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Celebrating and exploring
LGBTQIA+ stories through
film and poetry
1990s Chris (he/him) is a queer
working class poet and writer, from
Hereford, England, specialising in
film and audio. He has performed
at the Royal Albert Hall, and the
Eden Project as well as writing for
BBC sounds, and Channel 4
Random Acts. His work hopes to
start discussion around
masculinity, class, queer identity
and mental health.
IG & Twitter: @1990schris
○ Campus workshops
○ Monthly short film competition
○ Short film production grants
○ Global community
Individual Sponsors
● Dr. Sabina Correa, Owner
Napa Psychological Services
● Adam Cohen, LMFT
1. Define our terms
2. Practice a way of expressing ourselves:
Immerse - Explore - Express
3. Share
4. Panel
5. Evaluation (and a chance to enter to win
one of three $25 Amazon gift cards!)
● Mental health is personal – YOU are the expert on
your own experience
● Talking about our mental health in relation to our
sexual orientations and genders can be intensely
● We are online - this is a public, shared space
● We are recording this session for internal training
and evaluation purposes
● Please take care of yourself however you need,
including asking for help.
Access mental health support throughout this workshop.
Click Shared Notes
To link to online
Private Chat mental health pros.
They are at the top and have * next
to their names
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POLL: Who’s here today?
A Student at College of Marin
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POLL: Where in the world are you?
Share a few words in the chat to describe how you’re feeling right now.
bit overwhelmed and exhausted, but happy to be here
Doing great, feeling relaxed
hot! it's warm out here. :)
Just moved to a new city so I'm adjusting but good
Uncertain, Overwhelmed, Excited
Im very happy, its a nice sunny day
Feeling great! :) Excited to be here :)
Privileged to be here
A mix of emotions
Happy to be a part of the chat but ready for afternoon coffee!
Good, but anxious about the pile of reading I have waiting for me
stressed but working on myself
intrigued and ready to experience something new, and connect w
people i wouldnt usually be able to pre-covid!
Very Familiar
Mental illness
Mental wellness
In the chat share as many words that you can think of
that you associate with the LGBTQIA+ / Queer community.
Gay Beautiful Family Love fun, loving,
supportive Authenticity Welcoming friends
Supportive vulnerable Unique
support/community/love nonbinary, gender
fluid, queer, colorful, awesome! Everyone
sensitive safe and bright diverse community
Loving, caring, supportive Family, love,
I’m not connected to the community
I have friends in the community
I am part of the community
We are considering anyone who’s
gender identity is anything other
than cisgender and anyone who’s
sexual orientation is anything
other than heterosexual to be part
of the community.
● For this workshop we will use the
terms interchangeably during
this session.
● For this session I will use Queer
as an umbrella term that refers
to all those in the LGBTQIA+
A None
I mean, a little in school, maybe?
I’ve written a bit here and there...
I write poetry all the time!
For this workshop we’ll define
poetry as a condensed
expression of your thoughts or
Anything you put to paper with
intention can be poetry
We will immerse ourselves in 2 short films
from our OLIVE Film Collection.
We will explore the themes brought up in the
films through interactive polls and
We’ll express our thoughts and feelings
through writing exercises to create poetry as
a response.
Round 1
Content heads up: homophobia, biphobia, toxic masculinity
You are invited to share a few words in the chat to describe how you’re feeling.
That is so relatable
touched-thank you for this
very relatable
I'm feeling good glad to be here
loved the combination of words and images and music
impressed - so powerful and yes, relatable
silent but very strong words...
Beautiful poetry
“Im not good with fractions and i dont like the odds” i love
So sad to think about toxic masculinity
Deeply striking and powerful
Put yourself in the position of our bisexual
factory worker.
Your co-worker tells you he doesn’t agree with people being gay. How do you respond?
I tell them to keep there opinion to themself.
ask why not?
its a bummer but i would probably let it pass and go along with it
agree to disagree, try to be friends
Lets agree to disagree
depends on how well i know the person
I would definitely be hurt. I don't know why someone would tell you that.
