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DEVRY CIS 339 Entire Course
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CIS 339iLab 1 System Requirements
CIS 339 iLab 2
CIS 339 iLab 3 - Structural Modeling - Class Diagram and CRCs
CIS 339 iLab 4 - Sequence, Communication, and State Diagrams
CIS 339 iLab 5 - Package Diagrams
CIS 339 iLab 6 - CRCs,Contracts, and Method Specifications
CIS 339 iLab 7 - Object Oriented Application Coding
DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 1 System Requirements
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Lab Overview Scenario and Summary
You have been hired by the School of Prosperity (SoP) as a software architect to help
the school plan, design, and implement a new online system called the Student
Records System (SRS).
The Student Records System (SRS), described in the SRS Preliminary Planning
Overview document, is the 7-week-long project that you will work on throughout
this course. You will be developing UML models and documents for the planning,
design, and implementation phases of SRS development.
In each week, you will be provided with the information you need to continue to
develop your analysis and design UML models and documents for this project.
In this very first week, you will develop the System Request document that
articulates the business needs and values of the SRS. The Sop school is excited about
this project and allowed you to ask them five questions to clarify project issues for
you about the SRS project. You are to include these five questions in your submitted
System Request.
Complete the System Request Form for the SRS, including your five questions.
STEP 1: Review Starting RSA on Citrix (not graded)
The video tutorial below demonstrates how to start the IBM Rational Software
Architect (RSA) in the Citrix lab environment.
Starting Rational Software Architect
STEP 2: Download and Complete the System Request Form
Download the SRS - Preliminary Planning Overview and review it to prepare for your
System Request Form. Download the System Request Template.
Complete the System Request Form for the SRS based on your review of the SRS -
Preliminary Planning Overview. See the Figure 2-13 example in the text. As you
create the System Request, generate and document at least five questions and specify
who you think the best point of contact might be for each question. Explain your
work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
STEP 3: Upload the Document to your Drop box
Save the System Request Form MS Word document with the file name CIS
Student Records System SRS - Preliminary Planning Overview
The School of Prosperity (Sop) is a small Information Technology & Science school
located in the nation’s capital of Washington, D.C. The school serves a growing
student population of about 5000 students by offering programs leading to the
Bachelor and Master degrees in IT and Software development.
SoP has, traditionally, offered most of its classes in a face-to-face modality. Recently
and because of the increased demands of student enrollments, the school started to
offer some of its classes online as well.
The school staff currently uses an in-house desktop application to keep track of
students, courses, and to register students for classes. School staff has to be
physically in the office in order to access the in-house application. To register for a
class (either face-to-face or online class), a student must complete a paper
registration form, submit it to the school staff, and the staff will then enter the
registration information into the desktop application.
This process always generates many errors in moving from the paper form to the
electronic registration filing. Moreover, since there are so many add/drops at the
beginning of each semester, the school staff experiences a higher than normal work
volume handling these add/drop forms preventing them for completing other tasks
allocated to them like staff development and training.
To keep up with the high demands of increased enrollments and to allow students to
handle their own registrations online, SoP decided to invest in a new Internet-
accessible Student Record System dubbed SRS.
The SRS is to maintain records for students enrolled in the school, courses offered by
the school, classes offered of these courses in the two modalities of online and face-
to-face, and student grades for the classes that they have completed. The SRS should
be Internet-accessible and thus allows students to self-register directly for their own
classes and allows the staff to work from any location that has an Internet
connection and a web browser.
System Request –??? Project
Project sponsor:
Business Need:
Business Requirements:
The functionality that the system should have is listed below:
Business Value:
Conservative estimates of tangible value to the company includes:
Special Issues or Constraints:
Who to Ask?
DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 2
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Use Case Diagram and Use Case Description
Work has already started on the planning phase of the Student Record System (SRS)
for the School of Prosperity (SoP) and everyone is excited about this new system.
As the software architect of this project, you met with many users and stakeholders
of the old system to determine the requirements of the new Internet-accessible SRS
software system. Your meetings and requirement-gathering efforts resulted in an
SRS Requirement Definition document that summarizes all of the requirements of
the project.
One of your development team members was excited about this project and wanted
to start working on it immediately. She therefore took the initiative and created a
high-level business process activity diagram for the SRS system. You reviewed the
activity diagram and found it to be a good foundation from which to create the SRS
use case diagram and the SRS use case descriptions.
