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                                                                    FOOD SCIENCE

   Coffee, Caffeine and Health:
          The Real Story
                                                             Sophia Papadopoulos

In recent times, the re-emergence of                                         even bias, and so requires careful evaluation.
fashionable coffee bars with shining coffee                                  Study sizes, protocols, methodologies, and
machines serving espresso and cappuccino,                                    levels of control for confounding factors
and the growing interest and availability of                                 (such as smoking or alcohol consumption)
higher grade instant, and roast and ground                                   can all play a part in influencing the
coffees, has created a revitalized market for                                direction of results.
coffee in the UK. Coffee actually represents
one of the largest markets in the world —
second only to oil — and some 20 million
people rely on this for employment.                                                            Caffeine's Actions
   However, though nearly all of us enjoy a                                    The alkaloid, caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine), is
cup of coffee, the odd article in the press has                                one of a group of naturally occurring
firmly planted a niggling feeling that our                                     compounds found throughout the plant kingdom.
                                                                               Although most commonly associated with coffee,
coffee (or perhaps it is the caffeine?), isn't                                 a range of everyday foods, drinks and other
really doing us any good. In fact, these few                                   products contain caffeine to varying degrees (see
publicized reports do not tell the whole story.                                Table I). Tea (which actually contains more
                                                                               caffeine than coffee on a dry weight basis), colas,
                                                                               chocolate, and some over-the-counter and
                                                                               prescription medications also contain caffeine.
COFFEE UNDER SCRUTINY                                                             Caffeine is a mild central nervous system
The ubiquitous use of coffee (and caffeine)                                    stimulant, and its actions as an adenosine
worldwide has led to. exhaustive investigations                                antagonist are thought to be largely responsible
into their potential health effects, and                                       for the well-documented and beneficial pick-me-
                                                                               up and concentration-enhancing properties of a
medical texts date right back to the 1850s.                                    cup or two of coffee[l]. Other minor effects at
Over the last few decades perhaps thousands                                    the cellular level have also been postulated,
of papers have been published, yet only a                                      including caffeine's actions as a
tiny amount of this research ever reaches the                                  phosphodiesterase inhibitor — acting to increase
public eye, and thus it is not surprising that                                 cellular levels of cyclic AMP (one of the cells'
                                                                               messenger molecules) — caffeine-related plasma
misconceptions and unnecessary concerns are                                    elevation of certain catecholamines (such as
common.                                                                        epinephrine), and its effects (in vitro) on
   However, the fact that so much data on                                      intracellular calcium translocation and skeletal
coffee and caffeine exists does not always                                     muscle contractiIity[2,3]. However, whether these
make interpretation any easier, even when it                                   have any real physiological effects has not been
                                                                               defined, and is debated.
is all to hand. Interventional trials and                                         Caffeine has also been found to increase the
epidemiological (population) studies form the                                  efficacy of common pain-killing analgesics such
backbone of coffee/caffeine and health                                         as paracetamol and aspirin[4,5], and to exhibit a
research, and it is all too apparent that                                      certain amount of analgesic action
epidemiological research especially can be                                     independently[6].
fraught with pitfalls, inconsistencies, and                                       In addition, the bronchodilatory actions of
                                                                               caffeine and its relative, theophylline, are used in
                                                                               the treatment of neonatal apnoea (severe
Nutrition & Food Science, No. 1, January/February 1993, pp. 28-33              breathing difficulties) in premature babies[7,8].
© MCB University Press, 0034-6659.

