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Christina Aguilera Research Paper
Christina Aguilera may be known for her voice but that doesn't stop other singers from following her musical track record which was why Demi
Lovato impersonated Aguilera during a game with Jimmy Fallon on the "Tonight Show". "Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon loves to play games
with his guests. He gets action stars to play egg roulette, models to play beer pong, lip sync battles with actors, and singers to impersonate other
singers in a game he calls "Wheel of Musical Impressions". A while back, Christina Aguilera also did her time on the wheel with Fallon when she
guested on "The Tonight Show". She impersonated Colombian star Shakira and even portrayed Britney Spears and Cher. Who did Fallon get to sit on
the "musical chair" this time? Singer Demi Lovato rose to the challenge and apparently nailed it to perfection, as described by online news.... Show
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The Disney–star started with her own version of "Bingo Was His Name–O" in a Cher–like fashion. She also did "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" in the
styles of Fetty Wap. But the pop singer took the trophy home with her Christina Aguilera–d performance of the Nickelodeon "Sponge Bob Square
Pants" theme song with Fallon conceding to her finale. "It's unbelievable! Game over!" Fallon exclaimed. He further added on the show that he can't
top her performance even with his Dave Matthews' impersonation. What do you think of Lovato's impersonation of Christina Aguilera? Do you think
Christina Aguilera would turn her "The Voice" red judge chair on Lovato? Relive that moment by checking out the video
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Air Pollution Essay
"There are about 2 million premature deaths caused each year due to air pollution in cities across the world" (Air Pollution). Every day the average
person inhales about 20,000 liters of contaminated air, Such as carbon dioxide and smog (Brimblecombe). These pollutants are released throughout the
world's atmosphere in concentrations that are high enough to cause health problems, which leads to one of the main problems today, and that would be
air pollution (Socha). The main cause of air pollution is all of the toxic chemicals that are being released into the air such as cars emitting carbon, to the
methane that comes from gas that is emitted by livestock such as cows (Air Pollution). Therefore air pollution is affecting the health of ... Show more
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Then one of our counselors had said to us that what causes the stars to twinkle was because the air was dirty. So because of all this smog, and
carbon that were release into the air was causing the stars to twinkle. All the pollutants that have been released were affecting the air and we could
not see it at all, but the proof was in the stars. In other areas such as Los Angeles and New York the cloud of smog is more noticeable. There are
clouds of a hazy brown color that now floats right above the area. Now that's just something I don't think anyone enjoys hearing. Air pollution has
many affects on our society, and one of the leading causes of it would be from all the contaminants that are set up into the air and is affecting our
natural ecosystems. In the questionnaire I asked if they thought that cars were one of the main causes of air pollution (Chan), and about 95 percent
of the people said yes. Trees in the rainforests are being destroyed and because of that carbon dioxide is being released into the air. Without trees, it
cannot create enough oxygen from the carbon dioxide. All the smog and carbon dioxide that are floating in the air is created because of our supply
and demands, and now we have to inhale, all of which polluted the air, until we can do something to stop it. Another way air pollution affects our
society is that it is doing harm to our health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in cities across the world there are about two
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Nursery Rhymes To Enhance Frank's Phonological Awareness
The recommended support to enhance Frank's phonetics skills is using Nursery Rhymes to develop phonological awareness. First Frank's prior
knowledge would need to be tested. In journal a PowerPoint was put together of 10 nursery rhymes using visual and auditory cues. The beginning
sound awareness task is designed to require Frank to detect the beginning phoneme (sound). The test consisted if two practice trials and then ten
experimental trails. An example, of a test would be asking Frank to listen to the word milk and then asking him to repeat the work and state the
beginning sound. After achieving the beginning sound awareness task Frank would complete the Phonological Awareness Training. In the journal it
says, "The phonological awareness training was conducted for 15–20 minuets once per week over a period of ten weeks"... Show more content on ...
Frank will be given ten nursery rhymes with a goal that needs to be achieved. The research journal states that, "Instruction is focused on diverse learning
including visual and auditory, oral language, tactile–kinesthetic and hands–on activities designed to enhance children's recall of nursery rhymes"
(Yopp). This will be beneficial to Frank because it doesn't repeat the same instruction over and over again so he will not get bored. An example
task would be for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Frank would have to recite the rhyme using rebus poster and prop box items to help him recall of the
lyrics. Another one task was for Mary had a little lamb Frank would create a sheep and reenact Mary's lamb following her to school. The nursery
rhyme approach will be beneficial to Frank because it's something his more familiar with and will likely be more comfortable in completing. It also had
multiple means of instruction, which is well suited for Frank because of his short attention
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Influenza Research Paper
INFLUENZA Flu season is upon us and influenza has hit our area particularly hard this year. The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by
influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs that spread from person to person through sneezing and coughing. The flu can also be spread
surfaces when infected people touch surfaces such as door knobs, shopping carts, computer keyboards, countertops, etc. Symptoms of the flu include
fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Though it can be difficult to avoid the flu entirely, there are things you can do to
protect yourself and your household from getting the flu by following these steps at home. Continue these steps daily throughout the flu season.
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Descriptive Essay : ' Sleep, My Mother '
"Sleep," My mother chided, "We'll be there soon." I settled back into my seat, sighed a melodramatic sigh, and gazed through the window onto the
race of trees and forest. The car trundled along the road in a nonchalant manner, gentling weaving the ins and outs of the crooked street. My parents
would leave me soon, I could feel it, they always smiled a little bit more when we made trips like these, I would be hauled into the car, gripping what
little luggage I could throw together, and sent to a relatives for the night. There, I would be ushered into an assuredly uncomfortable and terrifying
room, and left in the dark with the instruction to rest. I was six now, and perhaps I would finally be permitted to stay out a little longer. I... Show more
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The facade was a grey, gunmetal stone, accentuated by classical pillars and grandiose archways. Vines crawled up the walls and ivy slept in neat
rows, overflowing from terraces. The house was situated on the edge of the forest, accentuating a sharp contrast between the polished order of the
property and the untamed wilderness of the forest. I stared in awe at the ancient palace laid before me, trudging towards it in a childish trance.
Wrought iron gates locked away a flora lined courtyard, and brought my progress to a halt. A hand reached from behind me and pushed with a
great heave on the iron birds set in the center, and with a great scream of rending metal they opened inward. I was carried over whitewashed steps
and placed in front of an immaculate olive green door, and the silence shattered by my father's hesitant tapping on the oak frame. The door whipped
open as a striking snake, the second the third knock was laid upon the wood. I swallowed heavily as a woman appeared in the doorway, her shadow
already enough to make my throat constrict. My grandmother strutted through the opening, the click of her heels ringing like the hammer of nails into
a coffin. Rather short and round, she was dwarfed by the grand door surrounding her. Her hair was held in tight raven curls, in stark contrast with the
pallor of her milky skin. Her clothes were decadent and accented with pearls and gold clasps. She appraised my
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Concert Critique
On May 6, 2017, I attended a Guitar Recital at Lone Star North Harris. The group that performed ranged from little children to college students.
Overall, everyone had their own different piece to play according to their level. For example, a little boy played Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
compared to a college student that played Asturias/Leyenda that is more on the complex side. There was not a specific type of style of music they
played as the concert had Folk songs, pieces by M. Carcassi, pieces by C. Parkening, and more. What I was impressed by is a girl who I believe is
around 12 years old play Siciliana by Matteo Carcassi with such smoothness and grace. It was like she was entranced and by the looks of it was
passionate about what she ... Show more content on ...
I can imagine how his fingers must suffer as he did not have a guitar pick and used his fingers to play the entire piece. I did enjoy everything the
concert offered including its performers, therefore, there was not anything that I did not like. However, for some of the performers, I wish they
would not look as if they were uncomfortable or did not enjoy playing in the concert. Only a few I noticed did this as some had a plain still face or
maybe that was just me. I hope that each performer young and old would continue practicing on their guitar to further improve the talent they have.
Many of the performers have the talent to play the guitar with what I heard and with more time they can become even better. For a guitar concert, I
did not expect electric guitars and percussion to be used to play La Bamba. Even though the audience was not as pumped up as I was as they played
this song it was quite the surprise nevertheless. The audience was respectful throughout the performance even if Siri was heard from a phone once.
The room was not huge or small which when I was sitting on the top level I could still hear what was being
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Toddler Proper Hand Washing
Teaching Your Toddler Proper Hand Washing
Hand washing is the best defense against viruses and bacteria. Proper hand washing stops the spread of many diseases and infections. It's such an easy
thing to do to help safeguard our family's health.
Toddlers are very busy spending their days playing with their food, picking up any object within sight, and putting everything in their mouths. We
parents loving call this exploring. All this investigation lead to dirty germy hands.
Toddler–hood is a good time to start teaching the correct method to get those little hands clean and germ free. Get them in the habit of washing their
hands before you start potty training and you'll have one less thing to deal with.
It's too early to have a discussion about bacteria and immune symptoms, but toddlers can understand that 'yucky' things get on their hands and must be
washed away. Explain how they need to wash their hands before and after they eat, after going potty, after blowing their nose or coughing, and after
coming in from outdoors. ... Show more content on ...
Just like everything else toddler, it's gonna be messy too.
If your toddler can't reach the sink, try having them stand beside it instead of in front. If that isn't possible you'll need a child–safe and slip proof stool
that is firmly stuck to the floor. You may have to hold them up yourself, if so make sure you have a firm grip around their waist.
Push their shirt sleeves up past their elbows. Show them the difference between the hot and cold taps, bit don't allow them to turn them on themselves.
Always do this yourself so you can set the proper temperature. Teach your toddler to hold their hands under the warm running water til thoroughly wet.
Turn off the
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Analysis Of The Poem ' The Blazing Sun '
"Twinkle, twinkle little star, how you wonder what we are..." The ghostly figures sing, standing in the hall. Everything goes dark, but Daniel can
hear voices talking. He is unable to make out what they are saying though. It sounds like a different language of some kind. There is one word he is
able to recognize, 'Virgo'. "Hello, what is going on?" Daniel says, hoping for some kind of answer. The chatter of voices continues, as if Daniel said
"When the blazing Sun is gone..." Repeats as it did earlier. Daniel isn't able to move, almost as if he is paralyzed. The chatter between the various
entities continues, and increases in speed.
Daniel grunts, holding his head. "What..." He stopped briefly to sit up. "What happened? Where am I?" Daniel got up and braced himself against the
wall. He could barely see anything. He glanced to the light fixture. "Ah crap!" He yelled, turning his head away quickly. He could hear the echo from
the yell as it went through the hallways. Daniel got himself on his feet, slightly dazed. He notices the dark outlines of the boxes in the room. It appears
as though Daniel is in another storage room.
Where am I? What's going on? Why is everything so dark, but the light fixtures so bright?
Daniel can hear people talking in the hallway outside of the room he is in. He makes his way out the door, using the wall to brace himself. As he
looks into the hallway, he can still hear the people talking, but there doesn't appear to be anyone around. Everything
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My Childhood Memories Of My Grandfather And Me
Some of my favorite childhood memories are of my grandfather and me. One could say that we had a tradition. Often, he would pick me up from
gymnastics and go through the drive through of McDonald's to get me a chocolate shake. And during the trip to his house, we would talk about our day
and the exciting things that had occurred. Although we talked about many different things on our way to his house, we always sang "Twinkle Twinkle
Little Star". I remember looking out the windows while we sang and admired the beauty of the night. Coming up to the big red barn I knew that we
were almost there. My grandparents lived near Saint Peter, Minnesota on Lake Washington. And every night after eating dinner, we would make a fire,
look out upon the ... Show more content on ...
Rushing by, nurses and doctors ran to the aid of their patients. I had been in hospitals many times as a child. Because of this, I associated hospitals
with happiness and healing. I always loved visiting my mom and seeing the newborn babies. They were so innocent and precious. But walking through
the hospital this time was completely different. I didn't see the smiling faces of my family's coworkers and the families waiting weren't there to
celebrate. I was on my way to see my grandfather and that one fact made everything different. The air was thick with sadness and anticipation. I
sluggishly walked down the hall and entered the elevator. I remember all the tubes connected to him and all the machines he was attached to. His
face discolored and his body clothed in a white hospital gown. It was so strange to see my lovely grandfather look so vulnerable and sick. I felt so
powerless seeing him there. I wanted to speak to him, but I couldn't conjure any words. My throat was in a knot and my lungs felt heavy. I cannot
remember the last time I felt so suffocated.
