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M.S Gender Studies
                      Department of Gender Studies
                            Course Outline

                         Gender and Development

1. Introduction to Gender Studies
    Difference between sex and gender
    Difference between Women’s Studies and Gender Studies
    Multi-disciplinary nature of Gender Studies
    Gender Studies in Pakistan
    Importance of Gender Studies as a Subject
    Gender and Development
    Effect of development process on women and men

2. Introduction to key terms and concepts related to gender
    Gender lens
    sex disaggregated data
    gender discrimination
    gender gap
    Gender sensitization
    Gender equality and equity
    Gender Justice
    Gender socialization
    Women empowerment
    Difference between various terms used for women’s subordinate position like
       women’s oppression, exploitation and subordination
    Importance of gender analysis in framing policies, programs and projects

3. Approaches to gender and development
    The Welfare Approach
    The Women in Development (WID) Approach
    Gender and Development (GAD) Approach
    Women and Development (WAD) Approach
    The Efficiency Approach
    The Empowerment Approach
    Gender and Environment Approach (GED)

4. Gender and Language
    Sensitive Language
    Gender Significance of Gender Sensitive Language
    Gender biased language vs. Gender Neutral Language
5. Difference between the terms Matriarchy and Patriarchy
    Origin and development of Matriarchy
    Origin of Patriarchy
    Pakistan: A Patriarchal society
6. Gender issues arising from patriarchy
   Gender sensitive indicators
    Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)
    Gender Development Index (GDI)
    Gender Parity Index (GPI)
    Human Development Index (HDI)
7. Overview of International and National Protocols related to Gender
    Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
   Education for All (EFA)
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Gender
8. Organizations working for Gender and Development

   A. At International Level
    Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC)
        a. United Nations Organization (UNO)
        b. Commonwealth of Nations
        c. European Union (EU)
        d. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
        e. GTZ
        f. USAID
        g. AUSAID

   B. At Regional Level

        a. Saarc
   C. At National Level
        a.   Ministry of Women Development
        b.   National Commission on the Status of Women
        c.   Edhi Foundation
        d.   Tehreek Minhaj - ul -Quran
        e.   Social Welfare Department
        f.   Bait ul Maal
9. Gender Mainstreaming
      Explanation of the concept with reference to definitions given by United Nations,
       UNDP, Beijing 95, etc.
      Importance of gender mainstreaming in policies, programmes and projects
      Strategies for gender mainstreaming
      Process of gender mainstreaming in an organization
   Qualities required at individual level for gender mainstreaming policies
          Strategies for successful implementation of gender mainstreaming in an
   10. Gender Analysis
        Gender Analysis frameworks for Gender Mainstreaming
        Gender Statistics in Pakistan
           Production of Gender Statistics in Pakistan
        Status of Gender Statistics in Pakistan
        Usage and Benefit of Gender related Statistics in a Developing Country like
   11. Gender inequality in developing countries

         Impact of Modernization
         Impact and influence of supreme powers in the developing countries
         Colonialism, imperialism and development
         Impact of Colonialism and imperialism on women development
   12. Gender inequality in less developed regions of the world
         Latin American countries
         Caribbean States
         Sub-Saharan region
         Middle East countries
         South Asian region
         SAARC countries

Text Books

   1. Jane Pilcher (2005). 50 key concepts in Gender Studies. Sage Publication
   2. Beatrice Kachuck (2002). Modern Theories of Feminism. Sage Publication.
   3. K. Sultane (2004). Woman and Man. Church World Service: Lahore
   4. Pam Kosty (2002). Gender. McGraw Hill.
   5. World Bank (2003). Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals.
       World Bank
   6. Kumari Jayawordena (1994). Feminism and Nationalism in the third world . ASR:

   7. UNESCO (2003). Breaking the mould: Men‟s involvement in the quest for gender
       equality. UNESCO
   8. Bela Awasthi (2002). Women „s Liberation and modern World. Omsous
       Publication: New Delhi
   9. United Nations (2002). Gender mainstreaming: An Overview. United Nations.
10. Azra Asghar Ali.(2000).The Emergence of feminism Among Indian Muslim
   Women 1920-1947.Oxford University Press:
11. Kamla Bhsan (2000). Understanding Gender. Okhla: New Delhi
12. Socorro L.Reyes (2003). Gender Sensitivity and Awareness rising: Step by Step.
   UNDP: Islamabad.
13. Janet H.Momsen (2004). Gender and Development. London: Rutledge.
14. Kessler, Evenlyn S. (1976). Women: An Anthropological view. Holt, Rinehart and
   Winston: New York.
15. AM. G.Mazur (2002). Theorizing Feminist Policy. Oxford University Press;
16. Michael S. Kimmel (2005). Handbook of students on Men and masculinities. Sage
17. Tazi Nadia (2004). Keywords Gender. Vistaar Publication, New Delhi
18. Christina Haghes (2002). Key concepts in Feminist theory and Research. Sage
19. UNESCO. (2003). The role of men and boys in achieving gender equality.
Department of Gender Studies

                        University of the Punjab

                                 Course Outline

                       Women in Religions Perspectives

Credit Hours   Contact hours:3

               Class meetings: 2 week

               Class duration: 1 ½ hr

Objectives     At the end of semester students will have complete understanding of
               women’s status in Islamic perspective.

               Students will be able to clarify the misconceptions practiced in the name
               of Islam.

               Critical analysis of women’s status in various religions will be made and
               necessary comparisons will help the students to develop the concept of
               an ideal woman in a modern Islamic society.

Syllabus       Week1
                      Women in religions other than Islam
                      Women in Hinduism
                      Vedic Age
                      Marriage
                      Dissolution of marriage
                      Polygamy
                      Polyandry
                      Woman as sister
                      Woman as mother
               Week 2
                      Women in Jainism
                      Introduction
                      Teachings of Mahvira
                      Status of women in Jainism
                      Women in Buddhism
                      Buddha (Introduction)
                      Buddha’s teachings
                      Monks and monasteries
                      Status of women in Buddhism
Week 3
    Women in Judaism
    Introduction
    Marriage
    Dissolution of marriage
              o Divorce
              o Khula
    Maher
    Remarriages
    Polygamy
    Inheritance

Week 4

        Women in Christianity
        Introduction
        Marriage
        Dissolution of marriage
        Remarriages
        Polygamy
Week 5
        Women in Islam
        Women in pre – Islamic period
        Status given to women in Islam
        Woman as a mother
        Woman as a daughter
        Woman as a sister
        Last sermon of Holy Prophet (PBUH) as women’s right charter

Week 6
   Nikkah

Week 7
        Inheritance and Property Rights

Week 8
        Dowry
        Dower
        Definition of dower
        Specified dower
        Prompt dower
        Deferred dower
        Validity of marriages contracted without marriage
Week 9
      Dissolution of marriage
      Talaq
      Definition of talaq
      Talaq-I-ahsan
      Talaq-I-hassan
      Talaq-I-bidat
      Talaq-I-tafweez
      Mubart
      Khula
      Definition of khula
      Other forms of dissolution of marriage

Week 10
    Iddat
    Kulah and iddat
    Iddat on divorce
    Iddat on death of husband.
    Maintenance of women
    Halala
Note: Mid-term examination will be taken in this week.

Week 11
     Maintenance of Family
     During marriage
     After Separation
Note: syllabus related assignments will be given to the students in the
form of groups

Week 12
   Custody of Children/Guardianship
Week 13
      Empowerment of women in Islam
      Women as entrepreneur
      Women as educationalist
      Women in Politics
      Opinion of scholars

Week 14
   This week will be for presentations and students will present their
   assignments in the class.

Week 15
      Concept of Purdah
      Requirement of purdah in Islam
      Situation in Islamic countries
      Scholar’s opinion about purdah
Week 16

                             Gender Equality in Ilsm
                             Situation Analysis in Pakistan
Reference Books                   1. Farid, Arif. (1994). Muslim Women in World
                                     Religions Perspective. Karachi: The directore, bureau
                                     of composition, complition and translation, university of
                                  2. Sharif, Muhammad., Ashraf, Muhammad. (1991). Women’s
                                     Rights in Islam. Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Publication
                                  3. Khan, Muhammad. (2001). Status of Women in Islam.
                                     New Delhi: A.P.H publishing cooperation.
                                  4. Sirkat, Gah. (1994). A handbook on Family Law in Pakistan.
                                     Lahore: Shirkat Gah Publication.
                                  5. Organization for Islamic culture and Communications (ed.).
                                     (2003). Islamic views on Human Rights. New Delhi: Kanishra

  Instructional Aids/Resources      Photocopied handouts, multi-media, white board and marker

  Caching Strategies                Lectures, group discussions and question answer session

  Assessment           Marks        Seasonal                     Mid         Final        Total
                       in %                                                               100%
                                    25%                          35          40

                       Criteria     Assignments                 Paper        Paper

                                    1. Syllabus related
                                       assignment topics will
                                       be given to the
                                    2. Book Reviews
                                    3. Quizzes

                       Result        Results of mid-term and final-term exams will be displayed after
                                    one week and papers will be shown and discuss with the
Department of Gender Studies

                                   University of the Punjab

                                      Course Outline
                                 Gender Issues in Psychology

Credit Hours            Credit hours : 3

                        Class meetings: 2 per week

                        Duration of class: 1 ½ hr

Objectives                  The course explores a wide variety of psychological issues with
                            gender differences. After the completion of course the students will
                            be in a position to critically understand the women’s life cycle and
                            the impact of various social, cultural and economic factors on the
                            development of gender concept. It also intends to develop interest
                            of students about psychological needs of the gender and coping
                            mechanism in Pakistani culture.

               Week 1
                  Introduction to Psychology
                  Emergence of modern psychology
                            Early contributions
                            Empiricism in philosophy
                            Darwinian influence
                   Experimental Method
                              Wundt and experimentalism

               Week 2 Introduction to Psychology continued
                     James and Functionalism
                     Areas of specialization in psychology
                     Emergence of gender issues in psychology
                     Early studies of gender differences

               Week 3 Introduction to Psychology continued
                  Need for psychology of women
                  Women psychologists & the influence of feminist movement
                  Controversies related to psychology of women
                  Areas under female psychology
Week 4

      Biological determinants of gender differences
  Chromosomes & genes
  Sex linked genes
  Chromosomal abnormalities
      Endocrine glands & hormones
       Hormones & the brain
Week 5 Endocrine glands & hormones continued

    Endocrine & exocrine system
    Endocrine glands
           Adrenal glands

              Thyroid gland

              Pituitary gland

              The parathyroid glands

              Related Hormones

Week 6
    Prenatal & postnatal development
   Challenges to prenatal development
   Dimensions of child development
           Physical development
           Cognitive development
           Socio emotional development
Week 7

    Socialization of human beings
    Agents of socialization
        Biological determinants
        Psycho- social determinants
Week 8

    Theories of personality development
   Cooley and the looking-glass self
   Mead and the “Generalized other”
   Freud and the eight stages of life
   Piaget and developmental learning
Week 9

     Gender – Role stereotyping
     Different researches about stereotyping
     Stereotypes involve diverse behaviors& characteristics
     Stereotypes across the socioeconomic spectrum
     Difference of developed and developing countries regarding stereotypes
     Gender similarities &differences
     Physical and biological differences
Note: mid term exams will be taken

    Week 10 Gender- Role stereotyping continued
                    Cognitive differences
                    Social differences
        Gender differences: personality and social behavior
                  Common stereotypes of men & women
                  Personality traits under study
                  Myths &realities about personality traits
                   Communication styles
                   Helping &caring
    Note: syllabus related assignments and book reviews will be given to the
    students in the form of groups

    Week 11 Gender differences continued
                Play & Activity
                Parenting Activities
          Gender similarities& differences in Pakistan
    Week 12

         Girl child
         Women and adolescence
         Self- concept and identity during adolescence
         Interpersonal relationships during adolescence
         Women in adulthood
       Infertility and social psychological consequences for women
        Psychological impact of infertility
        Social consequences of infertility
         Pregnancy and related issues
         Planned motherhood
         Maternal diseases
         Consequences of prenatal malnutrition
      Week 13

           Women & late adulthood
           Meaning of late adulthood & aging
           The facts of physical aging
           Body changes in late adulthood
           Cognitive changes
           Socioemotional changes & activity theory
           Mental health & aging
           Common emotional reactions in old age
           Adaptive techniques
           Gender discrimination and problems of the old women
                                Single hood
                   Week 14

                 Note: students will present their assignments in the class

                 Week 15 Women & late adulthood continued

                             Post – parental years
                             Financial problems
                             Living arrangements
                      Developmental tasks
                             Acceptance of one’s life
                                Redirection of energy to new roles& activities

                 Week 16

                     Women & psychological issues
                     Therapies
                    Meaning of therapy
                    Types of therapies
Books                1. Halonen, Jane,S., & Santrock, John. W. (1996). Psychology contexts of
                        Behavior. Boston: The McGraw Hill companies, Inc.
                     2. Wittig, Arno. F. (2001). Introduction to Psychology. (2nd ed.) New York:
                     3. Fernald, L. Dodge., & Fernald, Peter. S. (1999). Munn’s Introduction to
                        Psychology (5th ed.). Delhi: A.I. T.B.S. Publishers.
                     4. Matlin, W.Margaret. (2000). The Psychology of Women (4th ed.).
                        Singapore: Thomson Learning.
                     5. Psychology of women. (1996) Islamabad : Allama Iqbal Open University.
Instructional Resources         Use of white board during lectures
                                Projector and slides
                                Multimedia usage
Teaching Strategies             Lectures

                                Class participation through group discussions, question-answer
                                session, topic discussion

Assessment           Marks      Sessional                                Mid     Final    Total
                     in %                                                                 100%

                                                25                       25        50      100
Criteria   Assignments                            Paper   Paper

           1.Book reviews

           2.Topics related to syllabus

           Students will present          their
           assignments in the class

           Class participation


Result     Result will be displayed after one week of exams. mid term
           papers will be shown to and discussed with students
Department of Gender Studies
                             University of the Punjab, Lahore

                                        Course Outline
                          Women’s Movement and Feminism Theories

Aims and Objectives

The course traces the history of women’s struggle in western countries, the three waves of
development and women’s movement in South Asia. Impact of colonization on women status in the
sub-continent is also traced. Women’s movements in Pakistan (1947-2005) is analyzed along with
the role of women in the national development of Pakistan.