Try to build a relationship with him and show him differently. Many people are
raised thinking these things and need education. its best to not be defensive
because people are more willing to listen
Allow him to be in the place...perhaps use as an opportunity to get to know
I wouldnt know how to respond. But most likely i would challenge them in why
Honestly? Laugh at them. Maybe not the best response…
would want to stand up for my self but would chicken out ,
try to understand their point of view and find common ground so as to have a
respectful discussion
ask what he thinks formed this opinion for him
oh I'd be scared, but I recently did this with my dad, when I came out nonbinary last
Take a breath.
“They Say”
How did that feel?
Did you write anything that
surprised you?
“They Say”
Let’s share!
Metal does not change its shape, it is what people bend it into, it is cold,
there is no soul, unless people make a sculpture out of it, It is dead. It is
not waiting to be accepted by its maker.
People need other people to shape them too, but we continue to evolve
and change. We grow, we discover, we can change. Opinions change,
behavior change. We are whole, our parts are not separable one from
another. We are alive. We are looking for acceptance. We love.
They say we must be flowers or horses,
I wish for our freedom to choose, mix, and create.
To feel like a flowery rainbow wild horse.
Be what you want, unique as you are
They say, they know what’s best for you, your happiness, for YOUR life
even though they’re not the ones living it. We are hurt and confused about
the people who we thought loved us actually fantasize on who they
wanted us to be
Why do they care?
They may live differently from the
But we are all unique and different in
our own ways.
Let them be free.
We are all equal.
Everyone deserves to be treated fairly.
this is a haiku: queer you and queer me/ finding our community/ I am home at last
They Say / Hey, I'm gay/ No way, you look so/Normal, I say/ Then I pinch my tongue
They say whatever is on their mind, no matter if it is kind, I am probably their kind,
The right kind, they’re not blind. I’m all ears, is it a lie of omission if I am silent, a good
listener? Do I get points for that? I’ll do anything for extra credit.
Just doing my job, one of the good ones.
Dependable, works well with others.
they say " a girl can do anything, than why it's so scary to raise my voice, "they say "
this is a free world, than why womens have to live in boundaries, "they say " stand for
yourself, but why they make it so scary for someone to come out.
They say alot of things. How its a sin. How its shameful. Mouth is shut but mind is
loud. Feeling trapped. Why cant I speak. The color of color of sadness is blue.
Meloncholy mood. Anxiety fills me up.
They say I am not gay, I say HEY!!! I am gayest gay and I am NOT afraid! I was born
this way!!!!!
always man must be strong and never show
their feelings, a real man never cries, a real
man have a lot of women, if you cry you are a
baby girl, if you don't date means you are
gay, and If you are gay you are going to hell.
Now we wonder why there is a lot of violence
and suicide, because we weren't born to be
ourselves, but what they want us to be .
It takes a strength I do not personally know
to be born with feelings society says you
shouldn't have.
They say:
You shouldn’t.
You wouldn’t.
You couldn’t.
You don’t.
I say:
I should.
I would.
I could.
“they say”
They say a lot of things – you can do it!
You got this!
I say – can i do this? Maybe i can’t.
They say – why haven’t you, why aren’t you
They say – you never listen, you’re always
They say – you’re wrong
They never say – what’s wrong?
They never say – how can I help?
They never say – what do you need?
I never say – I need help.
They say - you could’ve been (better), you
should’ve been (something)
I hear – you’re not (anything)
I say – I can’t
I say – why should I?
They say – why did you?
We say – what’s the point?
They say – there isn’t one.
They say - You aren’t (anything).
I say – I’m not.
I say – I’m am (nothing).
Round 2
Content heads up: discussion of depression, anxiety, transphobia,
You are invited to share a few words in the chat to describe how you’re feeling.
Reminds me of things I face
I resonated with the term "imposter syndrome"
Wow very powerful.
validation is powerful
Amazing and powerful. Thank you for sharing.
That was incredibly moving, went beyond queer issues,
and directly addressed them
i love the music
wish i could be that brave
had to get the tissues...spoke to me very deeply
I sense the grip and liberation from that...
Think about the struggles
of these three characters.
It’s taken a lot to reject traditional notions of
gender and find recognition. People hold very
tightly to these traditional ideas.
Why do we, as a society, resist seeing people’s true selves?
yes, fear
discomfort, confusion
afraid of change
Agreed out of fear that them being different somehow invalidates who we are
racism and patriarchy is ingrained in us
theyre afraid of change
some dont realize how close minded they are
people cant be anything other than their true selves but we are taught to know differently
Puts you in a vulnerable place, even if it's seeing another's vulnerability.
