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Kubernetes, beyond the core
Craig Box
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 2
A quick recap
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 4
● Lightweight
● Hermetically sealed
● Isolated
● Easily deployable
● Introspectable
● Runnable
Containers: a quick recap
i'm boring core
Linux processes
● Improves overall developer experience
● Fosters code and component reuse
● Simplifies operations for cloud native applications
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 5
● Scheduling: Decide where my containers should run
● Lifecycle and health: Keep my containers running despite
● Scaling: Make sets of containers bigger or smaller
● Naming and discovery: Find where my containers are now
● Load balancing: Distribute traffic across a set of containers
● Storage volumes: Provide data to containers
● Logging and monitoring: Track what’s happening with my
● Debugging and introspection: Enter or attach to containers
● Identity and authorization: Control who can do things to my
Kubernetes: a quick recap
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 6
● Kubernetes is one of the three legs of Cloud Native
○ Takes in container packaged apps
○ Emits microservices architectures
● Announced June 2014, in GA since June 2015
● 1.4 is due out in 1 week!
● Under half the code is now written by Google
● Stewarded by the Cloud Native Compute Foundation™
○ A Linux Foundation Collaborative Project™
Kubernetes: a quick recap
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 7
Kubernetes is stable
● Concrete ideas from 10 years of production experience
○ and mistakes!
● v1 API; breaking changes held until v2
● Alpha, Beta and GA tracks for new features
● Thorough end-to-end testing
● New work taking place outside of core
○ Volume & network plugins
○ Custom controllers
○ ThirdPartyResources
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 8
Kubernetes has a solid core
● Core primitives:
○ pods, services, volumes, labels, controllers, etc
● Continual improvement using these basic concepts
○ Ingress: connect a load balancer to a Service
○ ReplicaSet: fungible replicas
○ DaemonSet: put a pod on every node
○ Job: batch workloads
○ ScheduledJob: run a Job at a certain time (cron)
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 9
Kubernetes has
a healthy ecosystem
Some examples:
● Cloud providers: Azure, VMware, Openstack, Rackspace, CenturyLink
● Distros: CoreOS Tectonic, Mirantis Murano (OpenStack), RedHat
Atomic,, VMTurbo
● PaaS: RedHat OpenShift, Deis, Rancher, WSO2, Gondor/Kel, Apcera
● CD: Fabric8, Shippable, CloudBees, Solano
● Deployment: Kumoru, Redspread, Spinnaker
● Package managers: Helm, KPM
● Monitoring: Prometheus, Sysdig, Datadog
● Networking: Weaveworks, Tigera, OpenContrail
● Storage: NetApp, ClusterHQ
● Appliances: Redapt, Diamante
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 10
Kubernetes has great momentum
To host a similar set of services on our older Openstack environment
would require at least 2-3x the number of servers. The cost savings
isn't even the best part. Kubernetes has allowed us to build a
completely self-service pipeline for our devs and has taken the ops
team out of day-to-day app management. The nodes update
themselves with the latest OS and Kube shifts the workload around
as they do. This infrastructure is faster, more nimble, more
cost-effective and so much easier to run.
This is the best infrastructure I've ever used in twenty years
of doing ops and leading ops teams.
Since we started using kubernetes, we reduced our bill to 30%
of its original price, and it made everything easier and scalable
just as if we were using the costly [alternative]
Your cluster turnup story is bad, and you should feel bad
laptop$ kubeadm --help
kubeadm: bootstrap a secure Kubernetes cluster easily.
| |
| But, please try it out! Give us feedback at: |
| |
| and at-mention @kubernetes/sig-cluster-lifecycle |
Example usage:
Create a two-machine cluster with one master (which controls the cluster),
and one node (where workloads, like pods and containers run).
