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“I	am	honored	by	the	opportunity	to	write	about	Kaelyn	Friese’s	great	character.	I	met	Kaelyn	about	two	years	
ago	at	an	event	that	she	planned	to	promote	some	opportunities	available	to	the	students	on	campus.	Then	I	got	
to	know	her	more	over	the	past	2	months	in	the	Context	of	the	NSBE	(National	Society	of	Black	Engineers)	
organization.	The	first	thing	that	stuck	out	to	me	with	Kaelyn	is	how	approachable	and	resourceful	she	is.	Kaelyn	
is	easy	to	talk	to	and	willing	to	help.	She	does	not	wait	for	the	students	to	come	to	her;	she	reaches	out	instead	
and	always	tries	to	put	herself	out	there	for	the	students	to	know	the	available	resources.	Kaelyn’s	visionary	
mindset	and	dynamic	personality	give	her	the	ability	to	encouraged,	support	and	advise	students	easily.	Kaelyn	
holds	a	really	high	work	ethic	and	can	connect	with	any	anyone	given	her	adaptability	skills.	She	is	a	true	leader;	
really	humble	and	always	trying	to	improve	herself.”	
Agre	Eliakim	Balle	
Mechanical	Engineering	Student	–	SCSU	
“Kaelyn	is	extremely	positive	and	if	you	want	some	positivity	in	your	life	invest	some	time	to	get	to	know	her.	
Kaelyn	is	very	resourceful	and	has	been	very	supportive	of	me.	With	many	of	the	challenges	I’ve	encountered	
Kaelyn	has	always	been	present	and	encouraging,	always	encouraging	me	to	never	give	up.”	
Peter	Ojambo	
Mechanical	Engineering	Student	–	SCSU	
“Kaelyn	inspires	with	her	passion	and	enthusiasm	to	help	students	take	charge	of	their	lives	on	campus.	She	
embodies	creativity	with	her	ideas	of	how	to	help	instill	change	in	the	College	of	Science	and	Engineering,	
enabling	the	school	to	meet	the	ever	changing	needs	of	its	students.	Because	of	her	ideas	and	leadership,	
students	now	have	a	voice	that	is	met	with	action	through	the	Dean’s	Student	Advisory	Board.	It	is	here	she	uses	
her	wisdom	and	expertise	to	provide	students	with	not	only	the	tools	to	help	our	campus	be	a	wonderful	place,	
but	also	with	the	ability	for	students	to	become	leaders	themselves.	
Kaelyn’s	drive	is	what	makes	the	Dean’s	Student	Advisory	Board	a	success	on	campus.	She	has	the	ability	to	see	a	
bigger	picture	for	the	students	she	works	with.	This	helps	her	provide	beneficial	experience	to	build	a	skill	set	that	
makes	them	an	asset	to	any	team	they	join.	
When	the	Dean’s	Student	Advisory	board	meets,	Kaelyn	comes	prepared	with	organized	research,	knowledge,	
and	tools	to	aid	the	student	members	with	taking	action	to	improve	the	campus.	She	is	continuously	finding	
ways	to	educate	herself	to	maintain	the	qualities	of	a	strong	leader,	student,	mentor,	and	faculty	member.	She	
presents	her	findings	to	the	group	to	broaden	the	knowledge	and	abilities	of	its	members.	In	these	meetings	I	
find	Kaelyn	to	be	a	truly	admirable.”	
McKenzie	Kulseth	
Meteorology	Student	–	SCSU	
“Kaelyn	does	her	work	with	passion	because	she	cares	about	the	success	of	the	students	she	works	with.	She	has	
demonstrated	this	by	reaching	out	to	different	student	organizations	to	make	sure	they	were	getting	the	help	
and	support	they	need	from	their	department	and	from	the	Dean's	Office.	She	has	also	helped	with	different	
student	orientation	events	even	outside	of	her	regular	work	hours.”	
Syntyche	Koumaglo	
Electrical	Engineering	Student	–	SCSU
“I	have	been	working	with	Kaelyn	as	a	graduate	intern	for	a	year	and	she	is	one	of	the	best	advisers,	mentors,	
and	supervisors.	She	provides	various	resources,	knowledge,	and	opportunities	to	help	me	grow	on	a	personal	
and	professional	level.	She	perceives	potentials	of	each	student	and	encourages	students	to	acknowledge	their	
own	potentials	to	be	successful.	She	is	always	available	to	communicate	with	and	support	students	and	also	
commits	to	students’	success	and	development.	She	has	inspired	me	with	her	passion	and	commitment	as	a	
student	affairs	professional.	It	was	really	an	honor	to	have	a	chance	to	observe	her	role	and	work	throughout	my	
internship	experience.”	
