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DEATH, AND SWEET AS LOVE”- Turkish proverb.
 For coffee is the world’s favourite beverage and is enjoyed
the world over in many different forms. There is nothing
more homely and reassuring than the sound of coffee
brewing on the hearth as the delectable aroma fills the parlor.
The offer of a cup of coffee today is more than an offer of a
drink; it is a gesture of friendship.
 The worldwide demand for coffee is such that it is one of the
most valuable commodities in world trade. Surprising though
it seem, the amount of coffee traded over several years in
international commerce in terms of US$ has been second
only to enormous is this worldwide demand for
 Industry has grown, employing some 20 million people.
 Coffee is America’s favourite drink--- one-third of all the coffee
that is exported goes to the States - and has been since the
days of the pioneers.
 Nowadays many a romance has begun after an invitation “to
come in for coffee” at the end of an enjoyable evening.
 As one of the world’s largest growers of coffee, Brazil’s
economy relies heavily on Coffee . Needless to say, Brazilians
love coffee for its taste too. The bustling streets of Rio are filled
with coffee carriers delivering the brew to thirsty office workers
and it is not exceptional for upto 20 cups per day to be drunk
per person.
 The Italian’s have their little porcelain cups with handles for
their famous Espresso brew and larger, fuller cups for the
frothy delight known as Cappuccino .
 Many tales, legends and stories surround the enigma of
the discovery of coffee. One favoured by historians, and
perhaps the most romantic, is the tale of Kaldi, an
Abyssinian goatherd. One day, sitting on a rock on the
mountain slopes, kaldi noticed that his normally docile
goats had suddenly become exceptionally lively for no
apparent reason. On closer inspection he discovered that
they had been nibbling the bright red berries of a nearby
plant. Bravely, he tasted the berries himself and after
some moments found to his amazement that he felt
extraordinarily uplifted and invigorated. Convinced of a
miracle, he rushed to the local monastery and excitedly
told his tale to the Abbot, showing him the berries that he
had crammed into his pouch. The Abbot, instantly fearing
the devil’s work, flung the berries onto the fire, whereupon
a wonderful and exotic aroma filled the air. Now convinced
that it was God’s work, the Abbot gave
orders for the beans to be swiftly raked from the fire and
immediately several monks rescued the beans. They were
then mixed with water so that all the monks of the
monastery could partake in this miracle!
 The crushing of beans came at a later date and not until
AD 1000,when the Arabs discovered how to boil water, did
coffee become a hot drink. The popularity of coffee spread
rapidly and, not suprisingly , the Arabs were extremely
proud and jealous of their newly discovered beverage.
 Until the late 17th Century almost all coffee came from
Arabia. After countless abortive attempts Dutch spies
finally succeeded in stealing plants from Arabia and began
to cultivate them in great success.
 Later it was the occasion of a boundary dispute between
the rival coffee producing countries of Dutch and French
Guyana which enabled Brazil to acquire a few of the highly
prized coffee seedlings. Thus began the greatest coffee
growing empire.
Wherever you go people believe that
their way of making and serving coffee is
the definitive method. In the countries
that follow, you can compare the national
characteristics and habits.
Being astute traders, the Dutch realized early on the
commercial potential of the coffee bean, and in the
17th century found them cultivating coffee and selling
the beans in Europe.
The bean favoured by the Dutch is carefully roasted to
a full medium strength and customarily gently brewed
by the drip Method. When ordering coffee you are
certain to receive a tray on which is placed an
individual pot of coffee, a small jug of cream, some
sugar and a glass of water- everything you could
require, whatever your taste, and a charming touch
which never fails to impress the weary tourist.
Their thick syrupy coffee is made by ibrik”
method and is steeped in ancient customs. As
per rituals the coffee must be boiled three
times before serving and be served first to the
oldest and the most respected member of the
gathering. As a full cup shows dislike of the
person to whom it is offered, the small cups
are only half filled.
A note of warning: allow the coffee to settle
before drinking if you wish to avoid a mouthful
of grounds.
Drinking a bowl of cafe au lait into
which warm freshly baked croissants
are dipped is an early morning ritual for
the French. Later in the morning they
may be seen drinking demitasse cups of
strong black coffee.
Most of the coffee served in France is
pure and the distinctive bitter taste is
due to a very high roast preferred by
the French.
It is a land of dedicated coffee drinkers. In
the mornings you can find them sipping caffe
latte from large cups. Caffe latte is a high
roast espresso coffee produced by brewing
and mixing a 1/4 coffee and 3/4 hot milk.
In between times there is yet another choice!
Of course, this is the cappuccino, so called
because of its similarity in colour to the robes
of the Capuchin monks. Cappuccino is
espresso coffee blended with hot frothy milk
which has been forced from a siphon under
pressure, and
Sometimes whipped cream is added.
