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Connected Xmas Cookbook 
50 Christmas dishes from 5 countries 
based on TNS Xmas Study 
TNS 2014
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
Great Britain............................................. 
In 2013 we interviewed almost 5300 people 
from 5 countries, asking them about most 
important Christmas dishes. 
This year our colleagues from TNS prepared 
recipies for this dishes. 
Enjoy your meal!
Terrine of Duck Foie Gras with Figs............. 
Icy Yule Log................................................ 
Champagne Cocktail.................................. 
Truffled Capon with Champagne................ 
Verrines with Salmon and Lime................... 
Terrine of duck foie gras 
with figs 
Icy yule log Verrines with salmon 
and lime 
Bon appétit! 
Chocolate Truffles with Espelette Pepper....... 
Seafood Vol-au-Vent..................................... 
Lobster Cassolette with Chicory and Pastis.... 
White Sausages with Apple and Foie Gras..... 
 1 lobe of foie gras, 600 g 
 dried figs 
 a little milk 
 a shot glass of cognac 
 a drop of port 
 Guérande salt and pepper. 
Let the foie gras seep in cold water and milk overnight in the refrigerator. The next day take the lobe 
out and remove the central vein of the lobe. Cut in half. Season with salt, pepper, cognac and port. 
Place one half of the lobe in a pot, cover with figs, and then the other half of the lobe. Pour on the 
the mixture of cognac and port, and leave to sit for 24 hours in the fridge. Preheat oven to 160°C. 
Bake the dish in a water bath for 20 minutes. Leave for another 24 hours in the refrigerator. 
preparation time: 20 mins 
cooking time: 20 mins 
yield: 6 servings 
Terrine of Duck Foie Gras 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“For me, it’s the best 
Christmas dish and moreover 
it’s from my native region.” 
Stéphane Marcel 
Managing Director Innovation 
& Market Understanding 
TNS Sofres (France) 
Bon appétit ! 
of the French think of foie 
gras as one of the most 
important dishes on 
the Christmas table 
with Figs 
Terrine de Foie Gras de Canard aux Figues
 200 g chocolate 
 60 g icing sugar 
 25 cl crème fraîche 
 100 g flaked almonds 
 25 cl coffee ice cream 
 25 cl coconut ice cream 
 25 cl vanilla ice cream 
 100 g butter. 
Melt chocolate and butter in a hot water bath. Whip the crème fraîche, and add it to the chocolate. 
Stir the mixture until it is cool. Pour 1/3 of this mixture in the bottom of a cake tin, then place in the 
freezer until it hardens. Next add layers of ice-cream, alternating between flavors, and then finally 
the rest of the chocolate. Leave all in the freezer for at least 3h. Meanwhile, mix the icing sugar 
and almonds in a pan and roast over a low heat. Once the almonds are coated with caramel and 
golden, remove from heat and leave to cool. Remove the log from the freezer, unmold and sprinkle 
the almonds over the top. Place the log about in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes before serving. 
preparation time: 40 mins 
cooking time: none 
yield: 6 servings 
Icy Yule Log 
La Bûche de Noël glacée 
Author of recipe : 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“A Christmas without 
a Christmas log is not 
a Christmas!” 
Arielle Bélicha-Hardy 
Managing Director Customer 
& Employee Research 
TNS Sofres (France) 
Bon appétit ! 
of the French think of Christmas 
log as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 8 cl Cointreau 
 16 cl sugar syrup cane 
 2 squeezed limes 
 Ice cubes 
 75 cl champagne. 
Pour Cointreau into a mixing bowl, and add cane sugar and lemon juice. Leave overnight. 
Add champagne just before serving along with ice cubes. 
preparation time: 10 mins 
cooking time: none 
yield: 4 servings 
Champagne Cocktail 
Soupe au Champagne 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Thinking out of the box, 
this recipe is a good way 
to modernize an aperitif.” 
Stanislas Seveno 
Managing Director Media, 
Technologie & Loisirs 
TNS Sofres (France) 
Bon appétit ! 
of the French think of champagne 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 1 capon of at least 2.5 kg 
 1 fresh truffle 
 500 g Pleurotte mushrooms 
 1 bottle of brut champagne 
 3 sprigs of parsley 
 salt and pepper, oil 
 50 cl of thick cream. 
Clean and burn the capon. Cut the skin and slip some breakings of truffles. Pour on truffle juice, 
cover and leave to marinate in fridge for 24h. The next day, drain the capon, collecting the juice 
to marinade later. Put a tablespoon of neutral oil in a thick-bottomed pan and cook the capon from 
all sides for 25 to 30 min. Add salt and pepper. Add champagne, juice marinade, parsley and water 
to cook like a poule-au-pot over medium heat until ready. Meanwhile, clean the mushrooms and 
fry them with a little salt and pepper and set aside. Take a small pot of broth, bring to the boil and 
then reduce to a medium heat. Add the cream, adjust seasoning, and then add the mushrooms. 
Heat the serving dish (important), on which you place the drained capon and cover with 
the mushroom sauce. 
preparation time: 45 mins 
cooking time: 150 mins 
yield: 8 servings 
Truffled Capon 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“A generous dish to be shared 
with the family.” 
Laurent Guillaume 
Managing Director & CEO 
TNS Sofres (France) 
Bon appétit ! 
of the French think of poultry 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
with Champagne 
Chapon Truffé Chopé au Champagne
 4 slices of smoked salmon 
 100 g crab meat 
 2 jars of cream cheese 
 1 shallot 
 chives 
 1 lime 
 pink pepper. 
Grind the salmon and crab meat with a meat grinder (average grid). 
Add the shallots mixed with chives. Do not add salt, but add pink pepper if possible. 
Mix with the lime juice and cream cheese. Serve chilled, packed in glass jars. 
preparation time: 15 mins 
cooking time: none 
yield: 4 servings 
Verrines with Salmon 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“I love this refreshing starter 
to give a good appetite 
for the main dish.” 
Nathalie Léauté 
Managing Director 
Finance & Services 
TNS Sofres (France) 
Bon appétit ! 
of the French think of smoked 
salmon fume as one of the most 
important dishes on the 
Christmas table “ 
and Lime 
Verrines de Saumon au Citron Vert
 2 lemons 
 2 dozen oysters. 
Just open, optionally add a few lemon drops, and eat :) 
preparation time: 1 min 
cooking time: none 
yield: 2 servings 
“If you ask an oyster what it 
wears on the plate, the answer 
is a drop of lemon n°5 of course :)” 
Author of recipe: 
Constance Leroy 
Director of Consumer Business Team 
TNS Sofres (France) 
Bon appétit ! 
of the French think of oysters 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
 300 g dark chocolate 
 20 cl liquid cream 
 100 g cocoa powder 
 50 g butter 
 powdered Espelette pepper. 
Heat the cream, Espelette pepper and butter. Slowly stir the chocolate into this warm cream. 
When the ganache begins to harden, start building some chocolate balls in the palm of your hand. 
Put in fridge. When they are cold and hard, roll each truffle in cocao powder. 
Put the truffles in the refrigerator. 
preparation time: 10 mins 
cooking time: none 
yield: 6 servings 
Chocolate Truffles 
“A good moment of creativity 
with my children, the hands 
in chocolate!” 
Author of recipe: 
Raphaël Ventura 
Managing Director Consumer 
TNS Sofres (France) 
Bon appétit ! 
of the French think of chocolate 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
with Espelette Pepper 
Truffes au Chocolat et Piment d’Espelette
 500 g of seafood 
 50 cl of lobster bisque 
 1 chopped garlic and parsley 
 6 puff pastry vol-au-vents 
 butter 
 cognac 
 pepper. 
Remove water surplus from seafood, then fry in butter. Add the minced garlic and parsley. 
Cook for 2 minutes. Blaze with cognac, then add the lobster bisque. Cook over a low heat 
for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, put the vol-au-vents in oven. Garnish right out of the oven. 
Can be eaten as a starter, or as a main dish with rice. 
preparation time: 15 mins 
cooking time: 15 mins 
yield: 6 servings 
Seafood Vol-au-Vent 
Bouchées aux Fruits de Mer 
“A classic starter, which 
evokes memories of my 
Author of recipe: 
Emmanuel Rivière 
Managing Director Business Team 
Stratégies d'opinion 
TNS Sofres (France) 
Bon appétit ! 
of the French think of seafood 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
 2 live lobsters 850 g each 
 5 l water 
 150 g of sea salt 
 1 bunch of dill 
 4 chicories 
 10 cl of Pastis 
 20 cl base sauce of lobster Lacroix 
 10 cl cream 
 sugar, salt and pepper. 
Bring water to a boil with sea salt, sugar and dill. Pour over lobsters and let them cool 
in this water. Meanwhile, cut the chicories in half lengthwise and steam them in a little olive oil. 
Season with salt and pepper, and add a pinch of sugar. Add a little water and cover. 
Cook the chicories and store the cooking liquid. Bring the cooking liquid, 
Pastis and the cream to a boil. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the lobster in half length wise 
and open the clips. Remove the lobster meat and heat them in the sauce. 
Serve with chicories and finally, garnish with dill. 
preparation time: 120 mins 
cooking time: 30 mins 
yield: 4 servings 
Lobster Cassolette 
“I really love cooking this dish 
with the mouth-watering, 
subtle fragrance it gives off…” 
Author of recipe: 
Marie-Agathe Nicoli 
Managing Director Automotive 
TNS Sofres (France) 
Bon appétit ! 
of the French think of lobster 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
with Chicory and Pastis 
Cassolette de Homard aux Chicons et Pastis
 4 white pudding sausages 
 60 g foie gras 
 4 pippin apples 
 50g butter 
 mustard 
 Calvados 
 20 cl cream 
 lemon juice 
 chopped parsley 
 8 black peppercorns & coarse salt. 
Prick the sausages with a fork. Roast them in a pan with 20 g of butter, turning often. Meanwhile, 
peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut them into slices. Immediately sprinkle with lemon juice to 
keep the white flesh. In another pan, melt the remaining butter and stir apple slices about 3 minutes 
on each side. Carefully crush the peppercorns and salt in a mortar. Arrange the sausages on four hot 
plates. Lay beside the fried apples and slices of foie gras. Pour the mustard into the pan that 
contained the sausages and fry on medium heat. Then add the calvados and cream. Season with salt 
and pepper. Stir the chopped parsley into the sauce. Remove from heat as soon as the cream thickens 
and pour on sausages. 
preparation time: 15 mins 
cooking time: 25 mins 
yield: 4 servings 
White Sausages with 
“Foie gras and Calvados, 
a good way to gather with 
Normans and Gascons!” 
Author of recipe: 
François Baradat 
Marketing Director 
TNS Sofres (France) 
Bon appétit ! 
of the French think of white sausage 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
Apple and Foie Gras 
Boudin Blanc Poêlé, éventail de Pommes et de Foie Gras
Terrine of duck foie gras 
with figs 
Bon appetit! 
Icy yule log Verrines with salmon 
and lime 
Great Britain 
Christmas Pudding.................................... 
Mince Pies................................................. 
Roast Potatoes.......................................... 
Gravy for the Roast Dinner........................ 
Chestnut Stuffing.......................................... 
Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta..................... 
Christmas Cake............................................. 
Homemade Chocolate Truffles...................... 
Pigs in Blankets............................................. 
Enjoy your meal!
 1 turkey (about 6.3kg) oven ready 
 175 g softened butter 
 225 g streaky bacon 
 salt and freshly milled black 
Take the turkey out of the fridge last thing the night before to allow it to come to room temperature. 
On the morning of cooking, pre-heat the oven to gas mark 220°C then stuff the turkey (see the 
recipe for chestnut stuffing). 
Loosely pack the stuffing into the neck end, then tuck the neck flap under the bird's back. 
Lay the turkey in a roasting tin and rub it generously all over with the butter. Next season the bird 
all over with salt and pepper, and lay the bacon over the breast with the rashers overlapping. 
Place the roasting tin on a low shelf in the oven and cook at the initial high temperature for 40 
minutes. After that, lower the heat to gas mark 3, 325°F (170°C) and cook for a further 3½ hours. 
After this time, turn the heat up to gas mark 6, 400°F (200°C) and cook the turkey for a further 30 
minutes. The turkey will need frequent basting throughout the last 30 minutes. 
To test if the bird is cooked, pierce the thickest part of the leg with a thin skewer: the juices running 
out of it should be golden and clear. Leave the turkey in a warmish place for 30-60 minutes to 'relax' 
before carving. 
preparation time: 30 mins 
cooking time: 5 hrs 
yield: 6-8 servings 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Christmas just wouldn’t be 
the same without the traditional 
Turkey lunch! There’s normally 
leftovers so you can test your 
culinary skills by making 
wonderful Turkey curries 
and soups!” 
Sarah Fernandes 
Enjoy your meal! 
of people in Britain think of turkey 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table “ 
 50 g blanched almonds 
 2 large Bramley cooking apples 
 200 g box candied peel (in large 
pieces) or all citron if you can find it 
 1 whole nutmeg (you'll use three 
quarters of it) 
 1 kg raisins 
 140 g plain flour 
Chop the almonds coarsely. Peel, core and chop the apples. Sharpen your knife and chop the candied peel. 
Grate three quarters of the nutmeg (sounds a lot but it's correct). Mix all the ingredients for the pudding, 
except the butter, in a large bowl. 
Holding the butter in its wrapper, grate a quarter of it into the bowl, then stir everything together. Repeat until 
all the butter is grated, then stir for 3-4 minutes - the mixture is ready when it subsides slightly after each stir. 
Generously butter two 1.2 litre bowls and put a disc of greaseproof paper in the bottom of each. Pack in the 
pudding mixture. Cover with a double layer of greaseproof paper or baking parchment, pleating it to allow for 
expansion, then tie with string (keep the paper in place with a rubber band while tying). Trim off any excess paper 
Now stand each bowl on a large sheet of foil and bring the edges up over the top, then put another sheet of foil 
over the top and bring it down underneath to make a double package (this makes the puddings watertight). 
Tie with more string, and make a handle for easy lifting in and out of the pan. 
Boil or oven steam the puddings for 8 hours, topping up with water as necessary. Remove from the pans and 
leave to cool overnight. When cold, discard the messy wrappings and re-wrap in spanking new greaseproof 
or baking parchment, foil and string. Store in a cool, dry place until Christmas. 
On Christmas Day, boil or oven steam for 1 hour. Unwrap and turn out. To flame, warm 3-4 tbsp brandy in 
a small pan, pour it over the pudding and set light to it. 
preparation time: 1 hr 
cooking time: 8 hrs 
1 hr cooking on the day 
yield: 8 servings 
Christmas Pudding 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“This is my favourite Christmas 
Pudding recipe so I hope you 
enjoy making it and if you can, 
ask your family to help stir 
the mixture and make a wish! 
Harvey Jewell 
Marketing Executive 
Enjoy your meal! 
of people in Britain think of pudding 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 100 g soft fresh white breadcrumbs 
 100 g light muscovado sugar, 
crumbled if it looks lumpy 
 3 large eggs 
 2 tbsp brandy or cognac, plus extra 
to flame 
 250 g packet butter, taken straight 
from the fridge. 
 1 large jar mincemeat 
(about 600 g) 
 2 satsumas, segmented 
 1 apple, finely chopped 
 zest 1 lemon 
 little icing sugar, for dusting. 
For the after pastry 
 375 g plain flour 
 260 g unsalted butter, softened 
 125 g caster sugar, plus extra 
for sprinkling 
 1 large egg, plus 1 beaten egg 
for glazing. 
Place the flour and butter in a bowl and rub together to a crumb consistency. Add the sugar and the 
egg, and mix together. Tip out onto a lightly floured surface and fold until the pastry comes together, 
be careful not to over mix. Wrap the pastry in cling film and chill for 10 mins. 
Scoop the mincemeat into a bowl and add the satsumas, apple and zest. 
Heat oven to 220°C/200°C fan/gas 7. Roll out the pastry to 3 mm thick. Using a round cutter (about 
10cm), cut out 16 bases and place them into muffin trays. Put 1.5 tbsps mincemeat mixture into 
each. Brush the edge of each pie with a little beaten egg. Re-roll out the pastry to cut 7cm lids and 
press them on top to seal. Glaze with the rest of the egg, sprinkle with caster sugar, then make a 
small cut in the tops. 
Bake mince pies for 15-20 mins until golden brown. Leave to cool before releasing them from the 
muffin trays and dusting with icing sugar. Serve. 
preparation time: 45 mins 
cooking time: 15 mins 
yield: 18 servings 
Mince Pies 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Eating the first mince pie 
of the season means Christmas 
is on its way! Serve with a glass 
of mulled wine – delicious!” 
