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The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
For Grades 6 to 8
The institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Reading comprehension (Material) (Basic Level)
Name: _________________ Date______________
Q: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.
A material is what something is made of. There are five basic materials. Most things are
made with these materials. Some things are made of metal, some of glass, wood or cloth.
Some things are made of plastic too. There are some other materials too but they are
not used as much as these five materials.
Let’s talk about metal first. Metal is very heavy and it is very hard and strong. It
usually feels cool if you touch it. We use metal to make lots of things. We use it for forks,
knives and for keys. We also use it for cars.
Next, let’s talk about glass. Glass is very smooth. It also feels cool to touch. It is not as
heavy as metal. It is hard but it is not fragile because it breaks very easily. Then
question is, why do we use it? We use it because it is clear! We can see through it easily.
Wood is lighter than metal and glass. It is not as strong as metal but it is much stronger
than glass. We use wood to make lots of things. Things made from wood are usually
light, hard, and strong.
1. What is Material?
2. Why metals are important for us?
3. Write a short paragraph about cloth as same as written about metal or glass in
the passage.
The institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
4. Write two differences between glass and wood.
5. What similarities are there in metal and glass?
6. What other materials do you know which we use in our daily life?
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The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Reading Comprehension (Basic)
Q1: Read the extract carefully and answer the quesitons given below.
A robot is a machine, but it is not just a machine. It is a special kind of machine. It is a
machine that moves. It follows instructions. The instructions come from a computer
cecause it is a machine, it does not make mistakes, it does not get tired, it never
complains unless you tell it to!
Robots are all around us. Some robots are used to make things. For instance, robots can
help make cars. Some robots are used to explore doangerous places as exploring
volcanoes. Some robots are used to clean things. Thses robots can help vacuum your
house. Some robots can even recognize words. They can be used to help answer
telephone calls. Some robots look like humans but most robots do not. Most robots just
look like machines.
Long ago, people imagined robots. Over 2000 years ago, a famous poet imagined robots.
The poet’s name was Homer. His robots were made of gold. They cleaned things and
they make thigs but they were not real. They were imaginary. Nobody was able to make
a real tobot. The first real robot was made in 1961. It was called Unimate. It was used to
help make cars. It looked like a giant arm.
In the future, we will have even more robots. They will do things that we can’t do. Or
they the things that we don’t want to do. Undoubtedly they will do things that are too
dangerous for us. Robots will help us fight fires, fight wars and fight sickness. They will
help us discover things and make life better.
A: Choose the best answer.
I. In paragraph 1 SPECIAL means,
(normal, perticular, perfect)
II. According to the author, robots may be used to,
(Make cars, Explore volcanoes, Answer telephone calls, For all purpose)
III. The main purpose of paragraph 2 is,
To show how easy it is to make a robot
To tell what a robot is
To describe the things a robot can do
To explain the difference between a robot and machine
IV. Using the information in the passage as a guide, which of these gives the best use
of a robot?
To help make a sandwich
To help read a book
To help tie shoes
To help explore Mars
V. How the author of this passage feels about robots, which of these statements
correctly summarize?
Robots are old
Robots are confusing
Robots are helpful
Robots are dangerous
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Q: Can robots really make our life easier and better? Reason your answer.
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The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Comprehension (Advanced Level)
Read the extract carefully and answer the questions given below.
“The basketball team could not win a game. It
did not make any sense. They had many good
players. They had a lot of experience. When
Coach Grimley watched the Falcons play their
first game, he immediately understood why they
could not win. Everyone wanted to be a
star. At the next practice, the coach explained
that no one would be a star if they did not show
some team spirit and support each other. In
practices during the next weed, all the team
members did, was pass the ball to other players
who were in a better position to score points. When the next game came around,
the Falcons won!”
1. Why could the Falcons not win?
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
2. What idea are you getting by the sentence, “Everyone wanted to be a
3. What did you understand about Coach Grimley’s approach to basketball?
4. What lesson did you get from the Falcons’ winning?
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
5. How many players are there in a basketball team?
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The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Writing A Birthday Invitation
Name: ______________ Sub: ______________ Class: _____________
Roll no: _____________ Worksheet #: _______ Date: _____________
Writing a Birthday Invitation:
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Q: Look at the picture and describe what happening here.
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Q: Complete this short conversation on phone
Q: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.
Jennifer is having a birthday party. Her birthday is March 14th. She is turning eight years old. Jennifer
invited all her friends from school to her birthday party. Nine friends from school came to her party. Her
Grandma and Grandpa also came.
Jennifer father brought a splendid cake. Her mother arranged some other things like sandwiches, cans
of juice, biscuits, ice cream, pizza and pastries.
