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                                                  grow—simultaneously—they realize that it’s
                                                  not possible to succeed simply by doing the
                                                  same thingsbetter. They know they have to do
                                                  new things that produce better results.
                                                  Cloud computing enables innovation. It
                                                  alleviates the need of innovators to find
1.Abstract                                        resources to
 This paper describes cloud computing, a          develop, test, and make their innovations
computing platform for the next generation of     available to the user community. Innovators
the Internet. The paper defines clouds,           are free to
explains the business benefits of cloud           focus on the innovation rather than the
computing, and                                    logistics of finding and managing resources
outlines cloud architecture and its major         that enable the
components. Readers will discover how a           innovation. Cloud computing helps leverage
business can use                                  innovation as early as possible to deliver
cloud computing to foster innovation and          businessvalue to IBM and its customers.
reduce IT costs.                                  Fostering innovation requires unprecedented
IntroductionEnterprises strive to reduce          flexibility and responsiveness. The enterprise
computing costs. Many start by consolidating      should provide an ecosystem where innovators
their IT operations and                           are not hindered by excessive processes, rules,
later introducing virtualization technologies.    and resource constraints. In this context, a
Cloud computing takes these steps to a new        cloud computing service is a necessity. It
leveland allows an organization to further        comprises
reduce costs through improved utilization,        an automated framework that can deliver
reduced                                           standardized services quickly and cheaply.
administration and infrastructure costs, and      Cloud computing is a term used to describe
faster deployment cycles. The cloud is a next     both a platform and type of application. A
generation platform that provides dynamic         cloud
resource pools, virtualization, and high          computing platform dynamically provisions,
availability.                                     configures, reconfigures, and deprovisions
Cloud computing describes both a platform         servers as
and a type of application. A cloud computing      needed. Servers in the cloud can be physical
platform dynamically provisions, configures,      machines or virtual machines. Advanced
reconfigures, and deprovisions servers as         clouds
needed.                                           typically include other computing resources
Cloud applications are applications that are      such as storage area networks (SANs),
extended to be accessible through the Internet.   network
These                                             equipment, firewall and other security devices.
cloud applications use large data centers and     Cloud computing also describes applications
powerful servers that host Web applications       that are extended to be accessible through the
andWeb services.                                  Internet. These cloud applications use large
                                                  data centers and powerful servers that host
2.Introduction                                    Webapplications and Web services. Anyone
                                                  with a suitable Internet connection and a
                                                  standardbrowser can access a cloud
Cloud computing infrastructure accelerates        application.
and fosters the adoption of innovations
Enterprises are increasingly making               3.Definition
innovation their highest priority. They realize   A cloud is a pool of virtualized computer
they need to                                      resources. A cloud can:
seek new ideas and unlock new sources of
value. Driven by the pressure to cut costs and
Host a variety of different workloads,           The Cloud makes it possible to launch Web
including batch-style back-end jobs and            2.0 applications quickly and to scale up
interactive,user-facing applications               applicationsas much as needed when needed.
  Allow workloads to be deployed and scaled-       The platform supports traditional Java™ and
out quickly through the rapid provisioning of      Linux, Apache,
virtual machines or physical machines              MySQL,       PHP      (LAMP)        stack-based
  Support redundant, self-recovering, highly       applications as well as new architectures such
scalable programming models that allow             as MapReduceand the Google File System,
workloads to recover from many unavoidable         which provide a means to scale applications
hardware/software failures                         across thousands ofservers instantly
  Monitor resource use in real time to enable      architecture
rebalancing of allocations when needed
Cloud computing environments support grid
computing by quickly providing physical and
virtualservers on which the grid applications
can run. Cloud computing should not be
confused with
grid computing. Grid computing involves
dividing a large task into many smaller tasks
that runin parallel on separate servers. Grids
require many computers, typically in the           4. Enabling
thousands, andcommonly use              servers,
desktops, and laptops.                             Technologies
Clouds also support nongrid environments,          4.1. Cloud Computing Application
such as a three-tier Web architecture running
standardor Web 2.0 applications. A cloud is
more than a collection of computer resources
because acloud provides a mechanism to
manage those resources. Management includes
change requests, reimaging, workload
rebalancing, deprovisioning, and monitoring.
    • Benefits
Cloud computing infrastructures can allow
enterprises to achieve more efficient use of
their IThardware and software investments.
They do this by breaking down the physical
                                                   This gives the basic architecture of a cloud
barriers inherentin isolated systems, and
                                                   computing application. We know
automating the management of the group of
systems as a single entity.                        that cloud computing is the shift of
Cloud computing is an example of an                computing to a host of hardware
ultimately virtualized system, and a natural       infrastructure thatis distributed in the cloud.
evolution for                                      The commodity hardware infrastructure
data centers that employ automated systems         consists of thevarious low cost data servers
management, workload balancing, and                that are connected to the system and provide
virtualizationtechnologies.                        theirstorage and processing and other
A cloud infrastructure can be a cost efficient     computing resources to the application.
model for delivering information services,         Cloudcomputing          involves       running
reducingIT       management      complexity,       applications on virtual servers that are
promoting      innovation,   and   increasing      allocated on thisdistributed hardware
responsiveness through realtime                    infrastructure available in the cloud. These
workload balancing.                                virtual servers are

Page 2 of 9
made in such a way that the different service    resources by these virtual server instances.
level agreements and reliability issues          One of these is the Xen hypervisor which
are met.                                         provides an abstraction layer between the
 There may be multiple instances of the          hardware and the virtual OS so that the
same virtual server accessing the                distribution of the resources and the
different parts of the hardware infrastructure   processing is well managed.
available. This is to make sure that there       Another application
are multiple copies of the applications which    that is widely used is the Enomalism server
are ready to take over on another one’s          management system which is used for
failure.                                         management of the infrastructure platform.
