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Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS)

       Annual Programme Report
1.0      Introduction
The Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS) is an umbrella Civil Society Organization (CSO) established to contribute to water
resource management and sustainable provision of water and sanitation services and hygiene promotion services in Ghana. Itโ€™s dedicated to ensuring
potable water supply and improved sanitation integrated with hygiene promotion is available in right quantity and right time to citizens of the country,
especially the poor and marginalized groups in society. Formed in 2003, CONWAS has provided and continues to provide space for WASH sector
NGOs to engage themselves as well as the government and other sector organizations on issues affecting the sector. CONIWAS acts as a mouthpiece
for over 50 member constituents where it derives its strength. The Network provides a forum for CSO coordination and involvement in debates and
information exchange to influence policy decisions and strategies affecting the WASH sector. It seeks to initiate, develop and maintain collaborative
mechanisms among CSOs working in Ghana and Africa by enhancing communication on matters relating to WASH. It updates members on
national and international WASH initiatives, policies and strategies and best practices relevant to the Ghanaian scenario.

CONIWAS has the following vision and missions:

                                       Water and Sanitation for All for Development through Collective action

The Mission is:
  โ€œWorking in partnership with sector players to influence policies, remove barriers and promote access to potable water, sanitation and improved
                                                 hygiene for all especially the poor and vulnerable.โ€

CONIWAS works to achieve the following goals:

    ๏‚ท   Building partnerships with relevant stakeholders in order to increase access to water and sanitation for the poor and vulnerable in urban, peri
        โ€“urban and rural areas.
    ๏‚ท   Demonstrating and stimulating ways of scaling up through members the delivery of sustainable and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene
        promotion within the context of national policy environment
    ๏‚ท   Creating strong and effective advocacy platforms towards influencing policy and enabling marginalized populations develop a voice.
    ๏‚ท   Building knowledge and developing capacity of relevant stakeholders in the water and sanitation sector in Ghana.
    ๏‚ท   Establishing mechanisms for ensuring sustainability of CONIWAS as an institution, and its contribution to the sector.

The mission will be achieved by:

    ๏‚ท   Deepening existing partnership relations with existing partners whilst at the same time defining and developing new alliances and partnership
        to achieve the mission. The choice of new partners will be determined by the context (extent of marginalization), type of interventions
        planned (advocacy vs. service delivery or type of expertise needed)
    ๏‚ท   Demonstrating and stimulating ways of scaling up through members the delivery of sustainable and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene
        promotion within the context of national policy environment.
    ๏‚ท   Investigating barriers to sustainable and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene promotion service delivery. This will include making
        evidence-based arguments for the improvement of the decentralized delivery of those services.

2.0    Programs Implemented and Outcomes
Programmes implemented were categorized the main programme domains Governance and Accountability, Research and Advocacy, Partnerships
and Collaboration and Organizational Development.

2.1      Governance and Accountability Programme
Projects and activities implemented focused on creating space for citizens to demand for improved WASH Services in their communities. Two
projects delivered under this domain were Citizenโ€™s Demand for Improved Water Services in Obuasi and Kanda Cluster of Schools Projects in Accra

a)       Citizenโ€™s Demand for Improved Water Services in Obuasi
Obuasi is one of the single largest mining communities in Ghana. The town has seen greater expansion in settlement without a correspondent
expansion in utility provision, in this case, water. Most of the suburbs, especially the peripheries, and the slums do not have adequate access to
potable supply. The services are intermittent and flow is irregular. However, no mechanism was established to collect and collate consumersโ€™
complains and address them. A project was initiated in 2010 where people from the slums and other suburbs engaged the Service Provider, AVRL to
demand for improved services. The engagement was aimed at promoting community participation in urban water service delivery and creating a
platform for community/service provider engagement for improved water supply services. Issues discussed included water quality, irregular supplies
of water, high billing costs and cost of connections. Community Score Card was the main social accountability tool used to facilitate this process. The
results were series of actions to be taken by the provider to enhance service delivery to the communities. This yearโ€™s project was therefore a follow-
up to assess the extent to which the action plan was implemented and whether it resulted in improved water provision to the communities. At the
meeting were the representatives of the suburbs, Ghana Urban Water Limited (GUWL), and Public Utility Regulatory Commission (PURC). At the
end of the meeting, there were indications that the quality of water to households has improved dramatically and this was attributed to regular flushing
of the pipelines. In addition, the main pipeline was replaced with a new one which has bigger diameter. This enhanced flow of water and increased