1.   Historical Roots of feminism and feminist Theories
       1.1 Theories of feminism

                  Liberal
                  Social
                  Radical
                  Psychoanalytic
                  Cultural
                  Postmodern feminism
                  Muslim Feminism
2. Three waves of women emancipation
      2.1 Concept and Meaning
      2.2 First wave feminism (1848-1920)
               Seneca Falls Convention (1848)
               Charter of Women’s Rights
           Significance of the Women’s Emancipation Movement
      2.3 The Golden year in Women’s Struggle (1870-1920)

             Situation in Public and Private sector
             The working conditions for women
             Opening new fields of professions
             Deskilling in Factories and industries
             Campaign for equal pay and job opportunities
             Women Trade Union League.
     3. The Suffrage campaign in Britain
        3.1 Importance of Langham Place
             Private Member’s Bill
             Split among the Old and New generation of feminists
             Co-operative Women’s Guild
             The Feminist Organizations
             Demand for Adult Suffrage Rights
             Advocacy by Churchill
             The 1918 Adult Suffrage Act
3.2 The Struggle in America
           Efforts by feminist Organizations
           The Political Coalition
           Role of Magazines and Journals
           Situation in Wyoming and Utah
           The Women’s Bible
           Referendums on the issue of suffrage
   3.3 Suffrage Rights given to women in different states
4. The Intermission Period (1920-1960)
   4.1 Struggle for women’s rights in America
           Coalition among feminist organizations on women’s welfare issues
            The Sheppart Towner Maternity Bill
           The Infancy Protection Bill
           Campaign against Child Labour
           The Peace Movement
            Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
           Period of Depression
           Relation between Social Welfare and Feminism.
           Role of Women in Parliament
           The sexual freedom
           The Feminist Goals
           Change in outlook and dress
           Population and birth control
   4.2 Struggle for women’s Rights in Britain
           Equal Suffrage Rights
           Guardianship of Children
           Opening of legal profession for women
           Equal pay and job opportunities
           Equal standards of Morality
           Widow’s pension plan
           Sex Disqualification Act (1919)
           New Feminism
           Protective Legislation
           Efforts by feminist organizations
           Population and Birth control
           New standards of morality
5. 2nd Wave feminism
           Betty Friden (Feminine Mystique)
           National Organization for Women (NOW)
           Equal Rights Amendment
           Equal Pay Act (1963)
           Women Journals and Publications
           Radical Feminism
           Redstocking
           Criticism on Stereotyped Sex Role
6. 3rd Wave Feminism
        Meaning of third wave feminism
        Future of feminism
        Post modern feminism and eco-feminism
        Global feminism
7. Women’s Movement in Sub-Continent
            Analysis of Women’s conditions in the Mughal Period
           The Invasion of Britishers
           Impact of colonization
           Muhammadan Educational Conferences
           Efforts by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan & others for female education
           Role of Magazines, Journals and Literature in creating awareness about women’s
           20th Century: A period of awakening
8.   Role of Women in the Independence Movement
         Bi Amma An opening for female politicians
         Demand for female suffrage
         Women’s Participation in the First Round Table Conference
         Women and Elections
         Quid’s Virdict about role of women in the national development
         The First All –India Muslim Ladies Conference
         The role of women’s organizations
         Right for vote
         Women’s National Guard
    Women Struggle in Post Independence Period(1947-58)
         Efforts by Begum Raana Liaqat Ali Khan
         Women’s Voluntary Service
         Pakistan Women’s National Guard
         Pakistan Women’s Naval Reserve
         The role of women’s organizations
    The Ayub Khan’s Period: 1958-1969
         The Family Laws Ordinance, 1961
         Women in Politics
         The role of women’s organizations
9. The Bhutto Era: 1970-1977
       The Politicization of women
       The 1973 Constitution
       Women’s Organizations
  The Zia Regime : 1977-1988
       The period of Islamization
       The discriminatory Laws against women
       The Hudood Ordinance
       The Law of Evidence
       The Law of Qisas and Diyat
       Women’s Action Forum
  The Benazir Bhutto Era
       The First Tenure (1988-1990)
       The Second Tenure (1993-1996)
 The Nawaz Sharif Period
       The First Tenure (1990-1993)
       The Second Tenure (1997-1999)
10. The President Musharaf Period (1999-2005)
             The Local Bodies Ordinance
             Participation of Women in Politics
             Permanent Commission on status of Women
             National Empowerment and Development Policy for Women
             The role of women’s organizations
      Initiatives taken by the present government for the women development

Text Books

    1. Sue, H, (1996). Timelines of American Women‟s History. Roundtable Press:
    2. Sirkat Gah (1999). Women’s Movement in Central Asia. Shirkat Gah: Lahore


   1. Shamim Meer (1998). Women Speak: Reflections on our struggles. Oxford
   2. Fiona Macdonald.(2001). Women in Peace and War. 1900-1945. Peter Bedrick: Cape Town
   3. Conway W. Henderson. (1997). International Relations –Conflict and Co-operation at the
      Turn of the 21st Century. McGraw Hill: New York
   4. Mary John & Others. (1995). Background Report on Gender Issues in India. BRIDGE
      Publication: London.
   5. Poornima Mahan (2000). Encyclopedia of Women. SAGE Publication.
   6. Giliis, Stacy., Mowie, Gillian., Munford, Rebecca (ed). (2007). Third wave Feminism : Acritical
      Exploration. Palgrave macmillan: U.S.A.
   7. Ritzer, George., Douglas J. Goodman. (2003). Sociological Theory (6th edition). Macgraw Hill:
   8. Jodi, O’Brien(ed). (2009) Encyclopedia of Gender and Society. SAGE Publications: U.S.A.
   9. Smith, Bonnie G. (ed). (2004) Women’s History in global Perspective (Vol.1). University of
      Illinois Press: U.S.A
M.S Gender Studies

                                    COURSE OUTLINE
                                Introduction to Computers


         The course aims to introduce students with the IT knowledge and to share the far-reaching
effects of computers and technology, and the applications that computers have to their own lives.
Special focus will be given to women’s studies resources available on the Internet.

1.     Introduction
       Types of computers
       Hardware and the Computing process
       Soft wares

2.     Word Processing and Desktop Publishing
       What is Word Processing?
       Desktop Publishing Software
       Using a word Processor
       Entering Text
       Editing and Manipulating Text
       Page Layout
       Document Formatting
       Text Formatting
       Type Attributes
       Sizing and Scaling
       Live Art
       Graphics and Text
       Other Graphics Controls
       Saving the Work
       Printing Documents

3.     Presentation Software (Microsoft Power Point)
       Creating and Saving
       Working with slides
       Working with texts
       Tables, charts and graphics
Making notes and handouts
     Crating and running electronic presentations
4.   Data Processing
     Introduction to Excel
     Spreadsheet Functions
     Setting up the Worksheet
     Entering Data
     Formulas and Functions
     Manipulating Data
     Copying and Moving
     Special Functions
     Printing the Worksheet

5.   Work with communications
     Electronic Mail
     Facsimile Transmission
     Data Bases
     Bulletin Boards
     On-line Services
     Women on the Web
     On-line Journals
     Women’s Studies Departments/Centers

6.   Using Secondary Storage
     Second Storage concepts and Terminology
     Magnetic Disk Storage
     Mainframe Disk Storage
     Magnetic Tape Storage
     Optical Storage Media

                                      Text Books
    Hetzel William & David R. Adams. (1985). Computer Information Systems Development.
     Cincinnati: South Western Publishing Company.
    Hutchinson, Sarah. (1988). Computer: The use Perspective. Homewood, Boston.
   Pete Norton (2000). Introduction to Computers.
   Gray B. Shelly (2000). Introduction to Computers and Data processing.

                                  Reading Books
   J. Erickson & John A. Vouk. (1996). Modern Microcomputers. Irvin, USA.
   V.P Jaggi. Computers for Everyone. Academic Publishers, New Delhi.
   Gray B. shelly. (1990). Introduction to Computers and Data Processing. Anaheem Publishing
    Company, California.
   Ralph M. Stair. (1996). Computers in Today’s World. Homewood, Irvin. Inc.
   Robert V. Bullough. (1997). Classroom Application of Micro-Computers. Merrill Publishing
    Company , Columbus.
   Steve Medowell. (1998). Computer Assisted Instruction. Kogan Page Ltd. London
   Williams, Sawyer, Hutchinsion (1997). Using information Technology.
M.S Gender Studies
                                   Course Outline
                               Violence against Women

Name of the course

Course No            GS 405

Credit Hours         Credit hours : 3
                     Class meetings: 2 per week
                     Duration of class: 1 ½ hr
Objectives               After the study of this course students will be able to analyze the
                         forms, extent and causes of institutional, social and domestic
                         violence against women within a historical, cultural and structural
                         context. They will also be in a position to analyze the role of
                         different institutions of society regarding violence against women.
                         Situation regarding violence with facts and figures will be

Syllabus             Week 1.

                        Defining violence
                        UN and Violence against Women.
                        Forms & types of Gender based Violence
                        Gender Based Violence and contributory factors
                        Violence and health status
                     Week 2

                          Domestic violence
                          Social class and violence.
                          Types of domestic violence
                     Week 3
                        Stove burning.
                        Murder or Accident? –Problem in detecting the crime
                        Reason of stove burning.
                        Difficulty in securing testimonies.
                        Police statements regarding stove burning cases.
                        Case studies, facts &figures.
                        Lahore High Court Acts to curb stove burning.
                        Instructions by the court
                     Week 4

                          Acid throwing & Nose Cutting.
                          Form of violence that straddles the borderline between public
                           & private violence.
                          Motives of offender.
                          Law and the response of females
                          Case studies, facts & figures
Week 5
   Honor killings
   Women as symbol of honor
   Comparison of tribal & feudal areas.
   Karo kari Murders-form of honor killings.
   Reasons for the karo kari Murders.
   Honor Killing Bill, 2004
Week 6

      Forced Marriages
      Forced marriages as psychological and physical abuse.
      Cultural forms of forced marriages.
      CEDAW & forced marriages.

Week 7. Forced Marriages continued

   Types of forced Marriages.
   Watta Satta Marriages.
   Walwar/Swara.
   Haq Bakshwana.
   Child marriages.
   Walwaar/Swara & the law.
   Child Marriages & the Child Marriage Restraint Act.
Week 8

    Theories of Violence

Week 9
Mid Term Exams Will be taken

Week 10
   Rape
   Definition of rape.
   Rape defined under Women Protection Bill.
   Effects of rape.
   Women Protection Bill 2006

Week 11
     Kidnaping and Abduction
     Selling and buying of Persons
     Violence during armed conflicts
Note: syllabus related assignments and book reviews will be given to
the students in the form of groups

Week 12
               Students will present their assignments in the class

Week 13
Week 14

           Trafficking & Prostitution.
           Background
           Definition
           Global View of Causes of Human Trafficking
           Legislative Measures Implemented by United States
           Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance, 2002.
        Week 15

            Harassment at work places.
            Protection against Harassment of women at Workplace Act
            Islam on violence against women
            Gender equality in Islam

        Week 16
           Effects of Violence
           Physical consequences
           Psychological Trauma
           Other health outcomes
           Effects on Society
           Strategies to reduce and prevent Gender Based Violence

Books      1. Pakistan NGO Review Beijing+5. (2000). NGO Coordinating
           2. Srivastav, V.P. ( 2005). Hand Book on Crime against women.
               Delhi: Indian Publishers’ distributors.
           3. Manderson, Lenore., Linda Rae Bennelt. (2003). Violence Against
               Women in Asian Societies.
           4. Roy, Ashine. (2003). Violence against Women. New Delhi Rajat
           5. Harway, Michele., James M.O’ Neil (ed). (1999). What Causes
               Men’s Violence against Women? New Delhi: Sage Publications,
           6. Goel, Aruna., Manvinder Kaur & Ameer Sultana (eds). (2006).
               Violence Agansit women. Issues and perspectives. New Delhi:
               Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd.
           7. Renzetti, Claire M., Jeffery L.Edleson and Raquel Kennedy Bergen.
               (2001). Sourcebook on Violence Against Women. London: Sage
           8. Goonesekere, Savitri. (ed.). (2004). Violence, Law & Women’s
               Rights in South Asia. New Delhi: Sage Publications.
           9. Hassan, Yasmeen. (1995). The Heaven Becomes Hell. A Shirkat
               Gah Publication.
           10. Aurat Foundation, The Asia Foundation. (1999). Violence Against
               Women. Karachi: Aurat Publication and Information Service
           11. Patel, Rashida. (2003). Woman versus Man. Karachi: Oxford
University Press
                              12. Jaffri, S. Mohsin. (2004). The Other Half: Discrimination Against
                                   Women. Karachi: Royal Book Company.
                              13. Zia, Shehrbano. (1994). Sex Crime in the Islamic Context: Rape,
                                   class and Gender in Pakistan. Lahore: ASR Publication.
                              14. Jalalzai, M. Khan. (2002). Women Trafficking and Prostitution in
                                   Pakistan & Afghanistan. Lahore: DUA Publications.
                              15. Kumar, Raj. (Ed.) (2000). Violence Against Women. New Delhi:
                                   Anmol Publications.
                              16. Siddiqi, Muhammad. (1991). The Modest Status of Women in
                                   Islam. Lahore: Kazi Publications
                              17. Khan, Shabir. (2001). Status of Women in Islam. New Delhi: A.P.H
                                   Publishing Corporation.
Instructional Resources   Use of white board during lectures
                          Projector and slides
                          Multimedia usage
Teaching Strategies       Lectures

                          Class participation through group discussions, question-answer session,
                          topic discussion

Assessment                Marks      Seasonal                               Mid     Final   Total
                          in %                                                              100%

                                                      25                     35       40      100

                                     Assignments                            Paper   Paper

                          Criteria   1.Book reviews

                                     2.Topics related to syllabus

                                     Students will present          their
                                     assignments in the class

                                     Class participation


                          Result     Result will be displayed after one week of exams. mid term
                                     papers will be shown to and discussed with students
M.S Gender Studies

                                      Course Outline
                                  Research Methods-I
         The course deals with the traditional as well as the emerging research methods used in
social sciences with particular reference to the study of gender based issues. The course will provide
an overview on the various phases of carrying out research; i.e. planning the research study,
selecting appropriate methods for data collection, analyzing the data and reporting the results. By
the end of this course students will become able to apply quantitative research methods in social
sciences with special reference to the gender based issues in the society.

1.      The Research Process
        Knowledge and Research
        Scientific Method
        The Theoretical Foundation of Scientific Method
        Steps in Scientific Method
        Use of Scientific Method in Social Sciences
        Characteristics of Social Scientific Studies
        Classification of Research by Purpose
        Basic Research
        Applied Research
        Action Research
        Classification of Research by Strategy
        Quantitative Research
        Qualitative Research

2.       Research Problem
         Selection and statement
         Criteria Selection
         Development Conceptual Framework
         Review of Related Literature
     Note taking
     Organizing and citation
     Formulation and statement of hypotheses
     Definition and purpose
Types of hypotheses
     Stating the Hypotheses
     Testing the Hypotheses

3.      Methodology/Producer
        Selection of a Sample
        Definition of a Population
        Sampling, Definition and Purpose
        Sample Size
        Methods of Selecting a Sample
       Probability Sampling
                    Simple Random Sampling
                    Systematic Sampling
                    Stratified Sampling
                    Cluster Sampling
                    Multi Stage Sampling
                    Area Sampling
                    Time Sampling
      Non-Probability Sampling
                    Accidental Sampling
                    Purposive Sampling
                    Quota Sampling
                    Snowball Sampling

4.      Levels of Measurement
                Nominal Measurement
                Ordinal Measurement
                Interval Measurement
                Ratio Measurement

5.      Development and Selecting Seales
               Likerts Seales
               Semantic Differential Seals
               Thurston Seales
               Guttman Seales

6.      Types of Instruments of Data Collection
                Interview Schedule
                Observation Schedule
                Rating Seales and other Instruments
                Criteria for the Selection of Instruments

7.      Various Types of Quantitative Research
Characteristics and uses of Surveys
             Types of Surveys by Method
             One shot or cross sectional survey
             Successive independent sample survey
             Panel or longitudinal
             Types of Surveys by Analysis of Data
             Descriptive Survey
             Correlational Studies
             Causal Comparative
             Experimental Research
             Basic Characteristics of Experimental Design
             General Components of experimental Research
                       Independent and Dependent Variables
                       Experimental and Control Group
             Threats to an Experimental Study
             Experimental Designs

8.   Analysis of Data
             Descriptive Statistics
             Measures of Central Tendency
             Measures of Variability
             Measures of Associations

             Inferential Statistics
             Testing the Hypotheses
             Tests of Significance


1.   Each student will select a research study on gender related issues and will submit its
     evaluation report.
2.   Each student will select a social issue, review at least five elated research proposal. Before
     submission of the proposal, each student will make a presentation to the class for 5-7
     minutes. Class presentations will be made during the last two week of the semester.

     Mid Term Test:                            =       20%

     Sessional Work:                           =       15%

             1.        Quizzes/assignments etc         =       15%

             2.        Research Proposal               =       50%
Reading Books
1. Bake, Therese L. (1988). Doing Social Research. New York: McGraw Hill Book company.

2. Shaughnessy, John J. and Zechmeister Eugene B. (1990). Research Methods in Psychology.
   McGraw Hill International Edition.
M.S Gender Studies

                                 Course Outline
                      Women and Economic Empowerment

Credit Hours   Contact hours:3

               Class meetings:2 per week

               Class duration 1 ½

Objectives            The course will provide the definitions of women’s
                       empowerment, global economic restructuring and its impact on
                       women along with current approaches to women’
                      Role of international and national organizations in promoting
                       gender equity and the role of state in economic empowerment
                       of women will also be discussed.
Weekly distribution Week 1
of course
                        Definition of empowerment
                        Empowerment and gender equality
                        Empowerment as a process

                  Week 2
                        Approaches to women’s development
                        Economic empowerment
                        Social empowerment
                        Political empowerment
                        Empowerment through education

                  Week 3
                        Approaches for mainstreaming women’s empowerment
                        Welfare
                        Access
                        Awareness training
                        Participation in decision making
                        Control over resources
Week 4
        Indicators to women’s empowerment
        Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)
        Gender related Development Index (GDI)
        Application of GEM in Pakistan
Week 5

        Women in trade
        Definition of trade
        Role of women in trade
        Types of trades
        Types of trade
        Women traders in informal sector

Week 6
    (continuation of above topic)

        Constraint and new trends
        General constraints
        Particular constraint
        Women in international trade
Week 7
    Economic profile of Pakistani women
    Trends in women’s work
    Past situation
    Present situation
    Women entering in to new professions
    Employment status and wages
    Rural Sector
    Urban sector
Note: Mid-term exams will be taken in this week.