The car ride home felt like eternity. My mother and I cried the whole way. My pain fueled anger inside of me. But everything was abruptly stopped
when my mother began to play "Undone" by MercyMe. I didn't know how to react. My mother began singing along and I just sat there in silence. At
the time, I didn't understand the power and the meaning in the song. However, I knew that
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Sample Intentional Teaching Plan
Intentional teaching Plan – detailed a child
Date: 10/4/18Room/Age Group: infantEducator: Daisy
Creating a musical experience by playing ukulele and singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in both English and Chinese with children.
Music and music experiences support the formation of important brain connections that are being established over the first three years of life (Carlton
2000). Musical experiences are helpful for academic achievement in childhood, because music actually accelerate brain development, particularly in the
areas of language acquisition and reading skills. (The University of Southern California's Brain and Creativity Institute) Moreover, music ignites all
areas of child development and skills for readiness intellectual, ... Show more content on ...
Ensuring children have access to instruments on a free–choice basis through setting up the environment so that children can choose to play with music.
Set up a music area and sit on the ground through singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in both English and Chinese languages with children in order
to develop their cultural diversity.
Playing the ukulele when they are free play. Make a funny face, shake head and try to see the children imitate me. Encouraging them mover their own
bodied as I sing. Observing the behaviors and reactions of all the children. They will move their body to close me if they are interested. Sharing the
smiles and sitting on the ground in order to make them feel more intimate.
Question: thinking about how they show their interest?
How they respond to the music experience?
How do they react differently?
How their emotions change? ( focus on their body movement and facial
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Descriptive Essay : Unforgettable Strangers
Unforgettable Strangers
I sat criss–cross on top a folding chair and beheld the keyboard in front of me. One at a time, I pressed each key in alphabetical order: first ascending,
then descending.
"A, B, C, D, E, F, G. G, F, E, D, C, B, A," I spoke aloud as the tip of my index finger plunked down heavily on each key. With each new note, I said
its letter name aloud and progressively grew faster until the notes jumbled together, and I was mumbling and tripping over my own hands. I had been
practicing for at least an hour and my back ached from leaning over my grandmother's keyboard for so long. Not to mention, my mouth was dry from
repeating the letters over and over again. During the last couple of days, the series of letters A through G... Show more content on ...
After all, she would no doubt play the piece perfectly, and I had the feeling that I would be a much better page turner than a pianist. But alas, the time
finally came for me to begin despite my best efforts to wish it away.
I placed my hands on the starting position, and for a split second I looked into the crowd. In that moment I decided that I would not fail. While
walking up the stage I thought I had heard the echoes of what felt like thousands of people wondering what I would do. What instrument would I play?
Would I make a mistake? Would I be any good? Most people probably saw a short girl wearing a floppy pink dress and assumed I would be playing a
basic rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." I didn't blame them. I would have made the same assumption. The only difference was that I wasn't
part of the crowd. I was up on stage, and for the moment, I only had to please myself.
I broke the silence with a soft, lingering note that slowly fell into a lulling melody. My left hand moved gently, yet steadily across the chords to built
the rhythmic undertones of the piece. My right hand pranced across the notes of the melody, fleeting and sure. As my notes floated through the air,
pictures of flowers and fluttering butterflies filled my vision. Rolling fields of golden grasses became so vivid, that I was transported out of the church
and into my own imagination. Gradually, the notes grew richer and the tempo became more
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Prenatal Exposure To Music
The Effects of Prenatal and Early Infancy Exposure to Music.docx
The Effects of Prenatal and Early Infancy Exposure to Music
In normal prenatal development, individualized cells such as blood cells, kidney cells, and nerve cells begin to develop around 5–weeks gestation.
This is also when the baby's brain and spinal cord begin to develop, laying the framework for some of the most essential structures for human life.
One week later, at week 6 gestation, the brain begins to form into 5 separate sections and spine tissue grows more rapidly. At week 27 thenervous
system is so developed, it is able to control certain functions of the body. Once the brain is formed it processes information by way of neurons.
Neurons are specialized cells that ... Show more content on ...
The results found that,
"The infants born to mothers exposed to music during their pregnancy scored significantly higher on 5 of the 7 BNBAS clusters including habituation,
orientation, range of state, regulation of state, and autonomic stability." (Aria, 2012)
The results of this study support the theory that prenatal exposure to music has positive developmental effects on the baby.
Another test used to monitor the effect prenatal music exposure has on newborns is newborn event related potential tests. An event related potential
test, or an ERP, is a measurement of the brains response to a sensory, cognitive or motor stimulus. (Sur, 2009).
During the study where the newborn ERPs were used,
"During the last trimester of pregnancy, the mothers in the learning group played the 'Twinkle twinkle little star'–melody 5 times per week. After birth
and again at the age of 4 months, we played the infants a modified melody in which some of the notes were changed while ERPs to unchanged and
changed notes were recorded. The ERPs were also recorded from a control group, who received no prenatal stimulation." (Partanen,
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The Star Charlee Monologue
The Star Meadows
Once there was a little girl, alone in the empty darkness of the universe. Tucked away in a quiet corner, blanketed by the steady blackness that
surrounded her, she was safe. Though content with her own quiet company, the little girl longed to explore the heavens. To search the void of existence
and discover the infinite mysteries it held. She passed the time dreaming of what might lay beyond her own little patch of sky. The sweet whispers of
existence swirled about her mind, hints of far–off places a tantalising thread to follow. She grew restless, no longer content with herself and the
darkness as company. She yearned to stretch out, to explore.
The little girl collected her thoughts and all at once she pushed outward. Out of the darkness that had surrounded her and kept her safe, away from the
only thing she ever knew in her little life and out into the greater unknown. Gathering her strength, she cast her eyes into the inky blackness and
saw–far off in the distance–a small twinkle of light. It ... Show more content on ...
On through the darkness with the star's glow lighting her way. She came across another star, then another, and another, their subtle radiance shone
brave against the dark cosmos. She considered each one, feeling their smooth surface beneath her hand. Their subtle heat thawed her cold fingertips.
She careful pinned each to her flowing hair, so that they may keep her company on her endless voyage. Each star illuminated fragment more of the
world until at last the little girl could see what was in the dark. Through a blinding burst of light, she saw all that lay before her. Each and every star
shone brilliant against the darkness of the sky. She felt as though she were waking for the first time, so awake that it hurt. Stretched before her lay an
endless expanse of nebulas and galaxies; filled with bright stars and mysterious planets, with quasars and black holes that reminded her all too much of
the darkness she had
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Nonsense and Justice in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures...
You would think that Lewis Carroll an English author, mathematician and logician would sit down and write a logical, didactical novel, instead he
wrote a novel of the literary nonsense genre. Unusual, is it not? Maybe we should take a closer look at Carroll's "nonsense" and see why is it
considered to be random, senseless, unpredictable, and without rules. Moreover, even justice is not spared of parody, injustice and chaos are logical
consequences of living in Wonderland. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a story about a little girl who comes into contact with unpredictable,
illogical, basically mad world of Wonderland by following the White Rabbit into a huge rabbit– hole. Everything she experiences there challenges her
perception... Show more content on ...
Thus, "How Doth the Little Crocodile" is a parody of Isaac Watts' nursery rhyme, "Against Idleness And Mischief", The Duchess's lullaby, "Speak
roughly to your little boy" is a parody of David Bates' "Speak Gently", "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat" is a parody of Jane Taylor's "Twinkle Twinkle
Little Star" and "The Lobster Quadrille" is a parody of Mary Botham Howitt's "The Spider and the Fly". There are few more, but these are best –
known. Consequently, as this comparison inclines we need to know a great many things that are not part of the story if we wish to understand
Alice's full wit and flavor. Therefore, we can conclude that Lewis's nonsense is not nearly as random and pointless as it seems at first look, but is
very complicated and written for British readers of another century. Futhermore, some parts are ment only for residents of Oxford, and other jokes,
even more private, could be understood only by the daughters of Dean Liddell . Moreover, in Wonderland not only verses of poems and
mathematical equations are nonsensical, almost everything is. Wonderland is truly a world of wonders, it is a world where a baby gets transformed
into a pig and where all other animals have the nagging, whining and peevish attitudes of adults, it is a kingdom in which king and queen have
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Essay on Nicki Minaj's Negative Influence on Your Children
Cox 1
Karen A. Cox
Mr. House
ENG 111
19 July 2012 Nicki Minaj's Influence on Your Children Onika Tanya Maraj was born on December 8, 1982; she now goes by her stage name Nicki
Minaj. Minaj has been noted by the media for her curvaceous figure. She also had plastic surgery on her butt as well as implants in her breasts. In
an interview with Vibe, Minaj discussed her sexual image stating, "When I grew up I saw females doing certain things, and I thought I had to do that
exactly. The female rappers of my day spoke about sex a lot and I thought that to have the success they got; I would have to represent the same thing.
Minaj was named the 2011 Rising Star by Billboard. Brent Staples of
The New York Times... Show more content on ...
Why would you want to just have a moment for life when our children have a long life ahead of them? They don't need a moment for life,
symbolically this means to live a short period. According to the latest World
Health Organization (WHO) Mortality Database, the mean suicide rate for our youth, based on data available for the latest year, was 7.4/100,000.
The clothes she wears to show off her curvaceous body affects what young girls are wearing today. They're getting the wrong attention and shouldn't
focus on looking sexy; kids should focus on their education. Nicki does say on an interview with BET that she feels guilty about young people
listening to her music. "It makes me feel guilty because I know how I am with my 12–year old brother... very strict. Every now and then I feel like I
gotta censor it but censoring it too much I wouldn't be Nicki Minaj. I think a part of what they like is I'm the naughty girl." Ellen DeGeneres invited an
8 year–old YouTube star Grace
Brownlee and her younger cousin to the Ellen show. Ellen wanted to surprise them with their idol Nicki
Minaj on stage. When Sophia and younger cousin met Nicki they started singing one of Nicki's top hits
"Super Bass" generating more than 8–million hits. "Super Bass" is a song laced with vulgar lyrics, including "When he give me that look, then the
panties comin' off." Is this what you want your child listening to? Nicki Minaj is a horrible role
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Interpreter Of Maladies
Jhumpa Lahiri won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2000 with her first collection of short fiction, Interpreter of Maladies. Among that collection there
are two stories that will be analyzed and compared. "Interpreter of Maladies" and "This blessed house" are short stories where Lahiri displays her style
and provides some perspective of her own life. Jhumpa Lahiri delivers and impressive short story titled as the book "Interpreter of Maladies" where the
Das family is taking vacation in India and Mr. Kapasi is their tour guide. There are some symbols present in the story discussed by scholars; these
symbols are almost imperceptible when first reading this short story. Spark notes provide very specific and a more detailed view of these symbols, ...
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They both are written in a limited omniscient third person. They both take in consideration marriage. When we look at "Interpreter of Maladies" we
can see the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Das is deeply damage by infidelity and they have distanced from each other. If we look at "This blessed house"
Sanjeev and Twinkle's might not seem like soulmates who understand and support each other in every circumstance but, they try to make it work. In
both stories we can see the main characters are from Indian–Americans. Mr. and Mrs. Das look American for the way they dress, Sanjeev prefers to
stay as a traditional Hindu and Twinkle is Hindu too but more open minded. Finally, it is really interesting the transition of the main characters'
mood. Interpreter of Maladies starts with a normal family taking a vacation with a tour guide who is just doing his job. That story ends by taking
the mask away from that "normal family" and exposing how broken and separate they are including Mr. Kapasi and his marriage. In "This blessed
house" it starts with a husband who is too traditional and does not want to keep Christian paraphernalia even though his wife insists, he finds it
childish. At the end he realizes that childishness makes his wife so likeable among his coworkers and he shows he is ready to have some small
changes in his
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Observation Of An Infant's Classroom
Today I was very frustrated in the infant's classroom. Because two of babies were crying for long time, I asked to teacher Maria why the babies are
crying, and she told me because they are teething. They look very irritable. She told me that one of the babies had runny nose and the other baby
had fever and diahrrea. When it was lunch time, the baby who is already 12 months, don't want to eat, because of the pain. Every time that I tried to
feed him, he cried or pushed the spoon. I felt so sad that he can't to eat. Teacher Maria told me that she called their parents and they will be coming
soon. I know is hard for parents to lose work hours but I think in those moments that the baby feel so indisposed they need also the safe and warm of
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Beethoven Vs Mozart
The classical period is a time when middle class struggled for rights and privileges. The time period is filled with wars and revolution, to move
political and economic power from aristocrats and the church to the middle class. The middle class looked for pleasure and elegance in their lives.
Classical composers focused on simplicity, clarity, creating a pleasant melody and simple harmony that both amateurs and professionals could enjoy.