We’ve been conditioned to think its wrong to be different
toxicity masculinity, toxic religiosity
Born rebel, not worried about it.
so toxic!
Exactly, especially religion teaches us that being different is wrong and a sin
envy, may be jealous or envious they cannot show elements of their own true self, too costly
Faced with their own limits with acceptance.
Unable to accept what they don't understand. Fear of losing control
tthere is no such thing as "different" it is defined by those in power
I'm not exaggerating when I say this, these two short films have been life changing.
Take a breath.
“They See”
How did that feel?
Did you write anything that
surprised you?
“They See”
Belong/Be short/Be aware — Not beware/ "Me Too" stole an important phrase/We too/We
too/They are Me and I are They
They see me. A woman. They see me smile and talk to everyone. A normal “woman” But inside
Im like a tiny boat amongst large waves of emotion. Unable to go anywhere, alwaus sinking.
But i know who i am. I am me. But i cant say. A woman trapped in this body. But I know who I
am. But I fear they wont accept me for being me.
They see what you want to present…Theater gives the opportunity to be someone else. Stage
gives the chance to act it out and not to be judged for who you present, only your skill at
presenting. The bravery is to live your life as yourself. But you have to know who you are to
live that brave life, life of exploration and strength.
They see a part of me that is my own. They cannot be the one to determine right from wrong. I
know who I am by expressing myself and how I want to be seen. I am my own identity.
"They see" only the color, but not the heart of that person, "They see" the success, but not the
hard-work behind it, "They see" you laughing, but not the anxiety behind it, "They see" you
getting loved ,but not the loneliness inside
Let’s share!
They see what they want
to see
They see what they can
They see just what they
can see
Many of us put on acts or
displays for society.
Many of us choose to hide who
we are.
But there is power in
expressing our true selves.
Do what you can.
Do what you must.
It is your life.
Take the power back.
Conquer fear.
Love yourself.
Be yourself.
They see what I want them to
You must see me through
non-binary focals
We are me, you’ll see
Each hair a tear, each sash a
flash, each stache a
I can’t be him?
You want her?
Come and claim them.
I look like one of them
but inside I'm one of
They see what they
want to see
and ignore the cues I
They see me proud and happy, yet they say I am
weird and a degenerate. They say I’m not a girl, I
say, watch me rock your world. They see me and
say I can’t have a beard if I call myself she. I say
why can’t I be he/she? Both, most, I am, never say
no or can’t. I can be ALL or NONE.
It may seem simpler to look at life in black and
white. But rejecting the in between is to deny
validity, humanity and existence. Life is a
greyscale, nearly anything can be seen on a
What can we do, both as allies and as members of the community, to make positive change?
More events like this is awesome!
lead with love
stand up for one another
Ask questions like, "What are your pronouns?"
Love each other and show empathy to all.
to support, listen, and educate
spend time laughing and singing
yes Nicole
Correct others and inform others
As an ally, accept before you even understand
more visibility/ representation
have open and honest conversations
stand for others rights, educate community but start from home,
People are afraid of what they don't understand.
choose your battles, but don't stand for ignorance or hate. educate
I told my dad, just call me they/them , it doesn't matter what it means or if you
agree with it. This is a hard concept for people, I get that.
Take a breath.
“What Can We Do?”
Let’s share!
“What can we do?”
Be the change in the
world that you want to
Open up
Be Free
Understand one another
The only thing that will
hurt is being closed
minded to those in need
Love deeply the human as
the human
To open minds is to listen
Breath and connect, inform,
Note afraid their fear
Be stand on the drift
Be unique an trust that it is
whats need it
Let’s share!
I want to see you
All of you
To come early to see the
previews and stay for the
To keep my glasses for
next time.
Why do I see you in 3-D
inside, in private
When I step outside its
just green or red, distinct
Blurred and skewed?
I will be your publicist
Hold space.
Listen carefully.
Accept unconditionally.
Share love.
Practice bravery.
Embrace difference.
Celebrate yourself.
Let’s share!
Can we get along? Can
we love as we are?
Let’s take it in. Let’s take
a stand.
For the way we were
made. For the way we
were designed.
