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PART 2 – Ethical Self-Reflection
Morgan Sanders
COUN 533: Counseling Ethics and Professional Identity
Summer 2020
Dr. Kathleen Woods
1. B. The Friendship
It would be incredibly difficult for me to want to form a social relationship with one of my
former clients. As a professional person, I believe it is important for people to keep their work
clearly separated from their personal life. When these two areas are mixed, this causes blurred
boundaries and burnout. It can be professionally dangerous for a therapist to socialize with the
people they help at work because the original relationship formed is professional in nature.
There are many issues that come along with be-friending someone you have counseled. I
would explain to my client that I do not feel comfortable becoming friends with them because I
do not mix my personal life with work. I would clarify that we have formed a relationship based
on a unique trust that only a counselor and client share. This trust is special because we have
formed a bond where they know they can tell me the hardships they have experienced in life in
confidence. Due to the way our relationship began, it would be extremely hard for me to
socialize with any client. I would also describe that trying to make the counselor and client
relationship social would bring an imbalance of power. It would be difficult to not treat the client
as a client when we are in a social gathering.
To proceed with the client, I would explain that my feelings are not personal in any way. It
would be beneficial to explain to my client that I am not social with any clients once I am done
counseling them. I know this might be difficult, especially if I do enjoy this specific client’s
company. However, it is essential for counselors to keep consistent boundaries with their clients
to prevent difficult social relationships. It is also important for a counselor to communicate why
they cannot be friends outside of the counseling realm. I believe if a counselor has these firm
boundaries in place to protect themselves and their practice, their clients will respect them and
move on with the termination of the counseling sessions, as necessary.
2. Competence
One of the most important pieces of being a professional worker, especially a competent
counselor, is allowing room in your profession evaluation of your performance and interaction
with clients. According to Corey, Corey, & Corey, “Gathering anonymous feedback from current
and former clients can be beneficial in assessing the degree to which clients experienced us as
competent” (8-2a). Counselors work the most with their clients than any other person in their
profession. Therefore, it would highly benefit a counselor to receive feedback from their clients
to get a valid opinion on how they are performing in their career. It would also benefit a less-
experienced counselor to surround themselves with more experienced therapists who can provide
solid guidance and suggestions to help prevent issues in the younger counselor’s career.
As I learn the profession, I will be sure to more experienced counselors giving me advice on
how to work with my clients. I believe this is one of the best ways a counselor can grow in how
they work with people. It is incredibly important for a young professional to learn new skills
from their experienced colleagues who have been working in the field for a long time. Another
way I will grow in my competence is by attending conferences and reading literature that
describe ways to stay current in counseling.
After spending a significant amount of time learning from my colleagues, I will discuss my
developed skills with them and assess my strengths and areas I can still work on. By having a
more experienced counselor working with me on my skills, they will be able to suggest books
and other resources to help me grow in my weaknesses. I will also assess myself and identify
areas where I believe I can grow. Then, I will compare what I see with what my fellow
colleagues, mentors, and supervisors see in my performance. Being open to feedback and
direction is one of the best ways a counselor can grow in their competence.
3. Supervision
One of the most important qualities of a clinical supervisor is being ready to meet the
supervisees where they are at in the counseling profession. According to Corey et al., “they
operate in multiple roles as teacher, mentor, consultant, counselor, adviser, administrator,
evaluator, and documenter” (9-3). The people who are working in the clinic will be at separate
phases of their career. Some of the counselors will have more experience and will know more
about the legal and ethical aspects of the profession. However, other counselors may be at the
beginning stage of their careers and will need more guidance and help as they continue to learn
the profession.
As a clinical supervisor, it would be important to know that my responsibilities focus on how
my trainees are prepared to counsel ethically and legally. Their readiness is a reflection on how
well they were trained by me and ready to truly help clients. Therefore, as I hire new counselors
into my clinic, regardless of their background and experience, I will be sure they all have the
same training on the legal and ethical aspects I expect them to follow in my clinic. This is
because some people could come from different states or countries, so it would be important to
make sure everyone is on the same page.
