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                     Ranking the digital competence of
                               pharmaceutical brands

MAY 2010

Prepared By:                                   Industry Partner:

            A THINK TANK
              for PRESTIGE BRANDS
                                                        PHD Media

© L2 2010
I.     INTRODUCTION                          .......................................... 3

        II.    METHODOLOGY                           .......................................... 4

        III.   RESULTS the rankings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

        IV.    DISCOVERIES                       ............................................ 9

        V.     FINDINGS                . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

        VI.    OBSERVATIONS by disease state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
               ASTHMA & ALLERGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
               CARDIOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
               GASTROINTESTINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
               NEUROLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
               PSYCHIATRY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
               RHEUMATOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
               UROLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
               WOMEN’S HEALTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

        VII.   TEAM           . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                    2
The Killer App                                               tion with highly trafficked health portals, and forays onto
                                                             Facebook and YouTube put brands like Gardasil and
The killer online app isn’t porn or social media, but med-
                                                             Viagra at the top of our ranking. However, the industry
ical advice. Arguably, no medium has so much influence
                                                             as a whole disappoints, as most brands offer obsolete
over so much spending—one sixth of the nation’s GDP     .
                                                             technology, anemic site content, lack of search optimiza-
In 2009, the number of Americans seeking pharmaceuti-
                                                             tion, and scant social media programs. In sum, there are
cal information online reached 102 million1. Pharmaceu-
                                                             millions of unregulated conversations taking place online
tical companies continue to search for a voice that can
                                                             regarding prescription drugs, but the voice of the phar-
rise above the digital cacophony. Although the emerg-
                                                             maceutical companies is largely absent.
ing direct-to-consumer relationship on the web allows
for robust patient discovery and education, the online
                                                             Our thesis is that digital aptitude will be a defining compe-
efforts have experienced fits and starts because the
                                                             tence that separates winners from losers in a medium too
ambiguous regulatory environment leaves pharmaceuti-
                                                             powerful to ignore. Key to managing and developing apti-
cal brands paralyzed.
                                                             tude is an actionable metric. This study quantifies the U.S.
                                                             digital competence of 51 pharmaceutical brands across
The Innovator's Dilemma
                                                             eight disease states and ranks them by their Digital IQ™.
The Food and Drug Administration’s Division of Drug          Our aim is to provide a robust tool to diagnose a brand's
Marketing, Advertising, and Communications (DDMAC)           digital strengths and weaknesses relative to its peers to
has expanded under the Obama Administration. As              achieve greater return on incremental investment.
digital accelerates in new directions—mobile, geo-
targeting, and healthcare information technology—the         As in each L2 study, we brought in experts from aca-
uncertainty surrounding regulation threatens to ham-         demia and industry to provide color and commentary
string pharmaceutical companies and shift power to           on our findings. We were fortunate in this study to have
third-party portals and content sites. Brand managers        insight from Peter Golder, professor of marketing at Dart-
are faced with a decision: take an aggressive approach       mouth's Tuck School of Business on innovation, Scott
and face possible regulatory wrath, or wait and lose         Hagedorn, U.S. CEO of PHD Media, on media trends in
ground to more innovative, risk-tolerant peers who are       the industry, and Kristen Goelz of Flashlight interactive
garnering skills, fans, and followers. When it comes to      on web site messaging.
marketing and regulation, it may be heads the digital
media win and tails digital wins again.

Despite the uncertain regulatory environment, some
                                                             Scott Galloway
companies are innovating online and building a founda-
                                                             Clinical Associate Professor, NYU Stern
tion for digital growth in anticipation of an unshackling.
                                                             Founder, L2 (LuxuryLab)
Robust branded sites, visibility in search, collabora-

    Manhattan Research

© L2 2010                                                                                    INTRODUCTION                    3
  PLATFORM - 40%
  Site Effectiveness: Reinforcement of core brand          • BRAND TRANSLATION
  associations and values through aesthetics and             • Aesthetics and Messaging
  interactivity. Also includes technology incorporation,     • Interactivity
  navigation, consumer funnels, relevant content, and      • SITE ELEMENTS
  customer service.                                          • Technology Integration
                                                             • User Interface
                                                             • Customer Service
                                                             • Content: Disease Education, Conversion,
                                                               Community Content

  Digital Marketing Efforts: Online advertising on and     • PORTAL AND OTHER ONLINE ADVERTISING
  off consumer healthcare portals, mobile compatibility,   • MOBILE
  email marketing, and other messaging.                    • EMAIL MARKETING

  Visibility: Organic and paid search visibility on        •   TRAFFIC
  popular search engines.                                  •   KEYWORDS
                                                           •   WEB AUTHORITY
                                                           •   SEARCH ARCHITECTURE

  Social Media Presence: Following, content, and influ-    •   FACEBOOK
  ence on major social media platforms, and buzz on        •   TWITTER
  blogs and other web 2.0 forums.                          •   YOUTUBE
                                                           •   USER-GENERATED CONTENT

© L2 2010                                                                            METHODOLOGY         4
The Digital IQ Index ranks brands according to their digital
competence, with each falling into one of five categories:

        140+ GENIUS
                Digital competence is a point of competitive differentiation for these brands. Their sites are
                search optimized, aesthetically engaging, functional, interactive, and offer clear calls to
                action. These brands are highly visible advertisers on consumer health portals and
                elsewhere online and experiment on the edge of the network with social media content.

   110-139 GIFTED
                Sites are crawlable, brand enhancing, and include calls to action. Brands typically advertise
                on health portals, are highly visible on top search engines, and offer email marketing.

      90-109 AVERAGE
                Brand sites are functional yet predictable. Innovation efforts are uninspired and lack
                ambition. Boilerplate marketing online and in email.

        70-89 CHALLENGED
                These brands offer little content online. Bare-bones sites provide only basic drug information.
                Engagement is limited to web property, and digital campaigns are an afterthought.

            <70 FEEBLE
                Brands have largely ignored the digital phenomenon. Sites lack basic functionality and
                navigability, and brands disregard digital marketing initiatives.

© L2 2010                                                                 RESULTS: the rankings                   5

   Rank     Brand        Parent                 Disease State          IQ    Label     Comments

   1        VIAGRA       Pfizer                 Urology                149   Genius    Site tech and interactivity are industry standouts; brand
                                                                                       leverages iconic name in search and online buzz

   2        NEXIUM       AstraZeneca            Gastrointestinal       143   Genius    This social media maven offers best-in-class lifestyle
                                                                                       support tools, including online access to dieticians

   3        CHANTIX      Pfizer                 Neurology              140   Genius    Connects digitally with consumers both on and off site with
                                                (Smoking Cessation)                    email, short messaging service, and a dominant presence on
                                                                                       health portals

   4        ORTHO TRI-   Ortho-McNeil           Women’s Health         137   Gifted    Top in the competitive Women’s Health category; brand
            CYCLEN LO    Janssen                (Birth Control)                        boasts interactive tools and desktop reminders

   5        CRESTOR      AstraZeneca            Cardiology             135   Gifted    Strong onsite tech integration and activity on portals and
                                                                                       blogs elevates top brand in disappointing cardio category

   6        GARDASIL     Merck                  Women’s Health         131   Gifted    Rallies community online with pioneering Facebook
                                                (Infectious Disease)                   page and strength in search

   6        YAZ          Bayer                  Women’s Health         131   Gifted    YAZXpress site offers interactive community content;
                                                (Birth Control)                        brand also connects with users in mobile and email

   8        SYMBICORT    AstraZeneca            Asthma & Allergy       130   Gifted    Interactive video journey customizes site for best-in-
                                                                                       category user experience

   8        NUVARING     Merck                  Women’s Health         130   Gifted    Brand boasts innovative web advertising and strength
                                                (Birth Control)                        in search

   10       LUNESTA      Sepracor               Neurology              126   Gifted    A YouTube channel coupled with strong off-platform
                                                (Insomnia)                             efforts keeps brand awake online.

   11       SEROQUEL     AstraZeneca            Psychiatry             124   Gifted    Site provides strong educational content and
                                                                                       community information

   12       LIPITOR      Pfizer                 Cardiology             121   Gifted    Site branding and online advertising form the pulse of
                                                                                       this brand’s digital efforts

   12       LEVITRA      Novartis               Urology                121   Gifted    Humorous multichannel In Bed video campaign
                                                                                       generates online buzz

   14       SEASONIQUE   Teva                   Women’s Health         120   Gifted    Brand understands how to integrate digital content and
                         (through Duramed)      (Birth Control)                        user behavior

   15       AMBIEN CR    Sanofi-Aventis         Neurology              118   Gifted    Site highlight is a downloadable tool that tracks and
                                                (Insomnia)                             analyzes sleep patterns

   16       CYMBALTA     Eli Lilly              Psychiatry             113   Gifted    Strong visibility on WebMD portal

   17       ORENCIA      Bristol-Myers Squibb   Rheumatology           111   Gifted    Strong presence on health portals

   17       ABILIFY      Bristol-Myers Squibb   Psychiatry             111   Gifted    Impressive site funneling and substantial traffic raise
                                                                                       brand’s profile

   19       KAPIDEX      Takeda                 Gastrointestinal       110   Gifted    Strong branding and video content differentiate site

   20       SYNVISC      Genzyme                Rheumatology           107   Average   Search architecture and informative videos are brand

© L2 2010                                                                                       RESULTS: the rankings                                6
Rank     Brand       Parent                 Disease State      IQ    Label        Comments

   21       ADVAIR      GlaxoSmithKline        Asthma & Allergy   106   Average unbranded site incorporates education
                                                                                     and technology

   22       SINGULAIR   Merck                  Asthma & Allergy   105   Average      Site aesthetics, disease education and flash features
                                                                                     are strengths; some presence on health portals

   23       ZETIA       Merck                  Cardiology         104   Average      Presence on health portals and brand translation on site
                                                                                     give IQ a boost

   24       PLAN B      Teva                   Women’s Health     102   Average      Site offers eligibility calculator and find-a-pharmacist
                        (through Duramed)      (Birth Control)                       feature

   24       SPIRIVA     Pfizer and             Asthma & Allergy   102   Average      Multichannel disease awareness campaign tests the
                        Boehringer Ingelheim                                         waters on Twitter

   26       VYTORIN     Merck                  Cardiology         101   Average      Strong site disease education and presence on top
                                                                                     portals, but crippled by poor visibility