Own the beauty. Own the
We all have both. We all
have it all.
Race together. Race
to the end.
We are a community.
We are all one.
We need everyone.
We will stand with each
It is time to be honest and
Everyone deserves to be
I will accept everyone.
Let’s share!
do not be afraid of uncertainty, interact, ask questions,
accept before you understand, do not assume similarity,
be uncomfortable and confront your comfort zones.
love ans accept! Why must we hate? We are all humans.
Were all beautiful in our uniqueness. We just all want to be
loved and accepted. Listen, understand and love.
Don't stand for ignorance. Validate every human
existence. Daily microaggressions, jokes and digs. Let the
hate be water under a bridge.
Stop trying to fix me. I'm not broken. I'm worthy of love and
belonging just as much as you are. I don't need to change
to fit your standards. When I make a mistake, which I will,
allow me to take accountability and grow from it. Don't try
to "cancel me" I'm human. You are too.
You can take this process forward…
AWI: Continued Connections
Exclusive community events and spaces
Arts-based discussion trainings
Interview and discussion opportunities
Weekly art + wellness prompts
Click the link in the chat to learn more!
Fel Agrelius
Youth Program Coordinator, The Spahr Center
Tea Perales
Equity & Activities Coordinator - Student Activities and Advocacy
Office, College of Marin
Please fill out the evaluation!
You can enter for a chance to win one of three $25 Amazon gift cards!
If you are receiving credit for attending this workshop, at the end of the
evaluation, you’ll be prompted to add your information to a sign-in
Evaluation responses will remain separate and anonymous.
Join us for more
College of Marin workshops!
Black + Mental Health + Matters
March 17 @ 3:30pm PT
Poetry for Mental Health (Culture of Masculinity)
April 15 @ 3:30pm PT
Virtual Mingle
Ask a question or share a thought!
You can raise your hand (see image below) to be given
instructions to audio in, use the public chat box, or
send a private message to AWI Support.
Stay in touch!
Sign up for Continued
...and don’t forget to copy/paste the
resources in the Shared Notes!

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Los Medanos College - WIWO-H - 3.22.22 - Presentation.pdfLos Medanos College - WIWO-H - 3.22.22 - Presentation.pdf
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College of Marin - WIW-H - 9.26.22 - Presentation.pdfAlex Reynolds
College of Marin - WIW-Q - 9.28.22 - Presentation.pdf
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College of Marin - WIW-Q - 9.28.22 - Presentation.pdfAlex Reynolds
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Glendale Library, Arts, and Culture - WIWO-H - 5.7.22 - Presentation.pdfGlendale Library, Arts, and Culture - WIWO-H - 5.7.22 - Presentation.pdf
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Kennebec Valley Community College - WIW-H - 3.23.22 - Presentation.pdf
College of marin p4 mh-m - 4.15.21 - presentation (1)
College of marin   p4 mh-m - 4.15.21 - presentation (1)College of marin   p4 mh-m - 4.15.21 - presentation (1)
College of marin p4 mh-m - 4.15.21 - presentation (1)
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Lake Tahoe Community College - WIW-H - 5.3.22 - Presentation.pdfLake Tahoe Community College - WIW-H - 5.3.22 - Presentation.pdf
Lake Tahoe Community College - WIW-H - 5.3.22 - Presentation.pdf
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Cerro coso community college m4 mho - 2.16.21 - presentation (1)
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College of Marin - WIW-H - 9.26.22 - Presentation.pdf
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College of Marin - WIW-Q - 9.28.22 - Presentation.pdf
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College of Marin - P4MH-Q - 2.23.21 - Presentation

  • 1. #Poetry4MentalHealth Celebrating and exploring LGBTQIA+ stories through film and poetry @artwithimpact #Poetry4MentalHealth
  • 2. #Poetry4MentalHealth YOUR FACILITATOR: 1990s Chris 1990s Chris (he/him) is a queer working class poet and writer, from Hereford, England, specialising in film and audio. He has performed at the Royal Albert Hall, and the Eden Project as well as writing for BBC sounds, and Channel 4 Random Acts. His work hopes to start discussion around masculinity, class, queer identity and mental health. IG & Twitter: @1990schris
  • 3. #Poetry4MentalHealth ○ Campus workshops ○ Monthly short film competition ○ Short film production grants ○ Global community BROUGHT TO YOU BY Individual Sponsors ● Dr. Sabina Correa, Owner Napa Psychological Services ● Adam Cohen, LMFT
  • 4. #Poetry4MentalHealth HERE’S THE PLAN 1. Define our terms 2. Practice a way of expressing ourselves: Immerse - Explore - Express 3. Share 4. Panel 5. Evaluation (and a chance to enter to win one of three $25 Amazon gift cards!)
