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         Powerful services and applications are being
       integrated and packaged on the Web in what the
            industry now calls “cloud computing”

     Quick, go outside and look up at the clouds in the sky. What
     shapes do you see? A ball of cotton? A bunny rabbit? A
     massively parallel distributed data center? If the latter sounds
     spot on, you might already be computing in the clouds.
       At least, that’s the latest catchphrase buzzing around the
     industry. “Cloud computing,” as it’s being called by everyone
     from IBM to Google to Amazon to Microsoft, is supposedly
     the next big thing. But like the clouds themselves, “cloud
     computing” can take on different shapes depending on the
     viewer, and often seems a little fuzzy at the edges.

                         Illustration by James O’Brien

16                COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS   DECEMBER 2007
To some, the cloud looks like Web-      tion, of course. Desktop (and laptop)
             based applications, a revival of the       computing power has been on an
             thin-client. To others, the cloud looks    accelerated tear for 30 years. But the
             like utility computing, a grid that        networked era, and the data centers
             charges metered rates for processing       that power it, are starting to make
             time. Then again, the cloud could be       the IT industry—and its investors—
             distributed or parallel computing,         take a fresh look at Watson’s per-
             designed to scale complex processes        spective on centralized computing, if
             for improved efficiency. Maybe every-      not his specific enumeration.

     Both Google and IBM have a vested interest in encouraging
     cloud computing: THEY NEED PEOPLE TO HIRE.

             one is right. There are many shapes           But data centers aren’t new, either.
             in the clouds.                             In the dot-com boom of the mid-
                                                        ’90s, many a startup invested venture
             Cloud Shapes: The Data Center              capital into traditional enterprise
             It is not news that today’s major          solutions like Sun SPARC servers. Is
             Internet companies have built massive      this the cloud?
             data centers to power their online            Yes and no. Google is often credit-
             businesses. Decades ago, computing         ed with innovating search on the
             power was concentrated in main-            Web and, more recently, advertising.
             frames tucked away behind the scenes       But to many, Google’s architecture
             because there was no alternative—          behind the scenes has spawned just
             only a hulking room-sized box that         as significant a revolution.
             could contain any significant amount          The data centers of the early dot-
             of computational power. The idea           com era were, in some respects,
             that this power could be distributed       direct descendents of Watson’s main-
             rather than centralized seemed like        frames. Physically smaller, perhaps,
             such folly that in 1943, IBM               but Sun servers and their ilk contin-
             Chairman Thomas Watson said                ued to represent an exclusive kind of
             famously (or infamously) that “I           computing—concentrated power
             think there’s a world market for           designed, and priced, for exclusive
             maybe five computers.”                     customers—namely, enterprise.
                The era of the personal computer           But Google turned the data
             that has flourished since the 1970s        center model on its head. Rather
             directly contradicted Watson’s predic-     than power a network with a

18                  COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS    DECEMBER 2007
small number of high-powered                 ter at a derelict factory site on the
and very expensive servers, why              banks of the Columbia River in the
not deploy cheap, commodity                  Pacific Northwest, located both near
hardware in large numbers?                   cheap hydroelectric energy and a
   Today, Google runs an estimated           major trans-Pacific Internet node.
half-million servers clustered into a           Likewise, Microsoft, IBM, and others
dozen or so physical locations. By           are following suit, scouting sites both in
creating a network that is spread thin       the Pacific Northwest and Canada where
and wide rather than narrow and              hydroelectric power is cheaper (and green-
deep, Google created a new kind of           er) than the coal-derived power used
concentrated power—derived more              throughout much of the U.S. The eyes of
from scale of the whole than any one         investors are also turning toward China,
constituent part. This, some say,            where new power plants are being rapidly
describes the cloud.                         built (and, some are quick to caution,
   As computational and networking           without the “costly” burdens of environ-
architecture, the cloud is very robust.      mental controls).
Sometimes described as “self-heal-

ing,” a thin, wide network can recov-                       esides cheaper power,
er gracefully from the most common                          data centers are making
ailments, such as connection and                            heavy use of virtualiza-
hardware failures, because there are                        tion to squeeze the most
so many more drones available to                            out of the watts they’re
take on the work.                                           consuming. With major
   But a cloud can consume a lot of                         vendors like VMWare
power to run. Aside from the power           and Citrix, which recently acquired
needed to drive thousands, or hun-           the Xen virtualization platform,
dreds of thousands, of processors            increasingly targeting the data center,
and peripherals—hard drives, cooling         virtualization allows a single server
fans—all these whirring machines             to run multiple operating instances
generate lots of heat. It is estimated       simultaneously. By sandboxing each
that 50 percent of energy costs in           OS inside artificial boundaries, not
running a large data center are              only can each instance run indepen-
derived from cooling needs alone.            dently of the others, but CPU idle
   Worse still for the cloud, the world      time is minimized.
is immersed in a global energy                   Just what distinguishes a “cloud”
crunch, as both demand and specula-          from “a bunch of machines” can be a
tion has driven up pricing for most          little fuzzy. But the next evolution
conventional energies toward record          that may illuminate the fog is the so-
levels.                                      called “data center OS”—or, in the
   Reducing the operating costs of a         spirit of the buzz, the CloudOS. In
Google-inspired data center cloud            the fall of this year, VMWare and
involves both physical and virtual           Cisco announced a joint venture to
solutions. Physically, data centers are      develop such a “fabric” (to use their
like plants arcing toward the sun-           word in spite of the mixed
light, migrating toward cheap energy.        metaphor).
Google is building a major data cen-             In a data center like that employed