There is still work to be done to complete the Functional Modeling of the SRS. Your
deliverables for this week’s iLab are the SRS use case diagram and two use case
descriptions for the Maintain Class Records and the Register a Student for Classes
use cases.
SRS use case diagram
Use case descriptions for the Maintain Class Records and Register a Student for
Classes use cases
STEP 2: Generate the Use Case Diagram
Download the SRS Requirement Definition and review it to prepare for your
deliverables this week.
Download the SRS Business Process Activity Diagram and review it to prepare for
your deliverables this week.
Download the Use Case Description Template and use it for your deliverables this
Create the use case diagram for the SRS system using the Rational Software Architect
software on the Citrix iLab environment. Pay attention to the possible need for
Include and Extends relationships.
Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
STEP 3: Generate the Use Case Descriptions
Create use case descriptions for the two major use cases in the SRS system. These
two major use cases are the Maintain Class Records and the Register a Student for
Classes use cases. See the Figure 5-5 example in the text.
Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
STEP 4: Copy the Diagram Into an MS Word document
Be sure to include all deliverables in one Word document. Copy and paste the use
case diagram into the same Word document that contains the use case descri
DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 3 Structural Modeling
Class Diagram and CRCs
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As the software architect for the SRS system, you are making good progress in your
work. After finishing the Functional Modeling (activity diagram, use case diagram,
and use case descriptions) of the SRS system, you are now ready to move on to its
Structural Modeling.
In this week, you will use the models of your Functional Modeling to determine and
design your class diagram and complete a CRC card for each class. The Structural
Modeling is very critical for the success of your project since it is the backbone upon
which the entire project is built, so take the time to design and refine your class
diagram and its corresponding CRC cards.
Class diagram for the SRS system
CRC cards for each class in your class diagram
STEP 2: Create the Class Diagram
Download the CRC Card Template and use it for your deliverables this week.
Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
STEP 3: Complete the CRC Cards
Create CRC cards for each class that you designed in your class diagrams, ensuring
that you identify all appropriate attributes, operations, relationships (including
types), responsibilities, and collaborations. Be sure that you complete the front and
back of each card. Be sure that your CRC cards exactly reflect what you created in
your class diagrams.
Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
STEP 4: Copy the Diagram into an MS Word document
DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 4 Sequence,
Communication, and State Diagrams
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In this week, you will use your functional and structural models as the basis for your
behavioral models that need to be developed for the SRS system. Specifically, your
deliverables for this week are designed to develop these two behavioral diagrams
for the Register a Student for Classes use case.
Sequence diagram Communication diagram
In addition, you will also need to create a state machine diagram for the Registration
class (the class that maintains the registration of a student in a class).
These behavioral model and diagrams are major milestones in your architectural
and design work. They give you your first opportunity to verify that your use case (in
this case, Register a Student for Classes) could actually be implemented using the
objects of your class diagram design. If you reach this verification, then you are done
with the analysis phase of your SRS project.
Sequence diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case Communication
diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case State Machine diagram for a
Registration object
STEP 2: Create the Sequence Diagram
Create a sequence diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case using the
Rational Software Architect software in the Citrix iLab environment. Explain your
work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
STEP 3: Create a Communication Diagram
Create a communication diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case using
the Rational Software Architect software in the Citrix iLab environment. Explain your
work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
STEP 4: Create an Object State Diagram
Create a state machine diagram for an object of the Registration class (the class that
maintains the registration of a student in a class) using the Rational Software
Architect software in the Citrix iLab environment. Explain your work and the
decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
STEP 5: Save and Upload the Project
DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 5 Package Diagrams
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Your analysis phase of the SRS project went well and your team feels good about
their Functional, Structural, and Behavioral models. You also discussed the result of
your analysis with the School of Prosperity (SoP) administration and they seem to be
in line with your analysis models.
Now is the time to start the design phase where you generate specific directions for
the implementation of the system by the software development group. The first step
in the design phase is to examine the SRS class diagram and to try to simplify its
organization using a package diagram. The package diagram ensures that classes
that belong together are grouped into a single package and thus simplify the
development of these classes and their maintenance.
Your deliverable this week is to generate a package diagram for the SRS system.
