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Crime And Punishment Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Crime and Punishment" is undeniably challenging due to
the vast array of perspectives, theories, and historical contexts intertwined within the topic.
Firstly, one must navigate through complex ethical dilemmas, exploring the moral implications of
criminal behavior and the various forms of punishment society deems appropriate. This involves
delving into philosophical theories of justice, examining concepts like retribution, deterrence,
and rehabilitation.
Furthermore, analyzing the societal factors contributing to crime requires a nuanced
understanding of socio-economic disparities, cultural influences, and psychological dynamics.
This demands extensive research into criminological theories, statistical data on crime rates, and
case studies illustrating the multifaceted nature of criminal behavior.
Moreover, exploring the evolution of legal systems and punishment mechanisms throughout
history adds another layer of complexity to the essay. From ancient forms of punishment to
modern judicial practices, tracing this evolution necessitates thorough examination of legal
philosophies, legislative reforms, and landmark court cases shaping contemporary approaches to
crime and punishment.
Lastly, synthesizing these diverse perspectives into a coherent and insightful essay requires
critical thinking skills, analytical prowess, and the ability to construct compelling arguments
supported by credible evidence.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Crime and Punishment" demands rigorous research,
intellectual rigor, and a deep understanding of interdisciplinary concepts. It is a task that
challenges one to grapple with ethical dilemmas, societal complexities, and historical nuances,
ultimately necessitating a comprehensive analysis to provide meaningful insights into this
intricate subject matter.
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Crime And Punishment Essay Crime And Punishment Essay
History Of International Paper Company
1.History of International Paper Company International Paper Company was
incorporated January 31, 1898, upon the merger of 18 pulp and paper mills in the
northeastern United States. Its founders and first two presidents were William
Augustus Russell and Hugh J Chisholm. The newly formed company supplied 60
percent of all newsprint in the country. Through many changes it has become one of
the largest producers of paper and paper products and had facilities in twenty four
countries. The company now manufactures plastic lids and paper cups for fast food
giants like McDonald s, Wendy s and Subway. They also produce printer and copier
paper, envelopes, corrugated packaging and shipping containers, consumer packaging
for cosmetics and home entertainment. International Paperhas made advantageous
changes to stay competitive and profitable in the industry and to reduce their carbon
footprint on the environmentas times and conditions have changed.
2.The Growing Momentum to Introduce Sustainability to the Modern Corporation.
Global leaders are making a turn toward sustainability and thus lessening their carbon
footprint on the environment. One such company which has joined in the global
change toward sustainability is International Paper Company. Paper companies have
long been criticized for the harm done to the environment. Environmentalists have
criticized paper companies for years because of the pollution from their manufacturing
Lip Balm Research Paper
The new EOS lip balm is also a top seller. It did not take long for fans of EOS to
buy up all the New Vegan Crystal Flavors that they could find on the store shelves.
First, a little background. EOS or the Evolution Of Smooth was just a little startup
that decided to enter the highly competitive lip balm industry with their purely
natural and organic lipbalms. Today, the company is one of the leading lip balm
companies in the country. In fact, the company has a large cult following that are
totally obsessed with the lip balms.
What s The Different
EOS fans are probably wondering about the New Vegan Crystal Flavors. Are they
different from the original lip balm that is packaged in the very familiar round
spheres? Well, the new lip balms are
The Bomber Plane
Institutional self interest exercised the most significant influence on the
development of airpower in Europe and the United States before the Second World
War because of the limitations of conventional warfare to achieve a decisive victory,
the rise of the bomber plane as the ultimate weapon and the ideas of the first
advocators of an independent air force.
How to achieve a decisive victory has been a constant quest of the Generals through
all the history. In Europe, the commanders of XIX century used Napoleon s art of war
as a paradigm , focusing on mobility and the efficient use of logistics to move his
army corps faster than enemy do. The concept of victory was a mass against mass
battle, where the victor was the biggest army or the smartest general, being the
infantry the main weapon of the army. As a result,... Show more content on ...
In Italy, Giulio Douhet claimed that the bomber should be capable to destroy its
objective in one attack, and the bombardment unit should be able to destroy any
target on a given surface. In the United Kingdom, Hugh Trenchard claimed it will be
necessary to carry the war into the enemy s country, to attack his aerodromes,
factories, military and naval establishments and generally force upon him a defensive
role . Another Britain, Liddle Hart, asserted that in the future, the objective in the
ward should be to crush the enemy will to fight rather than to concentrate on his
armed forces. Regarding this purpose, in the United States Billy Mitchell used the
term strategical bombing , stressing the indirect impact of the bombs; and Sherman
articulated in his theory of targeting that key plants of the enemy should be made the
objective of a systematic bombardment, both by day and by night, until their
destruction has been
The Problems Facing The Educational System
There are many problems facing the educational system, such as, the lack of teachers
and parents that do not participate in school. The problem that I m forcing on is the
lack of performances in the minority students about learning in school. How can we
help these kids from falling into the was side of the education systems? The idea of
Black languages being taught in the system will help improve students attitude
toward learning and going to school. Jesses comments that that Teachers need to be
specifically aware of the dialects and slangs Africa America speaks. That allows them
to teach without alienating their students or making them feel stupid, Teachers
should recognize and understand black language, (Ebonics), while teaching students
in Standard English. Others would say that using Ebonics would only harm the
students, whether than help them, because students would think that is acceptable
to use broken language. I don t see a problem with students learning Ebonics, as
long as they know when to sue Standard English. What is Black English or
Ebonics? Cerolists believe that Black language is a form of pidgin African.
lanuaguage is born from a culture of struggles, a way of talking that has take surving,
A statement made by the scholars Geneva Smitherman, who also define black
language as Eur America speech with an Afro America meaning, nuance tone, and
gesture. Black English dates back to the times of slavery. When Africa, America were
not allowed to learn how
Acrisius Of Argos
King Acrisius of Argos1 had only one child, a daughter, DanaГ«. She was beautiful
above all the other women of the land, but this was small comfort to the King for
not having a son. He journeyed to Delphi2 to ask the god if there was any hope
that some day he would be the father of a boy. The priestess told him no, and added
what was far worse: that his daughter would have a son who would kill him.
The only sure way to escape that fate was for the King to have DanaГ« instantly put
to death taking no chances, but seeing to it himself. This
Acrisius would not do. His fatherly affection was not strong, as events proved, but
his fear of the gods was. They visited with terrible punishment those who shed the
blood of kindred. Acrisius did not dare slay ... Show more content on
Here he shut her up and guarded her. 3
So DanaГ« endured, the beautiful,
To change the glad daylight for brass bound walls,
And in that chamber secret as a grave
She lived a prisoner. Yet to her came
Zeus in the golden rain.
As she sat there through the long days and hours with nothing to do, nothing to see
except the clouds moving by overhead, a mysterious thing happened, a shower of
gold fell from the sky and filled her chamber. How it was revealed to her that it was
Zeus who had visited her in this shape we are not told, but she knew that the child
she bore was his son.
For a time she kept his birth secret from her father, but it became increasingly
difficult to do so in the narrow limits of that bronze house and finally one day the
little boy his name was Perseus was discovered by his grandfather. Your child!
Acrisius cried in great anger. Who is his father?
But when DanaГ« answered proudly, Zeus, he would not believe her. One thing only
he was sure of, that the boy s life was a terrible danger to his own.
He was afraid to kill him for the same reason that had kept him from killing her, fear
of Zeus and the Furies4 who pursue such murderers. But if he
Dbq 3rd Estate French Revolution
During the 1700s, France s government was run by a three system estate system.
The First Estate was made up by the powerful clergy members, while the Second
Estate was made with nobles. Peasants and working men made the Third Estate, also
the largest estate. In this large estate there was a little class named the Bourgeoisie
was a part of the Third Estate. Though the Bourgeoisie was highly educated and
always had stable professions, they were not set aside from the peasants. The Third
Estate was treated very poorly during the 1700s. Life was not suitable for the working
class. The mistreatment and inequality led to the French Revolution. Inequality during
this time period meant that things were not the same throughout each class. Unequal
power between the estates, abuse of the Third Estate, and the taxes and price raises
were the three reasons that outweighed the many political, social, and economic
factors that led to the French Revolution.... Show more content on ...
Even though the Third Estate made up the majority of the population, they only
got one vote. As seen in the chart based off of the three estates in France during
1789, 97%of the citizens created the Third Estate (Doc 2). One vote for 97% of
the population was unequal, and no one s voice was heard separately. The Third
Estate had only one vote, the First and Second Estate were able to pass anything
that pleased them. According to the English Bill of Rights written by the English
Parliament, That the pretended power of suspending of the laws or the execution of
law is regal authority without consent of Parliament is illegal... (Doc 8) The English
had the same issue and solved it earlier. France should have inferred that the issues
would appear and used the English s struggles and solutions for their own good. The
First and Second Estates did everything in their power for the Third Estate to have
very minimal
Essay on Case Study 2
Case Study Two
Accounting and Finance
Dear President of LJB Company,
(1) If the LJB Company should decide to become a publicly traded company, a few
internal controls should be implemented to comply with the Sarbanes Oxley Act
(SOX). * Management will need to provide periodic quarterly reports to evaluate the
effectiveness and reliability of LJB s internal controls over financial reporting
procedures. * Management should certify the accuracy and fairness of presentation of
their financial statements. * Independent auditor(s) outside of LJB will need to attest
to management s assessment of said internal controls. Additionally, non auditservices
between these two parties (LJB and said independent auditor) ... Show more content
on ...
I recommend that these checks remain physically secured at all times (by the
accountant, or by delaying delivery to the accountant until he reaches his office). *
Due to the unorthodox honor system of dealing with petty cash, any single employee
can withdraw a substantial amount of petty cash in relative anonymity. This
violates two Internal Control Principles: Physical Control and Establishment of
Responsibility. It violates the Physical Control Principle because the petty cash is
easily accessible with no form of physical protection of theft, and it violates the
Establishment of Responsibility Principle because no single person is in charge of
the Petty Cash Fund (rather everyone is). This can be remedied by assigning a
custodian to be responsible for the fund, as well as creating a secure area to store
said funds. * These previous points additionally bring up another weakness, though
not actually part of the Internal Control Principles. Though it seems to be LJB s
unofficial policy to trust long term employees, when a desirable opportunity to
commit fraud/theft arises, it becomes at the discretion of the employee to commit
these acts for their personal benefit. * Another weakness is LJB s lack of individual
passwords which allows personnel to anonymously use the company computers and
databases. This lack of individual accountability will prevent most attempts to track
suspicious employee activities on company
Book Review Wild Swans
Book Review
Author: Jung Chang
Title: Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China
Publication: Simon and Schuster, London, 1991
1. Main Thesis
In Wild Swans, Jung Chang describes the life of three generations of woman in her
family. Beginning in the year 1909 and ending in present time, it gives an insight into
almost eighty years of the cultural history of China. Jung Chang has said in a
interview that her intention in writing Wild Swans was to show how the Chinese
people, and in particular the women in her family, fought tenaciously and
courageously against impossible odds.
The book is a testimony to the strength and determination of her grandmother, her
mother, and herself and their resourcefulness in recreating themselves during ... Show
more content on ...
De hong sees communism becoming increasingly important to many people but has
yet to make up her own mind about the situation. She continues to watch those in
power, including those over the teaching school where she now resides. When she
learns that a favorite teacher and then her best friend, Cousin Hu, had been
Communists and had been either chased from the city or executed for their political
beliefs, she makes up her mind that she, too, will become a Communist.
Chapter 5:
De hong asks to be a part of the communist movement but she s found too young. A
short time later, she begins distributing Communist literature. The economic situation
is so bad that the family has no savings and Dr. Xia, now nearly eighty, is worried
about what will happen when he dies. Extortion is rampant, food is scarce, and the
money that does exist has almost no value. De hong becomes friendly with a
Kuomintang general. Using his military freedom, they travel outside the walled city
occasionally and De hong leaves messages for her Communist counterparts.. The
Communists then start regular bombardment of the city, including one dud shell that
crashes into the home of De hong s family.
Chapter 6:
De Hong helps clean up the carnage cause by all the civil war. When the
communists take over the town, they do not pillage, rape, or extort as all the other
groups of people had done before them. Many are courteous and kind and
The Motivations And Satisfaction Of Lic Students Essay
To investigate the motivations and satisfaction of LIC students when studying in the
There is a prevalent trend of students going abroad for further study in the UK. In
fact, the UK has become the second most common option for overseas students to
study which is just behind the United Stateпј€
King et al., 2010). According to the
data from UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) (2015), 19 percent
of the students in the UK are from abroad. Studies have shown that oversea study
experience can help students improve English proficiency, gain cultural experience,
enhance individual competency, construct self consciousness and notional
consciousness, embrace diversity, and promote the sense of responsibility (Rhodes et
al., 2012).
As there are many benefits of overseas study, it is significant for the UK government
and universities to understand the motivations of international students when they
decide to study in the UK as well as the degree of satisfaction of their learning
experience, so that they are able to realize their attractions and weaknesses. In
particular, for Liverpool International College, this research will be able to give the
college managers insight into the factors appealing to oversea students and then
optimize its performance. For students, it can help them prepare before departing
from their origin countries and adapt quickly to the UK courses.
The objectives of this research are:
To determine the motivations of LIC students
english quotation essay
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change yourself and the
There is a reason why every civilization throughout time has valued
education,because it truly can alter our collective condition and make our lives
easier, simpler, and most crucially, happier! From Egyptians learning to write on
papyrus tablets to late nineteenth century scientists striving to discover medicines
like penicillin, there has always been an urge in humanity to be better and to be
more than what we have been before. Man s highest achievements the building of
bridges and overwhelming skyscrapers, to video chatting and space travel the
marvels of modern day living that we take for granted today, were once just mere
ideas in people s ... Show more content on ...
The strength and force of education is visible to anyone who cares to look at the
recent Egyptian revolution, where young students, with minds opened to the wonders
of democracy, through education, helped overthrow the yoke of suffering that their
parents had silently borne. Education is the silent and effective weapon of
nonviolence, which can help people and societies break the cycle of oppression that
many have historically suffered from. Many oppressed societies, where dictators have
thrived, have had a paucity of education avenues.
Education liberates the mind from its shackles and fears and encourages it to
challenge and to communicate with others. It is not without a reason that education
is at the bottom of the priority list of dictators. It was also not without reason that
upon annexation of neighboring states. Many dictators find it easy to unscrupulously
deny people education or better still, manipulate education to serve their own selfish
interests. Throughout history, and even today, autocratic leaders censor literature and
books and prevent potent ideas from spreading since they realize that an idea is the
most powerful force in the world and can transform a human being completely. More
importantly though, to me, an educated person also has the capability to objectively
analyze issues, recognize and learn from existing flaws,
Essay about The Art of Knitting and Crocheting
I have always liked fiber and assorted yarn. I am like a child in a candy store
whenever I go to the yarn store. The hanks of fiber arranged by color mesmerize
me, calling for me to bring them home, to see what I will create with them. I love
how the yarn store is organized by color and wool textures. They challenge me,
taunting me, begging me to turn the colorful skein into a one of a kind handcrafted
creation. Will this colorful skein of yarnbecome knotted to make an afghan, a
sweater, socks or hats? The combinations are endless but lead to the great debate
among yarn enthusiast, do I knit or do I crochet? Knittingis completed in rows and
follows block construction, where as crochet can travel in any direction and takes on a
... Show more content on ...