Caroline Minall 
PA/Office Manager 
Enjoy your meal! 
of people in Britain think of mince 
pies as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 200 ml red wine 
 3 tbsp cornflour 
 600 ml turkey or chicken stock 
 2 tbsp redcurrant jelly 
 200 ml/7fl oz turkey juices, 
skimmed of all fat. 
Mix 3 tbsp of wine with cornflour until smooth, then add the rest of the wine. Heat stock in a pan, 
then pour in the wine mixture and redcurrant jelly, stirring until thick. Cover the surface with cling 
film to stop a skin forming. Chill for up to two days. To serve, reheat in a pan until bubbling, then stir 
in the turkey juices. 
preparation time: 15 mins 
cooking time: 10 mins 
yield: 6 - 8 servings 
Gravy for the Roast Dinner 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Christmas just wouldn't be 
the same without a good gravy 
on the table.” 
Jamie Willard 
UK Marketing Director 
Enjoy your meal! 
of people in Britain think 
of roast dinner with gravy 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 1¼ kg potatoes, halved 
or quartered if large 
 2 tbsp flour 
 4 tbsp sunflower oil. 
Heat oven to 220°C/200°C fan/gas 6. Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil, 
add the potatoes, then boil for 5 mins. Drain the potatoes well, then shake in the 
colander (or back in the pan), to rough up the edges a little. Tip into your largest 
roasting tin and sprinkle with the flour and some salt. Stir, then drizzle over the oil 
and stir again so that no dusty flour remains. 
Roast for 50 minutes. 
preparation time: 19 mins 
cooking time: 1 hr, 10 mins 
yield: 8 servings 
Roast Potatoes 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Everyone loves a good 
roastie, the crunchier 
the better and what doesn’t 
get swept up at the start 
soon gets finished off when 
going back for seconds!” 
Georgina Whiting 
Delivery PA 
Enjoy your meal! 
of people in Britain think 
of roast potatoes as one 
of the most important dishes 
on theChristmas table 
 450 g peeled chestnuts, cooked 
and very finely chopped 
 1 large onion, finely chopped 
 110 g smoked streaky bacon, finely 
 the liver from the turkey, chopped 
 25 g butter 
 4 level tbsp chopped fresh parsley 
 1 level dessertspoon chopped fresh 
 ¼ level tsp ground mace 
 225 g best-quality pork sausage 
meat, or finely minced pure pork 
 salt and freshly milled black 
Melt the butter in a large frying pan and cook the onion, bacon and chopped turkey liver for 
10 minutes or so, until the onion looks transparent and everything is tinged gold at the edges. 
Now tip the contents of the pan into a large mixing bowl and add all the remaining ingredients. 
Season with salt and pepper, and mix very thoroughly. 
Leave the stuffing covered in a cool place – but not in the fridge, as it shouldn't be too cold when 
you come to stuff the turkey. 
On the morning of cooking, stuff the turkey. Loosen the skin with your hands and pack the stuffing 
into the neck end, pushing it up between the flesh and the skin towards the breast (though not too 
tightly because it will expand during the cooking). Press it in gently to make a nice rounded end, 
then tuck the neck flap under the bird's back and secure with a small skewer. 
Don't expect to get all the stuffing in this end – put the rest into the body cavity. 
preparation time: 30 mins 
cooking time: see turkey recipe 
yield: 8 servings 
Chestnut Stuffing 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“When I think of chestnut 
stuffing, I definitely relate this 
to the festive season as it is an 
essential/vital accompaniment 
that brings out that sweet & 
nutty exquisite taste in a 
poultry dish and compliments 
it supremely.” 
Marleen Brown 
Delivery – Team Support Manager 
Enjoy your meal! 
of people in Britain think 
of stuffing as one of the most 
important dishes on the 
Christmas table “ 
Peeling chestnuts is a chore at the best of times, but with the pressures 
of Christmas it can seem even more tiresome. So, if you can get hold 
of peeled chestnuts in a vacuum pack or container, that will make life 
infinitely easier. 
 1 kg brussels sprouts 
 100 g thinly sliced pancetta, 
cut into 2 cm strips 
 about 4 tbsp hot goose fat 
 a handful of shredded sage. 
Blanch the brussels sprouts in a pan of boiling salted water for 3 minutes, then drain and tip into 
a bowl of iced water to cool quickly. Drain well again and set aside until nearly ready to serve. 
Sauté the pancetta in the hot goose fat until crisp. Toss in the sprouts and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, 
adding the sage to serve. 
preparation time: 5 mins 
cooking time: 5 mins 
yield: 6 servings 
Brussels Sprouts with 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“A great, easy and tasty way 
to spruce up your sprouts. 
We love them in our family!” 
Carla Bateman 
Senior PA 
Enjoy your meal! 
of people in Britain think 
of brussels sprouts as one 
of the most important dishes 
on the Christmas table 
 450 g currants 
 175 g each of sultanas and raisins 
 50 g chopped glace cherries 
 50 g chopped mixed candied peel 
 50g chopped almonds 
 Grated zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange 
 3 tbsp brandy 
 225 g plain flour 
Put all the dried fruit and peel in a bowl, stir in the brandy and leave overnight 
for the fruit to soak up the alcohol. 
Next day, whisk the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy. 
Add the beaten eggs slowly, whisking all the time. 
Fold in the sifted flour and spices, next add the fruit mixture, the chopped nuts and 
the orange & lemon zest. Grease and line a 20 cm round cake tin – spread the cake 
mix in the tin. If not intending to use white icing later, arrange the whole almonds 
on the top. Cover the top of the cake with greaseproof paper. 
Bake at 140°C on the lowest oven shelf for 4 ½ -5 hours. 
When cool, make small holes with a skewer and feed with more brandy, if desired. 
preparation time: overnight soaking 
cooking & preparation time: 6 hrs 
yield: 8 servings 
Christmas Cake 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Finish off Christmas day 
with a slice of Christmas cake 
and a cup of tea! 
A perfect way to finish off 
a lovely day.” 
Gemma Brown 
PA to UK Board Director 
Enjoy your meal! 
of people in Britain think 
of Christmas cakes one 
of the most important dishes 
on the Christmas table 
 225 g plain flour 
 4 large eggs 
 ¼ tsp grated nutmeg 
 ½ tsp ground mixed spice 
 225 g unsalted butter 
 225 g soft brown sugar 
 110 g whole skinless almonds 
for the top (or use white icing). 
 150 g plain chocolate 
(70% cocoa solids) 
 25 g unsalted butter 
 150 ml thick double cream 
 2 tbsp brandy or rum 
 1 tbsp Greek yoghurt 
 small paper cases. 
For plain truffles: 
 spoonful of cocoa powder. 
For nut truffles: 
 45g flaked almonds, finely 
chopped and toasted. 
Put chocolate into food processor and grind until it looks granular, like sugar. 
Gently heat the cream, butter, rum/brandy in a saucepan to simmering point 
Turn the food processor on and pour the mixture onto the chocolate 
– blending until a smooth mixture. Blend in the yoghurt and transfer the mixture 
(quite runny!) into a bowl and refrigerate overnight. 
Sift cocoa powder onto one plate – toasted almonds onto another, take a teaspoon 
of the mixture and roll into a ball, then in the cocoa powder or the nuts. 
Put in paper case, keep refrigerated and eat within 3 days. 
preparation time: 20 mins 
refrigerate overnight 
yield: approx. 36 
Chocolate Truffles 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Love making these with the 
kids – can never have too much 
mess at Christmas!” 
Kate Bolton 
L&D Director 
Enjoy your meal! 
of people in Britain think of 
chocolate as one of the most 
important dishes on the 
Christmas table 
 350 g pork chipolata sausages 
 225 g streaky bacon rashers. 
Cut the sausages and bacon rashers in half and wrap each half 
sausage in a half rasher of bacon. Put on a baking tray with the end 
of the bacon tucked underneath. Roast at the same time as the turkey 
at 180°C for about 30 minutes till golden, turn over and roast 
for 10 more minutes. 
preparation time: 10 mins 
cooking time: 40 mins 
yield: 6 servings 
Pigs in Blankets 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Pigs in blankets are one of 
those accompaniments that 
only ever appear on December 
25th. And no matter how 
much turkey you’ve eaten, 
there is always room for one 
more of those little guys!” 
Kim Hancock 
Qual Team Co-ordinator 
Enjoy your meal! 
people in Britain think of 
pigs in blankets as one of the 
most important dishes on the 
Christmas table 
Terrine of duck foie gras 
with figs 
Icy yule log Verrines with salmon 
and lime 
Panettone with Cream Filling.................... 
Pandoro Star............................................. 
Dried Fruit Salad....................................... 
Nougat with Hazelnut Cream................... 
Cotechino and Lentils.............................. 
Cappelletti in Broth....................................... 
Christmas Cookies........................................ 
Struffoli Donuts............................................ 
Baked Capitone............................................ 
Buon appetito!
 1 Panettone cake 
For the custard: 
 2 egg yolks 
 100 g sugar 
 1 tbsp of flour 
 ½ tsp of vanilla 
 200 ml milk. 
Cook in pan until the cream thickens, 
stir the cream all the time. 
Remove the top of the cake with a sharp knife and hollow it. 
To make the filling, mix the ingredients and heat in pan until the cream is ready. 
Mix all the time. Put the mixture into a bowl, add panettone pieces, crumbled 
“marron glace” and whipped cream. 
preparation time: 30 mins 
cooking time: 5-7 mins 
yield: 10 servings 
Panettone with Cream 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“It's a new type of serving 
traditional Panettone. 
You can also use other 
ingredients for the filling, 
for example fresh fruits.” 
Gabriele Ongaro 
Account Director Automotive 
TNS Italy 
Buon appetito! 
of Italians think of Panettone 
as one of the most important 
disheson the Christmas table 
Panettone alla Crema Pasticcera
 1 Pandoro cake 
For the mascarpone cream: 
 300 g mascarpone 
 2 eggs 
 2 tbsp castor sugar 
 1 or 2 tbsp cornstarch 
or potato starch. 
Put the eggs and sugar in a bowl and beat until the mixture becomes white and fluffy. 
Add mascarpone and mix gently. Put the mixture into a fridge for 2 hours. 
Meanwhile, mix espresso with rum and sugar and put back to cool. 
Cut Pandoro into slices (horizontally), dip them in coffee mixture 
and put the cream on each slice already cut into a star shape. 
Rebuild the Pandoro cake. Decorate with the split of mascarpone cream. 
preparation time: 30 mins 
cooking time: none 
yield: 10 servings 
Pandoro Star 
Pandoro a Stella 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“A very impressive dessert! 
Easy to prepare!” 
Andrea Galimberti 
Account Director Automotive 
TNS Italy 
Buon appetito! 
of Italians think of Pandora 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
For the espresso bath: 
 6 cups of espresso 
 1 cup of dark rum 
 sugar. 
To decorate: 
 chocolate sprinkles 
 silver sugar pearls 
 powdered sugar 
 cocoa powder. 
 mix of dried fruits 
 sweet white wine 
 zest of 1 orange 
 1 tbsp honey 
 1 stick of cinnamon. 
Heat the wine, orange peel and honey in a pan for 5 min. 
Remove from the heat and add dried fruits. 
Leave to soak for 1 hour with a cinnamon. 
After 1 hour remove the cinnamon and serve. 
preparation time: 15 mins 
cooking time: 5 mins 
yield: 6 servings 
Dried Fruit Salad 
Frutta Secca 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“A pleasant alternative way 
for serving traditional fruit 
salad and really easy to 
Gabriella Bergaglio 
& Business Development Manager 
TNS Italy 
Buon appetito! 
of Italians think of dried fruits 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 tender nougat 
 hazelnut cream 
 whipped cream. 
Mix pieces of tender Torrone, hazelnut cream and whipped cream, 
put the mixture into a fridge. 
preparation time: 15 mins 
cooking time: none 
yield: 4 servings 
Nougat with Hazelnut Cream 
Torrone con Crema alla Nocciola 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Nougat is one of the most 
traditional Christmas sweets 
in Italy and cannot be missed 
on the Christmas table.” 
Fabrizio Andreose 
Account Director Finance 
TNS Italy 
Buon appetito! 
of Italians think of nougat 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 1 Cotechino sausage 
 2 cl extra virgin olive oil 
 1 small onion 
 1 bay leaf 
 2 cloves 
 350 g dried lentils 
or canned lentils 
 100 g peeled tomatoes 
 salt and pepper. 
Put the lentils into cold water to soak for 12 hours. Perforate the sausage with a skewer 
and put it into a pot with a cold water (non salted). Bring to the boil over a medium heat 
for 2 hours. 
Meanwhile, peel and chop the onion. Put the onion in a pan and heat with oil and cloves. 
When the onion gets blond colour add drained lentils. Fry for thirty seconds. 
Add peeled tomatoes. Bring to the boil, simmer for 30 minutes until the lentils are soft. 
Add salt and pepper. Drain the Cotechino, remove the skin from the sausage and serve 
with lentils and black pepper. 
preparation time: 3,5 hrs 
+12 hrs for lentils to soak 
cooking time: 2,5hrs 
yield: 8 servings 
Cotechino and Lentils 
Cotechino con Lenticchie 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“It's a very characteristic dish, 
wishing prosperity for the 
New Year's Eve, evergreen 
on Italian tables.” 
Grazia Grassi 
Commercial Director 
TNS Italy 
Buon appetito! 
of Italians think of cotechino 
and lentils as one of the most 
important dishes on the 
Christmas table “ 
 200 g cappelletti or meat ravioli 
 1 carrot 
 1 celery 
 1 onion 
 500 g beef boiled for the broth 
 4 bay leaves 
 salt. 
Wash vegetables and put them in a deep pan, add meat, 
bay leaves and pinch of salt. 
Cover with cold water and cook for about 2 hours. 
When the broth is ready, filter it and bring back to the boil. 
Add Cappelletti and cook for 10 minutes. 
preparation time: 3 hrs 
cooking time: 2hrs 10 mins 
yield: 4 servings 
Cappelletti in Broth 
Cappelletti in Brodo 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Today more and more rarely 
this type of stuffed pasta is 
prepared by hand by mothers 
or grandmothers, who a few 
days before Christmas, 
especially in the past, devoted 
themselves to this recipe. ” 
Fiorella Riboldi 
Account Manager Finance 
TNS Italy 
Buon appetito! 
of Italians think of cappelletti 
in broth as one of the most 
important dishes on the 
Christmas table “ 
 350 g flour 
 4 egg yolks 
 butter 250 g 
 yeast 
 8 g sugar 
 150 g vanilla 
 1 lemon, grated rind. 
Put in a large bowl flour, cold butter-cut into small pieces, 4 yolks, sugar, 
vanilla, yeast and lemon peel. Mix all ingredients. Roll out the cake 
with a rolling pin on a floured surface until you get 3-4 mm thickness. 
Cut from the rolled cake various forms using the molds. 
Put the cookies on a parchment paper. 
Brush cookies with egg white and sprinkle with brown sugar. 
Put in oven for 20 minutes, make a hole in cookies and aply a red ribbon inside. 
Hang on the Christmas Tree. 
preparation time: 2,5 hrs 
cooking time: 20 mins 
yield: 6 servings 
Christmas Cookies 
Biscotti di Natale 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“You can hang the cookies 
on the Christmas Tree and make 
joy to your children.” 
Ivana Ventura 
Chief Development Officer 
Qualitative Practice Lead 
TNS Italy 
Buon appetito! 
of Italians think of Christmas 
cookies as one of the most 
important dishes on the 
Christmas table 
 500 g flour 
 3 eggs 
 1 glass of anise 
 salt 
 200 g butter 
 150 g sugar 
 1 vanilla 
 500 g honey 
 sunflower oil 
 1 box of colored sprinkles. 
Mix all ingredients except honey and colored sprinkles. 
Knead all the ingredientsand put back for 10 min. 
Make small balls of cake from the big one 
and put them into deep pan with a boiling oil. 
Remove Struffoli from the oil when they become golden. 
Meanwhile, in another pan, melt honey and add cooked struffoli. 
Sprinkle with almonds. 
preparation time: 50 mins 
cooking time: 20 mins 
yield: 6 servings 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Struffoli are typical sweets 
for South Italy. 
Excellent for tea time with 
friends and family.” 
Cristina Colombo 
Chief Client Officer 
TNS Italy 
Buon appetito! 
of Italians think of Struffoli 
as one of the typical dishes 
on the Christmas table 
 1 kg capitone or anguilla 
 bay leaves 
 extra virgin olive oil 
 lemon juice 
 salt. 
Wash and peel the fish. Cut the eel into small pieces (2 fingers high). 
Season with salt, bay leaves and oil. Bake at 180°C for 45 minutes. 
