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The Witness and Sacrifice of the Scottish
1661 - 1688
Queen Elizabeth 1st – King William 3rd
1558 - 1690
The Witness and Sacrifice of the Scottish
1661 - 1688
The Scottish Covenanters
1: The National Covenant
2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd
3: The Restoration of the Monarchy
4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion
5: The Act of Indulgence
6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge
7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times
8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant
9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
The Scottish Covenanters
1: The National Covenant
2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd
3: The Restoration of the Monarchy
4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion
5: The Act of Indulgence
6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge
7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times
8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant
9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
1: The King’s Confession of 1581.
2: Affirming the Acts of Parliament which
repudiated Romanism and confirmed a
Reformed Church.
3: Protest at the alien modes of worship.
• 28th February 1638.
• 60,000 gathered in Greyfriars, Edinburgh.
• Some signed in blood.
• Copies taken throughout Scotland.
• A Church and a nation united
The Man for the Hour
• Joint author of the
• Moderator of the General
• Prelacy overthrown.
• Commissioner at
• Succeeding in winning 20
years of peace
The Scottish Covenanters
1: The National Covenant
2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd
3: The Restoration of the Monarchy
4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion
5: The Act of Indulgence
6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge
7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times
8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant
9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
The Last Coronation in Scotland
• Scots refused to
accept Cromwell
• Compelled Charles
2nd to sign the
National Covenant.
• Crowned him at
• Resolutioners were more
pragmatic accepting of the
• Protesters insisted on a
stricter interpretation of the
• Both preached the same
Gospel but had dramatically
different outlooks.
• Cromwell victorious
• David Leslie’s Scottish forces vanquished
• “The Late Usurper” was largely regarded with suspicion and
• Under the Protectorate the Scottish Church flourished:
• “… man who, more than any other, helped to secure for the land this
sabbatism of godliness was misunderstood, resisted, denounced. It
is one of those pitiful and poignant contradictions…” (Smellie)
The Scottish Covenanters
1: The National Covenant
2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd
3: The Restoration of the Monarchy
4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion
5: The Act of Indulgence
6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge
7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times
8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant
9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
• 29th May 1660.
• Lover of the arts.
• Deeply immoral.
• Excessively extravagant.
• Irreligious.
• Determined to avenge the Scots
who made him sign the Covenant.
The Scottish Covenanters
1: The National Covenant
2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd
3: The Restoration of the Monarchy
4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion
5: The Act of Indulgence
6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge
7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times
8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant
9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
• Handpicked supporters of the crown.
• The Covenant had not many supporters among the aristocracy.
• Division had hindered the Church providing leadership
• The Oath of Allegiance violating conscience
• Presbyterianism overthrown, prelacy introduced.
• Absolute monarchy established
Four Death Warrants
• Samuel Rutherford – for writing
Lex Rex.
• Lord Wariston for framing the
National Covenant
• James Guthrie – the outspoken
• Earl of Argyll the Covenanter
Four Death Warrants
• Samuel Rutherford – for writing
Lex Rex.
• Lord Wariston for framing the
National Covenant
• James Guthrie – the outspoken
• Earl of Argyll the Covenanter
The First Martyrs of the Covenant
Alexander Campbell
1st Marquis of Argyll – 27th May 1661
“It is the duty of every Christian to be
Loyal; yet I think the order of things is
to be observed…Religion must not be in
cockboat but in the ship.”
James Guthrie – 1st June 1661
“The Causes of God’s Wrath Against
“The Covenants, The Covenants shall
yet be Scotland’s reviving”
They have set his head on the Netherbow
To scorch in the summer air;
And months go by, and the winter’s snow
Falls white on it’s thin green hair.
And still that same look in death he wore
Is sealed on the solemn brow-
A look of one who has travailed sore,
But whose pangs were ended now.”
Harriet Stuart Mentrith
What shall I say in this great day of the Lord,
wherein in the midst of a cloud, I have found fair
sunshine. I can wish no more for you, but that the
Lord may comfort you, and shine upon you as He
does me, and give you that same sense of His love
in staying in the world, as I am going out of it
Archibald Campbell in a letter to his daughter-in-
law on the eve of his execution
The Treachery of Sharp
“James I see you will
engage: I perceive you
are clear; you will be
the Bishop of
St Andrews. Take it
and curse God with it.”
Robert Douglas
The Ejection of 1662
• Ministers had until 1st November to seek
patronage from the local bishop.
• In the cold of winter upwards of 400 left
their parishes.
• The most unsuitable men were found to
replace them.
• July 1663 – the Scots Mile Acts required
the ejected Ministers to reside not less
than 6 miles from their parishes.
James Guthrie of Fenwick
• “The Christian’s Great
• Finally ejected in 1664
by the Curate of Calder
and his soldiers
• Preached on “But in me
is mine help”
• Refreshments served to
both persecuted and
persecutors before he
The Conventicle
Unjust Punishments by the Privy Council
• Preaching without a license forbidden.
• Sedition to give a morsel of bread to an
unlicensed preacher.
• Women were publicly whipped.
• A young boy had his face branded.
• Some were sent to foreign plantations.
• The Covenanters under Colonel Wallace
were routed.
• Some surrendered on the promise of
• Sharp ensured there was no mercy.
• Others like Captain Patton escaped ad
fought in the future.
