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Will Anderson
What do I plan to Create?
• I am going to create an animated piece advertising zoos
in the York area. The video will be targeted towards young
adults (16-24) and so I will need to research what appeals
to this demographic. Additionally, by researching the York
area as well as the people that live there, I will gain a
better understanding of what I can include in my project.
• My video could be either fully animated, or a mixture of
animation and live action video. Whilst the latter would
require me to practice with using the two at the same
time, I believe that I would be able to create some
interesting visuals.
Primary Research: ‘Chester Zoo – A
Fantastic Day Out’
• This video shows how Chester Zoo appeals to its target
demographic using a variety of techniques. Firstly, throughout
the video a huge emphasis is put on the animals themselves,
as well as the huge variety that are available to be seen. By
doing this, the video utilises people’s innate love of animals to
immediately draw people in. The wide variety of animals
shown ensures that the video appeals to as many people as
possible. The footage used is typically ‘cute’ footage, such as
lions yawning or apes playing together. This gives the zoo a
more friendly feel, and makes the animals appear calm and
happy with their lives there. This directly relates to the data I
previously obtained showing how people, especially young
adults, want to see animals be protected and happy.
• Pop- up text is used frequently throughout the video to
emphasise certain points. This not only makes these details
stick in the viewer’s head, but also makes the video feel more
lively, emphasising a feeling of fun in the zoo to be held by
both people and animals. A lot of this text is used in
conjunction with the animals, such as when the words ‘Bless
you!’ appear after a rhino sneezes. There are also some small
bits of animation used in a similar fashion, such as air
bubbles coming out of a fish’s mouth. This supports my idea
to utilise animation in my project, and brings forth the idea of
using a combination of real life footage and hand drawn
Small bits of hand-drawn animation is used to
create more action whilst making the animals
seem more fun
Footage of animals enjoying themselves makes
the zoo seem like a friendly place whilst also
playing into people’s want for animals to be
happy and safe.
Text is added to emphasise specific
features of the zoo and to add more
character to the animals.
VeracityDigitalTV. (2011). Chester Zoo - A Fantastic Day Out. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep 2019
Primary Research – ‘Paignton Zoo – New
TV Advertisement [2019]’
• The first notable thing about this video is the emphasis
on children used. This gives an immediate idea as to
who the zoo is aimed at. I will make sure to do a similar
thing in my own project but with young adults instead.
• The fast paced drums make the video feel a lot more
intense and exciting, keeping the viewer’s attention
whilst emphasising the enjoyment of the park.
• A lot of drone shots and other such moving shots are
used to show off the areas in the park whilst also
including the animals that inhabit them. This makes the
zoo appear more attractive, and showing the animals
alongside the habitat gives the areas of the zoo a more
authentic feel.
• Quick cuts show off the large variety of species that the
zoo holds. This ensures that there is an animal to
appeal to everyone, an idea that I will utilise in my own
project whilst keeping in mind the results that I got
regarding popular animals in my survey.
Letterboxing is used to emphasise
the fast paced exciting feel of the
Group shots of animals entices people
to go visit so they can see families of
a species interact.Wild Planet Trust. (2019). Paignton Zoo - New TV Advertisement! [2019].
Available: Last accessed
20th Sep 2019
Primary Research – ‘Taronga Zoo,
Sydney Australia – 2017’
• The video for this zoo is far longer than the previous two,
reaching over 8 minutes. A handheld camera is used to
record the footage, which gives the video a less
manufactured feel, thus making the viewer feel like what
is being recorded is very similar to what they would
actually expect to see at the zoo themselves. As my
project will be animated, I’m not sure if I will include a
technique like this in my work or not. I believe that by
focusing on making sure the movements of the animals
are smooth and realistic that I will be able to appeal
more towards my audience than I would by having
camera shake.
• Whilst the previous advertisements shared the focus
quite evenly between people and animals, this one
doesn’t spend much time on people. It instead shows off
the zoo’s animals in their everyday lives, letting them be
the attractions instead the edits on the video, which are
much simpler in this advertisement. Whilst I plan to use
more edits that this video has, I do want to have the
animals be the main focus of the animation.
• The music used is far calmer than the drums used in the
previous advertisement, which gives the park a more
relaxing feel and appealing more towards families. It is
important that I pick a track that suits my young adult
demographic so that they feel that the video is directed
towards them rather than other people.
Much like the other two
advertisements, close-ups are used
here to put all the focus on the animals.
The animals are shown to be enjoying
themselves to give the impression that
they are in a safe and friendly
Hanh, N. (2017). Taronga Zoo, Sydney Australia - 2017. Available: Last accessed 20th
Sep 2019
Primary Research – Askham Bryan
Wildlife Conservation
• Askham Bryan provided a surprisingly large range of
animals for my research. I was able to obtain footage of
marmosets, raccoon dogs, a wide range of lizards
amongst a myriad of other animals. Additionally, this
conservation had a falconry where you could pay £2 to
look around. The birds here had extremely accentuated
looks, with huge falcons covered in jet black feathers as
well as tiny owls appropriately named ‘little owls’. I was
able to hold one of these owls, allowing me to get a high
quality picture of the bird on my glove.
• Unfortunately, the rainy weather meant that many
animals weren’t in view, leading to me not getting any
footage of meerkats, for example. Additionally, as many
animals were inside due to the rain, it was quite difficult
to get good quality photos through the glass. I found it
easier to get footage of these animals using my phone
camera rather than the one that I borrowed from college.
• Overall, Askham Bryan held a lot more animals than I
expected and I was happy with the range of pictures that
I got. I feel that with more pictures from other
conservations I will be fully prepared come the time for
Primary Research – Lotherton Hall
• Whilst Lotherton was lacking in reptiles, it had a wide array of
warm-blooded animals for me to look around. The first thing I
saw upon entering the conservation was the boar enclosure,
where I was able to get footage of the animals playing in the
dirt. Walking further along I came across the penguin
enclosure, where I took pictures of penguins standing at the
side of the water whilst also recording the penguins swimming
around. The images that I got typically features penguins
standing near to each other, such is to be expected due to
their nature to huddle. I feel that if I can reflect this in my
animations then I will not only accurately present their sense
of community, but I will also be able to try animating multiple
animals at the same time.
• Capybaras and tapirs were also present, and although I was
able to get plenty of footage of the capybaras, dirty glass
prevented me from getting much of the tapirs.
• As it was previously just a bird garden, the conservation is
dominated by various bird species. Despite them being kept in
cages, I was able to get good quality footage of the animals by
putting the camera close to the bars and putting the focus on
the animals. This would essentially make the bars invisible in
the photos taken. Of the many birds there, I have decided to
use the footage of a toucan in my animation, as I find its
obscure beak to be extremely eye-catching.
• Overall, Lotheron Hall was useful for getting a wider range of
footage of similar animals to those at Askham Bryan. Whilst it
was lacking in reptiles, the inclusion of animals such as
penguins and capybaras allowed me to expand the range of
animals I can choose to work with come production.
Primary Research – York Zoo
• As a much larger conservation than the two places I
previously visited, York Zoo provided a far greater range
of animals. This included larger predators, such as tigers
and polar bears, as well as other big animals like giraffes
and large birds. The habitats themselves were much
larger as well, allowing for a greater range backgrounds
for each photo I took. For example, I was able to get
footage of a polar bear on a hill as well as of another
polar bear in a body of water. I could study the various
movements of the different animals, which I can then
transfer over to my animations. I noticed that whilst polar
bears were much more playful and animated, large cats
such as the tigers tended to lie down in a spot and stay
there, motionless aside from their head.
