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Are you Creative?
4 approaches to creativity
ā€¢ Person
ā€¢ Process
ā€¢ Product
ā€¢ Press/Environment
A creative person is different from an ordinary person. He
possess unique capabilities like:
ā€¢ Seeing problems
ā€¢ Fluency
ā€¢ Flexibility
ā€¢ Originality
ā€¢ Elaboration
ā€¢ Inquisitiveness
ā€¢ Persistency
ā€¢ Risk-taking
ā€¢ Visualisation
ā€¢ Extending
ā€¢ Humour
According to ā€œWallaceā€ a creative thinking process involves
ā€¢ Preparation
ā€¢ Incubation
ā€¢ Illumination
ā€¢ Verification
According to ā€œTorranceā€
creativity is a process of
enhancing incubation through
ā€¢ Heightening anticipation
ā€¢ Deepening expectations
ā€¢ Keeping it going
A creative product must be
ā€¢ Novel
ā€¢ Meaningful
ā€¢ Useful
ā€¢ Aesthetic
A creative environment must be
ā€¢ Stimulating cum protective
ā€¢ Absent from premature criticism
ā€¢ Freedom for diversity
ā€¢ Opportunities to master techniques
ā€¢ Physical and financial facilities
ā€¢ Esteem for innovators
Principles for generating creative
ā€¢ Be respectful for unusual questions
ā€¢ Be respectful of imaginative, unusual ideas.
ā€¢ Show your peers that their ideas have
ā€¢ Encourage experimentation without the
threat of evaluation
ā€¢ Evaluation with causes and consequences.
Blocks to Creative Thinking
ā€¢ Perceptual
ā€¢ Intellectual
ā€¢ Emotional
ā€¢ Cultural
ā€¢ Environmental
Perceptual Blocks
These blocks result from our mental set or predisposition
towards seeing the problem or situation in the way we want to
or are used to.
ā€¢ Imposition of self
ā€¢ Unable to see the
problems from varied
ā€¢ Fixed mental set
ā€¢ Difficulty to establish
remote relationships
ā€¢ Saturation of senses
ā€¢ Failure to utilise all
sensory inputs etc.
Intellectual Blocks
These arise from our inability to restructure the problem
and/or our existing knowledge
ā€¢ Preference for verbal
ā€¢ Inadequate use of
alternative problem
ā€¢ Lack of correct relevant
ā€¢ Inability to identify
hidden assumptions
ā€¢ Need for closure-forcing
incomplete incorrect
inferences etc.
Emotional Blocks
These frustrate our problem solving efforts and have one
common sourceā€¦FEAR. They might have their origin in
childhood experiences and are usually irrational.
ā€¢ Fear of making a mistake,
falling or taking risks.
ā€¢ Fear of criticism, of being
changed, of insecurity.
ā€¢ Inability to tolerate
ā€¢ Preference for judging
rather than generating
ā€¢ Inability to incubate
ā€¢ Over motivation
ā€¢ Difficulty in visualisation
Cultural Blocks
These blocks derive sustenance from an over-anxiety to
ā€¢ Fantasizing is a waste
of time
ā€¢ Work and play cannot
ā€¢ Reason is rational,
Intuition is irrational
ā€¢ Scientific thinking is
THE answer.