                            COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS        DECEMBER 2007                  19
by Google and the many other enter-        into sub-tasks. Those sub-tasks can
     prises inspired by their model, each       be broken into even smaller tasks,
     server is fundamentally an indepen-        and so on, until you’re nearly down
     dent machine running its own copy          to “bare metal” as they say and deal-
     of an operating system. For servers to     ing with disk and memory access.
     work together on common tasks

     requires an abstraction layer of soft-             deally, if tasks are broken into
     ware—often, highly specialized, cus-               their smallest constituent jobs,
     tom software—that intelligently                    and each job could be complet-
     divvies up jobs. But a more efficient              ed simultaneously using avail-
     and resource-friendly solution would               able processing resources
     be a single operating system, which                somewhere in the cloud, you
     intrinsically utilizes the resources of            could achieve an optimally effi-
     many machines.                             cient architecture: the most optimistic
        Essentially, an operating system is     definition of distributed computing.
     designed to manage resources—hard             In reality, some jobs are dependent
     drive space, memory, and so on. A          on the results of other jobs.
     true data center, or cloud, OS will        Furthermore, designing algorithms to
     treat every processing unit available      most effectively divide jobs and dis-
     as just another resource, relying on       tribute them throughout the cloud in
     networking channels to replicate the       real time is complex, to understate
     kinds of intra-server channels that        the case.
     now coordinate events within a single         But distributed computing, like the
     physical machine. Under the com-           data center itself, is not inherently
     mand of a single “omniscient” oper-        new to the era of the cloud. If we
     ating system, the cloud becomes a          consider the entire Internet a cloud,
     more cohesive entity.                      one need only look at popular pro-
                                                jects like SETI@home and
     Cloud Shapes: Distributed Computing        Folding@home to see public exam-
     Whether “the cloud” represents a           ples of distributed computing at
     data center at a single physical loca-     work. In these projects, individuals
     tion or dozens, hundreds, or thou-         run software on their PC which con-
     sands of data centers spread around        nects them to a server that divides
     the world, its speed and efficiency is     large jobs among small clients to
     limited by how intelligently it dele-      crunch numbers toward a particular
     gates responsibility.                      goal—in these examples, searching
        Completing any general computing        for alien life among radio waves and
     task—say, retrieving the results of a      computing protein folding simula-
     search with relevant contextual            tions to aid medical research. You
     advertisements—requires a long             could even consider botnets—soft-
     series of smaller jobs to be complet-      ware that maliciously infects unwit-
     ed. Database queries, parsing of           ting client machines to send out
     results, construction of result sets,      parcels of spam—a form of nefarious
     and formatting of result pages, to         distributed computing.
     name the most common. Even these              The open source project Hadoop
     tasks can be further broken down           provides a general-purpose frame-

work for developers to rapidly             would submit jobs to these number-
employ distributed computing in a          crunching powerhouses (in their
wide variety of projects. Actively         day), and be billed for the cost of
under development within the aus-          cycles used. Processing time was
pices of the Apache Foundation,            delivered like electricity—you paid
Hadoop liberates software developers       for what you used.
from creating specialized custom              Today, most medium to large-sized
software for taking advantage of dis-      organizations invest in their own
tributed computing in a cloud.             data centers and use them at will.
Capable of distributing petabytes of       Although processing cycles are not
data-processing across thousands of        metered like a utility, there are signif-
computing nodes, the Hadoop plat-          icant costs to building a data cen-
form is itself comprised of several        ter—real estate, hardware, power,

POWER TO THE CLOUD, and walk around with an
ultralight imput device with a screen?

technologies to ensure efficiency and      cooling, and ongoing maintenance.
data integrity as data swirls around          What’s worse for the balance sheet
the cloud. Some of these sub-              is that organizations need to plan for
projects, like MapReduce which             worst-case scenarios. In the case of a
divides jobs into component tasks,         data center, not only can this include
and HDFS, the Hadoop Distributed           the costs of backup and redundancy,
Filesystem, can be employed individ-       but in overpowered servers capable
ually or together by developers in         of handling loads which can peak
their applications.                        high but occur infrequently. Bus-
                                           inesses may find themselves using 99
Cloud Shapes: A Utility Grid               percent of their computing capacity
It seems like every shape one sees in      only 10 percent of the time, leaving
the cloud is inspired by a computing       expensive equipment often idle and
model from the past. Back in the           angering the accountants.
days of mainframes and fancy super-           In the Web space there is a thriv-
computers housed at research univer-       ing market of hosting providers who
sities, valuable processing time was       invest in their own data centers and
essentially for sale. Researchers          sell usage to customers, be they indi-