Serve hot with some lemon juice. 
preparation time: 1,5 hr 
cooking time: 45 mins 
yield: 6 servings 
Baked Capitone 
Capitone / Anguilla al Forno 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Baked Capitone is a typical 
dish for South Italy. It’s a fat 
fish, so it’s good to have it 
baked and to serve it with 
Luisa Sanchi 
Research Service Manager 
TNS Italy 
Buon appetito! 
of Italians think of baked 
Capitone as one of the typical 
dishes on the Christmas table 
Terrine of duck foie gras 
with figs 
Icy yule log Verrines with salmon 
and lime 
Pork Ribs.................................................. 
Cured Lamb Meat..................................... 
Rice Pudding............................................ 
Cloudberry Pudding................................. 
Roasted Turkey with Port Wine Sauce........ 
Dried Cod treated with Lye........................... 
Roast Pork.................................................... 
Roasted Leg of Reindeer............................... 
Håper det smaker!
 4 kg pork ribs in one piece with 
the rind and bones 
 50 g of ground black pepper 
 salt 
 1-2 onions 
 1-2 carrots 
 1 large garlic 
 2 apples 
 2-3 tbsp soy sauce. 
Create nice little squares on the rind with a sharp knife, follow the direction of the bones. 
Season with salt and ground black pepper, one or two days in advance. 
Let the ribs stand in the refrigerator until it is cooked. 
Place ribs in pan with rind side down. Pour 1 litre of cold water in the pan and add 
the chopped onion, 2-3 unpeeled cloves of garlic and chopped carrot, cook in the oven 
for about an hour at 180°C After one hour, turn the rib piece, so it is with the rind up. 
Pour in a little more water, add apple slices in the pan, pour the sauce over the rind 
and cook for a further hour. 
Last half hour increase the temperature to 230°C. Pour broth over ribs often. 
Top up with water if it starts to get dry in the pan. 
This last phase is for the rind to be golden brown and crispy, pay close attention 
to the temperature so it does not burn. 
When the pork ribs are done, allow it to rest for 20-30 minutes. Strain the sauce with 
a large colander and place it in a saucepan. You may like to have the vegetables in the 
strainer and press out the good juice. The vegetables you throw when you've got 
the juice. thicken the gravy with a little flour and add a couple of spoons with 
soy sauce. Bring to a boil and season with salt and pepper. 
I serve the pork ribs with meatballs, Christmas sausages, red cabbage, gravy, potatoes, 
lingonberry jam, mustard and lefse. Enjoy with beer and aquavit. 
preparation time: 1 hr 
cooking time: 2-2,5 hrs or cooking 
thermometer reaches 75 °C 
yield: 6-8 servings 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
Pork Ribs 
“The aroma of a rib roasting in the 
oven puts me in the Christmas spirit. 
It bears witness to a time of pleasant 
moments with family and friends. 
And good meals.” 
Anders G. Hovde 
Senior Consultant 
TNS Norway 
Håper det smaker! 
of Norwegians think of pork ribs 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 2 kg pinnekjøtt 
(allow about 500 gr per person) 
 1 piece of rutabaga 
 100 g butter 
 1 tsp salt 
 pepper 
 potatoes. 
Pinnekjøtt is made from ribs of lamb or mutton that has been salted 
and dried, and so it has a very strong flavour. Pinnekjøtt directly translates 
into “stick meat” in English, but the name doesn’t come from the shape 
of the meat (e.g. the ribs forming sticks). The name comes from the birch 
sticks that are used as a steamer to cook the meat. 
The birch sticks also add a subtle sweet-minty flavour to the meat. 
Estimate about 500 grams pinnekjøtt per person. Add the lamb ribs in water overnight. 
This is important, then the lamb ribs get less salty and softer. Add birch-sticks (or anything else that 
can withstand boiling and prevents the meat comes into contact with the water) in a pan. Add the 
Pinnekjøtt. Add some water, but not so much that it comes in contact with meat. Replace the lid. 
Let it evaporate. The absolute minimum is two hours, but preferably there should be three hours. 
Lamb rib gets even better if it’s steaming yet further. Do not allow the pan to become dry. 
Fill more water if necessary. 
After the meat is steamed, roast the meat for a few minutes under the grill in the oven before 
preparation time: 1 hr 
cooking time: 2-3 hrs 
yield: 4 servings 
Cured Lamb Meat 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“My husband has this receipt 
from his family from western 
Norway. All the five kids 
love it; there is no Christmas 
without Pinnekjøtt!” 
Cecilie Køvstad 
Associate Director 
TNS Norway 
Håper det smaker! 
of Norwegians think of cured lamb 
meat as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
Extras: mashed swede, 2 kg kohlrabi, 2 potatoes, 2 carrots, butter, cream, grated nutmeg, 
salt and pepper, gravy or fat from the lamb ribs. 
Separate into pieces. Put the pieces in pan with carrot and two potatoes. Cook the pieces until 
tender in well-salted water. Strain off. Add cream. Add salt, pepper and fat from the Pinnekjøtt. 
Serve the Pinnekjøtt with mashed swede and boiled almond potatoes, aquavit and beer. 
 300 ml rice porridge 
(leftovers from yesterday is fine) 
 300 ml cream 
 1 table spoon sugar 
 1 tea spoon vanilla sugar 
 50 g almond, scolded and finely 
 2 almond drops. 
Red sauce: 
 200 g strawberries (frozen is fine) 
 500 ml water 
 100 g powdered sugar. 
Creamed rice: 
Whip cream, sugar and vanilla sugar to an airy cream. 
Mix the cream into the porridge and decorate with chopped almonds. 
Add a couple of almond drops for taste. 
Red sauce: 
Bring to the boil strawberries, water and powdered sugar, let boil a couple of minutes. 
Cool down and blend to a smooth sauce. 
preparation time: 15-20 mins 
cooking time: 5 mins 
yield: 4 servings 
Rice Pudding 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Creamed rice is the finale 
of the Christmas dinner – 
without it the dinner feels 
Atle Følgesvold 
Senior Consultant 
TNS Norway 
Håper det smaker! 
of Norwegians think of rice pudding 
as one of the most important dishes 
on the Christmas table 
 3 dl cream 
 2 tbs sugar 
 3 dl sweetened cloudberries. 
Whip cream and sugar. Mix sweetened cloudberries into the whipped cream. 
Serve with wafer biscuits. 
preparation time: 15-20 mins 
cooking time: none 
yield: 4 servings 
Cloudberry Pudding 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Cloudberrys that you have 
picked yourself awake 
memories from the late 
summer mountain trips, 
giving the family Christmas 
dinner an extra dimension!” 
Cesilie Bollingmo 
Head of Department 
TNS Norway 
Håper det smaker! 
of Norwegians think of cloudberry 
pudding as one of the most 
important dishes on the Christmas 
table “ 
24% Ingredients: 
Roasted Turkey 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“I grew up in Norway with 
a father from England. 
Christmas showed signs of 
traditions from both countries 
and I remember especially 
well the traditional English 
turkey dinner.” 
Magnus Clough 
IT Manager 
TNS Norway 
 1 l dripping from oven tray 
 5 tbsp flour 
 juice of 2 oranges and finely 
grated zest of 1 orange 
 3/4 dl port wine 
 salt and white pepper. 
Håper det smaker! 
of Norwegians think of turkey 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table “ 
 500 g turkey per. person 
 butter for brushing the turkey 
and roasting 
 salt and white pepper. 
 1 onion 
 ½ loaf without crust -diced 
 1 apple 
 1 piece of celery 
 250 g dried fruits (apricots, prunes, 
apples and peaches) 
 150g walnuts 
 2 tbs of fresh chopped parsley 
 1 tbs of fresh chopped thyme 
 2 eggs 
 1 tsp salt 
 ½ tsp white pepper. 
Remove the bag of guts from the turkey and fry with in a pan before moving it to a kettle. 
Cover it with water, boil and let it sit over low heat, ideally for an hour. 
Use the sieve to remove the boiling water. 
To make the filling: 
Finely chop the onion and fry quickly in butter with the bread dices. Add coarsely grated apple and celery. 
Cut the dried fruit into strips and chop the walnuts. Mix everything together and add the parsley and thyme. 
Finally add the eggs. Fill the turkey with stuffing and tie together the wings and legs for a more even cooking. 
Brush well with butter mixed with salt and pepper and place in the oven at 160 °C. Calculate 30 minutes per kg 
turkey + 30 minutes for the filling. The turkey should be cooked on a rack over a roasting pan with 
the bottom just barely covered with water. Keep refilling the water during cooking. 
When finished, keep the cooking juices in the pan for use in the sauce. 
To make the sauce: 
Boil together extract from the guts and juices from the cooking pan. Add the flour mixed with some water. 
Let the sauce simmer for 5 minutes and add the orange juice and zest. Season with port wine. 
preparation time: 1hr 
cooking time: 30 mins per kilo turkey 
+ 30 mins for the stuffing 
yield: 500 gr turkey per person 
with Port Wine Sauce 
Helstekt Kalkun med Portvinssaus
 3 kg lutefisk 
 3 tbsp salt 
 150 g bacon. 
Mashed peas: 
 500 g frozen peas 
 1 tsp sugar 
 1,5 tbsp butter 
 1 tsp fresh thyme 
 salt and pepper. 
Side dishes: 
boiled potatoes, mustard, 
syrup and brown cheese. 
The oven must be heated to 200°C. Place the lutefisk with the skin in the bottom 
in a roasting tin. Sprinkle the salt and cover with foil of aluminium. Cook the lutefish 
in the middle of the oven about 40 minutes. 
Cut the bacon into small pieces and cook on low heat until it is golden and crispy. 
Mashed peas: 
Boil peas in water with some sugar. Mix with butter and thyme, and taste with salt 
and pepper. 
preparation time: 1 hr 
cooking time: 40 mins 
yield: 4 servings 
Dried Cod treated with Lye 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“An old traditional Norwegian 
dish which I eat several times 
during Christmas time. It is made 
out of dried cod, with distinct 
flavor and taste. Cold beer and 
Norwegian aquavit (schnapps) 
is definitely required!” 
Gunnar Vogt 
Associate Director 
TNS Norway 
Håper det smaker! 
of Norwegians think of lutefisk 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 1 kg pork 
 1 onion 
 2 carrots 
 salt 
 pepper 
 ½ l water. 
Season the meat with salt and pepper. Chop vegetables in large chunks. 
Place the meat, vegetables and water in ovenproof dish. 
Roast the meat at 125°C until the core reach 72°C. 
Use a spoon and pour gravy over the meat every 20 minutes. Let the meat rest 
for 15 minutes before slicing. Use the gravy as basis for sauce. 
Use maizena or flour to make it thicker, add salt pepper and some red wine. 
Serve with boiled potatoes, vegetables and red cabbage, beer and aquavit. 
preparation time: 15 mins 
cooking time: 1,5 hr 
yield: 5 servings 
Roast Pork 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“In my family the roast pork 
replaced the more traditional 
pork rib and is now a ‘must 
have’ on Christmas Eve.” 
Kari Nordstad 
Head of Department 
TNS Norway 
Håper det smaker! 
of Norwegians think of roast pork 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 1 kg cod loin 
 8 green asparagus 
 bacon 
 ½ onion 
 2 dl cream 
 250 g salted butter 
 parsley 
 2 dl white wine 
 salt 
 potatoes. 
Cut the fish into 8 pieces and season them with salt and pepper. 
Put into the oven at 180°C for 10-12 minutes. Fry the bacon so that it becomes crispy. 
Finely chop the onion and cook in white wine until it evaporates. Let the cream cook 
until two thirds remains. Cut the butter into cubes and whisk them into the cream. 
The sauce must not boil. Season with parsley, lemon juice, salt and pepper. 
Break off the bottom part of the asparagus and peel the lower part of the stalk. 
Boil water with salt and let the asparagus cook for 2-3 minutes. 
Boil the potatoes and pass them through a sieve. Heat the cream until it almost boils. 
Mix the cream with potatoes and butter. Season with salt and pepper. 
preparation time: 10 mins 
cooking time: 25 mins 
yield: 4 servings 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“This dish should be enjoyed 
with a glass of good, white 
Morten Hestmann 
Senior Consultant 
TNS Norway 
Håper det smaker! 
of Norwegians think of cod 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 800 g halibut 
 2 l water 
 2 tbsp of salt 
 2 tsp of vinegar 
 200 g carrots 
 salt and pepper 
 almond potatoes 
 salt 
 160 g butter in cubes 
 ca. ½ dl. cream 
 chopped parsley 
 fresh lemon juice 
 salt and pepper. 
Boil water with salt and vinegar. When the water is boiling, turn down the heat and gently 
put the halibut into the hot water. After approx. 10 minutes the fish is ready. 
Chop carrots into sticks and steam the carrots, using salt, butter and water just barely 
covering the carrots in the sauce pan. Add a lid, and let them steam until they are almost 
tender (approx. 4 min) 
Boil water with salt, and add the potatoes. Let them boil for 5 min., before turning down 
the temperature, and letting them steam for about 8-10 min. 
Cream is heated in a sauce pan. When it starts boiling, turn down the heat, and add 
the cubes of butter, one by one. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. 
Add chopped parsley just before serving. 
preparation time: 10 mins 
cooking time: 30 mins 
yield: 4 servings 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Halibut is golden! Use my 
Mom’s recipe and impress 
family and friends with a 
traditional and delicious 
Norwegian feast, in less than 
40 mins.” 
Berit Kvaloy 
Deputy Associate Director 
TNS Norway 
Håper det smaker! 
of Norwegians think of halibut 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
Roasted Leg of Reindeer 
Author of recipe: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Roasted leg of reindeer is the 
taste of Norway.” 
Svein Roar Hult 
Marketing Director 
TNS Norway 
 the broth from 
the roasting pan 
 butter and flour 
for thickening 
 3/4 dl. red wine 
 8 juniper berries 
 4-5 slices of brown 
goat cheese 
 salt and pepper 
 2 tbsp sour cream. 
Håper det smaker! 
of Norwegians think of reindeer 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
 1,5 kg reindeer leg, tied 
 1,5 tsp salt, 1,5 tsp pepper, 
 2 tbls butter 
 3 carrots 
 2 onions 
 1 celery root 
 4 dl boiling water. 
Side dishes: 
 600 g mushrooms 
 6-12 shallots 
 1 tsp salt, 0,5 tsp pepper, 
 1 tbsp butter 
 600 gr brussel sprouts 
 5 carrots in chunks 
 almond potatoes 
 cranberry jam. 
Put peeled carrots, onions and celery root, cut into chunks, into a roasting pan. 
Rub the roast with salt and pepper and have it in a hot frying pan with butter to make it brown on all sides. 
Put the roast on top of the vegetables, insert the meat thermometer and add the water to the roasting pan. 
Place the roasting pan in the oven at 125 °C. When the thermometer reaches 70 °C the roast is pink at the center. 
At 76 °C it will be grey at the center. This will take 2-3 hours. 
Peel and slice the shallots. Slice the mushrooms. Fry this in a frying pan with butter. Have it into a casserole dish, 
in the oven with the roast. 
Boil brussel sprouts and carrots. Make sure that they still give some resistance to the teeth. 
Mix in a serving bowl. Boil the almond potatoes for 7 minutes. Take the casserole away from the heat and leave 
the potatoes in the hot water until they are ready. 
When the roast is finished, let it rest under aluminium foil for 15-20 minutes and make the sauce meanwhile. 
Make thickener from butter and flour. Add the broth from the roasting pan into the casserole while stirring. 
Add the red wine, juniper berries and goat cheese. Simmer for 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. 
Add the sour cream and heat without boiling. Slice the roast and serve. 
preparation time: 1hr 
cooking time: 2-3 hrs 
yield: 6 seervings 
Terrine of duck foie gras 
with figs 
Bon appetit! 
Icy yule log Verrines with salmon 
and lime 
Fried Christmas Carp................................. 
Black Dumplings with Salmon................... 
Borscht with Dumplings............................ 
Peas with Cabbage................................... 
Herring in Herb-and-Root Blankets........... 
Christmas Dried Fruit Compote...................... 
Mushroom Soup........................................... 
Poppy Seed Roll............................................. 
Fish in Aspic.................................................. 
Poppy Seed Noodles...................................... 
 4 carp fillets 
 250 ml milk (3.5% fat) 
 2 lemons 
 1 egg 
 1/2 glass UHT milk 
 salt, pepper, and sugar 
 clarified butter. 
Milk neutralises the characteristic, muddy taste of carp, making the fish fresh and aromatic. 
Salt the fillets generously, and sprinkle them with pepper and the juice of one lemon. 
Then soak the carp in milk and put it in the fridge for at least six hours. 
Caution: you have to use UHT milk, otherwise it will go sour. 