Environmental Blocks
These blocks arise outside ourselves and are the result of the
environment about us
ā€¢ Compulsion towards
ā€¢ Bossā€™ idea is the best
ā€¢ Over reliance on
ā€¢ Frequent distractions
Multiple Intelligences
ā€¢ Linguistic ā€“ Skill with words (writers, public
speakers and negotiators)
ā€¢ Mathematical/Logical ā€“ Skill in analysis and logic
(scientists, economists, mathematicians and
ā€¢ Visual/Spatial ā€“ the ability to visualise and create
images in your mindā€™s eye (architects, navigators,
artists and photographers)
Multiple Intelligences
ā€¢ Musical ā€“ The ability to create and identify
complex patterns of sound (musicians,
composers and lovers of classical music)
ā€¢ Kinesthetic ā€“ The ability to use the body
skillfully ā€“ surgeons, athletes, dancers and
people who are ā€œgood with their handsā€)
Multiple Intelligences
ā€¢ Interpersonal- the ability to communicate
well (salespeople, gifted trainers and some
ā€¢ Intra-personal ā€“ The ability to create oneā€™s
own goals and plans, to be reflective (to
analyse oneā€™s behaviour as a guide to future
Ingredients of Creativity
ā€¢ Recognising patterns
ā€¢ Making connections
ā€¢ Taking risks
ā€¢ Challenging assumptions
ā€¢ Taking advantage of chance
ā€¢ Seeing new ways
Six common mistakes in logic
ā€¢ Jump to conclusions
ā€¢ Attack the person
ā€¢ Appeal to an authority
ā€¢ Think in ā€œall-or-nothingā€ terms
ā€¢ Base arguments on emotion
ā€¢ Preconceived notions
Thinking Characteristics
Routine Thinking
ā€¢ Little new or unknown
ā€¢ Limited use of memory storage
ā€¢ Little redefinition and comparing
of retrieved information
ā€¢ Logical and precise
ā€¢ Rigidity of ideas
ā€¢ Conformist
ā€¢ Passive
ā€¢ Stereotyped
ā€¢ Inhibited
ā€¢ Reassuring, certainty
ā€¢ High degree of ā€œrightnessā€
ā€¢ Convergent thinking ā€“ directed
towards right answer or solution
Creative Thinking
ā€¢ Much new and unknown
ā€¢ Full use of memory storage
ā€¢ High degree of redefinition and
experimenting with retrieved
ā€¢ Non-logical and approximate
ā€¢ Fluency of ideas
ā€¢ Spontaneous, flexible
ā€¢ Active
ā€¢ Original
ā€¢ Free-ranging
ā€¢ Confusion, uncertainty
ā€¢ ā€œWrongnessā€ accepted
ā€¢ Divergent thinking ā€“no precise
solutions but searching and
experimenting for further retrieval
and learning
Learning Styles
ā€¢ Activist
ā€¢ Reflector
ā€¢ Theorist
ā€¢ Pragmatist
Having an Experience
Most Preferred
ā€¢ New Experiences
ā€¢ Ideas without
ā€¢ In at the deep end -
Least Preferred
ā€¢ Listening to how to do
ā€¢ Data Assimilation
ā€¢ Solitary Work
Blockage to Learning - Activist
ā€¢ Short of time to plan or think
ā€¢ Preference to move quickly from one
activity to another
ā€¢ Impatient for action
ā€¢ Reluctance to listen carefully and
ā€¢ Reluctance to write down things
Developing Learning Style -
ā€¢ Practise observing verbal and non verbal
behaviour of others
ā€¢ Keep a diary and reflect on what you have learnt
ā€¢ Practise reviewing and summarising meetings and
ā€¢ Offer to investigate a problem, research some facts
ā€¢ List the pros and cons of proposed actions
Reviewing the experience
Most Preferred
ā€¢ Stand back and
ā€¢ Opportunity to review
ā€¢ Making decision in
own time
Least Preferred
ā€¢ Instant reaction
ā€¢ Given cut and dried
ā€¢ Pressed for time ā€“
rushed activities
Blockage to Learning- Reflector
ā€¢ Fear of failure and of making mistakes
ā€¢ Fear of ridicule
ā€¢ Anxiety about trying unfamiliar things
ā€¢ Strong wish to have everything well
thought out in advance
ā€¢ Self-doubt, seeking confidence
ā€¢ Taking life very seriously
Developing Learning Style -
ā€¢ Experiment with new behaviour
ā€¢ Practise starting conversations
ā€¢ Talk to managers from different functions
ā€¢ Force yourself into the limelight e.g. chair
meetings, make presentations
Concluding from the experience
Most Preferred
ā€¢ Structured situation
ā€¢ Clear Purpose
ā€¢ System or model