• Overall, York Zoo was useful for getting footage of larger
animals, such as the polar bears, to add on to my
footage of animals from the other conservations. My
main intention when going to the zoo was to get footage
of more predators, which I was able to accomplish. I
intend to utilise my footage of the polar bears in my
animation to represent large predators, as I found their
movements more interesting than the tigers.
What is the York Demographic?
• According to Qpzm Local Stats UK, as of 2011 the population of York is
made up of 198,051 people, 51% of which are female and the other 49%
male. This suggests that I should ensure that my work appeals to both
males and females to ensure that I’m not limiting my audience.
• The average age of people in York is 40, with the median age being 38.
However, my work will be aimed towards people of the young adult
demographic, with people aged roughly 16-25. I will need to ensure that
what I am focusing my project around is a part of York that particularly
appeals to young people. Additionally, my way of presenting it should be
aimed towards this demographic.
• York’s most popular religion is Christianity, with 59.5% of the population
identifying as Christians. The second most popular is No Religion, with
29.5% followed by 1.0% Muslim.
• Volunteering is a very popular thing for young adults to do in York as a
means of getting work experience and for completing their DofE. York has
a wide range of places available, including zoos, where volunteering is
• Zoos are of course popular with people not in the immediate area. Some
of these areas, such as the Selby District, have neighborhoods amongst
the 20% most deprived in England. This means I will need to appeal to
people who lack finance. I can do this by addressing the low entering
price of the zoo as well as how cheap getting there can be due to its
location and good public transport access. Zoos typically give student
discounts, which is directly relevant to the young adult demographic that I
am targeting.
• 16.6% of York’s population is qualified up to Level 3, and 32.4% have
Level 4 or above qualifications. This suggests that many of the people is
York strive to learn, and the young-adult age range would place many
people within my target audience in college or university. To appeal to this
demographic, I should put an emphasis on what you can learn at the zoo
whilst ensuring that the video utilizes statistics to back points up, which
will reinforce the points made to the viewer.
Anon. (Date Unknown). Census. Available: Last accessed 23rd Sep 2019.
Anon. (2017). Selby Locality Profile. Available: Last accessed 23rd Sep 2019.
Anon. (Date Unknown). York Census Demographics United Kingdom. Available: Last accessed 119th Sep 2019
Anon. (Date Unknown). York Population 2019. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
Anon. (Date Unknown). Young Adults. Available: Last
accessed 20th Sep 2019
The Demographic of Zoos
The target demographic of zoos is people aged roughly 18-35, which fits
well with my young adult demographic. According to Research Gate, zoos
‘reach a relatively representative cross section of society’. This suggests
that by focusing on zoos, I will be able to appeal to people of various
backgrounds, thus expanding my audience.
In an interview of 267 people aged 6-18 years old, researcher ‘M.O
Westervelt’ found that older people in this age range tended to show more
positive moralistic views on animals in zoos, as well as having a better
understanding of the roles different animals played in a ‘larger ecosystem’.
This suggests that in my video I should portray the animals in a caring
manner whilst demonstrating an understanding of how the different animals
play different parts in ecosystems, food chains and other parts of the animal
In an investigation by ‘Stephen Kellert’, it was shown that people most likely
to support the protection of endangered species were those under the age
of 35 years old. This study also showed that people under the age of 25
were more caring and affectionate towards animals and were willing to work
towards helping to protect endangered creatures. It is important that in my
video I show how zoos can help to protect these species and help the
population to regrow in a safe environment. Additionally, I can show how
these zoos would allow people in this demographic to help in the protection
effort through programs and donations.
It is shown that animals tend to appeal more to females than males, which
works well with the 51% female population of York. Additionally, females
are shown to respond negatively to animals such as snakes, whilst males
respond more positively to predatory species such as tigers. I will use this
information in my work by showing members of either sex with animals that
more appeal to them. I will make sure that there is a roughly even number
of sections to show off each sex as well as the animals that appeal to them
due to the roughly even split between the sexes in York.
Lewis, A. (2018). The Popularity Scores for Zoos in England, Scotland and Wales.
UK-and-the-relative-popularity-scores_fig11_221755697. Last accessed 19th Sep
Anon. (Date Unknown). Visitor Demographics. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
Birney, B. (1991). New Views from Zoos. In: Birney, B and Heinrich C The Journal of
Museum Education. Abingdon-on-Thames: Taylor and Francis, Ltd.. p19-22.
The Popularity Shift in Animation
• Animation has shows huge growth in popularity over in the West. This is true for movies, cartoons and anime. By
looking on platforms such as Netflix you can see a huge influx in animated series, including both series imported
from other places, e.g. Japan, as well as Netflix originals created in the West. Shows like Castlevania have received
extremely positive reviews and have been renewed for multiple seasons, showing their popularity.
• A lot of animated shows that are popular with young adults have grittier art-style and/or darker humour. A lot of
people find that these make the shows feel more mature and suited towards their age group. Such shows include
Rick & Morty, Castlevania and Big Mouth.
• Additionally, many cartoons targeted primarily towards children have massive adult fan-bases. Shows such as Young
Justice had been initially aimed towards young boys, but instead found its main audience to be young adult women.
Additionally, many shows such as Gravity Falls deliberately include things that make the show appeal more to adults
in order to draw more in. The fact that more and more children’s cartoons are using this technique shows the
massive growth in cartoons’ popularity amongst adults.
• These points show that animation is very popular with the young-adult age demographic, and that it would work well
as the way I display my project. There is no evidence of sex having an impact on if animation appeals to someone,
which means I will be able to make my piece attractive to the 51%-49% female to male ratio of York.
Morgan, C. (2014). Adults and Animation - The Growing Acceptance of Animation Amongst Grown
Ups. Available:
acceptance-of-animation-amongst-grown-ups/. Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
Griffin, A. (2015). Kids Stuff: Marketing to Demographics in Western Animation. Available:
Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
• By conducting a survey, I will be able to ensure that
the data I collected online is reliable whilst also
allowing me to gather information from people living
in the York area. Additionally, by creating a survey I
will be able to ask specific questions that are more
directly related to what I intend to create.
• In regards to releasing a survey online, I will use
Survey Monkey. This website will allow me to
create a detailed survey with the capability to allow
people to answer the questions in specific ways e.g.
tickboxes. It is important that this survey isn’t too
long to lessen the chances of people growing bored
of answering it.
• I will need to ask people about personal questions
such as their age and sex in order to see if the data
I obtain supports what information I found online.
Additionally, this will allow me to compare the
results of people from different demographics.
• I plan to create two surveys, one focusing on
peoples views of zoos and the other on animation.
This will allow me to gain data to support my idea.
Outline• I sent the survey out to three different locations. Two of
these were to the r/Teenagers and r/York groups on
Reddit. By using Reddit, I am able to send my survey
out to a wider range of people, thus allowing me to
obtain more results to make my data more reliable. By
using the r/Teenagers subreddit, I can obtain data
directly from people in the lower end of my target
demographic. However, to ensure that I didn’t just get
answers from people in this age group, I also sent the
survey to r/York as mentioned above. This will allow me
to compare the answers of people of different ages to
come to a conclusion as to what young people think of
zoos compared to others. Additionally, by using r/York I
will be able to get answers from people in the target
The third place I sent the survey to was a Snapchat group chat. Here I was able to send the survey
directly to people in the age demographic who frequently visited York. This ensured that the group
was as close to the demographic I would be targeting as possible. One issue with this method is
that the group chat only has a small number of people in it, limiting the number of replies I would
Overall I feel that these groups worked well for gathering data, and I believe that I will be able to
use the information obtained to mold my production to fit my target demographic well. An
improvement would be to send the survey out to even more areas to ensure that I get an even
more reliable set of results.