Jennifer also arranged some games to play with her friends like passing the parcel, treasure hunt,
musical chair and pin the tail on the Donkey. There were a lot of balloons at the party. The girls tried to
pop most of them.
Jennifer blew out the candles on her birthday cake, then she opened her presents. She got lots of dolls
and toys from her friends. Her grandparents got her a pretty new dress.
1. How old will Jennifer be?
2. What kind of cake was at the party?
3. How many friends were come at the party?
4. What did Jennifer’s grandparents get her?
5. What did mother arrange for the party?
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Ali: I’m really excited for Sami’s surprise birthday party this afternoon! Aren’t
Raza: Yeah! How old is he?
Ali: He’ll be 10 on April 25th
Raza: Wow! I didn’t know that I am older _ I’m going to be 11 on April 23rd
. anyway,
Sami’s going to be so surprised to see us all here!
Ali: I know! But we still have to get all the food set up before he gets here…. OK!
We’re all ready now. Shh! She’s here!
All: Surprise!
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The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Story Writing
Create Your Own Story
A: Pre story writing activities:
✓ Think about a setting (You are in a boat)
✓ Name the characters (Three people with three objects and 2 animals)
✓ Plot of the story
✓ Conflict of the story
✓ Conclusion
B: Answer the questions about your story.
1. Who are all the people on your boat and why are they there?
2. Why did you place those specific animals on your boat?
3. What objects did you place on your boat? What is there purpose?
4. Do the people, animals, and objects interact together?
C: Write your final draft in your exercise book.
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The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Describing Picture/Objects
When a picture is given to describe the examiner can ask you to say what you see. Besides it s/he may
also ask you to,
Your opinion
Comment on the content of the picture
Describe the scene given in the picture
Ask few questions about the scene in the picture
What does this test check?
It depends on the examiner point of view or what s/he is looking for. General criteria is,
Pronunciation and rhythms of speech
Ability to communicate
Grammatical accuracy
Guidelines and Techniques to approach this type of test:
Do Don’t do
Look carefully at the given
picture/photo. Think how to describe
what you see.
Be as precise as you can when you
describe the photo/picture. Use some
positive language if it helps.
Use Present Continuous Verbs to
describe what is happening.
It there is a person or people in the
picture, you will need to describe their
Answer questions of the examiner or
audience as fully as possible. Keep
talking, give details, explain your point,
ask questions, and paraphrase.
Give simple and comprehensible and
solid explanation.
Speak naturally and be animated! Keep
eye contact with the examiner and
audience, be friendly, and show positive
Don’t worry if you don’t understand
immediately what is going on in the
Don’t worry if you don’t know the precise
words for what you can see; use
Don’t use Present Simple/Indefinite to
describe what is happening.
Don’t use general language to describe
people. You should use vocabulary of the
level required.
Don’t give too many one – or – two words
answers. Avoid answers which are single
words or lists. Silence is your enemy! If you
are not a talkative person by nature, you
must make an extra effort for the test.
Don’t get stuck on words-----
Don’t give complicated explanation if you
are not sure.
Don’t be shy! This is your chance to show
how well you can speak! Smile and relax.
1. Describe where things are in the picture:
Make sure you are familiar with the language used to describe where something is in a picture. Check that
you know how to use the phrases in the boxes below.
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
At The Top
In The Top Left(- Hand) Corner In The Top Right(- Hand) Corner
In The Middle
On The Left (- Hand) Side On The Right (- Hand) Side
In The Bottom Left ( - Hand) Corner In The Bottom Right ( - Hand) Corner
At The Bottom
+ Of The Picture
2. Don’t be to certain:
Sometime you cannot be sure what is happening in a picture or photo. Use appropriate language to show
that you are guessing. Use uncertain and speculative language when you aren’t 100% sure.
I think/ guess/ suppose it is-------- May be/Perhaps they are--------
I am not sure but, they could be------- They seem to be taking part----
It’s not very clear but, probably------- It can/ could/ might be a scene of-----
I can’t quite make it out but, perhaps------
3. Paraphrase if you don’t know the word:
Don’t worry if there are things in the picture that you don’t know the English for. Make sure you know
how to talk “round” words you don’t know. These expressions are always useful:
Examples For a Bottle Opener
It is use to----/it’s used for----/ you use it to------
It’s what you do when you-----( If you don’t know the verb)
I don’t know what you call it, but ---- (Describe or define it)
I don’t know what it is called/ the word for it, but ------
It’s a kind / sort of/-----
It’s like a ------
It’s stuff / a thing for------
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
4. Give you opinion and Use hesitation words:
Remember you may also be asked to give your opinion on the content of the picture or topics related to
it. To start with, here are some expressions you can use:
In my opinion As far as I’m concerned
As I see it I would say that
If you ask me Personally
I suppose/ believe/ think/ guess From my point of view
In order to play with time, to give yourself time to think, you can use hesitation words or sounds
(“delaying sounds”). Make sure you don’t use them from your own language. They can sound strange in
Well,---- Er,------ Let me see--------, Mmm----------,
Then----------, I mean ----------, You know( what I mean)
5. Ask for clarification & Correct yourself:
Don’t be afraid to interrupt and ask if you don’t understand what you are being told. It’s important to
familiarize yourself with the right phrases to ask for clarification or repetition and be able to go on.