ā€¢ Chance to analyse and
Least Preferred
ā€¢ Emotional Situation
ā€¢ Incompatible
ā€¢ Being out of tune with
Blockages to Learning - Theorist
ā€¢ Preference for perfect rather than practical
solutions to problems
ā€¢ Seeing even useful techniques as over-
simplifications or gimmicky
ā€¢ Enjoying interesting diversions and being side-
ā€¢ Leaving things open-ended rather than committing
to specific action
ā€¢ Believing someone elseā€™s ideas will not work in
your situation
Developing Learning Style -
ā€¢ Collect as many techniques as possible
ā€¢ Take the opportunity to experiment
ā€¢ If others do something well, try to model
yourself on them
ā€¢ Invite others to observe your techniques and
give feedback
ā€¢ Concentrate on producing action plans daily
which are specific and have deadlines
Planning the next steps
Most Preferred
ā€¢ Linkages between
subject and problem
ā€¢ Opportunity to tackle
real problems
Least Preferred
ā€¢ Talk and Chalk
ā€¢ No apparent relevance
Blockage to Learning -
ā€¢ Taking things at face value
ā€¢ Preference for intuition and subjectivity
ā€¢ Dislike of a structured approach to life
ā€¢ Giving high priority to fun-loving
Developing Learning Styles -
ā€¢ Devote time to reading course material
ā€¢ Practise spotting inconsistencies in
arguments of others
ā€¢ Plan discussions and meetings with clear
ā€¢ Practise asking open questions
Why? What? How?
Attitudes that kill creative ideas
ā€¢ Donā€™t be ridiculous
ā€¢ Weā€™ve tried that before
ā€¢ Weā€™ve never done it
ā€¢ It costs too much
ā€¢ Thatā€™s beyond our
ā€¢ Itā€™s too radical a change
ā€¢ We donā€™t have time
ā€¢ We are too small for
ā€¢ That will make other
equipment obsolete
ā€¢ Not practical for
operating people
ā€¢ The union will scream
ā€¢ Lets go back to reality
Attitudes that kill Creative thinking
ā€¢ Why change it? Itā€™s still
working OK.
ā€¢ You are two years ahead
of your time.
ā€¢ We are not ready for that.
ā€¢ It isnā€™t in the budget.
ā€¢ Canā€™t teach an old dog
new tricks
ā€¢ Top management will go
for it
ā€¢ Weā€™ll be the laughing
ā€¢ We did all right without
ā€¢ Letā€™s form a committee
ā€¢ Has anyone else ever
tried it?
ā€¢ Are our competitors
doing it?
ā€¢ Thatā€™s not our problem
ā€¢ Substitute
ā€¢ Combine
ā€¢ Alter
ā€¢ Modify
ā€¢ Put to other use
ā€¢ Eliminate
ā€¢ Reverse
Random Stimulation
ā€¢ This is a discovery approach to finding
ideas, looking in random places where we
detect no kind of parallel in the hope of
finding something of value.
Random Stimulation ā€“ Step One
ā€¢ Select any product you want to improve
ā€¢ Write down the attributes of that product
Random Stimulation- Step Two
ā€¢ Choose any word at random from a
dictionary or from the list below:
Barrack, tent, truant, blossom, cake, truck, fire, paper, lamp,
shirt, cigarette, TV, cow, heart, gambler, book, bed,
spectacles, bath tub, toothbrush, shoes, circle, sky, branch,
glue, ulcer, cloak, weed, miracle, forest.
ā€¢ List the features or ideas that the word
brings to your mind.
Random Stimulation ā€“ Step
ā€¢ Now force fit the first attribute of the
product with the first attribute/idea of your
random word.
ā€¢ Do it for all the attributes you have listed
for the product.
Plant Analogy
ā€¢ Plants are the basic producers of all food. They
trap solar energy and store it up as starch. To do
this they need water taken in through the roots and
carbon dioxide gas taken in through the leaves. In
addition for healthy growth they need various
minerals from the soil which may have to be
replaced with compost or fertilisers. Plant systems
offer many useful parallels for analysing the
business situation in fresh ways.
Plant Analogy
ā€¢ What kind of plant is our business most like ā€“ flower, vegetable,
shrub, tree?
ā€¢ What is the sunshine of our business?
ā€¢ What cuts off the sunshine and shades the plant?
ā€¢ Describe the root system and explain how it spreads.