Survey Analysis – What is your Sex?
Most people who answered the survey were male, making up 73.68% of those surveyed. 26.32% were
female, and one person skipped the question.
What does this say about my audience?:
This shows that my audience is predominantly male.
What will I do to appeal to this demographic?:
As shown in my research, males tend to prefer more predatory animals such as wolves and tigers. As so, I
will make sure that predatory animals have a large amount of screentime and have a lot of focus put on
them. However, I will also make sure to appeal to my female audience by avoiding animals such as snakes
when I can, as research shows that such animals are not popular amongst females.
Survey Results – What is your Age?
The majority of people surveyed were in the 16-25 age range, which is the demographic I am targeting my project
towards. An equal number of people answered 26-35 as did 36-50, both of which were far less than my biggest group at
only 15.79%.
What does this say about my audience?:
This tells me that my main audience is young adults. This works well as my project is to be aimed towards this
demographic regardless.
What will I do to appeal to this demographic?:
My research shows that young adults are more aware of the dangers and ecosystems that animals face. Additionally,
young adults tend to be more willing to support efforts to help animals. To appeal to this, I will include details about
animals under threat, using statistics to back this up. Additionally, the use of close-ups will give animal more character,
and so will make these young adults feel more of a connection and responsibility for helping them.
Survey Results – How often do you Visit
Most people surveyed visit zoos less than once per year. A small proportion visit 2-3 times in a year and an equal
number of people have visited once a year as have never. Nobody surveyed has visited over 3 times a year.
What does this say about my audience?:
This tells me that most people in my audience visit zoos irregularly. However, it is important to note that the majority
of those surveyed do visit zoos every now and then, showing that zoos are indeed a wanted service. Visiting zoos
isn’t something that is traditionally done many times a year, so these results aren’t unexpected.
What will I do to appeal to this demographic?:
I need to put a focus on enticing people to visit zoos as often as possible. As so, I will make sure that the video is
entertaining as well as interesting by utilising animation to put an emphasis on certain parts of the zoo e.g. the
Survey Analysis – What is your Favourite
Animal to see at a zoo?
Survey Analysis – What is your Favourite
Animal to see at a zoo?
Tally: Meerkats x1, Tiger x1, Polar Bear x1, Tapir x1, Penguin x2, Alpaca x1, Giraffe x2, Red panda
x2, Capybara x1, None x1, Zoos should not exist in modern society x1
Observation: Red Panda, Giraffe and Penguin as shared the top number of picks with 2 people for each.
What does this say about my audience?: Many of the animals here are not traditional predators that
instantly come to mind, which means that just because a lot of the people are male doesn’t necessarily
mean that they will definitely like traditional predators. The ‘None’ answer is unreliable, as it could either
mean that they cant decide which animal they like the most or that they prefer animals to not be in zoos.
The ‘Zoos should not exist in modern society’ answer intertwines with my research that suggests people of
the young adult demographic want to help animals, and this answer is likely because the person feels that
the animals are being imprisoned. Unfortunately, due to this being a survey and not an interview, I am not
able to follow up with a question asking about their answer.
What will I do to appeal to this demographic?:
I will feature the more popular animals in my video, as well as some of the animals that are staples of zoos
e.g Meerkats and Tigers.
SurveyAnalysis – Would you be willing to support a
protection effort for endangered species through
donations or volunteering work?
Most people answered that they would be willing to support a protection effort.
What does this say about my audience?:
This data makes the idea of young adults being more willing to help endangered animals
more reliable. Combined with my secondary research I am able to come to the
conclusion that the young adult demographic is the best one to target by making the
animals feel like people.
What will I do to appeal to this demographic?:
I will make sure to include sections of my video that push for the viewers to support the
zoo/animals in some way. By using close-ups of animals faces as well as some shots of
endangered species in the wild, I can play to people’s want to protect and help.
Survey Summary• The results of this survey support my idea to use zoos as a means of
appealing to young adults in the York area. Their want to support and help the
animals means that I will be able to appeal to their softer side to entice them
into visiting and supporting zoos.
• The following are summaries of the answers I got for my survey:
• 1. The majority of people who answered the survey were male. To appeal to
this group, I will put a focus on predatory animals such as tigers.
• 2. The majority of people who answered my survey were in the young adults
demographic. Combined with the rest of the data, this supports my idea to
use zoos to appeal to young adults.
• 3. Most people visit zoos less than once per year, with a smaller percentage
visiting between once and thrice a year. This is an expected result, as zoo
visits aren't typically something people do often. I will need to try to entice
people to visit regularly.
• 4. Red Pandas, Giraffes and Penguins were the most popular animals in my
survey. I will make sure my video puts a lot of focus on them.
• 5. The majority of people who answered the survey said they would be willing
to support a protection effort. I will appeal to this idea by putting emphasis on
the help that animals need and the good that the zoo is doing for them.
• By conducting interviews, I will be able to gather more in-
depth information from people as I will be able to follow
already more detailed questions up with additional ones.
• Additionally, the data that I collect here can be compared
with what I obtained online and from my surveys, thus
making my results more reliable.
• A potential issue that can arise from doing interviews is
that the answers I receive may be incorrect or bias due to
the person feeling awkward about answering a certain
way in person, or if they know me personally and feel the
need to answer in a way that would please me.
• My interviews will ask the same question as my survey
with the addition of any follow up questions I may ask.
Interview 1
• What is your sex?
• Female
• What is your age?
• 18
• How often do you visit zoos?
• Less than once a year
• - Why once one a year?
• I’m generally too busy with other things like college. Also, going to the zoo is
generally a full day trip with family rather than an off the cuff thing.
• What is your favourite animal to see at a zoo?
• Meerkats
• -Why have you chosen this animal?
• I like seeing them play with each other
Would you be willing to support a protection effort for endangered species
through donations or volunteering work?
Yes, mainly volunteering.
Interview 2
• What is your sex?
• Male
• What is your age?
• 16
• How often do you visit zoos?
• A couple times a year
• -Why do you visit this often?
• -My parents like to do family trips, so me and my brother go along with them.
• What is your favourite animal to see at a zoo?
• Chimpanzees
• -Why did you pick this animal?
• - The different ones in the enclosure are usually doing a load of different things, whilst other
animals like lions tend to all be doing the same thing like lying in the shade.
• Would you be willing to support a protection effort for endangered species through
donations or volunteering work?
• Yes
Interview 3
• What is your sex?
• Male
• What is your age?
• 18
• How often do you visit zoos?
• Less than once a year
• What is your favourite animal to see at a zoo?
• Elephants
• - Why did you pick this animal?
• Compared to other animals, elephants feel really different. There’s nothing else
like them so when you see them they really seem like an alien creature.
• Would you be willing to support a protection effort for endangered species
through donations or volunteering work?
• Yes
Interview Analysis
• Everyone that I conducted an interview was within my target age
group. This ensured that all the information that I got was relevant to
who I want to appeal to. I was able to ask people of either sex
questions, allowing me to see how they would answer differently.