              Citizens/Service Providers Engagement                                     Citizen Making her Point at the Engagement Meeting

b.        Kanda Cluster of Schools Project
It is estimated that about 60% of public schools in Ghana do not have adequate
latrine facilities and 40% lacked access to potable water. Schools which have some
level of access are challenged by their ability to operate and maintain the physical                     Some of the Problems Associated with WASH Services in
                                                                                                                              the School
infrastructure. This project, which was limited in scope, was initiated to access
                                                                                                         ๏‚ท   lack of water though the toilets are water closets Cleanliness
WASH Governance and Functionality of WASH Services in Public Schools and                                     of the toilets
Kanda Cluster of Schools was the target school. There are seven basic schools in                         ๏‚ท   An untidy toilet is a health hazard to us as pupils and makes
one compound with 1,700 pupils with 68 pupils/per drop hole. Using Community                                 us feel uncomfortable to use the toilets especially with urine
Score Card Processes, Parents (represented by the Parent Teacher Association -                               and sanitary pads on the floor of the toilet;
PTA), pupils represented by 30 children and 6 Teachers were engaged in the final                         ๏‚ท   Inadequate dustbins for waste collected
process of the assessment. Based on the assessment and discussion which ensued                           ๏‚ท   Inadequate separate toilet facilities for boys and girls
                                                                                                         ๏‚ท   Toilet seats were broken
during the interface meeting, there was a general agreement that toilet and water
                                                                                                         ๏‚ท   Not every child/pupil can use the water closet
facilities in the school are not adequate and the quality needs much to be desired.                      ๏‚ท   Poor lightening in the toilets and therefore pupils especially
There were several dimensions with respect to quality, quantity, and level of usage.                         girls feel insecure
This was summarized by one of the representatives of the girls, โ€˜โ€™Yes, we agree that                     ๏‚ท   Inadequate privacy especially for girls because the toilets
the facilities are bad. The irregular flow of water in the school toilet, we donโ€™t like                      could not be closed from inside. โ€œe.g., boys coming in to spy
it. We need the facilities to be worked upon.โ€™โ€™                                                              on the girlsโ€
                                                                                                         ๏‚ท   No toiletries are provided for use by the pupils
                                                                                                         ๏‚ท   The does not encourage pupils to use the toilet. .
Some of the governance and transparency issue raised was how much of the
                                                                                                         ๏‚ท   Lack of maintenance of the physical infrastructure: e.g.,
capitation grant is used by the School authorities for WASH Services provision                               broken toilet, seats, water pots and cracked walls.
including operation and maintenance, what does the school authorities use                                ๏‚ท   Inadequate Handwashing stand with soap and running water
collection from morning devotions and what role does the PTA plays in ensuring
Services are adequately provided.

         Issues for advocacy and policy recommendation included:
         โ€ข    Increase in the Capitation Grant because GHC150 is not enough to run a school
              including the provision good sanitation and hygiene services
         โ€ข   Need for user education to be provided to the pupils
         โ€ข   Every new school building should have an WASH Facilities as integral part of the
         โ€ข   Who has the responsibility of cleaning the school facilities? Is it the children or hired
         โ€ข   There is a need for the headmasters, PTAs and SMCs to start meeting to discuss
             some of these issues at hand                                                                      PTA Member Scoring WASH Services Provisions in

2.2     Research and Advocacy
This programme domain focused on engaging Sector stakeholders and the Media on pertinent issues affecting the Sector. The projects implemented
were Mole XXII Conference, Media Engagement on the Performance on Aqua Vitans Rand Limited (AVRL) within the context of Management
                                                                 Contract for operating and managing urban water supply and 2011 Budget

                                                                       a) Mole XXII Conference
                                                                   Mole Conference offers the biggest Multi-Stakeholder annual platforms in the
                                                                   Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector in Ghana. The Platform,
                                                                   named after the venue of the maiden edition, Mole in the Northern Region of
                                                                   Ghana, is organized by the Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation
                                                                   (CONIWAS) and brings together sector practitioners from NGOs,
                                                                   Government, Private Operators, Networks, CBOs, CSOs, etc. to dialogue,
                                                                   learn and share knowledge/information on specific themes that affect the
                                                                   sector. This yearโ€™s conference was on the theme โ€œTowards Decentralized
                                                                   WASH Services Delivery: Challenges and Lessons.โ€ The four days meeting
                                                                   had one hundred fifty eight participants representing government, NGOs,
                                                                   development partners, traditional leaders and the private sector. This took
                                                                   place from 9th-13th August 2011. The conference scope covered Governance,
                                                                   Accountability and Aid Effectiveness in the WASH sector; Dealing with long
                                                                   term financing for small town systems; Oil and Gas and its implications in the
                                                                   WASH sector; Scaling up Sanitation and Hygiene- The CLTS factor; and,

                                                                Innovation/New Initiative in the WASH Sector. The conference came out
with many recommendations including a seventeen point communiquรฉ. See communiquรฉ at