On the first machine
master# kubeadm init master
Your token is: <token>
On the second machine
node# kubeadm join node --token=<token> <ip-of-master>
Moving beyond stateless
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 16
The problems to be solved
1. Preserve individual identity for fungible entities
2. Provide predictable ordering and control as those entities change
3. To enable the software entities to identify and recognize the other entities
by those identities
4. To get access to a consistent storage mechanism (because their identity
also corresponds to data)
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 17
I apologise in advance for this horrible metaphor
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 18
Pets vs Cattle
It's so horrible it can only be written in Comic Sans
Sometimes pets are
from cattle
Sometimes cattle
are pets
Sometimes cattle are
just plain adorable
Sometimes cattle
come pre-numbered
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 23
It's not just the "pet" part
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 25
Naming things is hard
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 27
(In fairness, I can tell you the UDP joke, but I can't guarantee you will get it)
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 28
What is a pet?
A Pet Set ensures that a specified number of “pets” with unique identities are
running at any given time.
The identity of a Pet is comprised of:
● a stable hostname, available in DNS
● an ordinal index
● stable storage: linked to the ordinal & hostname
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 29
you're awesomethree please
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 30
you're awesome
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 31
bleep, bloopsix please
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 32
bleep, bloop
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 33
at least i'm not
passing the butter
lol jk, 2 is plenty
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 34
at least i'm not
passing the butter
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 35
you're awesome
three please,
with storage
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 36
you're awesome
three please,
with storage
1:1 mapping
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 37
you're awesome
three please,
with storage
1:1 mapping
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 38
you're awesome
1:1 mapping
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 39
no robots shall
touch my pets
scale down to
2, please
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 40
no robots shall
touch my pets
I might come in
useful some day
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 41
What other problems do I have?
● Discovery of peers for quorum
○ Sidecars and peer finder scripts
● Startup/teardown ordering
○ Init containers
○ Implicit ordering
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 42
Mount some
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 43
Mount some
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 44
Copy some
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 45
Write some
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 46
Be a database
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 47
● InitContainers and PetSet introduced in 1.3
● InitContainers are Beta in 1.4
● PetSet remain in Alpha
"The real P0 beta blocker is solid prototypes that
increase our confidence in the core feature set."
Status: Alpha
Thanks to Christian and Matt from
Moving beyond the cluster
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 49
Some terminology
● What is a cluster?
○ A bunch of machines on a high-speed network
● What is high-speed?
○ Generally "in the same building"
○ Same latency and throughput between any two machines
● How much is a bunch?
○ Enough to get the benefits of packing
○ Not too many to Accidentally Kill Everything
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 50
shared cell
shared cell
non-prod load
prod-only load
# machines
25% overhead
The bigger
the bin,
the better
the packing
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 51
How to separate
● Within a cluster
○ Use namespaces
● Within a region
○ Use NodePools to create "regional" cluster
● With multiple regions
○ Use cluster federation
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 52
Users Master Nodes
Single Kubernetes cluster
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 53
All you care about
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 54
Control Plane
Users Control Plane Clusters
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 55
Cluster 2
Cluster 1
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Create the clusters
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 56
Federation consists of
● Namespace
● API Server Service with public VIP
● API Server Deployment with 2 replicas
● Controller Manager Pod with 1 replica
● Database key/value store
Familiar? --context=federation-cluster
Deploy the Federated Control Plane
Cluster 2
Cluster 1
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 57
Add clusters to federation
Cluster 2
Cluster 1
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Federation Control Plane
kubectl --context=federation-cluster create -f clusters/gce-asia-east1.yaml
apiVersion: federation/v1beta1
kind: Cluster
name: gce-asia-east1
- clientCIDR: ""
serverAddress: ""
name: gce-asia-east1
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 58
Deploy a federated ReplicaSet
Cluster 2
Cluster 1
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Federation Control Plane
kubectl --context=federation-cluster create -f rs/nginx.yaml
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: nginx
replicas: 4
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.10
me again
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 59
Deploy a federated Service
Cluster 2
Cluster 1
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Federation Control Plane
kubectl --context=federation-cluster create -f service/nginx.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: nginx
name: nginx
- port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
name: http
app: nginx
type: LoadBalancer
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 60
Each service shard gets a load balancer
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 61
...and each service creates a DNS entry
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 62
Cross-cluster service discovery
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 63
Cross-cluster service discovery
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Clusters 3 and 4
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 64
Cross-cluster service discovery
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 65
Cross-cluster service discovery
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 66
Cross-cluster service discovery
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 4
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 67
Cross-cluster service discovery
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 4
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 68
Cross-cluster service discovery
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 4
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 69
Stop the presses: Federated Ingress
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Google's Magic Global Load Balancer
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 70
Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 (**) 2017 and beyond (**)
Beta 1
● Public facing,
service discovery
(internal/external DNS)
● Service object API
Beta 2
● Replica Sets
● Multi-region Ingress (L7)
Load Balancing across
clusters for GCP only
Beta 3
● Cross-provider,
multi-region Ingress (L7)
Load Balancing
● GKE IAM Integration
● Non-public-facing
service discovery
● Full support for
Kubernetes API objects
● UI support for
Federated Clusters
● Federated IAM
● GKE hosted control plane
(**) - this is a proposed roadmap. Items listed here are subject to change.