Take the fillets out of the marinade, and put them on a paper towel to drip. Pour the flour onto 
a larger plate and whisk one egg in a bowl. Put the clarified butter on a frying pan and heat it up. 
Put the fillets in the bowl with the egg, then gently roll them in the flour, and put them on the frying 
pan. Fry until the batter becomes golden. Serve with quarters of lemon. 
preparation time: 6 hrs 
cooking time: 15 mins 
yield: 4 servings 
Fried Christmas Carp 
Smazony Karp Wigilijny 
Author of recipie: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“I heartily recommend using 
Zator Carp – a regional EU 
product from the Carp Valley, 
where old, ecological breeding 
methods hailing back to the 
XIVth century are still alive 
and well.” 
Tomasz Uzarowski 
Account Director Consumer & Social 
TNS Poland 
of Poles think of carp as one 
of the most important dishes 
on the Christmas table “ 
The dough: 
 ½ kg wheat flour 
 1 egg 
 1+ glass lukewarm water 
 1 tbsp oil 
 a pinch of salt 
 2 squid ink sachets. 
The dough: Pour the flour on a pastry board, add the egg and lukewarm water with 
a bit of oil and a pinch of salt. When the dough becomes elastic, add the squid ink. 
The dough should become uniformly dark. Put the dough aside for a while, and cover 
it with a cloth. 
The filling: Season the salmon fillet with pepper and a pinch of salt. Wrap the fish 
in aluminium foil, and bake it for 10-15 minutes in an oven pre-heated to 180°C. 
Finally, add a few tsp of mascarpone to make the filling stick together. You can also add 
some dill. Roll the dough to form a thin layer, cut out circles with a glass or cup, and put the 
filling in the centre of the circles. Form the dumplings by folding the circles in half and pressing 
the edges together. Boil a pot of water, add some salt, and reduce the heat. 
Put the dumplings in the boiling water, cover the pot, and make sure that the pierogi don’t 
stick to the bottom of the pot. Wait for the moment when the dumplings rise to the surface, 
and then boil for 3-4 more minutes. Fish them out of the pot with a skimmer scoop. 
Dumplings taste best with sauce: Heat the cream in a saucepan – caution: don't let the cream 
come to a boil, lest it curdles. Cut the cheese into cubes and put it in the cream. 
You can use gorgonzola or any other mould cheese that you like. 
When the cheese melts, pour the sauce over the dumplings and sprinkle with dill. 
preparation time: 1 hr 
cooking time: 3-4 mins after 
the dumplings rise to the surface 
yield: 4 or more, 
depending on 
your appetite 
Author of recipie: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Postmodernism is a time 
of fluency, so why not 
dismantle the traditional 
Christmas dumplings recipe? 
A breath of modernity on 
the Christmas table.” 
Michał Lutostanski 
Account Manager Consumer & Social 
TNS Poland 
of Poles think of dumplings 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table “ 
The filling: 
 ½ kg salmon fillet 
 ½ kg smoked salmon bellies 
or other bits of smoked salmon 
 1 tub of mascarpone. 
The sauce: 
 cream 18% (fat) 
 1 pack of Gorgonzola piccante 
fresh dill. 
Black Dumplings with Salmon 
Czarne Pierogi z Łososiem 
Beetroot sourdough: 
 1 kg red beets 
 carrot 
 root parsley 
 horseradish 
 ¼ celeriac 
 1 slice of whole wheat bread 
 1 tbsp caraway 
 3 tsp salt 
 1 pinch of sugar. 
Beetroot sourdough: Wash the vegetables, dry them, peel, and slice. Put them in an earthenware pot layer 
by layer, sprinkling each layer with the mix of spices. Top up the pot with 3 litres of pre-boiled and cooled water. 
Put the slice of bread on top, and cover the pot with gauze (if you’re a pharmacist), or with a muslin square 
(if you’re a parent), and leave it to sit for 6 days. After that time, it’s likely that a layer of mould will have formed 
on top (something that only French people tolerate in their cheese, and Poles in their borscht). You need to 
carefully remove the mould, sieve the acid, and pour it into bottles. You will use some of the acid for your 
Christmas borscht, whereas the rest can be stored for as long as several months, to be used to make great borscht 
with smoked bacon. 
Lenten borscht: Wash the mushrooms, soak them overnight, boil, and strain. Make vegetable stock from 
the vegetables, sieve it, and mix with the mushroom stock. Add the beetroot sourdough (1:3) and don’t boil it 
anymore. Add the spices, wine, pressed garlic, and lemon juice. Then, continue adding the sourdough until 
the soup gives you a sensation on the sides of your palate as if you were having a sip of syrah wine. 
Pour it into soup dishes with the dumplings ready. 
Dumpling dough: Mix the flour with the egg, and add just enough water to make the dough stick together well. 
It’s important to use warm, rather than hot water. Fold, fold, and fold again. 
Dumpling filling: Chop finely everything that's there to be chopped. Blanche the onion in the oil, add the 
remaining ingredients with the yolk thrown in last. Fry for a moment, and season with spices. Roll the dough into 
a thin layer and cut into small triangles. Put the filling on the dough triangles when it cools down. The dumplings 
need to be really small - bite sized! 
preparation time: 7 days 
for beetroot sourdough 
cooking time: 1,5 hr 
yield: 8 serving 
Author of recipie: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“This soup is like a drug. 
The only thing that protects 
us from becoming fully 
addicted (and the dish from 
a legal ban) is the amount 
of work it takes to make it, 
before it can carry you away.” 
Mateusz Galica 
Client Service & Marketing Director 
TNS Poland 
Poles think of borscht 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
Lenten borscht: 
 1.5 l beetroot sourdough 
 soup vegetables 
 1 kg red beets 
 2 handfuls forest mushrooms 
 a glass of dry red wine 
 3 cloves of garlic 
 3 tbsp lemon juice 
 pepper, salt, laurel leaves, allspice. 
Dumpling dough: 
 1kg flour 
 1 egg 
 warm water 
 salt. 
Dumpling filling: 
 2 glasses cooked dry 
forest mushrooms 
 2 onions 
 2 egg yolks 
 4 walnuts 
 2 parsley sprigs 
 1 lovage sprig 
 2 tbsp rapeseed oil 
 salt and pepper. 
Borscht with Dumplings 
Barszcz z Uszkami 
 1 kg sauerkraut 
(preferably the kind sold from 
a huge barrel at the local market) 
 400 g pealed peas 
(from this year’s harvest, 
packed in a bag) 
 4 onions 
 4 tbsp vegetable oil. 
Soak the peas in water for 12 hours. Use two glasses of water per each glass of peas. 
Cook the soaked peas on low heat until soft. Blend the soft peas with a blender. 
Chop the cabbage, and cook until soft. Chop the onion finely. Heat some oil on a frying pan. 
Fry the onion for a while to blanche it. Mix all the ingredients together and bring them to a boil. 
preparation time: 10 mins 
cooking time: 45 mins 
yield: 12 servings 
Peas with Cabbage 
Kapusta z Grochem 
Author of recipie: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Like in the words of an old 
Polish nursery rhyme, 
at Christmas time peas stew 
together with cabbage, 
rather than cereal. Prepared 
accordingly with my mother’s 
old recipe, this dish evokes 
a lot of great, joyful family 
Magda Sawinska 
Associate Director 
Finance, Automotive, Technology 
TNS Poland 
of Poles think of peas with 
cabbage as one of the most 
important dishes on the 
Christmas table “ 
 8-10 soused herring fillets 
 1 average size carrot 
 2-3 average size onions 
 cardamom and allspice seeds 
 cinnamon powder 
 some ‘5 flavours’ spice 
or herring herbs 
 1 glass oil. 
Soak the herring fillets in lukewarm water (to make it less salty, to the extent you like it). 
Put the mushrooms in a pot, cover them with water (about 1.5 l ), and leave to soak, 
preferably overnight. You will likely find sand at the bottom of the pot, so fish the mushrooms 
out and put them in a clean pot. Pour the water through a fine sieve, and then pour it back with 
the mushrooms. Bring to a boil and cook for about 1.5 hours. 
At the same time, pour about 1.5 l of water to a big pot. Wash, peel, and slice the carrots, 
root parsley, celery, and celeriac. Put the vegetables in the large pot with water. 
Add some allspice, the bay leaf, pepper, and salt. Boil on low heat for about 1.5 h. 
When it’s ready, pour the stock through a sieve, and add the mushrooms (finely chopped) 
and the water in which you cooked the mushrooms. Cook it for another 10 minutes. 
Add some cream and season as you like. Serve with noodles. 
preparation time: 35 mins 
cooking time: none, that’s 
when you get some time 
for yourself 
yield: depending on how much 
herring you get 
Herring in Herb-and-Root 
Sledz w Ziołowo Korzennej Otulinie 
Author of recipie: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“I’ve stolen this recipe from 
my friend who’s a cook. 
It works every time. Try it!” 
Anna Jutrzenka 
MS Field Executive 
TNS Poland 
of Poles think of herring as one 
of the most important dishes 
on the Christmas table 
 100 g dried apples 
 100 g dried plums 
 100 g dried pears 
 2-2,5 l water 
 3 tbsp honey 
 6 cloves 
 1 tsp cinnamon or a bit of a stick 
 1 orange. 
Put the fruits in a pot. Pour in the cold water and put it on the cooker. 
Add the cinnamon and cloves, cover the pot, and cook the fruits 
on a low heat for about 30 minutes, until they are soft and the stew is aromatic. 
Finally, add the honey and throw in the sliced orange. Pour the warm kompot into a jug. 
Remember to put the fruits into the jug as well, and give your guests spoons so they 
can eat the fruits. 
preparation time: 40 mins 
cooking time: 30 mins 
yield: 4 servings 
Christmas Dried Fruit 
Author of recipie: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“For me, there can be no 
Christmas table without dried 
fruits kompot. Not only does 
it quench thirst, but also tastes 
great, and works well after 
a supple meal.” 
Eliza Trebicka 
Senior Research Executive, 
TNS Poland 
of Poles think of kompot 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table “ 
Kompot z suszu
 approx. 150 g dried mushrooms 
(can be a mix of different types) 
 2 carrots 
 2 root parsleys 
 ½ celeriac 
 1 celery 
 salt and pepper 
 1 bay leaf 
 allspice 
 cream 18% (fat) 
 noodles cooked in salted water. 
Put the mushrooms in a pot, cover them with water (about 1.5 l ), and leave to soak, preferably 
overnight. You will likely find sand at the bottom of the pot, so fish the mushrooms out and put 
them in a clean pot. Pour the water through a fine sieve, and then pour it back with the mushrooms. 
Bring to a boil and cook for about 1.5 hours. 
At the same time, pour about 1.5 l of water to a big pot. Wash, peel, and slice the carrots, root 
parsley, celery, and celeriac. Put the vegetables in the large pot with water. Add some allspice, the 
bay leaf, pepper, and salt. Boil on low heat for about 1.5 h. 
When it’s ready, pour the stock through a sieve, and add the mushrooms (finely chopped) and the 
water in which you cooked the mushrooms. Cook it for another 10 minutes. Add some cream and 
season as you like. Serve with noodles. 
preparation time: 2,5 hrs 
(plus the time required 
to soak the mushrooms) 
cooking time: 2 hrs 
yield: 6-8 servings 
Mushroom Soup 
Zupa Grzybowa 
Author of recipie: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Red borscht or mushroom soup? 
Mushrooms or red borscht? 
No such doubts in my family 
home. We always have mushroom 
soup for Christmas dinner 
– it’s delicious!” 
Martyna Baran 
Junior Research Executive 
Consumer & Social 
TNS Poland 
of Poles think of mushroom soup 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
Ingredients (for two rolls): 
Yeast dough: 
 2 cups wheat flour 
and 2 tbp of flour for sprinkling 
 1/2 stick of butter 
 4 egg yolks 
 1/3 yeast cube 
 ½ glass milk 
 4 tbsp sugar 
 a pinch of salt 
 a tsp of clear distilled spirit. 
The dough: Crumble the yeast into a bowl, add a teaspoon of sugar, and pour in ¼ glass of milk 
(it can’t be cold). Mix until the yeast dissolves. Then add 3 tablespoons of flour and mix until the lumps 
disappear. Cover the bowl with a cloth, and put it in warm water for about 15 minutes, until a thick froth 
begins to rise in the pot (if it rises, it means that the yeast is ‘doing its job’). 
Pour the yeast solution to a bowl with water and add: 3 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon 
of spirit, 4 egg yolks, and melted and chilled butter. Mix it all together with a spoon, and then fold the 
dough energetically for about 15 minutes, until it becomes flexible and no longer sticks to your fingers. 
Form a ball, put it in a bowl, cover with a cloth, and leave in hot place to grow (the dough needs to 
become twice its initial size). Meanwhile you can make the poppy seed filling. 
Poppy seed mass: Immerse the poppy seeds in hot water, wait until it cools, drain the water, and mince 
the seeds twice in a meat mincer with a fine mesh. Add sugar, honey, raisins and nuts, and stir thoroughly. 
Whisk the egg whites and gently fold them into the poppy seed mass. 
When it’s ready, remove the dough from the bowl, fold it again, divide into two parts, and roll into thin 
rectangles (2-3 mm). Spread the poppy seed filling on the dough, leaving approx 2 cm space from the 
edges. Form the dough into a roll, and fold the ends underneath. Wrap the rolls in baking parchment, 
and put them on a baking tray. Remember to make sure there’s some space between them. Bake the rolls 
at 190°C, for about 35 minutes. When the rolls are ready, let them cool down and cover them in icing. 
Icing: Pour the icing sugar into a small bowl and mix with hot water. If the icing is too thick, add water. 
If it’s too runny, add sugar. 
preparation time: 1 hr 
cooking time: 3-4 mins after 
the dumplings rise to the surface 
yield: 4 or more, depending on your appetite 
Author of recipie: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“Baking poppy seed rolls has 
become a tradition of ours. 
Everyone who tries it says that 
you won’t find anything like 
that in a bakery.” 
Agnieszka Chojnacka 
Operations Director 
TNS Poland 
of Poles think of Christmas cake 
as one of the most important 
dishes on the Christmas table 
Poppy seed mass: 
 2 glasses milk 
 ½ glass sugar 
 ½ glass raisins 
 a handful of chopped walnuts 
or hazelnuts 
 ½ glass orange zest 
 3 tbsp honey 
 4 egg whites. 
Poppy Seed Roll 
Icing ingredients (for two rolls): 
 2/3 glass icing sugar 
 2-3 tbsp hot water. 
 1 kg fresh trout 
(skinless and deboned) 
 soup vegetables 
 2 eggs 
 2 tbsp farina 
 2 tbsp breadcrumbs 
 1-2 tsp sugar 
 1 stock cube 
 gelatine 
 salt, pepper, and Vegeta spice. 
Make some stock by boiling the vegetables with the cube. Add some salt, pepper, and Vegeta 
according to your preferences. If you’ve got the fish’s head, put it in the stock as well. 
Cook it like chicken soup – on very low heat. 
Prepare the fish: mince the fish in a meat mincer (use the mesh you would use for meatballs). 
Mince also the carrot from the stock, and a 5-7 cm piece of raw celery (the green part is ok). 
Add 2 tbsp farina, 2 tbsp breadcrumbs, 2 whole eggs, salt, pepper, and Vegeta. 
Fold it together well with your hands. 
Put the fish paste on the skin of the fish or, if you prefer, form the paste into a sausage and wrap 
it in a piece of gauze moistened with cold water (put the sausage on the gauze, cover it with one 
side of the gauze along the length of the sausage, and then fold the sides of the gauze over each 
other). Put the sausage into the stock boiling on low heat, and cook for about 40 minutes 
(turn it over after 20 minutes). 
When it’s cooked, put the sausage on a cutting board and carefully unwrap. Pour the stock through 
a colander. You can keep the carrots and root parsley to garnish the dish. Add salt, pepper, and 1 or 2 
teaspoons of sugar to the stock. Prepare the aspic following the instructions on the pack – either 
cook the gelatine, or add it to the hot stock after soaking it in cold water. Cut the fish into 
1cm slices. Put them on a plate, garnish (you can do it with peas, broccoli, parsley, and hard-boiled 
eggs), and pour the stock over the fish. 
preparation time: 2 hrs 
cooking time: 40 mins 
yield: 6 servings 
Fish in Aspic 
Ryba w Galarecie 
Author of recipie: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“II think it’s the best trout recipe 
there is – it’s my aunt’s recipe, 
and she’s a great cook.” 
Sylwia Kujawa 
Junior Research Executive - Associate 
TNS Poland 
of Poles think of fish in aspic 
as one of the most important 
on the Christmas table 
Home-made noodles: 
 0.5 kg flour 
 5 eggs 
 1/3 tsp salt 
 cold water (optional). 