Create a package diagram of the SRS system (to simplify the SRS class diagram) using
the Rational Software Architect software on the Citrix iLab environment.
Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 6 CRCs Contracts and
Method Specifications
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The design phase of the SRS project is in full swing and every developer on the team
is assigned a group of packages to work on and to complete the design details of the
classes in the package. To help speed up the design process, you—as the software
architect of the project were assigned the task of providing a sample method
contract and a sample method specification to demonstrate to your team how these
two documents are developed.
You decided to use the CourseList and the Course classes for your demonstrations.
The CourseList class maintains and populates the current list of courses that the end
user is working with while registering for clases. You will demonstrate the contract
and the specification of the GetCourseByCourseID() of the CourseList class.
The GetCourseByCourseID() method searches the current list of courses for a course
whose CourseID matches the ID supplied to the method. If a matched course is found,
it is returned by the GetCourseByCourseID() method; otherwise a null value is
returned, indicating there are no matching courses.
Method contract of the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class
Method specification of the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class
i L A B S T E P S
Create a Public Method Contract
Download the CRC Cards for the CourseList and Course classes and review them to
prepare for your deliverables this week. Download the Method Contract Template
and use it for your deliverables this week. Create the method contract for the
GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class. Explain your work and the
decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
Create a Method Specification
Download the Method Specification Template and use it for your deliverables this
week. Create the method specification for the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the
CourseList class. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your
proposed solution.
Save and Upload
DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 7 Object Oriented
Application Coding
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Your demonstrations of how to create both method contract and the method
specification for the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class were
very well received by your team members. They then asked you for one final
demonstration of how to implement the method specification using an object-
oriented (OO) programming language and see the method actually execute.
You realize that it is easy to implement the method specification in an OO
programming language, but it is hard to test it because the rest of the application is
not developed yet. You decided, therefore, to write two pieces of code.
Code that implements the GetCourseByCourseID() method Code that implements a
unit test for that method alone (outside of any other application code)
This way you can demonstrate the method implementation and also verify its correct
You are under a deadline constraint for this deliverable, so you asked some of your
peer architects for help. They each are well versed in different OO languages like
VB.NET, C#, and Java and they all have done unit testing before so they are familiar of
how to construct one.
Your peer architects provided you with partially-completed shells for your
demonstration. Each shell contains:
complete code for the Course class; partially completed code for CourseList class;
and complete code for the CourseListTest class that unit tests the
CourseList.GetCourseByCourseID() method.
Your task is now easy. Just select one of these shells and complete the code for the
partially completed CourseList by coding it GetCourseByCourseID() method. When
you compile and run the shell, it will automatically test your GetCourseByCourseID()
code to ensure its correct behavior.
Deliverables One Word file that contains the following. A copy of the code you wrote
for the GetCourseByCourseID method() of the CourseList class in your favorite OO
programming language A screen shot of the output of running the provided unit test
in the shell (the CourseListTest class) showing that your code works as expected.
Note that these unit tests only print out messages of testing problems. If your code is
correct, the unit tests will succeed silently without any success messages. An
explanation of your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed
code A zip file of the completed shell after you added your code so that the shell
could be executed on a different machine i L A B S T E P S
STEP 1: Review the Method Contract, Method Specification for the GetCDByCDID()
Method, and Coding & Unit Testing GetCDByCDID() Method using Java (not Graded)
Download the Method Contract for GetCDByCDID() Method and review it prior to
reviewing this week’s video tutorial. Download the Method Specification for the
GetCDByCDID() Method and review it prior to reviewing this week’s video tutorial
STEP 2: Code & Unit Test the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class
Decide on your OO programming language that you will use for this lab and then
download the corresponding shell from the following.
Visual Basic Shell C# Shell Java Shell
Both the Visual Basic and C# shells are Visual Studio projects while the Java shell
include only the *.java source files that could be loaded into any Java IDE.