Status: Beta
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 71
● Kubernetes Cluster Federation Sneak Peak
● Kubernetes Cluster Federation using GKE
● Cluster Federation Admin Guide
● Cross Cluster Service Discovery Deployment Guide
● Cross Cluster Services - Achieving Higher Availability for your Kubernetes Applications
● Participate with us on the Kubernetes #sig-federation
● Post issues or feature requests on GitHub
● Join us in the #federation channel on Slack
Want to learn more?
One more thing...
Not really
Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 73
1.4 is coming soon!
● Use Swagger 2.0, enabled non-go clients
● StorageClass
● AppArmor Support
● PodSecurityPolicy
● New Volume Plugins: Quobyte and Azure Data Disk
● Dashboard UI
● ScheduledJobs
● InitContainers
● Workloads installable with 1 command
● GCI as default Node Image
● GKE: Curated IAM Roles
● GKE: Alpha Clusters
● GKE: Available in Oregon (and soon in Japan)
● Federate all the things:
○ Ingress for GCP
○ Namespaces
○ Services
○ Secrets
○ ReplicaSets
● Federation Events
● PodDisruptionBudget
● Ingress for Multizone Clusters
● Prioritized Scheduling of Cluster Add-ons
● Container Image Policy
● Workload spreading across failure domains
● Kubelet TLS Bootstrap
● External Source IP Preservation
● Audit Logging
Thank you
Thank you@craigbox

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Container Camp London (2016-09-09)

  • 1. Kubernetes, beyond the core Craig Box @craigbox
  • 2. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 2
  • 4. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 4 ● Lightweight ● Hermetically sealed ● Isolated ● Easily deployable ● Introspectable ● Runnable Containers: a quick recap i'm boring core infrastructure! Linux processes ● Improves overall developer experience ● Fosters code and component reuse ● Simplifies operations for cloud native applications
  • 5. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 5 ● Scheduling: Decide where my containers should run ● Lifecycle and health: Keep my containers running despite failures ● Scaling: Make sets of containers bigger or smaller ● Naming and discovery: Find where my containers are now ● Load balancing: Distribute traffic across a set of containers ● Storage volumes: Provide data to containers ● Logging and monitoring: Track what’s happening with my containers ● Debugging and introspection: Enter or attach to containers ● Identity and authorization: Control who can do things to my containers Kubernetes: a quick recap
  • 6. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 6 ● Kubernetes is one of the three legs of Cloud Native ○ Takes in container packaged apps ○ Emits microservices architectures ● Announced June 2014, in GA since June 2015 ● 1.4 is due out in 1 week! ● Under half the code is now written by Google ● Stewarded by the Cloud Native Compute Foundation™ ○ A Linux Foundation Collaborative Project™ Kubernetes: a quick recap
  • 7. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 7 Kubernetes is stable ● Concrete ideas from 10 years of production experience ○ and mistakes! ● v1 API; breaking changes held until v2 ● Alpha, Beta and GA tracks for new features ● Thorough end-to-end testing ● New work taking place outside of core ○ Volume & network plugins ○ Custom controllers ○ ThirdPartyResources
