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       Competency based Selection

                                Aug 27, 2009
                               Anuraag Maini

       Staffing & Selection - Background

Staffing & Selection – Background

 Managers’ Feedback                                                               Exit Interview
• Poor Performance                                                          • Unable to adapt to the
• Culturally unfit                             REASONS                        culture
                                                                            • Mis-match between job
• Slow on Uptake
                                                                              responsibility and own
• Not Adaptable                                                               expectations

                                                  Core Issue
                     Difficulty in objectively measuring skills and attitudes during selection
                      Job specific skill sets not defined clearly
                      Un-structured selection system
                      Most Hiring Managers not trained in interviewing skills

Staffing & Selection – Background

       Key fundamentals of an effective Selection system -

          Accuracy
           – Validly predict the applicant’s job performance

          Equity
           – Ensures that every qualified applicant has a fair and equal chance
             to be selected

          Buy-in
           – People involved in the selection process must perceive its worth

AMEE        What is Targeted Selection?

       Targeted Selection works by honing in on the three
       processes crucial to successful hiring and promotion -

       1. Identifying the right selection criteria through job
       2. Gathering pertinent candidate information
       3. Evaluating the information gathered and making an
          accurate decision

AMEE           Common Selection Problems
        miss important information

        overlook job motivation and organizational fit

        ask illegal, non-job-related questions

        have not organized selection elements into a system

        take insufficient notes

        misinterpret applicant information
        make snap decisions about applicants

        allow one characteristic to influence their judgement

        organizations rely exclusively on interviews
        interviewers’ hiring discussions are not systematic

        pressure to fill the position affects judgement

        candidates are turned off by the selection process

        biases and stereotypes affect judgement

AMEE        Characteristics of an Effective
                 Selection System

          Uses all relevant sources of data
          Involves data gathering and data giving
          Decision points clearly specified
          Used throughout organization
          Users trained in their roles

AMEE            Effective Selection System

        50 applicants

                             Application screen
                             Technical screen
                             In-depth interviews and
            8                             simulations
                              Reference check

                     Offer      .
AMEE            What is a Competency?

          Competencies are the requirements for a job - the
           knowledge, skills, motivations and behaviors that
           relate to job success
          Competencies are the targets in our selection

           Behavioral Competencies

       Core competencies       Required in every job or role in
                               an organization or large part of
                               an organization

       Job Specific            Related to success in specific
                               jobs, roles, and particular levels

Competency based “Targeted Selection System”

                          COMPETENCIES                  Adaptability
                        • Adaptability            • Adjusts approach to match
  KRAs                  • Communication             varied tasks
                                                  • Adjusts behaviour to style
                        • Drive for Results         of others
  Qualification/        • Decision Making         • Change priorities to meet
  Experience            • Planning & Organising      changing demands
                        • Sales Ability           • Adjusts quickly to new
                                                     responsibilities and tasks
  Competencies          • …………..

  Motivation Fit


AMEE             Types of candidate information

          Work/Education History/Certifications/ Skills - experience
           and general qualifications to do the job. Example -
            – School/College attended by a candidate
            – Number of years of service with a company
            – Number of job changes
            – Familiarity with industry procedures
            – Ability to use specific computer software
            – Certifications

          Specific experiences - specific things that the candidate has
           done in his jobs or other relevant history. Example –
            – The time that the candidate led a team on a new task
            – A major sale the candidate closed
            – The time the candidate resolved a complaint from an important customer

AMEE             Types of candidate information

          Interests/Desires - What candidate is looking for in a job,
           organization and location. Example –
            – Information about a candidate’s likes and dislikes is a good starting point for
               determining their motivations to do a job.

AMEE                 Using behavior in TS
          The key to predicting how someone will perform in a job
           is to collect and examine behavioural examples of how
           he has performed in similar situations in the past.

           – Helps understand work history, experience,
             knowledge and motivation
           – Helps analyze these areas to predict how he or she
             will perform in the target job.
           – Help prevent false impressions and
             misunderstandings about a candidate’s background.