                                              JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1993

                                                              drinking coffee is associated with delayed
 Type of coffee/          Size of cup     Approximatea
 beverage                                   caffeine
                                                              time to conception, or subfecundity[10].
                                          content (mg)           These conclusions were, in fact, drawn
                                                              from a study of just 104 women, which was
 Instant (heaped tsp)       any size         50-60            not designed to investigate specific caffeine
 Drip filtered          medium (125 ml)      60-100           effects on fertility. The women questioned
 Percolated             medium (125 ml)      60-100           had all failed to get pregnant within the first
 Espresso                small (80 ml)       70-80            three months, and the study did not consider
 Decaffeinated           medium-large         2-4
                                                              those who did achieve pregnancy within three
                          (125-200 ml)                        months. The authors actually note "a lack of
 Tea                    medium (125 ml)      30-60b           association between caffeine consumption
 Cola (regular or
                                                              and fecundability in the first two cycles".
 diet)                    330 ml can         40-45               In contrast, a subsequent, far larger and
  The amount of caffeine in any cup of caffeinated            more thorough investigation on 2,817 women
 beverage can vary quite considerably, and, for               actually found no association whatsoever
 coffee, is dependent on the amount used to make              between caffeinated beverage consumption
 the brew, and the size of the cup.                           and either delayed conception or
  Although tea contains more caffeine than coffee on          infertility[ll].
 a dry weight basis, less weight of tea is generally
 used to brew a cup.

TABLE I.                                                      TURBO CHARGE
                                                              On the subject of fertility — this time male
                                                              — caffeine can be used in vitro as an
                                                              effective sperm motility enhancer! Israeli IVF
                                                              trials found that using caffeine-treated
                                                              frozen-thawed sperm samples resulted in
                                                              twice the number of pregnancies compared
                                                              with non-caffeine-treated sperm[12].
                                                                 Although the drug of preference for in
                                                              vitro sperm treatment these days is
                                                              pentoxifylline, caffeine gives a similar "turbo
                                                              charge", to quote Peter Brindson, Medical
                                                              Director of Bourn Hall IVF clinic in

So, given that a vast array of (often
contradictory) data is available on coffee,
what does it all really say about the health
effects of coffee and caffeine?

One question which is raised fairly frequently
concerns the effects of coffee drinking on
pregnancy. The Royal College of Midwives
advises that a pregnant or breastfeeding
woman can, without concern, drink up to
four or five cups of tea or coffee per day if
she wishes. This is in agreement with the
results of the bulk of research[9] — after
sorting through the sometimes conflicting
epidemiological data.
  For example, consider one particular
published paper which suggested that

                                           FOOD SCIENCE

                                                       PROTECTIVE EFFECT
                                                       On the contrary, research consistently shows
                                                       an inverse association between coffee
                                                       drinking and colorectal cancer[19]. Although
                                                       no biological mechanism for the protective
                                                       effect has yet been put forward, the results
                                                       seem convincing, and further studies are

                                                       CARDIAC CONCERNS?
                                                       The potential relationship between coffee
                                                       drinking and cardiovascular disease,
                                                       myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias,
                                                       high blood pressure, and raised serum
                                                       cholesterol are other commonly debated
                                                       subjects, and have been extensively
                                                          Again, findings overall have shown that
                                                       coffee drinking is not a risk factor for any of
                                                       these conditions, and the British Heart
Overall, human epidemiological studies of              Foundation states that it "does not believe
maternal coffee drinking do not provide                that coffee increases the risk of heart
evidence of adverse effects on any aspect of           disease".
reproduction, including low birthweight,
preterm birth, or congenital                              Especially relevant are the consistently
malformations[9]. Furthermore, although                negative findings from the longer-runnng,
caffeine does diffuse into breast milk after           larger epidemiological studies[20], while
maternal consumption, it is not present in             interventional trials on the effects of
significant quantities, and moderate coffee            coffee/caffeine on serum cholesterol, blood
drinking should not have any effects on a              pressure, and cardiac arrhythmias have also
breastfeeding infant[13,14] — a fact which is          shown no adverse effects whatsoever.
in accord with Royal College of Midwives'                 Most recently, for example, MacDonald's
advice.                                                study showed through 24-hour ambulatory
                                                       blood pressure monitoring, that including or

The greater number of papers one does look
at, the more evident it becomes that
moderate amounts of coffee and caffeine
have no adverse effects on any aspect of
health for the general population. This is
borne out by a variety of published reviews.
For example, the American Cancer Society's
Guidelines on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer,
conclude that "Available information does
not suggest a recommendation against its
[coffee's] moderate use. There is no
indication that caffeine . . . is a risk factor
in human cancer"[15].
   Although for one particular site — bladder
cancer — there has been a certain amount of
concern in the past, many studies on this
topic have actually found no association
whatsoever with coffee drinking, while others
show no dose-response relationship, and are
not suggestive of a causal association[16-18].