Shall I start?
What do you mean?
I don’t (really) understand------
Do you think you could say/explain that again?
Would you mind repeating it, please?
May/can I ask you a question?
I’m not (quite) sure what I have to do------
Can I interrupt or say something?
Asking the examiner to repeat can actually be the perfect opportunity to show off some complex
language – e.g.:
I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch the last part------
I didn’t quite get what you said-----
If I can’t just check what you are saying, you’d like me to -------
And be confident to correct yourself if necessary!
What I mean----
What I am trying to say-----
I don’t think I explained that very well ------
6. What to include:
These all are important thing which must be included while describing a picture or photo.
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Fill in the gaps with the correct “Position” language:
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Physical Appearance: (Describing People)
Physical Appearance Types
Treated hair
Hair color
Hair style
Skin color
Eyes shape
Eyes color
Eyebrows shape
Nose shape
Face shape
short, medium height, tall
skinny, thin, muscular, well – built, fat, chubby, obese, overweight, plumy, chunky, strong, in shape, stocky, bonny, stout
young, middle aged, aged, elderly
short, medium length, long, curly, wavy, straight, spiky, shaggy, bald,
permed, dyed, bleached, highlighted, waved,
black, brown, blonde, red, grey,
pony, braids, pig tails, loose hair,
olive skin, white skin, fair, brunette, tanned skin, dark skin,
almond eyes, round eyes, hooded eyes, droopy eyes, down. Turned eyes, Asian/slanted eyes, wide – set eyes, close – set
eyes, bulbous eyes, deep – set eyes, crinkly eyes, squinty eyes,
green eyes, blue eyes, black eyes, brown eyes, dark eyes, hazel eyes, grey eyes,
thin eyebrows, bushy/thick eyebrows,
small nose, big nose, large nose, broad nose, flat nose, turned up nose, sharp nose,
goatee/ pear, mustache and beard,
oval, round, heart – shaped, triangle, square,
mole(s), freckles, dimples, wrinkles, pimple(s),
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
I am a __________ (a Free time Activity)
Read the details carefully and analyze your personality traits. Let see
how much you know yourself.
Horoscope A Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
• Before an A plunges into anything, from a problem to a vacation
idea, they need to analyze all the facts and know all the details.
This makes them seem indecisive and slow.
• A's perception is their reality. What they believe is what will be,
if they
have a negative outlook on life, things will present themselves to
be negative and they will be very moody and isolated/detached.
• If they are positive, the same events that occur will be held in a
positive light and they will be a pleasant, well-adjusted person.
• A needs to get in touch with their feelings, this is why they
usually seem cold or detached. They will say they feel okay or
everything is alright even when it's not.
• The one thing that A does not like to analyze is their feelings so
pretending everything is okay is a good defense mechanism for not
having to take a closer look at their feelings.
Horoscope B Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
• B tend to be rebels just for the sake of having their own way. Their
stubbornness sometimes causes their failure, they will continue to
do something their way even though others have proved it is wrong.
• They are very smart people and know it is wrong but they will
continue just because it is their way.
• they are very fixed in opinion and stubborn when confronted.
• Despite
their stubbornness and fixed opinion, they will never impose their
ideas on others, they have respect for everybody's differences.
Horoscope C Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
• C have the ability to react instantly to situations, and as a
result, they have a very nervous temperament.
• They can be compared to a wound up spring as they attempt to absorb
everything they can about their surroundings at once.
• The fact that they enjoy various situations and people add to their
nervousness and that means they are almost constantly wound up.
• However, if they experience boredom and have nothing to survey, they
get the same emotions, the need for excitement and variety. This is
the C duality, constantly conflicting emotions in one spontaneous,
excitable package.
Horoscope D Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
• The D personality is hard to pin down; it is very mysterious and
• D are molded by their surroundings, they incorporate their
experiences and surroundings into themselves.
• They have extreme compassion and they feel the pain of others.
• If something is wrong in the world that affects them, it affects
them deeply, they take it to heart and feel extreme feelings
regarding the matter.
• When they are happy, they are extremely happy and when they are sad,
they are extremely depressed.