The process of knitting gives you a structural fabric. Unfortunately, if your garment
becomes snagged, the snagged stitch will pull and pucker the fabric. This snag will
eventually lead to the yarn unraveling. This is called laddering. People who knit
find it to be very relaxing. The clicking of those needles as you work back and forth
over the cast yarn can in the end produce a wonderful scarf, or afghan, or sweater
each one stitched with love. Crochet on the other hand, is for us rebellious souls,
who like the freedom of letting the yarn take on a life of its own. With just a hook
and wrapping the yarn in loops around that hook, you can create things you could
never do with knitting. You are not limited to a foundation block; you can go off
into a variety of directions. Gone are the days of being square, with crochet you
can make a variety of geometric shapes. The earliest crochet was made by using
fingers, rather than the hooks used today. The history can be traced back to the
early 1500 BC, as part of nun s work, which included needlepoint lace and bobbin
lace. (Bardum) Crocheting like knitting is therapeutic. For me it is calming, with
rhythmic movement. Yet at the same time, it works up faster than knitting and gives
me the satisfaction of producing a piece much quicker. Crocheting is for us ordinary
folk who simply enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something after a hard day of
Arguments About Immigration
Every year, thousands of immigrants, legal and illegal, come into the United States. In
America. Immigrants and their U.S. born children now number approximately 84.3
million people, or 27 percent of the overall U.S. population (Zong and Batalova).
Immigrants come to America for multiple reasons. Some examples are; to live in
freedom, to practice their religion freely, to escape poverty, and to make better lives
for themselves and their children. Immigration has its benefits. Our country was
founded with many immigrants. Terrorist attacks are occurring often, mostly from
immigrants. Many Sexually transmitted diseases are being brought over and now
HIV testing is not on the scanning list. Also, the economy is negatively effected by
immigrants working for less. While immigrants contribute to America by adding the
cultures flavor, the United Statesshould adopt policies to further restrict or suspend
immigration. To become an American citizen is not easy but to come into America is.
There are multiple way an immigrant can come to America. The problem is not
immigrants becoming citizens, the problem is immigrants just coming to America for
a short amount of time. There are three ways immigrants can get into America that
should be more strict. The first rule that should be more strict is more strict is the
Protection of Refugees, and other Vulnerable Populations. This allows people who
are unable to return to their homeland because of life threatening or bad conditions.
Disadvantages Of Bitter Gourd
Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia as botanical name in the family of
Cucurbitaceae) is a widely popular vegetable grown extensively in several parts of
India and in countries like Africa, China, Caribean and Southeast asian
regions(Cefalu et al,2008) and (Cousens, 2008).Bitter gourd is a herbaceous
climbing annual with ridged stems that grows up to 5 metre long. The plant usually
grows on trellis 180 cm in height and has a hairy stem with numerous branches and
dense foliage. The main varieties of bitter gourd grown in India are Arka Harit,
Priyanka, Pusa Do Mausmi, VK 1 Priya, Phule Green Gold, Priya, Preethi,
Coimbatore Long, Phule Ujawala, Phule Priyanka and Pride of Gujarat. Priyanka is
the widely cultivated variety in South Kerala (Balachandran, 2011). The average fruit
yield varies from 8 to 10 t / ha (Baby joseph et al, 2013) and (Lee et al, 2009). Various
plant diseases pose a great threat to the agricultural sector by reducing the life of...
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Bitter gourd is a good source of vitamin A, B, C, E and K, carbohydrates,
phosphorus, Ca, Fe, Mg and Na (Abascal et al, 2005). Bitter gourd fruit and leaves
are being studied for their hypoglycaemic, blood sugar lowering properties and
ability to treat diabetes mellitus. The caloric value for leaves, fruit and seed were
213.26, 241.66 and 176.61 Kcal/100g respectively (Baby joseph et al, 2013). An
extract of the leaves has anti viral, anti microbial and anti bacterial properties and
also used in treating various diseases. The leaves are used for treatment of wide
variety of ailments such as diabetes, dysentery, rheumatism and gout, viral
diseases, respiratory ailments and effective for HIV Infection (Alis et al, 1988). There
are various uses for bitter gourd plant. Fruits are used as vegetables, juice, pickles and
creams. Leaves are used for herbal tea. Flowers are processed and marketed in cubes,
flakes, strips, granules and powder
The Role of Hr Practices in Managing Culture During the...
Institute of Management, Nirma University RESEARCH Proposal The role of HR
practices in managing culture during the post merger integration process of Igate
Patni In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course Human Resource
Management of MBA (Full Time) 10th January, 2012 Section B Submitted To:
Submitted By: Prof. Sameer Pingle Karan Bhadra (111230) |Sr. No. |Particulars |Page
No. | |1. |Background and Preliminary... Show more content on ...
That means theres no value creation for the shareholders of acquiring company.
Also out of the 5 major roadblocks to a successful acquisition identified by Schmidt
(2003) three were of HR issues(4). How Mergers Happen: M A life cycle, or the
stages that are undergone by the organisations when they decide to merge: Stage 1:
Before Deal: Searching companies which can potential and compatible business
partners or ventures. Stage 2: Due diligence: Verification of the deal and having a
proper analysis of the deal and deciding on initial strategies. This can take anywhere
from less than three months to more than a year. Stage 3: Integration planning:
Defining the blueprint for all aspects of the merged entities. This usually takes place
30 to 100 days after the decision to proceed. Types of integration: a) Limited: The
acquirer considers the acquired company as an addition to its portfolio, so the target
company usually retains its management team and employees. b) Dominant
company: Two competing companies unite to a single organization. c)
Transformation to a new company: Taking the mutual/best of both companies to a
higher level, strategically combining the technologies and functional capabilities into
the new company s practices. Stage 4: Implementation: Executing the decided merger
integration plan and measuring
Cultural Differences And The Impact On The
Cultural Differences and The Impact On The Communication Process
Alberts, Martin and Nakayama (2011) describe communication as a transactional
process in which people generate meaning through the exchange of verbal and
nonverbal messages in in specific contexts, influenced by individual and societal
forces and embedded in culture. (p.7) They then go on to state that intercultural
communication occurs in interactions between people who are culturally different.
(p.122) Cultural differences thus affect many interactions, with the communication
process being one.
The movie that I studied was Django Unchained. It follows a German bounty
hunter, Dr. King Schultz and his recently acquired free slave, Django as they go
across America in search of bounties. They then set out to find and free Django s
wife, Broomhilda von Schaft from the evil clutches of her owner, Calvin Candie. It
is set in 1858 in the Deep South, with preliminary scenes in Old West Texas.
The major role players within this film are Dr. King Schultz and Django. Like sugar
and salt, they are two opposites when they first meet. You have Schultz, a well
spoken German bounty hunter who possess a superior control over his dialect and
one who abides by the socially accepted etiquette with regard to the purchasing of
Django, albeit his methods to procure a conversation with him highly questionable.
On the other hand, you have Django, a beat up African American slave who displays
minimal education and command for
Displacement In The Happiest Refuge
Displacement; the action of moving something from it place or position. To me,
displacement is the unfair treatment of a person who has had the disadvantage of
having to flee their own home, lost their sense of self, their belongings, their culture,
or even people they know and love, for the sake of either their own safety, or the
safety of those around them.
The idea of displacement in The Happiest Refugee is demonstrated and explored
through the thorough use of techniques such as;
Colloquial language. He uses this as a way to represent the desire he has to fit into
society as a regular Australian . He does this to make the point that just because he
came from a different country under difficult circumstances, doesn t mean he is any
Dumbbell Chest Press
4.Dumbbell chest press: The dumbbell chest press is the most suitable chest
workout for women, whether you are a beginner or an advance bodybuilder.
Beginners can start with low weight and lesser reps, but with time you must
increase the number of sets and weights. The exercise is quite simple, below are
some basic steps that you must follow: 1.For starting the workout, you must lie on a
flat bench with dumbbells in both your hands. Use your thighs to support the
dumbbells, also make sure that both your palms are facing each other. 2.Now again
with the support of your thigh, raise the dumbbells. You must hold them in front your
chest at shoulder s width. 3.Now rotate your wrists so that now your hands will be
facing away from you. Position
An Old Man And Life s Greatest Lesson
1. Pre Reading (2/6)
The subtitle of Tuesdays with Morrie is An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life s
Greatest Lesson. Based on this subtitle, what do you think this novel is about? Write
a well developed paragraph explaining your answer.
In order to live a satisfying life, I must only care about people who care about me. I
need to never been alone to be happy. What I think this novel is going to be about
is a young man who learns a lesson from an older man. The older man is a teacher
who is sick with the ALS disease. The younger man takes the old man with the
disease for granted and learns that he shouldn t have later in the book. The younger
man learns many things from the older man and regrets never listening to him before.
When ... Show more content on ...
He says that graduation marks the time when the curtain...come(s) down on
Different cultures have rituals or ceremonies to officially mark a person s passage
from childhood to adulthood. When do you think a child becomes an adult? Are
people officially adults when they turn eighteen or twenty one? Do we become
adults when we graduate from school, get a job, get married, or have children of our
Record your thoughts about adulthood. Make sure your section includes a
description of what it means to be an adult and how a person can know that he or
she is no longer a child, but an adult. I will become an adult when I start paying all
of my bills on my own with no help. I become an adult when I truly understand
what responsibility is. I will stop being a child when I don t have help with my
problems. This chapter reminds me of times I had talks with certain teachers who
really helped me. My thoughts on adulthood are that it is scary because at one
point i m going to be alone with nothing but my own problems and responsibilities.
I will know i m an adult when I wake up in the morning and the first thing on my
mind is working and bills. I m going to understand that the only person who can
make choices and decisions is
Why People Go Bald Research Paper
Why Do People go bald ?
Have you ever gone down the street and seen a bald* person and ever wondered
why is that person bald . Baldness is sometimes known as alopecia* which means
hair loss to the head or the body. But there can be many reasons for why people go
bald and some reasons are that hair accessories have an effect on hair and
chemotherapy, shaving for cancer or a family gene.
Hair Accessories !
Hair accessories may be super cute to wear and to make your hair nice and pretty.
But these super cute accessories can be a nightmare ! These accessories can be a
reason why you are going bald because things such as hair ties that are too tight will
soon make the hair fall out because of the pressure it has on your scalp and hair will
make ... Show more content on ...
Some people who have enough courage shave all their hair off to raise money for
cancer patients and all that money is goes to one of their loved ones or a complete
stranger . Also people who shave their hair for cancer must have great courage to do
this generous thing to help one person . But some are actually going through a
similar thing because cancer patients loose hair from chemotherapy and people shave
hair for cancer.
Chemotherapy is a treatment to fight against cancer but some people who go through
chemotherapy start to loose . People with cancer who start chemotherapy* start to
loose hair within a month . People who have chemotherapy start to lose hair in chunks
after radiation therapy and thats when chemo* patients come to their senses and they
shave the remaining chunks of hair off.
Family Gene
Some people who are bald may get the baldness from another family member which
may include Grandparents and Parents who may be bald. So which means you
inheriting a look from a family member and if you inherit* baldness from a family
member you should be proud that you carry a gene of your family members and you
might even pass the baldness gene to your children
Rational Choice Theory And The Decision-Making Process
What is rational choice theory? According to Bernard et al. (2015) rational choice
theory presumes that intelligence and free will, discern that criminals have limited
rationality. The rational choice theory states that offenders are motivated by practical
ideals and the cost benefits in committing crime.
According to Beuregard Leclere et al. (2015), rational choice theory is a theory used
to examine the decision making process of offenders. The rational choice theory
presumes that criminals commit crimes because crime provides effective ways of
getting desired return such as money, material goods, prestige, sexual gratification,
domination of others. When criminals decide to commit a crime, they weigh the
efforts, rewards, cost and the
Anti Gun Control
A 2012 study found that there an estimated 310 million guns in the U.S. They are
comprised of 114 million handguns, 110 million rifles, and 86 million shotguns. In
a population of 314 million people, that equates to almost one gun per person.
There are 8 million firearms produced globally each year, of which 4.5 million are
purchased by Americans. Now while those statistics are staggering, it s only fair to
mention that only 20% of the population owns 65% of the U.S. firepower. Most
people argue that it is the second amendment right to keep and bear arms, but what
does the constitution actually say? A well regulated militia, being necessary to the
security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be
infringed. ... Show more content on ...
The U.S. makes up 5% of the world s population, but owns between 35% and 50%
of the world s civilian firearms (Kiger, 2003). Yes Finland and Switzerland have
high gun ownership rates too but there crime rates are much lower and they
enforce stricter gun control laws. For example, In Finland police have the
authority to deny or revoke a person s gun license if the applicant is convicted of a
crime that they feel may imply they wouldn t be a safe gun owner. They also don t
allow large capacity magazines and any gun that is take outside of the owner s
home must be unloaded and stored in a locked cabinet. As a final note, Finland
requires you to list your reason for gun ownership and they do not consider self
defense as a valid reason. Now most Americans cite self defense as their reason for
owning a gun, but how often are firearms actually used for that purpose? A study
found that guns are used for defensive measures approximately 2.5 million times
each year, that s only 1% use of a gun for defensive purposes. To add to that, people
who use guns are 4.5% more likely to be shot in an assault than those who are
unarmed (Kiger,
Knee Injury Research Paper
Knee Pains
Third down and one, the quarterback takes the snap and rolls out to the left.
Nobody is open. He steps up in the pocket and decides to run, planting his leg into
the dirt, he tries to make a quick juke, but gets hit and blows his ACL. Because knee
injuries plague millions of people each year, victims should learn about its
preventions, types and treatments before it happens to them. What is it? When you
injure your ACL you re usually put a tear in your Anterior Cruciate Ligament
( Thus for when you are injured you will be caused you to fall
down. Your ACL is located in the middle of your knee
. It is one of the four main
ligaments in your leg alongside with the MCL, PCL, and LCL
( Since your
Fight Club Essay
Fight Club In the book Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk, the narrator is an
employee for a travelling car company, who suffers from insomnia. When he asks
his doctor for medication the doctor refuses and advises him to visit a support group
to witness what suffering really is. The first group the narrator attends is for
testicular cancer victims. He finds an emotional release that relieves his insomnia
and becomes addicted to support groups. After a flight home from a business trip, the
narrator realizes that his apartment was destroyed by a homemade explosion. He
calls Tyler Durden, a man who he met on the flight. Tyler and the narrator meet at a
bar, and start to fight. They continue to fight, and they start to attract crowds of...
