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Composing &
Editing Media with
    AV Foundation

Bob McCune
‣ MN Developer and Instructor
‣ Owner of TapHarmonic, LLC.
‣ Founded Minnesota CocoaHeads in 2008
What will I learn?
 ‣ AV Foundation Overview

 ‣ Media Playback

 ‣ Media Editing

   ‣   Composing Media
   ‣   Mixing Audio
   ‣   Building Video Transitions
   ‣   Layering Visual Content
AV Foundation
 ‣   Apple’s advanced Objective-C framework for
     working with timed-media
     ‣   High performance, asynchronous processing
     ‣   Hardware accelerated handling of AV media
 ‣   Available in its current form since iOS 4
     ‣   Significant additions and enhancements iOS 5 and 6
     ‣   Default media framework on Mac OS X since 10.7 Lion
 ‣   Apple’s focus for media apps on both iOS and Mac
Where does it fit?
iOS Media Options
    Simple           Awesome         Complex

   MediaPlayer                      CoreAudio

      UIKit                         CoreMedia

AV Essentials
Media Assets
Understanding Assets
‣   AVAsset is an abstract representation of media resource
    modeling the static aspects of the media.
    ‣   Abstracts away the type and location
‣   AVAssetTrack models the static aspects of the
    individual media streams within an asset
    ‣   Tracks are of a uniform type (video, audio, etc.)

AVAssetTrack (Video)

AVAssetTrack (Audio)
Using AVAssets
What can I do with an asset?
 ‣ Inspect
 ‣ Generate Images

 ‣ Transcode and Export

 ‣ Playback
Media Playback
Playback Controller
‣   AVPlayer is a controller for managing playback
    ‣   play
    ‣   pause
    ‣   rate
    ‣   seekToTime:

‣   Use KVO to observe playback readiness and state
    ‣   status

‣   Timed Observations
    ‣   addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:queue:usingBlock
    ‣   addBoundaryTimeObserverForInterval:queue:usingBlock
Playing Media
Static vs Dynamic Models
 ‣ AV Foundation distinguishes between static
   and dynamic aspects of media

        AVAsset                          AVAsset

                       St ati c

       AVPlayerItem                  AVPlayerItemTrack

                      D y n amic
Understanding Time
Core Media Essentials
‣   Rational number representing time
    ‣   64-bit integer time value (numerator)
    ‣   32-bit integer time scale (denominator)

        CMTime fiveSeconds = CMTimeMake(5, 1);
        CMTime oneSample = CMTimeMake(1, 44100);
        CMTime zeroTime = kCMTimeZero;

‣   Large number of utility functions in Core Media:
    ‣   CMTimeAdd,CMTimeSubtract,CMTimeCompare, etc.
Understanding Time
Core Media Essentials
‣ Core Media struct containing start time and duration

    CMTimeRange assetRange = CMTimeRangeMake(kCMTimeZero, asset.duration);
    CMTimeRange zeroRange = kCMTimeRangeZero;

‣   Like CMTime, there are many Core Media functions:
    ‣   CMTimeRangeEqual, CMTimeRangeContainsTime,
        CMTimeRangeGetEnd, CMTIMERANGE_ISVALID, etc.
Video Playback

   AVAsset          AVPlayerItem        AVPlayer

    AVAsset       AVPlayerItemTrack
   AVAssetTrack     AVPlayerItemTrack
Video Playback

   AVPlayerItem        AVPlayer   AVPlayerLayer

Composing Media
Composing Assets
‣ Concrete extension of AVAsset
‣ Composes asset segments on a timeline
Composing Assets
Tracks and Segments

AVMutableComposition *composition = [AVMutableComposition composition];

Composing Assets
Tracks and Segments
CMPersistentTrackID trackID = kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid;

AVMutableCompositionTrack *videoTrack =
    [composition addMutableTrackWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo preferredTrackID:trackID];

AVMutableCompositionTrack *audioTrack =
    [composition addMutableTrackWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeAudio preferredTrackID:trackID];

                          AVCompositionTrack (Video)

                          AVCompositionTrack (Audio)
Composing Assets
Tracks and Segments
AVAssetTrack *srcVideoTrack1 = // source video track 1
[videoTrack insertTimeRange:timeRange ofTrack:srcVideoTrack1 atTime:startTime error:&error];

AVAssetTrack *srcVideoTrack2 = // source video track 2
[videoTrack insertTimeRange:timeRange ofTrack:srcVideoTrack2 atTime:startTime error:&error];

