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Deaths .......... 10,767 Rate ………………. 11.82
Percent…………1.74 World Rank……. 116
According to the latest WHO data published in 2017 Road
Traffic Accidents Deaths in Philippines reached 10,767 or 1.74% of
total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 11.82 per 100,000 of
population . The Philippines was ranked to #116 in the world.
1. Distracted Driving
What Is Distracted Driving?
• Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including
talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in
your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system—
anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving.
• Texting is the most alarming distraction. Sending or reading a text takes your
eyes off the road for 5 seconds. At 60kph, that's like driving 500 meters
length with your eyes closed.
• You cannot drive safely unless the task of driving has your full attention. Any
non-driving activity you engage in is a potential distraction and increases
your risk of crashing.
Penalties in Violation of Traffic Safety Act.
Involvement in FATAL CRASHES.
Using a cell phone while driving creates enormous
potential for deaths and injuries. In 2017 alone 10,767people
were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers.
2. Drunk and Drugged Driving
• Field Sobriety Tests are groups of three tests used by police to
determine if a driver is impaired. The tasks assess balance,
coordination, and the ability of the driver to divide his
attention to more than one task during the field sobriety test.
• The Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) is a battery of 3 tests
that include the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN), the walk-
and-turn, and the one-leg stand tests.
• These tests have been scientifically proven to validate legal
intoxication in drivers suspected of drunken driving in 90% of
cases if administered by a trained officer. Results of the test
are admissible as evidence in court.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
defines and describes the three parts of the SFST in detail:
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus is an involuntary "jerking" of the
eyeball which happens to everyone when the eyes are rotated at
high peripheral angles. When a person is intoxicated, however, the
jerking of the eyes becomes more exaggerated and occurs at lesser
Turning the HGN test, the officer will ask the driver to follow
a moving object, such as a pen or flashlight, slowly from side to side.
The officer looks to determine:
• If the eye cannot follow the object smoothly
• If jerking is distinct when the eye is at maximum deviation
• If the angle of jerking onset is within 45 degrees
• If four or more clues appear between the two eyes, the driver is
likely to have a blood-alcohol content (BAC) 0.10 or greater.
NHTSA research shows this test to be accurate in 77% of test
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus
Walk-and-Turn Test
Walk-and-Turn Test - the officer asks the driver to take nine
steps, heel-to-toe, along a straight line, turn on one foot and return
nine steps in the opposite direction.
During the test, the officer looks for seven indicators of
• If the suspect cannot keep balance while listening to the
• Begins before the instructions are finished
• Stops while walking to regain balance
• Does not touch heel-to-toe
• Uses arms to balance
• Loses balance while turning
• Takes an incorrect number of steps
• If the driver exhibits two or more of the above indicators during
the test, there is a 68% likelihood of at BAC level of 0.10 or
higher, according to the NHTSA.
One-Leg Stand Test - the officer asks the driver to stand
with one foot about six inches off the ground and count by from
1,001 (one-thousand-one, one thousand two, etc.) until the officer
says to put the foot down.
During the next 30 seconds, the officer looks for these four
• Swaying while balancing
• Using arms to balance
• Hopping to maintain balance
• Putting the foot down
• If the driver exhibits two or more of the above indicators, there
is a 65% chance he has a BAC of 0.10 or greater, according to the
• If the driver fails any of the above field sobriety tests, the officer
will then ask the suspect to take a breath test or a chemical test
to confirm their blood-alcohol content.
One-Leg Stand Test
Breathalyzer Test
3. Speeding
-the act of driving a vehicle faster than is legally allowed.
Consequences of Speeding
According to the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA), one third of all fatal
automobile crashes involve drivers who were
speeding. Speeding comes in only second to alcohol
as the top factor in vehicular fatalities. Over 13,000
people die each year as a result of accidents involving
speeding automobiles. Excessive speeding
constituted the third leading contributing factor in all
automobile crashes.
Fines, cancellation of license and death are
common consequences of speeding.
