop innovative product offerings with the flexibility to personalize key features
                          (e.g., pricing and channel options) according to the customer segment objectives

           CRM Area                         End State Requirement                                          Gap                       Enablers            Gap Size

          Value                    6. Adopt rigorous test and learn                           6. No test and learn
                                                                                                 approach in place today         • BAIGlobal Study
          Proposition                 approach of designing product and
                                      service offerings supported by an
                                      analytical process
                                   7. Market products in a customer-                          7a. Limited coordination with      • Centralized module
                                      based, coordinated fashion, e.g.,                           Investment Services today        approach
                                      consciously coordinate marketing                        7b.Campaigns do not leverage       • Marketing budget is
                                      contacts and marketing budgets for                                                           centralized
                                                                                                 predictive tools (e.g.
                                      all products and offerings                                 propensity-to-buy, etc.)

                                   8. Proactively manage channel usage                        8a. Limited channel usage
                                      based on economics and customer                             information exists
                                                                                              8b. No channel costs captured
                                                                                              8c. No preferences captured

                                   9. Use customer satisfaction                               9. Satisfaction surveys
                                      measurements to help in the                                conducted for overall
                                      continual evaluation of strategies,                        satisfaction but not strategy
                                      decisions and offerings using test &                       or treatment specific
                                   10.Measure success based on                                10.Success generally not
                                      combination of product profitability                       measured based on
                                      and customer value (e.g., customer                         customer profitability or
                                      satisfaction, value, attrition)                            satisfaction

 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area

 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

Company Vision:   Customer Contact

        Provide customer contact staff in key functional areas with
         customer specific guidance for action and related info and/or
         scripting on how to best approach a customer or respond to a
         customer’s request
        Provide customer contact staff across the enterprise with consistent
         messages and guidance regardless of contact platform
        Enable contact platforms with access to update to Customer
         Strategy Profile DB
        Provide customer contact staff with capabilities to record the
         offer/action made to the customer and the outcome of the contact
        Include customer value in measure of effectiveness of customer
        Develop consistent sales processes and scripting for all channels

Gaps & Enablers :                               Customer Contact
          Area Objective: Manage all CRM processes, systems and customer-facing staff and channels that
                          have any interaction with the customer to deliver a consistent and high quality
                          customer experience

           CRM Area                         End State Requirement                                          Gap                      Enablers              Gap Size

          Customer               1. Provide customer contact staff in                        1a. No customer specific        • Fairmount sales training
          Contact                   key functional areas with customer                           guidance exists             • Horizon RMS
                                    specific guidance for action and
                                    related info and/or scripting on how                     1b.Culture focused on
                                    to best approach a customer or                               reactive service rather
                                    respond to a customer’s request                              than proactive needs
                                                                                                 based selling
                                 2. Provide customer contact staff                           2a. Inconsistency in            • Horizon
                                    across the enterprise with consistent                        customer experience
                                    customer-specific messages and                               across channels and
                                    guidance regardless of contact                               products exist
                                    platform                                                 2b. Limited customer
                                                                                                 contact platform

                                 3. Enable contact platforms with                            3. CSP DB does not exist
                                    access to update Customer Strategy
                                    Profile DB (CSP DB)

                                 4. Provide customer contact staff with                       4. Limited capabilities to     • Horizon
                                    capabilities to record the                                   record customer contact
                                    offer/action made to the customer                            deposition exists
                                    and the outcome of the contact


 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area

 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

Gaps & Enablers :                               Customer Contact (continued)
          Area Objective: Manage all CRM processes, systems and customer-facing staff and channels that
                          have any interaction with the customer to deliver a consistent and high quality
                          customer experience
           CRM Area                         End State Requirement                                           Gap                   Enablers               Gap Size
          Customer               5. Include customer value in measure of                     5. Customer value not part
          Contact                   effectiveness of customer contact                           of contact effectiveness

                                6. Develop consistent sales processes                        6. LOBs/channels have           • Fairmont Sales training
                                   and scripting for all channels                               different sales
                                                                                                processes, training, and