AVAssetTrack *srcAudioTrack = // source audio track
[audioTrack insertTimeRange:timeRange ofTrack:srcAudioTrack atTime:startTime error:&error];

                             AVCompositionTrack (Video)

    AVCompositionTrackSegment                       AVCompositionTrackSegment
    Seconds 10-30 of “redpanda.m4v”                   Seconds 20-60 of “waves.m4v”

                             AVCompositionTrack (Audio)
                               Seconds 0-60 of “soundtrack.mp3”
Mixing Audio
Audio Mixing
‣   Composition tracks play at their natural volume
‣   AVAudioMix applies track-level volume adjustments
    ‣   Composed of AVAudioMixInputParameters
    ‣   Parameters control individual track volume over time

              CMTime                    CMTimeRange
CMTime fadeTime = CMTimeMake(5, 1);
CMTime fadeInStartTime = kCMTimeZero;
CMTime fadeOutStartTime = CMTimeSubtract(asset.duration, fadeTime);

CMTimeRange fadeInRange = CMTimeRangeMake(fadeInStartTime, fadeTime);
CMTimeRange fadeOutRange = CMTimeRangeMake(fadeOutStartTime, fadeTime);

AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters *parameters =
	   [AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters audioMixInputParameters];
parameters.trackID = assetTrack.trackID;
[parameters setVolumeRampFromStartVolume:0.0 toEndVolume:1.0 timeRange:fadeInRange];
[parameters setVolumeRampFromStartVolume:1.0 toEndVolume:0.0 timeRange:fadeOutRange];

AVMutableAudioMix *audioMix = [AVMutableAudioMix audioMix];
audioMix.inputParameters = @[parameters];
playerItem.audioMix = audioMix;
Video Transitions
Video Transitions

                                   Defines how two or more video
                                   tracks are composited together

                                   Configured through collection of
   AVVideoCompositionInstruction   composition instructions describing
                                   compositing behavior
Video Transitions


                                      Defines the time range of
                                      compositing behavior

                                      Composed of layer instructions
 AVVideoCompositionLayerInstruction   describing compositing behavior
Video Transitions



           AVAsset                    Defines the transform and
                                      opacity ramps of input layers
                                      Transform and opacity changes
                                      modified over given time range
Building Transitions
Conceptual Steps
Building Transitions   1
Stagger Layout


Building Transitions         2
Define Overlapping Regions


Building Transitions                                     3
Define Time Ranges

           Passthrough     Passthrough     Passthrough

                    Transition     Transition

      * Time ranges must not have gaps or overlap
 * Total duration must not be shorter than composition
Building Transitions                                          4
Configure Instructions
// Build transition instructions
AVMutableVideoCompositionInstruction *transitionInstruction = ...;
transitionInstruction.timeRange = transitionTimeRange;

AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstruction *fromLayerInstruction = ...;
AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstruction *toLayerInstruction = ...;

// Cross Disolve
[fromLayerInstruction setOpacityRampFromStartOpacity:1.0

NSArray *instructions = @[fromLayerInstruction, toLayerInstruction];
transitionInstruction.layerInstructions = instructions;
[instructions addObject:transitionInstruction];
Building Transitions                                    5
Set sizes and apply
#define FRAME_RATE CMTimeMake(1, 30)
#define RENDER_SIZE CGSizeMake(1280, 720)

AVMutableVideoComposition *videoComposition =
    [AVMutableVideoComposition videoComposition];

// Set instructions on AVVideoComposition instance
videoComposition.instructions = instructions;
videoComposition.frameDuration = FRAME_RATE;
videoComposition.renderSize = RENDER_SIZE;

AVPlayerItem *playerItem =
   [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithAsset:[composition copy]];
playerItem.videoComposition = videoComposition;
New in iOS 6


 Automagic Setup:
• Calculates all required passthrough and transition time ranges
• Builds appropriate composition and layer instructions for time ranges
• Sets the appropriate render size
• Sets the appropriate frame rate
Layering Content
Layering Content
Core Animation
Core Animation a natural choice
  ‣ High performance, inherently time-based