U.S. Army soldier uses a radar speed gun to catch
speeding violators at Tallil Air Base, Iraq.
4. Reckless Driving
“Reckless Driving” is one of the most violated traffic
laws in the Philippines today. And while it’s considered
part of the miscellaneous traffic rules in our
constitution, this law still warrants careful study–and
vigilance–from drivers.
Republic Act 4136: Who is a reckless driver? -
“everytime a person operates a motor vehicle in
violation of traffic rules, at the risk of harming others
and with less than the full attention, focus and skill
required of every driver, he is driving recklessly.”
Common Types of Reckless Driving
1. Over-speeding
Over speeding are called “Killer Highways” because of the number
of accidents they cause.
A proper speed prescribed by the law is described as:
A speed that is careful and prudent, not greater or less than what
is reasonable and proper considering traffic, road and other
existing conditions
A speed that will permit a driver to bring his vehicle to a stop
within the assured clear distance ahead
2. Drunk-driving
According to DOJ, national laws should adopt such an indicator
similar to initiatives already started at the level of the local
government units (LGUs). For instance, Navotas and Makati City
defines a drunk driver “if he registers a Blood Alcohol Content
level of 0.06% within one (1) hour of his apprehension.”
3. Distracted driving
According to DOJ, distracted driving is a form of
reckless driving such as:
• Conversing with another person in the vehicle or
on the phone
• Retrieving objects in the floor/dashboard
• Eating or drinking
• Adjusting car radios
• Using any other gadget or device like mobile
phones, laptops/iPads, iPods/MP3 players or
GPS-enabled devices.
Penalties for Reckless Driving
• Reckless driving carries a penalty of a PHP1,200 fine.
• Drunk driving is punishable by a fine ranging from
PHP2,000-PHP5,000, or imprisonment (three to six
months) or both, at the discretion of the court.
• Distracted driving is punishable by a fine ranging from
PHP5,000 to PHP20,000, with the possibility of
suspending/revocation of the driver’s license.
5. Rainfall
Rainfall is consistently cited as the weather type
responsible for the greatest number of weather-related
accidents (Edwards, 1999, Qiu and Nixon, 2008). Rain
causes accidents through a combination of several
physical effects that degrade the driving environment,
including a loss of friction between the tyre and road and
impaired visibility through rain on the windshield and
spray from other vehicles. It is this combination of
negative factors (Fridstrom et al., 1995) and the resulting
strain on cognitive capacity (Elvik 2006) that leads to
increased accident rates.
6. Red Light Running
Red light running defined
If a vehicle enters an intersection any time after
the signal light has turned red, the driver has
committed a violation.
Red light cameras are an effective way to
discourage red light running. Enforcement is the best
way to get people to comply with any law, but it's
impossible for police to be at every intersection.
Cameras can fill the void. Cameras reduced the fatal red
light running crash rate of large cities by 21 percent and
the rate of all types of fatal crashes at signalized
intersections by 14 percent.
7. Night Driving
Fatigue, compromised night vision, rush hour and
impaired drivers are some of the risks we face
when driving at night. Depth perception, color
recognition and peripheral vision can be compromised
in the dark, and the glare of headlights from an
oncoming vehicle can temporarily blind a driver.
Driving at night is a lot riskier than driving in the
daytime. According to the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration, you're three times more likely to
have a fatal accident at night than during the day.
What’s dangerous about night driving?
• Decreased vision. Iris, pupil and retina work differently
at night. The peripheral vision is actually slightly
improved, but it’s more difficult to focus on objects
ahead of you. And traveling between well-lit areas and
darker roads creates issues as well.
• Driving too fast for your headlights. Depending on
vehicle speed and headlight setting, many people
“over-drive” their headlights. That means, by the time
they see something on the road, it’s too late to stop in
time to avoid it.
• Impaired judgment. Whether due to drowsiness or the
use of alcohol or drugs, it appears that drivers at night
often don’t use good judgment.