 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area

 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

Company Vision:   Operations

       Enable back office systems with access to and use of customer
        strategy info stored in Customer Strategy Profile DB
       Ensure back-end processes and systems have capability to execute
        consistently differentiated customer strategies and treatments
       Provide scalable and flexible operational environment to support
        changes in customer specific strategies and treatments

Gaps & Enablers :                               Operations
          Area Objective: Ensure consistent administration and execution of customer strategies and
           CRM Area                         End State Requirement                                          Gap                 Enablers      Gap Size

          Operations               1. Enable back office systems with                       1. No link between back          • Horizon RMS
                                      access to and use of customer                            office systems and CSP
                                      strategy info stored in Customer                         (CSP DB does not
                                      Strategy Profile DB                                      exist)

                                  2. Ensure back-end processes and                          2. Back-end processes and
                                     systems have capability to execute                        systems to support
                                     consistently differentiated customer                      differentiated treatments
                                     strategies and treatments                                 do not exist

                                 3. Provide scalable and flexible                           3. Most changes to
                                    operational environment to support                         Horizon environment
                                    changes in customer specific                               are not user-driven, and
                                    strategies and treatments                                  depend on Horizon


 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area

 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

Company Vision:   Organization

        Provide active and visible CRM leadership
        Establish a cross-LOB strategy team with the authority to set
         consistent, appropriate, and coordinated customer strategies and
        Introduce cross-LOB CRM program office structure and processes
        Dedicate staff to coordinate, implement and monitor activities
         based on customer value (segment management)
        Designate staff dedicated to CRM result analysis and customer
         strategy evolution
        Align performance and incentives across all levels of the enterprise
         (e.g., product profitability, customer value, and customer
         satisfaction) (customer-centric model)

Gaps & Enablers :                               Organization
          Area Objective: Manage transition from product-focused to customer-focused organization

           CRM Area                         End State Requirement                                           Gap                          Enablers               Gap Size

         Organization             1. Provide active and visible CRM                          1a.Complete commitment of             • Executive Management
                                     leadership                                                 senior leadership is still           Team
                                                                                                                                   • CRM Advisory team
                                                                                             1b. Customer-centric strategy is
                                                                                                 not clearly translated into
                                                                                             1c. No clear definition of CRM
                                                                                                 across the organization exists
                                  2. Establish a cross-LOB strategy team                     2. No cross-LOB customer              • CRM Advisory Team
                                     with the authority to set consistent,                      strategy team exists               • Cross LOB teams, such as
                                     appropriate, and coordinated                                                                    Credit Review Committee,
                                     customer strategies and treatments                                                              Write-off and Recoveries
                                                                                                                                     Committee, Game Book
                                                                                                                                     Meeting, etc.
                                  3. Introduce cross-LOB CRM program                         3a. Project Management is
                                     office structure and processes                              decentralized and currently
                                                                                                 done by line officers
                                                                                             3b. Project justification and
                                                                                                 benefit tracking process does
                                                                                                 not exist
                                                                                             3c. Accountability for
                                                                                                 initiatives is not well defined
                                                                                             3d. Interactions among business
                                                                                                 areas is limited

 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area
 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

Gaps & Enablers :                               Organization (continued)
          Area Objective: Manage transition from product-focused to customer-focused organization

           CRM Area                         End State Requirement                                           Gap                  Enablers         Gap Size

         Organization            4. Dedicate staff to coordinate,                            4. Segment management           • Consumer Segment
                                    implement and monitor activities                            structure not                  Management group
                                    based on customer value (segment                            operationalized

                                  5. Designate staff dedicated to CRM                       5. No staff dedicated to
                                     result analysis and customer strategy                     CRM analysis

                                  6. Align performance and incentives                        6. Performance and               HR to follow-up
                                     across all levels of the enterprise                        incentives measured on
                                     (e.g. product profitability, customer                      product level only
                                     value, and customer satisfaction)
                                     (customer centric model)


 No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area          Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area

 Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area      Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area

 Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area

One View of The Customer Review

                        ‘One View’ of the Customer
                              Today’s Date:
                                                                                 Provides a centralized
Demographic Data                     Deposit Account Relationships
                                                                                 display of a
Customer Type: Retail, Small
                                     DDA: $4321.08
                                     Savings: $8231.80
                                                                                 customer’s entire
Last Update: 3/30/09 - VERIFY
                                     Total Deposit Balance: $12,552.88
                                                                                 relationship, including
Name: Irene Victor
SSN: 123-45-6789
                                     Credit Account Relationships
                                     Mortgage: $89,089.20
                                                                                  and 3rd party data
DOB: 01/01/1961                      Personal Loan: $12,324.65
Home Address:                        Total Credit Balance: $101, 413.85
431 Appleby Dr.
Golden, VA 23029
Business Address:                    Alternative Investments
35 Main Street
Suite 6
                                     Investments: $14,111.44
                                     Trust: $237,892.95                          comprehensive
Smithville, VA 23102
Home phone #: (555) 915-5555
Work phone #: (555) 955-5555
                                     Total Alternative Investment Balance:
                                     $252,004.39                                 understanding of
                                     Ancillary Services                          every customer’s
Offer Pending: Yes
                                     Overdraft Protection: $1,000.00
                                     Safe Deposit Box: No                        relationship
                                     Debit Card: Yes
Preferred Channel of Contact: Call   Internet Banking: No
Center                               Privacy: True
Last Customer Contact:
3/30/02, Call Center                                                         
                                                                                 Enhances customer

Customer Strategy CRM Action Profile

                                               Customer Strategy Profile
                            Offers (Proactive)                          Opportunities (responsive)
                              Nam e: Personal Loan                        Name: Investments
    Displays actionable      Name: Money Market
                            Name: Checking
                                                                         Name: Home Equity
                                                                        Name: IRA
    information based on    OID: GD-06-30-2002                          OID: MM-06-30-2002

    strategic customer      Channel: Direct Mail                        Exp Date: 07-31-2002
                            ODate: 06-30-2002
    segment objectives
                                                                        Term s: .25% bonus in first 12 mon.
                                                                        on new bal > $25K
                            E xp Date: 07-31-2002
                                                                        Status: Declined
    Allows for consistent
                            Term s: Standard Offer w/ Free online
                           bill pay for 6 months
                            S tatus: Pending
    treatment across                                   Account Management
    channels and contact                                                Allowabl e Cred it Line Discretion
                                                                        PID: OD-1234
    staff                                                               Name: Overdraft Protection
                                                                        Increase: $500
                                                                        PID: PL-1234
    Allows for contact                                                  Name: Personal Loan
                                                                        Increase: $5,000
    staff to update offer   Pricing and Fee Management                 Retention Actions and Activity
    disposition – which       Allowab le Fee Refund s:                  A cti on: Flowers sent on 5 yr.
    can be used in the        Amount: $50
                                                                        Date: 12/21/2002
                              Fees waived YTD:
    next evaluation           Amount: $0
                                                             Service Guidelines
                                           S ervice Level: High, support phone 555-555-1212