                          COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS       DECEMBER 2007                  21
viduals or businesses. Although host-       machine in Amazon’s cloud. Using
              ing providers can go some way               virtualization, Amazon presents the
              toward minimizing underutilization          machine image to the end user as if it
              of in-house servers by attaching sur-       were a dedicated server, with the
              charges to peak usage, their capacity       same degree of access an administra-
              to stretch can be limited. Providers        tor would have to their own server.
              typically assign clients to a whole or         Customers can choose configura-
              partial physical server, and do not         tion templates for their machine
              truly replicate the kinds of cloud fea-     instance—for example, a server with
              tures, like distributed computing,          1.7GB of memory, one processing

     Software, in a cloud, becomes a service. To a company like
     Microsoft, whose substantial fortunes are built on software
     as a purchasable, local application, THE THREAT IS
              that a dedicated data center can offer.     core, and 160GB of storage space.
                 Meanwhile, massive companies             Additional configurations support
              like Amazon, Google, and IBM have           more memory, more cores, and more
              invested in, innovated, and become          storage. But the real magic in EC2 is
              expert at housing their own large-          that customers can create and destroy
              scale data centers. Invoking the idea       machine instances at will. As a result,
              of the cloud, all three also sense          software can scale itself to exactly
              opportunity: Why not scale up their         the amount of computing power it
              data centers—grow the cloud—and             requires.
              create business models to support              Consider a Web-based application
              third-party use?                            running in Amazon’s cloud. Suppose
                 In fact, Internet retail giant           there is a sudden surge in visitors,
              Amazon is the first out of the gate to      perhaps thanks to media coverage.
              commercialize their cloud. After a          Today, many Web applications fail
              period of limited access testing,           under the load of big traffic spikes.
              Amazon opened their Elastic                 But in the cloud, assuming that the
              Compute Cloud, or EC2, to fee-              Web application has been designed
              based public use in October 2007.           intelligently, additional machine
                 To use Amazon’s EC2, customers           instances can be launched on
              first create a virtual image of their       demand. The application dynamically,
              complete software environment using         and gracefully, scales up. When traffic
              provided tools. The image is then           slows down, the app can scale down,
              used to create an “instance” of a           terminating the extra instances.

22                   COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS     DECEMBER 2007
Amazon then charges customers            these kinds of massive, sandboxed
based on their cumulative “instance         data centers dedicated for student
hours,” a way of metering usage,            use, and many lack instructors with
currently set at $0.10 per instance         leading-edge experience.
hour for the most basic instance type.         To some industry analysts, com-
To provide consistent and predictable       modified cloud computing like
performance, machine instance types         Amazon’s EC2 will change the face
are rated by what Amazon calls              of enterprise computing. It may pave
“compute units,” which deliver a            the way to where businesses no
specific, known amount of perfor-           longer invest anything into data cen-
mance, regardless of the underlying         ters of their own. Out goes the hard-
hardware Amazon is using inside             ware, out goes the power bill, and
their cloud. A second charge applies        out goes all the processing power
to data moved in and out of                 that rarely gets used. Instead, they
Amazon’s network, ranging from              buy cloud computing time from com-
$0.10 to $0.18 per gigabyte.                mercial providers, who can specialize
   In contrast to Amazon’s commer-          in building massive data centers at
cial effort, Google and IBM recently        sites selected to minimize operating
announced a partnership to apply a          costs.
similar utility cloud model to com-
puter science education. The two            Cloud Shapes: Software as a Service
companies have put together a dedi-         As radical a shift as cloud computing
cated data center mixing both com-          may represent for the enterprise—
modity and enterprise hardware.             who needs servers?—some think it
Running open source software                will radically change personal com-
including Linux, Xen virtualization,        puting even more. Who needs com-
and Apache Hadoop, the                      puters at all? At least, the kind that
Google/IBM cloud presents a distrib-        eat up battery life and contain churn-
uted computing canvas for educa-            ing hard drives. Why not just move
tional access. Both Google and IBM          all processing power to the cloud,
have a vested interest in encouraging       and walk around with an ultralight
cloud computing: They need people           input device with a screen?
to hire.                                       Some say it’s already begun.
                                            Burgeoning Web applications have

             considerable concern           been the rage for several years.
             among major enterprise         Fueled by technological evolutions
             is that today’s computer       like AJAX, which allows browser-
             science students lack          based code to behave more like a
             access to the distributed      local application, and people’s desire
             computing environ-             for mobility and data ubiquity, we
             ments that make up the         increasingly use the Web for applica-
cloud. Companies like Google will           tion functionality. E-mail was both
need new hires experienced in writing       the first “killer app” for the Internet,
code designed to run in a cloud of          and later, on the Web. For many
perhaps thousands of processors. But        today, Web-based e-mail is the only
educational institutions don’t have         kind they use.