  ‣ CALayer subclasses used for all video rendering

  CALayer: used to layer images and text

  CAAnimation: used to animate layered content


Animation Timing
‣   Core Animation operates on host time
    ‣   Starts at boot, marches towards infinity
‣   Timeline animations need to use movie time
    ‣   Starts at kCMTimeZero and runs to duration
    ‣   Can be started, stopped, rewound, etc.
‣   Use AVSynchronizedLayer to use movie time
    ‣   Confers player item timing on to its sublayer tree

         AVPlayerItem         AVSynchronizedLayer

                                 CATextLayer            CABasicAnimation
Core Animation
 Timeline vs Realtime Animations
‣ Exactly    the same, but different:
  ‣   Animations with zero beginTime won’t be seen
      ‣   Set beginTime = AVCoreAnimationBeginTimeZero
  ‣   Animations removed by default
      ‣   Set removedOnCompletion = NO
      ‣   Unable to use CAAnimationGroup?
Core Animation
Natural Choice, Awkward Implementation
‣   Different conceptual models for timeline editing
    ‣   CMTime and CMTimeRange for asset items
    ‣   Seconds and milliseconds for layers
    ‣   Build abstraction to help bridge the gap
‣   Usage differs in playback and export scenarios
    ‣   AVSynchronizedLayer for playback
        ‣   Attach to player’s view hierarchy/layer tree
    ‣   AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool for export
AV Foundation Rocks!
‣ Powerful tools for audio and video playback

    ‣   AVPlayer, AVPlayerItem, AVPlayerLayer
‣   Powerful tools for composing/editing media:
    ‣   AVComposition, AVAudioMix,
        AVVideoComposition, AVSynchronizedLayer
‣   Powerful utility classes:
    ‣   AVAssetImageGenerator
    ‣   AVExportSession
‣   Steep learning curve, but worth the investment!
Presentation Materials

Learning AV Foundation

WWDC 2011: Exploring AV Foundation

WWDC 2011: Working with Media in AV Foundation                                      @bobmccune

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Composing and Editing Media with AV Foundation