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CRM Strategic Analysis

  • 1. CRM Gap Analysis And Making CRM Useful Customer Processes Strategy Organizational Change Technology Greg French Example of Approach Used 1
  • 2. The Gap Analysis is based on extensive organizational participation and tested framework Starting Point: Current State Current CRM state has been assessed through extensive study of company documentation, CRM Scorecard responses, and 20+ in-depth interviews with various executives and managers. Analysis Framework The high-level vision defined in the Vision & MOS in terms of Organization, Process, Technology is been further broken down into six areas of the Customer strategy — CRM Business Framework: — Customer data — Value proposition — Customer contact — Operations — Organization 2
  • 3. CRM business framework consisting of six areas is used to structure the Gap Analysis CRM Area CRM Area Description and Objectives Define and operationalize how individual customer relationships are to be managed Customer Strategy • Customer value definition • Definition of customer segments and objectives • Definition of customer strategies and treatments • Test and learn • Decisioning environment Provide the tools and data needed to manage a customer value-based organization Customer Data • Data availability and gathering • Data quality • Data infrastructure • Models Develop innovative product offerings with the flexibility to personalize key features (e.g., pricing Value Proposition and channel options) according to the customer segment objectives Customer Contact Manage all CRM processes, systems and customer-facing staff and channels that have any interaction with the customer to deliver consistent and high quality customer experiences • Contact infrastructure - customer-specific guidelines, contact tracking, results capturing, etc. • Contact channel processes and scripting Ensure consistent administration and execution of differentiated customer strategies and Operations treatments • Response to changes in customer strategies and treatments Manage transition from a product-focused to a customer-focused organization Organization • Organizational alignment • Performance incentives 3
  • 4. The following CRM terms are used throughout this analysis  Vision  Customer Segments The company CRM targeted end state Cross-LOB customer grouping based on customer  End State Requirements value and other customer level metrics, such as Set of statements that describe how The Provident attrition will look and function after its CRM vision has been  Segment Objectives fully implemented Enterprise-wide business objective for each  CRM Areas customer segment (e.g. retain&grow, manage 6 inter-related areas of the CRM business model that risk, etc.) must be aligned to support enterprise wide customer  Customer Treatments profitability-oriented strategic objectives Actions defined for each customer for each function  Enablers (e.g. marketing offer, fee refund limit, service level, Technology or business components, technical or etc.) business activities, and/or knowledge currently  Customer Strategy existing or underway at The Provident that will Collection of all treatments for each customer facilitate the transition to the CRM end-state vision  Test and Learn  Gaps Continuous process of analyzing results and evolving Distance between the current and envisioned customer treatments using experimental design business model that identifies which competencies  Decisioning need to be developed to realize the vision Process of evaluating customer metrics and  Gap Size determining segment and treatments for each Individual-level gap - Magnitude of individual gaps customer based on AMS observations and experience, Provident interview input (see page 9), as well as presence of effort underway and its leveragability as reflected by enablers Area-level gap - Magnitude of area-level gaps, assessed collectively on Area level  Kiviat Chart Visual tool used to communicate the gap level The Provident needs to overcome in order to realize the CRM Vision 4
  • 5. The Kiviat Chart Concept is used to visualize CRM current state and summary of gaps Kiviat Chart: — Summarizes the company’s current gap level to overcome and realize the CRM Vision — Presents a high-level CRM assessment — Contains 6 axes, each representing 1 of the 6 CRM areas — Assess each area using a 5-point scale Operations Organization Customer e pl Contact Area is at the Vision state m Exa Area is at minor distance from the Vision state Area is at moderate distance from the Vision state Value Customer Area is at significant distance from the Vision state proposition Strategy Area is at major distance from the Vision state Customer Data Note: The shaded area provides a big picture of the current state of CRM at the company. An enterprise that has fully employed CRM would have a filled-out profile. 5
  • 6. Company Vision: Customer Strategy  Accept and document cross-LOB definition of customer relationship value (across all accounts and products)  Develop an enterprise-wide customer segmentation scheme based on customer metrics (e.g. value, attrition, etc.)  Define business objectives for each customer segment  Define cross-LOB customer strategies and treatments for all customer segments  Conduct test & learn (experimental design, strategy evolution, results analysis) to monitor the effects of multiple treatments for customer segments  Deploy established methodologies to evaluate customer strategy effectiveness, consistent across all products and channels  Define economic impact of customers treatments on customer value, attrition, and satisfaction  Use enterprise decisioning environment to facilitate customer evaluation, segmentation and treatment definition 6