   27       CIALIS      Eli Lilly              Urology            100   Average      Although SEO is strong, customer relationship
                                                                                     management program that directs users to PO Box
                                                                                     shows digital failings

   27       CELEBREX    Pfizer                 Rheumatology       100   Average      Status quo online advertising keeps this brand average

   29       ACIPHEX     Elsai and Ortho-       Gastrointestinal   98    Average      Playful animation on site and strong keyword visibility
                        McNeil Janssen

   30       RITUXAN     Biogen and             Rheumatology       94    Average      Site incorporates elegant flash features, but efforts in
                        Genentech                                                    search and online advertising get lost in the crowd

   31       HUMIRA      Abbott                 Rheumatology       93    Average      MyHumira site for current brand users offers support for

   32       ANDROGEL    Solvay                 Urology            92    Average      The Low Testosterone Lowdown sponsored content on
                                                                                     WebMD has minimal visibility

   32       ENBREL      Amgen and Wyeth        Rheumatology       92    Average      Customer service standout offers find-a-doctor feature
                                                                                     and toll-free phone access to nurses

   32       MIRENA      Bayer                  Women’s Health     92    Average      Trails strong Birth Control peers; interactive site
                                               (Birth Control)                       elements are absent

   32       PLAVIX      Bristol-Myers Squibb   Cardiology         92    Average      Portal ads keep this brand in the middle of the pack
                        and Sanofi-Aventis

   36       LOVAZA      GlaxoSmithKline        Cardiology         87    Challenged   A strong site is brand’s only notable effort

   37       AVODART     GlaxoSmithKline        Urology            86    Challenged   Leverages GSK customer service features

   37       NASONEX     Schering-Plough        Asthma & Allergy   86    Challenged   Although “Don’t Blow It” game on Facebook
                                                                                     disappoints, it scores points for social media effort

   39       VERAMYST    GlaxoSmithKline        Asthma & Allergy   85    Challenged   Allergyrewards email marketing program offers savings
                                                                                     and tips

   40       LYRICA      Pfizer                 Rheumatology       84    Challenged   Strong presence on WebMD, but site is poorly
                                                                                     organized to reach users interested in newly
                                                                                     approved Rheumatology indication

© L2 2010                                                                                     RESULTS: the rankings                             7
Rank     Brand       Parent                 Disease State      IQ   Label        Description

   41       OMNARIS     Sepracor               Asthma & Allergy   82   Challenged   Robust SEO

   42       FLOMAX      Astellas Pharma and    Urology            71   Challenged   Bare bones, text-heavy site with dated technology and
                        Boehringer Ingelheim                                        no call-to-action

   42       PRISTIQ     Pfizer                 Psychiatry         71   Challenged   A New Day patient support program has email
                                                                                    marketing component; site is repurposed TV branding

   44       LESCOL XL   Novartis               Cardiology         65   Feeble       Obsolete site features newspaper-style cartoons

   45       TRILIPIX    Abbott                 Cardiology         63   Feeble       Anemic site content, but ad presence includes spots
                                                                                    on Hulu

   46       CADUET      Pfizer                 Cardiology         62   Feeble       PDF downloads abound on this brand’s dated site

   47       NIASPAN     Abbott                 Cardiology         61   Feeble       Brand fails to be brought to life on site and limited web

   48       PATANASE    Alcon                  Asthma & Allergy   60   Feeble       Worst in search; find-a-doctor feature is strongest
                                                                                    element of site

   49       TOPROL-XL   AstraZeneca            Cardiology         59   Feeble       Mention on AstraZeneca’a YouTube channel is this brand’s
                                                                                    lone social media effort

   50       PULMICORT   AstraZeneca            Asthma & Allergy   52   Feeble       Brand does little digitally beyond light display advertising

   51       ASTEPRO     Meda                   Asthma & Allergy   42   Feeble       Miserable web site and absence from other digital media

© L2 2010                                                                                    RESULTS: the rankings                                 8
The Tipping Point                                                                    PETER
Consumer appetite for digital health content is voracious and grow-                  GOLDER
ing: the number of Americans accessing health information online is                  Tuck School of
up 159% from 20041. Health portals including WebMD, Everyday Health,                 Business at
and Health attract millions of unique visitors. In addition, traffic to
branded pharmaceutical sites increased 82% last year, suggesting brands              “Companies must
have a legitimate role in the online conversation. Disparity in the quality of the   move beyond a DTC mentality and
digital content produced by pharmaceutical brands leads discriminating con-          adopt a DFC mentality (i.e., direct
sumers to vote with their browsers. While brands categorized as Genius or            from company). Instead of companies
Gifted experienced average traffic growth of 175% from March 2009 to March           pushing information to customers,
2010, 40% of the brands in the study realized negative traffic growth.               customers will pull information from
                                                                                     the company. An even better approach
                                                                                     is DFC + P2P, direct from company
Anti-Social Pharma                                                                   plus peer-to-peer redistribution.”

Despite hearings in November 2009, the FDA has remained silent
about social media marketing regulation, restraining movement to
platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Although 80% of
parent companies are starting to dip their toes into social media, only 19% of       SCOTT
pharmaceutical brands maintain a presence on at least one site. Parent com-
                                                                                     PHD Media
pany efforts lack sophistication, offering little more than glorified PR content
and one-sided conversations. As a result, they have attracted few followers.
Bright spots include Johnson & Johnson’s YouTube channel, viewed more                “We often get
than 1.6 million times, and Merck’s Gardasil human papillomavirus (HPV)              asked if social activation should play
awareness Facebook page, with more than 100,000 fans. Patient demand for             a role in brand efforts. Our advice
online networking opportunities has been validated by the emergence and              is that it isn’t a matter of ‘if’, it’s a
growth of condition-specific patient networking sites such as PatientsLikeMe,        matter of ‘when’. It comes down to
which doubled subscribers from December 2008 to December 2009, Juvena-               mapping the brand introduction time-
tion, and Bayer’s MS-Gateway.                                                        line and knowing when to use social
                                                                                     and when not to in order to increase
                                                                                     impact while also mitigating risk.”
    Manhattan Research

© L2 2010                                                                                        DISCOVERIES                     9
Learn by Doing                                                                                                                                           Deserted Islands (Visibility)
                                      Brands with a higher Digital IQ demonstrate more                                                                                                         After the FDA submitted warning letters regarding
                                      risk tolerance when approaching digital marketing.                                                                                                       paid search to more than 40 pharmaceutical brands
                                      Based on an assessment of regulatory compliance on                                                                                                       in April 2009, most suspended search engine mar-
                                      branded sites, brands ranked Average and below err                                                                                                       keting. Although paid search has rebounded, and 70%
                                      on the side of caution regarding FDA Web guidelines                                                                                                      of brands currently purchase search terms, many brand-
                                      while brands ranked Genius and Gifted employ broader                                                                                                     ed sites are not optimized for organic search. As a result,
                                      interpretations. Genius and Gifted brands have greater                                                                                                   site visibility on major search engines for upper-funnel
                                      social media penetration: 37% are present on at least                                                                                                    disease-relevant terms lags that of such popular health
                                      one platform, compared with 9% for Average and below                                                                                                     portals as WebMD, Yahoo! Health, and HealthCentral.
                                      brands. High IQ brands also returned to search marketing
                                      faster than their laggard peers: 89% of Gifted and above
                                      brands participate in paid search versus 59% of
                                      Average and below brands.

                                                                                                                                                  SOCIAL MEDIA PENETRATION                                                                                               Brands

                                                                                                                                             Brands vs. Parent Companies                                                                             Parent Companies




                                                                                            0%                        10%                          20%                       30%                           40%                       50%                     60%              70%

                                                                                                                                HEALTH PORTAL AND BRANDED-SITE TRAFFIC                                                                                                                         Health Portals

                                                                                                          Monthly Unique Visitors to Health Portals and Branded Sites                                                                                                                          Branded Sites

Monthly Unique Visitors (thousands)

                                       March 2010


                                                                       D            LTH                    H                   ES                    H                  E                      E                     NG                  AL              M              CIA              RA              FY              A
                                                                  BM           EA                      ALT                AD                     ALT          AL
                                                                                                                                                                   AG                    LIN                    RO                  TR             XIU             EN              VIT             ILI              GR
                                                             WE           YH                  !   HE                 GR                 Y   HE           RE                        LTH                     ST                  EN             NE              OR              LE              AB              VIA
                                                                        DA                 OO                    H                  LIT                                     HE
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                                                                    Y                  H                     ALT                A                                                                                     ALT
                                                                  ER                YA                  HE                 QU                                                                                    HE

                                      © L2 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DISCOVERIES                                    10
Innovation Silos                                                  SCOTT                                                                         PETER
The average dispersion in brand-                                  HAGEDORN                                                                      GOLDER
level Digital IQ among pharma-                                    PHD Media                                                                     Tuck School
                                                                                                                                                of Business at
ceutical companies with more
than one product in the study is
40 points. This large spread high-                                “Pharma is one                                                                “The results of
lights a silo mentality—digital com-                              of the few remaining categories with                                          the Digital IQ studies present
petence within large companies sits                               this level of disparity around ide-                                           companies with the triple threat of
isolated, with minimal shared learn-                              ation. It is hard for vertical teams                                          innovation. First, with incremental
ing among brands. Although some                                   structured around specific brands to                                          innovation, companies can upgrade
companies leverage small econo-                                   share best practices with other brand                                         each of their own web sites to match
mies of scale (e.g., AstraZeneca                                  teams. It is up to the agencies that                                          internal best practices. Second,
sites are sometimes templated, and                                touch multiple brands to step up and                                          through radical innovation, com-
GlaxoSmithKline sites offer universal                             help replicate innovative best practices                                      panies can adopt and improve upon
customer service tools), digital efforts                          across the client brand verticals.”                                           industrywide best practices. Third,
appear largely uncoordinated. The                                                                                                               for truly breakthrough innovations,
lone exception is in social media,                                                                                                              companies can look to unrelated in-
which is primarily deployed at the                                                                                                              dustries for inspiration in developing
parent company level with little                                                                                                                completely new approaches to digital
brand-level integration.                                                                                                                        communication.”