The Scottish Covenanters
1: The National Covenant
2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd
3: The Restoration of the Monarchy
4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion
5: The Act of Indulgence
6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge
7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times
8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant
9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
Lauderdale’s Rise to Power
• Member of Westminster Assembly
• Deeply loyal to Charles 1st
• The Scottish Regime was deemed
too harsh after Rullion Green.
• After 1667 became the virtual ruler
of Scotland.
• Earned the Covenanters a brief
John Maitland, 1st Duke of
Lauderdale; Lord President of
the Scottish Privy Council
THE INDULGENCES of 1669 & 1672
• Covenanting Ministers were allowed to return
without license of the bishop.
• They were restricted to their own parish.
• A two tier ministrty was created.
• 42 accepted the stipulation.
• This was not the freedom they had fought for.
• A new breech arose among the Covenanters.
A Ecclesiastical Supremacy
B Militia of 20,000 Soldiers
“Never was King soe absolute as you
are in poor old Scotland”
Maitland when writing to
Charles 2nd
THE 1670 Act Banning Coventicles
1: Ministers who refused the indulgences were
forbidden to pray and preach except in their own
2: Offenders to be imprisoned until they agreed to
comply or they would be deported.
3: Those who attended were fined.
4: Those who gave their homes for a private meeting
would be fined doubles
5: Those who preached out doors to be executed
6: £30 fine for arresting a Minister and a promised
pardon for murdering him.
7: Fines imposed on any who did not attend Parish
• 1670 – a Dunfermline Conventicle was the first
to engage armed soldiers as guards.
• The preacher was John Blackadder.
• 3,200 received communion.
• Blackadder travelled widely in his preaching.
• Eventually arrested and sent to Bass Rock.
• A North Sea confinement for the Covenanters.
• 1673-1687
• John Blackadder was to die in this lonely spot.
• He spent 4½ years on the rock.
• Other famous prisoners included Alexander Peden,
Alexander Shields and Robert Trail.
“I assure you there is
neither rock nor mountain
between me and Christ”
Thomas Ross who spent
three years on the rock
The Scottish Covenanters
1: The National Covenant
2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd
3: The Restoration of the Monarchy
4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion
5: The Act of Indulgence
6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge
7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times
8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant
9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge
3rd May 1679 - ASSASSINATION
• Preacher, John Welwood, prophesied to the
Archbishop, “…his wicked life is now near an end, and
that his death will be sudden, bloody”
• Sharp was going to secure the King’s signature for a
new law suppressing Coventicles.
• A party of 12 Covenanters stopped the Carriage at
Magus Moor, near St Andrews.
• They assassinated Sharp in front of his daughter.
29th May 1679 - Rutherglen
• 70 Covenanters led by some who had assassinated the
• On the King’s Restoration Day.
• Burned the Acts of Parliament and the Privy Council
• Denounced the Government.
John Graham of Claverhouse
• A soldier who had
fought in Europe
• Dragoon Captain
• Devoting himself to
Covenanters in south-
west Scotland
• He was sent to engage
the Covenanters at
DRUMCLOG – 1ST June 1670
• The Covenanting Army grew from 250 to a force
of 6,000 in three weeks.
• Sir Robert Hamilton, the Leader, refused
fellowship with any who a countenanced
fellowship with Indulged Ministers.
• Preachers like John Welsh disagreed.
• Newcomers had to declare themselves.
• The debate soured the atmosphere of the camp.
DRUMCLOG – 1ST June 1670
• Well organised
Royal Army of
• Covenanters no
• Fled in panic
“I do really think there were
few or none that had both
powder and ball to shoot
twice” James Ure
• 1200 detained
for 4 months
without shelter.
• Many were
released upon a
promise never to
return to armed
• 257 deported.
• Their ship sank.
• 46 survived
The Scottish Covenanters
1: The National Covenant
2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd
3: The Restoration of the Monarchy
4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion
5: The Act of Indulgence
6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge
7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times
8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant
9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
The Silence of the Covenant
• Bothwell Bridge silenced the majority of
• Many chose the path of least resistance.
• These last years of persecution called for the
boldness of the bravest son and daughters of the
• To keep the flame alive.
• Richard Cameron
• Preacher
• Revolutionary
• Servant of God
• His followers were
the Cameronians.
The School Teacher’s Conversion
“In the sun-blink day of power when the
net of the Gospel was let down at the
right side of the ship, then a great
draught of perishing souls was
effectually caught”
Patrick Walker describing the Richard
Cameron’s conversion at a Coventicle
Ordained by Rev MacWard in Holland
“Richard, the public standard of the
Gospel is fallen in Scotland; and if I know
anything of the mind of the Lord, ye are
called to undergo your trials before us,
and go home and lift up the fallen
standard and display it before the
world….Here is the head of a faithful
minister of Jesus Christ who shall lose
the same for the Master’s interest.”
Ministry Begins October 1679
“Ye will not come to me that ye might
have life”
“A man shall be as an hiding place from
the wind”
Sanquar – 22nd June 1680
• Anniversary of
Bothwell Bridge.
• 20 armed men led by
Richard and brother
• Declared war on
Charles 2nd
• “a tyrant and
usurper…enemies to
our Lord Jesus Chrst
and His cause and
22rd July 1680
“Weep not for me but for
yourself and yours, and for the
sins of a sinful land; for ye have
many melancholy, sorrowful
weary days before you”
At Ayrsmoss
“Michael, come let us
fight it out to the last!