b) Policy Dialogues โ€“ Human Rights to WASH Services
On July 28, 2010, the UN General Assembly adopted a historic                        The Scope of the Right to Water and Sanitation
Resolution 64/292 resolution (General Assembly ) recognizing access to
clean water and sanitation as a human right by a vote of 122 in favor,              The Right to Water and Sanitation as stated in Human Rights
none against, and 41 abstentions. Ghana voted in favor. On September                Council Resolution 15/9 covers the following:
30, 2010, the U.N. Human Rights Council affirmed the existence of the
human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation under international              1.   Sufficient water: Water supply for each person that is sufficient
law, in what is called the Human Rights Council declaration                              and continuous for personal and domestic uses, which normally
Resolution15/9, leading to the Human Rights Council resolution                           include drinking, personal sanitation, washing of clothes, food
                                                                                         preparation, personal and household hygiene.
A/HCR/15/L.14. These two legal instruments combined to make the
                                                                                    2.   .Clean water: Safe water that, in particular, is free from
human right to water and sanitation legally-binding. The right to water                  hazardous substances that could endanger human health, and
'entitles everyone to sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible and            whose colour, odour and taste are acceptable to users.
affordable water for personal and domestic uses.' The Right to sanitation           3.   Accessible water and sanitation: Water and water and
entitles everyone to an improved and safe, decent and affordable source                  sanitation services and facilities that are accessible within, or
of sanitation. The Council's resolution helps those denied the right to                  in the immediate vicinity, of each household, educational
water and sanitation to hold governments to account.                                     institution and workplace, and which are in a secure
                                                                                         location and address the needs of different groups, in
Two major platforms, one for WASH Sector Journalist and the other                        particular threats to the physical security of women collecting
WASH Sector stakeholders to sensitize them on the Human Rights to                        water.
WASH issues as well as to build support to reinforce a Memorandum                   4.   Affordable water and sanitation: Both the direct and indirect
which had been sent to the Ghana Constitutional Review Committee for                     costs of securing water and sanitation should not reduce any
the inclusion of Rights to WASH to the on-going constitutional review.                   person's capacity to acquire other essential goods and services,
                                                                                         including food, housing, health services and education.
The Platforms discussed and agreed on the role of the various sector
stakeholders in ensuring that the Rights to WASH is achieved.

    c) Sector Monitoring and Media Engagement โ€“ Performance AVRL
CONIWAS strategy has been to engage the vibrant media sector as part of its platforms to make information available to the general public and to
help them make informed decision. CONIWASโ€™ through this process shared its position on the future direction of urban water supply in Ghana, and
particularly, the fate of the Management Contract between Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) and Aqua Vitens Rand Limited (VRL) as the
contract rolled to an end in June 2011. AVRL under a management contract signed in 2006 had a responsibility of ensuring efficient and effective
delivery of water supply to the urban citizenry. CONIWAS called for a non-renewal of the contract on grounds of non-performance in relation to
agreed performance indicators and targets.

CONIWAS also of the view that the new company, Ghana Urban Water Limited which was put in place to perform the functions of AVRL under
the management contract was not necessary because the staff and management were part of the Ghana Water Company Limited. The GUWL was to
operate as a โ€œSpecial Purpose Vehicleโ€ for one year by which time the government would have put in place a long-term institutional arrangement for
effective delivery of urban water.

d) Sector Monitoring and Media Engagement - WAHS Sector Budget Analysis
As a follow up to government on its commitment to the SWA, CONIWAS conducted an assessment which concluded that government was indeed
meeting about 45% of its commitments to the SWA. The assessment further indicated that the WASH Sector budget constituted about 3% of the
total budget for 2011 fiscal year and donors are contribution a little over 90% to the WASH Sector budget. CONIWAS called to government to put
into action, its commitments. (Reference to Public agenda, 28th April, 2011 and 12 May 2011, also on

As a follow-up to the above call, CONIWAS has submitted a memorandum to the Ministry of Finance to advocate for an increase in WASH
allocation in the 2012 budget. CONIWAS together with Sector stakeholders has initiated a process of undertaking a comprehensive assessment of
the SWA Compact to determine the extent to which the Government and Development Partners are meeting the Commitment in the Compact. The
result is also expected to help the country develop its proposal and commitment toward the 2012 HLM in April.

                         CONIWAS Executives/Members at Media Engagement on
                                 Urban Water Supply

    e) World Water Day (White Balloon Day)
CONIWAS used the occasion of World Water to draw attention of the government and WASH Sector stakeholders about the WASH situations in
public Basic Schools in the Country. The event was celebrated in two locations โ€“ Agona Nkwanta, near Takoradi and Teshie Cluster of Schools.
CONIWAS in collaboration with GLONEHDO organized a White Balloon Day to mark World Water Day for selected schools from Teshie-
White Balloons filled with air were distributed to the kids. The size of each balloon signifies the minimum quantum of water required by each pupil
to ensure effective hygiene delivery in the schools. About three thousand kids participated in this programme.

2.3.    Partnerships and Collaboration
Partnering sector agencies, development partners, international organisations, platforms and networks has been one of the programme strategies and
domain for CONIWAS. During the period under review CONIWAS enhanced its partnership and collaboration with state institutions as the
Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate/Ministries of Local Government and Rural Development (EHSD/MLGRD), Water
Directorate/Ministry of Water Resource Works and Housing (WD/MWRWH), the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) and the
Water Resources Commission (WRC). CONIWAS participated in a number of activities implemented by these institutions. CONIWAS is
represented by its members on the Boards of WRC and CWSA and on the National Environmental Sanitation Policy Council (NESPoC)

CONIWAS has good working relations with WASH Sector Development Partners (DPs) and International NGOs and has participated in their
programmes and projects. The DPs have provided both financial and technical support to projects implemented by CONIWAS. DANIDA,
UNICEF, European Union and CIDA have been a long standing partner of CONIWAS, providing support for both operations and administrations
and projects like Mole Conference. CONIWAS also partners International NGOs like WaterAid in Ghana, Relief International, World Vision,
KASA/CARE Ghana, International Budget Partnership (IBP), SEND Ghana, to mention just a few. CONIWAS work at the national level on the
Water and Sanitation Sector Working Group, National Technical Working Group on Sanitation and Hand Washing among others.