There are three principal composers of the classical period, Hayden, Mozart and Beethoven, each with their own personal style yet each impacting one
another's works.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756–1791) was born in Salzburg, Austria, the son of a court musician named Leopold. Mozart was an accomplished
musician by the age of six. Mozart traveled extensively between the ages of six and fifteen however; his music was not appreciated by the new
archbishop upon his return to Salzburg (Kamien, 2015). Mozart was eventually able to travel Vienna at the age of twenty–five where he was able to
find success as an independent musician, teacher composer and conductor. ... Show more content on ...
23 in A Major was composed in 1786. Piano Concerto No. 23 in A Major was composed in sonata form. The piece has three movements, typical for
the concerto; there is a first and second exposition, development, recapitulation, cadenza and coda. The music is homophonic and has changes from
long notes to short notes, allegro to adagio and forte to piano and back again using crescendos, decrescendos and pauses. The cadenza runs up and
down the scales of the piano with a long solo trill to end the cadenza. This musical piece intertwines solo piano performances, performance of the
orchestra, and the piano and orchestra playing together giving a lovely, happy
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Piano State Competition Essay
Six months and countless hours of practice and it is about to be finally over. It's time for the Annual Piano State Competition.
I was so nervous for this morning's competition. Today is the day that I will compete with other 7th and 8th graders in the KMTA Piano Kansas
State Competition. "Melody, make sure you go over the spots that you need to work on", Mom said, throwing off my concentration. "Okay, I'll get
to it in 10 minutes." as I look back at the mantle where my other trophies are displayed along with the TV. I wasn't so sure about getting first place
or even second this year. Last year was an easy group to compete against. However, I still felt confident that I could pull off an Honorable Mention
medal. Too bad we have to drive all the way to KU in Lawrence for the competition. The Royals at least won the World Series with home field
advantage. I have to compete in Lawrence under a "hostile" environment. (My dad went to MU.)The songs that I had practiced over from June to
October were mere child's play compared to other competitors in the group who played pieces like Claire de Lune and the 12 Variations ofTwinkle
Twinkle Little Star (no one in middle school ... Show more content on ...
This was unfair to the others in the group including me and my friend. I felt like I was about to explode. Sure, winning a trophy is cool, but that's not
the point. The point is that the person who performs the best should win; not the person who gains an unfair advantage. We went back down to the
trophy presentation area to see what place I had received and I thought for sure I wasn't going to be first because of that kid's dad. I can't even follow
this guy's thought process. We heard that he was even standing in the doorway thinking "Should I do it? Should I not? And even still, he went with the
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Astronomy Description
"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are..." The common lullaby that is known by many, but what do these words really mean? After
visiting the observatory, one could learned more about the words and the concepts found in the common nursery rhythm. During my visit to the
observatory, I was able to learn more about stars, constellations, and asterisms in different parts of the sky, the second largest telescope at the
University of Northern Iowa, and Saturn, the 2nd largest planet in our Solar System. I attended the observatory on September 3, 2015 from 9:00 p.m.
till 10:00 p.m. September 3rd, was a hot and humid evening, with little to no wind. That night, there was slight cloudiness in the Southern sky. The
slight cloudiness in... Show more content on ...
In the North East we saw. Cassiopeia. Similar to Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. Cassiopeia is a circumpolar star in Cedar Falls. A Circumpolar star,
is a star that will never set in a specific location due to its proximity to the celestial pole. When looking at Cassiopeia she looks like a house. A square
base, with a triangle on top. Saturn was located in the South Western Sky. When looking at Saturn with my own eyes, I could easily confuse it with
Arcturus in the Western Sky. With the naked eye they look about the same size, and brightness, and there is only one small difference. When looking at
the star and the planet, everyone should notice one twinkles, and the other is a constant stream of light. The one that is twinkle is Arcturus. As the
common lullaby states, stars twinkle. The telescope used on September 3rd, contains a lenses twelve inches in circumference, which makes it the
second largest at the University of Northern Iowa's campus. To determine the quality of a telescope, you measure the circumference of the lenses, and
not the length. The wider the circumference of a telescope allows more light to enter, which allows a better quality of picture. This particular telescope
can magnify by seventy–five. This lens was bought by the University of Northern Iowa twenty years ago for $5,000. It uses a computer system to track
the stars and galaxies with the information about the date, time, and location the telescope
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Gustav Holst: A Short Story
When I was eleven years old, I mustered up every ounce of courage I could and joined a church orchestra. It wasn't even my church; I just wanted the
I had played violin since the age of eight, and without a school orchestra, I was never given the chance to play with a group. My first day, I walked
in late on a Saturday morning and sat in the back. I was last chair. Everyone around me was already engrossed in Gustav Holst's The Planets: Jupiter. I
stared at the music in front of me, marked with black dots and dashes. Having just progressed from Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Go Tell Aunt
Rhody, the sixteenth notes on the page seemed to laugh at me. I nervously gripped my bow and began fumbling through the notes in an attempt to
blend with the strangers around me. I wished I was invisible. ... Show more content on ...
"Are you new?" a middle–aged woman questioned disdainfully. I quickly nodded my head and returned to squeaking my bow across the strings.
Instead of leaving me to wallow in my embarrassment as I'd hoped, the woman continued to stand behind me, pursing her lips and slowly shaking her
head. "Is she even playing?" she asked another woman. "I don't think she can even read music. What should we do?" the other replied in a whisper,
just loud enough for me to overhear. As soon as the director stopped waving his baton, I packed up my instrument and ran from the building, avoiding
the stares from the two women in the
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Pros And Cons Of A Police Officer Shielding Child
Police Officer Shielding Child – LH1–01 Couldn't find a photo. Source: YouTube: A Heart
Wrenching Moment and You Won't Believe What This Police Officer Did to Protect a Child from HORROR We all go through our lives every day
without giving much thought about death, let alone having to deal with it on a regular basis. Police officers don't know from one day to the next
what they will have to handle on any given day. You won't believe what this police officer had to do on this horrific day. THIS will definitely bring
you to tears! As you begin to watch this video, it isn't apparent at first exactly what this officer is doing. It appears he is holding and talking to a small
girl. But in the background,
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My Story Of My Life
My story begins at the age of six. I am standing in my school uniform with a stain on my shirt from the ice cream my mother gave me on the ride
there. My little sister, Gianni, lay in hospital bed staring at the polysterene tiled ceiling. There was nothing much else to look at save the cheap
print of an uplifting pastel on the opposite wall. The air had a stagnant smell of bleach and sickness. My parents paced back and forth occasionally
glancing forced reassuring smiles to my sister. We heard a moan on the adjacent bed through the cubicle curtains. My sister began to cry. Panicking,
I ran to her bedside and started singing Jesus Loves the Little Children a song I learned in Bible school the Sunday before. I look at my grandmother
and she gives me a reassuring nod from across the room. My sister gives me a hug and drifts off to sleep. The doctors come a bit later and take her away.
Years pass and I have abandoned the church hymns of my youth for theviolin. Gianni's tumor was successfully removed and she was now a bounding
pre–teen with all the sass and angst that accompany it. About once a month we go to visit my grandmother for the weekend. Each time, my mother
makes sure I am prepared to play for my grandmother. I usually protest, embarrassed by the Twinkle Twinkle Little Starrendition I scratch out on the
strings. Most times I give in though, and she smiles and claps as if she just listened to a performance by Joshua bell at the Kennedy Center.
More time passes. When
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Reflective Essay: What It Means To Me As A Writer
"Exercise the writing muscle every day, even if it is only a letter, notes, a title list, a character sketch, a journal entry. Writers are like dancers, like
athletes. Without that exercise, the muscles seize up," Jane Yolen. While reading through the list of quotes to choose from, I finally reached this one.
To me, this quote means that you must write everyday to sustain your writing ability. Like anything, the more you practice the better you get. If not, you
will regress in your abilities. It is important to practice regularly to maintain a certain level of skill set. I have experienced this in ninth grade english
and in my extra curricular activities.
In ninth grade, English was a subject in which we wrote everyday to enhance our skills. ... Show more content on ...
We probably averaged at least
400 words a night which although a pain at the time, will definitely help me in the long run. I was a bit skeptical in the beginning of the year with
all the writing and all the homework, but now I am glad that Mr.Lee forced us to do these blog posts. By making the posts more of our grade, he
pretty much forced and encouraged us to do them on the daily. Three of my favorite blog posts this year was our reaction to winter break, reaction to
spring break, and the former
Governor Ariyoshi. These blogs brought out another person in me and forced me to write out my feelings like a diary. Another example is each
summer break, without school. We are nearing summer and that means no school. Every summer, my parents make sure I am doing summer
school or doing some kind of brain exercise. They do this to "keep my brain in shape". Every year when I come back to school transitioning from
summer, I am not ready. That is why it is great to review in the first quarter. It is also especially good that my parents make me keep doing school
work during the summer so I'm not going into the new school year "cold". I've heard a similar quote to this in both athletics and in
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Write How To Make Brain Food By Trivens
On Tuesday and Thursday, I witnessed Trivens creative juices flowing while songwriting. There were times where Triven was be very creative
and would think of something right away, the tricky part was making sure that he wrote down all his thoughts. Triven would sing in the tune of
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, and it was so amazing to watch him be so artistic. He was a lot better at thinking of what he wanted to say as were
we writing How to make Brain Food, which was a food from a book he chose. "Creation of musical compositions offers a pathway to expressing
personal feelings and beliefs in the language of musical sound." This relates to my student because he was able to create his song by singing it out
loud and then quickly write it down.
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Classroom Observation
1. The only change in the classroom was all of the children special notes from their parents, "My child is Special because" The teacher posted them on
all them were posted on the door.
2.The children seem busy playing in the centers block, dramatic, art and sensory.
Observation related to science last week the children planted seeds the question the teacher asks was "How long you think it will grow?" At the
cirle–time area the teacher pulls out the chart again and she ask them again how long did it take their seeds to sprout the children watch and observe
each day and some said 4, 5, and 6 days. After circle– time the children watered their plants and took their flower plant outside for some sunlight.
3a.The most interesting to the ... Show more content on ...
Home on the Range
3.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 4. ABC 5. Pop Goes the Weasel
b. During circle–time the teacher is having a discussion about how we are alike and different.
She read a book called "I Like Myself." By Karen Beaumont" The teacher ask the children to look around at one another and look at differences and
Made a Graph: She took out the chart made a class graph of everyone's hair color, eye color, hair texture (straight, curly or wavy), skin color, etc.
They discuss about their graph the differences and likenesses. Some of children had the same eye color,skin.What was different about some of the
children were their hair color one girl had red, one had wavy hair, another child had blonde short hair.She handed some stethoscopes the children they
had a chance to hear the sound of each other heartbeat. The teacher says, Jump up and down and place your hand on their heart. They were all
excited, smiling and laughing. One child says, "Oh cool! I can hear it." Another child says, "I can feel his heart beat its beating really fast."
c. I did'nt experience a child during my lab related to science. But I did interact with some of the children
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Summary: The Giver
Behind him, across vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps it was only an echo. The
community had changed a great deal, since Jonas left. Where he had gone, no one knew, in fact many suggested a ceremony of loss for him, but it was
never executed. There was no ceremony needed to remember Jonas, for he had given them something more. When the community first received the
memories, there was chaos. They panicked at the fact that they now saw, and felt things that no amount of word precision could describe. Lily
distinctly remembered the first time she witnessed a fantastic phenomenon the Giver called colors. All of a sudden, bright shades swooped over the
room,reds and ... Show more content on ...
Fiona was gracious, and gentle with her flowing red hair, and she spoke kindly of Jonas, and expressed regret for not being able to say goodbye.
Asher's answer was a bit more glum, for his fun loving personality had been worn down by his newfound knowledge of war, and hunger, and the
constant existence of death. He expressed sorrow,"Jonas was my best friend, and I let him down when he needed me most, and...," Asher rambled on,
about the word distraught for a few
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Jazz Improvisation
On Saturday, July 8, 2017, at 11:00 a.m. the contemporary jazz trio, Charged Particles, performed at the Cambrian Branch Library, San Jose.
Although the trio's entire focus is on jazz, they incorporated other genres such as salsa, samba, blues, and swing. The program included a rendition of
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Un Nuevo Dia, Mobius Trip, and Gallope. There was no conductor; however, Jon Krosnick, the drummer, explained how
each of the individuals do their own improvisation, which is the basis of jazz and blues. According to Titon, "Sometimes [musicians] think out a song in
advance; sometimes they improvise it during performance. Often a performance embodies both planning and improvisation"(Titon). In improvising,
one cannot predict ... Show more content on ...