Horoscope E Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
• Independence is key to E astrology, they do not like to take orders
from others and enjoy getting their way.
• They can get childish or moody should they be given orders that they
do not like.
• E easily take offense to comments made.
• E are self-involved and can be self-centered, if they do not pay
attention to the feelings of others, E can easily become spoiled and
resented by others.
• In order to get their way, E will tell a lie if it seems
advantageous to do so. They are however, not very good liars and
other people can usually see through them.
Horoscope F Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
• F are deeply sensitive, the slightest comment or negative remark
will be taken personally and they can easily get offended or hurt.
• Their stubborn streak results in laziness. They can be very lazy
when someone gives them orders or wants them to do something they do
not want to do.
Horoscope G Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
• G are not emotional moody people, in fact they can be downright
emotionally detached but they do get irritable when they are bored.
• G is optimistic and positive, even deep inside because they believe
that no matter what has happened, something good is always around
the corner and the sun will always shine again.
Horoscope H Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
• H might seem melancholy and stern because they live by self-
discipline and responsibility.
• They evaluate everything and they don't take daring chances without
weighing the advantages and disadvantages first.
• H's self-sufficiency is often mistook for coldness, they are not as
cold as they seem, this might be apparent just because H like to do
everything themselves; this way
there is no worry about something not finished or not done properly.
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
• It is all about control of their surroundings and their daily lives
and sometimes this spills into other people's lives.
• They believe they can give structure and organize other people's
lives too, which they can but others might see this as intrusive and
not welcome the H's suggested changes.
Horoscope I Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
• They are complex, fragile, unpredictable and temperamental and need
constant support and encouragement, more than any other astrology
signs, I needs to be needed.
• Even when all needs are satisfied, they can be irritable and
cranky. They have an
uneasy, delicate temperament.
• The contradictory nature of I gives their temperament the wild mood
swings and possible temper tantrums.
• They are easily offended and will sulk and wallow in self-pity for a
long time when they get hurt.
Horoscope J Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
• J are extremely ambitious, persistent and determined which is shown
through a power hungry, controlling attitude. Not in a stubborn
sense however, because a J will work for what they want.
• This is obvious to any onlooker. A J never gives up, they are so
determined to reach their goal.
• The key to this success is their flexibility.
• They are able to re-survey a situation and take a different approach
if necessary.
• Js are fierce competitors, combined with their powers of observation
and their excellent memory, they will recall facts and when
necessary, bring them to the table at the time of need.
• Js are excellent at restoring order to a chaotic situation and they
are just as capable of manipulating for their own greed and benefit.
Horoscope K Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
• K have excellent instincts and intuition, most of the time they do
not trust them enough.
• K are likely to be underachievers due to the easygoing attitude.
This does not mean that they are necessarily lazy; they just make do
with whatever comes their way.
• They do not want anything badly enough to fight for it. The only
time that a K will usually stand up is if a situation is unfair,
• The only time a K will definitely stand up is if they feel something
involving them is unfair.
• They need their respect and their fairness, after all, K has done so
much for other people, it deserves at least fairness, right? When
this issue comes into play, K
becomes courageous.
The Institute of ELC
By Ms Ishrat Khan
Horoscope L Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
• L loves the new and extraordinary, they despise dull, regular
routines and if this is what they are faced with, they will simply
create their own drama and excitement. This makes L prone to stir up
a situation out of nowhere just for something to keep
their vivacious temperament satisfied.
• L has an amazing ability to bounce back from any feelings of despair
or unfortunate
events. They do not like to be unhappy, it hurts their pride so they
will take matters into their own hands and make things right again.
• L could come into conflict with other powerhouse type of people who
will not take orders and not give an inch, L will not budge their
opinion, they will understand and accept opinions of others but they
do not take well to people to try to impose their beliefs on them.
A = Virgo: August 23- September 22
B = Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
C = Gemini: May 21 - June20
D = Pisces: February 19 - March 20
E = Aries: March 21 - April 19
F = Taurus: April 20 - May 20
G = Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
H = Capricorn: December 22 – January 19
I = Cancer: June 21 - July 22
J = Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
K = Libra: September 23 - October 22
L = Leo: July 23 - August 22
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The Institute of ELC
By Ms Khan
Little Things
(Julia Fletcher Carney)
Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant land.
So the little moments,
Humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages
Of eternity.
So our little errors
Lead the soul away
From the path of virtue,
Far in sin to stray.
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Help to make earth happy
Like the heaven above.
Little Things
(Julia Fletcher Carney)
Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant land.
So the little moments,
Humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages
Of eternity.
So our little errors
Lead the soul away
From the path of virtue,
Far in sin to stray.
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Help to make earth happy
Like the heaven above.