Week 8
     Women entrepreneurs
     Introduction
     Problem faced by the women entrepreneurs
     Lack of access to credit facilities
     Lack of access to market
     Lack of access to training
Note: syllabus related assignments will be given to the students in the
form of groups

Week 9

     Barriers to women entrepreneur
     Finance
   Information
      Family
      Education
      Situation of women entrepreneur in Pakistan
Week 10
      Role of government in promoting women’s

    Government initiatives to promote gender equality by re-
     directing public policies
    Education
    Health
    Agriculture

Week 11

   This week will be for presentations and students will present their
   assignments in the class.

Week 12
      Gender and poverty
      Poverty and female headed households
      Rural poverty
      Participation of women in decision-making
      Access to and contrast over productive resources
      Access to farm employment
      Urban poverty
      Migration and urbanization

Week 13
      Women and economic decision-making
      Women as economic decision maker
      National perspective
      International perspectives
Week 14
      International/National organizations and women’s
      United Nations development programmer (UNDP)
      Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
      United Nation children funds (UNICEF)
      Gender for development and population Activity (CEDPA)
      World Bank
      SMEDA
      FWB
      Women and E-Commerce
Books                               1. Zeo       oxad,      Sally,   Baden.(1997).Gender        and
                                        Empowement: Definations, Approachs and implications
                                        for policy. UK: Bridge publications, University of susses.
                                    2. World bank. (1995). Advancing gender Equality: the role
                                        of Public policy. Washing (DC)
                                    3. Sadique, Najma. The Global Economy or, Why We Are
                                        poverty Stricken (11th Edi). Karachi: Shirkat Gah
                                    4. United Nations.(1995). Women in Changing Global
                                        Economy. New York
                                    5. Schiller, Bradley R. (1994). The Macro Economy Today.
                                        (6th ed.). U.S.A: Zed Books.
                                    6. Kamal, sim., khan, Sorayya. (1998).Social
                                        Empowerment,Legal rights and Poverty in Urban Areas
                                        of Pakistan. Isalmabad: Racesta Development.
Instructional Aids/Resources     Photo copied handouts, multi-media, white board and marker

Teaching Strategies              Lectures, group discussions, question answer sessions and

Assessment            Marks      Sessional                    Mid          Final        Total
                      in %                                                              100%
                                 25                           35           40

                      Criteria   Assignments                  Paper        Paper

                                 4. Syllabus related
                                    assignment topics will
                                    be given to the
                                 5. Book Reviews
                                 6. Quizzes

                      Result     Results of mid-term and final- term papers will be displayed after
                                 one week of exams and papers will be shown to the students.
M.S Gender Studies
                          Department of Gender Studies
                      Course-Outline “Women and Politics”

1. Introduction to Women and Politics
          Significance of the Subject “Women and Politics”
          Attitudes and behavior of society towards women’s political participation
          Scio-cultural constraints in effective participation of women
          Effect of women’s participation on country politics
          Political participation of women as a human right issue
               i. CEDAW Article on Political Participation of Women
              ii. National Plan of Action 1998 and Political Participation of Women
          Status of Women in Politics
               i. CEDAW Country Report 2007
              ii. Constitutional Status of Women
2. Key concepts in Gender and politics
          Government & Governance
               i. Federal & Provincial Government
              ii. Concurrent List &
          Vote & Voter
          National Assembly (Lower House)
          Saneat (Upper House)
          Sovereignty
          Constitution
          Local Bodies
          Election commission
          Opposition leader
          Speaker
3. A historical overview of women’s political participation
          Pre-Independence Period (1857-1947)
          Post-Independence period (1947-2011)
4. Women In political process (Challenges and opportunities)
          Women as voters
          Role in parliament
               i. Problems faced by women as political representatives
          Manifestos of political parties in Pakistan
               i. Manifestos of political parties related to women participation
              ii. Women in local Bodies
          Methodologies in political participation
               i. Vote
              ii. Voters
             iii. Election/ Electoral system
              iv. Right to vote
              v. Minority women and representation of seats
              vi. Problems of women voters in Pakistan
5. Capacity building
          Introduction
           Women leadership training
          Awareness, Perception and Preference
          Running and winning election
6. Women’s Political Caucus
          Introduction
          Inside local councils
          Provincial and National Assemblies
          Lacunae in Governance Mechanism
7. Cause Studies in women’s Political Participation
          Cause study of National women’s political caucus in U.S.A
8. Awareness Raising
          Transformational Politics
          Present Situation and vision of women in politics
          Local Government Ordinance, 2000
          CEDAW article on women political participation
          NPA chapter on political participation of women
   Present situation and vision of women in politics
9. State of women in urban local government of Pakistan
10. Violence against women in Politics
          Issue regarding increase in violence against women in politics
11. Women representation in Pakistan’s Parliament
          Women in parliament the case of Pakistan
          Constitutional quota for National parliament (1947-2002)
          Women in provincial assembly
          Procedure for election of women to reserved seats
          Women in cabinets
          Women as parliamentary secretaries
12. Women in parliament (A Global Overview)
          The world at large
          Regional overview
          The Muslim world
          Americas
           Europe
          Asia
          South Asia
          Sub-Saharan Africa
          Pacific
          Arab States
          Nordic Countries
13. Women in parliament in Pakistan (Problems and Potential solutions)
14. Some issues regarding the increased women representation in Parliament
          Perceived discrimination against the women elected on reserved seats
          Family and public life
          Women in legislators for women issues or issues in general
          Women’s caucus or caused on women issues
          Need for capacity building
          Sustainable representation of women in parliament (How other countries have
           done it…??)
     Role of civil society especially women organization
               Role of universities especially women’s study centers

Reading Books

   1. Mussarat Qadeem, women in Politics and its Impact in Socio-Politics and its Impact on
      Socio-Political Development in Pakistan.

   2. Susan Moller Qwin, Women in Western Political Thought Princeton University Press,
      Princeton, New Jercy.

   3. Shaista Suharwardy, From Purdah to Parliament, Karachi Oxford University Press, Oxford,
      New York.

   4. Anjn Bindra, Women Global Political Movement, Manglam, Publications, Delhi, India.

   5. Shanaz, Rouse, Gender, Nation, State. In Pakistan, Vanguard Books. Karachi

   6. Ritu Memon, Women writers on Partition of Pakistan and India, Vanguad, Lahore.

   7. Shah, M. Nasra. Pakistan Women, East West Population Institutes, Harvi.

   8. Vaikmth Metha, Women and Political Issues (An International Perspective).ABD Publishers,
      Jaipur, India.

   9. Ponla Banergee, Women in Peace Politics, Sage Publications, India, New Delhi.

   10. Miranda W. Alison, Women and Political Violence, Rutledge Group London.

   11. Karen Ross, Women, Politics and Change, Oxford University Press, New York.
M.S Gender Studies
                                      Course Outline

                                  Women and Health
         This course will identify health issues which concern women throughout their life cycle and
their impact on physiological, psychological, cultural, and political well-being of women. The course
will help to develop strategies for improving the health care of women.

1.      Introduction
         Historical Dimension: The Women ‘s Health Movement
         Political Dimension of Women’s Health

2.      Global Perspective on Women’s Health
         Women around the world
         Increasing life expectancy
         The health transition
         Socio economic inequalities
         Gender inequalities & women’s health
         Women amid conflict and crisis
         Women and the health care system
         Differentials in Health

3.      Stages of life
         The Girls Child
         Adolescent Girls
         Adult Women
         Older Women
4.      Health Indicators
         Disease and Death: Sex comparisons
         Gendered exposures
         Gendered experiences
5.      Policy Implications
6.      Health Care system of Pakistan

7.      Gender Issues and their influence on health
         Literacy and education
         Employment
        Access to health care and services
 Physical access/availability
      Economic access
      Socio cultural access
8.   The impact of public services on health outcomes


        Early marriage
        Women’s decision –making power within the family
        Freedom of movement and societal interaction

                                     Reading Books
    Germov, Johnnh (ed). (1998). Second Opinion, An Introduction to Health Sociology.
     Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
    Ussher, Jane M (ed). (2000). Women’s Health, contemporary International Perspectives.
     Leicester: The British Psychological Society.
    Disilvestro, Wardlaw Hampl. (204), Perspectives in Nutrition (6th edition). New York:
     McGraw Hill.
    Alexender, Linda Lewis et al. (2004). New Dimensions in Women’s Health (3rd edtion).
     Massachusetts’. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
    Anne Thinker & others. (1994). Women’s Health and Nutrition: Making a Difference. The
     World Bank Discussion Paper No. 256.
    World Bank. (1996). Improving Women’s Health in India. World Bank Technical Paper,
     Washington D.C.
    George Anders. (1990). Health Against Wealth. Zed London
    Joh. S.O. Shea. (1992). Under Three- A Comprehensive Guide to Caring for Your Baby and
     Toddler. USA.
    Nafis Sadik. (1989). The State of World Population. New York: UNFPA.
    Warren C. Sanderson. (1995). Population in Asia. The World Bank., Washington D.C.
    Fadia Saadah & James Knowles. (2000). The World Bank Strategy for Health Nutrition, and
     Population in the East Asia and Pacific Region. The World Bank.
    Laurian Unnevehr & N. Hirschonorn. (2000). Food Safety Issues in the Developing World.
     World Bank Technical paper No. 469, Washington, D.C.
    Nancy H. Bryant (2003). Women in Nursing in Islamic Societies.
    Judith H. Larosa (2003). New Dimensions in Women’s Health.
    A.R. Gist Burner (2002). Jahan Aurtooon Kelye Dactor Na ho.

    Anne G. Thinker. (1998). Improving Women’s Health in Pakistan. The World Bank.
    United Nations. (1999). Women and Health: Mainstreaming the Gender Perspective into
     the Health Sector. New York.
Department of Gender Studies
                                         Family Sociology

The importance of family as a fundamental social unit and the role of family in determining the
character and structure of society need no argument. As a cell is a unit of organic body, so the
family is a unit of society. To understand society study of family sociology is very important.
Socialization of individuals starts in this institution that later on affects their social life. Through this
course students will be in a position to understand the role of family and the functions that it plays
globally and the changes that are occurring with passage of time. Gender roles will be discussed
through parent-child interaction.

1.      Marriage and Family
        1.1   Definition of marriage
        1.2   Types of Marriage
                Monogamy
                Polygamy
                Arrange and free choice marriage
        1.3   Definition of Family
        1.4   Types of families
                Nuclear
                Joint
                Extended families
        1.5   Functions of Family
                Reproduction and Socialization
                Economic security
                Emotional Support
                Social Class placement

        1.6     Importance of family for the Society

 2.     Changing Families and Reasons for Change
        1.1 Demographic Change
                Employed Mother
                Change in the Status of divorce
                Remarriages
                Single Parent families
        2.2    Micro and Macro level Influence on Family
3.   Theoretical Frame works for Understanding Family
     3.1    Micro and Macro level of Analysis

     3.2     Micro Level Analysis
              Symbolic Interaction
              Social Exchange
              Family Life Course Development
              Family System
     3.3     Macro Level Analysis

                Ecological Perspective
                Structural Functionalism
                Conflict
                Feminism

4.   Gender Role Socialization
     4.1    Understanding Gender and Gender Roles
     4.2    Gender Socialization
                Social learning theory
                Cognitive Development Theory
     4.3    Who teaches gender roles?
             Parents
             Toys, Sports and Peers
             Teachers and School
             Books and Textbook
             Popular Cultured
             Media
     4.4 Traditional views and Gender Roles
     4.5  Current gender role changes and constraints.

5.   Parent –Child interaction and generation gap
     5.1 Contemporary Parental Roles
     5.2 Parenting Style and discipline

     5.3 Parents Impact on Child development

             Parent positive impact
             Parents negative impact
     5.4 Non Parental Child care

     5.5 Causes of generation gap and strategies to bridge it.

6.   Family work and Economics
     6.1     Macro economic changes affecting the family.

              Unequal economic distribution
              Poverty/Unemployment
              Job loss
     6.2     Women in creasing participation in Labour force and inequality in work place
6.3       Effects of work on Family Dynamics

               Marital quality and family life
               Division of Household work
               Children socialization and well being
7.      Separation and Divorce
       7.1 Separation: Process and outcome

       7.2 Process of divorce

       7.3 Reasons for divorce

                    Macro level reason for divorce
                    Demographic variables
                    Interpersonal reasons
                    Affects of divorce on adults
                    Affects on children during and after divorce

8.      Islamic perspective on family and strategies to resolve family conflicts.
                Importance of family in Islam
                Right to marriage
                Roles and responsibilities of married couple for each other.
                Parent and children role and responsibilities
                Strategies suggested by Islam to resolve family conflicts
                Right to dissolve marriage
                Maintenance of wife and children after dissolution of marriage

            Kenneth, Neubeck & Davita, Glasberg. (2005). Sociology: Diversity Conflict and change.
             Boston: McGraw-Hill International Edition.
            Kain, Edward & Rank, Mark. (1995). Diversity and Change in Families. New Jersey:
             Prentice-Hall, Inc.
            Baker. (1990). Families. New York: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited.
            Barnett, Dla. (2005). Family Violence Across the Life Span. London: Sage Publications.
            Cottrane, Scott (2004). Families and Society. Canada: Thomas learning
            Benokraities, Nijole V. (2005). Marriage and Families: changes, Choices and constraints.
             (5th edition) USA: AVP publisher
            Strong, deVAULT, Christine and Cohen, Theodore F. (2005). The marriage and family
             experience (9th edition). Canada: Thomas learning
            Scot, Jacqueline., Treas, Judith., Richard, Martin. (Ed). 2007). The Balckwell Campanion
             to the Sciology of Fanilies. UK: Balckwell Publishing Ltc.
M.S Gender Studies
                                 Course Outline
                             Gender and Human Rights


        The course focuses on human rights guaranteed by International Human Rights
Law/documents. It critically look into legal issues, Socio-cultural Construction of Pakistani Society &
Pakistan’s Commitment to International Human Rights Law with special reference to Gender.

1.      Introduction to Human Rights
        1.1 Origin of Human Rights
        1.2 International Development of Human Rights
        1.3 Institutionalization of Human Rights
                1.3.1) Role of United Nations
 2.     Human Rights and Conventions
        2.1 Meaning and importance
        2.2 From Conventions to Laws
        2.3 Enforcement of Conventions
        2.4 Role of International Organizations
                         2.4.1 United Nations
                         2.4.2 Amnesty International
                         2.4.3 Convention on the Elimination of all forms of
                         2.4.3 Discrimination Against women

3.      Human Rights in Islam
        3.1 Individual Rights
        3.2 Political Rights
        3.3 Economic Rights
        3.4 Reproductive Rights
        3.5 Educational Rights

4.      Women and Human Rights: The Pakistan Context
        4.1 Constitutional Rights
                 4.1.1 Historical Development
                 4.1.2 Legislature
        4.2 Fundamental Rights
        4.3 Civil and Social
                 4.3.1 Education
                 4.3.2 Health
                 4.3.3 Employment
                 4.3.4 Inheritance
                 4.3.5 Nationality
                 4..3.6 Personal/Family Rights
4.3.7 Marriage/Nikah
            4.3.8 Free consent
            4.3.9 Dowry/Haq-Mehar
            4.3.10 Maintenance
            4.3.12 Custody of Children
            4.3.13 Recovery of Dowry
            4.3.14 Bride Price
            4.3.15 Crimes Against Women
4.   Women and Human Rights: International Laws and Conventions
     4.1Universal Declaration of Human Rights

     4.2 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

     4.3 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
     4.4 Equal Remuneration Convention
     4.5 Convention against Discrimination in Education
     4.6 Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against women
     4.7 Beijing Declaration
     4.8 Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights
     4.9 Political and Civil Rights
     4.10 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
     4.11 Marriage and Family
     4.12 Housing, land and property
     4.13 Women and Employment
              4.13.1 Working conditions
              4.13.2 Maternity rights
              4.13.3 Workers with family responsibilities
              4.13.4 Home workers
     4.14 Women and Marriage
              4.14.1 Entering marriage
              4.14.2 During Marriage
              4.14.3 End of Marriage
              4.14.4 General protection
              4.14.5 Rights in the country in which taken refuge
     4.15 Exploitation and Trafficking
     4.16 Violence against Women
              4.16.1 Defining and Preventing Violence
              4.16.2 Help for victims
     4.17 Environmental Rights
     4.18 Women with disabilities
Text Books
   R. Bourne & Others. (1997). School-based Understanding of Human Rights in Four Countries: A
    Common Wealth Study. Department for International Development.

   Hamid Khan (1980). Islamic Law of Inheritance.