  • 5. #Poetry4MentalHealth HEADS UP ● Mental health is personal – YOU are the expert on your own experience ● Talking about our mental health in relation to our sexual orientations and genders can be intensely personal ● We are online - this is a public, shared space ● We are recording this session for internal training and evaluation purposes ● Please take care of yourself however you need, including asking for help.
  • 6. #Poetry4MentalHealth NEED SUPPORT? Access mental health support throughout this workshop. Click Shared Notes To link to online resources Private Chat mental health pros. They are at the top and have * next to their names #1 #2
  • 7. #Poetry4MentalHealth 3 WAYS TO ENGAGE We welcome your participation CHAT BOX: Use the Public Chat to connect with the whole group #1
  • 8. #Poetry4MentalHealth POLL: respond to a Poll when prompted #2 Set Your Status by clicking on your name and selecting from the drop-down menu #3 3 WAYS TO ENGAGE We welcome your participation
  • 9. #Poetry4MentalHealth If you need tech support, ask… Look for the person whose name begins with AWI Support and Private Chat them with any issues.
  • 10. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Movies4MentalHealth POLL: Who’s here today? A Student at College of Marin Staff/Faculty at College of Marin Somebody else (share in chat!) C B
  • 12. #Poetry4MentalHealth HOW ARE YOU, REALLY? Share a few words in the chat to describe how you’re feeling right now. bit overwhelmed and exhausted, but happy to be here Doing great, feeling relaxed hot! it's warm out here. :) Just moved to a new city so I'm adjusting but good Uncertain, Overwhelmed, Excited Im very happy, its a nice sunny day Feeling great! :) Excited to be here :) Privileged to be here A mix of emotions Happy to be a part of the chat but ready for afternoon coffee! Good, but anxious about the pile of reading I have waiting for me stressed but working on myself intrigued and ready to experience something new, and connect w people i wouldnt usually be able to pre-covid!
  • 13. #Poetry4MentalHealth WHAT IS YOUR EXPERIENCE DISCUSSING MENTAL HEALTH? None Unfamiliar Familiar Very Familiar Expert A B C D E
  • 16. #Poetry4MentalHealth LGBTQIA+ In the chat share as many words that you can think of that you associate with the LGBTQIA+ / Queer community. Gay Beautiful Family Love fun, loving, supportive Authenticity Welcoming friends Supportive vulnerable Unique support/community/love nonbinary, gender fluid, queer, colorful, awesome! Everyone sensitive safe and bright diverse community Loving, caring, supportive Family, love, accepted
  • 17. #Poetry4MentalHealth WHAT IS YOUR CONNECTION TO THE LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITY? I’m not connected to the community I have friends in the community I am part of the community A B C
  • 18. #Poetry4MentalHealth THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY We are considering anyone who’s gender identity is anything other than cisgender and anyone who’s sexual orientation is anything other than heterosexual to be part of the community.
  • 19. #Poetry4MentalHealth LGBTQIA+ OR QUEER? ● For this workshop we will use the terms interchangeably during this session. ● For this session I will use Queer as an umbrella term that refers to all those in the LGBTQIA+ acronym.
  • 20. #Poetry4MentalHealth WHAT IS YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH WRITING POETRY? A None I mean, a little in school, maybe? I’ve written a bit here and there... I write poetry all the time! C B D
  • 21. #Poetry4MentalHealth POETRY For this workshop we’ll define poetry as a condensed expression of your thoughts or feelings Anything you put to paper with intention can be poetry
  • 22. #Poetry4MentalHealth IMMERSE, EXPLORE, EXPRESS We will immerse ourselves in 2 short films from our OLIVE Film Collection. We will explore the themes brought up in the films through interactive polls and discussion. We’ll express our thoughts and feelings through writing exercises to create poetry as a response.