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This quote was said right before the narrator and Tyler engaged into a fight. This
quote was the root of the formation of fight club. This quote also states that the
narrator is not independent and lost a form of his power by listening to what Tyler
had told him. The narrator had the option of being independent by not hitting Tyler
and engaging into a fight, but the power Tyler had over him was overbearing for
him to stop. Once the narrator asks Tyler to stay at his home, this is a defining
moment of where Tyler has more control of the narrator by letting him into his
home. This moment also shows how the narrator is losing power by moving into
the house of the man that has control over him. The Formation of Project Mayhem
is an aspect of how the narrator is losing control by a political organization created
by Tyler. Project Mayhem is a secret organization that was formed by the Fight
Club, and led by Tyler Durden. Project Mayhem was created to fight against rich
people who don t care about the white collar working class and it is a war on
civilization, consumerism and the world they live in. Project Mayhem was formed
by Tyler and the narrator was not told about which had angered him. Tyler had
control over the narrator s power because Tyler is gaining control over the narrator
by creating groups without the narrator realizing. Another way of which Tyler has
power over everyone including the narrator is because he also made the rules and
A Natural History Of Rape Research Paper
Why is it so hard to talk about rape? Maybe it s because there are so many other
issues that come along with it. Like the fact that rape can happen to men, not just
women. Or if it s a biological act or even whether an abortion is okay if the woman
was raped. Rape can happen to anyone of any race, gender, or age. It can happen at
any time and when it does most people just assume that it should stay quiet. Yes,
the victim should get help but they can t be too open about it because they can be
judged. Maybe it s why it doesn t seem as common as it actually is. After being
raped a victim usually feels anger, fear, guilt, and shame which contributes to the
estimated 90% of cases that go unreported. Besides this the victim even blames
themselves. About 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men have been victims of attempted or
completed rapein the United States. As... Show more content on ...
In the year 2000 a book called A Natural History of Rape was published. It argued
that rape is an evolutionary adaptation. An insect called the scorpion fly was
studied. They found that the males have a clamp on top of their abdomen believed
to be a specific adaptation for rape and reproduction, it is also believed that men
have an adaptation in the brain that drives them to rape. They claim that
evolutionary biology doesn t tell us what is morally right and wrong, people make
that distinction. So when it comes to rape whether it is right or wrong the point
was for reproduction. They state that recent research has shown that women prefer
men with status and resources. So when a male grows up in poverty and never does
better he is more inclined to rape. Along with this they state that reproduction isn t
the only reason for rape and that the rapist is motivated by different desires, as in
sexual stimulation. For example, seeing a woman dressed a certain way may cause
the man to be more attracted to a woman which may lead to
Comparison Of Alexander Pope, Aristotle And William...
Poems vs. Prose
(A comparison between Alexander Pope, Aristotle and William Woodsworth
compared to Virginia Woolf.) Virgina Woolf was one of the most gifted modernists
writers. She started writing novels and trying to compete with others, but she had
her own views. She took a stance on poets and people who wrote prose. With her
unique style she chose to write in letterform. Her ideas were similar to three other
prominent writes. William Woodsworth who was born in 1770 was a prominent
writer whose writing was challenged when the war started. He was an orphan and
started writing. Eventually he was an influential writer, but took a slightly different
stance on prose and poetry then Virginia Woolf. Alexander Pope who was born
almost a hundred years earlier was also a writer that many people admired. He
showed London and the world his only feelings and his views, which were similar
to Woolf. Lastly, the oldest poet Aristotle who was born in 385 B.C. was a Greek
who changed writing. He also published their views. While there were many years
that separated these individuals they all described an idea that was based off of
prose versus poets. All held a high position in society, but show different ideas.
Alexander Woolf wrote a letter that held similar ideas to Aristotle, Alexander Pope
and William Woodsworth. Aristotle held his own personal views regarding prose and
poets that were similar to Virginia Woolf. Both Aristotle and Woolf believed that
people needed to be united in
The Workings Behind Government Bond Selling Mechanism
Research Description
Government securities are often sold through a mechanism similar to an auction.
There currently exists a significant amount of literature about estimating such models,
for example, using data from the United States, Turkey, or France. This project aims
at studying the workings behind government bond selling mechanisms. The project
will look at studies that try to empirically characterize the strategic behaviour of
participants in government bond auctions in order to construct a counter factual
estimate of auction outcomes under either a discriminatory or uniform price format.
Using structural econometric methods, it is possible to construct estimates of the bid
functions of auction participants, i.e. ranges of quantity and price combinations for
the different bidders, and to then form an estimate of auction revenues if a country
were to switch from, for example, a discriminatory to a uniform price mechanism.
This research project will aim at reviewing these studies and their underlying
theoretical framework and provide a discussion about how to empirically characterize
the New Zealand government bonds selling mechanism, in particular how to
empirically characterize the strategic behaviour of financial institutions buying New
Zealand government bonds.
According to Klemperer (1999), the study of auction theory is very important for
theoretical, practical, and empirical reasons. Firstly, a large proportion of
Essay on Edgar Degas and his influence on the art of Mary...
Mary Stevenson Cassatt s Miss Mary Ellison (1880) and Edgar Hilaire Germain
Degas s Mademoiselle Malo (1877) are two paintings that, when compared and
contrasted, shows numbers of influences that Degas had on Mary Cassatt s art. Both
of these paintings are portraits done in tbe standard Вѕ point of view. Even at a mere
glance, it is easy to see the striking similarities between the two portraits. It is not too
farfetched to assume that Degas had a lot of influence on Mary Cassatts work because
it is known that he was one of her biggest inspirations (Wallis, 14). Furthermore, even
within the Impressionist group the bond that Degas and Cassatt shared was an
important one to her, since she looked up to him as a model artist (Englemann, 80)....
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At around 1877 She was invited to s stop submitting her artwork to the salon and
instead join and submit with the independents/impressionist s group by Edgar
Degas (Mathews, 35). She was also the only American female artist to exhibit with
the Impressionists. Edgar Degas was a Parisian painter; much like Cassatt, his
father was also a wealthy banker (Wallis, 18). He was born in 1832 (Spate, 6) His
father, the banker, was also an avid art collector; this helped stimulate the Degas s
interest in art at an early age (Wallis, 19) Like Cassatt, his family was from the
higher middle class, and as such he was raised to be a cultivated, cultured, Parisian
social elite (Spate, 6). However, unlike Cassatt, Degas did not originally study art;
he studied law. In 1853 he received his baccalaureate and according to his father s
wishes studied law (Wallis, 18). Eventually his father agreed to let Degas study art
and so he did. Before joining up with the Impressionist, Degas mostly vested his time
into classically themed paintings and portraiture (Wallis, 20). Eventually, he was one
of the first to exhibit with the impressionists (he participated in the first
impressionist exhibition in 1874). Eventually, he participated in the first
impressionist exhibition in 1874 along the sides of Renoir, Monet, Morisot,
Pissarro, CГ©zanne, and Sisley (Spate, 13). The two paintings Miss Mary Ellison
and Mademoiselle Malo were chosen based on
How Did Greek Contribute To Art
Art was valued throughout Greece and a lot of time and resources were dedicated
towards the creation and study of art. Greece used art to enhance daily life. They
had built amazing structures that valued gods and showed how much potential
they had to become an empire. Building these statues and pyramids cost a lot of
money, needed lots of time and also needed loyal soldiers to build for them. The
Greeks also used pottery, painting and drawing for banquets or to honor great gods.
They thought it was important to honor the important events in their history such as
wars. Plays and poems were put on to showcase these major events. The Greeks
were very dedicated to art which had helped them become an empire and now the
Greeks love for art has been... Show more content on ...
Art helped the Greeks come together and do something for their community that
everyone loved. The Greeks love for art is what really unified the people together.
Almost losing The Peloponnesian Wardid not unify them as much as art did. When
the Greeks are together as on it made them into a stronger and better empire. The
Greeks had realized that art was the way to take their empire into the right direction.
If the Greeks had decided to take on a military enforced city, they would have become
a died out city just like Sparta
The Stock Market Crash Of 1929
The stock market crash of 1929 marked the start of the Great Depression. President
Hoover thought the problem would blow over by itself. In the process of not doing
anything to help, the situation slowly became more severe, and soon, about 25% of
the workforce was unemployed. In 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected into
the presidency, promising to end the Great Depression. To do so, he implemented
many different bills that were turned into laws, and were eventually put into effect.
He passed a total of 15 new laws in his first hundred days of being elected, and parts
of them are still in effect to this day. Some laws helped prevent the situation from
getting worse and are still laws in this day and age, while others didn t do much and
were picked apart to be reconsidered, or just plain rejected.
The first law is the Tennessee Valley AuthorityAct. FDR signed this act on May 18,
1933 in order to create the TVA as a Federal Corporation. This particular agency was
tasked with facing important problems caused by flooding, erosion, steady
emigration, and a deficient economy in the Tennessee Valley. Examples of such tasks
include dealing with flooding, providing electricity to homes and businesses, and
replanting the forests. The TVA also improved travel on the Tennessee River and
helped develop the region s business and farming. Since the TVA dealt with problems
in the Tennessee Valley, there was many positive effects in that area. The electricity
generated by the dams
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
The Second Skeleton inside Me Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 The Second
Skeleton inside Me Affecting only one in every 2 million people Fibrodysplasia
ossificans progressiva (FOP) is one of the rarest genetic disorders of congenital
skeleton malformations; identified by congenital malformation of the big toe at
birth. Flare ups occur by soft tissue injury followed by immobility. A mutation in
the activin receptor IA/activin like kinase 2 (ACVR1/ALK2), and bone protein
(BMP) type I receptor were reported in all cases of FOP, making this a specific
disease causing mutations in the human genome (Kaplan, 28 O). However, there is
no current cure for FOP there are new developing treatments. The benefit to studying
this rare... Show more content on ...
Some of the signs of FOP are the malformation of the big toe at birth, which can be
short, bent or curved inward and help clarify the diagnosis ( IFOP a website, 30
M). However, sometimes the doctors overlook this malformation in that cases
there are other signs you can look for. As infants most children crawl on there
hands and knees though, infants with FOP rather than crawling they usually scoot
on their gluteus maximus; then proceed straight to walking. The reason for this is
ether the facet joints in the neck did not form properly or they have fused together
( IFOP a website, 30 M). Although, with FOP being congenital it starts before
birth, though the extra bone growth does not. Symptoms often or usually begin in
the first two decades of life and most people who are affected find out they have
FOP before the age of ten ( IFOP a website, 30 M). Inflammation of the soft tissues
in the body such as muscles, tendons and ligaments throughout become swollen
and sometimes painful and often appear to be tumors ( IFOP a website, 30 M).
However, once the swelling subsides it leaves behind a new piece of mature bone (
IFOP a website, 30 M). Typically, the inflammation and bone growth occurs in the
shoulders, neck and upper back regions in early child hood followed by the areas of
the spine, chest, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles and jaw ( IFOP a website, 30
M). However, the growth rates of new bone
Indigenous People In Canada
Introduction It is very difficult to define indigenous people. No philosopher has
invented a holistic definition of these people of the world. However, they are those
people too impoverished in all societies worldwide, reorganized by their respective
societies as indigenous natives, are identified with the pre and post colonial
continuity, having links with historical kingdoms and live around natural resources
with a peculiar political, economic and social set up. Over seventy nations of this
world habit indigenous people estimated to be 370 millions. What is so important is
that they a rich in cultural archeology, linguistically exorbitant with diverse religions,
storytelling, art and traditions. In states where colonial... Show more content on ...
Mental health or disorders Mental and health disorders also give a measure of
hospital management for the mentally indigenous people. Statistics show that for
the period 2005 2006, health officials registered a high number of mentally sick
patients of this kind in Australia. (Australian institute of Health and welfare and
australian Bureau of statistics, 2008, p. P.111). Majority of them had psychoactive
problems at 5:3 ratios for both male and female respectively, some of which were
self induced. In Canada, the situation is caused by induced and self imposed racial
discrimination. For all these reasons, the United Nations argued countries to avoid
racial discrimination by promoting equality in the provision of health services and
affirmative action in indigenous communities. (United Nations Development
Program (UNDP) , 2000, P.10). Life expectancy In Australia, the life expectancy at
birth for the males had reduced and health authorities expressed the desire to
improve it. Based on statistics for 2005 2007, males expectancy was 67.2 years
showing a drop by 11.5 years for non indigenous people. For females, the standing is
72.9 years below non indigenous people by 9.7 years. From 1996 2001, the male to
female ratio was at59.4:64.8 years. This meant that the Australian government had
taken up
Federal Rangelands Research Paper
The rangelands of the west are the legendary rolling hills and wide open spaces of
American history and folklore. Federal and nonfederal rangelands include grasslands,
deserts, tundra, mountains, canyons, and riparian areas. Federal rangelands are
primarily managed by the Bureau of Land Management, an agency of the U.S.
Department of the Interior, and the U.S. Forest Service, an agency of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture. Rangelands include wilderness areas and provide habitat
for millions of plants, wild animals, and fish, including 74 threatened or endangered
species ( RangelandHealth ). Rangeland is the base of forage for most of the livestock
industry in America. They also provide recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat,
and off site... Show more content on ...
With an ever shrinking base and the increase in their resource need, it is imperative
that the nation focus our attention on conserving our rangelands for the future. This
concern has become evident in recent years, and there is a pressing need to relay
public concern for conservation of our natural resources into the establishment of
national policy. The health of our nation is held in our soil and water resources found
on rangelands. Their conservation is the responsibility of both public and private
landowners. We, as a nation, must recognize that there is ultimately a cost for the
conservation. But this cost is minimal in comparison to the damage to our
environment if rangelands are not conserved. Therefore, as a nation, we must be
willing to help the land user establish and apply long term conservation management.
There should also be consider of long term, low interest loans for conservation
treatments and tax incentives for conservation practices (Hayenga). The USDA must
adopt policies that will provide economic incentives rather than economic penalties to
range conservation efforts by private land owners and
What Is The Biggest Battle In North America
Did you know the Battle of Gettysburg was the biggest battle ever fought in North
America? There were 160,000 men that fought in the battle. The Union Army was
led by Major General Gordon Meade and had had 85,000 men. The Confederate
Army was led by General Robert Lee had 75,000. men. The battle occurred the first
three days in July of 1863. After the Confederate Army won the Battle of
Chancellorsville in Virginia in May of 1863, General Lee decided to attack the
Union Armyin the North. This was his second attack in the North. General Lee led
the Confederate Army to the North to fight to pressure Abraham Lincoln to end the
war. If he could not win the war, then he wanted to form an alliance with England
and France. General Lee also wanted to move the battle away from Virginia during
the farmers growing season. To draw attention away from the ConfederateЕ›
movement to the North, a group of Confederate soldiers led by Jeb Stuart raided
Union supply trains. Stuart was not able to communicate with General Lee so
General Lee did not know what the Union troops were planning. At that time the
Union soldiers were led by General Joe Hooker. When... Show more content on ...
I never seen my dad or my mom. Somebody told me my mom died to protect me.
The master killed her. My dad was sold. I want a family like masters. But master says
I is property. I have no freedom. I can t leave. I can t see my friends. I am in the fields
and they are in the big house. I snuck into the big house once to see them. Master
found me. He tied me up and beat me within an inch of my life. He made me go back
to work all day and night. I picked cotton until I passed out. When I woke up I was in
a wagon and I didn t know where I was going. I was in heavy shackles. It was hot. I
didn t know what was happening. Now I have a new master. I am at a new big house.