                                      JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1993

                                                       (see "Caffeine's Actions"). These are known
                                                       to have beneficial effects on concentration
                                                       and alertness, especially at times of natural
                                                       lows such as during night-shift work, or after
                                                       lunch during the early to mid afternoon
                                                       period[29,30]. But caffeine also increases the
                                                       body's lipolytic (fat burning) rate, which has
                                                       potential benefits (albeit minor) for people
                                                       trying to lose weight[31].
                                                          The effects of caffeine on fat burning may
                                                       not be great, but research does suggest that
                                                       moderate amounts of coffee could help the
                                                       body burn up the equivalent of 80-100
                                                       calories a day[32]. And of course, coffee
                                                       (using skimmed milk and no sugar) is
                                                       virtually calorie-free.

                                                       A LITTLE BIT OF WHAT YOU FANCY . . .
                                                       Everyone tends to find their own comfortable
                                                       level of drinking coffee. This can vary greatly
                                                       between individuals. While the research does
excluding caffeine from the diets of mild
                                                       show that drinking coffee is not associated
hypertensives has absolutely no effect on
                                                       with adverse health effects, some people are
their blood pressures whatsoever[21].
                                                       particularly sensitive to the caffeine stimulant.

SCANDINAVIAN CONNECTION                                                       □
The link between coffee and cholesterol
makes a particularly neat and conclusive                  NO-ONE WHO ENJOYS DRINKING
story. During the 1980s, studies from Norway              COFFEE SHOULD BE CONCERNED
found an association between coffee drinking                ABOUT ITS HEALTH EFFECTS
and raised cholesterol levels[22,23].
   Many subsequent investigations have                                        □
conclusively shown that the effect is due to
the type of coffee commonly consumed by                They may, for example, prefer to drink
people in this geographical area[24]. Only             decaffeinated rather than caffeinated coffee
this speciality Scandinavian coffee —                  in the evening for their ease of getting to
prepared by prolonged boiling of coffee                sleep. Similarly, a few caffeine-sensitive
grounds in water and decanting without                 people with cardiac problems may be advised
filtering — has been found to raise blood              to limit their caffeine intake, and switch to
cholesterol levels.                                    decaffeinated coffee.
   All other types of coffee studied (including           This may not generally be necessary,
drip-filtered, instant, and decaffeinated) have        however, as a recently published analytical
been shown to have no effects whatsoever on            review of past research has shown that even
cholesterol[25,26].                                    patients in coronary care units can be
   The cholesterol-raising factor in "boiled"          allowed to drink four or five cups of coffee
coffee is not caffeine, but resides in a lipid-        per day without it increasing the likelihood
rich fraction isolated from the brew[27], and          of cardiac arrhythmias[33]. Indeed, another
can be removed from the coffee simply by               recent review summarizes the findings of
filtering the brew through a paper filter[28].         coffee/caffeine and cardiovascular research,
Indeed, drinking boiled coffee which has               with the conclusions: "There is no
been paper-filtered before consumption has             association between coffee consumption and
no elevating effects on blood cholesterol[28].         the occurrence of coronary heart
                                                       disease. . .Focusing attention on life-style
FIGHT AGAINST FAT                                      factors not implicated as causative of CHD
The caffeine in a cup of coffee is best                may only serve to frustrate valid health
recognized for its mildly stimulant properties         promotional efforts"[34].