ā€¢ Are there any stones or layers of hardpan or rock that restrict the
root growth?
ā€¢ Does the plant get sufficient water; how can it be watered or
ā€¢ Does the plant need fertilising, and if yes how this done?
ā€¢ Is there a natural limit to the growth of this kind of plant even if
no other plants compete? Explain.
ā€¢ Does the plant produce seeds?
Morphological Analysis
Size Style Colour Material
Battery Halogen Low Very
Modern Black Metal
Mains Bulb Medium Large Antique White Ceramic
Solar Daylight High Medium Roman Metallic Concrete
Generator Coloured Variable Small Art Terra
Crank Arc Very
Eastern Enamel Glass
Gas Flame Hand Held Industrial Natural Wood
Oil/Petrol Ethnic Fabric Stone
Story Making
Main Secondary Other Scene Body End
Father Mother Aunt House Character Happy
Uncle Sister Cousin Countrysid
Murder Sad
Friend Neighbour Dog City Relationsh
I Colleague Hospital Emotional Tragic
How to grow up Creatively Gifted
E Paul Torrance
ā€¢ Donā€™t be afraid to ā€œfall in love withā€ something and
pursue it with intensity (You will do best what you
like to do best)
ā€¢ Know, understand, take pride in, practice, develop,
use, exploit, and enjoy your greatest strengths.
ā€¢ Learn to free yourself from the expectations of others
and to walk away from the games they try to impose
upon you.
How to grow up Creatively Gifted
E Paul Torrance
ā€¢ Free yourself to ā€œplay your own gameā€ in such a way
as to make good use of your gifts.
ā€¢ Find a teacher or mentor who will help you.
ā€¢ Donā€™t waste a lot of expensive, unproductive energy
trying to be well rounded (Donā€™t try to do everything.
Do what you can do well and what you love)
ā€¢ Learn the skills of interdependence (Learn to depend
on one another, giving freely of your greatest
strengths and most intense love)

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Creative thinking

  • 3. 4 approaches to creativity ā€¢ Person ā€¢ Process ā€¢ Product ā€¢ Press/Environment
  • 4. Person A creative person is different from an ordinary person. He possess unique capabilities like: ā€¢ Seeing problems ā€¢ Fluency ā€¢ Flexibility ā€¢ Originality ā€¢ Elaboration ā€¢ Inquisitiveness ā€¢ Persistency ā€¢ Risk-taking ā€¢ Visualisation ā€¢ Extending Boundaries ā€¢ Humour
  • 5. Process According to ā€œWallaceā€ a creative thinking process involves ā€¢ Preparation ā€¢ Incubation ā€¢ Illumination ā€¢ Verification
  • 6. According to ā€œTorranceā€ creativity is a process of enhancing incubation through ā€¢ Heightening anticipation ā€¢ Deepening expectations ā€¢ Keeping it going
  • 7. Product A creative product must be ā€¢ Novel ā€¢ Meaningful ā€¢ Useful ā€¢ Aesthetic
  • 8. Press A creative environment must be ā€¢ Stimulating cum protective ā€¢ Absent from premature criticism ā€¢ Freedom for diversity ā€¢ Opportunities to master techniques ā€¢ Physical and financial facilities ā€¢ Esteem for innovators
  • 9. Principles for generating creative environment ā€¢ Be respectful for unusual questions ā€¢ Be respectful of imaginative, unusual ideas. ā€¢ Show your peers that their ideas have values. ā€¢ Encourage experimentation without the threat of evaluation ā€¢ Evaluation with causes and consequences.
  • 10. Blocks to Creative Thinking ā€¢ Perceptual ā€¢ Intellectual ā€¢ Emotional ā€¢ Cultural ā€¢ Environmental
  • 11. Perceptual Blocks These blocks result from our mental set or predisposition towards seeing the problem or situation in the way we want to or are used to. ā€¢ Imposition of self restrictions ā€¢ Unable to see the problems from varied frames ā€¢ Fixed mental set ā€¢ Difficulty to establish remote relationships ā€¢ Saturation of senses ā€¢ Failure to utilise all sensory inputs etc.