Surprisingly, the children were quite attentive as they watched the concert. A few parents, unlike their children, did not pay attention. Rather, they used
their phones, but it did not serve as a distraction for myself. Furthermore, the concert followed their introduction with a jazz variation of Twinkle
Twinkle Little Star. Jazz and blues derived from North America. Murray Low, the pianist, began with a solo. He encouraged the audience to sing
together, or a call–and–response. It was a reminder of the call–and–response form of the work songs in North America, except that the piece that the
trio performed was not exactly a work song. The work songs were primarily used to coordinate production and to pass time (Titon). One example of
the call–and–response is the YouTube video, "Rosie." The leader starts with a line and the rest respond next. The bassist, Germaine, and the
drummer, Krosnick followed. It was a least favorite due to the context of the blues; it expressed a heartbreak and sadness, which does not mix well
with the piece (Titon). The second piece was Un Nuevo Dia, a samba piece which originated in Brazil (Titon). Samba is performed during
celebrations such as carnival in Brazil (Titon). It was my favorite since Samba Batucada was blended. During the samba piece, the children sitting
nearby came out of their seats and began dancing. They urged their parents to dance with them. The third piece was Mobius Trip, a blues piece. The
blues originated from North America, and the piece incorporated blues elements such as improvisation and the "blues music (and jazz and reggae) shifts
into and out of polymeter, playfully teasing the boundary" (Titon). The fourth piece was Gallope, which is an Afro–Cuban piece. It uses a clave–based
rhythm and improvisation (Titon). Throughout the concert I have noticed that each musician held eye–contact and a
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A Short Story : The Colony On The Moon
1. My initial expression of the story was that of a fiction narrative described in a third's person point of view. The story shows how an author can use
the third person to increase the emotional impact of a story.
2. The genre of the selection is a short story. It can be read in one sitting and it involves a conflict and a solution. The title of the story portrays that the
colony on the moon would not wish to forget where they originated from and they wish to remember their origins. The conflict in the story is seen
when Marvin doesn't understand the phrase 'twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are 'and yet everyone knows they are stars.
3. The exposition is the beginning of any literature piece. In this story, the exposition shows us
Marvin living in the colony of the moon due to a nuclear war that destroyed the earth making it uninhabitable. The rising action of the story; Marvin is
a ten–year– old boy whose father takes him on a tour in different levels of the colony to a place he has never visited before. They jump off into a
vehicle with a pressurized cabin and drive off to planet earth away from the colony.
Climax; Marvin had never been outside of the colony before and thus he is shocked at all the amazing wonders he experiences. All the knowledge he
[previously had of planet earth he had acquired it from books, magazines and television programs. Marvin wonders why an old book of
Surname2 his father contains the phrase 'Twinkle twinkle little star, how
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Narrative Essay About A Beautiful Girl
Alice was a beautiful girl. An angel at school. She had curious large blue eyes that were lined with smile lines like the ancient roots of willow
tree.behind elongated blonde eyelashes, like golden thread. Alice was a polite, clear, logical and payed attention at school. Bustling corridors,
cluttered classrooms, noisy chatter, bright displays rushed around her as her friend left for home one by one at the ring of the school bell. she'd
deceive anyone. She fell forward, catching herself on the porcelain sink and bowed her head, shoulders shaking. The room began feeling smaller
and smaller, the walls seem to enclose on Alice. She stood there, sunken eyes staring back at her before her hand swung open the petite cabinet
door to reveal what she wanted most. The little bottle of pills called to her before she frantically unscrewed the lid with her shaky hands and took
it to her mouth. She let the antidepressants slide down her throat. The weight of everything seemed to press down on Alice's shoulders as she
struggled to stay on her feet. The poor girl finally collapsed on the cold tiled floor, and as much as she tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an
uproar from her throat in the form of a silent scream. A tress of silky blonde, honey hair fell from her chignon as a single lock gently caressed the soft
translucent skin of her cheeks. The deep mysterious oceans that filled her large, luminous eyes let tiny pearl–shaped tears roll down her cheeks.
Miniature molecules of
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Summary Of Mix A Pancake By Christina Rossetti
In the poem "Mix A Pancake," by Christina Rossetti uses a lyrical style to create an effect that makes the reader feel young in order to convey life
from a child's perspective. In order to create this effect and a lyrical style, Christina Rossetti uses simple language and whimsical structure in her poem.
The language being used in the poem "Mix a Pancake" is simple and has techniques to it such as word choice and formality. My first piece of evidence
is throughout the poem and it is the first words of every line, "Mix, stir, pop,fry, toss, catch." The evidence I have are the main action words from
the poem. The words are simple vocabulary and are easy to understand and read. This creates a lyrical style because the words are readable and are of a
child's vocabulary, like a child wrote the poem. Which is very alike to something you would sing during a hand game. The technique of word
choice that creates a lyrical style also makes the reader feel young. Since the words in the poem are words a child would use in elementary school,
it makes it seem like a child wrote the poem instead of an adult. This makes the reader feel young because when a reader reads something like a
children's book, the reader becomes reminded of their childhood which can inevitably make them feel young. Another way the simple language in the
poem supports a lyrical style and the effect of making the reader feel young is through the poem's formality. This next piece of evidence is the first
two lines of
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Music : Creative Writing : My Passion For Music
My Passion for Music "Bulletin board, bulletin board, bulletin board," I muttered as I slowly trotted down the hallway, dreading the problem at
hand. I was being forced to join a club, as it was required at our prestigious school. I thought to myself, "Well, it costs about $8000 dollars a
semester, and there is no way that I am going to get in trouble for refusing to join a club. And anyway, how will joining a club affect my future? I'm
eleven years old, this time of my life doesn't matter. Clubs are pointless, as they just get me involved in others' business in the community, and I
would much rather keep to myself," I declared. "I mean come on, there's no point, right? I'm just going to waste an hour of my life going to some
event that I couldn't care less about." As I wandered off to the bulletin board with all of the clubs listed on them, a breeze came by, creating large
knots in my long, dark brown hair. The sun blinded my bright blue eyes, as I had forgotten to put my sunglasses in my backpack. "Ugh, this is so
troublesome," I whispered. When I finally trudged myself up to the board, the only clubs that they seemed to have had to do with sports. "Great,
sports. The subject I'm best at," I stated sarcastically. As I was looking around, I saw a poster that particularly caught my interest. It was petite in size
with brightly–colored music notes adorning the border of it, and it had bolded letters in the middle that stated, "Join Show Choir!" The meeting
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Description And Description Of Center 1
Description of Center 1 The minute I walked in the students were at play. Primarily there was a lot of dramatic play going on. I overheard a
conversation between two boys:
Student 1: "Pretend my dinosaur just got struck and you be the doctor and pretend I call you on the phone. What's your phone number?"
Student 2: "Mmmmm... 22265"
Student 1: "Ok. Hello Doctor, the dinosaur got struck, come quick, he has a torn leg. Can you come over?"
Student 2: "ok..ok" I kept observing around the classroom. What I noticed the most was dramatic play tools and toys everywhere. Apparently, the
children were free to move around and move their play to other spaces in the classroom. There were old toys, empty food containers, baby clothes for
the dolls, and old clothes for dress–up. Most of the toys seemed as if they would be ordinary tools used at home. The toys and props were in plastic
containers with an image that corresponds to their contents. Some were labeled play shop, house, bank, post–office, the doctor's surgery, the secretary's
office, etc. As I continued to observe, I found children using lengths of cloth as if they represented sea waves and the same cloths were used by other
kids but they seemed to be using it as saris. There were adjustable Styrofoam frame constructed into what appeared to be a house by a couple of
students. On a corner of the room I noticed a student using a travel brochure, an empty sun lotion bottle, wearing sunglasses, and him lying on
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Stars and Nuclear Fusion Essay
A star is luminous point in the night sky that is a large, Indecent bodies like the sun. Stars are made up of big exploding balls of gas, mostly hydrogen
and helium. The sun is similarly a star made up of huge amounts of hydrogen, undergoing a continuous nuclear reaction like a hydrogen bomb. Stars
come about when vast clouds of hydrogen, helium and dust contract and collapse due to gravity. The clouds came from astronomical plasma from "The
Big Bang", but the dust comes from the supernovae of other stars.
Since the beginning of recorded civilization, stars played a huge role in religion and proved vital to routing. The invention of the telescope, the
discovery of the "laws of motion" and gravity in the 17th century prompted the ... Show more content on ...
Main sequence stars like our own sun enduring in a state of nuclear fusion during which they will produce energy for billions of years by replacing
hydrogen to helium. Stars change over billions of years. When their main sequence phase ends they pass through other states of existence according to
their size and other characteristics. The larger a star's mass, the shorter its lifespan is. As stars move toward the end of their lives, much of their
hydrogen will be converted to helium. Helium sinks to the star's core and raises the star's temperature–causing its outer shell to expand. These large,
puffy stars are known as Red Giants. The red giant phase is actually a prelude to a star shedding its outer layers and becoming a small, dense body
called a White Dwarf. White dwarfs cool down for billions and billions of years, until they finally go dark and produce no energy at all. Once this
happens, scientists have yet to observe, such stars become known as Black Dwarfs. A few stars avoid this evolutionary path and instead go out with a
bang, exploding as Supernovae. These violent explosions leave behind a small core that will then turn into something called a Neutron Star or even, if
the remainder is large enough, it is then turned into something called a Black Hole.
Most of us remember the lullaby "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". The truth behind it is that stars
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Writing And Writing Of Writing
Everyone says that writing of Communication has become a clichГ©. It is a clichГ©, however that is true. Personally, I do not like writing, but over
time it has become a big part of me that I appreciate. Writing for me started in elementary school. I started with writing my ABCs and my name to
perfection, until I did not make any mistakes. Over my years of writing I have enhanced my expressiveness, originality, and creativity. Growing up, I
loved writing poems. My love for poems developed from listening and loving nursery rhymes such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mary Had A Little
Lamb, Ring around the Rosie, and many others. When I was five years old, I wrote and presented a poem of mine in my church auditorium with
members present. I had anger problems growing up, and my psychologist taught me to let out my anger in different forms of writing. One thing I
have realized is that I write good personal papers whenever I am either upset at someone or a situation. I have minimal experiences in writing
academic papers. I use the writing process I was taught in high school which was: Invention, Draft and Revision, then Proof Reading and Editing. I also
know how to incorporate words into sentences, and utilize sentences to form paragraphs. What are my assumptions about writing? Concerning a
personal writing, nothing. Good, bad, awful, mediocre; writing is about self–expression. If it makes sense to the author, then nothing else matters. I
mean, it is a personal writing; the
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Personal Narrative: My Experience With Surgery
The summer before second grade I hit my head against the padded seat of a bumper car. I started bawling even though I hadn't hit my head that
hard. This was the first warning sign. One night while at home, I hit my head against my headboard, and I was immediately overcome with a
sharp, piercing pain. Each experience was overwhelming, my head was tender, and every tiny bump or brush against my head sent sharp bursts of
pain through my head. Some days it would hurt to lay my head on a pillow and I was forced to lay in a different position to make the pain stop.
Eventually, she took me to see my pediatrician. He recommended we go to get a CT scan at OHSU. Now, I was a tiny child and the machines used
for CT scans seemed giant at the time. I was... Show more content on ...
There were many problems with removing it. The most pressing was that the tumor was right next to an artery, if the incision was a little off I
could have lost a lot of blood. And the problem that was most pressing to second grade me, my hair. I knew where the tumor was and that my hair
would be in the way of the doctors. I cried for 15 minutes on the way to the hospital because I was worried that I'd be bald. I wasn't worried that I
was having a major surgery, but I was more worried about my hair. Once, we were in the hospital the doctors talked to my parents for what felt like
10 hours to 7 year old me. Then the nurses helped me onto a table and wheeled me into the room where my surgery was going to take place. A
doctor came over and started to tell me how he was going to put me to sleep. He gave me the anesthetic and started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little
Star to keep me relaxed. After that, everything was kind of a blur. They next thing that actually stuck was dinner. I can still remember exactly what I
ate, I was given turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy. For desert, they gave me strawberry jello. Promptly after dinner I passed out again, I felt like I
could sleep for a
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Wolfgang Mozart Research Paper
The Life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Do you have a younger sibling? Perhaps a young family member? Then try to imagine that young sibling or family member writing songs at 5 years
old and performing for kings and queens at 11 years old. From playing the piano at 3 to struggling to struggling with himself on the inside and the
outside. The world of music may have never been the same without Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria to a musical family. His father Leopold Mozart decided to teach him to play the piano. He excelled at the young
age of 3. When he went to see the queen of Austria. When... Show more content on ...