  • 8. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 8 Kubernetes has a solid core ● Core primitives: ○ pods, services, volumes, labels, controllers, etc ● Continual improvement using these basic concepts ○ Ingress: connect a load balancer to a Service ○ ReplicaSet: fungible replicas ○ DaemonSet: put a pod on every node ○ Job: batch workloads ○ ScheduledJob: run a Job at a certain time (cron)
  • 9. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 9 Kubernetes has a healthy ecosystem Some examples: ● Cloud providers: Azure, VMware, Openstack, Rackspace, CenturyLink ● Distros: CoreOS Tectonic, Mirantis Murano (OpenStack), RedHat Atomic,, VMTurbo ● PaaS: RedHat OpenShift, Deis, Rancher, WSO2, Gondor/Kel, Apcera ● CD: Fabric8, Shippable, CloudBees, Solano ● Deployment: Kumoru, Redspread, Spinnaker ● Package managers: Helm, KPM ● Monitoring: Prometheus, Sysdig, Datadog ● Networking: Weaveworks, Tigera, OpenContrail ● Storage: NetApp, ClusterHQ ● Appliances: Redapt, Diamante
  • 10. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 10 Kubernetes has great momentum
  • 11. To host a similar set of services on our older Openstack environment would require at least 2-3x the number of servers. The cost savings isn't even the best part. Kubernetes has allowed us to build a completely self-service pipeline for our devs and has taken the ops team out of day-to-day app management. The nodes update themselves with the latest OS and Kube shifts the workload around as they do. This infrastructure is faster, more nimble, more cost-effective and so much easier to run. This is the best infrastructure I've ever used in twenty years of doing ops and leading ops teams.
  • 12. Since we started using kubernetes, we reduced our bill to 30% of its original price, and it made everything easier and scalable just as if we were using the costly [alternative]
  • 13. Your cluster turnup story is bad, and you should feel bad awwwwwwkward
  • 14. laptop$ kubeadm --help kubeadm: bootstrap a secure Kubernetes cluster easily. /========================================================== | KUBEADM IS ALPHA, DO NOT USE IT FOR PRODUCTION CLUSTERS! | | | | But, please try it out! Give us feedback at: | | | | and at-mention @kubernetes/sig-cluster-lifecycle | ==========================================================/ Example usage: Create a two-machine cluster with one master (which controls the cluster), and one node (where workloads, like pods and containers run). On the first machine ==================== master# kubeadm init master Your token is: <token> On the second machine ===================== node# kubeadm join node --token=<token> <ip-of-master>
  • 16. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 16 The problems to be solved 1. Preserve individual identity for fungible entities 2. Provide predictable ordering and control as those entities change 3. To enable the software entities to identify and recognize the other entities by those identities 4. To get access to a consistent storage mechanism (because their identity also corresponds to data)
  • 17. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 17 I apologise in advance for this horrible metaphor
  • 18. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 18 Pets vs Cattle It's so horrible it can only be written in Comic Sans
  • 21. Sometimes cattle are just plain adorable
  • 23. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 23 It's not just the "pet" part
  • 24.
  • 25. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 25 Naming things is hard
  • 26.