For this is the day that I
have longed for, and the
death that I have prayed
for, to die fighting
against the Lord’s
enemies: and this is the
day that we will get the
Cameron was beheaded, his head
and hands displayed in Edinburgh
32 years of age
Cameron of the Covenant stood
And prayed the battle prayer;
Then with his brother side by side
Too up the Cross of Christ and died
Upon the Moss of Ayr
Henry Inglis
Donald Cargill
• Born, Perthshire, 1619
• Ordained – 1655
• Ejected from his
Glasgow Parish – 1662
• A Covenanting
Preacher for two
• Drew up the
The Passionate Field Preacher
“Ever since I bowed the knee in good
earnest to pray, I never durst preach and
pray with my gifts; and where my heart
is not affected, and comes not up with
my mouth, I always thought it time for
me to quit it. What comes not from my
heart, I have little hope that it will go to
the heart of others.”
The Man of Prayer
“It was observed by some, both in
families and when in secret, always sat
straight upon his knees, without resting
upon anything, with his hands lifted up;
and some took notice he died the same
way, with the bloody rope about his
Queensferry Declaration –
The Political Agitator
“We shall no more commit the government
of ourselves, and the making of laws for us,
to any one single person, or lineal successor,
we not being by God, as the Jews were,
bound to one single family; and this kind of
Government by a single person being most
liable to inconveniences, and aptest to
degenerate into tyranny, as long as sad
experience hath taught us”
The Covenanting Revolutionary
After excommunicating Charles 2nd and his
brother James from the Church:
“And as the causes are just, so being done by
a minister of the Gospel…and as there are no
kings or ministers on earth who, without
repentance of the persons, can reverse these
sentences. God, who is their Author, is the
more engaged to ratifying them; and all that
acknowledge the Scriptures ought to
acknowledge them.”
Last Sermon
“Come my people enter into your chambers”
“He insisted what kinds of chambers these
were…exhorted us all earnestly to dwell in the
clefts of the rock, to hide ourselves in the wounds
of Christ, and to wrap ourselves in
the…promises…until these calamities pass over,
and the Dove come back with the olive branch in
her mouth.”
Hung and Beheaded
27th July
“I am near to the possession of my crown,
which shall be sure; for I bless the Lord that
he hath brought me here, and makes me
triumph over devils and men and sin: they
shall wound me no more. I forgive all men
their wrongs they have done me; and I pray
the Lord to forgive the elect the wrongs
they have done against him.”
The Night Before Cargill’s Execution
the Duke of Rothes lay Dying
“We all thought little of what Cargill did in
excommunicating us; but I find that sentence
binding upon me now, and it will bind to
James Duke of York
• July 1681
• Royal Commissioner of
• Religion of the
• All holding office in the
state must conform to
the religion of the
Monarch – The Test.
• Imprisonment and
Banishment of the 2nd
Marquis of Argyll.
The King’s Brother
and future King
“This is the Covenant between the
Lord and us to give up ourselves
freely to Him, without reserve, soul
and body, hearts and affections, to be
his children, and Him to be our God
and Father, if it please the holy Lord
to send His Gospel to the land again”
February 1685
• Charles 2nd dies
• James 2nd refused
to take the Scottish
Coronation Oath
• Intent on imposing
• The darkest days of
the Covenant were
approaching.James 2nd
1685 - 1688
The Darkest Hour;
Before The Dawn
• The Cameronians were the focus
• Bloodhounds employed, spies engaged
• Soldiers authorised to shoot without trial
• Sir James Johnston shot 17 year old
Andrew Hislop when his troops refused.
• Leut. Douglas murdered 5 Covenanting
Ministers at Ingliston.
• John Graham threatened to kill the
children if they did not betray their
parents and older siblings.
The Death of Old Soldier
“There is no safety but at
Christ's back, and I beseech
you, improve time, ye know
not, when the master
calleth, at midnight or the
cock crowing. Seek pardon
freely, and then He will
come with peace. Seek all
the graces of His Spirit -the
grace of love, the grace of
holy fear and humility"
Capt. John Patton
Martyred – May 1684
John Brown
his company
and keep linen
by you to be
sheet…and it
will be a
bloody one”
May 1685
“I ever thought much
good of him…and
more than ever now”
thou of
The child on the moss she laid
And she stretched the cold limbs of the dead
And drew the eyelid’s shade,
And bound the corpse’s shattered head,
And shrouded the martyr in his plaid,
And where the dead and living slept,
Sat in the wilderness and wept
Henry Inglis
The Two Margarets
“My sins and thoughts of
Do thou, O Lord, forget
After thy mercy think on
And for thy goodness
May 1685
Long had they loved as Christians love –
These two so soon to die,
And each the other greeted first,
While weeping silently.
The matron wept that that young life
So timelessly must cease;
The maiden that that honoured head
Must not go down in peace
But soon, O soon it passed away
The coward thought and base
And each looked humbly, thankfully,
Into the other’s face
‘Mother, He rules the awful sea
With all its waters wild.’
‘The many waters are His Voice
Of love to thee my child’.
