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By: Serrano, Alyssa Dominique R.
COMP11 T-TH 10:00-11:30 am
Shepherds discovered coffee in Ethiopia
circa 800 A.D.
• Legend has it that 9th century goat herders
noticed the effect caffeine had on their goats,
who appeared to "dance" after eating coffee
berries. A local monk then made a drink with
coffee berries and found that it kept him awake
at night, thus the original cup of coffee was
• A coffee seed, commonly called coffee bean is a seed of the coffee
plant, and is the source for coffee It is the pit inside the red or
purple fruit often referred to as a cherry. Just like ordinary
cherries, the coffee fruit is also a so-called stone fruit. Even
though the coffee beans are seeds, they are referred to as "beans"
because of their resemblance to beans. The fruits – coffee cherries
or coffee berries – most commonly contain two stones with their
flat sides together. A small percentage of cherries contain a single
seed, instead of the usual two. This is called a "peaberry".
• Coffea is a genus of flowering plants whose seeds,
called coffee beans, are used to make various coffee
beverages and products. It is a member of the family
Rubiaceae. They are shrubs or small trees native to
tropical and southern Africa and tropical Asia. Coffee
ranks as one of the world's most valuable and widely
traded commodity crops and is an important export
product of several countries, including those in Central
and South America, the Caribbean and Africa.
• A coffee seed, commonly called coffee bean is a seed of the coffee
plant, and is the source for coffee It is the pit inside the red or
purple fruit often referred to as a cherry. Just like ordinary cherries,
the coffee fruit is also a so-called stone fruit. Even though the coffee
beans are seeds, they are referred to as "beans" because of their
resemblance to beans. The fruits – coffee cherries or coffee berries –
most commonly contain two stones with their flat sides together. A
small percentage of cherries contain a single seed, instead of the
usual two. This is called a "peaberry".
•Peaberry beans roast differently from
the corresponding flat berry beans;
hence, to ensure an even roast in high-
grade coffee peaberry beans are often
Coffee is actually a fruit.
• Coffee beans as we know them are actually the
pits of a cherry-like berry that are grown on
bushes. Even though coffee is actually a seed,
it's called a bean because of its resemblance to
actual beans.
There are two types of coffee beans:
Arabica and Robusta.
•Seventy percent of coffee beans are
Arabica. Although less popular,
Robusta is slightly more bitter and
has twice as much caffeine.
• Robusta coffee - Robusta is a sturdy species of coffee bean
with low acidity and high bitterness; it is used primarily in
instant coffee, espresso, and as a filler in ground coffee
blends. The bean comes from the Coffea robusta variety of
the Coffea canephora plant (widely known itself by the
synonym Coffea robusta) which has its origins in central and
western sub-Saharan Africa. Robusta is easy to care for, has
a greater crop yield, has almost double the amount of caffeine
and more antioxidants.
Coffee was originally a food
•Coffee berries were mixed with fat to
create an energy-rich snack ball. It was
also consumed as a wine when made
from the pulp of coffee berries.
• The most well known source of caffeine is the coffee bean, a
misnomer for the seed of Coffea plants
• Caffeine was once thought to be a significant diuretic, but
that’s actually not true. Unless it’s consumed in large
quantities (more than 500 to 600 mg a day, or two coffees)
there aren’t such negative effects. In fact, studies have shown
that urine output isn’t significantly changed when a person
drinks a caffeinated beverage, rather than something non-
caffeinated like water.
• It may confer a modest protective effect against some
diseases, including Parkinson's disease and certain types
of cancer. One meta-analysis concluded that
cardiovascular disease such as coronary artery disease
and stroke is less likely with 3–5 cups of non-
decaffeinated coffee per day but more likely with over 5
cups per day
• PARKINSON’S DISEASE - is a long term disorder of the
central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system.
The symptoms generally come on slowly over time. Early in
the disease, the most obvious are shaking, rigidity, slowness
of movement, and difficulty with walking. Thinking and
behavioral problems may also occur. Dementia becomes
common in the advanced stages of the disease.. The main
motor symptoms are collectively called "parkinsonism", or a
"parkinsonian syndrome".
• “The study is especially interesting since caffeine seems to block a
malfunctioning brain signal in Parkinson’s disease and is so safe and
inexpensive,” said Michael Schwarzschild, MD, PhD, of Massachusetts
General Hospital in Boston, who wrote an accompanying editorial.