                           COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS       DECEMBER 2007                 23
Taken further, Web-based applica-     ruptive force and a whole new way.
              tions like Google Docs threaten core      Carr predicts that Google and Apple
              productivity applications on the          will partner to push the cloud com-
              desktop. While the features of            puting/software-as-a-service model
              Google Docs are a slim shadow of a        even further. He foresees a lightweight
              major, and majorly profitable, appli-     mobile device crafted by Apple that
              cation like Microsoft Word, it pro-       will tap into Google’s cloud, bringing
              vides a taste of a cloud-based future.    together the two masters of the front
              Your data is reachable anywhere, and      end and the back end.
              the only software you need to access         In the near-term, a ubiquitous
              it is a browser. Which, in turn, means    cloud faces obstacles. Critics argue

     TRUST. Significant amounts of data which were previously
     stored only in individual offices and homes would now reside
     in data centers controlled by third-parties.
              that your data and your applications      that visions like Carr’s are simply
              are available in one form another         revivals of failed thin-client dreams
              from your desktop PC, your laptop,        of the past. Thin clients like those
              and your handheld.                        touted by Oracle-founder Larry
                 Software, in the cloud, becomes a      Ellison in the ’90s have not managed
              service. To a company like Microsoft,     to become cost-effective. With prices
              whose substantial fortunes are built      plummeting and performance sky-
              on software as a purchasable, local       rocketing for full-featured desktop
              application, the threat is not falling    and laptop computers, it has been
              on deaf ears. Windows Live,               difficult to produce a relatively pow-
              Microsoft’s “cloud,” may be today’s       erless thin client at a low enough cost
              take on Windows 1.0—a look into           to attract buyers.
              the future.                                  Advocates for thin client cloud
                 Even Adobe has begun to launch         computing argue that full-fledged
              stripped-down versions of its compu-      machines, however powerful, are also
              tationally-heavy marquee titles as        a hassle with negative productivity.
              Web-based services, including             They have many parts that can fail
              Photoshop and the video editing suite     and their software needs constant
              Premiere.                                 care and feeding in a world riddled
                 Pundits and futurists like Nicholas    with software updates, viruses, and
              Carr love this stuff because the cloud    spyware. Centralizing processing
              represents a paradigm shift and a dis-    power in the cloud liberates users to

24                  COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS    DECEMBER 2007
choose efficient, uncomplicated access         Software as a service in the cloud
machines. This argument, and its            can revive fears of vendor lock-in, a
potential economic feasibility, gains       significant consideration in the main-
weight in today’s environment, where        frame era. Supposing a cloud opera-
laptop sales are outpacing the desk-        tor and a thin-client vendor partner
top, and even more mobile devices           together, it is possible that each half
are becoming commonplace.                   will require the other. Services from
                                            the cloud may be inaccessible to

            or cloud computing to           those without an access device from a
            move front and center, the      single brand. Some fear that the
            networks that tie every-        cloud could encourage the growth of
            thing together need to be       walled-gardens, a potential step back
            extremely robust. After         compared to the relatively open
            all, the cloud represents a     Internet of today.
            significant inversion from
personal computing in the 1970s and         Partly Cloudy?
1980s, when machines stood alone            There are those who scoff that
and derived all of their utility from       “cloud computing” is just the latest
their own capabilities. Under the           branding of some old, familiar com-
cloud, client machines become nearly        puting models—which is partly true.
useless on their own. Are our net-          It’s a buzzword almost designed to be
works ready to handle the load?             vague, but cloud computing is more
   Many would say no, especially            than just a lot of fog.
those living in the large U.S. market,          The cloud concept draws on many
where broadband quality and pene-           existing technologies and architec-
tration fares poorly relative to many       tures. Centralizing computing power
smaller industrialized nations. In con-     is not new and, if anything, is a
trast to local computing power, which       return to the computer’s roots. Nor is
continues to boom year after year,          utility computing new, or distributed
broadband advances here have been           computing, or even software as a
slow and may create at least a short-       service.
term bottleneck holding back a major            But the cloud is new in that it inte-
shift toward mainstream cloud com-          grates all of the above computing
puting.                                     models. This integration requires
   Network bandwidth aside, the             computing’s center of power to shift
cloud raises concerns among privacy         from the processing unit to the net-              PERMISSION   TO MAKE DIGITAL OR HARD

advocates. Most significantly, the          work. Inside the cloud, processors                COPIES OF ALL OR PART OF THIS WORK FOR

                                                                                              PERSONAL OR CLASSROOM USE IS GRANT-
cloud demands a high degree of trust.       become commodities. It is the net-                ED WITHOUT FEE PROVIDED THAT COPIES