  • 24. #Poetry4MentalHealth FACTORY TALK BY LUCIE RACHEL & 1990S CHRIS Immerse Content heads up: homophobia, biphobia, toxic masculinity
  • 25. #Poetry4MentalHealth HOW ARE YOU, REALLY? You are invited to share a few words in the chat to describe how you’re feeling. Immerse That is so relatable relatable touched-thank you for this very relatable I'm feeling good glad to be here loved the combination of words and images and music impressed - so powerful and yes, relatable silent but very strong words... Beautiful poetry “Im not good with fractions and i dont like the odds” i love that So sad to think about toxic masculinity Deeply striking and powerful
  • 26. #Poetry4MentalHealth SCENARIO Put yourself in the position of our bisexual factory worker. Explore
  • 27. #Poetry4MentalHealth Explore CHAT BOX Your co-worker tells you he doesn’t agree with people being gay. How do you respond? I tell them to keep there opinion to themself. ask why not? its a bummer but i would probably let it pass and go along with it agree to disagree, try to be friends Lets agree to disagree depends on how well i know the person I would definitely be hurt. I don't know why someone would tell you that. Try to build a relationship with him and show him differently. Many people are raised thinking these things and need education. its best to not be defensive because people are more willing to listen Allow him to be in the place...perhaps use as an opportunity to get to know more? I wouldnt know how to respond. But most likely i would challenge them in why Honestly? Laugh at them. Maybe not the best response… would want to stand up for my self but would chicken out , try to understand their point of view and find common ground so as to have a respectful discussion ask what he thinks formed this opinion for him oh I'd be scared, but I recently did this with my dad, when I came out nonbinary last week
  • 30. #Poetry4MentalHealth WRITING DEBRIEF How did that feel? Did you write anything that surprised you? Express
  • 32. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Let’s share! Immerse Metal does not change its shape, it is what people bend it into, it is cold, there is no soul, unless people make a sculpture out of it, It is dead. It is not waiting to be accepted by its maker. People need other people to shape them too, but we continue to evolve and change. We grow, we discover, we can change. Opinions change, behavior change. We are whole, our parts are not separable one from another. We are alive. We are looking for acceptance. We love. They say we must be flowers or horses, I wish for our freedom to choose, mix, and create. To feel like a flowery rainbow wild horse. Be what you want, unique as you are They say, they know what’s best for you, your happiness, for YOUR life even though they’re not the ones living it. We are hurt and confused about the people who we thought loved us actually fantasize on who they wanted us to be
  • 33. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Immerse Why do they care? They may live differently from the norm. But we are all unique and different in our own ways. Freedom. Liberty. Lifestyles. Let them be free. We are all equal. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly.
  • 34. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth this is a haiku: queer you and queer me/ finding our community/ I am home at last They Say / Hey, I'm gay/ No way, you look so/Normal, I say/ Then I pinch my tongue They say whatever is on their mind, no matter if it is kind, I am probably their kind, The right kind, they’re not blind. I’m all ears, is it a lie of omission if I am silent, a good listener? Do I get points for that? I’ll do anything for extra credit. Just doing my job, one of the good ones. Dependable, works well with others. they say " a girl can do anything, than why it's so scary to raise my voice, "they say " this is a free world, than why womens have to live in boundaries, "they say " stand for yourself, but why they make it so scary for someone to come out. They say alot of things. How its a sin. How its shameful. Mouth is shut but mind is loud. Feeling trapped. Why cant I speak. The color of color of sadness is blue. Meloncholy mood. Anxiety fills me up. They say I am not gay, I say HEY!!! I am gayest gay and I am NOT afraid! I was born this way!!!!! Immerse
  • 35. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Immerse always man must be strong and never show their feelings, a real man never cries, a real man have a lot of women, if you cry you are a baby girl, if you don't date means you are gay, and If you are gay you are going to hell. Now we wonder why there is a lot of violence and suicide, because we weren't born to be ourselves, but what they want us to be . It takes a strength I do not personally know to be born with feelings society says you shouldn't have.
  • 36. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Immerse They say: You shouldn’t. You wouldn’t. You couldn’t. You don’t. I say: I should. I would. I could.