                                                        Planning/ Organizing
   Work/ Education/
   Certification/ Skills                  Technical/Professional Knowledge

                                                        Customer focus

                           Behavior                      Drive for Results
                                          Risk Taking

                                                         Motivational Fit

   Types of Candidate                     Target Competencies
AMEE               Describe yourself

       How would you describe yourself to an interviewer?
       1. I am a people person
       2. I am a hard worker
       3. I am a quick learner
       4. I am dependable
       5. I am a team player


                Situation / task = Why

                Action = What done and
                 how done

                Result = Effect of action

AMEE                    Situation or Task

          Changes in the candidates job responsibilities or work
          Demands made by a Manager or a Customer
          Challenges in meeting a deadline or in getting along with a

AMEE                         Actions

          The steps in completing a work assignment
          How someone laid out work for a particular project
          What a person did to meet a tough deadline or avoid
           costly delays
          What a person said that made a colleague to
           become angry
          Precautions someone should have taken but did’nt

AMEE                         Results

          Effects of candidates actions (behavior)

AMEE           Planned behavioral Qs

       Planning & Organizing
       Situation/Task     Action       Result


       Interviewing for Motivation Fit

AMEE   Types of Information for selection

          Technical knowledge
           – special knowledge required for the job
          Behavioral Competencies
           – describe what a person can do
          Motivations
           – determine whether a person will do a job

AMEE                 Motivational Fit

       Motivation Fit is the extent to which …
       - the activities and responsibilities,
       - the organisation’s mode of operation and values,
       - the environment in which the individual will work
        and live are consistent with the type of environment
        that provides personal satisfaction;

       the degree to which the work itself is personally
AMEE                       Motivation Fit

          Job Fit
           – Satisfaction with job activities

          Organization Fit
           – Satisfaction with organization’s values and work culture

          Location Fit
           – Satisfaction with the geographical location of the job

                      Motivational Fit Factors

          Achievement                   High Involvement - Leader
          Centre of Attention           High Involvement - Member
          Challenging Work              Independence
          Coaching Others               Interaction
          Commission                    Interpersonal Support
          Compensation                  Leading Others
          Complexity                    Primacy of Work
          Continuous Learning           Promotion Opportunities
          Details                       Routine
          Diverse Perspectives          Relationship Building
          Fast Work Pace                Task Variety
          Formal Recognition            Travel

AMEE                   Motivation Fit Grid
                           Many Opportunities

               ANNOY                              MOTIVATE
               (Facets that are present in        (Facets that the candidate likes a
               The job that the candidate         and are present in the job)
Candidate                                                                                   Candidate
Dislikes                                                                                    Likes

            HAPPY TO                              WILL MISS
            AVOID                                 (Facets that are not present in the job
                                                  That the candidate likes a lot)
            (Facets the candidate dislikes
            And that are not present in the

                             Few or No Opportunities
Motivational Fit – collecting

          When – begin by asking the candidate to identify a time when
           he was most or least satisfied at work

          What – continue by asking the candidate to describe what he
           was doing or experiencing that made him feel satisfied or

          Why – complete the questioning by asking why the situation
           was satisfying or dissatisfying. Knowing why helps to prevent
           you from assuming that the candidate’s motivations are the
           same as yours.

AMEE          Benefits of Motivational Fit

          Focuses attention on job-specific motivational factors
          Prevents interviewer from projecting his or her
           motivations on candidate
          Helps to ensure selection of candidates who will like
           their work and organisation


       Interview Techniques

                 Skill # 1 = Preparing for an interview
       Resume Screening
       - Factors to Consider :

                 Skill # 1 = Preparing for an interview
       Resume Screening
       - Factors to Consider :

                             • Frequent Job Changes
                             • Gaps in Employment History
                             • Years of Experience
                             • Qualifications
                             • Achievements and Awards
                             • Topical Resumes
                             • ..............

AMEE            Competency Coverage Grid
                                          Exec. Assistant
                                          Recruiter     BUP          GM
                                 Phone    Interview   Interview   Interview   Simulation Reference
                                 Screen                                                   Check

                Adaptability                 X           X                                  X
           Customer Focus                                X          X
            Communication          X         X           X          X
             Initiating Action
                                             X           X
            Managing Work                    X                       X
         Quality Orientation                 X                       X
               Motivation Fit                X           X           X            X         X
       Tech knowledge/skills
                                   X         X                       X            X         X

         Skill # 2 = Using Behavioural Questions

       • Heart of the TS technique
       • Competency definition & key actions
       • Negative questions

                Skill # 2 = Using Behavioural Questions

          Behavioural = It asks the candidate to provide specific
           information about parts of a STAR.
           – Tell me about a specific situation in which you used that approach
           – How did you handle that customer?
           – You say it worked out well. Specifically how did it work out?