  • 27. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 27 (In fairness, I can tell you the UDP joke, but I can't guarantee you will get it)
  • 28. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 28 What is a pet? A Pet Set ensures that a specified number of “pets” with unique identities are running at any given time. The identity of a Pet is comprised of: ● a stable hostname, available in DNS ● an ordinal index ● stable storage: linked to the ordinal & hostname
  • 29. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 29 you're awesomethree please ReplicaSets Master
  • 30. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 30 you're awesome ReplicaSets web-7ci7o web-kzszj web-qqcnn Master
  • 31. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 31 bleep, bloopsix please ReplicaSets web-7ci7o web-kzszj web-qqcnn Master
  • 32. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 32 bleep, bloop ReplicaSets web-7ci7o web-kzszj web-qqcnn Master web-khku8 web-nacti web-z9gth
  • 33. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 33 ReplicaSets web-7ci7o web-kzszj web-qqcnn Master web-khku8 web-nacti web-z9gth at least i'm not passing the butter lol jk, 2 is plenty
  • 34. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 34 ReplicaSets web-7ci7o Master web-z9gth at least i'm not passing the butter
  • 35. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 35 you're awesome three please, with storage PetSets Master
  • 36. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 36 you're awesome three please, with storage PetSets db-0 Master pvc-db-0pv-db-0 1:1 mapping
  • 37. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 37 you're awesome three please, with storage PetSets db-0 db-1 Master pvc-db-0 pvc-db-1 pv-db-0 pv-db-1 1:1 mapping
  • 38. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 38 you're awesome PetSets db-0 db-1 db-2 Master pvc-db-0 pvc-db-1 pvc-db-2 pv-db-0 pv-db-1 pv-db-2 1:1 mapping
  • 39. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 39 no robots shall touch my pets PetSets db-0 db-1 db-2 Master pvc-db-0 pvc-db-1 pvc-db-2 pv-db-0 pv-db-1 pv-db-2 scale down to 2, please
  • 40. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 40 no robots shall touch my pets PetSets db-0 db-1 Master pvc-db-0 pvc-db-1 pvc-db-2 pv-db-0 pv-db-1 I might come in useful some day
  • 41. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 41 What other problems do I have? ● Discovery of peers for quorum ○ Sidecars and peer finder scripts ● Startup/teardown ordering ○ Init containers ○ Implicit ordering
  • 42. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 42 InitContainers db-0 Mount some things
  • 43. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 43 InitContainers db-0 Mount some things pv-db-0
  • 44. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 44 InitContainers db-0 Copy some stuff pv-db-0
  • 45. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 45 InitContainers db-0 Write some configs pv-db-0 DNS
  • 46. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 46 InitContainers db-0 Be a database pv-db-0
  • 47. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 47 ● InitContainers and PetSet introduced in 1.3 ● InitContainers are Beta in 1.4 ● PetSet remain in Alpha "The real P0 beta blocker is solid prototypes that increase our confidence in the core feature set." Status: Alpha Thanks to Christian and Matt from
  • 48. Moving beyond the cluster
  • 49. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 49 Some terminology ● What is a cluster? ○ A bunch of machines on a high-speed network ● What is high-speed? ○ Generally "in the same building" ○ Same latency and throughput between any two machines ● How much is a bunch? ○ Enough to get the benefits of packing ○ Not too many to Accidentally Kill Everything
  • 50. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 50 shared cell (original) shared cell (compacted) non-prod load (compacted) prod-only load (compacted) # machines 25% overhead The bigger the bin, the better the packing
  • 51. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 51 How to separate ● Within a cluster ○ Use namespaces ● Within a region ○ Use NodePools to create "regional" cluster ● With multiple regions ○ Use cluster federation
  • 52. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 52 etcd scheduler controllers apiserver Users Master Nodes kubelet kubelet kubelet CLI UI API Single Kubernetes cluster
  • 53. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 53 Container Cluster All you care about API
  • 54. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 54 kubelet Control Plane Users Control Plane Clusters Federation APICLI UI API
  • 55. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 55 Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 3 europe-west1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b API CLI UI Create the clusters API API API API
  • 56. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 56 Federation consists of ● Namespace ● API Server Service with public VIP ● API Server Deployment with 2 replicas ● Controller Manager Pod with 1 replica ● Database key/value store Familiar? --context=federation-cluster Deploy the Federated Control Plane Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 3 europe-west1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b API API API API