  • 1. Composing & Editing Media with AV Foundation
  • 2. About... Bob McCune ‣ MN Developer and Instructor ‣ Owner of TapHarmonic, LLC. ‣ Founded Minnesota CocoaHeads in 2008
  • 3. Agenda What will I learn? ‣ AV Foundation Overview ‣ Media Playback ‣ Media Editing ‣ Composing Media ‣ Mixing Audio ‣ Building Video Transitions ‣ Layering Visual Content
  • 4. AV Foundation Overview ‣ Apple’s advanced Objective-C framework for working with timed-media ‣ High performance, asynchronous processing ‣ Hardware accelerated handling of AV media ‣ Available in its current form since iOS 4 ‣ Significant additions and enhancements iOS 5 and 6 ‣ Default media framework on Mac OS X since 10.7 Lion ‣ Apple’s focus for media apps on both iOS and Mac
  • 5. Where does it fit? iOS Media Options Simple Awesome Complex MediaPlayer CoreAudio UIKit CoreMedia AVFoundation CoreVideo CoreAnimation
  • 7. Media Assets Understanding Assets ‣ AVAsset is an abstract representation of media resource modeling the static aspects of the media. ‣ Abstracts away the type and location ‣ AVAssetTrack models the static aspects of the individual media streams within an asset ‣ Tracks are of a uniform type (video, audio, etc.) AVAssetTrack (Video) AVAssetTrack (Audio)
  • 8. Using AVAssets What can I do with an asset? ‣ Inspect ‣ Generate Images ‣ Transcode and Export ‣ Playback
  • 10. AVPlayer Playback Controller ‣ AVPlayer is a controller for managing playback ‣ play ‣ pause ‣ rate ‣ seekToTime: ‣ Use KVO to observe playback readiness and state ‣ status ‣ Timed Observations ‣ addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:queue:usingBlock ‣ addBoundaryTimeObserverForInterval:queue:usingBlock
  • 11. Playing Media Static vs Dynamic Models ‣ AV Foundation distinguishes between static and dynamic aspects of media AVAsset AVAsset AVAsset AVAssetTrack St ati c AVPlayerItemTrack AVPlayerItem AVPlayerItemTrack AVPlayerItemTrack D y n amic
  • 12. Understanding Time Core Media Essentials CMTime ‣ Rational number representing time ‣ 64-bit integer time value (numerator) ‣ 32-bit integer time scale (denominator) CMTime fiveSeconds = CMTimeMake(5, 1); CMTime oneSample = CMTimeMake(1, 44100); CMTime zeroTime = kCMTimeZero; ‣ Large number of utility functions in Core Media: ‣ CMTimeAdd,CMTimeSubtract,CMTimeCompare, etc.
  • 13. Understanding Time Core Media Essentials CMTimeRange ‣ Core Media struct containing start time and duration CMTimeRange assetRange = CMTimeRangeMake(kCMTimeZero, asset.duration); CMTimeRange zeroRange = kCMTimeRangeZero; ‣ Like CMTime, there are many Core Media functions: ‣ CMTimeRangeEqual, CMTimeRangeContainsTime, CMTimeRangeGetEnd, CMTIMERANGE_ISVALID, etc.
  • 14. Video Playback AVPlayerLayer AVAsset AVPlayerItem AVPlayer AVAsset AVAsset AVPlayerItemTrack AVPlayerItemTrack AVAssetTrack AVPlayerItemTrack
  • 15. Video Playback AVPlayerLayer AVPlayerItem AVPlayer AVPlayerLayer AVPlayerItemTrack AVPlayerItemTrack AVPlayerItemTrack
  • 16. Demo
  • 18. Composing Assets AVComposition ‣ Concrete extension of AVAsset ‣ Composes asset segments on a timeline
  • 19. Composing Assets Tracks and Segments AVMutableComposition *composition = [AVMutableComposition composition]; AVComposition
  • 20. Composing Assets Tracks and Segments CMPersistentTrackID trackID = kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid; AVMutableCompositionTrack *videoTrack = [composition addMutableTrackWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo preferredTrackID:trackID]; AVMutableCompositionTrack *audioTrack = [composition addMutableTrackWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeAudio preferredTrackID:trackID]; AVComposition AVCompositionTrack (Video) AVCompositionTrack (Audio)
  • 21. Composing Assets Tracks and Segments AVAssetTrack *srcVideoTrack1 = // source video track 1 [videoTrack insertTimeRange:timeRange ofTrack:srcVideoTrack1 atTime:startTime error:&error]; AVAssetTrack *srcVideoTrack2 = // source video track 2 [videoTrack insertTimeRange:timeRange ofTrack:srcVideoTrack2 atTime:startTime error:&error]; AVAssetTrack *srcAudioTrack = // source audio track [audioTrack insertTimeRange:timeRange ofTrack:srcAudioTrack atTime:startTime error:&error]; AVComposition AVCompositionTrack (Video) AVCompositionTrackSegment AVCompositionTrackSegment Seconds 10-30 of “redpanda.m4v” Seconds 20-60 of “waves.m4v” AVCompositionTrack (Audio) AVCompositionTrackSegment Seconds 0-60 of “soundtrack.mp3”
  • 22. Demo
  • 24. Audio Mixing AVAudioMix ‣ Composition tracks play at their natural volume ‣ AVAudioMix applies track-level volume adjustments ‣ Composed of AVAudioMixInputParameters ‣ Parameters control individual track volume over time CMTime CMTimeRange
  • 25. AVAudioMix Example CMTime fadeTime = CMTimeMake(5, 1); CMTime fadeInStartTime = kCMTimeZero; CMTime fadeOutStartTime = CMTimeSubtract(asset.duration, fadeTime); CMTimeRange fadeInRange = CMTimeRangeMake(fadeInStartTime, fadeTime); CMTimeRange fadeOutRange = CMTimeRangeMake(fadeOutStartTime, fadeTime); AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters *parameters = [AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters audioMixInputParameters]; parameters.trackID = assetTrack.trackID; [parameters setVolumeRampFromStartVolume:0.0 toEndVolume:1.0 timeRange:fadeInRange]; [parameters setVolumeRampFromStartVolume:1.0 toEndVolume:0.0 timeRange:fadeOutRange]; AVMutableAudioMix *audioMix = [AVMutableAudioMix audioMix]; audioMix.inputParameters = @[parameters]; playerItem.audioMix = audioMix;