Another way I want to prepare my supervisees for success would be establishing a
collaborative community within my clinic. I would want my supervisees to not be afraid to talk
to me about the questions or concerns they have while working with clients. It would also be
important for the counselors to learn from each other so they can improve in their practices. I
would want to incorporate a mentoring program where the more experienced counselors help by
mentoring younger counselors working in the clinic. I would also be involved in the mentoring
program to minimize the power dynamic that might occur from being the clinical supervisor.
4. Diagnosis
In consideration of diagnosing a client, I believe it is important for a counselor to
contemplate their motives in using diagnosis in their routine. I am currently for using diagnosis
in the counseling field. As stated by Corey et al., “The rationale is that specific counseling goals
cannot be formulated, and appropriate treatment strategies cannot be designed until a thorough
picture of the client’s past and present functioning is formed” (10-6). When a counselor begins
working with a client, it is important to spend the first few sessions becoming familiar with the
client’s background information. This will help the counselor understand what has brought the
client to this point in their life and why they may be dealing with certain issues. Once a client has
gone through some areas of their background, the counselor may be able to pinpoint a diagnosis
and then get the client the help they need. Additionally, it may take longer to understand a
client’s history and a diagnosis may never be found. However, it would be important for a
counselor in this situation to continue to track the progress the client is making throughout the
therapeutic sessions.
When thinking about if diagnosing a client is important in counseling, we need to consider
how we would set goals with our clients if they did not understand where they are at. I would
explain to my clients that we need to diagnose the issue they are experiencing so we can set
realistic goals to see growth in their lives. I would explain that I do not want to waste their time
and money, so setting and tracking goals is essential to growth. It would be beneficial to explain
that this process is like going to the doctor. The doctor needs to know your health background
and you need to explain to the doctor how you are feeling so they can diagnose the issue their
patients are experiencing. A similar experience happens in counseling; the counselor needs to
know where their clients are at emotionally and mentally so a sound diagnosis can be made.
5. Ethics in Group Work
Group counseling can be one of the most challenging ways to counsel while maintaining
ethical guidelines. As a counselor, it would be important to begin a group counseling assignment
by fully explaining the process and purpose of the group to the clients who are participating.
According to Corey et al., “Leaders have the responsibility of ensuring that members become
aware of their rights (as well as their responsibilities) as group participants” (12-5). To help the
group start off on the right foot, it is essential for the counselor to make sure the group members
know their roles in the group, while also helping everyone understand how to maintain
Another important aspect of group counseling is the culture of the group. Tension can arise
between group members or a client in the group may feel like they do not need to be
participating in the group. Both situations can hurt the collaboration and relationships that can be
formed through this experience. Therefore, it is essential for a counselor to screen members
before they are recommended for group counseling. As said by Corey et al., “In addition, what is
best for the group as a whole needs to be considered in selecting members for that group” (12-
5a). One person with a negative attitude towards the counseling process could hurt the group
dynamic and make other groups members experience negative emotions towards the process.
Additionally, it may be more beneficial for the person to receive some individual counseling
before becoming involved in the group process.
Overall, one of the best things a counselor can do is make their clients in a group as
comfortable with the process as possible. For many people, it can be highly uncomfortable to
discuss the issues they are experiencing with someone other than a counselor. However, it can be
a healing experience for people to know they are not alone in their struggles.
6. Advocacy
Working in rural communities can be a highly challenging experience for any working
professional. One reason social justice advocacy is especially needed in rural communities is
because of the culturally climate in these areas. It is often the case where a rural community is
not diverse in race and culture. Therefore, the people living in these areas are not exposed to
diverse types of thinking and living unless they travel outside of these communities. An example
of a low-diverse area is the state of Wyoming. I have lived in Wyoming all my life and I know
first-hand that my state lacks in diversity. Generations of families have lived in Wyoming for
years and this state is also highly conservative. Many people in Wyoming have never left this
state and do not know how about other cultures’ experiences and values. This can be damaging;
Wyoming needs people who have different values to come in and make people aware of social
justice issues occurring in our society today.