Noodles: Sieve the flour, add salt, and whisk the eggs with a fork. Form the flour into a mound with 
a crater on the top, and pour the eggs inside. Fold the dough until it becomes smooth and springy. 
You can add some water if the dough becomes too thick. Roll the dough to the desired thickness 
(depending on whether you prefer thicker or thinner noodles). Sprinkle the dough with flour while 
rolling, so that it doesn’t stick to the pin. Leave the ready dough sheets to dry. Then roll the dough 
sheets into a roll and cut into pieces. Cook for about 5 minutes in water with a pinch of salt. 
You can also use a noodle machine if you like. 
It’s ok to prepare the noodles one day in advance. 
Mass: Rinse the poppy seeds, put them in a dish, top up with fresh water, and leave for the night. 
On the next day, bring the poppy seeds to a boil, and cook on a low heat for 30 – 40 minutes. 
Then sieve the poppy seeds, and let them cool down. Mince them in a grinder two or three times 
(use a fine mesh). While you’re mincing, add the castor sugar (though only the first time) in the 
following proportion: 3 tbsp poppy seeds: 1 tbp icing sugar. Mix it all together. Soak the raisins 
and chop the nuts. Melt the butter in a frying pan and simmer the poppy seeds. 
Mix the nuts and raisins with honey and egg whites. Fold the mass into the poppy seeds, 
and add the noodles. 
preparation time: 12 hrs 
cooking time: 1hr for noodles 
+ 1,5 hr for mass 
yield: 8 servings 
Poppy Seed Noodles 
Kluski z Makiem 
Author of recipie: 
Connected Xmas Cookbook 
“I wait the whole year to eat 
poppy seed noodles. 
Although our Christmas menu 
evolved over time, this dish is the 
one constant element that’s never 
changed. I've got this recipe from 
my grandma, and I’m still using 
it in its original form.” 
Aleksandra Osuch 
Field Executive 
TNS Poland 
of Poles think of poppy seed 
noodles as one of the most 
important dishes on the 
Christmas table “ 
Poppy seed mass: 
 400 g poppy seeds 
 100 g icing sugar 
 raisins, nuts - according to your taste (200 g) 
 50 g butter 
 1- 2 tbsp honey 
 the white of one egg. 
TNS 2014

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Connected Xmas Cookbook - english version

  • 1. Connected Xmas Cookbook 50 Christmas dishes from 5 countries based on TNS Xmas Study TNS 2014
  • 2. Connected Xmas Cookbook France....................................................... Great Britain............................................. Italy......................................................... Norway................................................... Poland..................................................... 3 14 25 35 46 In 2013 we interviewed almost 5300 people from 5 countries, asking them about most important Christmas dishes. This year our colleagues from TNS prepared recipies for this dishes. Enjoy your meal!
  • 3. Terrine of Duck Foie Gras with Figs............. Icy Yule Log................................................ Champagne Cocktail.................................. Truffled Capon with Champagne................ Verrines with Salmon and Lime................... Terrine of duck foie gras with figs Icy yule log Verrines with salmon and lime France Bon appétit! Oysters........................................................... Chocolate Truffles with Espelette Pepper....... Seafood Vol-au-Vent..................................... Lobster Cassolette with Chicory and Pastis.... White Sausages with Apple and Foie Gras..... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  • 4. Ingredients:  1 lobe of foie gras, 600 g  dried figs  a little milk  a shot glass of cognac  a drop of port  Guérande salt and pepper. Method: Let the foie gras seep in cold water and milk overnight in the refrigerator. The next day take the lobe out and remove the central vein of the lobe. Cut in half. Season with salt, pepper, cognac and port. Place one half of the lobe in a pot, cover with figs, and then the other half of the lobe. Pour on the the mixture of cognac and port, and leave to sit for 24 hours in the fridge. Preheat oven to 160°C. Bake the dish in a water bath for 20 minutes. Leave for another 24 hours in the refrigerator. preparation time: 20 mins cooking time: 20 mins yield: 6 servings 76% Terrine of Duck Foie Gras Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 76% “For me, it’s the best Christmas dish and moreover it’s from my native region.” Stéphane Marcel Managing Director Innovation & Market Understanding TNS Sofres (France) Bon appétit ! of the French think of foie gras as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 4 with Figs Terrine de Foie Gras de Canard aux Figues
  • 5. Ingredients:  200 g chocolate  60 g icing sugar  25 cl crème fraîche  100 g flaked almonds  25 cl coffee ice cream  25 cl coconut ice cream  25 cl vanilla ice cream  100 g butter. Method: Melt chocolate and butter in a hot water bath. Whip the crème fraîche, and add it to the chocolate. Stir the mixture until it is cool. Pour 1/3 of this mixture in the bottom of a cake tin, then place in the freezer until it hardens. Next add layers of ice-cream, alternating between flavors, and then finally the rest of the chocolate. Leave all in the freezer for at least 3h. Meanwhile, mix the icing sugar and almonds in a pan and roast over a low heat. Once the almonds are coated with caramel and golden, remove from heat and leave to cool. Remove the log from the freezer, unmold and sprinkle the almonds over the top. Place the log about in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes before serving. preparation time: 40 mins cooking time: none yield: 6 servings 56% Icy Yule Log La Bûche de Noël glacée Author of recipe : Connected Xmas Cookbook 56% “A Christmas without a Christmas log is not a Christmas!” Arielle Bélicha-Hardy Managing Director Customer & Employee Research TNS Sofres (France) Bon appétit ! of the French think of Christmas log as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 5
  • 6. Ingredients:  8 cl Cointreau  16 cl sugar syrup cane  2 squeezed limes  Ice cubes  75 cl champagne. Method: Pour Cointreau into a mixing bowl, and add cane sugar and lemon juice. Leave overnight. Add champagne just before serving along with ice cubes. preparation time: 10 mins cooking time: none yield: 4 servings 52% Champagne Cocktail Soupe au Champagne Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 52% “Thinking out of the box, this recipe is a good way to modernize an aperitif.” Stanislas Seveno Managing Director Media, Technologie & Loisirs TNS Sofres (France) Bon appétit ! of the French think of champagne as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 6
  • 7. Ingredients:  1 capon of at least 2.5 kg  1 fresh truffle  500 g Pleurotte mushrooms  1 bottle of brut champagne  3 sprigs of parsley  salt and pepper, oil  50 cl of thick cream. Method: Clean and burn the capon. Cut the skin and slip some breakings of truffles. Pour on truffle juice, cover and leave to marinate in fridge for 24h. The next day, drain the capon, collecting the juice to marinade later. Put a tablespoon of neutral oil in a thick-bottomed pan and cook the capon from all sides for 25 to 30 min. Add salt and pepper. Add champagne, juice marinade, parsley and water to cook like a poule-au-pot over medium heat until ready. Meanwhile, clean the mushrooms and fry them with a little salt and pepper and set aside. Take a small pot of broth, bring to the boil and then reduce to a medium heat. Add the cream, adjust seasoning, and then add the mushrooms. Heat the serving dish (important), on which you place the drained capon and cover with the mushroom sauce. preparation time: 45 mins cooking time: 150 mins yield: 8 servings 42% Truffled Capon Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 42% “A generous dish to be shared with the family.” Laurent Guillaume Managing Director & CEO TNS Sofres (France) Bon appétit ! of the French think of poultry as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 7 with Champagne Chapon Truffé Chopé au Champagne
  • 8. Ingredients:  4 slices of smoked salmon  100 g crab meat  2 jars of cream cheese  1 shallot  chives  1 lime  pink pepper. Method: Grind the salmon and crab meat with a meat grinder (average grid). Add the shallots mixed with chives. Do not add salt, but add pink pepper if possible. Mix with the lime juice and cream cheese. Serve chilled, packed in glass jars. preparation time: 15 mins cooking time: none yield: 4 servings 42% Verrines with Salmon Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 42% “I love this refreshing starter to give a good appetite for the main dish.” Nathalie Léauté Managing Director Finance & Services TNS Sofres (France) Bon appétit ! of the French think of smoked salmon fume as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 8 and Lime Verrines de Saumon au Citron Vert
  • 9. Ingredients:  2 lemons  2 dozen oysters. Method: Just open, optionally add a few lemon drops, and eat :) preparation time: 1 min cooking time: none yield: 2 servings Oysters Oysters 39% 39% “If you ask an oyster what it wears on the plate, the answer is a drop of lemon n°5 of course :)” Author of recipe: Constance Leroy Director of Consumer Business Team TNS Sofres (France) Bon appétit ! of the French think of oysters as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Connected Xmas Cookbook 9
  • 10. Ingredients:  300 g dark chocolate  20 cl liquid cream  100 g cocoa powder  50 g butter  powdered Espelette pepper. Method: Heat the cream, Espelette pepper and butter. Slowly stir the chocolate into this warm cream. When the ganache begins to harden, start building some chocolate balls in the palm of your hand. Put in fridge. When they are cold and hard, roll each truffle in cocao powder. Put the truffles in the refrigerator. preparation time: 10 mins cooking time: none yield: 6 servings Chocolate Truffles 37% 37% “A good moment of creativity with my children, the hands in chocolate!” Author of recipe: Raphaël Ventura Managing Director Consumer TNS Sofres (France) Bon appétit ! of the French think of chocolate as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Connected Xmas Cookbook 10 with Espelette Pepper Truffes au Chocolat et Piment d’Espelette
  • 11. Ingredients:  500 g of seafood  50 cl of lobster bisque  1 chopped garlic and parsley  6 puff pastry vol-au-vents  butter  cognac  pepper. Method: Remove water surplus from seafood, then fry in butter. Add the minced garlic and parsley. Cook for 2 minutes. Blaze with cognac, then add the lobster bisque. Cook over a low heat for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, put the vol-au-vents in oven. Garnish right out of the oven. Can be eaten as a starter, or as a main dish with rice. preparation time: 15 mins cooking time: 15 mins yield: 6 servings Seafood Vol-au-Vent Bouchées aux Fruits de Mer 31% 31% “A classic starter, which evokes memories of my childhood.” Author of recipe: Emmanuel Rivière Managing Director Business Team Stratégies d'opinion TNS Sofres (France) Bon appétit ! of the French think of seafood as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Connected Xmas Cookbook 11
  • 12. Ingredients:  2 live lobsters 850 g each  5 l water  150 g of sea salt  1 bunch of dill  4 chicories  10 cl of Pastis  20 cl base sauce of lobster Lacroix  10 cl cream  sugar, salt and pepper. Method: Bring water to a boil with sea salt, sugar and dill. Pour over lobsters and let them cool in this water. Meanwhile, cut the chicories in half lengthwise and steam them in a little olive oil. Season with salt and pepper, and add a pinch of sugar. Add a little water and cover. Cook the chicories and store the cooking liquid. Bring the cooking liquid, Pastis and the cream to a boil. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the lobster in half length wise and open the clips. Remove the lobster meat and heat them in the sauce. Serve with chicories and finally, garnish with dill. preparation time: 120 mins cooking time: 30 mins yield: 4 servings Lobster Cassolette 13% 13% “I really love cooking this dish with the mouth-watering, subtle fragrance it gives off…” Author of recipe: Marie-Agathe Nicoli Managing Director Automotive TNS Sofres (France) Bon appétit ! of the French think of lobster as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Connected Xmas Cookbook 12 with Chicory and Pastis Cassolette de Homard aux Chicons et Pastis
  • 13. Ingredients:  4 white pudding sausages  60 g foie gras  4 pippin apples  50g butter  mustard  Calvados  20 cl cream  lemon juice  chopped parsley  8 black peppercorns & coarse salt. Method: Prick the sausages with a fork. Roast them in a pan with 20 g of butter, turning often. Meanwhile, peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut them into slices. Immediately sprinkle with lemon juice to keep the white flesh. In another pan, melt the remaining butter and stir apple slices about 3 minutes on each side. Carefully crush the peppercorns and salt in a mortar. Arrange the sausages on four hot plates. Lay beside the fried apples and slices of foie gras. Pour the mustard into the pan that contained the sausages and fry on medium heat. Then add the calvados and cream. Season with salt and pepper. Stir the chopped parsley into the sauce. Remove from heat as soon as the cream thickens and pour on sausages. preparation time: 15 mins cooking time: 25 mins yield: 4 servings White Sausages with 11% 11% “Foie gras and Calvados, a good way to gather with Normans and Gascons!” Author of recipe: François Baradat Marketing Director TNS Sofres (France) Bon appétit ! of the French think of white sausage as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Connected Xmas Cookbook 13 Apple and Foie Gras Boudin Blanc Poêlé, éventail de Pommes et de Foie Gras
  • 14. Terrine of duck foie gras with figs Bon appetit! Icy yule log Verrines with salmon and lime Great Britain Turkey....................................................... Christmas Pudding.................................... Mince Pies................................................. Roast Potatoes.......................................... Gravy for the Roast Dinner........................ Chestnut Stuffing.......................................... Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta..................... Christmas Cake............................................. Homemade Chocolate Truffles...................... Pigs in Blankets............................................. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Enjoy your meal!