          Theoretical = Asks candidates for theories, opinions,
           or general actions-what they think about a topic or
           situation, what they would do or usually do – not what
           they actually did in a specific situation
           – How do you typically plan your day?
           – How would you handle a conflict with a team mate?
                 Skill # 3 = Asking Follow-up Questions

          Leading = Prompt candidates to give the answer they
           think you want to hear – worded in a way that hints at a
           “correct response”
           – So, it sounds like you closed the sale?

           – I guess you found being a team leader very satisfying?


       Skill #4 : Managing the Interview

AMEE                Process guidelines

          Control the pace of interview by managing the
           amount of detail candidates provide
          Direct the discussion into and through areas you
           want to cover
          Prevent confusion, misunderstandings, and the need
           to go back and clarify details
          Manage time so that you can cover each section of
           the interview completely

AMEE               Process guidelines

          Make procedural suggestions
           – Questions, suggestions or proposals
          Check for understanding
           – Yours or Candidates

AMEE                       Managing time
          Opening                         - 2mins
          Key background interview        - 6 mins
          Planned behavioral Qs
            – Adaptability                        - 7 mins
            – Quality Orientation                  - 7 mins
            – Customer focus                      - 7 mins
            – Work standards                      - 7 mins
            – Decision making                     - 7 mins
            – Motivation Fit                      - 7 mins
          Interview Close
            – Additional information              - 3 mins
            – Job/Organization information         - 6 mins
            – Close                                - 1 min
                                                    60 mins

           Time is allocated on the basis of competencies being covered

       Data Evaluation

AMEE                    Data evaluation

           TS provides a systematic process for evaluating data
           and making accurate hiring decisions by -
          Helping interviewers focus on all competencies for
           the target job
          Ensuring that all candidates are treated fairly
          Controlling biases and stereotypes
          Maintaining hiring standards

           Evaluating interview data
          Similarity – The more the examples/data resembles the job
           specific activities of the target job, the better it predicts how the
           candidate will perform in the job
          Impact – Some situations will be more meaningful or significant
           than others
          Recency – Recent behaviour should be given more weight than
           behaviour in the distant past

AMEE       Competency Rating Scale

          3   - acceptable
          4   - more than acceptable
          5   - much more than acceptable

          2   - less than acceptable
          1   - much less than acceptable

           (relative to quantity and quality of behaviour

                    Competency rating scale

       Range                  5


       Data Integration

AMEE                   Data integration

          Interviewers share the information they have
           collected and evaluate candidates on each
           competency, using all information, not just their own
          Each interviewer may have unique information

AMEE                       Competency rating grid

       Competency              Recruiter   BUP       GM       Conclusion

       Adaptability                4             3                  3

       Initiating Action           4             2                  4

       Customer focus              2                      4         3

       Quality orientation         2             3                  2

       Work standards                            3    4             3

       Motivation fit              3             4        3         3

       Tech/Prof. knowledge        3                      3         3

       Communication               3             3        4         3

                Making a hiring decision
       Factors to be considered while making a hiring decision -
          Relative importance of competencies
           – All competencies are not equally important
           – Give higher weight to critical competencies - Eg. Sales
             ability, Initiative
          Trainability of competencies
           – Some competencies represent behaviors that are more
             trainable than others
           – Eg. Planning & Organizing Vs. Initiative

AMEE             Making a hiring decision

          Interrelationship of competencies
            – Some times a high rating in one dimension can compensate for a
              low rating in another - Practical learning & Planning & Organizing
            – A high/low rating in one competency can intensify the negative
              aspects of a low rating in another competency - high Risk taking &
              low Decision Making

       Legal Credibility
       & Best Practice
                Objective and specific job-
                 related selection criteria
                Standardised and objective
                 hiring system practices
                Interviewers briefed / trained
                 in legal issues

           Benefits of a Competency based
                  Selection System

          All competencies are covered by at least
           one interviewer (coverage overlap for most
           important dimensions).
          Predetermined decision points are established.
          All candidates are treated the same up to each decision point.
          Less expensive, quicker tools (e.g., resume screening, phone
           screening) are used up front.
          In-depth, time-consuming, and expensive steps are reserved for
           the most qualified candidates.
          Demonstrates the organization’s professionalism.