He was playing piano by three years old. Mozart wrote possibly the most recognized lullaby ever. Twinkle, twinkle little star at five years old. When
he was 8 he decided to write his own symphony. But that wasn't all he played for nobles at 11. But that was just his childhood now to be an adult.
Mozart's father Leopold decided to take Wolfgang Mozart and his sister Nannerl Mozart around Europe. When they went to Rome, Italy to a famous
church Mozart heard a song that could only be heard in that church. After Mozart only listened to the song once, he memorized it and copied down on
paper and played the song in public. Even though Mozart was smart he also had struggles like everyone else.
Just because Mozart performed all over Europe it mean he had a lot of money. When he tried to marry the love of his life. Constanze, his father
disapproved of the marriage. But Mozart decided to marry Constanze anyway. When Constanze and Mozart decided to have children only two
survived infancy out of six children. Sadly in his later years with his mental and physical health deteriorating. He succumbed to death and the end of a
great classical era. They say when Mozart died the classical era
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The Weet-Bix Box: A Short Story
I wipe my crusty eyes open as I roll to look at the clock, 2.00am. My stomach is growling like a hungry brown bear, muscles tensed together as
though I've held my pee in too long and most of all I feel like a weedy unnourished orphan from Oliver. 5 hours until breakfast I say to myself, is it
worth the waiting for? Just roll over and sleep! Ok. I'm so awake, 'twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder how you AHHHH!! Stomach craping but
breakfast isn't long, clock reads 2.15, 2.20, and 2.22... that's enough. On goes the bedroom light blinding my eyes like the viscous sun in summer, next
the passage and finally the kitchen, I scourge through the pantry like a hungry warrior but trying not to wake the others, so I'm prancing around the
kitchen like a cat sneaking up on the little sparrow. ... Show more content on ...
As I climb the ladder in the pantry the open chip packet looks inviting... Its empty, the Weet– Bix box I could do 3, my hand feels hope, only to find
crumbs... moving the cans of soup, packets of jelly, until I hear the barber shop quartets and their harmonica the moment the box of crackers meet my
eyes, they almost leap into my hands. Scurrying down the ladder busting to open, a light of hope beams off and I can hear the little orphans singing
to Mr Bumble, 'Food glorious food'. As I move the cracker to my mouth my tastebuds dance on my tongue, the first bite... stale. Gross. I chew the
crunchy plastic as nails make their way down my oesophagus. I launch the crackers at the bin when my stomach let out a roar which shook the
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Jane Taylor's Tiwnkle Little Star
"Tiwnkle Little Star" by Jane Talyor describes my Pre School years. I heard this alot during Pre School because my teacher played it and we sing
along with the tune. This song used to stay in my head because it was a catchy song. Also as a kid almost every one knew this song when they were
younger. A lyric from the song is "Twinkle twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are." Therefore,whenever I hear this song it brings me back to
my early ages of school.
"Itsy Bitsy Spider by Carly simon also describes my Pre school years.We used to sit on the rug and are teacher would sing kids song to us. Itsy Bitsy
Spider was one of them. She use her hands while she sang the song because it went with it. This was funny to me that the teacher use
... Get more on ...

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  • 5. Descriptive Essay : ' Sleep, My Mother ' "Sleep," My mother chided, "We'll be there soon." I settled back into my seat, sighed a melodramatic sigh, and gazed through the window onto the race of trees and forest. The car trundled along the road in a nonchalant manner, gentling weaving the ins and outs of the crooked street. My parents would leave me soon, I could feel it, they always smiled a little bit more when we made trips like these, I would be hauled into the car, gripping what little luggage I could throw together, and sent to a relatives for the night. There, I would be ushered into an assuredly uncomfortable and terrifying room, and left in the dark with the instruction to rest. I was six now, and perhaps I would finally be permitted to stay out a little longer. I... Show more content on ... The facade was a grey, gunmetal stone, accentuated by classical pillars and grandiose archways. Vines crawled up the walls and ivy slept in neat rows, overflowing from terraces. The house was situated on the edge of the forest, accentuating a sharp contrast between the polished order of the property and the untamed wilderness of the forest. I stared in awe at the ancient palace laid before me, trudging towards it in a childish trance. Wrought iron gates locked away a flora lined courtyard, and brought my progress to a halt. A hand reached from behind me and pushed with a great heave on the iron birds set in the center, and with a great scream of rending metal they opened inward. I was carried over whitewashed steps and placed in front of an immaculate olive green door, and the silence shattered by my father's hesitant tapping on the oak frame. The door whipped open as a striking snake, the second the third knock was laid upon the wood. I swallowed heavily as a woman appeared in the doorway, her shadow already enough to make my throat constrict. My grandmother strutted through the opening, the click of her heels ringing like the hammer of nails into a coffin. Rather short and round, she was dwarfed by the grand door surrounding her. Her hair was held in tight raven curls, in stark contrast with the pallor of her milky skin. Her clothes were decadent and accented with pearls and gold clasps. She appraised my ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Concert Critique On May 6, 2017, I attended a Guitar Recital at Lone Star North Harris. The group that performed ranged from little children to college students. Overall, everyone had their own different piece to play according to their level. For example, a little boy played Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star compared to a college student that played Asturias/Leyenda that is more on the complex side. There was not a specific type of style of music they played as the concert had Folk songs, pieces by M. Carcassi, pieces by C. Parkening, and more. What I was impressed by is a girl who I believe is around 12 years old play Siciliana by Matteo Carcassi with such smoothness and grace. It was like she was entranced and by the looks of it was passionate about what she ... Show more content on ... I can imagine how his fingers must suffer as he did not have a guitar pick and used his fingers to play the entire piece. I did enjoy everything the concert offered including its performers, therefore, there was not anything that I did not like. However, for some of the performers, I wish they would not look as if they were uncomfortable or did not enjoy playing in the concert. Only a few I noticed did this as some had a plain still face or maybe that was just me. I hope that each performer young and old would continue practicing on their guitar to further improve the talent they have. Many of the performers have the talent to play the guitar with what I heard and with more time they can become even better. For a guitar concert, I did not expect electric guitars and percussion to be used to play La Bamba. Even though the audience was not as pumped up as I was as they played this song it was quite the surprise nevertheless. The audience was respectful throughout the performance even if Siri was heard from a phone once. The room was not huge or small which when I was sitting on the top level I could still hear what was being ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Toddler Proper Hand Washing Teaching Your Toddler Proper Hand Washing Hand washing is the best defense against viruses and bacteria. Proper hand washing stops the spread of many diseases and infections. It's such an easy thing to do to help safeguard our family's health. Toddlers are very busy spending their days playing with their food, picking up any object within sight, and putting everything in their mouths. We parents loving call this exploring. All this investigation lead to dirty germy hands. Toddler–hood is a good time to start teaching the correct method to get those little hands clean and germ free. Get them in the habit of washing their hands before you start potty training and you'll have one less thing to deal with. It's too early to have a discussion about bacteria and immune symptoms, but toddlers can understand that 'yucky' things get on their hands and must be washed away. Explain how they need to wash their hands before and after they eat, after going potty, after blowing their nose or coughing, and after coming in from outdoors. ... Show more content on ... Just like everything else toddler, it's gonna be messy too. If your toddler can't reach the sink, try having them stand beside it instead of in front. If that isn't possible you'll need a child–safe and slip proof stool that is firmly stuck to the floor. You may have to hold them up yourself, if so make sure you have a firm grip around their waist. Push their shirt sleeves up past their elbows. Show them the difference between the hot and cold taps, bit don't allow them to turn them on themselves. Always do this yourself so you can set the proper temperature. Teach your toddler to hold their hands under the warm running water til thoroughly wet. Turn off the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Analysis Of The Poem ' The Blazing Sun ' "Twinkle, twinkle little star, how you wonder what we are..." The ghostly figures sing, standing in the hall. Everything goes dark, but Daniel can hear voices talking. He is unable to make out what they are saying though. It sounds like a different language of some kind. There is one word he is able to recognize, 'Virgo'. "Hello, what is going on?" Daniel says, hoping for some kind of answer. The chatter of voices continues, as if Daniel said nothing. "When the blazing Sun is gone..." Repeats as it did earlier. Daniel isn't able to move, almost as if he is paralyzed. The chatter between the various entities continues, and increases in speed. Daniel grunts, holding his head. "What..." He stopped briefly to sit up. "What happened? Where am I?" Daniel got up and braced himself against the wall. He could barely see anything. He glanced to the light fixture. "Ah crap!" He yelled, turning his head away quickly. He could hear the echo from the yell as it went through the hallways. Daniel got himself on his feet, slightly dazed. He notices the dark outlines of the boxes in the room. It appears as though Daniel is in another storage room. Where am I? What's going on? Why is everything so dark, but the light fixtures so bright? Daniel can hear people talking in the hallway outside of the room he is in. He makes his way out the door, using the wall to brace himself. As he looks into the hallway, he can still hear the people talking, but there doesn't appear to be anyone around. Everything ... Get more on ...