  • 15. Ingredients:  1 turkey (about 6.3kg) oven ready  175 g softened butter  225 g streaky bacon  salt and freshly milled black pepper. Method: Take the turkey out of the fridge last thing the night before to allow it to come to room temperature. On the morning of cooking, pre-heat the oven to gas mark 220°C then stuff the turkey (see the recipe for chestnut stuffing). Loosely pack the stuffing into the neck end, then tuck the neck flap under the bird's back. Lay the turkey in a roasting tin and rub it generously all over with the butter. Next season the bird all over with salt and pepper, and lay the bacon over the breast with the rashers overlapping. Place the roasting tin on a low shelf in the oven and cook at the initial high temperature for 40 minutes. After that, lower the heat to gas mark 3, 325°F (170°C) and cook for a further 3½ hours. After this time, turn the heat up to gas mark 6, 400°F (200°C) and cook the turkey for a further 30 minutes. The turkey will need frequent basting throughout the last 30 minutes. To test if the bird is cooked, pierce the thickest part of the leg with a thin skewer: the juices running out of it should be golden and clear. Leave the turkey in a warmish place for 30-60 minutes to 'relax' before carving. preparation time: 30 mins cooking time: 5 hrs yield: 6-8 servings 70% Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook Turkey 70% “Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without the traditional Turkey lunch! There’s normally leftovers so you can test your culinary skills by making wonderful Turkey curries and soups!” Sarah Fernandes PA to UK CEO TNS UK Enjoy your meal! of people in Britain think of turkey as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 15
  • 16. Ingredients:  50 g blanched almonds  2 large Bramley cooking apples  200 g box candied peel (in large pieces) or all citron if you can find it  1 whole nutmeg (you'll use three quarters of it)  1 kg raisins  140 g plain flour Method: Chop the almonds coarsely. Peel, core and chop the apples. Sharpen your knife and chop the candied peel. Grate three quarters of the nutmeg (sounds a lot but it's correct). Mix all the ingredients for the pudding, except the butter, in a large bowl. Holding the butter in its wrapper, grate a quarter of it into the bowl, then stir everything together. Repeat until all the butter is grated, then stir for 3-4 minutes - the mixture is ready when it subsides slightly after each stir. Generously butter two 1.2 litre bowls and put a disc of greaseproof paper in the bottom of each. Pack in the pudding mixture. Cover with a double layer of greaseproof paper or baking parchment, pleating it to allow for expansion, then tie with string (keep the paper in place with a rubber band while tying). Trim off any excess paper Now stand each bowl on a large sheet of foil and bring the edges up over the top, then put another sheet of foil over the top and bring it down underneath to make a double package (this makes the puddings watertight). Tie with more string, and make a handle for easy lifting in and out of the pan. Boil or oven steam the puddings for 8 hours, topping up with water as necessary. Remove from the pans and leave to cool overnight. When cold, discard the messy wrappings and re-wrap in spanking new greaseproof or baking parchment, foil and string. Store in a cool, dry place until Christmas. On Christmas Day, boil or oven steam for 1 hour. Unwrap and turn out. To flame, warm 3-4 tbsp brandy in a small pan, pour it over the pudding and set light to it. preparation time: 1 hr cooking time: 8 hrs 1 hr cooking on the day yield: 8 servings 33% Christmas Pudding Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 33% “This is my favourite Christmas Pudding recipe so I hope you enjoy making it and if you can, ask your family to help stir the mixture and make a wish! Enjoy!” Harvey Jewell Marketing Executive TNS UK Enjoy your meal! of people in Britain think of pudding as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “  100 g soft fresh white breadcrumbs  100 g light muscovado sugar, crumbled if it looks lumpy  3 large eggs  2 tbsp brandy or cognac, plus extra to flame  250 g packet butter, taken straight from the fridge. 16
  • 17. Ingredients:  1 large jar mincemeat (about 600 g)  2 satsumas, segmented  1 apple, finely chopped  zest 1 lemon  little icing sugar, for dusting. For the after pastry  375 g plain flour  260 g unsalted butter, softened  125 g caster sugar, plus extra for sprinkling  1 large egg, plus 1 beaten egg for glazing. Method: Place the flour and butter in a bowl and rub together to a crumb consistency. Add the sugar and the egg, and mix together. Tip out onto a lightly floured surface and fold until the pastry comes together, be careful not to over mix. Wrap the pastry in cling film and chill for 10 mins. Scoop the mincemeat into a bowl and add the satsumas, apple and zest. Heat oven to 220°C/200°C fan/gas 7. Roll out the pastry to 3 mm thick. Using a round cutter (about 10cm), cut out 16 bases and place them into muffin trays. Put 1.5 tbsps mincemeat mixture into each. Brush the edge of each pie with a little beaten egg. Re-roll out the pastry to cut 7cm lids and press them on top to seal. Glaze with the rest of the egg, sprinkle with caster sugar, then make a small cut in the tops. Bake mince pies for 15-20 mins until golden brown. Leave to cool before releasing them from the muffin trays and dusting with icing sugar. Serve. preparation time: 45 mins cooking time: 15 mins yield: 18 servings Mince Pies 24% Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 24% “Eating the first mince pie of the season means Christmas is on its way! Serve with a glass of mulled wine – delicious!” Caroline Minall PA/Office Manager TNS UK Enjoy your meal! of people in Britain think of mince pies as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 17
  • 18. Ingredients:  200 ml red wine  3 tbsp cornflour  600 ml turkey or chicken stock  2 tbsp redcurrant jelly  200 ml/7fl oz turkey juices, skimmed of all fat. Method: Mix 3 tbsp of wine with cornflour until smooth, then add the rest of the wine. Heat stock in a pan, then pour in the wine mixture and redcurrant jelly, stirring until thick. Cover the surface with cling film to stop a skin forming. Chill for up to two days. To serve, reheat in a pan until bubbling, then stir in the turkey juices. preparation time: 15 mins cooking time: 10 mins yield: 6 - 8 servings 23% Gravy for the Roast Dinner Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 23% “Christmas just wouldn't be the same without a good gravy on the table.” Jamie Willard UK Marketing Director TNS UK Enjoy your meal! of people in Britain think of roast dinner with gravy as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 18
  • 19. Ingredients:  1¼ kg potatoes, halved or quartered if large  2 tbsp flour  4 tbsp sunflower oil. Method: Heat oven to 220°C/200°C fan/gas 6. Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil, add the potatoes, then boil for 5 mins. Drain the potatoes well, then shake in the colander (or back in the pan), to rough up the edges a little. Tip into your largest roasting tin and sprinkle with the flour and some salt. Stir, then drizzle over the oil and stir again so that no dusty flour remains. Roast for 50 minutes. preparation time: 19 mins cooking time: 1 hr, 10 mins yield: 8 servings 21% Roast Potatoes Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 21% “Everyone loves a good roastie, the crunchier the better and what doesn’t get swept up at the start soon gets finished off when going back for seconds!” Georgina Whiting Delivery PA TNS UK Enjoy your meal! of people in Britain think of roast potatoes as one of the most important dishes on theChristmas table “ 19
  • 20. Ingredients:  450 g peeled chestnuts, cooked and very finely chopped  1 large onion, finely chopped  110 g smoked streaky bacon, finely chopped  the liver from the turkey, chopped small  25 g butter  4 level tbsp chopped fresh parsley  1 level dessertspoon chopped fresh thyme  ¼ level tsp ground mace  225 g best-quality pork sausage meat, or finely minced pure pork  salt and freshly milled black pepper. Method: Melt the butter in a large frying pan and cook the onion, bacon and chopped turkey liver for 10 minutes or so, until the onion looks transparent and everything is tinged gold at the edges. Now tip the contents of the pan into a large mixing bowl and add all the remaining ingredients. Season with salt and pepper, and mix very thoroughly. Leave the stuffing covered in a cool place – but not in the fridge, as it shouldn't be too cold when you come to stuff the turkey. On the morning of cooking, stuff the turkey. Loosen the skin with your hands and pack the stuffing into the neck end, pushing it up between the flesh and the skin towards the breast (though not too tightly because it will expand during the cooking). Press it in gently to make a nice rounded end, then tuck the neck flap under the bird's back and secure with a small skewer. Don't expect to get all the stuffing in this end – put the rest into the body cavity. preparation time: 30 mins cooking time: see turkey recipe yield: 8 servings 17% Chestnut Stuffing Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 17% “When I think of chestnut stuffing, I definitely relate this to the festive season as it is an essential/vital accompaniment that brings out that sweet & nutty exquisite taste in a poultry dish and compliments it supremely.” Marleen Brown Delivery – Team Support Manager TNS UK Enjoy your meal! of people in Britain think of stuffing as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Peeling chestnuts is a chore at the best of times, but with the pressures of Christmas it can seem even more tiresome. So, if you can get hold of peeled chestnuts in a vacuum pack or container, that will make life infinitely easier. 20
  • 21. Ingredients:  1 kg brussels sprouts  100 g thinly sliced pancetta, cut into 2 cm strips  about 4 tbsp hot goose fat  a handful of shredded sage. Method: Blanch the brussels sprouts in a pan of boiling salted water for 3 minutes, then drain and tip into a bowl of iced water to cool quickly. Drain well again and set aside until nearly ready to serve. Sauté the pancetta in the hot goose fat until crisp. Toss in the sprouts and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, adding the sage to serve. preparation time: 5 mins cooking time: 5 mins yield: 6 servings 16% Brussels Sprouts with Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 16% “A great, easy and tasty way to spruce up your sprouts. We love them in our family!” Carla Bateman Senior PA TNS UK Enjoy your meal! of people in Britain think of brussels sprouts as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 21 Pancetta
  • 22. Ingredients:  450 g currants  175 g each of sultanas and raisins  50 g chopped glace cherries  50 g chopped mixed candied peel  50g chopped almonds  Grated zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange  3 tbsp brandy  225 g plain flour Method: Put all the dried fruit and peel in a bowl, stir in the brandy and leave overnight for the fruit to soak up the alcohol. Next day, whisk the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Add the beaten eggs slowly, whisking all the time. Fold in the sifted flour and spices, next add the fruit mixture, the chopped nuts and the orange & lemon zest. Grease and line a 20 cm round cake tin – spread the cake mix in the tin. If not intending to use white icing later, arrange the whole almonds on the top. Cover the top of the cake with greaseproof paper. Bake at 140°C on the lowest oven shelf for 4 ½ -5 hours. When cool, make small holes with a skewer and feed with more brandy, if desired. preparation time: overnight soaking cooking & preparation time: 6 hrs yield: 8 servings 13% Christmas Cake Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 13% “Finish off Christmas day with a slice of Christmas cake and a cup of tea! A perfect way to finish off a lovely day.” Gemma Brown PA to UK Board Director TNS UK Enjoy your meal! of people in Britain think of Christmas cakes one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “  225 g plain flour  4 large eggs  ¼ tsp grated nutmeg  ½ tsp ground mixed spice  225 g unsalted butter  225 g soft brown sugar  110 g whole skinless almonds for the top (or use white icing). 22
  • 23. Ingredients:  150 g plain chocolate (70% cocoa solids)  25 g unsalted butter  150 ml thick double cream  2 tbsp brandy or rum  1 tbsp Greek yoghurt  small paper cases. For plain truffles:  spoonful of cocoa powder. For nut truffles:  45g flaked almonds, finely chopped and toasted. Method: Put chocolate into food processor and grind until it looks granular, like sugar. Gently heat the cream, butter, rum/brandy in a saucepan to simmering point Turn the food processor on and pour the mixture onto the chocolate – blending until a smooth mixture. Blend in the yoghurt and transfer the mixture (quite runny!) into a bowl and refrigerate overnight. Sift cocoa powder onto one plate – toasted almonds onto another, take a teaspoon of the mixture and roll into a ball, then in the cocoa powder or the nuts. Put in paper case, keep refrigerated and eat within 3 days. preparation time: 20 mins refrigerate overnight yield: approx. 36 13% Homemade Chocolate Truffles Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 13% “Love making these with the kids – can never have too much mess at Christmas!” Kate Bolton L&D Director TNS UK Enjoy your meal! of people in Britain think of chocolate as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 23
  • 24. Ingredients:  350 g pork chipolata sausages  225 g streaky bacon rashers. Method: Cut the sausages and bacon rashers in half and wrap each half sausage in a half rasher of bacon. Put on a baking tray with the end of the bacon tucked underneath. Roast at the same time as the turkey at 180°C for about 30 minutes till golden, turn over and roast for 10 more minutes. preparation time: 10 mins cooking time: 40 mins yield: 6 servings 11% Pigs in Blankets Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 11% “Pigs in blankets are one of those accompaniments that only ever appear on December 25th. And no matter how much turkey you’ve eaten, there is always room for one more of those little guys!” Kim Hancock Qual Team Co-ordinator TNS UK Enjoy your meal! people in Britain think of pigs in blankets as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 24
  • 25. Terrine of duck foie gras with figs Icy yule log Verrines with salmon and lime Italy Panettone with Cream Filling.................... Pandoro Star............................................. Dried Fruit Salad....................................... Nougat with Hazelnut Cream................... Cotechino and Lentils.............................. Cappelletti in Broth....................................... Christmas Cookies........................................ Struffoli Donuts............................................ Baked Capitone............................................ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Buon appetito!
  • 26. Ingredients:  1 Panettone cake For the custard:  2 egg yolks  100 g sugar  1 tbsp of flour  ½ tsp of vanilla  200 ml milk. Cook in pan until the cream thickens, stir the cream all the time. Method: Remove the top of the cake with a sharp knife and hollow it. To make the filling, mix the ingredients and heat in pan until the cream is ready. Mix all the time. Put the mixture into a bowl, add panettone pieces, crumbled “marron glace” and whipped cream. preparation time: 30 mins cooking time: 5-7 mins yield: 10 servings 75% Panettone with Cream Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 75% “It's a new type of serving traditional Panettone. You can also use other ingredients for the filling, for example fresh fruits.” Gabriele Ongaro Account Director Automotive TNS Italy Buon appetito! of Italians think of Panettone as one of the most important disheson the Christmas table “ 26 Filling Panettone alla Crema Pasticcera
  • 27. Ingredients:  1 Pandoro cake For the mascarpone cream:  300 g mascarpone  2 eggs  2 tbsp castor sugar  1 or 2 tbsp cornstarch or potato starch. Method: Put the eggs and sugar in a bowl and beat until the mixture becomes white and fluffy. Add mascarpone and mix gently. Put the mixture into a fridge for 2 hours. Meanwhile, mix espresso with rum and sugar and put back to cool. Cut Pandoro into slices (horizontally), dip them in coffee mixture and put the cream on each slice already cut into a star shape. Rebuild the Pandoro cake. Decorate with the split of mascarpone cream. preparation time: 30 mins cooking time: none yield: 10 servings Pandoro Star Pandoro a Stella 58% Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 58% “A very impressive dessert! Easy to prepare!” Andrea Galimberti Account Director Automotive TNS Italy Buon appetito! of Italians think of Pandora as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ For the espresso bath:  6 cups of espresso  1 cup of dark rum  sugar. To decorate:  chocolate sprinkles  silver sugar pearls  powdered sugar  cocoa powder. 27
  • 28. Ingredients:  mix of dried fruits  sweet white wine  zest of 1 orange  1 tbsp honey  1 stick of cinnamon. Method: Heat the wine, orange peel and honey in a pan for 5 min. Remove from the heat and add dried fruits. Leave to soak for 1 hour with a cinnamon. After 1 hour remove the cinnamon and serve. preparation time: 15 mins cooking time: 5 mins yield: 6 servings 56% Dried Fruit Salad Frutta Secca Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 56% “A pleasant alternative way for serving traditional fruit salad and really easy to prepare.” Gabriella Bergaglio Marketing & Business Development Manager TNS Italy Buon appetito! of Italians think of dried fruits as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 28
  • 29. Ingredients:  tender nougat  hazelnut cream  whipped cream. Method: Mix pieces of tender Torrone, hazelnut cream and whipped cream, put the mixture into a fridge. preparation time: 15 mins cooking time: none yield: 4 servings 48% Nougat with Hazelnut Cream Torrone con Crema alla Nocciola Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 48% “Nougat is one of the most traditional Christmas sweets in Italy and cannot be missed on the Christmas table.” Fabrizio Andreose Account Director Finance TNS Italy Buon appetito! of Italians think of nougat as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 29
  • 30. Ingredients:  1 Cotechino sausage  2 cl extra virgin olive oil  1 small onion  1 bay leaf  2 cloves  350 g dried lentils or canned lentils  100 g peeled tomatoes  salt and pepper. Method: Put the lentils into cold water to soak for 12 hours. Perforate the sausage with a skewer and put it into a pot with a cold water (non salted). Bring to the boil over a medium heat for 2 hours. Meanwhile, peel and chop the onion. Put the onion in a pan and heat with oil and cloves. When the onion gets blond colour add drained lentils. Fry for thirty seconds. Add peeled tomatoes. Bring to the boil, simmer for 30 minutes until the lentils are soft. Add salt and pepper. Drain the Cotechino, remove the skin from the sausage and serve with lentils and black pepper. preparation time: 3,5 hrs +12 hrs for lentils to soak cooking time: 2,5hrs yield: 8 servings 44% Cotechino and Lentils Cotechino con Lenticchie Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 44% “It's a very characteristic dish, wishing prosperity for the New Year's Eve, evergreen on Italian tables.” Grazia Grassi Commercial Director TNS Italy Buon appetito! of Italians think of cotechino and lentils as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 30
  • 31. Ingredients:  200 g cappelletti or meat ravioli  1 carrot  1 celery  1 onion  500 g beef boiled for the broth  4 bay leaves  salt. Method: Wash vegetables and put them in a deep pan, add meat, bay leaves and pinch of salt. Cover with cold water and cook for about 2 hours. When the broth is ready, filter it and bring back to the boil. Add Cappelletti and cook for 10 minutes. preparation time: 3 hrs cooking time: 2hrs 10 mins yield: 4 servings 29% Cappelletti in Broth Cappelletti in Brodo Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 29% “Today more and more rarely this type of stuffed pasta is prepared by hand by mothers or grandmothers, who a few days before Christmas, especially in the past, devoted themselves to this recipe. ” Fiorella Riboldi Account Manager Finance TNS Italy Buon appetito! of Italians think of cappelletti in broth as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 31
  • 32. Ingredients:  350 g flour  4 egg yolks  butter 250 g  yeast  8 g sugar  150 g vanilla  1 lemon, grated rind. Method: Put in a large bowl flour, cold butter-cut into small pieces, 4 yolks, sugar, vanilla, yeast and lemon peel. Mix all ingredients. Roll out the cake with a rolling pin on a floured surface until you get 3-4 mm thickness. Cut from the rolled cake various forms using the molds. Put the cookies on a parchment paper. Brush cookies with egg white and sprinkle with brown sugar. Put in oven for 20 minutes, make a hole in cookies and aply a red ribbon inside. Hang on the Christmas Tree. preparation time: 2,5 hrs cooking time: 20 mins yield: 6 servings 16% Christmas Cookies Biscotti di Natale Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 16% “You can hang the cookies on the Christmas Tree and make joy to your children.” Ivana Ventura Chief Development Officer Qualitative Practice Lead TNS Italy Buon appetito! of Italians think of Christmas cookies as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 32
  • 33. Ingredients:  500 g flour  3 eggs  1 glass of anise  salt  200 g butter  150 g sugar  1 vanilla  500 g honey  sunflower oil  1 box of colored sprinkles. . Method: Mix all ingredients except honey and colored sprinkles. Knead all the ingredientsand put back for 10 min. Make small balls of cake from the big one and put them into deep pan with a boiling oil. Remove Struffoli from the oil when they become golden. Meanwhile, in another pan, melt honey and add cooked struffoli. Sprinkle with almonds. preparation time: 50 mins cooking time: 20 mins yield: 6 servings 13% Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook Struffoli 13% “Struffoli are typical sweets for South Italy. Excellent for tea time with friends and family.” Cristina Colombo Chief Client Officer TNS Italy Buon appetito! of Italians think of Struffoli as one of the typical dishes on the Christmas table “ 33
  • 34. Ingredients:  1 kg capitone or anguilla  bay leaves  extra virgin olive oil  lemon juice  salt. Method: Wash and peel the fish. Cut the eel into small pieces (2 fingers high). Season with salt, bay leaves and oil. Bake at 180°C for 45 minutes. Serve hot with some lemon juice. preparation time: 1,5 hr cooking time: 45 mins yield: 6 servings 11% Baked Capitone Capitone / Anguilla al Forno Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 11% “Baked Capitone is a typical dish for South Italy. It’s a fat fish, so it’s good to have it baked and to serve it with lemon.” Luisa Sanchi Research Service Manager TNS Italy Buon appetito! of Italians think of baked Capitone as one of the typical dishes on the Christmas table “ 34
  • 35. Terrine of duck foie gras with figs Icy yule log Verrines with salmon and lime Norway Pork Ribs.................................................. Cured Lamb Meat..................................... Rice Pudding............................................ Cloudberry Pudding................................. Roasted Turkey with Port Wine Sauce........ Dried Cod treated with Lye........................... Roast Pork.................................................... Cod.............................................................. Halibut......................................................... Roasted Leg of Reindeer............................... 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Håper det smaker!