                                                                            DIGITAL IQ DISPERSION

                       Range of Brand Digital IQ Scores and Average Digital Score by Parent Company

                                                                   Gardasil                                                                                                        Yaz

                                                 Symbicor t        NuvaRing                                                     Lunesta
       GIFTED                  Lipitor               Seroquel
                                                                                                                                                                 Ambien CR
                                                                   Singulair             Advair
                                                       107                                                                                       106
                               104                                           Zetia                                                104                                  105
      AVERAGE                                                      Vytorin
                           Celebrex                                                                                                             Cialis
                                                                                                Lovaza                                                               Plavix *    Mirena
                                                                               Avodar t

                               Lyrica                                                Veramyst
    CHALLENGED                                                                                                                  Omnaris

       FEEBLE              Caduet                                                                         Niaspan
                                                     Pulmicor t

                                                                        K                 INE                   TT               CO
                                                                                                                                   R               LY                NT
                                                                                                                                                                        IS        YE
                          PF                      EN              ME                  KL                   BO                RA                 LIL               VE            BA
                                                 Z                                  TH                   AB                 P             ELI                    A
                                           T  RA                                 MI                                      SE                                  FI-
                                         AS                                   OS                                                                          NO
                                                                            AX                                                                          SA
                                                                                                                                                        * in par tnership with Bristol-Myers Squibb

© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                            DISCOVERIES                      11
Younger “Age of Onset”                                                                          SCOTT
Brands Lead                                                                                     HAGEDORN
As one would expect, brands that market to younger consumers have                               PHD Media

higher Digital IQs. In an attempt to reach a generation raised on Google
and Facebook, brand marketers in categories such as Birth Control, HPV and
                                                                                                “We’ve seen the
Psychiatry have worked to understand how to design informative and interac-
                                                                                                internet emerge as the medium all
tive web sites, incorporate community content and technology, attract users
                                                                                                segments of the population say they
to branded sites, and test social media. Yet, this is a case of not seeing the
                                                                                                could not live without. There is clear-
forest from the trees as the vast majority of prescription drugs are consumed
                                                                                                ly an opportunity for pharma brands
by older adults who are increasingly online— in the five-year period from 2004
                                                                                                marketing to a senior population to
to 2009 Internet usage increased by 55% to 17.5 million users2 for seniors.
                                                                                                increase their web presence.”
Furthermore, the fastest growing cohort on Facebook is boomer-age women.


                                                DIGITAL IQ AND AGE OF ONSET

                   Average Digital IQ Score and Age of Disease Onset by Disease State Category

                                                                                                                   HPV   Human Papillomavirus

      GENIUS                                                                                                       BCL   Birth Control

                 140                                                                                               PSY   Psychiatry

                              HPV                                                                                  ASM   Asthma & Allergy

      GIFTED                                                                                                      RHM Rheumatology
                                                                           GST                                     URL   Urology

                                                                                                                   GST   Gastrointestinal
                                          PSY                            URL
     AVERAGE                                                                                                       CDV   Cardiovascular

                                                             ASM                          CDV




                                      0                       0                       0                0
                                    E2                    E4                       E6               E8
                                AG                      AG                       AG               AG

© L2 2010                                                                                                   DISCOVERIES                         12
Patent Cycle’s Impact                                         AVERAGE TIME TO PATENT EXPIRY

Brands categorized as Genius
and Gifted have an average of
1.7 more years before patent                    10
expiry than brands categorized
Average and below, suggesting                    8

digital marketing is correlated

with the patent cycle.
Pharma brands typically invest
heavily in online disease education              2
and awareness efforts before FDA
approval. Drugs also invest early
                                                     Genius    Gifted      Average     Challenged   Feeble
in the patent cycle, one year after
FDA approval, as they are building                                        DIGITAL IQ

awareness for the brand. Brands
new to the market have higher Digi-
tal IQs, suggesting a greater digital
investment and focus.

© L2 2010                                                                               DISCOVERIES          13
Branded sites inform consumers and encourage patient compliance at different              PETER
stages of the disease cycle. Sites for drugs with multiple indications face the ad-       GOLDER
ditional challenge of tailoring content to different conditions. Because of the variety   Tuck School of
                                                                                          Business at
of patient audiences, clearly directing users and prospects to appropriate informa-       Dartmouth
tion is the hallmark of a strong site. Among branded sites, Symbicort and Abilify's
are among the best at funneling visitors by condition and stage of diagnosis.
                                                                                          measures are most useful for bench-
Although all sites offer basic drug information, the best include disease educa-          marking and upgrading sites on
tion, like Crestor’s scientific videos, and community content, like Nexium’s site         established performance criteria.
with patient success-story videos and lifestyle tools. The biggest divergence             Qualitative insights are most use-
among pharmaceutical sites is in the use of technology to amplify content.                ful for generating and introducing
Although strong sites offer videos and interactive features with anatomic im-             entirely new performance criteria.”
ages, doctor interviews, and patient testimonials, 55% fail to incorporate flash
elements, popular for adding animation and interactivity to web content and a
barometer of web sophistication, beyond the home page.                                    QUICK STATS
Every site aims to influence visitors to act through one or a combination of              Branded Sites:
symptom assessment surveys, doctor discussion guides, coupons for a new or
                                                                                          • 85% offer a Doctor Discussion
continuing prescription, and tools to encourage compliance with a prescription.             guide
Many of these tools are PDF documents, which in many cases is not the best
                                                                                          • 62% offer little or no community
way to leverage the speed and convenience of the digital medium. Exceptions                 content
include Spiriva and Synvisc, which offer to send assessment results via email.            • 57% offer savings for first-time
                           CALLS TO ACTION ON BRANDED SITES                                 prescriptions
                                                                                          • 47% have an unbranded site,
                                                                                            typically devoted to disease
               50%                                                                          education
               40%                                                                        • 45% offer a compliance tool,

                                                                                            such as email, text reminders, or
                                                                                            a downloadable PDF calendar
               20%                                                                        • 42% offer savings for current users
               10%                                                                        • 26% have no access to customer
                     Visit Doctor       New Rx        Rx Savings   Compliance
                                    Call to Action Message

© L2 2010                                                                                                     FINDINGS            14
Forty-five percent of sites offer savings
to current users, effectively diminishing
the profitability of those sales, although
there may be gains in market share
when the drug is in a head-to-head
battle with a major competitor.

The creation of unbranded education-
oriented sites is a popular technique
to market drugs before approval
by the FDA. Once a drug is FDA-
approved, the use of unbranded sites
declines. Still, 47% of brands in the
study maintain a microsite to comple-
ment their branded site’s disease
education content.

Comparatively, the unbranded site
typically generates significantly fewer
unique visitors than a branded site,
even when offering better disease
education information and technology
integration. For example,
has more than 16 times as many
visitors as its arguably superior un-
branded counterpart,
Low traffic combined with the danger
of competitive brands benefiting from
other’s unbranded efforts, calls into
question their longer-term value.


© L2 2010                                                     FINDINGS            15
Search Engine Optimization
Search engines are the primary tool         pharmaceutical paid search advertising is primarily limited to two types of ads:
consumers use to seek health infor-         brand-reminder and help-seeking. Brand-reminder ads incorporate a brand’s
mation online, and search remains a         name and are restricted from explaining drug treatment uses and benefits;
digital priority for most pharmaceuti-      help-seeking ads tout the uses and benefits of a drug, but do not mention
cal brands1. Brands strive for search       its name. Brands in the study strongly favor brand-reminder ads, particularly
engine visibility, not only for consum-     for patients further along the disease cycle using more specific, lower-funnel
ers seeking specific drug information,      terms, and also because consumers may perceive help-seeking ads as con-
but also for those learning about a         fusing and potentially misleading. In November 2009, Google proposed two
condition. Generating awareness             new types of ads: product-claim ads, which would link to a product site and
among upper-funnel consumers                explain drug benefits, and black-box ads, both of which link to full text black-
helps brands acquire diagnosed              box warnings. Yaz is the lone brand in the study to use black-box ads.
but untreated patients. Research
has found that consumers who visit
a brand’s site are three times more
                                           Brand-Reminder Ad                             {
likely to request a drug by name2,
and 44% of physicians prescribe
                                                       Help-Seeking Ad                   {
a requested drug3. Weak search
engine optimization by pharmaceuti-
                                                                Black-Box Ad             {
cal brands allows health portals to
dominate in organic search visibility
for every disease state.                                                                      RELATIVE TRAFFIC OF TOP BRANDED SITES

In 2008, more than 30% of pharma-
ceutical search engine traffic was
directed from paid ads4. Because of
                                                        March 2010

space limitations and FDA regulation,

    Manhattan Research





































                                                                                             BRANDS BY DISEASE STATE ON PAID SEARCH
    • 70% of brands engage in paid                     100%
      search on Google or Bing                         80%
                                          March 2010

    • 62% of brands engage in branded                  60%
      paid search on Google or Bing
    • Google Page Rank average for
      branded pharmaceutical                           20%
      sites is 4.75                                       0%








    • Pharmaceutical sites have an














      average of 91 inbound links







© L2 2010                                                                                                                                                         FINDINGS                      16
Off-Platform Messaging
In 2009 pharmaceutical industry online advertising spend was up 31%              SCOTT
year-on-year, to $117 million, while consumer ad spending overall remained       HAGEDORN
virtually flat5. Digital spending represents about 4% of total DTC budgets. As   PHD Media
online advertising becomes a larger part of pharmaceutical marketing bud-
gets, brands are looking for innovative ways to reach consumers, however,
most efforts remain focused on boilerplate ad offerings on highly trafficked     “In addition to
consumer health portals, like WebMD or Quality Health.                           shifting ad dollars, marketers are
                                                                                 re-examining their overall market-
Fifty-eight percent of brands in the study advertise on WebMD, Everyday          ing investments. We see a shifting of
Health, or Health and 60% of these brands advertise on more than       dollars to platforms that offer deeper
one of the portals. Branded presence on portal sites ranges from traditional     engagement with consumers. We be-
display advertising to sponsored editorial content and diagnostic tools. The     lieve this is driven in part by the richer
most effective advertising is highly visible on primary pages about a specific   experiences that digital media offers.”
condition on the most popular sites. This coveted space sells out quickly,
often relegating competing brands to less desirable pages. Notable advertis-
ing initiatives beyond the portals are Cardiology drug Trilipix’s ads on video
platform Hulu, HPV drug Gardasil on the CW TV Network’s site, and allergy
                                                                                 QUICK STATS
brands' display advertising on AccuWeather and                      Portal Collaboration:
                                                                                 • 58% of brands advertised on
5                                                                                  WebMD, Everyday Health or
    Medical, Marketing & Media
                                                                          Health in February 2010
                                                                                 • 42% of brands had a noticeable
                                                                                   presence on WebMD
                                                                                 • 47% of brands had a noticeable
                                                                                   presence on Everyday Health
                                                                                 • 13% of brands had a noticeable
                                                                                   presence on Health
                                                                                 • All Psychiatry and Rheumatology
                                                                                   brands were visible on top health