Significant amounts of data which           work that holds the cloud together,               ARE NOT MADE OR DISTRIBUTED FOR PROFIT

were previously stored only in indi-
                                            and connects the clouds to each other             OR COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE AND THAT

                                                                                              COPIES BEAR THIS NOTICE AND THE FULL
vidual offices and homes would now          and the sky to the ground.                        CITATION ON THE FIRST PAGE.   TO   COPY

reside in data centers controlled by                                                          OTHERWISE, TO REPUBLISH, TO POST ON

third-parties. Do we have adequate                                                            SERVERS OR TO REDISTRIBUTE TO LISTS,

                                            Aaron Weiss is a technology writer and            REQUIRES PRIOR SPECIFIC PERMISSION
privacy laws? How should encryption         Web developer shivering in upstate New York, as   AND/OR A FEE.

play a role?                                well as human proprieter of      © ACM 1091-556/07/01200 $5.00

                           COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS          DECEMBER 2007                                                            25

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Computing in the clouds weiss

  • 1. BY AARON WEISS COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS Powerful services and applications are being integrated and packaged on the Web in what the industry now calls “cloud computing” Quick, go outside and look up at the clouds in the sky. What shapes do you see? A ball of cotton? A bunny rabbit? A massively parallel distributed data center? If the latter sounds spot on, you might already be computing in the clouds. At least, that’s the latest catchphrase buzzing around the industry. “Cloud computing,” as it’s being called by everyone from IBM to Google to Amazon to Microsoft, is supposedly the next big thing. But like the clouds themselves, “cloud computing” can take on different shapes depending on the viewer, and often seems a little fuzzy at the edges. Illustration by James O’Brien 16 COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS DECEMBER 2007
  • 3. To some, the cloud looks like Web- tion, of course. Desktop (and laptop) based applications, a revival of the computing power has been on an thin-client. To others, the cloud looks accelerated tear for 30 years. But the like utility computing, a grid that networked era, and the data centers charges metered rates for processing that power it, are starting to make time. Then again, the cloud could be the IT industry—and its investors— distributed or parallel computing, take a fresh look at Watson’s per- designed to scale complex processes spective on centralized computing, if for improved efficiency. Maybe every- not his specific enumeration. Both Google and IBM have a vested interest in encouraging cloud computing: THEY NEED PEOPLE TO HIRE. one is right. There are many shapes But data centers aren’t new, either. in the clouds. In the dot-com boom of the mid- ’90s, many a startup invested venture Cloud Shapes: The Data Center capital into traditional enterprise It is not news that today’s major solutions like Sun SPARC servers. Is Internet companies have built massive this the cloud? data centers to power their online Yes and no. Google is often credit- businesses. Decades ago, computing ed with innovating search on the power was concentrated in main- Web and, more recently, advertising. frames tucked away behind the scenes But to many, Google’s architecture because there was no alternative— behind the scenes has spawned just only a hulking room-sized box that as significant a revolution. could contain any significant amount The data centers of the early dot- of computational power. The idea com era were, in some respects, that this power could be distributed direct descendents of Watson’s main- rather than centralized seemed like frames. Physically smaller, perhaps, such folly that in 1943, IBM but Sun servers and their ilk contin- Chairman Thomas Watson said ued to represent an exclusive kind of famously (or infamously) that “I computing—concentrated power think there’s a world market for designed, and priced, for exclusive maybe five computers.” customers—namely, enterprise. The era of the personal computer But Google turned the data that has flourished since the 1970s center model on its head. Rather directly contradicted Watson’s predic- than power a network with a 18 COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS DECEMBER 2007
  • 4. small number of high-powered ter at a derelict factory site on the and very expensive servers, why banks of the Columbia River in the not deploy cheap, commodity Pacific Northwest, located both near hardware in large numbers? cheap hydroelectric energy and a Today, Google runs an estimated major trans-Pacific Internet node. half-million servers clustered into a Likewise, Microsoft, IBM, and others dozen or so physical locations. By are following suit, scouting sites both in creating a network that is spread thin the Pacific Northwest and Canada where and wide rather than narrow and hydroelectric power is cheaper (and green- deep, Google created a new kind of er) than the coal-derived power used concentrated power—derived more throughout much of the U.S. The eyes of from scale of the whole than any one investors are also turning toward China, constituent part. This, some say, where new power plants are being rapidly describes the cloud. built (and, some are quick to caution, As computational and networking without the “costly” burdens of environ- architecture, the cloud is very robust. mental controls). Sometimes described as “self-heal- B ing,” a thin, wide network can recov- esides cheaper power, er gracefully from the most common data centers are making ailments, such as connection and heavy use of virtualiza- hardware failures, because there are tion to squeeze the most so many more drones available to out of the watts they’re take on the