   Zia-ul-Islam Jajua (2004). Gender and Property Law in Pakistan.

   Anjani Kant (2003). Women and the Law.

                                       Reading Books

      UNICEF (1999). The State of the World’s Children. New York.
      Mahbub-ul-Haq & Khadija Haq. (1998). Human Development in South Asia. Islamabad.
      Deon Filmer & others. (1998). Gender Disparity in South Asia: Comparison Between and
       Within Countries. The World Bank. Washington, D.C.
      International Women’s Tribune Centre. (1998). Rights of Women. New York.
      United Nations. (2000). Women 2000: Integrating a Gender Perspective into UN Human
       Rights Work. Division for the Advancement of Women, Department of Economic and Social
       Affairs, New York.
      Amnesty International. (2000). Women’s Rights are Human Rights- The Struggle Persists.
       United Kingdom.
      United Nations. (2000). Agreed Conclusions on the Critical Areas of Concern of the Beijing
       Platform for Action (1996-1999). Division for the Advancement of Women, Department of
       Economic and Social Affairs, New York.
      United Nations. (2000). Report of the Commission on the Status of Women acting as the
       Preparatory Committee for the Special Session of General Assembly entitled “Women
       2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the Twenty First Century on its Third
       Session. General Assembly Official Records. New York.
      United Nations. (2000). CEDAW – The Optional Protocol: Text and Materials. New York.
      Amnesty International. (1995). Human Rights are Women’s Rights. United Kingdom.
      Rashida Patel. (1991). Socio-Economic Political Status and Women and Law in Pakistan.
      Ashwani Kant Gautam (2001). Women Social Justice and Human Rights.
      Ilyas Khan (2002). Manual of Family Laws.
      Nilaufer Jahn (2003). Suppressed Womanhood a cry for rights.
Department of Gender Studies
                             Research Methods II

                                              Course Outline
        The course aims at familiarizing the students with the qualitative inquiry methods. The
course also aims at developing the skills among students to use qualitative research methods as
independent or complementary to the quantitative methods in all spheres of education i.e. teaching,
evaluation etc. By the end of the course the students will be to design a qualitative inquiry to atleast
one selected issue in education.

1.        Qualitative research: Origin and rationale
2.        Differences between qualitative and quantitative research
3.        Some theoretical affiliations and classification of qualitative inquiry
               Ethnography
               Symbolic interactionism
               Feminist Post Modernism
4.        Designs in qualitative research
               Case study
               Field study
               Content analysis
               Action research
5.        Some important concepts in qualitative research
               Human as instrument
               Grounded theory and ideographic interpretation
               Sampling
               Idea saturation.
               Triangulation
6.        Stages in qualitative research
7.        Basic techniques of data collection
               Interviewing/asking
                      Individual
                      Focused group interview
               Observation
                      Participative
                      Non-participative
               Archival research/studying
8.        Ethical issues in qualitative inquiry
9.        Types of data
               Field notes
               Transcripts from taped interviews
               Subjects written words
               Montage/photography
               Official records
     Accounts
                Videos
10.        Analysis of Data
           A.    Analysis of data in the field
                       Field memos
                       Discovering themes and hypotheses
           B.    Analysis after data collection
                       Developing coding categories
                       Data displays
11.        Trustworthiness in qualitative research
12.        Report writing

Teaching and Learning strategies and Evaluation
      1.     Lectures and class discussion on basic concepts of the course.
      2.     Presentation and class discussions on he assigned topics. This activity shall comprise
             30% of the course credit distributed over various assignments.
      3.     Each student will identify and select at least two articles based on qualitative research
             and will present their summary along with critical analysis. This activity carries ten
      4.     Tests 60%


      1.   Sarantakos, S. (1998). Social Research ( 2nd ed). London: Macmillan Press Ltd.
      2.   Strauss Anselm L. (1987). Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge
                 University Press.
      3.   Mason, Jannifer. (2002). Qualitative Researching. (2nd ed). London: Sage Publications.
      4.   Edmunds, Holly. (2001). The Focus Group: Research Handbook. Chicago: NTC Business
Ms Gender Studies
                          Department of Gender Studies
                   Course out line “Gender and Environment”
1. Introduction
          Relationship between Gender and Environment
          Significance of Gender and Environment
2. Key terms in Gender and environment
          Eco-system
          Sustainable Development
          Pollution
          Resources and their types
            Renewable and non-Renewable resources
        Green House Effect
        Climate change/ Global warming
        Ozone Depletion
        Conversation
        Energy
3. Pollution
         Definition
         Pollution, its causes and effect on environment
         Air pollution
         Water pollution
         Noise Pollution
           Environmental quality standard of noise in Pakistan
      Light Pollution
      Visual Pollution
      Thermal Pollution
      Pollution due to oil slicks
      Nuclear Pollution
4. Waste and its Disposal
      Types of waste
      Waste Disposal
      Role of Women in Waste Management in Pakistan
5. Water supply and sanitation
          Water Resource Management
          Role of women in safe water supply and sanitation
          Status of Safe drinking water in Pakistan
          Bottled water in Pakistan
          WHO, the guidelines for safe drinking water
          |Arsenic in drinking water
          Arsenic in drinking a growing threat in Pakistan
6. Climate Change and Pakistan
7. Environmental and health hazards of Leather Industry (A case study of QASUR)
8. IUCN Pakistan: Strategic gender action plan
9. National Environment Policy of Pakistan
10. Eco-feminism
11. Women and Agriculture
        The green revolution and its impact on women
        Bio-technology
        Slaughter Houses and dairy farms
        Women cotton pickers pesticide exposure : a case of Pakistan
12. Global trends in gender and environment
        Conventions and declarations
        International conferences
        Integrating gender into environmental research and policy
         United Nations, (2001). Gender Perspectives for Earth Summit 2002. New York.
         Christinc van Wijk and Jannifer Francis, (1997). Global Trends in Gender and
          Demand- Responsive Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygienc. South Africa.
         Ariel Dinar (2000). The Political Economy of Water Pricing Reforms. World
         World Bank, (1997). Can the Environment Wait? Priorities for East Asia.
          Washington D.C.
         A, Panneerselvam and Mohana Rama Krishnan, (1996). Environmental Science
          Education. Struling Publishers Private Limited, New York.
Department of Gender Studies
                            University of the Punjab
                                 Detailed Course Outline

                                 Women in Work & Business

Credit Hours      Contact hours:3

                  Class meetings:2 per week

                  Class duration 1 ½ hr

Objectives        The course will help the students to examine the social, cultural and
                  historical factors that influence women’s work and the multiple ways in
                  which gender affects the nature and quality of work.

                  The course will cover the women’s role in the traditional societies and
                  effects of industrialization on women’s work.

                  Women’s paid and un-paid work in contemporary societies will also be
                  observed in various contexts and relevant gender differentiation. Each
                  contemporary topic will be discussed with the reference to Pakistani

Weekly            Week 1
Distribution of           Participation patterns of work in pre-civilized and civilized
Course                     period
                          Introduction
                          Pre-civilized period
                          Neolithic Revolution
                          Civilized period
                          Unskilled labor work
                          Burden of family
                          Slavery

                  Week 2
                     Industrial Revolution in Great Britain
                     Change in Industries
                     Change in Society
                     Effects on labor
                     Industrial Revolution in United States
                     Second Industrial Revolution
                     Change in Agriculture
                     Children during Industrial Revolution
                     Woman during Industrial Revolution
                  Week 3
                          Technological change
   of technological development on women
     Urban sector
     Rural sector
     Present trends
Week 4
     Women and Employment
     Women and unpaid work
     Hazards of unpaid work
     Benefits of unpaid work
     Valuation methods of unpaid
     Women and paid work.
     Importance of Women’s paid work
Week 5
     Women in rural sectors
     Participation pattern of women in paid and un-paid work
     Women in urban sector
     Informal sector
     Formal sector
     Professions for women
     Changing patterns of women in employment
     Double burden
Week 6
     Attitude and behaviors towards women’s employment.
     Factors affecting women’s employment
     Historical factors
     Social factors
     Age
     Religion
     Nature of family
     Marital status
     Caste
Week 7
     Political Factors
     Participation of Women in Politics
     Decision Making
     Economic Factors
     Dependency
     Position of women at home
     Women as secondary bread earner
Week 8
     Structural Adjustment Policies
     Introduction
     Affects of SAP
     SAP and urban woman
     SAP and rural woman
     Privatization
     Affects of privatization on women

Week 9
     Gender biases in jobs
 Recruitment
    Public Sector
    Private Sector
    Promotion
    Working hours
    Gender pay gaps
    Access discrimination
    Compensation differentials
    Wage discrimination
   Note: Mid-term exams will be taken in this week.

Week 10
    Cross-Cultural variation in the Gender pay gap
    The Glass ceiling
    Gender stereotypes
    Organizational practices
    Maternity leave and child care policies
    Sexual harassment at work place
    Sexual Harassment and power
    Women especially vulnerable to harassment
    Sexual harassment and organizational climate
    Sexual harassment interventions
    Legal interventions
   Note: syllabus related assignments will be given to the students in
   the form of groups

Week 12
   Informal credit system
   History
   Informal credit in Pakistan
   Forms of informal credit
   Cooperative societies
   Cooperative Banking
   Difference between cooperative and commercial banking
Week 13

This week will be for presentations and students will present their
assignments in the class.
   Week 14

    International labor conference May, 1944
    Equal Remuneration Convention 1951
    Employment and occupation convention 1958

      Labor Laws in Pakistan
      Rights of Association
      The right to organize and bargain collectively.
      Prohibition of forced labor
      Acceptable condition of work Part time workers right
      Pay
   Pregnancy and parental rights
                              Training
                              Pensions
                              Holidays
                              Working hours
                            Sickness leaves
                              Work place ethics for gender

                      Week 15
                              Need for vocational and technical education for women
                              Market demands
                              Integration into labor force
                              Family and Work
                              Role as a housekeeper
                              Working women
                              Benefits
                              Problems
                              Dual responsibilities
                              Balancing their roles
                      Week 16
                            Globalization
                            Affects of globalization
                            Women in capitalism and socialism
                            Role of women in information technology
Reference Books       1.    Shawn Meghan Burn.(2000). Women Across Culture: A Global
                            Perspective. London: Mayfield Publishing Company.
                      2.    Coyle, Angela., Jane, Slinner.(ed.).(1988).Women and Work:
                            Positive Action for Change. London: Macmillan Education.
                      3.    United Nations. (1999).World Survey on the Role of Women in
                            Development: Globalization, Gender and Work. New York.
                      4.    Economic Survey of Pakistan.(2004-05). Islamabad: Government of
                      5.    Barua, Nayan., Brokakoty, Aparajeda. (2005). Women
                            Entrepreneurship. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation.
                      6.    Kumar, Raj. (ed.). (2000). Women in Agriculture and Trade. New
                            Delhi: Anmol Publications.
                      7.    Dutta, R.K (2003). Women Empowerment. New Delhi: Reference
                      8.    Miremath, R.C. (2002). Women in Changing World. Jaipure (India):
                            Pointa Publishers.

Instructional                 Use of white board in lectures
Resources                     Photocopied handouts
                              Multi-media
                              Projector and slides

Teaching Strategies   Lectures, group discussions, readings and question answer sessions
Assessment   Marks      Session                      Mid         Final      Total
             in %                                                           100%
                        25                           25          50

             Criteria   Assignments                  Paper       Paper

                        7. Syllabus related
                            assignment topics will
                            be given to the students
                        8. Book Reviews
                        9. Quizzes
             Result     Results of mid-term and final-term papers will be displayed
                        after one week of exams and mid- term papers will be shown
                        to the students.
Department of Gender Studies

                       University of the Punjab
                              Course Outline
                       Strategies for Women in Distress

Credit Hours   Credit hours : 3

               Class meetings: 2 per week

               Duration of class: 1 ½ hr

Objectives     Counseling has a key importance in developed and developing
               countries at the same time where women have to face a variety of
               violence. This course will make the students able that they will learn
               counseling skills and by the use of these strategies they will contribute
               to overcome gender related distress.

Syllabus       Week 1.

                        Situations requiring counseling
                       Depression
                       Stress
                       Anxiety
                       Phobia
                       Trauma
                       Assessing and counseling women.
                       Psychosocial issues.
                       Physical issues.
                       Battered women & separation abuse.
                       Guidelines for clinical interventions.
                       Adjustment to illness.
               Week 2 Assessing and counseling women continued
                       Depressive disorders.
                       Women’s vulnerability to depression.
                       Biological Vulnerability factors.
                       Genetic Vulnerability
                       Social Vulnerability factors.
                       Familial Vulnerability factors.
Week 3 Assessing and counseling women continued

   Psychological Factors.
   Interpersonal Factors.
   Cultural Factors.
   Assessment of depressive disorders.
   Treatment of depressive disorders.
Week 4.

        Approaches to counseling
        Psychoanalytic approach
        Humanistic approach
        Behaviouristic approach to counseling
        The eclectic approach
        The existential point of view

Note: counseling therapy session will be conducted by a
professional counselor.

Week 5

        Stress Management.
        Meaning of Stress
        Stress reaction and the body
        Common Symptoms of Stress.
        Causes of Stress.
        Effects of stress on the body.
        Types of Stress.


        Eustress & distress
        Characteristics to the description of stress.
        Type A & Type B personalities.
        Type C personality.
        Relationship between perceived level of stress & performance.

Week 7
   Ways to manage Stress.
   BE NATURAL: a stress Management plan.
   Breathing
   Exercise
   Nutrition
   Attitude
   Time Management.
   Uniqueness.
   Relaxation
 Association
    Laughter.
  Note: Some stress management exercises will be conducted in the

  Note: mid term exams will be taken

Week 8

        Family Counseling.
        Family counseling techniques.
        Need of family Counseling
        Career and lifestyle counseling.
        Career counseling Strategies.
        Issues & trends in career counseling.
        School and University counseling.

Note: counseling therapy session will be conducted by a
professional counselor.
Note: syllabus related assignments and book reviews will be given to
the students in the form of groups

Week 9
   Responsibilities of counselors.
   Ethical responsibilities.
   Confidentiality
   Exceptions in confidentiality.
   Ethical principles.

Week 10Responsibilities of counselors continued

        Legal issues.
        The Counselors & the court.
        Responsibility of the counselor in the greater society.
        Counseling skills.
        The counseling relationship –core conditions.
        Stage 1- Attending Skills.
        Physical Attending.

Week 11 Counseling skills continued

    Attending Skills.
    Psychological attending.

         Inventory of non –verbal behavior.

         Active listening
Resist Distractions

                                 Keep the focus on the client.
                                 Counseling Needs IDPs
                                 Emergencies Needs
                                 Flood
                                 Earth Quakes
                                 Responding as part of attending behavior.

                          Week 12

                          Note: students will present their assignments in the class

                          Week 13 Counseling skills continued

                                 Stage 2- Exploration Skills.
                                 Responding with empathy.
                                 Responding using probes and questions
                                 Responding with silence.
                                 Stage 3- understanding
                                 Stage 4-Action
                                 Stage 5-Termination.

                          Week 14
                             Guidelines for counseling with women.
                             Diversity, Social context, and Power
                             Professional Responsibility
                             Best Practices

Books                                     1. Peterson, Vincent.J., & Nisenholz, Bernard. (4th
                                              ed.).(1999). Orientation to Counseling. Boston:
                                              Allyn and Bacon.
                                          2. Kopala, Mary., & Keitel , A.Merle. (Eds.) .(2003).
                                              Handbook of counseling women. New Delhi:
                                              Sage Publications.
                                          3. Brodsky, Annette. M. & Musting, Rachel T. Hare.
                                              (Eds.). (1980). Women and psychotherapy: An
                                              assessment of research and practice. New York:
                                              The Guilford Press.
Instructional Resources        White board use during lectures

                               Projector and slides

                               Multimedia usage

Teaching Strategies              Lectures

                                 Class participation through group discussions, question-answer
                                 session, topic discussion

Assessment            Marks      Sessional                                Mid   Final   Total
                      in %                                                              100%

                                                  25                       25      50    100

                      Criteria   Assignments                            Paper   Paper

                                 1.Book reviews

                                 2.Topics related to syllabus

                                 Students will present          their
                                 assignments in the class

                                 Class participation


                      Result     Result will be displayed after one week of exams. mid term
                                 papers will be shown to and discussed with students
M.S Gender Studies

                                         Course Outline

                                  Gender and Population

Objectives : A gender perspective on population helps in better understanding of population issues for
sustainable development, by focusing on gender aspects of natural resource use and management;
agricultural division of labour; and access to reproductive and productive resources. The course will
further help in understanding of gender relations in the society.         Demographic factors such as
population growth and age structure, fertility, morbidity, health conditions and nutrition levels, spatial
distribution and migration indicate different types of constraints, needs and opportunities for males and
females in the society.