One ethical issue that can always be addressed in rural settings is the subject of racism and
how to avoid racist situations. Due to the lack of diversity in rural communities, these people are
often not exposed to diverse races and cultures. Therefore, it would always be beneficial to have
trainings and discussions of what racism is and how to welcome someone who is of different
background or culture. Another ethical issue that would be beneficial to address in rural
communities is women’s rights and the role of women in today’s world. Many people in rural
communities follow traditional values where the men in a family are expected to work and
provide, while women are expected to stay at home and take care of the children. Therefore, it
would be beneficial for women’s rights advocates to come in and provide information on the
opportunities for women in education and in the work force. It would be valuable for young
women to be educated on the opportunities that are available for them outside of being a mother.
7. Critique of the movie, GOOD WILL HUNTING:
a. Describe each potential moral, ethical, clinical, and legal issue.
The first potential moral issue I noticed in the movie was Professor Lambeau’s motivation
for getting Will help. When the professor first met Will, he thought he was vandalizing the chalk
board in the hallway. Once he realized Will had the ability to work on the difficult math
problems, his overall opinion of Will changed. This is a moral issue because everyone should
treat others with kindness, regardless of their economic status. An ethical issue that I noticed in
the movie was when Professor Lambeau was recommending Will for positions without his
knowledge or agreement. Sean wanted Will to have the opportunity to decide what he wanted to
do with the rest of his life; however, Professor Lambeau was determined to make Will’s mind up
without talking to him first. A potential clinical issue that I noticed was the use of foul language
between Sean and Will when they were talking. I understand that this may happen with a client;
however, I believe it is highly unprofessional for a counselor to use foul language when working
with clients. A legal issue that I noticed would be the reporting of how counseling was really
going for Will up until he was working with Sean. The counselors struggled to get Will to take
counseling seriously, and I wonder if the judge knew how bad the sessions were.
b. Discuss which ethics code or legal standard that may have been broken.
One ethical code that was broken between Sean and Will was Sean not informing Will of the
limits of confidentiality. At the beginning of their first meeting, they jumped right into bantering
with each other. Sean did not explain the point of meeting with Will and did not talk about when
he would need to break confidentiality if Will talked about hurting himself or others. A main
ethical issue was that Will never actually gave consent for counseling, it was more forced on him
because of his circumstance.
c. React to the therapist’s decisions/behaviors with regard to these ethical issues.
Throughout the entirety of his relationship with Will, Sean saw himself in Will while he was
working with Will. This made the therapeutic process for Sean difficult because he did not want
to give up on Will and he knew he had to get him to buy into the counseling process. Will was
going to try extremely hard to get Sean to quit counseling him; Sean had to be quick-witted and
not do his normal counseling routine that works. Will was a special case and Sean knew he
needed to have a quick buy-in from Will. Will was not like a normal client that Sean was used to
working with. Therefore, the ethical issues that occurred during Sean’s counseling sessions may
have happened because of the unique experience Sean had while working with Will. Will was
very sharp, and Sean connected with his background on many levels. Sean knew he had to think
fast to reach Sean and truly get him the help he needed.
d. Discuss why you think he did what he did as a therapist.
The counseling situation was much more personal for Sean while he was working with
Will. It is important to know that Sean and Will had common backgrounds and grew up in the
same part of South Boston. I believe Sean had a good understanding of where Will was coming
from and knew the support that Will really needed at this point of life. Sean knew Will’s
background and past hurt unlike any other person, and the counseling sessions were personal
right from the start. Sean felt countertransference when he was working with Will; Will knew
how to push Sean’s buttons and quickly found out that Sean was highly defensive about his wife.
As soon as Will knew this, he attacked Sean’s feelings. Sean knew he had to be tough and not
beat around the bush when he was counseling Will. Eventually, they built a special relationship
and became remarkably close because they shared similar experiences. Sean’s willingness to
meet Will where he was at is the thing that truly helped Will have a breakthrough.
e. Include consequences of his decisions/behaviors on the therapy.