work. consuming. With major But a cloud can consume a lot of vendors like VMWare power to run. Aside from the power and Citrix, which recently acquired needed to drive thousands, or hun- the Xen virtualization platform, dreds of thousands, of processors increasingly targeting the data center, and peripherals—hard drives, cooling virtualization allows a single server fans—all these whirring machines to run multiple operating instances generate lots of heat. It is estimated simultaneously. By sandboxing each that 50 percent of energy costs in OS inside artificial boundaries, not running a large data center are only can each instance run indepen- derived from cooling needs alone. dently of the others, but CPU idle Worse still for the cloud, the world time is minimized. is immersed in a global energy Just what distinguishes a “cloud” crunch, as both demand and specula- from “a bunch of machines” can be a tion has driven up pricing for most little fuzzy. But the next evolution conventional energies toward record that may illuminate the fog is the so- levels. called “data center OS”—or, in the Reducing the operating costs of a spirit of the buzz, the CloudOS. In Google-inspired data center cloud the fall of this year, VMWare and involves both physical and virtual Cisco announced a joint venture to solutions. Physically, data centers are develop such a “fabric” (to use their like plants arcing toward the sun- word in spite of the mixed light, migrating toward cheap energy. metaphor). Google is building a major data cen- In a data center like that employed COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS DECEMBER 2007 19
  • 5. by Google and the many other enter- into sub-tasks. Those sub-tasks can prises inspired by their model, each be broken into even smaller tasks, server is fundamentally an indepen- and so on, until you’re nearly down dent machine running its own copy to “bare metal” as they say and deal- of an operating system. For servers to ing with disk and memory access. work together on common tasks I requires an abstraction layer of soft- deally, if tasks are broken into ware—often, highly specialized, cus- their smallest constituent jobs, tom software—that intelligently and each job could be complet- divvies up jobs. But a more efficient ed simultaneously using avail- and resource-friendly solution would able processing resources be a single operating system, which somewhere in the cloud, you intrinsically utilizes the resources of could achieve an optimally effi- many machines. cient architecture: the most optimistic Essentially, an operating system is definition of distributed computing. designed to manage resources—hard In reality, some jobs are dependent drive space, memory, and so on. A on the results of other jobs. true data center, or cloud, OS will Furthermore, designing algorithms to treat every processing unit available most effectively divide jobs and dis- as just another resource, relying on tribute them throughout the cloud in networking channels to replicate the real time is complex, to understate kinds of intra-server channels that the case. now coordinate events within a single But distributed computing, like the physical machine. Under the com- data center itself, is not inherently mand of a single “omniscient” oper- new to the era of the cloud. If we ating system, the cloud becomes a consider the entire Internet a cloud, more cohesive entity. one need only look at popular pro- jects like SETI@home and Cloud Shapes: Distributed Computing Folding@home to see public exam- Whether “the cloud” represents a ples of distributed computing at data center at a single physical loca- work. In these projects, individuals tion or dozens, hundreds, or thou- run software on their PC which con- sands of data centers spread around nects them to a server that divides the world, its speed and efficiency is large jobs among small clients to limited by how intelligently it dele- crunch numbers toward a particular gates responsibility. goal—in these examples, searching Completing any general computing for alien life among radio waves and task—say, retrieving the results of a computing protein folding simula- search with relevant contextual tions to aid medical research. You advertisements—requires a long could even consider botnets—soft- series of smaller jobs to be complet- ware that maliciously infects unwit- ed. Database queries, parsing of ting client machines to send out results, construction of result sets, parcels of spam—a form of nefarious and formatting of result pages, to distributed computing. name the most common. Even these The open source project Hadoop tasks can be further broken down provides a general-purpose frame- 20 COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS DECEMBER 2007
  • 6. work for developers to rapidly would submit jobs to these number- employ distributed computing in a crunching powerhouses (in their wide variety of projects. Actively day), and be billed for the cost of under development within the aus- cycles used. Processing time was pices of the Apache Foundation, delivered like electricity—you paid Hadoop liberates software developers for what you used. from creating specialized custom Today, most medium to large-sized software for taking advantage of dis- organizations invest in their own tributed computing in a cloud. data centers and use them at will. Capable of distributing petabytes of Although processing cycles are not data-processing across thousands of metered like a utility, there are signif- computing nodes, the Hadoop plat- icant costs to building a data cen- form is itself comprised of several ter—real estate, hardware, power, WHY NOT JUST MOVE ALL PROCESSING POWER TO THE CLOUD, and walk around with an ultralight imput device with a screen? technologies to ensure efficiency and cooling, and ongoing maintenance. data integrity as data swirls around What’s worse for the balance sheet the cloud. Some of these sub- is that organizations need to plan for projects, like MapReduce which worst-case scenarios. In the case of a divides jobs into component tasks, data center, not only can this include and HDFS, the Hadoop Distributed the costs of backup and redundancy, Filesystem, can be employed individ- but in overpowered servers capable ually or together by developers in of handling loads which can peak their applications. high but occur infrequently. Bus- inesses may find themselves using 99 Cloud Shapes: A Utility Grid percent of their computing capacity It seems like every shape one sees in only 10 percent of the time, leaving the cloud is inspired by a computing expensive equipment often idle and model from the past. Back in the angering the accountants. days of mainframes and fancy super- In the Web space there is a thriv- computers housed at research univer- ing market of hosting providers who sities, valuable processing time was invest in their own data centers and essentially for sale. Researchers sell usage to customers, be they indi- COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS DECEMBER 2007 21