Sohee	Yook	
College	Counseling	Student	Development	Student	–	SCSU	
“I	know	Kaelyn	from	St.	Cloud	State	University	where	she	is	the	Student	Relations	Director	for	the	College	of	
Science	and	Engineering.	Also,	I	am	a	member	the	Dean’s	Student	Advisory	Board	which	Kaelyn	developed,	and	is	
now	in	charge	of.	Kaelyn	is	an	amazing	person,	and	I	am	glad	that	she	is	someone	who	I	have	had	the	chance	to	
get	to	know	and	work	with.	Kaelyn	is	always	looking	for	ways	in	which	she	can	help	not	only	current	students,	
but	also	future	students	as	well.	Her	work	with	developing	and	coordinating	the	Dean’s	Student	Advisory	Board	
exemplifies	this.	Kaelyn	is	also	tremendously	supportive	of	students.	She	is	someone	who	students	can	go	to	and	
feel	safe	when	they	have	a	problem.	This	is	something	that	I	know	from	personal	experience.”	
Caroline	Bang	
Mathematics	Student	–	SCSU	
“My	name	is	Savanna	Hosler,	I	met	Kaelyn	when	I	was	on	a	2-week	school	trip	in	South	Africa	in	spring	of	2015.	
Kaelyn's	radiant	personality	connected	us	instantly,	once	we	got	back	to	the	states	we	kept	in	touch.	Into	the	
next	school	year,	I	expressed	to	her	how	I	wanted	to	find	an	internship,	she	without	hesitation	offered	me	one	
under	her	in	the	department	she	worked	for.	Currently	I	am	still	her	intern	and	love	learning	from	her.	Since	the	
day	I	met	Kaelyn	I	knew	she	was	going	to	be	a	lifelong	friend,	she	creates	an	atmosphere	around	her	that	
inspires	me	to	pursue	my	dreams	and	push	limits.	Getting	the	chance	to	see	her	work	and	empower	other	
students	is	amazing	and	I	am	always	baffled	at	how	effortless	she	makes	it	look	when	I	know	it	is	not	easy.	She	
knows	how	to	take	action	and	have	endless	passion	in	everything	she	does	which	is	contagious,	it	allows	others	
to	strive	to	be	like	her.	Having	Kaelyn	in	my	life	as	a	friend	and	role	model	has	only	enhanced	my	life	and	allowed	
me	to	go	about	living	with	a	purpose.”	
Savanna	Hosler	
Communication	Studies	Student	–	SCSU	
“It	has	been	2	years	since	I’ve	known	Kaelyn.	She	approached	me	during	my	presidency	of	Society	of	Women	
Engineers	to	discuss	opportunities	for	our	students	and	our	organization.	In	addition	to	this,	I	had	the	honor	to	
be	involved	in	the	College	of	Science	and	Engineering	Deans	Advisory	Student	Board,	where	I	closely	worked	with	
Kaelyn.	Kaelyn	has	a	strong	character	of	dedicated	and	effective	leader.	As	a	leader	of	the	Deans	Advisory	
Student	Board	she	went	above	and	beyond	in	many	ways,	she	always	came	prepared	for	meetings,	her	level	of	
organization	was	very	high	and	impressive,	always	encouraged	us	to	step	out	of	our	comfort	zones	and	take	
leadership	roles.	She	set	many	examples	and	motivated	many	of	us	to	never	give	up	and	always	strive	for	
success.	For	example,	one	of	her	ways	to	keep	us	motivated	on	Friday	evening	was	starting	the	meeting	with	
motivational	videos.	Her	discussions	and	stories	always	challenged	us	to	think	out	of	the	box.	
Furthermore,	Kaelyn	has	very	optimistic	and	enthusiastic	character.	She	is	always	able	to	spread	the	positive	
energy	around	herself	and	be	an	amazing	role	model	not	only	for	the	students	she	is	surrounded	with,	but	for
faculty	members	across	COSE.	She	is	very	approachable	and	easy	to	talk	to	and	has	the	ability	to	make	students	
not	afraid	to	open	themselves	or	ask	for	assistance/advice.	
Kaelyn	is	very	dedicated	person	and	she	is	never	afraid	to	invest	herself	and	her	time	in	whatever	she	is	doing.	
For	example,	she	had	helped	in	many	ways	during	preparation	for	Horizons	2015.	She	is	very	knowledgeable	
person	and	always	has	an	answer	to	any	question	students	ask.	