8. Design Defects
Design Defects are a Leading Cause of Car Accidents
The most common types of vehicle defects that cause accidents
• Airbag defects: According to the National Highway Safety Administration,
over 2 million vehicles have been recalled from vehicle manufacturers all over
the world. Airbag safety issues are mostly concerned with airbags that deploy at
the wrong time and cause serious injury.
• Faulty ignition switches: If key ring is too heavy , ignition may go out of
position ,the vehicle may lose power, brakes and power steering will not function
correctly. The airbags may also not deploy correctly. Defective ignition switches
have been linked to cases of disabling injuries and death.
• Defective brakes: Defective break lines make the driver unable to control
the vehicle and this leads to serious collisions. You can get help from a product
liability attorney to take legal action against those responsible.
• Defective tires Defective tires can also be manufactured with flaws. In
case the flaw occurs in a large lot, the entire lot will be recalled. However, single
tires may be defective as well. For instance, sudden blowouts can lead to serious
injuries and should be evaluated to determine whether the tire is defective.
• Design flaws The design of the vehicle may also make it less crashworthy. In
case the vehicle is not up to the imposed safety standards, the vehicle can cause
serious injuries or death in the case of an accident. There have been cases of
vehicles rolling over due to having a high center of gravity.
9. Tail Gating
Tailgating is when a driver drives behind another vehicle
while not leaving sufficient distance to stop causing
a collision if the vehicle in front stops suddenly.
Hazards of Tailgating
• Tailgating is dangerous to the tailgater, especially if they are
driving closely behind a large vehicle (such as a tractor-trailer,
or gas tanker). By tailgating, the driver has a shorter distance
to stop, decreases the margin of error and blocks the
awareness of surroundings.
• If the leading vehicle decelerates suddenly (such as when
encountering a traffic jam, traffic lights, avoiding pedestrians,
etc.), the tailgater has a high risk of causing a rear-end
collision, for which in insurance terms, he would always be
held responsible. In many jurisdictions, a two second gap is
recommended between any two successive moving vehicles,
characterised in Britain by the slogan, "only a fool breaks the
two second rule".
Consequences – Rear End Crashed
10. Wrong Way & Improper Turns
The WRONG WAY sign may accompany the DO NOT ENTER sign.
This rectangular red and white sign is a traffic regulatory sign. If
you see one or both of these signs, drive to the side and stop; you
are going against traffic. When safe, back out or turn around and
go back to the road you were on. (At night, road reflectors will
shine red in your headlights when you are going the wrong way.)
Most common causes of wrong-way accidents
• Drivers under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or
• Distracted driving.
• Drivers unfamiliar with the roadways in the area.
• Poorly marked ramps.
• Poorly placed signs.
• Poor ramp design.
• Lack of signs.
• Lack of visibility.
11. Teenage Drivers
Driving with peers, having too much
fun can happen
Teens driving areas of concern
• Peer pressure: In school they are surrounded by
their peers so they should be taught to be less
susceptible to peer pressure.
• Immature judgement: Driving needs balanced and
mature judgement to make decisions while in the
driver’s seat. If the teen has this then reconsider
driving privileges until then.
• Not enough adult supervision: It all lies in adult
supervision and without it teaching driving will be a
waste of time.
Dangers that unsupervised teen
drivers should avoid
1. Don’t drink and drive at all costs.
2. Never drive when lacking sleep or fatigued.
3. Using a mobile for texting and taking selfies.
4. Unnecessary horseplay while driving.
5. Driving fast too much.
6. Driving with inebriated companions.
7. One teen too many in the car.
12. Potholes
- a depression or hollow in a road
surface caused by wear or subsidence.
A pothole is a depression in a road surface, usually
asphalt pavement, where traffic has removed broken
pieces of the pavement. It is usually the result of water
in the underlying soil structure and traffic passing over
the affected area.
Hitting a pothole can not only cause damage to a vehicle’s shocks
and suspension, it can also cause the driver to lose control of his or
her car. Potholes can cause truck accidents and motorcycle
accidents in addition to poor road conditions that often result in
serious car accident injuries.