“Although the results do not suggest that caffeine should be used as a
treatment in Parkinson’s disease, they can be taken into consideration
when people with Parkinson’s are discussing their caffeine use with
their neurologist.” Schwarzschild is also a member of the American
Academy of Neurology.
• The world's most expensive coffee is $600 a pound.
• The most expensive coffee in the world is made from elephant dung,
and it’s called Black Ivory coffee. It costs $50 per cup
• history of the word “coffee”
• In the ancient Arab culture there was only one way a woman could
legally divorce: If her husband didn’t provide enough coffee.
• Johan Sebastian Bach wrote an opera about a woman who was
addicted to coffee.
Kopi Luwak or Civet Coffee
• The most expensive coffee in the world is
Indonesia’s Kopi Luwak or civet coffee. It is
made from coffee beans that have been eaten,
partially digested, and then excreted by a
weasel-like animal called the Asian palm civet.
These beans sell for more than $600 a pound, or
$50 a cup.
• The world's most expensive coffee is $600 a pound.
• The most expensive coffee in the world is made from elephant
dung, and it’s called Black Ivory coffee. It costs $50 per cup
• history of the word “coffee”
• In the ancient Arab culture there was only one way a woman
could legally divorce: If her husband didn’t provide enough
• Johan Sebastian Bach wrote an opera about a woman who
was addicted to coffee.
Johan Sebastian Bach
• Was a German composer and musician of the
Baroque period. He enriched established German
styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic
and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of
rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad,
particularly from Italy and France.
• During WWII American soldiers would ordered their
espresso watered down because it was too strong for
• In 1906, a Belgian man living in Guatemala by the name
George Washington invented instant coffee. Not the first
American president, but the first inventor of instant coffee
• However, you would need to drink over 100 cups to
consume the lethal dose of caffeine.
• Instant coffee, also called soluble coffee, coffee
crystals and coffee powder, is a beverage derived
from brewed coffee beans. Instant coffee is
commercially prepared by either freeze-drying or
spray drying, after which it can be rehydrated.
Instant coffee in a concentrated liquid form is also
•The process of freeze drying — when
fresh foods are placed in a dryer where
temperatures drop to negative 40
degrees F — first started during World
War II to preserve foods.
• During WWII American soldiers would ordered their
espresso watered down because it was too strong for
• In 1906, a Belgian man living in Guatemala by the name
George Washington invented instant coffee. Not the first
American president, but the first inventor of instant coffee
• However, you would need to drink over 100 cups to
consume the lethal dose of caffeine.
•The French philosopher Voltaire
is said to have drank 50 cups of
coffee a day. Because he ruled.
• There is a spa in Japan that lets you bathe in coffee named Hakone
Kowakien Yunessun, located in Tokyo
• The world’s first coffee house opened in 1475 in Constantinople
(modern-day Istanbul)
• When the first coffeehouse opened in England in 1652, women
were prohibited from entering, other than to serve men.
• The Turks call their coffee houses “schools for the wise.”
• Coffee was declared illegal not once, not twice, but a
whopping three times by three different cultures! The first
was in Mecca in 1511, followed by Charles the II in Europe
in an attempt to quell the on-going rebellion and the third
was by Fredrick the Great in Germany in 1677 who was
worried about the economic implications of money leaving
the country to buy this beverage.
• The health effects of coffee depend largely on how coffee is prepared.
For example, coffee paper filters remove oily components called
diterpenes, which have been linked to coronary heart disease. Metal
filters, however, do not remove these oily components.
• Coffee contains important nutrients you need to survive. A single cup of
coffee contains 11% of the daily recommended amount of Riboflavin
(vitamin B2), 6% of Pantothenic Acid (vitamin B5), 3% of Manganese and
Potassium, and 2% of Niacin and Magnesium
• People who drink four cups of coffee a day are 80% less
likely to develop cirrhosis, a condition that develops from
several diseases affecting the liver.
• The buzz you feel after drinking coffee is actually from
ingesting tiny 0.0016-inch crystals of caffeine
• Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver
does not function properly due to long-term
damage. Typically, the disease comes on
slowly over months or years
What are all the different types of
coffee drinks?