Code and unit test the CourseList.GetCourseByCourseID() method in your favorite
programming language. You only need to add code for the GetCourseByCourseID()
method and then run the application (the unit test will automatically test your code),
then print out problem messages, if any
Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
STEP 3: Submit your assignment

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CIS 339 Entire Course NEW

  • 1. DEVRY CIS 339 Entire Course Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 339/cis-339-entire-course For more classes visit CIS 339iLab 1 System Requirements CIS 339 iLab 2 CIS 339 iLab 3 - Structural Modeling - Class Diagram and CRCs CIS 339 iLab 4 - Sequence, Communication, and State Diagrams CIS 339 iLab 5 - Package Diagrams CIS 339 iLab 6 - CRCs,Contracts, and Method Specifications CIS 339 iLab 7 - Object Oriented Application Coding
  • 2. DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 1 System Requirements Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 339/cis-339-ilab-1-system-requirements For more classes visit Lab Overview Scenario and Summary You have been hired by the School of Prosperity (SoP) as a software architect to help the school plan, design, and implement a new online system called the Student Records System (SRS). The Student Records System (SRS), described in the SRS Preliminary Planning Overview document, is the 7-week-long project that you will work on throughout this course. You will be developing UML models and documents for the planning, design, and implementation phases of SRS development. In each week, you will be provided with the information you need to continue to develop your analysis and design UML models and documents for this project. In this very first week, you will develop the System Request document that articulates the business needs and values of the SRS. The Sop school is excited about this project and allowed you to ask them five questions to clarify project issues for you about the SRS project. You are to include these five questions in your submitted System Request. Deliverables
  • 3. Complete the System Request Form for the SRS, including your five questions. I L A B S T E P S STEP 1: Review Starting RSA on Citrix (not graded) The video tutorial below demonstrates how to start the IBM Rational Software Architect (RSA) in the Citrix lab environment. Starting Rational Software Architect STEP 2: Download and Complete the System Request Form Download the SRS - Preliminary Planning Overview and review it to prepare for your System Request Form. Download the System Request Template. Complete the System Request Form for the SRS based on your review of the SRS - Preliminary Planning Overview. See the Figure 2-13 example in the text. As you create the System Request, generate and document at least five questions and specify who you think the best point of contact might be for each question. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution. STEP 3: Upload the Document to your Drop box Save the System Request Form MS Word document with the file name CIS 339_Lab1_YourName. Student Records System SRS - Preliminary Planning Overview The School of Prosperity (Sop) is a small Information Technology & Science school located in the nation’s capital of Washington, D.C. The school serves a growing student population of about 5000 students by offering programs leading to the Bachelor and Master degrees in IT and Software development. SoP has, traditionally, offered most of its classes in a face-to-face modality. Recently and because of the increased demands of student enrollments, the school started to offer some of its classes online as well. The school staff currently uses an in-house desktop application to keep track of students, courses, and to register students for classes. School staff has to be physically in the office in order to access the in-house application. To register for a class (either face-to-face or online class), a student must complete a paper registration form, submit it to the school staff, and the staff will then enter the registration information into the desktop application. This process always generates many errors in moving from the paper form to the electronic registration filing. Moreover, since there are so many add/drops at the
  • 4. beginning of each semester, the school staff experiences a higher than normal work volume handling these add/drop forms preventing them for completing other tasks allocated to them like staff development and training. To keep up with the high demands of increased enrollments and to allow students to handle their own registrations online, SoP decided to invest in a new Internet- accessible Student Record System dubbed SRS. The SRS is to maintain records for students enrolled in the school, courses offered by the school, classes offered of these courses in the two modalities of online and face- to-face, and student grades for the classes that they have completed. The SRS should be Internet-accessible and thus allows students to self-register directly for their own classes and allows the staff to work from any location that has an Internet connection and a web browser. System Request –??? Project Project sponsor: Business Need: Business Requirements: The functionality that the system should have is listed below: Business Value: Conservative estimates of tangible value to the company includes: Special Issues or Constraints: Questions # Question Who to Ask? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  • 5. DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 2 Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 339/cis-339-ilab-2 For more classes visit Use Case Diagram and Use Case Description Work has already started on the planning phase of the Student Record System (SRS) for the School of Prosperity (SoP) and everyone is excited about this new system. As the software architect of this project, you met with many users and stakeholders of the old system to determine the requirements of the new Internet-accessible SRS software system. Your meetings and requirement-gathering efforts resulted in an SRS Requirement Definition document that summarizes all of the requirements of the project. One of your development team members was excited about this project and wanted to start working on it immediately. She therefore took the initiative and created a high-level business process activity diagram for the SRS system. You reviewed the activity diagram and found it to be a good foundation from which to create the SRS use case diagram and the SRS use case descriptions. There is still work to be done to complete the Functional Modeling of the SRS. Your deliverables for this week’s iLab are the SRS use case diagram and two use case