1.      Theories of Population

        1.1     The Population Doctrines of Malthus
        1.2     Natural Theories of Population Growth
        1.3     Social Theories of Population Growth

2.      Population Growth and Structure

        2.1     Fertility, Mortality and population growth rates
        2.2     Population composition by various demographic indicators

3.      Population and Health

        3.1     Access and utilization of health care facilities
        3.2     Child survival and health
        3.3     Women health and safe motherhood
        3.4     Control of HIV/AIDS
        3.5     Health disparities across population

4.      Population and Reproductive Health
        Causes of high Maternal Mortality and Morbidity
        Family Planning Practices
        Reproductive behavior
        Outreach of reproductive health facilities
        Situation in rural and urban areas
        Reproductive Rights
5.    Factors in controlling population growth
      Famine and Hunger
      Disease and Epidemics
      Family Planning

6.    Marriage and Family
      Family structure and composition
      Age at marriage and population growth rate

7.    Population and Sustainable Development
      Population and development strategies
      Population, sustained economic growth and poverty

8.    Population Distribution and Urbanization
      Large urban agglomerations
      Socio-economic and Demographic factors
      Consequences of urbanization

9.    International Migration
      International migration and development
      Effect of migration on gender relations
      Refugees, asylum-seekers and displaced persons.

10.   Population Challenges
      Environmental degradation
      Economic stagnation
      Resource depletion

11.   Population policy and planning
      The theory of optimum population
      Modern Practices


         Population growth and its implications (2001).     Islamabad: National Institute of
          Population Studies.

         UNFPA (2005). State of World Population: The Promise of Equality. UNFPA

         World Bank (2000). Population and the World Bank Adapting to Change. World Bank.

         World Bank (2002). Exploring Gender Perspectives in Population and Health Programs.
          Washington USAID.

         Govt. of Pakistan. (2002). Population Policy of Pakistan.    Islamabad: Ministry of
          Population Welfare.
M.S Gender Studies

                                   Course Outline

                    Gender and International Relations


International relations and gender studies share theoretical approaches to their
areas of study and use common concepts such as power, violence etc.

The aim of this course is to make student able that how development in international
relations affects gender, and how important gender is for working world politics. The
role of gender will also be discussed in detail with regard to foreign policy, peace,
war and development.

1. Introduction and foundation of International Relations
   History
   World civilizations
   Imperialism
   Two World Wars
   The Cold War (1945-1990)
   The early post cold war
   Concept of Gender in International Relations
   Women in International Relation
2. Theories in International Relations
   Liberalism
   Marxism
   Postmodern Feminism
   Realism
   Nationalism
3. Gender in Foreign Policy Making
   The emergence of modern state system
   Global and domestic determinants of states foreign policy
   Role of leaders in foreign policy making
   Women in foreign policy making
   Constraints on foreign policy making
   Feminist analysis and foreign policy
4. Gender and Global Political Economy
   Globalization
   Liberalization of trade
Course outlines gender studies punjab
Course outlines gender studies punjab

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Course outlines gender studies punjab