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  • 1. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan CREATIVE WRITING PACK For Grades 6 to 8
  • 2. The institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Reading comprehension (Material) (Basic Level) Name: _________________ Date______________ Q: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below. A material is what something is made of. There are five basic materials. Most things are made with these materials. Some things are made of metal, some of glass, wood or cloth. Some things are made of plastic too. There are some other materials too but they are not used as much as these five materials. Let’s talk about metal first. Metal is very heavy and it is very hard and strong. It usually feels cool if you touch it. We use metal to make lots of things. We use it for forks, knives and for keys. We also use it for cars. Next, let’s talk about glass. Glass is very smooth. It also feels cool to touch. It is not as heavy as metal. It is hard but it is not fragile because it breaks very easily. Then question is, why do we use it? We use it because it is clear! We can see through it easily. Wood is lighter than metal and glass. It is not as strong as metal but it is much stronger than glass. We use wood to make lots of things. Things made from wood are usually light, hard, and strong. 1. What is Material? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Why metals are important for us? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Write a short paragraph about cloth as same as written about metal or glass in the passage. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
  • 3. The institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan 4. Write two differences between glass and wood. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. What similarities are there in metal and glass? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 6. What other materials do you know which we use in our daily life? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Meet on Youtube visit the site
  • 4. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Reading Comprehension (Basic) Robots Q1: Read the extract carefully and answer the quesitons given below. A robot is a machine, but it is not just a machine. It is a special kind of machine. It is a machine that moves. It follows instructions. The instructions come from a computer cecause it is a machine, it does not make mistakes, it does not get tired, it never complains unless you tell it to! Robots are all around us. Some robots are used to make things. For instance, robots can help make cars. Some robots are used to explore doangerous places as exploring volcanoes. Some robots are used to clean things. Thses robots can help vacuum your house. Some robots can even recognize words. They can be used to help answer telephone calls. Some robots look like humans but most robots do not. Most robots just look like machines. Long ago, people imagined robots. Over 2000 years ago, a famous poet imagined robots. The poet’s name was Homer. His robots were made of gold. They cleaned things and they make thigs but they were not real. They were imaginary. Nobody was able to make a real tobot. The first real robot was made in 1961. It was called Unimate. It was used to help make cars. It looked like a giant arm. In the future, we will have even more robots. They will do things that we can’t do. Or they the things that we don’t want to do. Undoubtedly they will do things that are too dangerous for us. Robots will help us fight fires, fight wars and fight sickness. They will help us discover things and make life better. A: Choose the best answer. I. In paragraph 1 SPECIAL means, (normal, perticular, perfect) II. According to the author, robots may be used to, (Make cars, Explore volcanoes, Answer telephone calls, For all purpose) III. The main purpose of paragraph 2 is, To show how easy it is to make a robot To tell what a robot is To describe the things a robot can do To explain the difference between a robot and machine IV. Using the information in the passage as a guide, which of these gives the best use of a robot? To help make a sandwich To help read a book To help tie shoes To help explore Mars V. How the author of this passage feels about robots, which of these statements correctly summarize? Robots are old Robots are confusing Robots are helpful Robots are dangerous
  • 5. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Q: Can robots really make our life easier and better? Reason your answer. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Meet on Youtube visit the site
  • 6. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Comprehension (Advanced Level) Read the extract carefully and answer the questions given below. “The basketball team could not win a game. It did not make any sense. They had many good players. They had a lot of experience. When Coach Grimley watched the Falcons play their first game, he immediately understood why they could not win. Everyone wanted to be a star. At the next practice, the coach explained that no one would be a star if they did not show some team spirit and support each other. In practices during the next weed, all the team members did, was pass the ball to other players who were in a better position to score points. When the next game came around, the Falcons won!” 1. Why could the Falcons not win? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
  • 7. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan 2. What idea are you getting by the sentence, “Everyone wanted to be a star”? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. What did you understand about Coach Grimley’s approach to basketball? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4. What lesson did you get from the Falcons’ winning? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
  • 8. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 5. How many players are there in a basketball team? ______________________________________________________________________ Meet on Youtube visit the site
  • 9. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Writing A Birthday Invitation Name: ______________ Sub: ______________ Class: _____________ Roll no: _____________ Worksheet #: _______ Date: _____________ ________________________________________________________________ Writing a Birthday Invitation:
  • 10. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Q: Look at the picture and describe what happening here. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