At the international level CONIWAS is still a member of ANEW and participates in ANEW programmes and meetings. CONIWAS also partners
Fresh Water Network, End Water Poverty, Center for Housing Rights and Eviction (COHRE).

As part of its advocacy agenda CONIWAS seeks to influence and learn from platforms. During the period under review CONIWAS worked with
Natural Resource and Environment Governance (NREG), Oil and Gas Platform, Mining, Fisheries and Aid Effectiveness Platforms.

2.4      Direct WASH Services Delivery
This programme domain involves collection and coordination of reports from CONIWAS members with respect to making WASH services
available to people, especially the poor and marginalised. This mainly considers number of facilities constructed including CLTS, hygiene promotion
sessions conducted and the number reached with the service provision. In table 1 below are reports from some CONIWAS Members

                                                               Oboomma Rural Action Program (ORAP)

Location             District of operation      Water facilities               People         Is WATSAN    CLTS communities entered     Number
                                                constructed                    reached        formed                                    triggered     Source of
Kwahu South                                                                    600            Yes                                                     Water Aid
Beta                                                                           1367
Gamma                                                                          522

                                                                   STRONG TOWER FOUNDATION-HOE

Location                District of operation               Water facilities              People reached        Sanitation facilities      Number of people
                                                            constructed                                         constructed                reached

HO                                                                            Rural
KPANDO                                                                        Rural
HOHOE                                                                         Rural
NORTH TOGNU                                                                   Rural
AKATSI                                                                        Rural
KETU                                                                          Rural

2.4       Organisation Development
This programme domains capture information on organisation capacity development including activities aimed strengthening and sustaining the
Secretariat and Membership, training for member organisation, management of the secretariat, coordination of membership programmes and

     a) Training - Harmonizing Tools for Community Engagement in Budget Analysis and Public Expenditure Tracking
To ensure that CONIWAS continues to work towards achieving its objectives, and effectively monitor the sector, CONIWAS organized training for
its members. The focus of the training was to harmonize tools used for citizenโ€™s engagements so as to improve on these exercises.

    b) Training - Budget Analysis and Public Expenditure Tracking
As part of an effort to decentralize budget analysis and public expenditure tracking to members at Regional and District levels, a training programme
was implemented by selected members who were working public sector budgets at the district level. Members received training budget analysis and
public expenditure tracking. The training was implemented in conjunction with SEND Ghana and was supported by the World Bank

    c) Exchange Programme
A staff at the Secretariat went on an Exchange Programme with NETWAS, an equivalent of CONIWAS in Uganda. This programme was under the
auspices of IRC of Netherlands and it is aimed at training African Young Professional in WASH-related issues. A Staff of NETWAS is also with the
Secretariat. The programme which is for 10 months is expected to end in August 2012.

    d) Strategic Planning Process
CONIWAS in 2011 started the process of reviewing its Strategic Plan. This end result is expected in first quarter of 2012. The Strategic Plan will
provide a frame of reference for CONIWASโ€™ programmes and projects

   e) Secretariat Management
The Secretariat has not seen significant change in its activities and programmes. However, it witnessed increased in workload with the absence of the
Programme Officer who was an Exchange Programme in Uganda. The Secretariat occasionally received staff support from member organisation staff

3.0      Programme and Operation Financing

Two major financing arrangements were required by the Secretariat โ€“ financing operations and administration of the Secretariat and Programmes of
    a) Operations and Administration Financing
This was mainly required to manage and run day-to-day operations and administration of the Secretariat and to service members. It included staff
costs, vehicle running and maintenance, utilities, including communication and rent. Financing these expenses was expected to come from Membersโ€™
contribution/dues. In the past substantial support came from DANIDA but this came to end in 2010, when DANIDA ended its investments and
support to WASH Sector in Ghana, including support to CONIWAS. The last of quarter of the year presented very challenging times as the
Secretariat found it difficult to meet is administrative and operation costs. This was compounded by the fact that some of the financiers of the Mole
XXII Conference could meet their commitments. CONIWAS was therefore compelled to make up the differences from its own coffers. Another
challenge is that Membership dues/contributions about 20% of the Secretariat Expenses and therefore inadequate.

    b) Programme/Project Financing
Programme/Project financing relates specifically direct funding of projects and these, during 2011 came from donors. Consequently, all projects
implemented in the year under review had some level of Funding. Most of the Advocacy, Media Engagement, Governance and Transparency
Projects were funded under the GTF programme with WaterAid in Ghana. WaterAid in Ghana and European Union supported the review of the
Strategic Plan. CIDA, DANIDA, WaterAid in Ghana, UNICEF, GWCL/CWSA/WD, Polytank, and many others supported the implementation of
the Mole XXII Conference. Training programmes were supported by International Budget Partnership and the World Bank.