 The virtual server distributes the processing   When Xen is used for virtualization of the
between the infrastructure and the               servers over the infrastructure, a
computing is done and the result returned.       thin software layer known as the Xen
There will be a workload distribution            hypervisor is inserted between the server's
management system, also known as the grid        hardware and the operating system. This
engine, for managing the different               provides an abstraction layer that allows
requests coming to the virtual servers. This     each physical server to run one or more
engine will take care of the creation of         "virtual servers," effectively decoupling the
multiple copies and also the preservation of     operating system and its applications from
integrity of the data that is stored in the      the underlying physical server.
infrastructure. This will also adjust itself     The Xen
such that even on heavier load, the              hypervisor is a unique open source
processing is completed as per the               technology, developed collaboratively by the
requirements.                                    Xen
The different workload management                community and engineers at over 20 of the
systems are hidden from the users. For the       most innovative data center solution
user, the processing is done and the result      vendors, including AMD, Cisco, Dell, HP,
is obtained. There is no question of where it    IBM, Intel, Mellanox, Network Appliance,
was done and how it was done. The users          Novell, Red Hat, SGI, Sun, Unisys, Veritas,
are billed based on the usage of the system -    Voltaire, and Citrix. Xen is licensed
as said before - the commodity is now            under the GNU General Public License
cycles and bytes. The billing is usually on      (GPL2) and is available at no charge in both
the basis of usage per CPU per hour or GB        source and object format.
data transfer per hour.                           The Xen hypervisor is also exceptionally
4.2. Server Architecture                         lean-- less than
                                                 50,000 lines of code. That translates to
                                                 extremely low overhead and near-native
                                                 performance for guests. Xen re-uses existing
                                                 device drivers (both closed and open
                                                 source) from Linux, making device
                                                 management easy. Moreover Xen is robust
                                                 device driver failure and protects both guests
                                                 and the hypervisor from faulty or
Cloud computing makes use of a large             malicious drivers
physical resource pool in the cloud. As          The Enomalism virtualized server
said above, cloud computing services and         management system is a complete virtual
applications make use of virtual server          server infrastructure platform. Enomalism
instances built upon this resource pool.         helps in an effective management of the
There are two applications which help in         resources. Enomalism can be used to tap into
managing the server instances, the resources     the cloud just as you would into a
and also the management of the

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remote server. It brings together all the       output key/value pairs. The user of the
features such as deployment planning, load      MapReduce library expresses the
balancing, resource monitoring, etc.            computation
Enomalism is an open source application. It     as two functions: Map and Reduce.
has avery simple and easy to use web based      Map, written by the user, takes an input pair
user interface. It has a module architecture    and produces a set of
which allows for the creation of additional     intermediate key/value pairs. The
system add-ons and plugins. It supports         MapReduce library groups together all
one click deployment of distributed or          intermediate
replicated applications on a global basis. It   values associated with the same intermediate
supports the management of various virtual      key I and passes them to the Reduce
environments including KVM/Qemu,
Amazon EC2 and Xen, OpenVZ, Linux
Containers, VirtualBox. It has fine grai
user permissions and access privileges.
4.3. Map Reduce
Map Reduce is a software framework
developed at Google in 2003 to support
parallel computations over large (multiple
petabyte) data sets on clusters of
commodity computers. This framework is
                                                The Reduce function, also written by the
largely taken from ‘map’ and ‘reduce’
                                                user, accepts an intermediate key I
functions commonly used in functional
                                                and a set of values for that key. It merges
programming, although the actual semantics
                                                together these values to form a possibly
of the framework are not the same. It is a
                                                smaller set of values. Typically just zero or
programming model and an associated
                                                one output value is produced per Reduce
implementation for processing and
                                                invocation. The intermediate values are
generating large data sets. Many of the real
                                                supplied to the user's reduce function via an
                                                iterator. This allows us to handle lists of
tasks are expressible in this model.
                                                values that are too large to fit in memory.
MapReduce implementations have been
written in
C++, Java and other languages.
Programs written in this functional style are
automatically parallelized and
executed on the cloud. The run-time system
takes care of the details of partitioning
the input data, scheduling the program’s
execution across a set of machines, handling
machine failures, and managing the required
                                                MapReduce achieves reliability by parceling
inter-machine communication. This
                                                out a number of operations on
allows programmers without any experience
                                                the set of data to each node in the network;
with parallel and distributed systems to
                                                each node is expected to report back
easily utilize the resources of a largely
                                                periodically with completed work and status
distributed system.
                                                updates. If a node falls silent for longer
The computation takes a set of input
                                                than that interval, the master node records
key/value pairs, and produces a set of
                                                the node as dead, and sends out the node's
                                                assigned work to other nodes. Individual
                                                operations use atomic operations for naming

Page 4 of 9
file outputs as a double check to ensure that     what processes are reading or writing to a
there are not parallel conflicting threads        particular chunk, or taking a "snapshot" of
running; when files are renamed, it is            the chunk pursuant to replicating it (usually
possible to also copy them to another name        at the instigation of the Master server,
in                                                when, due to node failures, the number of
addition to the name of the task (allowing        copies of a chunk has fallen beneath the set
for side-effects).                                number). All this metadata is kept current by
4.4. Google File System                           the Master server periodically receiving
Google File System (GFS) is a scalable            updates from each chunk server ("Heart-beat
distributed file system developed by              messages").