  • 7. Gaps & Enablers : Customer Strategy Area Objective: Define and operationalize how individual customer relationships are to be managed CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Customer 1. Accept and document cross-LOB 1. No cross-LOB • Organization structure Strategy definition of customer relationship definition of customer (all products under the value (across all accounts and value agreed to umbrella of Customer products) Management) • New profitability system 2. Develop an enterprise-wide 2. No segmentation based • Needs-based segmentation customer segmentation scheme on customer value proposed (as outlined by based on customer metrics (e.g. exists today BAIGlobal) but not yet value, attrition, etc.) operationalized 3. Define business objectives for each 3. No customer segments customer segment exist 4. Define cross-LOB strategies and 4. Strategies and treatments treatments for all customer segments are not based on customer value and are LOB- specific KEY No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 7
  • 8. Gaps & Enablers : Customer Strategy (continued) Area Objective: Define and operationalize how individual customer relationships are to be managed CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Customer 5. Conduct test & learn (experimental 5a.Limited manual cross-LOB • Feedback established Strategy design, strategy evolution, results feedback on business between loan collections analysis) to monitor the effects of activities exist and originations to improve multiple treatments for customer credit decisions segments 5b.Limited evolution of customer treatments based • Manual feedback process on feedback exists between branch and marketing on campaigns • Horizon ACquire 6. Deploy established methodologies 6a.No experimental design • Monthly Key measures to evaluate customer strategy methodology currently in Management Report effectiveness, consistent across all use today products and channels 6b.No statistical software for analyzing results of experiments in use 7. Define economic impact of 7. No cross-LOB customer • Customer-level attrition customers treatments on customer metrics exists metric exists but it is not value, attrition, and satisfaction linked to specific customer treatments 8. Use enterprise decisioning 8a. No enterprise-wide • Current loan application scoring environment to facilitate customer decisioning • MCIF evaluation, segmentation and environment* • Mortgage Ware treatment definition 8b. Decisioning limited to • Horizon RMS the origination function KEY No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 8
  • 9. Company Vision: Customer Data  Achieve a common definition of a customer, including all its potential levels- account, individual, and household  Capture data to measure customer value for all customers on a regular basis (at least monthly)  Use customer value and predictive models as inputs to enterprise- wide customer value segmentation scheme and treatment definition  Update segmentation inputs regularly  Maintain, validate, and refine segmentation inputs  Implement process to collect enterprise-wide data such as summary, transaction, financial, operational, and contact data  Provide ability to capture data from separate product portfolios  Provide activity based costing data as inputs to customer value models  Capture and store customer level info on demographics and linkages to account relationships in centralized customer information repositories  Capture and store customer contact data and back office events in centralized Customer Activity DB (CA DB) 9
  • 10. Company Vision: Customer Data (continued)  Capture and store customer strategies and treatments in centralized and integrated Customer Strategy Profile DB (CSP DB)  Capture and store transactional customer data (e.g. use of all products and channels) in a central repository or warehouse  Refresh or update data regularly (at minimum monthly)  Provide sufficient (at least 12 months) historical data  Ensure well-defined and documented, accurate and consistent data for all customers 10
  • 11. Gaps & Enablers: Customer Data Area Objective: Provide the tools and data needed to manage a customer profitability based organization CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Customer 1. Achieve a common definition of a 1a. MCIF has customer • MCIF Data customer, including all of its defined by SSN and HH potential levels- account, individual, but not all products are and household captured (e.g. loan, safe deposit, trust, debit card) 1b. MCIF does not store the SSN of joint/secondary holder 2. Capture data to measure customer 2. No definition of value for all customers on a regular customer value exists basis (at least monthly) 3. Use customer value and predictive 3a. No cross-LOB customer • New profitability system models as inputs to enterprise-wide models exists • Credit application customer value segmentation scorecard 3b. No centralized QA/policy scheme and treatment definition for model development, • Needs-based • Update segmentation inputs evolution and maintenance segmentation proposed regularly 3c. No statistical modeling based on BAIGlobal • Maintain, validate,and refine expertise in-house study segmentation inputs • Harland attrition, 3d. No statistical modeling software (e.g. SAS) in- propensity-to-cross-sell house and PTB models KEY No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 11