Her	advices	and	stories	are	hard	to	forget,	will	be	always	be	remembered	and	passed	onto	younger	
Irena	Jovanovska	
Electrical	Engineering	Student	–	SCSU	
“You	have	been	a	great	support	to	me	during	my	entire	time	as	a	SCSU	undergraduate	student.	I	did	learn	a	lot	
from	all	of	our	conversations.	I	used	to	go	to	school	without	a	plan,	and	no	real	goals…I	knew	I	wanted	to	be	a	
good	engineer,	but	I	was	scared	to	create,	and	make	personal	designs,	because	I	thought	I	was	not	smart	
enough	to	start	a	business.	Luckily,	I	got	to	talk	to	you,	and	now	I	can	define	myself	as	a	person	with	big	dreams!	
I	am	currently	making	a	3D	CAD	design	of	a	product	that	I	am	planning	to	commercialize	next	year,	plus	I	am	
having	a	few	different	ideas	that	I	hope	to	finalize,	and	manufacture	5	years	from	now.	You	are	so	friendly,	
smart,	dedicate	to	your	work	and	most	importantly,	you	always	have	the	desire	to	help	and	motivate	students	
like	me.	I	am	currently	designing	one	of	the	last	pieces	of	my	product,	and	I	hope	some	day	you	will	be	proud	of	
me.	Thank	you	again	for	everything!”	
William	Timagni	
Mechanical	Engineering	Student	–	SCSU	
“Kaelyn	and	I	started	to	get	to	know	one	another	through	a	College	of	Science	and	Engineering	event	as	a	
student	presenter.	As	a	student,	I	was	able	to	help	at	her	events.	Through	many	events,	I	learned	she	is	a	very	
enthusiastic	and	dedicated	worker.	She	will	go	through	the	extra	mile	to	achieve	student	success.	Kaelyn's	
support	toward	students	is	phenomenal.		She	sees	success	in	every	single	student,	and	will	find	ways	for	students	
to	present	their	work	at	conferences	or	events.	Student	success	is	her	top	priorities.	She	will	find	ways	in	her	
schedule	to	have	meetings	with	students	and	find	solutions	for	them	such	as;	presenting	at	conferences,	finding	
the	next	classes	or	schools,	or	even	jobs	in	their	fields.	She	is	very	dedicated	and	passionate,	and	she	will	not	give	
up	until	her	and	students	goals	are	met.”	
Inti	Chanthirath	
Bio-Physic	Student	–	SCSU	
“Kaelyn	Friese	has	served	as	a	mentor	during	my	bachelors,	masters,	and	now	professional	career.	Her	ability	to	
challenge	you	to	strive	for	your	goals,	while	supporting	you	to	work	through	adversity,	is	immeasurable.	Her	
dedication	to	students,	especially	underrepresented	students,	exemplifies	the	work	ethic	I	aim	to	practice	
Austin	Johnson	
Professional	–	Community	Connections	Program	Coordinator	–	SCSU	
Kaelyn	dedicates	herself	to	the	students	with	whom	she	works.	I	had	the	pleasure	of	meeting	Kaelyn	in	2010,	
when	I	began	as	a	freshman	at	St.	Cloud	State	University	(SCSU).	At	the	time,	Kaelyn	was	a	graduate	assistant	
for	Multicultural	Student	Services	(MSS).	During	my	last	years	at	SCSU	studying	within	the	College	of	Science	&	
Engineering	(COSE),	Kaelyn	became	Student	Relation	Coordinator	of	the	COSE	and	School	of	Computing,
Engineering	&	Environment	(SCEE).	Kaelyn	was	also	a	leader	and	mentor	for	both	the	SCSU	National	Society	of	
Black	Engineers	(NSBE)	and	the	SCSU	Chapter	of	the	NorthStar	STEM	Alliance.	I	was	also	involved	in	these	
organizations	as	an	undergraduate	student.		
Kaelyn	is	unique	in	that	she	plays	the	role	of	an	educator,	supporter,	advisor	and	mentor,	while	being	able	to	
connect	and	relate	to	students	in	a	way	that	most	benefits	them	both	short-term	and	long-term.		She	
consistently	follows	through	with	students	to	make	sure	that	they	know	their	options	and	rights,	that	they	form	
and	stick	to	their	goals,	that	they	know	where	to	find	tools	and	resources,	and	that	they	are	working	to	gain	the	
skills	they	need	to	succeed.	Kaelyn	leads	with	her	strong	work	ethic,	enthusiasm,	extensive	knowledge,	
persistence,	and	caring	nature.	She	encourages	students	to	make	the	very	most	of	their	time	in	school	while	
building	on	skills	and	seeking	helpful	opportunities	for	the	future.	
Tashiana	Osborne	
Climate	Science	Graduate	Research	–	University	of	San	Diego

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