Google for data intensive applications. It is     Permissions for modifications are handled
designed to provide efficient, reliable           by a system of time-limited, expiring
access to data using large clusters of            "leases", where the Master server grants
commodity hardware.                               permission to a process for a finite period of
It provides fault tolerance                       time during which no other process will be
while running on inexpensive commodity            granted permission by the Master server to
hardware, and it delivers high aggregate          modify the chunk.
performance to a large number of clients.         The modified chunkserver, which is always
Files are divided into chunks of 64               the primary chunk
megabytes, which are only extremely rarely        holder, then propagates the changes to the
overwritten, or shrunk; files are usually         chunkservers with the backup copies. The
appended to or read.                              changes are not saved until all chunkservers
 It is also designed and                          acknowledge, thus guaranteeing the
optimized to run on computing clusters, the       completion and atomicity of the operation.
nodes of which consist of cheap,                  Programs access the chunks by first
"commodity" computers, which means                querying the Master server for the locations
precautions must be taken against the high        of the desired chunks; if the chunks are not
failure rate of individual nodes and the          being operated on (if there are no
subsequent data loss. Other design decisions      outstanding leases), the Master replies with
select for high data throughputs, even when       the locations, and the program then
it comes at the cost of latency.                  contacts and receives the data from the
          The nodes are divided into two types:   chunkserver directly. As opposed to many
one Master node and a large number of             file
Chunkservers. Chunkservers store the data         systems, it's not implemented in the kernel
files, with each individual file broken up        of an Operating System but accessed
into fixed size chunks (hence the name) of        through a library to avoid overhead.
about 64 megabytes, similar to clusters or        4.5. Hadoop
sectors in regular file systems. Each chunk is    Hadoop is a framework for running
assigned a unique 64-bit label, and               applications on large cluster built of
logical mappings of files to constituent          commodity        hardware.       The     Hadoop
chunks are maintained. Each chunk is              framework          transparently        provides
replicated several times throughout the           applications
network, with the minimum being three, but        both reliability and data motion. Hadoop
even more for files that have high demand or      implements the computation paradigm
need more redundancy.                             named MapReduce which was explained
The Master server doesn't usually store the       above. The application is divided into many
actual chunks, but rather all the                 small fragments of work, each of which may
metadata associated with the chunks, such as      be executed or re-executed on any node
the tables mapping the 64-bit labels to           in the cluster. In addition, it provides a
chunk locations and the files they make up,       distributed file system that stores data on the
the locations of the copies of the chunks,

Page 5 of 9
compute nodes, providing very high                  Facebook uses Hadoop to store copies of
aggregate bandwidth across the cluster.             internal logs and dimension data sources a
 Both                                               use it as a source for reporting/analytics and
MapReduce and the distributed file system           machine learning. The New York Times
are designed so that the node failures are          made use of Hadoop for large scale image
automatically handled by the framework.             conversions. Yahoo uses Hadoop to
Hadoop has been implemented making use              support research for advertisement systems
of Java. In Hadoop, the combination of the          and web searching tools. They also use it
entire JAR files and classed needed to run          to do scaling tests to support development of
a MapReduce program is called a job. All of         Hadoop
these components are themselves
collected into a JAR which is usually
                                                    5. Cloud Computing
referred to as the job file. To execute a job, it   Services
is                                                  Even though cloud computing is a pretty
submitted to a jobTracker and then executed.        new technology, there are many
Tasks in each phase are executed in a fault-        companies offering cloud computing
tolerant manner. If node(s) fail in                 services. Different companies like Amazon,
the middle of a computation the tasks               Google, Yahoo, IBM and Microsoft are all
assigned to them are re-distributed among           players in the cloud computing services
the                                                 industry. But Amazon is the pioneer in the
remaining nodes. Since we are using                 cloud computing industry with services
MapReduce, having many map and reduce               like EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and S3
tasksenables good load balancing and allows         (Simple Storage Service) dominating the
failed tasks to be re-run with smaller runtime      industry. Amazon has an expertise in this
overhead.                                           industry and has a small advantage over the
The Hadoop MapReduce framework has                  others because of this. Microsoft has good
master/slave architecture. It has a                 knowledge of the fundamentals of cloud
single master server or a jobTracker and            science and is building massive data centers.
several slave servers or taskTrackers, one          IBM, the king of business computing
per                                                 and traditional supercomputers, teams up
node in the cluster. The jobTracker is the          with Google to get a foothold in the clouds.
point of interaction between the users and          Google is far and away the leader in cloud
the framework. Users submit jobs to the             computing with the company itself built
jobTracker, which puts them in a queue of           from the ground up on hardware.
pending jobs and executes them on a first-
come first-serve basis. The jobTracker              5.1. Amazon Web Services
manages the assignment of MapReduce jobs            The ‘Amazon Web Services’ is the set of
to the taskTrackers. The taskTrackers               cloud computing services offered by
execute tasks upon instruction from the             Amazon. It involves four different services.
jobTracker and also handle data motion              They are Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2),
between the ‘map’ and ‘reduce’ phases of            Simple Storage Service (S3), Simple Queue
the MapReduce job.                                  Service (SQS) and Simple Database
Hadoop is a framework which has received a          Service (SDB).
wide industry adoption. Hadoop                      1. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
is used along with other cloud computing            Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon
technologies like the Amazon services so as         EC2) is a web service that
to make better use of the resources. There          provides resizable compute capacity in the
are many instances where Hadoop has been            cloud. It is designed to make webscale
used. Amazon makes use of Hadoop for                computing easier for developers. It provides
processing millions of sessions which it uses       on-demand processing
for analytics. This is made use of in a cluster     power.
which has about 1 to 100 nodes.