© L2 2010                                                                                             FINDINGS                17
Email                                                                           QUICK STATS
Email is a low-cost way to engage patients and ensure they stay current on
their drug regimen. More than 80% of brands offered opt-in email from the
                                                                                • 72% of email programs
branded site, although less than 60% of these brands corresponded in a six-
                                                                                  contain a clear call to action
week period. Often a brand email effort is touted as a support program and is
                                                                                  to prompt doctor discussion or
complemented by an offline effort, including direct mail.                         prescription fills.
The number one reason consumers opt in to email programs is to receive          • 70% of branded programs
coupons6, and 30% of email programs specifically offered savings. The             personalize emails.
purpose and content of email campaigns ranged from calls to action (75%)        • All Cardiology brands have email
to branded-drug-specific information: (75%), disease education (50%) and          marketing programs.
community content (30%).                                                        • All Neurology brands have email
                                                                                  marketing programs with clear
In the best cases, emails were customized and personalized like Pristiq’s A
                                                                                  calls to action.
New Day support messages. Some brands, including Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo,
Yaz, Humira, and Lovaza, offer patient reminder emails to support compli-


                                                                                                        Lescol XL email

                                                        Humira email                                       Pristiq email

© L2 2010                                                                                          FINDINGS                18
Pharmaceutical branded mobile
                                                         NOTABLE DISEASE MANAGEMENT APPS
activity is scant with the exception
of SMS reminder alerts sent by 15%       MOBILE                  Disease          Customer
                                         APPLICATION             State              Rating Comments
of brands. Third-party companies
                                                                                          Enhanced $5.99 version allows
are also offering reminder and
                                                                                          users to log, track, and analyze
compliance apps, including the           Chronic Pain Tracker    Rheumatology         3/5 pain and download data into
                                                                                          PDF for healthcare provider
“Pill Phone” and “PillBoxer.”

None of the brands in the study                                                             $4.99 app allows users to
have applications available in iTunes,   iHeart-Pulse Reader     Cardiovascular       5/5 monitor and track their pulse
                                                                                            over time
however many iPhone apps exist for
both general and specific disease                                                           $0.99 app offers customizable
                                         PureSleep AmbiScience   Insomnia            3.5/5 audio programs to promote
management purposes. Notable in                                                             sleep
the general category is WebMD’s
                                                                                            $0.99 app provides tools to
app, “WebMD Mobile,” which pro-          Live Happy              Psychiatry           3/5 track mood and exercises to
vides information about symptoms,                                                           promote happiness

drugs, and first aid. Apps are com-                                                         Free app tracks number of
mon for disease state management         Quitter                                      3/5 smoke-free days and cost
                                                                 Cessation                  savings
for conditions such as smoking ces-
sation, insomnia, allergies, rheuma-                                                        $0.99 app reminds users to
                                         Pink Reminder           Women’s Health       3/5
tology, and cardiovascular disease.                                                         take medication

  • Merck and Sanofi-Aventis are the
    only pharmaceutical parent com-
    panies with iPhone apps. No
    brands have iPhone apps

     i-Heart Pulse
       Reader App App App

© L2 2010                                                                                                FINDINGS            19

                                                                          Monthly                                         Advertising
                                                                          Visitors                                        Brands
   PORTAL   Description                                                   (millions)   Key Advertising Tools              include

            Educational content, expert commentary, medical reviews,        17.4 • Banner ads                             Chantix
            community services, and health management tools.                                                              Cymbalta
                                                                                       • Sponsored editorial
            Content includes information about conditions, a drug                                                         Enbrel
                                                                                       • Sponsored “health checks”
            database, healthy living advice, and news.                                                                    NuvaRing
                                                                                       • Technology superior to other
            Message boards and newsletters serve as a precursor to                                                        Viagra
            its upcoming Health Exchange community site.

            Educational health content for more than 100 health               6.4 • Banner ads with flash and video       Abilify
            categories ranges from information about common health                     • Sponsored editorial              Chantix
            conditions to interactive symptom checkers to nutritional
                                                                                       • Custom email campaigns           Lipitor
            and exercise tips.
            Community section incorporates 2.0 tools, including blogs,
            personal profiles, and photos, to promote interaction
            among site visitors.                                                                                          Seroquel

            Content organized by condition centers with information          No • Banner ads                              Cymbalta
            on the condition, symptoms, treatment options, and              data • Video ads                              Kapidex
            support resources.
            The site also features healthcare news, videos, interactive                                                   Zetia
            symptom checkers, and community content in the form of
            health newsletters and such social media tools as blogs,
            chat rooms, and forums.

            Offers news, videos, tips, drug guides, and interactive           6.3 • Banner ads                            Cialis
            health tools across a number of disease-specific                           • Video ads                        Lunesta
            Social media tools are integrated to promote community,                                                       Pristiq
            and offer condition-specific groups, message boards, and
            expert advice blogs.
            Editorial content and videos often courtesy of third-party
            health content providers.

            Provides educational health content across more than 45           2.9 • Banner ads with flash                 Cymbalta
            disease categories, with information on causes, symp-                      • Video ads                        Kapidex
            toms, and treatments.
                                                                                       • Sponsorship of health centers    Vytorin
            The portal offers videos, news, expert advice, drug guides,                • Sponsored editorial
            and interactive tools, including symptom checkers and
            quizzes. 2.0 tools include blogs and support groups.

            Features informative health and fitness content, interac-         2.8 • Banner ads with flash                 Chantix
            tive tools, resources, expert advice, videos, specialized                  • Video features                   Enbrel
            reports, and community content across more than 50
            disease centers.
            Disease centers include content in line with that of other
            portals, such as news, information on symptoms, and treat-
            ment options. Partners with third-party content providers.                                                    Pristiq

© L2 2010                                                                                                                FINDINGS       20
Social Networking                       company channels (Ambien and                  QUICK STATS
Only 19% of pharmaceutical brands       Toprol-XL). Videos range from offer-
                                                                                      Social Media:
are on at least one major social        ing specific information about a drug,
media platform: Facebook, You-          its benefits and side effects, to playful     • 48% of parent companies have
                                                                                        a presence on Facebook
Tube, or Twitter. Standouts Gardasil    content about a disease state, as in
                                                                                      • 28% of branded sites have
and Nexium maintain pages with          the case of Levitra’s InBed videos
                                                                                        Facebook as a top-5 referral site
rich media content and have at-         featuring a cartoon couple dealing
                                                                                      • Facebook is a top-5 referral site
tracted thousands of fans despite       with erectile dysfunction.
                                                                                        for all Women’s Health brands
prohibiting wall postings to avoid
                                        On the flip side, parent company              • 60% of parent companies have
adverse-event reporting. On Twitter,
                                        social media adoption tops 80%.                 a presence on Twitter, with an
the Purple Pill listens to custom-                                                      average growth in followers of
                                        The disparity in participation be-
ers and direct messages an 800                                                          31% from February to March
                                        tween parent company and brands
number in response to tweets about                                                      2010
                                        highlights the effect of the current
the drug. The only other brand ac-                                                    • 36% of parent companies have
                                        regulatory limbo concerning social
tive on Twitter is Spiriva, with five                                                   a presence on YouTube
                                        media. However, most company
Twitter handles, four from celebrity                                                  • According to Manhattan
                                        efforts are little more than PR or
spokespeople, conversing about the                                                      Research, almost 50% of con-
                                        human resources tools. Johnson &                sumers seeking health informa-
Drive4COPD campaign.
                                        Johnson is a notable exception; the             tion watched health videos online
Eighteen percent of brands have a       company maintains an engaging                   in 2009
presence on YouTube ranging from        presence on all three major plat-
dedicated YouTube channels (Yaz         forms. Its YouTube channel features
and Lunesta) to videos on parent                                                    monials to educational pieces. The
                                        videos ranging from patient testi-
                                                                                    corporate Twitter account retweets
                                                                                    and converses with users, while the
                                                  Gardasil Facebook                 company’s Facebook page features
                                                                                    wall postings of varied and interest-
                                                                                    ing content.

                                                                                    Some companies are experimenting
                                                                                    with sponsored communities tailored
                                                                                    to patients of specific disease
                                                                                    states. Bayer’s MS-Gateway forum
                                                                                    for multiple sclerosis boasts more
                                                                                    than 12,000 members and 200,000
                                                                                    posts. Other interesting efforts
                                                                                    include Novo Nordisk’s Voices of
                                                                                    Diabetes community and Novartis’s
                                                                                    CML Earth, an elegantly designed
                                                                                    platform for leukemia patients.

                                                                                    As social media platforms experi-
                                                                                    ence double- and triple-digit user
                                                                                    growth, the pharmaceutical industry
                                                                                    is missing a key opportunity to con-
                                                                                    nect with consumers. According to
                                                                      Yaz YouTube   Manhattan Research, more than 80
                                                                                    million Americans use social media
                                                                                    for health-related issues. Brands often

© L2 2010                                                                                                 FINDINGS            21
cite regulations about adverse-event
reporting as the reason for their hesi-
tation to embrace social media. Yet, a
November 2009 Nielsen study found
that only one in 500 online postings,
or 0.2%, incorporate the criteria re-
quired for adverse-event reporting.