Whilst project funding helped CONIWAS to implement its programmes and projects, it was limited in terms of support to the Secretariat. With the
exception of WaterAid in Ghana who supported about a staff cost and about 10% of the administrative costs, none of the funders supported the
running of the Secretariat.

4.0     Financial Reporting (Audit Report)

5.0      Challenges
Two major challenges confronted the Coalition during the period under review. As stated above, financing operations and administration presented a
serious challenge to the Secretariat and affected its performance and responses to the needs of members and other Sector Stakeholders. This resulted
in limited interactions with Secretariat including the Zonal Coordinators with the Membership. The Secretariat was unable to collect, collate and
coordinate the activities of the Members at all levels and this was also as a results of funding limitations.


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Coniwas annual report 2011

  • 1. Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS) Annual Programme Report 2011
  • 2. 1.0 Introduction The Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS) is an umbrella Civil Society Organization (CSO) established to contribute to water resource management and sustainable provision of water and sanitation services and hygiene promotion services in Ghana. Itโ€™s dedicated to ensuring potable water supply and improved sanitation integrated with hygiene promotion is available in right quantity and right time to citizens of the country, especially the poor and marginalized groups in society. Formed in 2003, CONWAS has provided and continues to provide space for WASH sector NGOs to engage themselves as well as the government and other sector organizations on issues affecting the sector. CONIWAS acts as a mouthpiece for over 50 member constituents where it derives its strength. The Network provides a forum for CSO coordination and involvement in debates and information exchange to influence policy decisions and strategies affecting the WASH sector. It seeks to initiate, develop and maintain collaborative mechanisms among CSOs working in Ghana and Africa by enhancing communication on matters relating to WASH. It updates members on national and international WASH initiatives, policies and strategies and best practices relevant to the Ghanaian scenario. CONIWAS has the following vision and missions: Water and Sanitation for All for Development through Collective action The Mission is: โ€œWorking in partnership with sector players to influence policies, remove barriers and promote access to potable water, sanitation and improved hygiene for all especially the poor and vulnerable.โ€ CONIWAS works to achieve the following goals: ๏‚ท Building partnerships with relevant stakeholders in order to increase access to water and sanitation for the poor and vulnerable in urban, peri โ€“urban and rural areas. ๏‚ท Demonstrating and stimulating ways of scaling up through members the delivery of sustainable and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene promotion within the context of national policy environment ๏‚ท Creating strong and effective advocacy platforms towards influencing policy and enabling marginalized populations develop a voice. ๏‚ท Building knowledge and developing capacity of relevant stakeholders in the water and sanitation sector in Ghana. ๏‚ท Establishing mechanisms for ensuring sustainability of CONIWAS as an institution, and its contribution to the sector. The mission will be achieved by: ๏‚ท Deepening existing partnership relations with existing partners whilst at the same time defining and developing new alliances and partnership to achieve the mission. The choice of new partners will be determined by the context (extent of marginalization), type of interventions planned (advocacy vs. service delivery or type of expertise needed) ๏‚ท Demonstrating and stimulating ways of scaling up through members the delivery of sustainable and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene promotion within the context of national policy environment. ๏‚ท Investigating barriers to sustainable and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene promotion service delivery. This will include making evidence-based arguments for the improvement of the decentralized delivery of those services. 2
  • 3. 2.0 Programs Implemented and Outcomes Programmes implemented were categorized the main programme domains Governance and Accountability, Research and Advocacy, Partnerships and Collaboration and Organizational Development. 2.1 Governance and Accountability Programme Projects and activities implemented focused on creating space for citizens to demand for improved WASH Services in their communities. Two projects delivered under this domain were Citizenโ€™s Demand for Improved Water Services in Obuasi and Kanda Cluster of Schools Projects in Accra a) Citizenโ€™s Demand for Improved Water Services in Obuasi Obuasi is one of the single largest mining communities in Ghana. The town has seen greater expansion in settlement without a correspondent expansion in utility provision, in this case, water. Most of the suburbs, especially the peripheries, and the slums do not have adequate access to potable supply. The services are intermittent and flow is irregular. However, no mechanism was established to collect and collate consumersโ€™ complains and address them. A project was initiated in 2010 where people from the slums and other suburbs engaged the Service Provider, AVRL to demand for improved services. The engagement was aimed at promoting community participation in urban water service delivery and creating a platform for community/service provider engagement for improved water supply services. Issues discussed included water quality, irregular supplies of water, high billing costs and cost of connections. Community Score Card was the main social accountability tool used to facilitate this process. The results were series of actions to be taken by the provider to enhance service delivery to the communities. This yearโ€™s project was therefore a follow- up to assess the extent to which the action plan was implemented and whether it resulted in improved water provision to the communities. At the meeting were the representatives of the suburbs, Ghana Urban Water Limited (GUWL), and Public Utility Regulatory Commission (PURC). At the end of the meeting, there were indications that the quality of water to households has improved dramatically and this was attributed to regular flushing of the pipelines. In addition, the main pipeline was replaced with a new one which has bigger diameter. This enhanced flow of water and increased household Citizens/Service Providers Engagement Citizen Making her Point at the Engagement Meeting 3