• Affogato: This is a term that literally means
'drowned'. It is the description of a shot of
separately served espresso that is later poured
over a the top of a scoop of vanilla ice cream or
gelato. This beverage is usually served in a short
drink glass and is a Italian desert favourite.
• Americano: Also known as "Lungo" or "Long Black" and made by diluting
1-2 shots of espresso with hot water, flavor and body of an American-style
drip coffee. Said to have been originally devised as a sort of insult to
Americans who wanted their Italian espresso diluted.
• Babycino: A cappuccino styled drink served in an up-market café typically
for children. It consists of warm milk in a small cup and topped with milk
froth and chocolate powder. No espresso coffee essence is added.
• Breve: A term in Italian that means short and is used to describe an
espresso coffee drink made with a half-and-half light cream or semi-skim
milk instead of full fat milk
• Caffe Latte or “Latte”: A ‘premium milk coffee experience’. Freshly
steamed milk without foam served in a tall glass with a shot of espresso
• Caffe Mocha: A combination of chocolate syrup and a shot of
espresso, topped with steamed milk and a layer of micro-foam.
Finished with a sprinkled of chocolate.
• Cappuccino Chiaro: (AKA Wet or Light cappuccino): Cappuccino
prepared with more milk than usual.
• Cappuccino Scuro: (AKA Dry or Dark cappuccino) Cappuccino
prepared with less milk than usual.
• Con panna: Like the beverage "macchiato", but whipped cream is
substituted for steamed milk.
• Cortado: means "cut" in Spanish so the double shot espresso served
in a demetesse glass supported with a metal handle is "cut" with an
equal part of hot milk, making it in between the size and strength of a
macchiato and a cappuccino.
• Doppio: Italian term for double. Double Espresso or twice the
amount of coffee and twice the amount of water
• Espresso con Panna: A variation of the macchiato by
substituting a dollop of whipped cream for the milk froth.
Basically a Starbucks invention. Means in Italian "espresso
with cream”.
• Espresso Lungo: American term where a shot is extracted
longer for a bit of extra espresso. Tends to maximizes the
caffeine but will mostly produce a more bitter cup.
• Espresso Romano: Espresso served with a lemon peel on the
side. Whilst not a typical accompaniment in Italy it is commonly
served with the espresso beverage in America.
• Flat White: “White Coffee” - ‘uncompromising taste’. Steamed
microfroam milk poured through and under the espresso crème.
• Frappuccino is a trademarked brand of the Starbucks
Corporation for a line of frozen coffee beverages. It consists of
coffee or other base ingredient blended with ice and other
various ingredients, usually topped with whipped cream.
• Hammerhead: A coffee drink only served in the USA. It is an
American term for a shot of espresso in a coffee cup that is topped up
with drip-filtered coffee.
• Irish Coffee: Coffee mixed with a dash of Irish whiskey and served
with cream on top.
• Macchiato: Meaning “stained” - Described as ‘strong, marked or
stained’. A touch of steamed foamed milk added to a double shot
of coffee extract made from 24gm of fresh ground beans
• Mazagran: A French drink composed of cold coffee and seltzer
• Ristretto: (Ristretto in Italian means "restricted, shrunk or short”) It
is the richest and most concentrated espresso drink where less
water but the same amount of coffee is used to make the beverage
and creates a less bitter espresso
• Viennese Coffee: Brewed black coffee of any roast or origin
topped and served with whipped cream.
• Starbucks opened in Seattle in 1971. In 2010, it boasted revenues
of $10.7 billion and 16,850 stores in 40 countries, making it the
world’s top coffee retailer. Starbucks offers over 87,000 possible
drink combination.
• The name Starbucks was inspired by a character in the novel
Moby Dick. The owners almost named their coffee shop Pequod,
after the whaling ship in the novel.
• Starbucks has created more than 40 different kinds of
Name Measurement Notes
Demi 3 US fl oz (89 ml) Smallest size. Espresso shots.