I don t go inside there either. I pick cotton all day. I want to leave and be a free man
so that I can do what I want when I
Metal Homeostasis System
Normally metals are supplied from the daily nutrients and they are not stored in
the body, so its level is supposed to be regulated by a specific system to prevent it
from increasing or decreasing in the brain and this system is known as metal
homeostasis system which is responsible for regulation the level of the metal in the
body with the help of a specific kind of transporters8. These transporters are divided
into two families. One of them is responsible for transporting metals to the cells after
ingestion to help the cell perform its functions by binding to the specific proteinthere
for example binding to Cu/ZnSOD protein to breaks the free radicals20,21. The other
one transports the metal that binds with glutamatergic neurotransmitter from the
presynaptic vesicle to the postsynaptic one and those metals are responsible for
learning, cognition, and memory functions by regulating the excitation process by
either inhibition of NMDA and GABA receptors or enhancing AMPA receptor in
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Moreover, the complex studies of the metals (Zn Cu) with the amyloid protein
shows that the copper coordinates the amyloid beta through four or five
coordinating bonds: two imidazole nitrogens from His 6 and His 13/14, one N
terminal amine nitrogen from Asp1 and a carbonyl oxygen from Ala 2. And
perhaps the fifth bond is from the oxygen of Asp1 (see figure 4c) 40. But other
researchers found that copper binds amyloid via His6, His13, His14, and Tyr10
(Figure 4a). After the metal binds a beta amyloid (monomeric compound) , the
aggregation of ОІ amyloid starts after this moment by creating a new coordination
bond between imidazole ring of His6 with the other copper atom from the other
copper amyloid complex to form a dimer compound (see figure 4 b)
The Seven Laws Of Teaching By John Milton Gregory
RThe Seven Laws of Teaching expounds on the rules and principles of teaching. The
reasoning behind the selection of this book is to help students understand the
science and the art of education. John Milton Gregory, the author of The Seven
Laws of Teaching, was involved in educational programs and associations for most
of his life. He succeeded in carrying out educational goals and won public popularity
which resulted in his election as the Superintendent of Public Instruction in Michigan.
In his later years, he dedicated much of his time to traveling and writing educational
works. Charles E. Walker is the editor of The Seven Laws of Teaching. Walker served
in Christian educationfor most of his lifetime. He has spent 20 years as an... Show
more content on ...
Language helps the student to store knowledge.
The next law, leads us to the Law of the Lesson. This refers to the core of teaching.
The advancement of knowledge means introducing new information and helping
students to grasp it. A good teacher will find familiar information and examples to
bring up when introducing a new truth. A student needs to know of a known to
understand the unknown. The new information should be explained until the student
is able to understand the new truth.
A student has the ability to learn without a teacher. However, the Law of the Teaching
Process creates the background for a teacher to guide a student on the path to more
knowledge. A teacher should establish a safe environment that encourages thinking to
help students learn the unknown by the way of the known (84). Acquiring their
knowledge and increasing their mental power correlates to the aims of a teacher as
they guide students. While a teacher is to be passionate in laying out knowledge, the
really work of an education, acquiring knowledge, is the work of the student. A
student learns by discovery and information stores as the student interprets the new
The Law of Review refers to more than simply repetition. This law refers to
increasing the mental capacity as the original idea is coupled with new concepts and
associations. Review allows the student to dig deeper into the subject, and often,
students discover hidden truths
The Eu Data Protection Directive
In 1995 Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark,
Ireland, United Kingdom, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Sweden and
Switzerland enacted a legislation to protect personal data privacy in the form of the
EU Data Protection Directive. According to this document, companies operating
inside European Unionare not permitted to transfer any personal data to countries
outside European Economic Area unless countries in question can guarantee
adequate levels of protection of that data. This created many concerns for global
companies and raised legal issues and thus in summer 2000 the US Department of
Commerce and the European Commission formulated the safe harbour agreement
that circumscribes the level of protection to be given to European personal
information. The arrangement is designed to guarantee the safety of online data
transfers between the EU and the US, as stipulated by the EU Data Protection
Directive of 1998. In addition, US companies aiming at entering the online markets
in Europe would need to achieve safe harbour status. However, in 6 October 2015
Court of Justice of the European Union declared that the Commission s Safe
Harbour Decision is now invalid, more precisely that the United States cannot
adequately ensure protection of European personal data. Before discussing any
implications of this ruling there s a need to know why Court of Justice of the
European Union made it. First of all, a number of various cases around
Bryan Cox Essay
. I found Bryan Cox s answers to be the most interesting because I can relate and
connect with him the most as I, as well, plan on living at home and commuting.
With all the things he had mentioned such as home cooked meals and wake up
calls, I feel that there will be more time for me to focus on my studies and less on
errands and the duties of living on my own as I will have my family to help me
out. Another point that I found interesting from Bryan s answer was when he said I
don t necessarily have all the freedom I d have if I were living on campus. This
answer is interesting to me because usually students would insist to live on campus
instead of living at home because they would have more freedom without typical
family restrictions such as curfew, going to bed early,... Show more content on ...
a) After hearing from Katherine Bennett, I was surprised when she mentioned that the
work from university was not as difficult as teachers at secondary school
proclaimed. I find this surprising because I have always been told that post
secondary work load is very overwhelming.
b) Hearing what Bryan Cox has said about the workload for the first year, has
greatly reduced my stress level because I was never a big fan of immense amounts
of work. Since Bryan mentioned how the work load was manageable and less than
expected, this is a great factor as university and college students will still have time
for themselves to hang out with their family and friends, meet new people, join clubs,
participate in extracurricular activities, volunteer, etc.
c) From the article, I thought that the best advice was from Fahad Malik where he
advised to always smile and laugh. According to him, appearing happy and
approachable is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. I think
making new friends is really important, especially when you are heading into an
unfamiliar environment, because you can always turn to your friends for help,
advice, moral support, and just to hang out and relieve stress,
History Theology Ritual Liturgy Pastoral Issues on...
Bogachan Demirci
STM 322C 170 Sacraments amp; Symbols
Research Paper
September 9, 2012
The History, Theology, Ritual/Liturgy, Pastoral Issues of
Confirmation as a Sacrament
Sacraments are actions, and they function as rituals: they repeat gestures and words
that are meaningful to those who perceive them. Sacraments affect more than the
thoughts and feelings of participants because they have to be understood
psychologically and theologically.
There are seven sacraments in Catholicism: Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, The
Eucharist, Penance, Anointing the Sick and Holy Orders. People learn and remember
and they remember from practice of prayer and of the involvement and preparation of
the sacraments. (Martos 2009). These ... Show more content on ...
Baptism is very important, in the East, it would be very difficult for a bishop to give
every baptism; the priest performs the confirmation using the chrism consecrated by
the Bishop.
In the West, there is a separation of time between Baptism and Confirmation.
Bishops give confirmation after Baptism and only when a child reaches the age of
reason. In the West, The desire to reserve the completion of Baptism to the Bishop
caused a separation between the two sacraments. He can do so only with the
approval of the Bishop.
From 1291 1292, the Roman Church conducted Confirmation by a double anointing
with sacred oil after Baptism. The first anointing new person on coming out of the
baptismal bath performed by priest, then completed by second appointing on the
forehead by newly baptized by the Bishop. In addition, Easter in Church gave greater
emphasis on the unity of Confirmation as a Christian initiation. Latin Church clearly
expresses the communion of the new Christian with Bishop as guarantor and servant
of the unity, catholicity and apostolicity of the Church and establishes connection
with the apostolic origins of Christ s Church.
By 1293, Confirmation as a spiritual seal (receiving the mark of the Holy Spirit) with
the use chrism aromatic oil consecrated by the Bishop. Confirmation is a sign of,
cleansing and strengthening, abundance of joy, a sign of healing, a sign of
Styles Of Learning Based On The Reseach Of Fernald,
Styles of Learning Based on the Reseach of Fernald, Keller, Orton, Gillingham,
Stillman , Montessori and Neil D Fleming
This article helps the readers to understand the different learning styles like visual,
auditory and kinesthetic, based on the research work of Fernald, Keller, Orton,
Gillingham, Stillman , Montessori and Neil D Fleming. Learning styles are different
approaches or ways of learning. Most people would have a preference to identifiable
method of interacting with, taking in, and processing information. It involves
personalizing the educating methods, particular to an individual that are presumed to
allow that individual to learn best.
This article explains the importance of Based individualized learning ... Show more
content on ...
A useful example to help understand this concept better is how we learn to use a
new piece of technology. We can approach it either by sitting alone, reading
instructions from beginning to end before or take a hands on approach like pressing
the different controls to discover through trial and error or learn by seeing others
using the same. This example helps to reflect about how learning preferences vary
among individuals. This said however, circumstances may also determine how each
person learns something new.
Such examples help us to think about how we have preferences for the manner in
which we learn. Thus, understanding learning styles approaches helps us to consider
an individual s dominant or preferred way of thinking in turn helping us to learn
better in lesser time.
Early History:
In the beginning, research focused on the relationship between memory and oral or
visual methods. In 1904, Alfred Binet, a French psychologist, developed the first
intelligence test, which spawned interest in individual differences. The study of
learning styles was the next step: In 1907, Dr. Maria Montessori, who invented the
Montessori Method of education, began using materials to enhance the learning styles
of her students. Dr. Montessori believed that students do not demonstrate mastery of
subjects through a multiple choice answer sheet, but through their actions.
1950 to 1970:
The study of learning styles
Eco 365 Week 6 Assignment
1 WEEK 6 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT Week 6 Written Assignment Ashley
Singletary The University of Mount Olive A. The concept of elasticity of demand
has played a major role in managerial decision making. It has greatly helped
managers in consideration of whether lowering a price will lead to an increase in
demand of a certain product, and if so, to what extent and whether profits would
increase as a result of doing so. In this case the concept of demand becomes
advantageous in that: В· The knowledge of the nature of the elasticity of demand
for products will help a business to decide whether to cut prices in a particular case.
В· A monopolist would not be able to increase prices if the demand for a particuar
product is elastic. В· It
Foreshadowing In Wharton s In The Age Of Innocence
We re near each other only if we stay far from each other (p.203). To every writer, it
is of the essence to provide a platform for his or her story to unfold and suggest to
the readers of the events that are yet to come without concealing the tale or
botching up the suspense that glues the readers to the book. Hence, notable writers
have used foreshadowing as a literary device that helps build anticipation in the
minds of readers, leaving them drooling for more as they go about the story.
Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what
is to come later in the story (Literary Devices, 2015) where it can be as impalpable
as storm clouds on the horizon suggesting that danger is approaching or more direct,
such as Romeo and Juliet s conversation about wanting to die rather than enduring
live without each other. Set in the era between the late summer of 1919 and March of
1920 where Americans were characterized by immense political, economic, and
cultural change, The Age of Innocence has always been more than a... Show more
content on ...
Wharton aligns Newland Archer, the novels main character a man captive to the
rigid rules of the New York society and Newland s desired love, Ellen with the
liberty to pursue their love. She portrays Newland as someone who longs for
convergence but instead needs to choose between two very distinct way of
thinking and living. He pivots his desire to a place where categories... won t exist.
Where we shall be simply two human beings who love each other, who are the
whole life to each other; and nothing else on earth will matter (p.246). However, this
desire of his is never fulfilled due to his social conditioning that refrains him from
pursuing his dreams; thus, Newland dwell over the imagined while by default he
submissively conforms to the standards and expectations set by the society he lives
Allusion In Infinite Jest
In his celebrated 1,079 page novel set at a tennis academy and addiction recovery
house, David Foster Wallace borrows a phrase from Shakespeare s Hamlet for the
title, Infinite Jest. The allusion is grounded in the vital plot device also named
Infinite Jest, a necromantic film that engrosses the viewer to the point of catatonia
and eventually death. The filmmaker is the character James O. Incandenza, who
sought to produce a film so radically entertaining that it would affectively tear his
son Hal from anhedonia, a sarcastic and apathetic state of being that characterized,
for Wallace, American culture at the time. As it becomes clear very early on in
Infinite Jest, James is dead for the majority of the plot, appearing as a ghost late in the
... Show more content on ...
Catherine Nichols points this out, calling James the infinite jester of the novel
(11). In view of his connection to Yorick, the allusion to the graveyard scene in
Hamlet is twice made explicit: once near the beginning and once toward the end of
Infinite Jest; Hal shares a dream with the novel s other protagonist, whereby the
two dig up James head (16 17; 934). Of course, the graveyard dream recalls the
grave scene from Hamlet, where the titular character discovers that the skull
uncovered by the gravediggers is that of his childhood jester Yorick, whom he
describes as a fellow of infinite jest (5.1.191 2). As Indira Ghose suggests, the
infinite in this line is enclosed within Hamlet s recollection of the jester, so the
infinity is reduced to the confines of a single character s memory and is recalled
only upon his chance encounter with the skull; the infinite is juxtaposed with the
image of the empty skull he holds up to the audience, so the infinite as a concept is
exposed as a huge joke (1015). Aside from James The Joke, his film Infinite Jest
itself functions as a jest: the overt impossibility of a film engaging a viewer to the
point to death, the hyperbolic mother son theme parodying psychoanalytic theory,
and, perhaps most poignantly, the glaring absence of the infinite. In Hal s dream,
he digs up his father s head in order to find, as it is elsewhere inferred, the master
copy of the film. However, as the reader and Hal are aware, James head was
destroyed, thus the film no longer exists. This absence recalls the gaping emptiness
of the jester s skull as Hamlet holds it up to the audience. In both cases, the infinite
itself becomes the joke, in the sense that the yawning absence belies the immutable
nature of infinity. Likewise, Wallace s
The Unreliable Narrator In Ford s The Good Soldier
The subject of The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford is good people. The theme
of the novel is that truly good people do not exist; any who claim to be are hiding
sordid motives and problematic passions behind the façade of being a good person.
Literary forms that support this theme are point of view, tone, characterization, and
The point of view The Good Soldier is told from the limited first person perspective
of John Dowell, who is an unreliable narrator. Backpack Literature describes an
unreliable narrator as a narrator who intentionally or unintentionally relates events in
a subjective or distorted manner (Kennedy 60). As a reader, it is difficult to decipher
whether Dowell is hopelessly naive and socially inept or a master manipulator, ...
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The insincerity stems primarily from the unreliable nature of the narrator and the
impassivity from the casual conveyance of the story and the narrator s revelations.
Although the subtitle claims it to be A Tale of Passion, the tone of the novel lacks
empathy and passion from the storytelling. Dowell uses hyperbole and attempts to
play up hysterics to no avail. The bland, impassive narration of otherwise dramatic
events and characters create a dichotomy, which gives the tale a sarcastic attitude.
This is used when Dowell is attempting to show Captain Ashburnham in a good light,
but instead reveals his infidelities and naГЇve
Women s Role In The American Corrections System
The American corrections system has many facets to it as well as many challenges
that each and every individual within its system must learn to cope with. Not
everyone who is in some sector of the corrections system can deal with what
corrections entails because the life that they led outside of the correctionssystem isn t
always the same. This can especially be said for women who find themselves part of
the corrections system simply because of the role that women generally face within
their homes.
Corrections is defined as, the variety of programs, services, facilities, and
organizations responsible for the management of individuals who have been accused
or convicted or criminal offenses (Clear, 2013). This includes corrections officers, ...