At the beginning of working with Will, Sean realized how difficult Will was going to be
to work with. Sean did not go through the initial process where he would explain confidentiality
and Will’s rights to him. If this therapeutic relationship had taken a different turn, Will could
have gotten Sean in a lot of trouble for not following the ethical guidelines in counseling. Sean
was a teacher for the counseling program at a Community College, so he knew the strategies that
needed to be implemented. It would have been a poor reflection on his teaching, and he could
have lost so much of what he had been working for. It is essential for counselors to make sure
they follow the ethical codes that are in place so they protect themselves and their clients from
the potential risks that counseling relationships can bring.
f. Discuss what you would have done the same, differently, and why.
The main thing that I would have done the same as Sean would be the relationship piece
of his counseling strategies with Will. It was obvious he cared about Will finding his full
potential and happiness in life. Sean and Will building a relationship helped Will overcome the
barriers he was putting between him and others. I believe it is incredibly important to try and
build a meaningful relationship with the clients you are working with as a counselor. Something
I would have done differently from Sean has more to do with how he acted professionally. I
know everyone has their own styles of professionalism; however, I believe Sean really lacked in
this area. It is important to me to maintain a level of professionalism where my client respects
me, and we can still build a meaningful relationship. Sean and Will cursed back and forth to each
other very often in the counseling sessions; this caused a relationship where the power dynamic
was off, and Will lacked respect for Sean initially. I believe it is important for a counselor to
demonstrate the level of professionalism they expect from their clients.
g. Project what you think might have changed as a result of your behavior being
In the movie, Will did not respond well to the less-personal counselors he initially met
with. He treated counseling as a joke and was not respectful of the efforts these counselors tried.
Sean using a more personal approach worked well with Will; however, I believe Will would
have still shown more respect towards Sean if he had started with a climate of respect initially.
Will did not respect Sean until much later in the counseling process, and this is something that
was needed at the beginning. Maintaining professionalism throughout the entirety of a
counseling relationship helps the client take the overall process more seriously.
h. If you were the therapist’s colleague (or supervisor) what points would you most
want to address with him?
As a colleague, I believe I could learn a great deal from a counselor like Sean. He is kind and
seems to really care for the clients he works with. He also knows how to take care of his personal
life because he took care of his wife and stepped away from his work while she was sick. I would
want to learn from him because he works well with clients and makes them know that he cares
about them. However, if I were his supervisor, I would have some issues with his
professionalism. I would tell him he needs to make sure he watches his language and needs to
establish strong professional boundaries with his clients. I would hold him accountable and
observe how he interacts with future clients.
8. Shifts in Your Thinking about Ethics
One of the most important shifts of thinking that I have experienced through this class is the
willingness to communicate with clients when you know that you do not have all the answers.
Sometimes it can be embarrassing to admit to a client that you do not know what the next steps
for them are; however, you know the person who can bring some help to the situation. Therefore,
I have learned the value in inviting your colleagues into your practice and allowing them to
suggest ways for you to improve. I believe this is one of the most important ways a counselor
can continually be sure they are following the ethical guidelines that are put in place. This can
also be a fantastic way to grow in competence; as a young counselor continues to learn and grow
from their colleagues, the more competent they will become, overall.
Another way my thinking has changed because of this class is by becoming more aware of
how clients may perceive a counselor, then dealing with these feelings in an appropriate and
ethical manner. For example, it could be an extremely uncomfortable situation if a client were
sexually attracted to their counselor. However, this class has taught me ways to consider dealing
with this type of situation in an ethical way that will not be offensive or hurtful to the client.
These types of strategies are valuable to learn at early age because they can be helpful
professionally and personally.
As I evaluate myself as a student in this class, I would start by saying that I am a committed
student and have spent a great deal of time learning and growing throughout this summer. I
taught summer school this year, so I was busy taking classes and working. However, I spent a lot
of time reading and completing the assignments that are required for this course. I believe I
learned a large amount of information regarding how to be an ethical counselor and how to stay
competent in my profession. I would give myself a 93% for participation in this course.