Third-party patient communities are
proliferating, like PatientsLikeMe,
with over 50,000 members, but they
seldom offer brand advertising. Con-
sumer health portals are also moving
into the social networking space. In
March 2010, WebMD announced the
launch of Health Exchange, a new                               Johnson & Johnson
health social networking platform, to                          YouTube channel and
                                                               Facebook page
grab share from already entrenched
third-party social media communi-
ties. Well-known destination sites
are also strong on Twitter, Facebook,
tweets, retweets, and direct mes-
sages with some 1 million followers,
and Mayo Clinic’s YouTube channel
has generated more than 1.7 million


© L2 2010                                                      FINDINGS              22

                                                  Follower   Tweets   Tweet   Re-
  Company           Twitter           Followers   Growth*        ** Growth* tweets? Comments

  Pfizer            pfizer_news         5,146     14.1%        99    11.2%    N     Mostly PR, some pharmaceutical news and links to
                                                                                    blogs and social media news

  Novartis          Novartis            4,652         ND      150     4.2%    N     Information about the company, products, links to
                                                                                    other social media and technology. Company also
                                                                                    appears to own protected handle Novartis Trials

  GlaxoSmithKline   GSKUS               3,426         ND      254    13.9%    Y     Links to GSK blog posts, news, other links; glaxo-
                                                                                    smithkline also appears to be occupied by com-
                                                                                    pany, but no tweets

  Johnson &         JNJComm             3,201         ND      744     7.2%    Y     Highly personalized content; retweets and
  Johnson                                                                           converses; provides color on industry and more
                                                                                    general news

  Roche              3,193         ND      661     7.1%    Y     Conversations and news about company

  Genentech         genentechnews       2,754       6.6%       81    11.0%    N     PR news, information, links; brand also occupies
                                                                                    genentech handle but no tweets

  Amgen             Amgen               2,124       8.4%      101     4.1%    N     Corporate PR and financial news

  Sanofi-Aventis    Durbaniak           1,677         ND     1,484      ND    Y     Vice president for innovation tweets about
                                                                                    pharmaceutical social media

  AstraZeneca       AstraZeneca         1,287     17.4%       107     16.%    Y     PR information, including comments from CEO

  Sanofi-Aventis    sanofiaventisTV       924       6.3%      132     6.5%    N     French-language handle

  Bristol-Myers     bmsnews               785     31.5%         4       ND    N     Mostly business news. First tweet March 1, 2010

  Merck             merckcareers1         669       8.6%     1,056   10.0%    N     Posts job openings. Company also appears to
                                                                                    occupy Merck handle but account is protected

  Bayer             BayerHealthCare       556     143.9%       48       ND    N     German and English bilingual account tweets news

  AstraZeneca       AstraZenecaJobs       481     12.4%       888    13.6%    N     Tweets about available jobs

  Genzyme           genzymecorp           397     26.0%         0     0.0%    N     No content; unsure if official

  Pfizer            RayKerins             362         ND       31     3.3%    Y     Retweets Pfizer content and other pharmaceutical
                                                                                    posts. Updates about FDA approvals and other
                                                                                    industry news

  Lilly             Eli Lilly             205       9.6%        0     0.0%    N     No content; unsure if official

  Novartis          NVSOncoCareers        128         ND       58    141.7%   N     Links to job postings

  Amgen             AmgenFoundation         61    103.3%        2       NA    N     First tweet late February about Amgen’s
                                                                                    foundation and philanthropic efforts

  Galaderma         galaderma               38    18.8%         0     0.0%    N     No content; unsure if official

                                                                                     * February-March 2010           ** As of March 2010

© L2 2010                                                                                                             FINDINGS             23
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Digital iq pharma