  • 37. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Immerse “they say” They say a lot of things – you can do it! You got this! I say – can i do this? Maybe i can’t. They say – why haven’t you, why aren’t you They say – you never listen, you’re always defensive They say – you’re wrong They never say – what’s wrong? They never say – how can I help? They never say – what do you need? I never say – I need help. They say - you could’ve been (better), you should’ve been (something) I hear – you’re not (anything) I say – I can’t I say – why should I? They say – why did you? We say – what’s the point? They say – there isn’t one. They say - You aren’t (anything). I say – I’m not. I say – I’m am (nothing).
  • 39. #Poetry4MentalHealth STAGING FACE BY STEPH YOUNG, JAKE IVANY & VIE JONES Immerse Content heads up: discussion of depression, anxiety, transphobia, misgendering
  • 40. #Poetry4MentalHealth HOW ARE YOU, REALLY? You are invited to share a few words in the chat to describe how you’re feeling. Immerse Groundbreaking Reminds me of things I face I resonated with the term "imposter syndrome" Wow very powerful. validation is powerful Amazing and powerful. Thank you for sharing. That was incredibly moving, went beyond queer issues, and directly addressed them i love the music wish i could be that brave had to get the tissues...spoke to me very deeply I sense the grip and liberation from that...
  • 41. #Poetry4MentalHealth SCENARIO Think about the struggles of these three characters. Explore It’s taken a lot to reject traditional notions of gender and find recognition. People hold very tightly to these traditional ideas.
  • 42. #Poetry4MentalHealth Explore CHAT BOX Why do we, as a society, resist seeing people’s true selves? Fear yes, fear discomfort, confusion Shame. insecurity afraid of change Agreed out of fear that them being different somehow invalidates who we are racism and patriarchy is ingrained in us theyre afraid of change some dont realize how close minded they are people cant be anything other than their true selves but we are taught to know differently Puts you in a vulnerable place, even if it's seeing another's vulnerability. We’ve been conditioned to think its wrong to be different toxicity masculinity, toxic religiosity Born rebel, not worried about it. so toxic! Exactly, especially religion teaches us that being different is wrong and a sin envy, may be jealous or envious they cannot show elements of their own true self, too costly Faced with their own limits with acceptance. Unable to accept what they don't understand. Fear of losing control tthere is no such thing as "different" it is defined by those in power I'm not exaggerating when I say this, these two short films have been life changing.
  • 45. #Poetry4MentalHealth WRITING DEBRIEF How did that feel? Did you write anything that surprised you? Express
  • 47. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Belong/Be short/Be aware — Not beware/ "Me Too" stole an important phrase/We too/We too/They are Me and I are They They see me. A woman. They see me smile and talk to everyone. A normal “woman” But inside Im like a tiny boat amongst large waves of emotion. Unable to go anywhere, alwaus sinking. But i know who i am. I am me. But i cant say. A woman trapped in this body. But I know who I am. But I fear they wont accept me for being me. They see what you want to present…Theater gives the opportunity to be someone else. Stage gives the chance to act it out and not to be judged for who you present, only your skill at presenting. The bravery is to live your life as yourself. But you have to know who you are to live that brave life, life of exploration and strength. They see a part of me that is my own. They cannot be the one to determine right from wrong. I know who I am by expressing myself and how I want to be seen. I am my own identity. "They see" only the color, but not the heart of that person, "They see" the success, but not the hard-work behind it, "They see" you laughing, but not the anxiety behind it, "They see" you getting loved ,but not the loneliness inside Let’s share! Immerse
  • 48. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth They see what they want to see They see what they can label They see just what they can see Immerse Veils. Camouflage. Presentation. Many of us put on acts or displays for society. Many of us choose to hide who we are. But there is power in expressing our true selves. Do what you can. Do what you must. It is your life. Take the power back. Conquer fear. Love yourself. Be yourself.