                                                FOOD SCIENCE

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decaffeinated coffees are available not so                       Risk of Reproductive Hazards", Journal of
much as a "healthier" alternative to                             Reproductive Medicine, Vol. 33 No. 2, 1988,
caffeinated varieties, but simply so that                        pp. 176-8.
anyone who is particularly sensitive to
                                                             10. Wilcox, A., Weinberg, C. and Baird, D.,
caffeine can continue to enjoy their coffee.
                                                                 "Caffeinated Beverages and Decreased
   The overall bulk of research suggests that
                                                                 Fertility", The Lancet, 24/31 December 1988,
no one who enjoys drinking coffee should be
                                                                 pp. 1453-5.
concerned about its health effects, or abstain
from coffee because of unfounded worries                     11. Joesoef, M.R., Beral, V., Rolfs, R.T., Aral, S.O.
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                                                                 Lancet, Vol. 335, 1990, pp. 136-7.
                                                             12. Barkay, J., Bartoov, Ben-Ezra, S., Langsam, J.,
                                                                 Feidman, G., Gordon, S. and Zuckerman, H.,
                                                                 "The Influence of In Vitro Caffeine Treatment
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                                                                 Capacity", Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 41 No. 6,
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                                          JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1993

21. MacDonald, T.M., Sharpe, K., Fowler, G.,                  29. Smith, A.P., Rosted, J.M., Eaton-Williams, P.,
    Lyons, D., Freestone, S., Lovell, H.G., Webster,              Savory, M. and Leathwood, P., "Effects of
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22. Thelle, D.S., Arnesen, E. and Forde, O.H., "The           30. Walsh, J.K., Muehlbach, M.J., Humm, T.M.,
    Tromso Heart Study: Does Coffee Raise Serum                   Stokes Dickens, Q., Sugarman, J.L. and
    Cholesterol?" New England Journal of                          Schwitzer, P., "Effect of Caffeine on
    Medicine, Vol. 308, 1983, pp. 1454-7.                         Physiological Sleep Tendency and Ability to
23. Thelle, D.S., Forde, O.H., Knutsen, S.F. and                  Sustain Wakefulness at Night",
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26. Burr, M.L., Gallacher, J.E.J., Butland, B.K.,                 44-50.
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27. Katan, M.B., Zock, P.L., Merkus, M.P., van                34. Myers, M.G. and Basinski, A., "Coffee and
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28. Katan, M.B., van Dusseldorp, M., van Vliet, T.,
    Demacker, P.N.B. and Stalenhoef, A.F.H., "The
    Cholesterol-raising Factor from Boiled Coffee             Sophia Papadopoulos is a Science Writer
    Does Not Pass a Paper Filter", Arteriosclerosis           based at the Coffee Science Information
    and Thrombosis, Vol. 11 No. 3, 1991, pp.                  Centre, Little Tew, Oxon.