  • 12. Gaps & Enablers : Customer Data (continued) Area Objective: Provide the tools and data needed to manage a customer profitability based organization CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Customer 4. Implement process to collect 4. No such process exist • Data feeds of MCIF Data enterprise-wide data such as • Horizon summary, transaction, financial, operational, and contact data • Provide ability to capture data from separate product portfolios • Provide activity based costing data as inputs to customer value models 5. Capture and store customer level 5. Systems of record exist • Horizon RMS info on demographics and linkages (Horizon RMS), but to account relationships in data quality issues need • Duplicate Resolver centralized customer information to be addressed (e.g., repositories duplicate records) 6. Capture and store customer contact 6. Limited customer • Horizon data and back office events in contact data captured centralized Customer Activity (CA today DB) 7. Capture and store customer 7. No customer strategies • Horizon RMS strategies and treatments in and treatments data centralized and integrated Customer exists today Strategy Profile DB (CSP DB) KEY No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 12
  • 13. Gaps & Enablers : Customer Data (continued) Area Objective: Provide the tools and data needed to manage a customer profitability based organization CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Customer 8. Capture and store transactional 8a. Limited transitional • Horizon Data customer data (e.g. use of all information captured (e.g. no products and channels) in a central data on rebates by fee type) repository or warehouse 8b. Data captured in separate • Refresh or update data control files that are regularly (at minimum application specific monthly) • Provide sufficient (at least 12 8c. Some channel info is months) historical data incorporated in transaction codes (e.g. cannot differentiate if funds transfer via IVR or Web 8d. Transition data from before conversation is kept separately) 9. Ensure well-defined and 9a. MCIF, Loan Station not well • Horizon database well documented, accurate and consistent documented documented and data for all customers defined 9b. Contact management not well defined (uses free text notes) 9c. Duplicate customer records and multiple addresses exist in Horizon RMS 9c. Internet and IVR transactions are not distinguishable KEY No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 13
  • 14. Company Vision: Value Proposition  Analyze and understand the composition of product holdings for customer segments  Continuously analyze and understand customer needs  Define customer pricing strategies based on customer segment objectives  Design new product offerings, features and access options based on customer segment objectives and needs  Conduct regular marketing and competitive research to support customer segment management and creation of new offerings  Adopt rigorous test and learn approach of designing product and service offerings supported by an analytical process  Market products in customer-based, coordinated fashion, e.g., consciously coordinate marketing contacts and marketing budgets for all products and offerings  Proactively manage channel usage based on economics and customer preferences  Use customer satisfaction measurements to help in the continual evaluation of strategies, decisions and offerings using test & learn  Measure success based on combination of product profitability, customer value, (e.g., customer satisfaction, value, attrition) 14
  • 15. Gaps & Enablers : Value Proposition Area Objective: Develop innovative product offerings with the flexibility to personalize key features (e.g., pricing and channel options) according to the customer segment objectives CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Value 1. Analyze and understand the 1. Product holding analysis • Harland Study Proposition composition of product holdings for performed but based • BAIGlobal Study customer segments primarily on deposit holdings and not entire customer relationship 2. Continuously analyze and 2. Analysis is performed on • BAIGlobal study understand customer needs ad-hoc basis and is focused on testing products and features 3. Define customer pricing strategies 3. No price differentiation based on customer segment based on customer value objectives exists 4. Design new product offerings, 4. Product development features and access options based on not based on customer customer segment objectives and segments needs 5. Conduct regular marketing and 5. Research is performed but • Peer Group Study competitive research to support on ad-hoc basis and is customer segment management and more product based that • BAIGlobal Study creation of new offerings customer based KEY No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 15