Show more content on ...
corrections system. There were three principles found to be of importance for this
time of prison reform and they were, (1) separation of women prisoners from men,
(2) provision of differential care, and (3) management of women s prisons by
female staff (Clear, 2013). Basically the concern was female prisoners to be house
separately from the male prisoners in a facility ran by female staff.
In state prisons it is estimated that women account for nearly twenty five percent of
the workforce (Clear, 2013). However in the Federal Bureau of Prisons it is estimated
that women only account for approximately thirteenth percent of the officers (Clear,
2013). Out of the total population of prison inmates, only approximately seven
percent are female whereas the population of female jail inmates is approximately
twelve percent.
An issue that is of concern is the safety of female officers when working within a
male prison facility. In 2013, a female officer at the Arizona State Prison Complex in
Winslow was brutally beaten by two inmates to the point of being placed in the
hospital. Officer Benavidez was escorting 50 unrestrained male inmates when two of
them inmates proceeded to brutally attack her. According to a statement from her
boyfriend, the first one hit her and knocked her out. He climbed on top of her and
continued to pound her head. There was another one, and

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  • 1. Crime And Punishment Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Crime and Punishment" is undeniably challenging due to the vast array of perspectives, theories, and historical contexts intertwined within the topic. Firstly, one must navigate through complex ethical dilemmas, exploring the moral implications of criminal behavior and the various forms of punishment society deems appropriate. This involves delving into philosophical theories of justice, examining concepts like retribution, deterrence, and rehabilitation. Furthermore, analyzing the societal factors contributing to crime requires a nuanced understanding of socio-economic disparities, cultural influences, and psychological dynamics. This demands extensive research into criminological theories, statistical data on crime rates, and case studies illustrating the multifaceted nature of criminal behavior. Moreover, exploring the evolution of legal systems and punishment mechanisms throughout history adds another layer of complexity to the essay. From ancient forms of punishment to modern judicial practices, tracing this evolution necessitates thorough examination of legal philosophies, legislative reforms, and landmark court cases shaping contemporary approaches to crime and punishment. Lastly, synthesizing these diverse perspectives into a coherent and insightful essay requires critical thinking skills, analytical prowess, and the ability to construct compelling arguments supported by credible evidence. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Crime and Punishment" demands rigorous research, intellectual rigor, and a deep understanding of interdisciplinary concepts. It is a task that challenges one to grapple with ethical dilemmas, societal complexities, and historical nuances, ultimately necessitating a comprehensive analysis to provide meaningful insights into this intricate subject matter. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Crime And Punishment Essay Crime And Punishment Essay
  • 2. History Of International Paper Company 1.History of International Paper Company International Paper Company was incorporated January 31, 1898, upon the merger of 18 pulp and paper mills in the northeastern United States. Its founders and first two presidents were William Augustus Russell and Hugh J Chisholm. The newly formed company supplied 60 percent of all newsprint in the country. Through many changes it has become one of the largest producers of paper and paper products and had facilities in twenty four countries. The company now manufactures plastic lids and paper cups for fast food giants like McDonald s, Wendy s and Subway. They also produce printer and copier paper, envelopes, corrugated packaging and shipping containers, consumer packaging for cosmetics and home entertainment. International Paperhas made advantageous changes to stay competitive and profitable in the industry and to reduce their carbon footprint on the environmentas times and conditions have changed. 2.The Growing Momentum to Introduce Sustainability to the Modern Corporation. Global leaders are making a turn toward sustainability and thus lessening their carbon footprint on the environment. One such company which has joined in the global change toward sustainability is International Paper Company. Paper companies have long been criticized for the harm done to the environment. Environmentalists have criticized paper companies for years because of the pollution from their manufacturing
  • 3. Lip Balm Research Paper The new EOS lip balm is also a top seller. It did not take long for fans of EOS to buy up all the New Vegan Crystal Flavors that they could find on the store shelves. First, a little background. EOS or the Evolution Of Smooth was just a little startup that decided to enter the highly competitive lip balm industry with their purely natural and organic lipbalms. Today, the company is one of the leading lip balm companies in the country. In fact, the company has a large cult following that are totally obsessed with the lip balms. What s The Different EOS fans are probably wondering about the New Vegan Crystal Flavors. Are they different from the original lip balm that is packaged in the very familiar round spheres? Well, the new lip balms are
  • 4. The Bomber Plane Institutional self interest exercised the most significant influence on the development of airpower in Europe and the United States before the Second World War because of the limitations of conventional warfare to achieve a decisive victory, the rise of the bomber plane as the ultimate weapon and the ideas of the first advocators of an independent air force. How to achieve a decisive victory has been a constant quest of the Generals through all the history. In Europe, the commanders of XIX century used Napoleon s art of war as a paradigm , focusing on mobility and the efficient use of logistics to move his army corps faster than enemy do. The concept of victory was a mass against mass battle, where the victor was the biggest army or the smartest general, being the infantry the main weapon of the army. As a result,... Show more content on ... In Italy, Giulio Douhet claimed that the bomber should be capable to destroy its objective in one attack, and the bombardment unit should be able to destroy any target on a given surface. In the United Kingdom, Hugh Trenchard claimed it will be necessary to carry the war into the enemy s country, to attack his aerodromes, factories, military and naval establishments and generally force upon him a defensive role . Another Britain, Liddle Hart, asserted that in the future, the objective in the ward should be to crush the enemy will to fight rather than to concentrate on his armed forces. Regarding this purpose, in the United States Billy Mitchell used the term strategical bombing , stressing the indirect impact of the bombs; and Sherman articulated in his theory of targeting that key plants of the enemy should be made the objective of a systematic bombardment, both by day and by night, until their destruction has been
  • 5. The Problems Facing The Educational System There are many problems facing the educational system, such as, the lack of teachers and parents that do not participate in school. The problem that I m forcing on is the lack of performances in the minority students about learning in school. How can we help these kids from falling into the was side of the education systems? The idea of Black languages being taught in the system will help improve students attitude toward learning and going to school. Jesses comments that that Teachers need to be specifically aware of the dialects and slangs Africa America speaks. That allows them to teach without alienating their students or making them feel stupid, Teachers should recognize and understand black language, (Ebonics), while teaching students in Standard English. Others would say that using Ebonics would only harm the students, whether than help them, because students would think that is acceptable to use broken language. I don t see a problem with students learning Ebonics, as long as they know when to sue Standard English. What is Black English or Ebonics? Cerolists believe that Black language is a form of pidgin African. lanuaguage is born from a culture of struggles, a way of talking that has take surving, A statement made by the scholars Geneva Smitherman, who also define black language as Eur America speech with an Afro America meaning, nuance tone, and gesture. Black English dates back to the times of slavery. When Africa, America were not allowed to learn how
  • 6. Acrisius Of Argos King Acrisius of Argos1 had only one child, a daughter, DanaГ«. She was beautiful above all the other women of the land, but this was small comfort to the King for not having a son. He journeyed to Delphi2 to ask the god if there was any hope that some day he would be the father of a boy. The priestess told him no, and added what was far worse: that his daughter would have a son who would kill him. The only sure way to escape that fate was for the King to have DanaГ« instantly put to death taking no chances, but seeing to it himself. This Acrisius would not do. His fatherly affection was not strong, as events proved, but his fear of the gods was. They visited with terrible punishment those who shed the blood of kindred. Acrisius did not dare slay ... Show more content on ... Here he shut her up and guarded her. 3 So DanaГ« endured, the beautiful, To change the glad daylight for brass bound walls, And in that chamber secret as a grave She lived a prisoner. Yet to her came Zeus in the golden rain. As she sat there through the long days and hours with nothing to do, nothing to see except the clouds moving by overhead, a mysterious thing happened, a shower of gold fell from the sky and filled her chamber. How it was revealed to her that it was Zeus who had visited her in this shape we are not told, but she knew that the child she bore was his son. For a time she kept his birth secret from her father, but it became increasingly difficult to do so in the narrow limits of that bronze house and finally one day the little boy his name was Perseus was discovered by his grandfather. Your child! Acrisius cried in great anger. Who is his father? But when DanaГ« answered proudly, Zeus, he would not believe her. One thing only he was sure of, that the boy s life was a terrible danger to his own. He was afraid to kill him for the same reason that had kept him from killing her, fear of Zeus and the Furies4 who pursue such murderers. But if he
  • 7. Dbq 3rd Estate French Revolution During the 1700s, France s government was run by a three system estate system. The First Estate was made up by the powerful clergy members, while the Second Estate was made with nobles. Peasants and working men made the Third Estate, also the largest estate. In this large estate there was a little class named the Bourgeoisie was a part of the Third Estate. Though the Bourgeoisie was highly educated and always had stable professions, they were not set aside from the peasants. The Third Estate was treated very poorly during the 1700s. Life was not suitable for the working class. The mistreatment and inequality led to the French Revolution. Inequality during this time period meant that things were not the same throughout each class. Unequal power between the estates, abuse of the Third Estate, and the taxes and price raises were the three reasons that outweighed the many political, social, and economic factors that led to the French Revolution.... Show more content on ... Even though the Third Estate made up the majority of the population, they only got one vote. As seen in the chart based off of the three estates in France during 1789, 97%of the citizens created the Third Estate (Doc 2). One vote for 97% of the population was unequal, and no one s voice was heard separately. The Third Estate had only one vote, the First and Second Estate were able to pass anything that pleased them. According to the English Bill of Rights written by the English Parliament, That the pretended power of suspending of the laws or the execution of law is regal authority without consent of Parliament is illegal... (Doc 8) The English had the same issue and solved it earlier. France should have inferred that the issues would appear and used the English s struggles and solutions for their own good. The First and Second Estates did everything in their power for the Third Estate to have very minimal
  • 8. Essay on Case Study 2 Case Study Two Name Accounting and Finance 02Feb2011 Dear President of LJB Company, (1) If the LJB Company should decide to become a publicly traded company, a few internal controls should be implemented to comply with the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX). * Management will need to provide periodic quarterly reports to evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of LJB s internal controls over financial reporting procedures. * Management should certify the accuracy and fairness of presentation of their financial statements. * Independent auditor(s) outside of LJB will need to attest to management s assessment of said internal controls. Additionally, non auditservices between these two parties (LJB and said independent auditor) ... Show more content on ... I recommend that these checks remain physically secured at all times (by the accountant, or by delaying delivery to the accountant until he reaches his office). * Due to the unorthodox honor system of dealing with petty cash, any single employee can withdraw a substantial amount of petty cash in relative anonymity. This violates two Internal Control Principles: Physical Control and Establishment of Responsibility. It violates the Physical Control Principle because the petty cash is easily accessible with no form of physical protection of theft, and it violates the Establishment of Responsibility Principle because no single person is in charge of the Petty Cash Fund (rather everyone is). This can be remedied by assigning a custodian to be responsible for the fund, as well as creating a secure area to store said funds. * These previous points additionally bring up another weakness, though not actually part of the Internal Control Principles. Though it seems to be LJB s unofficial policy to trust long term employees, when a desirable opportunity to commit fraud/theft arises, it becomes at the discretion of the employee to commit these acts for their personal benefit. * Another weakness is LJB s lack of individual passwords which allows personnel to anonymously use the company computers and databases. This lack of individual accountability will prevent most attempts to track suspicious employee activities on company
  • 9. Book Review Wild Swans Book Review Author: Jung Chang Title: Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China Publication: Simon and Schuster, London, 1991 1. Main Thesis In Wild Swans, Jung Chang describes the life of three generations of woman in her family. Beginning in the year 1909 and ending in present time, it gives an insight into almost eighty years of the cultural history of China. Jung Chang has said in a interview that her intention in writing Wild Swans was to show how the Chinese people, and in particular the women in her family, fought tenaciously and courageously against impossible odds. The book is a testimony to the strength and determination of her grandmother, her mother, and herself and their resourcefulness in recreating themselves during ... Show more content on ... De hong sees communism becoming increasingly important to many people but has yet to make up her own mind about the situation. She continues to watch those in power, including those over the teaching school where she now resides. When she learns that a favorite teacher and then her best friend, Cousin Hu, had been Communists and had been either chased from the city or executed for their political beliefs, she makes up her mind that she, too, will become a Communist. Chapter 5: De hong asks to be a part of the communist movement but she s found too young. A short time later, she begins distributing Communist literature. The economic situation is so bad that the family has no savings and Dr. Xia, now nearly eighty, is worried about what will happen when he dies. Extortion is rampant, food is scarce, and the money that does exist has almost no value. De hong becomes friendly with a Kuomintang general. Using his military freedom, they travel outside the walled city occasionally and De hong leaves messages for her Communist counterparts.. The Communists then start regular bombardment of the city, including one dud shell that crashes into the home of De hong s family. Chapter 6: De Hong helps clean up the carnage cause by all the civil war. When the communists take over the town, they do not pillage, rape, or extort as all the other groups of people had done before them. Many are courteous and kind and
  • 10. The Motivations And Satisfaction Of Lic Students Essay To investigate the motivations and satisfaction of LIC students when studying in the UK Introduction There is a prevalent trend of students going abroad for further study in the UK. In fact, the UK has become the second most common option for overseas students to study which is just behind the United Stateпј€ King et al., 2010). According to the data from UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) (2015), 19 percent of the students in the UK are from abroad. Studies have shown that oversea study experience can help students improve English proficiency, gain cultural experience, enhance individual competency, construct self consciousness and notional consciousness, embrace diversity, and promote the sense of responsibility (Rhodes et al., 2012). As there are many benefits of overseas study, it is significant for the UK government and universities to understand the motivations of international students when they decide to study in the UK as well as the degree of satisfaction of their learning experience, so that they are able to realize their attractions and weaknesses. In particular, for Liverpool International College, this research will be able to give the college managers insight into the factors appealing to oversea students and then optimize its performance. For students, it can help them prepare before departing from their origin countries and adapt quickly to the UK courses. The objectives of this research are: To determine the motivations of LIC students
  • 11. english quotation essay Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change yourself and the world. There is a reason why every civilization throughout time has valued education,because it truly can alter our collective condition and make our lives easier, simpler, and most crucially, happier! From Egyptians learning to write on papyrus tablets to late nineteenth century scientists striving to discover medicines like penicillin, there has always been an urge in humanity to be better and to be more than what we have been before. Man s highest achievements the building of bridges and overwhelming skyscrapers, to video chatting and space travel the marvels of modern day living that we take for granted today, were once just mere ideas in people s ... Show more content on ... The strength and force of education is visible to anyone who cares to look at the recent Egyptian revolution, where young students, with minds opened to the wonders of democracy, through education, helped overthrow the yoke of suffering that their parents had silently borne. Education is the silent and effective weapon of nonviolence, which can help people and societies break the cycle of oppression that many have historically suffered from. Many oppressed societies, where dictators have thrived, have had a paucity of education avenues. Education liberates the mind from its shackles and fears and encourages it to challenge and to communicate with others. It is not without a reason that education is at the bottom of the priority list of dictators. It was also not without reason that upon annexation of neighboring states. Many dictators find it easy to unscrupulously deny people education or better still, manipulate education to serve their own selfish interests. Throughout history, and even today, autocratic leaders censor literature and books and prevent potent ideas from spreading since they realize that an idea is the most powerful force in the world and can transform a human being completely. More importantly though, to me, an educated person also has the capability to objectively analyze issues, recognize and learn from existing flaws,
  • 12. Essay about The Art of Knitting and Crocheting I have always liked fiber and assorted yarn. I am like a child in a candy store whenever I go to the yarn store. The hanks of fiber arranged by color mesmerize me, calling for me to bring them home, to see what I will create with them. I love how the yarn store is organized by color and wool textures. They challenge me, taunting me, begging me to turn the colorful skein into a one of a kind handcrafted creation. Will this colorful skein of yarnbecome knotted to make an afghan, a sweater, socks or hats? The combinations are endless but lead to the great debate among yarn enthusiast, do I knit or do I crochet? Knittingis completed in rows and follows block construction, where as crochet can travel in any direction and takes on a ... Show more content on ... The process of knitting gives you a structural fabric. Unfortunately, if your garment becomes snagged, the snagged stitch will pull and pucker the fabric. This snag will eventually lead to the yarn unraveling. This is called laddering. People who knit find it to be very relaxing. The clicking of those needles as you work back and forth over the cast yarn can in the end produce a wonderful scarf, or afghan, or sweater each one stitched with love. Crochet on the other hand, is for us rebellious souls, who like the freedom of letting the yarn take on a life of its own. With just a hook and wrapping the yarn in loops around that hook, you can create things you could never do with knitting. You are not limited to a foundation block; you can go off into a variety of directions. Gone are the days of being square, with crochet you can make a variety of geometric shapes. The earliest crochet was made by using fingers, rather than the hooks used today. The history can be traced back to the early 1500 BC, as part of nun s work, which included needlepoint lace and bobbin lace. (Bardum) Crocheting like knitting is therapeutic. For me it is calming, with rhythmic movement. Yet at the same time, it works up faster than knitting and gives me the satisfaction of producing a piece much quicker. Crocheting is for us ordinary folk who simply enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something after a hard day of
  • 13. Arguments About Immigration Every year, thousands of immigrants, legal and illegal, come into the United States. In America. Immigrants and their U.S. born children now number approximately 84.3 million people, or 27 percent of the overall U.S. population (Zong and Batalova). Immigrants come to America for multiple reasons. Some examples are; to live in freedom, to practice their religion freely, to escape poverty, and to make better lives for themselves and their children. Immigration has its benefits. Our country was founded with many immigrants. Terrorist attacks are occurring often, mostly from immigrants. Many Sexually transmitted diseases are being brought over and now HIV testing is not on the scanning list. Also, the economy is negatively effected by immigrants working for less. While immigrants contribute to America by adding the cultures flavor, the United Statesshould adopt policies to further restrict or suspend immigration. To become an American citizen is not easy but to come into America is. There are multiple way an immigrant can come to America. The problem is not immigrants becoming citizens, the problem is immigrants just coming to America for a short amount of time. There are three ways immigrants can get into America that should be more strict. The first rule that should be more strict is more strict is the Protection of Refugees, and other Vulnerable Populations. This allows people who are unable to return to their homeland because of life threatening or bad conditions.