       Enhanced Image
       Legal Credibility

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Competency based Selection by Anuraag Maini, Sr. VP(HR), DLF Pramerica

  • 1. AMEE Competency based Selection Aug 27, 2009 Anuraag Maini .
  • 2. AMEE Staffing & Selection - Background .
  • 3. Staffing & Selection – Background AMEE Managers’ Feedback Exit Interview • Poor Performance • Unable to adapt to the • Culturally unfit REASONS culture • Mis-match between job • Slow on Uptake responsibility and own • Not Adaptable expectations Core Issue Difficulty in objectively measuring skills and attitudes during selection  Job specific skill sets not defined clearly  Un-structured selection system  Most Hiring Managers not trained in interviewing skills .
  • 4. Staffing & Selection – Background AMEE Key fundamentals of an effective Selection system -  Accuracy – Validly predict the applicant’s job performance  Equity – Ensures that every qualified applicant has a fair and equal chance to be selected  Buy-in – People involved in the selection process must perceive its worth .
  • 5. AMEE What is Targeted Selection? Targeted Selection works by honing in on the three processes crucial to successful hiring and promotion - 1. Identifying the right selection criteria through job analysis 2. Gathering pertinent candidate information 3. Evaluating the information gathered and making an accurate decision .
  • 6. AMEE Common Selection Problems Interviewers  miss important information  overlook job motivation and organizational fit  ask illegal, non-job-related questions  have not organized selection elements into a system  take insufficient notes  misinterpret applicant information  make snap decisions about applicants  allow one characteristic to influence their judgement  organizations rely exclusively on interviews  interviewers’ hiring discussions are not systematic  pressure to fill the position affects judgement  candidates are turned off by the selection process  biases and stereotypes affect judgement .
  • 7. AMEE Characteristics of an Effective Selection System  Uses all relevant sources of data  Involves data gathering and data giving  Decision points clearly specified  Used throughout organization  Users trained in their roles .
  • 8. AMEE Effective Selection System 50 applicants Application screen Technical screen 24 In-depth interviews and 8 simulations Reference check 2 1 Offer .
  • 9. AMEE What is a Competency?  Competencies are the requirements for a job - the knowledge, skills, motivations and behaviors that relate to job success  Competencies are the targets in our selection process .
  • 10. AMEE Behavioral Competencies Core competencies Required in every job or role in an organization or large part of an organization Job Specific Related to success in specific jobs, roles, and particular levels competencies .
  • 11. Competency based “Targeted Selection System” AMEE COMPETENCIES Adaptability JOB PROFILE • Adaptability • Adjusts approach to match KRAs • Communication varied tasks • Adjusts behaviour to style • Drive for Results of others Qualification/ • Decision Making • Change priorities to meet Experience • Planning & Organising changing demands • Sales Ability • Adjusts quickly to new responsibilities and tasks Competencies • ………….. Motivation Fit factors .
  • 12. AMEE .
  • 13. AMEE Types of candidate information  Work/Education History/Certifications/ Skills - experience and general qualifications to do the job. Example - – School/College attended by a candidate – Number of years of service with a company – Number of job changes – Familiarity with industry procedures – Ability to use specific computer software – Certifications  Specific experiences - specific things that the candidate has done in his jobs or other relevant history. Example – – The time that the candidate led a team on a new task – A major sale the candidate closed – The time the candidate resolved a complaint from an important customer .
  • 14. AMEE Types of candidate information  Interests/Desires - What candidate is looking for in a job, organization and location. Example – – Information about a candidate’s likes and dislikes is a good starting point for determining their motivations to do a job. .
  • 15. AMEE Using behavior in TS  The key to predicting how someone will perform in a job is to collect and examine behavioural examples of how he has performed in similar situations in the past. – Helps understand work history, experience, knowledge and motivation – Helps analyze these areas to predict how he or she will perform in the target job. – Help prevent false impressions and misunderstandings about a candidate’s background. .