• When asking about people’s favourite animals to see at a zoo, I got a
good range of answers. The female interviewee answered Meerkats,
which could suggest that to appeal to a female audience I should use
animals that are family oriented and cute. The two males answered
Chimpanzees and Elephants respectively, leading me to believe that
particularly interesting animals are what could appeal to them. The
follow up questions that I asked back these points up, so I plan to
utilise these animals within my video.
• Two of the three interviewees visit zoos less that once a year, the
reason being that they lack time. I should make a point of showing
that the zoo would work for quick visits to entice them to go more
often. The other person answered a couple times a year, their reason
being that their parents like doing family trips. I should target my video
towards younger people rather than parents to encourage them to
come of their own accord rather than their parents’.
Interview and Survey Comparison
• Both of these methods helped me to gain a better understanding of my target audience.
However, they both had strengths and weaknesses.
• The survey was able to gather a good number of results, improving the reliability of the data
obtained from it. However, due to the nature of the research I was unable to ask any follow-
up questions. On the other hand, my interviews allowed me to ask the interviewees for the
reasons behind their answers, although I could only get 3 people to answer the questions.
• Both suggest that zoos would work well as a target for young people, as the data shows that
most of the people within the young adult age range would be willing to support a protection
effort. I will play to this by showing how the zoo helps these animals and encouraging
viewers to lend their hand.
• Additionally, between the interviews and the survey I was able to see which animals were the
most popular. Some species, such ass Meerkats, appeared on both research pieces. I have
decided that I will include Meerkats amongst the animals that I will put a focus on, alongside
Penguins, Tigers, Red Pandas and Giraffes.
• Overall I feel that these two pieces worked well in helping me learn about my target
audience. Together they give me reliable results that I was able to learn more about the
reasons behind by asking additional questions. I will make sure to utilise what I have learned
in my video to appeal to my target audience as much as possible.
Zoo Enclosures
• It is important that I understand how different enclosures look so that I can capture the
aesthetic in my own pieces. How an enclosure looks depends on what kind of animal in
being kept there. Therefore, I will need to ensure that I have the correct enclosure for
the correct animal.
This is an example of a lion enclosure. As
seen in the image, a lot of grass is present to
allow for a more natural feel for the lions, as
this reflects the type of environment they
would traditionally live in. Additionally, the
combination of grass and trees means there
are cool areas available for the lions on hot
days. The water gives the lions an area to
clean themselves and access water for
I could include multiple lions resting nearby
each other in the shade in my piece to give a
friendlier feel to the video. A full shot would
work well to establish this, and a medium or
close-up would work well to give more
character to the lions to make the viewer feel
more attached to them.
Zoo Enclosures
In this chimpanzee
enclosure, a heavy
focus is put on making
climbing areas to allow
the apes to traverse on
multiple levels. This is
not only better for the
chimpanzees, but is also
more entertaining for
visitors. Water is again
present to allow for
bathing and drinking,
whilst trees and rocks
provide shade from the
• It is important that I use a variety of cinematographic techniques to
ensure that my audience is entertained and interested by the video I
create. Different shot styles can give different meanings to the video and
put the focus on specific things. The following are types of shots that I
plan to utilise:
• Close-up – By using close-ups of animals’ faces, I will be able to use a
cuteness/beauty factor to appeal to my audience. Additionally, I will be
able to draw the audience’s attention to things of importance.
• Extreme close-up – Used to focus in on an animal’s eyes. This will make
the animal feel more ‘alive’ and so the viewer will feel more of a
connection to it – useful for if I choose to discuss endangered species.
• Long-shot – This will allow me to have images of groups of animals e.g.
apes to give the audience the impression of family and animals having
fun together. By doing this, I can make the zoo appear to be a safe and
friendly place that treats its animals well.
• Medium/Tight medium shot – This will allow me to focus on the small
movements of an animal whilst not being so zoomed in that the camera
needs to be constantly moving to capture everything. This would work
well to show things like animals cleaning themselves or a flying through
the air.
• Extreme long shot/Extreme wide shot – This can be used to establish an
area of the zoo or the zoo as a whole. It will give the audience an
impression of a great huge area for the animals to live in as well as to
introduce a ‘wow factor’ to the video.
• Wide shot – Useful for showing an animal running across the screen
whilst giving the audience an idea of its speed and body movement.
• Full Shot- Will allow me to capture the full image of an animal as well as
the environment it is in, giving the viewer an immediate understanding of
what the animal’s habitat is like. Additionally, it can be used to show a
group of animals or humans to show that they are family.
Anon. (2019). The Ultimate Guide to Camera Shots (50+
Types of Shots and Angles in Film). Available:
camera-shots/#shot-size-overview. Last accessed 19th
Sep 2019
Toon Boom Harmony
• I have recently started working with a new animation software
named Toon Boom Harmony. As a dedicated animation
software, it is far more useful to use when creating
animations than Adobe Photoshop. However, I am still
learning how to use it, and so tutorial videos will be vital to
ensure I can use it to a good quality for when it comes to
creating my production.
• Toon Boom themselves have a series of videos to help
people learn the software, although I will make sure to watch
videos by other people as well to ensure I don’t miss
• One positive about Harmony is its limbs feature, which lets
you treat different parts of the body as separate sections and
move them about independently. Combined with tweening,
this allows for extremely smooth movements for walking,
jumping and other such movements. This will be useful for
when it comes to animating animals and people moving
• Additionally, Harmony also works as an editing software. This
means that I will be able to add audio and render the
animation whilst still in Harmony, allowing me to keep all my
work in one place and thus making the progress a lot more
organised. However, I believe that the audio editing is not to
as great an extent as software like Adobe Audition, and thus I
plan to utilise multiple programs to ensure that my piece is of
as high a quality as possible.
Anon. ((Date Unknown)). GROW YOUR TOON BOOM SKILLS. Available:
4BENy5X_5eqF_dArPkaAgJtEALw_w. Last accessed 24th Sep 2019.
• Anon. (2017). Selby Locality Profile. Available:
c5b8d1c9bad7. Last accessed 23rd Sep 2019.
• Anon. (Date Unknown). Census. Available: Last accessed 23rd Sep 2019.
• Anon. ((Date Unknown)). GROW YOUR TOON BOOM SKILLS. Available:
4BENy5X_5eqF_dArPkaAgJtEALw_w. Last accessed 24th Sep 2019.
• Anon. (2019). The Ultimate Guide to Camera Shots (50+ Types of Shots and Angles in Film). Available:
to-camera-shots/#shot-size-overview. Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
• Anon. (Date Unknown). Visitor Demographics. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
• Anon. (Date Unknown). York Population 2019. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
• Anon. (Date Unknown). Young Adults. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep 2019
• Anon. (Date Unknown). York Census Demographics United Kingdom. Available:
humber/york. Last accessed 119th Sep 2019
• Birney, B. (1991). New Views from Zoos. In: Birney, B and Heinrich C The Journal of Museum Education. Abingdon-on-Thames: Taylor and Francis, Ltd..