  • 4. b. Kanda Cluster of Schools Project It is estimated that about 60% of public schools in Ghana do not have adequate latrine facilities and 40% lacked access to potable water. Schools which have some level of access are challenged by their ability to operate and maintain the physical Some of the Problems Associated with WASH Services in the School infrastructure. This project, which was limited in scope, was initiated to access ๏‚ท lack of water though the toilets are water closets Cleanliness WASH Governance and Functionality of WASH Services in Public Schools and of the toilets Kanda Cluster of Schools was the target school. There are seven basic schools in ๏‚ท An untidy toilet is a health hazard to us as pupils and makes one compound with 1,700 pupils with 68 pupils/per drop hole. Using Community us feel uncomfortable to use the toilets especially with urine Score Card Processes, Parents (represented by the Parent Teacher Association - and sanitary pads on the floor of the toilet; PTA), pupils represented by 30 children and 6 Teachers were engaged in the final ๏‚ท Inadequate dustbins for waste collected process of the assessment. Based on the assessment and discussion which ensued ๏‚ท Inadequate separate toilet facilities for boys and girls ๏‚ท Toilet seats were broken during the interface meeting, there was a general agreement that toilet and water ๏‚ท Not every child/pupil can use the water closet facilities in the school are not adequate and the quality needs much to be desired. ๏‚ท Poor lightening in the toilets and therefore pupils especially There were several dimensions with respect to quality, quantity, and level of usage. girls feel insecure This was summarized by one of the representatives of the girls, โ€˜โ€™Yes, we agree that ๏‚ท Inadequate privacy especially for girls because the toilets the facilities are bad. The irregular flow of water in the school toilet, we donโ€™t like could not be closed from inside. โ€œe.g., boys coming in to spy it. We need the facilities to be worked upon.โ€™โ€™ on the girlsโ€ ๏‚ท No toiletries are provided for use by the pupils ๏‚ท The does not encourage pupils to use the toilet. . Some of the governance and transparency issue raised was how much of the ๏‚ท Lack of maintenance of the physical infrastructure: e.g., capitation grant is used by the School authorities for WASH Services provision broken toilet, seats, water pots and cracked walls. including operation and maintenance, what does the school authorities use ๏‚ท Inadequate Handwashing stand with soap and running water collection from morning devotions and what role does the PTA plays in ensuring Services are adequately provided. Issues for advocacy and policy recommendation included: โ€ข Increase in the Capitation Grant because GHC150 is not enough to run a school including the provision good sanitation and hygiene services โ€ข Need for user education to be provided to the pupils โ€ข Every new school building should have an WASH Facilities as integral part of the infrastructure. โ€ข Who has the responsibility of cleaning the school facilities? Is it the children or hired attendants? โ€ข There is a need for the headmasters, PTAs and SMCs to start meeting to discuss some of these issues at hand PTA Member Scoring WASH Services Provisions in Schools 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 2.2 Research and Advocacy This programme domain focused on engaging Sector stakeholders and the Media on pertinent issues affecting the Sector. The projects implemented were Mole XXII Conference, Media Engagement on the Performance on Aqua Vitans Rand Limited (AVRL) within the context of Management Contract for operating and managing urban water supply and 2011 Budget Analysis a) Mole XXII Conference Mole Conference offers the biggest Multi-Stakeholder annual platforms in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector in Ghana. The Platform, named after the venue of the maiden edition, Mole in the Northern Region of Ghana, is organized by the Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS) and brings together sector practitioners from NGOs, Government, Private Operators, Networks, CBOs, CSOs, etc. to dialogue, learn and share knowledge/information on specific themes that affect the sector. This yearโ€™s conference was on the theme โ€œTowards Decentralized WASH Services Delivery: Challenges and Lessons.โ€ The four days meeting had one hundred fifty eight participants representing government, NGOs, development partners, traditional leaders and the private sector. This took place from 9th-13th August 2011. The conference scope covered Governance, Accountability and Aid Effectiveness in the WASH sector; Dealing with long term financing for small town systems; Oil and Gas and its implications in the WASH sector; Scaling up Sanitation and Hygiene- The CLTS factor; and, Innovation/New Initiative in the WASH Sector. The conference came out with many recommendations including a seventeen point communiquรฉ. See communiquรฉ at 6
  • 7. b) Policy Dialogues โ€“ Human Rights to WASH Services On July 28, 2010, the UN General Assembly adopted a historic The Scope of the Right to Water and Sanitation Resolution 64/292 resolution (General Assembly ) recognizing access to clean water and sanitation as a human right by a vote of 122 in favor, The Right to Water and Sanitation as stated in Human Rights none against, and 41 abstentions. Ghana voted in favor. On September Council Resolution 15/9 covers the following: 30, 2010, the U.N. Human Rights Council affirmed the existence of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation under international 1. Sufficient water: Water supply for each person that is sufficient law, in what is called the Human Rights Council declaration and continuous for personal and domestic uses, which normally Resolution15/9, leading to the Human Rights Council resolution include drinking, personal sanitation, washing of clothes, food preparation, personal and household hygiene. A/HCR/15/L.14. These