  • 16. AMEE Coaching Planning/ Organizing Work/ Education/ Certification/ Skills Technical/Professional Knowledge Customer focus Specific Experiences Communication Behavior Drive for Results Interests/ Desires Risk Taking Motivational Fit Types of Candidate Target Competencies Information .
  • 17. AMEE Describe yourself How would you describe yourself to an interviewer? 1. I am a people person 2. I am a hard worker 3. I am a quick learner 4. I am dependable 5. I am a team player .
  • 18. AMEE STAR  Situation / task = Why  Action = What done and how done  Result = Effect of action .
  • 19. AMEE Situation or Task  Changes in the candidates job responsibilities or work processes  Demands made by a Manager or a Customer  Challenges in meeting a deadline or in getting along with a colleague .
  • 20. AMEE Actions  The steps in completing a work assignment  How someone laid out work for a particular project  What a person did to meet a tough deadline or avoid costly delays  What a person said that made a colleague to become angry  Precautions someone should have taken but did’nt .
  • 21. AMEE Results  Effects of candidates actions (behavior) .
  • 22. AMEE Planned behavioral Qs Planning & Organizing Q:……………….. Situation/Task Action Result .
  • 23. AMEE Interviewing for Motivation Fit .
  • 24. AMEE Types of Information for selection  Technical knowledge – special knowledge required for the job  Behavioral Competencies – describe what a person can do  Motivations – determine whether a person will do a job .
  • 25. AMEE Motivational Fit Motivation Fit is the extent to which … - the activities and responsibilities, - the organisation’s mode of operation and values, - the environment in which the individual will work and live are consistent with the type of environment that provides personal satisfaction; the degree to which the work itself is personally satisfying. .
  • 26. AMEE Motivation Fit  Job Fit – Satisfaction with job activities  Organization Fit – Satisfaction with organization’s values and work culture  Location Fit – Satisfaction with the geographical location of the job .
  • 27. AMEE Motivational Fit Factors  Achievement  High Involvement - Leader  Centre of Attention  High Involvement - Member  Challenging Work  Independence  Coaching Others  Interaction  Commission  Interpersonal Support  Compensation  Leading Others  Complexity  Primacy of Work  Continuous Learning  Promotion Opportunities  Details  Routine  Diverse Perspectives  Relationship Building  Fast Work Pace  Task Variety  Formal Recognition  Travel .
  • 28. AMEE Motivation Fit Grid Many Opportunities ANNOY MOTIVATE (Facets that are present in (Facets that the candidate likes a The job that the candidate and are present in the job) Dislikes) Candidate Candidate Dislikes Likes HAPPY TO WILL MISS AVOID (Facets that are not present in the job That the candidate likes a lot) (Facets the candidate dislikes And that are not present in the Job) Few or No Opportunities .
  • 29. Motivational Fit – collecting AMEE evidence  When – begin by asking the candidate to identify a time when he was most or least satisfied at work  What – continue by asking the candidate to describe what he was doing or experiencing that made him feel satisfied or dissatisfied  Why – complete the questioning by asking why the situation was satisfying or dissatisfying. Knowing why helps to prevent you from assuming that the candidate’s motivations are the same as yours. .
  • 30. AMEE Benefits of Motivational Fit  Focuses attention on job-specific motivational factors  Prevents interviewer from projecting his or her motivations on candidate  Helps to ensure selection of candidates who will like their work and organisation .
  • 31. AMEE Interview Techniques .
  • 32. AMEE Skill # 1 = Preparing for an interview Resume Screening - Factors to Consider : .
  • 33. AMEE Skill # 1 = Preparing for an interview Resume Screening - Factors to Consider : • Frequent Job Changes • Gaps in Employment History • Years of Experience • Qualifications • Achievements and Awards • Topical Resumes • .............. .
  • 34. AMEE Competency Coverage Grid Exec. Assistant Recruiter BUP GM Phone Interview Interview Interview Simulation Reference Screen Check Adaptability X X X Customer Focus X X Communication X X X X Initiating Action X X Managing Work X X Quality Orientation X X Motivation Fit X X X X X Tech knowledge/skills X X X X X .
  • 35. AMEE Skill # 2 = Using Behavioural Questions • Heart of the TS technique • Competency definition & key actions • Negative questions .