Whichever way the drink is served, it is
topped with sprinkled cinnamon or
Try espresso served with iced water in
one of the innumerable bars of Italy’s
picturesque towns and cities. Viva
Qahwa is made in the Turkish style; thick,
strong and sweet. Moroccan coffee
drinkers often add fiery peppercorns and
salt to increase the flavour of the coffee.
Although we tend to think of India as a tea
drinking nation it is, in fact, a country divided in
its drinking habits; generally, the north drinks
tea and the south drinks coffee. The coffee
brewed in the south is made by roasting the
beans which are then finely ground, mixed with
raw palm sugar and water, and then heated
until cooked. Finally, milk is added and the
coffee is ready.
Coffee is served throughout the day, either on
its own, or to complement the wide variety of
hot vegetarian dishes in the south.
The Russians are relatively recent
converts to coffee and in their country the
samovar still rules. They drink their coffee
in the same way as their tea - that is, with
a slice of lemon.
The Finnish have the reputation of being
the largest consumers of coffee in the
world. Five cups of coffee per person per
day are consumed. An old - fashioned finn
recipe for the perfect brew has an intriguing
method as follows:
 prepare the coffee by the jug method and
after brewing add an old piece of fish skin.
This will settle and clear the coffee. Before
serving, discard the skin, transfer the coffee
into a pot and serve with cream, milk and
Japan is the largest importer of
Jamaican blue mountain which
according to some experts is the best
coffee in the world.
A Japanese peculiarity is the ‘cure’ in
which they sit immersed in coffee and
pineapple. This combination is
supposed to create a sauna effect and
is regarded as becoming extremely
 It is to the Americans that we are eternally grateful
for inventing the coffee break without which modern
life would be unimaginable. Coffee in America began
its life as a patriotic symbol and quickly became the
nations favourite drink. Coffee pots were an integral
part of the gold rush and many a cowboy found his
coffee tin as indispensable as his horse!
 Coffee is drunk across this vast continent in all
manners and forms but the favourite method seems
to be that of a percolator which produces a hot and
slightly bitter brew. Served in warm cups, drunk
black, with milk or cream, sometimes with sugar or
sweetener, the brew is truly an all-time winner!
Notorious for drinking pale watery brews, the
British are once again becoming more aware
of coffee and are improving their coffee
brewing techniques. More people now drink
real coffee, possibly owing to the increase of
foreign travel, specialist shops throughout the
country and, perhaps, to the arrival of coffee
bags which allow even lazy souls to brew
good coffee as easily as making tea!
Whatever the reason, the British are once
again on the way to becoming the
connoisseur coffee drinkers that they once
The history of coffee in Germany has been
quite eventful, since the times of Frederick
the great who prohibited commoners from
enjoying it, to the time of the affluent
bourgeois ladies who met daily for
kaffeeklatsch ( afternoon tea) to exchange
the latest gossip Needless to say, this is the
tradition which continues today although
coffee afternoons are thankfully not restricted
to the idle rich.
 The most widely cultivated beans and constitutes 75% of
all the coffee sold.
 The bean is harder than other types but it has superior
flavour which is richer, tastier and more aromatic.
 It is an extremely hardy plant.
 It’s flavour is less and is not comparable to that of arabica.
 Much cheaper than arabica.
 The coffee plant is something of a botanical oddity
mainly because the best coffee is cultivated in areas
where it does not grow wild. They also thrive in a
rather odd salt type consisting of composed and
decomposed mould, organic matter and disintegrated
volcanic rock.
 The coffee tree or shrub is capable of growing upto
30 feet in height but it is usually pruned and
maintained at a height of 4 to 6 feet, which ic best
suited for harvesting and is also conducive to good
flavoured beans.
 Trees that grow from seedlings take four to six years
before producing fruits. However once mature the
trees produce blossoms which soon withers and
within two months clusters of berries appear in their
 Each berry is covered with a sweet pulp which normally
contains two beans or seeds. Inside this pulp the beans
are coated with a tough husk called parchment and
underneath that is the inner protection or silver skin as it
is called. If there is only one bean or seed in the cherry
then it is known as a Peaberry and has a
characteristically rounded shape.
 The average plantation tree has a life expectancy of
approximately 40 years. A tree is considered to be in the
prime of life between ten to fifteen years.
 A good coffee tree can yeild upto 12 pounds of berries
that is about 4 to 5 pounds of coffee beans.
ANGOLA: Mostly Robusta coffee. Strong flavour with little
BRAZIL: Best bean is Bourbon Santos; smooth and sweet with
medium body producing a solidly acceptable brew.
CAMEROON: 70% Robusta, 30 % Arabica the rounded
Peaberries and giant ‘ELEPHANT’ beans are sorted and
marketed separately.
COLOMBIA: All coffee produced is arabica. The finest is
Medellin; less acidity than most Colombian coffees and rich in
COSTA RICA: All coffee is Arabica. Very mild with nutty
background. Full bodied and rich.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Coffee known as Santos
ECUADOR: Perhaps the highest Arabica plantations in the
world.Coffee is usually blended.