• You may sue the province, city or municipality for the damage to
your car caused by a large pothole.
• The local government unit (LGU) has the duty to make sure that
public works within their territorial jurisdiction are in proper
condition and are well-maintained. You should report any
defective roads, drainage or traffic signals to your local officials.
The LGU must repair reported defects to avoid accidents or
injuries to persons as well as damage to property. Otherwise,
the LGU and officials are liable for neglecting their duty.
The LGUs are responsible to provide basic services such as
maintenance of roads, bridges, drainage, sewerage, flood
control, traffic signals, road signs and other similar facilities.
(Section 17, Local Government Code)
• If there is a violation or neglect of duty, the LGUs and their
officials are liable for death or injury to persons as well as
damage to property. (Section 24, Local Government Code)
• The provinces, cities and municipalities concerned shall also be liable
for damages for the death or injuries suffered by any person by reason
of the defective condition of roads, streets, bridges, public buildings,
and other public works under their control or supervision. (Article
2189, Civil Code)
In a case decided by the Supreme Court, the City of Manila
was held liable for negligence in their duty of providing regular
maintenance of roads and other public works. In this case, it was
nighttime when a commuter who was about to board a jeepney, after
stepping down from the curb and taking a few steps, accidentally fell
inside an uncovered and unlighted catch basin or manhole.
As a result of the fall, his head hit the rim of the manhole
breaking his eyeglasses and the broken pieces of the eyeglasses pierced
his left eyelid. He also suffered abrasions and contusions on his left thigh,
left upper arm, right leg and upper lip. The City of Manila was sentenced
to pay damages for the injuries and expenses suffered by the commuter
due to the defective condition of the road. (City of Manila vs. Teotico G.R.
No. L-23052)
13. TiresBlowout
• First – Keep a tight grip on the steering wheel. With a
tire gone, your car is going to want to pull hard. Just
remember that you’re in control.
• Second – Take your foot off the gas, and ease on the
brakes. Slamming on the brakes will cause your car to
stop unevenly due to the lack of tire. Slow down
• Third – Pull off to a safe place. Too many people let
their vehicle stop in the middle of the road; this is only
setting yourself up for a major accident.
• Finally – Turn on your flashers, and put on your spare
14. Animal Crossing
Prevention accident caused by an animal crossing the
• Animals are most active around dawn (4 a.m. to 6 a.m.) and dusk (6
p.m. to 11 p.m.), drivers should be extra vigilant during these hours.
• Look up the types of wildlife present in your neighborhood or travel
destination and know which roads they appear around to avoid
• Do not speed up to unfamiliar roads, especially at night. Deer usually
jump out quickly and you might not have enough time to come to a
safe stop.
• When you see an animal on the road, honk a few times to goad it off
the road and to warn other motorists.
• Try not to swerve to avoid hitting the animal. Instead, slow down as
best as you can and maintain control of the wheel. Swerving can lead
to even worse accidents if you run into another vehicle.
• When you cannot avoid hitting an animal, pull over to the side of the
road and report the accident to local law enforcement. Since there are
usually state laws regarding animal-vehicle accidents, fleeing the
scene can be regarded as a crime.
15. Road Construction Sites
road sign warning drivers that there is construction or
repair work ahead: “People are Working on the Road/s”.
Road construction accidents may be caused by:
• Negligent traffic control within the construction zone such as posting
reduced speed limits or providing experienced personnel to direct
• Inadequate guardrails or barriers.
• Confusing or insufficient lane markings.
• Improper or inadequate signage, including signs that warn drivers of
lane closures, uneven pavement, narrowing of lanes, lane changes, and
sudden stops.
• Unmarked road hazards within the construction zone.
• Improper or inadequate setup of the construction zone.
• Negligent use of construction equipment or construction vehicles.
• Leaving debris, equipment, vehicles, or other hazards in the roadway or
on the side of the road.