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Coffee, caffeine

  • 1. NUTRITION & FOOD SCIENCE Coffee, Caffeine and Health: The Real Story Sophia Papadopoulos In recent times, the re-emergence of even bias, and so requires careful evaluation. fashionable coffee bars with shining coffee Study sizes, protocols, methodologies, and machines serving espresso and cappuccino, levels of control for confounding factors and the growing interest and availability of (such as smoking or alcohol consumption) higher grade instant, and roast and ground can all play a part in influencing the coffees, has created a revitalized market for direction of results. coffee in the UK. Coffee actually represents one of the largest markets in the world — second only to oil — and some 20 million people rely on this for employment. Caffeine's Actions However, though nearly all of us enjoy a The alkaloid, caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine), is cup of coffee, the odd article in the press has one of a group of naturally occurring firmly planted a niggling feeling that our compounds found throughout the plant kingdom. Although most commonly associated with coffee, coffee (or perhaps it is the caffeine?), isn't a range of everyday foods, drinks and other really doing us any good. In fact, these few products contain caffeine to varying degrees (see publicized reports do not tell the whole story. Table I). Tea (which actually contains more caffeine than coffee on a dry weight basis), colas, chocolate, and some over-the-counter and prescription medications also contain caffeine. COFFEE UNDER SCRUTINY Caffeine is a mild central nervous system The ubiquitous use of coffee (and caffeine) stimulant, and its actions as an adenosine worldwide has led to. exhaustive investigations antagonist are thought to be largely responsible into their potential health effects, and for the well-documented and beneficial pick-me- up and concentration-enhancing properties of a medical texts date right back to the 1850s. cup or two of coffee[l]. Other minor effects at Over the last few decades perhaps thousands the cellular level have also been postulated, of papers have been published, yet only a including caffeine's actions as a tiny amount of this research ever reaches the phosphodiesterase inhibitor — acting to increase public eye, and thus it is not surprising that cellular levels of cyclic AMP (one of the cells' messenger molecules) — caffeine-related plasma misconceptions and unnecessary concerns are elevation of certain catecholamines (such as common. epinephrine), and its effects (in vitro) on However, the fact that so much data on intracellular calcium translocation and skeletal coffee and caffeine exists does not always muscle contractiIity[2,3]. However, whether these make interpretation any easier, even when it have any real physiological effects has not been defined, and is debated. is all to hand. Interventional trials and Caffeine has also been found to increase the epidemiological (population) studies form the efficacy of common pain-killing analgesics such backbone of coffee/caffeine and health as paracetamol and aspirin[4,5], and to exhibit a research, and it is all too apparent that certain amount of analgesic action epidemiological research especially can be independently[6]. fraught with pitfalls, inconsistencies, and In addition, the bronchodilatory actions of caffeine and its relative, theophylline, are used in the treatment of neonatal apnoea (severe Nutrition & Food Science, No. 1, January/February 1993, pp. 28-33 breathing difficulties) in premature babies[7,8]. © MCB University Press, 0034-6659. 28
  • 2. NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1993 drinking coffee is associated with delayed Type of coffee/ Size of cup Approximatea beverage caffeine time to conception, or subfecundity[10]. content (mg) These conclusions were, in fact, drawn from a study of just 104 women, which was Instant (heaped tsp) any size 50-60 not designed to investigate specific caffeine Drip filtered medium (125 ml) 60-100 effects on fertility. The women questioned Percolated medium (125 ml) 60-100 had all failed to get pregnant within the first Espresso small (80 ml) 70-80 three months, and the study did not consider Decaffeinated medium-large 2-4 those who did achieve pregnancy within three (125-200 ml) months. The authors actually note "a lack of Tea medium (125 ml) 30-60b association between caffeine consumption Cola (regular or and fecundability in the first two cycles". diet) 330 ml can 40-45 In contrast, a subsequent, far larger and a The amount of caffeine in any cup of caffeinated more thorough investigation on 2,817 women beverage can vary quite considerably, and, for actually found no association whatsoever coffee, is dependent on the amount used to make between caffeinated beverage consumption the brew, and the size of the cup. and either delayed conception or b Although tea contains more caffeine than coffee on infertility[ll]. a dry weight basis, less weight of tea is generally used to brew a cup. TABLE I. TURBO CHARGE On the subject of fertility — this time male — caffeine can be used in vitro as an effective sperm motility enhancer! Israeli IVF trials found that using caffeine-treated frozen-thawed sperm samples resulted in twice the number of pregnancies compared with non-caffeine-treated sperm[12]. Although the drug of preference for in vitro sperm treatment these days is pentoxifylline, caffeine gives a similar "turbo charge", to quote Peter Brindson, Medical Director of Bourn Hall IVF clinic in Cambridgeshire. So, given that a vast array of (often contradictory) data is available on coffee, what does it all really say about the health effects of coffee and caffeine? COFFEE AND HEALTH One question which is raised fairly frequently concerns the effects of coffee drinking on pregnancy. The Royal College of Midwives advises that a pregnant or breastfeeding woman can, without concern, drink up to four or five cups of tea or coffee per day if she wishes. This is in agreement with the results of the bulk of research[9] — after sorting through the sometimes conflicting epidemiological data. For example, consider one particular published paper which suggested that 29