  • 6. descriptions for the Maintain Class Records and the Register a Student for Classes use cases. Deliverables SRS use case diagram Use case descriptions for the Maintain Class Records and Register a Student for Classes use cases STEP 2: Generate the Use Case Diagram Download the SRS Requirement Definition and review it to prepare for your deliverables this week. Download the SRS Business Process Activity Diagram and review it to prepare for your deliverables this week. Download the Use Case Description Template and use it for your deliverables this week. Create the use case diagram for the SRS system using the Rational Software Architect software on the Citrix iLab environment. Pay attention to the possible need for Include and Extends relationships. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution. STEP 3: Generate the Use Case Descriptions Create use case descriptions for the two major use cases in the SRS system. These two major use cases are the Maintain Class Records and the Register a Student for Classes use cases. See the Figure 5-5 example in the text. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution. STEP 4: Copy the Diagram Into an MS Word document Be sure to include all deliverables in one Word document. Copy and paste the use case diagram into the same Word document that contains the use case descri
  • 7. DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 3 Structural Modeling Class Diagram and CRCs Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 339/cis-339-ilab-3-structural-modeling- class-diagram-and-crcs For more classes visit As the software architect for the SRS system, you are making good progress in your work. After finishing the Functional Modeling (activity diagram, use case diagram, and use case descriptions) of the SRS system, you are now ready to move on to its Structural Modeling. In this week, you will use the models of your Functional Modeling to determine and design your class diagram and complete a CRC card for each class. The Structural Modeling is very critical for the success of your project since it is the backbone upon which the entire project is built, so take the time to design and refine your class diagram and its corresponding CRC cards. Deliverables Class diagram for the SRS system
  • 8. CRC cards for each class in your class diagram STEP 2: Create the Class Diagram Download the CRC Card Template and use it for your deliverables this week. (Attached) Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution. STEP 3: Complete the CRC Cards Create CRC cards for each class that you designed in your class diagrams, ensuring that you identify all appropriate attributes, operations, relationships (including types), responsibilities, and collaborations. Be sure that you complete the front and back of each card. Be sure that your CRC cards exactly reflect what you created in your class diagrams. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution. STEP 4: Copy the Diagram into an MS Word document
  • 9. DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 4 Sequence, Communication, and State Diagrams Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 339/cis-339-ilab-4-sequence- communication-and-state-diagrams For more classes visit In this week, you will use your functional and structural models as the basis for your behavioral models that need to be developed for the SRS system. Specifically, your deliverables for this week are designed to develop these two behavioral diagrams for the Register a Student for Classes use case. Sequence diagram Communication diagram In addition, you will also need to create a state machine diagram for the Registration class (the class that maintains the registration of a student in a class). These behavioral model and diagrams are major milestones in your architectural and design work. They give you your first opportunity to verify that your use case (in this case, Register a Student for Classes) could actually be implemented using the objects of your class diagram design. If you reach this verification, then you are done with the analysis phase of your SRS project. Deliverables
  • 10. Sequence diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case Communication diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case State Machine diagram for a Registration object STEP 2: Create the Sequence Diagram Create a sequence diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case using the Rational Software Architect software in the Citrix iLab environment. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution. STEP 3: Create a Communication Diagram Create a communication diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case using the Rational Software Architect software in the Citrix iLab environment. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution. STEP 4: Create an Object State Diagram Create a state machine diagram for an object of the Registration class (the class that maintains the registration of a student in a class) using the Rational Software Architect software in the Citrix iLab environment. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution. STEP 5: Save and Upload the Project
  • 11. DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 5 Package Diagrams Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 339/cis-339-ilab-5-package-diagrams For more classes visit Your analysis phase of the SRS project went well and your team feels good about their Functional, Structural, and Behavioral models. You also discussed the result of your analysis with the School of Prosperity (SoP) administration and they seem to be in line with your analysis models. Now is the time to start the design phase where you generate specific directions for the implementation of the system by the software development group. The first step in the design phase is to examine the SRS class diagram and to try to simplify its organization using a package diagram. The package diagram ensures that classes that belong together are grouped into a single package and thus simplify the development of these classes and their maintenance. Your deliverable this week is to generate a package diagram for the SRS system. Create a package diagram of the SRS system (to simplify the SRS class diagram) using the Rational Software Architect software on the Citrix iLab environment. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