  • 14. Disadvantages Of Bitter Gourd Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia as botanical name in the family of Cucurbitaceae) is a widely popular vegetable grown extensively in several parts of India and in countries like Africa, China, Caribean and Southeast asian regions(Cefalu et al,2008) and (Cousens, 2008).Bitter gourd is a herbaceous climbing annual with ridged stems that grows up to 5 metre long. The plant usually grows on trellis 180 cm in height and has a hairy stem with numerous branches and dense foliage. The main varieties of bitter gourd grown in India are Arka Harit, Priyanka, Pusa Do Mausmi, VK 1 Priya, Phule Green Gold, Priya, Preethi, Coimbatore Long, Phule Ujawala, Phule Priyanka and Pride of Gujarat. Priyanka is the widely cultivated variety in South Kerala (Balachandran, 2011). The average fruit yield varies from 8 to 10 t / ha (Baby joseph et al, 2013) and (Lee et al, 2009). Various plant diseases pose a great threat to the agricultural sector by reducing the life of... Show more content on ... Bitter gourd is a good source of vitamin A, B, C, E and K, carbohydrates, phosphorus, Ca, Fe, Mg and Na (Abascal et al, 2005). Bitter gourd fruit and leaves are being studied for their hypoglycaemic, blood sugar lowering properties and ability to treat diabetes mellitus. The caloric value for leaves, fruit and seed were 213.26, 241.66 and 176.61 Kcal/100g respectively (Baby joseph et al, 2013). An extract of the leaves has anti viral, anti microbial and anti bacterial properties and also used in treating various diseases. The leaves are used for treatment of wide variety of ailments such as diabetes, dysentery, rheumatism and gout, viral diseases, respiratory ailments and effective for HIV Infection (Alis et al, 1988). There are various uses for bitter gourd plant. Fruits are used as vegetables, juice, pickles and creams. Leaves are used for herbal tea. Flowers are processed and marketed in cubes, flakes, strips, granules and powder
  • 15. The Role of Hr Practices in Managing Culture During the... Institute of Management, Nirma University RESEARCH Proposal The role of HR practices in managing culture during the post merger integration process of Igate Patni In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course Human Resource Management of MBA (Full Time) 10th January, 2012 Section B Submitted To: Submitted By: Prof. Sameer Pingle Karan Bhadra (111230) |Sr. No. |Particulars |Page No. | |1. |Background and Preliminary... Show more content on ... That means theres no value creation for the shareholders of acquiring company. Also out of the 5 major roadblocks to a successful acquisition identified by Schmidt (2003) three were of HR issues(4). How Mergers Happen: M A life cycle, or the stages that are undergone by the organisations when they decide to merge: Stage 1: Before Deal: Searching companies which can potential and compatible business partners or ventures. Stage 2: Due diligence: Verification of the deal and having a proper analysis of the deal and deciding on initial strategies. This can take anywhere from less than three months to more than a year. Stage 3: Integration planning: Defining the blueprint for all aspects of the merged entities. This usually takes place 30 to 100 days after the decision to proceed. Types of integration: a) Limited: The acquirer considers the acquired company as an addition to its portfolio, so the target company usually retains its management team and employees. b) Dominant company: Two competing companies unite to a single organization. c) Transformation to a new company: Taking the mutual/best of both companies to a higher level, strategically combining the technologies and functional capabilities into the new company s practices. Stage 4: Implementation: Executing the decided merger integration plan and measuring
  • 16. Cultural Differences And The Impact On The Communication... Cultural Differences and The Impact On The Communication Process Alberts, Martin and Nakayama (2011) describe communication as a transactional process in which people generate meaning through the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages in in specific contexts, influenced by individual and societal forces and embedded in culture. (p.7) They then go on to state that intercultural communication occurs in interactions between people who are culturally different. (p.122) Cultural differences thus affect many interactions, with the communication process being one. The movie that I studied was Django Unchained. It follows a German bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz and his recently acquired free slave, Django as they go across America in search of bounties. They then set out to find and free Django s wife, Broomhilda von Schaft from the evil clutches of her owner, Calvin Candie. It is set in 1858 in the Deep South, with preliminary scenes in Old West Texas. The major role players within this film are Dr. King Schultz and Django. Like sugar and salt, they are two opposites when they first meet. You have Schultz, a well spoken German bounty hunter who possess a superior control over his dialect and one who abides by the socially accepted etiquette with regard to the purchasing of Django, albeit his methods to procure a conversation with him highly questionable. On the other hand, you have Django, a beat up African American slave who displays minimal education and command for
  • 17. Displacement In The Happiest Refuge Displacement; the action of moving something from it place or position. To me, displacement is the unfair treatment of a person who has had the disadvantage of having to flee their own home, lost their sense of self, their belongings, their culture, or even people they know and love, for the sake of either their own safety, or the safety of those around them. The idea of displacement in The Happiest Refugee is demonstrated and explored through the thorough use of techniques such as; Colloquial language. He uses this as a way to represent the desire he has to fit into society as a regular Australian . He does this to make the point that just because he came from a different country under difficult circumstances, doesn t mean he is any different
  • 18. Dumbbell Chest Press 4.Dumbbell chest press: The dumbbell chest press is the most suitable chest workout for women, whether you are a beginner or an advance bodybuilder. Beginners can start with low weight and lesser reps, but with time you must increase the number of sets and weights. The exercise is quite simple, below are some basic steps that you must follow: 1.For starting the workout, you must lie on a flat bench with dumbbells in both your hands. Use your thighs to support the dumbbells, also make sure that both your palms are facing each other. 2.Now again with the support of your thigh, raise the dumbbells. You must hold them in front your chest at shoulder s width. 3.Now rotate your wrists so that now your hands will be facing away from you. Position
  • 19. An Old Man And Life s Greatest Lesson 1. Pre Reading (2/6) The subtitle of Tuesdays with Morrie is An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life s Greatest Lesson. Based on this subtitle, what do you think this novel is about? Write a well developed paragraph explaining your answer. In order to live a satisfying life, I must only care about people who care about me. I need to never been alone to be happy. What I think this novel is going to be about is a young man who learns a lesson from an older man. The older man is a teacher who is sick with the ALS disease. The younger man takes the old man with the disease for granted and learns that he shouldn t have later in the book. The younger man learns many things from the older man and regrets never listening to him before. When ... Show more content on ... He says that graduation marks the time when the curtain...come(s) down on childhood. Different cultures have rituals or ceremonies to officially mark a person s passage from childhood to adulthood. When do you think a child becomes an adult? Are people officially adults when they turn eighteen or twenty one? Do we become adults when we graduate from school, get a job, get married, or have children of our own? Record your thoughts about adulthood. Make sure your section includes a description of what it means to be an adult and how a person can know that he or she is no longer a child, but an adult. I will become an adult when I start paying all of my bills on my own with no help. I become an adult when I truly understand what responsibility is. I will stop being a child when I don t have help with my problems. This chapter reminds me of times I had talks with certain teachers who really helped me. My thoughts on adulthood are that it is scary because at one point i m going to be alone with nothing but my own problems and responsibilities. I will know i m an adult when I wake up in the morning and the first thing on my mind is working and bills. I m going to understand that the only person who can make choices and decisions is
  • 20. Why People Go Bald Research Paper Why Do People go bald ? Have you ever gone down the street and seen a bald* person and ever wondered why is that person bald . Baldness is sometimes known as alopecia* which means hair loss to the head or the body. But there can be many reasons for why people go bald and some reasons are that hair accessories have an effect on hair and chemotherapy, shaving for cancer or a family gene. Hair Accessories ! Hair accessories may be super cute to wear and to make your hair nice and pretty. But these super cute accessories can be a nightmare ! These accessories can be a reason why you are going bald because things such as hair ties that are too tight will soon make the hair fall out because of the pressure it has on your scalp and hair will make ... Show more content on ... Some people who have enough courage shave all their hair off to raise money for cancer patients and all that money is goes to one of their loved ones or a complete stranger . Also people who shave their hair for cancer must have great courage to do this generous thing to help one person . But some are actually going through a similar thing because cancer patients loose hair from chemotherapy and people shave hair for cancer. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is a treatment to fight against cancer but some people who go through chemotherapy start to loose . People with cancer who start chemotherapy* start to loose hair within a month . People who have chemotherapy start to lose hair in chunks after radiation therapy and thats when chemo* patients come to their senses and they shave the remaining chunks of hair off. Family Gene Some people who are bald may get the baldness from another family member which may include Grandparents and Parents who may be bald. So which means you inheriting a look from a family member and if you inherit* baldness from a family member you should be proud that you carry a gene of your family members and you might even pass the baldness gene to your children
  • 21. Rational Choice Theory And The Decision-Making Process Of... What is rational choice theory? According to Bernard et al. (2015) rational choice theory presumes that intelligence and free will, discern that criminals have limited rationality. The rational choice theory states that offenders are motivated by practical ideals and the cost benefits in committing crime. According to Beuregard Leclere et al. (2015), rational choice theory is a theory used to examine the decision making process of offenders. The rational choice theory presumes that criminals commit crimes because crime provides effective ways of getting desired return such as money, material goods, prestige, sexual gratification, domination of others. When criminals decide to commit a crime, they weigh the efforts, rewards, cost and the
  • 22. Anti Gun Control A 2012 study found that there an estimated 310 million guns in the U.S. They are comprised of 114 million handguns, 110 million rifles, and 86 million shotguns. In a population of 314 million people, that equates to almost one gun per person. There are 8 million firearms produced globally each year, of which 4.5 million are purchased by Americans. Now while those statistics are staggering, it s only fair to mention that only 20% of the population owns 65% of the U.S. firepower. Most people argue that it is the second amendment right to keep and bear arms, but what does the constitution actually say? A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. ... Show more content on ... The U.S. makes up 5% of the world s population, but owns between 35% and 50% of the world s civilian firearms (Kiger, 2003). Yes Finland and Switzerland have high gun ownership rates too but there crime rates are much lower and they enforce stricter gun control laws. For example, In Finland police have the authority to deny or revoke a person s gun license if the applicant is convicted of a crime that they feel may imply they wouldn t be a safe gun owner. They also don t allow large capacity magazines and any gun that is take outside of the owner s home must be unloaded and stored in a locked cabinet. As a final note, Finland requires you to list your reason for gun ownership and they do not consider self defense as a valid reason. Now most Americans cite self defense as their reason for owning a gun, but how often are firearms actually used for that purpose? A study found that guns are used for defensive measures approximately 2.5 million times each year, that s only 1% use of a gun for defensive purposes. To add to that, people who use guns are 4.5% more likely to be shot in an assault than those who are unarmed (Kiger,
  • 23. Knee Injury Research Paper Knee Pains Third down and one, the quarterback takes the snap and rolls out to the left. Nobody is open. He steps up in the pocket and decides to run, planting his leg into the dirt, he tries to make a quick juke, but gets hit and blows his ACL. Because knee injuries plague millions of people each year, victims should learn about its preventions, types and treatments before it happens to them. What is it? When you injure your ACL you re usually put a tear in your Anterior Cruciate Ligament ( Thus for when you are injured you will be caused you to fall down. Your ACL is located in the middle of your knee . It is one of the four main ligaments in your leg alongside with the MCL, PCL, and LCL ( Since your
  • 24. Fight Club Essay Fight Club In the book Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk, the narrator is an employee for a travelling car company, who suffers from insomnia. When he asks his doctor for medication the doctor refuses and advises him to visit a support group to witness what suffering really is. The first group the narrator attends is for testicular cancer victims. He finds an emotional release that relieves his insomnia and becomes addicted to support groups. After a flight home from a business trip, the narrator realizes that his apartment was destroyed by a homemade explosion. He calls Tyler Durden, a man who he met on the flight. Tyler and the narrator meet at a bar, and start to fight. They continue to fight, and they start to attract crowds of... Show more content on ... This quote was said right before the narrator and Tyler engaged into a fight. This quote was the root of the formation of fight club. This quote also states that the narrator is not independent and lost a form of his power by listening to what Tyler had told him. The narrator had the option of being independent by not hitting Tyler and engaging into a fight, but the power Tyler had over him was overbearing for him to stop. Once the narrator asks Tyler to stay at his home, this is a defining moment of where Tyler has more control of the narrator by letting him into his home. This moment also shows how the narrator is losing power by moving into the house of the man that has control over him. The Formation of Project Mayhem is an aspect of how the narrator is losing control by a political organization created by Tyler. Project Mayhem is a secret organization that was formed by the Fight Club, and led by Tyler Durden. Project Mayhem was created to fight against rich people who don t care about the white collar working class and it is a war on civilization, consumerism and the world they live in. Project Mayhem was formed by Tyler and the narrator was not told about which had angered him. Tyler had control over the narrator s power because Tyler is gaining control over the narrator by creating groups without the narrator realizing. Another way of which Tyler has power over everyone including the narrator is because he also made the rules and announces
  • 25. A Natural History Of Rape Research Paper Why is it so hard to talk about rape? Maybe it s because there are so many other issues that come along with it. Like the fact that rape can happen to men, not just women. Or if it s a biological act or even whether an abortion is okay if the woman was raped. Rape can happen to anyone of any race, gender, or age. It can happen at any time and when it does most people just assume that it should stay quiet. Yes, the victim should get help but they can t be too open about it because they can be judged. Maybe it s why it doesn t seem as common as it actually is. After being raped a victim usually feels anger, fear, guilt, and shame which contributes to the estimated 90% of cases that go unreported. Besides this the victim even blames themselves. About 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men have been victims of attempted or completed rapein the United States. As... Show more content on ... In the year 2000 a book called A Natural History of Rape was published. It argued that rape is an evolutionary adaptation. An insect called the scorpion fly was studied. They found that the males have a clamp on top of their abdomen believed to be a specific adaptation for rape and reproduction, it is also believed that men have an adaptation in the brain that drives them to rape. They claim that evolutionary biology doesn t tell us what is morally right and wrong, people make that distinction. So when it comes to rape whether it is right or wrong the point was for reproduction. They state that recent research has shown that women prefer men with status and resources. So when a male grows up in poverty and never does better he is more inclined to rape. Along with this they state that reproduction isn t the only reason for rape and that the rapist is motivated by different desires, as in sexual stimulation. For example, seeing a woman dressed a certain way may cause the man to be more attracted to a woman which may lead to