Short 8 US fl oz (240 ml) Smaller of the two original sizes
Mini 10 US fl oz (300 ml)
Smaller than the three original
Frappuccino sizes, offered as
lower-calorie option
Tall 12 US fl oz (350 ml) Larger of the two original sizes
Grande 16 US fl oz (470 ml) Italian for "large"
20 US fl oz (590 ml)
24 US fl oz (710 mL)
Italian for "twenty"
Trenta 31 US fl oz (920 ml) Italian for "thirty"
• This is the most expensive drink at Starbucks: $23.50 or
P1,104.50, with 16 shots of espresso or 1400mg of
• The Trenta is slightly bigger than your stomach with the
capacity to hold 916 milliliters. The stomach on average
has a capacity of 900 ml.
• The coffee that includes part-digested coffee cherries eaten and
defecated by the Asian palm civet.
• Digestive mechanisms may improve the flavor profile of the coffee
beans that have been eaten. The civet eats the cherries for the
fleshy pulp, then in the digestive tract, fermentation occurs. The
civet's protease enzymes seep into the beans, making shorter
peptides and more free amino acids.Passing through a civet's
intestines the cherries are then defecated with other fecal matter
and collected.
•A local coffee brand produced
by San Miguel Corporation
• Brand uses Robusta, Excelsea and Arabica coffee
beans from Benguet.
• Origin: Kalinga Province, Northern Philippines
Composition: Arabica, Robusta, & Excelsa
Roast: close to dark roast
• A coffee varietal grown in the Philippines,
particularly in the provinces of Batangas and
• Barako is the Filipino term for the male stud of an
animal, and has become associated with the
image of a tough man.
• Negros Island Rainforest Organic Coffee is organically grown
without the use of Chemicals and Pesticides. Farmers help in
building healthy soils and preserves biodiversity in the rain forest.
The Organic Coffee is made from Selectively handpicked ripe red
coffee cherries by the rural forest dwellers in Negros Island,
• The Mt. Kanlaon Premium Blend is considered one of the organic
products certified by NICERT or NISARD Certification Services.

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Coffee 101

  • 1. COFFEE By: Serrano, Alyssa Dominique R. AAPD2B COMP11 T-TH 10:00-11:30 am
  • 2. Shepherds discovered coffee in Ethiopia circa 800 A.D. • Legend has it that 9th century goat herders noticed the effect caffeine had on their goats, who appeared to "dance" after eating coffee berries. A local monk then made a drink with coffee berries and found that it kept him awake at night, thus the original cup of coffee was born.
  • 3. THE COFFEE BEAN • A coffee seed, commonly called coffee bean is a seed of the coffee plant, and is the source for coffee It is the pit inside the red or purple fruit often referred to as a cherry. Just like ordinary cherries, the coffee fruit is also a so-called stone fruit. Even though the coffee beans are seeds, they are referred to as "beans" because of their resemblance to beans. The fruits – coffee cherries or coffee berries – most commonly contain two stones with their flat sides together. A small percentage of cherries contain a single seed, instead of the usual two. This is called a "peaberry".
  • 4. COFFEA • Coffea is a genus of flowering plants whose seeds, called coffee beans, are used to make various coffee beverages and products. It is a member of the family Rubiaceae. They are shrubs or small trees native to tropical and southern Africa and tropical Asia. Coffee ranks as one of the world's most valuable and widely traded commodity crops and is an important export product of several countries, including those in Central and South America, the Caribbean and Africa.
  • 5. THE COFFEE BEAN • A coffee seed, commonly called coffee bean is a seed of the coffee plant, and is the source for coffee It is the pit inside the red or purple fruit often referred to as a cherry. Just like ordinary cherries, the coffee fruit is also a so-called stone fruit. Even though the coffee beans are seeds, they are referred to as "beans" because of their resemblance to beans. The fruits – coffee cherries or coffee berries – most commonly contain two stones with their flat sides together. A small percentage of cherries contain a single seed, instead of the usual two. This is called a "peaberry".
  • 6. Peaberry •Peaberry beans roast differently from the corresponding flat berry beans; hence, to ensure an even roast in high- grade coffee peaberry beans are often separated.
  • 7. Coffee is actually a fruit. • Coffee beans as we know them are actually the pits of a cherry-like berry that are grown on bushes. Even though coffee is actually a seed, it's called a bean because of its resemblance to actual beans.
  • 8. There are two types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. •Seventy percent of coffee beans are Arabica. Although less popular, Robusta is slightly more bitter and has twice as much caffeine.