  • 26. Demo
  • 28. Video Transitions AVVideoComposition AVVideoComposition Defines how two or more video tracks are composited together AVVideoCompositionInstruction Configured through collection of AVVideoCompositionInstruction AVVideoCompositionInstruction composition instructions describing compositing behavior
  • 29. Video Transitions AVVideoCompositionInstruction AVVideoComposition AVVideoCompositionInstruction AVVideoCompositionInstruction AVVideoCompositionInstruction Defines the time range of compositing behavior Composed of layer instructions AVAsset AVAsset AVVideoCompositionLayerInstruction describing compositing behavior
  • 30. Video Transitions AVVideoCompositionLayerInstruction AVVideoComposition AVVideoCompositionInstruction AVVideoCompositionInstruction AVVideoCompositionInstruction AVAsset AVAsset Defines the transform and AVVideoCompositionLayerInstruction opacity ramps of input layers Transform and opacity changes modified over given time range
  • 32. Building Transitions 1 Stagger Layout A B
  • 33. Building Transitions 2 Define Overlapping Regions A B
  • 34. Building Transitions 3 Define Time Ranges A Passthrough Passthrough Passthrough B Transition Transition * Time ranges must not have gaps or overlap * Total duration must not be shorter than composition
  • 35. Building Transitions 4 Configure Instructions // Build transition instructions AVMutableVideoCompositionInstruction *transitionInstruction = ...; transitionInstruction.timeRange = transitionTimeRange; AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstruction *fromLayerInstruction = ...; AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstruction *toLayerInstruction = ...; // Cross Disolve [fromLayerInstruction setOpacityRampFromStartOpacity:1.0 toEndOpacity:0.0 timeRange:transitionTimeRange]; NSArray *instructions = @[fromLayerInstruction, toLayerInstruction]; transitionInstruction.layerInstructions = instructions; [instructions addObject:transitionInstruction];
  • 36. Building Transitions 5 Set sizes and apply #define FRAME_RATE CMTimeMake(1, 30) #define RENDER_SIZE CGSizeMake(1280, 720) AVMutableVideoComposition *videoComposition = [AVMutableVideoComposition videoComposition]; // Set instructions on AVVideoComposition instance videoComposition.instructions = instructions; videoComposition.frameDuration = FRAME_RATE; videoComposition.renderSize = RENDER_SIZE; AVPlayerItem *playerItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithAsset:[composition copy]]; playerItem.videoComposition = videoComposition;
  • 37. New in iOS 6 AVVideoComposition videoCompositionWithPropertiesOfAsset: Automagic Setup: • Calculates all required passthrough and transition time ranges • Builds appropriate composition and layer instructions for time ranges • Sets the appropriate render size • Sets the appropriate frame rate
  • 38. Demo
  • 40. Layering Content Core Animation Core Animation a natural choice ‣ High performance, inherently time-based ‣ CALayer subclasses used for all video rendering CALayer: used to layer images and text CAAnimation: used to animate layered content CABasicAnimation CAKeyframeAnimation
  • 41. Animation Timing AVSynchronizedLayer ‣ Core Animation operates on host time ‣ Starts at boot, marches towards infinity ‣ Timeline animations need to use movie time ‣ Starts at kCMTimeZero and runs to duration ‣ Can be started, stopped, rewound, etc. ‣ Use AVSynchronizedLayer to use movie time ‣ Confers player item timing on to its sublayer tree AVPlayerItem AVSynchronizedLayer CATextLayer CABasicAnimation
  • 42. Core Animation Timeline vs Realtime Animations ‣ Exactly the same, but different: ‣ Animations with zero beginTime won’t be seen ‣ Set beginTime = AVCoreAnimationBeginTimeZero ‣ Animations removed by default ‣ Set removedOnCompletion = NO ‣ Unable to use CAAnimationGroup?
  • 43. Core Animation Natural Choice, Awkward Implementation ‣ Different conceptual models for timeline editing ‣ CMTime and CMTimeRange for asset items ‣ Seconds and milliseconds for layers ‣ Build abstraction to help bridge the gap ‣ Usage differs in playback and export scenarios ‣ AVSynchronizedLayer for playback ‣ Attach to player’s view hierarchy/layer tree ‣ AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool for export
  • 44. Demo
  • 45. Summary AV Foundation Rocks! ‣ Powerful tools for audio and video playback ‣ AVPlayer, AVPlayerItem, AVPlayerLayer ‣ Powerful tools for composing/editing media: ‣ AVComposition, AVAudioMix, AVVideoComposition, AVSynchronizedLayer ‣ Powerful utility classes: ‣ AVAssetImageGenerator ‣ AVExportSession ‣ Steep learning curve, but worth the investment!
  • 46. Resources Presentation Materials Learning AV Foundation WWDC 2011: Exploring AV Foundation WWDC 2011: Working with Media in AV Foundation @bobmccune