EL SALVADOR: All coffees are arabica. Top two grades have
good acidity and body.
ETHOPIA: Hawar is the best known; smooth strong flavour.
Has a winy pungence.
GUATEMALA: All coffees are arabica. A dry aroma.
HAITI:Mellow with mild sweetness. Full bodied and pungent.
HAWAII:Best known is KONA. Stong flavoured, full bodied and
INDIA:Best known in Mysore. Rich and strong. Good body.
INDONESIA: Home of JAVA. Thick mellow character and
heavy bodied.
JAMAICA: Renowned for blue mountain. Exceptionally sweet
taste, mellow and wonderfully aromatic.
KENYA: Mild Arabica coffee.Smooth taste and fin aroma.
MEXICO:Wonderful ,sharp Arabica coffee.Best varieties are
Coatapec,Jalapa,and Pluma.
NICARAGUA:Good body but biting acidity.
PERU:Famous for Chanchamayo.Mild flavour,good body but
slightly sweet.
PUERTO RICO:Not exported.Sweet taste and full rich body.
TANZANIA:Producers of two-thirds of all Arabica
coffee.Exporter of Peaberry grade.
VENEZUELA:Marketed as Maracaibo. Flavourful, rich, Winnie
YEMEN:Oldest and most famous is Mocha.A rich almost
chocolate flavoured coffee.Its name has been given to the
flavour of coffee and chocolate in combination.
Arabica beans are known to be the ‘aristocrat’ coffee.It usually
referred to as pure or original.These classifications usually
mean that the coffee beans have come from a particular region
or a particular plantation.However they can also mean beans
from different parts of the same country.
The following are a list of some well known pure coffees:
 BRAZILIAN SANTOS A high quality bean grown in Sao
Paulo region. It is smooth, full bodied with only a slight
bitterness and acidity.
 COLOMBIAN MEDELLIN EXCELSO Has less acidity than
most Colombian coffees. Full of aroma, a light flavourful coffee.
 COSTA RICAN A very mild coffee, full bodied with a nutty
background. Very smooth and satisfying.
 ETHOPIAN MOCHA This coffee comes from the name of the
original coffee plant. Its flavor is reminiscent of high pheasant,
hence the term “ gamey”.
expensive coffee. 98% of its harvest is exported to Japan.
 JAVA Well matured before roasting. Unique smoky flavor.
 KENYAN Strong flavor with sharp acidity. Good for people who
like coffee with a bite.
 MYSORE Full bodied and very rich in flavor. Often described as
 NICARAGUA An ideal breakfast coffee being mild.
 TANZANIAN KILIMANJARO A coffee witha distinctive well
balanced flavor.
 SUMATRA This coffee is often dark roasted and has a heavy
mellow flavor.
 Blending is usually a marriage between Arabica and Robusta
 The main aim of blending is to produce a desired taste, flavour
and aroma.Blending is an art.
 Each type of bean possesses its own strengths and weaknesses
and when they are blended the either neutralize or combine
different coffee characteristics.
 When the beans are blended, the characteristics which are
required, such as aroma, body, colour or acidity, can be
emphasized upon.
 Some blends contain 4 types of coffee whereas another may
contain upto 12 types.
 There are two main methods of curing : the WET method
and the DRY method. The wet method is used for quality
beans while the dry one is utilised for less aromatic beans.
 The berries are soaked in water to loosen the sticky inner
protective coat which surrounds the parchment. After it is
removed the berries in the sun on mats. Finally a machine
called a Huller removes the parchment.
 This is the oldest and the most natural way of curing
 The berries are washed and then dried in the sunshine for
two to three weeks. During this time fermentation occurs.
Finally the beans are tumbled in a milling machine which
 Aromatic and gustatory qualities of coffee are developed by the
high temperatures to which they are subjected during roasting
or broiling.
 Temperatures are raised progressively to about 220-230 C
 This releases steam, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and
other volatiles from the beans, of gas expands the resulting in
a loss of weight between 14 and 23 percent. The beans
become a deep, rich, brown and their texture becomes porous
and crumbly under pressure.
 But the most important phenomenon of roasting is the
appearance of the characteristic aroma of coffee, which arises
from very complex chemical transformations within the bean.
 Roasting too long can destroy volatile flavour and aroma
compounds.For this reason Robusta beans are often over
roasted, to rid the coffee of its natural harshness.
 In the oldest method of roasting, a metal cylinder or sphere,
containing the coffee is rotated above a source of heat such a
charcoal, gas, or electricity.
 In modern roasters, hot air is propelled by a blower into a
rotating metal cylinder containing the coffee.The tumbling
action of rotation ensures that all beans are roasted evenly.
 Regardless of the method used, the coffee, after leaving the
industrial roasters is rapidly cooled in a vat, where it is stirred
and subjected to cold air propelled by a blower.Good quality
coffees are then sorted by electronic sorters to eliminate those
seeds, either to light or too dark, that roasted badly and whose
presence depreciates the quality.