• Unsafe or improper lane merges.
• Inclement weather, poor visibility, and traffic jams.
• Speeding, impaired driving, or distracted driving.

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Contribution of road traffic accidents ppt

  • 2. PHILIPPINES : ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS Deaths .......... 10,767 Rate ………………. 11.82 Percent…………1.74 World Rank……. 116 According to the latest WHO data published in 2017 Road Traffic Accidents Deaths in Philippines reached 10,767 or 1.74% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 11.82 per 100,000 of population . The Philippines was ranked to #116 in the world.
  • 3. 1. Distracted Driving What Is Distracted Driving? • Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system— anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving. • Texting is the most alarming distraction. Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. At 60kph, that's like driving 500 meters length with your eyes closed. • You cannot drive safely unless the task of driving has your full attention. Any non-driving activity you engage in is a potential distraction and increases your risk of crashing.
  • 4. Consequences Penalties in Violation of Traffic Safety Act. Involvement in FATAL CRASHES. Using a cell phone while driving creates enormous potential for deaths and injuries. In 2017 alone 10,767people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers.
  • 5. 2. Drunk and Drugged Driving
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  • 9. • Field Sobriety Tests are groups of three tests used by police to determine if a driver is impaired. The tasks assess balance, coordination, and the ability of the driver to divide his attention to more than one task during the field sobriety test. • The Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) is a battery of 3 tests that include the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN), the walk- and-turn, and the one-leg stand tests. • These tests have been scientifically proven to validate legal intoxication in drivers suspected of drunken driving in 90% of cases if administered by a trained officer. Results of the test are admissible as evidence in court.
  • 10. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines and describes the three parts of the SFST in detail: Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus is an involuntary "jerking" of the eyeball which happens to everyone when the eyes are rotated at high peripheral angles. When a person is intoxicated, however, the jerking of the eyes becomes more exaggerated and occurs at lesser angles. Turning the HGN test, the officer will ask the driver to follow a moving object, such as a pen or flashlight, slowly from side to side. The officer looks to determine: • If the eye cannot follow the object smoothly • If jerking is distinct when the eye is at maximum deviation • If the angle of jerking onset is within 45 degrees • If four or more clues appear between the two eyes, the driver is likely to have a blood-alcohol content (BAC) 0.10 or greater. NHTSA research shows this test to be accurate in 77% of test subjects.
  • 13. Walk-and-Turn Test - the officer asks the driver to take nine steps, heel-to-toe, along a straight line, turn on one foot and return nine steps in the opposite direction. During the test, the officer looks for seven indicators of impairment: • If the suspect cannot keep balance while listening to the instructions • Begins before the instructions are finished • Stops while walking to regain balance • Does not touch heel-to-toe • Uses arms to balance • Loses balance while turning • Takes an incorrect number of steps • If the driver exhibits two or more of the above indicators during the test, there is a 68% likelihood of at BAC level of 0.10 or higher, according to the NHTSA.
  • 14. One-Leg Stand Test - the officer asks the driver to stand with one foot about six inches off the ground and count by from 1,001 (one-thousand-one, one thousand two, etc.) until the officer says to put the foot down. During the next 30 seconds, the officer looks for these four indicators: • Swaying while balancing • Using arms to balance • Hopping to maintain balance • Putting the foot down • If the driver exhibits two or more of the above indicators, there is a 65% chance he has a BAC of 0.10 or greater, according to the NHSTA.2 • If the driver fails any of the above field sobriety tests, the officer will then ask the suspect to take a breath test or a chemical test to confirm their blood-alcohol content.
  • 17. 3. Speeding -the act of driving a vehicle faster than is legally allowed.
  • 18. Consequences of Speeding According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), one third of all fatal automobile crashes involve drivers who were speeding. Speeding comes in only second to alcohol as the top factor in vehicular fatalities. Over 13,000 people die each year as a result of accidents involving speeding automobiles. Excessive speeding constituted the third leading contributing factor in all automobile crashes. Fines, cancellation of license and death are common consequences of speeding.