  • 57. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 57 Add clusters to federation Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 3 europe-west1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b API API API API Federation Control Plane kubectl --context=federation-cluster create -f clusters/gce-asia-east1.yaml apiVersion: federation/v1beta1 kind: Cluster metadata: name: gce-asia-east1 spec: serverAddressByClientCIDRs: - clientCIDR: "" serverAddress: "" secretRef: name: gce-asia-east1
  • 58. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 58 Deploy a federated ReplicaSet Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 3 europe-west1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b API API API API Federation Control Plane kubectl --context=federation-cluster create -f rs/nginx.yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: ReplicaSet metadata: name: nginx spec: replicas: 4 template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.10 me again
  • 59. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 59 Deploy a federated Service Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 3 europe-west1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b API API API API Federation Control Plane kubectl --context=federation-cluster create -f service/nginx.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: labels: app: nginx name: nginx spec: ports: - port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 80 name: http selector: app: nginx type: LoadBalancer
  • 60. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 60 Each service shard gets a load balancer Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 3 europe-west1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b
  • 61. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 61 ...and each service creates a DNS entry
  • 62. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 62 Cross-cluster service discovery Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 3 europe-west1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b nslookup
  • 63. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 63 Cross-cluster service discovery Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 3 europe-west1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b nslookup DNS Clusters 3 and 4
  • 64. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 64 Cross-cluster service discovery Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 3 europe-west1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b
  • 65. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 65 Cross-cluster service discovery Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 3 europe-west1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b
  • 66. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 66 Cross-cluster service discovery Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b
  • 67. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 67 Cross-cluster service discovery Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b
  • 68. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 68 Cross-cluster service discovery Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b
  • 69. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 69 Stop the presses: Federated Ingress Cluster 1 us-east1-b Cluster 2 us-central1-b Cluster 3 europe-west1-b Cluster 4 asia-east1-b Google's Magic Global Load Balancer
  • 70. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 70 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 (**) 2017 and beyond (**) Beta 1 ● Public facing, multi-region/Cloud, cross-cluster service discovery (internal/external DNS) ● Service object API support Beta 2 ● Replica Sets ● Multi-region Ingress (L7) Load Balancing across clusters for GCP only Beta 3 ● Cross-provider, multi-region Ingress (L7) Load Balancing ● GKE IAM Integration GA! ● Non-public-facing cross-cluster service discovery ● Full support for Kubernetes API objects ● UI support for Federated Clusters ● Federated IAM ● GKE hosted control plane (**) - this is a proposed roadmap. Items listed here are subject to change. Status: Beta
  • 71. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 71 ● Kubernetes Cluster Federation Sneak Peak ● Kubernetes Cluster Federation using GKE ● Cluster Federation Admin Guide ● Cross Cluster Service Discovery Deployment Guide ● Cross Cluster Services - Achieving Higher Availability for your Kubernetes Applications Also, ● Participate with us on the Kubernetes #sig-federation ● Post issues or feature requests on GitHub ● Join us in the #federation channel on Slack Want to learn more?
  • 73. Container Camp London // @craigboxGoogle Cloud Platform 73 1.4 is coming soon! ● Use Swagger 2.0, enabled non-go clients ● StorageClass ● AppArmor Support ● PodSecurityPolicy ● New Volume Plugins: Quobyte and Azure Data Disk ● Dashboard UI ● ScheduledJobs ● InitContainers ● Workloads installable with 1 command ● GCI as default Node Image ● GKE: Curated IAM Roles ● GKE: Alpha Clusters ● GKE: Available in Oregon (and soon in Japan) ● Federate all the things: ○ Ingress for GCP ○ Namespaces ○ Services ○ Secrets ○ ReplicaSets ● Federation Events ● PodDisruptionBudget ● Ingress for Multizone Clusters ● Prioritized Scheduling of Cluster Add-ons ● Container Image Policy ● Workload spreading across failure domains ● Kubelet TLS Bootstrap ● External Source IP Preservation ● Audit Logging