Page 6 of 9
Amazon EC2's simple web service interface         CPU, and instance storage that is optimal for
allows you to obtain and                          your application. Amazon EC2
configure capacity with minimal friction. It      offers a highly reliable environment where
provides you with complete                        replacement instances can be
control of your computing resources and lets      rapidly and reliably commissioned. Amazon
you run on Amazon's proven                        EC2 provides web service
computing environment. Amazon EC2                 interfaces to configure firewall settings that
reduces the time required to obtain and           control network access to and
boot new server instances to minutes,             between groups of instances. You will be
allowing you to quickly scale capacity,           charged at the end of each month for
both up and down, as your computing               your EC2 resources actually consumed. So
requirements change. Amazon EC2                   charging will be based on the
changes the economics of computing by             actual usage of the resources.
allowing you to pay only for capacity             2. Simple Storage Service (S3)
that you actually use. Amazon EC2 provides        S3 or Simple Storage Service offers cloud
developers the tools to build                     computing storage service.
failure resilient applications and isolate        It offers services for storage of data in the
themselves from common failure                    cloud. It provides a high-availability
scenarios.                                        large-store database. It provides a simple
Amazon EC2 presents a true virtual                SQL-like language. It has been
computing environment, allowing                   designed for interactive online use. S3 is
you to use web service interfaces to              storage for the Internet. It is designed
requisition machines for use, load them           to make web-scale computing easier for
with your custom application environment,         developers. S3 provides a simple web
manage your network's access                      services interface that can be used to store
permissions, and run your image using as          and retrieve any amount of data, at
many or few systems as you desire.                any time, from anywhere on the web. It
To set up an Amazon EC2 node we have to           gives any developer access to the
create an EC2 node                                same highly scalable, reliable, fast,
configuration which consists of all our           inexpensive data storage infrastructure that
applications, libraries, data and                 Amazon uses to run its own global network
associated configuration settings. This           of web sites.
configuration is then saved as an AMI             Amazon S3 allows write, read and delete of
(Amazon Machine Image). There are also            objects containing from 1
several stock instances of Amazon                 byte to 5 gigabytes of data each. The number
AMIs available which can be customized            of objects that you can store is
and used. We can then start,                      unlimited. Each object is stored in a bucket
terminate and monitor as many instances of        and retrieved via a unique
the AMI as needed.                                developer-assigned key. A bucket can be
Amazon EC2 enables you to increase or             located anywhere in Europe or the
decrease capacity within                          Americas but can be accessed from
minutes. You can commission one, hundreds         anywhere. Authentication mechanisms are
or even thousands of server                       provided to ensure that the data is kept
instances      simultaneously.     Thus     the   secure from unauthorized access.
applications can automatically scale itself       Objects can be made private or public, and
up and down depending on its needs. You           rights can be granted to specific
have root access to each one, and                 users for particular objects. Also the S3
you can interact with them as you would any       service also works with a pay only for
machine. You have the choice of                   what you use method of payment.
several instance types, allowing you to select    3. Simple Queue Service (SQS)
a configuration of memory,                        Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) offers
                                                  a reliable, highly

Page 7 of 9
scalable, hosted queue for storing messages   infrastructure. App Engine applications are
as they travel between computers.             easy to build, easy to maintain, and easy
By using SQS, developers can simply move      to scale as your traffic and data storage
data between distributed                      needs grow. You can serve your app using a
components of their applications that         free domain name on the
perform different tasks, without losing       domain, or use Google Apps to serve it from
messages or requiring each component to be    your own domain. You can share your
always available                              application with the world, or limit access to
                                              members of your organization. App Engine
                                              costs nothing to get started. Sign up for a
                                              free account, and you can develop and
                                              publish your application at no charge and
                                              no obligation. A free account can use up to
                                              500MB of persistent storage and enough
                                              CPU and bandwidth for about 5 million page
With SQS, developers can create an            views a month.
unlimited number of SQS queues,               Google App Engine makes it easy to build
each of which can send and receive an         an application that runs reliably,
unlimited number of messages                  even under heavy load and with large
Messages can be retained in a queue for up    amounts of data. The environment includes
to 4 days. It is simple, reliable,            the
secure and scalable.                          following features:
4. Simple Database Service (SDB)              • dynamic web serving, with full support for
Amazon SimpleDB is a web service for          common web technologies
running queries on structured data            • persistent storage with queries, sorting and
in real time. This service works in close     transactions
conjunction with the Amazon S3 and            • automatic scaling and load balancing
EC2, collectively providing the ability to    • APIs for authenticating users and sending
store, process and query data sets in         email using Google Accounts
the cloud. These services are designed to     • a fully featured local development
make web-scale computing easier
                                              environment that simulates Google App
and more cost-effective to developers.
                                              Engine on your computer
Traditionally, this type of functionality
                                              Google App Engine applications are
is accomplished with a clustered relational   implemented using the Python
database, which requires a sizable
                                              programming language. The runtime
upfront investment and often requires a
                                              environment includes the full Python
DBA to maintain and administer them.
Amazon SDB provides all these without the
                                              and most of the Python standard library.
operational complexity. It                    Applications run in a secure environment
requires no schema, automatically indexes
your data and provides a simple
                                              provides limited access to the underlying
API for storage and access. Developers gain
                                              operating system. These limitations allow
access to the different
                                              App Engine to distribute web requests for
functionalities from within the Amazon’s      the application across multiple servers, and
proven computing environment and
                                              start and stop servers to meet traffic
are able to scale instantly and need to pay
only for what they use.
                                              App Engine includes a service API for
5.2. Google App Engine                        integrating with Google Accounts.
Google App Engine lets you run your web       Your application can allow a user to sign in
applications on Google's                      with a Google account, and access the

Page 8 of 9
email address and displayable name
associated with the account. Using Google
                                                8. References
Accounts lets the user start using your         1.
application faster, because the user may not    /15FE-cloud-computing-reality_1.html,
need to create a new account. It also saves     “What Cloud Computing Really Means”
you the effort of implementing a user           2.
account system just for your application
App Engine provides a variety of services       ting.pdf
that enable you to perform common               “Welcome to the new era of cloud
operations when managing your application.      computing PPT”
The following APIs are provided to              3.
access these services: Applications can         “Demystifying Clouds” - discusses many
access resources on the Internet, such as web   players in the cloud space
services or other data, using App Engine's      4 refer all the HiPODS white papers at
URL fetch service. Applications can send
email messages using App Engine's mail
service. The mail service uses Google
infrastructure to send email messages. The
Image service lets your application
manipulate images. With this API, you can
resize, crop, rotate and flip images in
JPEG and PNG formats.