  • 1. PHARMA Ranking the digital competence of pharmaceutical brands MAY 2010 Prepared By: Industry Partner: A THINK TANK for PRESTIGE BRANDS PHD Media © L2 2010
  • 2. I. INTRODUCTION .......................................... 3 II. METHODOLOGY .......................................... 4 III. RESULTS the rankings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 IV. DISCOVERIES ............................................ 9 V. FINDINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 VI. OBSERVATIONS by disease state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ASTHMA & ALLERGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 CARDIOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 GASTROINTESTINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 NEUROLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 PSYCHIATRY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 RHEUMATOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 UROLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 WOMEN’S HEALTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 VII. TEAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 © L2 2010 2
  • 3. INTRODUCTION The Killer App tion with highly trafficked health portals, and forays onto Facebook and YouTube put brands like Gardasil and The killer online app isn’t porn or social media, but med- Viagra at the top of our ranking. However, the industry ical advice. Arguably, no medium has so much influence as a whole disappoints, as most brands offer obsolete over so much spending—one sixth of the nation’s GDP . technology, anemic site content, lack of search optimiza- In 2009, the number of Americans seeking pharmaceuti- tion, and scant social media programs. In sum, there are cal information online reached 102 million1. Pharmaceu- millions of unregulated conversations taking place online tical companies continue to search for a voice that can regarding prescription drugs, but the voice of the phar- rise above the digital cacophony. Although the emerg- maceutical companies is largely absent. ing direct-to-consumer relationship on the web allows for robust patient discovery and education, the online Our thesis is that digital aptitude will be a defining compe- efforts have experienced fits and starts because the tence that separates winners from losers in a medium too ambiguous regulatory environment leaves pharmaceuti- powerful to ignore. Key to managing and developing apti- cal brands paralyzed. tude is an actionable metric. This study quantifies the U.S. digital competence of 51 pharmaceutical brands across The Innovator's Dilemma eight disease states and ranks them by their Digital IQ™. The Food and Drug Administration’s Division of Drug Our aim is to provide a robust tool to diagnose a brand's Marketing, Advertising, and Communications (DDMAC) digital strengths and weaknesses relative to its peers to has expanded under the Obama Administration. As achieve greater return on incremental investment. digital accelerates in new directions—mobile, geo- targeting, and healthcare information technology—the As in each L2 study, we brought in experts from aca- uncertainty surrounding regulation threatens to ham- demia and industry to provide color and commentary string pharmaceutical companies and shift power to on our findings. We were fortunate in this study to have third-party portals and content sites. Brand managers insight from Peter Golder, professor of marketing at Dart- are faced with a decision: take an aggressive approach mouth's Tuck School of Business on innovation, Scott and face possible regulatory wrath, or wait and lose Hagedorn, U.S. CEO of PHD Media, on media trends in ground to more innovative, risk-tolerant peers who are the industry, and Kristen Goelz of Flashlight interactive garnering skills, fans, and followers. When it comes to on web site messaging. marketing and regulation, it may be heads the digital media win and tails digital wins again. Despite the uncertain regulatory environment, some Scott Galloway companies are innovating online and building a founda- Clinical Associate Professor, NYU Stern tion for digital growth in anticipation of an unshackling. Founder, L2 (LuxuryLab) Robust branded sites, visibility in search, collabora- 1 Manhattan Research © L2 2010 INTRODUCTION 3
  • 4. METHODOLOGY PLATFORM - 40% Site Effectiveness: Reinforcement of core brand • BRAND TRANSLATION associations and values through aesthetics and • Aesthetics and Messaging interactivity. Also includes technology incorporation, • Interactivity navigation, consumer funnels, relevant content, and • SITE ELEMENTS customer service. • Technology Integration • User Interface • Customer Service • Content: Disease Education, Conversion, Community Content OFF-PLATFORM MESSAGING - 25% Digital Marketing Efforts: Online advertising on and • PORTAL AND OTHER ONLINE ADVERTISING off consumer healthcare portals, mobile compatibility, • MOBILE email marketing, and other messaging. • EMAIL MARKETING SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) - 20% Visibility: Organic and paid search visibility on • TRAFFIC popular search engines. • KEYWORDS • WEB AUTHORITY • SEARCH ARCHITECTURE SOCIAL MEDIA - 15% Social Media Presence: Following, content, and influ- • FACEBOOK ence on major social media platforms, and buzz on • TWITTER blogs and other web 2.0 forums. • YOUTUBE • USER-GENERATED CONTENT © L2 2010 METHODOLOGY 4
  • 5. RESULTS The Digital IQ Index ranks brands according to their digital competence, with each falling into one of five categories: 140+ GENIUS Digital competence is a point of competitive differentiation for these brands. Their sites are search optimized, aesthetically engaging, functional, interactive, and offer clear calls to action. These brands are highly visible advertisers on consumer health portals and elsewhere online and experiment on the edge of the network with social media content. 110-139 GIFTED Sites are crawlable, brand enhancing, and include calls to action. Brands typically advertise on health portals, are highly visible on top search engines, and offer email marketing. 90-109 AVERAGE Brand sites are functional yet predictable. Innovation efforts are uninspired and lack ambition. Boilerplate marketing online and in email. 70-89 CHALLENGED These brands offer little content online. Bare-bones sites provide only basic drug information. Engagement is limited to web property, and digital campaigns are an afterthought. <70 FEEBLE Brands have largely ignored the digital phenomenon. Sites lack basic functionality and navigability, and brands disregard digital marketing initiatives. © L2 2010 RESULTS: the rankings 5
  • 6. PHARMACEUTICAL BRANDS RANKED BY DIGITAL IQ SCORE Rank Brand Parent Disease State IQ Label Comments 1 VIAGRA Pfizer Urology 149 Genius Site tech and interactivity are industry standouts; brand leverages iconic name in search and online buzz 2 NEXIUM AstraZeneca Gastrointestinal 143 Genius This social media maven offers best-in-class lifestyle support tools, including online access to dieticians 3 CHANTIX Pfizer Neurology 140 Genius Connects digitally with consumers both on and off site with (Smoking Cessation) email, short messaging service, and a dominant presence on health portals 4 ORTHO TRI- Ortho-McNeil Women’s Health 137 Gifted Top in the competitive Women’s Health category; brand CYCLEN LO Janssen (Birth Control) boasts interactive tools and desktop reminders 5 CRESTOR AstraZeneca Cardiology 135 Gifted Strong onsite tech integration and activity on portals and blogs elevates top brand in disappointing cardio category 6 GARDASIL Merck Women’s Health 131 Gifted Rallies community online with pioneering Facebook (Infectious Disease) page and strength in search 6 YAZ Bayer Women’s Health 131 Gifted YAZXpress site offers interactive community content; (Birth Control) brand also connects with users in mobile and email 8 SYMBICORT AstraZeneca Asthma & Allergy 130 Gifted Interactive video journey customizes site for best-in- category user experience 8 NUVARING Merck Women’s Health 130 Gifted Brand boasts innovative web advertising and strength (Birth Control) in search 10 LUNESTA Sepracor Neurology 126 Gifted A YouTube channel coupled with strong off-platform (Insomnia) efforts keeps brand awake online. 11 SEROQUEL AstraZeneca Psychiatry 124 Gifted Site provides strong educational content and community information 12 LIPITOR Pfizer Cardiology 121 Gifted Site branding and online advertising form the pulse of this brand’s digital efforts 12 LEVITRA Novartis Urology 121 Gifted Humorous multichannel In Bed video campaign generates online buzz 14 SEASONIQUE Teva Women’s Health 120 Gifted Brand understands how to integrate digital content and (through Duramed) (Birth Control) user behavior 15 AMBIEN CR Sanofi-Aventis Neurology 118 Gifted Site highlight is a downloadable tool that tracks and (Insomnia) analyzes sleep patterns 16 CYMBALTA Eli Lilly Psychiatry 113 Gifted Strong visibility on WebMD portal 17 ORENCIA Bristol-Myers Squibb Rheumatology 111 Gifted Strong presence on health portals 17 ABILIFY Bristol-Myers Squibb Psychiatry 111 Gifted Impressive site funneling and substantial traffic raise brand’s profile 19 KAPIDEX Takeda Gastrointestinal 110 Gifted Strong branding and video content differentiate site 20 SYNVISC Genzyme Rheumatology 107 Average Search architecture and informative videos are brand strengths © L2 2010 RESULTS: the rankings 6
  • 7. Rank Brand Parent Disease State IQ Label Comments 21 ADVAIR GlaxoSmithKline Asthma & Allergy 106 Average unbranded site incorporates education and technology 22 SINGULAIR Merck Asthma & Allergy 105 Average Site aesthetics, disease education and flash features are strengths; some presence on health portals 23 ZETIA Merck Cardiology 104 Average Presence on health portals and brand translation on site give IQ a boost 24 PLAN B Teva Women’s Health 102 Average Site offers eligibility calculator and find-a-pharmacist (through Duramed) (Birth Control) feature 24 SPIRIVA Pfizer and Asthma & Allergy 102 Average Multichannel disease awareness campaign tests the Boehringer Ingelheim waters on Twitter 26 VYTORIN Merck Cardiology 101 Average Strong site disease education and presence on top portals, but crippled by poor visibility 27 CIALIS Eli Lilly Urology 100 Average Although SEO is strong, customer relationship management program that directs users to PO Box shows digital failings 27 CELEBREX Pfizer Rheumatology 100 Average Status quo online advertising keeps this brand average 29 ACIPHEX Elsai and Ortho- Gastrointestinal 98 Average Playful animation on site and strong keyword visibility McNeil Janssen 30 RITUXAN Biogen and Rheumatology 94 Average Site incorporates elegant flash features, but efforts in Genentech search and online advertising get lost in the crowd 31 HUMIRA Abbott Rheumatology 93 Average MyHumira site for current brand users offers support for patients 32 ANDROGEL Solvay Urology 92 Average The Low Testosterone Lowdown sponsored content on WebMD has minimal visibility 32 ENBREL Amgen and Wyeth Rheumatology 92 Average Customer service standout offers find-a-doctor feature and toll-free phone access to nurses 32 MIRENA Bayer Women’s Health 92 Average Trails strong Birth Control peers; interactive site (Birth Control) elements are absent 32 PLAVIX Bristol-Myers Squibb Cardiology 92 Average Portal ads keep this brand in the middle of the pack and Sanofi-Aventis 36 LOVAZA GlaxoSmithKline Cardiology 87 Challenged A strong site is brand’s only notable effort 37 AVODART GlaxoSmithKline Urology 86 Challenged Leverages GSK customer service features 37 NASONEX Schering-Plough Asthma & Allergy 86 Challenged Although “Don’t Blow It” game on Facebook disappoints, it scores points for social media effort 39 VERAMYST GlaxoSmithKline Asthma & Allergy 85 Challenged Allergyrewards email marketing program offers savings and tips 40 LYRICA Pfizer Rheumatology 84 Challenged Strong presence on WebMD, but site is poorly organized to reach users interested in newly approved Rheumatology indication © L2 2010 RESULTS: the rankings 7
  • 8. Rank Brand Parent Disease State IQ Label Description 41 OMNARIS Sepracor Asthma & Allergy 82 Challenged Robust SEO 42 FLOMAX Astellas Pharma and Urology 71 Challenged Bare bones, text-heavy site with dated technology and Boehringer Ingelheim no call-to-action 42 PRISTIQ Pfizer Psychiatry 71 Challenged A New Day patient support program has email marketing component; site is repurposed TV branding 44 LESCOL XL Novartis Cardiology 65 Feeble Obsolete site features newspaper-style cartoons 45 TRILIPIX Abbott Cardiology 63 Feeble Anemic site content, but ad presence includes spots on Hulu 46 CADUET Pfizer Cardiology 62 Feeble PDF downloads abound on this brand’s dated site 47 NIASPAN Abbott Cardiology 61 Feeble Brand fails to be brought to life on site and limited web advertising 48 PATANASE Alcon Asthma & Allergy 60 Feeble Worst in search; find-a-doctor feature is strongest element of site 49 TOPROL-XL AstraZeneca Cardiology 59 Feeble Mention on AstraZeneca’a YouTube channel is this brand’s lone social media effort 50 PULMICORT AstraZeneca Asthma & Allergy 52 Feeble Brand does little digitally beyond light display advertising 51 ASTEPRO Meda Asthma & Allergy 42 Feeble Miserable web site and absence from other digital media © L2 2010 RESULTS: the rankings 8