  • 36. Ingredients:  4 kg pork ribs in one piece with the rind and bones  50 g of ground black pepper  salt  1-2 onions  1-2 carrots  1 large garlic  2 apples  2-3 tbsp soy sauce. . Method: Create nice little squares on the rind with a sharp knife, follow the direction of the bones. Season with salt and ground black pepper, one or two days in advance. Let the ribs stand in the refrigerator until it is cooked. Place ribs in pan with rind side down. Pour 1 litre of cold water in the pan and add the chopped onion, 2-3 unpeeled cloves of garlic and chopped carrot, cook in the oven for about an hour at 180°C After one hour, turn the rib piece, so it is with the rind up. Pour in a little more water, add apple slices in the pan, pour the sauce over the rind and cook for a further hour. Last half hour increase the temperature to 230°C. Pour broth over ribs often. Top up with water if it starts to get dry in the pan. This last phase is for the rind to be golden brown and crispy, pay close attention to the temperature so it does not burn. When the pork ribs are done, allow it to rest for 20-30 minutes. Strain the sauce with a large colander and place it in a saucepan. You may like to have the vegetables in the strainer and press out the good juice. The vegetables you throw when you've got the juice. thicken the gravy with a little flour and add a couple of spoons with soy sauce. Bring to a boil and season with salt and pepper. I serve the pork ribs with meatballs, Christmas sausages, red cabbage, gravy, potatoes, lingonberry jam, mustard and lefse. Enjoy with beer and aquavit. preparation time: 1 hr cooking time: 2-2,5 hrs or cooking thermometer reaches 75 °C yield: 6-8 servings 77% Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook Pork Ribs Svineribbe 77% “The aroma of a rib roasting in the oven puts me in the Christmas spirit. It bears witness to a time of pleasant moments with family and friends. And good meals.” Anders G. Hovde Senior Consultant TNS Norway Håper det smaker! of Norwegians think of pork ribs as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 36
  • 37. Ingredients:  2 kg pinnekjøtt (allow about 500 gr per person)  1 piece of rutabaga  100 g butter  1 tsp salt  pepper  potatoes. Pinnekjøtt is made from ribs of lamb or mutton that has been salted and dried, and so it has a very strong flavour. Pinnekjøtt directly translates into “stick meat” in English, but the name doesn’t come from the shape of the meat (e.g. the ribs forming sticks). The name comes from the birch sticks that are used as a steamer to cook the meat. The birch sticks also add a subtle sweet-minty flavour to the meat. Method: Estimate about 500 grams pinnekjøtt per person. Add the lamb ribs in water overnight. This is important, then the lamb ribs get less salty and softer. Add birch-sticks (or anything else that can withstand boiling and prevents the meat comes into contact with the water) in a pan. Add the Pinnekjøtt. Add some water, but not so much that it comes in contact with meat. Replace the lid. Let it evaporate. The absolute minimum is two hours, but preferably there should be three hours. Lamb rib gets even better if it’s steaming yet further. Do not allow the pan to become dry. Fill more water if necessary. After the meat is steamed, roast the meat for a few minutes under the grill in the oven before serving. preparation time: 1 hr cooking time: 2-3 hrs yield: 4 servings 62% Cured Lamb Meat Pinnekjøtt Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 62% “My husband has this receipt from his family from western Norway. All the five kids love it; there is no Christmas without Pinnekjøtt!” Cecilie Køvstad Associate Director TNS Norway Håper det smaker! of Norwegians think of cured lamb meat as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Extras: mashed swede, 2 kg kohlrabi, 2 potatoes, 2 carrots, butter, cream, grated nutmeg, salt and pepper, gravy or fat from the lamb ribs. Separate into pieces. Put the pieces in pan with carrot and two potatoes. Cook the pieces until tender in well-salted water. Strain off. Add cream. Add salt, pepper and fat from the Pinnekjøtt. Serve the Pinnekjøtt with mashed swede and boiled almond potatoes, aquavit and beer. 37
  • 38. Ingredients:  300 ml rice porridge (leftovers from yesterday is fine)  300 ml cream  1 table spoon sugar  1 tea spoon vanilla sugar  50 g almond, scolded and finely chopped  2 almond drops. Red sauce:  200 g strawberries (frozen is fine)  500 ml water  100 g powdered sugar. Method: Creamed rice: Whip cream, sugar and vanilla sugar to an airy cream. Mix the cream into the porridge and decorate with chopped almonds. Add a couple of almond drops for taste. Red sauce: Bring to the boil strawberries, water and powdered sugar, let boil a couple of minutes. Cool down and blend to a smooth sauce. preparation time: 15-20 mins cooking time: 5 mins yield: 4 servings Rice Pudding Riskrem 52% Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 52% “Creamed rice is the finale of the Christmas dinner – without it the dinner feels unfinished!” Atle Følgesvold Senior Consultant TNS Norway Håper det smaker! of Norwegians think of rice pudding as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 38
  • 39. Ingredients:  3 dl cream  2 tbs sugar  3 dl sweetened cloudberries. Method: Whip cream and sugar. Mix sweetened cloudberries into the whipped cream. Serve with wafer biscuits. preparation time: 15-20 mins cooking time: none yield: 4 servings 35% Cloudberry Pudding Multekrem Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 35% “Cloudberrys that you have picked yourself awake memories from the late summer mountain trips, giving the family Christmas dinner an extra dimension!” Cesilie Bollingmo Head of Department TNS Norway Håper det smaker! of Norwegians think of cloudberry pudding as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 39
  • 40. 24% Ingredients: Roasted Turkey Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 24% “I grew up in Norway with a father from England. Christmas showed signs of traditions from both countries and I remember especially well the traditional English turkey dinner.” Magnus Clough IT Manager TNS Norway Sauce:  1 l dripping from oven tray  5 tbsp flour  juice of 2 oranges and finely grated zest of 1 orange  3/4 dl port wine  salt and white pepper. Håper det smaker! of Norwegians think of turkey as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Turkey:  500 g turkey per. person  butter for brushing the turkey and roasting  salt and white pepper. Method: Fill:  1 onion  ½ loaf without crust -diced  1 apple  1 piece of celery  250 g dried fruits (apricots, prunes, apples and peaches)  150g walnuts  2 tbs of fresh chopped parsley  1 tbs of fresh chopped thyme  2 eggs  1 tsp salt  ½ tsp white pepper. Remove the bag of guts from the turkey and fry with in a pan before moving it to a kettle. Cover it with water, boil and let it sit over low heat, ideally for an hour. Use the sieve to remove the boiling water. To make the filling: Finely chop the onion and fry quickly in butter with the bread dices. Add coarsely grated apple and celery. Cut the dried fruit into strips and chop the walnuts. Mix everything together and add the parsley and thyme. Finally add the eggs. Fill the turkey with stuffing and tie together the wings and legs for a more even cooking. Brush well with butter mixed with salt and pepper and place in the oven at 160 °C. Calculate 30 minutes per kg turkey + 30 minutes for the filling. The turkey should be cooked on a rack over a roasting pan with the bottom just barely covered with water. Keep refilling the water during cooking. When finished, keep the cooking juices in the pan for use in the sauce. To make the sauce: Boil together extract from the guts and juices from the cooking pan. Add the flour mixed with some water. Let the sauce simmer for 5 minutes and add the orange juice and zest. Season with port wine. preparation time: 1hr cooking time: 30 mins per kilo turkey + 30 mins for the stuffing yield: 500 gr turkey per person 40 with Port Wine Sauce Helstekt Kalkun med Portvinssaus
  • 41. Ingredients:  3 kg lutefisk  3 tbsp salt  150 g bacon. Mashed peas:  500 g frozen peas  1 tsp sugar  1,5 tbsp butter  1 tsp fresh thyme  salt and pepper. Side dishes: boiled potatoes, mustard, syrup and brown cheese. Method: The oven must be heated to 200°C. Place the lutefisk with the skin in the bottom in a roasting tin. Sprinkle the salt and cover with foil of aluminium. Cook the lutefish in the middle of the oven about 40 minutes. Cut the bacon into small pieces and cook on low heat until it is golden and crispy. Mashed peas: Boil peas in water with some sugar. Mix with butter and thyme, and taste with salt and pepper. preparation time: 1 hr cooking time: 40 mins yield: 4 servings 23% Dried Cod treated with Lye Lutefisk Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 23% “An old traditional Norwegian dish which I eat several times during Christmas time. It is made out of dried cod, with distinct flavor and taste. Cold beer and Norwegian aquavit (schnapps) is definitely required!” Gunnar Vogt Associate Director TNS Norway Håper det smaker! of Norwegians think of lutefisk as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 41
  • 42. Ingredients:  1 kg pork  1 onion  2 carrots  salt  pepper  ½ l water. . Method: Season the meat with salt and pepper. Chop vegetables in large chunks. Place the meat, vegetables and water in ovenproof dish. Roast the meat at 125°C until the core reach 72°C. Use a spoon and pour gravy over the meat every 20 minutes. Let the meat rest for 15 minutes before slicing. Use the gravy as basis for sauce. Use maizena or flour to make it thicker, add salt pepper and some red wine. Serve with boiled potatoes, vegetables and red cabbage, beer and aquavit. preparation time: 15 mins cooking time: 1,5 hr yield: 5 servings Roast Pork Svinestek 14% Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 14% “In my family the roast pork replaced the more traditional pork rib and is now a ‘must have’ on Christmas Eve.” Kari Nordstad Head of Department TNS Norway Håper det smaker! of Norwegians think of roast pork as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 42
  • 43. Ingredients:  1 kg cod loin  8 green asparagus  bacon  ½ onion  2 dl cream  250 g salted butter  parsley  2 dl white wine  salt  potatoes. Method: Cut the fish into 8 pieces and season them with salt and pepper. Put into the oven at 180°C for 10-12 minutes. Fry the bacon so that it becomes crispy. Finely chop the onion and cook in white wine until it evaporates. Let the cream cook until two thirds remains. Cut the butter into cubes and whisk them into the cream. The sauce must not boil. Season with parsley, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Break off the bottom part of the asparagus and peel the lower part of the stalk. Boil water with salt and let the asparagus cook for 2-3 minutes. Boil the potatoes and pass them through a sieve. Heat the cream until it almost boils. Mix the cream with potatoes and butter. Season with salt and pepper. preparation time: 10 mins cooking time: 25 mins yield: 4 servings 7% Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook Cod Torskeloin 7% “This dish should be enjoyed with a glass of good, white Burgundy!” Morten Hestmann Senior Consultant TNS Norway Håper det smaker! of Norwegians think of cod as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 43
  • 44. Ingredients:  800 g halibut  2 l water  2 tbsp of salt  2 tsp of vinegar  200 g carrots  salt and pepper  almond potatoes  salt  160 g butter in cubes  ca. ½ dl. cream  chopped parsley  fresh lemon juice  salt and pepper. Method: Boil water with salt and vinegar. When the water is boiling, turn down the heat and gently put the halibut into the hot water. After approx. 10 minutes the fish is ready. Chop carrots into sticks and steam the carrots, using salt, butter and water just barely covering the carrots in the sauce pan. Add a lid, and let them steam until they are almost tender (approx. 4 min) Boil water with salt, and add the potatoes. Let them boil for 5 min., before turning down the temperature, and letting them steam for about 8-10 min. Cream is heated in a sauce pan. When it starts boiling, turn down the heat, and add the cubes of butter, one by one. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Add chopped parsley just before serving. preparation time: 10 mins cooking time: 30 mins yield: 4 servings 7% Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook Halibut Kveite 7% “Halibut is golden! Use my Mom’s recipe and impress family and friends with a traditional and delicious Norwegian feast, in less than 40 mins.” Berit Kvaloy Deputy Associate Director TNS Norway Håper det smaker! of Norwegians think of halibut as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 44
  • 45. Roasted Leg of Reindeer Reinsdyrstek Author of recipe: Connected Xmas Cookbook 5% “Roasted leg of reindeer is the taste of Norway.” Svein Roar Hult Marketing Director TNS Norway Sauce:  the broth from the roasting pan  butter and flour for thickening  3/4 dl. red wine  8 juniper berries  4-5 slices of brown goat cheese  salt and pepper  2 tbsp sour cream. Håper det smaker! of Norwegians think of reindeer as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Ingredients: Roast:  1,5 kg reindeer leg, tied  1,5 tsp salt, 1,5 tsp pepper,  2 tbls butter  3 carrots  2 onions  1 celery root  4 dl boiling water. Method: Side dishes:  600 g mushrooms  6-12 shallots  1 tsp salt, 0,5 tsp pepper,  1 tbsp butter  600 gr brussel sprouts  5 carrots in chunks  almond potatoes  cranberry jam. Put peeled carrots, onions and celery root, cut into chunks, into a roasting pan. Rub the roast with salt and pepper and have it in a hot frying pan with butter to make it brown on all sides. Put the roast on top of the vegetables, insert the meat thermometer and add the water to the roasting pan. Place the roasting pan in the oven at 125 °C. When the thermometer reaches 70 °C the roast is pink at the center. At 76 °C it will be grey at the center. This will take 2-3 hours. Peel and slice the shallots. Slice the mushrooms. Fry this in a frying pan with butter. Have it into a casserole dish, in the oven with the roast. Boil brussel sprouts and carrots. Make sure that they still give some resistance to the teeth. Mix in a serving bowl. Boil the almond potatoes for 7 minutes. Take the casserole away from the heat and leave the potatoes in the hot water until they are ready. When the roast is finished, let it rest under aluminium foil for 15-20 minutes and make the sauce meanwhile. Make thickener from butter and flour. Add the broth from the roasting pan into the casserole while stirring. Add the red wine, juniper berries and goat cheese. Simmer for 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the sour cream and heat without boiling. Slice the roast and serve. preparation time: 1hr cooking time: 2-3 hrs yield: 6 seervings 5% 45
  • 46. Terrine of duck foie gras with figs Bon appetit! Icy yule log Verrines with salmon and lime Poland Fried Christmas Carp................................. Black Dumplings with Salmon................... Borscht with Dumplings............................ Peas with Cabbage................................... Herring in Herb-and-Root Blankets........... Christmas Dried Fruit Compote...................... Mushroom Soup........................................... Poppy Seed Roll............................................. Fish in Aspic.................................................. Poppy Seed Noodles...................................... 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Smacznego!