  • 1. M.S Gender Studies Department of Gender Studies Course Outline Gender and Development 1. Introduction to Gender Studies  Difference between sex and gender  Difference between Women’s Studies and Gender Studies  Multi-disciplinary nature of Gender Studies  Gender Studies in Pakistan  Importance of Gender Studies as a Subject  Gender and Development  Effect of development process on women and men 2. Introduction to key terms and concepts related to gender  Gender lens  sex disaggregated data  gender discrimination  gender gap  Gender sensitization  Gender equality and equity  Gender Justice  Gender socialization  Women empowerment  Difference between various terms used for women’s subordinate position like women’s oppression, exploitation and subordination  Importance of gender analysis in framing policies, programs and projects 3. Approaches to gender and development  The Welfare Approach  The Women in Development (WID) Approach  Gender and Development (GAD) Approach  Women and Development (WAD) Approach  The Efficiency Approach  The Empowerment Approach  Gender and Environment Approach (GED) 4. Gender and Language  Sensitive Language  Gender Significance of Gender Sensitive Language  Gender biased language vs. Gender Neutral Language
  • 2. 5. Difference between the terms Matriarchy and Patriarchy  Origin and development of Matriarchy  Origin of Patriarchy  Pakistan: A Patriarchal society 6. Gender issues arising from patriarchy Gender sensitive indicators  Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)  Gender Development Index (GDI)  Gender Parity Index (GPI)  Human Development Index (HDI) 7. Overview of International and National Protocols related to Gender Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Education for All (EFA) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Gender 8. Organizations working for Gender and Development A. At International Level Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) a. United Nations Organization (UNO) b. Commonwealth of Nations c. European Union (EU) d. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) e. GTZ f. USAID g. AUSAID B. At Regional Level a. Saarc C. At National Level a. Ministry of Women Development b. National Commission on the Status of Women c. Edhi Foundation d. Tehreek Minhaj - ul -Quran e. Social Welfare Department f. Bait ul Maal 9. Gender Mainstreaming  Explanation of the concept with reference to definitions given by United Nations, UNDP, Beijing 95, etc.  Importance of gender mainstreaming in policies, programmes and projects  Strategies for gender mainstreaming  Process of gender mainstreaming in an organization
  • 3. Qualities required at individual level for gender mainstreaming policies  Strategies for successful implementation of gender mainstreaming in an organization 10. Gender Analysis Gender Analysis frameworks for Gender Mainstreaming  Gender Statistics in Pakistan Production of Gender Statistics in Pakistan  Status of Gender Statistics in Pakistan  Usage and Benefit of Gender related Statistics in a Developing Country like Pakistan 11. Gender inequality in developing countries  Impact of Modernization  Impact and influence of supreme powers in the developing countries  Colonialism, imperialism and development  Impact of Colonialism and imperialism on women development 12. Gender inequality in less developed regions of the world  Latin American countries  Caribbean States  Sub-Saharan region  Middle East countries  South Asian region  SAARC countries Text Books 1. Jane Pilcher (2005). 50 key concepts in Gender Studies. Sage Publication 2. Beatrice Kachuck (2002). Modern Theories of Feminism. Sage Publication. 3. K. Sultane (2004). Woman and Man. Church World Service: Lahore 4. Pam Kosty (2002). Gender. McGraw Hill. 5. World Bank (2003). Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals. World Bank 6. Kumari Jayawordena (1994). Feminism and Nationalism in the third world . ASR: Lahore. 7. UNESCO (2003). Breaking the mould: Men‟s involvement in the quest for gender equality. UNESCO 8. Bela Awasthi (2002). Women „s Liberation and modern World. Omsous Publication: New Delhi 9. United Nations (2002). Gender mainstreaming: An Overview. United Nations.
  • 4. 10. Azra Asghar Ali.(2000).The Emergence of feminism Among Indian Muslim Women 1920-1947.Oxford University Press: 11. Kamla Bhsan (2000). Understanding Gender. Okhla: New Delhi 12. Socorro L.Reyes (2003). Gender Sensitivity and Awareness rising: Step by Step. UNDP: Islamabad. 13. Janet H.Momsen (2004). Gender and Development. London: Rutledge. 14. Kessler, Evenlyn S. (1976). Women: An Anthropological view. Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York. 15. AM. G.Mazur (2002). Theorizing Feminist Policy. Oxford University Press; 16. Michael S. Kimmel (2005). Handbook of students on Men and masculinities. Sage Publication 17. Tazi Nadia (2004). Keywords Gender. Vistaar Publication, New Delhi 18. Christina Haghes (2002). Key concepts in Feminist theory and Research. Sage Publications. 19. UNESCO. (2003). The role of men and boys in achieving gender equality. UNESCO.
  • 5. Department of Gender Studies University of the Punjab Course Outline Women in Religions Perspectives Credit Hours Contact hours:3 Class meetings: 2 week Class duration: 1 ½ hr Objectives At the end of semester students will have complete understanding of women’s status in Islamic perspective. Students will be able to clarify the misconceptions practiced in the name of Islam. Critical analysis of women’s status in various religions will be made and necessary comparisons will help the students to develop the concept of an ideal woman in a modern Islamic society. Syllabus Week1  Women in religions other than Islam  Women in Hinduism  Vedic Age  Marriage  Dissolution of marriage  Polygamy  Polyandry  Woman as sister  Woman as mother Week 2  Women in Jainism  Introduction  Teachings of Mahvira  Status of women in Jainism  Women in Buddhism  Buddha (Introduction)  Buddha’s teachings  Monks and monasteries  Status of women in Buddhism
  • 6. Week 3  Women in Judaism  Introduction  Marriage  Dissolution of marriage o Divorce o Khula  Maher  Remarriages  Polygamy  Inheritance Week 4  Women in Christianity  Introduction  Marriage  Dissolution of marriage  Remarriages  Polygamy Week 5  Women in Islam  Women in pre – Islamic period  Status given to women in Islam  Woman as a mother  Woman as a daughter  Woman as a sister  Last sermon of Holy Prophet (PBUH) as women’s right charter Week 6  Nikkah Week 7  Inheritance and Property Rights Week 8  Dowry  Dower  Definition of dower  Specified dower  Prompt dower  Deferred dower  Validity of marriages contracted without marriage
  • 7. Week 9  Dissolution of marriage  Talaq  Definition of talaq  Talaq-I-ahsan  Talaq-I-hassan  Talaq-I-bidat  Talaq-I-tafweez  Mubart  Khula  Definition of khula  Other forms of dissolution of marriage Week 10  Iddat  Kulah and iddat  Iddat on divorce  Iddat on death of husband.  Maintenance of women  Halala Note: Mid-term examination will be taken in this week. Week 11  Maintenance of Family  During marriage  After Separation Note: syllabus related assignments will be given to the students in the form of groups Week 12  Custody of Children/Guardianship Week 13  Empowerment of women in Islam  Women as entrepreneur  Women as educationalist  Women in Politics  Opinion of scholars Week 14 This week will be for presentations and students will present their assignments in the class. Week 15  Concept of Purdah  Requirement of purdah in Islam  Situation in Islamic countries  Scholar’s opinion about purdah
  • 8. Week 16  Gender Equality in Ilsm  Situation Analysis in Pakistan Reference Books 1. Farid, Arif. (1994). Muslim Women in World Religions Perspective. Karachi: The directore, bureau of composition, complition and translation, university of Karachi. 2. Sharif, Muhammad., Ashraf, Muhammad. (1991). Women’s Rights in Islam. Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Publication 3. Khan, Muhammad. (2001). Status of Women in Islam. New Delhi: A.P.H publishing cooperation. 4. Sirkat, Gah. (1994). A handbook on Family Law in Pakistan. Lahore: Shirkat Gah Publication. 5. Organization for Islamic culture and Communications (ed.). (2003). Islamic views on Human Rights. New Delhi: Kanishra Publication. Instructional Aids/Resources Photocopied handouts, multi-media, white board and marker Caching Strategies Lectures, group discussions and question answer session Assessment Marks Seasonal Mid Final Total in % 100% 25% 35 40 Criteria Assignments Paper Paper 1. Syllabus related assignment topics will be given to the students 2. Book Reviews 3. Quizzes Result Results of mid-term and final-term exams will be displayed after one week and papers will be shown and discuss with the students.
  • 9. Department of Gender Studies University of the Punjab Course Outline Gender Issues in Psychology Credit Hours Credit hours : 3 Class meetings: 2 per week Duration of class: 1 ½ hr Objectives The course explores a wide variety of psychological issues with gender differences. After the completion of course the students will be in a position to critically understand the women’s life cycle and the impact of various social, cultural and economic factors on the development of gender concept. It also intends to develop interest of students about psychological needs of the gender and coping mechanism in Pakistani culture. Week 1  Introduction to Psychology  Emergence of modern psychology Early contributions Empiricism in philosophy Darwinian influence  Experimental Method Wundt and experimentalism Week 2 Introduction to Psychology continued  James and Functionalism  Areas of specialization in psychology  Emergence of gender issues in psychology  Early studies of gender differences Week 3 Introduction to Psychology continued  Need for psychology of women  Women psychologists & the influence of feminist movement  Controversies related to psychology of women  Areas under female psychology
  • 10. Week 4  Biological determinants of gender differences  Chromosomes & genes  Sex linked genes  Chromosomal abnormalities  Endocrine glands & hormones  Hormones & the brain Week 5 Endocrine glands & hormones continued  Endocrine & exocrine system  Endocrine glands Adrenal glands Thyroid gland Pituitary gland The parathyroid glands Related Hormones Week 6  Prenatal & postnatal development  Challenges to prenatal development  Dimensions of child development Physical development Cognitive development Socio emotional development Week 7  Socialization of human beings  Agents of socialization Biological determinants Psycho- social determinants Week 8  Theories of personality development  Cooley and the looking-glass self  Mead and the “Generalized other”  Freud and the eight stages of life  Piaget and developmental learning Week 9  Gender – Role stereotyping  Different researches about stereotyping  Stereotypes involve diverse behaviors& characteristics  Stereotypes across the socioeconomic spectrum  Difference of developed and developing countries regarding stereotypes  Gender similarities &differences  Physical and biological differences
  • 11. Note: mid term exams will be taken Week 10 Gender- Role stereotyping continued Cognitive differences Social differences  Gender differences: personality and social behavior  Common stereotypes of men & women  Personality traits under study  Myths &realities about personality traits Communication styles Helping &caring Socialization Note: syllabus related assignments and book reviews will be given to the students in the form of groups Week 11 Gender differences continued Power Play & Activity Emotionality Fear Parenting Activities  Gender similarities& differences in Pakistan Week 12  Girl child  Women and adolescence  Self- concept and identity during adolescence  Interpersonal relationships during adolescence  Women in adulthood  Infertility and social psychological consequences for women  Psychological impact of infertility  Social consequences of infertility  Pregnancy and related issues  Planned motherhood  Maternal diseases  Consequences of prenatal malnutrition Week 13  Women & late adulthood  Meaning of late adulthood & aging  The facts of physical aging  Body changes in late adulthood  Cognitive changes  Socioemotional changes & activity theory  Mental health & aging  Common emotional reactions in old age  Adaptive techniques  Gender discrimination and problems of the old women Loneliness
  • 12. Widowhood Single hood Week 14 Note: students will present their assignments in the class Week 15 Women & late adulthood continued Post – parental years Retirement Financial problems Self-esteem Living arrangements  Developmental tasks Acceptance of one’s life Redirection of energy to new roles& activities Week 16  Women & psychological issues  Therapies Meaning of therapy Types of therapies Books 1. Halonen, Jane,S., & Santrock, John. W. (1996). Psychology contexts of Behavior. Boston: The McGraw Hill companies, Inc. 2. Wittig, Arno. F. (2001). Introduction to Psychology. (2nd ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill. 3. Fernald, L. Dodge., & Fernald, Peter. S. (1999). Munn’s Introduction to Psychology (5th ed.). Delhi: A.I. T.B.S. Publishers. 4. Matlin, W.Margaret. (2000). The Psychology of Women (4th ed.). Singapore: Thomson Learning. 5. Psychology of women. (1996) Islamabad : Allama Iqbal Open University. Instructional Resources Use of white board during lectures Projector and slides Multimedia usage Handouts Teaching Strategies Lectures Class participation through group discussions, question-answer session, topic discussion Assessment Marks Sessional Mid Final Total in % 100% 25 25 50 100
  • 13. Criteria Assignments Paper Paper 1.Book reviews 2.Topics related to syllabus Students will present their assignments in the class Class participation Quizzes Result Result will be displayed after one week of exams. mid term papers will be shown to and discussed with students
  • 14. Department of Gender Studies University of the Punjab, Lahore Course Outline Women’s Movement and Feminism Theories Aims and Objectives The course traces the history of women’s struggle in western countries, the three waves of development and women’s movement in South Asia. Impact of colonization on women status in the sub-continent is also traced. Women’s movements in Pakistan (1947-2005) is analyzed along with the role of women in the national development of Pakistan. 1. Historical Roots of feminism and feminist Theories 1.1 Theories of feminism  Liberal  Social  Radical  Psychoanalytic  Cultural  Postmodern feminism  Muslim Feminism 2. Three waves of women emancipation 2.1 Concept and Meaning 2.2 First wave feminism (1848-1920)  Seneca Falls Convention (1848)  Charter of Women’s Rights  Significance of the Women’s Emancipation Movement 2.3 The Golden year in Women’s Struggle (1870-1920)  Situation in Public and Private sector  The working conditions for women  Opening new fields of professions  Deskilling in Factories and industries  Campaign for equal pay and job opportunities  Women Trade Union League. 3. The Suffrage campaign in Britain 3.1 Importance of Langham Place  Private Member’s Bill  Split among the Old and New generation of feminists  Co-operative Women’s Guild  The Feminist Organizations  Demand for Adult Suffrage Rights  Advocacy by Churchill  The 1918 Adult Suffrage Act
  • 15. 3.2 The Struggle in America  Efforts by feminist Organizations  The Political Coalition  Role of Magazines and Journals  Situation in Wyoming and Utah  The Women’s Bible  Referendums on the issue of suffrage 3.3 Suffrage Rights given to women in different states 4. The Intermission Period (1920-1960) 4.1 Struggle for women’s rights in America  Coalition among feminist organizations on women’s welfare issues  The Sheppart Towner Maternity Bill  The Infancy Protection Bill  Campaign against Child Labour  The Peace Movement  Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom  Period of Depression  Relation between Social Welfare and Feminism.  Role of Women in Parliament  The sexual freedom  The Feminist Goals  Change in outlook and dress  Population and birth control 4.2 Struggle for women’s Rights in Britain  Equal Suffrage Rights  Guardianship of Children  Opening of legal profession for women  Equal pay and job opportunities  Equal standards of Morality  Widow’s pension plan  Sex Disqualification Act (1919)  New Feminism  Protective Legislation  Efforts by feminist organizations  Population and Birth control  New standards of morality 5. 2nd Wave feminism  Betty Friden (Feminine Mystique)  National Organization for Women (NOW)  Equal Rights Amendment  Equal Pay Act (1963)  Women Journals and Publications  Radical Feminism  Redstocking  Criticism on Stereotyped Sex Role 6. 3rd Wave Feminism  Meaning of third wave feminism  Future of feminism  Post modern feminism and eco-feminism  Global feminism
  • 16. 7. Women’s Movement in Sub-Continent  Analysis of Women’s conditions in the Mughal Period  The Invasion of Britishers  Impact of colonization  Muhammadan Educational Conferences  Efforts by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan & others for female education  Role of Magazines, Journals and Literature in creating awareness about women’s issues  20th Century: A period of awakening 8. Role of Women in the Independence Movement  Bi Amma An opening for female politicians  Demand for female suffrage  Women’s Participation in the First Round Table Conference  Women and Elections  Quid’s Virdict about role of women in the national development  The First All –India Muslim Ladies Conference  The role of women’s organizations  Right for vote  Women’s National Guard  Women Struggle in Post Independence Period(1947-58)  Efforts by Begum Raana Liaqat Ali Khan  Women’s Voluntary Service  Pakistan Women’s National Guard  Pakistan Women’s Naval Reserve  The role of women’s organizations  The Ayub Khan’s Period: 1958-1969  The Family Laws Ordinance, 1961  Women in Politics  The role of women’s organizations 9. The Bhutto Era: 1970-1977  The Politicization of women  The 1973 Constitution  Women’s Organizations  The Zia Regime : 1977-1988  The period of Islamization  The discriminatory Laws against women  The Hudood Ordinance  The Law of Evidence  The Law of Qisas and Diyat  Women’s Action Forum  The Benazir Bhutto Era  The First Tenure (1988-1990)  The Second Tenure (1993-1996)  The Nawaz Sharif Period  The First Tenure (1990-1993)  The Second Tenure (1997-1999)
  • 17. 10. The President Musharaf Period (1999-2005)  The Local Bodies Ordinance  Participation of Women in Politics  Permanent Commission on status of Women  National Empowerment and Development Policy for Women  The role of women’s organizations  Initiatives taken by the present government for the women development Text Books 1. Sue, H, (1996). Timelines of American Women‟s History. Roundtable Press: Washington 2. Sirkat Gah (1999). Women’s Movement in Central Asia. Shirkat Gah: Lahore References 1. Shamim Meer (1998). Women Speak: Reflections on our struggles. Oxford Publishers 2. Fiona Macdonald.(2001). Women in Peace and War. 1900-1945. Peter Bedrick: Cape Town 3. Conway W. Henderson. (1997). International Relations –Conflict and Co-operation at the Turn of the 21st Century. McGraw Hill: New York 4. Mary John & Others. (1995). Background Report on Gender Issues in India. BRIDGE Publication: London. 5. Poornima Mahan (2000). Encyclopedia of Women. SAGE Publication. 6. Giliis, Stacy., Mowie, Gillian., Munford, Rebecca (ed). (2007). Third wave Feminism : Acritical Exploration. Palgrave macmillan: U.S.A. 7. Ritzer, George., Douglas J. Goodman. (2003). Sociological Theory (6th edition). Macgraw Hill: U.S.A. 8. Jodi, O’Brien(ed). (2009) Encyclopedia of Gender and Society. SAGE Publications: U.S.A. 9. Smith, Bonnie G. (ed). (2004) Women’s History in global Perspective (Vol.1). University of Illinois Press: U.S.A
  • 18. M.S Gender Studies COURSE OUTLINE Introduction to Computers Objectives The course aims to introduce students with the IT knowledge and to share the far-reaching effects of computers and technology, and the applications that computers have to their own lives. Special focus will be given to women’s studies resources available on the Internet. 1. Introduction Types of computers Hardware and the Computing process Soft wares 2. Word Processing and Desktop Publishing What is Word Processing? Desktop Publishing Software Types Using a word Processor Entering Text Editing and Manipulating Text Page Layout Document Formatting Text Formatting Type Attributes Graphics Sizing and Scaling Live Art Graphics and Text Other Graphics Controls Saving the Work Printing Documents 3. Presentation Software (Microsoft Power Point) Introduction Presentations Creating and Saving Organization Working with slides Working with texts Tables, charts and graphics
  • 19. Making notes and handouts Crating and running electronic presentations 4. Data Processing Introduction to Excel Spreadsheet Functions Setting up the Worksheet Entering Data Labels Values Formulas and Functions Manipulating Data Editing Copying and Moving Recalculating Sorting Special Functions Graphs Macros Templates Printing the Worksheet 5. Work with communications Telecommunications Internet Electronic Mail Facsimile Transmission Data Bases Bulletin Boards On-line Services Women on the Web Websites On-line Journals Publications Women’s Studies Departments/Centers 6. Using Secondary Storage Second Storage concepts and Terminology Magnetic Disk Storage Mainframe Disk Storage Magnetic Tape Storage Backups Optical Storage Media Text Books  Hetzel William & David R. Adams. (1985). Computer Information Systems Development. Cincinnati: South Western Publishing Company.  Hutchinson, Sarah. (1988). Computer: The use Perspective. Homewood, Boston.
  • 20. Pete Norton (2000). Introduction to Computers.  Gray B. Shelly (2000). Introduction to Computers and Data processing. Reading Books  J. Erickson & John A. Vouk. (1996). Modern Microcomputers. Irvin, USA.  V.P Jaggi. Computers for Everyone. Academic Publishers, New Delhi.  Gray B. shelly. (1990). Introduction to Computers and Data Processing. Anaheem Publishing Company, California.  Ralph M. Stair. (1996). Computers in Today’s World. Homewood, Irvin. Inc.  Robert V. Bullough. (1997). Classroom Application of Micro-Computers. Merrill Publishing Company , Columbus.  Steve Medowell. (1998). Computer Assisted Instruction. Kogan Page Ltd. London  Williams, Sawyer, Hutchinsion (1997). Using information Technology.
  • 21. M.S Gender Studies Course Outline Violence against Women Name of the course Course No GS 405 Credit Hours Credit hours : 3 Class meetings: 2 per week Duration of class: 1 ½ hr Objectives After the study of this course students will be able to analyze the forms, extent and causes of institutional, social and domestic violence against women within a historical, cultural and structural context. They will also be in a position to analyze the role of different institutions of society regarding violence against women. Situation regarding violence with facts and figures will be discussed Syllabus Week 1.  Defining violence  UN and Violence against Women.  Forms & types of Gender based Violence  Gender Based Violence and contributory factors  Violence and health status Week 2  Domestic violence  Social class and violence.  Types of domestic violence Week 3  Stove burning.  Murder or Accident? –Problem in detecting the crime  Reason of stove burning.  Difficulty in securing testimonies.  Police statements regarding stove burning cases.  Case studies, facts &figures.  Lahore High Court Acts to curb stove burning.  Instructions by the court Week 4  Acid throwing & Nose Cutting.  Form of violence that straddles the borderline between public & private violence.  Motives of offender.  Law and the response of females  Case studies, facts & figures