In theory, Google claims App Engine can
scale nicely. But Google currently
places a limit of 5 million hits per month on
each application. This limit nullifies App
Engine's scalability, because any small,
dedicated server can have this performance.
Google will eventually allow webmasters to
go beyond this limit (if they pay).
7. Conclusion
Cloud computing is a powerful new
abstraction for large scale data processing
systems which is scalable, reliable and
available. In cloud computing, there are
self-managed server pools available which
reduces the overhead and eliminates
management headache. Cloud computing
services can also grow and shrink according
to need. Cloud computing is particularly
valuable to small and medium businesses,
where effective and affordable IT tools are
critical to helping them become more
productive without spending lots of money
on in-house resources and technical
equipment. Also it is a new emerging
architecture needed to expand the Internet to
become the computing platform of the

Page 9 of 9

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Cloud computing

  • 1. CLOUD COMPUTING grow—simultaneously—they realize that it’s not possible to succeed simply by doing the same thingsbetter. They know they have to do new things that produce better results. Cloud computing enables innovation. It alleviates the need of innovators to find 1.Abstract 1.Abstract resources to This paper describes cloud computing, a develop, test, and make their innovations computing platform for the next generation of available to the user community. Innovators the Internet. The paper defines clouds, are free to explains the business benefits of cloud focus on the innovation rather than the computing, and logistics of finding and managing resources outlines cloud architecture and its major that enable the components. Readers will discover how a innovation. Cloud computing helps leverage business can use innovation as early as possible to deliver cloud computing to foster innovation and businessvalue to IBM and its customers. reduce IT costs. Fostering innovation requires unprecedented IntroductionEnterprises strive to reduce flexibility and responsiveness. The enterprise computing costs. Many start by consolidating should provide an ecosystem where innovators their IT operations and are not hindered by excessive processes, rules, later introducing virtualization technologies. and resource constraints. In this context, a Cloud computing takes these steps to a new cloud computing service is a necessity. It leveland allows an organization to further comprises reduce costs through improved utilization, an automated framework that can deliver reduced standardized services quickly and cheaply. administration and infrastructure costs, and Cloud computing is a term used to describe faster deployment cycles. The cloud is a next both a platform and type of application. A generation platform that provides dynamic cloud resource pools, virtualization, and high computing platform dynamically provisions, availability. configures, reconfigures, and deprovisions Cloud computing describes both a platform servers as and a type of application. A cloud computing needed. Servers in the cloud can be physical platform dynamically provisions, configures, machines or virtual machines. Advanced reconfigures, and deprovisions servers as clouds needed. typically include other computing resources Cloud applications are applications that are such as storage area networks (SANs), extended to be accessible through the Internet. network These equipment, firewall and other security devices. cloud applications use large data centers and Cloud computing also describes applications powerful servers that host Web applications that are extended to be accessible through the andWeb services. Internet. These cloud applications use large data centers and powerful servers that host 2.Introduction Webapplications and Web services. Anyone with a suitable Internet connection and a standardbrowser can access a cloud Cloud computing infrastructure accelerates application. and fosters the adoption of innovations Enterprises are increasingly making 3.Definition innovation their highest priority. They realize A cloud is a pool of virtualized computer they need to resources. A cloud can: seek new ideas and unlock new sources of value. Driven by the pressure to cut costs and
  • 2. Host a variety of different workloads, The Cloud makes it possible to launch Web including batch-style back-end jobs and 2.0 applications quickly and to scale up interactive,user-facing applications applicationsas much as needed when needed. Allow workloads to be deployed and scaled- The platform supports traditional Java™ and out quickly through the rapid provisioning of Linux, Apache, virtual machines or physical machines MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack-based Support redundant, self-recovering, highly applications as well as new architectures such scalable programming models that allow as MapReduceand the Google File System, workloads to recover from many unavoidable which provide a means to scale applications hardware/software failures across thousands ofservers instantly Monitor resource use in real time to enable architecture rebalancing of allocations when needed Cloud computing environments support grid computing by quickly providing physical and virtualservers on which the grid applications can run. Cloud computing should not be confused with grid computing. Grid computing involves dividing a large task into many smaller tasks that runin parallel on separate servers. Grids require many computers, typically in the 4. Enabling thousands, andcommonly use servers, desktops, and laptops. Technologies Clouds also support nongrid environments, 4.1. Cloud Computing Application such as a three-tier Web architecture running standardor Web 2.0 applications. A cloud is Architecture more than a collection of computer resources because acloud provides a mechanism to manage those resources. Management includes provisioning, change requests, reimaging, workload rebalancing, deprovisioning, and monitoring. • Benefits Cloud computing infrastructures can allow enterprises to achieve more efficient use of their IThardware and software investments. They do this by breaking down the physical This gives the basic architecture of a cloud barriers inherentin isolated systems, and computing application. We know automating the management of the group of systems as a single entity. that cloud computing is the shift of Cloud computing is an example of an computing to a host of hardware ultimately virtualized system, and a natural infrastructure thatis distributed in the cloud. evolution for The commodity hardware infrastructure data centers that employ automated systems consists of thevarious low cost data servers management, workload balancing, and that are connected to the system and provide virtualizationtechnologies. theirstorage and processing and other A cloud infrastructure can be a cost efficient computing resources to the application. model for delivering information services, Cloudcomputing involves running reducingIT management complexity, applications on virtual servers that are promoting innovation, and increasing allocated on thisdistributed hardware responsiveness through realtime infrastructure available in the cloud. These workload balancing. virtual servers are Page 2 of 9