• Griffin, A. (2015). Kids Stuff: Marketing to Demographics in Western Animation. Available:
demographics-in-western-animation. Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
• Hanh, N. (2017). Taronga Zoo, Sydney Australia - 2017. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep 2019
• Lewis, A. (2018). The Popularity Scores for Zoos in England, Scotland and Wales. Available:
across-the-UK-and-the-relative-popularity-scores_fig11_221755697. Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
• Morgan, C. (2014). Adults and Animation - The Growing Acceptance of Animation Amongst Grown Ups. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
• VeracityDigitalTV. (2011). Chester Zoo - A Fantastic Day Out. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep
• Wild Planet Trust. (2019). Paignton Zoo - New TV Advertisement! [2019]. Available: Last accessed 20th
Sep 2019

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Client Project Research

  • 2. What do I plan to Create? • I am going to create an animated piece advertising zoos in the York area. The video will be targeted towards young adults (16-24) and so I will need to research what appeals to this demographic. Additionally, by researching the York area as well as the people that live there, I will gain a better understanding of what I can include in my project. • My video could be either fully animated, or a mixture of animation and live action video. Whilst the latter would require me to practice with using the two at the same time, I believe that I would be able to create some interesting visuals.
  • 4. Primary Research: ‘Chester Zoo – A Fantastic Day Out’ • This video shows how Chester Zoo appeals to its target demographic using a variety of techniques. Firstly, throughout the video a huge emphasis is put on the animals themselves, as well as the huge variety that are available to be seen. By doing this, the video utilises people’s innate love of animals to immediately draw people in. The wide variety of animals shown ensures that the video appeals to as many people as possible. The footage used is typically ‘cute’ footage, such as lions yawning or apes playing together. This gives the zoo a more friendly feel, and makes the animals appear calm and happy with their lives there. This directly relates to the data I previously obtained showing how people, especially young adults, want to see animals be protected and happy. • Pop- up text is used frequently throughout the video to emphasise certain points. This not only makes these details stick in the viewer’s head, but also makes the video feel more lively, emphasising a feeling of fun in the zoo to be held by both people and animals. A lot of this text is used in conjunction with the animals, such as when the words ‘Bless you!’ appear after a rhino sneezes. There are also some small bits of animation used in a similar fashion, such as air bubbles coming out of a fish’s mouth. This supports my idea to utilise animation in my project, and brings forth the idea of using a combination of real life footage and hand drawn animation. Small bits of hand-drawn animation is used to create more action whilst making the animals seem more fun Footage of animals enjoying themselves makes the zoo seem like a friendly place whilst also playing into people’s want for animals to be happy and safe. Text is added to emphasise specific features of the zoo and to add more character to the animals. VeracityDigitalTV. (2011). Chester Zoo - A Fantastic Day Out. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep 2019
  • 5. Primary Research – ‘Paignton Zoo – New TV Advertisement [2019]’ • The first notable thing about this video is the emphasis on children used. This gives an immediate idea as to who the zoo is aimed at. I will make sure to do a similar thing in my own project but with young adults instead. • The fast paced drums make the video feel a lot more intense and exciting, keeping the viewer’s attention whilst emphasising the enjoyment of the park. • A lot of drone shots and other such moving shots are used to show off the areas in the park whilst also including the animals that inhabit them. This makes the zoo appear more attractive, and showing the animals alongside the habitat gives the areas of the zoo a more authentic feel. • Quick cuts show off the large variety of species that the zoo holds. This ensures that there is an animal to appeal to everyone, an idea that I will utilise in my own project whilst keeping in mind the results that I got regarding popular animals in my survey. Letterboxing is used to emphasise the fast paced exciting feel of the video. Group shots of animals entices people to go visit so they can see families of a species interact.Wild Planet Trust. (2019). Paignton Zoo - New TV Advertisement! [2019]. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep 2019
  • 6. Primary Research – ‘Taronga Zoo, Sydney Australia – 2017’ • The video for this zoo is far longer than the previous two, reaching over 8 minutes. A handheld camera is used to record the footage, which gives the video a less manufactured feel, thus making the viewer feel like what is being recorded is very similar to what they would actually expect to see at the zoo themselves. As my project will be animated, I’m not sure if I will include a technique like this in my work or not. I believe that by focusing on making sure the movements of the animals are smooth and realistic that I will be able to appeal more towards my audience than I would by having camera shake. • Whilst the previous advertisements shared the focus quite evenly between people and animals, this one doesn’t spend much time on people. It instead shows off the zoo’s animals in their everyday lives, letting them be the attractions instead the edits on the video, which are much simpler in this advertisement. Whilst I plan to use more edits that this video has, I do want to have the animals be the main focus of the animation. • The music used is far calmer than the drums used in the previous advertisement, which gives the park a more relaxing feel and appealing more towards families. It is important that I pick a track that suits my young adult demographic so that they feel that the video is directed towards them rather than other people. Much like the other two advertisements, close-ups are used here to put all the focus on the animals. The animals are shown to be enjoying themselves to give the impression that they are in a safe and friendly environment. Hanh, N. (2017). Taronga Zoo, Sydney Australia - 2017. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep 2019
  • 8. Primary Research – Askham Bryan Wildlife Conservation • Askham Bryan provided a surprisingly large range of animals for my research. I was able to obtain footage of marmosets, raccoon dogs, a wide range of lizards amongst a myriad of other animals. Additionally, this conservation had a falconry where you could pay £2 to look around. The birds here had extremely accentuated looks, with huge falcons covered in jet black feathers as well as tiny owls appropriately named ‘little owls’. I was able to hold one of these owls, allowing me to get a high quality picture of the bird on my glove. • Unfortunately, the rainy weather meant that many animals weren’t in view, leading to me not getting any footage of meerkats, for example. Additionally, as many animals were inside due to the rain, it was quite difficult to get good quality photos through the glass. I found it easier to get footage of these animals using my phone camera rather than the one that I borrowed from college. • Overall, Askham Bryan held a lot more animals than I expected and I was happy with the range of pictures that I got. I feel that with more pictures from other conservations I will be fully prepared come the time for production.
  • 9. Primary Research – Lotherton Hall • Whilst Lotherton was lacking in reptiles, it had a wide array of warm-blooded animals for me to look around. The first thing I saw upon entering the conservation was the boar enclosure, where I was able to get footage of the animals playing in the dirt. Walking further along I came across the penguin enclosure, where I took pictures of penguins standing at the side of the water whilst also recording the penguins swimming around. The images that I got typically features penguins standing near to each other, such is to be expected due to their nature to huddle. I feel that if I can reflect this in my animations then I will not only accurately present their sense of community, but I will also be able to try animating multiple animals at the same time. • Capybaras and tapirs were also present, and although I was able to get plenty of footage of the capybaras, dirty glass prevented me from getting much of the tapirs. • As it was previously just a bird garden, the conservation is dominated by various bird species. Despite them being kept in cages, I was able to get good quality footage of the animals by putting the camera close to the bars and putting the focus on the animals. This would essentially make the bars invisible in the photos taken. Of the many birds there, I have decided to use the footage of a toucan in my animation, as I find its obscure beak to be extremely eye-catching. • Overall, Lotheron Hall was useful for getting a wider range of footage of similar animals to those at Askham Bryan. Whilst it was lacking in reptiles, the inclusion of animals such as penguins and capybaras allowed me to expand the range of animals I can choose to work with come production.
  • 10. Primary Research – York Zoo • As a much larger conservation than the two places I previously visited, York Zoo provided a far greater range of animals. This included larger predators, such as tigers and polar bears, as well as other big animals like giraffes and large birds. The habitats themselves were much larger as well, allowing for a greater range backgrounds for each photo I took. For example, I was able to get footage of a polar bear on a hill as well as of another polar bear in a body of water. I could study the various movements of the different animals, which I can then transfer over to my animations. I noticed that whilst polar bears were much more playful and animated, large cats such as the tigers tended to lie down in a spot and stay there, motionless aside from their head. • Overall, York Zoo was useful for getting footage of larger animals, such as the polar bears, to add on to my footage of animals from the other conservations. My main intention when going to the zoo was to get footage of more predators, which I was able to accomplish. I intend to utilise my footage of the polar bears in my animation to represent large predators, as I found their movements more interesting than the tigers.