 Some coffees are left as whole beans to be ground at the time
of purchase or by the consumer at home.But a large part of the
coffee is ground or milled by the manufacturer immediately
after roasting.
 In most modern roasting plants, grinding is accomplished by
feeding the coffee through a series of serrated or scored rollers,
set at progressively smaller gaps, that first crack the beans and
then cut them to the desired particle size.
 The degree of fineness is important.If a coffee is too coarse ,
water filters through to fast to pick up flavour.
 If it is too fine, water filters through too slowly and retains
particles that deposit at the bottom of the cup.
 Effective packaging prevents air and moisture from reaching
the coffee.Ground coffee alters rapidly and loses it’s aromatic
qualities within a few days if it is not put into hermetically
sealed containers immediately.
 The air, especially in humid atmosphere, causes rancidity
through the oxidation of fatty components.Modern packaging
materials, plastic films like polyethylene and complexes of
aluminum and cellulose, are capable of conserving the quality
of coffee for a time.The most satisfactory solution to the
problem, however, is packing under vacum or in an inert gas,
in impervious containers.
There are several methods of extracting flavour and
aroma from the ground coffee.:
 JUG METHOD:Spoon the required amount of coffee in a jug,
add hot water and stir thoroughly .Leave to infuse for 3-5
minutes. Pour the coffee through a strainer being careful not
to disturb the grounds which have settled at the bottom of the
 CAFETIERE OR PLUNGER:A modification of the jug
method.The pot consists of a heat proof glass jar in a stand
and with a plunger attached to a lid.Some coffee is added and
topped with hot water and infused for four minutes and then
depress then depress the plunger very carefully.
 THE FILTER METHOD: place a cone shaped filter paper into
the filter and place on the top of your pot. Put some ground
coffee in and slowly pour some water.
 AUTOMATIC FILTER MACHINE: Fill the water reservoir
with some water and measure out the finely ground coffee in
the filter. Switch on and the machine will do the coffee for
apparatus consisting of two glass bowls on top of each other.
Put some coffee in the top bowl and some cold water in the
lower bowl. Twist together to create a vacuum. When you boil
it the water will rise through a funnel into the top bowl stir
and infuse for 4 minutes. When the pot is removed from the
heat a vacuum forms in the lower top, thus the blue coffee
filters down.
 THE NEAPOLITAN FLIP: This consists of a container and
another serving container, complete with spout screwed on
top upside down with a coffee basket in the middle. When the
water in the lower container is boiled the steam goes through
the coffee basket into the serving container. The apparatus is
then flipped over and the condensed steam is poured out.
 TURKISH COFFEE/ IBRIK: Coffee is made in ibrik which is a
long handle small pot which is narrower on the top than on the
bottom and is made out of brass. Put some sugar and water
and bring to a boil over a low heat . Stir in the coffee and boil
again. Remove and reheat at least a couple of times before
finally serving it.
 PERCOLATOR: Water is brought to a boil in an urn and fed
up a tube to a basket having the coffee. After filtering through
it the water drips back to the urn where it is forced back up the
tube and recirculated until the brew reaches the desired
 ESPRESSO: The espresso machine forces steam under
pressure through finely ground coffee.
 Caffeine can be removed from the green coffee by a variety of
methods.In the most common, solvent extraction, the beans
are steamed to raise the moisture content and bring the
dissolved caffeine to the surface of the beans.They are then
washed by an organic solvent such as methylene chloride, the
solution is removed by steam, and the beans are dried.
 It is made by two methods:Freeze drying or Spray drying.Both
processes begin with percolation. To produce Instant coffee
powder, the percolated liquid is dispersed into small droplets
through a atomizing spray and allowed to fall in a stream of
heated air.This causes the water to evaporate, leaving a powder
of coffee extract.
 Do keep your coffee
brewing equipment clean
and wash thoroughly
after each use as
grounds and oil soon
become rancid.
 Do use sufficient
coffee(as a rough
guideline,2tbs per cup).
 Do use fresh clean water.
 Do warm the pot before
brewing (this does not
apply to methods of
brewing where the pot
itself is heated in the
 Do use the correct grind
suitable for your
method of brewing
 Do drink the coffee as
soon as it is made
 Do not re-use coffee grounds
 DO not make coffee with boiling water because the best
brewing temperature of coffee is 2o below boiling
 Do not boil coffee.
Harsh Deep Mishra
Hand phone - +91 75688 18304
Whatsapp – +91 97997 57159
Thank you,

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  • 1. Coffee- style and details Culinary consultants Concept Developers Food Designers
  • 2. INTRODUCTION TO COFFEE  “COFFEE SHOULD BE BLACK AS HELL, STRONG AS DEATH, AND SWEET AS LOVE”- Turkish proverb.  For coffee is the world’s favourite beverage and is enjoyed the world over in many different forms. There is nothing more homely and reassuring than the sound of coffee brewing on the hearth as the delectable aroma fills the parlor. The offer of a cup of coffee today is more than an offer of a drink; it is a gesture of friendship.  The worldwide demand for coffee is such that it is one of the most valuable commodities in world trade. Surprising though it seem, the amount of coffee traded over several years in international commerce in terms of US$ has been second only to enormous is this worldwide demand for coffee.