  • 11. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Q: Complete this short conversation on phone Q: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below. Jennifer is having a birthday party. Her birthday is March 14th. She is turning eight years old. Jennifer invited all her friends from school to her birthday party. Nine friends from school came to her party. Her Grandma and Grandpa also came. Jennifer father brought a splendid cake. Her mother arranged some other things like sandwiches, cans of juice, biscuits, ice cream, pizza and pastries. Jennifer also arranged some games to play with her friends like passing the parcel, treasure hunt, musical chair and pin the tail on the Donkey. There were a lot of balloons at the party. The girls tried to pop most of them. Jennifer blew out the candles on her birthday cake, then she opened her presents. She got lots of dolls and toys from her friends. Her grandparents got her a pretty new dress. 1. How old will Jennifer be? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What kind of cake was at the party? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How many friends were come at the party? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What did Jennifer’s grandparents get her? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What did mother arrange for the party? ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 12. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Ali: I’m really excited for Sami’s surprise birthday party this afternoon! Aren’t you? Raza: Yeah! How old is he? Ali: He’ll be 10 on April 25th . Raza: Wow! I didn’t know that I am older _ I’m going to be 11 on April 23rd . anyway, Sami’s going to be so surprised to see us all here! Ali: I know! But we still have to get all the food set up before he gets here…. OK! We’re all ready now. Shh! She’s here! All: Surprise! Meet on Youtube visit the site
  • 13. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Story Writing Create Your Own Story A: Pre story writing activities: ✓ Think about a setting (You are in a boat) ✓ Name the characters (Three people with three objects and 2 animals) ✓ Plot of the story ✓ Conflict of the story ✓ Conclusion B: Answer the questions about your story. 1. Who are all the people on your boat and why are they there? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Why did you place those specific animals on your boat? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. What objects did you place on your boat? What is there purpose? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. Do the people, animals, and objects interact together? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ C: Write your final draft in your exercise book. Meet on Youtube visit the site
  • 14. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Describing Picture/Objects Question: When a picture is given to describe the examiner can ask you to say what you see. Besides it s/he may also ask you to, Your opinion Comment on the content of the picture Describe the scene given in the picture Ask few questions about the scene in the picture What does this test check? It depends on the examiner point of view or what s/he is looking for. General criteria is, Fluency Vocabulary Stress Pronunciation and rhythms of speech Ability to communicate Grammatical accuracy Guidelines and Techniques to approach this type of test: Guidelines: Do Don’t do Look carefully at the given picture/photo. Think how to describe what you see. Be as precise as you can when you describe the photo/picture. Use some positive language if it helps. Use Present Continuous Verbs to describe what is happening. It there is a person or people in the picture, you will need to describe their appearance. Answer questions of the examiner or audience as fully as possible. Keep talking, give details, explain your point, ask questions, and paraphrase. Give simple and comprehensible and solid explanation. Speak naturally and be animated! Keep eye contact with the examiner and audience, be friendly, and show positive attitude. Don’t worry if you don’t understand immediately what is going on in the picture. Don’t worry if you don’t know the precise words for what you can see; use alternatives. Don’t use Present Simple/Indefinite to describe what is happening. Don’t use general language to describe people. You should use vocabulary of the level required. Don’t give too many one – or – two words answers. Avoid answers which are single words or lists. Silence is your enemy! If you are not a talkative person by nature, you must make an extra effort for the test. Don’t get stuck on words----- Don’t give complicated explanation if you are not sure. Don’t be shy! This is your chance to show how well you can speak! Smile and relax. Techniques: 1. Describe where things are in the picture: Make sure you are familiar with the language used to describe where something is in a picture. Check that you know how to use the phrases in the boxes below.
  • 15. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan At The Top In The Top Left(- Hand) Corner In The Top Right(- Hand) Corner In The Middle On The Left (- Hand) Side On The Right (- Hand) Side In The Bottom Left ( - Hand) Corner In The Bottom Right ( - Hand) Corner At The Bottom + Of The Picture In The BACKGROUND FOREGROUND 2. Don’t be to certain: Sometime you cannot be sure what is happening in a picture or photo. Use appropriate language to show that you are guessing. Use uncertain and speculative language when you aren’t 100% sure. I think/ guess/ suppose it is-------- May be/Perhaps they are-------- I am not sure but, they could be------- They seem to be taking part---- It’s not very clear but, probably------- It can/ could/ might be a scene of----- I can’t quite make it out but, perhaps------ 3. Paraphrase if you don’t know the word: Don’t worry if there are things in the picture that you don’t know the English for. Make sure you know how to talk “round” words you don’t know. These expressions are always useful: Examples For a Bottle Opener It is use to----/it’s used for----/ you use it to------ It’s what you do when you-----( If you don’t know the verb) I don’t know what you call it, but ---- (Describe or define it) I don’t know what it is called/ the word for it, but ------ It’s a kind / sort of/----- It’s like a ------ It’s stuff / a thing for------
  • 16. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan 4. Give you opinion and Use hesitation words: Remember you may also be asked to give your opinion on the content of the picture or topics related to it. To start with, here are some expressions you can use: In my opinion As far as I’m concerned As I see it I would say that If you ask me Personally I suppose/ believe/ think/ guess From my point of view In order to play with time, to give yourself time to think, you can use hesitation words or sounds (“delaying sounds”). Make sure you don’t use them from your own language. They can sound strange in English. Well,---- Er,------ Let me see--------, Mmm----------, Then----------, I mean ----------, You know( what I mean) 5. Ask for clarification & Correct yourself: Don’t be afraid to interrupt and ask if you don’t understand what you are being told. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the right phrases to ask for clarification or repetition and be able to go on. Shall I start? What do you mean? I don’t (really) understand------ Do you think you could say/explain that again? Would you mind repeating it, please? May/can I ask you a question? I’m not (quite) sure what I have to do------ Can I interrupt or say something? Asking the examiner to repeat can actually be the perfect opportunity to show off some complex language – e.g.: I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch the last part------ I didn’t quite get what you said----- If I can’t just check what you are saying, you’d like me to ------- And be confident to correct yourself if necessary! What I mean---- What I am trying to say----- I don’t think I explained that very well ------ 6. What to include: These all are important thing which must be included while describing a picture or photo.