Harriet Stuart Mentrith
The Scottish Covenanters
1: The National Covenant
2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd
3: The Restoration of the Monarchy
4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion
5: The Act of Indulgence
6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge
7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times
8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant
9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
Puir Auld Sandy
“A glamour hangs about
his person, and we seem
to be walking among
enchantments and
marvels when we are in
company with him.
Weirdness, humour,
genius, mystery…“
Alexander Smellie
Alexander Peden’s
Death Mask
On Being from Ejected from New Luce
“In my Master’s name I
arrest thee, that none
ever enter thee but such
as enter as I have done,
by the door.“
“Cast the lap of thy cloak over
puir auld Sandy”
4 Years and 3 months on
the Bass Rock
15 months in the
Tolbooth Prison, Edinburgh
Refuge in County Antrim
Found a farmer whom
he heard in prayer:
“naming a great many
people who were in
the furnace”
Peden’s Preaching
“Where is the Church of
God in Scotland at this day?
It is not amongst the great
clergy. I will tell you where
the Church is. It is
wherever a praying young
man or woman is at the
dykeside in Scotland…It is
praying folk alone that will
get through the storm”
For 23 years Peden preached in
the moors and the heather until
his death in 1686.
The Scottish Covenanters
1: The National Covenant
2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd
3: The Restoration of the Monarchy
4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion
5: The Act of Indulgence
6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge
7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times
8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant
9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
James Renwick
1662 - 1688
• Born in a Covenanting
Home – 1662
• 1681 – dedicated his life
after watching Donald
Cargill die.
• Sent by the Cameronians
to Holland to train for
• Ordained at 21.
“I think that if the Lord
could be tied to any place,
it is to moors and mosses
of Scotland”
Evangelical Fervour
“We must proclaim the word Come to you as
long as you are here, until you be
transplanted out of your spiritual warfare
into ecclesiastical triumph. O sirs, come,
Reenwick’s First Sermon at Cambusnethan
Four Years of Deprivation
“My business was never so
weighty; and my body was
never so frail. Excessive
travel, night wanderings,
unseasonable sleep and diet,
and frequent preaching in all
seasons and weather have so
debilitated me…but my
desire to the work, and the
necessity and importunity of
people prompts me to do
more than my natural
strength will well allow…”
Privy Council
• September 1684
• Special warrant issued for the
apprehension of Renwick.
• He was now the only Open Air
• The special interest is a testimony to
his popularity.
• He survived for a further 3 years.
Second Sanquar DeclarationSecond Sanquhar Declaration
• May 1685
• Terms similar to Cameron’s
• 200 armed men.
• Later issued arguments defending the position of
the United Societies (Cameronians)
1687 – Arrested in Edinburgh
“I have found Christ’s Cross
sweet and lovely, for I have
had many joyful hours and
not a fearful thought since I
came hither.”
Executed on 17th February 1688
“Yonder, is the welcome
warning to my marriage. The
Bridegroom is coming. I am
ready! I am ready! I shall be
above these clouds; then I
shall enjoy Thee and glorify
thee without intermission
Within One Year
The Glorious Revolution
The Exile of James 2nd
Freedom for the Scottish
"Halt passenger take heed what thou dost see
This tomb doth shew for what some men did die
Here lies interr'd the dust of these who stood
Gainst perjury resisting unto blood
Adhering to the Covenants and Laws
Establishing the same which was the Cause
Then their lives were sacrificed unto the Lust
Or Prelatist's abjur'd though here their dust
Lies mixt with murders and other crew
Whom justice did justly to death pursue
But as for this in them no cause was found
Worthy of death but only they were found
Constant and steadfast zealous witnessing
For the prerogatives of CHRIST their king
Which truths were feared by famous Guthrie's head
And all along to Mr Ranwick's blood
They did endure the wrath of enemies
Reproaches torments deaths and injuries
But yet they're these who from such troubles came
And now triumph in glory with the LAMB"
What were their losses and what were their gains?
Their losses were themselves and all that they had.
Their gains were great, not for themselves but for
their posterity…They made possible the lawfulness
of dissent in times of error…To them we owe our
way of love, our constitution, our
commonwealth…Their faith held no lifeless
opinions. It was spiritual and evangelical as they
they themselves were, alive unto God, taken up
with the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ..”
Jock Purves in “Fair Sunshine”
Farewell,beloved sufferers, and followers
of the Lamb…Farewell night wanderings,
cold and weariness for Christ…Farewell
holy Scriptures wherewith my soul has
been many a day refreshed…Farewell
reading, singing and praying…Farewell
sweet believing. Welcome, immediate
presence of God and His Son Jesus Christ,
who only has redeemed me with His blood.

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Christ's Crown and Covenant; The Heroism of the Scottish Covenanters

  • 1. FOR CHRIST’S CROWN AND COVENANT The Witness and Sacrifice of the Scottish Covenanters 1661 - 1688
  • 3. THE BATTLE TO PRESERVE OUR PROTESTANT LIBERTIES Queen Elizabeth 1st – King William 3rd 1558 - 1690
  • 4. FOR CHRIST’S CROWN AND COVENANT The Witness and Sacrifice of the Scottish Covenanters 1661 - 1688
  • 5. The Scottish Covenanters 1: The National Covenant 2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd 3: The Restoration of the Monarchy 4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion 5: The Act of Indulgence 6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge 7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times 8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant 9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
  • 6. The Scottish Covenanters 1: The National Covenant 2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd 3: The Restoration of the Monarchy 4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion 5: The Act of Indulgence 6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge 7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times 8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant 9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
  • 8. 1: The King’s Confession of 1581. 2: Affirming the Acts of Parliament which repudiated Romanism and confirmed a Reformed Church. 3: Protest at the alien modes of worship.