  • 9. DISCOVERIES The Tipping Point PETER Consumer appetite for digital health content is voracious and grow- GOLDER ing: the number of Americans accessing health information online is Tuck School of up 159% from 20041. Health portals including WebMD, Everyday Health, Business at Dartmouth and Health attract millions of unique visitors. In addition, traffic to branded pharmaceutical sites increased 82% last year, suggesting brands “Companies must have a legitimate role in the online conversation. Disparity in the quality of the move beyond a DTC mentality and digital content produced by pharmaceutical brands leads discriminating con- adopt a DFC mentality (i.e., direct sumers to vote with their browsers. While brands categorized as Genius or from company). Instead of companies Gifted experienced average traffic growth of 175% from March 2009 to March pushing information to customers, 2010, 40% of the brands in the study realized negative traffic growth. customers will pull information from the company. An even better approach is DFC + P2P, direct from company Anti-Social Pharma plus peer-to-peer redistribution.” Despite hearings in November 2009, the FDA has remained silent about social media marketing regulation, restraining movement to platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Although 80% of parent companies are starting to dip their toes into social media, only 19% of SCOTT pharmaceutical brands maintain a presence on at least one site. Parent com- HAGEDORN PHD Media pany efforts lack sophistication, offering little more than glorified PR content and one-sided conversations. As a result, they have attracted few followers. Bright spots include Johnson & Johnson’s YouTube channel, viewed more “We often get than 1.6 million times, and Merck’s Gardasil human papillomavirus (HPV) asked if social activation should play awareness Facebook page, with more than 100,000 fans. Patient demand for a role in brand efforts. Our advice online networking opportunities has been validated by the emergence and is that it isn’t a matter of ‘if’, it’s a growth of condition-specific patient networking sites such as PatientsLikeMe, matter of ‘when’. It comes down to which doubled subscribers from December 2008 to December 2009, Juvena- mapping the brand introduction time- tion, and Bayer’s MS-Gateway. line and knowing when to use social and when not to in order to increase impact while also mitigating risk.” 1 Manhattan Research © L2 2010 DISCOVERIES 9
  • 10. Learn by Doing Deserted Islands (Visibility) Brands with a higher Digital IQ demonstrate more After the FDA submitted warning letters regarding risk tolerance when approaching digital marketing. paid search to more than 40 pharmaceutical brands Based on an assessment of regulatory compliance on in April 2009, most suspended search engine mar- branded sites, brands ranked Average and below err keting. Although paid search has rebounded, and 70% on the side of caution regarding FDA Web guidelines of brands currently purchase search terms, many brand- while brands ranked Genius and Gifted employ broader ed sites are not optimized for organic search. As a result, interpretations. Genius and Gifted brands have greater site visibility on major search engines for upper-funnel social media penetration: 37% are present on at least disease-relevant terms lags that of such popular health one platform, compared with 9% for Average and below portals as WebMD, Yahoo! Health, and HealthCentral. brands. High IQ brands also returned to search marketing faster than their laggard peers: 89% of Gifted and above brands participate in paid search versus 59% of Average and below brands. SOCIAL MEDIA PENETRATION Brands Brands vs. Parent Companies Parent Companies YouTube Facebook Twitter 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% HEALTH PORTAL AND BRANDED-SITE TRAFFIC Health Portals Monthly Unique Visitors to Health Portals and Branded Sites Branded Sites 20,000 18,000 Monthly Unique Visitors (thousands) 16,000 14,000 March 2010 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 D LTH H ES H E E NG AL M CIA RA FY A BM EA ALT AD ALT AL AG LIN RO TR XIU EN VIT ILI GR WE YH ! HE GR Y HE RE LTH ST EN NE OR LE AB VIA DA OO H LIT HE A LIV E HC Y H ALT A ALT ER YA HE QU HE EV © L2 2010 DISCOVERIES 10
  • 11. Innovation Silos SCOTT PETER The average dispersion in brand- HAGEDORN GOLDER level Digital IQ among pharma- PHD Media Tuck School of Business at ceutical companies with more Dartmouth than one product in the study is 40 points. This large spread high- “Pharma is one “The results of lights a silo mentality—digital com- of the few remaining categories with the Digital IQ studies present petence within large companies sits this level of disparity around ide- companies with the triple threat of isolated, with minimal shared learn- ation. It is hard for vertical teams innovation. First, with incremental ing among brands. Although some structured around specific brands to innovation, companies can upgrade companies leverage small econo- share best practices with other brand each of their own web sites to match mies of scale (e.g., AstraZeneca teams. It is up to the agencies that internal best practices. Second, sites are sometimes templated, and touch multiple brands to step up and through radical innovation, com- GlaxoSmithKline sites offer universal help replicate innovative best practices panies can adopt and improve upon customer service tools), digital efforts across the client brand verticals.” industrywide best practices. Third, appear largely uncoordinated. The for truly breakthrough innovations, lone exception is in social media, companies can look to unrelated in- which is primarily deployed at the dustries for inspiration in developing parent company level with little completely new approaches to digital brand-level integration. communication.” DIGITAL IQ DISPERSION Range of Brand Digital IQ Scores and Average Digital Score by Parent Company Viagra GENIUS Nexium Chantix 140 Crestor Gardasil Yaz Symbicor t NuvaRing Lunesta GIFTED Lipitor Seroquel Ambien CR Cymbalta 114 112 110 Singulair Advair 107 106 104 Zetia 104 105 AVERAGE Vytorin Celebrex Cialis Humira 90 91 Lovaza Plavix * Mirena Avodar t Lyrica Veramyst CHALLENGED Omnaris 72 70 Pristiq Trilipix Toprol-XL FEEBLE Caduet Niaspan Pulmicor t IZE R EC A RC K INE TT CO R LY NT IS YE R PF EN ME KL BO RA LIL VE BA Z TH AB P ELI A T RA MI SE FI- AS OS NO AX SA GL * in par tnership with Bristol-Myers Squibb © L2 2010 DISCOVERIES 11
  • 12. Younger “Age of Onset” SCOTT Brands Lead HAGEDORN As one would expect, brands that market to younger consumers have PHD Media higher Digital IQs. In an attempt to reach a generation raised on Google and Facebook, brand marketers in categories such as Birth Control, HPV and “We’ve seen the Psychiatry have worked to understand how to design informative and interac- internet emerge as the medium all tive web sites, incorporate community content and technology, attract users segments of the population say they to branded sites, and test social media. Yet, this is a case of not seeing the could not live without. There is clear- forest from the trees as the vast majority of prescription drugs are consumed ly an opportunity for pharma brands by older adults who are increasingly online— in the five-year period from 2004 marketing to a senior population to to 2009 Internet usage increased by 55% to 17.5 million users2 for seniors. increase their web presence.” Furthermore, the fastest growing cohort on Facebook is boomer-age women. 2 Nielsen DIGITAL IQ AND AGE OF ONSET Average Digital IQ Score and Age of Disease Onset by Disease State Category HPV Human Papillomavirus GENIUS BCL Birth Control 140 PSY Psychiatry HPV ASM Asthma & Allergy GIFTED RHM Rheumatology BCL GST URL Urology 110 GST Gastrointestinal PSY URL AVERAGE CDV Cardiovascular RHM 90 ASM CDV CHALLENGED 70 FEEBLE 0 0 0 0 E2 E4 E6 E8 AG AG AG AG © L2 2010 DISCOVERIES 12
  • 13. Patent Cycle’s Impact AVERAGE TIME TO PATENT EXPIRY Brands categorized as Genius 12 and Gifted have an average of 1.7 more years before patent 10 expiry than brands categorized Average and below, suggesting 8 digital marketing is correlated YEARS 6 with the patent cycle. 4 Pharma brands typically invest heavily in online disease education 2 and awareness efforts before FDA 0 approval. Drugs also invest early Genius Gifted Average Challenged Feeble in the patent cycle, one year after FDA approval, as they are building DIGITAL IQ awareness for the brand. Brands new to the market have higher Digi- tal IQs, suggesting a greater digital investment and focus. © L2 2010 DISCOVERIES 13
  • 14. FINDINGS Platform Branded sites inform consumers and encourage patient compliance at different PETER stages of the disease cycle. Sites for drugs with multiple indications face the ad- GOLDER ditional challenge of tailoring content to different conditions. Because of the variety Tuck School of Business at of patient audiences, clearly directing users and prospects to appropriate informa- Dartmouth tion is the hallmark of a strong site. Among branded sites, Symbicort and Abilify's “Quantitative are among the best at funneling visitors by condition and stage of diagnosis. measures are most useful for bench- Although all sites offer basic drug information, the best include disease educa- marking and upgrading sites on tion, like Crestor’s scientific videos, and community content, like Nexium’s site established performance criteria. with patient success-story videos and lifestyle tools. The biggest divergence Qualitative insights are most use- among pharmaceutical sites is in the use of technology to amplify content. ful for generating and introducing Although strong sites offer videos and interactive features with anatomic im- entirely new performance criteria.” ages, doctor interviews, and patient testimonials, 55% fail to incorporate flash elements, popular for adding animation and interactivity to web content and a barometer of web sophistication, beyond the home page. QUICK STATS Every site aims to influence visitors to act through one or a combination of Branded Sites: symptom assessment surveys, doctor discussion guides, coupons for a new or • 85% offer a Doctor Discussion continuing prescription, and tools to encourage compliance with a prescription. guide Many of these tools are PDF documents, which in many cases is not the best • 62% offer little or no community way to leverage the speed and convenience of the digital medium. Exceptions content include Spiriva and Synvisc, which offer to send assessment results via email. • 57% offer savings for first-time CALLS TO ACTION ON BRANDED SITES prescriptions • 47% have an unbranded site, 60% typically devoted to disease 50% education 40% • 45% offer a compliance tool, Frequency such as email, text reminders, or 30% a downloadable PDF calendar 20% • 42% offer savings for current users 10% • 26% have no access to customer service 0% Visit Doctor New Rx Rx Savings Compliance Call to Action Message © L2 2010 FINDINGS 14
  • 15. Forty-five percent of sites offer savings to current users, effectively diminishing the profitability of those sales, although there may be gains in market share when the drug is in a head-to-head battle with a major competitor. The creation of unbranded education- oriented sites is a popular technique to market drugs before approval by the FDA. Once a drug is FDA- approved, the use of unbranded sites declines. Still, 47% of brands in the study maintain a microsite to comple- ment their branded site’s disease education content. Comparatively, the unbranded site typically generates significantly fewer unique visitors than a branded site, even when offering better disease education information and technology integration. For example, has more than 16 times as many visitors as its arguably superior un- branded counterpart, Low traffic combined with the danger of competitive brands benefiting from other’s unbranded efforts, calls into question their longer-term value. © L2 2010 FINDINGS 15
  • 16. Search Engine Optimization Search engines are the primary tool pharmaceutical paid search advertising is primarily limited to two types of ads: consumers use to seek health infor- brand-reminder and help-seeking. Brand-reminder ads incorporate a brand’s mation online, and search remains a name and are restricted from explaining drug treatment uses and benefits; digital priority for most pharmaceuti- help-seeking ads tout the uses and benefits of a drug, but do not mention cal brands1. Brands strive for search its name. Brands in the study strongly favor brand-reminder ads, particularly engine visibility, not only for consum- for patients further along the disease cycle using more specific, lower-funnel ers seeking specific drug information, terms, and also because consumers may perceive help-seeking ads as con- but also for those learning about a fusing and potentially misleading. In November 2009, Google proposed two condition. Generating awareness new types of ads: product-claim ads, which would link to a product site and among upper-funnel consumers explain drug benefits, and black-box ads, both of which link to full text black- helps brands acquire diagnosed box warnings. Yaz is the lone brand in the study to use black-box ads. but untreated patients. Research has found that consumers who visit a brand’s site are three times more Brand-Reminder Ad { likely to request a drug by name2, and 44% of physicians prescribe Help-Seeking Ad { a requested drug3. Weak search engine optimization by pharmaceuti- Black-Box Ad { cal brands allows health portals to dominate in organic search visibility for every disease state. RELATIVE TRAFFIC OF TOP BRANDED SITES In 2008, more than 30% of pharma- ceutical search engine traffic was directed from paid ads4. Because of March 2010 space limitations and FDA regulation, 1 iCrossing 2 Manhattan Research 3 Kaiser UM A A Y RA IX R A N X NG IR EL X 4 LT Hitwise CI TR NE TI IF TO RI AV VA BR AG RI AN IL XI EN BA TO VI SO PI PL AD VA AB EN NE VI LE CH OR LI M VY NA NU CY QUICK STATS BRANDS BY DISEASE STATE ON PAID SEARCH SEO: • 70% of brands engage in paid 100% search on Google or Bing 80% March 2010 • 62% of brands engage in branded 60% paid search on Google or Bing 40% • Google Page Rank average for branded pharmaceutical 20% sites is 4.75 0% AL Y GY Y GY Y TH Y • Pharmaceutical sites have an OG OG RG TR AL IN LO LO IA OL OL LE ST HE IO O H AL UR AT UR TE YC RD average of 91 inbound links ’S M NE IN & PS CA EN EU RO A OM M RH ST TH W GA AS © L2 2010 FINDINGS 16