  • 9. ROBUSTA COFFEE • Robusta coffee - Robusta is a sturdy species of coffee bean with low acidity and high bitterness; it is used primarily in instant coffee, espresso, and as a filler in ground coffee blends. The bean comes from the Coffea robusta variety of the Coffea canephora plant (widely known itself by the synonym Coffea robusta) which has its origins in central and western sub-Saharan Africa. Robusta is easy to care for, has a greater crop yield, has almost double the amount of caffeine and more antioxidants.
  • 10. Coffee was originally a food •Coffee berries were mixed with fat to create an energy-rich snack ball. It was also consumed as a wine when made from the pulp of coffee berries.
  • 11. CAFFEINE (C8H10N4O2) • The most well known source of caffeine is the coffee bean, a misnomer for the seed of Coffea plants • Caffeine was once thought to be a significant diuretic, but that’s actually not true. Unless it’s consumed in large quantities (more than 500 to 600 mg a day, or two coffees) there aren’t such negative effects. In fact, studies have shown that urine output isn’t significantly changed when a person drinks a caffeinated beverage, rather than something non- caffeinated like water.
  • 12. CAFFEINE • It may confer a modest protective effect against some diseases, including Parkinson's disease and certain types of cancer. One meta-analysis concluded that cardiovascular disease such as coronary artery disease and stroke is less likely with 3–5 cups of non- decaffeinated coffee per day but more likely with over 5 cups per day
  • 13. DISEASES THAT CAN HELP BE PREVENTED BY COFFEE: PARKINSON’S DISEASE • PARKINSON’S DISEASE - is a long term disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system. The symptoms generally come on slowly over time. Early in the disease, the most obvious are shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement, and difficulty with walking. Thinking and behavioral problems may also occur. Dementia becomes common in the advanced stages of the disease.. The main motor symptoms are collectively called "parkinsonism", or a "parkinsonian syndrome".
  • 14. DISEASES THAT CAN HELP BE TREATED BY COFFEE: PARKINSON’S DISEASE • “The study is especially interesting since caffeine seems to block a malfunctioning brain signal in Parkinson’s disease and is so safe and inexpensive,” said Michael Schwarzschild, MD, PhD, of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, who wrote an accompanying editorial. “Although the results do not suggest that caffeine should be used as a treatment in Parkinson’s disease, they can be taken into consideration when people with Parkinson’s are discussing their caffeine use with their neurologist.” Schwarzschild is also a member of the American Academy of Neurology.
  • 16. • The world's most expensive coffee is $600 a pound. • The most expensive coffee in the world is made from elephant dung, and it’s called Black Ivory coffee. It costs $50 per cup • history of the word “coffee” • In the ancient Arab culture there was only one way a woman could legally divorce: If her husband didn’t provide enough coffee. • Johan Sebastian Bach wrote an opera about a woman who was addicted to coffee. COFFEE TRIVIA 101
  • 17. Kopi Luwak or Civet Coffee • The most expensive coffee in the world is Indonesia’s Kopi Luwak or civet coffee. It is made from coffee beans that have been eaten, partially digested, and then excreted by a weasel-like animal called the Asian palm civet. These beans sell for more than $600 a pound, or $50 a cup.
  • 18. • The world's most expensive coffee is $600 a pound. • The most expensive coffee in the world is made from elephant dung, and it’s called Black Ivory coffee. It costs $50 per cup • history of the word “coffee” • In the ancient Arab culture there was only one way a woman could legally divorce: If her husband didn’t provide enough coffee. • Johan Sebastian Bach wrote an opera about a woman who was addicted to coffee. COFFEE TRIVIA 101
  • 19. Johan Sebastian Bach • Was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France.
  • 20. COFFEE TRIVIA 101 • During WWII American soldiers would ordered their espresso watered down because it was too strong for them. • In 1906, a Belgian man living in Guatemala by the name George Washington invented instant coffee. Not the first American president, but the first inventor of instant coffee • However, you would need to drink over 100 cups to consume the lethal dose of caffeine.
  • 21. INSTANT COFFEE • Instant coffee, also called soluble coffee, coffee crystals and coffee powder, is a beverage derived from brewed coffee beans. Instant coffee is commercially prepared by either freeze-drying or spray drying, after which it can be rehydrated. Instant coffee in a concentrated liquid form is also manufactured
  • 22. FREEZE DRYING •The process of freeze drying — when fresh foods are placed in a dryer where temperatures drop to negative 40 degrees F — first started during World War II to preserve foods.