  • 16. Gaps & Enablers : Value Proposition (continued) Area Objective: Develop innovative product offerings with the flexibility to personalize key features (e.g., pricing and channel options) according to the customer segment objectives CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Value 6. Adopt rigorous test and learn 6. No test and learn approach in place today • BAIGlobal Study Proposition approach of designing product and service offerings supported by an analytical process 7. Market products in a customer- 7a. Limited coordination with • Centralized module based, coordinated fashion, e.g., Investment Services today approach consciously coordinate marketing 7b.Campaigns do not leverage • Marketing budget is contacts and marketing budgets for centralized predictive tools (e.g. all products and offerings propensity-to-buy, etc.) 8. Proactively manage channel usage 8a. Limited channel usage based on economics and customer information exists preferences 8b. No channel costs captured 8c. No preferences captured 9. Use customer satisfaction 9. Satisfaction surveys measurements to help in the conducted for overall continual evaluation of strategies, satisfaction but not strategy decisions and offerings using test & or treatment specific learn 10.Measure success based on 10.Success generally not combination of product profitability measured based on and customer value (e.g., customer customer profitability or satisfaction, value, attrition) satisfaction KEY No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 16
  • 17. Company Vision: Customer Contact  Provide customer contact staff in key functional areas with customer specific guidance for action and related info and/or scripting on how to best approach a customer or respond to a customer’s request  Provide customer contact staff across the enterprise with consistent messages and guidance regardless of contact platform  Enable contact platforms with access to update to Customer Strategy Profile DB  Provide customer contact staff with capabilities to record the offer/action made to the customer and the outcome of the contact  Include customer value in measure of effectiveness of customer contact  Develop consistent sales processes and scripting for all channels 17
  • 18. Gaps & Enablers : Customer Contact Area Objective: Manage all CRM processes, systems and customer-facing staff and channels that have any interaction with the customer to deliver a consistent and high quality customer experience CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Customer 1. Provide customer contact staff in 1a. No customer specific • Fairmount sales training Contact key functional areas with customer guidance exists • Horizon RMS specific guidance for action and related info and/or scripting on how 1b.Culture focused on to best approach a customer or reactive service rather respond to a customer’s request than proactive needs based selling 2. Provide customer contact staff 2a. Inconsistency in • Horizon across the enterprise with consistent customer experience customer-specific messages and across channels and guidance regardless of contact products exist platform 2b. Limited customer contact platform capabilities 3. Enable contact platforms with 3. CSP DB does not exist access to update Customer Strategy Profile DB (CSP DB) 4. Provide customer contact staff with 4. Limited capabilities to • Horizon capabilities to record the record customer contact offer/action made to the customer deposition exists and the outcome of the contact KEY No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 18
  • 19. Gaps & Enablers : Customer Contact (continued) Area Objective: Manage all CRM processes, systems and customer-facing staff and channels that have any interaction with the customer to deliver a consistent and high quality customer experience CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Customer 5. Include customer value in measure of 5. Customer value not part Contact effectiveness of customer contact of contact effectiveness measures 6. Develop consistent sales processes 6. LOBs/channels have • Fairmont Sales training and scripting for all channels different sales processes, training, and scripting KEY No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 19
  • 20. Company Vision: Operations  Enable back office systems with access to and use of customer strategy info stored in Customer Strategy Profile DB  Ensure back-end processes and systems have capability to execute consistently differentiated customer strategies and treatments  Provide scalable and flexible operational environment to support changes in customer specific strategies and treatments 20
  • 21. Gaps & Enablers : Operations Area Objective: Ensure consistent administration and execution of customer strategies and treatments CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Operations 1. Enable back office systems with 1. No link between back • Horizon RMS access to and use of customer office systems and CSP strategy info stored in Customer (CSP DB does not Strategy Profile DB exist) 2. Ensure back-end processes and 2. Back-end processes and systems have capability to execute systems to support consistently differentiated customer differentiated treatments strategies and treatments do not exist 3. Provide scalable and flexible 3. Most changes to operational environment to support Horizon environment changes in customer specific are not user-driven, and strategies and treatments depend on Horizon schedule KEY No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 21