two legal instruments combined to make the 2. .Clean water: Safe water that, in particular, is free from human right to water and sanitation legally-binding. The right to water hazardous substances that could endanger human health, and 'entitles everyone to sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible and whose colour, odour and taste are acceptable to users. affordable water for personal and domestic uses.' The Right to sanitation 3. Accessible water and sanitation: Water and water and entitles everyone to an improved and safe, decent and affordable source sanitation services and facilities that are accessible within, or of sanitation. The Council's resolution helps those denied the right to in the immediate vicinity, of each household, educational water and sanitation to hold governments to account. institution and workplace, and which are in a secure location and address the needs of different groups, in Two major platforms, one for WASH Sector Journalist and the other particular threats to the physical security of women collecting WASH Sector stakeholders to sensitize them on the Human Rights to water. WASH issues as well as to build support to reinforce a Memorandum 4. Affordable water and sanitation: Both the direct and indirect which had been sent to the Ghana Constitutional Review Committee for costs of securing water and sanitation should not reduce any the inclusion of Rights to WASH to the on-going constitutional review. person's capacity to acquire other essential goods and services, including food, housing, health services and education. The Platforms discussed and agreed on the role of the various sector stakeholders in ensuring that the Rights to WASH is achieved. c) Sector Monitoring and Media Engagement โ€“ Performance AVRL CONIWAS strategy has been to engage the vibrant media sector as part of its platforms to make information available to the general public and to help them make informed decision. CONIWASโ€™ through this process shared its position on the future direction of urban water supply in Ghana, and particularly, the fate of the Management Contract between Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) and Aqua Vitens Rand Limited (VRL) as the contract rolled to an end in June 2011. AVRL under a management contract signed in 2006 had a responsibility of ensuring efficient and effective delivery of water supply to the urban citizenry. CONIWAS called for a non-renewal of the contract on grounds of non-performance in relation to agreed performance indicators and targets. CONIWAS also of the view that the new company, Ghana Urban Water Limited which was put in place to perform the functions of AVRL under the management contract was not necessary because the staff and management were part of the Ghana Water Company Limited. The GUWL was to operate as a โ€œSpecial Purpose Vehicleโ€ for one year by which time the government would have put in place a long-term institutional arrangement for effective delivery of urban water. 7
  • 8. d) Sector Monitoring and Media Engagement - WAHS Sector Budget Analysis As a follow up to government on its commitment to the SWA, CONIWAS conducted an assessment which concluded that government was indeed meeting about 45% of its commitments to the SWA. The assessment further indicated that the WASH Sector budget constituted about 3% of the total budget for 2011 fiscal year and donors are contribution a little over 90% to the WASH Sector budget. CONIWAS called to government to put into action, its commitments. (Reference to Public agenda, 28th April, 2011 and 12 May 2011, also on As a follow-up to the above call, CONIWAS has submitted a memorandum to the Ministry of Finance to advocate for an increase in WASH allocation in the 2012 budget. CONIWAS together with Sector stakeholders has initiated a process of undertaking a comprehensive assessment of the SWA Compact to determine the extent to which the Government and Development Partners are meeting the Commitment in the Compact. The result is also expected to help the country develop its proposal and commitment toward the 2012 HLM in April. CONIWAS Executives/Members at Media Engagement on Urban Water Supply e) World Water Day (White Balloon Day) CONIWAS used the occasion of World Water to draw attention of the government and WASH Sector stakeholders about the WASH situations in public Basic Schools in the Country. The event was celebrated in two locations โ€“ Agona Nkwanta, near Takoradi and Teshie Cluster of Schools. CONIWAS in collaboration with GLONEHDO organized a White Balloon Day to mark World Water Day for selected schools from Teshie- White Balloons filled with air were distributed to the kids. The size of each balloon signifies the minimum quantum of water required by each pupil to ensure effective hygiene delivery in the schools. About three thousand kids participated in this programme. 8
  • 9. 2.3. Partnerships and Collaboration Partnering sector agencies, development partners, international organisations, platforms and networks has been one of the programme strategies and domain for CONIWAS. During the period under review CONIWAS enhanced its partnership and collaboration with state institutions as the Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate/Ministries of Local Government and Rural Development (EHSD/MLGRD), Water Directorate/Ministry of Water Resource Works and Housing (WD/MWRWH), the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) and the Water Resources Commission (WRC). CONIWAS participated in a number of activities implemented by these institutions. CONIWAS is represented by its members on the Boards of WRC and CWSA and on the National Environmental Sanitation Policy Council (NESPoC) CONIWAS has good working relations with WASH Sector Development Partners (DPs) and International NGOs and has participated in their programmes and projects. The DPs have provided both financial and technical support to projects implemented by CONIWAS. DANIDA, UNICEF, European Union and CIDA have been a long standing partner of CONIWAS, providing support for both operations and administrations and projects like Mole Conference. CONIWAS also partners International NGOs like WaterAid in Ghana, Relief International, World Vision, KASA/CARE Ghana, International Budget Partnership (IBP), SEND Ghana, to mention just a few. CONIWAS work at the national level on the Water and Sanitation Sector Working Group, National Technical Working Group on Sanitation and Hand Washing among others. At the international level CONIWAS is still a member of ANEW and participates in ANEW programmes and meetings. CONIWAS also partners Fresh Water Network, End Water Poverty, Center for Housing Rights and Eviction (COHRE). As part of its advocacy agenda CONIWAS seeks to influence and learn from platforms. During the period under review CONIWAS worked with Natural Resource and Environment Governance (NREG), Oil and Gas Platform, Mining, Fisheries and Aid Effectiveness Platforms. 