  • 23. COFFEE TRIVIA 101 • During WWII American soldiers would ordered their espresso watered down because it was too strong for them. • In 1906, a Belgian man living in Guatemala by the name George Washington invented instant coffee. Not the first American president, but the first inventor of instant coffee • However, you would need to drink over 100 cups to consume the lethal dose of caffeine.
  • 24. COFFEE TRIVIA 101 •The French philosopher Voltaire is said to have drank 50 cups of coffee a day. Because he ruled.
  • 25. COFFEE TRIVIA 101 • There is a spa in Japan that lets you bathe in coffee named Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, located in Tokyo • The world’s first coffee house opened in 1475 in Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) • When the first coffeehouse opened in England in 1652, women were prohibited from entering, other than to serve men. • The Turks call their coffee houses “schools for the wise.”
  • 26. COFFEE TRIVIA 101 • Coffee was declared illegal not once, not twice, but a whopping three times by three different cultures! The first was in Mecca in 1511, followed by Charles the II in Europe in an attempt to quell the on-going rebellion and the third was by Fredrick the Great in Germany in 1677 who was worried about the economic implications of money leaving the country to buy this beverage.
  • 27. COFFEE TRIVIA 101 • The health effects of coffee depend largely on how coffee is prepared. For example, coffee paper filters remove oily components called diterpenes, which have been linked to coronary heart disease. Metal filters, however, do not remove these oily components. • Coffee contains important nutrients you need to survive. A single cup of coffee contains 11% of the daily recommended amount of Riboflavin (vitamin B2), 6% of Pantothenic Acid (vitamin B5), 3% of Manganese and Potassium, and 2% of Niacin and Magnesium
  • 28. COFFEE TRIVIA 101 • People who drink four cups of coffee a day are 80% less likely to develop cirrhosis, a condition that develops from several diseases affecting the liver. • The buzz you feel after drinking coffee is actually from ingesting tiny 0.0016-inch crystals of caffeine
  • 29. DISEASES THAT CAN HELP BE PREVENTED BY COFFEE: CIRRHOSIS • Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver does not function properly due to long-term damage. Typically, the disease comes on slowly over months or years
  • 30. What are all the different types of coffee drinks? • Affogato: This is a term that literally means 'drowned'. It is the description of a shot of separately served espresso that is later poured over a the top of a scoop of vanilla ice cream or gelato. This beverage is usually served in a short drink glass and is a Italian desert favourite.
  • 31. • Americano: Also known as "Lungo" or "Long Black" and made by diluting 1-2 shots of espresso with hot water, flavor and body of an American-style drip coffee. Said to have been originally devised as a sort of insult to Americans who wanted their Italian espresso diluted. • Babycino: A cappuccino styled drink served in an up-market café typically for children. It consists of warm milk in a small cup and topped with milk froth and chocolate powder. No espresso coffee essence is added. • Breve: A term in Italian that means short and is used to describe an espresso coffee drink made with a half-and-half light cream or semi-skim milk instead of full fat milk • Caffe Latte or “Latte”: A ‘premium milk coffee experience’. Freshly steamed milk without foam served in a tall glass with a shot of espresso coffee.
  • 32. • Caffe Mocha: A combination of chocolate syrup and a shot of espresso, topped with steamed milk and a layer of micro-foam. Finished with a sprinkled of chocolate. • Cappuccino Chiaro: (AKA Wet or Light cappuccino): Cappuccino prepared with more milk than usual. • Cappuccino Scuro: (AKA Dry or Dark cappuccino) Cappuccino prepared with less milk than usual. • Con panna: Like the beverage "macchiato", but whipped cream is substituted for steamed milk. • Cortado: means "cut" in Spanish so the double shot espresso served in a demetesse glass supported with a metal handle is "cut" with an equal part of hot milk, making it in between the size and strength of a macchiato and a cappuccino.