  • 12. What is the York Demographic? • According to Qpzm Local Stats UK, as of 2011 the population of York is made up of 198,051 people, 51% of which are female and the other 49% male. This suggests that I should ensure that my work appeals to both males and females to ensure that I’m not limiting my audience. • The average age of people in York is 40, with the median age being 38. However, my work will be aimed towards people of the young adult demographic, with people aged roughly 16-25. I will need to ensure that what I am focusing my project around is a part of York that particularly appeals to young people. Additionally, my way of presenting it should be aimed towards this demographic. • York’s most popular religion is Christianity, with 59.5% of the population identifying as Christians. The second most popular is No Religion, with 29.5% followed by 1.0% Muslim. • Volunteering is a very popular thing for young adults to do in York as a means of getting work experience and for completing their DofE. York has a wide range of places available, including zoos, where volunteering is possible. • Zoos are of course popular with people not in the immediate area. Some of these areas, such as the Selby District, have neighborhoods amongst the 20% most deprived in England. This means I will need to appeal to people who lack finance. I can do this by addressing the low entering price of the zoo as well as how cheap getting there can be due to its location and good public transport access. Zoos typically give student discounts, which is directly relevant to the young adult demographic that I am targeting. • 16.6% of York’s population is qualified up to Level 3, and 32.4% have Level 4 or above qualifications. This suggests that many of the people is York strive to learn, and the young-adult age range would place many people within my target audience in college or university. To appeal to this demographic, I should put an emphasis on what you can learn at the zoo whilst ensuring that the video utilizes statistics to back points up, which will reinforce the points made to the viewer. Anon. (Date Unknown). Census. Available: Last accessed 23rd Sep 2019. Anon. (2017). Selby Locality Profile. Available: Last accessed 23rd Sep 2019. Anon. (Date Unknown). York Census Demographics United Kingdom. Available: Last accessed 119th Sep 2019 Anon. (Date Unknown). York Population 2019. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2019 Anon. (Date Unknown). Young Adults. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep 2019
  • 13. The Demographic of Zoos The target demographic of zoos is people aged roughly 18-35, which fits well with my young adult demographic. According to Research Gate, zoos ‘reach a relatively representative cross section of society’. This suggests that by focusing on zoos, I will be able to appeal to people of various backgrounds, thus expanding my audience. In an interview of 267 people aged 6-18 years old, researcher ‘M.O Westervelt’ found that older people in this age range tended to show more positive moralistic views on animals in zoos, as well as having a better understanding of the roles different animals played in a ‘larger ecosystem’. This suggests that in my video I should portray the animals in a caring manner whilst demonstrating an understanding of how the different animals play different parts in ecosystems, food chains and other parts of the animal kingdom. In an investigation by ‘Stephen Kellert’, it was shown that people most likely to support the protection of endangered species were those under the age of 35 years old. This study also showed that people under the age of 25 were more caring and affectionate towards animals and were willing to work towards helping to protect endangered creatures. It is important that in my video I show how zoos can help to protect these species and help the population to regrow in a safe environment. Additionally, I can show how these zoos would allow people in this demographic to help in the protection effort through programs and donations. It is shown that animals tend to appeal more to females than males, which works well with the 51% female population of York. Additionally, females are shown to respond negatively to animals such as snakes, whilst males respond more positively to predatory species such as tigers. I will use this information in my work by showing members of either sex with animals that more appeal to them. I will make sure that there is a roughly even number of sections to show off each sex as well as the animals that appeal to them due to the roughly even split between the sexes in York. Lewis, A. (2018). The Popularity Scores for Zoos in England, Scotland and Wales. Available: UK-and-the-relative-popularity-scores_fig11_221755697. Last accessed 19th Sep 2019 Anon. (Date Unknown). Visitor Demographics. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2019 Birney, B. (1991). New Views from Zoos. In: Birney, B and Heinrich C The Journal of Museum Education. Abingdon-on-Thames: Taylor and Francis, Ltd.. p19-22.
  • 14. The Popularity Shift in Animation • Animation has shows huge growth in popularity over in the West. This is true for movies, cartoons and anime. By looking on platforms such as Netflix you can see a huge influx in animated series, including both series imported from other places, e.g. Japan, as well as Netflix originals created in the West. Shows like Castlevania have received extremely positive reviews and have been renewed for multiple seasons, showing their popularity. • A lot of animated shows that are popular with young adults have grittier art-style and/or darker humour. A lot of people find that these make the shows feel more mature and suited towards their age group. Such shows include Rick & Morty, Castlevania and Big Mouth. • Additionally, many cartoons targeted primarily towards children have massive adult fan-bases. Shows such as Young Justice had been initially aimed towards young boys, but instead found its main audience to be young adult women. Additionally, many shows such as Gravity Falls deliberately include things that make the show appeal more to adults in order to draw more in. The fact that more and more children’s cartoons are using this technique shows the massive growth in cartoons’ popularity amongst adults. • These points show that animation is very popular with the young-adult age demographic, and that it would work well as the way I display my project. There is no evidence of sex having an impact on if animation appeals to someone, which means I will be able to make my piece attractive to the 51%-49% female to male ratio of York. Morgan, C. (2014). Adults and Animation - The Growing Acceptance of Animation Amongst Grown Ups. Available: acceptance-of-animation-amongst-grown-ups/. Last accessed 19th Sep 2019 Griffin, A. (2015). Kids Stuff: Marketing to Demographics in Western Animation. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
  • 16. Outline • By conducting a survey, I will be able to ensure that the data I collected online is reliable whilst also allowing me to gather information from people living in the York area. Additionally, by creating a survey I will be able to ask specific questions that are more directly related to what I intend to create. • In regards to releasing a survey online, I will use Survey Monkey. This website will allow me to create a detailed survey with the capability to allow people to answer the questions in specific ways e.g. tickboxes. It is important that this survey isn’t too long to lessen the chances of people growing bored of answering it. • I will need to ask people about personal questions such as their age and sex in order to see if the data I obtain supports what information I found online. Additionally, this will allow me to compare the results of people from different demographics. • I plan to create two surveys, one focusing on peoples views of zoos and the other on animation. This will allow me to gain data to support my idea.
  • 17. Outline• I sent the survey out to three different locations. Two of these were to the r/Teenagers and r/York groups on Reddit. By using Reddit, I am able to send my survey out to a wider range of people, thus allowing me to obtain more results to make my data more reliable. By using the r/Teenagers subreddit, I can obtain data directly from people in the lower end of my target demographic. However, to ensure that I didn’t just get answers from people in this age group, I also sent the survey to r/York as mentioned above. This will allow me to compare the answers of people of different ages to come to a conclusion as to what young people think of zoos compared to others. Additionally, by using r/York I will be able to get answers from people in the target area. The third place I sent the survey to was a Snapchat group chat. Here I was able to send the survey directly to people in the age demographic who frequently visited York. This ensured that the group was as close to the demographic I would be targeting as possible. One issue with this method is that the group chat only has a small number of people in it, limiting the number of replies I would get. Overall I feel that these groups worked well for gathering data, and I believe that I will be able to use the information obtained to mold my production to fit my target demographic well. An improvement would be to send the survey out to even more areas to ensure that I get an even more reliable set of results.