  • 3. made in such a way that the different service resources by these virtual server instances. level agreements and reliability issues One of these is the Xen hypervisor which are met. provides an abstraction layer between the There may be multiple instances of the hardware and the virtual OS so that the same virtual server accessing the distribution of the resources and the different parts of the hardware infrastructure processing is well managed. available. This is to make sure that there Another application are multiple copies of the applications which that is widely used is the Enomalism server are ready to take over on another one’s management system which is used for failure. management of the infrastructure platform. The virtual server distributes the processing When Xen is used for virtualization of the between the infrastructure and the servers over the infrastructure, a computing is done and the result returned. thin software layer known as the Xen There will be a workload distribution hypervisor is inserted between the server's management system, also known as the grid hardware and the operating system. This engine, for managing the different provides an abstraction layer that allows requests coming to the virtual servers. This each physical server to run one or more engine will take care of the creation of "virtual servers," effectively decoupling the multiple copies and also the preservation of operating system and its applications from integrity of the data that is stored in the the underlying physical server. infrastructure. This will also adjust itself The Xen such that even on heavier load, the hypervisor is a unique open source processing is completed as per the technology, developed collaboratively by the requirements. Xen The different workload management community and engineers at over 20 of the systems are hidden from the users. For the most innovative data center solution user, the processing is done and the result vendors, including AMD, Cisco, Dell, HP, is obtained. There is no question of where it IBM, Intel, Mellanox, Network Appliance, was done and how it was done. The users Novell, Red Hat, SGI, Sun, Unisys, Veritas, are billed based on the usage of the system - Voltaire, and Citrix. Xen is licensed as said before - the commodity is now under the GNU General Public License cycles and bytes. The billing is usually on (GPL2) and is available at no charge in both the basis of usage per CPU per hour or GB source and object format. data transfer per hour. The Xen hypervisor is also exceptionally 4.2. Server Architecture lean-- less than 50,000 lines of code. That translates to extremely low overhead and near-native performance for guests. Xen re-uses existing device drivers (both closed and open source) from Linux, making device management easy. Moreover Xen is robust to device driver failure and protects both guests and the hypervisor from faulty or Cloud computing makes use of a large malicious drivers physical resource pool in the cloud. As The Enomalism virtualized server said above, cloud computing services and management system is a complete virtual applications make use of virtual server server infrastructure platform. Enomalism instances built upon this resource pool. helps in an effective management of the There are two applications which help in resources. Enomalism can be used to tap into managing the server instances, the resources the cloud just as you would into a and also the management of the Page 3 of 9
  • 4. remote server. It brings together all the output key/value pairs. The user of the features such as deployment planning, load MapReduce library expresses the balancing, resource monitoring, etc. computation Enomalism is an open source application. It as two functions: Map and Reduce. has avery simple and easy to use web based Map, written by the user, takes an input pair user interface. It has a module architecture and produces a set of which allows for the creation of additional intermediate key/value pairs. The system add-ons and plugins. It supports MapReduce library groups together all one click deployment of distributed or intermediate replicated applications on a global basis. It values associated with the same intermediate supports the management of various virtual key I and passes them to the Reduce environments including KVM/Qemu, Amazon EC2 and Xen, OpenVZ, Linux Containers, VirtualBox. It has fine grai ned user permissions and access privileges. 4.3. Map Reduce Map Reduce is a software framework developed at Google in 2003 to support parallel computations over large (multiple petabyte) data sets on clusters of commodity computers. This framework is The Reduce function, also written by the largely taken from ‘map’ and ‘reduce’ user, accepts an intermediate key I functions commonly used in functional and a set of values for that key. It merges programming, although the actual semantics together these values to form a possibly of the framework are not the same. It is a smaller set of values. Typically just zero or programming model and an associated one output value is produced per Reduce implementation for processing and invocation. The intermediate values are generating large data sets. Many of the real supplied to the user's reduce function via an world iterator. This allows us to handle lists of tasks are expressible in this model. values that are too large to fit in memory. MapReduce implementations have been written in C++, Java and other languages. Programs written in this functional style are automatically parallelized and executed on the cloud. The run-time system takes care of the details of partitioning the input data, scheduling the program’s execution across a set of machines, handling machine failures, and managing the required MapReduce achieves reliability by parceling inter-machine communication. This out a number of operations on allows programmers without any experience the set of data to each node in the network; with parallel and distributed systems to each node is expected to report back easily utilize the resources of a largely periodically with completed work and status distributed system. updates. If a node falls silent for longer The computation takes a set of input than that interval, the master node records key/value pairs, and produces a set of the node as dead, and sends out the node's assigned work to other nodes. Individual operations use atomic operations for naming Page 4 of 9
  • 5. file outputs as a double check to ensure that what processes are reading or writing to a there are not parallel conflicting threads particular chunk, or taking a "snapshot" of running; when files are renamed, it is the chunk pursuant to replicating it (usually possible to also copy them to another name at the instigation of the Master server, in when, due to node failures, the number of addition to the name of the task (allowing copies of a chunk has fallen beneath the set for side-effects). number). All this metadata is kept current by 4.4. Google File System the Master server periodically receiving Google File System (GFS) is a scalable updates from each chunk server ("Heart-beat distributed file system developed by messages"). Google for data intensive applications. It is Permissions for modifications are handled designed to provide efficient, reliable by a system of time-limited, expiring access to data using large clusters of "leases", where the Master server grants commodity hardware. permission to a process for a finite period of It provides fault tolerance time during which no other process will be while running on inexpensive commodity granted permission by the Master server to hardware, and it delivers high aggregate modify the chunk. performance to a large number of clients. The modified chunkserver, which is always Files are divided into chunks of 64 the primary chunk megabytes, which are only extremely rarely holder, then