  • 22. Company Vision: Organization  Provide active and visible CRM leadership  Establish a cross-LOB strategy team with the authority to set consistent, appropriate, and coordinated customer strategies and treatments  Introduce cross-LOB CRM program office structure and processes  Dedicate staff to coordinate, implement and monitor activities based on customer value (segment management)  Designate staff dedicated to CRM result analysis and customer strategy evolution  Align performance and incentives across all levels of the enterprise (e.g., product profitability, customer value, and customer satisfaction) (customer-centric model) 22
  • 23. Gaps & Enablers : Organization Area Objective: Manage transition from product-focused to customer-focused organization CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Organization 1. Provide active and visible CRM 1a.Complete commitment of • Executive Management leadership senior leadership is still Team required • CRM Advisory team 1b. Customer-centric strategy is not clearly translated into action 1c. No clear definition of CRM across the organization exists 2. Establish a cross-LOB strategy team 2. No cross-LOB customer • CRM Advisory Team with the authority to set consistent, strategy team exists • Cross LOB teams, such as appropriate, and coordinated Credit Review Committee, customer strategies and treatments Write-off and Recoveries Committee, Game Book Meeting, etc. 3. Introduce cross-LOB CRM program 3a. Project Management is office structure and processes decentralized and currently done by line officers 3b. Project justification and benefit tracking process does not exist 3c. Accountability for business/technology initiatives is not well defined 3d. Interactions among business areas is limited No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area KEY Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 23
  • 24. Gaps & Enablers : Organization (continued) Area Objective: Manage transition from product-focused to customer-focused organization CRM Area End State Requirement Gap Enablers Gap Size Organization 4. Dedicate staff to coordinate, 4. Segment management • Consumer Segment implement and monitor activities structure not Management group based on customer value (segment operationalized mgmt) 5. Designate staff dedicated to CRM 5. No staff dedicated to result analysis and customer strategy CRM analysis evolution 6. Align performance and incentives 6. Performance and HR to follow-up across all levels of the enterprise incentives measured on (e.g. product profitability, customer product level only value, and customer satisfaction) (customer centric model) KEY No Gap - Provident has all capabilities in the area Significant Gap - Provident has few capabilities in the area Minor Gap - Provident has most capabilities in the area Major Gap - Provident has no capabilities in the area Moderate Gap - Provident has some capabilities in the area 24
  • 25. One View of The Customer Review ‘One View’ of the Customer Today’s Date:  Provides a centralized Demographic Data Deposit Account Relationships display of a Customer Type: Retail, Small DDA: $4321.08 Savings: $8231.80 customer’s entire Business Last Update: 3/30/09 - VERIFY Total Deposit Balance: $12,552.88 relationship, including Name: Irene Victor SSN: 123-45-6789 Credit Account Relationships Mortgage: $89,089.20 and 3rd party data DOB: 01/01/1961 Personal Loan: $12,324.65 Home Address: Total Credit Balance: $101, 413.85 431 Appleby Dr. Golden, VA 23029 Business Address: Alternative Investments  Facilitates 35 Main Street Suite 6 Investments: $14,111.44 Trust: $237,892.95 comprehensive Smithville, VA 23102 Home phone #: (555) 915-5555 Work phone #: (555) 955-5555 Total Alternative Investment Balance: $252,004.39 understanding of Email: Ancillary Services every customer’s Offer Pending: Yes Overdraft Protection: $1,000.00 Safe Deposit Box: No relationship Debit Card: Yes Preferred Channel of Contact: Call Internet Banking: No Center Privacy: True Last Customer Contact: 3/30/02, Call Center  Enhances customer experience 25
  • 26. Customer Strategy CRM Action Profile Customer Strategy Profile Offers (Proactive) Opportunities (responsive) Nam e: Personal Loan Name: Investments  Displays actionable Name: Money Market Name: Checking Name: Home Equity Name: IRA information based on OID: GD-06-30-2002 OID: MM-06-30-2002 strategic customer Channel: Direct Mail Exp Date: 07-31-2002 ODate: 06-30-2002 segment objectives Term s: .25% bonus in first 12 mon. on new bal > $25K E xp Date: 07-31-2002 Status: Declined Allows for consistent Term s: Standard Offer w/ Free online  bill pay for 6 months S tatus: Pending treatment across Account Management channels and contact Allowabl e Cred it Line Discretion PID: OD-1234 staff Name: Overdraft Protection Increase: $500 PID: PL-1234  Allows for contact Name: Personal Loan Increase: $5,000 staff to update offer Pricing and Fee Management Retention Actions and Activity disposition – which Allowab le Fee Refund s: A cti on: Flowers sent on 5 yr. anniversary can be used in the Amount: $50 Date: 12/21/2002 Fees waived YTD: next evaluation Amount: $0 Service Guidelines S ervice Level: High, support phone 555-555-1212 26