  • 9. SUPPORT FOR THE COVENANT • 28th February 1638. • 60,000 gathered in Greyfriars, Edinburgh. • Some signed in blood. • Copies taken throughout Scotland. • A Church and a nation united
  • 10. ALEXANDER HENDERSON The Man for the Hour • Joint author of the Covenant. • Moderator of the General Assembly. • Prelacy overthrown. • Commissioner at Westminster. • Succeeding in winning 20 years of peace
  • 11. The Scottish Covenanters 1: The National Covenant 2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd 3: The Restoration of the Monarchy 4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion 5: The Act of Indulgence 6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge 7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times 8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant 9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
  • 12. JANUARY 1ST 1651 The Last Coronation in Scotland • Scots refused to accept Cromwell • Compelled Charles 2nd to sign the National Covenant. • Crowned him at Scone.
  • 13. DIVISIONS IN THE RANKS • Resolutioners were more pragmatic accepting of the King. • Protesters insisted on a stricter interpretation of the covenant. • Both preached the same Gospel but had dramatically different outlooks.
  • 14. • Cromwell victorious • David Leslie’s Scottish forces vanquished • “The Late Usurper” was largely regarded with suspicion and godliness • Under the Protectorate the Scottish Church flourished: • “… man who, more than any other, helped to secure for the land this sabbatism of godliness was misunderstood, resisted, denounced. It is one of those pitiful and poignant contradictions…” (Smellie)
  • 15. The Scottish Covenanters 1: The National Covenant 2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd 3: The Restoration of the Monarchy 4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion 5: The Act of Indulgence 6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge 7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times 8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant 9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
  • 16. A PORTRAIT OF A KING • 29th May 1660. • Lover of the arts. • Deeply immoral. • Excessively extravagant. • Irreligious. • Determined to avenge the Scots who made him sign the Covenant.
  • 17. The Scottish Covenanters 1: The National Covenant 2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd 3: The Restoration of the Monarchy 4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion 5: The Act of Indulgence 6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge 7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times 8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant 9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
  • 18. SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT RECALLED • Handpicked supporters of the crown. • The Covenant had not many supporters among the aristocracy. • Division had hindered the Church providing leadership • The Oath of Allegiance violating conscience • Presbyterianism overthrown, prelacy introduced. • Absolute monarchy established
  • 19. Four Death Warrants • Samuel Rutherford – for writing Lex Rex. • Lord Wariston for framing the National Covenant • James Guthrie – the outspoken preacher. • Earl of Argyll the Covenanter Nobleman.
  • 20. Four Death Warrants • Samuel Rutherford – for writing Lex Rex. • Lord Wariston for framing the National Covenant • James Guthrie – the outspoken preacher. • Earl of Argyll the Covenanter Nobleman.
  • 21. The First Martyrs of the Covenant Alexander Campbell 1st Marquis of Argyll – 27th May 1661 “It is the duty of every Christian to be Loyal; yet I think the order of things is to be observed…Religion must not be in cockboat but in the ship.” James Guthrie – 1st June 1661 “The Causes of God’s Wrath Against Scotland.” “The Covenants, The Covenants shall yet be Scotland’s reviving”
  • 22. They have set his head on the Netherbow To scorch in the summer air; And months go by, and the winter’s snow Falls white on it’s thin green hair. And still that same look in death he wore Is sealed on the solemn brow- A look of one who has travailed sore, But whose pangs were ended now.” Harriet Stuart Mentrith
  • 23. What shall I say in this great day of the Lord, wherein in the midst of a cloud, I have found fair sunshine. I can wish no more for you, but that the Lord may comfort you, and shine upon you as He does me, and give you that same sense of His love in staying in the world, as I am going out of it Archibald Campbell in a letter to his daughter-in- law on the eve of his execution
  • 24. The Treachery of Sharp “James I see you will engage: I perceive you are clear; you will be the Bishop of St Andrews. Take it and curse God with it.” Robert Douglas
  • 25. The Ejection of 1662 • Ministers had until 1st November to seek patronage from the local bishop. • In the cold of winter upwards of 400 left their parishes. • The most unsuitable men were found to replace them. • July 1663 – the Scots Mile Acts required the ejected Ministers to reside not less than 6 miles from their parishes.
  • 26. James Guthrie of Fenwick • “The Christian’s Great Interest” • Finally ejected in 1664 by the Curate of Calder and his soldiers • Preached on “But in me is mine help” • Refreshments served to both persecuted and persecutors before he left.
  • 28. Unjust Punishments by the Privy Council • Preaching without a license forbidden. • Sedition to give a morsel of bread to an unlicensed preacher. • Women were publicly whipped. • A young boy had his face branded. • Some were sent to foreign plantations.
  • 29.
  • 30. THE BATTLE AND AFTERMATH • The Covenanters under Colonel Wallace were routed. • Some surrendered on the promise of mercy. • Sharp ensured there was no mercy. • Others like Captain Patton escaped ad fought in the future.