  • 22. Week 5  Honor killings  Women as symbol of honor  Comparison of tribal & feudal areas.  Karo kari Murders-form of honor killings.  Reasons for the karo kari Murders.  Honor Killing Bill, 2004 Week 6  Forced Marriages  Forced marriages as psychological and physical abuse.  Cultural forms of forced marriages.  CEDAW & forced marriages. Week 7. Forced Marriages continued  Types of forced Marriages.  Watta Satta Marriages.  Walwar/Swara.  Haq Bakshwana.  Child marriages.  Walwaar/Swara & the law.  Child Marriages & the Child Marriage Restraint Act. Week 8  Theories of Violence Week 9 Mid Term Exams Will be taken Week 10  Rape  Definition of rape.  Rape defined under Women Protection Bill.  Effects of rape.  Women Protection Bill 2006 Week 11  Kidnaping and Abduction  Selling and buying of Persons  Violence during armed conflicts Note: syllabus related assignments and book reviews will be given to the students in the form of groups Week 12 Students will present their assignments in the class Week 13
  • 23. Week 14  Trafficking & Prostitution.  Background  Definition  Global View of Causes of Human Trafficking  Legislative Measures Implemented by United States  Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance, 2002. Week 15  Harassment at work places.  Protection against Harassment of women at Workplace Act 2010  Islam on violence against women  Gender equality in Islam Week 16  Effects of Violence  Physical consequences  Psychological Trauma  Other health outcomes  Effects on Society  Strategies to reduce and prevent Gender Based Violence Books 1. Pakistan NGO Review Beijing+5. (2000). NGO Coordinating committee. 2. Srivastav, V.P. ( 2005). Hand Book on Crime against women. Delhi: Indian Publishers’ distributors. 3. Manderson, Lenore., Linda Rae Bennelt. (2003). Violence Against Women in Asian Societies. 4. Roy, Ashine. (2003). Violence against Women. New Delhi Rajat Publications. 5. Harway, Michele., James M.O’ Neil (ed). (1999). What Causes Men’s Violence against Women? New Delhi: Sage Publications, Inc. 6. Goel, Aruna., Manvinder Kaur & Ameer Sultana (eds). (2006). Violence Agansit women. Issues and perspectives. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd. 7. Renzetti, Claire M., Jeffery L.Edleson and Raquel Kennedy Bergen. (2001). Sourcebook on Violence Against Women. London: Sage Publications. 8. Goonesekere, Savitri. (ed.). (2004). Violence, Law & Women’s Rights in South Asia. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 9. Hassan, Yasmeen. (1995). The Heaven Becomes Hell. A Shirkat Gah Publication. 10. Aurat Foundation, The Asia Foundation. (1999). Violence Against Women. Karachi: Aurat Publication and Information Service Foundation. 11. Patel, Rashida. (2003). Woman versus Man. Karachi: Oxford
  • 24. University Press 12. Jaffri, S. Mohsin. (2004). The Other Half: Discrimination Against Women. Karachi: Royal Book Company. 13. Zia, Shehrbano. (1994). Sex Crime in the Islamic Context: Rape, class and Gender in Pakistan. Lahore: ASR Publication. 14. Jalalzai, M. Khan. (2002). Women Trafficking and Prostitution in Pakistan & Afghanistan. Lahore: DUA Publications. 15. Kumar, Raj. (Ed.) (2000). Violence Against Women. New Delhi: Anmol Publications. 16. Siddiqi, Muhammad. (1991). The Modest Status of Women in Islam. Lahore: Kazi Publications 17. Khan, Shabir. (2001). Status of Women in Islam. New Delhi: A.P.H Publishing Corporation. Instructional Resources Use of white board during lectures Projector and slides Multimedia usage Handouts Teaching Strategies Lectures Class participation through group discussions, question-answer session, topic discussion Assessment Marks Seasonal Mid Final Total in % 100% 25 35 40 100 Assignments Paper Paper Criteria 1.Book reviews 2.Topics related to syllabus Students will present their assignments in the class Class participation Quizzes Result Result will be displayed after one week of exams. mid term papers will be shown to and discussed with students
  • 25. M.S Gender Studies Course Outline Research Methods-I Objectives The course deals with the traditional as well as the emerging research methods used in social sciences with particular reference to the study of gender based issues. The course will provide an overview on the various phases of carrying out research; i.e. planning the research study, selecting appropriate methods for data collection, analyzing the data and reporting the results. By the end of this course students will become able to apply quantitative research methods in social sciences with special reference to the gender based issues in the society. Contents 1. The Research Process Knowledge and Research Scientific Method The Theoretical Foundation of Scientific Method Steps in Scientific Method Assumptions Use of Scientific Method in Social Sciences Characteristics of Social Scientific Studies Classification of Research by Purpose Basic Research Applied Research Action Research Classification of Research by Strategy Quantitative Research Qualitative Research 2. Research Problem Selection and statement Sources Criteria Selection Statement Development Conceptual Framework Review of Related Literature Need Sources Note taking Organizing and citation Formulation and statement of hypotheses Definition and purpose
  • 26. Types of hypotheses Stating the Hypotheses Testing the Hypotheses 3. Methodology/Producer Selection of a Sample Definition of a Population Sampling, Definition and Purpose Sample Size Methods of Selecting a Sample Probability Sampling  Simple Random Sampling  Systematic Sampling  Stratified Sampling  Cluster Sampling  Multi Stage Sampling  Area Sampling  Time Sampling Non-Probability Sampling  Accidental Sampling  Purposive Sampling  Quota Sampling  Snowball Sampling 4. Levels of Measurement Nominal Measurement Ordinal Measurement Interval Measurement Ratio Measurement 5. Development and Selecting Seales Likerts Seales Semantic Differential Seals Thurston Seales Guttman Seales 6. Types of Instruments of Data Collection Tests Questionnaire Interview Schedule Observation Schedule Checklist Rating Seales and other Instruments Criteria for the Selection of Instruments 7. Various Types of Quantitative Research Surveys
  • 27. Characteristics and uses of Surveys Types of Surveys by Method One shot or cross sectional survey Successive independent sample survey Panel or longitudinal Types of Surveys by Analysis of Data Descriptive Survey Correlational Studies Causal Comparative Experimental Research Basic Characteristics of Experimental Design General Components of experimental Research  Independent and Dependent Variables  Experimental and Control Group Threats to an Experimental Study Experimental Designs 8. Analysis of Data Descriptive Statistics Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Variability Measures of Associations Inferential Statistics Testing the Hypotheses Tests of Significance Assignments 1. Each student will select a research study on gender related issues and will submit its evaluation report. 2. Each student will select a social issue, review at least five elated research proposal. Before submission of the proposal, each student will make a presentation to the class for 5-7 minutes. Class presentations will be made during the last two week of the semester. Evaluation Mid Term Test: = 20% Sessional Work: = 15% 1. Quizzes/assignments etc = 15% 2. Research Proposal = 50%
  • 28. Reading Books 1. Bake, Therese L. (1988). Doing Social Research. New York: McGraw Hill Book company. 2. Shaughnessy, John J. and Zechmeister Eugene B. (1990). Research Methods in Psychology. McGraw Hill International Edition.
  • 29. M.S Gender Studies Course Outline Women and Economic Empowerment Credit Hours Contact hours:3 Class meetings:2 per week Class duration 1 ½ Objectives  The course will provide the definitions of women’s empowerment, global economic restructuring and its impact on women along with current approaches to women’ empowerment.  Role of international and national organizations in promoting gender equity and the role of state in economic empowerment of women will also be discussed.
  • 30. Weekly distribution Week 1 of course  Definition of empowerment  Empowerment and gender equality  Empowerment as a process Week 2  Approaches to women’s development  Economic empowerment  Social empowerment  Political empowerment  Empowerment through education Week 3  Approaches for mainstreaming women’s empowerment  Welfare  Access  Awareness training  Participation in decision making  Control over resources
  • 31. Week 4  Indicators to women’s empowerment  Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)  Gender related Development Index (GDI)  Application of GEM in Pakistan Week 5  Women in trade  Definition of trade  Role of women in trade  Types of trades  Types of trade  Women traders in informal sector Week 6 (continuation of above topic)  Constraint and new trends  General constraints  Particular constraint  Women in international trade Week 7  Economic profile of Pakistani women  Trends in women’s work  Past situation  Present situation  Women entering in to new professions  Employment status and wages  Rural Sector  Urban sector Note: Mid-term exams will be taken in this week. Week 8  Women entrepreneurs  Introduction  Problem faced by the women entrepreneurs  Lack of access to credit facilities  Lack of access to market  Lack of access to training  Note: syllabus related assignments will be given to the students in the form of groups Week 9  Barriers to women entrepreneur  Finance
  • 32. Information  Family  Education  Situation of women entrepreneur in Pakistan Week 10  Role of government in promoting women’s Entrepreneurs  Government initiatives to promote gender equality by re- directing public policies  Education  Health  Agriculture Week 11 This week will be for presentations and students will present their assignments in the class. Week 12  Gender and poverty  Poverty and female headed households  Rural poverty  Participation of women in decision-making  Access to and contrast over productive resources  Access to farm employment  Urban poverty  Migration and urbanization Week 13  Women and economic decision-making  Women as economic decision maker  National perspective  International perspectives Week 14  International/National organizations and women’s empowerment  United Nations development programmer (UNDP)  Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)  United Nation children funds (UNICEF)  Gender for development and population Activity (CEDPA)  World Bank  SMEDA  FWB  Women and E-Commerce
  • 33. Books 1. Zeo oxad, Sally, Baden.(1997).Gender and Empowement: Definations, Approachs and implications for policy. UK: Bridge publications, University of susses. 2. World bank. (1995). Advancing gender Equality: the role of Public policy. Washing (DC) 3. Sadique, Najma. The Global Economy or, Why We Are poverty Stricken (11th Edi). Karachi: Shirkat Gah 4. United Nations.(1995). Women in Changing Global Economy. New York 5. Schiller, Bradley R. (1994). The Macro Economy Today. (6th ed.). U.S.A: Zed Books. 6. Kamal, sim., khan, Sorayya. (1998).Social Empowerment,Legal rights and Poverty in Urban Areas of Pakistan. Isalmabad: Racesta Development. Instructional Aids/Resources Photo copied handouts, multi-media, white board and marker Teaching Strategies Lectures, group discussions, question answer sessions and presentation. Assessment Marks Sessional Mid Final Total in % 100% 25 35 40 Criteria Assignments Paper Paper 4. Syllabus related assignment topics will be given to the students 5. Book Reviews 6. Quizzes Result Results of mid-term and final- term papers will be displayed after one week of exams and papers will be shown to the students.
  • 34. M.S Gender Studies Department of Gender Studies Course-Outline “Women and Politics” 1. Introduction to Women and Politics  Significance of the Subject “Women and Politics”  Attitudes and behavior of society towards women’s political participation  Scio-cultural constraints in effective participation of women  Effect of women’s participation on country politics  Political participation of women as a human right issue i. CEDAW Article on Political Participation of Women ii. National Plan of Action 1998 and Political Participation of Women  Status of Women in Politics i. CEDAW Country Report 2007 ii. Constitutional Status of Women 2. Key concepts in Gender and politics  Government & Governance i. Federal & Provincial Government ii. Concurrent List & iii.  Vote & Voter  National Assembly (Lower House)  Saneat (Upper House)  Sovereignty  Constitution  Local Bodies  Election commission  Opposition leader  Speaker 3. A historical overview of women’s political participation  Pre-Independence Period (1857-1947)  Post-Independence period (1947-2011)
  • 35. 4. Women In political process (Challenges and opportunities)  Women as voters  Role in parliament i. Problems faced by women as political representatives  Manifestos of political parties in Pakistan i. Manifestos of political parties related to women participation ii. Women in local Bodies  Methodologies in political participation i. Vote ii. Voters iii. Election/ Electoral system iv. Right to vote v. Minority women and representation of seats vi. Problems of women voters in Pakistan 5. Capacity building  Introduction  Women leadership training  Awareness, Perception and Preference  Running and winning election 6. Women’s Political Caucus  Introduction  Inside local councils  Provincial and National Assemblies  Lacunae in Governance Mechanism 7. Cause Studies in women’s Political Participation  Cause study of National women’s political caucus in U.S.A 8. Awareness Raising  Transformational Politics  Present Situation and vision of women in politics  Local Government Ordinance, 2000  CEDAW article on women political participation  NPA chapter on political participation of women
  • 36. Present situation and vision of women in politics 9. State of women in urban local government of Pakistan 10. Violence against women in Politics  Issue regarding increase in violence against women in politics 11. Women representation in Pakistan’s Parliament  Women in parliament the case of Pakistan  Constitutional quota for National parliament (1947-2002)  Women in provincial assembly  Procedure for election of women to reserved seats  Women in cabinets  Women as parliamentary secretaries 12. Women in parliament (A Global Overview)  The world at large  Regional overview  The Muslim world  Americas  Europe  Asia  South Asia  Sub-Saharan Africa  Pacific  Arab States  Nordic Countries 13. Women in parliament in Pakistan (Problems and Potential solutions) 14. Some issues regarding the increased women representation in Parliament  Perceived discrimination against the women elected on reserved seats  Family and public life  Women in legislators for women issues or issues in general  Women’s caucus or caused on women issues  Need for capacity building  Sustainable representation of women in parliament (How other countries have done it…??)
  • 37. Role of civil society especially women organization  Role of universities especially women’s study centers Reading Books 1. Mussarat Qadeem, women in Politics and its Impact in Socio-Politics and its Impact on Socio-Political Development in Pakistan. 2. Susan Moller Qwin, Women in Western Political Thought Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jercy. 3. Shaista Suharwardy, From Purdah to Parliament, Karachi Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York. 4. Anjn Bindra, Women Global Political Movement, Manglam, Publications, Delhi, India. 5. Shanaz, Rouse, Gender, Nation, State. In Pakistan, Vanguard Books. Karachi 6. Ritu Memon, Women writers on Partition of Pakistan and India, Vanguad, Lahore. 7. Shah, M. Nasra. Pakistan Women, East West Population Institutes, Harvi. 8. Vaikmth Metha, Women and Political Issues (An International Perspective).ABD Publishers, Jaipur, India. 9. Ponla Banergee, Women in Peace Politics, Sage Publications, India, New Delhi. 10. Miranda W. Alison, Women and Political Violence, Rutledge Group London. 11. Karen Ross, Women, Politics and Change, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • 38. M.S Gender Studies Course Outline Women and Health Objectives This course will identify health issues which concern women throughout their life cycle and their impact on physiological, psychological, cultural, and political well-being of women. The course will help to develop strategies for improving the health care of women. 1. Introduction  Historical Dimension: The Women ‘s Health Movement  Political Dimension of Women’s Health 2. Global Perspective on Women’s Health  Women around the world  Increasing life expectancy  The health transition  Socio economic inequalities  Gender inequalities & women’s health  Women amid conflict and crisis  Women and the health care system  Differentials in Health 3. Stages of life  The Girls Child  Adolescent Girls  Adult Women  Older Women 4. Health Indicators  Disease and Death: Sex comparisons  Gendered exposures  Gendered experiences 5. Policy Implications 6. Health Care system of Pakistan 7. Gender Issues and their influence on health  Literacy and education  Employment Access to health care and services
  • 39.  Physical access/availability  Economic access  Socio cultural access 8. The impact of public services on health outcomes Marriage  Early marriage  Women’s decision –making power within the family  Freedom of movement and societal interaction Reading Books  Germov, Johnnh (ed). (1998). Second Opinion, An Introduction to Health Sociology. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.  Ussher, Jane M (ed). (2000). Women’s Health, contemporary International Perspectives. Leicester: The British Psychological Society.  Disilvestro, Wardlaw Hampl. (204), Perspectives in Nutrition (6th edition). New York: McGraw Hill.  Alexender, Linda Lewis et al. (2004). New Dimensions in Women’s Health (3rd edtion). Massachusetts’. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.  Anne Thinker & others. (1994). Women’s Health and Nutrition: Making a Difference. The World Bank Discussion Paper No. 256.  World Bank. (1996). Improving Women’s Health in India. World Bank Technical Paper, Washington D.C.  George Anders. (1990). Health Against Wealth. Zed London  Joh. S.O. Shea. (1992). Under Three- A Comprehensive Guide to Caring for Your Baby and Toddler. USA.  Nafis Sadik. (1989). The State of World Population. New York: UNFPA.  Warren C. Sanderson. (1995). Population in Asia. The World Bank., Washington D.C.  Fadia Saadah & James Knowles. (2000). The World Bank Strategy for Health Nutrition, and Population in the East Asia and Pacific Region. The World Bank.  Laurian Unnevehr & N. Hirschonorn. (2000). Food Safety Issues in the Developing World. World Bank Technical paper No. 469, Washington, D.C.  Nancy H. Bryant (2003). Women in Nursing in Islamic Societies.  Judith H. Larosa (2003). New Dimensions in Women’s Health.  A.R. Gist Burner (2002). Jahan Aurtooon Kelye Dactor Na ho.  Anne G. Thinker. (1998). Improving Women’s Health in Pakistan. The World Bank.  United Nations. (1999). Women and Health: Mainstreaming the Gender Perspective into the Health Sector. New York.
  • 40. Department of Gender Studies Family Sociology Objectives The importance of family as a fundamental social unit and the role of family in determining the character and structure of society need no argument. As a cell is a unit of organic body, so the family is a unit of society. To understand society study of family sociology is very important. Socialization of individuals starts in this institution that later on affects their social life. Through this course students will be in a position to understand the role of family and the functions that it plays globally and the changes that are occurring with passage of time. Gender roles will be discussed through parent-child interaction. Contents 1. Marriage and Family 1.1 Definition of marriage 1.2 Types of Marriage  Monogamy  Polygamy  Arrange and free choice marriage 1.3 Definition of Family 1.4 Types of families  Nuclear  Joint  Extended families 1.5 Functions of Family  Reproduction and Socialization  Economic security  Emotional Support  Social Class placement 1.6 Importance of family for the Society 2. Changing Families and Reasons for Change 1.1 Demographic Change  Employed Mother  Change in the Status of divorce  Remarriages  Single Parent families 2.2 Micro and Macro level Influence on Family
  • 41. 3. Theoretical Frame works for Understanding Family 3.1 Micro and Macro level of Analysis 3.2 Micro Level Analysis  Symbolic Interaction  Social Exchange  Family Life Course Development  Family System 3.3 Macro Level Analysis  Ecological Perspective  Structural Functionalism  Conflict  Feminism 4. Gender Role Socialization 4.1 Understanding Gender and Gender Roles 4.2 Gender Socialization  Social learning theory  Cognitive Development Theory 4.3 Who teaches gender roles?  Parents  Toys, Sports and Peers  Teachers and School  Books and Textbook  Popular Cultured  Media 4.4 Traditional views and Gender Roles 4.5 Current gender role changes and constraints. 5. Parent –Child interaction and generation gap 5.1 Contemporary Parental Roles 5.2 Parenting Style and discipline 5.3 Parents Impact on Child development  Parent positive impact  Parents negative impact 5.4 Non Parental Child care 5.5 Causes of generation gap and strategies to bridge it. 6. Family work and Economics 6.1 Macro economic changes affecting the family.  Unequal economic distribution  Poverty/Unemployment  Job loss 6.2 Women in creasing participation in Labour force and inequality in work place
  • 42. 6.3 Effects of work on Family Dynamics  Marital quality and family life  Division of Household work  Children socialization and well being 7. Separation and Divorce 7.1 Separation: Process and outcome 7.2 Process of divorce 7.3 Reasons for divorce  Macro level reason for divorce  Demographic variables  Interpersonal reasons  Affects of divorce on adults  Affects on children during and after divorce 8. Islamic perspective on family and strategies to resolve family conflicts.  Importance of family in Islam  Right to marriage  Roles and responsibilities of married couple for each other.  Parent and children role and responsibilities  Strategies suggested by Islam to resolve family conflicts  Right to dissolve marriage  Maintenance of wife and children after dissolution of marriage References  Kenneth, Neubeck & Davita, Glasberg. (2005). Sociology: Diversity Conflict and change. Boston: McGraw-Hill International Edition.  Kain, Edward & Rank, Mark. (1995). Diversity and Change in Families. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.  Baker. (1990). Families. New York: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited.  Barnett, Dla. (2005). Family Violence Across the Life Span. London: Sage Publications.  Cottrane, Scott (2004). Families and Society. Canada: Thomas learning  Benokraities, Nijole V. (2005). Marriage and Families: changes, Choices and constraints. (5th edition) USA: AVP publisher  Strong, deVAULT, Christine and Cohen, Theodore F. (2005). The marriage and family experience (9th edition). Canada: Thomas learning  Scot, Jacqueline., Treas, Judith., Richard, Martin. (Ed). 2007). The Balckwell Campanion to the Sciology of Fanilies. UK: Balckwell Publishing Ltc.