  • 3.  Industry has grown, employing some 20 million people.  Coffee is America’s favourite drink--- one-third of all the coffee that is exported goes to the States - and has been since the days of the pioneers.  Nowadays many a romance has begun after an invitation “to come in for coffee” at the end of an enjoyable evening.  As one of the world’s largest growers of coffee, Brazil’s economy relies heavily on Coffee . Needless to say, Brazilians love coffee for its taste too. The bustling streets of Rio are filled with coffee carriers delivering the brew to thirsty office workers and it is not exceptional for upto 20 cups per day to be drunk per person.  The Italian’s have their little porcelain cups with handles for their famous Espresso brew and larger, fuller cups for the frothy delight known as Cappuccino .
  • 4. HISTORY OF COFFEE  Many tales, legends and stories surround the enigma of the discovery of coffee. One favoured by historians, and perhaps the most romantic, is the tale of Kaldi, an Abyssinian goatherd. One day, sitting on a rock on the mountain slopes, kaldi noticed that his normally docile goats had suddenly become exceptionally lively for no apparent reason. On closer inspection he discovered that they had been nibbling the bright red berries of a nearby plant. Bravely, he tasted the berries himself and after some moments found to his amazement that he felt extraordinarily uplifted and invigorated. Convinced of a miracle, he rushed to the local monastery and excitedly told his tale to the Abbot, showing him the berries that he had crammed into his pouch. The Abbot, instantly fearing the devil’s work, flung the berries onto the fire, whereupon a wonderful and exotic aroma filled the air. Now convinced that it was God’s work, the Abbot gave
  • 5. orders for the beans to be swiftly raked from the fire and immediately several monks rescued the beans. They were then mixed with water so that all the monks of the monastery could partake in this miracle!  The crushing of beans came at a later date and not until AD 1000,when the Arabs discovered how to boil water, did coffee become a hot drink. The popularity of coffee spread rapidly and, not suprisingly , the Arabs were extremely proud and jealous of their newly discovered beverage.  Until the late 17th Century almost all coffee came from Arabia. After countless abortive attempts Dutch spies finally succeeded in stealing plants from Arabia and began to cultivate them in great success.  Later it was the occasion of a boundary dispute between the rival coffee producing countries of Dutch and French Guyana which enabled Brazil to acquire a few of the highly prized coffee seedlings. Thus began the greatest coffee growing empire.
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  • 7. COFFEE AROUND THE WORLD Wherever you go people believe that their way of making and serving coffee is the definitive method. In the countries that follow, you can compare the national characteristics and habits.
  • 8. HOLLAND/KOFFIE Being astute traders, the Dutch realized early on the commercial potential of the coffee bean, and in the 17th century found them cultivating coffee and selling the beans in Europe. The bean favoured by the Dutch is carefully roasted to a full medium strength and customarily gently brewed by the drip Method. When ordering coffee you are certain to receive a tray on which is placed an individual pot of coffee, a small jug of cream, some sugar and a glass of water- everything you could require, whatever your taste, and a charming touch which never fails to impress the weary tourist.
  • 9. GREECE/KAFES TURKEY/KAVE Their thick syrupy coffee is made by ibrik” method and is steeped in ancient customs. As per rituals the coffee must be boiled three times before serving and be served first to the oldest and the most respected member of the gathering. As a full cup shows dislike of the person to whom it is offered, the small cups are only half filled. A note of warning: allow the coffee to settle before drinking if you wish to avoid a mouthful of grounds.
  • 10. FRANCE/CAFE Drinking a bowl of cafe au lait into which warm freshly baked croissants are dipped is an early morning ritual for the French. Later in the morning they may be seen drinking demitasse cups of strong black coffee. Most of the coffee served in France is pure and the distinctive bitter taste is due to a very high roast preferred by the French.
  • 11. ITALY/CAFFE It is a land of dedicated coffee drinkers. In the mornings you can find them sipping caffe latte from large cups. Caffe latte is a high roast espresso coffee produced by brewing and mixing a 1/4 coffee and 3/4 hot milk. In between times there is yet another choice! Of course, this is the cappuccino, so called because of its similarity in colour to the robes of the Capuchin monks. Cappuccino is espresso coffee blended with hot frothy milk which has been forced from a siphon under pressure, and
  • 12. Sometimes whipped cream is added. Whichever way the drink is served, it is topped with sprinkled cinnamon or cocoa. Try espresso served with iced water in one of the innumerable bars of Italy’s picturesque towns and cities. Viva Italia!