  • 31. The Scottish Covenanters 1: The National Covenant 2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd 3: The Restoration of the Monarchy 4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion 5: The Act of Indulgence 6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge 7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times 8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant 9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
  • 32. Lauderdale’s Rise to Power • Member of Westminster Assembly • Deeply loyal to Charles 1st • The Scottish Regime was deemed too harsh after Rullion Green. • After 1667 became the virtual ruler of Scotland. • Earned the Covenanters a brief reprieve John Maitland, 1st Duke of Lauderdale; Lord President of the Scottish Privy Council
  • 33. THE INDULGENCES of 1669 & 1672 • Covenanting Ministers were allowed to return without license of the bishop. • They were restricted to their own parish. • A two tier ministrty was created. • 42 accepted the stipulation. • This was not the freedom they had fought for. • A new breech arose among the Covenanters.
  • 34. ENLARGEMENT OF ROYAL POWER A Ecclesiastical Supremacy B Militia of 20,000 Soldiers “Never was King soe absolute as you are in poor old Scotland” Maitland when writing to Charles 2nd
  • 35. THE 1670 Act Banning Coventicles 1: Ministers who refused the indulgences were forbidden to pray and preach except in their own homes. 2: Offenders to be imprisoned until they agreed to comply or they would be deported. 3: Those who attended were fined. 4: Those who gave their homes for a private meeting would be fined doubles 5: Those who preached out doors to be executed 6: £30 fine for arresting a Minister and a promised pardon for murdering him. 7: Fines imposed on any who did not attend Parish Services.
  • 36. SOLDIERS AND PREACHERS • 1670 – a Dunfermline Conventicle was the first to engage armed soldiers as guards. • The preacher was John Blackadder. • 3,200 received communion. • Blackadder travelled widely in his preaching. • Eventually arrested and sent to Bass Rock.
  • 37. • A North Sea confinement for the Covenanters. • 1673-1687 • John Blackadder was to die in this lonely spot. • He spent 4½ years on the rock. • Other famous prisoners included Alexander Peden, Alexander Shields and Robert Trail. “I assure you there is neither rock nor mountain between me and Christ” Thomas Ross who spent three years on the rock BASS ROCK
  • 38. The Scottish Covenanters 1: The National Covenant 2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd 3: The Restoration of the Monarchy 4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion 5: The Act of Indulgence 6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge 7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times 8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant 9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
  • 39. Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge DESPERATE TIMES; TERRIBLE MEASURES
  • 41. CRIME AND PROVIDENCE • Preacher, John Welwood, prophesied to the Archbishop, “…his wicked life is now near an end, and that his death will be sudden, bloody” • Sharp was going to secure the King’s signature for a new law suppressing Coventicles. • A party of 12 Covenanters stopped the Carriage at Magus Moor, near St Andrews. • They assassinated Sharp in front of his daughter.
  • 42. 29th May 1679 - Rutherglen • 70 Covenanters led by some who had assassinated the Archbishop. • On the King’s Restoration Day. • Burned the Acts of Parliament and the Privy Council • Denounced the Government.
  • 43. John Graham of Claverhouse • A soldier who had fought in Europe • Dragoon Captain • Devoting himself to eradicating Covenanters in south- west Scotland • He was sent to engage the Covenanters at Rutherglen
  • 44. DRUMCLOG – 1ST June 1670
  • 45. GROWTH AND DIVISION • The Covenanting Army grew from 250 to a force of 6,000 in three weeks. • Sir Robert Hamilton, the Leader, refused fellowship with any who a countenanced fellowship with Indulged Ministers. • Preachers like John Welsh disagreed. • Newcomers had to declare themselves. • The debate soured the atmosphere of the camp.
  • 46. DRUMCLOG – 1ST June 1670 • Well organised Royal Army of 15,000 • Covenanters no match • Fled in panic “I do really think there were few or none that had both powder and ball to shoot twice” James Ure
  • 47. THE GREYFRIARS PRISON • 1200 detained for 4 months without shelter. • Many were released upon a promise never to return to armed revolt. • 257 deported. • Their ship sank. • 46 survived
  • 48. The Scottish Covenanters 1: The National Covenant 2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd 3: The Restoration of the Monarchy 4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion 5: The Act of Indulgence 6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge 7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times 8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant 9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
  • 49. The Silence of the Covenant • Bothwell Bridge silenced the majority of Covenanters • Many chose the path of least resistance. • These last years of persecution called for the boldness of the bravest son and daughters of the Covenant. • To keep the flame alive.
  • 50. THE LION OF THE COVENANT • Richard Cameron • Preacher • Revolutionary • Servant of God • His followers were the Cameronians.
  • 51. The School Teacher’s Conversion “In the sun-blink day of power when the net of the Gospel was let down at the right side of the ship, then a great draught of perishing souls was effectually caught” Patrick Walker describing the Richard Cameron’s conversion at a Coventicle
  • 52. Ordained by Rev MacWard in Holland “Richard, the public standard of the Gospel is fallen in Scotland; and if I know anything of the mind of the Lord, ye are called to undergo your trials before us, and go home and lift up the fallen standard and display it before the world….Here is the head of a faithful minister of Jesus Christ who shall lose the same for the Master’s interest.”