  • 18. Survey Analysis – What is your Sex? Observation: Most people who answered the survey were male, making up 73.68% of those surveyed. 26.32% were female, and one person skipped the question. What does this say about my audience?: This shows that my audience is predominantly male. What will I do to appeal to this demographic?: As shown in my research, males tend to prefer more predatory animals such as wolves and tigers. As so, I will make sure that predatory animals have a large amount of screentime and have a lot of focus put on them. However, I will also make sure to appeal to my female audience by avoiding animals such as snakes when I can, as research shows that such animals are not popular amongst females.
  • 19. Survey Results – What is your Age? Observation: The majority of people surveyed were in the 16-25 age range, which is the demographic I am targeting my project towards. An equal number of people answered 26-35 as did 36-50, both of which were far less than my biggest group at only 15.79%. What does this say about my audience?: This tells me that my main audience is young adults. This works well as my project is to be aimed towards this demographic regardless. What will I do to appeal to this demographic?: My research shows that young adults are more aware of the dangers and ecosystems that animals face. Additionally, young adults tend to be more willing to support efforts to help animals. To appeal to this, I will include details about animals under threat, using statistics to back this up. Additionally, the use of close-ups will give animal more character, and so will make these young adults feel more of a connection and responsibility for helping them.
  • 20. Survey Results – How often do you Visit Zoos? Observation: Most people surveyed visit zoos less than once per year. A small proportion visit 2-3 times in a year and an equal number of people have visited once a year as have never. Nobody surveyed has visited over 3 times a year. What does this say about my audience?: This tells me that most people in my audience visit zoos irregularly. However, it is important to note that the majority of those surveyed do visit zoos every now and then, showing that zoos are indeed a wanted service. Visiting zoos isn’t something that is traditionally done many times a year, so these results aren’t unexpected. What will I do to appeal to this demographic?: I need to put a focus on enticing people to visit zoos as often as possible. As so, I will make sure that the video is entertaining as well as interesting by utilising animation to put an emphasis on certain parts of the zoo e.g. the animals.
  • 21. Survey Analysis – What is your Favourite Animal to see at a zoo?
  • 22. Survey Analysis – What is your Favourite Animal to see at a zoo? Tally: Meerkats x1, Tiger x1, Polar Bear x1, Tapir x1, Penguin x2, Alpaca x1, Giraffe x2, Red panda x2, Capybara x1, None x1, Zoos should not exist in modern society x1 Observation: Red Panda, Giraffe and Penguin as shared the top number of picks with 2 people for each. What does this say about my audience?: Many of the animals here are not traditional predators that instantly come to mind, which means that just because a lot of the people are male doesn’t necessarily mean that they will definitely like traditional predators. The ‘None’ answer is unreliable, as it could either mean that they cant decide which animal they like the most or that they prefer animals to not be in zoos. The ‘Zoos should not exist in modern society’ answer intertwines with my research that suggests people of the young adult demographic want to help animals, and this answer is likely because the person feels that the animals are being imprisoned. Unfortunately, due to this being a survey and not an interview, I am not able to follow up with a question asking about their answer. What will I do to appeal to this demographic?: I will feature the more popular animals in my video, as well as some of the animals that are staples of zoos e.g Meerkats and Tigers.
  • 23. SurveyAnalysis – Would you be willing to support a protection effort for endangered species through donations or volunteering work? Observation: Most people answered that they would be willing to support a protection effort. What does this say about my audience?: This data makes the idea of young adults being more willing to help endangered animals more reliable. Combined with my secondary research I am able to come to the conclusion that the young adult demographic is the best one to target by making the animals feel like people. What will I do to appeal to this demographic?: I will make sure to include sections of my video that push for the viewers to support the zoo/animals in some way. By using close-ups of animals faces as well as some shots of endangered species in the wild, I can play to people’s want to protect and help.
  • 24. Survey Summary• The results of this survey support my idea to use zoos as a means of appealing to young adults in the York area. Their want to support and help the animals means that I will be able to appeal to their softer side to entice them into visiting and supporting zoos. • The following are summaries of the answers I got for my survey: • 1. The majority of people who answered the survey were male. To appeal to this group, I will put a focus on predatory animals such as tigers. • 2. The majority of people who answered my survey were in the young adults demographic. Combined with the rest of the data, this supports my idea to use zoos to appeal to young adults. • 3. Most people visit zoos less than once per year, with a smaller percentage visiting between once and thrice a year. This is an expected result, as zoo visits aren't typically something people do often. I will need to try to entice people to visit regularly. • 4. Red Pandas, Giraffes and Penguins were the most popular animals in my survey. I will make sure my video puts a lot of focus on them. • 5. The majority of people who answered the survey said they would be willing to support a protection effort. I will appeal to this idea by putting emphasis on the help that animals need and the good that the zoo is doing for them.
  • 26. Outline • By conducting interviews, I will be able to gather more in- depth information from people as I will be able to follow already more detailed questions up with additional ones. • Additionally, the data that I collect here can be compared with what I obtained online and from my surveys, thus making my results more reliable. • A potential issue that can arise from doing interviews is that the answers I receive may be incorrect or bias due to the person feeling awkward about answering a certain way in person, or if they know me personally and feel the need to answer in a way that would please me. • My interviews will ask the same question as my survey with the addition of any follow up questions I may ask.
  • 27. Interview 1 • What is your sex? • Female • What is your age? • 18 • How often do you visit zoos? • Less than once a year • - Why once one a year? • I’m generally too busy with other things like college. Also, going to the zoo is generally a full day trip with family rather than an off the cuff thing. • What is your favourite animal to see at a zoo? • Meerkats • -Why have you chosen this animal? • I like seeing them play with each other Would you be willing to support a protection effort for endangered species through donations or volunteering work? Yes, mainly volunteering.
  • 28. Interview 2 • What is your sex? • Male • What is your age? • 16 • How often do you visit zoos? • A couple times a year • -Why do you visit this often? • -My parents like to do family trips, so me and my brother go along with them. • What is your favourite animal to see at a zoo? • Chimpanzees • -Why did you pick this animal? • - The different ones in the enclosure are usually doing a load of different things, whilst other animals like lions tend to all be doing the same thing like lying in the shade. • Would you be willing to support a protection effort for endangered species through donations or volunteering work? • Yes
  • 29. Interview 3 • What is your sex? • Male • What is your age? • 18 • How often do you visit zoos? • Less than once a year • What is your favourite animal to see at a zoo? • Elephants • - Why did you pick this animal? • Compared to other animals, elephants feel really different. There’s nothing else like them so when you see them they really seem like an alien creature. • Would you be willing to support a protection effort for endangered species through donations or volunteering work? • Yes
  • 30. Interview Analysis • Everyone that I conducted an interview was within my target age group. This ensured that all the information that I got was relevant to who I want to appeal to. I was able to ask people of either sex questions, allowing me to see how they would answer differently. • When asking about people’s favourite animals to see at a zoo, I got a good range of answers. The female interviewee answered Meerkats, which could suggest that to appeal to a female audience I should use animals that are family oriented and cute. The two males answered Chimpanzees and Elephants respectively, leading me to believe that particularly interesting animals are what could appeal to them. The follow up questions that I asked back these points up, so I plan to utilise these animals within my video. • Two of the three interviewees visit zoos less that once a year, the reason being that they lack time. I should make a point of showing that the zoo would work for quick visits to entice them to go more often. The other person answered a couple times a year, their reason being that their parents like doing family trips. I should target my video towards younger people rather than parents to encourage them to come of their own accord rather than their parents’.