  • 26. Comparison Of Alexander Pope, Aristotle And William... Poems vs. Prose (A comparison between Alexander Pope, Aristotle and William Woodsworth compared to Virginia Woolf.) Virgina Woolf was one of the most gifted modernists writers. She started writing novels and trying to compete with others, but she had her own views. She took a stance on poets and people who wrote prose. With her unique style she chose to write in letterform. Her ideas were similar to three other prominent writes. William Woodsworth who was born in 1770 was a prominent writer whose writing was challenged when the war started. He was an orphan and started writing. Eventually he was an influential writer, but took a slightly different stance on prose and poetry then Virginia Woolf. Alexander Pope who was born almost a hundred years earlier was also a writer that many people admired. He showed London and the world his only feelings and his views, which were similar to Woolf. Lastly, the oldest poet Aristotle who was born in 385 B.C. was a Greek who changed writing. He also published their views. While there were many years that separated these individuals they all described an idea that was based off of prose versus poets. All held a high position in society, but show different ideas. Alexander Woolf wrote a letter that held similar ideas to Aristotle, Alexander Pope and William Woodsworth. Aristotle held his own personal views regarding prose and poets that were similar to Virginia Woolf. Both Aristotle and Woolf believed that people needed to be united in
  • 27. The Workings Behind Government Bond Selling Mechanism Abstract Acknowledgements Research Description Government securities are often sold through a mechanism similar to an auction. There currently exists a significant amount of literature about estimating such models, for example, using data from the United States, Turkey, or France. This project aims at studying the workings behind government bond selling mechanisms. The project will look at studies that try to empirically characterize the strategic behaviour of participants in government bond auctions in order to construct a counter factual estimate of auction outcomes under either a discriminatory or uniform price format. Using structural econometric methods, it is possible to construct estimates of the bid functions of auction participants, i.e. ranges of quantity and price combinations for the different bidders, and to then form an estimate of auction revenues if a country were to switch from, for example, a discriminatory to a uniform price mechanism. This research project will aim at reviewing these studies and their underlying theoretical framework and provide a discussion about how to empirically characterize the New Zealand government bonds selling mechanism, in particular how to empirically characterize the strategic behaviour of financial institutions buying New Zealand government bonds. Introduction According to Klemperer (1999), the study of auction theory is very important for theoretical, practical, and empirical reasons. Firstly, a large proportion of
  • 28. Essay on Edgar Degas and his influence on the art of Mary... Mary Stevenson Cassatt s Miss Mary Ellison (1880) and Edgar Hilaire Germain Degas s Mademoiselle Malo (1877) are two paintings that, when compared and contrasted, shows numbers of influences that Degas had on Mary Cassatt s art. Both of these paintings are portraits done in tbe standard Вѕ point of view. Even at a mere glance, it is easy to see the striking similarities between the two portraits. It is not too farfetched to assume that Degas had a lot of influence on Mary Cassatts work because it is known that he was one of her biggest inspirations (Wallis, 14). Furthermore, even within the Impressionist group the bond that Degas and Cassatt shared was an important one to her, since she looked up to him as a model artist (Englemann, 80).... Show more content on ... At around 1877 She was invited to s stop submitting her artwork to the salon and instead join and submit with the independents/impressionist s group by Edgar Degas (Mathews, 35). She was also the only American female artist to exhibit with the Impressionists. Edgar Degas was a Parisian painter; much like Cassatt, his father was also a wealthy banker (Wallis, 18). He was born in 1832 (Spate, 6) His father, the banker, was also an avid art collector; this helped stimulate the Degas s interest in art at an early age (Wallis, 19) Like Cassatt, his family was from the higher middle class, and as such he was raised to be a cultivated, cultured, Parisian social elite (Spate, 6). However, unlike Cassatt, Degas did not originally study art; he studied law. In 1853 he received his baccalaureate and according to his father s wishes studied law (Wallis, 18). Eventually his father agreed to let Degas study art and so he did. Before joining up with the Impressionist, Degas mostly vested his time into classically themed paintings and portraiture (Wallis, 20). Eventually, he was one of the first to exhibit with the impressionists (he participated in the first impressionist exhibition in 1874). Eventually, he participated in the first impressionist exhibition in 1874 along the sides of Renoir, Monet, Morisot, Pissarro, CГ©zanne, and Sisley (Spate, 13). The two paintings Miss Mary Ellison and Mademoiselle Malo were chosen based on
  • 29. How Did Greek Contribute To Art Art was valued throughout Greece and a lot of time and resources were dedicated towards the creation and study of art. Greece used art to enhance daily life. They had built amazing structures that valued gods and showed how much potential they had to become an empire. Building these statues and pyramids cost a lot of money, needed lots of time and also needed loyal soldiers to build for them. The Greeks also used pottery, painting and drawing for banquets or to honor great gods. They thought it was important to honor the important events in their history such as wars. Plays and poems were put on to showcase these major events. The Greeks were very dedicated to art which had helped them become an empire and now the Greeks love for art has been... Show more content on ... Art helped the Greeks come together and do something for their community that everyone loved. The Greeks love for art is what really unified the people together. Almost losing The Peloponnesian Wardid not unify them as much as art did. When the Greeks are together as on it made them into a stronger and better empire. The Greeks had realized that art was the way to take their empire into the right direction. If the Greeks had decided to take on a military enforced city, they would have become a died out city just like Sparta
  • 30. The Stock Market Crash Of 1929 The stock market crash of 1929 marked the start of the Great Depression. President Hoover thought the problem would blow over by itself. In the process of not doing anything to help, the situation slowly became more severe, and soon, about 25% of the workforce was unemployed. In 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected into the presidency, promising to end the Great Depression. To do so, he implemented many different bills that were turned into laws, and were eventually put into effect. He passed a total of 15 new laws in his first hundred days of being elected, and parts of them are still in effect to this day. Some laws helped prevent the situation from getting worse and are still laws in this day and age, while others didn t do much and were picked apart to be reconsidered, or just plain rejected. The first law is the Tennessee Valley AuthorityAct. FDR signed this act on May 18, 1933 in order to create the TVA as a Federal Corporation. This particular agency was tasked with facing important problems caused by flooding, erosion, steady emigration, and a deficient economy in the Tennessee Valley. Examples of such tasks include dealing with flooding, providing electricity to homes and businesses, and replanting the forests. The TVA also improved travel on the Tennessee River and helped develop the region s business and farming. Since the TVA dealt with problems in the Tennessee Valley, there was many positive effects in that area. The electricity generated by the dams
  • 31. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva The Second Skeleton inside Me Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 The Second Skeleton inside Me Affecting only one in every 2 million people Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is one of the rarest genetic disorders of congenital skeleton malformations; identified by congenital malformation of the big toe at birth. Flare ups occur by soft tissue injury followed by immobility. A mutation in the activin receptor IA/activin like kinase 2 (ACVR1/ALK2), and bone protein (BMP) type I receptor were reported in all cases of FOP, making this a specific disease causing mutations in the human genome (Kaplan, 28 O). However, there is no current cure for FOP there are new developing treatments. The benefit to studying this rare... Show more content on ... Some of the signs of FOP are the malformation of the big toe at birth, which can be short, bent or curved inward and help clarify the diagnosis ( IFOP a website, 30 M). However, sometimes the doctors overlook this malformation in that cases there are other signs you can look for. As infants most children crawl on there hands and knees though, infants with FOP rather than crawling they usually scoot on their gluteus maximus; then proceed straight to walking. The reason for this is ether the facet joints in the neck did not form properly or they have fused together ( IFOP a website, 30 M). Although, with FOP being congenital it starts before birth, though the extra bone growth does not. Symptoms often or usually begin in the first two decades of life and most people who are affected find out they have FOP before the age of ten ( IFOP a website, 30 M). Inflammation of the soft tissues in the body such as muscles, tendons and ligaments throughout become swollen and sometimes painful and often appear to be tumors ( IFOP a website, 30 M). However, once the swelling subsides it leaves behind a new piece of mature bone ( IFOP a website, 30 M). Typically, the inflammation and bone growth occurs in the shoulders, neck and upper back regions in early child hood followed by the areas of the spine, chest, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles and jaw ( IFOP a website, 30 M). However, the growth rates of new bone
  • 32. Indigenous People In Canada Introduction It is very difficult to define indigenous people. No philosopher has invented a holistic definition of these people of the world. However, they are those people too impoverished in all societies worldwide, reorganized by their respective societies as indigenous natives, are identified with the pre and post colonial continuity, having links with historical kingdoms and live around natural resources with a peculiar political, economic and social set up. Over seventy nations of this world habit indigenous people estimated to be 370 millions. What is so important is that they a rich in cultural archeology, linguistically exorbitant with diverse religions, storytelling, art and traditions. In states where colonial... Show more content on ... Mental health or disorders Mental and health disorders also give a measure of hospital management for the mentally indigenous people. Statistics show that for the period 2005 2006, health officials registered a high number of mentally sick patients of this kind in Australia. (Australian institute of Health and welfare and australian Bureau of statistics, 2008, p. P.111). Majority of them had psychoactive problems at 5:3 ratios for both male and female respectively, some of which were self induced. In Canada, the situation is caused by induced and self imposed racial discrimination. For all these reasons, the United Nations argued countries to avoid racial discrimination by promoting equality in the provision of health services and affirmative action in indigenous communities. (United Nations Development Program (UNDP) , 2000, P.10). Life expectancy In Australia, the life expectancy at birth for the males had reduced and health authorities expressed the desire to improve it. Based on statistics for 2005 2007, males expectancy was 67.2 years showing a drop by 11.5 years for non indigenous people. For females, the standing is 72.9 years below non indigenous people by 9.7 years. From 1996 2001, the male to female ratio was at59.4:64.8 years. This meant that the Australian government had taken up
  • 33. Federal Rangelands Research Paper The rangelands of the west are the legendary rolling hills and wide open spaces of American history and folklore. Federal and nonfederal rangelands include grasslands, deserts, tundra, mountains, canyons, and riparian areas. Federal rangelands are primarily managed by the Bureau of Land Management, an agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the U.S. Forest Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Rangelands include wilderness areas and provide habitat for millions of plants, wild animals, and fish, including 74 threatened or endangered species ( RangelandHealth ). Rangeland is the base of forage for most of the livestock industry in America. They also provide recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat, and off site... Show more content on ... With an ever shrinking base and the increase in their resource need, it is imperative that the nation focus our attention on conserving our rangelands for the future. This concern has become evident in recent years, and there is a pressing need to relay public concern for conservation of our natural resources into the establishment of national policy. The health of our nation is held in our soil and water resources found on rangelands. Their conservation is the responsibility of both public and private landowners. We, as a nation, must recognize that there is ultimately a cost for the conservation. But this cost is minimal in comparison to the damage to our environment if rangelands are not conserved. Therefore, as a nation, we must be willing to help the land user establish and apply long term conservation management. There should also be consider of long term, low interest loans for conservation treatments and tax incentives for conservation practices (Hayenga). The USDA must adopt policies that will provide economic incentives rather than economic penalties to range conservation efforts by private land owners and
  • 34. What Is The Biggest Battle In North America Did you know the Battle of Gettysburg was the biggest battle ever fought in North America? There were 160,000 men that fought in the battle. The Union Army was led by Major General Gordon Meade and had had 85,000 men. The Confederate Army was led by General Robert Lee had 75,000. men. The battle occurred the first three days in July of 1863. After the Confederate Army won the Battle of Chancellorsville in Virginia in May of 1863, General Lee decided to attack the Union Armyin the North. This was his second attack in the North. General Lee led the Confederate Army to the North to fight to pressure Abraham Lincoln to end the war. If he could not win the war, then he wanted to form an alliance with England and France. General Lee also wanted to move the battle away from Virginia during the farmers growing season. To draw attention away from the ConfederateЕ› movement to the North, a group of Confederate soldiers led by Jeb Stuart raided Union supply trains. Stuart was not able to communicate with General Lee so General Lee did not know what the Union troops were planning. At that time the Union soldiers were led by General Joe Hooker. When... Show more content on ... I never seen my dad or my mom. Somebody told me my mom died to protect me. The master killed her. My dad was sold. I want a family like masters. But master says I is property. I have no freedom. I can t leave. I can t see my friends. I am in the fields and they are in the big house. I snuck into the big house once to see them. Master found me. He tied me up and beat me within an inch of my life. He made me go back to work all day and night. I picked cotton until I passed out. When I woke up I was in a wagon and I didn t know where I was going. I was in heavy shackles. It was hot. I didn t know what was happening. Now I have a new master. I am at a new big house. I don t go inside there either. I pick cotton all day. I want to leave and be a free man so that I can do what I want when I
  • 35. Metal Homeostasis System Normally metals are supplied from the daily nutrients and they are not stored in the body, so its level is supposed to be regulated by a specific system to prevent it from increasing or decreasing in the brain and this system is known as metal homeostasis system which is responsible for regulation the level of the metal in the body with the help of a specific kind of transporters8. These transporters are divided into two families. One of them is responsible for transporting metals to the cells after ingestion to help the cell perform its functions by binding to the specific proteinthere for example binding to Cu/ZnSOD protein to breaks the free radicals20,21. The other one transports the metal that binds with glutamatergic neurotransmitter from the presynaptic vesicle to the postsynaptic one and those metals are responsible for learning, cognition, and memory functions by regulating the excitation process by either inhibition of NMDA and GABA receptors or enhancing AMPA receptor in ... Show more content on ... Moreover, the complex studies of the metals (Zn Cu) with the amyloid protein shows that the copper coordinates the amyloid beta through four or five coordinating bonds: two imidazole nitrogens from His 6 and His 13/14, one N terminal amine nitrogen from Asp1 and a carbonyl oxygen from Ala 2. And perhaps the fifth bond is from the oxygen of Asp1 (see figure 4c) 40. But other researchers found that copper binds amyloid via His6, His13, His14, and Tyr10 (Figure 4a). After the metal binds a beta amyloid (monomeric compound) , the aggregation of ОІ amyloid starts after this moment by creating a new coordination bond between imidazole ring of His6 with the other copper atom from the other copper amyloid complex to form a dimer compound (see figure 4 b)