Corey, G., Corey, M., & Corey, C. (2019). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (10th ed.)
Van Sant, G. (Director). (1997). Good Will Hunting. Miramax.

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Coun 533 ethical self reflection part 2

  • 1. 1 PART 2 – Ethical Self-Reflection Morgan Sanders COUN 533: Counseling Ethics and Professional Identity Summer 2020 Dr. Kathleen Woods
  • 2. 2 1. B. The Friendship It would be incredibly difficult for me to want to form a social relationship with one of my former clients. As a professional person, I believe it is important for people to keep their work clearly separated from their personal life. When these two areas are mixed, this causes blurred boundaries and burnout. It can be professionally dangerous for a therapist to socialize with the people they help at work because the original relationship formed is professional in nature. There are many issues that come along with be-friending someone you have counseled. I would explain to my client that I do not feel comfortable becoming friends with them because I do not mix my personal life with work. I would clarify that we have formed a relationship based on a unique trust that only a counselor and client share. This trust is special because we have formed a bond where they know they can tell me the hardships they have experienced in life in confidence. Due to the way our relationship began, it would be extremely hard for me to socialize with any client. I would also describe that trying to make the counselor and client relationship social would bring an imbalance of power. It would be difficult to not treat the client as a client when we are in a social gathering. To proceed with the client, I would explain that my feelings are not personal in any way. It would be beneficial to explain to my client that I am not social with any clients once I am done counseling them. I know this might be difficult, especially if I do enjoy this specific client’s company. However, it is essential for counselors to keep consistent boundaries with their clients to prevent difficult social relationships. It is also important for a counselor to communicate why they cannot be friends outside of the counseling realm. I believe if a counselor has these firm boundaries in place to protect themselves and their practice, their clients will respect them and move on with the termination of the counseling sessions, as necessary.
  • 3. 3 2. Competence One of the most important pieces of being a professional worker, especially a competent counselor, is allowing room in your profession evaluation of your performance and interaction with clients. According to Corey, Corey, & Corey, “Gathering anonymous feedback from current and former clients can be beneficial in assessing the degree to which clients experienced us as competent” (8-2a). Counselors work the most with their clients than any other person in their profession. Therefore, it would highly benefit a counselor to receive feedback from their clients to get a valid opinion on how they are performing in their career. It would also benefit a less- experienced counselor to surround themselves with more experienced therapists who can provide solid guidance and suggestions to help prevent issues in the younger counselor’s career. As I learn the profession, I will be sure to more experienced counselors giving me advice on how to work with my clients. I believe this is one of the best ways a counselor can grow in how they work with people. It is incredibly important for a young professional to learn new skills from their experienced colleagues who have been working in the field for a long time. Another way I will grow in my competence is by attending conferences and reading literature that describe ways to stay current in counseling. After spending a significant amount of time learning from my colleagues, I will discuss my developed skills with them and assess my strengths and areas I can still work on. By having a more experienced counselor working with me on my skills, they will be able to suggest books and other resources to help me grow in my weaknesses. I will also assess myself and identify areas where I believe I can grow. Then, I will compare what I see with what my fellow colleagues, mentors, and supervisors see in my performance. Being open to feedback and direction is one of the best ways a counselor can grow in their competence.
  • 4. 4 3. Supervision One of the most important qualities of a clinical supervisor is being ready to meet the supervisees where they are at in the counseling profession. According to Corey et al., “they operate in multiple roles as teacher, mentor, consultant, counselor, adviser, administrator, evaluator, and documenter” (9-3). The people who are working in the clinic will be at separate phases of their career. Some of the counselors will have more experience and will know more about the legal and ethical aspects of the profession. However, other counselors may be at the beginning stage of their careers and will need more guidance and help as they continue to learn the profession. As a clinical supervisor, it would be important to know that my responsibilities focus on how my trainees are prepared to counsel ethically and legally. Their readiness is a reflection on how well they were trained by me and ready to truly help clients. Therefore, as I hire new counselors into my clinic, regardless of their background and experience, I will be sure they all have the same training on the legal and ethical aspects I expect them to follow in my clinic. This is because some people could come from different states or countries, so it would be important to make sure everyone is on the same page. Another way I want to prepare my supervisees for success would be establishing a collaborative community within my clinic. I would want my supervisees to not be afraid to talk to me about the questions or concerns they have while working with clients. It would also be important for the counselors to learn from each other so they can improve in their practices. I would want to incorporate a mentoring program where the more experienced counselors help by mentoring younger counselors working in the clinic. I would also be involved in the mentoring program to minimize the power dynamic that might occur from being the clinical supervisor.