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  • 20. U.S. Army soldier uses a radar speed gun to catch speeding violators at Tallil Air Base, Iraq.
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  • 23. “Reckless Driving” is one of the most violated traffic laws in the Philippines today. And while it’s considered part of the miscellaneous traffic rules in our constitution, this law still warrants careful study–and vigilance–from drivers. Republic Act 4136: Who is a reckless driver? - “everytime a person operates a motor vehicle in violation of traffic rules, at the risk of harming others and with less than the full attention, focus and skill required of every driver, he is driving recklessly.”
  • 24. Common Types of Reckless Driving 1. Over-speeding Over speeding are called “Killer Highways” because of the number of accidents they cause. A proper speed prescribed by the law is described as: A speed that is careful and prudent, not greater or less than what is reasonable and proper considering traffic, road and other existing conditions A speed that will permit a driver to bring his vehicle to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead 2. Drunk-driving According to DOJ, national laws should adopt such an indicator similar to initiatives already started at the level of the local government units (LGUs). For instance, Navotas and Makati City defines a drunk driver “if he registers a Blood Alcohol Content level of 0.06% within one (1) hour of his apprehension.”
  • 25. 3. Distracted driving According to DOJ, distracted driving is a form of reckless driving such as: • Conversing with another person in the vehicle or on the phone • Retrieving objects in the floor/dashboard • Eating or drinking • Adjusting car radios • Using any other gadget or device like mobile phones, laptops/iPads, iPods/MP3 players or GPS-enabled devices.
  • 26. Penalties for Reckless Driving • Reckless driving carries a penalty of a PHP1,200 fine. • Drunk driving is punishable by a fine ranging from PHP2,000-PHP5,000, or imprisonment (three to six months) or both, at the discretion of the court. • Distracted driving is punishable by a fine ranging from PHP5,000 to PHP20,000, with the possibility of suspending/revocation of the driver’s license.
  • 28. Rainfall is consistently cited as the weather type responsible for the greatest number of weather-related accidents (Edwards, 1999, Qiu and Nixon, 2008). Rain causes accidents through a combination of several physical effects that degrade the driving environment, including a loss of friction between the tyre and road and impaired visibility through rain on the windshield and spray from other vehicles. It is this combination of negative factors (Fridstrom et al., 1995) and the resulting strain on cognitive capacity (Elvik 2006) that leads to increased accident rates.
  • 29. 6. Red Light Running
  • 30. Red light running defined If a vehicle enters an intersection any time after the signal light has turned red, the driver has committed a violation.
  • 31. Red light cameras are an effective way to discourage red light running. Enforcement is the best way to get people to comply with any law, but it's impossible for police to be at every intersection. Cameras can fill the void. Cameras reduced the fatal red light running crash rate of large cities by 21 percent and the rate of all types of fatal crashes at signalized intersections by 14 percent.
  • 32. 7. Night Driving Fatigue, compromised night vision, rush hour and impaired drivers are some of the risks we face when driving at night. Depth perception, color recognition and peripheral vision can be compromised in the dark, and the glare of headlights from an oncoming vehicle can temporarily blind a driver.
  • 33. Driving at night is a lot riskier than driving in the daytime. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, you're three times more likely to have a fatal accident at night than during the day.
  • 34. What’s dangerous about night driving? • Decreased vision. Iris, pupil and retina work differently at night. The peripheral vision is actually slightly improved, but it’s more difficult to focus on objects ahead of you. And traveling between well-lit areas and darker roads creates issues as well. • Driving too fast for your headlights. Depending on vehicle speed and headlight setting, many people “over-drive” their headlights. That means, by the time they see something on the road, it’s too late to stop in time to avoid it. • Impaired judgment. Whether due to drowsiness or the use of alcohol or drugs, it appears that drivers at night often don’t use good judgment.