  • 13. MOROCCO/QAHWA Qahwa is made in the Turkish style; thick, strong and sweet. Moroccan coffee drinkers often add fiery peppercorns and salt to increase the flavour of the coffee.
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  • 15. INDIA/COFFEE Although we tend to think of India as a tea drinking nation it is, in fact, a country divided in its drinking habits; generally, the north drinks tea and the south drinks coffee. The coffee brewed in the south is made by roasting the beans which are then finely ground, mixed with raw palm sugar and water, and then heated until cooked. Finally, milk is added and the coffee is ready. Coffee is served throughout the day, either on its own, or to complement the wide variety of hot vegetarian dishes in the south.
  • 16. SOVIET UNION/KOFE The Russians are relatively recent converts to coffee and in their country the samovar still rules. They drink their coffee in the same way as their tea - that is, with a slice of lemon.
  • 17. FINLAND/KAHVI The Finnish have the reputation of being the largest consumers of coffee in the world. Five cups of coffee per person per day are consumed. An old - fashioned finn recipe for the perfect brew has an intriguing method as follows:  prepare the coffee by the jug method and after brewing add an old piece of fish skin. This will settle and clear the coffee. Before serving, discard the skin, transfer the coffee into a pot and serve with cream, milk and
  • 18. JAPAN/KOOHII Japan is the largest importer of Jamaican blue mountain which according to some experts is the best coffee in the world. A Japanese peculiarity is the ‘cure’ in which they sit immersed in coffee and pineapple. This combination is supposed to create a sauna effect and is regarded as becoming extremely invigorating!
  • 19. USA/COFFEE  It is to the Americans that we are eternally grateful for inventing the coffee break without which modern life would be unimaginable. Coffee in America began its life as a patriotic symbol and quickly became the nations favourite drink. Coffee pots were an integral part of the gold rush and many a cowboy found his coffee tin as indispensable as his horse!  Coffee is drunk across this vast continent in all manners and forms but the favourite method seems to be that of a percolator which produces a hot and slightly bitter brew. Served in warm cups, drunk black, with milk or cream, sometimes with sugar or sweetener, the brew is truly an all-time winner!
  • 20. UK/COFFEE Notorious for drinking pale watery brews, the British are once again becoming more aware of coffee and are improving their coffee brewing techniques. More people now drink real coffee, possibly owing to the increase of foreign travel, specialist shops throughout the country and, perhaps, to the arrival of coffee bags which allow even lazy souls to brew good coffee as easily as making tea! Whatever the reason, the British are once again on the way to becoming the connoisseur coffee drinkers that they once were.
  • 21. GERMANY/KAFFEE The history of coffee in Germany has been quite eventful, since the times of Frederick the great who prohibited commoners from enjoying it, to the time of the affluent bourgeois ladies who met daily for kaffeeklatsch ( afternoon tea) to exchange the latest gossip Needless to say, this is the tradition which continues today although coffee afternoons are thankfully not restricted to the idle rich.
  • 22. TYPES OF COFFEE ARABICA COFFEE:  The most widely cultivated beans and constitutes 75% of all the coffee sold.  The bean is harder than other types but it has superior flavour which is richer, tastier and more aromatic. ROBUSTA COFFEE  It is an extremely hardy plant.  It’s flavour is less and is not comparable to that of arabica.  Much cheaper than arabica.
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  • 24. GROWING OF COFFEE  The coffee plant is something of a botanical oddity mainly because the best coffee is cultivated in areas where it does not grow wild. They also thrive in a rather odd salt type consisting of composed and decomposed mould, organic matter and disintegrated volcanic rock.  The coffee tree or shrub is capable of growing upto 30 feet in height but it is usually pruned and maintained at a height of 4 to 6 feet, which ic best suited for harvesting and is also conducive to good flavoured beans.  Trees that grow from seedlings take four to six years before producing fruits. However once mature the trees produce blossoms which soon withers and within two months clusters of berries appear in their
  • 25.  Each berry is covered with a sweet pulp which normally contains two beans or seeds. Inside this pulp the beans are coated with a tough husk called parchment and underneath that is the inner protection or silver skin as it is called. If there is only one bean or seed in the cherry then it is known as a Peaberry and has a characteristically rounded shape.  The average plantation tree has a life expectancy of approximately 40 years. A tree is considered to be in the prime of life between ten to fifteen years.  A good coffee tree can yeild upto 12 pounds of berries that is about 4 to 5 pounds of coffee beans.