  • 5. 5 4. Diagnosis In consideration of diagnosing a client, I believe it is important for a counselor to contemplate their motives in using diagnosis in their routine. I am currently for using diagnosis in the counseling field. As stated by Corey et al., “The rationale is that specific counseling goals cannot be formulated, and appropriate treatment strategies cannot be designed until a thorough picture of the client’s past and present functioning is formed” (10-6). When a counselor begins working with a client, it is important to spend the first few sessions becoming familiar with the client’s background information. This will help the counselor understand what has brought the client to this point in their life and why they may be dealing with certain issues. Once a client has gone through some areas of their background, the counselor may be able to pinpoint a diagnosis and then get the client the help they need. Additionally, it may take longer to understand a client’s history and a diagnosis may never be found. However, it would be important for a counselor in this situation to continue to track the progress the client is making throughout the therapeutic sessions. When thinking about if diagnosing a client is important in counseling, we need to consider how we would set goals with our clients if they did not understand where they are at. I would explain to my clients that we need to diagnose the issue they are experiencing so we can set realistic goals to see growth in their lives. I would explain that I do not want to waste their time and money, so setting and tracking goals is essential to growth. It would be beneficial to explain that this process is like going to the doctor. The doctor needs to know your health background and you need to explain to the doctor how you are feeling so they can diagnose the issue their patients are experiencing. A similar experience happens in counseling; the counselor needs to know where their clients are at emotionally and mentally so a sound diagnosis can be made.
  • 6. 6 5. Ethics in Group Work Group counseling can be one of the most challenging ways to counsel while maintaining ethical guidelines. As a counselor, it would be important to begin a group counseling assignment by fully explaining the process and purpose of the group to the clients who are participating. According to Corey et al., “Leaders have the responsibility of ensuring that members become aware of their rights (as well as their responsibilities) as group participants” (12-5). To help the group start off on the right foot, it is essential for the counselor to make sure the group members know their roles in the group, while also helping everyone understand how to maintain confidentiality. Another important aspect of group counseling is the culture of the group. Tension can arise between group members or a client in the group may feel like they do not need to be participating in the group. Both situations can hurt the collaboration and relationships that can be formed through this experience. Therefore, it is essential for a counselor to screen members before they are recommended for group counseling. As said by Corey et al., “In addition, what is best for the group as a whole needs to be considered in selecting members for that group” (12- 5a). One person with a negative attitude towards the counseling process could hurt the group dynamic and make other groups members experience negative emotions towards the process. Additionally, it may be more beneficial for the person to receive some individual counseling before becoming involved in the group process. Overall, one of the best things a counselor can do is make their clients in a group as comfortable with the process as possible. For many people, it can be highly uncomfortable to discuss the issues they are experiencing with someone other than a counselor. However, it can be a healing experience for people to know they are not alone in their struggles.