  • 17. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan
  • 18. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Exercise Fill in the gaps with the correct “Position” language: Meet on Youtube visit the site
  • 19. Physical Appearance: (Describing People) Physical Appearance Types Height Weight Age Hair Treated hair Hair color Hair style Skin color Eyes shape Eyes color Eyebrows shape Nose shape Face Face shape Complexion short, medium height, tall skinny, thin, muscular, well – built, fat, chubby, obese, overweight, plumy, chunky, strong, in shape, stocky, bonny, stout young, middle aged, aged, elderly short, medium length, long, curly, wavy, straight, spiky, shaggy, bald, permed, dyed, bleached, highlighted, waved, black, brown, blonde, red, grey, pony, braids, pig tails, loose hair, olive skin, white skin, fair, brunette, tanned skin, dark skin, almond eyes, round eyes, hooded eyes, droopy eyes, down. Turned eyes, Asian/slanted eyes, wide – set eyes, close – set eyes, bulbous eyes, deep – set eyes, crinkly eyes, squinty eyes, green eyes, blue eyes, black eyes, brown eyes, dark eyes, hazel eyes, grey eyes, thin eyebrows, bushy/thick eyebrows, small nose, big nose, large nose, broad nose, flat nose, turned up nose, sharp nose, goatee/ pear, mustache and beard, oval, round, heart – shaped, triangle, square, mole(s), freckles, dimples, wrinkles, pimple(s),
  • 20. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan I am a __________ (a Free time Activity) Read the details carefully and analyze your personality traits. Let see how much you know yourself. Horoscope A Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me • Before an A plunges into anything, from a problem to a vacation idea, they need to analyze all the facts and know all the details. This makes them seem indecisive and slow. • A's perception is their reality. What they believe is what will be, if they have a negative outlook on life, things will present themselves to be negative and they will be very moody and isolated/detached. • If they are positive, the same events that occur will be held in a positive light and they will be a pleasant, well-adjusted person. • A needs to get in touch with their feelings, this is why they usually seem cold or detached. They will say they feel okay or everything is alright even when it's not. • The one thing that A does not like to analyze is their feelings so pretending everything is okay is a good defense mechanism for not having to take a closer look at their feelings. Horoscope B Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me • B tend to be rebels just for the sake of having their own way. Their stubbornness sometimes causes their failure, they will continue to do something their way even though others have proved it is wrong. • They are very smart people and know it is wrong but they will continue just because it is their way. • they are very fixed in opinion and stubborn when confronted. • Despite their stubbornness and fixed opinion, they will never impose their ideas on others, they have respect for everybody's differences. Horoscope C Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me • C have the ability to react instantly to situations, and as a result, they have a very nervous temperament. • They can be compared to a wound up spring as they attempt to absorb everything they can about their surroundings at once. • The fact that they enjoy various situations and people add to their nervousness and that means they are almost constantly wound up. • However, if they experience boredom and have nothing to survey, they get the same emotions, the need for excitement and variety. This is the C duality, constantly conflicting emotions in one spontaneous, excitable package. Horoscope D Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me
  • 21. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan • The D personality is hard to pin down; it is very mysterious and elusive. • D are molded by their surroundings, they incorporate their experiences and surroundings into themselves. • They have extreme compassion and they feel the pain of others. • If something is wrong in the world that affects them, it affects them deeply, they take it to heart and feel extreme feelings regarding the matter. • When they are happy, they are extremely happy and when they are sad, they are extremely depressed. Horoscope E Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me • Independence is key to E astrology, they do not like to take orders from others and enjoy getting their way. • They can get childish or moody should they be given orders that they do not like. • E easily take offense to comments made. • E are self-involved and can be self-centered, if they do not pay attention to the feelings of others, E can easily become spoiled and resented by others. • In order to get their way, E will tell a lie if it seems advantageous to do so. They are however, not very good liars and other people can usually see through them. Horoscope F Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me • F are deeply sensitive, the slightest comment or negative remark will be taken personally and they can easily get offended or hurt. • Their stubborn streak results in laziness. They can be very lazy when someone gives them orders or wants them to do something they do not want to do. Horoscope G Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me • G are not emotional moody people, in fact they can be downright emotionally detached but they do get irritable when they are bored. • G is optimistic and positive, even deep inside because they believe that no matter what has happened, something good is always around the corner and the sun will always shine again. Horoscope H Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me • H might seem melancholy and stern because they live by self- discipline and responsibility. • They evaluate everything and they don't take daring chances without weighing the advantages and disadvantages first. • H's self-sufficiency is often mistook for coldness, they are not as cold as they seem, this might be apparent just because H like to do everything themselves; this way there is no worry about something not finished or not done properly.