  • 47. Ingredients:  4 carp fillets  250 ml milk (3.5% fat)  2 lemons  1 egg  1/2 glass UHT milk  salt, pepper, and sugar  clarified butter. Method: Milk neutralises the characteristic, muddy taste of carp, making the fish fresh and aromatic. Salt the fillets generously, and sprinkle them with pepper and the juice of one lemon. Then soak the carp in milk and put it in the fridge for at least six hours. Caution: you have to use UHT milk, otherwise it will go sour. Take the fillets out of the marinade, and put them on a paper towel to drip. Pour the flour onto a larger plate and whisk one egg in a bowl. Put the clarified butter on a frying pan and heat it up. Put the fillets in the bowl with the egg, then gently roll them in the flour, and put them on the frying pan. Fry until the batter becomes golden. Serve with quarters of lemon. preparation time: 6 hrs cooking time: 15 mins yield: 4 servings 82% Fried Christmas Carp Smazony Karp Wigilijny Author of recipie: Connected Xmas Cookbook 82% “I heartily recommend using Zator Carp – a regional EU product from the Carp Valley, where old, ecological breeding methods hailing back to the XIVth century are still alive and well.” Tomasz Uzarowski Account Director Consumer & Social TNS Poland Smacznego! of Poles think of carp as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 47
  • 48. Ingredients: The dough:  ½ kg wheat flour  1 egg  1+ glass lukewarm water  1 tbsp oil  a pinch of salt  2 squid ink sachets. Method: The dough: Pour the flour on a pastry board, add the egg and lukewarm water with a bit of oil and a pinch of salt. When the dough becomes elastic, add the squid ink. The dough should become uniformly dark. Put the dough aside for a while, and cover it with a cloth. The filling: Season the salmon fillet with pepper and a pinch of salt. Wrap the fish in aluminium foil, and bake it for 10-15 minutes in an oven pre-heated to 180°C. Finally, add a few tsp of mascarpone to make the filling stick together. You can also add some dill. Roll the dough to form a thin layer, cut out circles with a glass or cup, and put the filling in the centre of the circles. Form the dumplings by folding the circles in half and pressing the edges together. Boil a pot of water, add some salt, and reduce the heat. Put the dumplings in the boiling water, cover the pot, and make sure that the pierogi don’t stick to the bottom of the pot. Wait for the moment when the dumplings rise to the surface, and then boil for 3-4 more minutes. Fish them out of the pot with a skimmer scoop. Dumplings taste best with sauce: Heat the cream in a saucepan – caution: don't let the cream come to a boil, lest it curdles. Cut the cheese into cubes and put it in the cream. You can use gorgonzola or any other mould cheese that you like. When the cheese melts, pour the sauce over the dumplings and sprinkle with dill. preparation time: 1 hr cooking time: 3-4 mins after the dumplings rise to the surface yield: 4 or more, depending on your appetite 69% Author of recipie: Connected Xmas Cookbook 69% “Postmodernism is a time of fluency, so why not dismantle the traditional Christmas dumplings recipe? A breath of modernity on the Christmas table.” Michał Lutostanski Account Manager Consumer & Social TNS Poland Smacznego! of Poles think of dumplings as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ The filling:  ½ kg salmon fillet  ½ kg smoked salmon bellies or other bits of smoked salmon  1 tub of mascarpone. The sauce:  cream 18% (fat)  1 pack of Gorgonzola piccante fresh dill. Black Dumplings with Salmon Czarne Pierogi z Łososiem 48
  • 49. Ingredients: Beetroot sourdough:  1 kg red beets  carrot  root parsley  horseradish  ¼ celeriac  1 slice of whole wheat bread  1 tbsp caraway  3 tsp salt  1 pinch of sugar. Method: Beetroot sourdough: Wash the vegetables, dry them, peel, and slice. Put them in an earthenware pot layer by layer, sprinkling each layer with the mix of spices. Top up the pot with 3 litres of pre-boiled and cooled water. Put the slice of bread on top, and cover the pot with gauze (if you’re a pharmacist), or with a muslin square (if you’re a parent), and leave it to sit for 6 days. After that time, it’s likely that a layer of mould will have formed on top (something that only French people tolerate in their cheese, and Poles in their borscht). You need to carefully remove the mould, sieve the acid, and pour it into bottles. You will use some of the acid for your Christmas borscht, whereas the rest can be stored for as long as several months, to be used to make great borscht with smoked bacon. Lenten borscht: Wash the mushrooms, soak them overnight, boil, and strain. Make vegetable stock from the vegetables, sieve it, and mix with the mushroom stock. Add the beetroot sourdough (1:3) and don’t boil it anymore. Add the spices, wine, pressed garlic, and lemon juice. Then, continue adding the sourdough until the soup gives you a sensation on the sides of your palate as if you were having a sip of syrah wine. Pour it into soup dishes with the dumplings ready. Dumpling dough: Mix the flour with the egg, and add just enough water to make the dough stick together well. It’s important to use warm, rather than hot water. Fold, fold, and fold again. Dumpling filling: Chop finely everything that's there to be chopped. Blanche the onion in the oil, add the remaining ingredients with the yolk thrown in last. Fry for a moment, and season with spices. Roll the dough into a thin layer and cut into small triangles. Put the filling on the dough triangles when it cools down. The dumplings need to be really small - bite sized! preparation time: 7 days for beetroot sourdough cooking time: 1,5 hr yield: 8 serving 68% Author of recipie: Connected Xmas Cookbook 68% “This soup is like a drug. The only thing that protects us from becoming fully addicted (and the dish from a legal ban) is the amount of work it takes to make it, before it can carry you away.” Mateusz Galica Client Service & Marketing Director TNS Poland Smacznego! Poles think of borscht as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Lenten borscht:  1.5 l beetroot sourdough  soup vegetables  1 kg red beets  2 handfuls forest mushrooms  a glass of dry red wine  3 cloves of garlic  3 tbsp lemon juice  pepper, salt, laurel leaves, allspice. Dumpling dough:  1kg flour  1 egg  warm water  salt. Dumpling filling:  2 glasses cooked dry forest mushrooms  2 onions  2 egg yolks  4 walnuts  2 parsley sprigs  1 lovage sprig  2 tbsp rapeseed oil  salt and pepper. Borscht with Dumplings Barszcz z Uszkami 49
  • 50. Ingredients:  1 kg sauerkraut (preferably the kind sold from a huge barrel at the local market)  400 g pealed peas (from this year’s harvest, packed in a bag)  4 onions  4 tbsp vegetable oil. Method: Soak the peas in water for 12 hours. Use two glasses of water per each glass of peas. Cook the soaked peas on low heat until soft. Blend the soft peas with a blender. Chop the cabbage, and cook until soft. Chop the onion finely. Heat some oil on a frying pan. Fry the onion for a while to blanche it. Mix all the ingredients together and bring them to a boil. preparation time: 10 mins cooking time: 45 mins yield: 12 servings 44% Peas with Cabbage Kapusta z Grochem Author of recipie: Connected Xmas Cookbook 44% “Like in the words of an old Polish nursery rhyme, at Christmas time peas stew together with cabbage, rather than cereal. Prepared accordingly with my mother’s old recipe, this dish evokes a lot of great, joyful family memories” Magda Sawinska Associate Director Finance, Automotive, Technology TNS Poland Smacznego! of Poles think of peas with cabbage as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 50
  • 51. Ingredients:  8-10 soused herring fillets  1 average size carrot  2-3 average size onions  cardamom and allspice seeds  cinnamon powder  some ‘5 flavours’ spice or herring herbs  1 glass oil. Method: Soak the herring fillets in lukewarm water (to make it less salty, to the extent you like it). Put the mushrooms in a pot, cover them with water (about 1.5 l ), and leave to soak, preferably overnight. You will likely find sand at the bottom of the pot, so fish the mushrooms out and put them in a clean pot. Pour the water through a fine sieve, and then pour it back with the mushrooms. Bring to a boil and cook for about 1.5 hours. At the same time, pour about 1.5 l of water to a big pot. Wash, peel, and slice the carrots, root parsley, celery, and celeriac. Put the vegetables in the large pot with water. Add some allspice, the bay leaf, pepper, and salt. Boil on low heat for about 1.5 h. When it’s ready, pour the stock through a sieve, and add the mushrooms (finely chopped) and the water in which you cooked the mushrooms. Cook it for another 10 minutes. Add some cream and season as you like. Serve with noodles. preparation time: 35 mins cooking time: none, that’s when you get some time for yourself yield: depending on how much herring you get 38% Herring in Herb-and-Root Blankets Sledz w Ziołowo Korzennej Otulinie Author of recipie: Connected Xmas Cookbook 38% “I’ve stolen this recipe from my friend who’s a cook. It works every time. Try it!” Anna Jutrzenka MS Field Executive TNS Poland Smacznego! of Poles think of herring as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 51
  • 52. Ingredients:  100 g dried apples  100 g dried plums  100 g dried pears  2-2,5 l water  3 tbsp honey  6 cloves  1 tsp cinnamon or a bit of a stick  1 orange. Method: Put the fruits in a pot. Pour in the cold water and put it on the cooker. Add the cinnamon and cloves, cover the pot, and cook the fruits on a low heat for about 30 minutes, until they are soft and the stew is aromatic. Finally, add the honey and throw in the sliced orange. Pour the warm kompot into a jug. Remember to put the fruits into the jug as well, and give your guests spoons so they can eat the fruits. preparation time: 40 mins cooking time: 30 mins yield: 4 servings 33% Christmas Dried Fruit Author of recipie: Connected Xmas Cookbook 33% “For me, there can be no Christmas table without dried fruits kompot. Not only does it quench thirst, but also tastes great, and works well after a supple meal.” Eliza Trebicka Senior Research Executive, Qualitative TNS Poland Smacznego! of Poles think of kompot as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 52 Compote Kompot z suszu
  • 53. Ingredients:  approx. 150 g dried mushrooms (can be a mix of different types)  2 carrots  2 root parsleys  ½ celeriac  1 celery  salt and pepper  1 bay leaf  allspice  cream 18% (fat)  noodles cooked in salted water. Method: Put the mushrooms in a pot, cover them with water (about 1.5 l ), and leave to soak, preferably overnight. You will likely find sand at the bottom of the pot, so fish the mushrooms out and put them in a clean pot. Pour the water through a fine sieve, and then pour it back with the mushrooms. Bring to a boil and cook for about 1.5 hours. At the same time, pour about 1.5 l of water to a big pot. Wash, peel, and slice the carrots, root parsley, celery, and celeriac. Put the vegetables in the large pot with water. Add some allspice, the bay leaf, pepper, and salt. Boil on low heat for about 1.5 h. When it’s ready, pour the stock through a sieve, and add the mushrooms (finely chopped) and the water in which you cooked the mushrooms. Cook it for another 10 minutes. Add some cream and season as you like. Serve with noodles. preparation time: 2,5 hrs (plus the time required to soak the mushrooms) cooking time: 2 hrs yield: 6-8 servings 33% Mushroom Soup Zupa Grzybowa Author of recipie: Connected Xmas Cookbook 33% “Red borscht or mushroom soup? Mushrooms or red borscht? No such doubts in my family home. We always have mushroom soup for Christmas dinner – it’s delicious!” Martyna Baran Junior Research Executive Consumer & Social TNS Poland Smacznego! of Poles think of mushroom soup as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 53
  • 54. Ingredients (for two rolls): Yeast dough:  2 cups wheat flour and 2 tbp of flour for sprinkling  1/2 stick of butter  4 egg yolks  1/3 yeast cube  ½ glass milk  4 tbsp sugar  a pinch of salt  a tsp of clear distilled spirit. Method: The dough: Crumble the yeast into a bowl, add a teaspoon of sugar, and pour in ¼ glass of milk (it can’t be cold). Mix until the yeast dissolves. Then add 3 tablespoons of flour and mix until the lumps disappear. Cover the bowl with a cloth, and put it in warm water for about 15 minutes, until a thick froth begins to rise in the pot (if it rises, it means that the yeast is ‘doing its job’). Pour the yeast solution to a bowl with water and add: 3 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of spirit, 4 egg yolks, and melted and chilled butter. Mix it all together with a spoon, and then fold the dough energetically for about 15 minutes, until it becomes flexible and no longer sticks to your fingers. Form a ball, put it in a bowl, cover with a cloth, and leave in hot place to grow (the dough needs to become twice its initial size). Meanwhile you can make the poppy seed filling. Poppy seed mass: Immerse the poppy seeds in hot water, wait until it cools, drain the water, and mince the seeds twice in a meat mincer with a fine mesh. Add sugar, honey, raisins and nuts, and stir thoroughly. Whisk the egg whites and gently fold them into the poppy seed mass. When it’s ready, remove the dough from the bowl, fold it again, divide into two parts, and roll into thin rectangles (2-3 mm). Spread the poppy seed filling on the dough, leaving approx 2 cm space from the edges. Form the dough into a roll, and fold the ends underneath. Wrap the rolls in baking parchment, and put them on a baking tray. Remember to make sure there’s some space between them. Bake the rolls at 190°C, for about 35 minutes. When the rolls are ready, let them cool down and cover them in icing. Icing: Pour the icing sugar into a small bowl and mix with hot water. If the icing is too thick, add water. If it’s too runny, add sugar. preparation time: 1 hr cooking time: 3-4 mins after the dumplings rise to the surface yield: 4 or more, depending on your appetite 29% Author of recipie: Connected Xmas Cookbook 29% “Baking poppy seed rolls has become a tradition of ours. Everyone who tries it says that you won’t find anything like that in a bakery.” Agnieszka Chojnacka Operations Director TNS Poland Smacznego! of Poles think of Christmas cake as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Poppy seed mass:  2 glasses milk  ½ glass sugar  ½ glass raisins  a handful of chopped walnuts or hazelnuts  ½ glass orange zest  3 tbsp honey  4 egg whites. Poppy Seed Roll Makowiec Icing ingredients (for two rolls):  2/3 glass icing sugar  2-3 tbsp hot water. 54
  • 55. Ingredients:  1 kg fresh trout (skinless and deboned)  soup vegetables  2 eggs  2 tbsp farina  2 tbsp breadcrumbs  1-2 tsp sugar  1 stock cube  gelatine  salt, pepper, and Vegeta spice. Method: Make some stock by boiling the vegetables with the cube. Add some salt, pepper, and Vegeta according to your preferences. If you’ve got the fish’s head, put it in the stock as well. Cook it like chicken soup – on very low heat. Prepare the fish: mince the fish in a meat mincer (use the mesh you would use for meatballs). Mince also the carrot from the stock, and a 5-7 cm piece of raw celery (the green part is ok). Add 2 tbsp farina, 2 tbsp breadcrumbs, 2 whole eggs, salt, pepper, and Vegeta. Fold it together well with your hands. Put the fish paste on the skin of the fish or, if you prefer, form the paste into a sausage and wrap it in a piece of gauze moistened with cold water (put the sausage on the gauze, cover it with one side of the gauze along the length of the sausage, and then fold the sides of the gauze over each other). Put the sausage into the stock boiling on low heat, and cook for about 40 minutes (turn it over after 20 minutes). When it’s cooked, put the sausage on a cutting board and carefully unwrap. Pour the stock through a colander. You can keep the carrots and root parsley to garnish the dish. Add salt, pepper, and 1 or 2 teaspoons of sugar to the stock. Prepare the aspic following the instructions on the pack – either cook the gelatine, or add it to the hot stock after soaking it in cold water. Cut the fish into 1cm slices. Put them on a plate, garnish (you can do it with peas, broccoli, parsley, and hard-boiled eggs), and pour the stock over the fish. preparation time: 2 hrs cooking time: 40 mins yield: 6 servings Fish in Aspic Ryba w Galarecie 19% Author of recipie: Connected Xmas Cookbook 19% “II think it’s the best trout recipe there is – it’s my aunt’s recipe, and she’s a great cook.” Sylwia Kujawa Junior Research Executive - Associate Qualitative TNS Poland Smacznego! of Poles think of fish in aspic as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ 55
  • 56. Ingredients: Home-made noodles:  0.5 kg flour  5 eggs  1/3 tsp salt  cold water (optional). Method: Noodles: Sieve the flour, add salt, and whisk the eggs with a fork. Form the flour into a mound with a crater on the top, and pour the eggs inside. Fold the dough until it becomes smooth and springy. You can add some water if the dough becomes too thick. Roll the dough to the desired thickness (depending on whether you prefer thicker or thinner noodles). Sprinkle the dough with flour while rolling, so that it doesn’t stick to the pin. Leave the ready dough sheets to dry. Then roll the dough sheets into a roll and cut into pieces. Cook for about 5 minutes in water with a pinch of salt. You can also use a noodle machine if you like. It’s ok to prepare the noodles one day in advance. Mass: Rinse the poppy seeds, put them in a dish, top up with fresh water, and leave for the night. On the next day, bring the poppy seeds to a boil, and cook on a low heat for 30 – 40 minutes. Then sieve the poppy seeds, and let them cool down. Mince them in a grinder two or three times (use a fine mesh). While you’re mincing, add the castor sugar (though only the first time) in the following proportion: 3 tbsp poppy seeds: 1 tbp icing sugar. Mix it all together. Soak the raisins and chop the nuts. Melt the butter in a frying pan and simmer the poppy seeds. Mix the nuts and raisins with honey and egg whites. Fold the mass into the poppy seeds, and add the noodles. preparation time: 12 hrs cooking time: 1hr for noodles + 1,5 hr for mass yield: 8 servings 16% Poppy Seed Noodles Kluski z Makiem Author of recipie: Connected Xmas Cookbook 16% “I wait the whole year to eat poppy seed noodles. Although our Christmas menu evolved over time, this dish is the one constant element that’s never changed. I've got this recipe from my grandma, and I’m still using it in its original form.” Aleksandra Osuch Field Executive TNS Poland Smacznego! of Poles think of poppy seed noodles as one of the most important dishes on the Christmas table “ Poppy seed mass:  400 g poppy seeds  100 g icing sugar  raisins, nuts - according to your taste (200 g)  50 g butter  1- 2 tbsp honey  the white of one egg. 56