  • 17. Off-Platform Messaging In 2009 pharmaceutical industry online advertising spend was up 31% SCOTT year-on-year, to $117 million, while consumer ad spending overall remained HAGEDORN virtually flat5. Digital spending represents about 4% of total DTC budgets. As PHD Media online advertising becomes a larger part of pharmaceutical marketing bud- gets, brands are looking for innovative ways to reach consumers, however, most efforts remain focused on boilerplate ad offerings on highly trafficked “In addition to consumer health portals, like WebMD or Quality Health. shifting ad dollars, marketers are re-examining their overall market- Fifty-eight percent of brands in the study advertise on WebMD, Everyday ing investments. We see a shifting of Health, or Health and 60% of these brands advertise on more than dollars to platforms that offer deeper one of the portals. Branded presence on portal sites ranges from traditional engagement with consumers. We be- display advertising to sponsored editorial content and diagnostic tools. The lieve this is driven in part by the richer most effective advertising is highly visible on primary pages about a specific experiences that digital media offers.” condition on the most popular sites. This coveted space sells out quickly, often relegating competing brands to less desirable pages. Notable advertis- ing initiatives beyond the portals are Cardiology drug Trilipix’s ads on video platform Hulu, HPV drug Gardasil on the CW TV Network’s site, and allergy QUICK STATS brands' display advertising on AccuWeather and Portal Collaboration: • 58% of brands advertised on 5 WebMD, Everyday Health or Medical, Marketing & Media Health in February 2010 • 42% of brands had a noticeable presence on WebMD • 47% of brands had a noticeable presence on Everyday Health • 13% of brands had a noticeable presence on Health • All Psychiatry and Rheumatology brands were visible on top health portals © L2 2010 FINDINGS 17
  • 18. Email QUICK STATS Email is a low-cost way to engage patients and ensure they stay current on Email: their drug regimen. More than 80% of brands offered opt-in email from the • 72% of email programs branded site, although less than 60% of these brands corresponded in a six- contain a clear call to action week period. Often a brand email effort is touted as a support program and is to prompt doctor discussion or complemented by an offline effort, including direct mail. prescription fills. The number one reason consumers opt in to email programs is to receive • 70% of branded programs coupons6, and 30% of email programs specifically offered savings. The personalize emails. purpose and content of email campaigns ranged from calls to action (75%) • All Cardiology brands have email to branded-drug-specific information: (75%), disease education (50%) and marketing programs. community content (30%). • All Neurology brands have email marketing programs with clear In the best cases, emails were customized and personalized like Pristiq’s A calls to action. New Day support messages. Some brands, including Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, Yaz, Humira, and Lovaza, offer patient reminder emails to support compli- ance. 6 Epsilon Lescol XL email Humira email Pristiq email © L2 2010 FINDINGS 18
  • 19. Mobile Pharmaceutical branded mobile NOTABLE DISEASE MANAGEMENT APPS activity is scant with the exception of SMS reminder alerts sent by 15% MOBILE Disease Customer APPLICATION State Rating Comments of brands. Third-party companies Enhanced $5.99 version allows are also offering reminder and users to log, track, and analyze compliance apps, including the Chronic Pain Tracker Rheumatology 3/5 pain and download data into PDF for healthcare provider “Pill Phone” and “PillBoxer.” discussion None of the brands in the study $4.99 app allows users to have applications available in iTunes, iHeart-Pulse Reader Cardiovascular 5/5 monitor and track their pulse over time however many iPhone apps exist for both general and specific disease $0.99 app offers customizable PureSleep AmbiScience Insomnia 3.5/5 audio programs to promote management purposes. Notable in sleep the general category is WebMD’s $0.99 app provides tools to app, “WebMD Mobile,” which pro- Live Happy Psychiatry 3/5 track mood and exercises to vides information about symptoms, promote happiness drugs, and first aid. Apps are com- Free app tracks number of Smoking mon for disease state management Quitter 3/5 smoke-free days and cost Cessation savings for conditions such as smoking ces- sation, insomnia, allergies, rheuma- $0.99 app reminds users to Pink Reminder Women’s Health 3/5 tology, and cardiovascular disease. take medication QUICK STATS Mobile: • Merck and Sanofi-Aventis are the only pharmaceutical parent com- panies with iPhone apps. No brands have iPhone apps i-Heart Pulse Reader App App App © L2 2010 FINDINGS 19
  • 20. SELECTED HEALTH PORTALS Unique Monthly Advertising Visitors Brands PORTAL Description (millions) Key Advertising Tools include Educational content, expert commentary, medical reviews, 17.4 • Banner ads Chantix community services, and health management tools. Cymbalta • Sponsored editorial Content includes information about conditions, a drug Enbrel • Sponsored “health checks” database, healthy living advice, and news. NuvaRing • Technology superior to other Message boards and newsletters serve as a precursor to Viagra sites its upcoming Health Exchange community site. Educational health content for more than 100 health 6.4 • Banner ads with flash and video Abilify categories ranges from information about common health • Sponsored editorial Chantix conditions to interactive symptom checkers to nutritional • Custom email campaigns Lipitor and exercise tips. Orencia Community section incorporates 2.0 tools, including blogs, Plavix personal profiles, and photos, to promote interaction among site visitors. Seroquel Viagra Vytorin Content organized by condition centers with information No • Banner ads Cymbalta on the condition, symptoms, treatment options, and data • Video ads Kapidex support resources. Seasonique The site also features healthcare news, videos, interactive Zetia symptom checkers, and community content in the form of health newsletters and such social media tools as blogs, chat rooms, and forums. Offers news, videos, tips, drug guides, and interactive 6.3 • Banner ads Cialis health tools across a number of disease-specific • Video ads Lunesta categories. NuvaRing Social media tools are integrated to promote community, Pristiq and offer condition-specific groups, message boards, and expert advice blogs. Editorial content and videos often courtesy of third-party health content providers. Provides educational health content across more than 45 2.9 • Banner ads with flash Cymbalta disease categories, with information on causes, symp- • Video ads Kapidex toms, and treatments. • Sponsorship of health centers Vytorin The portal offers videos, news, expert advice, drug guides, • Sponsored editorial and interactive tools, including symptom checkers and quizzes. 2.0 tools include blogs and support groups. Features informative health and fitness content, interac- 2.8 • Banner ads with flash Chantix tive tools, resources, expert advice, videos, specialized • Video features Enbrel reports, and community content across more than 50 Lipitor disease centers. Lyrica Disease centers include content in line with that of other NuvaRing portals, such as news, information on symptoms, and treat- ment options. Partners with third-party content providers. Pristiq Viagra © L2 2010 FINDINGS 20
  • 21. Social Networking company channels (Ambien and QUICK STATS Only 19% of pharmaceutical brands Toprol-XL). Videos range from offer- Social Media: are on at least one major social ing specific information about a drug, media platform: Facebook, You- its benefits and side effects, to playful • 48% of parent companies have a presence on Facebook Tube, or Twitter. Standouts Gardasil content about a disease state, as in • 28% of branded sites have and Nexium maintain pages with the case of Levitra’s InBed videos Facebook as a top-5 referral site rich media content and have at- featuring a cartoon couple dealing • Facebook is a top-5 referral site tracted thousands of fans despite with erectile dysfunction. for all Women’s Health brands prohibiting wall postings to avoid On the flip side, parent company • 60% of parent companies have adverse-event reporting. On Twitter, social media adoption tops 80%. a presence on Twitter, with an the Purple Pill listens to custom- average growth in followers of The disparity in participation be- ers and direct messages an 800 31% from February to March tween parent company and brands number in response to tweets about 2010 highlights the effect of the current the drug. The only other brand ac- • 36% of parent companies have regulatory limbo concerning social tive on Twitter is Spiriva, with five a presence on YouTube media. However, most company Twitter handles, four from celebrity • According to Manhattan efforts are little more than PR or spokespeople, conversing about the Research, almost 50% of con- human resources tools. Johnson & sumers seeking health informa- Drive4COPD campaign. Johnson is a notable exception; the tion watched health videos online Eighteen percent of brands have a company maintains an engaging in 2009 presence on YouTube ranging from presence on all three major plat- dedicated YouTube channels (Yaz forms. Its YouTube channel features and Lunesta) to videos on parent monials to educational pieces. The videos ranging from patient testi- corporate Twitter account retweets and converses with users, while the Gardasil Facebook company’s Facebook page features wall postings of varied and interest- ing content. Some companies are experimenting with sponsored communities tailored to patients of specific disease states. Bayer’s MS-Gateway forum for multiple sclerosis boasts more than 12,000 members and 200,000 posts. Other interesting efforts include Novo Nordisk’s Voices of Diabetes community and Novartis’s CML Earth, an elegantly designed platform for leukemia patients. As social media platforms experi- ence double- and triple-digit user growth, the pharmaceutical industry is missing a key opportunity to con- nect with consumers. According to Yaz YouTube Manhattan Research, more than 80 million Americans use social media for health-related issues. Brands often © L2 2010 FINDINGS 21
  • 22. cite regulations about adverse-event reporting as the reason for their hesi- tation to embrace social media. Yet, a November 2009 Nielsen study found that only one in 500 online postings, or 0.2%, incorporate the criteria re- quired for adverse-event reporting. Third-party patient communities are proliferating, like PatientsLikeMe, with over 50,000 members, but they seldom offer brand advertising. Con- sumer health portals are also moving into the social networking space. In March 2010, WebMD announced the launch of Health Exchange, a new Johnson & Johnson health social networking platform, to YouTube channel and Facebook page grab share from already entrenched third-party social media communi- ties. Well-known destination sites are also strong on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube: LIVESTRONG’s CEO tweets, retweets, and direct mes- sages with some 1 million followers, and Mayo Clinic’s YouTube channel has generated more than 1.7 million views. © L2 2010 FINDINGS 22
  • 23. TOP PARENT COMPANY TWITTER EFFORTS Total Follower Tweets Tweet Re- Company Twitter Followers Growth* ** Growth* tweets? Comments Pfizer pfizer_news 5,146 14.1% 99 11.2% N Mostly PR, some pharmaceutical news and links to blogs and social media news Novartis Novartis 4,652 ND 150 4.2% N Information about the company, products, links to other social media and technology. Company also appears to own protected handle Novartis Trials GlaxoSmithKline GSKUS 3,426 ND 254 13.9% Y Links to GSK blog posts, news, other links; glaxo- smithkline also appears to be occupied by com- pany, but no tweets Johnson & JNJComm 3,201 ND 744 7.2% Y Highly personalized content; retweets and Johnson converses; provides color on industry and more general news Roche 3,193 ND 661 7.1% Y Conversations and news about company Genentech genentechnews 2,754 6.6% 81 11.0% N PR news, information, links; brand also occupies genentech handle but no tweets Amgen Amgen 2,124 8.4% 101 4.1% N Corporate PR and financial news Sanofi-Aventis Durbaniak 1,677 ND 1,484 ND Y Vice president for innovation tweets about pharmaceutical social media AstraZeneca AstraZeneca 1,287 17.4% 107 16.% Y PR information, including comments from CEO Sanofi-Aventis sanofiaventisTV 924 6.3% 132 6.5% N French-language handle Bristol-Myers bmsnews 785 31.5% 4 ND N Mostly business news. First tweet March 1, 2010 Squibb Merck merckcareers1 669 8.6% 1,056 10.0% N Posts job openings. Company also appears to occupy Merck handle but account is protected Bayer BayerHealthCare 556 143.9% 48 ND N German and English bilingual account tweets news AstraZeneca AstraZenecaJobs 481 12.4% 888 13.6% N Tweets about available jobs Genzyme genzymecorp 397 26.0% 0 0.0% N No content; unsure if official Pfizer RayKerins 362 ND 31 3.3% Y Retweets Pfizer content and other pharmaceutical posts. Updates about FDA approvals and other industry news Lilly Eli Lilly 205 9.6% 0 0.0% N No content; unsure if official Novartis NVSOncoCareers 128 ND 58 141.7% N Links to job postings Amgen AmgenFoundation 61 103.3% 2 NA N First tweet late February about Amgen’s foundation and philanthropic efforts Galaderma galaderma 38 18.8% 0 0.0% N No content; unsure if official * February-March 2010 ** As of March 2010 © L2 2010 FINDINGS 23