  • 35. 8. Design Defects Design Defects are a Leading Cause of Car Accidents
  • 36. The most common types of vehicle defects that cause accidents include: • Airbag defects: According to the National Highway Safety Administration, over 2 million vehicles have been recalled from vehicle manufacturers all over the world. Airbag safety issues are mostly concerned with airbags that deploy at the wrong time and cause serious injury. • Faulty ignition switches: If key ring is too heavy , ignition may go out of position ,the vehicle may lose power, brakes and power steering will not function correctly. The airbags may also not deploy correctly. Defective ignition switches have been linked to cases of disabling injuries and death. • Defective brakes: Defective break lines make the driver unable to control the vehicle and this leads to serious collisions. You can get help from a product liability attorney to take legal action against those responsible. • Defective tires Defective tires can also be manufactured with flaws. In case the flaw occurs in a large lot, the entire lot will be recalled. However, single tires may be defective as well. For instance, sudden blowouts can lead to serious injuries and should be evaluated to determine whether the tire is defective. • Design flaws The design of the vehicle may also make it less crashworthy. In case the vehicle is not up to the imposed safety standards, the vehicle can cause serious injuries or death in the case of an accident. There have been cases of vehicles rolling over due to having a high center of gravity.
  • 37. 9. Tail Gating Tailgating is when a driver drives behind another vehicle while not leaving sufficient distance to stop causing a collision if the vehicle in front stops suddenly.
  • 38. Hazards of Tailgating • Tailgating is dangerous to the tailgater, especially if they are driving closely behind a large vehicle (such as a tractor-trailer, or gas tanker). By tailgating, the driver has a shorter distance to stop, decreases the margin of error and blocks the awareness of surroundings. • If the leading vehicle decelerates suddenly (such as when encountering a traffic jam, traffic lights, avoiding pedestrians, etc.), the tailgater has a high risk of causing a rear-end collision, for which in insurance terms, he would always be held responsible. In many jurisdictions, a two second gap is recommended between any two successive moving vehicles, characterised in Britain by the slogan, "only a fool breaks the two second rule".
  • 39. Consequences – Rear End Crashed
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  • 41. 10. Wrong Way & Improper Turns
  • 42. The WRONG WAY sign may accompany the DO NOT ENTER sign. This rectangular red and white sign is a traffic regulatory sign. If you see one or both of these signs, drive to the side and stop; you are going against traffic. When safe, back out or turn around and go back to the road you were on. (At night, road reflectors will shine red in your headlights when you are going the wrong way.)
  • 43. Most common causes of wrong-way accidents are: • Drivers under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medications. • Distracted driving. • Drivers unfamiliar with the roadways in the area. • Poorly marked ramps. • Poorly placed signs. • Poor ramp design. • Lack of signs. • Lack of visibility.
  • 45. Driving with peers, having too much fun can happen
  • 46. Teens driving areas of concern • Peer pressure: In school they are surrounded by their peers so they should be taught to be less susceptible to peer pressure. • Immature judgement: Driving needs balanced and mature judgement to make decisions while in the driver’s seat. If the teen has this then reconsider driving privileges until then. • Not enough adult supervision: It all lies in adult supervision and without it teaching driving will be a waste of time.
  • 47. Dangers that unsupervised teen drivers should avoid 1. Don’t drink and drive at all costs. 2. Never drive when lacking sleep or fatigued. 3. Using a mobile for texting and taking selfies. 4. Unnecessary horseplay while driving. 5. Driving fast too much. 6. Driving with inebriated companions. 7. One teen too many in the car.
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  • 49. 12. Potholes - a depression or hollow in a road surface caused by wear or subsidence.
  • 50. A pothole is a depression in a road surface, usually asphalt pavement, where traffic has removed broken pieces of the pavement. It is usually the result of water in the underlying soil structure and traffic passing over the affected area.
  • 51. Hitting a pothole can not only cause damage to a vehicle’s shocks and suspension, it can also cause the driver to lose control of his or her car. Potholes can cause truck accidents and motorcycle accidents in addition to poor road conditions that often result in serious car accident injuries.