propagates the changes to the overwritten, or shrunk; files are usually chunkservers with the backup copies. The appended to or read. changes are not saved until all chunkservers It is also designed and acknowledge, thus guaranteeing the optimized to run on computing clusters, the completion and atomicity of the operation. nodes of which consist of cheap, Programs access the chunks by first "commodity" computers, which means querying the Master server for the locations precautions must be taken against the high of the desired chunks; if the chunks are not failure rate of individual nodes and the being operated on (if there are no subsequent data loss. Other design decisions outstanding leases), the Master replies with select for high data throughputs, even when the locations, and the program then it comes at the cost of latency. contacts and receives the data from the The nodes are divided into two types: chunkserver directly. As opposed to many one Master node and a large number of file Chunkservers. Chunkservers store the data systems, it's not implemented in the kernel files, with each individual file broken up of an Operating System but accessed into fixed size chunks (hence the name) of through a library to avoid overhead. about 64 megabytes, similar to clusters or 4.5. Hadoop sectors in regular file systems. Each chunk is Hadoop is a framework for running assigned a unique 64-bit label, and applications on large cluster built of logical mappings of files to constituent commodity hardware. The Hadoop chunks are maintained. Each chunk is framework transparently provides replicated several times throughout the applications network, with the minimum being three, but both reliability and data motion. Hadoop even more for files that have high demand or implements the computation paradigm need more redundancy. named MapReduce which was explained The Master server doesn't usually store the above. The application is divided into many actual chunks, but rather all the small fragments of work, each of which may metadata associated with the chunks, such as be executed or re-executed on any node the tables mapping the 64-bit labels to in the cluster. In addition, it provides a chunk locations and the files they make up, distributed file system that stores data on the the locations of the copies of the chunks, Page 5 of 9
  • 6. compute nodes, providing very high Facebook uses Hadoop to store copies of aggregate bandwidth across the cluster. internal logs and dimension data sources a Both use it as a source for reporting/analytics and MapReduce and the distributed file system machine learning. The New York Times are designed so that the node failures are made use of Hadoop for large scale image automatically handled by the framework. conversions. Yahoo uses Hadoop to Hadoop has been implemented making use support research for advertisement systems of Java. In Hadoop, the combination of the and web searching tools. They also use it entire JAR files and classed needed to run to do scaling tests to support development of a MapReduce program is called a job. All of Hadoop these components are themselves collected into a JAR which is usually 5. Cloud Computing referred to as the job file. To execute a job, it Services is Even though cloud computing is a pretty submitted to a jobTracker and then executed. new technology, there are many Tasks in each phase are executed in a fault- companies offering cloud computing tolerant manner. If node(s) fail in services. Different companies like Amazon, the middle of a computation the tasks Google, Yahoo, IBM and Microsoft are all assigned to them are re-distributed among players in the cloud computing services the industry. But Amazon is the pioneer in the remaining nodes. Since we are using cloud computing industry with services MapReduce, having many map and reduce like EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and S3 tasksenables good load balancing and allows (Simple Storage Service) dominating the failed tasks to be re-run with smaller runtime industry. Amazon has an expertise in this overhead. industry and has a small advantage over the The Hadoop MapReduce framework has others because of this. Microsoft has good master/slave architecture. It has a knowledge of the fundamentals of cloud single master server or a jobTracker and science and is building massive data centers. several slave servers or taskTrackers, one IBM, the king of business computing per and traditional supercomputers, teams up node in the cluster. The jobTracker is the with Google to get a foothold in the clouds. point of interaction between the users and Google is far and away the leader in cloud the framework. Users submit jobs to the computing with the company itself built jobTracker, which puts them in a queue of from the ground up on hardware. pending jobs and executes them on a first- come first-serve basis. The jobTracker 5.1. Amazon Web Services manages the assignment of MapReduce jobs The ‘Amazon Web Services’ is the set of to the taskTrackers. The taskTrackers cloud computing services offered by execute tasks upon instruction from the Amazon. It involves four different services. jobTracker and also handle data motion They are Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), between the ‘map’ and ‘reduce’ phases of Simple Storage Service (S3), Simple Queue the MapReduce job. Service (SQS) and Simple Database Hadoop is a framework which has received a Service (SDB). wide industry adoption. Hadoop 1. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is used along with other cloud computing Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon technologies like the Amazon services so as EC2) is a web service that to make better use of the resources. There provides resizable compute capacity in the are many instances where Hadoop has been cloud. It is designed to make webscale used. Amazon makes use of Hadoop for computing easier for developers. It provides processing millions of sessions which it uses on-demand processing for analytics. This is made use of in a cluster power. which has about 1 to 100 nodes. Page 6 of 9
  • 7. Amazon EC2's simple web service interface CPU, and instance storage that is optimal for allows you to obtain and your application. Amazon EC2 configure capacity with minimal friction. It offers a highly reliable environment where provides you with complete replacement instances can be control of your computing resources and lets rapidly and reliably commissioned. Amazon you run on Amazon's proven EC2 provides web service computing environment. Amazon EC2 interfaces to configure firewall settings that reduces the time required to obtain and control network access to and boot new server instances to minutes, between groups of instances. You will be allowing you to quickly scale capacity, charged at the end of each month for both up and down, as your computing your EC2 resources actually consumed. So requirements change. Amazon EC2 charging will be based on the changes the economics of computing by actual usage of the resources. allowing you to pay only for capacity 2. Simple Storage Service (S3) that you actually use. Amazon EC2 provides S3 or Simple Storage Service offers cloud developers the tools to build computing storage service. failure resilient applications and isolate It offers services for storage of data in the themselves from common failure cloud. It provides a high-availability scenarios. large-store database. It provides a simple Amazon EC2 presents a true virtual SQL-like language. It has been computing environment, allowing designed for interactive online use. S3 is you to use web service interfaces to