  • 7. 7 6. Advocacy Working in rural communities can be a highly challenging experience for any working professional. One reason social justice advocacy is especially needed in rural communities is because of the culturally climate in these areas. It is often the case where a rural community is not diverse in race and culture. Therefore, the people living in these areas are not exposed to diverse types of thinking and living unless they travel outside of these communities. An example of a low-diverse area is the state of Wyoming. I have lived in Wyoming all my life and I know first-hand that my state lacks in diversity. Generations of families have lived in Wyoming for years and this state is also highly conservative. Many people in Wyoming have never left this state and do not know how about other cultures’ experiences and values. This can be damaging; Wyoming needs people who have different values to come in and make people aware of social justice issues occurring in our society today. One ethical issue that can always be addressed in rural settings is the subject of racism and how to avoid racist situations. Due to the lack of diversity in rural communities, these people are often not exposed to diverse races and cultures. Therefore, it would always be beneficial to have trainings and discussions of what racism is and how to welcome someone who is of different background or culture. Another ethical issue that would be beneficial to address in rural communities is women’s rights and the role of women in today’s world. Many people in rural communities follow traditional values where the men in a family are expected to work and provide, while women are expected to stay at home and take care of the children. Therefore, it would be beneficial for women’s rights advocates to come in and provide information on the opportunities for women in education and in the work force. It would be valuable for young women to be educated on the opportunities that are available for them outside of being a mother.
  • 8. 8 7. Critique of the movie, GOOD WILL HUNTING: a. Describe each potential moral, ethical, clinical, and legal issue. The first potential moral issue I noticed in the movie was Professor Lambeau’s motivation for getting Will help. When the professor first met Will, he thought he was vandalizing the chalk board in the hallway. Once he realized Will had the ability to work on the difficult math problems, his overall opinion of Will changed. This is a moral issue because everyone should treat others with kindness, regardless of their economic status. An ethical issue that I noticed in the movie was when Professor Lambeau was recommending Will for positions without his knowledge or agreement. Sean wanted Will to have the opportunity to decide what he wanted to do with the rest of his life; however, Professor Lambeau was determined to make Will’s mind up without talking to him first. A potential clinical issue that I noticed was the use of foul language between Sean and Will when they were talking. I understand that this may happen with a client; however, I believe it is highly unprofessional for a counselor to use foul language when working with clients. A legal issue that I noticed would be the reporting of how counseling was really going for Will up until he was working with Sean. The counselors struggled to get Will to take counseling seriously, and I wonder if the judge knew how bad the sessions were. b. Discuss which ethics code or legal standard that may have been broken. One ethical code that was broken between Sean and Will was Sean not informing Will of the limits of confidentiality. At the beginning of their first meeting, they jumped right into bantering with each other. Sean did not explain the point of meeting with Will and did not talk about when he would need to break confidentiality if Will talked about hurting himself or others. A main ethical issue was that Will never actually gave consent for counseling, it was more forced on him because of his circumstance.
  • 9. 9 c. React to the therapist’s decisions/behaviors with regard to these ethical issues. Throughout the entirety of his relationship with Will, Sean saw himself in Will while he was working with Will. This made the therapeutic process for Sean difficult because he did not want to give up on Will and he knew he had to get him to buy into the counseling process. Will was going to try extremely hard to get Sean to quit counseling him; Sean had to be quick-witted and not do his normal counseling routine that works. Will was a special case and Sean knew he needed to have a quick buy-in from Will. Will was not like a normal client that Sean was used to working with. Therefore, the ethical issues that occurred during Sean’s counseling sessions may have happened because of the unique experience Sean had while working with Will. Will was very sharp, and Sean connected with his background on many levels. Sean knew he had to think fast to reach Sean and truly get him the help he needed. d. Discuss why you think he did what he did as a therapist. The counseling situation was much more personal for Sean while he was working with Will. It is important to know that Sean and Will had common backgrounds and grew up in the same part of South Boston. I believe Sean had a good understanding of where Will was coming from and knew the support that Will really needed at this point of life. Sean knew Will’s background and past hurt unlike any other person, and the counseling sessions were personal right from the start. Sean felt countertransference when he was working with Will; Will knew how to push Sean’s buttons and quickly found out that Sean was highly defensive about his wife. As soon as Will knew this, he attacked Sean’s feelings. Sean knew he had to be tough and not beat around the bush when he was counseling Will. Eventually, they built a special relationship and became remarkably close because they shared similar experiences. Sean’s willingness to meet Will where he was at is the thing that truly helped Will have a breakthrough.