  • 31. Interview and Survey Comparison • Both of these methods helped me to gain a better understanding of my target audience. However, they both had strengths and weaknesses. • The survey was able to gather a good number of results, improving the reliability of the data obtained from it. However, due to the nature of the research I was unable to ask any follow- up questions. On the other hand, my interviews allowed me to ask the interviewees for the reasons behind their answers, although I could only get 3 people to answer the questions. • Both suggest that zoos would work well as a target for young people, as the data shows that most of the people within the young adult age range would be willing to support a protection effort. I will play to this by showing how the zoo helps these animals and encouraging viewers to lend their hand. • Additionally, between the interviews and the survey I was able to see which animals were the most popular. Some species, such ass Meerkats, appeared on both research pieces. I have decided that I will include Meerkats amongst the animals that I will put a focus on, alongside Penguins, Tigers, Red Pandas and Giraffes. • Overall I feel that these two pieces worked well in helping me learn about my target audience. Together they give me reliable results that I was able to learn more about the reasons behind by asking additional questions. I will make sure to utilise what I have learned in my video to appeal to my target audience as much as possible.
  • 33. Zoo Enclosures • It is important that I understand how different enclosures look so that I can capture the aesthetic in my own pieces. How an enclosure looks depends on what kind of animal in being kept there. Therefore, I will need to ensure that I have the correct enclosure for the correct animal. This is an example of a lion enclosure. As seen in the image, a lot of grass is present to allow for a more natural feel for the lions, as this reflects the type of environment they would traditionally live in. Additionally, the combination of grass and trees means there are cool areas available for the lions on hot days. The water gives the lions an area to clean themselves and access water for drinking. I could include multiple lions resting nearby each other in the shade in my piece to give a friendlier feel to the video. A full shot would work well to establish this, and a medium or close-up would work well to give more character to the lions to make the viewer feel more attached to them.
  • 34. Zoo Enclosures In this chimpanzee enclosure, a heavy focus is put on making climbing areas to allow the apes to traverse on multiple levels. This is not only better for the chimpanzees, but is also more entertaining for visitors. Water is again present to allow for bathing and drinking, whilst trees and rocks provide shade from the sun.
  • 36. Cinematography • It is important that I use a variety of cinematographic techniques to ensure that my audience is entertained and interested by the video I create. Different shot styles can give different meanings to the video and put the focus on specific things. The following are types of shots that I plan to utilise: • Close-up – By using close-ups of animals’ faces, I will be able to use a cuteness/beauty factor to appeal to my audience. Additionally, I will be able to draw the audience’s attention to things of importance. • Extreme close-up – Used to focus in on an animal’s eyes. This will make the animal feel more ‘alive’ and so the viewer will feel more of a connection to it – useful for if I choose to discuss endangered species. • Long-shot – This will allow me to have images of groups of animals e.g. apes to give the audience the impression of family and animals having fun together. By doing this, I can make the zoo appear to be a safe and friendly place that treats its animals well. • Medium/Tight medium shot – This will allow me to focus on the small movements of an animal whilst not being so zoomed in that the camera needs to be constantly moving to capture everything. This would work well to show things like animals cleaning themselves or a flying through the air. • Extreme long shot/Extreme wide shot – This can be used to establish an area of the zoo or the zoo as a whole. It will give the audience an impression of a great huge area for the animals to live in as well as to introduce a ‘wow factor’ to the video. • Wide shot – Useful for showing an animal running across the screen whilst giving the audience an idea of its speed and body movement. • Full Shot- Will allow me to capture the full image of an animal as well as the environment it is in, giving the viewer an immediate understanding of what the animal’s habitat is like. Additionally, it can be used to show a group of animals or humans to show that they are family. Anon. (2019). The Ultimate Guide to Camera Shots (50+ Types of Shots and Angles in Film). Available: camera-shots/#shot-size-overview. Last accessed 19th Sep 2019
  • 37. Toon Boom Harmony • I have recently started working with a new animation software named Toon Boom Harmony. As a dedicated animation software, it is far more useful to use when creating animations than Adobe Photoshop. However, I am still learning how to use it, and so tutorial videos will be vital to ensure I can use it to a good quality for when it comes to creating my production. • Toon Boom themselves have a series of videos to help people learn the software, although I will make sure to watch videos by other people as well to ensure I don’t miss anything. • One positive about Harmony is its limbs feature, which lets you treat different parts of the body as separate sections and move them about independently. Combined with tweening, this allows for extremely smooth movements for walking, jumping and other such movements. This will be useful for when it comes to animating animals and people moving around. • Additionally, Harmony also works as an editing software. This means that I will be able to add audio and render the animation whilst still in Harmony, allowing me to keep all my work in one place and thus making the progress a lot more organised. However, I believe that the audio editing is not to as great an extent as software like Adobe Audition, and thus I plan to utilise multiple programs to ensure that my piece is of as high a quality as possible. Anon. ((Date Unknown)). GROW YOUR TOON BOOM SKILLS. Available: animation/toon- boom?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_absBRD1ARIsAO4_D3sWRl0BucQiGR5IhNL4uqGAHvKWX2tx8kuh- 4BENy5X_5eqF_dArPkaAgJtEALw_w. Last accessed 24th Sep 2019.
  • 38. Bibliography • Anon. (2017). Selby Locality Profile. Available: c5b8d1c9bad7. Last accessed 23rd Sep 2019. • Anon. (Date Unknown). Census. Available: Last accessed 23rd Sep 2019. • Anon. ((Date Unknown)). GROW YOUR TOON BOOM SKILLS. Available: photography/2d-animation/toon-boom?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_absBRD1ARIsAO4_D3sWRl0BucQiGR5IhNL4uqGAHvKWX2tx8kuh- 4BENy5X_5eqF_dArPkaAgJtEALw_w. Last accessed 24th Sep 2019. • Anon. (2019). The Ultimate Guide to Camera Shots (50+ Types of Shots and Angles in Film). Available: to-camera-shots/#shot-size-overview. Last accessed 19th Sep 2019 • Anon. (Date Unknown). Visitor Demographics. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2019 • Anon. (Date Unknown). York Population 2019. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2019 • Anon. (Date Unknown). Young Adults. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep 2019 • Anon. (Date Unknown). York Census Demographics United Kingdom. Available: humber/york. Last accessed 119th Sep 2019 • Birney, B. (1991). New Views from Zoos. In: Birney, B and Heinrich C The Journal of Museum Education. Abingdon-on-Thames: Taylor and Francis, Ltd.. p19-22. • Griffin, A. (2015). Kids Stuff: Marketing to Demographics in Western Animation. Available: demographics-in-western-animation. Last accessed 19th Sep 2019 • Hanh, N. (2017). Taronga Zoo, Sydney Australia - 2017. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep 2019 • Lewis, A. (2018). The Popularity Scores for Zoos in England, Scotland and Wales. Available: across-the-UK-and-the-relative-popularity-scores_fig11_221755697. Last accessed 19th Sep 2019 • Morgan, C. (2014). Adults and Animation - The Growing Acceptance of Animation Amongst Grown Ups. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2019 • VeracityDigitalTV. (2011). Chester Zoo - A Fantastic Day Out. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep 2019 • Wild Planet Trust. (2019). Paignton Zoo - New TV Advertisement! [2019]. Available: Last accessed 20th Sep 2019 •