storage for the Internet. It is designed requisition machines for use, load them to make web-scale computing easier for with your custom application environment, developers. S3 provides a simple web manage your network's access services interface that can be used to store permissions, and run your image using as and retrieve any amount of data, at many or few systems as you desire. any time, from anywhere on the web. It To set up an Amazon EC2 node we have to gives any developer access to the create an EC2 node same highly scalable, reliable, fast, configuration which consists of all our inexpensive data storage infrastructure that applications, libraries, data and Amazon uses to run its own global network associated configuration settings. This of web sites. configuration is then saved as an AMI Amazon S3 allows write, read and delete of (Amazon Machine Image). There are also objects containing from 1 several stock instances of Amazon byte to 5 gigabytes of data each. The number AMIs available which can be customized of objects that you can store is and used. We can then start, unlimited. Each object is stored in a bucket terminate and monitor as many instances of and retrieved via a unique the AMI as needed. developer-assigned key. A bucket can be Amazon EC2 enables you to increase or located anywhere in Europe or the decrease capacity within Americas but can be accessed from minutes. You can commission one, hundreds anywhere. Authentication mechanisms are or even thousands of server provided to ensure that the data is kept instances simultaneously. Thus the secure from unauthorized access. applications can automatically scale itself Objects can be made private or public, and up and down depending on its needs. You rights can be granted to specific have root access to each one, and users for particular objects. Also the S3 you can interact with them as you would any service also works with a pay only for machine. You have the choice of what you use method of payment. several instance types, allowing you to select 3. Simple Queue Service (SQS) a configuration of memory, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) offers a reliable, highly Page 7 of 9
  • 8. scalable, hosted queue for storing messages infrastructure. App Engine applications are as they travel between computers. easy to build, easy to maintain, and easy By using SQS, developers can simply move to scale as your traffic and data storage data between distributed needs grow. You can serve your app using a components of their applications that free domain name on the perform different tasks, without losing domain, or use Google Apps to serve it from messages or requiring each component to be your own domain. You can share your always available application with the world, or limit access to members of your organization. App Engine costs nothing to get started. Sign up for a free account, and you can develop and publish your application at no charge and with no obligation. A free account can use up to 500MB of persistent storage and enough CPU and bandwidth for about 5 million page With SQS, developers can create an views a month. unlimited number of SQS queues, Google App Engine makes it easy to build each of which can send and receive an an application that runs reliably, unlimited number of messages even under heavy load and with large Messages can be retained in a queue for up amounts of data. The environment includes to 4 days. It is simple, reliable, the secure and scalable. following features: 4. Simple Database Service (SDB) • dynamic web serving, with full support for Amazon SimpleDB is a web service for common web technologies running queries on structured data • persistent storage with queries, sorting and in real time. This service works in close transactions conjunction with the Amazon S3 and • automatic scaling and load balancing EC2, collectively providing the ability to • APIs for authenticating users and sending store, process and query data sets in email using Google Accounts the cloud. These services are designed to • a fully featured local development make web-scale computing easier environment that simulates Google App and more cost-effective to developers. Engine on your computer Traditionally, this type of functionality Google App Engine applications are is accomplished with a clustered relational implemented using the Python database, which requires a sizable programming language. The runtime upfront investment and often requires a environment includes the full Python DBA to maintain and administer them. language Amazon SDB provides all these without the and most of the Python standard library. operational complexity. It Applications run in a secure environment requires no schema, automatically indexes that your data and provides a simple provides limited access to the underlying API for storage and access. Developers gain operating system. These limitations allow access to the different App Engine to distribute web requests for functionalities from within the Amazon’s the application across multiple servers, and proven computing environment and start and stop servers to meet traffic are able to scale instantly and need to pay demands. only for what they use. App Engine includes a service API for 5.2. Google App Engine integrating with Google Accounts. Google App Engine lets you run your web Your application can allow a user to sign in applications on Google's with a Google account, and access the Page 8 of 9
  • 9. email address and displayable name associated with the account. Using Google 8. References Accounts lets the user start using your 1. application faster, because the user may not /15FE-cloud-computing-reality_1.html, need to create a new account. It also saves “What Cloud Computing Really Means” you the effort of implementing a user 2. account system just for your application App Engine provides a variety of services ting.pdf that enable you to perform common “Welcome to the new era of cloud operations when managing your application. computing PPT” The following APIs are provided to 3. access these services: Applications can “Demystifying Clouds” - discusses many access resources on the Internet, such as web players in the cloud space services or other data, using App Engine's 4 refer all the HiPODS white papers at URL fetch service. Applications can send es/hipods/library.html email messages using App Engine's mail service. The mail service uses Google infrastructure to send email messages. The Image service lets your application manipulate images. With this API, you can resize, crop, rotate and flip images in JPEG and PNG formats. In theory, Google claims App Engine can scale nicely. But Google currently places a limit of 5 million hits per month on each application. This limit nullifies App Engine's scalability, because any small, dedicated server can have this performance. Google will eventually allow webmasters to go beyond this limit (if they pay). 7. Conclusion Cloud computing is a powerful new abstraction for large scale data processing systems which is scalable, reliable and available. In cloud computing, there are large self-managed server pools available which reduces the overhead and eliminates management headache. Cloud computing services can also grow and shrink according to need. Cloud computing is particularly valuable to small and medium businesses, where effective and affordable IT tools are critical to helping them become more productive without spending lots of money on in-house resources and technical equipment. Also it is a new emerging architecture needed to expand the Internet to become the computing platform of the future. Page 9 of 9