  • 49. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Immerse They see what I want them to see You must see me through non-binary focals We are me, you’ll see Each hair a tear, each sash a flash, each stache a revolution I can’t be him? You want her? Come and claim them. I look like one of them but inside I'm one of us They see what they want to see and ignore the cues I drop
  • 50. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Immerse They see me proud and happy, yet they say I am weird and a degenerate. They say I’m not a girl, I say, watch me rock your world. They see me and say I can’t have a beard if I call myself she. I say why can’t I be he/she? Both, most, I am, never say no or can’t. I can be ALL or NONE. It may seem simpler to look at life in black and white. But rejecting the in between is to deny validity, humanity and existence. Life is a greyscale, nearly anything can be seen on a spectrum
  • 51. #Poetry4MentalHealth What can we do, both as allies and as members of the community, to make positive change? Explore CHAT BOX Educate! LISTEN! More events like this is awesome! lead with love stand up for one another Ask questions like, "What are your pronouns?" Love each other and show empathy to all. to support, listen, and educate spend time laughing and singing yes Nicole Correct others and inform others As an ally, accept before you even understand more visibility/ representation have open and honest conversations stand for others rights, educate community but start from home, People are afraid of what they don't understand. choose your battles, but don't stand for ignorance or hate. educate I told my dad, just call me they/them , it doesn't matter what it means or if you agree with it. This is a hard concept for people, I get that.
  • 54. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Let’s share! Immerse “What can we do?” Be the change in the world that you want to see. Open up Talk Be Free Communicate Understand one another The only thing that will hurt is being closed minded to those in need Immerse Love deeply the human as the human To open minds is to listen Breath and connect, inform, share Note afraid their fear Be stand on the drift Be unique an trust that it is whats need it
  • 55. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Let’s share! Immerse I want to see you All of you To come early to see the previews and stay for the credits To keep my glasses for next time. Why do I see you in 3-D inside, in private When I step outside its just green or red, distinct Blurred and skewed? I will be your publicist Immerse Hold space. Listen carefully. Accept unconditionally. Share love. Practice bravery. Embrace difference. Celebrate yourself.
  • 56. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Let’s share! Immerse Can we get along? Can we love as we are? Let’s take it in. Let’s take a stand. For the way we were made. For the way we were designed. Own the beauty. Own the flaws. We all have both. We all have it all. Race together. Race to the end. Immerse We are a community. We are all one. We need everyone. We will stand with each other. It is time to be honest and accepting. Everyone deserves to be heard. I will accept everyone.
  • 57. #Poetry4MentalHealth #Poetry4MentalHealth Let’s share! Immerse do not be afraid of uncertainty, interact, ask questions, accept before you understand, do not assume similarity, be uncomfortable and confront your comfort zones. love ans accept! Why must we hate? We are all humans. Were all beautiful in our uniqueness. We just all want to be loved and accepted. Listen, understand and love. Don't stand for ignorance. Validate every human existence. Daily microaggressions, jokes and digs. Let the hate be water under a bridge. Stop trying to fix me. I'm not broken. I'm worthy of love and belonging just as much as you are. I don't need to change to fit your standards. When I make a mistake, which I will, allow me to take accountability and grow from it. Don't try to "cancel me" I'm human. You are too.
  • 58. #Poetry4MentalHealth You can take this process forward… Immerse Explore Express
  • 59. #Poetry4MentalHealth AWI: Continued Connections Exclusive community events and spaces Arts-based discussion trainings Interview and discussion opportunities Weekly art + wellness prompts Click the link in the chat to learn more!
  • 60. #Poetry4MentalHealth MEET THE PANEL Fel Agrelius Youth Program Coordinator, The Spahr Center Tea Perales Equity & Activities Coordinator - Student Activities and Advocacy Office, College of Marin
  • 61. #Poetry4MentalHealth Please fill out the evaluation! @artwithimpact You can enter for a chance to win one of three $25 Amazon gift cards! If you are receiving credit for attending this workshop, at the end of the evaluation, you’ll be prompted to add your information to a sign-in sheet. Evaluation responses will remain separate and anonymous.
  • 62. #Poetry4MentalHealth Join us for more College of Marin workshops! Black + Mental Health + Matters March 17 @ 3:30pm PT Poetry for Mental Health (Culture of Masculinity) April 15 @ 3:30pm PT
  • 63. #Poetry4MentalHealth Virtual Mingle Ask a question or share a thought! You can raise your hand (see image below) to be given instructions to audio in, use the public chat box, or send a private message to AWI Support.
  • 64. #Poetry4MentalHealth Stay in touch! Sign up for Continued Connections! ...and don’t forget to copy/paste the resources in the Shared Notes! @artwithimpact