  • 12. Intellectual Blocks These arise from our inability to restructure the problem and/or our existing knowledge ā€¢ Preference for verbal forms ā€¢ Inadequate use of alternative problem solving ā€¢ Lack of correct relevant information ā€¢ Inability to identify hidden assumptions ā€¢ Need for closure-forcing incomplete incorrect inferences etc.
  • 13. Emotional Blocks These frustrate our problem solving efforts and have one common sourceā€¦FEAR. They might have their origin in childhood experiences and are usually irrational. ā€¢ Fear of making a mistake, falling or taking risks. ā€¢ Fear of criticism, of being changed, of insecurity. ā€¢ Inability to tolerate ambiguity ā€¢ Preference for judging rather than generating ideas ā€¢ Inability to incubate ā€¢ Over motivation ā€¢ Difficulty in visualisation
  • 14. Cultural Blocks These blocks derive sustenance from an over-anxiety to conform ā€¢ Fantasizing is a waste of time ā€¢ Work and play cannot mix ā€¢ Reason is rational, Intuition is irrational ā€¢ Scientific thinking is THE answer.
  • 15. Environmental Blocks These blocks arise outside ourselves and are the result of the environment about us ā€¢ Compulsion towards conformity ā€¢ Bossā€™ idea is the best ā€¢ Over reliance on expertise ā€¢ Frequent distractions
  • 16. Multiple Intelligences ā€¢ Linguistic ā€“ Skill with words (writers, public speakers and negotiators) ā€¢ Mathematical/Logical ā€“ Skill in analysis and logic (scientists, economists, mathematicians and statisticians) ā€¢ Visual/Spatial ā€“ the ability to visualise and create images in your mindā€™s eye (architects, navigators, artists and photographers)
  • 17. Multiple Intelligences ā€¢ Musical ā€“ The ability to create and identify complex patterns of sound (musicians, composers and lovers of classical music) ā€¢ Kinesthetic ā€“ The ability to use the body skillfully ā€“ surgeons, athletes, dancers and people who are ā€œgood with their handsā€)
  • 18. Multiple Intelligences ā€¢ Interpersonal- the ability to communicate well (salespeople, gifted trainers and some parents) ā€¢ Intra-personal ā€“ The ability to create oneā€™s own goals and plans, to be reflective (to analyse oneā€™s behaviour as a guide to future action)
  • 19. Ingredients of Creativity ā€¢ Recognising patterns ā€¢ Making connections ā€¢ Taking risks ā€¢ Challenging assumptions ā€¢ Taking advantage of chance ā€¢ Seeing new ways
  • 20. Six common mistakes in logic ā€¢ Jump to conclusions ā€¢ Attack the person ā€¢ Appeal to an authority ā€¢ Think in ā€œall-or-nothingā€ terms ā€¢ Base arguments on emotion ā€¢ Preconceived notions
  • 21. Thinking Characteristics Routine Thinking ā€¢ Little new or unknown ā€¢ Limited use of memory storage ā€¢ Little redefinition and comparing of retrieved information ā€¢ Logical and precise ā€¢ Rigidity of ideas ā€¢ Conformist ā€¢ Passive ā€¢ Stereotyped ā€¢ Inhibited ā€¢ Reassuring, certainty ā€¢ High degree of ā€œrightnessā€ ā€¢ Convergent thinking ā€“ directed towards right answer or solution Creative Thinking ā€¢ Much new and unknown ā€¢ Full use of memory storage ā€¢ High degree of redefinition and experimenting with retrieved information ā€¢ Non-logical and approximate ā€¢ Fluency of ideas ā€¢ Spontaneous, flexible ā€¢ Active ā€¢ Original ā€¢ Free-ranging ā€¢ Confusion, uncertainty ā€¢ ā€œWrongnessā€ accepted ā€¢ Divergent thinking ā€“no precise solutions but searching and experimenting for further retrieval and learning
  • 22.