  • 7. viduals or businesses. Although host- machine in Amazon’s cloud. Using ing providers can go some way virtualization, Amazon presents the toward minimizing underutilization machine image to the end user as if it of in-house servers by attaching sur- were a dedicated server, with the charges to peak usage, their capacity same degree of access an administra- to stretch can be limited. Providers tor would have to their own server. typically assign clients to a whole or Customers can choose configura- partial physical server, and do not tion templates for their machine truly replicate the kinds of cloud fea- instance—for example, a server with tures, like distributed computing, 1.7GB of memory, one processing Software, in a cloud, becomes a service. To a company like Microsoft, whose substantial fortunes are built on software as a purchasable, local application, THE THREAT IS NOT FALLING ON DEAF EARS. that a dedicated data center can offer. core, and 160GB of storage space. Meanwhile, massive companies Additional configurations support like Amazon, Google, and IBM have more memory, more cores, and more invested in, innovated, and become storage. But the real magic in EC2 is expert at housing their own large- that customers can create and destroy scale data centers. Invoking the idea machine instances at will. As a result, of the cloud, all three also sense software can scale itself to exactly opportunity: Why not scale up their the amount of computing power it data centers—grow the cloud—and requires. create business models to support Consider a Web-based application third-party use? running in Amazon’s cloud. Suppose In fact, Internet retail giant there is a sudden surge in visitors, Amazon is the first out of the gate to perhaps thanks to media coverage. commercialize their cloud. After a Today, many Web applications fail period of limited access testing, under the load of big traffic spikes. Amazon opened their Elastic But in the cloud, assuming that the Compute Cloud, or EC2, to fee- Web application has been designed based public use in October 2007. intelligently, additional machine To use Amazon’s EC2, customers instances can be launched on first create a virtual image of their demand. The application dynamically, complete software environment using and gracefully, scales up. When traffic provided tools. The image is then slows down, the app can scale down, used to create an “instance” of a terminating the extra instances. 22 COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS DECEMBER 2007
  • 8. Amazon then charges customers these kinds of massive, sandboxed based on their cumulative “instance data centers dedicated for student hours,” a way of metering usage, use, and many lack instructors with currently set at $0.10 per instance leading-edge experience. hour for the most basic instance type. To some industry analysts, com- To provide consistent and predictable modified cloud computing like performance, machine instance types Amazon’s EC2 will change the face are rated by what Amazon calls of enterprise computing. It may pave “compute units,” which deliver a the way to where businesses no specific, known amount of perfor- longer invest anything into data cen- mance, regardless of the underlying ters of their own. Out goes the hard- hardware Amazon is using inside ware, out goes the power bill, and their cloud. A second charge applies out goes all the processing power to data moved in and out of that rarely gets used. Instead, they Amazon’s network, ranging from buy cloud computing time from com- $0.10 to $0.18 per gigabyte. mercial providers, who can specialize In contrast to Amazon’s commer- in building massive data centers at cial effort, Google and IBM recently sites selected to minimize operating announced a partnership to apply a costs. similar utility cloud model to com- puter science education. The two Cloud Shapes: Software as a Service companies have put together a dedi- As radical a shift as cloud computing cated data center mixing both com- may represent for the enterprise— modity and enterprise hardware. who needs servers?—some think it Running open source software will radically change personal com- including Linux, Xen virtualization, puting even more. Who needs com- and Apache Hadoop, the puters at all? At least, the kind that Google/IBM cloud presents a distrib- eat up battery life and contain churn- uted computing canvas for educa- ing hard drives. Why not just move tional access. Both Google and IBM all processing power to the cloud, have a vested interest in encouraging and walk around with an ultralight cloud computing: They need people input device with a screen? to hire. Some say it’s already begun. Burgeoning Web applications have A considerable concern been the rage for several years. among major enterprise Fueled by technological evolutions is that today’s computer like AJAX, which allows browser- science students lack based code to behave more like a access to the distributed local application, and people’s desire computing environ- for mobility and data ubiquity, we ments that make up the increasingly use the Web for applica- cloud. Companies like Google will tion functionality. E-mail was both need new hires experienced in writing the first “killer app” for the Internet, code designed to run in a cloud of and later, on the Web. For many perhaps thousands of processors. But today, Web-based e-mail is the only educational institutions don’t have kind they use. COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS DECEMBER 2007 23