  • 33. • Doppio: Italian term for double. Double Espresso or twice the amount of coffee and twice the amount of water • Espresso con Panna: A variation of the macchiato by substituting a dollop of whipped cream for the milk froth. Basically a Starbucks invention. Means in Italian "espresso with cream”. • Espresso Lungo: American term where a shot is extracted longer for a bit of extra espresso. Tends to maximizes the caffeine but will mostly produce a more bitter cup. • Espresso Romano: Espresso served with a lemon peel on the side. Whilst not a typical accompaniment in Italy it is commonly served with the espresso beverage in America.
  • 34. • Flat White: “White Coffee” - ‘uncompromising taste’. Steamed microfroam milk poured through and under the espresso crème. • Frappuccino is a trademarked brand of the Starbucks Corporation for a line of frozen coffee beverages. It consists of coffee or other base ingredient blended with ice and other various ingredients, usually topped with whipped cream. • Hammerhead: A coffee drink only served in the USA. It is an American term for a shot of espresso in a coffee cup that is topped up with drip-filtered coffee. • Irish Coffee: Coffee mixed with a dash of Irish whiskey and served with cream on top.
  • 35. • Macchiato: Meaning “stained” - Described as ‘strong, marked or stained’. A touch of steamed foamed milk added to a double shot of coffee extract made from 24gm of fresh ground beans • Mazagran: A French drink composed of cold coffee and seltzer water. • Ristretto: (Ristretto in Italian means "restricted, shrunk or short”) It is the richest and most concentrated espresso drink where less water but the same amount of coffee is used to make the beverage and creates a less bitter espresso • Viennese Coffee: Brewed black coffee of any roast or origin topped and served with whipped cream.
  • 37. STARBUCKS • Starbucks opened in Seattle in 1971. In 2010, it boasted revenues of $10.7 billion and 16,850 stores in 40 countries, making it the world’s top coffee retailer. Starbucks offers over 87,000 possible drink combination. • The name Starbucks was inspired by a character in the novel Moby Dick. The owners almost named their coffee shop Pequod, after the whaling ship in the novel. • Starbucks has created more than 40 different kinds of Frappuccinos
  • 38. Name Measurement Notes Demi 3 US fl oz (89 ml) Smallest size. Espresso shots. Short 8 US fl oz (240 ml) Smaller of the two original sizes Mini 10 US fl oz (300 ml) Smaller than the three original Frappuccino sizes, offered as lower-calorie option Tall 12 US fl oz (350 ml) Larger of the two original sizes Grande 16 US fl oz (470 ml) Italian for "large" Venti 20 US fl oz (590 ml) 24 US fl oz (710 mL) Italian for "twenty" Trenta 31 US fl oz (920 ml) Italian for "thirty"
  • 39. • This is the most expensive drink at Starbucks: $23.50 or P1,104.50, with 16 shots of espresso or 1400mg of caffeine. • The Trenta is slightly bigger than your stomach with the capacity to hold 916 milliliters. The stomach on average has a capacity of 900 ml.
  • 41. CIVET COFFEE of Mt. APO • The coffee that includes part-digested coffee cherries eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet. • Digestive mechanisms may improve the flavor profile of the coffee beans that have been eaten. The civet eats the cherries for the fleshy pulp, then in the digestive tract, fermentation occurs. The civet's protease enzymes seep into the beans, making shorter peptides and more free amino acids.Passing through a civet's intestines the cherries are then defecated with other fecal matter and collected.
  • 42. SAN MIG COFFEE •A local coffee brand produced by San Miguel Corporation
  • 43. KALINGA BREW COFFEE • Brand uses Robusta, Excelsea and Arabica coffee beans from Benguet. • Origin: Kalinga Province, Northern Philippines Composition: Arabica, Robusta, & Excelsa Roast: close to dark roast
  • 44. KAPENG BARAKO • A coffee varietal grown in the Philippines, particularly in the provinces of Batangas and Cavite. • Barako is the Filipino term for the male stud of an animal, and has become associated with the image of a tough man.
  • 45. NEGROS ISLAND RAINFOREST ORGANIC COFFEE MT. KANLAON • Negros Island Rainforest Organic Coffee is organically grown without the use of Chemicals and Pesticides. Farmers help in building healthy soils and preserves biodiversity in the rain forest. The Organic Coffee is made from Selectively handpicked ripe red coffee cherries by the rural forest dwellers in Negros Island, Philippines • The Mt. Kanlaon Premium Blend is considered one of the organic products certified by NICERT or NISARD Certification Services.