  • 9. My Childhood Memories Of My Grandfather And Me Some of my favorite childhood memories are of my grandfather and me. One could say that we had a tradition. Often, he would pick me up from gymnastics and go through the drive through of McDonald's to get me a chocolate shake. And during the trip to his house, we would talk about our day and the exciting things that had occurred. Although we talked about many different things on our way to his house, we always sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". I remember looking out the windows while we sang and admired the beauty of the night. Coming up to the big red barn I knew that we were almost there. My grandparents lived near Saint Peter, Minnesota on Lake Washington. And every night after eating dinner, we would make a fire, look out upon the ... Show more content on ... Rushing by, nurses and doctors ran to the aid of their patients. I had been in hospitals many times as a child. Because of this, I associated hospitals with happiness and healing. I always loved visiting my mom and seeing the newborn babies. They were so innocent and precious. But walking through the hospital this time was completely different. I didn't see the smiling faces of my family's coworkers and the families waiting weren't there to celebrate. I was on my way to see my grandfather and that one fact made everything different. The air was thick with sadness and anticipation. I sluggishly walked down the hall and entered the elevator. I remember all the tubes connected to him and all the machines he was attached to. His face discolored and his body clothed in a white hospital gown. It was so strange to see my lovely grandfather look so vulnerable and sick. I felt so powerless seeing him there. I wanted to speak to him, but I couldn't conjure any words. My throat was in a knot and my lungs felt heavy. I cannot remember the last time I felt so suffocated. The car ride home felt like eternity. My mother and I cried the whole way. My pain fueled anger inside of me. But everything was abruptly stopped when my mother began to play "Undone" by MercyMe. I didn't know how to react. My mother began singing along and I just sat there in silence. At the time, I didn't understand the power and the meaning in the song. However, I knew that ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Sample Intentional Teaching Plan Intentional teaching Plan – detailed a child Date: 10/4/18Room/Age Group: infantEducator: Daisy Creating a musical experience by playing ukulele and singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in both English and Chinese with children. Music and music experiences support the formation of important brain connections that are being established over the first three years of life (Carlton 2000). Musical experiences are helpful for academic achievement in childhood, because music actually accelerate brain development, particularly in the areas of language acquisition and reading skills. (The University of Southern California's Brain and Creativity Institute) Moreover, music ignites all areas of child development and skills for readiness intellectual, ... Show more content on ... Ensuring children have access to instruments on a free–choice basis through setting up the environment so that children can choose to play with music. Set up a music area and sit on the ground through singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in both English and Chinese languages with children in order to develop their cultural diversity. Playing the ukulele when they are free play. Make a funny face, shake head and try to see the children imitate me. Encouraging them mover their own bodied as I sing. Observing the behaviors and reactions of all the children. They will move their body to close me if they are interested. Sharing the smiles and sitting on the ground in order to make them feel more intimate. Question: thinking about how they show their interest? How they respond to the music experience? How do they react differently? How their emotions change? ( focus on their body movement and facial ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Descriptive Essay : Unforgettable Strangers Unforgettable Strangers I sat criss–cross on top a folding chair and beheld the keyboard in front of me. One at a time, I pressed each key in alphabetical order: first ascending, then descending. "A, B, C, D, E, F, G. G, F, E, D, C, B, A," I spoke aloud as the tip of my index finger plunked down heavily on each key. With each new note, I said its letter name aloud and progressively grew faster until the notes jumbled together, and I was mumbling and tripping over my own hands. I had been practicing for at least an hour and my back ached from leaning over my grandmother's keyboard for so long. Not to mention, my mouth was dry from repeating the letters over and over again. During the last couple of days, the series of letters A through G... Show more content on ... After all, she would no doubt play the piece perfectly, and I had the feeling that I would be a much better page turner than a pianist. But alas, the time finally came for me to begin despite my best efforts to wish it away. I placed my hands on the starting position, and for a split second I looked into the crowd. In that moment I decided that I would not fail. While walking up the stage I thought I had heard the echoes of what felt like thousands of people wondering what I would do. What instrument would I play? Would I make a mistake? Would I be any good? Most people probably saw a short girl wearing a floppy pink dress and assumed I would be playing a basic rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." I didn't blame them. I would have made the same assumption. The only difference was that I wasn't part of the crowd. I was up on stage, and for the moment, I only had to please myself. I broke the silence with a soft, lingering note that slowly fell into a lulling melody. My left hand moved gently, yet steadily across the chords to built the rhythmic undertones of the piece. My right hand pranced across the notes of the melody, fleeting and sure. As my notes floated through the air, pictures of flowers and fluttering butterflies filled my vision. Rolling fields of golden grasses became so vivid, that I was transported out of the church and into my own imagination. Gradually, the notes grew richer and the tempo became more ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Prenatal Exposure To Music The Effects of Prenatal and Early Infancy Exposure to Music.docx The Effects of Prenatal and Early Infancy Exposure to Music In normal prenatal development, individualized cells such as blood cells, kidney cells, and nerve cells begin to develop around 5–weeks gestation. This is also when the baby's brain and spinal cord begin to develop, laying the framework for some of the most essential structures for human life. One week later, at week 6 gestation, the brain begins to form into 5 separate sections and spine tissue grows more rapidly. At week 27 thenervous system is so developed, it is able to control certain functions of the body. Once the brain is formed it processes information by way of neurons. Neurons are specialized cells that ... Show more content on ... The results found that, "The infants born to mothers exposed to music during their pregnancy scored significantly higher on 5 of the 7 BNBAS clusters including habituation, orientation, range of state, regulation of state, and autonomic stability." (Aria, 2012) The results of this study support the theory that prenatal exposure to music has positive developmental effects on the baby. Another test used to monitor the effect prenatal music exposure has on newborns is newborn event related potential tests. An event related potential test, or an ERP, is a measurement of the brains response to a sensory, cognitive or motor stimulus. (Sur, 2009). During the study where the newborn ERPs were used, "During the last trimester of pregnancy, the mothers in the learning group played the 'Twinkle twinkle little star'–melody 5 times per week. After birth and again at the age of 4 months, we played the infants a modified melody in which some of the notes were changed while ERPs to unchanged and changed notes were recorded. The ERPs were also recorded from a control group, who received no prenatal stimulation." (Partanen,
  • 13. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Star Charlee Monologue The Star Meadows Once there was a little girl, alone in the empty darkness of the universe. Tucked away in a quiet corner, blanketed by the steady blackness that surrounded her, she was safe. Though content with her own quiet company, the little girl longed to explore the heavens. To search the void of existence and discover the infinite mysteries it held. She passed the time dreaming of what might lay beyond her own little patch of sky. The sweet whispers of existence swirled about her mind, hints of far–off places a tantalising thread to follow. She grew restless, no longer content with herself and the darkness as company. She yearned to stretch out, to explore. The little girl collected her thoughts and all at once she pushed outward. Out of the darkness that had surrounded her and kept her safe, away from the only thing she ever knew in her little life and out into the greater unknown. Gathering her strength, she cast her eyes into the inky blackness and saw–far off in the distance–a small twinkle of light. It ... Show more content on ... On through the darkness with the star's glow lighting her way. She came across another star, then another, and another, their subtle radiance shone brave against the dark cosmos. She considered each one, feeling their smooth surface beneath her hand. Their subtle heat thawed her cold fingertips. She careful pinned each to her flowing hair, so that they may keep her company on her endless voyage. Each star illuminated fragment more of the world until at last the little girl could see what was in the dark. Through a blinding burst of light, she saw all that lay before her. Each and every star shone brilliant against the darkness of the sky. She felt as though she were waking for the first time, so awake that it hurt. Stretched before her lay an endless expanse of nebulas and galaxies; filled with bright stars and mysterious planets, with quasars and black holes that reminded her all too much of the darkness she had ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Nonsense and Justice in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures... You would think that Lewis Carroll an English author, mathematician and logician would sit down and write a logical, didactical novel, instead he wrote a novel of the literary nonsense genre. Unusual, is it not? Maybe we should take a closer look at Carroll's "nonsense" and see why is it considered to be random, senseless, unpredictable, and without rules. Moreover, even justice is not spared of parody, injustice and chaos are logical consequences of living in Wonderland. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a story about a little girl who comes into contact with unpredictable, illogical, basically mad world of Wonderland by following the White Rabbit into a huge rabbit– hole. Everything she experiences there challenges her perception... Show more content on ... Thus, "How Doth the Little Crocodile" is a parody of Isaac Watts' nursery rhyme, "Against Idleness And Mischief", The Duchess's lullaby, "Speak roughly to your little boy" is a parody of David Bates' "Speak Gently", "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat" is a parody of Jane Taylor's "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "The Lobster Quadrille" is a parody of Mary Botham Howitt's "The Spider and the Fly". There are few more, but these are best – known. Consequently, as this comparison inclines we need to know a great many things that are not part of the story if we wish to understand Alice's full wit and flavor. Therefore, we can conclude that Lewis's nonsense is not nearly as random and pointless as it seems at first look, but is very complicated and written for British readers of another century. Futhermore, some parts are ment only for residents of Oxford, and other jokes, even more private, could be understood only by the daughters of Dean Liddell . Moreover, in Wonderland not only verses of poems and mathematical equations are nonsensical, almost everything is. Wonderland is truly a world of wonders, it is a world where a baby gets transformed into a pig and where all other animals have the nagging, whining and peevish attitudes of adults, it is a kingdom in which king and queen have ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Essay on Nicki Minaj's Negative Influence on Your Children Cox 1 Karen A. Cox Mr. House ENG 111 19 July 2012 Nicki Minaj's Influence on Your Children Onika Tanya Maraj was born on December 8, 1982; she now goes by her stage name Nicki Minaj. Minaj has been noted by the media for her curvaceous figure. She also had plastic surgery on her butt as well as implants in her breasts. In an interview with Vibe, Minaj discussed her sexual image stating, "When I grew up I saw females doing certain things, and I thought I had to do that exactly. The female rappers of my day spoke about sex a lot and I thought that to have the success they got; I would have to represent the same thing. Minaj was named the 2011 Rising Star by Billboard. Brent Staples of The New York Times... Show more content on ... Why would you want to just have a moment for life when our children have a long life ahead of them? They don't need a moment for life, symbolically this means to live a short period. According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) Mortality Database, the mean suicide rate for our youth, based on data available for the latest year, was 7.4/100,000. The clothes she wears to show off her curvaceous body affects what young girls are wearing today. They're getting the wrong attention and shouldn't focus on looking sexy; kids should focus on their education. Nicki does say on an interview with BET that she feels guilty about young people listening to her music. "It makes me feel guilty because I know how I am with my 12–year old brother... very strict. Every now and then I feel like I gotta censor it but censoring it too much I wouldn't be Nicki Minaj. I think a part of what they like is I'm the naughty girl." Ellen DeGeneres invited an 8 year–old YouTube star Grace Brownlee and her younger cousin to the Ellen show. Ellen wanted to surprise them with their idol Nicki Minaj on stage. When Sophia and younger cousin met Nicki they started singing one of Nicki's top hits "Super Bass" generating more than 8–million hits. "Super Bass" is a song laced with vulgar lyrics, including "When he give me that look, then the panties comin' off." Is this what you want your child listening to? Nicki Minaj is a horrible role ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Interpreter Of Maladies Jhumpa Lahiri won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2000 with her first collection of short fiction, Interpreter of Maladies. Among that collection there are two stories that will be analyzed and compared. "Interpreter of Maladies" and "This blessed house" are short stories where Lahiri displays her style and provides some perspective of her own life. Jhumpa Lahiri delivers and impressive short story titled as the book "Interpreter of Maladies" where the Das family is taking vacation in India and Mr. Kapasi is their tour guide. There are some symbols present in the story discussed by scholars; these symbols are almost imperceptible when first reading this short story. Spark notes provide very specific and a more detailed view of these symbols, ... Show more content on ... They both are written in a limited omniscient third person. They both take in consideration marriage. When we look at "Interpreter of Maladies" we can see the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Das is deeply damage by infidelity and they have distanced from each other. If we look at "This blessed house" Sanjeev and Twinkle's might not seem like soulmates who understand and support each other in every circumstance but, they try to make it work. In both stories we can see the main characters are from Indian–Americans. Mr. and Mrs. Das look American for the way they dress, Sanjeev prefers to stay as a traditional Hindu and Twinkle is Hindu too but more open minded. Finally, it is really interesting the transition of the main characters' mood. Interpreter of Maladies starts with a normal family taking a vacation with a tour guide who is just doing his job. That story ends by taking the mask away from that "normal family" and exposing how broken and separate they are including Mr. Kapasi and his marriage. In "This blessed house" it starts with a husband who is too traditional and does not want to keep Christian paraphernalia even though his wife insists, he finds it childish. At the end he realizes that childishness makes his wife so likeable among his coworkers and he shows he is ready to have some small changes in his ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Observation Of An Infant's Classroom Today I was very frustrated in the infant's classroom. Because two of babies were crying for long time, I asked to teacher Maria why the babies are crying, and she told me because they are teething. They look very irritable. She told me that one of the babies had runny nose and the other baby had fever and diahrrea. When it was lunch time, the baby who is already 12 months, don't want to eat, because of the pain. Every time that I tried to feed him, he cried or pushed the spoon. I felt so sad that he can't to eat. Teacher Maria told me that she called their parents and they will be coming soon. I know is hard for parents to lose work hours but I think in those moments that the baby feel so indisposed they need also the safe and warm of their ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Beethoven Vs Mozart The classical period is a time when middle class struggled for rights and privileges. The time period is filled with wars and revolution, to move political and economic power from aristocrats and the church to the middle class. The middle class looked for pleasure and elegance in their lives. Classical composers focused on simplicity, clarity, creating a pleasant melody and simple harmony that both amateurs and professionals could enjoy. There are three principal composers of the classical period, Hayden, Mozart and Beethoven, each with their own personal style yet each impacting one another's works. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756–1791) was born in Salzburg, Austria, the son of a court musician named Leopold. Mozart was an accomplished musician by the age of six. Mozart traveled extensively between the ages of six and fifteen however; his music was not appreciated by the new archbishop upon his return to Salzburg (Kamien, 2015). Mozart was eventually able to travel Vienna at the age of twenty–five where he was able to find success as an independent musician, teacher composer and conductor. ... Show more content on ... 23 in A Major was composed in 1786. Piano Concerto No. 23 in A Major was composed in sonata form. The piece has three movements, typical for the concerto; there is a first and second exposition, development, recapitulation, cadenza and coda. The music is homophonic and has changes from long notes to short notes, allegro to adagio and forte to piano and back again using crescendos, decrescendos and pauses. The cadenza runs up and down the scales of the piano with a long solo trill to end the cadenza. This musical piece intertwines solo piano performances, performance of the orchestra, and the piano and orchestra playing together giving a lovely, happy ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Piano State Competition Essay Six months and countless hours of practice and it is about to be finally over. It's time for the Annual Piano State Competition. I was so nervous for this morning's competition. Today is the day that I will compete with other 7th and 8th graders in the KMTA Piano Kansas State Competition. "Melody, make sure you go over the spots that you need to work on", Mom said, throwing off my concentration. "Okay, I'll get to it in 10 minutes." as I look back at the mantle where my other trophies are displayed along with the TV. I wasn't so sure about getting first place or even second this year. Last year was an easy group to compete against. However, I still felt confident that I could pull off an Honorable Mention medal. Too bad we have to drive all the way to KU in Lawrence for the competition. The Royals at least won the World Series with home field advantage. I have to compete in Lawrence under a "hostile" environment. (My dad went to MU.)The songs that I had practiced over from June to October were mere child's play compared to other competitors in the group who played pieces like Claire de Lune and the 12 Variations ofTwinkle Twinkle Little Star (no one in middle school ... Show more content on ... This was unfair to the others in the group including me and my friend. I felt like I was about to explode. Sure, winning a trophy is cool, but that's not the point. The point is that the person who performs the best should win; not the person who gains an unfair advantage. We went back down to the trophy presentation area to see what place I had received and I thought for sure I wasn't going to be first because of that kid's dad. I can't even follow this guy's thought process. We heard that he was even standing in the doorway thinking "Should I do it? Should I not? And even still, he went with the unjust ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Astronomy Description "Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are..." The common lullaby that is known by many, but what do these words really mean? After visiting the observatory, one could learned more about the words and the concepts found in the common nursery rhythm. During my visit to the observatory, I was able to learn more about stars, constellations, and asterisms in different parts of the sky, the second largest telescope at the University of Northern Iowa, and Saturn, the 2nd largest planet in our Solar System. I attended the observatory on September 3, 2015 from 9:00 p.m. till 10:00 p.m. September 3rd, was a hot and humid evening, with little to no wind. That night, there was slight cloudiness in the Southern sky. The slight cloudiness in... Show more content on ... In the North East we saw. Cassiopeia. Similar to Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. Cassiopeia is a circumpolar star in Cedar Falls. A Circumpolar star, is a star that will never set in a specific location due to its proximity to the celestial pole. When looking at Cassiopeia she looks like a house. A square base, with a triangle on top. Saturn was located in the South Western Sky. When looking at Saturn with my own eyes, I could easily confuse it with Arcturus in the Western Sky. With the naked eye they look about the same size, and brightness, and there is only one small difference. When looking at the star and the planet, everyone should notice one twinkles, and the other is a constant stream of light. The one that is twinkle is Arcturus. As the common lullaby states, stars twinkle. The telescope used on September 3rd, contains a lenses twelve inches in circumference, which makes it the second largest at the University of Northern Iowa's campus. To determine the quality of a telescope, you measure the circumference of the lenses, and not the length. The wider the circumference of a telescope allows more light to enter, which allows a better quality of picture. This particular telescope can magnify by seventy–five. This lens was bought by the University of Northern Iowa twenty years ago for $5,000. It uses a computer system to track the stars and galaxies with the information about the date, time, and location the telescope ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Gustav Holst: A Short Story When I was eleven years old, I mustered up every ounce of courage I could and joined a church orchestra. It wasn't even my church; I just wanted the experience. I had played violin since the age of eight, and without a school orchestra, I was never given the chance to play with a group. My first day, I walked in late on a Saturday morning and sat in the back. I was last chair. Everyone around me was already engrossed in Gustav Holst's The Planets: Jupiter. I stared at the music in front of me, marked with black dots and dashes. Having just progressed from Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Go Tell Aunt Rhody, the sixteenth notes on the page seemed to laugh at me. I nervously gripped my bow and began fumbling through the notes in an attempt to blend with the strangers around me. I wished I was invisible. ... Show more content on ... "Are you new?" a middle–aged woman questioned disdainfully. I quickly nodded my head and returned to squeaking my bow across the strings. Instead of leaving me to wallow in my embarrassment as I'd hoped, the woman continued to stand behind me, pursing her lips and slowly shaking her head. "Is she even playing?" she asked another woman. "I don't think she can even read music. What should we do?" the other replied in a whisper, just loud enough for me to overhear. As soon as the director stopped waving his baton, I packed up my instrument and ran from the building, avoiding the stares from the two women in the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Pros And Cons Of A Police Officer Shielding Child Police Officer Shielding Child – LH1–01 Couldn't find a photo. Source: YouTube: A Heart Wrenching Moment and You Won't Believe What This Police Officer Did to Protect a Child from HORROR We all go through our lives every day without giving much thought about death, let alone having to deal with it on a regular basis. Police officers don't know from one day to the next what they will have to handle on any given day. You won't believe what this police officer had to do on this horrific day. THIS will definitely bring you to tears! As you begin to watch this video, it isn't apparent at first exactly what this officer is doing. It appears he is holding and talking to a small girl. But in the background, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. My Story Of My Life My story begins at the age of six. I am standing in my school uniform with a stain on my shirt from the ice cream my mother gave me on the ride there. My little sister, Gianni, lay in hospital bed staring at the polysterene tiled ceiling. There was nothing much else to look at save the cheap print of an uplifting pastel on the opposite wall. The air had a stagnant smell of bleach and sickness. My parents paced back and forth occasionally glancing forced reassuring smiles to my sister. We heard a moan on the adjacent bed through the cubicle curtains. My sister began to cry. Panicking, I ran to her bedside and started singing Jesus Loves the Little Children a song I learned in Bible school the Sunday before. I look at my grandmother and she gives me a reassuring nod from across the room. My sister gives me a hug and drifts off to sleep. The doctors come a bit later and take her away. Years pass and I have abandoned the church hymns of my youth for theviolin. Gianni's tumor was successfully removed and she was now a bounding pre–teen with all the sass and angst that accompany it. About once a month we go to visit my grandmother for the weekend. Each time, my mother makes sure I am prepared to play for my grandmother. I usually protest, embarrassed by the Twinkle Twinkle Little Starrendition I scratch out on the strings. Most times I give in though, and she smiles and claps as if she just listened to a performance by Joshua bell at the Kennedy Center. More time passes. When ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Reflective Essay: What It Means To Me As A Writer "Exercise the writing muscle every day, even if it is only a letter, notes, a title list, a character sketch, a journal entry. Writers are like dancers, like athletes. Without that exercise, the muscles seize up," Jane Yolen. While reading through the list of quotes to choose from, I finally reached this one. To me, this quote means that you must write everyday to sustain your writing ability. Like anything, the more you practice the better you get. If not, you will regress in your abilities. It is important to practice regularly to maintain a certain level of skill set. I have experienced this in ninth grade english and in my extra curricular activities. In ninth grade, English was a subject in which we wrote everyday to enhance our skills. ... Show more content on ... We probably averaged at least 400 words a night which although a pain at the time, will definitely help me in the long run. I was a bit skeptical in the beginning of the year with all the writing and all the homework, but now I am glad that Mr.Lee forced us to do these blog posts. By making the posts more of our grade, he pretty much forced and encouraged us to do them on the daily. Three of my favorite blog posts this year was our reaction to winter break, reaction to spring break, and the former Governor Ariyoshi. These blogs brought out another person in me and forced me to write out my feelings like a diary. Another example is each summer break, without school. We are nearing summer and that means no school. Every summer, my parents make sure I am doing summer school or doing some kind of brain exercise. They do this to "keep my brain in shape". Every year when I come back to school transitioning from summer, I am not ready. That is why it is great to review in the first quarter. It is also especially good that my parents make me keep doing school work during the summer so I'm not going into the new school year "cold". I've heard a similar quote to this in both athletics and in ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Write How To Make Brain Food By Trivens On Tuesday and Thursday, I witnessed Trivens creative juices flowing while songwriting. There were times where Triven was be very creative and would think of something right away, the tricky part was making sure that he wrote down all his thoughts. Triven would sing in the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, and it was so amazing to watch him be so artistic. He was a lot better at thinking of what he wanted to say as were we writing How to make Brain Food, which was a food from a book he chose. "Creation of musical compositions offers a pathway to expressing personal feelings and beliefs in the language of musical sound." This relates to my student because he was able to create his song by singing it out loud and then quickly write it down. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Classroom Observation 1. The only change in the classroom was all of the children special notes from their parents, "My child is Special because" The teacher posted them on all them were posted on the door. 2.The children seem busy playing in the centers block, dramatic, art and sensory. Observation related to science last week the children planted seeds the question the teacher asks was "How long you think it will grow?" At the cirle–time area the teacher pulls out the chart again and she ask them again how long did it take their seeds to sprout the children watch and observe each day and some said 4, 5, and 6 days. After circle– time the children watered their plants and took their flower plant outside for some sunlight. 3a.The most interesting to the ... Show more content on ... Home on the Range 3.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 4. ABC 5. Pop Goes the Weasel b. During circle–time the teacher is having a discussion about how we are alike and different. She read a book called "I Like Myself." By Karen Beaumont" The teacher ask the children to look around at one another and look at differences and likenesses Made a Graph: She took out the chart made a class graph of everyone's hair color, eye color, hair texture (straight, curly or wavy), skin color, etc. They discuss about their graph the differences and likenesses. Some of children had the same eye color,skin.What was different about some of the children were their hair color one girl had red, one had wavy hair, another child had blonde short hair.She handed some stethoscopes the children they had a chance to hear the sound of each other heartbeat. The teacher says, Jump up and down and place your hand on their heart. They were all excited, smiling and laughing. One child says, "Oh cool! I can hear it." Another child says, "I can feel his heart beat its beating really fast." c. I did'nt experience a child during my lab related to science. But I did interact with some of the children ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Summary: The Giver Behind him, across vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps it was only an echo. The community had changed a great deal, since Jonas left. Where he had gone, no one knew, in fact many suggested a ceremony of loss for him, but it was never executed. There was no ceremony needed to remember Jonas, for he had given them something more. When the community first received the memories, there was chaos. They panicked at the fact that they now saw, and felt things that no amount of word precision could describe. Lily distinctly remembered the first time she witnessed a fantastic phenomenon the Giver called colors. All of a sudden, bright shades swooped over the room,reds and ... Show more content on ... Fiona was gracious, and gentle with her flowing red hair, and she spoke kindly of Jonas, and expressed regret for not being able to say goodbye. Asher's answer was a bit more glum, for his fun loving personality had been worn down by his newfound knowledge of war, and hunger, and the constant existence of death. He expressed sorrow,"Jonas was my best friend, and I let him down when he needed me most, and...," Asher rambled on, about the word distraught for a few ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Jazz Improvisation On Saturday, July 8, 2017, at 11:00 a.m. the contemporary jazz trio, Charged Particles, performed at the Cambrian Branch Library, San Jose. Although the trio's entire focus is on jazz, they incorporated other genres such as salsa, samba, blues, and swing. The program included a rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Un Nuevo Dia, Mobius Trip, and Gallope. There was no conductor; however, Jon Krosnick, the drummer, explained how each of the individuals do their own improvisation, which is the basis of jazz and blues. According to Titon, "Sometimes [musicians] think out a song in advance; sometimes they improvise it during performance. Often a performance embodies both planning and improvisation"(Titon). In improvising, one cannot predict ... Show more content on ... Surprisingly, the children were quite attentive as they watched the concert. A few parents, unlike their children, did not pay attention. Rather, they used their phones, but it did not serve as a distraction for myself. Furthermore, the concert followed their introduction with a jazz variation of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Jazz and blues derived from North America. Murray Low, the pianist, began with a solo. He encouraged the audience to sing together, or a call–and–response. It was a reminder of the call–and–response form of the work songs in North America, except that the piece that the trio performed was not exactly a work song. The work songs were primarily used to coordinate production and to pass time (Titon). One example of the call–and–response is the YouTube video, "Rosie." The leader starts with a line and the rest respond next. The bassist, Germaine, and the drummer, Krosnick followed. It was a least favorite due to the context of the blues; it expressed a heartbreak and sadness, which does not mix well with the piece (Titon). The second piece was Un Nuevo Dia, a samba piece which originated in Brazil (Titon). Samba is performed during celebrations such as carnival in Brazil (Titon). It was my favorite since Samba Batucada was blended. During the samba piece, the children sitting nearby came out of their seats and began dancing. They urged their parents to dance with them. The third piece was Mobius Trip, a blues piece. The blues originated from North America, and the piece incorporated blues elements such as improvisation and the "blues music (and jazz and reggae) shifts into and out of polymeter, playfully teasing the boundary" (Titon). The fourth piece was Gallope, which is an Afro–Cuban piece. It uses a clave–based rhythm and improvisation (Titon). Throughout the concert I have noticed that each musician held eye–contact and a ... Get more on ...