  • 52. • You may sue the province, city or municipality for the damage to your car caused by a large pothole. • The local government unit (LGU) has the duty to make sure that public works within their territorial jurisdiction are in proper condition and are well-maintained. You should report any defective roads, drainage or traffic signals to your local officials. The LGU must repair reported defects to avoid accidents or injuries to persons as well as damage to property. Otherwise, the LGU and officials are liable for neglecting their duty. • The LGUs are responsible to provide basic services such as maintenance of roads, bridges, drainage, sewerage, flood control, traffic signals, road signs and other similar facilities. (Section 17, Local Government Code) • If there is a violation or neglect of duty, the LGUs and their officials are liable for death or injury to persons as well as damage to property. (Section 24, Local Government Code)
  • 53. • The provinces, cities and municipalities concerned shall also be liable for damages for the death or injuries suffered by any person by reason of the defective condition of roads, streets, bridges, public buildings, and other public works under their control or supervision. (Article 2189, Civil Code) In a case decided by the Supreme Court, the City of Manila was held liable for negligence in their duty of providing regular maintenance of roads and other public works. In this case, it was nighttime when a commuter who was about to board a jeepney, after stepping down from the curb and taking a few steps, accidentally fell inside an uncovered and unlighted catch basin or manhole. As a result of the fall, his head hit the rim of the manhole breaking his eyeglasses and the broken pieces of the eyeglasses pierced his left eyelid. He also suffered abrasions and contusions on his left thigh, left upper arm, right leg and upper lip. The City of Manila was sentenced to pay damages for the injuries and expenses suffered by the commuter due to the defective condition of the road. (City of Manila vs. Teotico G.R. No. L-23052)
  • 55. • First – Keep a tight grip on the steering wheel. With a tire gone, your car is going to want to pull hard. Just remember that you’re in control. • Second – Take your foot off the gas, and ease on the brakes. Slamming on the brakes will cause your car to stop unevenly due to the lack of tire. Slow down gradually. • Third – Pull off to a safe place. Too many people let their vehicle stop in the middle of the road; this is only setting yourself up for a major accident. • Finally – Turn on your flashers, and put on your spare tire.
  • 57. Prevention accident caused by an animal crossing the road.
  • 58. • Animals are most active around dawn (4 a.m. to 6 a.m.) and dusk (6 p.m. to 11 p.m.), drivers should be extra vigilant during these hours. • Look up the types of wildlife present in your neighborhood or travel destination and know which roads they appear around to avoid surprises. • Do not speed up to unfamiliar roads, especially at night. Deer usually jump out quickly and you might not have enough time to come to a safe stop. • When you see an animal on the road, honk a few times to goad it off the road and to warn other motorists. • Try not to swerve to avoid hitting the animal. Instead, slow down as best as you can and maintain control of the wheel. Swerving can lead to even worse accidents if you run into another vehicle. • When you cannot avoid hitting an animal, pull over to the side of the road and report the accident to local law enforcement. Since there are usually state laws regarding animal-vehicle accidents, fleeing the scene can be regarded as a crime.
  • 60. ROAD WORK AHEAD” (USA) or “ROADWORKS” (UK) is a road sign warning drivers that there is construction or repair work ahead: “People are Working on the Road/s”.
  • 61. Road construction accidents may be caused by: • Negligent traffic control within the construction zone such as posting reduced speed limits or providing experienced personnel to direct traffic. • Inadequate guardrails or barriers. • Confusing or insufficient lane markings. • Improper or inadequate signage, including signs that warn drivers of lane closures, uneven pavement, narrowing of lanes, lane changes, and sudden stops. • Unmarked road hazards within the construction zone. • Improper or inadequate setup of the construction zone. • Negligent use of construction equipment or construction vehicles. • Leaving debris, equipment, vehicles, or other hazards in the roadway or on the side of the road. • Unsafe or improper lane merges. • Inclement weather, poor visibility, and traffic jams. • Speeding, impaired driving, or distracted driving.
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