  • 23. Learning Styles ā€¢ Activist ā€¢ Reflector ā€¢ Theorist ā€¢ Pragmatist
  • 24. Activist Having an Experience Most Preferred ā€¢ New Experiences ā€¢ Ideas without constraint ā€¢ In at the deep end - challenges Least Preferred ā€¢ Listening to how to do ā€¢ Data Assimilation ā€¢ Solitary Work
  • 25. Blockage to Learning - Activist ā€¢ Short of time to plan or think ā€¢ Preference to move quickly from one activity to another ā€¢ Impatient for action ā€¢ Reluctance to listen carefully and analytically ā€¢ Reluctance to write down things
  • 26. Developing Learning Style - Activist ā€¢ Practise observing verbal and non verbal behaviour of others ā€¢ Keep a diary and reflect on what you have learnt ā€¢ Practise reviewing and summarising meetings and discussions ā€¢ Offer to investigate a problem, research some facts ā€¢ List the pros and cons of proposed actions
  • 27. Reflector Reviewing the experience Most Preferred ā€¢ Stand back and observe ā€¢ Opportunity to review learning ā€¢ Making decision in own time Least Preferred ā€¢ Instant reaction required ā€¢ Given cut and dried instructions ā€¢ Pressed for time ā€“ rushed activities
  • 28. Blockage to Learning- Reflector ā€¢ Fear of failure and of making mistakes ā€¢ Fear of ridicule ā€¢ Anxiety about trying unfamiliar things ā€¢ Strong wish to have everything well thought out in advance ā€¢ Self-doubt, seeking confidence ā€¢ Taking life very seriously
  • 29. Developing Learning Style - Reflector ā€¢ Experiment with new behaviour ā€¢ Practise starting conversations ā€¢ Talk to managers from different functions ā€¢ Force yourself into the limelight e.g. chair meetings, make presentations
  • 30. Theorist Concluding from the experience Most Preferred ā€¢ Structured situation ā€¢ Clear Purpose ā€¢ System or model offered ā€¢ Chance to analyse and generalise Least Preferred ā€¢ Emotional Situation ā€¢ Incompatible Techniques ā€¢ Being out of tune with others.
  • 31. Blockages to Learning - Theorist ā€¢ Preference for perfect rather than practical solutions to problems ā€¢ Seeing even useful techniques as over- simplifications or gimmicky ā€¢ Enjoying interesting diversions and being side- tracked ā€¢ Leaving things open-ended rather than committing to specific action ā€¢ Believing someone elseā€™s ideas will not work in your situation
  • 32. Developing Learning Style - Theorist ā€¢ Collect as many techniques as possible ā€¢ Take the opportunity to experiment ā€¢ If others do something well, try to model yourself on them ā€¢ Invite others to observe your techniques and give feedback ā€¢ Concentrate on producing action plans daily which are specific and have deadlines
  • 33. Pragmatist Planning the next steps Most Preferred ā€¢ Linkages between subject and problem clear ā€¢ Opportunity to tackle real problems Least Preferred ā€¢ Talk and Chalk ā€¢ No apparent relevance
  • 34. Blockage to Learning - Pragmatist ā€¢ Taking things at face value ā€¢ Preference for intuition and subjectivity ā€¢ Dislike of a structured approach to life ā€¢ Giving high priority to fun-loving spontaneity
  • 35. Developing Learning Styles - Pragmatist ā€¢ Devote time to reading course material ā€¢ Practise spotting inconsistencies in arguments of others ā€¢ Plan discussions and meetings with clear agendas ā€¢ Practise asking open questions Why? What? How?
  • 36. Attitudes that kill creative ideas ā€¢ Donā€™t be ridiculous ā€¢ Weā€™ve tried that before ā€¢ Weā€™ve never done it before ā€¢ It costs too much ā€¢ Thatā€™s beyond our responsibility ā€¢ Itā€™s too radical a change ā€¢ We donā€™t have time ā€¢ We are too small for that ā€¢ That will make other equipment obsolete ā€¢ Not practical for operating people ā€¢ The union will scream ā€¢ Lets go back to reality
  • 37. Attitudes that kill Creative thinking ā€¢ Why change it? Itā€™s still working OK. ā€¢ You are two years ahead of your time. ā€¢ We are not ready for that. ā€¢ It isnā€™t in the budget. ā€¢ Canā€™t teach an old dog new tricks ā€¢ Top management will go for it ā€¢ Weā€™ll be the laughing stock ā€¢ We did all right without it ā€¢ Letā€™s form a committee ā€¢ Has anyone else ever tried it? ā€¢ Are our competitors doing it? ā€¢ Thatā€™s not our problem
  • 38. SCAMPER ā€¢ Substitute ā€¢ Combine ā€¢ Alter ā€¢ Modify ā€¢ Put to other use ā€¢ Eliminate ā€¢ Reverse
  • 39. Random Stimulation ā€¢ This is a discovery approach to finding ideas, looking in random places where we detect no kind of parallel in the hope of finding something of value.