  • 30. A Short Story : The Colony On The Moon 1. My initial expression of the story was that of a fiction narrative described in a third's person point of view. The story shows how an author can use the third person to increase the emotional impact of a story. 2. The genre of the selection is a short story. It can be read in one sitting and it involves a conflict and a solution. The title of the story portrays that the colony on the moon would not wish to forget where they originated from and they wish to remember their origins. The conflict in the story is seen when Marvin doesn't understand the phrase 'twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are 'and yet everyone knows they are stars. 3. The exposition is the beginning of any literature piece. In this story, the exposition shows us Marvin living in the colony of the moon due to a nuclear war that destroyed the earth making it uninhabitable. The rising action of the story; Marvin is a ten–year– old boy whose father takes him on a tour in different levels of the colony to a place he has never visited before. They jump off into a vehicle with a pressurized cabin and drive off to planet earth away from the colony. Climax; Marvin had never been outside of the colony before and thus he is shocked at all the amazing wonders he experiences. All the knowledge he [previously had of planet earth he had acquired it from books, magazines and television programs. Marvin wonders why an old book of Surname2 his father contains the phrase 'Twinkle twinkle little star, how ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Narrative Essay About A Beautiful Girl Alice was a beautiful girl. An angel at school. She had curious large blue eyes that were lined with smile lines like the ancient roots of willow tree.behind elongated blonde eyelashes, like golden thread. Alice was a polite, clear, logical and payed attention at school. Bustling corridors, cluttered classrooms, noisy chatter, bright displays rushed around her as her friend left for home one by one at the ring of the school bell. she'd deceive anyone. She fell forward, catching herself on the porcelain sink and bowed her head, shoulders shaking. The room began feeling smaller and smaller, the walls seem to enclose on Alice. She stood there, sunken eyes staring back at her before her hand swung open the petite cabinet door to reveal what she wanted most. The little bottle of pills called to her before she frantically unscrewed the lid with her shaky hands and took it to her mouth. She let the antidepressants slide down her throat. The weight of everything seemed to press down on Alice's shoulders as she struggled to stay on her feet. The poor girl finally collapsed on the cold tiled floor, and as much as she tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from her throat in the form of a silent scream. A tress of silky blonde, honey hair fell from her chignon as a single lock gently caressed the soft translucent skin of her cheeks. The deep mysterious oceans that filled her large, luminous eyes let tiny pearl–shaped tears roll down her cheeks. Miniature molecules of ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Summary Of Mix A Pancake By Christina Rossetti In the poem "Mix A Pancake," by Christina Rossetti uses a lyrical style to create an effect that makes the reader feel young in order to convey life from a child's perspective. In order to create this effect and a lyrical style, Christina Rossetti uses simple language and whimsical structure in her poem. The language being used in the poem "Mix a Pancake" is simple and has techniques to it such as word choice and formality. My first piece of evidence is throughout the poem and it is the first words of every line, "Mix, stir, pop,fry, toss, catch." The evidence I have are the main action words from the poem. The words are simple vocabulary and are easy to understand and read. This creates a lyrical style because the words are readable and are of a child's vocabulary, like a child wrote the poem. Which is very alike to something you would sing during a hand game. The technique of word choice that creates a lyrical style also makes the reader feel young. Since the words in the poem are words a child would use in elementary school, it makes it seem like a child wrote the poem instead of an adult. This makes the reader feel young because when a reader reads something like a children's book, the reader becomes reminded of their childhood which can inevitably make them feel young. Another way the simple language in the poem supports a lyrical style and the effect of making the reader feel young is through the poem's formality. This next piece of evidence is the first two lines of ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Music : Creative Writing : My Passion For Music My Passion for Music "Bulletin board, bulletin board, bulletin board," I muttered as I slowly trotted down the hallway, dreading the problem at hand. I was being forced to join a club, as it was required at our prestigious school. I thought to myself, "Well, it costs about $8000 dollars a semester, and there is no way that I am going to get in trouble for refusing to join a club. And anyway, how will joining a club affect my future? I'm eleven years old, this time of my life doesn't matter. Clubs are pointless, as they just get me involved in others' business in the community, and I would much rather keep to myself," I declared. "I mean come on, there's no point, right? I'm just going to waste an hour of my life going to some event that I couldn't care less about." As I wandered off to the bulletin board with all of the clubs listed on them, a breeze came by, creating large knots in my long, dark brown hair. The sun blinded my bright blue eyes, as I had forgotten to put my sunglasses in my backpack. "Ugh, this is so troublesome," I whispered. When I finally trudged myself up to the board, the only clubs that they seemed to have had to do with sports. "Great, sports. The subject I'm best at," I stated sarcastically. As I was looking around, I saw a poster that particularly caught my interest. It was petite in size with brightly–colored music notes adorning the border of it, and it had bolded letters in the middle that stated, "Join Show Choir!" The meeting ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Description And Description Of Center 1 Description of Center 1 The minute I walked in the students were at play. Primarily there was a lot of dramatic play going on. I overheard a conversation between two boys: Student 1: "Pretend my dinosaur just got struck and you be the doctor and pretend I call you on the phone. What's your phone number?" Student 2: "Mmmmm... 22265" Student 1: "Ok. Hello Doctor, the dinosaur got struck, come quick, he has a torn leg. Can you come over?" Student 2: "ok..ok" I kept observing around the classroom. What I noticed the most was dramatic play tools and toys everywhere. Apparently, the children were free to move around and move their play to other spaces in the classroom. There were old toys, empty food containers, baby clothes for the dolls, and old clothes for dress–up. Most of the toys seemed as if they would be ordinary tools used at home. The toys and props were in plastic containers with an image that corresponds to their contents. Some were labeled play shop, house, bank, post–office, the doctor's surgery, the secretary's office, etc. As I continued to observe, I found children using lengths of cloth as if they represented sea waves and the same cloths were used by other kids but they seemed to be using it as saris. There were adjustable Styrofoam frame constructed into what appeared to be a house by a couple of students. On a corner of the room I noticed a student using a travel brochure, an empty sun lotion bottle, wearing sunglasses, and him lying on ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Stars and Nuclear Fusion Essay A star is luminous point in the night sky that is a large, Indecent bodies like the sun. Stars are made up of big exploding balls of gas, mostly hydrogen and helium. The sun is similarly a star made up of huge amounts of hydrogen, undergoing a continuous nuclear reaction like a hydrogen bomb. Stars come about when vast clouds of hydrogen, helium and dust contract and collapse due to gravity. The clouds came from astronomical plasma from "The Big Bang", but the dust comes from the supernovae of other stars. Since the beginning of recorded civilization, stars played a huge role in religion and proved vital to routing. The invention of the telescope, the discovery of the "laws of motion" and gravity in the 17th century prompted the ... Show more content on ... Main sequence stars like our own sun enduring in a state of nuclear fusion during which they will produce energy for billions of years by replacing hydrogen to helium. Stars change over billions of years. When their main sequence phase ends they pass through other states of existence according to their size and other characteristics. The larger a star's mass, the shorter its lifespan is. As stars move toward the end of their lives, much of their hydrogen will be converted to helium. Helium sinks to the star's core and raises the star's temperature–causing its outer shell to expand. These large, puffy stars are known as Red Giants. The red giant phase is actually a prelude to a star shedding its outer layers and becoming a small, dense body called a White Dwarf. White dwarfs cool down for billions and billions of years, until they finally go dark and produce no energy at all. Once this happens, scientists have yet to observe, such stars become known as Black Dwarfs. A few stars avoid this evolutionary path and instead go out with a bang, exploding as Supernovae. These violent explosions leave behind a small core that will then turn into something called a Neutron Star or even, if the remainder is large enough, it is then turned into something called a Black Hole. Most of us remember the lullaby "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". The truth behind it is that stars ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Writing And Writing Of Writing Everyone says that writing of Communication has become a clichГ©. It is a clichГ©, however that is true. Personally, I do not like writing, but over time it has become a big part of me that I appreciate. Writing for me started in elementary school. I started with writing my ABCs and my name to perfection, until I did not make any mistakes. Over my years of writing I have enhanced my expressiveness, originality, and creativity. Growing up, I loved writing poems. My love for poems developed from listening and loving nursery rhymes such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mary Had A Little Lamb, Ring around the Rosie, and many others. When I was five years old, I wrote and presented a poem of mine in my church auditorium with members present. I had anger problems growing up, and my psychologist taught me to let out my anger in different forms of writing. One thing I have realized is that I write good personal papers whenever I am either upset at someone or a situation. I have minimal experiences in writing academic papers. I use the writing process I was taught in high school which was: Invention, Draft and Revision, then Proof Reading and Editing. I also know how to incorporate words into sentences, and utilize sentences to form paragraphs. What are my assumptions about writing? Concerning a personal writing, nothing. Good, bad, awful, mediocre; writing is about self–expression. If it makes sense to the author, then nothing else matters. I mean, it is a personal writing; the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Personal Narrative: My Experience With Surgery The summer before second grade I hit my head against the padded seat of a bumper car. I started bawling even though I hadn't hit my head that hard. This was the first warning sign. One night while at home, I hit my head against my headboard, and I was immediately overcome with a sharp, piercing pain. Each experience was overwhelming, my head was tender, and every tiny bump or brush against my head sent sharp bursts of pain through my head. Some days it would hurt to lay my head on a pillow and I was forced to lay in a different position to make the pain stop. Eventually, she took me to see my pediatrician. He recommended we go to get a CT scan at OHSU. Now, I was a tiny child and the machines used for CT scans seemed giant at the time. I was... Show more content on ... There were many problems with removing it. The most pressing was that the tumor was right next to an artery, if the incision was a little off I could have lost a lot of blood. And the problem that was most pressing to second grade me, my hair. I knew where the tumor was and that my hair would be in the way of the doctors. I cried for 15 minutes on the way to the hospital because I was worried that I'd be bald. I wasn't worried that I was having a major surgery, but I was more worried about my hair. Once, we were in the hospital the doctors talked to my parents for what felt like 10 hours to 7 year old me. Then the nurses helped me onto a table and wheeled me into the room where my surgery was going to take place. A doctor came over and started to tell me how he was going to put me to sleep. He gave me the anesthetic and started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to keep me relaxed. After that, everything was kind of a blur. They next thing that actually stuck was dinner. I can still remember exactly what I ate, I was given turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy. For desert, they gave me strawberry jello. Promptly after dinner I passed out again, I felt like I could sleep for a ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Wolfgang Mozart Research Paper The Life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Do you have a younger sibling? Perhaps a young family member? Then try to imagine that young sibling or family member writing songs at 5 years old and performing for kings and queens at 11 years old. From playing the piano at 3 to struggling to struggling with himself on the inside and the outside. The world of music may have never been the same without Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria to a musical family. His father Leopold Mozart decided to teach him to play the piano. He excelled at the young age of 3. When he went to see the queen of Austria. When... Show more content on ... He was playing piano by three years old. Mozart wrote possibly the most recognized lullaby ever. Twinkle, twinkle little star at five years old. When he was 8 he decided to write his own symphony. But that wasn't all he played for nobles at 11. But that was just his childhood now to be an adult. Mozart's father Leopold decided to take Wolfgang Mozart and his sister Nannerl Mozart around Europe. When they went to Rome, Italy to a famous church Mozart heard a song that could only be heard in that church. After Mozart only listened to the song once, he memorized it and copied down on paper and played the song in public. Even though Mozart was smart he also had struggles like everyone else. Just because Mozart performed all over Europe it mean he had a lot of money. When he tried to marry the love of his life. Constanze, his father disapproved of the marriage. But Mozart decided to marry Constanze anyway. When Constanze and Mozart decided to have children only two survived infancy out of six children. Sadly in his later years with his mental and physical health deteriorating. He succumbed to death and the end of a great classical era. They say when Mozart died the classical era ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Weet-Bix Box: A Short Story I wipe my crusty eyes open as I roll to look at the clock, 2.00am. My stomach is growling like a hungry brown bear, muscles tensed together as though I've held my pee in too long and most of all I feel like a weedy unnourished orphan from Oliver. 5 hours until breakfast I say to myself, is it worth the waiting for? Just roll over and sleep! Ok. I'm so awake, 'twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder how you AHHHH!! Stomach craping but breakfast isn't long, clock reads 2.15, 2.20, and 2.22... that's enough. On goes the bedroom light blinding my eyes like the viscous sun in summer, next the passage and finally the kitchen, I scourge through the pantry like a hungry warrior but trying not to wake the others, so I'm prancing around the kitchen like a cat sneaking up on the little sparrow. ... Show more content on ... As I climb the ladder in the pantry the open chip packet looks inviting... Its empty, the Weet– Bix box I could do 3, my hand feels hope, only to find crumbs... moving the cans of soup, packets of jelly, until I hear the barber shop quartets and their harmonica the moment the box of crackers meet my eyes, they almost leap into my hands. Scurrying down the ladder busting to open, a light of hope beams off and I can hear the little orphans singing to Mr Bumble, 'Food glorious food'. As I move the cracker to my mouth my tastebuds dance on my tongue, the first bite... stale. Gross. I chew the crunchy plastic as nails make their way down my oesophagus. I launch the crackers at the bin when my stomach let out a roar which shook the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Jane Taylor's Tiwnkle Little Star "Tiwnkle Little Star" by Jane Talyor describes my Pre School years. I heard this alot during Pre School because my teacher played it and we sing along with the tune. This song used to stay in my head because it was a catchy song. Also as a kid almost every one knew this song when they were younger. A lyric from the song is "Twinkle twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are." Therefore,whenever I hear this song it brings me back to my early ages of school. "Itsy Bitsy Spider by Carly simon also describes my Pre school years.We used to sit on the rug and are teacher would sing kids song to us. Itsy Bitsy Spider was one of them. She use her hands while she sang the song because it went with it. This was funny to me that the teacher use ... Get more on ...