  • 10. 10 e. Include consequences of his decisions/behaviors on the therapy. At the beginning of working with Will, Sean realized how difficult Will was going to be to work with. Sean did not go through the initial process where he would explain confidentiality and Will’s rights to him. If this therapeutic relationship had taken a different turn, Will could have gotten Sean in a lot of trouble for not following the ethical guidelines in counseling. Sean was a teacher for the counseling program at a Community College, so he knew the strategies that needed to be implemented. It would have been a poor reflection on his teaching, and he could have lost so much of what he had been working for. It is essential for counselors to make sure they follow the ethical codes that are in place so they protect themselves and their clients from the potential risks that counseling relationships can bring. f. Discuss what you would have done the same, differently, and why. The main thing that I would have done the same as Sean would be the relationship piece of his counseling strategies with Will. It was obvious he cared about Will finding his full potential and happiness in life. Sean and Will building a relationship helped Will overcome the barriers he was putting between him and others. I believe it is incredibly important to try and build a meaningful relationship with the clients you are working with as a counselor. Something I would have done differently from Sean has more to do with how he acted professionally. I know everyone has their own styles of professionalism; however, I believe Sean really lacked in this area. It is important to me to maintain a level of professionalism where my client respects me, and we can still build a meaningful relationship. Sean and Will cursed back and forth to each other very often in the counseling sessions; this caused a relationship where the power dynamic was off, and Will lacked respect for Sean initially. I believe it is important for a counselor to demonstrate the level of professionalism they expect from their clients.
  • 11. 11 g. Project what you think might have changed as a result of your behavior being different In the movie, Will did not respond well to the less-personal counselors he initially met with. He treated counseling as a joke and was not respectful of the efforts these counselors tried. Sean using a more personal approach worked well with Will; however, I believe Will would have still shown more respect towards Sean if he had started with a climate of respect initially. Will did not respect Sean until much later in the counseling process, and this is something that was needed at the beginning. Maintaining professionalism throughout the entirety of a counseling relationship helps the client take the overall process more seriously. h. If you were the therapist’s colleague (or supervisor) what points would you most want to address with him? As a colleague, I believe I could learn a great deal from a counselor like Sean. He is kind and seems to really care for the clients he works with. He also knows how to take care of his personal life because he took care of his wife and stepped away from his work while she was sick. I would want to learn from him because he works well with clients and makes them know that he cares about them. However, if I were his supervisor, I would have some issues with his professionalism. I would tell him he needs to make sure he watches his language and needs to establish strong professional boundaries with his clients. I would hold him accountable and observe how he interacts with future clients.
  • 12. 12 8. Shifts in Your Thinking about Ethics One of the most important shifts of thinking that I have experienced through this class is the willingness to communicate with clients when you know that you do not have all the answers. Sometimes it can be embarrassing to admit to a client that you do not know what the next steps for them are; however, you know the person who can bring some help to the situation. Therefore, I have learned the value in inviting your colleagues into your practice and allowing them to suggest ways for you to improve. I believe this is one of the most important ways a counselor can continually be sure they are following the ethical guidelines that are put in place. This can also be a fantastic way to grow in competence; as a young counselor continues to learn and grow from their colleagues, the more competent they will become, overall. Another way my thinking has changed because of this class is by becoming more aware of how clients may perceive a counselor, then dealing with these feelings in an appropriate and ethical manner. For example, it could be an extremely uncomfortable situation if a client were sexually attracted to their counselor. However, this class has taught me ways to consider dealing with this type of situation in an ethical way that will not be offensive or hurtful to the client. These types of strategies are valuable to learn at early age because they can be helpful professionally and personally. As I evaluate myself as a student in this class, I would start by saying that I am a committed student and have spent a great deal of time learning and growing throughout this summer. I taught summer school this year, so I was busy taking classes and working. However, I spent a lot of time reading and completing the assignments that are required for this course. I believe I learned a large amount of information regarding how to be an ethical counselor and how to stay competent in my profession. I would give myself a 93% for participation in this course.
  • 13. 13 References Corey, G., Corey, M., & Corey, C. (2019). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (10th ed.) Van Sant, G. (Director). (1997). Good Will Hunting. Miramax.