  • 3. NUTRITION & FOOD SCIENCE PROTECTIVE EFFECT On the contrary, research consistently shows an inverse association between coffee drinking and colorectal cancer[19]. Although no biological mechanism for the protective effect has yet been put forward, the results seem convincing, and further studies are continuing. CARDIAC CONCERNS? The potential relationship between coffee drinking and cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, high blood pressure, and raised serum cholesterol are other commonly debated subjects, and have been extensively investigated. Again, findings overall have shown that coffee drinking is not a risk factor for any of these conditions, and the British Heart Overall, human epidemiological studies of Foundation states that it "does not believe maternal coffee drinking do not provide that coffee increases the risk of heart evidence of adverse effects on any aspect of disease". reproduction, including low birthweight, preterm birth, or congenital Especially relevant are the consistently malformations[9]. Furthermore, although negative findings from the longer-runnng, caffeine does diffuse into breast milk after larger epidemiological studies[20], while maternal consumption, it is not present in interventional trials on the effects of significant quantities, and moderate coffee coffee/caffeine on serum cholesterol, blood drinking should not have any effects on a pressure, and cardiac arrhythmias have also breastfeeding infant[13,14] — a fact which is shown no adverse effects whatsoever. in accord with Royal College of Midwives' Most recently, for example, MacDonald's advice. study showed through 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, that including or GETTING THE PICTURE The greater number of papers one does look at, the more evident it becomes that moderate amounts of coffee and caffeine have no adverse effects on any aspect of health for the general population. This is borne out by a variety of published reviews. For example, the American Cancer Society's Guidelines on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, conclude that "Available information does not suggest a recommendation against its [coffee's] moderate use. There is no indication that caffeine . . . is a risk factor in human cancer"[15]. Although for one particular site — bladder cancer — there has been a certain amount of concern in the past, many studies on this topic have actually found no association whatsoever with coffee drinking, while others show no dose-response relationship, and are not suggestive of a causal association[16-18]. 30
  • 4. NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1993 (see "Caffeine's Actions"). These are known to have beneficial effects on concentration and alertness, especially at times of natural lows such as during night-shift work, or after lunch during the early to mid afternoon period[29,30]. But caffeine also increases the body's lipolytic (fat burning) rate, which has potential benefits (albeit minor) for people trying to lose weight[31]. The effects of caffeine on fat burning may not be great, but research does suggest that moderate amounts of coffee could help the body burn up the equivalent of 80-100 calories a day[32]. And of course, coffee (using skimmed milk and no sugar) is virtually calorie-free. A LITTLE BIT OF WHAT YOU FANCY . . . Everyone tends to find their own comfortable level of drinking coffee. This can vary greatly between individuals. While the research does excluding caffeine from the diets of mild show that drinking coffee is not associated hypertensives has absolutely no effect on with adverse health effects, some people are their blood pressures whatsoever[21]. particularly sensitive to the caffeine stimulant. SCANDINAVIAN CONNECTION □ The link between coffee and cholesterol makes a particularly neat and conclusive NO-ONE WHO ENJOYS DRINKING story. During the 1980s, studies from Norway COFFEE SHOULD BE CONCERNED found an association between coffee drinking ABOUT ITS HEALTH EFFECTS and raised cholesterol levels[22,23]. Many subsequent investigations have □ conclusively shown that the effect is due to the type of coffee commonly consumed by They may, for example, prefer to drink people in this geographical area[24]. Only decaffeinated rather than caffeinated coffee this speciality Scandinavian coffee — in the evening for their ease of getting to prepared by prolonged boiling of coffee sleep. Similarly, a few caffeine-sensitive grounds in water and decanting without people with cardiac problems may be advised filtering — has been found to raise blood to limit their caffeine intake, and switch to cholesterol levels. decaffeinated coffee. All other types of coffee studied (including This may not generally be necessary, drip-filtered, instant, and decaffeinated) have however, as a recently published analytical been shown to have no effects whatsoever on review of past research has shown that even cholesterol[25,26]. patients in coronary care units can be The cholesterol-raising factor in "boiled" allowed to drink four or five cups of coffee coffee is not caffeine, but resides in a lipid- per day without it increasing the likelihood rich fraction isolated from the brew[27], and of cardiac arrhythmias[33]. Indeed, another can be removed from the coffee simply by recent review summarizes the findings of filtering the brew through a paper filter[28]. coffee/caffeine and cardiovascular research, Indeed, drinking boiled coffee which has with the conclusions: "There is no been paper-filtered before consumption has association between coffee consumption and no elevating effects on blood cholesterol[28]. the occurrence of coronary heart disease. . .Focusing attention on life-style FIGHT AGAINST FAT factors not implicated as causative of CHD The caffeine in a cup of coffee is best may only serve to frustrate valid health recognized for its mildly stimulant properties promotional efforts"[34]. 31
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