  • 12. DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 6 CRCs Contracts and Method Specifications Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 339/cis-339-ilab-6-crcs--contracts--and- method-specifications For more classes visit The design phase of the SRS project is in full swing and every developer on the team is assigned a group of packages to work on and to complete the design details of the classes in the package. To help speed up the design process, you—as the software architect of the project were assigned the task of providing a sample method contract and a sample method specification to demonstrate to your team how these two documents are developed. You decided to use the CourseList and the Course classes for your demonstrations. The CourseList class maintains and populates the current list of courses that the end user is working with while registering for clases. You will demonstrate the contract and the specification of the GetCourseByCourseID() of the CourseList class. The GetCourseByCourseID() method searches the current list of courses for a course whose CourseID matches the ID supplied to the method. If a matched course is found, it is returned by the GetCourseByCourseID() method; otherwise a null value is
  • 13. returned, indicating there are no matching courses. Method contract of the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class Method specification of the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class i L A B S T E P S STEP 1: Create a Public Method Contract Download the CRC Cards for the CourseList and Course classes and review them to prepare for your deliverables this week. Download the Method Contract Template and use it for your deliverables this week. Create the method contract for the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution. STEP 2: Create a Method Specification Download the Method Specification Template and use it for your deliverables this week. Create the method specification for the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution. STEP 3: Save and Upload
  • 14. DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 7 Object Oriented Application Coding Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 339/cis-339-ilab-7-object-oriented- application-coding For more classes visit Your demonstrations of how to create both method contract and the method specification for the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class were very well received by your team members. They then asked you for one final demonstration of how to implement the method specification using an object- oriented (OO) programming language and see the method actually execute. You realize that it is easy to implement the method specification in an OO programming language, but it is hard to test it because the rest of the application is not developed yet. You decided, therefore, to write two pieces of code. Code that implements the GetCourseByCourseID() method Code that implements a unit test for that method alone (outside of any other application code) This way you can demonstrate the method implementation and also verify its correct behavior. You are under a deadline constraint for this deliverable, so you asked some of your peer architects for help. They each are well versed in different OO languages like VB.NET, C#, and Java and they all have done unit testing before so they are familiar of how to construct one.
  • 15. Your peer architects provided you with partially-completed shells for your demonstration. Each shell contains: complete code for the Course class; partially completed code for CourseList class; and complete code for the CourseListTest class that unit tests the CourseList.GetCourseByCourseID() method. Your task is now easy. Just select one of these shells and complete the code for the partially completed CourseList by coding it GetCourseByCourseID() method. When you compile and run the shell, it will automatically test your GetCourseByCourseID() code to ensure its correct behavior. Deliverables One Word file that contains the following. A copy of the code you wrote for the GetCourseByCourseID method() of the CourseList class in your favorite OO programming language A screen shot of the output of running the provided unit test in the shell (the CourseListTest class) showing that your code works as expected. Note that these unit tests only print out messages of testing problems. If your code is correct, the unit tests will succeed silently without any success messages. An explanation of your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed code A zip file of the completed shell after you added your code so that the shell could be executed on a different machine i L A B S T E P S STEP 1: Review the Method Contract, Method Specification for the GetCDByCDID() Method, and Coding & Unit Testing GetCDByCDID() Method using Java (not Graded) Download the Method Contract for GetCDByCDID() Method and review it prior to reviewing this week’s video tutorial. Download the Method Specification for the GetCDByCDID() Method and review it prior to reviewing this week’s video tutorial STEP 2: Code & Unit Test the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class Decide on your OO programming language that you will use for this lab and then download the corresponding shell from the following. Visual Basic Shell C# Shell Java Shell Both the Visual Basic and C# shells are Visual Studio projects while the Java shell include only the *.java source files that could be loaded into any Java IDE. Code and unit test the CourseList.GetCourseByCourseID() method in your favorite programming language. You only need to add code for the GetCourseByCourseID() method and then run the application (the unit test will automatically test your code), then print out problem messages, if any Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.
  • 16. STEP 3: Submit your assignment