  • 43. M.S Gender Studies Course Outline Gender and Human Rights Objectives The course focuses on human rights guaranteed by International Human Rights Law/documents. It critically look into legal issues, Socio-cultural Construction of Pakistani Society & Pakistan’s Commitment to International Human Rights Law with special reference to Gender. 1. Introduction to Human Rights 1.1 Origin of Human Rights 1.2 International Development of Human Rights 1.3 Institutionalization of Human Rights 1.3.1) Role of United Nations 2. Human Rights and Conventions 2.1 Meaning and importance 2.2 From Conventions to Laws 2.3 Enforcement of Conventions 2.4 Role of International Organizations 2.4.1 United Nations 2.4.2 Amnesty International 2.4.3 Convention on the Elimination of all forms of 2.4.3 Discrimination Against women 3. Human Rights in Islam 3.1 Individual Rights 3.2 Political Rights 3.3 Economic Rights 3.4 Reproductive Rights 3.5 Educational Rights 4. Women and Human Rights: The Pakistan Context 4.1 Constitutional Rights 4.1.1 Historical Development 4.1.2 Legislature 4.2 Fundamental Rights 4.3 Civil and Social 4.3.1 Education 4.3.2 Health 4.3.3 Employment 4.3.4 Inheritance 4.3.5 Nationality 4..3.6 Personal/Family Rights
  • 44. 4.3.7 Marriage/Nikah 4.3.8 Free consent 4.3.9 Dowry/Haq-Mehar 4.3.10 Maintenance 4.3.11Khula/Divorce 4.3.12 Custody of Children 4.3.13 Recovery of Dowry 4.3.14 Bride Price 4.3.15 Crimes Against Women 4. Women and Human Rights: International Laws and Conventions 4.1Universal Declaration of Human Rights 4.2 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 4.3 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 4.4 Equal Remuneration Convention 4.5 Convention against Discrimination in Education 4.6 Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against women 4.7 Beijing Declaration 4.8 Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights 4.9 Political and Civil Rights 4.10 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 4.11 Marriage and Family 4.12 Housing, land and property 4.13 Women and Employment 4.13.1 Working conditions 4.13.2 Maternity rights 4.13.3 Workers with family responsibilities 4.13.4 Home workers 4.14 Women and Marriage 4.14.1 Entering marriage 4.14.2 During Marriage 4.14.3 End of Marriage 4.14.4 General protection 4.14.5 Rights in the country in which taken refuge 4.15 Exploitation and Trafficking 4.16 Violence against Women 4.16.1 Defining and Preventing Violence 4.16.2 Help for victims 4.17 Environmental Rights 4.18 Women with disabilities
  • 45. Text Books  R. Bourne & Others. (1997). School-based Understanding of Human Rights in Four Countries: A Common Wealth Study. Department for International Development.  Hamid Khan (1980). Islamic Law of Inheritance.  Zia-ul-Islam Jajua (2004). Gender and Property Law in Pakistan.  Anjani Kant (2003). Women and the Law. Reading Books  UNICEF (1999). The State of the World’s Children. New York.  Mahbub-ul-Haq & Khadija Haq. (1998). Human Development in South Asia. Islamabad.  Deon Filmer & others. (1998). Gender Disparity in South Asia: Comparison Between and Within Countries. The World Bank. Washington, D.C.  International Women’s Tribune Centre. (1998). Rights of Women. New York.  United Nations. (2000). Women 2000: Integrating a Gender Perspective into UN Human Rights Work. Division for the Advancement of Women, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York.  Amnesty International. (2000). Women’s Rights are Human Rights- The Struggle Persists. United Kingdom.  United Nations. (2000). Agreed Conclusions on the Critical Areas of Concern of the Beijing Platform for Action (1996-1999). Division for the Advancement of Women, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York.  United Nations. (2000). Report of the Commission on the Status of Women acting as the Preparatory Committee for the Special Session of General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the Twenty First Century on its Third Session. General Assembly Official Records. New York.  United Nations. (2000). CEDAW – The Optional Protocol: Text and Materials. New York.  Amnesty International. (1995). Human Rights are Women’s Rights. United Kingdom.  Rashida Patel. (1991). Socio-Economic Political Status and Women and Law in Pakistan. Karachi.  Ashwani Kant Gautam (2001). Women Social Justice and Human Rights.  Ilyas Khan (2002). Manual of Family Laws.  Nilaufer Jahn (2003). Suppressed Womanhood a cry for rights.
  • 46. Department of Gender Studies Research Methods II Course Outline The course aims at familiarizing the students with the qualitative inquiry methods. The course also aims at developing the skills among students to use qualitative research methods as independent or complementary to the quantitative methods in all spheres of education i.e. teaching, evaluation etc. By the end of the course the students will be to design a qualitative inquiry to atleast one selected issue in education. Contents 1. Qualitative research: Origin and rationale 2. Differences between qualitative and quantitative research 3. Some theoretical affiliations and classification of qualitative inquiry  Ethnography  Symbolic interactionism  Feminist Post Modernism 4. Designs in qualitative research  Case study  Field study  Content analysis  Action research 5. Some important concepts in qualitative research  Human as instrument  Grounded theory and ideographic interpretation  Sampling  Idea saturation.  Triangulation 6. Stages in qualitative research 7. Basic techniques of data collection  Interviewing/asking  Individual  Focused group interview  Observation  Participative  Non-participative  Archival research/studying 8. Ethical issues in qualitative inquiry 9. Types of data  Field notes  Transcripts from taped interviews  Subjects written words  Montage/photography  Official records
  • 47. Accounts  Videos 10. Analysis of Data A. Analysis of data in the field  Field memos  Discovering themes and hypotheses B. Analysis after data collection  Developing coding categories  Data displays 11. Trustworthiness in qualitative research 12. Report writing Teaching and Learning strategies and Evaluation 1. Lectures and class discussion on basic concepts of the course. 2. Presentation and class discussions on he assigned topics. This activity shall comprise 30% of the course credit distributed over various assignments. 3. Each student will identify and select at least two articles based on qualitative research and will present their summary along with critical analysis. This activity carries ten marks. 4. Tests 60% References 1. Sarantakos, S. (1998). Social Research ( 2nd ed). London: Macmillan Press Ltd. 2. Strauss Anselm L. (1987). Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 3. Mason, Jannifer. (2002). Qualitative Researching. (2nd ed). London: Sage Publications. 4. Edmunds, Holly. (2001). The Focus Group: Research Handbook. Chicago: NTC Business Books.
  • 48. Ms Gender Studies Department of Gender Studies Course out line “Gender and Environment” 1. Introduction  Relationship between Gender and Environment  Significance of Gender and Environment 2. Key terms in Gender and environment  Eco-system  Sustainable Development  Pollution  Resources and their types  Renewable and non-Renewable resources  Green House Effect  Climate change/ Global warming  Ozone Depletion  Conversation  Energy 3. Pollution  Definition  Pollution, its causes and effect on environment  Air pollution  Water pollution  Noise Pollution  Environmental quality standard of noise in Pakistan  Light Pollution  Visual Pollution  Thermal Pollution  Pollution due to oil slicks  Nuclear Pollution 4. Waste and its Disposal  Types of waste  Waste Disposal  Role of Women in Waste Management in Pakistan 5. Water supply and sanitation  Water Resource Management  Role of women in safe water supply and sanitation  Status of Safe drinking water in Pakistan  Bottled water in Pakistan  WHO, the guidelines for safe drinking water  |Arsenic in drinking water  Arsenic in drinking a growing threat in Pakistan 6. Climate Change and Pakistan
  • 49. 7. Environmental and health hazards of Leather Industry (A case study of QASUR) 8. IUCN Pakistan: Strategic gender action plan 9. National Environment Policy of Pakistan 10. Eco-feminism 11. Women and Agriculture  The green revolution and its impact on women  Bio-technology  Slaughter Houses and dairy farms  Women cotton pickers pesticide exposure : a case of Pakistan 12. Global trends in gender and environment  Conventions and declarations  International conferences  Integrating gender into environmental research and policy References  United Nations, (2001). Gender Perspectives for Earth Summit 2002. New York.  Christinc van Wijk and Jannifer Francis, (1997). Global Trends in Gender and Demand- Responsive Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygienc. South Africa.  Ariel Dinar (2000). The Political Economy of Water Pricing Reforms. World Bank.  World Bank, (1997). Can the Environment Wait? Priorities for East Asia. Washington D.C.  A, Panneerselvam and Mohana Rama Krishnan, (1996). Environmental Science Education. Struling Publishers Private Limited, New York.
  • 50. Department of Gender Studies University of the Punjab Detailed Course Outline Women in Work & Business Credit Hours Contact hours:3 Class meetings:2 per week Class duration 1 ½ hr Objectives The course will help the students to examine the social, cultural and historical factors that influence women’s work and the multiple ways in which gender affects the nature and quality of work. The course will cover the women’s role in the traditional societies and effects of industrialization on women’s work. Women’s paid and un-paid work in contemporary societies will also be observed in various contexts and relevant gender differentiation. Each contemporary topic will be discussed with the reference to Pakistani context. Weekly Week 1 Distribution of  Participation patterns of work in pre-civilized and civilized Course period  Introduction  Pre-civilized period  Neolithic Revolution  Civilized period  Unskilled labor work  Burden of family  Slavery Week 2  Industrial Revolution in Great Britain  Change in Industries  Change in Society  Effects on labor  Industrial Revolution in United States  Second Industrial Revolution  Change in Agriculture  Children during Industrial Revolution  Woman during Industrial Revolution Week 3  Technological change
  • 51. of technological development on women  Urban sector  Rural sector  Present trends Week 4  Women and Employment  Women and unpaid work  Hazards of unpaid work  Benefits of unpaid work  Valuation methods of unpaid  Women and paid work.  Importance of Women’s paid work Week 5  Women in rural sectors  Participation pattern of women in paid and un-paid work  Women in urban sector  Informal sector  Formal sector  Professions for women  Changing patterns of women in employment  Double burden Week 6  Attitude and behaviors towards women’s employment.  Factors affecting women’s employment  Historical factors  Social factors  Age  Religion  Nature of family  Marital status  Caste Week 7  Political Factors  Participation of Women in Politics  Decision Making  Economic Factors  Dependency  Position of women at home  Women as secondary bread earner Week 8  Structural Adjustment Policies  Introduction  Affects of SAP  SAP and urban woman  SAP and rural woman  Privatization  Affects of privatization on women Week 9  Gender biases in jobs
  • 52.  Recruitment  Public Sector  Private Sector  Promotion  Working hours  Gender pay gaps  Access discrimination  Compensation differentials  Wage discrimination Note: Mid-term exams will be taken in this week. Week 10  Cross-Cultural variation in the Gender pay gap  The Glass ceiling  Gender stereotypes  Organizational practices  Maternity leave and child care policies  Sexual harassment at work place  Sexual Harassment and power  Women especially vulnerable to harassment  Sexual harassment and organizational climate  Sexual harassment interventions  Legal interventions Note: syllabus related assignments will be given to the students in the form of groups Week 12  Informal credit system  History  Informal credit in Pakistan  Forms of informal credit  Cooperative societies  Cooperative Banking  Difference between cooperative and commercial banking Week 13 This week will be for presentations and students will present their assignments in the class. Week 14  International labor conference May, 1944  Equal Remuneration Convention 1951  Employment and occupation convention 1958  Labor Laws in Pakistan  Rights of Association  The right to organize and bargain collectively.  Prohibition of forced labor  Acceptable condition of work Part time workers right  Pay
  • 53. Pregnancy and parental rights  Training  Pensions  Holidays  Working hours  Sickness leaves  Work place ethics for gender Week 15  Need for vocational and technical education for women  Market demands  Integration into labor force  Family and Work  Role as a housekeeper  Working women  Benefits  Problems  Dual responsibilities  Balancing their roles Week 16  Globalization  Affects of globalization  Women in capitalism and socialism  Role of women in information technology Reference Books 1. Shawn Meghan Burn.(2000). Women Across Culture: A Global Perspective. London: Mayfield Publishing Company. 2. Coyle, Angela., Jane, Slinner.(ed.).(1988).Women and Work: Positive Action for Change. London: Macmillan Education. 3. United Nations. (1999).World Survey on the Role of Women in Development: Globalization, Gender and Work. New York. 4. Economic Survey of Pakistan.(2004-05). Islamabad: Government of Pakistan. 5. Barua, Nayan., Brokakoty, Aparajeda. (2005). Women Entrepreneurship. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation. 6. Kumar, Raj. (ed.). (2000). Women in Agriculture and Trade. New Delhi: Anmol Publications. 7. Dutta, R.K (2003). Women Empowerment. New Delhi: Reference press. 8. Miremath, R.C. (2002). Women in Changing World. Jaipure (India): Pointa Publishers. Instructional  Use of white board in lectures Resources  Photocopied handouts  Multi-media  Projector and slides Teaching Strategies Lectures, group discussions, readings and question answer sessions
  • 54. Assessment Marks Session Mid Final Total in % 100% 25 25 50 Criteria Assignments Paper Paper 7. Syllabus related assignment topics will be given to the students 8. Book Reviews 9. Quizzes Result Results of mid-term and final-term papers will be displayed after one week of exams and mid- term papers will be shown to the students.
  • 55. Department of Gender Studies University of the Punjab Course Outline Strategies for Women in Distress Credit Hours Credit hours : 3 Class meetings: 2 per week Duration of class: 1 ½ hr Objectives Counseling has a key importance in developed and developing countries at the same time where women have to face a variety of violence. This course will make the students able that they will learn counseling skills and by the use of these strategies they will contribute to overcome gender related distress. Syllabus Week 1.  Situations requiring counseling  Depression  Stress  Anxiety  Phobia  Trauma  Assessing and counseling women.  Psychosocial issues.  Physical issues.  Battered women & separation abuse.  Guidelines for clinical interventions.  Adjustment to illness. Week 2 Assessing and counseling women continued  Depressive disorders.  Women’s vulnerability to depression.  Biological Vulnerability factors.  Genetic Vulnerability  Social Vulnerability factors.  Familial Vulnerability factors.
  • 56. Week 3 Assessing and counseling women continued  Psychological Factors.  Interpersonal Factors.  Cultural Factors.  Assessment of depressive disorders.  Treatment of depressive disorders. Week 4.  Approaches to counseling  Psychoanalytic approach  Humanistic approach  Behaviouristic approach to counseling  The eclectic approach  The existential point of view Note: counseling therapy session will be conducted by a professional counselor. Week 5  Stress Management.  Meaning of Stress  Stress reaction and the body  Common Symptoms of Stress.  Causes of Stress.  Effects of stress on the body.  Types of Stress. Week6  Eustress & distress  Characteristics to the description of stress.  Type A & Type B personalities.  Type C personality.  Relationship between perceived level of stress & performance. Week 7  Ways to manage Stress.  BE NATURAL: a stress Management plan.  Breathing  Exercise  Nutrition  Attitude  Time Management.  Uniqueness.  Relaxation
  • 57.  Association  Laughter. Note: Some stress management exercises will be conducted in the class Note: mid term exams will be taken Week 8  Family Counseling.  Family counseling techniques.  Need of family Counseling  Career and lifestyle counseling.  Career counseling Strategies.  Issues & trends in career counseling.  School and University counseling. Note: counseling therapy session will be conducted by a professional counselor. Note: syllabus related assignments and book reviews will be given to the students in the form of groups Week 9  Responsibilities of counselors.  Ethical responsibilities.  Confidentiality  Exceptions in confidentiality.  Ethical principles. Week 10Responsibilities of counselors continued  Legal issues.  The Counselors & the court.  Responsibility of the counselor in the greater society.  Counseling skills.  The counseling relationship –core conditions.  Stage 1- Attending Skills.  Physical Attending. Week 11 Counseling skills continued  Attending Skills.  Psychological attending. Observing Inventory of non –verbal behavior. Active listening
  • 58. Resist Distractions  Keep the focus on the client.  Counseling Needs IDPs  Emergencies Needs  Flood  Earth Quakes  Responding as part of attending behavior. Week 12 Note: students will present their assignments in the class Week 13 Counseling skills continued  Stage 2- Exploration Skills.  Responding with empathy.  Responding using probes and questions  Responding with silence.  Stage 3- understanding  Stage 4-Action  Stage 5-Termination. Week 14  Guidelines for counseling with women.  Diversity, Social context, and Power  Professional Responsibility  Best Practices Books 1. Peterson, Vincent.J., & Nisenholz, Bernard. (4th ed.).(1999). Orientation to Counseling. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 2. Kopala, Mary., & Keitel , A.Merle. (Eds.) .(2003). Handbook of counseling women. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 3. Brodsky, Annette. M. & Musting, Rachel T. Hare. (Eds.). (1980). Women and psychotherapy: An assessment of research and practice. New York: The Guilford Press. Instructional Resources White board use during lectures Projector and slides Multimedia usage
  • 59. Handouts Teaching Strategies Lectures Class participation through group discussions, question-answer session, topic discussion Assessment Marks Sessional Mid Final Total in % 100% 25 25 50 100 Criteria Assignments Paper Paper 1.Book reviews 2.Topics related to syllabus Students will present their assignments in the class Class participation Quizzes Result Result will be displayed after one week of exams. mid term papers will be shown to and discussed with students
  • 60. M.S Gender Studies Course Outline Gender and Population Objectives : A gender perspective on population helps in better understanding of population issues for sustainable development, by focusing on gender aspects of natural resource use and management; agricultural division of labour; and access to reproductive and productive resources. The course will further help in understanding of gender relations in the society. Demographic factors such as population growth and age structure, fertility, morbidity, health conditions and nutrition levels, spatial distribution and migration indicate different types of constraints, needs and opportunities for males and females in the society. Contents 1. Theories of Population 1.1 The Population Doctrines of Malthus 1.2 Natural Theories of Population Growth 1.3 Social Theories of Population Growth 2. Population Growth and Structure 2.1 Fertility, Mortality and population growth rates 2.2 Population composition by various demographic indicators 3. Population and Health 3.1 Access and utilization of health care facilities 3.2 Child survival and health 3.3 Women health and safe motherhood 3.4 Control of HIV/AIDS 3.5 Health disparities across population 4. Population and Reproductive Health Causes of high Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Family Planning Practices Reproductive behavior Outreach of reproductive health facilities Situation in rural and urban areas Reproductive Rights
  • 61. 5. Factors in controlling population growth Famine and Hunger Disease and Epidemics War Family Planning Abortion Infertility 6. Marriage and Family Family structure and composition Age at marriage and population growth rate 7. Population and Sustainable Development Population and development strategies Population, sustained economic growth and poverty 8. Population Distribution and Urbanization Large urban agglomerations Socio-economic and Demographic factors Consequences of urbanization 9. International Migration International migration and development Effect of migration on gender relations Refugees, asylum-seekers and displaced persons. 10. Population Challenges Illiteracy Poverty Environmental degradation Economic stagnation Resource depletion 11. Population policy and planning The theory of optimum population Modern Practices References  Population growth and its implications (2001). Islamabad: National Institute of Population Studies.  UNFPA (2005). State of World Population: The Promise of Equality. UNFPA  World Bank (2000). Population and the World Bank Adapting to Change. World Bank.  World Bank (2002). Exploring Gender Perspectives in Population and Health Programs. Washington USAID.  Govt. of Pakistan. (2002). Population Policy of Pakistan. Islamabad: Ministry of Population Welfare.
  • 62. M.S Gender Studies Course Outline Gender and International Relations Objectives International relations and gender studies share theoretical approaches to their areas of study and use common concepts such as power, violence etc. The aim of this course is to make student able that how development in international relations affects gender, and how important gender is for working world politics. The role of gender will also be discussed in detail with regard to foreign policy, peace, war and development. 1. Introduction and foundation of International Relations  History  World civilizations  Imperialism  Two World Wars  The Cold War (1945-1990)  The early post cold war  Concept of Gender in International Relations  Women in International Relation 2. Theories in International Relations  Liberalism  Marxism  Postmodern Feminism  Realism  Nationalism 3. Gender in Foreign Policy Making  The emergence of modern state system  Global and domestic determinants of states foreign policy  Role of leaders in foreign policy making  Women in foreign policy making  Constraints on foreign policy making  Feminist analysis and foreign policy 4. Gender and Global Political Economy  Globalization  Liberalization of trade