  • 40. Random Stimulation ā€“ Step One ā€¢ Select any product you want to improve ā€¢ Write down the attributes of that product
  • 41. Random Stimulation- Step Two ā€¢ Choose any word at random from a dictionary or from the list below: Barrack, tent, truant, blossom, cake, truck, fire, paper, lamp, shirt, cigarette, TV, cow, heart, gambler, book, bed, spectacles, bath tub, toothbrush, shoes, circle, sky, branch, glue, ulcer, cloak, weed, miracle, forest. ā€¢ List the features or ideas that the word brings to your mind.
  • 42. Random Stimulation ā€“ Step Three ā€¢ Now force fit the first attribute of the product with the first attribute/idea of your random word. ā€¢ Do it for all the attributes you have listed for the product.
  • 43. Plant Analogy ā€¢ Plants are the basic producers of all food. They trap solar energy and store it up as starch. To do this they need water taken in through the roots and carbon dioxide gas taken in through the leaves. In addition for healthy growth they need various minerals from the soil which may have to be replaced with compost or fertilisers. Plant systems offer many useful parallels for analysing the business situation in fresh ways.
  • 44. Plant Analogy ā€¢ What kind of plant is our business most like ā€“ flower, vegetable, shrub, tree? ā€¢ What is the sunshine of our business? ā€¢ What cuts off the sunshine and shades the plant? ā€¢ Describe the root system and explain how it spreads. ā€¢ Are there any stones or layers of hardpan or rock that restrict the root growth? ā€¢ Does the plant get sufficient water; how can it be watered or irrigated? ā€¢ Does the plant need fertilising, and if yes how this done? ā€¢ Is there a natural limit to the growth of this kind of plant even if no other plants compete? Explain. ā€¢ Does the plant produce seeds?
  • 45. Morphological Analysis Power Supply Bulb Type Light Intensity Size Style Colour Material Battery Halogen Low Very Large Modern Black Metal Mains Bulb Medium Large Antique White Ceramic Solar Daylight High Medium Roman Metallic Concrete Generator Coloured Variable Small Art Terra Cotta Bone Crank Arc Very Small Eastern Enamel Glass Gas Flame Hand Held Industrial Natural Wood Oil/Petrol Ethnic Fabric Stone Plastic
  • 46. Story Making Main Secondary Other Scene Body End Father Mother Aunt House Character Happy Uncle Sister Cousin Countrysid e Murder Sad Friend Neighbour Dog City Relationsh ip Mystery I Colleague Hospital Emotional Tragic
  • 47. How to grow up Creatively Gifted E Paul Torrance ā€¢ Donā€™t be afraid to ā€œfall in love withā€ something and pursue it with intensity (You will do best what you like to do best) ā€¢ Know, understand, take pride in, practice, develop, use, exploit, and enjoy your greatest strengths. ā€¢ Learn to free yourself from the expectations of others and to walk away from the games they try to impose upon you.
  • 48. How to grow up Creatively Gifted E Paul Torrance ā€¢ Free yourself to ā€œplay your own gameā€ in such a way as to make good use of your gifts. ā€¢ Find a teacher or mentor who will help you. ā€¢ Donā€™t waste a lot of expensive, unproductive energy trying to be well rounded (Donā€™t try to do everything. Do what you can do well and what you love) ā€¢ Learn the skills of interdependence (Learn to depend on one another, giving freely of your greatest strengths and most intense love)