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  • 27. COFFEE PRODUCING COUNTRIES ANGOLA: Mostly Robusta coffee. Strong flavour with little character. BRAZIL: Best bean is Bourbon Santos; smooth and sweet with medium body producing a solidly acceptable brew. CAMEROON: 70% Robusta, 30 % Arabica the rounded Peaberries and giant ‘ELEPHANT’ beans are sorted and marketed separately. COLOMBIA: All coffee produced is arabica. The finest is Medellin; less acidity than most Colombian coffees and rich in flavour. COSTA RICA: All coffee is Arabica. Very mild with nutty background. Full bodied and rich. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Coffee known as Santos
  • 28. ECUADOR: Perhaps the highest Arabica plantations in the world.Coffee is usually blended. EL SALVADOR: All coffees are arabica. Top two grades have good acidity and body. ETHOPIA: Hawar is the best known; smooth strong flavour. Has a winy pungence. GUATEMALA: All coffees are arabica. A dry aroma. HAITI:Mellow with mild sweetness. Full bodied and pungent. HAWAII:Best known is KONA. Stong flavoured, full bodied and mellow. INDIA:Best known in Mysore. Rich and strong. Good body. INDONESIA: Home of JAVA. Thick mellow character and heavy bodied. JAMAICA: Renowned for blue mountain. Exceptionally sweet taste, mellow and wonderfully aromatic.
  • 29. KENYA: Mild Arabica coffee.Smooth taste and fin aroma. MEXICO:Wonderful ,sharp Arabica coffee.Best varieties are Coatapec,Jalapa,and Pluma. NICARAGUA:Good body but biting acidity. PERU:Famous for Chanchamayo.Mild flavour,good body but slightly sweet. PUERTO RICO:Not exported.Sweet taste and full rich body. TANZANIA:Producers of two-thirds of all Arabica coffee.Exporter of Peaberry grade. VENEZUELA:Marketed as Maracaibo. Flavourful, rich, Winnie taste. YEMEN:Oldest and most famous is Mocha.A rich almost chocolate flavoured coffee.Its name has been given to the flavour of coffee and chocolate in combination.
  • 30. PURE COFFEES Arabica beans are known to be the ‘aristocrat’ coffee.It usually referred to as pure or original.These classifications usually mean that the coffee beans have come from a particular region or a particular plantation.However they can also mean beans from different parts of the same country. The following are a list of some well known pure coffees:  BRAZILIAN SANTOS A high quality bean grown in Sao Paulo region. It is smooth, full bodied with only a slight bitterness and acidity.  COLOMBIAN MEDELLIN EXCELSO Has less acidity than most Colombian coffees. Full of aroma, a light flavourful coffee.  COSTA RICAN A very mild coffee, full bodied with a nutty background. Very smooth and satisfying.  ETHOPIAN MOCHA This coffee comes from the name of the original coffee plant. Its flavor is reminiscent of high pheasant, hence the term “ gamey”.
  • 31. JAMAICAN BLUE MOUNTAIN The worlds most expensive coffee. 98% of its harvest is exported to Japan.  JAVA Well matured before roasting. Unique smoky flavor.  KENYAN Strong flavor with sharp acidity. Good for people who like coffee with a bite.  MYSORE Full bodied and very rich in flavor. Often described as winy.  NICARAGUA An ideal breakfast coffee being mild.  TANZANIAN KILIMANJARO A coffee witha distinctive well balanced flavor.  SUMATRA This coffee is often dark roasted and has a heavy mellow flavor.
  • 32. BLENDED COFFEES  Blending is usually a marriage between Arabica and Robusta beans.  The main aim of blending is to produce a desired taste, flavour and aroma.Blending is an art.  Each type of bean possesses its own strengths and weaknesses and when they are blended the either neutralize or combine different coffee characteristics.  When the beans are blended, the characteristics which are required, such as aroma, body, colour or acidity, can be emphasized upon.  Some blends contain 4 types of coffee whereas another may contain upto 12 types.
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  • 34. CURING  There are two main methods of curing : the WET method and the DRY method. The wet method is used for quality beans while the dry one is utilised for less aromatic beans. WET CURE:  The berries are soaked in water to loosen the sticky inner protective coat which surrounds the parchment. After it is removed the berries in the sun on mats. Finally a machine called a Huller removes the parchment. DRY CURE  This is the oldest and the most natural way of curing coffee.  The berries are washed and then dried in the sunshine for two to three weeks. During this time fermentation occurs. Finally the beans are tumbled in a milling machine which
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  • 36. ROASTING  Aromatic and gustatory qualities of coffee are developed by the high temperatures to which they are subjected during roasting or broiling.  Temperatures are raised progressively to about 220-230 C (430-440).  This releases steam, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other volatiles from the beans, of gas expands the resulting in a loss of weight between 14 and 23 percent. The beans become a deep, rich, brown and their texture becomes porous and crumbly under pressure.  But the most important phenomenon of roasting is the appearance of the characteristic aroma of coffee, which arises from very complex chemical transformations within the bean.