  • 53. Ministry Begins October 1679 “Ye will not come to me that ye might have life” “A man shall be as an hiding place from the wind”
  • 54. Sanquar – 22nd June 1680 • Anniversary of Bothwell Bridge. • 20 armed men led by Richard and brother Michael. • Declared war on Charles 2nd • “a tyrant and usurper…enemies to our Lord Jesus Chrst and His cause and Covenants…”
  • 55. 22rd July 1680 “Weep not for me but for yourself and yours, and for the sins of a sinful land; for ye have many melancholy, sorrowful weary days before you”
  • 56. At Ayrsmoss “Michael, come let us fight it out to the last! For this is the day that I have longed for, and the death that I have prayed for, to die fighting against the Lord’s enemies: and this is the day that we will get the crown.” Cameron was beheaded, his head and hands displayed in Edinburgh 32 years of age
  • 57. Cameron of the Covenant stood And prayed the battle prayer; Then with his brother side by side Too up the Cross of Christ and died Upon the Moss of Ayr Henry Inglis
  • 58. Donald Cargill • Born, Perthshire, 1619 • Ordained – 1655 • Ejected from his Glasgow Parish – 1662 • A Covenanting Preacher for two decades. • Drew up the Queensferry Declaration FAITHFUL FIELD PREACHER
  • 59. The Passionate Field Preacher “Ever since I bowed the knee in good earnest to pray, I never durst preach and pray with my gifts; and where my heart is not affected, and comes not up with my mouth, I always thought it time for me to quit it. What comes not from my heart, I have little hope that it will go to the heart of others.”
  • 60. The Man of Prayer “It was observed by some, both in families and when in secret, always sat straight upon his knees, without resting upon anything, with his hands lifted up; and some took notice he died the same way, with the bloody rope about his neck.””
  • 61. Queensferry Declaration – The Political Agitator “We shall no more commit the government of ourselves, and the making of laws for us, to any one single person, or lineal successor, we not being by God, as the Jews were, bound to one single family; and this kind of Government by a single person being most liable to inconveniences, and aptest to degenerate into tyranny, as long as sad experience hath taught us”
  • 62. The Covenanting Revolutionary After excommunicating Charles 2nd and his brother James from the Church: “And as the causes are just, so being done by a minister of the Gospel…and as there are no kings or ministers on earth who, without repentance of the persons, can reverse these sentences. God, who is their Author, is the more engaged to ratifying them; and all that acknowledge the Scriptures ought to acknowledge them.”
  • 63. Cargill’s Last Sermon “Come my people enter into your chambers” “He insisted what kinds of chambers these were…exhorted us all earnestly to dwell in the clefts of the rock, to hide ourselves in the wounds of Christ, and to wrap ourselves in the…promises…until these calamities pass over, and the Dove come back with the olive branch in her mouth.”
  • 64. Hung and Beheaded 27th July 1681 “I am near to the possession of my crown, which shall be sure; for I bless the Lord that he hath brought me here, and makes me triumph over devils and men and sin: they shall wound me no more. I forgive all men their wrongs they have done me; and I pray the Lord to forgive the elect the wrongs they have done against him.”
  • 65. The Night Before Cargill’s Execution the Duke of Rothes lay Dying “We all thought little of what Cargill did in excommunicating us; but I find that sentence binding upon me now, and it will bind to eternity”
  • 66. James Duke of York • July 1681 • Royal Commissioner of Scotland. • Religion of the Monarch inconsequential • All holding office in the state must conform to the religion of the Monarch – The Test. • Imprisonment and Banishment of the 2nd Marquis of Argyll. The King’s Brother and future King
  • 67. PLEDGE MADE BY CAMERONIAN CHILDREN “This is the Covenant between the Lord and us to give up ourselves freely to Him, without reserve, soul and body, hearts and affections, to be his children, and Him to be our God and Father, if it please the holy Lord to send His Gospel to the land again”
  • 68. February 1685 • Charles 2nd dies • James 2nd refused to take the Scottish Coronation Oath • Intent on imposing Roman Catholicism. • The darkest days of the Covenant were approaching.James 2nd
  • 69. THE KILLING TIME 1685 - 1688 The Darkest Hour; Before The Dawn
  • 70. CRUEL TACTICS • The Cameronians were the focus • Bloodhounds employed, spies engaged • Soldiers authorised to shoot without trial • Sir James Johnston shot 17 year old Andrew Hislop when his troops refused. • Leut. Douglas murdered 5 Covenanting Ministers at Ingliston. • John Graham threatened to kill the children if they did not betray their parents and older siblings.
  • 71. The Death of Old Soldier “There is no safety but at Christ's back, and I beseech you, improve time, ye know not, when the master calleth, at midnight or the cock crowing. Seek pardon freely, and then He will come with peace. Seek all the graces of His Spirit -the grace of love, the grace of holy fear and humility" Capt. John Patton Martyred – May 1684
  • 72. John Brown “Isabel…prize his company and keep linen by you to be winding sheet…and it will be a bloody one” Martyred May 1685 “I ever thought much good of him…and more than ever now” “What thinkest thou of thy husband now woman”?