  • 36. The Seven Laws Of Teaching By John Milton Gregory RThe Seven Laws of Teaching expounds on the rules and principles of teaching. The reasoning behind the selection of this book is to help students understand the science and the art of education. John Milton Gregory, the author of The Seven Laws of Teaching, was involved in educational programs and associations for most of his life. He succeeded in carrying out educational goals and won public popularity which resulted in his election as the Superintendent of Public Instruction in Michigan. In his later years, he dedicated much of his time to traveling and writing educational works. Charles E. Walker is the editor of The Seven Laws of Teaching. Walker served in Christian educationfor most of his lifetime. He has spent 20 years as an... Show more content on ... Language helps the student to store knowledge. The next law, leads us to the Law of the Lesson. This refers to the core of teaching. The advancement of knowledge means introducing new information and helping students to grasp it. A good teacher will find familiar information and examples to bring up when introducing a new truth. A student needs to know of a known to understand the unknown. The new information should be explained until the student is able to understand the new truth. A student has the ability to learn without a teacher. However, the Law of the Teaching Process creates the background for a teacher to guide a student on the path to more knowledge. A teacher should establish a safe environment that encourages thinking to help students learn the unknown by the way of the known (84). Acquiring their knowledge and increasing their mental power correlates to the aims of a teacher as they guide students. While a teacher is to be passionate in laying out knowledge, the really work of an education, acquiring knowledge, is the work of the student. A student learns by discovery and information stores as the student interprets the new information. The Law of Review refers to more than simply repetition. This law refers to increasing the mental capacity as the original idea is coupled with new concepts and associations. Review allows the student to dig deeper into the subject, and often, students discover hidden truths
  • 37. The Eu Data Protection Directive In 1995 Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland enacted a legislation to protect personal data privacy in the form of the EU Data Protection Directive. According to this document, companies operating inside European Unionare not permitted to transfer any personal data to countries outside European Economic Area unless countries in question can guarantee adequate levels of protection of that data. This created many concerns for global companies and raised legal issues and thus in summer 2000 the US Department of Commerce and the European Commission formulated the safe harbour agreement that circumscribes the level of protection to be given to European personal information. The arrangement is designed to guarantee the safety of online data transfers between the EU and the US, as stipulated by the EU Data Protection Directive of 1998. In addition, US companies aiming at entering the online markets in Europe would need to achieve safe harbour status. However, in 6 October 2015 Court of Justice of the European Union declared that the Commission s Safe Harbour Decision is now invalid, more precisely that the United States cannot adequately ensure protection of European personal data. Before discussing any implications of this ruling there s a need to know why Court of Justice of the European Union made it. First of all, a number of various cases around
  • 38. Bryan Cox Essay . I found Bryan Cox s answers to be the most interesting because I can relate and connect with him the most as I, as well, plan on living at home and commuting. With all the things he had mentioned such as home cooked meals and wake up calls, I feel that there will be more time for me to focus on my studies and less on errands and the duties of living on my own as I will have my family to help me out. Another point that I found interesting from Bryan s answer was when he said I don t necessarily have all the freedom I d have if I were living on campus. This answer is interesting to me because usually students would insist to live on campus instead of living at home because they would have more freedom without typical family restrictions such as curfew, going to bed early,... Show more content on ... a) After hearing from Katherine Bennett, I was surprised when she mentioned that the work from university was not as difficult as teachers at secondary school proclaimed. I find this surprising because I have always been told that post secondary work load is very overwhelming. b) Hearing what Bryan Cox has said about the workload for the first year, has greatly reduced my stress level because I was never a big fan of immense amounts of work. Since Bryan mentioned how the work load was manageable and less than expected, this is a great factor as university and college students will still have time for themselves to hang out with their family and friends, meet new people, join clubs, participate in extracurricular activities, volunteer, etc. c) From the article, I thought that the best advice was from Fahad Malik where he advised to always smile and laugh. According to him, appearing happy and approachable is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. I think making new friends is really important, especially when you are heading into an unfamiliar environment, because you can always turn to your friends for help, advice, moral support, and just to hang out and relieve stress,
  • 39. History Theology Ritual Liturgy Pastoral Issues on... Bogachan Demirci STM 322C 170 Sacraments amp; Symbols Research Paper September 9, 2012 The History, Theology, Ritual/Liturgy, Pastoral Issues of Confirmation as a Sacrament Sacraments are actions, and they function as rituals: they repeat gestures and words that are meaningful to those who perceive them. Sacraments affect more than the thoughts and feelings of participants because they have to be understood psychologically and theologically. There are seven sacraments in Catholicism: Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, The Eucharist, Penance, Anointing the Sick and Holy Orders. People learn and remember and they remember from practice of prayer and of the involvement and preparation of the sacraments. (Martos 2009). These ... Show more content on ... Baptism is very important, in the East, it would be very difficult for a bishop to give every baptism; the priest performs the confirmation using the chrism consecrated by the Bishop. In the West, there is a separation of time between Baptism and Confirmation. Bishops give confirmation after Baptism and only when a child reaches the age of reason. In the West, The desire to reserve the completion of Baptism to the Bishop caused a separation between the two sacraments. He can do so only with the approval of the Bishop. From 1291 1292, the Roman Church conducted Confirmation by a double anointing with sacred oil after Baptism. The first anointing new person on coming out of the baptismal bath performed by priest, then completed by second appointing on the forehead by newly baptized by the Bishop. In addition, Easter in Church gave greater emphasis on the unity of Confirmation as a Christian initiation. Latin Church clearly expresses the communion of the new Christian with Bishop as guarantor and servant of the unity, catholicity and apostolicity of the Church and establishes connection with the apostolic origins of Christ s Church. By 1293, Confirmation as a spiritual seal (receiving the mark of the Holy Spirit) with the use chrism aromatic oil consecrated by the Bishop. Confirmation is a sign of, cleansing and strengthening, abundance of joy, a sign of healing, a sign of
  • 40. Styles Of Learning Based On The Reseach Of Fernald, Keller, Styles of Learning Based on the Reseach of Fernald, Keller, Orton, Gillingham, Stillman , Montessori and Neil D Fleming ABSTARCT This article helps the readers to understand the different learning styles like visual, auditory and kinesthetic, based on the research work of Fernald, Keller, Orton, Gillingham, Stillman , Montessori and Neil D Fleming. Learning styles are different approaches or ways of learning. Most people would have a preference to identifiable method of interacting with, taking in, and processing information. It involves personalizing the educating methods, particular to an individual that are presumed to allow that individual to learn best. This article explains the importance of Based individualized learning ... Show more content on ... A useful example to help understand this concept better is how we learn to use a new piece of technology. We can approach it either by sitting alone, reading instructions from beginning to end before or take a hands on approach like pressing the different controls to discover through trial and error or learn by seeing others using the same. This example helps to reflect about how learning preferences vary among individuals. This said however, circumstances may also determine how each person learns something new. Such examples help us to think about how we have preferences for the manner in which we learn. Thus, understanding learning styles approaches helps us to consider an individual s dominant or preferred way of thinking in turn helping us to learn better in lesser time. HISTORY OF LEARNING STYLES Early History: In the beginning, research focused on the relationship between memory and oral or visual methods. In 1904, Alfred Binet, a French psychologist, developed the first intelligence test, which spawned interest in individual differences. The study of learning styles was the next step: In 1907, Dr. Maria Montessori, who invented the Montessori Method of education, began using materials to enhance the learning styles of her students. Dr. Montessori believed that students do not demonstrate mastery of subjects through a multiple choice answer sheet, but through their actions. 1950 to 1970: The study of learning styles
  • 41. Eco 365 Week 6 Assignment 1 WEEK 6 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT Week 6 Written Assignment Ashley Singletary The University of Mount Olive A. The concept of elasticity of demand has played a major role in managerial decision making. It has greatly helped managers in consideration of whether lowering a price will lead to an increase in demand of a certain product, and if so, to what extent and whether profits would increase as a result of doing so. In this case the concept of demand becomes advantageous in that: В· The knowledge of the nature of the elasticity of demand for products will help a business to decide whether to cut prices in a particular case. В· A monopolist would not be able to increase prices if the demand for a particuar product is elastic. В· It
  • 42. Foreshadowing In Wharton s In The Age Of Innocence We re near each other only if we stay far from each other (p.203). To every writer, it is of the essence to provide a platform for his or her story to unfold and suggest to the readers of the events that are yet to come without concealing the tale or botching up the suspense that glues the readers to the book. Hence, notable writers have used foreshadowing as a literary device that helps build anticipation in the minds of readers, leaving them drooling for more as they go about the story. Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story (Literary Devices, 2015) where it can be as impalpable as storm clouds on the horizon suggesting that danger is approaching or more direct, such as Romeo and Juliet s conversation about wanting to die rather than enduring live without each other. Set in the era between the late summer of 1919 and March of 1920 where Americans were characterized by immense political, economic, and cultural change, The Age of Innocence has always been more than a... Show more content on ... Wharton aligns Newland Archer, the novels main character a man captive to the rigid rules of the New York society and Newland s desired love, Ellen with the liberty to pursue their love. She portrays Newland as someone who longs for convergence but instead needs to choose between two very distinct way of thinking and living. He pivots his desire to a place where categories... won t exist. Where we shall be simply two human beings who love each other, who are the whole life to each other; and nothing else on earth will matter (p.246). However, this desire of his is never fulfilled due to his social conditioning that refrains him from pursuing his dreams; thus, Newland dwell over the imagined while by default he submissively conforms to the standards and expectations set by the society he lives
  • 43. Allusion In Infinite Jest In his celebrated 1,079 page novel set at a tennis academy and addiction recovery house, David Foster Wallace borrows a phrase from Shakespeare s Hamlet for the title, Infinite Jest. The allusion is grounded in the vital plot device also named Infinite Jest, a necromantic film that engrosses the viewer to the point of catatonia and eventually death. The filmmaker is the character James O. Incandenza, who sought to produce a film so radically entertaining that it would affectively tear his son Hal from anhedonia, a sarcastic and apathetic state of being that characterized, for Wallace, American culture at the time. As it becomes clear very early on in Infinite Jest, James is dead for the majority of the plot, appearing as a ghost late in the ... Show more content on ... Catherine Nichols points this out, calling James the infinite jester of the novel (11). In view of his connection to Yorick, the allusion to the graveyard scene in Hamlet is twice made explicit: once near the beginning and once toward the end of Infinite Jest; Hal shares a dream with the novel s other protagonist, whereby the two dig up James head (16 17; 934). Of course, the graveyard dream recalls the grave scene from Hamlet, where the titular character discovers that the skull uncovered by the gravediggers is that of his childhood jester Yorick, whom he describes as a fellow of infinite jest (5.1.191 2). As Indira Ghose suggests, the infinite in this line is enclosed within Hamlet s recollection of the jester, so the infinity is reduced to the confines of a single character s memory and is recalled only upon his chance encounter with the skull; the infinite is juxtaposed with the image of the empty skull he holds up to the audience, so the infinite as a concept is exposed as a huge joke (1015). Aside from James The Joke, his film Infinite Jest itself functions as a jest: the overt impossibility of a film engaging a viewer to the point to death, the hyperbolic mother son theme parodying psychoanalytic theory, and, perhaps most poignantly, the glaring absence of the infinite. In Hal s dream, he digs up his father s head in order to find, as it is elsewhere inferred, the master copy of the film. However, as the reader and Hal are aware, James head was destroyed, thus the film no longer exists. This absence recalls the gaping emptiness of the jester s skull as Hamlet holds it up to the audience. In both cases, the infinite itself becomes the joke, in the sense that the yawning absence belies the immutable nature of infinity. Likewise, Wallace s
  • 44. The Unreliable Narrator In Ford s The Good Soldier The subject of The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford is good people. The theme of the novel is that truly good people do not exist; any who claim to be are hiding sordid motives and problematic passions behind the faГ§ade of being a good person. Literary forms that support this theme are point of view, tone, characterization, and irony. The point of view The Good Soldier is told from the limited first person perspective of John Dowell, who is an unreliable narrator. Backpack Literature describes an unreliable narrator as a narrator who intentionally or unintentionally relates events in a subjective or distorted manner (Kennedy 60). As a reader, it is difficult to decipher whether Dowell is hopelessly naive and socially inept or a master manipulator, ... Show more content on ... The insincerity stems primarily from the unreliable nature of the narrator and the impassivity from the casual conveyance of the story and the narrator s revelations. Although the subtitle claims it to be A Tale of Passion, the tone of the novel lacks empathy and passion from the storytelling. Dowell uses hyperbole and attempts to play up hysterics to no avail. The bland, impassive narration of otherwise dramatic events and characters create a dichotomy, which gives the tale a sarcastic attitude. This is used when Dowell is attempting to show Captain Ashburnham in a good light, but instead reveals his infidelities and naГЇve
  • 45. Women s Role In The American Corrections System The American corrections system has many facets to it as well as many challenges that each and every individual within its system must learn to cope with. Not everyone who is in some sector of the corrections system can deal with what corrections entails because the life that they led outside of the correctionssystem isn t always the same. This can especially be said for women who find themselves part of the corrections system simply because of the role that women generally face within their homes. Corrections is defined as, the variety of programs, services, facilities, and organizations responsible for the management of individuals who have been accused or convicted or criminal offenses (Clear, 2013). This includes corrections officers, ... Show more content on ... corrections system. There were three principles found to be of importance for this time of prison reform and they were, (1) separation of women prisoners from men, (2) provision of differential care, and (3) management of women s prisons by female staff (Clear, 2013). Basically the concern was female prisoners to be house separately from the male prisoners in a facility ran by female staff. In state prisons it is estimated that women account for nearly twenty five percent of the workforce (Clear, 2013). However in the Federal Bureau of Prisons it is estimated that women only account for approximately thirteenth percent of the officers (Clear, 2013). Out of the total population of prison inmates, only approximately seven percent are female whereas the population of female jail inmates is approximately twelve percent. An issue that is of concern is the safety of female officers when working within a male prison facility. In 2013, a female officer at the Arizona State Prison Complex in Winslow was brutally beaten by two inmates to the point of being placed in the hospital. Officer Benavidez was escorting 50 unrestrained male inmates when two of them inmates proceeded to brutally attack her. According to a statement from her boyfriend, the first one hit her and knocked her out. He climbed on top of her and continued to pound her head. There was another one, and