  • 37.  Roasting too long can destroy volatile flavour and aroma compounds.For this reason Robusta beans are often over roasted, to rid the coffee of its natural harshness.  In the oldest method of roasting, a metal cylinder or sphere, containing the coffee is rotated above a source of heat such a charcoal, gas, or electricity.  In modern roasters, hot air is propelled by a blower into a rotating metal cylinder containing the coffee.The tumbling action of rotation ensures that all beans are roasted evenly.  Regardless of the method used, the coffee, after leaving the industrial roasters is rapidly cooled in a vat, where it is stirred and subjected to cold air propelled by a blower.Good quality coffees are then sorted by electronic sorters to eliminate those seeds, either to light or too dark, that roasted badly and whose presence depreciates the quality.
  • 38. GRINDING  Some coffees are left as whole beans to be ground at the time of purchase or by the consumer at home.But a large part of the coffee is ground or milled by the manufacturer immediately after roasting.  In most modern roasting plants, grinding is accomplished by feeding the coffee through a series of serrated or scored rollers, set at progressively smaller gaps, that first crack the beans and then cut them to the desired particle size.  The degree of fineness is important.If a coffee is too coarse , water filters through to fast to pick up flavour.  If it is too fine, water filters through too slowly and retains particles that deposit at the bottom of the cup.
  • 39. PACKAGING  Effective packaging prevents air and moisture from reaching the coffee.Ground coffee alters rapidly and loses it’s aromatic qualities within a few days if it is not put into hermetically sealed containers immediately.  The air, especially in humid atmosphere, causes rancidity through the oxidation of fatty components.Modern packaging materials, plastic films like polyethylene and complexes of aluminum and cellulose, are capable of conserving the quality of coffee for a time.The most satisfactory solution to the problem, however, is packing under vacum or in an inert gas, in impervious containers.
  • 40. BREWING There are several methods of extracting flavour and aroma from the ground coffee.:  JUG METHOD:Spoon the required amount of coffee in a jug, add hot water and stir thoroughly .Leave to infuse for 3-5 minutes. Pour the coffee through a strainer being careful not to disturb the grounds which have settled at the bottom of the pot.  CAFETIERE OR PLUNGER:A modification of the jug method.The pot consists of a heat proof glass jar in a stand and with a plunger attached to a lid.Some coffee is added and topped with hot water and infused for four minutes and then depress then depress the plunger very carefully.  THE FILTER METHOD: place a cone shaped filter paper into the filter and place on the top of your pot. Put some ground coffee in and slowly pour some water.
  • 41.  AUTOMATIC FILTER MACHINE: Fill the water reservoir with some water and measure out the finely ground coffee in the filter. Switch on and the machine will do the coffee for you.  VACUUM OR GLASS BALLOON METHOD: Take the apparatus consisting of two glass bowls on top of each other. Put some coffee in the top bowl and some cold water in the lower bowl. Twist together to create a vacuum. When you boil it the water will rise through a funnel into the top bowl stir and infuse for 4 minutes. When the pot is removed from the heat a vacuum forms in the lower top, thus the blue coffee filters down.  THE NEAPOLITAN FLIP: This consists of a container and another serving container, complete with spout screwed on top upside down with a coffee basket in the middle. When the water in the lower container is boiled the steam goes through the coffee basket into the serving container. The apparatus is then flipped over and the condensed steam is poured out.
  • 42.  TURKISH COFFEE/ IBRIK: Coffee is made in ibrik which is a long handle small pot which is narrower on the top than on the bottom and is made out of brass. Put some sugar and water and bring to a boil over a low heat . Stir in the coffee and boil again. Remove and reheat at least a couple of times before finally serving it.  PERCOLATOR: Water is brought to a boil in an urn and fed up a tube to a basket having the coffee. After filtering through it the water drips back to the urn where it is forced back up the tube and recirculated until the brew reaches the desired strength.  ESPRESSO: The espresso machine forces steam under pressure through finely ground coffee.
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  • 47. DECAFFEINATION  Caffeine can be removed from the green coffee by a variety of methods.In the most common, solvent extraction, the beans are steamed to raise the moisture content and bring the dissolved caffeine to the surface of the beans.They are then washed by an organic solvent such as methylene chloride, the solution is removed by steam, and the beans are dried. INSTANT COFFEE  It is made by two methods:Freeze drying or Spray drying.Both processes begin with percolation. To produce Instant coffee powder, the percolated liquid is dispersed into small droplets through a atomizing spray and allowed to fall in a stream of heated air.This causes the water to evaporate, leaving a powder of coffee extract.
  • 48. Do’s  Do keep your coffee brewing equipment clean and wash thoroughly after each use as grounds and oil soon become rancid.  Do use sufficient coffee(as a rough guideline,2tbs per cup).  Do use fresh clean water.  Do warm the pot before brewing (this does not apply to methods of brewing where the pot itself is heated in the process)  Do use the correct grind suitable for your method of brewing  Do drink the coffee as soon as it is made
  • 49. Don'ts  Do not re-use coffee grounds  DO not make coffee with boiling water because the best brewing temperature of coffee is 2o below boiling point.  Do not boil coffee.
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  • 53. Harsh Deep Mishra Hand phone - +91 75688 18304 Whatsapp – +91 97997 57159 Thank you,