2.4 Direct WASH Services Delivery This programme domain involves collection and coordination of reports from CONIWAS members with respect to making WASH services available to people, especially the poor and marginalised. This mainly considers number of facilities constructed including CLTS, hygiene promotion sessions conducted and the number reached with the service provision. In table 1 below are reports from some CONIWAS Members Oboomma Rural Action Program (ORAP) Location District of operation Water facilities People Is WATSAN CLTS communities entered Number constructed reached formed triggered Source of funding Kwahu South 600 Yes Water Aid Beta 1367 Gamma 522 STRONG TOWER FOUNDATION-HOE Location District of operation Water facilities People reached Sanitation facilities Number of people constructed constructed reached 9
  • 10. HO Rural KPANDO Rural HOHOE Rural NORTH TOGNU Rural AKATSI Rural KETU Rural 2.4 Organisation Development This programme domains capture information on organisation capacity development including activities aimed strengthening and sustaining the Secretariat and Membership, training for member organisation, management of the secretariat, coordination of membership programmes and activities a) Training - Harmonizing Tools for Community Engagement in Budget Analysis and Public Expenditure Tracking To ensure that CONIWAS continues to work towards achieving its objectives, and effectively monitor the sector, CONIWAS organized training for its members. The focus of the training was to harmonize tools used for citizenโ€™s engagements so as to improve on these exercises. b) Training - Budget Analysis and Public Expenditure Tracking As part of an effort to decentralize budget analysis and public expenditure tracking to members at Regional and District levels, a training programme was implemented by selected members who were working public sector budgets at the district level. Members received training budget analysis and public expenditure tracking. The training was implemented in conjunction with SEND Ghana and was supported by the World Bank c) Exchange Programme A staff at the Secretariat went on an Exchange Programme with NETWAS, an equivalent of CONIWAS in Uganda. This programme was under the auspices of IRC of Netherlands and it is aimed at training African Young Professional in WASH-related issues. A Staff of NETWAS is also with the Secretariat. The programme which is for 10 months is expected to end in August 2012. d) Strategic Planning Process CONIWAS in 2011 started the process of reviewing its Strategic Plan. This end result is expected in first quarter of 2012. The Strategic Plan will provide a frame of reference for CONIWASโ€™ programmes and projects e) Secretariat Management The Secretariat has not seen significant change in its activities and programmes. However, it witnessed increased in workload with the absence of the Programme Officer who was an Exchange Programme in Uganda. The Secretariat occasionally received staff support from member organisation staff 3.0 Programme and Operation Financing 10
  • 11. Two major financing arrangements were required by the Secretariat โ€“ financing operations and administration of the Secretariat and Programmes of CONIWAS. a) Operations and Administration Financing This was mainly required to manage and run day-to-day operations and administration of the Secretariat and to service members. It included staff costs, vehicle running and maintenance, utilities, including communication and rent. Financing these expenses was expected to come from Membersโ€™ contribution/dues. In the past substantial support came from DANIDA but this came to end in 2010, when DANIDA ended its investments and support to WASH Sector in Ghana, including support to CONIWAS. The last of quarter of the year presented very challenging times as the Secretariat found it difficult to meet is administrative and operation costs. This was compounded by the fact that some of the financiers of the Mole XXII Conference could meet their commitments. CONIWAS was therefore compelled to make up the differences from its own coffers. Another challenge is that Membership dues/contributions about 20% of the Secretariat Expenses and therefore inadequate. b) Programme/Project Financing Programme/Project financing relates specifically direct funding of projects and these, during 2011 came from donors. Consequently, all projects implemented in the year under review had some level of Funding. Most of the Advocacy, Media Engagement, Governance and Transparency Projects were funded under the GTF programme with WaterAid in Ghana. WaterAid in Ghana and European Union supported the review of the Strategic Plan. CIDA, DANIDA, WaterAid in Ghana, UNICEF, GWCL/CWSA/WD, Polytank, and many others supported the implementation of the Mole XXII Conference. Training programmes were supported by International Budget Partnership and the World Bank. Whilst project funding helped CONIWAS to implement its programmes and projects, it was limited in terms of support to the Secretariat. With the exception of WaterAid in Ghana who supported about a staff cost and about 10% of the administrative costs, none of the funders supported the running of the Secretariat. 4.0 Financial Reporting (Audit Report) 5.0 Challenges Two major challenges confronted the Coalition during the period under review. As stated above, financing operations and administration presented a serious challenge to the Secretariat and affected its performance and responses to the needs of members and other Sector Stakeholders. This resulted in limited interactions with Secretariat including the Zonal Coordinators with the Membership. The Secretariat was unable to collect, collate and coordinate the activities of the Members at all levels and this was also as a results of funding limitations. 11