  • 73. The child on the moss she laid And she stretched the cold limbs of the dead And drew the eyelid’s shade, And bound the corpse’s shattered head, And shrouded the martyr in his plaid, And where the dead and living slept, Sat in the wilderness and wept Henry Inglis
  • 74. The Two Margarets “My sins and thoughts of youth Do thou, O Lord, forget After thy mercy think on me And for thy goodness great” Martyred May 1685
  • 75. Long had they loved as Christians love – These two so soon to die, And each the other greeted first, While weeping silently. The matron wept that that young life So timelessly must cease; The maiden that that honoured head Must not go down in peace But soon, O soon it passed away The coward thought and base And each looked humbly, thankfully, Into the other’s face ‘Mother, He rules the awful sea With all its waters wild.’ ‘The many waters are His Voice Of love to thee my child’. Harriet Stuart Mentrith
  • 76. The Scottish Covenanters 1: The National Covenant 2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd 3: The Restoration of the Monarchy 4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion 5: The Act of Indulgence 6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge 7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times 8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant 9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
  • 77. Puir Auld Sandy “A glamour hangs about his person, and we seem to be walking among enchantments and marvels when we are in company with him. Weirdness, humour, genius, mystery…“ Alexander Smellie Alexander Peden’s Death Mask
  • 78. On Being from Ejected from New Luce 1663 “In my Master’s name I arrest thee, that none ever enter thee but such as enter as I have done, by the door.“
  • 79. “Cast the lap of thy cloak over puir auld Sandy”
  • 80. Imprisonments 4 Years and 3 months on the Bass Rock 15 months in the Tolbooth Prison, Edinburgh
  • 81. Refuge in County Antrim Found a farmer whom he heard in prayer: “naming a great many people who were in the furnace”
  • 82. Peden’s Preaching “Where is the Church of God in Scotland at this day? It is not amongst the great clergy. I will tell you where the Church is. It is wherever a praying young man or woman is at the dykeside in Scotland…It is praying folk alone that will get through the storm” For 23 years Peden preached in the moors and the heather until his death in 1686.
  • 83. The Scottish Covenanters 1: The National Covenant 2: The Coronation of Charles 2nd 3: The Restoration of the Monarchy 4: Ejections, Coventicles, Rebellion 5: The Act of Indulgence 6: Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge 7: The Cameronians and The Killing Times 8: Alexander Peden – The Prophet of the Covenant 9: James Renwick – The Last of the Martyrs
  • 84. James Renwick 1662 - 1688 • Born in a Covenanting Home – 1662 • 1681 – dedicated his life after watching Donald Cargill die. • Sent by the Cameronians to Holland to train for ministry. • Ordained at 21. “I think that if the Lord could be tied to any place, it is to moors and mosses of Scotland”
  • 85. Evangelical Fervour “We must proclaim the word Come to you as long as you are here, until you be transplanted out of your spiritual warfare into ecclesiastical triumph. O sirs, come, come.” Reenwick’s First Sermon at Cambusnethan
  • 86. Four Years of Deprivation “My business was never so weighty; and my body was never so frail. Excessive travel, night wanderings, unseasonable sleep and diet, and frequent preaching in all seasons and weather have so debilitated me…but my desire to the work, and the necessity and importunity of people prompts me to do more than my natural strength will well allow…” Covenanters’ Caves
  • 87. Privy Council • September 1684 • Special warrant issued for the apprehension of Renwick. • He was now the only Open Air Preacher. • The special interest is a testimony to his popularity. • He survived for a further 3 years.
  • 88. Second Sanquar DeclarationSecond Sanquhar Declaration • May 1685 • Terms similar to Cameron’s • 200 armed men. • Later issued arguments defending the position of the United Societies (Cameronians)
  • 89. 1687 – Arrested in Edinburgh “I have found Christ’s Cross sweet and lovely, for I have had many joyful hours and not a fearful thought since I came hither.”
  • 90. Executed on 17th February 1688 “Yonder, is the welcome warning to my marriage. The Bridegroom is coming. I am ready! I am ready! I shall be above these clouds; then I shall enjoy Thee and glorify thee without intermission forever.”
  • 91. Within One Year The Glorious Revolution The Exile of James 2nd Freedom for the Scottish Church
  • 93. COVENANTERS’ MEMORIAL GREYFRIARS "Halt passenger take heed what thou dost see This tomb doth shew for what some men did die Here lies interr'd the dust of these who stood Gainst perjury resisting unto blood Adhering to the Covenants and Laws Establishing the same which was the Cause Then their lives were sacrificed unto the Lust Or Prelatist's abjur'd though here their dust Lies mixt with murders and other crew Whom justice did justly to death pursue But as for this in them no cause was found Worthy of death but only they were found Constant and steadfast zealous witnessing For the prerogatives of CHRIST their king Which truths were feared by famous Guthrie's head And all along to Mr Ranwick's blood They did endure the wrath of enemies Reproaches torments deaths and injuries But yet they're these who from such troubles came And now triumph in glory with the LAMB"
  • 94. What were their losses and what were their gains? Their losses were themselves and all that they had. Their gains were great, not for themselves but for their posterity…They made possible the lawfulness of dissent in times of error…To them we owe our way of love, our constitution, our commonwealth…Their faith held no lifeless opinions. It was spiritual and evangelical as they they themselves were, alive unto God, taken up with the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ..” Jock Purves in “Fair Sunshine”
  • 95. Farewell,beloved sufferers, and followers of the Lamb…Farewell night wanderings, cold and weariness for Christ…Farewell holy Scriptures wherewith my soul has been many a day refreshed…Farewell reading, singing and praying…Farewell sweet believing. Welcome, immediate presence of God and His Son Jesus Christ, who only has redeemed me with His blood.