  • 36. AMEE Skill # 2 = Using Behavioural Questions  Behavioural = It asks the candidate to provide specific information about parts of a STAR. – Tell me about a specific situation in which you used that approach – How did you handle that customer? – You say it worked out well. Specifically how did it work out?  Theoretical = Asks candidates for theories, opinions, or general actions-what they think about a topic or situation, what they would do or usually do – not what they actually did in a specific situation – How do you typically plan your day? – How would you handle a conflict with a team mate? .
  • 37. AMEE Skill # 3 = Asking Follow-up Questions  Leading = Prompt candidates to give the answer they think you want to hear – worded in a way that hints at a “correct response” – So, it sounds like you closed the sale? – I guess you found being a team leader very satisfying? .
  • 38. AMEE Skill #4 : Managing the Interview .
  • 39. AMEE Process guidelines  Control the pace of interview by managing the amount of detail candidates provide  Direct the discussion into and through areas you want to cover  Prevent confusion, misunderstandings, and the need to go back and clarify details  Manage time so that you can cover each section of the interview completely .
  • 40. AMEE Process guidelines  Make procedural suggestions – Questions, suggestions or proposals  Check for understanding – Yours or Candidates .
  • 41. AMEE Managing time  Opening - 2mins  Key background interview - 6 mins  Planned behavioral Qs – Adaptability - 7 mins – Quality Orientation - 7 mins – Customer focus - 7 mins – Work standards - 7 mins – Decision making - 7 mins – Motivation Fit - 7 mins  Interview Close – Additional information - 3 mins – Job/Organization information - 6 mins – Close - 1 min 60 mins Time is allocated on the basis of competencies being covered .
  • 42. AMEE Data Evaluation .
  • 43. AMEE Data evaluation TS provides a systematic process for evaluating data and making accurate hiring decisions by -  Helping interviewers focus on all competencies for the target job  Ensuring that all candidates are treated fairly  Controlling biases and stereotypes  Maintaining hiring standards .
  • 44. AMEE Evaluating interview data  Similarity – The more the examples/data resembles the job specific activities of the target job, the better it predicts how the candidate will perform in the job  Impact – Some situations will be more meaningful or significant than others  Recency – Recent behaviour should be given more weight than behaviour in the distant past .
  • 45. AMEE Competency Rating Scale  3 - acceptable  4 - more than acceptable  5 - much more than acceptable  2 - less than acceptable  1 - much less than acceptable (relative to quantity and quality of behaviour required) .
  • 46. AMEE Competency rating scale Acceptable Range 5 4 3 2 1 .
  • 47. AMEE Data Integration .
  • 48. AMEE Data integration  Interviewers share the information they have collected and evaluate candidates on each competency, using all information, not just their own  Each interviewer may have unique information .
  • 49. AMEE Competency rating grid Competency Recruiter BUP GM Conclusion Adaptability 4 3 3 Initiating Action 4 2 4 Customer focus 2 4 3 Quality orientation 2 3 2 Work standards 3 4 3 Motivation fit 3 4 3 3 Tech/Prof. knowledge 3 3 3 Communication 3 3 4 3 .
  • 50. AMEE Making a hiring decision Factors to be considered while making a hiring decision -  Relative importance of competencies – All competencies are not equally important – Give higher weight to critical competencies - Eg. Sales ability, Initiative  Trainability of competencies – Some competencies represent behaviors that are more trainable than others – Eg. Planning & Organizing Vs. Initiative .
  • 51. AMEE Making a hiring decision  Interrelationship of competencies – Some times a high rating in one dimension can compensate for a low rating in another - Practical learning & Planning & Organizing – A high/low rating in one competency can intensify the negative aspects of a low rating in another competency - high Risk taking & low Decision Making .
  • 52. AMEE Legal Credibility & Best Practice  Objective and specific job- related selection criteria  Standardised and objective hiring system practices  Interviewers briefed / trained in legal issues .
  • 53. AMEE Benefits of a Competency based Selection System  All competencies are covered by at least one interviewer (coverage overlap for most important dimensions).  Predetermined decision points are established.  All candidates are treated the same up to each decision point.  Less expensive, quicker tools (e.g., resume screening, phone screening) are used up front.  In-depth, time-consuming, and expensive steps are reserved for the most qualified candidates.  Demonstrates the organization’s professionalism. .
  • 54. AMEE Accuracy Efficiency Enhanced Image Flexibility Legal Credibility .