  • 9. Taken further, Web-based applica- ruptive force and a whole new way. tions like Google Docs threaten core Carr predicts that Google and Apple productivity applications on the will partner to push the cloud com- desktop. While the features of puting/software-as-a-service model Google Docs are a slim shadow of a even further. He foresees a lightweight major, and majorly profitable, appli- mobile device crafted by Apple that cation like Microsoft Word, it pro- will tap into Google’s cloud, bringing vides a taste of a cloud-based future. together the two masters of the front Your data is reachable anywhere, and end and the back end. the only software you need to access In the near-term, a ubiquitous it is a browser. Which, in turn, means cloud faces obstacles. Critics argue THE CLOUD DEMANDS A HIGH DEGREE OF TRUST. Significant amounts of data which were previously stored only in individual offices and homes would now reside in data centers controlled by third-parties. that your data and your applications that visions like Carr’s are simply are available in one form another revivals of failed thin-client dreams from your desktop PC, your laptop, of the past. Thin clients like those and your handheld. touted by Oracle-founder Larry Software, in the cloud, becomes a Ellison in the ’90s have not managed service. To a company like Microsoft, to become cost-effective. With prices whose substantial fortunes are built plummeting and performance sky- on software as a purchasable, local rocketing for full-featured desktop application, the threat is not falling and laptop computers, it has been on deaf ears. Windows Live, difficult to produce a relatively pow- Microsoft’s “cloud,” may be today’s erless thin client at a low enough cost take on Windows 1.0—a look into to attract buyers. the future. Advocates for thin client cloud Even Adobe has begun to launch computing argue that full-fledged stripped-down versions of its compu- machines, however powerful, are also tationally-heavy marquee titles as a hassle with negative productivity. Web-based services, including They have many parts that can fail Photoshop and the video editing suite and their software needs constant Premiere. care and feeding in a world riddled Pundits and futurists like Nicholas with software updates, viruses, and Carr love this stuff because the cloud spyware. Centralizing processing represents a paradigm shift and a dis- power in the cloud liberates users to 24 COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS DECEMBER 2007
  • 10. choose efficient, uncomplicated access Software as a service in the cloud machines. This argument, and its can revive fears of vendor lock-in, a potential economic feasibility, gains significant consideration in the main- weight in today’s environment, where frame era. Supposing a cloud opera- laptop sales are outpacing the desk- tor and a thin-client vendor partner top, and even more mobile devices together, it is possible that each half are becoming commonplace. will require the other. Services from the cloud may be inaccessible to F or cloud computing to those without an access device from a move front and center, the single brand. Some fear that the networks that tie every- cloud could encourage the growth of thing together need to be walled-gardens, a potential step back extremely robust. After compared to the relatively open all, the cloud represents a Internet of today. significant inversion from personal computing in the 1970s and Partly Cloudy? 1980s, when machines stood alone There are those who scoff that and derived all of their utility from “cloud computing” is just the latest their own capabilities. Under the branding of some old, familiar com- cloud, client machines become nearly puting models—which is partly true. useless on their own. Are our net- It’s a buzzword almost designed to be works ready to handle the load? vague, but cloud computing is more Many would say no, especially than just a lot of fog. those living in the large U.S. market, The cloud concept draws on many where broadband quality and pene- existing technologies and architec- tration fares poorly relative to many tures. Centralizing computing power smaller industrialized nations. In con- is not new and, if anything, is a trast to local computing power, which return to the computer’s roots. Nor is continues to boom year after year, utility computing new, or distributed broadband advances here have been computing, or even software as a slow and may create at least a short- service. term bottleneck holding back a major But the cloud is new in that it inte- shift toward mainstream cloud com- grates all of the above computing puting. models. This integration requires Network bandwidth aside, the computing’s center of power to shift cloud raises concerns among privacy from the processing unit to the net- PERMISSION TO MAKE DIGITAL OR HARD advocates. Most significantly, the work. Inside the cloud, processors COPIES OF ALL OR PART OF THIS WORK FOR PERSONAL OR CLASSROOM USE IS GRANT- cloud demands a high degree of trust. become commodities. It is the net- ED WITHOUT FEE PROVIDED THAT COPIES Significant amounts of data which work that holds the cloud together, ARE NOT MADE OR DISTRIBUTED FOR PROFIT were previously stored only in indi- ~ and connects the clouds to each other OR COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE AND THAT COPIES BEAR THIS NOTICE AND THE FULL vidual offices and homes would now and the sky to the ground. CITATION ON THE FIRST PAGE. TO COPY reside in data centers controlled by OTHERWISE, TO REPUBLISH, TO POST ON third-parties. Do we have adequate SERVERS OR TO REDISTRIBUTE TO LISTS, Aaron Weiss is a technology writer and REQUIRES PRIOR SPECIFIC PERMISSION privacy laws? How should encryption Web developer shivering in upstate New York, as AND/OR A FEE. play a role? well as human proprieter of © ACM 1091-556/07/01200 $5.00 COMPUTING IN THE CLOUDS DECEMBER 2007 25