  • 22. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan • It is all about control of their surroundings and their daily lives and sometimes this spills into other people's lives. • They believe they can give structure and organize other people's lives too, which they can but others might see this as intrusive and not welcome the H's suggested changes. Horoscope I Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me • They are complex, fragile, unpredictable and temperamental and need constant support and encouragement, more than any other astrology signs, I needs to be needed. • Even when all needs are satisfied, they can be irritable and cranky. They have an uneasy, delicate temperament. • The contradictory nature of I gives their temperament the wild mood swings and possible temper tantrums. • They are easily offended and will sulk and wallow in self-pity for a long time when they get hurt. Horoscope J Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me • J are extremely ambitious, persistent and determined which is shown through a power hungry, controlling attitude. Not in a stubborn sense however, because a J will work for what they want. • This is obvious to any onlooker. A J never gives up, they are so determined to reach their goal. • The key to this success is their flexibility. • They are able to re-survey a situation and take a different approach if necessary. • Js are fierce competitors, combined with their powers of observation and their excellent memory, they will recall facts and when necessary, bring them to the table at the time of need. • Js are excellent at restoring order to a chaotic situation and they are just as capable of manipulating for their own greed and benefit. Horoscope K Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me • K have excellent instincts and intuition, most of the time they do not trust them enough. • K are likely to be underachievers due to the easygoing attitude. This does not mean that they are necessarily lazy; they just make do with whatever comes their way. • They do not want anything badly enough to fight for it. The only time that a K will usually stand up is if a situation is unfair, • The only time a K will definitely stand up is if they feel something involving them is unfair. • They need their respect and their fairness, after all, K has done so much for other people, it deserves at least fairness, right? When this issue comes into play, K becomes courageous.
  • 23. The Institute of ELC By Ms Ishrat Khan Horoscope L Not like me at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely like me • L loves the new and extraordinary, they despise dull, regular routines and if this is what they are faced with, they will simply create their own drama and excitement. This makes L prone to stir up a situation out of nowhere just for something to keep their vivacious temperament satisfied. • L has an amazing ability to bounce back from any feelings of despair or unfortunate events. They do not like to be unhappy, it hurts their pride so they will take matters into their own hands and make things right again. • L could come into conflict with other powerhouse type of people who will not take orders and not give an inch, L will not budge their opinion, they will understand and accept opinions of others but they do not take well to people to try to impose their beliefs on them. Signs/Birthdates: A = Virgo: August 23- September 22 B = Aquarius: January 20 - February 18 C = Gemini: May 21 - June20 D = Pisces: February 19 - March 20 E = Aries: March 21 - April 19 F = Taurus: April 20 - May 20 G = Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21 H = Capricorn: December 22 – January 19 I = Cancer: June 21 - July 22 J = Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 K = Libra: September 23 - October 22 L = Leo: July 23 - August 22 Meet on Youtube visit the site
  • 24. The Institute of ELC By Ms Khan Little Things (Julia Fletcher Carney) Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean And the pleasant land. So the little moments, Humble though they be, Make the mighty ages Of eternity. So our little errors Lead the soul away From the path of virtue, Far in sin to stray. Little deeds of kindness, Little words of love, Help to make earth happy Like the heaven above. Little Things (Julia Fletcher Carney) Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean And the pleasant land. So the little moments, Humble though they be, Make the mighty ages Of eternity. So our little errors Lead the soul away From the path of virtue, Far in sin to stray. Little deeds of kindness, Little words of love, Help to make earth happy Like the heaven above.